Open house Wednesday at new lntercultural Center
Otterbein College will to display the Otterbein meeting rooms for the on campus will provide the African cultures within these officially open its new College Collection of African international students, and the entertainment for the evening. regions. Intercultural Center on Sept. sub -Sa haran art, and other members of the Otterbein
The Orienta! room, 30 at an Open House in the displays of African culture; the SOUL organization.
The Otterbein College furnished with cushions and center from 7-9 p.m. culture of foreign countries At the Open House, foreign Collection of African bamboo stools, will have as its sub-Saharan art was established focal point an ivory inlayedThe Intercultural Center, (especially those from which students and those Otterbein established at Otterbein by the our international students students who have been abroad with the help of Otterbein screen, on loan to the College Board of Trustees, will be used come), and will provide will act as hosts. Black students alumni and friends in Sierra from Prof. and Mrs. Melencio Leone. Pieces in the Collection Cua. include work from West Africa The Intercultural Center
Scrap Day come·s tomorrow and the Congo, and are chosen Open House is open to the to represent the different public.
Tomorrow Otterbein College will be involved in the traditionaJ Scrap Day Event, Governance story is which is held to determine tRe length of time Freslunen will have to wear their Beanies.
Otterbein College takes its In addition to students third and final step in and faculty, there will be 19 are upholdingso tratdition, Scrap implementing the new administrators and staff Day 1970 might be one of the Governance Plan Monday by members in the Senate. last in our enlightened age. electing its student
Because ew" Freshmen
Fewer Beanies are observed Trustee Membership:representatives.being worn by Freslunen each Eligibility -Composition year, and without小e"Beanies,
Voting will be done with AJI juniors and seniors are there apparently are fewer IBM" .ballots so tabulation of eligiple for nomination to the reasons to hold Scrap Day. the votes will be completed Otterbein College Board of with.in hours of the closing of Trustees. Tl1ree students will
Scrap Day was created to the booths. In order to receive be chosen by campus elections provide a day of fair ballot, each student must from slate drawn by College competition between the apresent his l.D. card. Senate. All students vote for Freshmen and SopJ1omore nominees. Classes. The are
The Public Relations Office Term of office for student organized and conductedeventsunder of Otterbein College compiled trustees is three years (serving the leadership of the Women's the following list of statistics one or two years as alumni) Athletic Association and the concerning the College Senate Three faculty members Varsity''O" Club. elections on Monday. These wilJ be elected to the Board of figures are accurate and detail Trustees. All faculty are Competition between the exactly who votes and who eligible for nomination and Freshmen and Sophomore serves and are necessary to election except first year Classes is to be expressed only thoroughly understand the faculty. through the scheduled events governance plan as it is Faculty "senators" will Persons refusing to comply implemented and a_s it formulate list of nominees. AU with this rule may be referred functions. faculty are eligible to vote for by the Women's At!认etic"
Students who desired to nominees. Terms of office for Association and Varsity''O" to run for the College Senate filed the ti订ee" facuJty trustees will the Women's Student depend upon plurality of vote.a nominating petition, signedGoverning Board or tl1e Men's -Faculty member withby 10 other students, Sept. 25. Student Governing Board for votes will serve for immediate action.
-All students, except mostthree-year term. freshmen, are eligible to sit in --. Individual with next
If at any lime the regulation the College Senate. 比ghist" number of votes will rules are broken it will result in
a team's disqualification from that particular event.
The Women's Athletic Association and Varsity "O" reserve the right to call any event or the day off if the Executive Committe-:, of either or both groups depending on the event in progress, in conference with the advisor, feel that the conduct of the participants or the spectators
AU students can vote for serve for two years
Third highest totalcandidates for College Senate. received will serve one year.Each student votes for a maximum of 15 senatoriaJ Departmental elections for nominees. Term of office in repre sen tati ves were held Senate is one year. Wednesday afternoon.
Divisional meetings to elect
Students will elect 65
I :00 Men's FootbaU Relay members of the Curriculum"senators"-at-large, 17 other
1: 15 Women's Soccer Relay Committee were held"senators" will be elected from
I :30 Men's 100 Yard Dash immediately following thethe various College
1:45 Women's 50 Yard Dash departmental electionsdepartments (one per2:00 Co-rec Relay Wednesday.department). A total of 82 _
2:1S Men's Running Broad Jump students will be elected2:30 Women's Standing Broad Jump Ring Day comes to Otterbeinmatch faculty representationto warrant such action Therefore, 2:45 Co-rec Wheelbarrow Relay -82 of 90 faculty members Monday as a Representative of 3:00 Co-rec Dishpan Relay the J. Roberts Company will bewater are automatically seated in
3:1S Men's Football Throw in the Campus Center lounge-behind College Senate The eightWomen's softbaU Throw from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. to displayC on 3 :30 Men's Sack Race individuals excluded are first 匝selection"of Otterbein class year faculty and not eligible
fighting will be held the freshmen quads Iy in order to elimiriate confusion and danger in the m皿campus area. campus by-law.
The Administrative Council at Otterbein last spri ng ap proved new 4. Ef fe ct ive 19 71- 72 financial arrangements for all Academic Year persons wishing to study
Tho ugh t
by Ro b ert C. GroIndiv iduality wi thin the structur ed society off-campus. The text reads as at present the programs of the follows RCJE in Basel and Verona, the
I. Stud ents
Otterbein sponsored prog. ams sh all pay com preh ensive Sier ra Leone programs and the non-resident comprehe nsive Strasbourg Program
2. 0 t terbein e nrolled in in dependent pay to Otterbe in the resident comprehensive fee from which Otterbein shr,11 pay the cost of the program".:ls established by the spon sor ing (World Campus exception .)
"Cooperative" programs are
Sego vi a pr ogram , Wo rl d Campus Afloat, Merrill-Palmer, and Wa shington Semester. "Independent" programs are those approved by the Foreign St udy Committee, like the In stit ute of Int ern ational Studies in Vienna enrolled in the resident fee for the and Stuttgart fee for the stu dents cooperative or programs shall
institution. Afloat is an programs
3. All students engaged in off- campus st udy approved by the Foreign Study Committee shall be eligible for financial 幻d"from Otterbein on the same oasis as if in residence
Friday 8 p.m. and 10 :30 p.m. SaturdayIO"a.m8p.m.Monday
Students wishing to study off- cam pus should see the following: France - Mrs. Loop ;· Spain Miss Sayers ; Basel or Verona Dr. Laubach or Dr. O'Bear; Sierra Leone Mrs Stauffer; World Campus Afloat Dean Miller ; Merrill -Palmer Dr Lovejoy; and Washington Semester Dr. Laubach.
