Volume 55 Number 14
Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio February 2, 1973
Student Announces City Council Candidacy Environmental Workshop
Ted R. Shonkwiler, a Sophomore Senator at Otterbein College, has officially announced his candidacy for the Westerville City Council for the November, 1973 election. Ted, who was an alternate delegate to the 1972 Republican National Convention in Miami, Florida, just recently returned from the Inauguration festivities of President Richard Nixon.

Ted, who is 20 years of age and a resident of Westerville, wishes to put more representation into the council. As he stated, "The people of Westerville, and all other communities, deserve to be better represented by the people they elect. This is a great and constantly expanding suburb, and I feel that the people need and want to be better informed of exactly what their council is doing."
The election may be ten months away, but Ted feels that the campaigning must begin this week. As he said, "I have just appointed Keith A. Shoemaker, a junior here at the Bein, as my campaign manager. We are building up a tremendous staff and have already charted the n e xt t en m on th s of t h e campaign There is a lot of hard work ahead of us, and if my campaign strategy is carried out, we will win. This strategy consists of the late President Harry S. Truman's style : hard work, sincerity, straight from the heart talk with as many people as possible. Win or lose, though, something is to be gained-for every campaign and political event for me is a great learning expereince."
When asked what his anticipation of the job might be if elected, he had this reply, "Quite honestly , I hope to be the work horse for the council. When assignments and studies are to be made, I hope they are given to me, for I will carry
them out to the fullest-for then the council can safely and wisely vote knowing that all the facts and information has been before them As far as voting is concerned on my part, I will vote for what is good for the people and the town of Westerville "
For the past twelve years, Ted has campaigned for various local , state, and national condidates. He has attended and participated in two Republican
Reservations are now being accepted for an Environmental Workshop to be held at the Otterbein Campus Center in Westerville Saturday, Feb. 3, from 9:30 to 3:00 p.m.
Sponsored by the Columbus Chapter of the United Nations Association, the Westerville League of Women Voters and several environmental organizations are cooperating on program arrangements.
A presentation of environmental problems by a four-member panel and a report from Dr. Robert Roth, observer to the Stockholm conference, will highlight morning sessions of the workshop. National Conventions and four
Panelists are Sam Bleicher, presidential inaugurations. 0 h i o E n v i r o nm e n ta 1
Ted resides at 243 Garst Hall ProtectionAgency; Dr. Art and hopes that all of Otterbein Koch, chemistry professor from will join him in his cause. As he concluded, "If enough dedicated people join us, we will win. And
in winning, we can gain back better representation from our
Open Tomorrow
Ohio Dominican; Dr. Richard S. Davidson, environmentalist and ecologist; and Roger Mitchell, department of zoology at Ohio State University.
The workshop is open to interested residents of the Columbus area with participants limited to 75. There is no charge for the workshop but reservations are required Only cost for participants will be for lunch.
Afternoon sessions will be devoted to small group discussion leading to proposals for action in the environmental area, according to program chairman James Winkates, Otterbein faculty member.
Results of the group's efforts will then be codified for use by officals in the Columbus and Westerville area.
Traditional Events of C.P B. elected officials, we can keep the announces a change in the public better informed, and we election process for this Winter can gain back higher respect for Homecoming Each fraternity our city council." this year will select two (2)
Marcel Marceau at Otterbein Feb. 15
The Language of the Heart, as Marcel Marceau refers to the Art of Mime, will come alive with the genius of the Master himself on Feb 15, 8 : 15 p.m. in Cowan Hall as a Guest Artist Series presentation
Marceau, renowned as the world's greatest living exponent of mime, will perform his immortal "Bip" characterizations including "Bip in the Subway , " "Bip the Street Musician," and "Bip and the Bumble Bee."
The Marceau style · pantomines, including "Youth, Maturity, Old Age and Death"
will be offered with "Walking Against the Wild," - and "The Cage " Style pant omines are compared with n ote s on a musical staff, with exact designation of each movement.
"The Art of Mime," says Marceau, "is the portrayal of the human being in its most secret yearnings. By identifying itself with the elements which surround us, the art of mime makes visible the invisible and concrete the abstract."
Familiar to millions of Americans, Marceau has appeared in award-winning performances on television,
The Campus Programming room only crowd Because of Board's Tuesday night Coffee this overwhelming success, CPB Haus proved successful on is sponsoring their Coffee Haus opening night with a standing every Tuesday from 9-11 with
live campus entertainment, and free coffee
Included in the entertainment last Tuesday were Jane Carter and Marty Edwards and The Les Neuhard combo. With the fantastic response to the first Coffee Haus, CPB has lined up entertainment through February. Appearing next Tuesday, Feb. 6, will be Leslie Burrell and Bruce Flinchbaugh. There are no special requirements for performing in , the Coffee 'Haus. Any interested person or group should leave their name in the Campus Center Office. This Coffee Haus is to help promote campu.s talent, so any interested persons are more than welcome. Be sure to be at the Roost next Tuesday-hear live campus entertainment, drink free coffee, and just relax.
motion pictures and on tour in a number of foreign countries.
