The Tan and Cardinal November 1, 1974

Page 1

Volume 57

November 1, 1974

Number 7

111 campus Blast Don't spend this Halloween weekend alone! The brothers of Pi B~ta Sigma invite you to the second annual Halloween Freak-Out, Saturday, November 2 at the American Legion Hall nqrth of Westerville. The bash is set to begin at the conclusion of the Otterbein/Baldwin-Wallace football game. The Freak-Out this year includes two live bands. Local group Almost Red makes a return appearance along with the feature group Coco (formerly Bootleg) from Cleveland. Since Bootleg appeared at Otterbein last spring - they have acquired Otterbein Alumni Denny Baker and Sam Milletello, whose voices can be heard gracing the background of the local United Way Campaigns. You can come as you are, or come as you aren't . Since this is a .Halloween gathering costumes are welcome - but not required. Cash prizes are on hand for the best costumes. And to quench the thirst of those who find their way to the dance floor - there will be plenty of beer on hand. Tickets are $1.50 at the door, $2.00 in advance. Don't spend this Halloween weekend alone. Come to the 2nd Annual Pi Sig Halloween Freak-Out.

Trustees meet this weekend The Otterbein College Board of Trustees are meeting on campus this weekend. The executive committee will begin its meeting at 9: 30 a.m. Friday. This is a closed session, and will last until noon. At I: 30 p.m. Friday, the full board will meet for their bi-annual session. This meeting is open, and Otterbein students are welcomed and encouraged to come. At 3:00 the board will break down into committees, which are also open for inspection. Those meetings will last until 6:45. On Saturday, the board will meet again at 9:00 a.m. This session will last until noon, and will conclude the full board's meetings. At noon, the Development Board will remain to discuss business at a luncheon. The open meetins will be held in the Faculty Dining Room in the Campus Center.

otter band debuts at pro uame . In an era when many small colleges throughout the country have dissolved their marching musical units, the Otterbein College Cardinal Marching Band has become one of the finest such groups in the Midwest. The size and scope of the Cardinal Band, under direction of Gary Tirey, has become unique among small liberal arts colleges. Of the I 300 students enrolled at Otterbein, 150 are involved with the baµd as instrumentalists, flag corps members or twirlers. Less than a third of these band members are majoring in music'. ·The varied interests and backgrounds of the band members point up the Otterbein philosophy of making a variety of activities available to all its students. Bandsmen spend hard hours every week in practice, but they do it because they enjoy it. One of five marching bands in the 14-member Ohio Athletic Conference, Otterbein's band is known for its touring program. Students have made six tours throughout the northeastern part of the country in the last six years. In addition they have traveled to England twice, in 1971 and 1973, where they played at the International Festival and Contest of Music. Returning the hospitality extended them during tours abroad, band members organized and arranged a visit to Westerville in the summer of 1974 of the Huddersfield (England) Youth Orchestra and Chorus. These young English musicians were housed in Westerville and Columbus homes and played two public concerts in Central Ohio during their

three-day stay. Director of Bands Tirey feels band tours should be cultural experiences for band members. During Otterbein's trips, he schedules visits to area museums, exhibitions and such special interest points as instrument factories, whenever possible. During free time, band members are encouraged to explore the area being visited as part of a total educational experience. When at home, the band makes frequent public appearances in the area. One of its most appealing local events is a series of Village Green Concerts offered during the spring as open-air concerts with popular and semi-classical music on the program. The spacious lawn fronting the college landmark and national historic site, · Towers Hall, provides an informal pastor~! setting for these concerts with the audience seated on blankets or lawn chairs. Other programs developed by Ti,rey include a High School Band Day which brought over 700 high school bandsmen to Otterbein this fall for workshop sessions and a massed-band halftime show, appearances by such guest conductors as nationally-recognized expert Bill Moffitt from the University of Houston, · and a summer band workshop for directors, twirlers and .flag corps. When Tirey came to Otterbein in 1968, the concert band had dwindled to only a few members. There was no marching program. Six years later, there is real enthusiasm both on and off the campus for this colorful small college band with the "big band sound".

Otterbein Orchestra Concert The Otterbein Symphony Orchesta, under its new conductor, Robert Rose, will present a concert November 1 at 8: 15 p.m. in Cowan Hall on the Otterbein campus. The program will include G. Rossini's "La Gazza Ladra" Overture, W. A. Mozart's Symphony No. 40 in G. minor, K. 550, and J. S. Bach's Cantata No. 5 I , "Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen". The Bach Cantata will feature Elizabeth Schilling, faculty member in the music department at Otterbein College, performing the soprano solo,

accompanied by a string ensemble, Baroque trumpet, and harpsichord.. New to the Otterbein faculty, Dr. Rose is a graduate of Southern Illinois University and completed his doctoral degree in music at Indiana University where he also was instructor in clarinet. He has also taught at Interlocken, Butler University and Concord College. He was also a member of the United States Marine Band. The public is invited to attend the concert, no admission charge. ,J

Otterbeinslates Cousteau lecturer

Tom Horto.n L'Adventure Cousteau, a behind-the-scenes look at the underwater adventures of Jacques Cousteau, is set for the Otterbein College Lecture Series on Monday, Nov 4, at 8:15 p.m. in Cowan Hall. Tom Horton, associate of the well-known oceanic explorer, will . present the illustrated lecture which is open to the public at no charge. Horton, an active scuba diver himself, was a member of the United States Olympic teams while he was a student at the University of Maryland. Now Vice President of Thalassa, Inc., a Cousteau Group Company, he is in charge of production for the television

series, "The Underseas World of Jacques Cousteau." Three Jacques Cousteau films will be shown in the Multi-Media Room of the Learning Resource Center prior to the Monday, November 4, lecture by Mr. Tom Horton. The movie schedule is as follows : Friday, Nov. 1 9: 00 a.m'. - "The Smile of the Walrus" - 10:00 a.m. " Tragedy of the Red Salmon" 11: 00 a.m. - "The Unsinkable Sea Otter" Monday, Nov. 4 2:00 p.m. -· "The Smile of the Walrus" - 3:00 p.m. "Tragedy of the Red Salmon" 4: 00 p.m. - "The Unsinkable Sea Otter"

Otterbein announces Associate of Science DeQree Nursing students entering Grant Hospital School of Nursing this summer will receive both an associate · of science degree from Otterbein College and a nursing diploma from Grant at the conclusion of their three years of schooling. The new program is the first of its kind in Ohio. All college credits will be transferable, if a student sp.ould decide to continue his education in order to obtain a bachelor's degree, college officials explain.

The program calls for Grant students to spend an additional summer at the Otterbein campus. They currently are in school 10 quarter hours (at the School of Nursing and at Otterbein). College officials also point to the availability of extracurricular activities during their summer on campus for nursing students as an asset. Otterbein has not offered an Associate Degree since the early fifties

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