General information may be secured from Dr. O'Bear, in Towers 12. A large number of pro gram de scriptions are available for
PartWhyI must it be necessary for man to exist in a structured life pattern Wouldn't it be mo re rewarding to live an individual life in a structured society?Looking at this idea in tl记 re spect that most people reading this article do not have the in tellectual /emo tional backgro und to put it in practice leaves the gate opened for those willing to transcent. You se e, if th e majority support s the system, refuses to make waves, et cetera , then the minor ity has a secu re, organ ized and incorporated base society from which he can build himself. If the society were to be toppled then all life
would con fuse itsel death saved by a ly reorgani structured soci So rath than destroy, we should draw upon the parts of society as po and on discovering the mean ing of life and th esthetics of exsistan My contention is that get so invo with th survival of living they los the gift of life How can even a dedic man to a 9 to 5 life expect have the time to watch t beauty of a bloom, or even to underst the ever changing minds ownisnot
con tin ually for 扣mself to grow then he becomes stagnant, frustra and incr y narrow as t progress For example , you a controversial film such as Catch 22 and you find your of the flick differ from th ose of pe ople outside yo ur age bracket, I would con tend that tdiffe lies partially in hi effective awareness hosomewhertlyre, limiting hto all knowledge up to t while your knowled continues th rough
the movie, giving two equally inte lligent people different ideas as to the same subject He is stagnant; you are not.
After you reach a state o constant change and relative freedom you may let the suppo rters of the society support their society while you have a good time. This i accomplished by mastering on area (for trading purposes) and ma king friend-ly agreement with masters of the other area from which you wish to pa rtake. (If you have "A" power and someone else ha "B" power and you combine then you both have "A & B" power ) You then establisi1 a business of yo ur own to help lower the cost of living through the fringe benefits system and relax. At this poin t you supported by, protected by , and "superficial!y" governed by the society dedicated to your service ; and final!y in a po sition where you have both the mean s and the desire to stud y for the ult im ate knowledge.
Part II " no one can experience depth without stopping and be coming aware of hinlself."Wicks
"Petulia" starring J uJie Christie and George C. Scott Science Lecture Hall 75 cents per person. Scrap Day Events Cross Country at Hiram Football at Ashland 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Ring Day in the Campus Center Lounge COLLEGE SENATE ELECTIONS IN CAMPUS CENTER LOUNGESo ul by Eddie ParksI I
IBla cks and int ern atio nal studen ts GOV ER NAN CE
If you ever happen to be walking down N. Grove Street on the side of the Student Person nel Office, how about tak in g a look at the lntercul tu ral Ce nte r. The Center is on e of the new
what it was for. About the only students who were aware of its existence were those who had dif f ere nt cu lt ur al bac k g rou nds from the Otterbein majority
The Intercultural Cen ter did innovations at Otterbein. not 'just evolve It came about due to pressure by the SoulThe Center is a place where or ganiza tion, some foreignall the students of differen t cultures will hopefully spend students, and , of course , some September 28, Monday .faculty members Actually thesome of their time. The front
Student Elections.Black students wanted a Blackof it is, according to the House, but they had to settle Sep tember 30, Wednesday. p ainters, an oriental front. for a compromise which was 4:00 p.m.
First meeting of College Senate.There is wall-to-wall carpeting the lnterculture Center Important item of business at initial meeting of college Senate :and the inside has also been p皿ted. The b山lding has been In es tabli s hing th-e
Election of members of Administrative Council in order that they lntercultural Center Otterbein may nominate members of committees (students and faculty) Preliminarydivi ded into sec tions for has proven that the college is nominations sent to faculty and students by Wednesday , October 7.various grou ps. One section , 咖ch"is upstairs , is for the ch an g eable if press ure is October 7 , Wednesday Af ro- A mirican stude nts. applied in the right way. When 4 :00 p.m . Student and Faculty members of Senate , in separate places, An other is for the foreign the doors of the center open nominate to the Board. exchange students who come officially , a new dimension will October 14, Wednesdayhave been estab lished atto Otterbein each year. Otterbein . • 4:00 p m. Special Senate meeting. Committee nominations and petition for various committees.
There are quite a number of students who are unaware of The Student Per sonnel October 14, Wednesday the existence of the Center. I Office has released a correction 9:00 a.m. -5 :00 p .m. Faculty vote for faculty Trustees by ballot sat in front of the building one for the spring vacation date s in Administrative building day and asked a couple of inco rre ctl y shown in the 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Students vote for student Trustees by ballot studen ts about it Those al umni wall calendar. The in Campus Center. students who were asked correct spring vacation dates seemed to know little , if as fo llow s": Sprin g anything , about the Center's areInter-term , March 18-24 ; Close existence . Most of them said for Easter, April 8"; Re-open at that they were for it", or asked 8 a.m on April 12."
th e ED ITOR
The Tan and Cardinal w认l" publish all letters to the editor which are not libelous and are in good taste All lette rs must be signed and names will be withheld upon r勺uest."
Go od . things com e in bott les, not can s
To the Editor:
Due to the fact that thtaluminum cans used in the dorms are going to survive 0 t terbein College by about 1000 years, I feel that it wo uld be best to do away with cans our campus Man· is toomuonch the egotistical animal to want to be remembered for the beautiful work of art which is the pop can Perhaps it would be best just to allow peo ple to be alive in 1000 ye ars to remember what they wi ll.
Rumor has it that C'.!OS have been replaced in the girls' dorms. If so , this is a step'"in the right 扯e ctionGa."ry Burgard
fr us trations
flo od over
Dear Meal Ticket Holders and Friends:This is my th ird year at Ot ter bein My family pay s about $3000 for me to at tend each year. For this money, I get a decent ed ucation, free admission to plays, Artist Series events, and sports events and also the world's worst foodSince I have been here, we have had the same orange or red jello, hot dogs in one
Fun ds ne eded to su pp ort pea ce ca n did at es
NOTE: The C'on扣ssional" Action Fund is conduc血g"a national campus effort to raise fu nds fo r co ngress io nal candidates committed to peace and new national prior诅es."To date CAP efforts have been organ iz ed at approximately 125 colleges and universities.