For further information and reservations, call the Otterbein Artist Series box office , 882-3601, ext. 331 , 1-4 p.m weekdays.
Sophomore girls to be candidates. Then, on February 13th, the entire Sophomore class will vote on these candidates to dete r mine the Homcoming Queen , Maid-of-H ono r, and First Attendant.
The results of this ele ction will be announced during half-time of the basketball game Then, immediately following the game, the Queen and her Court will reign over the Homecoming Dance which will be aturing "the Crowdpleasers "
Concord Seeks Staff Members
Concord, the phone through Thursday and 1 p m. to counselling service for the 7 a.m Friday and Saturday As a Westerville area, is seeking new new service, Concord now offers staff members. Concord has problem pregnancy counselling, recently expanded its hours to l providing free of charge the p.m to l a.m on Sunday 3
its board (center),
part of the
check for $10,000-to Dr. Thomas J. Kerr IV, the college president. Otterbein's building program includes construction of a physical education -campus recreation center, remodeling o f 44-year-old Alumni Gym into a modern classroom-faculty office facility, and renovation of Towers Hall, oldest structure on campus, into a centralized administration ouilding. Estimated total cost of the three-phase program is $2.3 million.
Ted Shonkwiler Jane Carter and Marty Edwards as they sang during CPB's Coffee Haus in the Roost last Tuesday night. Nationwide Foundation, a non-profit charitable organization, has pledged $20,000 to the comprehensive building program of Otterbein College at Westerville. Dean W. Jeffers, chairman of the Foundation (left), and George H. Dunlap, a member of recently presented sum-aCeasefire, Smeasefire
The ceasefire in Vietnam has been in supposed effect for almost a week now. Immed iately after the time for commencement of the ceasefire and up until this time, numerous violations of the agreement have been made, no doubt with fault on both sides.
Reaction to the signing of the agreement did not bring about wild parties in the streets as did the end of World Wa rs and Korea. People seemed to just sigh and say " It's abo u t time."
American troops have withdrawn from Vietnam. American bombers are still running missions in Laos. NBC News reported that 10, 000 Americans are still in Vietnam work ing as civ ilians in what would normally be called the " military advisor" position. But they are civilians.
It seems that the only thing accompl ished here is the mak ing of a document so that we will have something nice and concrete to violate. The Geneva agreement is too far in the pa st t9 be of any influence now. So the thing to do was to make up a new one. A new toy to break
Anyway, if the United States reall y believes t hat it is going to have anything to do with the bringing of peace to ·Vietnam, it is suffering from delusions of grandeur. The people of Vietnam have hardly seen a moment of peace since recorded history invaded their peninsula. Feudal lords have caused trouble; kings and other monarchs have beat them around; and now there is a three-way battle going for possession of their land, between the Communists, the South Vietnamese government (specifically that, since it does not seem representative of the southern portion of the country), and the good ole United States, who has allegedly dropped out.

The only solution (if it can be called that), is to allow the people of Vietnam to select whom they wish to be governed by, if anyone, and then to allow them to be governed in that manner. Forcing your way on someone else, no matter how right you think you are or might be, is stupid.
Now that the United States has gotten the troops out of Vietnam, how about getting the American civilians out, the bombers out of Laos and Thailand and Cambodia, and leaving that poor battered piece of land alone. ·
Published weekly during the academic year except holiday and examination periods by students of Otterbein College. Entered as second-class matter on September 25, 1927, at the Post Office in Westerville, Ohio , 43081 Office hours vary, but are most reliable between one and four each week-day afternoon. Phone 882-3601, ex t 256. ·
Subscription rates are $2.00 per te r m and $6.00 per year.
Editor Dan Budd
Assistant Ed itor Bob Ready
Business Manager Bonnie LeMay
Circulation Manager Charlie Ernst
Photographer Kim Wells
Advisor Mike Rothgery
Substi t uting for Mr. Rothgery , who is on sabbatical this t erm , is Richard Townsend
Staff writers and columnists:
John Aber, Mark Bixler, Gayle Bixler, Mike Darrell, Susie Delay, Charlie Ernst, Kathy Fox, R. Steven Graves , Susan Hall, John Mulkie , John Riley, Sue Risner, Lee Schroeder, Gar Vance, Jim Wallace , Chris Warthen
Opinions expressed in the Tan and Cardinal, unless bylined, are thos e of the editorial board and do not necessarily reflect those of the college or its staff.
