Tan and Cardinal January 19th 1973

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Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio

Rusher Retains Conservative Image Well

This past Wednesday, Nixon. Rusher claimed that claimed that the "American William A. Rusher, one of the Nixon was conservative up until people are going to be taxed nation's leading conservative 1971 and 1972. It was then until their noses bleed." The spokesmen, gave a brief review when Nixon began doing new Social Security tax is and analysis of the past few politically popular things such as regressive, and just deletes more years of American political life. the Wage and Price controls. out of the workers take-home About 300 students were in Rusher disagreed with this move, pay. Rusher did not comment attendence. claiming that it merely much on Viet Nam or Nixon's

Rusher began by stating that postponed a later eruption in policies on the country in his he hadn't voted in the recent prices and wages. formal lecture. presidential election. He claimed

Concerning Nixon's trips to Rusher found the Democrats to be more conservative than the Soviet Union and China, going through a power change Nixon and stated that the fact of Rusher hoped that these two also. He saw the old Roosevelt McGovern's candidacy made it difficult not to vote for Nixon, countries has mellowed, "but I doubt it." He also noted that coalition as having fallen apart and replaced by a New Left but that he managed.

Rusher was a part of Barry Goldwater's drive for the

besides all this liberal travelling, Nixon has stayed conservative on the "Archie Bunker issues".

composed of factioned interest groups whose interests were scattered and localized. Republican candidacy. Goldwater's nomination, Rusher claimed, changed the Republican Party domination by the Eastern liberals and threw it into the hands of the more conservative South, Midwest and West. Even after Goldwater's defeat, the power remained in this same

Such issues as busing, abortion, and drugs have been delt with in a conservative view by the present administration.

Rusher mentioned that Nixon was now in a quite enviable position of not having to worry about a re-election. In other words, able to do what he

He· concluded by making some predictions as to the outcome of party nominations in the 1976 election year. The Republicans, he said, will probably go with Agnew, though there are other potential candidates that may gain strength by that time Rusher area.

It has just recently been pleases. Rusher did not believe that Nixon would go overboard saw Senator Ed Kennedy as the Democratic choice , or at least shown, Rusher commented, that with this opportunity, but the best. the conservatives hold a 2-1 would do what seems This reporter did not get t o

power over others in the current Republican Party set up.

WILLIAM RUSHER. The conservative voice of the PBS television 1n speaking of the program "The Advocates", William Rusher spoke to interested Republicans, it was quite natural students in Cowan Hall this past Wednesday. Mr. Rusher is also fo~ R,1sher to move tn v0ire publisher of the National Review. some opinions on President

Concern Expressed Over Snowball Incidents

On Monday, January 15, at were seriously injured or killed, similiar acts "will be met with approximately 1:00 p.m., a it would be a heavy cross to referals to either the Campus college employed secretary was bear. Secondly, one can be held Judical Board and/or to the civil struck in the face by a snowball liable for injuries inflicted on authorities " as she was getting out of a car in another person. Thirdly, a Dean Oldag stressed that he front of the Campus Center. student can face charges, on knew these actions were not

Later on, at about 6: 15 campus for his involvement and intentional. Large groups of p.m., two co-eds were struck in the civil courts on City people having fun can get out of repeatedly by snowballs as they Ordinance 1051-Assault and hand occasionally. He also were trying to enter the Campus Battery, which holds a stressed that he was not Center. Both required medical maximum penality of six advocating the abolishment of attention for eye injuries. months in jail and/or a $200 snowball fights, but suggested

A half-hour later, a passing fine. that they be held north of Garst automobile was struck by a least As many may see this as a Hall and behind the Campus 20 snowballs according to a silly matter to bring up, Dean Center. This way, the people student involved in the action. Oldag was asked to elaborate involved can have a good time This attack nearly caused serious upon his feelings concerning this and not involve innocent injuries to a one year old child. matter. He said that he hoped passers-by.

"desireable and necessary." He further commented on some of Nixon's past and recent moves: The wage i>nd price freeze was men'!ly a polittral move to get past the election. Rusher

attend the Campus Center question and answer session due to an early deadline. But fro111 just Rusher's formal talk, he seemed to be a poor soul hold m g onto a crumbling rock in an earthquake of change.


A perspective student and that we can learn by our Dean Oldag concluded by students Ted Shonkwiler and Pat Martin will be leaving Thursday her parents were kept from mistakes and not let situations saying that anyone who might morning to attend the inauguration of President Nixon in entering the Campus Center by like those mentioned above have questions or concerns o~ Washington. This will be Ted's second trip having received an student s throwing snowballs. happen again. He stressed that the matter can contact his office invitation for the last N.ixon inaugural. Ted, a sophomore, and Pat, a

These and other isolated people ought to think before at any time to discuss it. senior, will be attending all the festivities involved in the ceremony. incidents were brought to the they act. In the future, he said, They will return to campus Sunday afternoon. attention of Dean Karl Oldag.

Dean Oldag expressed much CONSTRUCTION


* * *

concern over the matters. As he by Jim Wallace stated to this reporter: "My old gym can be converted to Rike Family Foundation is Faculty and students may concern is two-fold: those The nasty rumours people classrooms in less than 18 progressing without any have an opportunity to present individuals on the receiving end have been spreading about the months. This means that problems. their opinions in the future. of this kind of assault and also building program are apparently freshmen will be using the gym for those individuals excersizing not true, according to Mr. as seniors and sophomores might the poor judgement of entering Granger of the Alumni­ even see it for a term.