The exp an sion of th e So utheast As ia war into Cambodia and the tragic deaths at Kent State and Jackson State College this spring only served to heighten the general feeling among Americans that something is seriously wrong in 如s"country Many individ uals turned to lobbying Congress to try to bring an end to Am erican in volvem ent in Indochina and a redirection of na tional priorities. Although these efforts are welcome and critically needed , it has become increasingly clear that much more will have to be done if significant change is to occur But that kind of change is going to require some new faces in Congress, as well as the re -e I e ct ion of p ro gres sive-minded incumbents. 加s"is not going to be an easy task, of course . Campaigns are becoming more and more expen sive, and progressive ca ndi date s of te n have di fficulty finding the funds that will permit them to take their case to the voters It was fo r these reasons that the Congressional Action Fund (CAF) was formed in February of 1970, with former Attorney Gen e ral Ramsey Clark as Ho norary Chai rman Among others, the Board includes Rev. Will iam Sloan e Coffin , Chapla in , Yal e University ; Charles Evers, Mayor, Fayette, Mi ss issip pi; Jose An gel Guti err ez, D ire c tor, Me xican -Ame rican You th Organization ; Denis Hayes, Nat ional Coor dinato r, Environmen tal Action" (Earth Day); David Mixner, National Co- Coo rdi nator, Vietn"am- M"oratoriu m Committee; An thony Moffett, Form er Director , Office of
hop es to find among its CAF's Board wil l soon be contri butors. (In para llel nom inat in g fo r fu nding acti viti es in th e working support approximately forty community, CAF has found more candidates who share ti飞 this kind of commitment in Fu nd 's commitment to a response to its effort to solici t si gnifican t re orde ring of contrib utions of one percent of national priorities and who are an nual in come. Sinc e in substantial agreement with sol ic itations were begun in its goals, which include April, donations have averaged withdrawal of all combat and well over fifty dollars each .) combat-support troops from To date CAF has given Southeast Asia by March 1971 , funds to Jim Abourezk, Philip a red uc tion in military Ho ff , Ben Ragsdale, Henry expenditures by $20 bi llion in Helst oski , Paul Sarb a nes, the next fisc al yea r, Joseph Duffey, Robert Drinan el im ina ti on of hu nger, and Paul McCloskey Though re du ction of environmental many of th ese candidates' pollution", elimin ation of names might not be household disc rimin"a tion, and wo rds, they, like the other Co ngr ess ional re f orm" ca ndi dates who wi ll be AJthough there are more than re c eiving CAF funds, are forty candidates who support involved in ra ces where, with its goaJs, CAF will be selecting some beJp, they have a real those candidates involved in chanc e of defea ting a close races, where th eir conser vative opponent For opponents differ significantly 'example, in South Dakota, Jim on the issues, and where Abourezk, a dove and civil contributions can change the righ ts attorn ey, is in a outcome of the election Funds closely-contested race against a raised through this nationwide ma n who adv ocates effort are disbursed thro ugh compulsory citizenship training CAF's two-step process: The camps for all youth and calls Board no minates the for the bombing of Haiphong can didates , and then the Harbor to win the war ! nominees are submitted to the
rDeep Bits and pieces
Since the new improved know what you are t血king, Roost opened, I have had the have thought , and will t血k.'" chance to listen to some of the Marvin got up and walked students comment about it. It a nearby cliff and is amazing how some of them jumpoveredtooff, forever lost in the think that the Campus Center depths of the canyon below. director , Mr. Dickey, has The Ii ttle furry Schlock ruined it How??? It is so much turned and walked agay, as nice r than the old White Castle only a little furry Schlock that was there before. These could turn and walk away . are probably the same peo ple Interlude who wan ted the place redone He entered the room. 1t was to begin with . You just can't dark and he couJd not find the please some people, I guess light-switch He groped around They get what they 'think they the walls searching and want, and then complain But I stumbled over a table, hitting have also heard some folk compliment the place. I think that it will just take some One thing that would improve it all the more
con tributors who, by their vote s, will cho ose the candidates to rece ive funding . Con tributo rs on campuses across the country will be vo ting during October 3-5 wh ich is our part of the National Coali t ion's activities、" CAF is not relying on gimmicks to ra ise funds. Experience in the communities has shown that people are willing to make a significan t fi nanci al commitment once th ey real ize the crucia l 叩portance" of mai1y of this year's races and the fact that the votes of Congressmen from many districts in other parts of the coun try will be needed to gain pa ssage of cr itically needed legislation You can make your commitment to chan伊ng"our national priorities by sending a check to CAF, 8 I 5 Seventeenth Street , N .W., Suite 424, Washington , D.C. 20006. Moreover, if anyone is interested in coordinating CAF your campus during Oct3-on5 , please wr ite to me at the same address.
Peace , Stephen Trattner, Nat'l Campus Chairman By Dan Bud dhis head on an empty box of 础a-Seltzer," giving himself a terrific
Where'sheadache.Your Mind At? floating above finally free ofall that was and is to be buuntouchablettouching all at? trapped by nothing continued on Page 5 (once the jukebox is re Bitspaired)
ghastly form or another, and cake stale the same day it is made If this is what the meals were like the first two weeks, again , never to return
Marvin re turned only to frnd that what he had b田lt is a non partisan, onc e wa s now to tal ly and
non profit organization destroyed. Being dismayed at has been raising money for the situation , he left once Co ngr essional cand idates
Not having a solid idea ofthrou gh Center, 100 W 88 Em. 2S6. gr ass roo ts, person solicitations what exciting taste-t empting treats are they going t? force upon us the rest of the year? I know from where he was goingperson -to In th e or even Sub1crip廿on"rate $2.00 r;Htr term or $6.00 per"“"'·
EDITORIAL BOARD co mmun ity. where he wanted to go, he sat. affilia te of the Na tional on the borde r in total As an past experience Co alition for a ResponsjbJe confusion. Just then , the littlethat the food here gets worse before it gets better CAF has accepted
Since this seems to be the year of changes at Otterbein , how about a change in food ; eithe r pr epari ng it in a diffe.rent way, getting a food service , or getting someone in the kitchen who kn ows something about good food Congress, respons伽lity"for conduct ing a major fund-raising effort on college campuses across the co un try" CAF is seeking si gn ificant co ntr ibution s, aiming for donations at the' level of one percent of each stude nt 's sum mer mcome
If anyone else feels the same please speak,doIway that around being silent
furry Schlock pa used in fron t of Marvin and st ared at him as only a little furry SchJock could stare. The little furry Schlock sat and stared at Marvin for a long time Marvin turned to look at the little furry Schlock They looked and stared at each other for a not be regarded as a hard and Ii ttle only little fast figure some will give out, of just Sandy Richardson instead sitting smiledless it is an asmore, indicatiosomen Schlock can smile and returnedof the type of the Fund the greeting adding, "And Icommitment that
4 feeling the load tried to escape on a closed road pestered by all soll1ce in few about to lose all that was newWheres your mind al ? wrapped up inside never to leave seeing great sights never achieve but can 't accept what is believed only
whatfollowwasperceivedWhere'syourmindat? wanting what is and will betakingwas all that the eye can see sharing nothing love in sightno ofdeathghtthoutheissuch a frightat?mind's yourhailWhereto the old father was right follow what was for new is plight old ways only they lead so straight old rejects new love, just hatenoWhere 's your mind at? loving to live living. to love aware ofall below, above finding new things'roundng themshowi adm沉ng"touch soundell,sigh taste,t, sm" at?mind's yourWhere itbyandconfusedwhat to nowdoittrgefo throughongoor dthe facts aboun to decidequeslowstionanswer,"Ijustdon 't know." " at?mind's your肌ere"
chaosPiecesconfusion, thdea destruction,mental,monstrousrest.reason"
by Bo nnie LeMayEffective studen t i,campa ign ing sp elled out
For st udents interested in
Bean ies, bonfi re blasted and blessed political campaigning , Donald G. He rzberg and J.W. Peltason
It has been said that there is know themselves and their unravel some
no room toda y for the traditions of yesterday. Such 伽ngs"as the beanie and the Freshman Bonfire are very old traditions here at the"'Bein.