The Tan and Cardinal is represented for national advertising by National Educational Advertising Services, Inc , 360 Lexington Ave New York, N Y. 10017
The Tan and Cardinal encourages students , faculty, and staff to write to our letters department concerning any matter that happens to be bothering you at any given moment. All letters must be typed , double-spaced , and signed in ink with the author's name, address, and phone number included. No anonymous letters will be considered for publication. Names may be withheld upon request. The Tan and Cardinal reserves the right to accept or reject any letter, and to make any necessary corrections.
Distinction Query
To the Editor:
"It is a pleasure to inform you that , by virtue of your scholastic attainment, you are e Ii gi b le to do work in the Otterbein College distinction program " This is the first sentence of a letter that wa s sent to sixteen Otterbein students before Thanksgiving. But as yet none of these students have accepted the invitation What is student opinion of the distinction program? As the present chairman of the committee, I would welcome response
Norman ChaneyPro Visitation
To the Editor :
Right now Otterbein's governance system is in the process of studying the idea of visitation in the dorms. The process has been long and slow. It appears now that the process is coming to a gradual halt. Visitation proposals are being considered by the Campus Rules and Regulations Committee. True, all the alternatives have to be seriously considered but we want to see the governance program begin functioning more effectively. We must take active interest in this process ; lobby for what we want. Any government is founded on the poeple who it represents. We have the right to press for what we believe is needed because our governance program is supposed to give all factions an equal say This is our visitation proposal which will be presented to the Campus Rules and Regulation Committee.
1 This proposal describes visitation at Otterbein College to be the right of each student to have persons of the opposite sex present in his or her room under the prov~.;ions stipulated :
(b) In the dormitories , visitation periods can be regulated by the counselors on duty Before entering a room, the student must check in with the counselor in an assigned lounge; signing a list and leaving the I.D cards of his guest and his own
(c) The I.D can be picked up when the student and the guest wish to leave the room or when the visitation period expires
(d) If at 1: 30A M some cards are not picked up, the counselor on duty has the right to check the room and ask the guest to leave
(e) Fraternity and sorority houses shall follow the same regulations It will be up to each indi v idual , who is college approved , to see that these rules are complied with.
2 Anyone not complying with these guidelines will be subject to disciplinary action taken by the college.
This is the crux of our proposal. A more detailed plan will be submitted to the • committee. We will need student, faculty and parental support to succeed. There are complications in doing anything new. We believe we have strong enough support and sound rationale for this proposal. The college itself who feels the student must mature through handling responsibilities and making decisions has said this in describing dorm life at Otterbein:
" The 'developmental approach' emphasizes people and their total development. Important ingredients in the 'developmental approach' are communication,
counseling, discipline , social and educ a tio programs within residence halls. The se as the student in t development of group , individual responsibil which are important to total development
* * *
" . Communication is premium in t 'developmental appro a and one which cannot underrated . "
* * *
"Residence H, programming is anot important fa c et of 'developmental approach ' it serves t o p r ov opportunities for studen t ! come together a nd develop and mature b1 socially and acad emic,
To this we say Amen Ted
R Shonkw 1 Leslie Bun Tomm y Mi1 JohnMul Mike WasyCARE Needed
To the Editor : Years of bitter a r. conflict have ended in Viet1 and I hope that you will pe me to invite your readers to money to CARE that alone make possible the massive ai1 must provide.
Millions of men, women children are struggling to alive amid the devastatior war. They are hungry. 1 need doctors, nurses and me supp lies. Countless thous sleep in the open because former homes have been red1 to rubble. People are in searc both missing dear ones and means to stay alive CARE programs l continued in South Viet Co~tinued on 3
a) All dormitory , fraternity, and sorority facilities will be open to visitation during the following hours
HALL IN THE FAMILY BBEAKING WIND I . Health Center Diagnosis Finally Right Pieces of Highway
by Susan .M. Hallhave anemia or Leukemia or But don't worry Take your by R.
StevenGravesHooray for the Health mono or anything. All I have is a medicines, and cough when the Empty pavement glistened in Center! They came from behind dislocated elbow." teacher's talking. Coughs are like the afternoon sunlight, in the second half and made a There, there, fella. At least yawns; they're contagious, and stretching far into the distance correct diagnosis! In fact, they they didn't try to tell you you you don't want to drown out as if it were a slender, slippery diagnosed one-third of the were about to be a mother. And the lecture. Too bad you had to finger. Ancient birch trees jutted school correctly! Way to go, just think if you'd really been blow your nose on the paper from the soil along the road as if Health Center! Flu points-I sick? You'd have walked in with you use to take notes. to impale the metallic sky; the mean, two points! a cold and out with a drugstore. Hand in there, kid. You're river churned and gurgled
You remember how it was in But the Health Center is bound to get well by the time beyond the field, The fust shift the old days. "Hey, nurse, you making great strides now, your roomie catches it. had just punched out at the gotta help me! I think I dribbling all the way. Man, you Personally, I haven't got it. The factory, and two technicians dislocated something. Whaddaya stand in line over there and by Flu, I mean. I'm fine, but I walked wearily toward their mean, this ain't the Lost and the time you get in, they tell really feel sorry for you sickies. neighboring homes. Found? A joke, huh? Ha-ha. you what you've got. Flu, Tch-tch-tch-hack. Snort. Sniffle. "You know," muttered one, Please lady, my arm's killing me. London Flu. And you know Wheeze. What do you mean, I "In a couple of weeks I'm Which one? The one that's what's really neat? They're right. have a temperature of 103? I've supposed to be in a wedding in purple and swollen. Aieee ! Yeah, Can you cough "The just been thinking about-well, Montana, and I'm not sure if I that one. Hallelujah Chorus"? You can, never mind. But it was enough have enough gasoline ration
"What? You want to take huh? You got it. You're so sick, to make anybody's temperature coupons to make the trip there some blood out of my arm? you probably think this song is rise, heh-heh-huh-huh-achoo! and back." What are you people feeding about flu (and if that line didn't Oh, God. By dose iz stobbed
Wiping his forehead with his here, anyway? Lady, I don't make you sick, you're immune ub ad, I thig I'b god sleeve, he continued, "Frankly, I to something). laryngitisss think this whole ecology bit has gone too far."