''Figaro'' Opens Friday

in to this type of activity. My Development office. The new The 2.3 million dollar goal reasons for concern for those gym won't steal all the heat has almost been reached with "The Marriage of Figaro," pledged to Marceline in payment individuals being assaulted are from the dorms and it won't only a six-hundred thousand Mozart's light hearted comedy of a debt is considered a Mozart obvious: possible serious injury take six years to finish as I've dollar pittance left to collect. of the late 18th century, will triumph in opera. or as we saw on Monday, a been hearing around campus. The Rikes of Dayton have play Jan. 19 and 20 at Otterbein The hapless Figaro will be possible serious accident and Ground will be broken for generously donated College, 8:15 p.m. in Cowan Sam Mi!itelo, the part of fatality. My reasons for concern the phys-ed complex in late three-hundred thousand dollars Hall. Suzanne will be sung by Mary for those individuals involved are spring, around June 1st. It with the stipulation that the new "Figaro", the story of the Ann Wells, Betz Lowe will as follows: should take 18 to 20 months to gym be named after them. So steward in Love with the young appear as the Countess, and "First of all, if someone complete the complex and the according to Mr. Granger, the chambermaid, Suzanne, but Jerry Confer will be the Count.

Volume 55 Number 12
January 19, 1973
* * *

Snowball ·Express

In this week's issue, there is an article and a letter concerning the business of snowballs. Now we realize the fun ~nd d~veloping characteristics of a snowball fight. The fun 1s obvious: and besides, one can develop a great sense of aim with a snowball.

But things do tend to get out of hand, so to speak, at times. And it is at these times when one must watch the over"."helming temtation to follow the crowd as they are blasting a car or book-ridden girls. Think of it this way:

You are out in front of the Campus Center tossing arou~d a_ few snowballs at your friends. A couple nice looking girls come trucking along, their arms full of books. Aha! Wouldn't it be great to really bomb them out? They d~n't even have a chance to retaliate. So you and your friends proceed to blast them with snow.

Well, one of them gets hit in the eye. She has to go to the doctor. The doctor tells her that she will never be able to see out of that eye again. Having a good memory and an angry one at the moment, she identifies a few of the people who threw the snowballs at her and presses charges. !hese people are convicted, and the fine and penalty are imposed.

A few years later, while applying for a job, one of these fellows has to answer that little question at the end of the job application: Have you ever been arrested? Now consider what he has to put down: Yes. For assault and battr.y with a snowball.

b,1't it a bit absurd?


The Tan and Cardinal encourages students, faculty, and staff to write to our letters department concerning any matter that happens to be bothering you at any given moment. All letters must be typed, double-spaced, and signed in ink with· the author's name address, and phone numbe; included. No anonymous letters will be considered for publication. Names may be withheld upon request. The Tan and Cardinal reserves the right to accept or reject any letter, and to make any necessary corrections.

Origin of Racism

To the editor:

I am white-skinned and want very much to address myself to the Whites of our campus community. There is an ugly, deadly, disease spreading through our campus and through our American society in general. Because of the guilt attached to over displays of racism, man has turned to new ways of hating oppressed peoples. Many students and faculty members studying aspects of Black Culture or of the White problem in America (i.e. racial issues) have the attitude that if they can find any Black Tom, Dick or Eldridge then this amazing person can fill them in on all they need to know. My point is that just because a person is Black does not mean that that person is a competent, reliable, authority on the issue.

Another attitude is that "all Blacks are the same." With this attitude one can avoid encounter with a Black person. I have overheard conversations here at Otterbein like: "You can't tell 'em apart anyways." or "Oh!

You are studying · African Culture, well here's a book I have on American Blacks, would this help you?" Obviously it will not. Behind such statements lies a devestating attitude that all Blacks are the same.

The last point I will attempt to make is that Blacks are not free even though it is both convienient and comforting for Whites to believe that Blacks are free Advances in technology threaten the existence and dignity of the Black peoples of America. The controls of technology are presently in the hands of the white ruling class.

If this control continues as the "advances" in technology continue then Blacks could find themselves continually out of meaningful employment and continually being denied the right to Life, Liberty, and the Persuit of Happiness.

The origin of racism is in the heart, for the heart is deceitfully wicked. I have learned that I can not rid myself of hate. I have learned that Jesus only can forgive me and give me the power to overcome sin in my life. If you are struggling with the issues which I have just brought up won't you ask God to help you?


Inauguration Protests Planned

(CPS)-A National Day of Student Anti-War Protest has been called by the Student Mobilization Committee (SMC) for January 19, one day before Richard M. Nixon takes the oath of office to begin his second term as President of the United States.


P~bli~hed w~ekly during the academic year except holiday and examination periods by students of Otterbein College. Entered as second-class matter on September 25, 1927, at the Post Office in Westerville, Ohio, 43081. Office hours vary, but are most reliable between one and four each week-day afternoon. Phone 882-3601, ext. 256

Subscription rates are $2.00 per term and $6.00 per year.

Editor Dan Budd

Assistant Editor Bob Ready

B~sines~ Manager Bonnie LeMay

C1rculat1on Manager Charlie Ernst

Photographer Kim Wells Advisor • • • • Mike Rothgery

Substituting for Mr. Rothgery, who is on sabbatical this term is Richard Townsend. '

Staff writers and columnists:

John Aber, Mark Bixler, Gayle Bixler, Mike Darrell, Susie Delay, Chadie Ernst, ~athy Fox, R. Steven Graves, Susan Hall, John Mulk1e, John Riley, Sue Risner, Lee Schroeder, Gar Vance, Jim Wallace, Chris Warthen.

Opinions expressed in the Tan and Cardinal, unless bylined are those of the editorial board and do not necessarily reflect tho;e of the college or its staff.

The Tan and Cardinal is represented for national advertising by National Educational Advertising Services, Inc., 360 Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017.


To the Editor:

I would like to apologize in behalf of myself and all others who were involved in the throwing of snowballs in front of the Campus Center. That evening, two girls were hurt, one very seriously in the eye and the other in the hip. Also that evening, a little boy was almost thrown through the windshield -of a car because of that escapade I think most of us can re alize the damage that was caused socially and physically. The relationship between men and women is poor to say the least. The women already think we are a group of animals; let's not lead them to think we 're a specific type. Hitting a girl with snow when she has her arms full of books just doesn't get it. If we're going to have a snowball fight between the sexes or ourselves, let's have it in back of the Campus Center where the ones who want to throw snow can, and leave others alone.

