Do you have an old textbook, Beach Boy record, or anything else you would like to sell? Put an ad in the T & C CAMPU~ BILLBOARD! You may call 882-3601, Ext. 256, or write to the Tan & cardinal, Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio 43081. If you are a student, send it through the campus
STUDENT RATES: 2 cents per word. 20 cent minimum charge.
COMMERCIAL RATES: ' mail. And it doesn't have to be a for sale item. Wanted ads, messages, and various other trivia are also accepted. Why wait until Valentine's Day?
50 cents for 10 words or less, $1.00 for 11 to 25 words, and 50 cents for each additional 25 words or less. 25 cents extra per 25 words if you want bold face type.
FOR SALE: Physical Science book. Complete in great condition with all the goodies. Call extension 256 be· tween 3:00 and 4:30. Going at the low price of $10.00. Hurry!
FOR SALE: Late model Beetle. Made in Japan. Inquire.
WANTED: Frir.nds. Anyone. If in• terested, please call extension 316.
WANTED: Material for this year's edition of Quiz and Quill. All entrees should be turned in to the English office. Here's a chance to be creative, use it!
MESSAGE: TANSTAAFL is coming to neighborhood soon. Be sure to get the women and childrenoff the streets before nine o'clock. TANST AAFL may be hazardous to your health.
MESSAGE: If you love animals, don't eat them. For free information or for ways you can help, write American Vegetarians, Box 5424, Akron, Ohio 44313. (Our group has no paid employees.)
The American Vegetarians picketed the Ohio State Fair in September of this year, adking that 4H develop kind• ness and wonder and respect for other creatures by eliminating the practice of "project animals," animals raised to trust their teenage keepers and then given by the keepers to be slaughtered.
The American Vegetarians are requesting all boards of education to examine their science and health text· book references to meat. Many of these textbooks give the erroneous impres· sion that meat is a valuable source of protein and do not point out the uric acids, adrenalin, female hormones and DDT present in meat.
Best of luck to the Otters at the game.
MESSAGE TO ALL SENIORS: Don't forget to take care of your senior pic• ture for the Sibyl this term.
Hey, there's three of us guys waiting for an apartment. We had an ad last week in the T & C, but nobody we liked answered. Are you nice? Well, call Ext. 256, and maybe we'll consider renting your apartment. We are three very prominent men on campus, and you would be proud to be able to tell people you have rented your apart· ment to us. Be the first on your block to offer us an ap!3rtment.
The Otterbein Post Office would like to remind all non-dorm students that they have a mailbox in the basement of Towers Hall. Please check. If you to not have a mail box, please report to the college mail room.
The Capital game Saturday will carry on a long, long tradition that has resulted in arson, victory, violence, and even death. This week the Tan and Cardinal examines the age-old rivalry, and reports exclusive interviews with the coaches of both Otterbein and Capital's teams ............ Page * * *
Published weekly during the academic year except holiday and examination periods by students of Otterbeiri College. Entered as second-class matter September 25, 1927, at the Post Office in Westerville, Ohio 43081, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Of• fices located in the Campus Center, 100 West Home Street, Westerville, Ohio 43081. Phone 882-3601, Ext. 256. Communication with the Editor and staff is best accomplished through the campus mail.
Editor in Chief - Tony Del Valle
Assistant Editor - Dan Budd
Business Manager - Bonnie LeMay
Circulation Manager - Charles Ernst DEPARTMENTS
The Campus:
Jane Calhoun, Reporter
Kathy Fox, Reporter
Benita Heath, Reporter
Charles Hankinson, Reporter
Charles Howe, Special Assignments
John Lloyd, Reporter
Goeff Mayfild, Reporter
Ramona Paradise, Reporter
Bob Ready, Reporter
Jamie Alexander, Senate
John Dietz, Reporter
Gary Smith, Reporter
At present, Dean Van is one of the most controversial figures on Otterbein's campus. Last fall, the T & Cran , a survey that resulted in the Dean of Students being voted the most powerful administrator on campus. This stirred some bitter controversy among several groups. The T & C examines Dean Van's changing role on .. .Page .
Robert Becker, Reporter
Mark Bixler, lntramurals
Ed Hartung, Reporter
John Mulkie, Reporter
Kathy Rook, Reporter
Gar Vance, Reporter
Tom Barlow, TANSTAAFL :i A
Dan Budd, Deep ,, , b.
Tony Del Valle, At the Cinema , . . ,
Brett Morehead, Brett on
Ed Parks, A Black Perspective
Technical Staff:
Gail Griffith Artists:
Charles Howe
Mary Anne Morrison
Tom Hastings
Bob Maust
Kim Wells
Mike Rothgery
One day, many years ago, there was a group of 10 men who were each given one piece of hard clay, 50 feet long and 13 feet wide, and 100 fake, plastic army men to help protect each individual's piece of hard clay.
And all 10 men enjoyed playing army-men and pretending they were important with their pretty hats and their army-men shoes and they convinced many others who came to be born on this piece of clay that they should play army too.
Not only should, but must. For the clay was worth dying for and everybody on the clay must feel the right, honorable thing to do was to fight for the clay. For that person's piece of clay was the best piece of clay out of all ten portions.
And when it came to John's turn, he could not see any reason to have his eyes burned and his legs mutilated, so he said, "Hell no, I won't go." And suddenly he was hatea by his family, disowned by his friends, and jailed by the rulers of that particular piece of clay. And while he suffered, everyone else smiled, and was pleased that justice and honor had been upheld by the authorities.
There was a time when it seemed too much emphasis was being put on grades. No matter how you got it, no matter how easy the subject was you got it in, an "A" was what was going to make you. It would admit you to the honor society, where you would be spotlighted and admired by all ... It would have the universities knocking on your door and, most important of all, it would save you thousands of dollars in college scholarships.
The passion for 4.0 averages was labeled unfortunate by many individuals who felt children were being taught to be overly concerned about grades.
In a 1963 issue of Educational Journal, one professor expressed his concern that this obsession for the letter A was potentially responsible for more harm than good in that
1) It invited a sense of dishonesty in that it encouraged him to cheat, in effect, do anything, to get that A.
2) It would discourage the high or coillege student from taking courses that he may need,but would find difficult gradewise.
A no-grading system was offered as the solution by some, but I believe the answer has already been found by colleges all over the country - including Otterbein.
The answer is the pocketbook.
A college that would offer full scholarships to 4.0 students would obviously be encouraging dishonesty , laziness, and faulty goals, But colleges, however, forever striving to place temptation out of the student's hands, seem to be going all out t o avoid giving youth this short- sighted encouragement.
A student with a 4.0 average seems to get nowhere today. He can slave over a lab for ten, long weeks, 3 terms a year, for four years, get an A and have nothing to show for it but a cap and gown. (If he can afford it.)
A high school student who is giving up his extra -curricular activities to devote time to getting better grades to apply for scholarships needn't bother. He's wasting his time.
Last December, I read an interesting magazine story describing the financial problems of American Colleges, "Schools just aren't giving scholarships any more," claimed one employee of a financial aid firm. (This is the company in Illinois that Otterbein students must submit a Parents' Confidential Statement in order to qualify for financial aid.) It's all on need. A kid with a 4 pt. average will get darn little - probably nothing - unless his family is making five thousand a year!"
However, needy students aren't the only ones who are congratulated with scholarships. If your father makes $25,000 a year, the best thing a high school student preparing for college should do is not study, but practice his football. The number 0f students with football grants amounting to over $2,000 is staggering as compared with that of other departments . So , Dad should not yell at junior if he flunks Algebra, Spanish, and English. Just so long as junior ~an throw a 50 yard pass, he has a bright future ahead of him. VICTORY!
And now my yo unger sister has just come home from school (where she is a high school freshman) with two D's on her report card. And I want to say, "You fool! You'll never make it into college!" But in actuality, I should say, "The hell with the D'scan you quarterback?"
However, t don't say that at all. I simply say, "Get good grades, work hard, and you'll get a scholarship."
And I lie. Colleges such as Otterbein have made me the liar I am.
Dear Editor :
The newly decorated Roost has now been completed for over a year. The natural assumpt ion should be that t h e privacy of the booths, the attractiveness of the paneled walls , and the ease 9f the self-service line would combine to allow for a more inviting atmosphere. Yes, the old Cow Palace has, indeed, been done away with . However, the wonderful tick-tick-ding-d ing· dong-dong -quarter-monsters in the foyer have become the conception of a new era. The obnoxious amusement park, penny arcade "excite ment " has given the Roost a new birth
I am, of course, referring to the nauseatingly complete set of pinball machines. Such a money making device must have been a blessing from above A condemnation of use would be too severe. I realize that many members of the 0 C. community persist in feeding the Bally Company, whose leader is presently under criminal prosecution for fraud, with increasingly large pro • fits. It is not my dream to these angels of mercy to be thrown down the toilet However, I would like to suggest that they be g iven a new home The basement seems most apropos . The pingpong tables would be thrilled to death to have the company.