"Oh, this gas rationing isn't
as much ecology as ·it is business," answered his (/.P.)-Organized as a "Nader's the executive branch and can hopes to deal with, was the case companion as he unfolded his Raiders" for the Kent State give the individual student help of a girl who had fulfilled her sunglasses. University student body, the by dealing individually with class requirements in a course "Hell, the U S. has the Student Rights Action Lobby him," he said. and had never received a grade. crude, but the oil companies (SRAL) will attempt to protect Gage explained that the Her professor had left the - haven't gotten to it and refined students' rights by investigating SRAL will go further than the university, so she was unable to it. Things could be worse. student complaints and student Ombudsman's office in get in touch with him. "After Remember, the government was problems that are brought to its attempting to solve student two days of work, we were able talking about rationing jobs " attention problems. "The Ombudsman's to get her grade," he said. "But what about these idiots
Bob Gage, student body office doesn't go out and The SRAL is sub-divided who scream about the pollution president, explained that the investigate students' complaints. into three divisions: student from automobiles, and make lobby will be administered by He can only deal with students awareness division, investigative Detroit penalize car owners by Student Government and that it that come to him seeking division and legal aid division. clogging the engines with will allow "Student Government assistance," he said. The three divisions are according emission controls? It's ridiculous to do something for students. As an example of the to the lobby's preliminary draft, when a well-tuned older car is We will be administering through problems that he said the lobby "dependent upon one another half again as efficient as a newer for any effectiveness the lobby car. have you heard Blakney's
Nixon in Chinese Means What?
may achieve." '73 he bought last month?"
walking to work like this, we can save up enough ration coupons to get you to Montana."
"I hope so. Well, we're just about home. How about a beer?" His companion grinned gratefully and confessed, "You've made me an offer I can't refuse."
On the patio the men chatted casually, the smokestacks of the factroy barely visible. Soot and sulpher spewed toward the sky, lending its murky hue to the pastel horizon. Shortly, the technician would participate in a celebration of matrimony, his allotment of fuel spent for the month The factory would continue production until he returned, absolutely unfettered.
Continued from 1 counselling and referral services that can cost a person over $100.
Persons wishing to apply for staff positions should come to the Concord house Sunday, February 4 at 7:30, or call 882-9338 for additional information
"No," replied his translated into Chinese represent the name Nixon. There translation of the name can companion, kicking a stone on ideographs it is broken down is a catch. Each Chinese syllable differ. For instance the phonetic the road into phonetic syllables. For each can have as many as 40 different equivalent of the name America
When a Western surname is Chinese sylables Ni-Ko-Sen to
"Well, it coughs and sputters syllable an ideograph which has meanings depending on how the translates into "beautiful land ." like it's about to die. Now tell a close phonetic sound is chosen ideograph is written. What do the syllables Ni-Ko-Sen me, why should car owners bear and the name is composed of Ni-Ko-Sen can be written in translate into: The way Nixon's the burden while industry gets these ideograph phonetic several different ways and since name is presently being spelled away with murder? It doesn't equivalents. each Chinese syllable generally in China it translates into seem fair."
The Chinese press uses the means something, the literal "mud-overcomes-forest."
"Yeah. But maybe by
1Hf alt Wl1H l!CU CDKP€TiT!Vt. Ct) IS WHO l.lke'S /rt; A~lDAl(S PlAll GN'tf"S, fJOT He. A caJTeST. 6AH6S.
lF If /StJT A 4'0U l<rJOW WHAT PCU£R 'STRUS !IOU 00? 1/0U elE L(OJ l-OSe 8W1€ H6 FOR l~TBREST.
