The Tan and Cardinal May 30, 1975

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May 30, 1975

Otterbein College...

Seaborg to present Commencement address On June 8, Dr. Seaborg will honor Otterbein College as the guest speaker of the 1975 · Commencement Convocation. He will also be awarded an honorary degree from Otterbein as Doctor of Public Service. Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg was born in the little mining town of Ishpeming, Michigan on April 19, 1912. Not until many

years after Glenn Seaborg had moved away, did the people of Ishpeming realize that their little town had produced one of the greatest scientific minds the world had ever known. When Dr. Seaborg was very small his family moved to Home Gardens, · California. He would probably have become a machinist like his father, grandfather and great

grandfather were before . him, except he didn't possess any mechanical ability. As a child Dr. Seaborg showed little interest in science, and actually didn't take a science course until he was a junior in high school, when he enrolled in chemistry to fulfill an admission requirement at _UCLA. During this time Dr. Seaborg's interest in science was ignited, by his first science teacher, Dwight Logan Reed. His enthusiasm for science became so great, that he decided to major in chemistry at UCLA. In his senior year, Dr. Seaborg heard so many interesting reports about the discoveries being made at the University of California at

Berkeley, he decided to enroll in graduate school. While doing his post-graduate study Dr. Seaborg concentrated on the field of nuclear chemistry and received his Ph.D. in 1937. After •finishing his graduate work, Dr. Seaborg remained at Berkeley as a research assistant until 1939, when he became a member of the faculty as an instructor. Except for two periods since 1937 Dr. Seaborg has remained at Berkeley. From 1942-46 he worked in the Metallurgical . Laboratory at the University of Chicago and from 1961-71 he held the distinguished position of Chairperson of the Atomic Energy Commission. From 1940 through 1958, Dr. Seaborg made his greatest

strides in chemical research. He codiscovered the chemical elements 94 through 102. He also discovered three radioactive isotopes, which are the isotopes used almost exclusively in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Although Dr. Seaborg has made many outstanding discoveries, probably the most famous was that of plutonium, which is the explosive element in nuclear weapons. It is also the key ingredient in nuclear power for the future. In 1951 Dr. Seaborg and E.W. Martin received chemistry's highest honor, when they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their . joint effort in the discovery of transuranium elements. Continued on Page 3

Senate passes new motor vehicle rules The last Otterbein College Senate meeting for 1974-75 was called to order by Presi­ dent Thomas J. Kerr IV Wed., May 21, 1975 at 4:00 p.m . in Barlow Hall. Robert Clarke, Otterbein's chaplain gave the pray,er. The Cadets of the Otterbein John Hokanson, 191 Electric minutes of the May 7, 1975 AFROTC detachment were Ave., and Master Sergeant Senate meeting were approv­ Eugene Easley, 1203 Brook­ ed. reviewed for the last time at 3 p.m. Tuesday, May 27, in cliff, Columbus. Both have Continuation of debate remained in the area with from the May 7 meeting on the front of Towers Hall. The unit is being disestab­ Hokanson doing additional Motor Vehicle Rules and lished by the Air Force as part course work at Otterbein and Regulations was held. The bill of a nationwide move to phase Easley being employed in • was passed after much discus­ out smaller groups of college personnel at Buckeye Steel sion. This bill gives three types AFROTC. Otterbein students · Castings. · of parking decals: 1.) "A" will continue to be enrolled as Air Force cadets by taking their course work at The Ohio Otterbein's Hirsch Health known as the Grant-Otterbein State University through a cooperative arrangement. Center will be taking on a new · Ambulatory Urgent Health Present teaching officers at look and a new name if a Care Clinic. With the proposal, there Otterbein have been reassigned proposal allowing Grant Hos­ by the Air. Force and will leave pital to operate the facility is would be a doctor on duty as shortly after the close of approved by the Otterbein well as an emergency-care staff school to take up their new College Board Of Trustees in during hours of operation, 12 noon to 12 midnight. Otter­ their June 7 meeting. duties. Donald Ayers of 'Grant bein students now receive 24 Lt. Col. Lowell Socolofsky, 94 Debbie Dr., will move to Hospital also added that this hour care including infermery Nebraska with his family proposal, which would allow rooms. This would be lost if where he will be stationed at residents of Westerville and the proposal is approved. According to Ayers the Offitt AFB, Omaha. Capt. northern Columbus to use its Charles Showell, 5736 Craw­ services, must be approved by Grant-Otterbein Health Ser­ ford Dr., Columbus, has been the Mid Ohio Health Planning vice, if approved and made operational, would be the first assigned to McGuire AFB in Federation. New Jersey. Staff Sergeant The proposal formulated by of its kind in Ohio. -Basically, the facility would Gerald Hale, 86 East Park St., Otterbein Vice-presidents, Mr. will go to .Clark AFB in the Woodrow Macl<e and Miss handle emergency medkal Philippines. Joanne VanSant along with problems not requiring speciac Mrs. Ann Pryfogle, head lized equipment. Emergency Two additional members of the staff have retired during nurse at the health center and cases could be stabilized for the last year. They are Maj. various Grant officials will be transportation to a full-service

AFROTC closes

issued to students parking in the Campus Center or Davis Hall lots between 7:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. weekdays and in any campus lot. (excluding Co­ wan) at any other time. The fee is $20 per year; $15 for winter and spring terms; and $10 for spring term. 2.) "B" issued to students who park outside the authorized campus lots between 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays. The fee is $5 per year; .$3 for winter and spring; and $2 for spring. 3.) "S" - Summer school parking. The fee is $6. Students with "A" decals

Health Center Proposal formulated hospital. Otterbein . students would receive treatment paid for by either school insurance or by the parents. For residents the costs will be greater than the cost of a private physician because it will be serving emergency cases only. A sim~ pie check-up would cost about $16 according to Ayers. Mr. Macke, Vice-president of Business Affairs, said that with Grant operating and staffing the health center the college would save around $45,000 per year. Grant would start operation begining July 1 if the proposal is accepted. Spokesmen from the hospital predicts 7,000 visits during the first year of operation.

may park during the hours of 7:00 a. m . and 5:00 p.m. in the Campus Center and lots. Between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m ., the following are reserv­ ed for faculty and staff parking only: Towers, Lam­ bert, Gymnasium, and Bar­ low. Cowan Hall is reserved for faculty and staff 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Students with "B" decals may park in any of the campus lots (except Cowan) other than 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. This ~ill is an attempt to equalize charges and services provided with car registration. At the present, all students pay the same fee to register even though many do not park in campus lots ouring the day. A person cited for any traffic violations must appear within three working days of issuance at the Student Per­ sonnel Office between 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Mon. - Fri. to pay the fine or request a hearing before the Traffic Council. When the Traffic Council deems it necessary, a violation may be referred to Judicial Council. The Senate approved the 1975-76 Otterbein College Cal­ endar. Bills passed included four from the Curriculum Committee.

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