Otterbe in has a pr iority in education, not in pinball wizardry There · fore, I would hope that the Bally Company's profits could be relega t ed to the basement. Then the Roost could finally accomplish its intended purpose. A place to snack, converse, and enjoy , in peace, is a ll I ask ,
Dear Edito r :
In the January 15, 1972 issue of Saturday Review, beginning on page 51 is a series of articles discussing
pulsory educa t io n , and the fight of the Am ish peopl e in Wisco n sin against it. The Amish cla im that their religion prohibi t s sendin g their children to school beyond the eighth grade . The state ma intains tha t c b mpuls o r y educat ion is justifi ed by ou r n eed to preserve t he pol iti c al s y stem, the economic survival of the so ciet y , and t h e socialization of children Acco rding to the state, citizens must , "be a ble t o r e ad and otherwi se posse ss t h e mi nimum skills needed to a cquire kno w ledge and make informed decis ion s." It seems to me that if this is t h e case, then there are many people who have not seen the inside of a schoo l fo r ages who ~hould be compelled to atten d a long with their child r en The r eal tra ge dy, however, is that while th e st ate co ntends that it has the right to mold ch ildren anyway it pleases , and paren ts argue that that right belongs to t hem , no one seems to think abou t as king the children what t hey wan t to do If, in my life on earth as a h u mane b e ing, I can look forward to no mo re personal dignity and freedom tha n that is implied in th is stat e men t: "in sheer economic t erms, the na ti o n' s c hildren are a na • tural resource w h ic h the state may legitimately exp loit t o its ful l potential by means of comp u lsory education," then my life is wo rt hl ess to me.
-Jamie AlexanderSEMIN AR
Dear Edi t or :
An An t isubv ers ive Seminar will be held in Ind iana p olis, Indiana, at the Sher at on Mo tor In n, from Friday even ing , Ma rch 10 , thr ou gh Sunday, March 12 , 1972.
night. A room tor two will cost eac h individual $9 50 per night, a room for three occupants will cost each pers o n $7 .33 per night, and a room for four will cost each one 6 .25 per night.
Scholarship applications wi ll be processed as they are recei ved so early applications will receive preference. Yours very 'sincerely, Fred Schwarz Pres1dP.nt
Christian Anti-Commun,sm Crusade
Dear Editor:
,A substantial n u m ber of scholar • ships ar e av a ilab le to students and faculty membe r s . T h e ~cholarships will cove r tui t ion , food ,' and lodging.
Each sch o la r shi p will be worth $55. $20 of this w i ll.be for tuition. $35 will be given t o the in di vidual to cover the cost of room and me al s. A minimum of t wo nights accommoda tion will be needed .
A single room will cost $ 1 3 per
My name is Alan Young I'm 23 years old. I've been on Death Row for 3 years for a crime I didn't commit. I wasn't represented properly. I was offered a sentence of manslaughter, but I refused because I can't take a lesser charge for something I didn't do. I'm a songwriter and I'm also writing a novel. I am trying to collect money from any concerned citizen who believes in law and order so justice can be done in my trial The court made a mistake by sending me here but I was granted a new trial but they haven't taken me to court yet. What happened to me can very well happen to y o u or your friend or relative I have no friend to help and my family 1s separated If anyone cares to help, it would be he lping yourself This way they won't b e sending innocent people to jail. Let my case be an example of rea l justice. Th is is a plea of an innocent man who on ly you, the outside world, can help It's a shame all the people won't get together and use people power. So now I need lawyer fees. I've been here 3 years too long Pl ,ase help if you can. If every concerned person would give one penny , 1ust1ce will be done .
Alan Young- 127-8 28 Box 511 Columbus, Ohio 43216
Down through the years the Capital - Otterbein rivalry has been one of the fiercest confrontations between two colleges. This rivalry compares with Army-Navy, Michigan-Ohio State, and Harvard-Yale. It all began back in the 1890's when Capital and Otterbein used to have canoe races from Alum Creek to Columbus. This was suddenly halted after an Otterbein student drowned while participating in the race Ever since, a pair of oars, (in mer_nory of the victim) has been awarded to the school that has dominated the athletics scene for that particular year. Lately Capital has dominated the sports scene between the two schools winning in basketball the last two years and winning in football since 1963.
The Otters have had a lot of problems thus far sporting a rather disappointing 6-4 season losing their league opener in overtime to a gritty Wittenberg team 73-68. The record is also due to the rough schedule which the Otters have played, being at home only once The Otters are not in need of any experience; they've got plenty of that-4 seniors, l junior are the start· ers Now let us take a look at some of the men who have played a vital role in the Otters' season to date
Don Sullivan - "Sully" is a senior guard Co-Captain from Chillicothe, 0·
hio. "Sully" is not used for his scoring abilities but rather his ability to read the opponents defense and to di· rect the offensive attack by setting up the plays. Avg.• 5.7.
Steve Traylor-Steve is a junior guard from Westerville. Steve, who is an all around athlete (football, basketball, baseball) is depended on for his out• side shooting capabilities and bringing the ball up the floor. Avg. - 13.3.
Dwight Miller- Dwight is a senior from Worthington, Ohio and plays forward on the basketball team. Dwight helps the club with his shots from the corner. Dwight is also the leading foul shooter on the team 41 out of 48 for 85%. Avg. · 17 .5.
Don "Doc" Manly-Doc is a senior from Westerville. From the forward position Doc has been very successful this winter in hitting over 70% of his shots from the field and 80% from the foul line. Doc who is a very physical basketball player averages close to nine rebounds or 11 points a game.
Jack Mehl-Jack is a senior Co-Captain from Dayton (Kettering), Ohio. The center on the team is known for his scoring and rebounding. Presently. Jack is the leading scorer on the basketball team putting in close to 20
points a game and grabbing nine re· bounds. Avg. · 20.3.
Top substitutes for the 'Bein are: Gene Frazier-Gene is a senior from Reynoldsburg, Ohio, and is known for his enthusiasm while playing basketball. In the past "Jolly Giant Gene" has played an important role in coming off the bench and leading the team to victory. Avg. • 1.6.
Dave Main-Dave is a senior from Sunbury, Ohio. In his years at Otterbein Dave has played a big role in re· placing Mehl, by being a consistent scorer. Avg. - 2.8.
Bob Melberth-Bob is a junior forward from Dayton (Centerville), Ohio. Bob has improved considerably over the last year when he played for the Junior Varsity. Bob is playing very well so far this season hitting close to 50% from the floor and 100% from the foul line (4 of 4) Avg. 2.2.
Barry Schirg-A senior guard from Sandusky, Ohio. Barry is a good ball handler with quick speed and good moves He can also direct an offensive attack well in a reserve role. Avg • 2.1
The remaining men on the Varsity Squad are juniors Ron Stemen, and Steve Kinser a~d s?phomore Bob Clever who all expect to see a lot of action next season .
The following interviews will be heard in their entirety, Thursday, January 20 at 6:45 on WOBN, 91.5 on your FM rlifll.
T&C: What is your coaching philosophy? Do you concentrate more on offense or defense?
TONG: Through the years we have been a defensive oriented basketball team I still feel very strongly, without a solid defense that consistent winning 'is impossible. Offensive fundamentals such as passing, dribbling and shooting are far more keenly developed when they come to college, than the defensive traits and so this is the area that we work on primar ily , and if we can master this I feel that we're somewhat ahead of our opponents, in tha t I don't think they all spend the same amount of time on it.
T&C: To date what are the team' s main strong points and weaknesses?
TONG: I think we are a strong team underneath the basket when we put our minds to being strong, but one must have necessarily some finesse with this or you're not going to last very long in a basketball game The game was not intended to be a contact game , per se. We are strong in this area (being strong with a touch of finesse). We are weakened by the fact that we don't have great depth as far as experience is concerned, when we must substitute, we substitute with someone who has obviously had a much less amount of playing time and game experience that the man he is replacing, and this hurts us.
T&C: Coach, would you comment on your squad thus far, would you say thev are balanced?
TONG: That's tru e, I think we are a balanced team, that if we have had success, this speaks to that success. A balanced team is much more difficult to defend than is one that puts all its eggs in one basket, so to speak, and if you can get scoring production from potentially five different people during the course of a game it certainly helps, because teams can't concentrate on one man. I know this used to hurt us when Carlos was with us, not so much that they could stop Don but very often some of the other fellows tended to depend on him too much and the result was that they ceased scoring themselves and the psychological impact
hurt us more than anything else. There is not really one man who we lean to, although we prefer on getting the good shot which is generally close and which can be taken by three or four players.
T&C: How do you plan to attack Capital, by stopping one man or the whole team?
TONG: Capital has a fantastically balanced team and they are balanced not just five deep but 8 or 9 deep . We have to concentrate on the team as a whole team. This is what makes Capital so strong because any one can hurt you in one night.
T&C: What do you consider some of the major factors that will be in this game? What are some of the things you have to stop?
TONG: Well, we have to stop a to· tal Capital team. We have to be cautious about not getting into foul trouble, and herein lies Capital's strength. They will put Mike Stumpf down their low and at 6' 8" and 250 pounds he becomes an awesome spectacle under that basket, and he's got to be stopped. Sometimes people are crawling on his wrists or on his back in an effort to do this and this of course gets them into foul troub le and when you have to go to the bench at that point you then begin to see the ebb of the game flowing the other way. So we have got to concentrate on good solid defense and at the same time, staying out of foul trouble. So this puts a premium on movement, it puts a premium on use of hands, so I think we have got to stop Capital's inside game, this is a must if we are to succeed.
T&C: What are your feelings dealing with the Cap-Otter rivalry?
TONG: Well, there are some aspects that I like. I think it is a potentially good rivalry. Rivalries are good because they are remembered experiences of one's college career. Many of the incidents that center around a rivalry can be very positive. Then, again, they can be rather sad experiences. I think if the rivalry is one that is wholesome, which is geared to the athletic event, and not to the side st-iows that sometimes accompany the main event, it would be far better. We have had some incidents in recent years with Capital University and some of the side shows that go with them, and this, of course, leaves a bad taste in people'smouth. But a rivalry I think is good I think it is good
for young people. It inspirits the competitive element in athletics and it unites the student body on a particular cause and so , from that standpoint, I think it is wholesome.
