The Tan and Cardinal October 19, 1973

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an and Qiardinal ,volume 56 Number 5

Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio

October 19, 1973

Otterbein receives urant trom Kodak the welfare of our country and Eastman Kodak Company is four-year privately supported In addition to supporting Fund for Medical Education, the the success of our company in schools, and $344,500 is being contributing a total of $3 .5 institutions of higher learning, National Fund for Graduate future years will be in the hands million in educational grants this presented to 118 four-year Kodak has operated since 1916 a Nursing Education, and the of the young people who are year to more than 300 colleges publicly supported schools this tuition aid plan for its U.S. American Fund for Dental now in college or about to enter. and universities across the year. A total of $84,000 is also Education. employees. The assistance is We know that an investment in given to 51 schools offering an country. given to increase an employee's Kodak aid to specialized them will pay dividends. AAS degree. Kodak's Educational Aid knowledge in the field that Therefore, Kodak is pleased to In 1973, support to selected . higher educational associations Program , formally established in interests him or her while goes to groups such as United make a substantial commitment educational organizations totals l 9 5 5, has responded throughout benefiting the company's growth Negro College Fund, Council for of the company resources each $130,000. This amount includes the years to the growing and progress. Financial Aid to Education, and year to institutions of higher contributions to organizations finan cial demands of institutions During 1972-3, Council for Advancement of education." concerned with health of higher learning and the need approximately 4 ,700 Kodak Kodak awards unrestricted education, such as the National Small Colleges. of society for the skills and· men and women in the United direct grants to institutions from Fellowships (minimum stipend is talents of the graduates of these States received 100 percent Selected regional associations which company employees were $2 ,500 per academic year to ins ti tu tions. tuition reimbursement supporting higher education in The company selected graduate students). During the past decade , graduated. amounting to S 1.6 million for a reas near major Kodak contributes $750 to privately nea rly 600 colleges and Grants ranging from $4 ,000 courses they have satisfactorily manufacturing facilities also supported schools and $250 to universities have received to $10,000 are awarded to 39 completed. There is also a receive financial support. These publicly supported institutions schools for graduate education approximately $35 million as variety of programs under which inc 1 u d'e E mp ire S tat e for each academic year part of Kodak's support to and research at the doctoral level selected Kodak people may Foundation of Independent undergraduate or graduate higher education. Last year, the in chemistry, physics, receive company support while Liberal Arts Colleges, Affiliated completed by those who engineering and related company extended its financial pursuing degrees at leading Independent Colleges of graduate and who join the interdisciplinary fields. aid to schools offering an AAS universities. Tennessee, Texas Foundation of company within five years of Recipient institutions may use degree because of the increasing Kodak also offers to Voluntarily Supported Colleges graduation. The grants are made the grants to improve their importance of these schools in company employees more than and Universities, South Carolina during the graduate's fifth year research facilities or to fund higher education and, also, 500 education and training Foundation of Independent of employment with Kodak. because of the significance of Eastman Kodak Scientific programs within the company. Colleges, New England College A sum of $787,500 in direct Awards (in the $500 to $1,000 two-year college graduates to the These range from highly Fund, and Texas Association of grants is being given to 123 range) and/or Eastman Kodak company's progress. specialized aspects of Developing Colleges. The 1973 amount is provided photographic manufacturing to Nearly a century ago, from the company's current clerical skills, skilled trades and company founder George earnings and from funds computer programming. Eastman made contributions previously set aside for the Moreover, the company from his own resources to a purpose. contributes technical assistance number of colleges and Included in Kodak's 1973 to educational research and universities. Kodak's Educational Aid Program are: development through Educational Aid Program is an • l million in unrestricted government-sponsored, local city outgrowth of Eastman's early direct grants to 123 four-year Otterbein's decline is low in All colleges are currently education, and other special concern for higher education. privately supported and 118 experiencing a steady decline in comparison to colleges of educational programs. publicly supported colleges and enrollment, as most of us have comparable size in this region. universities. Of this amount already heard. In the midst of Last year, on campus, there were some 51 schools offering an the cut-backs that even State 1298 full and part time students AAS