As time passes, there seems to be an increa sing amount of dissent over these customs
Last year there was a great dea l of discussion on abolishing the beanie, resulting in the right of each freshman to decide for himself whether or not to wear 拓s" beanie. However, he was still reminded that it was a an d
fellow classmates."
Another junior agreed and felt it was especially useful to the girl s. He suggested, "One advantage of the bean ie for fr es"hme n gjrJ s is that upperclass guys can learn to associate the name tag and the face." He continued , "As it appears now however, the freshman class has" a lot of spirit much more than the one last year ."
A sophom ore felt that al th ough the freshmen had
they'd like becauseto meet me I freshman"was a . people without it."
I can meet
Consequently until Scrap Day dwindle, the number of beanies seen on the heads of freshman.
It'" came for an
that the out of the bonfire, and trad itionlassmen would like forhimupperc"to itwear
Another felt, "I wouldn't buy a beanie if you paid me the money to buy one. It's disc ri min ation. lt' s like regim en ting eve ryone and saying, 'We wear beanies. makes a newcomer feel even more out of place Why don't they have a bon fire for upperclassmen to run around It's like saying, 'Watch out, he's a freshman.'"1 ed ucation, not to be jeered at.''
One freshman agreed withspirit , th ey needed beanies and concJude d, their this , but felt that the bon firepeople may say the freshman class is closer than ours, but I haven 't seen any beanfos. They should wear them"'til at least did serve a good purpose. He "The bonfire is as the sodaysdo
The concept of the beanie is obviously changing. But just how? To find out, I asked students for their reactions to the beanie , class
Thespirit.freshmen seemed to be in that the beanieagreeme nt made them feel more place than welcomed, while the upperclassmen divided inwere their feelings. Some felt that they too , traditions and that it timewas for change Others, however,a of the that
itiPol cs $4. 9595$1 ."
offer practical advice in their new book, A Student Guide To aignCamp il l,cGraw-Hh(Mar d"c ov er", rback)epap theincampaignscal"Politi the,"uniqueareStatesitedUn areey"Thte.wriorsauth moreaotic,chmoreer,lo ng" le ssandzed,r ali"ntdece aignscampthantedrienissue-o the扣�从"ntcouherotanyinworld ."
offe"ticsPoliCampaign rs adviceyoungonstepby-step-people litiesponsibi"aigi1ing srecamp" and
Stu dent Guide To wri ting, door-to-door
spe canvaechssing, sol iciting absentee telephone canvassing, suggest"ed, votes,great ! I met more people at theIt boo k is no t·T heetc.bonfire than a 11 year.Scrap Day then they could freshman classprotest if they lose ." ide ological, nor does it causes or candidates.brought the closer 1t was really would n't have
promoteAnactive cam paignertogether. differe nt. Itradition could be OK, but it himself, Donaldwanted to miss it." G. Herzberg has cam pai gned in Connecticut, New York, and
A freshman felt the beanie
but a lot of 厄ds"took it the wrong way, so it's kind of a dis crim ina tion agai nst freshmen."
The majority of freshmen however, felt the beanie did not serve it's purpose and made such suggestions "Name had resented such as, tags would serve the same opinion purpose ," and "If you want to looking back, it had been get to know people, you'll do beneficial and should be kept. it without beanies."
junior felt there was a One girl thought of her being missed and ``"".. . as souvenir.,'1 o t beanie,now , a commented, "It just helps us She continued, "I can't see get to know who the freshmen being forced to wear it if are and although this sounds you're totally against it I wore old hat, to welcome them . It mine for a week and it didn't also helps the freshmen get to do any good. No one
was taken the wrong way by too many pe ople, and felt , tradition isn't harmful, oftheexcyearbooyeacopyphoneSibyother-yearcopithe19"
SibOta 65,RandyeptrbookpricesSibylrequel,thees hea ofreleased ya or19wherek.of'th" l, s66,m幻I.oristed roffianywillCline"Randyearethe ya ginal na ce.editioSibyl1967beseveTherelargeand ear of,avail叩Ifyouedrep19lessralthespublicansitor63evenabandoffic"ortequanisthancopi"freea ,leenoofwishofde19yearstitfro19thenesofcostionthatha64thetheies69bymlfta,contact price.are
New Je rsey He was Staff Direc tor of Presi dent Kenn edy's Commission on Reg istration and Voting Participation, and is consultan t on politics to Ame rican Broadcasting Company News.
He is a professor of Political �cience at Rutgers University .
A of Politicalp rofessor Science at the University of Illinois, J.W. Peltason is author with James Burns of the successful book, Government By The People.