Continued from 2 since 1954, and I am confident that your readers will want to use CARE to meet the monumental challenge to save lives that peace has brought. They can reach into a part of the world currently in agony by sending a contribution to : CARE Vietnam Fund 8 E. Chestnut St Columbus, Ohio 43215 They personally will have made possible the delivery of food, shelter and other desperately needed aid.

Sincerely, Judith A. Johnson Mrs Jean Cligrow
THATS c;~ wr fvfc. r HAT6 caJTcSTS. I
It IG -n2ue. ttOORI\VI ,
Dean Van Is a Busy Person
by Susie De Laynow, in addition to being a have a more friendly campu: Perhaps no other person on part-time teacher. · than many other colleges. Sh( Otterbein College's As Vice President ofStudent likes the fact that Otterbein i: administrative staff has been Affairs, she works in several not like all colleges and does nomore involved with outside · different areas: housing of al ways follow the crowd. 11 activities or been bestowed more students, security, the Health schools do not differ, there i: honors than the Vice President Center, the Campus Center, and nothing for the student to selec1 of Student Affairs and Dean of. social programs. In her work, she from-all the schools would be Students, Miss Joanne Vansant. finds there is never any week primarily the same. Not all the She belongs to more alike; things are always different. people are the same; in fact, nc L organizations and boarcls and Obviously, Miss Vansant two people are alike, so it is nice executive committees than one likes Otterbein or she would not to have a small conserned college can shake a stick at. For be here. She finds Otterbein to left for people who still care fo1 exam_ple, she is treasurer and a it. member of the executive board of the Ohio Association of
Summer Jobs Available
Women Deans, Counselors and Administrators, in Who's Who of American Women, in Who's Who The Westerville Parks and and great working conditions. in the Midwest, a member of a Recreation Department has The program runs from June local chapter of the American announced openings for summer 18, 1973 through August 17 , Association of University jobs in 1973 19 7 3. Maintenance personnel Women (AAVW), in the They are accepting high will work from May through Westerville Women's Music Club school, and college students, September. for which she is dance chairman, teachers, and skilled individuals Applications must be in by a member of the Board of for the positions. Needed are February 28, 1973 to Richard Directors and Evening Program people to be Playground leaders, Rano, Director of the Parks and Chairman for Zonta Park maintenance personnel,Golf Recreation Department, City of International, a Columbus and tennis instructors, Umpires, Westerville, 21 South State chapter of the BPW, an and Athletic supervisors. The Street, Westerville, Ohio, 43081. honorable member of Torch and jobs have good hours, good pay Phone, 882-2317 or 882-6035. Key, the Cap and Dagger Club and Alpha Lamba Delta,

Choreographer for all the musicals done at Otterbein, an The Religion-in-Life activity, fashion in order to avoid any
ordained elder at the Central "A Musical Offering to God," by segment of the college
MONDAYthroughSATURDAY 2:00-Sign off College Presbyterian Church, Tom Vaughn will be presented community being pre-empted and ( of course) drummer for the February 14, 1973, at 7:15 p.m. from participation in the service
4:00-Be Still and Know, From SUNDAY Philthy Phaculty Phour. Miss the Knoll, Module #= 1 in the Campus Center Lounge simply because of an objection Vansant was also made a 6: 00-Powerline (Monday), 9:30-Be Still and Know George Simon, noted jazz critic to its form. The work which was Silhouete (Tuesday), Generation Gap 9:32-The Luthern Hour honorable alumnus of Otterbein and president of the Natiop.al · written for the vehicle of the (Wednesday), Roger Carol * * * in 1970. Academy of Recording Arts and jazz trio, (piano, bass, and (Thursday), Vibrations at 6:00 and 6:00-Be Still and Know She received her BA from characterized was then Travel the World in Song
6: 16-The Navy's Red, White, liturgy as: " The most valid thoughtful and highly artistic Education and her MA from
6:02-Campus Crusade Sciences the jazz drums), termed "a Dennison in Health and Physical (Fridays).
6:30-News and Blue and vital work of its kind." wedding of liturgy and modern
6:45-Jockin' Around (Mondays, 6:21-From the Knoll Ohio State University. Miss Tom Vaughn spent some six jazz" by Dr. Randolph Crump Otterbein Sports Watch (Tuesday 6:26-Musical Interlude Vansant shifted back and forth months composing the jazz Miller, professor of Christian thru Saturday)
6:30-News from teaching Physical
7:00-Children's Stories liturgy. Vaughn endeavored to Education at Yale.
7:00-Top 40 and Solid Gold
Five news education to working on the (Module If. 2), minute
7: 30-Poetry with Chris Nicely create a work which would Every member of the college
than meets the ear. administrative staff to doing proceed from a solid liturgical community is invited to
both from 1948 until 1968 base and provide ample participate in this high quality
when she became what she is opportunity for congregational musical celebration and the
Colleg~ Graduate Employment Is Up
( CPS)-College graduates may no longer be threatened with the possibility of unemployment which has faced them for the past several years.
