The Tan and Cardinal October 25, 1974

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October 25, 197 4

Volume 57 Number 6

Residence Programming services new ·volunteer Program Student Personnel's Residence Programming Service has begun yet another activist program for O.C. students. This program is being carried on in conjunction with the Annehurst Elementary School in Westerville, Under the plan, an Otterbein student volunteers a small amount of time each week to the school to assist . the teachers. The assistance can come in the form of entertainment, listening to children read, helping with school work, or any number of activities. Mrs. Judy Luce, coordinator of teacher's aides at Annehurst, explained that this program does not require a student to be participating in an Otterbein education class. It is just . for students who like children and are interested in working with them a few hours a week. The school would especially like students to listen to the children reading. This facilit ates the 1-1 ratio between teacher and child and creates a highly individualized learning environment for the child. In addition to listeners, the school is looking for students who will be willing to sing for the children, perform small plays,

Annemarie Soiu, a Speech and Theatre major here at the "Bein", assists an Annehurst student. Annemarie is a volunteer with the Residence Programming Service.

help the children with art work, and so on. Mrs. Luce added that the program is strictly volunteer. Some O.C. students have already begun to help, as well as mothers of the children. However, the more students involved, the better. "This does everyone a service" said Mrs. Luce. "The students, the teachers, the

children. Everyone benefits." Anyone interested in participating in the program should call Mrs. Luce at her office phone: 882-9341. Students are always welcome to call and ask further questions. If you like children, here is a chance to get involved - to do something beneficial for you and for the children.

Jazz Lab and Opus Concert set Wed. Opus Lew will present a combined concert with the Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Lab Band this coming Wednesday evening at 8: 15 in Cowan Hall. Opus Lew is Otterbein's pop singing group made up of 13 ta Ien ted Singers under the musical direction of Belinda Warner and theatrical direction of Bob Pettigrew. The Jazz Ensemble is a newly formed group of 13 members many coming from the larger

Jazz Lab Band. The Jazz Lab Band is under the direction of Wes Orr and the Jazz Ensemble is under the direction of Steve Genteline and student director Perry Eldridge . Opus Lew will be performing a variety of pop music including The Morning After, The Way We Were, Home In A Bottle, Country Roads, Lady, My Sweet Lady, Mac Arthur Park, Save the People and Declaration. The Jazz Ensemble will be


campus Sharing Days here again

OF A MAIDEJ\I What better night than Halloween to hear "Death of a Maiden" performed by the Columbus String Quartet. The title of the Schubert quartet, "one of the best known in the literature," according to Cellist Karen Andrie, may sound "spooky." Quartet members promise it's a treat, not a trick, if you attend this informal 6: 30 to 7: 15 p.m. program in Lambert Hall on Thursday, Oct. 31. Quartet members will discuss the work as well as perform.

Campus Sharing Days is here again. This year, fund raising activities will be limited to the Annual Auction . On Sunday, November 3 from 5: 30 until . 8 :30 P.M. in the Campus Center lounge, such donated items and services as meals, pizzas, car washes, and baked goods will be sold to the highest bidders. If you have something to donate to the auction, contact Rev. Clarke in the Red Tub at Ext. 3219 before Tuesday, October 29. Money collected from the Sharing Days Auction will be donated to the World Un!versity

performing Dreams, Profi of the Stars and Blues to Grab You and along with those selections the Jazz Lab Band will be performing Jami and All Gods Children just to name a few. So mark October 30 at 8: 15 in Cowan as a red letter date and buy your tickets this week from any Opus member or get them at Cowan's box office between 1-4 for only $1.00.

Services. This organization assists students around the world who are faced with problems further complicating those oroblems which they inherently face as college · students. These problems range from lack of supplies to devastating famine. Students are most important to their countries and to the world . These students need outside help in order that they can help themselves and their people. Only with your support can we help feed and supply fellow students around the world.

Alcohol Task Force decides on questionnaire The second meeting of the · students - 65 freshmen , 85

Alcohol Task Fo rce was held Wed., Oct. 9 at 1:30 p.m. in Conference Room 3 of Towers· Hall. This meeting was not originally scheduled, but due to the necessity of approving questionnaires, the meeting was called. Minutes of the Sept. 27 regular meeting were approved as amended, as were the sub-committee meeting minutes of Oct. 3 and 4. A subcommittee was formed to meet with Gilmore Associates to discuss the three different questionnaires to be sent out. The Executive Board of the Board of Trustees approved the budget of $1800 for the Alcohol Task Force at the Sept. 28 meeting. Rev. Robert Clarke, chaplain of Otterbein College, was present to give a statement concerning the United Methodist Church's position o n beer and alcohol. Fra ncis Bailey, Otterbein's attorney, gave a statement regarding the legal definition of beer, alcohol, etc., and the use of them. Jim Granger, representing Gilmore Associates, presented copies of the questionnaire to be sent. The first one is an Opinion Survey, with the purpose being to gather data from the various Otterbein constituencies concerning various areas . These areas include opinions on purposed policy change, concerning effects of the policy change on financial support and student . recruitment, level of understanding concerning the use of alcohol by Otterbein students, towards college policy change in general, on effect the proposed policy change would have on the academic environment, on the effect it would have on the church relationship, and genera! opinions about Otterbein students. This survey will be sent out to approximately 200

sophomores / juniors, and 50 seniors; 200 parents - 65 parents of freshmen, 85 parents of sophomores / juniors, and 50 parents of seniors; 50 faculty and staff members (above rank of Asst. Administrative Officer); several local members of the Tower's and President's Club will be polled personally and a few polled by telephone; 60 ministers from East and West Ohio Conferences from larger churches; and 150 alumni in groups of - - to '42, '43 - '56, and '57 to '74. The next survey reviewed was the Current Practices and Student Opinions Questionnaire, which will provide baseline data on the current practices of students with regard to alcohol use and information concerning student opinion s in such areas as the role counselo rs sh ould have in t he enforcement of alcohol policy. It will be se nt to about 200 students - 65 freshmen , 85 sophomores / juniors, and 50 senio rs. The last questionnaire was the On-Campus Interview , which will aid in validation of the mailed Current Practices Survey and ask additional quesiions concerning alcohol use on · campus and student opinions. Thirty - forty randomly selected students will be interviewed on campus. The Current Practices Questionnaire was sent out around October 18th and the Opinion Survey will be sent out about Oct. 3 I. The on-campus interviews will be done between now and the end of the term. Any student, who receives a questionnaire is urged to respond immediately and send it back quickly . All the data will be back by December, and a full report will be made at the Feb. 21, 1975 meeting. There is an Alcohol Task Force meeting Dec. 13.

Governance Task Force asks for Suggestions President Thomas J. Kerr, IV, has appointed a Task Force on Governance to study the existing system and to make recommendations . for any changes needed to improve its efficiency and operation. At the first meeting on Monday, the members decided to ask students, faculty and staff

to submit written suggestions of items to be studied, preferably with constructive recommendations of how the change or improvement might be undertaken. Suggestions should be sent to Dr. William Amy rtr Dr. Harold Hancock, co-chairmen.

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