Throwing snow at cars agree is great fun and a challenge. What if that little two and a half year old boy had gone through the windshield or some driver had lost control of his car? How would you feel then? Men, let's get smart!


"Nixon has lied again," charged Chuck Petrin of SMC at a January 11 press conference. He said the protests are being scheduled to help build support for an inauguration day march and rally in Washinton D.C. "Once again the student anti-war movement must take the lead in forgoing a united reply to Nixon's charade," said Petrin.

Campus actions already planned include demonstrations, marches, rallies, teach-ins and speak-outs against the war. Petrin , senses "a whole new sense of outrage developing over the President's war policies." Although unwilling to estimate the possible size of local campus demonstrations he pointed out SMC has received many phone calls during the holiday break from students asking what they could do when they returned to their college. He hopes students will also play a major role in the schecfuled inauguration day protest.

The nation's two largest umbrella anti-wa( groups are laying the groundwork for the January 20th inaugural march and rally. In an unusual display of unity the National Peace Action Coalition (NPAC) and the People's Coalition for Peace and Justice (PCPJ) are co -sponsoring a march from Arlington Cemetery to the Washington Monument to coincide with Nixon's inaugural parade.

In a statement released January 5 the two groups proposed a counter "inauguration of conscience." Stressing the non-violent nature of the action, Jerry Gordon of NPAC said "this will not be an organized confrontation."

Sidney Peck of PCPJ echoed this and added, "this is a chance for non-violent people to express non-violent outrage and indignation." There has been some concern that inauguration day protests could turn violent.

Students for a Democratic Society and the Progressive Labor Party are planning a march on the same day that will end just three blocks from the Capitol Building. With two planned demonstrations and inevitable splinter groups in Washington

Sincerely, Steve Schnarr along with thousands of pro-Nixon inaugural sightseers on January 20 the situation will be volatile. Security measures are tighter than any previous ceremony here and special credentials are being rationed out to newsmen only after a security check. The National Lawyers Guild is discussing plans to mount a major defense effort in case of mass arrests.

Several groups have organized bus and car caravans from major cities as far away as Detroit to shuttle demonstrators to Washington for the protests.

On Friday January 19 PCPJ has arranged a "death march" in Washington with participants we a ring placards showing bombed-out Vietnamese villages and towns. Other demonstrations for the two days are planned in more than a score of U.S. cities from coast to' coast and several European cities. The list of cities includes Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, Seattle and Houston.

Endorsers of the inaugural protests range from Huey P Newton of the Black Panther Party to Wendell Anderson, the Governor of Minnesota. More than a dozen congress people have added their endorsements to those of labor union leaders the National Studen; Association (NSA), authors, including Kurt Vonnegut Jr., and religious leaders of all faiths. $ •••••••••••••••••••••

All Non-dorm students have a mail box in the basement of Towers Hall. Please check and if you do not have a mail box report to it to the College Maii room.

Page 2 TAN AND CARDINAL January 19, 1973 EPITORIAL LetterstotheEditor

HALL IN THE FAMILY BREAKING WIND "How Was Your Vacation?" A Date in the Life

'Yeah, but, uh, you're older. up with your Teddy Bear in my

Overheard at the beginning You go first." bed.'' Columnist's

"Hey, you just lay off my dialogue between a potential that our department stocks exclusively to be printed here coin?" Teddy Bear. At least when I play college recruit and a Professor enough dumbells to keep you for the first time!

"Look, you want to flip a of the term and released

"Yeah. Have you got any records, the goo from the Emeritus of Babylonian perpetually entertained. Since

''Hi, roomie ! How was your change?" Carpenters doesn't ooze all over Dialectics ensued when the you show an interest in vacation?"

"Hey, look, that really bugs the rug.'' young man's letter, addressed to interdisciplinary studies, our "Okay. How was yours?" me. You're always borrowing "Oh, yeah? Well, it wasn't the Sports Information Director, Biology Dept. offers several

"Great. I spent the whole six change from me. I don't think me who changed channels on the was mysteriously misplaced into seminars which deal specifically weeks with one guy." I've ever seen you carry less than TV six times every hour just so I the mailbox of Dr. Milphlaure with Women's Lip, and are

"Oh, yeah?:: a twenty-dollar bill.'' could watch Mark Spitz on Lustigutte. These artifacts, designed for pre-graduate work

"Yeah. My six-year-old "Well, I got through a whole Schick commercials.'' translated from the ancient in alimony, ah, pardon me, brother." term on that twenty-dollar bill.

"You never heard of Omar English, were recovered from the anatomy. Also, you will be

"In that case why didn't you Besides, is it my fault you still Sharif until you met me." "I archives of a "liberal arts" pleased with the sanitation date around?" have every penny you ever got never believed in vampires until I school whose ruins lie scattered facilities which are more than

''Well, I guess I'd better back from the pop machine? met you. I hate your black nail somewhere in the midwest: adequate to handle the refuge unpack." You're the only person I've ever polish.'' you mentioned. As for chicks

"Oh, look, wait. I, uh, think met who could get pennies from "At least I don't bite my Dear Sir, getting high and mighty, please we need to talk a few things a pop machine." nails." I wrote to ask about the be advised that such phenomena over."

"You get hysterical over

"Something wrong?" everything."

"How could you stand to?" scholarships available to occur only in science fiction

Here we interject a knock at someone desiring a career in films. Our Animal Husbandry

"You have no feelings. You the door. Enter an uninterested dumbells, er, rather waitlifting. Dept. keeps them sufficiently that-Shut the door, will ya?" don't even get mad.'' bystander. You see, I'm frustrated with all cooped.

