The Tan and Cardinal November 9, 1973

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<cfiau and <tiardinal November 9, 1973

Otterbein College, Westervill!, Ohio

Volume 56 Number 8

Funkhouser named chairman of Otterbein Board of Trustees

Dr. Elmer Funkhouser has been named Chairman of t he Board of Trustees for Otterbein College,

Story Theater opens Thu rsday "The Story Theatre of Hans Christian Andersen", a pairing of two of the beloved story-teller's most amusing tales, opens at the Otterbein College Children's Theatre on Nov. 16 and plays also on the l 7 and 18 Show times are F riday , 7:30 p.m.; Sat., 10:30 a.m. and 1: 30 p.m.; and Sun. at 1 :30 p .m Tickets for the show, improvised productions of "The

Classical guitarist appears Mario Abril, professor of guitar and theory at the of Tennessee, University Chattanooga, and former editor of the Charles Hansen Music publication will appear at Otterbein College on Nov. 14, 8: 1S p.m. in Hall Memorial Auditonum. Abril, who has appeared on the Ed Sullivan show and in the Columbus area several times, has performed throughout the country with his guitar. H.e has p u b li shed arrangements for classic guitar and transcribed Renaissance guitar tablature to modern notation for classic guitar. Selections for the guest recitalist will include "Two Pavanos", selections from Dowland including "As I Went To Walsingham" , and "Queen Elizabeth's Galliard", and the "Prelude and Allegro" from Murcia. Other numbers to be played are "Two Early Sonatas", " Sonata in E Minor" by Cimarosa and "Sonata L. 483" by Scarlatti. Boda's "Prelude No. I" and three By antine Etudes will also be offered.

Princess and the Pea., and "The Emperor's New Clothes" are available at the Otterbein Cowan Hall box office, 1-4 p.m. weekdays. Seats are: children, 75 cents; adults. $ 1.00. The technique of impro visation, directed by Children's Theatre director Mrs. Petie Dodrill, with the use of costuming and colors, makes the Otterbei n College Theatre production, "The Story Theatre of Hans Christian Andersen" e s pe cially app ealing to youngsters, yet amusing to all ages. The two tales, particularly the " Emperor" are especially delightful in their gleeful use of satire.

The Saturday mormng session On Friday , November 2, opened at 9:00 P.M .. in the 1973, Otterbein College was faculty dining room of the adorned with flags and its prettiest face, as the Board of Campus Center. Committee reports were given. Other action Trustees arrived for one of its two annual meetings. that was taken was to strengthen The executive committee met the admission/financial aid area on Friday morning. This and the development area of committee meets five times a Otterbein by creating two new year, three times when the entire positions. This was done through Board of Trustees does not the executive committee. The meet. The members discuss Board also reaffmned earlier certain issues, which are then action taken by the executive passed on to the proper Board of committee to estimate an Trustee committees. extended goal of $3.S million In the afternoon at l : 30 for the venture into Op:gortunity P.M., there was a meeting of the campaign, our current full Board, which was relatively money-making project for the short. President Kerr presented new Rike Physical Education the annual report. There was a Center and the renovation of the change of the June meeting to Alumni Gym and Towers Hall, June 1, and a recommendation from 1975 to 1976. The annual from the executive committee to budget was also approved. The single-most, significant amend a part of the Revised thing for this morning's session Code of Regulations by adding and the whole Board of Trustees the sentence: "By annual re-election, the trustees may annual meeting was the election continue an at-large trustee in of a new chairman, Dr. Elmer office beyond the mandatory Funkhouser, Jr. Dr. Harold Boda, ch airman, decided not to retirement age ." There was then an adjournment to the .seek re-election. He has given 25 committee sessions. years of service to Otterbein At 3:00 P.M., the Board of College and the Board of Trustees committ,,es met with Trustees. Other officers were the corresporni g college elected at the end of the committees at various places on Saturday morning session. A Campus. They would each luncheon, honoring Dr. Boda, prepare repor t s a n d was held at 12: 15 P.M., in R oom recommendations for the 1 of the Campus Center. Saturday morning session. While One committee report, the this was going on, refreshments Student Life Committee, might in the Home Ee. department and be of some interest to the tours of the campus were given Otterbein students. H. William Troop is the chairman and Ann to the spouses of the trustees. At 6:45 a buffet dinner was given Pawlak is the secretary. There for the Trustees, their spouses, was no specific recommendation and committee members. by the committee, but the things