T&C : Who do you feel will give you and Capital good "'competition for the Ohio Conference basketball crown?
TONG : I would have to say that aside from Capital who looms way above everyone else, Wittenberg looks extremely strong. Wooster looks extremly strong. Kenyon is a coming basket• ball team. I have seen Baldwin-Wallace twice and they look very good Mount Union has terrific potential. As yet, they have not shown it. Muskingum and Marietta really all have great potential. Some of the northern teams ap• pear weak, however, we play them on their floor, so each game should be tough.
T&C: Due to your high scoring offense do you feel that your schedule has been competitive enough so far? Do you feel you are playing very good teams?
CHICK: Oh, Yes. Other than our first game against Lockbourne Air Base, (we were playing a team there that of course didn't belong on our schedule) but playing a team like Brockport State of New York who was ranked 13th in the state at one time and West Liberty, who was also ranked in the top about 25 or 26 teams when we played them, our schedule has been in our class. Wayne State of Michigan has a good basketball team so, I don't think we have been overscheduled, but I do think we're playing teams in our own bracket.
T&C: What is your type of coach· ing philosophy, do you concentrate more on offense or on defense? Do you want to score or do you want to hold the opponents down?
CHICK: We11, .con trary to what most people would think if they followed my career over the past 15 years, they would find I am a very defensive mind· .ed basketball coach . I've never had a team that scores as this team is scoring this year. So, I think really tha t we try to achieve a blend honestly of balanced scoring and good defensive ability and
actually even with our scoring now, we are giving up only 66, 65 points a game which isn't too bad in our ranks.
T&C: Coach Chickerella, what do you feel are the main weaknesses and strong points of your team as well as the Otterbein team?
CHICK: Well, I think basically we're a very similar kind of basketball team. I'll talk about your team first. As I see your team, I've seen you play one time, of course I know about your personnel from last year, it hasn't changed very much. Without doubt, I think you have a very strong inside basketball team, featuring the 3 M boys, they're great basketball players, no question about it, they're very strong physical people. I think Steve Traylor gives you a dimension you haven't had before in the last couple of years because of"his quickness, which, by the way, I tried to get Steve myself. I think he is a very fine young man and not just a player, but also a real terrific person. Sullivan is quick, so I think basically we have the same type of ball team. I think we're both pretty strong teams inside. I think our game wi II really boil down to who controls the backboards in the ball game. I would say that this is the best Otterbein team that I have seen and I have watched Otterbein for the last twenty years. On the same token, I think this is one of the best basketball teams Capital has ever had, so I think it ought to be a real great basketball game and the team that gets the break will probably win. I don't think there is going to be any team show any great uh, oh, gee I don't know how to say it but neither team is capable of blowing the other one off the court.
T&C: Are you concerned; is your team more finesse or are they physical, I mean, do you have good outside shooting or do you just hound the boards and get the layups?
CHICK: No, we're definitely a fi. nesse team. We are not a physical team at all even though we do have some pretty good size. I don't have physical people.
tf I had any criticism of my own team it would be the fact that we're just not physical enough for the size that we do have. We' re definitely a fi. nesse team. We don't overpower anybody.
T&C: Who have been some of your
bigger players so far this year?
CHICK: Well, in each of our games there has been a different person or persons who have been outstanding, which has made each of our games a delight.
Scottie Weakly had a great night against Wilmington, scoring 27 points. Bobby Arnold had a great night against Oberlin, getting 27 points. Mike Stumpf, in our tournament classic against good Edinborough State, had a great night. Mark Humrikauser, who is our fifth starter, has been improving just in the last few games, proving that he is an outstanding basketball player. And of course our Mr. Dependable, Donny Kalb, has been a four year starter for us. It's been balanced.
• We don't have anybody when you look at the statistics. Capital is not a good basketball team. We don't have anybody who leads anything individually. I think it's our balance that's the best part of our team.
T&C: Going back to Otterbein, is there one man that you feel you must stop or is it the whole team?
CHICK: When you are going against the leading field goal percentage shooter in the nation (Don Manly) you'vegot to be concerned. If I wasn't, you'd think I had lost my mind.
He's a great basketball player, who I know personally, and he's also a great young man.
But actually, we don't concern ourselves with stopping any one individual. I know that Miller, Mehl and Traylor can all score. But, we definitely don't concern ourselves with stopping one man.
T&C: What are your feelings about the Cap -Otter rivalry?
CHICK: I think it's a deplorable rivalry. I don't like it at all. Frankly I think it is way overplayed, it gets out of balance. When adults and young people get in such a frenzy that they lose their own good state of judgement, and I am not just talking about Otter• bein, but Capital also, then it isn't worth it. When people resort to physical violence to even think about it to me is deplorable. Frankly I hope that we, here at Capital, and the people at Otterbein, will do their very best to clean this thing up. Because, frankly I am in favor of maybe not playing at all it it cannot be cleaned up. This isn't what competition was meant to be.
However , I have never seen any incidents of any kind between the players. The players of both teams have always conducted themselves just terrifically. I just hope that we can eliminate some of those other sideline things I know that by living in Westerville that I'm going to take a certain amount of kidding, and I expect this, and as long as ' it is kept clean and what not, I think it is great. But when it becomes a personal insult, when my heritage is questioned, then I think we have gone a little too far. And I can assure you this, when Coach Tong brings his team to capital, you can rest assured that I per· sonally will do everything in my power to make sure that they are treated as fine as they possibly can be
T&C: Coach, if I could backtrack a little bit about something you said before, I was going to ask you what you thought would be the major factor of the game?
CHICK: Well, we feel in any close basketball game , a nd naturally we ex• pect our game with you people to go right down to the finish, with either team having a chance to win, rebounds are so important. Relative bench strength can be important in a game like this. I would say this-if we would have any advantage, in my opinion it might be that we have a little better bench. Our first five people are no better than yours, but we may be a little stronger in that 6th, 7th, and 8th man. Now, this can be important, as if you say, someone gets loaded up with fouls or something like that.
T&C: Who do you feel will be the teams to beat for the Ohio Conference crown?
CHICK: Right now, there is no ques• tion but that Otterbein is the team to beat. Then I see Wittenberg, being real strong, Muskingum, on a given night, should give people a lot of trouble and of course Wooster has got their pr?• gram in gear. It has always been my ptlilosophy that once you win, it's easier to win the next time around. So if I were to single out three or four teams, I would say Otterbein, Wittenberg, 8-W and Wooster at this point.
T&C: Do you have any serious injuries that will hurt you when you play us?
CHICK: Right now, Donny Kalb is out of action, but I anticipate that all the Crusaders will be 100% when the Otters roll into town.
Rivalry in ' athletics between Capital and Otterbein has a long history, dating back in football to 1894 and in basketb11JI to- 1908.
In 1894 Otterbein slaughtered Cap· ital in football 60-0. Perhaps that was one reason vvhy the two institutions did not meet again on the playing field until 1927.
President Walter G. Clippinger of Otterbein wrote an invitation to President Otto M~,es of Capital in 1927, urging that iJS many students and faculty members attend the game as possible. In his reply, Dr. Mees commented: "As to the outcome of the game, I, too, can say, 'if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.' This is our 'lean' year, especially on the gridiron, but we will , iI fight hard, but fair, and if we must leave the decision with you, we will walk off the field with heads 'bloody but unbowed.' Unfortunately, this spirit has not always animated the annual contests between the two rivals.
In the early morning of th~ day of the game, about one o'clock, the Otterbein Stadium, which was a wooden structure seating about 600 spectators burned. About fifteen years earlier, President Clippinger with the aid of Professor R.F. Martin, head of the athletic department, and Professor A. P. Aosselot, chairman of the foreign language department, had raised money for its construction. Students were dissatisfied with its shabby appearance and wished for a new stadium. During the fall, rumors that it might be destroyed by fire circulated on campus, and arson was suspected. In spite of the fire, the game was played on the "stadium-less" field, and the Otters won 39-6.
With the exception of 1943, when Capital did not put a team in the field because of the depression, contests have continued annually. Currently Otterbein has own 20 games, Capital 24, with one tie. Capital has won 15 out of the last 21 games played.
Competition in basketball began in 1908, with Otterbein winning the first game 31-24 and Capital the second 3023. The next game was not played unti I 1912, and since then usually two games are played each season. Currently Otterbein has own 53 games and
lost 50. Otterbein's last victory was during the 1967-68 season.
The idea of presenting a trophy to the victorious school in football originated in 1932 among Otterbein Stu• dents. The two student bodies raised money by free willing offerings for its purchase. Captain Roger Huhn, who is at present a local businessman, received the first trophy at intermission time in 1933 because Otterbein had defeated Capital by a score of 6-0 the previous year.
Rivalry over possession of this trophy became bitter. In 1948, fourteen Otterbein students were suspended for painting signs on Capital buildings. Capital students retaliated with a visit to the Otterbein campus for a similar purpose. A car of Otterbein students and one of Cap students threw paint at each other, and an accident resulted. The two institutions signed an agreement in April, 1948, to improve relations by an exchange of speakers, programs and students. The agreement suggested that students might find an outlet for steam
by playing and engaging in de• bates!