"Not exactly. It's just

"Sure. What's the matter?" "Yes, I do.''

"Excuse me. Did you hear the required courses that not I trust that, when you arrive,

"Well, as you probably "No, you don't. Come on, the intercom?" only cut down the time I can you find our institution in noticed, we weren't really get mad. Let me see you slam "No, why?" work out in the gym, but are keeping with your standards. getting along too well at the end the door."

"I'm not going to slam the desk. Who do you think it is?" mouthy broads ranting about Milphlaure Lustigutte,

"You have callers at the clogged with freaky dudes and Most sincerely, of the term last term."

"Probably my brother and poems and that sort of garbage. Dept. of Babylonian Dialectics when you started dropping tacks papers from French last term are his friends.''

"Yeah, I kinda got the idea door." All your homework

You know what I mean. Please all over your side of the room." still up there. What are you, you

"The six-year-old, roomie? understand that I still favor Columnist's Note: The texts

"Well, I thought maybe we gotta put your papers on the Did he truck up on his tricycle?" training the mind toward the were substantially edited. The should maybe try to get door every time he writes 'Bon!' "No. He's 22." higher goals (basketball hoops, original versions, printed in full, changed, maybe.'' on them? You want a gold star, "He is? Put your pants on volleyball nets, etc.), but this would only babble on.

"I see." like a first grader?" and brush your hair, roomie women's lib propaganda they

"I mean, it's not like there's "First grader! I'll tell you dear. I'll go down and talk to excuse as "literature" disgusts Any senior interested in anyone else. But there are things who's a first grader! You're real them while you're getting ready, me. Reading such trash only applying for a New York State about you that kind of like get sophisticated. You don't even okay? I'm so glad we had this makes the chicks that much Herbert H. Lehman Graduate on my nerves.'' wear make-up." little talk, aren't you?" more high and mighty, and Fellowship in Social Science and

"Oh, yeah? Like what?" "You think you're so cool "Yeah. Sure." besides, it offends my masculine Public and International Affairs

"Well, it just so happens that just because you sleep in the sensibilities. should contact Dr. John I have prepared a little list." nude." So you see, I want to

Pool Tourney

Laubach in Towers-6 as soon as

"Why did you write it on "Which reminds me. I hate transfer to a safe school, where possible. New York State Christmas paper?" the way you open the window at The Men's Residence Hall the guys call the shots (on the residency is NOT a requirement;

"I had a job in a department night when it's only 40 degrees Council is once again sponsoring field or on the floor) and are study in a graduate school store gift wrapping. Look, you out." an eight-ball tournament to be free from this nonsense about within New York State is sure you don't mind this?" "You chew in your sleep " held on January 23 at 8:30 p.m. intellecheral development. required. Eligible fields of study

"No. See, jt so happens that Those interested may sign up in Thanx, include City /Regional Planning, I made up a little list, too " "I what?" the Campus Center Recreation Jaques Strapp Economics, Government,

"God, what did you write it "You chew in your sleep. Area for the registration fee of International Affairs, Political on?" You go like this-chomp, twenty-five cents. As before, My Dear Mr. Strapp, Science, Public Administration,

"Microfilm. All right?" chomp, chomp " first and second place finishers Thank you terribly for your and Sociology. Applications

"Okay. Uh, you want to go "I don't." will be rewarded $10 and $5 recent inquiry concerning the must be received by the New first?"

"You do.'' respectively For additional likelihood of your migration to York State Education

"No, no. You start. It was "I do not. Do I?" information, contact any our little mecca of learning. Let Department no later than March you r idea."

"And every morning I wake Residence Hall Council member. me assure you, I am in complete 15, 1973.

January 19, 1973 TAN AND CARDINAL Page 3
* * *
t00 0~€ WISHcS -ro FOSES A~D 15 5e0r 80CCVRAc£ COR1V V-Alk- RUPTIOl) ItJ H(8H PlACBS.

Story Theatre Here Tuesday

Paul Sill's delightfully funny "Story Theatre", an adaptation of ten Grimm's Fairy Tales, will be at Otterbein College on Jan. 23, 8: 15 p.m in Cowan Hall.

This Artist Series event will feature songs by Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Country Joe McDonald and Hamid Hamilton Camp.

Billed "magical folk rock fables, "Story Theatre" is a

Music Festival

combination of wildly imaginative mime, silent movies and even ballet.

How ever it's de scribed, "Story Theatre" is pure story, and as such, offers the type of entertainment that will please the entire family.

For reservations and information, call 882-3601, ext. 331 Artist Series box office is open 1-4 p.m. weekdays.

Auditions Announced

Mr. Joseph Thayer, Director of Admissions for Eastern Music Festival (EMF), will be in Columbus, Ohio February 4-6, in order to hold auditions for admission to the 19 7 3 summer se aso n (Ju ne 23 - Au gust 4) Auditi on s will be held Febru ary 5 & 6 , from 3 :00-7 : 00 at Whetstone High School, 4405 Scenic Drive.

200 young musicians from all over the U.S. will be selected to attend EMF '73. They will perform in one of the two symphony orchestras and partic ipate in chamber music ensembles and master classes Also offered will be classes in theory, seminars in "Art and Society", and lectures on music and related fields. The Eastern Philharmonic Orchestra, professional orchestra in residence, offers weekly concerts and chamber music programs for the student and the general public, and members of this ensemble form the teaching faculty for the Festival.

In struction is offered on all orchestral instruments, piano , and in conducting and

composi tion to selected students age 12 to 20; tho se who have comple ted the sophomore year of high school are eligible for college cr edi t A limited nu mbe r o f s c h o l arshi p g ran t s are available, awarded on the basis of need.

The auditio n consists of a short prepared piece, scales, and sightreading , and will last approximately 15 minutes

During this time, any interested students are urged to ask quest ions concerning the Festival and its philosophy.

