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May 18, 1973
Otterbein College.~ Westerville, Ohio ·
Volume 55 Number 27
May Day festivities planned concentration in French. Miss Hoty, from Lakewood Ohio, is also a Junior Counselo1 at King Hall. Majoring in Speech and Theatre, Dee has had major roles in many of the theatrical productions of this year. This summer she will be a member of the Summer Theatre Company. She is a member of Sigma Alpha Tau sorority, of which she served as pledge mistress and will be the 1973-74 president. a member of Opu_s Zero, Cap and Daggar, and Theta Alpha Phi, of which she will also be president. Dee was elected to Miss Bechtel, from Amherst, Who's Who in American Ohio, is majoring in elementary Universities. In her spare time education and planning on she manages to work for the teaching in the kindergarden Speech and Theatre Department. primary level. She is a member Dee plans a career in of Tau Epsilon Mu sorority and professional musical theatre. currently serving as Miss Meister, from Columbus, corresponding secretary. Kay is is an English major, planning on also busy working on Off either a teaching career or Campus and Recreation, a further study iri graduate school. subcommittee of Campus Rosanne is a member on Epsilon Programming Board. She worked Kappa Tau sorority and working this Spring as chairman of the 3$ the money-making chairman. statisticians for the Otterbein She is also a Junior Counseloi: at College Track Team. Her other King Hall and is planning on major ac ti vi ties include being a Senior Counselor. She is Otterbein College Marching and very involved with Campus Concert Band. Programming Board, being both Miss Burrell, from Buffalo, the secretary of the executive New York, is presnetly a Junior board and member of Counselor at King Hall and Traditional Events Committee of planning on being one of the which she will be a co-chairman. newly initiated Senior She is member of Torch and Counselors for next year. She Key, Alpah Lambda Delta, and keeps busy serving as a Senator will be an English Departmental and cast member of the spring musical. In the past year Leslie . . Representative. One of these four will be served as director of Opus Zero. crowned May Queen. Come to She plans on teaching in the the coronation ceremony to find elementary grades, with her
Otterbein College's annual May Day celebration with activities ranging from a strawberry breakfast to a watermelon-eating contest will be held this Saturday, May 19th around the Campus Center. Evon Lineburgh the 1972 May Day Queen, will crown one of the four finalists for the 1973 title in the coronation ceremony to be held at 10:00 a.m. The four finalists are: Kay Bechtel, Leslie Burrell, Dee Hoty, and Rosanne Meister.
Rice, Cain win Russell contests Two annual speech contests were held last week as Otterbein Speech and Theatre students vied for cash prizes of more than $200. The Russell Speech Contest and The Russell Oral Interpretation Contest were held Sunday afternoon at Cowan Hall. Winner of first prize for an eight to ten minute persuasive speech was Miss Marsha Rice, junior from Fredericksburg, who spoke on the subject of gun control. In second place, using the subject of charity frauds,
was Miss Pam Hill, sophomore from Columbus. Carolyn Banks, junior from Columbus, placed third with a speech that dealt with the subject of the arts and their effects. In the Russell Interpretation Contest, first place was won by John Cain, freshman from Lansing, Illinois, using a program on James Thurber. Miss Carolyn Banks placed second and Miss Pam Hill won third cash award. Runners-up in both contests were Miss Shelley Russell, senior from Urbana, and Steve Black, freshman from Columbus.
From left to right: Dee Hoty,Kay Bechtel, Le~lie Burrell out which one will wear the crown. The entire court will reign over the May Day festivities. The schedule is as follows: 7:30-9:30 PKD strawberry breakfast 10:00 Coronation ceremony 11 : 3 0-1: 30 Organizational booths
Student trustee elected The results of the recent run-off election between· Bill Smucker and Mike Waslick are: Bill Smucker-276 Mike Waslick-231 Otterbein College commencement is scheduled for June 10, 11: 30 a.m. in Memorial Stadium. Athlete and humanitarian Jesse Owens will address the graduating Class of 1973. Baccalaureate is 9 a.m. in Cowan Hall.
1:30-3:30 GreekGames
8: I 5 Theatre's production
Open Houses
of "Canterbury Tales"·
Sorority Teas 4:00-5:00 1:00-4:00 2:30-3:30 2:00-4:00 4:00-5:00 11:00-1:00
Lamda Gamma Epsilon 11:00 open house, 11:30-12:30 luncheon, 12: 30 alumni meeting Pi Beta Sigma 1:00-4:00 Pi Kappa Phi 10:00-5:00, 3:30 picnic_ (alumni, parents, friends) Sigma Delta Phi 1:00-4:00
UPPERCLASS DORM GAINS POPULARITY by John Mulkie For upperclassmen who are having trouble finding a place to live next year, maybe the new Junior-Senior dorm is the answer. The new facility, which is Davis Annex, has reprotedly received strong support already for next year as only a few openings remain. Several "luxuries" are offered to those who live in Davis Annex. There will be carpeting in the rooms, something which Otterbein's men's residence halls
have never seen. If this experiment is successful, it is hoped that all of the rooms in Davis Hall will be carpeted in the next few years. In addition to carpeting, some "double rooms" are open to for occupency by one man if he pays an additional $50 per term or $150 per year. Depending upon whether or not the Trustees pass visitation, the basement of the Annex will be used as date rooms, kitchenettes, and however else the occupants want to use them.
Battelle pledges $100,000 to OC Otterbein College has received a pledge of $100,000 toward its "Venture Into Opportunity" development campaign from Battelle Memorial Institute. The pledge from Battelle brings the campaign total to $ 1.95 million in pledges and gifts, according to Otterbein Presdent Thomas J. Kerr, IV.
Marsha Rice
Rosanne Meister
Goal for the the comprehensive building program on the Westerville campus is $2.3 million. "Battelle's pledge gives our campaign a tremendous push ahead." Dr. Kerr says.
Referring to the "fine relationship between Otterbein and Battelle through the years, Dr . Ke r r n o t e s s eve r al long-standing ties between the two institutions. Battelle and Otterbein have co-sponsored the Central Ohio Regional Science Fair for a number of years and also cooperate in several projects in the data processing field. SUMMER MAIL. The college mail department is required to forward . only first class mail. In order to receive your magazines and newspapers, make sure you notify all publishers of your change of address.
In addition Dr. Kerr points out that .numerous Battelle employees, including four di vision chiefs, are Otterbein graduates. Fifteen Otterbein alumni hold a variety of administrative and research positions with Battelle. Funds from the campaign are slated for a three-phase major building program at Otterbein. First phase of the program is scheduled for this summer with groundbreaking for a new physical education center and initial rem odeliog work at Towers Hall. Plans also call for remodeling the 44-year old Alumni Gym into a modern teaching-learning center.