According to a recent survey by the College P!acement Council, a Pennsylvania-based nonprofit organization, employment of college graduates increased by 6 percent last year.
It is the first time in three years that an upward trend has been noted.
The employers surveyed reported that 47,600 graduates were hired as compared to the 45,000 hired the previous year.
In 1969-1970 there were 70,000 college graduates hired.

The survey found that the openings made most available to graduates were in merchandising, federal government, public accounting, banking-financeinsurance, chemicals and drugs, and state and local government.
The biggest percentage boosts in hiring activity were in research and consulting-88 percent, chemicals and drugs-52 percent, aero-space-43 percent, public accounting-37 percent, electrical machinery-32 percent, building materials and construction-27 percent.
Unemployment in the engineering profession, which had increased 3 percent in 1971, has now declined to less than 2 percent.
Employment prospects for graduating engineers are getting brighter, says William M. Kays, dean of Stanford University's School of Engineering, and there may be a severe shortage of engineers by 1976, when demand may double the supply.
Kays noted that the publicity given engineering unemployment continues to affect enrollments across the U.S. To counter the effects of such publicity, the Stanford Engineering School, under Kays' direction, has begun a campaign to attract students to the profession.
The campaign will investigate alternate routes -into
engineering, which would introduce first year students into the program without stressing heavy commitment from the start.
Kays also notes a greater interest among students in environmental issues, with the result that enrollments in civil engineering, which is involved with many environmental problems, have held up better than in most areas.
- Kays senses an increased interest among undergraduates in professional careers.
According to two college placement directors questioned in the College Placement Council survey, seniors this year were more interested in finding employment than a year ago
This year's class was seen as being more practical in its job-hunting efforts and more
aware of the realtiy of the depressed job market.
Liberal arts students, however, were said to be generally lacking in knowledge about the job market and the process of becoming part of it.
Employers today are more concerned with increased productivity and efficiency, says J. Dennis Ryan, placement director at Carnegie-Mellon University. They want more of a demonstration of skills than just a grade-point performance.
"Employers are finding that students who are career-oriented in their extra-curricular and summer activities become productive muc;h sooner than students without this additional experience. And they seem to have a much better perspective as far as their personal goals," concluded Ryan.
Otterbein Band to Perform.
Tonight, Friday, Feb. 2, the ''Aquarelles", meaning "water Otterbein College Concert Band colors." and Wind Ensemble, under the
direction of Mr. Gary R. Tirey, will present a winter concert at 8: 15 p.m. in Cowan Hall
The Concert Band has been preparing music by English composers such as "The Duke of Caimbridge March" by Malcolm Arnold and "Music Fora Festival" by Gordon Jacob. The Wind Ensemble , a select group within concert band, will perform among others, scenes from "The Louvre" by Norman Dello J oio and "Broadway Curtain Time," an exciting overture of many hit Broadway show tunes.
David Leist, euphonium, will solo in "Fantasia Di Concerto, by Boccalari and Chris Naragon, tympani, will be featured in "March and Polanaise" by Tausch.
Mr. Robert Rollin, music theory instructor, will conduct the Wind Ensemble in his own composition entitle d
The Otterbein College Profession a 1~Educational Repertory Theatre, sponsored in part by an Ohio Arts Council Grant, will offer three special morning performances for area high school students. The Repertory Theatre, opening on Feb 28, will have special performances of Shakespeare's comedy, "Much Ado About Nothing" on March 2 and 6 at 10 a.m. and "The Lion in Winter" on Friday, March 9, at 10 a.m. Admission for these special student performances has been reduced to $1.25.
Last year, the first offerings of the Professional-Educational Repertory Theatre brought more than 4,000 area high school students from 42 different
schools to the Otterbein campus to attend performances.
In addition, as a part of the Ohio Arts Council grant, all schools sending a sizeable number of students to one of the morning performances can av ail themselves of a school visitation from one of the two professional guest actors working with students for both plays.
Group reservations are necessary to attend the special performances, and may be made by calling Dr. Charles W. Dodrill, Otterbein director of theatre who will direct "The Lion in Winter." Professional guest director David Hooks will work in a directorial capacity with Otterbein student actors and the professionals in "Much Ado About Nothing."
Admisssion is free and everyone is invited to attend.
Sat. Feb. 3 8:00 p.m. only with Sandy Dennis, Anne Heywood, and Keir Dullea
LeMay Auditorium
Admission $1.00
VISITATION -I n order to prepare for an open forum on the question of visitation, Campus Regulations Committee is requesting that opinions on this subject be submitted in written form to the committee Statements should: 1) be in legible form (preferably typed); 2) begin with one of the following headings: Pro Visitation, Against Visitation, or Alternate Proposals; 3) be received by Marcia Cooper, Mayne Hall, no later than February 5. Any statement not adhering to the above guidelines will not be considered. If questions arise, contact Marcia Cooper, Mayne Hall, 882-7417.
