The Tan and Cardinal November 16, 1973

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November 16, 1973

Otterbein College, Westervill~. Ohio

Volume 56 Number 9

Adml,slon standards remain unchanged - Turley In an irate letter to the T&C two weeks ago, an Otterbein student voiced his concern over the direction in which the current campus administration is leading Otterbein. The major charge was that Otterbein has forsaken admission standards in an act of financial experience. This is a serious charge for if it is true, it w6uld indicate that the powers that be have established a precedent for sacrificing academic standards when and if they threaten the financial security of the college. This seemed too spicy to let pass so your campus Colombo paid a visit to Dean Roy Turley regarding the possible truth and consequences of the charges. Dr. Turley confessed that "fcur or five years ago, admission requirements were changed, the math requirement being dropped but there have been no changes in policy since. The SAT score and class ranking requirements have remained unchanged." So unless some massive deception is

going on, the basic charge is unfounded. What then is Otterbein doing in an attempt to maintain admissions in the face of a declining "market?" Dean Turley points out that the approach here has been to admit students with "potential" whose academic background would preclude admission, on the study skills program. This program provides instruction in study skills and, hopefully, incentive for using them until the student has proven an- ability to do college level work. The problem here, it seems to this reporter, is that here is the loophole in what is a seemingly strict admissions policy. Determining who has potential can be very vague and arbitrary and the risk of intentionally or unintentionally admitting incapable students for financial survival is one that ought to undergo moral and pragmatic scrutiny. Is Otterbein's academic standing indangered by the

policy of , admitting these borderline students. Dr. Turley says no. "The admission policies aren't as much a problem as the fact that we are granting too much credit for work involved in our unit courses. He explained that a one unit course should entail fifteen hours of work a week and that most of our courses don't. We're going to have to have to revaluate our system of granting academic credit," he says. Apparently the accredidation bureau will demand a change, if Otterbein doesn't initiate it. Finally, what of the charges that have been made over .the last few years that Otterbein restricts admission to a certain type of student, one not likely to make waves? Dean Turley points out that Otterbein doesn't restrict itself toward a certain type of student, although perhaps a certain type is attracted to this school. "We base admissions on academic standing will have no problem being accepted into the college."

cardinals tade in linal 20-12 Last Saturday afternoon the Ohio Wesleyan Battling Bishops pulled a big surprise in Ohio Conference football action as they ambushed OUR Otterbein Fighting Cardinals by a score of 28-12, in Delaware. It was a wide open affair that saw three touchdowns in only a minute and fourteen seconds. The Otters started things off as if they were indeed going to accomplish what they set out to do at the beginning of summer camp-end with a winning season. The initial drive covered 67 yards in eight plays with "bruising" fullback Steve Schnarr going over from the three. That was the best the Fighting Cardinals looked all

afternoon. The conversion attempt by Joe Lopez was wide to the left and Otterbein lead 6-0. On the ensuing kickoff, Battling Bishop Glenn Mueller took the ball on his own sixteen and dashed 84 yards to paydirt. The placement was good and Ohio Wesleyan led 7-6. Less than a minute later quarterback Bill Nutting connected on a 58 yard scoring strike to Jim Emery and the home team increased its lead to 14-6. Time did not help matters any. By halftime the number two defense in the Ohio Conference had surrounded two more touchdowns and the Battling Bishops were on their

MANGIA DIRECTS CHANCEL DRAMA T o n y M a n g i a, senior Speech-Theatre major, will direct a Chancel Drama play for his distinction project this year. Mr. Mangia's work at Otterbein has been extensive and varied. A summer theatre veteran, Tony has had many acting roles in Otterbein productions, including Motel in Fiddler On The Roof, January in Canterbury Tales and the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland. Tony will direct "The Robe