The new trophy was to be two paddles coming out of a shield on which were two clasped hands to indicate the friendship between the two colleges. It would be awarded on the basis of a point system for victories in football, basketball, track, tennis and baseball. A picture of the trophy being fastened in the fall of 1949 on the wall of the Student Union, a converted officer's lounge from World War 11, is in the T and C.
Otterbein Students thought that It might be an exciting adventure to go down Alum Creek by canoe to Capital on the eve of the annual basket!,>all game in 1950. Several attempts were unsuccessful. On February 14, Robert Buck with three companions attempted the trip on the swollen stEeam. The canoe tipped over, and he lost his life. Students, faculty and administrators were stunned by the tragedy.
Cap-Otterbein rivalry has continued Continued on page 3 0
Roving reporter John Mulkie interviewed several students on their feelings about the Cap-Otter rivalry. Among the more quotable feelings were:
Sophomore football player: "They _it!"
Senior: "I want to see Otterbein win. It will be the first time since I've been here, but if we win, I hope Cap can take the loss better than we did."
Sophomore: "Cap does hurt. The ri• valry is good, but it gets out of hand and is ridiculous when kids start beat• ing on opposing school's cars just because they lose."
Sophomore: "I'm all in favor of rivalries between schools in the fields of
intercollegiate athletics. However, when the principle objective of the contest is lost because of the rivalry between the students, I think it is time to give another look at the total structure. The contest is to be decided on the floor, not in the parking lot."
Sophomore: "Rivalries add a great deal of spirit and vitality to sports, but the Cap-Otter rivalry has become more of an annual gang war. The fights that occur at the Cap-Ottergame only show the immaturity of the participants. It seems that the group of fans in the ma• jority at each contest be they from Capital or Otterbein, pick fights in the name of rivalry, when they are ~nly
practicing college-level bullying."
Senior: "In the past years, Otterbein has been decisively beaten in the field of athletics by the Plumbers. Off the field, rumor has it that the Otters have been more successful. Maybe thia en• thusiasm h[!S gotten out of hand in recent years. Is it possible that we could funnel some of this enthusiadm onto the battlefield of athletics instead of on 'the sidelines."
Senior: "The 'trojans' of Cap have indicated their prowess in the past, but all they will be able to conquer is coo• solation in the future."
The following statistics are as of January 14, 1972.
The Selective Service System released a list of significant changes in their Regulations which will affect young men facing the draft process in the future. The changes will supplement the amendments to the Selective Service Act which were recently signed into law by the President. The regulation changes are scheduled for publication today in the Federa l Register. They are expected to become effective throughout the more than 4,000 local draft boards in early December. Prior to their effective date, interested persons may submit their written views on the prospective Regulations to the Director of Selective Service.
One of the major changes 2·S student deferments. Undergraduate college students who were not enrolled on changes a full-time basis and making satisfactory progress toward a baccalaureate degree during the regular 1970-71 academic year will not qualify for 2-S deferments. The Regulations also will set similar cr iteria for students in junior colleges, trade and technical schools, and apprenticeship programs.
The establishment of a new classification 1·H -· also is one of the significant items in the long list of changes. This classification will be an administrative holding category, and men in Class l·H will have inactive files and will not be considered for induction unless they are reclassified 1-A. Beginning with the 1972 prime selection group, a 1-H . cutoff number will be set and with a few exception~. men with lottery numbers above the cutoff number will remain or be placed in Class 1-H for their period of prime exposure to the draft.
The new Regulations also will establish time limits for personal appearances. Each registrant will be entitled tosuch time for his personal appearance with his local board as is reasonably necessary for a fair presentation of his claim. Normally, 15 minutes will be deemed adequate for this purpose. He also will be allowed to bring up to three witnesses to the meeting. The same criteria will pertain to a registrant who elects to meet with his appeal board, except that he will not have the right to bring witnesses.
1. Undergraduate student deferments
Registrants had a right to 2-S deferments if they were students in good standing, were making satisfactory progress toward a Baccalaureate degree, and had not reached their 24th birthday.
Students who were qualified for 2-S deferments during the 1970-71 regular academic year will be able to obtain deferments unti I they graduate. reach age 24 or fail to make satisfactory progress toward their degrees.
Students who were not qulilified for 2-S undergraduate student deferments during the 1970-71 regular academic year will not be considered for 2-S deferments.
2. Deferments for students in junior colleges, trade and technical schools and apprenticeship program (programs which do not lead to Baccalaureate Degrees)
3. Deferments for high school students
4. Temporary deferments and postponements for college students
Registrants had a right to 2-A deferments if th'ey were students in good standing and were making satisfactory progress toward the completlon of their programs
High school students were eligible for Class 1-S(H) until they reached age 20. dropped out of school or
Students who were not qualified for 2-S deferments and who received induction orders were classified 1·S(C) unti I the end of thc1ir current academic year, with the exception of certain graduate students whose inductions were postponed until the end of their current academic year.
Not covered by the 1971 amendments. The current policy was set by Regulation. The amendments changed the mandatory deferment to a postponement.
The 1-S(C) classification requirement was replaced by a requirement to grant a postponement of induction. The amendments also require the granting of a postponement for the full academic year, if it is the student's last year in school.
Students who were not qualified for student deferments during the 1970-71 academic ,year will not be considered for 2-A deferments. For those programs with with no formal academic year, July 1 will be the cutoff date.
Students in their last year will be postponed until the end of their academic year; others will be postponed until they reach age 20 or drop out of school.
Both undergraduate and graduate students who receive induction orders will have their induction postponed until the end of their current a cad em ic term, quarter or ~mester, except for those students in their last academic year, who ~ii( be postponed until the end of the academic year.
Divinity student Students in divinity
The divinity student
A new classification, 2-D, exemptions schools, or pursuing pro• exemption was changed to will be established for grams leading to entrance a mandatory deferment divinity students who are into divinity schools in so that students who do satisfactorily pursuing full• which they had been pre- not enter the ministry as time courses of instruction. enrolled, were exempted their vocation would have from military service. liability for military service until age 35.
6. Uniform National Call A quota and call system was
The amendments removed A Uniform National Call
used to apportion the the requirement to use for issuing induction orders national draft call to the the quota and call system under the lottery system will state headquarters, who in and authorized other be authorized. Under the turn apportioned the call methods for issuing calls Uniform National Call, all to individual draft boards. for induction. young men with the same lottery numbers who are subject to induction that year will receive induction notices at approximately the same time
7. Eligibility for Young men were eligible for In addition to those who A new classification, 4 -G, surviving son sole surviving son exemp- qualify for the sole sur• will be established for those exemptions tions if they were the sole viving son exemption, young surviving sons and sole sursurviving son of a family in men of families in which viving sons who are exempt which the father or one or the father. a brother or a from service during peacetime. more sons or daughters were sister was killed in action killed in action or died in or died in the line of duty the line of duty . while serving in the armed forces after December 31, 1959, or died thereafter of disease or inj11ry incurred in the line of duty, or is in a captured or missing in action status, will be eligivle for the exemtpion.
8. Procedural rights Registrants were entitled
The registrant will be entitlad of registrants to a eprsonal appearance right to bring witnesses to" such time for his personal before their local board to his personal appearances appearance as is •asonably following each cla.- and to present his case necessary for a fair presentation sification decision; before a quorum of his local of his claim. NormallN, 15 a quorum of the board was board. The registrant also minutes shMllbe deemed adeiquate not required a personal was given the right to for this purpose. Not more than appearances. No witnesses appear in person before an three witnesses can be presented were allowed at the appeal board and, if the during this period. 1f he personal,appearance. case is referred to the elects to meet with his appeal Registrants also had the Presidential appeal board, board, the same criteria pertain, right to appeal their clas· to appear in person before except with respect to the right sification action to a that board. Further, the to present witnesses. If he state appeal board and, if registrant was given the desires the reasons for adverse the decision of the state right to request a written decisions, he will have to request board was less than statement from the local them from his lmlll board in unanimous, to appeal to a or appeal board of the writing within 30 days of the Presidential appeal board. reasosn why his clas- date of mailing of his latest Neitfler a personal appear· sification request was notice of classification. ance nor witnesses were denied. allowed at these appeals.
9. Time period for A registrant was required
Each registrant was given the
Not covered in 1971 amend· A young man will have to registration to register within five ments; policy set by register in the period from working days following his Regulations 30 days prior to hls birthday 18th birthday. through 30,days following his birthday.
10 Time period given A registr~nt received a
Not covered in the 1971 Registrants will be given a registrants after minimum of 10 days notice amendments ; policy set minimum of 30 days noti4;e of receipt of induction of his induction, measured by Regulations. their induction, measured from order from the mailing date of the mail~ !f~te of the the induction order. induction order.
"It's time everyone from students to trustees realized and admitted Dean Van is the biggest detrement there is to the success of the governance plan," claims Chris Eversole, a former Otterbein student, and one of the many people involved in the birth of the present Otterbein governance system. In a fiery letter to the Tan and Cardinal, Eversole, in reference to a T & C survey that indicated students seem to feel Dean VanSant is the most powerful administrator in the governance, argued that there is no excuse for one person to have so much power in a socalled democratic ~ystem,
"I base this charge," Eversole went on to say, "on my observations of hef use and abuse of the power given her by the trustees. This includes lying to me and others, telling one thing to one person and another thing to others, sly attempts to delay action on key issues, and other 'political' tricks. I hope all those who care about governance wi II do everything they can to see that she is relieved of her present power."