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Final Parties This Weekend
by Gayle BixlerThe formal rush period for sororities will conclude this weekend with final parties and preference signing Sunday night. Final parties, which are being held tonight and tomorrow, will give both the sororities and the rushees their last formal look at each other. A sorority's individuality and its bonds of sisterhood can be rocognized through each sorority's party.
The parties this weekend are as follows: Friday night; Tau Epsilon Mu. 5:30- 7:30 p.m., and 10:30- 12:30 a.m., Sigma Alpha Tau. Saturday night's agenda includes Rho Kappa
CARE Steos Up Aid for Vietnamese People
Delta, 1:00-3:00 p.m.; Theta Nu, 3: 15-5: 15 p.m.; Tau Delta, 5: 20- 7 :30 p.m.; Kappa Phi Omega, 7:45-9 :45; and Ep silon Kappa Tau 10:00- 12:00 p.m
Preference signing will take place for all rushees on Sunday evening, February 4, in LeMay Lecture Hall of the Science Building at 8:00 p.m. It is imperative that any girl who has attended any of the parties held during rush must fill out a sheet for preference signing , re gardles s of whether you plan to pledge or not. If you are unable to attend Sunday evening please contact Miss Jenkins before that time.
Fraternity Rush Is Big Success
by Mark BixlerThe winter term formal rush period for fraternities, which climaxed this past Sunday evening, has been termed a big success by the Interfratemity Council as 1 04 men have pledged the six fraternity organizations. The total number of pledges points toward a sustained strong effort by I.F .C. over the past two years in the
(CPS) - Erirollment in Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) programs in U.S.colleges and universities is the lowest in 25 years.
Figures released by the Pentagon in late December indicate that college ROTC rolls are down for the sixth straight year
The figures show that 72,459 students were signed up at the beginning of the school term-a decline of 10,574 from last year and 191,749 below 1966 when the decline began Pentagon officials say, however, that the ROTC is
Send for your descriptive, up-to-date, 128-page, mail order catalog of 2,300 quality termpapers Enclose $1.00 to cover postage and handling. WE ALSO WRITE
area of rush organization. Heading the list was Jonda with 29, followed by Club with 21, Sphinx with 17, Kings with 17, Zeta 12, and Pi Sig 9. The fraternities have again demonstrated that dispite the decline of Greek interest on a national level, there is still a vital place for fraternities at Otterbein.
producing its share of officers to meet the needs of their shrinking regular armed forces. Other officers come from Officer Candidate schools and the service academies.
They said the drop on ROTC enrollment is due to lower draft calls and a decline in the number of schools requiring all physically fit male students to take at least two years of ROTC training.
Pentagon officials indicated a possible upward trend in the future. The 1972 enrollment was 13.7 percent, while the decline registered for 1970 was 28.8.
Officials said that there were ROTC units on 392 campuses in 1972, and increase of 18 from 1971.

On the heels of the cease-fire announcement, CARE headquarters in New York today cabled its director in Vietnam to proceed with finalizing previously prepared, preliminary proposals for vastly expanding the agency's relief and reconstruction aid for the destitute refugees and other war victims.
Initial plans call for extending CARE's child feeding programs, which now reach 270,000 school children, in the Saigon area, into region s inaccessible during the fighting.
Also under dj scu ssion with Vietname se governemt officials are propo s als to establish medical services for the sick and injured, and to help resettle di s placed families in new communities or in their former village s that now lie in ruin s Such aid would include repair and construction of house s, schools and roads, with the people themselves helping to do the building, and a provision for work equipment for farmers, fisherman and arti sans in small industries, so that they can support themselves and their families independently.
CARE has operated in South Vietnam since 1954 when it was the first outside agency to enter
Phi Alpha Theta, the history honorary, invites students to apply for membership Qualifications include a minimum of four courses in history with better than a B average and a satisfactory cu mu Iat ive average. Lifetime dues are $15 00. If interested, contact Steve Lust, non-dorm, by February 7. Both old and new members are urged to attend the initiation meeting at 4 :00 p.m. on February 11 at Dr. Hancock's house, 111 W. Park St. A program will follow the initiation ceremony.
More than half of all fatal accidents involve alcohol, State f!ighway Safety Director Pete O'Grady says. Don't become a part of that fatal 50 percent; keep alcohol out of the driver's seat.
HELP WANTED. $100 weekly possible addressing majl for firms. Full and part time at , home. Send stamped, self-addressed envelope to HOME WORK OPPORTUNITIES, Box 566 Ruidoso Downs, New Mexico; 88346.
An Abortion can be arranged within 24 hours and you can retum home the same day you leave
the country after the Geneva truce.