For further information, call or write the EMF office (919-27 4-3444), 712 Summit Avenue, Greensboro, North Carolina, 27405. Auditions may be scheduled by calling Mr. Thaver at the Holiday Inn in Columbus (614-22lc3281), or the interested student may simply come to the audition during the scheduled hours.

* * A trafhc jam will move just as slowly even if you jump from lane to lane, says State Highway Safety Director Pete O'Grady. And you risk getting caught in a squeeze play.

targuni crossword·

Workshop Theatre Features Original Script

Workshop Theatre, an experimental project for student directors and actors, will be presented Sunday, Jan 21, at 7 : 30 p m. in Barlow Hall.

The "in-the-round" production of three one-act plays will feature an original script by Carter Lewis entitled !'Till Death Do Us " is a part of Carter's project to graduate with distinction. As a major in the department of speech-theatre, he has had experience in acting, technical theatre, and recently directed the one-act play "Adaptation" Crossword

in the fall term Workshop Anderson's "You Know I Can Theatre. Hear You When the Water This Sunday's Workshop Running" and the second act c Theatre will also include the Paul Zindel's "The Effect c presentation of "The Shock of Gamma Rays o Recognition" from Robert Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds."

Concert Band Tour of Englan Open to All

The Otterbein College Concert Band is planning its second trip to England for the first three weeks of Aug , 1973. All alumni, faculty and friends of Otterbein are invited to accompany the band.

The tour will be in three basic segments : !)The first five days will' be organized sightseeing of areas in and around London, free time and one rehersal. 2)The following six days will include concerts and free time for theatre, sightsee ing, etc., and 3)Will be ten days of independent travel which will allow group touring, or independent sightseeing of western Europe and the British Isles.

The tour cost will be $452 for youth 24 yrs and under, $565 for 25 yrs. and older, $150 minimum for independent travel and approximately $50 for rooming in London. (me als not included) Those persons interested must pay a $100 deposit on or befo re Feb 1, 1973. Cancellations are allowed only if a substitute may be found

The band will rehearse Mon , July 30 and Tues , July 31 in the Association Building on campus Non-playing members should only attend the s cheduled evening tour meetings.

Air departure from Port Columbus has been set for Tues evening , July 31 with arrival in London the following morning.

On Wed , Aug. 22 , the tour will reorganize in London and leave for the U.S.A. at 9 :00 a.m.,

arriving in Columbus the sa day.

The basic tour costs includ Columbus to New York a travel, New York to J..,ondon a travel, international departm tax, Otterbein College Fee, a land arrangements, one me: (full breakfast) per day for days, concert arrangement: rooming for 11 days and freig}J for large instruments. Further informatio concerning passp o rts immunities, (this regulation ha drastically been r edu c ed available insurance , tour musi~ luggage, currency , clothing , et~ may be obtained by contact' , Mr. Gary R Tirey , Director o Bands, Lambert Hall, Otterbei.J College

CPB Sponsors Cap-Otte r Banner Contest

Campus Programming Bo ar is sponsoring a Banner Con tes for tomorrow's Cap-Otter game

Entries should be sub mitt e~ to the Campus Center offi ce b 3: 00 p m. on January20 , the da) of the game , The banners will be judged and the winner will bt announced at half-time o f th t game.

The Campus Programm inE Board has indicated that ther ~ will be a prize for the bes1 banner, but has not specified m yet what that prize will be

Page 4 TAN AND CARDINAL Januar y 19 , 19 7:
29, Sex Expert Havelock 8, Periods of Luck )1, French Condiment 15 , End of Saying 1, Fastened Together )2, Metallic Sound 16, Snood )4, Influence 17, "Lady_ Good" )6 , Replenish Battery 18, l'llop )8, Lion's Noise 40, Litigation 19 , Judge 41, Careful 20, Adjectival Suffix 22, Rigorous 45, West Point Freshmen 49 , Foreigner 24, · Palm Drink 50, Extinct Bird 25, Spring 52, Foolish 27, Sets Dog Upon 5) Sick 28 , Victory l 2 ) 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 1) 14 15 17 20 25 29 )4 49 5) 57 2 7 70
STORY THEATRE. The first Otterbein College Artist Series event of the winter term _wi ll be "
Theat re". The show will appea r on January 23, at 8 : 15 p.m. in Cowan Hall.
6 54, Murders 56. Slant 57.RidgeofSand 59.MakeBeloved 61. Illuminated 62. Paid No Attention to 64. Scottish Kiss 66. Six 6?. Every (2 wds.) 68. Surfing Feat (2 wds,} ?O. Thin 71 , Driving Aw~y DOWN -1,-Celebration 2, By ,Alone ), Brightness 4. Greek Letter (pl,) 5, Pulls 6, Political Regions (Fr,) 7, Scattered Remains 8 Metal Restrainers 9. Fruit Pies 10. Tease 11'. Island Country (Poet,) 12, Peace-loving 1). Retaining 14, Peculiar 21 Nelson 2), Cold Drink 26 Perforate JO, Hold in Contempt )2.MexicanFood )) Hidden )5 Scottish Digit )7. Drinking Container )9.Aid to Recollection 41. Creameries 42. Unlawful 4) Quiet 44. Related 46.EmptyBoatofWater 4?MakeInteresting 48,Background 51,HebrewLetter(pl) 54.N.H.ResortCity 55 WifeofAbraham 58.DryWind,Var. 60.GamblingResort 6).Stick 65.Self 69.NoteofScale
on page

Thrift Shop Thrivi ng

For 15 years, the Otter bein Thrift Shop has played a quiet, yet vital role in our community.

The Thrift Shop, located on West Park Street, next to the main t enance building, has do nated large sums of money towards scholarships and the building of new facilities at Otterbein. In recent years the Thrift Shop has donated $5000 towards the building of the library and have currently provided the sum of $7500 for the restoration of Towers Hall.

