man and <tTardinal Ott~rbein College, WestervillJ, Ohio
Volume 56 Number 7
November 2, 1973
What will -happen to the Greek houses? In I 971 , Otterbein College house, they will finish the school allowed the sororities to have year with it." houses , if they desired. Five out Sphinx and Theta Nu's of the seven sorori ties moved houses were originally purchased into houses. Tau Epsilon Mu and to build a new dorm, but a new Sigma Alpha Tau re·nted from dorm is not needed right now. private people, but Epsilon There is more of a nee d for Kappa Tau, Theta Nu, and off-street parking. Mr. Macke Kappa Phi Omega rented from stated that students are bringing Otterbein. Sigma Delta Phi more and more cars to t he fraternity also rented from campus, and the narrow streets Otterbein. Otterbein College are being blocked by all the observed the right that the additional cars. Westerville City houses of the groups, who has started all over town to rented from the college, could taking parking away fro m some be taken away at any time. The of these narrow streets because question that everyone has been fire trucks and ambulances asking an d is still asking is when cannot get through. This is what are the h ouses going to be taken happened on Grove Street in away? front of Cochran Hall. Who To help find out some knows where else on campus it answers to this question about might happen next? When the the Greek houses , Mr. Macke, new Rike Physical Education Treasurer of Otterbein was Center is completed, there will contacted . He said , "those be more cars attrac ted to that houses will be moved someday, end of campus. There is a plan but no specific date has been set · for a concentrated parking area for the removal. It is much in the north-end of campus different dealing with students instead of having a dozen than dealing with outsiders different parking lots, because because it is much harder to tell they are expensive to build and students that they have to get to maintain . This is just an out of their sorority or example of what the houses may fraternity house than to tell an be torn down for. outsider that his house is needed The administration feels that and he must move. If the groups sorority and fraternity living are start the school year in their excellent living and educational
Concert Choir, Lab Band headline Parent's program Parents of Otterbein students will hear about new programs at the College during Parents' Day activities Saturday, Nov. 3, as part of a full day of events in their honor. "Common Courses and the Freshman S eminar" will be discussed by Dr. William Hamilton, head of the Common Course Department, and Albert Germanson, seminar instructor. "New Directions in the Placement Office" will be outlined by Morris Briggs, Director of Placement. Dr. Harold Hancock, chairman of the Ford Foundation Review
Senior Pictures Seniors graduating at tl:e end of this term should arrange to have their senior pictures taken by calling the Sibyl office Monday, November 5, from 1:00 p .m. to 2:30 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Call 891-3713 or 371 3 If unable to contact us at these times, leave a notice on the T&C, Sibyl office door as to where and when you may be contacted. Senior elementary education majors, psychology majors, and sociology majors sho11ld check their campus mail aoxes for notices about senior pictUfes.
Board, will explain "Otterbein's Ford Foundation Grant" to parents. Carol Courtman, lyric soprano who is the Affiliate Artists appointee to Otterbein for the 1973-74 season through a grant from the Sears Roebuck Foundation/National Endowment for the Arts, will sing. She, and the new "artist in community" program, will be introduced by Mrs. Fran Bay, Director of Public Relations at the College. (See Courtman, page 4 .)
experiences. ·However , the Greek houses do hurt the college financially. One year , since the addition of sorority 11ouses, the college lost $24,000. There have been no serious problems with the houses, so they are not hurting anybody. If it was felt that the houses were completely out of line, the Board of Trustees could change their decision about sorority houses and take them away for the next school year. Is this really fair to Greek sororities? Greg Shaw, president of Sigma Delta Phi, was asked for their stand on this matter. He stated, "We are concerned about why , fo r example, the college wanted to tear out the driveway and put in a curb . Nobody in the service department knew anything about it. We were not contacted about it before they came to do it. We are afraid that some day they might come and start tearing down the house , without any notice ." Greg also said that Sphinx did not sign a written agrement this year _. because they felt it might be to their advantage if they decided M to move to another house. The The house on Park street next to EKT was torn clown 0 ri Tuesd2y. active chapter would like to quit Will the Arbutus house be next to go? After all, we need another renting from the college and get parking lot so badly. their own house, but it is not feasible at the present. Deb Hawthorne, President of Theta Nu, said "There is a lot better cooperation as far as service goes this year between the school and the sorority. We really do not know what the situation will be for next year because only 90 days notice is given, if the house will be taken. We are looking for a house, but we are in a bind because if we find something that we like, we cannot take it because of our contract with the college." She also said that they wish they could get a definite answer about when the house will be taken or when something is Editorial ................................. ;2 Letters .................................... :2 F eiffer .................................... ;3 ·
Hall ..........................................4The Otterbein Concert Choir, under the direction of Dr. William Wyinan, and the Jazz Lab Band will perform during the afternoon program in Cowan Hall. Following the program, Dr. and Mrs. Roy Turley will entertain students and parents who have been named to the Dean's List at a tea. Open houses in residence halls, sororities and fraternities are set to allow parents to visit students in their rooms. Following a buffet dinner at the Campus Center, parents and students will attend pre-game activities and the Otterbein/Denison tilt in the ---liege stadium.
Targum .................................... 5 Sports ...................................... 7
Who's Whose Who's Whose? Beginning next week, you can find out who's whose by checking the Entertainment and Social section on pages four and five of the Tan and Cardinal. That's right. The old Who's Whose column is being revived and brought back after a long absence. If you have become lavaliered, pinned, engaged, married, or whatever, just write a note to the Tan and Cardinal and drop it in the Campus Mail or brmg it down to the office. These announcements will be printed free of charge.
going to happen. The college cannot give an answer because no one knows which end is up. Sybil McCaulsky, president of Epsilon Kappa _Tau, said, "We have better service about checking into things than ever before. However, the college has done no outside work to the upkeep of our house" Sybil said that Mr. Macke told them that ·
their house would be around for at least five years, when they first got the house . He told them that if parking lots are built for Cowan Hall, it could be that they will be built around the Arbutus house. Patty McGhee, president of Kappa Phi Omega, stated, "The college is pretty good about Continued on 3
'Bein puts on smiling face for High School Day The campus was alive on Saturday, October 27, with 248 prospective students, parents and friends for the annual High School Day-"Otterbein College '. Your Kind of Place". The morning session included registration for classes and student activity sessions, a panel on "Financing Higher Education in the Four-year Liberal Arts College", tours of the campus, and a general assembly featuring Otterbein Theater students, an address by President Thomas J. Kerr, and Michael Kish; Director of . Admissions. Lunch was followed by a well-attended concert by the Cardinal Marching Band, Opus Zero, area representative meetings and class room visitation. Prospective students came from Akron, Canton, Cincinnati, Toledo, Columbus, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Chillicothe, Dayton, Springfield, and Mansfield. High School Day, gives the prospective students ~n
opportunity to spend the day on campus, and interact with the students and faculty. There was a lot of energy and spirit for Otterbein shown by the students and the faculty who participated in High School Day-that spirit was communicated to the prospective student and their parents-and made them feel that Otterbein College is "their kind of place". The Admissions Office would like to thank the tour guides for getting up at the crack of dawn to meet prospective students, parents and friends at the Campus Center, the Cardinal Marching Band for their spirited and excellent concert, area representatives, Opus Zero for their spellbounding and enjoyable performance, and faculty and student representatives for time spent planning for and meeting prospective students and parents interested in specific academic .areas.