Ca 'A rse nic
Hom ecomin gbrew fo r
One of the fastest and In every way but one, that is. For, it seems that Abby and American stage, "Arsenic and Martha have one rather bad old brownstone house. craziest comedies of the are
terms "a very bad habit .“ 加s" WOB N bro adcas ts Mon da ybad habit, as thousands of audiences already".know, is the serving of elderberry wine, WOBN , the campus radio devoted to changing times will I iberally laced with arsenic, voice of Otterbein since 1958, · provide listeners a means to strychnine, and cyanide , to the plaIJS a full season of shows voice their opinions. homeless old gentlemen who and ideas that will catch the A big area that has been lured in to their charming ear of many an Otter this year neglected in the past has been as he or she tunes the 91".5 spot
the reporting of news and locaJ happenings. This year WOBNhabit. They murder men. The part of Mo rti mer on the FM dial. Programs t11at Marc Smythe will play the drama will st imulate thought and Old Lace," Joseph Kesselring's fa rce of whol esa le will attempt to bring stories, critic and moreBrewster, role of Jonathan Brewster, the nephew of the two most personal enrichment, such POWER LINE, SI肛UETTE, local events, and actualities than ever before
manslaughter and merriment, has been selected as the fi"
for the title ofthe Otterbein College Theatre
campusas ne'er-do-well nephew of the Brewster sisters, charming ghouls in the world, will be played by Ed Vaughn 订 st" CHALLENGE FO R TODAY; to the listening aud ience . Aandattraction to be presented by crazycontender news analysis show is being prepared for ea ch Wednesday night. Taped in terviews with
His brother Teddy, who has this year. An outstanding America's biggest murderer. It spent his life und er the theatrical success when it was Boris Karloff who first up -to -date today's campus and world top ics, su ch mistaken impression that he is originally prod uced in 1941, it played trus absurdly sinister Te ddy Roosevelt, will be ev oked unan imous acclaim , ominous character who, with
programs that will provide an discussion of
news make rs will highlightHELIXas PERISCOPE, AT ISSUE; and newscastsplayed by Ken Meyers Elaine and was described as "The !tis assistant , Dr. Einstein, and Harp er, Mortimer's fiancee , even will be
WOBN does not plan to justentertainment programs , such as BLUESBERRY JAM set back and play record s. Any ra dio station c:in do that named Spenalzo , acted by Be cky Holford. Dave Mack will be the most rio tou sly hi lar ious a corp se T HE GE ORGE JO LLYcomedy of the season ." It will arrives one evenjng at the home be presented here al Cowan of his aunts and sets up a menacing Einstein, and Officer GOODTIME HOUR, and many Instead WOBN in tends to give Ball for three performances, business as a face lifter for O'Har a, the playwrit ing more hi ghlight the weekly its listeners food for though t, October 15 , 16 and J7 fugitives from justice. policeman, will be played by schedule of shows. and make them more aware
The comedy tells the story Jn the roles of Martha and Earl Roosa that the world is constantlyAdded to this list ofof Abby and Mart ha Brewster, Abby Brewster, the two gentle Also included in the cast are changing. Mark Savage , sta tion programs, the station personnelundoubtedly the two nicest old sis ters whose love for Tony Del Valle as the Rev. Dr. mana ger , p ro mises not to are even more aware of thelittle old ladies anyone could charitable acts has taken an Harpe r, 巨rry" Campbell as actual "world " in which we forget tllis. He says," ''WOBN hope to meet Their old al arming turn , Sue Lare and Offi cer Brophy and Duffy will be differe nt. We stick tolive, and plan to give attentionBrown stone house in Brooklyn Debbie Bowman will be seen, Oelberg as Officer Klein John our promises. " to the pe ople who have witnesses a constant stream of re spe cti ve ly. The Brewster Aber appears as Lt Rooney,
The radio station wiJI beginsomething to say about the good deeds by the two sisters. sisters, out of a desire to bring and Randy Clin e and Tony br oadcast in"g Mond a"y , community here Although inIn every way it would seem happiness to elderly homeless Ma ngia portr ay Mr. September 28 at 6:00 p.m. atthe planning stages, a programthat Abby and Martha are men , have developed what Witherspoon and Mr. Gibbs, 91 .5 on the FM dial. Whistler 's "mother" come to their nephew Mortimer , with respectively life magnificent understatement "Aresnic and Old Lace" was the fourth longest running"hit in the history of the theatrellt 丛ee
Wha t's up扭纽亿 when it closed after 1,444 performances in New York It "Pet ulia " prem ie res ton ite at OC
by TONY Del VALLE has since been received with, great enthusiasm in a long run TON IG HT! Fr id a y, After Dinner Thing in London , and has become Sep tember 25, the Campus This past week on Tuesday
''A Clea r Day '' is blurr ed one of the pr血e"little theatre Programming Board is showing and Thu rsda y ni ght , the
In Funny Girl, Barbra and unbe"lieva"ble favorites throughout America. the movie Petul ia. "Julie Campus Programming Board Ticket informat ion is Ch ristie and George C.St reisand demonstrated her tun of-the-mill musical. experimented with an "After ava ilable by wr iting th e Scott play" a �a� and aunique talents as Fanny Brice, On A Clear Day carries a _ Dinner Thing." Jt consists of a Otterbein College Theatre, woman dissociated from the a kooky fun ny girl from warning to two people : Alan variety of entertainment such Westerville, Ohio 43081"; or by power of love, struggling for jt,Brooklyn ln Hello, Dolly ! the Jay Le rner , wh ose recent as music, old time flicks and cal lin g (6 14 ) 882 36 01 , unable to give or to take it star was still unique , but screenplays for Camelot, Paint s peakers. Each time the e xten sion 346. Mail order Their tangled interactions formhelplessly miscast as a kooky, Your Wagon, and now worst entertainment will be different. reservations for season tickets a flashing texture of fiercelyloveable ma tchmaker from of all -On A Clear Day have
Many students wonder why are currently being accepted. wi tt y comm ent, disturbingBrooklyn. l�ow, in On A Clear been no th ing less than the Cam p us ProgrammingStudents may present I.D. in sight, stunning judgment."Day You Can Se¥- Forever, she disast rous, a_nd to Barbra
Board doesn't get top Bands to is a kooky ESP ge正us"from" St rei sand herself, who had
cards at the box office for their The movie will be held in the play here at the 'bein Beforetickets for the Homecoming Scienc e Le ct ure Hal J you guessed it Brooklyn. better quickly alter the course
getting any top band, you haveplay, "Arsenic and Old Lace," Auditorium at eight and"On ly this tim e, Madame of her career, before she to have enougl1 money to backbeginning Monday , October 5. another showing immediatelyStreisand has sung one note sudd enly fi n ds he rse lf the program. Also you need toThe box office will be open after", approximately 10:30. too ma ny. Despite her Hollywood's latest has-been. book the bands months in irreproachable vocalizing, she advance. But , we're working onSTATE THEATRE. Started p.m.知ls" to give us any sense of Wednesday, September 23, "A weekdays from l p.m. to 4 The cost is 75 cents a person. it. what her character is made of. We'd also at thi s time like toWa lk In The Spring Rain"''
Ca rpenters make ita'Clos e to You '
and KEITH SMITHby MARK SAVAGE The Tan and CardinalWe see St rei sand pouting, shown with Academy Award announce that Jo伽"McIntyre" but all is our preside nt for the yearscreaming, shrieking these em otions winners Anthony Quinn and 1970-7 1.merelyare In gri d Bergman, (whom Freshmen will remember as the
Many new releases have been released as a siJ1gle over the nationsuperi fical. The audien ce fails, to get any kind of feeling for her Daisy Gamble Perhaps
Miss Streisand is too syn thetic Wednesday a performer to be capable of feeling true emotional qualities in herButcharactertobe sure, Streisand isn't the only one who misses the boa t. Yves Mon tand , after his brilliant work in Z, stoops to an all-time low in a role that is merely a coat hanger to the female lead.