The Otterb ein Thrift Shop is manag e d by the Weste rville Wo men's Club. However, mu ch of th e sho p' s su ccess can be at t ri bu ted to th e ti me and

Pianist to Perform

Jazz-pop pianist, Tom Vaughn will present his jazz lithargy, "A Musical Offering To God," in the CC lounge February 14, 1973, at 7:15, followed by informal discussion period. The work was written for a jazz trio (piano, bass, and drums) and was presented for the first time in the spring of 1964 in the Marquand Chapel at Ya-le Divinity School. Of a recent performance of the work in New York, Robert Doty, New York Times music critic stated th a t the musical celebration "provided the swingingest sixteenth Sunday after Trinity anywhere in New York. The harmonics were very impressionistic in most cases. Very well done. Fine music."

* * *

NOTICE! Anyone knowing the whereabouts of some sailing equipment that has been missing fo r the past two years which actaally is the property of the college, please contact Bob Lowden, 891-4252.

concert-hardly reflect a stereo Tom Vaughn, pianist, is also typed clerical image. He talks Father Tom Vaughn, ordained hard, fast, and fluently Episcopalion priest, who played "A Musical Offering To jazz piano club dates to put God" is the campus-wide himself through Eureka College Religion-In-Life -activity. Every in Illinois and Yale Divinity member of the college School. Although he quietly community is invited to attend pursues his calling as a priest, his this contemporary spiritual frequent public appearances-as celebration.


Students are reminded of the opprotunity to cross-register for the program in Asian Studies at Wittenberg. During the spring term (March 26-June IO) the following courses are available :

Geography-Geo-cultural change in East Asia

History-Seminar: Modernization in East Asia

Language-Chinese, First & Second Year -Japanese, First and Second Year

'Poli tic al Science-Chinese Political Culture


Religion-Zen Buddhism

Buddhist Myth and Symbol or Buddhists and the Process of Change in East and Southeast Asia

Three courses per term constitute a full load.

The student is to pay the cost of tuition at his home institution (Otterbein). The costs of room and board are to be paid by the student to Wittenberg. They are: $193-room, $199-board per term. Students may live off campus.

Detailed questions on the program should be directed to Dr. Gene Swanger at Wittenberg. Dean Turley and Susan Dykes have application blanks.

Anyone wishing to place an article or announcement in the Tan and Cardinal during any given week of the term must have said announcement into the T & C office no later than noon on Tuesday

effort s of Mr s Frank Lawrence who started the Thrift Sho p some years ago.

The main objective of the Thrift Shop is to keep Otterbein in touch wtih the community. Articles are donated to the shop by various people who live in Westerville and by those peope moving to or from the community.

Today the Otterbein Thr ift Shop offers bargains on such things as "second hand" toys, clothes, books, records, and sports equipment , One can even buy a formal gown for $2.50. Unbelievable? Come and see for yo urself at the Otterbein Thrift Shop, open every Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


The above he a dlinedesigned to get your attention means-"any new Guaranteed Student Loan for this year should be obtained before February 1, 1973, of this year"

New regulations for this loan program are to be effective March 1 Any loan application for the GSL made after February I, will be too late in the processing period under present regulations.

New provisions for the GSL specify a "financial needs" test, designed to preclude the overlap

Bill Prince, our consultant from Marts & Lundy, Inc. for the Venture program, who has been on campus during the past year, will be leaving at the end of January. An informal reception will be held on Monday, January 29th from 3:30-4 : 30 p.m. at the Howard House for all those who wish to bid Bill farewell. * *

To date 116 faculty and staff have made pledges totaling $ 71,135.00 to the Venture program. The national total is now $ 1,622,075.00 pledged from 1763 donors. •• •••••• ,i

of loan proceeds th at would duplicate othe r financial · assistance awarded to students

The new rules are not as vague and indefinite as those that were in effect for a brief period last year beginning July 1, and lasting to August 19, when Congress reversed itself after a six-week period of utter chaos

Thus, any Otterbein student who may be contemplating a Guaranteed Student Loan for the 1973-74 academic year should contact his local bank without delay

New WOBN Show

Starting this Sunday, January 21, Brett Moorehead and Jeff Teden will be handling a new sports show on WOBN. Called "Weedend Wrap-up", Brett and Jeff will not only pass on key weekend scores, but also have listerners call in to voice their opinions on our weekly questions over the air This new program will start at 7:30 p m and last for thirty minutes. If there is a favorable response, the program may be extended to one hour in the spring term.

January 19, 1973 TAN AND CARDINAL
TH AI F T SHOP The Otterbein College Thrift Shop is located on Park Street just across from the gym The sh op is open every Wednesday from 10:00 a m. until 4:00 p m. a host on several television talk shows, in clubs and in
MODERN SHOE REPAIR 105 South State Street i 4 081 REGAL NOTES UNDERSTAND PLAYS. NOVELS AND POEMS FASTER WITH OUR NOTES We 're ne w and we're the bigest! Thousands of topics reviewed for quicker understanding. Our subiects include not only English, but Anthro· pology, Art, Block Studies, Ecology, Eco· nomics, Education, History, Low, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, Science, Sociology and Urban Problems. Send $2 for your catalog of topics available · · REGAL NOTES 3160 "O" St,eet, N W. Wosh;ngton, D C. 20007 Telephone, 202,333-0201 Page 5
GIFTS ' N ' THI N GS 30 E. COLLEGE WESTERVILLE, OH I O 43081 PHONE 882-0351 CAMP US MOVIE ~~Who's Afraid of Vir_qinia Woo lf?''Friday, Jan. 19 8:00 only with Richard Burton Rated R and Elizabeth Taylor LeMay Auditorium (Science Lecture Hall) Admission $1.00

Sorority Open Houses

This Weekend

lntramurals in

A 11 three Intramural

basketball leagues got underway this past week with most of the pre-season favorites picking up

early wins.