degree received $84,000 in Colleges such as Kent State and enrolled. This year, the direct grants. Ohio State University are beginning enrollment total is • $328 ,000 in research grants finding , Otterbein has managed 1244 students (full and part for graduate education and by Bernadette Zingale to keep a low decline on time students). This shows a research at 39 colleges and admissions. decline of only 4.16%. The Last Thursday, a small but univers1t1es in chemistry, that this war has its roots in Mr. Michael Kish, Director of freshmen beginning total for this attentive audience had its chemical engineering, physics, Biblical times. Dr. Rubenstein Admissions, has spent the last academic year was 382 students, collective mind joggled a bit. materials science, mechanical gave a detailed background of its week in the Western New York down only 3.53% from last year. The joggling was done by Dr. engineering, electric al beginnings in the year 63 A.D. area working on Otterbein Pulling out from under the Richard Rubenstein, author, that heralded the division of the engineering, optics, and fibers decline in freshmen and general recruiting. In his absence, Mr. and polymers science. Jewish nation: half to give admissions is the number of professor, theologian, rabbi, and Eisley K. Witt, of the in tern a tional lecturer. Dr. • $1 million in special, sovereignty to their Roman transfer students at Otterbein Admissions Office cited these nonrecurring grants for capital this year. Last year, we received Rubenstein held the audience's conqueror and half of the people reasons for the general decline of attention with an informative improvements and endowment 22 transfer students; this year to fight with all the force they college admissions: the lecture on an issue of the day, campaigns at 35 institutions. the figure is 49. could muster against the invaders graduating high school student This amount includes grants of Since there is no one reason the Arab-Israeli War. He stated now finds a multiplicity of of their country. These last, $5 ,000 each awarded to 18 for college admissions decline, some 960 people, went to a options open to him upon liberal arts institutions offering there is nothing any college can fortress built on the Dead Sea graduation. Without the draft, curricula of particular interest to do to stop a student decrease graduates have more freedom to called Masada. There, these the company and located in while maintaining its educational heroic people fought until their choose · between school, work, areas where the company has its standards. Otterbein, however, is resources failed them and rather and travel. Within the school principal manufacturing and doing its best to try to stay on than bow to the Roman tyranny area there are several types of administrative facilities. top of the admissions picture. the entire people except for a institutions available: the four • $130,000 in other year college is constantly being Members of the admissions staff few of the aged and some contributions to selected · challenged by the growing and their representatives are children committed suicide. The educational associations in areas technological institutions and visiting more high schools over a Romans then dispersed the where the company has major the popular community colleges. remaining half of the Jewish wider geographic area-spreading manufacturing plants and to With vocational interests and the word about · Otterbein into nation to different parts of their certain organizations concerned current costs, many are turning Empire. more out of state regions. with advancing the goals of to these 2-year programs. As Recruiting operations are now We hear no more of the higher education. more students graduate from underway or soon will be in dispersed Jews until 1940 Recognizing the financial high school with goals that are Hitler's Germany, when Hitler , these areas: Western New York pinch facing colleges and not yet defined and again with State, Eastern New York State using the Jews, demonstrated to universities today plus the value financial considerations, it is the world just how simple a task especially Long Island, Western Richard L. Rubenstein of their graduates to the becoming quite common to Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. genocide is. After the atrocities company's progress, Gerald B. break away from school for a tailored courses designed to let a Using more creatively written committed against his people . Zornow, Kodak chairman , and student work toward his own year to travel or work. These materials including the new the European Jew felt his place Walter A. Fallon, Kodak particular goal. By trying to factors, along with the decrease Admissions Notebook, was back in Palestine (by now, president and chief executive keep the Admissions programs in the number of high school of course, occupied by the Arab prospective students can find officer, said in a joint statement: and study programs moving, the graduates, are reasons why most information on the more nations). And that, as we see "Education is an investment, not ·colleges office hopes to keep the decline are suffering in intensive independent study Continued on 6 an expense . We recognize that to a minimum. admissions. opportunities and individually

Otterbein admissions decline 4.16%

Rubenstein predicts lsr.aeli victory

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