Chris Eversole is apparently not alone in his complaint that in a system where "equilibrium" is emphasized, one person has somehow managed to become so powerful. Many students seem to feel last eyar that Dean Van stood in the way of Otterbein's development as a modern progressive institution. Some felt the governance system passed in spite of the Vice-President for Student Affairs, and to several people on major committees last year, she was the one to "look out for." Cer-
tain students' doubt in Dean Van was very apparent last fall, when the card· key system was weeks overdue. Again, the feeling seemed to be that the cardkey bill had passed in spite of Dean Ven. Some concluded that the lateness of the system merely indicated that the Dean had another trick up her sleeve, and was going to try to stop the system from ever being put in.
There are many more incidents that exhibit this fearfulness of Dean Van having too much power. Several years ago, before there even was a governance at Otterbein, the Student Senate voted on an important bill that would greatly affect the student body. (The Bil I was then slated to go to the Board of Trustees.I Dean Van did not feel that the Senate had properly looked at the bill, and at her request, there was a re-vote. Dean Van left the Senate floor before the vote began, and several students took this as a symbol of her protest of the bill.
"I didn't want my presence to influence anyone's vote," she claimed afterwards, but some students took it as an indication of her negative vote. A similar incident occured last year, when the governance · senate voted al· most unanimously for · the card-key system which, in effect, would give most upperclassmen no hours. Some students had a field day when they noticed that Dean Van was not present. O~ce again, talk focused on the Dean's subtle way of casting a negative vote. In actuality, however, it wound up the Dean was in Colorado on a business
trip that had been scheduled far before anyone knew anything about a Senate meeting being scheduled.
Just as there are those who feel threatened with the Dean's "scheming traditionalism," there remains a good ! many of prominent Senate members who feel otherwise.
"I'm disgusted by the tactics of several students to dampen the name of this lady," said one administrator. "She has a genuine concern for the students here that is un-matched by any other administrator I know. Her office is always open, I have found her to be very open minded, and not at all a traditionalist for tradition's sake. The problem lies in the fact that some students-intelligent students, hard-working and usua lly alert - become frustrated when a new idea they have is not immediately accepted. I have seen some students become bitter and complain that so and so was old fashioned because he didn't accept new ideas. Well, the truth is that idea may be new to the student's mind, but Dean Van has probably heard it many times before, and has long since weighed its value. I feel she is an invaluable asset to this college."
But even some of those admirers of Dean Van seem to feel she is very much a traditionalist.
"Well, she still wears long dresses and doesn't drive the latest car. but I don't think that means much ,as far as her job goes," joked one student. "But seriously, I don't really feel that she has all that power. In the T & C survey,
students voted her the most powerful, but I think that's only natural, since she is the one that is most likely to deal with them (the students) the most How many students have even been inside Mr. Macke's (Otterbein Business Manager) office? And Dean Turley is not seen much by students, I don't think, unless they're having academic problems. So if anything, Dean Van being voted most powerful merely indicates that she's doing her job. She's having quite a bit of contact with stu• dents." 1
Apparently, there is little complaint that Dean Van does not take the time to listen. She has several times scheduled appointments late in the evening, when her busy day schedule would not permit her to see students during her regular working hours. And last summer, when a member of the Tan and Cardinal editorial board discovered a room that he felt had been taken away from students, Dean Van was the only administrator that found the time to investigate rightful ownership.
"I'll never forget her for tha~,"this student claims. ''I didn't know where to go, who to see I got many different stories from different people in the administration, and I was getting absolutely nowhere. Finally, in a last attempt to get somebody to listen, l went to Dean Van. And all she said was 'I'll look into it.' I thought that would be the end of it, but instead she called me two days later, told me what she found out, what I should do, what she could do, and we took it from there. It seems to me even if she is too much a traditionalist-which I wholeheartedly disagree with-she is vital to the Qt. terbein community as a balance and as a counselor. She's been around a wh ile and she can guide the changes that will take place here in the future. And above all, she knows how to listen to peop le "
No one is more aware of some people's distrust of Dean Van than Dean Van herself. In a discussion one afternoon about her role at Otterbein , she expressed concern about this and a sense of bafflement about how it all started. She seems distressed over this, and at times, at a loss of how to deal with it . It seems obvious that she does not enjoy the insinuation that she has any great power.
One high administrative official analyzed it this way: "Do you think for a moment that if the Vice-President of Student Affairs went in front of the Board and denounced the card-key system that it would have passed? Those trustees seem to know so little about Otterbein that they probably just vote the way everyone else is-or the way Dr. Kerr or Dean Van advise them to. In one sense, I guess you could say Dean Van is powerful-but if the trus-
tees are misinformed enough to just vote the way someone suggests, perhaps the blame shouldn't be put with the Dean, but rather with the Board itself."
Is Dean Van too powerful? If she is she apparently hasn't been taking advantage of her mystic abilities recently, but if she-or anyone else-ever does, it seems it will be possible only as a re· suit of other people's ignorance.
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For years discrimination against the male sex has gone unchecked here at Otterbein. Each year a Women ' s Week is sponsored on campus with fashion shows and special speakers but no mention of "dear old Dad." Therefore, the Campus Programming Board is hoping to correct this by sponsoring a Dad's Day on January 29th.
The activities will include a coffee hour and movies in the Campus Center from 9:00 - 10:45 a m. After lunch, games and contests will be scheduled in the Pit for the fathers and their sons or daughters. The day will then be brought to an end by the Winter Homecoming Game at 8:00 p m.
During the half -time program, besides the crowning of the Queen, there will be several special awards given to the fathers. First of all , there will be an award given to the Dad with the craziest tie on (each Dad to furnish his own tie, of course). There will also be an award given to the Dad who has come the farthest .
C.P.B. is very enthusiastic about their creation of Dad's Day and need the help of the students to make it a great success. As one member of the board ..commented, "Since this is new, the success will really depend on the students to encourage their dads to come It will really be a lot of fun and the more that come the better time everyone will have."
Mr. Kullmann, who runs the bookstore announces that a contest will be held from January 18 to January 27. The prize, according to the winner's whims, could be a Pre-School Library, Junior Encyclopedia, or a complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica. Entrees may be submitted in the bookstore any time during the bookstore's open hours on the above mentioned dates. The drawing will be held at about 9:00 a.m. on January 28.
The Otterbein College Concert Choir will present its winter home concert on January 23 at 3:00 P.M. in Cowan Hall. The choir recently returned from an eight conce, t tour of southeastern Ohio.
Directed by Dr. William Wyman, Professor of Music, the 41 member ensemble will present works predominately from the 20th century.
Aaron Copland's "In the Beginning" will highlight the program. Taken from the first chapter of Genesis, the work displays the solo talents of Miss Patricia McDermott, mezzo - soprano from Washington, D.C. Other soloists for the concert include Dee Hoty of Lakewood; Bonnie Tuttle, Springfield; Shannon McGee, Worthington; Linda Gray, Pittsburgh, Pa.; and flutist Linda Leath · erman, Kettering
SKI where its happening! snow trails MANSFIELD
The concert program will include works by Benjamin Britten, Samuel Berber and Robert Leaf Andrew Webber's "Hosanna" from Jesus Christ Superstar will feature Thomas Weakland and David Leist as soloists Other of Webber's selections from the opera are "Heaven on Their Minds," "Everything's Alright" and the famed "I Don't Know How To Love Him "
Also in the program are Copland's "Las Agachadas" ( The Shakedown Song); "Sing We Noel" by Patricia Wilhelm, "Hodie Christus Natus Est" by Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck and "The Last Words of David" by Randall Thompson. The group will be accompanied by Robert Day at the organ and pianists Marianne Wells and Deborah Sahr.
In April the Concert Choir , in cooperation with the College Department of Music, will present a full production of Floyd Carlyle's "Susannah." The Opera Theatre is a new innovation at Otterbein introduced by Dr. Wyman.
All students who wish to have a paper considered for the annual Rosselot Prize in International Relations should submit the paper to Professor James Winkates, Department of History and Government, no later than May 1st. All research papers written this academic year in Government 24, 36, and 38 will automatically be included for consideration.
The amount of the award is approximately $100 and may be awarded to one or more students. Last year's winning papers were authored by James Waugh and James Leopard. Each received a stipend of $51.80 and was recognized in the Commencement Program last June.
For further information and the requirements for the paper, call ext. 226.
O.P . A.C., formerly known as the Otterbein Peace Action Coalition, has changed its name to the Otterbein Peo • pie's Action Coalition The action came
in the group's last meeting on January 11, 1972. The name change was a result of O.P.A.C.'s increased interest in issues other than peace, particularly campus issues.
O.P.A.C. is also considering sending a group of students to Washington D.C.' on April 22 and participating in the upcoming Mock Political Convention on April 26.
0. P.A.C.'s next meeting is scheduled for January 25 at 6:00 p.m. at the Red Tub, next to the Campus Center. 0.P.A.C. is attempting to attract students who are interested in issues of change.
Announcement of the continuance of the Federal Summer Intern Program for 1972 has been made by the U.S. Civil Service commission, Washington, D.C. Student nominations will be accepted during the month of February. Approximately 425 college students throughout the United States will be offered jobs. They will be assigned duties related to their career interests which will contribute directly to the Government's operation. Jobs are generally located in Washington, but ap· proximately¼ will be available in other sections of the country.
Any student interested in obtaining further information should contact Professor James Winkates, Ext. 226:
Mr. William Prince is the man in charge of Otterbein's 125th anniversary fund raising drive. Mr. Prince is a professional fund raiser from Marts and J Lundy. Inc. Mr. Prince has had a great deal of experience in financial campaigns. He has managed financial affairs for several secondary schools, preparatory schools, and private acadamies. He has also given his professional help to Rice Unverisity and, closer to home, Denison and Oberlin. I talked with Mr. Prince and with Mr. Elwyn Williams, Vice-President of Develop-
ment at Otterbein, about the capital fund campaign.