In Division II of the Fraternity League, Kings kicked

This year, for the first time, on and passed by the council to off the season by easily beating a sorority open houses have been instate a junior Pan Hel during potentially good Davis I team added to the formal rush pledging this year. The purpose 4 8-3 3. Sporting a balanced program. The houses will be of this organization would be to scoring offense the Monks open for rushees to visit from introduce the pledges to Pan opened up a three point halftime 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Hel, evaluate the existing pledge lead and were never b,ehind for Sunday. The purpose of this is program, and unify the pledges the remainder of the game. In to give the rushees a chance to of all the sororities. the second game Jonda had view all of the sorortiy houses. It Ceremonies for the week · three men in double figures as is hoped that those going included Pay Ewing of Rho they out-ran North Garst through rush will visit as many Kappa Delta engaged to Toby 55 - 42. Doug Richards, Ted houses as possible on Sunday. Herman of Culinery Institute of Downing, and Ron Davidson Pan Hel, in their Tuesday America, Toledo: Kathy Watts, night meeting, set the quota for Tau Delta, engaged to Bruce pledging this year at twenty. Ashcraft of Pataskala, Ohio: and MODERN DANCE CLUB This figure is derived from the Sue Harrison of Theta Nu total number of girls going engaged to Jim Lahoski, Pi The modern dance club will through rush. It was also voted Kappa Phi. meet from 7:00- 8:30 p.m. each Wednesday, instead of 7:30 to 9: 3 0 p .m. as previously

Fraternity Second Rush Parties

Tonight · and Tomorrow

Full Swing



Second formal rush parties be as follows: Jonda 1:00 p.m. Sorority volleyball began for all six of the fraternities will to 3:00 p.m., Kings 3:00 to January 11th. Results of the take place this weekend with 5:00, Club 5:00 to 7:00, and games were Independents final parties and preference Sphinx 10:30 to 12:30. winning over Arbutus, Owls over signing taking place next All rushees should report to Talisman in a forfeit, and Onyx weekend. Tonight Zeta will get the fraternity houses at the winning over Tau Delta. things going with their party designated times and anyone Greenwich had a bye. from 6:00 to 8:00 and Pi Sig who did not participate in last This week Onyx vs. will hold their's from 10:30 to week's open houses but is· still Independents, Tau Delta vs. 12:30. Tomorrow's schedule will interested should feel free to Arbutus, Greenwich vs. Talisman attend any or all of the parties. and Owls have a bye. Then the following week, Jan. 25th, Owls



vs. Tau Delta, Greenwich vs. Independents, Arbutus vs.

Talisman and Onyx has a bye. Games start at 6:45 every Six Otterbein College faculty chairman of the department for Thursday at the Sosh, so come members have been granted the autumn and spring terms; and cheer your favorite team on. tenure and three received and Norman R. Chaney, promotions at the January assistant professor of English, meeting of the Executive teaching philosophy of ALUMNAEGAMES Committee of the Board of chemistry and chairman of the Trustees, Academic Dean Roy department. Saturday, January 13th, was H Turley announced. Promotions were granted to Recipients of tenure by the Donald C. Bulthaup of the and JoAnne L. Tyler of women's Personnel Committee in physics department from health and physical education recognition of their assistant professor to associate from assistant professor to contributions to Otterbein are: professor; Roger F. Deibel pf the associate professor. James R. Bailey, assistant education department, professor and chariman of the promoted from assistant English Department and professor to associate professor, Language and Literature Division for Autumn Term; Lyle

t. Barkhymer, assistant

prnfessor of music and

out-lasted the Rote 34-26 on paced the Jondamen to victory the strength of a balanced number one. The Turkeys scoring attack behind the 14 point scoring In the new Monday Night outburst of Rick McKinnis Independent League, three showed surprising strength in the teams established themselves as nightcap by whipping Sphinx favorites by winning by wide 40- 18. margins. Soul, behind Ron In the always improving Tucker's 16 points whipped Saturday morning League, the Mich's by the amazing score of Band got off to a good start by 51 - 9. In the second game, the handing the Bio-wierds a 3 7-17 Yankee Redmen made short loss behind the shooting of Greg work of Porter's Boys 56 - 22. Shaw. In the second game the The final game saw the Flamers pre-season league favorites, the handle the C.C. 41 - 19. Westerville Rags made short In the first week of Bowling, work of the Poet's Children by Club beat Sanders 3-1, Kings the lopsided score of 49 - 16. beat the Faculty 3-1, Sphinx The third game was the closest of whipped FSA 3-1, and Zeta and the morning as the Faculty Jonda won by forfeit the season against Rio Grande Saturday will be the women's W .A.A. SPORTS intercollegiate team which the annual winter competition includes Jayne Ann with alumnae teams in Auguspurger, Bonnie Everhart, basketball and volleyball. More Barb Hoffman, Dianna Johnson, than a dozen alumnae returned Sibyl McCualsky, Kathy Ulmer, to play or watch them go down Linda Bailey, Dawn Kasow, Deb to defeat of the students in both Ka sow, Patty Elliott, Kathy basketball and volleyball. The Ronan, Becky Selbert, Linda students won the very low Witt, and Jo Ellen Womer. The scoring basketball game 20- 15. team is coached by Miss Sue The volleyball match went to Combs. three games before the students won it two out of three.

Returning alumnae included: PI EPSILON Kathy Barger, Diane Benson, Jean Chapman, Terry Goodwin, The women health and Vera Hall, Suzie Jones, Letha physical education majors · are McClead, Margie Miller, Patty selling candy bars at 50c a piece Pease, Barb Russ; Dora or 2 for $1.00. All proceeds go Stockdale, Jane Wittenmeyer, toward the building of the new and Myra Wolfe. physical education complex. So do your share in helping them BASKETBALL along with the college to reach a goal. Buy a candy bar or two. Its Playing their fust game of for a good cause.

