man and (t!ardinal June 1, 1973
Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio
Volume 55 Number 29
IFROTC cadets receive awards On Wed. evening , May 23 , 1973, recognition of outstanding achievement by cadets in the Otterbein College Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps was made at the annual banquet honoring distinguished students participating in AFROTC . Announcement of the recipients was made by unit commander and professor of Aerospace Studies at Otterbein, Lt. Col. Lowell Socolofsky. Following the presentations, Lt. Col. Eugene Wise, currently stationed at Lockbourne Air Force Base, Columbus, gave a speech to the future officers that was based on the key word "integrity." Lt. Col. Wise has been an officer in the Air Force since 1954. The President's Extraordinary Service A ward was presented by Dr. Thomas J. Kerr IV to Bob McCaskey, senior at Otterbein. The Sons of the American Revolution award was won by Dan Doherty. The Ou ts tan ding I
Senior Angel Award recipient was Dawn Beaumont. American Legion ROTC General Military Excellence Awards were presented to Stan Hughes and John Kramer. American Legion ROTC Sholastic Awards were received by Alan Shaffer and Jay Hone. Cadet Shaffer also received the Harris Award. The Air Force Association Angel Award was made to Connie Evans and Marcia Purcell LeRoy was recipient of the Most Enthusiastic Angel Award. Detachment 658 AFROTC Athelics Awards were given to Jim Bontadelli, Don Zeigler, Dan Jarlenski and John Codella. The Air Force Association Award was presented to Bob McCaskey and the Air Force Times Award to Tom Heavy. The General Dynamics AFROTC Cad et citation was made to Martin Davis. Outstanding Commander Ribbons were won
by Brett Reardon and John Codella.
Traylor takes scholarship, athletic awards The senior from Westerville, since 1965. This past year, he two weeks from graduation, was has captained or co-captained the unanimous winner of the : the school'~ football, basketb,Jl Norr i s -Elliot At ljletic• and baseball teams. He was Scholarship Award and the Otterbein's most valuable player Augspurger Ballenger Athletic in each of those sports. And he Award, announced today . was named All-Ohio Conference Traylor's qualifications for in each sport-the first the athletic award were never in conference player to do that in doubt. modern history. He is the first Otterbein On the scholastic side , athlete to win 12 varsity letters Traylor has maintained a 3 .4 average over four years with a physical education major. Criteria for nomination is lettering in at least two sports for four years and maintaining at least a 3.0 scholastic average. The Norris-Ellio t Award (est. 1923) and the Augspurger Ballenger Award (est. 1942) are sponsored by former Otterbein athletics. Making the presentation of the awards were Robert Agler, Otterbein Athletic Director and head football coach and Dr. George Phinney, faculty representative. "The_ presentation of both these awards to Steve Traylor is a tribute to a unique athletic and academic college career. Not only has he established himself as probably the most versatile athlete in Otterbein histroy but his scholastic achievement and leadership, hand in hand with that performance, distinquishes him as a truly outstanding individual," Robert Agler said. Traylor's pass-catching this fall was the highlight for the Cardinal football season. He caught 3 7 for 647 yeards and six Otterbein College's senior three-sport star, Steve Traylor, TD's as the second-leading was the unanimous choice as Otterbein's athlete of the receiver in the conference. year and scholar-athlete of the year. The Westerville senior, Establishing four college who maintained a 3.4 average over four years, captained or co-captained the college's football, basketball and baseball receiving marks at season's end , team, was named MVP in each and was selected All-Ohio Traylor was tapped for a Conference in each-the first conference player to do so in defensive berth on the winning modern history. Pictured with Traylor are his three head East Squad in the first All-Ohio coaches (1 to r): Dick Reynolds, basketball; Moe Agler, football; Dick Fishbaugh, baseball. Shrine Bowl.
The final chapter in one of '73's most unique sports stories closes, typically, with another first Steve Traylor, Otterbein College's three-sport star, has copped the school's award for athlete of the year and scholar-athlete of the year-the first time in the SO-year history of the awards that one athlete won both.
The Reserve Officers' Association ROTC Medal was presented to Chris Warthen (sophomore), Ron Jewett (junior) and Dave Main (senior). Superior Performance Ribbons were awarded to Tom Heavy, Dan Bu}h and Ken Campbell. kOTC . Outstanding Staff Officer Ribbons were won by Ken Campbell, Tom Booth and Harry Gilbert.
Ex tra-C irr icular Activities Distinguished Participation citations were made to Ja:Yi Hone, Chris Warthen, Mike Martinelli, Marty Davis, Bright and Steve Hayden. The Distinctive GM (Gerreral Mrlitary Corps) Ribbon was presented to Don Ford Cheryl Mattox, Gerry Nep tune, Paula Thrush, Jose Lopez, Chris Warthen, Dan Doherty, ScoU Smith and Fred Debell.
Development program requires participation In the next few years, Otterbein's campus will be making a number of changes. For example, the new physical education center is a dream which is to become a reality in the not too distant future. Towers Hall and the Alumni Gym will also be undergoing complete renovation. Venture into Opportunity is the Otterbein fund raising campaign which is making all of these changes possible. This campaign was officially begun May 5, 1972, with a Leadership Conference on campus. Dr. Elmer N . Funkhouser , who was chosen to serve as National Chariman, announced that the perspective goal of the campaign was to be $2,300,000. Already $1,960.408 in advanced gifts on a pledges have been recieved, yet only $593,000 has been accumulated in cash to date. It is expected , though, that the figures of the campaign will reach a total of $2,000,000 by fall of 1973. In the meantime, alumni, parents, and those people who are concerned with Otterbein's
future and performance are continuing their sincere and strong support through contributions. The National Leadership Gifts Committee under the direction of Mr. William E. LeMay, has met regualrly since May, 1972 , to make assignments and to hear reports of contracts made with those persons, foundations , and corporations able to make pledges of $10.00 or more over a three-year period. Many of these businesses have been extremely generous in their contributions and have aided the campaign enormously. Leadership gift approaches will continue to be made, for a sizable amount still remains in the way of the $2,300,000 goal. According to Mr. Elwyn M. Williams, Vice President of Otterbein College, the goal of the "Venture" program will involve "every person's particiap tion ... The campaign has now reached maturity but, as in chronological realities, maturity simply means going on from day to day trying to realize maximum potential."
The only veteran returning for the Cardinal rookie basketball squad, Traylor a 6-0, 175 guard lead Dick Reynold's Cinderalla kids to Otterbein 's first basketball championship in 40 years. (Cards were co-champs with three others.)
Traylo r captained the Cardinal baseball team for the second year in a row this year, aft e r being named MVP, All-Ohio Conference last year , hitting .3 78 . and leading the league in RBI's (24).