Mr. Williams stated that the purpose of the campaign is to raise the money for three proposed building and renovating projects at Otterbein. The first of these is the multi-purpose athletic facility to be built on the site of the present baseball field on the northern edge of the campus. When the new athletic structure is completed, the second phase of the program will be initiated. This will involve the remodeling of the gymnasium to include a number of modern classrooms. The third project is the renovating of Towers Hall. Mr. Williams pointed out that the first step in this renovation will be to replace the roof of Towers Hall. When this is done, the inside of Towers will be made over to house the offices of most members of the faculty.
At this time the exact dollar goal of the campaign is uncertain, but the latest estimate puts the cost at about 2.9 million dollars. Otterbein is hoping to receive a small federal stipend to bring the actual cost down to around 2.3 million dollars.
When questioned about the source of these funds, Mr. Prince replied that the money would come from the whole of the Otterbein constituency, alumni, friends, parents, and church people.
In a side comment, Mr. Prince noted that in his experience with financial campaigns of this sort most of the money comes from about 10% of the people contacted. The rest of the money comes from the more modest contributions of the remaining 90%. However, both Mr. Prince and Mr. Williams were quick to point out that they are not courting only the wealthy few, but are seeking to enlist the aid of all those who are able and willing to contribute in any amount.
At the present time, Mr. Prince and the staff of the Development office are doing the necessary groundwork prior to the commencement of the final drive. This is basically an evaluation of the financial potential and capital assets of those four groups of contributors mentioned above. When this is done, the college will be able to set a realistic goal for the campaign and will have an idea of how much to expect in the way of contributions. This figure Is expected to be announced on or about Founder's Day.
The College Senate met for the second time in two weeks last Wednesday to take care of some urgent business. After some difficulty in establishing a quorum, they went immediately into executive council to discuss top secret business. When visitors were allowed back into the room, the senate proceeded with business as usual, passing ten of the proposals before them and tabled one. Of particular interest was the acceptance of both SAT and ACT test scores for admission, a policy of accepting transfers from two-year col· leges, and a policy for Otterbein giving honorary degrees. The tabled proposal cohcerned changing the dates of summer school-making it later · in the summer-so more people from the area can enroll.
The 8th Summer School in Spain will be held at CIUDAD UNIVERSI· TAR IA, Madrid, from June 30 to August 8, 1972.
This program provides an excellent opportunity to learn Spanish, to see
13 E. MAIN 882-7710
the country, and to enjoy the warm hospitality of this friendly nation. Students will spend six weeks of intensive study in the Spanish language as well as in the culture and civilization of Spain. Our program is aimed mainly to study, and great emphasis is placed on the academic and cultural aspects of the program.
The courses to be offered are: Elementary Spanish; lntermeduate Span ish; Composition and Conversation; Spanish Culture and Civilization (one section conducted in English); Cervantes; 19th Century Novel; 20th Century Novel; Survey of Spanish Literature; and Independent Study.
While studying in Madrid, the students will have opportunities of broadening and enriching their formal studies by visiting the Prado Museum, the Old City, Plaza Mayor, the Royal Palace, el Rastro, and dozens of interesting and historical sites in Madrid and in the surrounding towns and villages . Among these sites are Avila, Segovia, Salamanca, El Escorial, and Valle de los Gaidos.
A full day will be spent in Toledo, visiting the famed Cathedral, San Juan de los Reyes, the house and museums of El Greco, the church of San Tome, and the Alcazar.
Students will travel through Castillian wheat fields, visiting La Mancha
of Don Quixote, and his windmills.
In Sevilla, they will see the Giralda, Torre de Oro, and the Barrio Santa Cruz.
In Granada, they will visit the Al · hambra, the Generalive, the palace of Charles V, and the tomb of Columbus, as well as the tombs of Isabella and Ferdinand, the Gatholic Monarchs.
In Cordoba, they will view the Roman bridge and the Ancient Mosque. Students will spend a few days on the famous beach of Torremolino, on the Mediterranean Sea.
This is only a portion of the magnificent historical and cultural sites and traditions that will be viewed by our students in Spain.
The cost of the 1972 program will be only $790.00
For brochures and full information, interested persons should write to: Dr A Doreste Augustana College
Rock Island, Illinois 61201
College students may earn a maximum of 12 quarter credits, transferable to any college or university in the U.S. A.
The following events have been approved by the Calendar Committee and should be added to the Social Calendar:
Saturday, February 19, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., O.M.E.A State Orchestra Contest.
The following meeting times should be added to the Social Calendar: First and third Fridays, 4:00 p.m ., Campus Affairs Committee.
Second and fourth Fridays, Campus Regulations Committee.
Free refreshments will be served.
The Red Tub is located one house west of the Campus Center. Look for the bright yellow sign.
8 a.m. - 10 p.m. 7 days (NO FEE REQUIRED)
The Red Tub Coffeehouse will reopen for "business" this Saturday with a gala "GRAND OPENING" celebra· tion, The doors will open at 7:30 and an FM radio will be tuned to the CapOtter game. After the game entertainment will be provided by Charley Jackson, Gathy Wirth, and Larry Spielman.
American - born mezzo - soprano Frederica Von Stade, hailed as one of the new major artists of this decade, will perform in Cowan Hall, Friday, January 28, at 8:15 P.M , as part o f the Otterbein College Artist Series.
Young Ms. Von Stade is a graduate of the Mannes School of Music in New York City and has had two additional years of study in Paris. She was offered a soloist's contract with the Metropolitan Opera while still a finalist in the 1969 Met auditions-the only finalist so honored.
She opened with the Metropolitan in "Die Zauberflote," later singing in "La Fancuilla del West," "La Traviata," and sang the role of Stephano in Gounod's ' ' Romeo et Juliette." Ms. Von Stade received excellent reviews when she helped open the spring season of the San Francisco Opera as Sextus in Mozart's very difficult and rarely performed opera siera, "La Clemenza di Tito.''
After her New York recital debut the New York Times praised her for a "fine, light voice," and as "a sensitive and canny interpreter of songs, using vocal coloration to reflect texual sentiments."
The Cowan Hall Box Office is open weekday afternoons. For tickets or further information call 882-3601.
The Alumni Development Office is in the process of moving from their presen t location on Park St. to Howard House. In addition to housing the A· lumni Office, Howard House will serve as a meeting place for campus organizations The first floor "living room" area will make a comfortable meeting place and the kitchen is close at hand for preparing luncheons or refreshments.
The Fox will be the feature at the next campus movie. It w ill be shown at the Science Lecture Hall at 8:00 p m Wednesday, January 19th . The screenplay was taken from the novel by D H Lawrence whose novels were also the basis for Women in Love and The Virgin and the Gypsy. Admission to The Fox will be 50ci.
Upon returning from his latest visit to England, Switzerland and Belgium Dr F X Gordon, Jr President of the Princeton Research Corporation, said, "Rising U S unemployment notwithstanding European business men report they will hire young adults, male and female, 18 to 29 years of age through the auspices of our Jobs Europe Program. 3,000 jobs are available anytime of the year.
Supermarket check • out cashiers, stock people and gas station pump attendents have been added to our program. We also have new and interesting jobs in Switzerland and England For example trainees and general help in department stores, steward and stewardf!SS jobs on trains, 1st class hotels and restaurants, factories, hospitals, schools, offices and Summer camps
These jobs are year -round, one can arrange their own bargain youth or student fare transportation and depart any t ime to work 2 to 6 months or longer The jobs are guaranteed in advance and salaried Usually board a nd
room are provided . Friends can work together if they apply together.
Over the past 13 years we have placed more than 9,200 American youths in Europe and England," he concluded.
Students interested in free information, send a stamped self-addressed business size envelope to : Jobs Europe, Box 44188, Panorama City, California 91402
The library, which opened recently, for student use, is evaluated by Charles Howe below. His report:
In the March 13 '70 issue of the T & C, Miss Diana Shoffstall wrote A Dream to be Fulfilled. It included the expectations of the new library
The new library facility had been a needed building for a while on the O. C. campus and now has been completed. All books and facilities are now available in one building. Congratulations are in order for it finally being done.
The hopes and expectations for the library were high. The building was going to be fantastic. These expectations have not been met. First of all the facility was late in completion. The construction of the building and its lot are also poor The lighting is bad in several areas. It is hard to see at the main desk and the lighting is dim on the second floor index tables and periodical desk as well as in some of the stacks area. The elevator was to have been a freight ele1,1ator but is a passenger elevator. Moving was a little more difficult because of this The doors to several cabinets are not hung straight. There were several electrical sockets sitting in water. The floor is grossly uneven and not level. The bricks in several walls are not even close to being level and even The elevator has broken several times already and does not work properly at other times. There are cracks in the outside ceiling above the walkway around the building. Paint even fell off a wall and had to be re• done. The glass is now loosening in the front doors
The landscaping of the building leaves something to be desired The
sidewalks on the east side of the build• ing are built as drainage ways for rain water. The walks are lower than most of the surrounding ground providing wet walking during rain and icey paths during melting and refreezing times There is a nice pcJnd in what is supposed to be a drainage ditch for the east side.