Jensen's Jewelers

Page 6 TAN ANO CARD1NAL January 19, 1973
Researched and professionally t.vped.
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Otters Whale on Wittenberg,

Crush Kenyon

With only one returning starter, the young Otterbein basketball team seemed to have no trouble in defeating the invading Wittenberg Tigers. Wittenberg, with a 8-2 overall record is one of the conference's powerhouses.

Under a full house of 1200, the Otters virtually blew the Tigers off the court. Otterbein capitalized on free throws, connecting on 17 of 20 for 85% while the Tigers made only 3 of 6 opportunities for 50%.

Captain Steve Traylor and Mike Hays lead in scoring honors with 1 5 and 14 points, respectively. Bob Deckard, leading scorer thus far in the season, was held to 10.

Wittenberg's big gun, Pat Beasley, was kept to 15 points, Otterbein narrowly defeated Denison 77-74. Kinser was the high scorer with 14 points for the night.




27 w. Main Street


hitting only 7 of 18 action shots. Three other Tigers had 10 points apiece.

Kenyon came to Otterbein sporting an unimpressive 2-10 record, and gave the Otters a very impressive battle.

By the end of the first half, Kenyon lead the 'Bein 32-25, and it wasn't until the end of the third quarter that the score was leveled at 42-42. Then, in the fourth quarter, Mike Hays exploded with 13 points. Otterbein took control of the game, winning 71-62.

The games leading scorer was Hays with 23 for the 'Bein. Other Otter scorers were: Deckard 15, Reed 12, Main 6, Traylor 4, Bromley 3, Horner 2, and Stemen 2. Field goal percentage for the 'Bein was 40%; free throw percentage was 85%



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January 19, 1973 Page 7 TAN ANO CARDINAL Feb.3 9:30 2 vs. 3 SATURDAY MORNING LEAGUE
10:30 5 vs. 8
88 -
CHAMPION TERMPAPERS 636 Beacon St. (No. 605) Boston, Mass. 02215
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Bio-Wierds 2. Band Jocks 3. Poet's Children 4. Westerville Rags 5. Rote 6. Faculty-Staff 7. Scott Hall 8. Slandidracs Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Wes Anderson Greg Shaw Dan Porte Russ Shields Stan Hughes Ed Vaughn Jim Bowles Steve Dearth 9:30 7 vs. 8 10:30 1 vs. 3 11 :30 2 VS. 4 9:30 5 vs. 7 10:30 6 vs. 8 11 :30 1 vs. 4 FRATERNITY BASKETBALL LEAGUE Division I Division II 1. Club 8. Kings 2 Zeta 9.Jonda 3. Pi Sig 10 Sphinx 4. YMCA 11. Davis I 5. Sanders 12 N. Garst 6. Davis 11 13. Turkeys 7. Agler-Davidson 14. Frenchmen MONDAY INDEPENDENT LEAGUE Mich's Gary Roberts Flamers Soul c.c. The Best Yankee Redmen Neil Day Bill Spooner Conrad Williams Porter's Boys Porter Kaufman Feb. 10 Feb. 17 Feb.24 March 3 Jan. 24 (Wed.) Jan. 25 (Thurs.) Feb. 1 (Thurs.) Feb. 6 (Tues.) Feb. 7 (Wed.)
8 (Thurs.)
14 (Wed.)
15 (Thurs.)
21 (Wed.) Feb. 27 (Tues.) Steve Kinser, (34) above, is shown in action Tuesday evening as an.29 eb. 5 eb. 12 eb.26 eb. 28 (Wed.) Jack Lintz Bob Evans 8:00 3 vs. 7 9:00 1 vs. 5 10:00 2 vs. 6 8:00 6 vs. 7 9:00 4 vs. 5 10:00 1 VS. 2 8:00 1 vs. 3 9:00 4 vs. 6 10:00 2 vs. 7 8:00 3 vs. 4 9:00 1 vs. 6 10:00 2 vs. 7 8:00 5 vs. 6 9:00 4 vs. 7 10:00 2 vs. 3 7:30 1 vs. 7 8:30 2 vs. 4 9:30 3 vs. 5
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If ---artians attacked the Russians, whose side would we be on?

There's only one answer:

We're all on this thing together.

Even if we don't get along with some nations, we've got to deal with the great problems thataffectall nations: not Martians but pollution, population, trade barriers, restricted freedoms to travel, war.

They're just too big and too urgent for even the strongest nations to solve alone.

One way to develop solutions is by getting together with nations we are friendly with some of our European allies and other autonomous democracies.

In the next session of Congress, a resolution will be introduced calling for a convention of delegates from the most experience~ democraci~s.

This Atlantic Union Convention will explore President Kennedy described it this way: the possibilities of forming a workable federation "Acting on our own by ourselves, we canof democracies, geared to finding and imple­ not establish justice throughout the world. We menting practical solutions to our mutual cannot insure its domestic tranquility, or provide troubles. for its common defense or promote its general

By utilizing the individual strengths and welfare, or secure the blessings of liberty to ourtalents of each free nation, we can begin to set selves and our posterity But,- joined with other things straight on the only world we've got. free nations, we can do all of this and more "

We can pul I the peoples of the world togeth­ Unfortunately there are people in this couner by· solving the difficulties we face together. try who are against our simply participating in The concept of a federation of autonomous the Atlantic Union discussions. democracies is not new. Beginning in 1939 with So we need your support.

Clarence K. Streit's non-fiction best-seller, Union By filling out and mailing this coupon, you'll Now, it has won the support of such divers i · ~e saying "Why not? Let's talk." leaders as Robert Kennedy, Barry Gold. · ·· · Hubert Humphrey, Richard Nixon George McGovern among others.

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