ffiatt and <t!ardinal Introducing The following is a copy of the procedures for the introduction of proposals for the consideration of the Otterbein College Senate and its committees. It was adopted by the Senate on January 5, I 972. It is being reprinted in the Tan and Cardinal to inform students not familiar with the procedures. I. Proposed legislation shall be submitted to the Senate Secretary who shall assign it a number sequenced bill approximately according to priority of receipt. The Senate Secretary, advised when necessary by the President or appropriate member of the Administrative Council, shall
February 22, 197 4
Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio
Volume 56 Number 17
also designate the committee, division or department to which the bill may be referred. The person or · persons submitting such proposals must themselves be Senators and shall supply a rationale for the proposal at the t"'1e of its submission. 2. A bill shall be given a short title and a more descriptive subtitle which should not exceed five typewritten lines in length. While the authors of proposals should supply titles and subtitles at the time of submission, the Senate Secretary may edit them. 3. Proposals received by noon of the Thursday preceding a Wednesday Senate meeting, or by an equivalent deadline when
which it was assigned, and the another meeting day is set, shall views on a proposal pending name of the chairman of that be reported on the Senate before a committee may call the agenda in the form of the bill's committee. Public Relations Office to have 6. When a committee has acted title, the subtitle, the name of his name placed on a "hearing the chief proponent and the on a proposal, it shall be list" for that proposal. The committee of assignment. submitted to the Senate committee or subcommittee 4. Before a committee considers Secretary for Senate chairman should inquire wi :h a bill, the Senate shall restrict its consideration in accordance with the Public Relations Office to discussion of it to a clarification the same deadline mentioned in determine if there is a need to of the objectives of the point- 3. A text shall be supplied announce meetings or other legislation along with the . with the agenda along with the opportunities for persons to appropriateness of the committee's rationale relating to . express views. committee of assignment, unless the bill. Minority reports, signed With reference to procedure a majority of the quorum by supporters, may also be filed the Senate number one, present shall adopt a motion in accordance with: the deadline Secretary is Phyllis Tillett, mentioned, and consideration of calling for immediate secretary to President Thomas J. the minority resolution shall be consideration. This rule shall Kerr, IV. Her office is located in taken up first. have no effect upon the rule the Clippinger Administration 7. If a proposal not previously concerning the waiver of the Building. Students can write up submitted through the Senate forty-eight hour rule which, proposals and give them to any Secretary is generated out of the under the By-Laws, provides for of the student senators. The · discussions in a committee, and immediate consideration of senators will then give the should the proposal receiv~ the matters not described in the proposals to the Senate support of the majority of the agenda. Secretary. committee quorum acting on the 5. Every Friday the Public Here is a list of the Otterbein proposal, the committee Relations Office shall prepare management, which he hopes to Student Senators ( elected) for Since 1968, Otterbein College chairman shall submit the name for posting a list of the proposals incorporate into the Otterbein 73-74: has initiated a new sabbatical of the chief sponsor, the title, filed with the Senate Secretary theater upon his return to Bill Smucker, John Mulkie, program which was designed to and the subtitle to the Senate since the previous posting. The campus. Albert Germanson is Mike Wasylik, Gar Vance, Brett add to the flow of Otterbein's Secretary who shall assign a !:?ill listing shall contain the number working on his Ph. D. this term Moorhead, Jack George, Patty development. This program was number. The proposal and its of the bill, the title and subtitle, at Union Graduate School and is Elliott, Sue Wanzer, Gene Paul, conceived for the purpose of rationale shall be submitted to name of • the chief organizing an experimental class · the Josie Yeakel, Kathy Pratt, Sam keeping faculty current in their the Senate in accordance with proponent, the committee to on development of self-image, Militello, Bob Becker, Kathie individual fields and stimulating the deadline mentioned in point which he eventually hopes to Reese , Bruce Schneider, Doug new ideas and study programs 3. Its immediate consideration integrate into Otterbein's Kincaid, Dave Daubenmire, Joe Editorial for the college cirriculum. shall be in order at the next curriculum. Dr. Germanson will Humphreys, Stan Hughes, Terry Under its mandatory leave applications Senate meeting. to California, also be traveling Hules , Margi Stickney, Gayle