The telephone system is impractical. There is one extension number per phone (or pairs of phones if in the same office). The whole phone system needs to be put on interconnecting extensions with an intercom system with it. Then if a person upstairs receives a call downstairs it can be handled with · the intercom and save steps and time for the staff and redialing for the caller.
The front doors were poorly planned. The alarm system should be placed in the ceiling so that the doors could swing both directions, as they were built to do, and not be blocked on a push from the outside.
Why was the construction company that built the library hired? In the pas~ this company has provided poor ser_y_ice and workmanship for the college in Cowan Hall and the Campus Center. It was asked to leave Cowan Hall when the steps being poured were out of level as much as an inch. In the Campus Center money was withheld because the sidewalks were not done correctly and would have to be redone when they cracked. They are cracking open now. Also during construction of the C.C. the company built a wall that the plans stated as a firewall. It was not. An inspector caught it and the company had to rebuild it. Poor craftsmanship in the past should teach Otterbein a lesson.
Payment was withheld on the Campus Center and should be on the library to correct some of the faults. If paid, money should be retrieved. Money should also be kept by the college because of late delivery (most construction contracts allow for this but the money is not always collected).
Any inspector on the job should be ashamed of his work, if he did any. The city inspector ought to be questioned and advised concerning the construction of the library.
The dream to be fulfilled still needs fulfilling
Speech and Theatre department chairman, Dr. James Grissinger, has a way with more than just words. Last week, Grissinger showed · off his impressive collection of antique cars, dating as far back as 1915. One of his most treasured collections is his 1927 Cadillac, which was used in two 20th Century Fox films, A Tree Grows In Brooklyn and Pete Kelly's Blues. Griss' treasured set of wheels is one of only three known to exist in the country.
Bill Smucker, president of the men's dorm council , turned up on WOBN's V.0.I.C.E. last week, and, with Greg Vawter and Geoff Mayfield as hosts, made a wide variety of comments on various aspects of dorm life Smucker felt that janitors within the dorms should not be hired from the outside, but rather from within the student body itself. (Tan and Cardinal, September 28, page 9) ''Janitors can always get work outside the school," he com · mented.
The cafeteria pulled a little surprise on meal ticket holders last Thursday night. For no apparent reason, students were greeted into the hall by candlelight, decorative tablecloths, fancy desserts, (sut:h as self-service banana splits) and an elaborate Italian style meal. "What's the occasion?" asked a T & C reporter. Replied a cafeteria worker: "It'• 10seph Colombo's birthday l"
DR. GRISSINGERWith rush now officially on, fraternities and sororities are busy trying to impress eager freshmen. Last year, one frat felt the best it could do to impress freshmen was to hire a stripper, which it did, much to the delight of the eyes - and hands - of several students. At least one fraternity however, was trying a new approach this year. Ex-Ohio State Buckeye Rex l{ern was the guest speaker at Pi Kappa Phi's second rush party last Friday. The defensive halfback for the Baltimore Colts answered many types of questions concerning football, drugs, and religion. He stressed that the Colts preach this philos9phy of life in order of importance: 1) love your God 2) love your family and 3) play football for the Colts.
By Gar Vance and John MulkieOtterbein College lost its first conference game last Wednesday in overtime to the Wittenberg Tigers, dealing the Cards a 73-68 loss.
The lead jumped back and forth several times. The 'Bein jumped ahead to an eight point lead only to have it cut back down to a tie. With only one second left in the first half, Wittenberg's freshman guard, James Evans, added a 15 foot jump shot to put the Tigers ahead 30-28.
In the second period of play, Wittenberg racked up as much as a nine point lead with the help of super-sub Hal McLean, a 6' 6" junior center.
Not to be outdone, the Otters fought back, going underneath for the short shots and lay-ups. In the fina I minutes, Jack Mehl was ejected from the game on fouls. With 37 seconds showing on the clock, Don Manly tied the score at 61 apiece.
In a five minute overtime, the Tigers blitzed the Otters by totaling up 12 points to the Bein's 7. Wittenberg'( 6' 3" freshman guard James Evans canned four free throws which capped their third conference win with the final score of 73-68.
Leading scorer for Otterbein was Jack Mehl with 23 points, followed by Don Manly with 19, Dwight Miller with 15, Steve Traylor with 10, and Don Sullivan had only one point.
WUtenberg, showing much depth on their bench, had four players in double figures and paced by Hal McLean with 20 points.
Ten game statistics show Otterbein at 6-4-0 (0-1 -0 in the conference) and shooting a respectable 50% from the field. With the height of the starting five averaging only 6' 1 ", they are pulling down over 10 rebounds per game more than their opponents. The !Bein is also averaging 85.7 points per game compared to their opponents 78.7.
Vic Guerrieu, of Oberlin, leads all scorers in the OC Conference with a 27 .5 points per game average. Marty Hunt of Kenyon and Dean Martin of Baldwin Wallace place second and third with 24.4 and 21.0 averages respectively. Jack Mehl and Dwight Miller of Ot · terbein rank 6th and 9th
Mike Stumpf of Capital leads the O.C. in rebounding with 117 grabs in 9 games for a 13.0 average per one game. Barry Ring of Mt. Union is second with just under 12 rebounds a game. Don "Doc" Manly leads the O.C. and the nation in field goal percentage,
hitting at a 75% clip. Mike Stumpf of Capital is second with a 61.5% along with four of his teammates rounding out the top eight .
Turning to team statistics, the Cap machine leads all teams with a 95 point per game average with an 87 .7 per game average and third in field goal percentage, hitting at 51 ½% behind Capital and Wooster. The 'Bein is atop the conference in free throw percentage hitting at 75 5%, followed by Mount Union and Muskingum . Wittenberg has allowed the fewest points per game, giving up about 60.
Otterbein College fought off a stubborn Kenyon Lord comeback in the second half and hung on for a 73-67 victory, evening their record at 1-1 In the O.C. The OttEtrs advanced their record to 7-4 on the season while Kenyon dropped to 3-9 ,and 0-3 in the 0. C.
With Don Manly and Dwight Miller leading the way, the Cards streaked to 32-23 lead. The 'Bein led32-18before a Lord streak closed the gap to 9 at the half Miller and Manly scored 10 points each while the 'Bein's defense
held Marty Hunt to 6.
Otterbein led all the way in the secone half with the Lords getting as close as 4 points behind 46-42. A Dwight Miller layup and a foul by Marty Hunt gave the 'Bein a 55-44 lead. Hunt left the game with 5 fouls. With their high scorer sitting on the bench, Kenyon battled back to within 5, 64-59 with 2:09 left in the game. The Otters sunk key 1 and 1 's in the final 2 minutes to capture the victory by 6 points.
Don Manly was Otterbein's leading scorer with 25 points and an excellent
Intramural basketball kicked off the season with a full slate of action, with handball and bowling expected to start this week.
In the Saturday morning league, the Ruckmoor team jumped into the lead by capturing two wins, the first over the Pros from Dover, 45-25, and then whipping Konetski 47-32. Led by Steve Kennedy and Dick Calhoun, the Ruck has been established as the team to beat in that league by Las Vegas Oddsmakers. In other action, the Band whipped the Maple leafs 40-22 in their only contest, the Wierds beat the James Gang 29-20, and the Maple Leafs won by forfeit over the Gang.
Action in the Independent league also got under way with Engle Hall getting off to a surprisingly fast start, knocking off the Rags 44-35, and beating the ROTC 36-21. The ROTC took another one on the chin, losing to Kauffman 59-17. In others, the Break· ers ran over the Yanks +1 43 -29, the Bostics beat the C.C. 36-30, and Scott Hall outran Aunt Netties 36-28.
In fraternity league action, in what already looks to be a greatly improved league over last year, defending Alum Creek Invitational champs, Club got off to a quick start by beating a good Frosh team 45-43, and then in what might well have an important bearing on the league outcome, got by Kings
By Mark Bixler52-51 on an 18 foot jump sh o t by Steve Bilikam with just 10 sec o nds re • maining in the game. Kings kept their record even by handling R.C. Pizza 46-43. In others, Zeta whipped Sphinx 43-40, but then lost to the Frosh 5143 as both teams evened their record at 1-1. In the only other contest, the Jones Boys, a new team in the league, led by Keith "Big O" Shoemaker, got by Janda 38-30.
Action will continue this week with the Independent league on Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m., and fraternity action on Thursday at 7:45 p.m.
By Robert BeckerLosing close games to Wittenberg and Kenyon dropped Otterbein's .1.!nior Varsity cage slate to an even 3-3.
The Wittenberg gtime was tight all the way, but the Tigers eventua II y came out on top 59-55. Foul shooting kept the Cards in the contest as they blistered the nets at an 81% (17-21) clip. Bob Deckard, Chip Case, and Jim Reed all scored in double figures for Otterbein.
The Kenyon game on January 15 proved equally disappointing. The first half started slowly and remained relatively close throughout as both teams scored in streaks. Only three fouls were
By Gar Vance and John Mulkieshooting night from the field. Dwight Miller had 20 anti Jack Mehl had 16 to round out the balance of the Otter's scoring. Senior forward Jeff Smith of Kenyon led all scorers with 26 points. Otterbein's defense held Marty Hunt, the O.C.'s second leading, to just 14 points .
The Otter's next game is tonight at home against the big Red of Denison. Saturday, the 'Bein travels to Columto face the unbeaten Crusaders of Cap· tal who bombed Ohio Northern last Satu1 day night by a score of 116-88.
called in the half, but contact was anything but light. In fact it resembled war under the bucket as opposing tanks and troups attempted to crush or out posi• tion each other. Fortunately no one came to blows as the half ended 31-29 in Otterbein's favor.
