The Tan and Cardinal October 6, 1972

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man and (1.Tardinal October 6, 1972

Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio

Volume 55 Number 4


Food Service Complaints Answered Jack Dickey, Campus Center Director, has announced the organization of a Food Forum. The purpose of this forum is to improve communcation between t h e students and Catering Management. The Forum, which meets every other Monday at 5:45 p.m. (see list of dates below), is set up to encourage regular discussion of food service concerns. At each session, every representative will have the opportunity to offer suggestions, complaints and questions. The Food Service Director will be present and will respond to questions. He will also send

out a transcription of the questions and answers for posting or circulating in the dorms. Any student with a question or suggestion concerning the food service should contact one of the following Food Forum representatives: Terry Thomas, Clements; Georgia Campbell, Hanby; Joyce Harbert, Mayne; Barb Paine, King; Karen Dickert, Cochran; Tom Secor, Men's Quad; Jack Updike, Men's Quad; Mike Martinelli, Davis; Jim Lauffer, Davis; Nancy Garrison, Pan Hellenic Council; and Don Goodwin, Inter-Fraternity Council.

TO BE HELD The seventh annual Columbus Careers Conference for prospective college graduates and soon-to-be discharged servicemen from the Central Ohio area had been scheduled for December 27-28-29 at Scot's Inn. A record turnout of more than 700 students from 88 colleges and universities received interviews at last year's conference. While most were from Ohio schools, there was a large representation from schools from around the country. Basic aim of the conference is to encourage Columbus area-based students and servicemen to pursue careers in their h9metown. The conference also is an

The meeting dates for the Forum for the rest of the school year are as follows: October 9, 1972 October 23, 1972 November 6, 1972 November 20, l 972 January 8, 1973 January 2, 1973 February 5, 1973 February 19, 1973 March 5, 1973 April 2, 1973 April 16, 1973 April 30, 1973 May 14, 1973 May 28, 1973

"Otter Dome" Construction Justified by Jim Wallace Looking at many of the buildings on Otterbein's campus, I really didn't think that a new physical education complex was what students could use the most. It appeared to me that a renovation of Towers Hall was more important. We already have a decent gym, why not build a new dorm to replace the dilapidated King and Cochran Halls? The physical education complex seemed to me to be unnecessary. However, the phys. ed. complex is only one step in a development program that will change the entire campus. As Dean Turley explained it to me, the creation of a new building of this type will serve the entire student body. The new complex will house five intramural basketball courts as well as handball courts, an indoor track, dance rooms,

OTTERBEIN VIOLINIST IN SOLO RECITAL Violinist Wybo van Biemen, instructor of music at Otterbein College, will appear in recital in Lambert Hall, 8: 15 p.m. on October 8. Pianist Gertrude Kuehefuhs, faculty member at the Ohio State University's school of music, will accompany the violinist. The program features works by Bach, Wieniawski, Szymanowski and Paganini among others. The recital will be Mr. van Biemen's second appearance in Columbus, following a recital at the Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts. He will participate in the Sixth International Wieniawski Competition in Poland later this year, and concertize in the Netherlands. On November 3, the violinist will perform the second Wieniawski violin concerto in D minor op. 2 as soloist with the Otterbein Symphony Orchestra.

classrooms and other facilities. The domed structure will be nearly as long as a football field and high enough to play baseball in. With the new complex in operation, the old gym can be converted into more classroom space than is now available in Towers Hall. Towers can then be renovated and used for administration purposes. This would free the present administration buildings for other uses such as by the art department. Dean Turley stated that in this manner we could make the best use of the present space available for the least amount of money (over two million dollars.) The new physical

Workshop · All-student production will be the foundation for Workshop Theatre '72, tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Hall Memorial Auditorium. Admission is free. The presentation of three one-act plays is sponsored by the dramatic honorary, Theta Alpha Phi and is directed by three senior advanced directing students with acting roles filled by ten freshmen and three sop;1omores. Workshop Theatre, an exercise in directing and acting, de-emphasizes the importance of scenery, properties, and costumes and attention focuses on the teaching-learning process.

education complex will benefit the entire college and the sooner it gets started the better.

Mort Sahl Offers Wisdom Mort Sahl, offering a program of wit and wisdom, will be guest lecturer at Otterbein College on Oct. 11 at 10 a.m. in Cowan Hall. Sahl, hilarious and candid as always, desc,ibes the motivation for his barbs as "I figure it's my job to restore the balance of power." A guest on 32 talk shows this past year, the comedian is working on Part One of his autobiography, and touring college campuses this fall. He calls his presentation at Otterbein "A Morning with Mort Sahl," and past appearances

PLACEMENT MEETING ANNOUNCED All students expecting tc graduate during the current yea1 including those who wil complete their work in Summer school, 1973 and expect to teach should attend a meeting on placement Thursday, October 12, at 4:00 p.m. in Barlow Hall, Room 1. Placement services will be explained and registration forms will be available.


opportunity for area employers to meet with a large number of prospective job seekers at one place and in a relatively short time. The conference is open to students from accredited four-year colleges who expect to graduate by January 31, 197 4, and whose permanent homes are in the metropolitan Columbus area. Area-based college graduates who will complete military service by the same date also are invited. Students and servicemen participate in the conference without charge. The Otterbein Business Placement Office said that they will probably receive registration materials during November and urged all seniors to check with them during that time.


the cast features Bill Brewer as the Young Man, Jeanette Fifolt as the Young Woman, Julie Sickles as the Angry Wife, and John Dell as the Angry Man. The third roduction is a

suggest that he will be as pertinent and impertinent as is his usual style. In a day when everyone is attempting to "tell it like it is," it is refreshing to find one who prefers to tell it like it ought to be, while sprinkling his observations with one-liners which delight the audience. Mort Sahl is the first guest lecturer of a season which will bring Robert Goralski, William Rusher, Warren Widener and "The Cage" to Otterbein. A press conference with Mort Sahl is. scheduled for 9 a.m. in the Campus Center Faculty Lounge.


stylistic fantasy by Edna St. Vincent Millay entitled "Aria da Capo." Directed by Ginger Tyler, the cast features Sue Kocks as Columbine, Jim West as Pierrot, Anne-M,rie S'u ,s

Cothurnus, Jon Morelli as Corydon, and Randy Adams as Thyrsis. Additional Workshops are scheduled for the Winter and Spring terms.

The first production is Elaine May's satire , "Adaptation," based on the premise that life is just another T.V. game show. Directed by Carter Lewis, the cast features Heidi Woodbury as the Games Master, John Cain as the Contestant, Allen Roese as the Male Player, and Robin Pruett as the Female Player. The second production is the mood play, "Hello Out There," by William Saroyan. It is the story of two troubled lives searching for and helping each other. Directed by Linda Yohn ,

Workshop Theatre '72, an evening of one act plays directed · and presented by the

Department of Theatre, will be Oct. 6, at 7:30 p.m. Admission presented in Hall Memorial is free . Auditorium on Friday eveing,

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