Library Hours The college library remain open until 10:00 p.m: o Friday, November 16. Regula hours will be observed Saturda (10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.) and Sunday (2:00 - 10:00 p.m.). ·

of the Galilian" a play dealing with the plight of Christians after Christ's crucifiction. The cast includes John Cain, Jon Morelli, Randy Adams, Annemarie Soui, Julie Sickles, Dee Miller, Pam Hill, Bill Brewer, Vicky Korosei, and Terry Espenshied. Accompanying Tony's play will be Christ in the Concrete Gty, directed by Professor Fred Thayer. This play deals with Christ's public life, combining modern and traditional views. Chancel Drama is a touring company sponsored by Otterbein's Theatre Department that presents religious plays to interested goups. During interterm break, the group will travel to Pennsylvania and perform in various coffee ·houses, churches, and high , -schools.

way to avenging last year's loss (7-16) 28-6. After a scoreless third quarter, the Otter offense decided one more time to give it that old college try. Senior signal caller Jim Bontadelli led his forces 73 yards in 10 plays. The 1973 scoring was capped by an 11 yard Bontadelli toss to Senior wide receiver /punter Leif Petterson. Between Bontadelli and freshman quarterj;rack Barry Simms the ball was put in the air 41" times, with 21 being caught for 253 yards, and three interceptions. Petterson's reception made the final score 28-12 ( the two point conversion failed) and Otterbein for 1973, although improved, closed out with a disappointing 4-4-1 record (1-2-1 in the OC Blue Division). Ohio Wesleyan improved to 3-5-1.

Story Theater opens "The Story Theatre of Hans Christian Andersen", a pairing of two of the beloved story-teller's most amusing tales, opens at the Otterbein College · Children's Theatre on. Nov. 16 and plays also on the 17 and 18. · Show times are Friday, 7:30 p.m.; Sat., 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.; and Sun. at 1:30 p.m. · Tickets for the show improvised productions of "Th~ Princess and the Pea" and "The Emperor's New Clothes" are available at the Otterbein Cowan Hall box office, 1-4 p.m. weekdays. Seats are: children, 75 cents; adults, $1.00. ' The technique of improvisation; directed by Children's Theatre director Mrs. Petie Dodrill, with the use of

costuming and colors, makes the Otterbein College Theatre production, "The Story Theatre of Hans Christian Andersen" especially . appeaiing to youngsters, yet amusing to all · ages. The two tales, particularly the "Emperor" are especially delightful in their gleeful use of satire. Both tales are familiar. Each tells a simple story, yet together, . when enlivened on the stage they bring laughter and warmth with the experience of live theatre for young people. "The Princess and the Pea", with a comic and colorful prince trying to find a perfect princess, and the Emperor who loves clothes more than anything else are warm, funny and true entertainment.

Independent basketball rosters are due Overall intramural standings are as follows after football and cross country: Dorm Division 1. Sanders-Scott 2.King 3. Independents 4. Davis 5. Garst

Fraternity Division 1. Club 2.Jonda 3. Kings 4. Sphinx 5. Zeta 6.Pi Sig

50 36 2/3 25 21 2/3 21 2/3

60 35 35 25 20


Volleyqall standings as of Monday, November 12 are as follows: Dorm Division 1. Counselors 2. Davis 3. King 3. Engle 3. Scott 4. Garst 4. Sanders

3-0 3-1 2-2 2-2 2-2 0-3 0-3

Fraternity Division 1. YMCA 1. Club 2. Jonda 3. Sphinx 4.PiSig 5. Kings 6. Zeta

3-0 3-0 2-1 2-2 1-2 1-3 0-4

Tennis matches will be made up in the Spring Term on the teams' own time. Basketball Must be in for All Independent teams by November 17. Rosters will not be accepted after this date.

Who's Whose Julie Wittsberger engaged to om Hastings independent. Pat Shelden engaged to Bill Todd of Maple Heights. Barb Haigler engaged to Eddie White of Notre Dame, class of '73. Marsha Harting lavaliered to Keith Shoemaker of Pi Kappa Phi.

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The Tan and Cardinal November 16, 1973 by Otterbein University - Issuu