As the officials' whistles thawed, the charity stripe became crucial in the second half. Kenyon hit a respectable 60% (6-10) while Otterbein couldn't find the range, 25% (1-4 ). Despite this disadvantage, Otterbein remained in the game as Jim Reed muscled his way to the basket repeatedly. Kenyon then took a 55-54 lead with 2: 15 left, but required a tough defense, including a brilliant block by Ted Dwyer of a 10 foot jumper by Reed, to preserve the triumph.
Dwyer with 19 points and Bob Deckard with 16 led their respective teams in scoring.
This week, the JV's face Denison (Jan. 18) at home, Lockbourne Air Force Base (Jan. 20) and Capital (Jan22) on the road.
Elvis Presley, Doris Day, that man from UNCLE, and James Bond, were all fascinations of the early 60's that had the appeal of allowing the audience to imagine themselves as hip-talented cutely freckle-faced, brilliantly deceptive, and sexy singers, Girl Scouts, or spys, or lady killers. Welt, Elvis isn't the big screen idle he once was anymore, Doris has moved a few steps downward to the boob tube, and who knows whatever happened to Robert Vaughn - but for some reason, we still have James Bond. The innocent spy who walks into a room and is seduced by every girl in it before he kills them, continues to draw top notch at the box office. It may be puzzling to some as to exactly why.
James Bond is not a particularly outstanding gimmick to begin with-the whole idea of a fatalistic 007 is straight out of Burke's Law. And some of the film versions of Ian Fleming's novelsparticularly the more recent ones-have been showing an incredible amount of painful aging. But Diamonds Are Forever is not one of these
The makers of the latest bang-bang adventure of 007 have done an incredibly smart thing by not taking the film too seriously. This movie seems to be almost poking fun at the whole idea of James Bond-in one scene, Bond is being chased by the bad g,uys down a narrow Vegas roadway. Will his huge car make it down the alley? Of course it will. Bond merely suggests to his lady friend that she lean over, and the car immedi~tely tips far to the right, al• lowing the car to pass through the alley on its side, with only two wheels. The audience doesn't believe a minute of it, but is quite satisfied to have been given such a beautiful chase scene. And after all, why shouldn't James Bond be al • lowed to drive his car sideways down an alley if that will allow us to watch a good chase scene?
There's the usual Bond nonsense thrown in for good measure-a smoth-
ering, a bombing here and there, two beautiful girls who try to karate our hero into two pieces, a poisonous in · sect thrown down somebody ' s back, a drowning in a swimming pool, a body thrown down an elevator shaftnothing to get too excited about. There is also Jill St. John and Lana Wood (Natalie's sister) two girls who just look at 007 and immediately disrobe. ("I like to keep on top fo the situation," says Bond.)
Perhaps a few years ago, this movie wouldn't have been worth its Kodacolor, but in a time when No , No, Nanette, and Summer of '42 a r e th ro w· ing the people of this nation in t o nostalgic neurotics, Bond's very date d ness seems to make it attractive. An ybody who would have the nerve to gr e ase his hair back the way 007 does, and consider himself a lady killer for it, has got to be given credit for somet hing. And even with the seemingly intentional spoofing Diamonds Are Forever does manage to function tather admirably as an entertaining th ri ller.
I doubt if people still go to James Bond movies to sit and ad m ire the man. 1 think his hairy ch e st, his greasy hair, his ruffled shirts and his foreign convertibles, have att ract ed moviegoers because of the reminder of a new gone era in movie making; an era when the star was beautifully dres sed and always surrounded by the most expens ive jewelry. The Bond films that came out while we were still p rogre ssing from an idealistic to realistic quality in film· making did not fare as well as Diamonds does, because they we r e caught in the middle of this transition - their presence seemed to be a threat to the success of a new era's birth Now th at
By Tony del Vallethat transition is a few years behind us, we can sit back and enjoy Bond again Not as a super-spy hero, but as a sou• venir left over from a less capable mo• ment in the evolution of cinema.
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By Tom BarlowIt was the best of times; it was the worst of times; it was the mediocre of times; and it was high time Sally Field's hat blew off, and she fell about 1100 feet into a vat of lemon meringue pudding. Stephen Doodaas pulled the plug on his television in disgust. Feeling the hunger of the intellect, he deceded to attack it through the stomach, and trapsed to the refrigerator, but in it he could only discover two cans of pre-processed tripe. Feeling rather low, he sunk into a blue, funk-covered chair. This was becoming rather habitual with Stephen, this TV-refrigerator-catatonic fit foutine. It had begun when he graduated, gaining a degree, losing any semblance of motivation. Now, instead of searching for gainful employment amongst the myriad of good jobs available to the graduate, he merely sat, living off the money his parents sent him weekly, to "tide him over." The strange thing was, he wasn't even wet. As he sat there, wading deep in self pity, the door burst open, and in walked his tavalier-mate, Sylvia Ham.
"Jeez, Sylvia, don't you even knock?" Stephen queried, in an exasperated tone.
Sylvia gave him a chiding look. "You know I don't believe in it!"
Stephen was not completely mollified, however, and asked, "Well, why'd you come here anyway?"
"Why Stephen!" Sylvia declaimed, as she crossed the room, threw her arms around him and jumped into his lap. "I want you to " (in a whisper) " ... turn me on!"
"Oh, all right," Stephen replied, jerking up her sweater, grasping the toggle switch in her navel, and flipping it to the "on" position.
Sylvia jumped up immediately, and after grounding herself for a few seconds by jamming her fingernail into a light socket, began to leave.
"Sylvia," Stephen shouted, as an
afterthought, "do you know how I can recover my motivation?"
Sylvia looked back, the sunlight glistening over her plastic hair, "I keep telling you-try Golda's Motivation School-it can't hurt!" With this, she flew down the stairs.
As Stephen stood at the head of the stairs, looking at Sylvia's crumpled body lying below, he decided that, for peace of mind, he'd better at least try the school. With this decision, he threw on his coat, and went down town.
Walking down to 43rd street, he found Golda's school, sandwiched between the "Rosebud Ski Club" and the "Stoic School for the Perenially Dyspeptics." Ascending the stairs he finally came to the door he sought, and entered. There sat a secretary, who, beaming at him, asked him:
Taken aback by this clear diction, Stephen stammered "Motivation."
"Oh," said the secratary. "I th->ught youse was the telephone company. I been trying to get France al I day, but I got a poor French connection." With this, she burst into gales of laughter, rolling on the floor. After she was able to control her gymnastics, she chortled:
"Do ya want the top course?" "Yes."
"Well, what seems to be the problem?"
Stephen sat down and explained. "Well, I just can't seem to get motivated. I need a job, but I can't bring myself to go get one. I that I. well, I
just don't care about anything enough to do anything. I just don't care ."
"Hmmm," the secretary replied "I think we can help you. Just sign this contract on the dotted line " Stephen did as he was told.
"Would you like your first lesson now?" the secretary queried.
"Why not?" Stephen replied.
The secretary yelled, and in walked a man, about six feet five , 280 pounds, all of it muscle.
"Stephen," the secretary said. "This is Spiro. He will be yoll( instructor . He will teach you motivation He will solve your problem about not caring . Spiro, you may begin."
Spiro strode over to Stephen, picked him up by one hand, looked him in the eye, and said, "Stephen, if you don't get a job by this afternoon, I'm gonna break every bone in your body ."
Later, on his way to the employment office, Stephen couldn't help but wonder what his job would be, and how nice it would be to stay healthy for the rest of his life.
Thought for the Day (Chauvanism Division)
"A woman's place is in the stove."
_______ - M_.ort Sahl
What kind of person is a skyjacker?
Dr. David Hubbard, a Dallas Psychiatrist, interviewed forty skyjackers in prison. He reports, in the January SCIENCE DI GEST, they frequently are effeminate, religiously fanatical "nuts" with a neurotic preoccupation with space and gravity.
The mini-bus is now operating under a full schedule:
Continued from page 12 to the present, not only through ath· letic contests, but also through visits by students to each other's campuses on the eve of the annual contests in football and basketball. In 1969, Otterbein students painted, defaced and marred the buildings on Cap's campus with paint and burned OC on the grass near the Campus Center. Attempts by ad: ministrators and student governments and by handing out stiff penalties have not succeeded in stamping out this kind of activity.
Otterbein teams always approach contests with Cap with a win-or-die attitude, and frenzied spectators encourage their representatives to do their best. At Otterbein a football or basketball season is a success, regardless of how many other games are lost, if the Lutherans are defeated.
The above times are for departures from the Campus Center . Each complete run will take about 40 minutes as indicated below :
00 minutes Campus Center
05 minutes Westerv ille Shopping Center (Albers via State St.)
10 minutes Westerville Square (Movie Theatre)
20 minutes Northland (Holloway - House via Rt. 3 and I Morse Rd.)
30 minutes Westerville Square
35 minutes Westerville Shopping Center
40 minutes Campus Center
1 token (10'1) to Westerville Shopping Center
3 tokens (30¢) to Northland Shopping Center
Charter: Charter arrangements may be made by calling the Student Personnel Office (Ext. 216); however the bl.is is not available on Saturdays.
Stops: The mini-bus will stop at any corner along the route if asked when the ' passenger enters the bus.
Token Purchase: Tokens may be purchased in the Campus Center. Cash w.ill not be accepted by the bus driver.
5:26 SIGN ON
6:30 NEWS-15
8:00 NEWS
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