The score , written by two gifted composers Burton La ne (" Finian 's Rainbow") and Alan Jay Lerner ("My Fair lady," "Camelot") is hardly a memorable one, despite two excellen tly written but poorly staged numbers ("What Did I Have That I Don't Have?" and the title song).
Wl1at the film needed was �imply a more definite story line. , hi? film drags constantly, and" ,i _.; a result, this movie is red u 1..ed from a potentially am u s ' ng and thou ght-pro• voking piece to a simply dull
The Roostbeen piling up over the summer swinging nurse in Cactus and we have received so many The superb blend of v01ces Last Friday night the RoosFlo w er.) A week from good recordings that it would matches other group of its doorsno o p ened the space-thriller, take the entire page to review today, and the entire album aw ait"ing studen ts.
Marooned with Gregory Peck the collection However, due to has a unity that is hard to beat.
and David ("The Fugitive ") Janssen will play. Space flick buffs will undoubtedly enjoy this tale of three stranded astronauts and their struggle to get back to earth. But A Walk
In The Spring Rain is strictly for the over-35 set who might tolerate this silly soap opera about two middle-aged people · who find love in thei misery. But after all, one out of two ain"'t bad.
lack of time and for your and our convenience, we shall con cern ourselves today about the most recent release from A & M Records, The Carpenters, "Close to You. "
Ka ren and Richar d Carpenter treat their music as music should be treated in this fine collection of songs. Their million seller, Close to You, is featured along with We've Only Just Begun, which has just
Angel Fligh t ad ds 12 to roster
Angel Flight , a national honorary service organization wh.ich advances and promotes interest in the Air Force and educates college women to the military service , released ti订 s" week the list of the 1970 pledges.The ple dges are Debby Ayers, Cindy Arganbright , fat
Cole, Lynn Condit, Becky Hol ford, Maryann Marstrell Rene Reiser, Pat Shahan, Ruth Smith, Gretchen Steck, Olga Velas co and Zuli ha ZubThechevichAngel Flight will be sponsoring a candy apple sale next week. Further details will _ be p9sted on campus.
You should never tire from listening to this truly beautiful woSillrk. high on the Billboard Charts is the BS & T's al bum , ''3 , " and not far behind , the rock opera , Tommy, by The Who Some albums to be watching for the future ; "The Association " Live ; "The Beach Boys," Sunflower ; and John De nver, Whose Garden Was 加s.
cream , cake and cokes were available to all showing lD's. The band that played for the nights e n t e rtainm en t wa OWEN B. It was a great success.AT TEN T ION AL L
FROSH !! If you would like to be come a member of the Campu s Programming Board pick up your applications in th e Campus Center Office. They must be return ed to the office no later than Thursday , the 8th of October. 7 0 Ot ptember 26 Oc OWU i taJ November 7 OAC at Ohio Wesleyan U.
gainGoetzs. broke free from the freshman defense and led the drive that resulted in Zeta's first score early in the first hal f. Al Rink also provehed
Pili} Sm Sphinx Judyart, to Decker, 69 Gary Price, Sphinx, to Pam effe ctive on offense as caught a pass to score the second touchdown and", after a
Linda S 初 ds,"Kappas Hen ni ngs, 70, Arb utus, to John Roby, 70, long run, took across the third touchdown late in the game Jonda
Jim Ly l vester made the outstanding defensive play of the afternoon as he picked off a freshman pass deep in Zeta 's territory and carried it to
PINNEDScottBarl ett , Club "74'' to Jon
Bob Reed, Kings
of Tau Delta also as they arr ang e a huge 50 th anniversary of their sisterhood this year.Greek Football
The sor or ities an d fraternities are back on campus and ex tending greetings to freshmen and all other new students Most of the groups ga the red toge ther on the Representatives traditional Monday of the new The masculine of. our Greek
school year and enj oyed Friends seem to be highlighting
wi如n"yards or a touchdown
the last paly of the first
pleased with the overall
ENGAGED: Tish Day , Greenwich
David C. Bloom
The following events have Bill Marshall , Kings to Tasha
Williams, Arcady, been approved by the Calen darhalf. Rone, Owls Com mitt ee and should beKen Scbrnitt, Zeta 's coach ,
addedCamtopusthe SocialWomenCale'sndarClub:
performance of the team and Darcy Walters, Talisman, to along with the rest of the Bob Summers, West Point Meetingsquad wou ld like to Mark Snider, Sphinx, to congratulate the freshmen for Rita Elliott, 0如"State" Feb 19, 1971 8:00 p.m
Oct 12, 1970 8:00 p.m.
Panhellenic Council Formalthe tough opposition they Richard Thomas, Circleville , provided and wish them luck to Jeanette Robinson
The following events have Sue Butcke, Arbutus , to been cancelled:during t}:te rest of the season" Mik e Koverman, Santa Sept. 25 , 1970 - 8:00 p.m. —Tau Delta Co-ed
Zeta's next game will be
sharing summer adventures and the sports t压s"week Country against Jonda Thursday , Oct. 1 at 4:30 p.m.welcoming returning sisters and Club reported that 22 of their K.ingsmen will be launchingbroth ers from overs eas brothers members of the their intra mural campaigns
Calif.BarLindabara Haddox, Arbutus, to Rob Per比ns," 70, Dayton Karen Carter are
Sept. 26, 1970 9:00 p.m.
Pi Beta Sigma Co 七 d" Owls, to,
Sept. 27, 1970 12:00 n. —"Eta Phi Mu Co-ed Sept. 27, 1970"—"8:00 p.m. Rick Walter, Zeta.
programs and other projects. football team this year. Best of luck to them and the rest of under the direction of Mark Bixler who hopes to followWoodtheof Jimcessful stepssuc" athleticanotherbrough"who t ernity"the frat"trophy to
MARRIED:Homecoming Candidates the team
The sororities got down to Mea nwh ile in intramural Gamebusiness quickly, however, as elections proceeded for the football the Big Green Machine
Voice Recital by Greg Isaacs Carl Warnes, Sphinx, to Sara Oct 10 , 1970 After Martin, Wittenberg Tau Epsilon Mu All Neil Gleason, Sphinx, to of Sigma Delta Phi coached byFall Homecoming candidates. Bill Wilson defeated Pi BetaTheta N'u has chosen as their
Betsy Rea, Ashland Dan Bremer, Sphinx, to Zeta Phi Co-ed Regina Parcels, Arb utusSigma in the opening football for both squads. Jon Nov 6, 1970 -After Artistcandidate Miss Bonnie Ross, gametheir president and a senior el. Kim Sh ields, Sphinx to Series Zeta Phi Co-ed
fornewsGreektheThat's issuein eachJointhis week. us eekGrtheinlatestthecatchtocircleFrance scored from IO yardsed. major from Bloomville , Linda Fickert and Craig Salser returned anOhio. Besides her presidential intercepted pass 30 yards outduties, Bonnie is a member of to paydirt The defense of
Oct 16 , 1970 - 8:00 p.m.