system, a faculty member's first or . Bixler, Dan Underwood, Matt 8. When a committee Austria, and Switzerland for of application are Letters sabbatical is taken within the subcommittee chairman consultation. now being accepted by the Arnold, Marianne Wells, Tim fourth year of teaching at anticipates that a matter of to those I have In addition Publications Board for 1974-'75 Young, Mark Watson, Mike Otterbein, instead of during the rather general community mentioned, other faculty Sibyl editor , Sibyl assistant Emler , . Charles Hux, Carol seventh year as is traditional. interest is to be discussed at a members are pursuing graduate editor, T&C editor, T&C Ventresca , Glenn Colton, Cathy After that, a faculty member committee session when studies and seeking to improve T&C business assistant editor , Henthorn, Don Coldwell, Bruce earns and takes a sabbatical deliberations have reached the general teaching techniques. manager. These are paid Hull, Cindi Moore, Judy Tardell, every seventh term, or every two stage appropriate for solicitation positions. Send applications to Jim Wallace, Ed Brookover, and a half years. Leaves not only Whatever the individual purpose of community views, the of these sabbaticals might be, it Michael Schacherbauer (Towers Mark Williamson , Joe Szima, come sooner and more often chairman shall enlist the aid of mailbox). Applications will be Bob Bergland, Karl Neiderer, than on other campuses, but is important that the leave the Public Relations Office in accepted until April 10. Kim Ogle, Gary VanCamp, i'aul faculty members must take benefit the individual, the announcing the discussion which department, and the college. Garfinkel, Mike Snider, Cindy them. may or may not be in the form further study, secretarial help, or Hupp, Sybil Waggaman , Pam This academic year, a total of Although leaves are of a public hearing. Hill, Greg Shaw, Al Benson, whatever he needs to complete 25 Otterbein faculty members mandatory, they are not granted 9. A member of the Otterbein Cindy Manuel. his project. The stipends will be on sabbatical. During the au tom a ti cally. Sabbatical community wishing to present allocated may range from $300 winter term alone, 11 faculty recipients are ultimately to approximately $2,000. The members will be away from determined by the president of Students host and tour money for these stipends is not campus. Included in that list are the college, and the board of an added expense for the college, William Amy who is · presently workshop is to enable the The Admissions Office has trustees, upon the but is already in budget for engaged in research for a study students to answer the many recommendation of the dean · selected twenty-five students to replacements for faculty in the questions that prospective on Christianity and world and the faculty personnel serve on the Host and Tour classroom. However it · is no students and their parents often religions at the University of committee. When the faculty Program. This program is longer necessary to replace Toronto and Colgate University. ask. member completes his designed to give Otterbein teachers on leave as the The Host and Tour members Norman Chaney is c1,mently sabbatical, he is required to students an opportunity to meet prearranged leave schedule doing research and study at are : Randy Adams, Cindy Ansel, submit a written report on this and talk with prospective allows the college to not offer Debby Banwart, Alan Bernard, Cambridge Univer·sity in project. For example, if he students and their parents. Host certain courses when a particular Paul Bradford, Patty Buchanan, England, and is completing a observed another college, he and Tour members will be teacher is off-campus. Peter Bunnell, Chester Cady, study on the English responsible for meeting writes up what he saw, his Several members of the undergraduate lecture-tutorial Nancy Carr, Lee Ann evaluation of it, and how that interested students, providing faculty who have never system. Larry Cox is completing Christopher , Melanie Costine, them with a tour of the campus, program can become a part of considered sabbatical leaves in a dissertation for his Ph. D. and John Dimar, James Dooley, and possibly hosting them for an Otterbein's curriculum. the years past have become is writing as well. While on Chuck Erickson, Jann Hoge, evening or a weekend. One advantage of the involved and have projected Ruth Glenfield, Valerie Ingels, sabbatical Charles Dodrill is These students will Otterbein sabbatical is a full and interesting study programs. Debbie Inscho, Janet James, a visiting guest director in a uninterrupted salary during the participate in a two day According to Dean Turley, the Beth Kreider, Cindy ijanuel, professional repertory theater. workshop, which will be complete off-campus period. He program seems to be meeting his Scott, Ann Stallings, Debby His concentration is on new conducted by the Admissions also receives a stipend for use in expectations in every respect. Cathy Stettner, Mike Taffe. · techniques of theater ~taff. The purpose of this travel, purchase of materials,
Sabatica Is add to OC development