"Americans have the challenge and opportunity of helping to build the conditions in which peace can survive," Frank L. Goffio, CARE Executive Director said in an appeal for public support. "Whatever governments do, there is an urgent need for direct people-to-people assistance for
Calendar Changes
The following events have been approved by the Calendar Committee and added to the Social Calendar:
Every Sunday Winter Term - 6-7 :30 p.m - (Beginning Feb. 4) -F uture Shock Lecture Series sponsored by Campus Programming Board in Campus Center Lounge.
Every Tuesday Winter Term - 9 - 11 p.m. - (Beginning Jan. 30)- Coffee House in Roost with s tu dent en tertairiment sponsored by Campus Programming Board.
Every Wednesday Winter * * *
Dr. Edward D. Kiner of Temple Israel in Columbus, Ohio will represent the Jewish Chautauqua Society as lecturer at Otterbein College in Westerville, Ohio on Thursday, February 8, 1973. The rabbi will lecture at 10:00 a.m. on the subject "The Old Testament From Exile to A.D." and at 1:00 p.m. on the subject "Biblical Anthropology."
The rabbi lectures on college campuses under the auspices of the Jewish Chautauqua Society is sponsored by the National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods.
millions of the homeless, hungry and sick. Although our present work centers in South Vietnam, CARE stands ready to send aid wherever it is needed and requested throughout Indo-China."
Ohioans and Kentuckians who wish to help may send contributions to the CARE Vietnam Fund, 8 E. Chestnut St., Columbus, Ohio 43215.
Term (Excluding Feb. 14)- 9:00 p.m. - (Beginning Jan 31)- Board & Card Night-card games in Campus Center Lounge - sponsored by Campus Programming Board.
Feb. 7, 14, 21 & 28 & March 7 & 28- 7:00 p.m. - Tau Epsilon Mu Pledge Meetings
Jan. 31 - 5 p.m. - Alpha Lambda Delta Pledging F e b . 1 7 - 3 - 6 p.m ..:.. Residence Halls Open Houses
Feb. 20- 7:30 p.m. - King Hall Party for Davis Hall & Davis Annex residents
March 1 - 5 p.m. - Alpha Lambda Delta Activation
March 10-12-3 p.m. - Residence halls Open Houses
Please note the following correction on the Social Calendar:
The Lecture Series on Feb. 21 I ists Warren Widener as mayor of Oakland, Calif. This should be corrected to mayor of Berkeley, Calif.
In overtime last Tuesday night, Otterbein squeezed past Heidelberg 75-73. Th is Saturday they travel to Marietta for an 8 o'clock starting.
Club fraternity continues its domination of Division I and the Frenchmen emerged as the team to beat in Division II of the Fraternity League as the Intramural basketball heads into its fourth week of action.
Club scored an impressive 44-18 victory over previously unbeaten Zeta to take the
Italian Course Offered
The Department of Foreign Language wishes to announce that a course in Beginning Italian will be offered in the spring term to qualified students The course will carry one unit of credit and will be offered on a self-instruction basis involving textbook, tapes , and a native speaker of Italian. It is being offered primarily for students planning to participate in the RCIE's Verona Program in 1973-197 4; however, other qualifying students may register. Students must have approval of the Foreign Language Department before registering. For further information, see Dr. O'Bear or Prof. Neff in Towers Hall.
SUMMER JOBS now available Camp counselors and program directors. Bicycling, Sailing, Canoing and Kiaking, Hiking and backpacking. Anyone interested should contact Marty Bookwalter, 891 -2954 for further information and interviews.
* * *
INMATE has been incarcerated for sixteen months. Would like to hear from the free world. Has a good sense of humor and likes to correspond with people who know what it is all about. Anyone interested, write to: Vernon Coder #=135315, P.O. Box 69, London, Ohio 43140.
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undisputed lead of Division I. Ed Hartung paced the winners with 15 markers. The YMCA, behind Guy Ditto's 16 points, upended Sanders 42-40 to pick up their first win. Sanders dropped to 0-3. Agler-Davidson won their second game of the year by whipping Davis II 34-27.

In Division II, the Frenchmen, an u pperclass independent team, won their second game without a defeat by handling the unbeaten Turkeys 43-31 behind a balanced scoring attack. Kings got back on the winning trail by smashing Jonda 45-31 on the strength of a solid running attack. In the third game Davis I won their first by beating a game North Garst team 47-46.
In the Saturday morning league the ROTC won their first by beating Scott Hall 42-29, the faculty picked up their second win of the year by whipping the Slanidracs 24-15, and the Westerville Rags continued their unbeaten ways by rolling over the Bio-wierds 55-28.
W.A.A. Sports
The W.A.A. Winter Banquet will be held February 14, 1973, at 5:00 p.m. at the Church of the Messiah Youth House. To cover food cost, each member is asked to pay $1.00. Reservations · · are due into Diana Miller (KPO House) by February 7.
students from the U.S.A. in recognized Senior or graduate students currently en- medical schools overseas. For application and further information phone toll free (800) 645-1234 or write •
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