Ma n does notthe "O " Squad Sphinx never allowed Pi Sig
The girls in Arbutus pink beyond their own 30 yard linealso selected their president, Sphinx also scored 2 pointsMiss Nan cy Fenstermaker, for when a Pi Sig"fumble landed inHomecoming c印didate." Miss the end zone. Pi Sig lost more
岱Dottie Stover will do the than the game, however , as Jayhonors for the girls from Tau Lavender received an injuryDelta, while Ta u Epsilon Mu
chose Miss Rita Shoemaker.
Finally, Rho Kappa Delta informed us that Mrs. Jo 叨 Hollinger Cunningham would be representing them in the traditional competition.
50th Anniversary For Tau Delta
The sor orities are also planning their traditional · fall activities such as "Arb utus Goes Reno at Harold's Club " w怕ch"has been scheduled for October 3rd Check this paper and othe r notices for further detail s on th is all-campus which promises great fun.
A great moment in history is coming up soon for the girls ed
Hi吐" hourly" earnings (or part or (ulltime work Enjoyabl e wmk with Dexible Perfecthoursfor students with
Zeta News Zeta"'s in ter fr aternity foo tball team started their sea son by defea ting the freshman squad by a score of 18 to 6 Monday afternoon Zeta's qua rt erback Roger Wertz had only one incomplete pass du ring the game and con tinually hit Scott Goetz
SwickSez Keiliand epsmng try ha rd, Ot ters
Ouch." The Lords showed li ttle or no mercy on the
In decision wa s dam agi ng, says Agle r yingCardinals. Once the 扣gh-fl" Ca rdi nals lost their wings (Norm Lukey) and were forced
,unitidirongrourofcalcritibe Saturdayviewingafterbut toe hasonexhibitionnight's whensmilingkeeptohardtry ofainderremthetheconsideringschedule"
0tt e rbein football moves Card Coach Moe Agler had guard, had been a linebacker to rely on power afoot (an College, with both words of praise for most of hjs and offensive fullback. Both 血proved" but still somewhatout of town this Saturday to Ashland Women whip
teams looking for their first win of the season
nexperienced teamy oung ,
"Kenyon has been together for 3 years; we've been together for 3 weeks," he sa心
"Many of our players had been sw itched from other
up ho ckey fr es h man ta ckles , Larry weak running unit) the contest Schultz and Tom Cahill, were was all but over Ii n e ba eke rs irI high school. Young Jim Bontadelli was Ends Dale Chittum and Keith given a chance to spread" }us Wakefield were at their normal wings and take to the a订 ,"but" getting the highly demoralized
perenni al pow erhou se Bal dwi n- Walla ce last week
"We were leadirig IO to 7 when Lukey go t hurt," Agler imp ossible pointed out , "If he had been
look alive" ! are
Ashland, usually a strong positions and did a fine job. " team, will be lean and hungry af ter be ing sto pped by St rike! Spike it ! Goalie, ! Fall" fourOtte r unit up was nearly Some positions, and they just haven't had en ough experience at their
powe r phrases often shouted but not an educated toerunning and able to play there is no reason exhibited by Trevor Newland 29-16 in their openmg game. new slots," Agler explained. Otterbein , after being ma uled had center , Wendel"We a
heard every fall at Ot terbein These are the sounds of three li nebacker we shoul dn' t ha ve done and a leaping TD grab by Steve hun dr ed young womenbetter ." Jim Bontadelli and Traylor were the only bright in intramural and otherwise dark
at the hands of Kenyon 41- 17 , ll bat tle and had never competing in"ter collegiateGreg Miller did good jobs for inexp erien ced quarterbacks. in will be facing an uphi" to repeat last year's 16 12 win handled the ball befo re. BilJ over the Eagles
o had been aD e y"o",
spots an sports. These do their thil1g underSpooner, a freshman guard , 吨ht"at Memorial Stadium. women Wit hou t que stion the the supervision of Miss Marilyn woul d" have Trevor Newland did a fine job
Trainer Rudy Owen estimated it would take "a week or ten days to heal." after playing in a position for Junior fu l lback awhile just wasn't there. The
Norm Lukey, the Cardinals' top quarterback, is a doubtful of running the ball and Doug starter this week He suffered a Th omson showe d good better with the number one offense fared Today the first cf theseuarterback in charge, but it isrib separation on his right side impro vement." du ring the Kenyon "Indecision phrases will be shouted whe n difficult to see how even then sorority bowling begins. Not enough poin ts could have been only will there be sorority caused us thegame most da mage," Agler said knowledge tha t I
and teams.
Tr evor ·" These alley cats will bowl every Friday night with Linda PrachtNewland accounted for 72 of 'p layer s ca n' t be to o discouraged. If they will stickOtterbein's 121 yards gained rushlng with 20 carriers. Pete Parker, seruor end, gained 33 yards in 12 In
as Head Pin. with it until they learn to play their Field Hockey see apositions, they 'll improvem ent by th e middle of the season. " vastattempts.
The most participated sport for women this fall is field hockey. There are both anadd�tion to the groundgaining , Newland's accurate toe -boote-d Jim Bontadelli Ashland has only six seniors and intramural the pigskin 40 yards and had been a fullback in high thro ugh the uprights for a field int leagercollegiateue.Intramurals will be pl ayed in their lineup, but have 29 lettermen back from lastschool. We dnesda your everyBill Davis, right offensive guard, played defense se as on and onl y three non-lettermen have a chance atUntil his injury Lukey had
afternoon, while Intercollegiate Field Ho ckey will begin 3 at an Invitationalstarting slots. The Eagles have of the best line backer last year. Ted Downing, our freshman right offensive tackle , end in high school.