Both tales are familiar. Each tells a simple story, yet together, when enlivened on the stage they bring laughter and warmth with the experience of live theatre for young people. · "The Princess and the Pea", with a comic and colorful prince trying to find a perfect princess, and the Emperor who loves clothes more than anything else are warm, funny and true entertainment.

group about the Jr.-Sr. residence hall for men. He said that a few of the men showed "immaturity", involving writing on the walls, and that many thought the usual dorm regulations would not be enforced. Men were given the chance to move out - 6 to date have moved out. He also reported that Assistant Deans Ms. Sivits and Mr. Laverty are living m dorms this year. ·There is also to be a replacement of the Standards Committees of the Women's dorms with a Judicial Council, either in mid-winter or spring. A discussion was held at the end of the session covering the reasons why students attend Otterbein, in association with the visitation issue. Some comments: "are students completely aware of Otterbein's regulations before they come;" "You really do not know what rules are until you live with them." "Research to get answers from students should be done by an unbiased consultant," "Reason students come to Otterbein is our outstanding spirit of friendliness." There is much frustration from many people on the tabling of visitation. "The feeling at HISTORY DEPARTMENT Otterbein has always been that, you go through the OFFERS INTERN PROGRAM ifgovernance channels, you can work out changes. Now, slapped museum displays. One possible The Department of H,istory in the face, students feel either and Government has established . project suggested dealt with the militant or a pathetic.. :and Hanby Museum in Westerville. an intern program in history at Students will spend a increasingly shrug and say the Ohio Historical Society. minimum of three afternoons 'what's the use?' ", said one Under this program from one to student leader. It was suggested per week on projects under the three students per term will be to this student, by chairman supervision of a member of the accepted to work on various staff of the Historical Society Troop that he should dispel the projects depending on their and a member of the notion, of "What's the use?" interests and the needs of the Department of History and The trustees cannot change their Historical Society. At various Government. They will write a basic philosophies overnight and times projects might be worked paper about their experiences they cannot make a choice for on in manuscripts, archaelogy Otterbein, until they're sure it is and what they learned. and research for exhibits and Mr. Amos Loveday of the the right · one. Troop said Education Division of the communication was the essential Historical Society pointed out thing.

Debaters go to Marshall U. Four Otterbein debaters competed in the Marshall University Novice Debate Tournament in Huntington, West Virginia this past weekend. Taking the affirmative stand on the resolution, Resolved: The Federal Government should control the supply and utilization of energy in the United States Bill Stallings and

discussed did make the Board aware of student wishes. They discussed . the possibility of granting freshmen women card privileges and eliminating the parental consent stipulation. The drinking regulation on campus was discussed . The Campus Regulations Committee reported that students do drink on campus and that drinking is an acceptable social phenomenon. Dean Oldag reported to the

Paula Thrush ended the tournament with three wins and three losses. Joe Humphreys and Samuel Militello, ta1cing the negative stand, ended with two wins and four losses. The next debate action will be . here at Otterbein. Neighboring colleges will be meeting here for the Otterbein Turkey Tournament on Saturday, November 17.

that many job opportunities existed for students trained as curators of museums, archivists and administrators in this area. Interested students should inquire about the program from Dr. Harold Hancock, Chairman of the Department of History and Government. The Department already has an internship program in local government in cooperation with the Westerville City Manager and Council.

Senior Pictures Senior pictures for the Sibyl wi 11 be taken Monday November 12 through Friday November 16 for Speech, Theater, Home Ee., and English majors. Please check campus mail boxes for notices concerning appointments.

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