overestimated the caliber of the defen sive unit. Strong Kenyon ba�ks seemed gainto willatageyardconsiderable linefensivedeourpast theisallofsingdistresMost rilyprimawasKenyonthatfact mustweNowteam.passinga runningbrutalbeforestand a team , Ashland , who will be up aft fa lling bef oreer weeklastlacwin -Wal"Bald e Even if comes am assed to overt ake th e t earns but also independentpowerful Lords. It was either possibly facultyjust a "down" night or our defense should
completed 7 of 9 passes for 87 yard s. Freshman quarterback Jim Bontadelli from Columbus one Hockey Meet at Ashlandwas an co mbos in the state with ha ppen to hold , Ashland'sDave Kellet t, who played end last week, was playing fullback last year. T拓s" was the first
Ot terbein will be 础American"Len Pettigrew, a 6-4," 225-pound senior from Wa 1nut Ridge got a rough baptismal when he got pressed into service during most of the second half. Nonetheless he Pai nesville , and Maur ic e
time Jeff Bryan t had played offe nsive guard, and senior Lou Lord, our offensive left tackle ,
Collegedefense may be somewhat hard · co mpeting ag皿 st" Slipperyto check also. Len Pettigrew of Rock, Kent State , Muskingum Ashland may well be the best
an d Lo ra in C ommun 1ty owing the OctoberCre vier, a 5-1"1, 21 0-pound defensive player the Otters will junior from Jefferson, S.D. see al l
College Foll" completed 6 of 10 attempts for 42 end season Defense is Ashland's best game. Scrap Day should prove to mu ch cl oser match, had never played on offense
yards Sophomore Steve Traylor executed a great catch late in the third period to haul down a Bontadelli pass for aThey allowed only IO points and 100 yards rus坤 ng"pe r especially if the Otters happen to peak be}und the Eagles and defensive squad had the same problem," Agler said game last sea.son , in add山on"to "Porter Kauffman, the mid dle pulling down 22 interceptions see the Tigers of Wittenberg standing in line for Cardinal
ition w诅"be"Muskingum (O ct. 27); Ohio University (Oct. 29); Ohio Wesleyan"(Novfore."be "The be
baJIVolleyCo-rec towantmenwoyoungIf departmentthen,memeet na lioatcreco-reersoff teamss议playerThe andmenbothofsistcon willvolleyball"
stew.Being the optimist , I figure it this way: At least the pressure of an undefea ted season is by do not intend to continued on Page 91
9 me n run cross co un tr y to Hi ram
A 1970 Otterbein graduate and holder of the school 's ha l fmile track record, Dave Lehman, is this year's Cross Country coach. The former tr ack star is guiding nine runners into t伍s Saturday's Con ference · Relays at 即am College The relay is organized
wit h two-ma teams repr esenting the江 respective colleges. Otterbein will enter three such Saturday Each team runs eight miles total with each m running four miles. The m are run alternately
Hi gh light of the Cross Country schedule is the Conference meet November 7 at Ohio Wesleyan
This year's team consists of two juniors, Stu Putnam and Gor don Warr en, two sophomores, Charles Ernst and Mi ke Ga h ris , and four freshmen, Keith Hancock, Lee Howard, Jack Lintz, Charlie White and Tim Wile.
continued from Page 10 women. The games wi ll be played from six to six thirty for three week
Two other sp orts, table tennis and basketball will be started later in the fall for other interested women Any girl interested should contact Miss Day soon.
Vo te Mo nd ay For College Se nate
Mas tering th e draft
Th e 1- S C deferm ent and th e lo ttery
Copyright 1970 by John Striker and Andrew Shapiro a.![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/220922194357-aa747a041c69c3bd2b6742a75fd5f470/v1/8adf90885d04247c0cf11e6443118eca.jpeg)
A s D e c e m b e r 3 l unless he has requested the come true.
the I-S(C) is available only of approaches, students across the deferment. 加s" rule applies Th e 1-S(C) deferment is once. he country must decide upontheir regardless of whether the available to any fulltime
Re sort to th e 1-S(C) of t比s" final and most important play student me ets all the other college student who, while • Thprovid es a convenient way toin the Lo tt ery "numbers requirements for a II-S. satisfactorily pu rsuing his thehedge on the I-A bet. However ,game." studi es , receives an induction wh ichA college cannot legally there are two potential pitfalls:order. If the student has never piano·
Student s with "l ow" request the deferment for a
First, the board may classifyheld a 1-S(C) deferment and freshmanLottery numbers know only student. Furthermore, a U-S the student II-S even though hedoes not have a baccalaure atetoo well they must remain request for a prior academic makes no request. Second , Thom degree, he is entitled to have members ofdeferred through December 31 year cannot be constr.ued as a assuming the student gets ahis induction order cancelled were electedor face "Greetings." They will 11-S request for the" current I-S(C) , his tact ics may be ch oose to request the Il-S year. He qualifies for class 1-S(C), consi dered a dela y. class meeting stu dent defermen t in where he must be kept until Con se que ntly , when his September IS Students with" 'Lott ery the end of the 12 month Hall AuditoSeptember A year from now deferments run out, he may be they may take their chan ces, nu mbers in the "middle" academic year. The bigimmediately ordered to report ,would appear to be in a realhoping for a change in draft Committee will quandary. They cannot predict Consider the utility of the des pit e th e fa ct that his conc er ne dcalls, the law , the war, or their num ber has not yet beenwith certainty whe ther they 1-S(C) deferment: Suppose a traditional Shealth. reached in the year he become swiJl be called Should they take student has Lottery number this Saturday190. He is unswe whether it I-A. A safe path across theseA student with a "high" a chance , not request a II-S, Thomas pLottery number will want to will be reached . Nevertheless, pitfalls will be described in theand hope their Lott ery in each dorm put his year of dr aft numbers prove safe? The lure he does not request a 11-S and next column. de tai led in vuln erability behind him. To of "second priority" next year remains I-A through the fall st udents do so, (I) he must be in class is great. semester.
"Human and pol itic al While no de I-A, I-A-0 (non combatant been made,C.O.), or I-0 (civilian work
Or should students in小e" Un fo rtunately , before di ffere nces are no descend from the 1970 "fust •�middle" o吵 for" security, December 31,the student loses events the C.O.) on December 31, he will longer enough re sponsiblerequest a II-S ,-retain it through his gamble Lottery numb er December 31, and face "first 190 is reached , and the studentpriority" group to the 197 I
reason for · hate prio rity" again next year? receives an induction order for Home "second priority" group on Security is also tempting, but it The stu dent im mediat ely an d its prisons. When New Year's Day. For all thought ofma y caus e bitte r requests a 1-S(C) deferment , practical purposes , this descent
F designing ofasa
If th ere is to responsibilitiesdisill usionm ent when the proving to his board that he assures virtual immunity from that the job wasstu dent in class 11- S on ac tually a ful l-timeinduction. be digni ty andDecember 31 discovers that his student, makiwasng satisfactory at first thought
Assuming the student with number was not reached, and progr ess, when he got llis eq uali ty in exi stence the "high" Lottery number is he would have mad e it or der. The order will be for all man kind,not going C.O., he will have to The dream of students in canc el le d- not me rely seek a 1-A this faH. In order to the "middle" would be to wa 仆 postp oned and the student let it beg ia:- 1!" do so, he must not request the un til De cember 31 before will have to play the Lottery 11-S deferment. According to deciding whether or not to be all over next year. However, he
ABO LISH the law , a local board should deferred on December· 31. The will have to play without one not place a student in class IJ-S 1-S(C) deferment is a dream of his favorite gambits, since WA R!