'matt and
ardinal March 1, 1974
Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio
Volume 56 Number 18
Cards stop cap, lose to Wittenberg by one Otterbein College basketball fans got their money's worth last Thursday and Friday, as they saw the Cardinals knock arch-rival Capital University out of the Ohio Athletic Conference Sou them Division tourney, 57-56, and come within one point of nationally ranked Wittenberg, 66-65. Otter forward Bob Deckard's I 8-footer with :08 seconds remaining proved to be the clincher Thursday night as the Cardinals posted a 57-56 victory over Capital after trailing much of the game. Otterbein took the reins for the first time in the second half at 9:02 on two free- throws substitute forward Bob Buchan. 46-44. The lead see-sawed until Cap took a 56-53 advantage at 2: 15, but Deckard countered with a jumper at 2:06 to narrow the gap to 56-55. With a one-point advantage and possession, Crusader Head Coach Vince Chickerella ordered his cagers to freeze the ball. Otterbein waited anxiously as the seconds ticked away until Cardinals guard Dave Bromley fouled Capital's Kneel Costello with only :46 remaining. After sweating through an Otterbein time-out, Costello stepped to the line and missed his first attempt. The Cards controlled the rebound and put on a freeze of their own until Deckard's shot put the Crusaders on ice. Although Deckard scored Otterbein's last eleven points, it was Dave Bromley's I 9 an_d 13
more from Bob Buchan which who snuck in the left side and kept the Cardinals close to the canned a 10-foot jumper with Crusaders until Deckard starte_d 14 seconds left. making connections. Buchan Trailing by two, the Cardinals also led all rebounders with worked the ball down court to eight. Bob Buchan, who cut across a The Cardinals saved possibly congested key and lofted a sh ot their best performance of the which bounced off the rim. season for last, as Wittenberg Dave Bromley snared the barely escaped with a one-point rebound but missed his victory. · ·follow-up shot. Wittenberg Paced by Dave Bromley's forward Clyde Eberhardt came career-high 27 points, Otterbein down with the ball but had it erased an early seven point jarred loose in the fracus and the deficet to draw to a 30-30 score alert Bromley recovered the ball at half-time. in time to launch one last shot. From that point on neither It missed as the buzzer team led by more than four, as sounded but Bromley the the Otters gave the nation's 11th officials ruled the talented best-small college team one of sophomore was fouled in the act their stiffest tests of the season. of shooting and was awarded a The Cardinals looked as chance to throw the game into though they might pull away as overtime. they owned the ball and a Bromley, a 75% foul shoot er, three-point lead with six minutes toed the line and sank the first, remaining, but a costly turnover but his second bounded off the coupled with three straight back of the rim to Jet Wittenberg Witt en berg baskets put off the hook by the slimmest of Otterbein on the short end of a margins. "I wouldn't have had 62-59 count witlr 3:20 anyone else at the line," said remaining. Head Coach Dick Reynolds in A foul shot by Bob Deckard looking back at the game. closed the gap to 62-60, but "I was very pleased with the Eddie Ford, a slick guard who way we performed in the led the Tigers with 16 points, tournament," said Reynolds. netted two free throws to "We were just hitting our stride stretch Wittenberg's lead to four. and regaining our confidence," Just when Wittenberg figured the head mentor added. they had the game in the bag, Reynolds noted that after a Dave Bromley scored a nifty 2-7 start, his squad closed the reverse lay-up and Bob Buchan season with nine wins against followed with a lay-up himself five losses, including one-point to tie the score at 64-all with a defeats to Muskingum and minute left. Wittenberg. The Tigers carefully worked "To make the recovery we the ball to forward Don Lynam,
Dave Bromley and the Otters soared over Capital in first round action of the OAC tournament. The following night against Wittenberg, Bromley posted a career high of 27 points. did shows character on the part of the players. They could have folded, but they stayed together and worked to salvage the season and I'm proud of them," said Reynolds. The Cardinals won't lose a
man this season, and with the talented coaching of Dick Reynolds and two years of experience under their belts, the Cardinals will shoot to retain their momentum as they prepare for next year.
What are you doing this summer?
Jubilation rnigned last Thursday night as the Fighting Cardinals upset the boys from Bexley in the first round of the OAC tourney.
The Regional Council for In tern a tional Education is sponsoring a Summer Program in Japan from June 30 to August 25. The emphasis will be on Japanese culture in Tokoyo and Japan. The program carries academic credit for two courses. Deadline for application is March 15. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is sponsoring a summer program in-two sessions. Available course offerings include: Archeology, Bible, Jewish Thought, Modern He brew Language, Biblical Hebrew, Middle East Studies and Arabic, Modem Contemporary Jewry and Yiddish Language. Deadline for application is May 15. The Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies is sponsoring a ten week session from June 17
to August 24 in Elementary and Intermediate as well as a Advanced language instruction in Arabic, Chinese, French,
PIVE THE GIFT OF LI FE AND RECEIVE A GIFT FROM MACDONALD'S Be a blood donor, March 8, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Church of the Messiah. When you give a pint of blood, you will receive a certificate for a Big Mac and a big drink from MacDonald's. If you plan to donate, please sign up for an appointment in the Campus Center Office . (ext. 3241).
German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. There will be eight week sessions in Language and Instruction and Civilization, Social Sciences, Education, Translation and Interpretation. Ohio State University Summer Program at Oxford University in England focuses on English History. Wittenberg University Summer Program in India from June 22-August 11. Course offerings of Religion, Economics, Political Science and Sociology. The application deadline is April 15. Africa '74 in co-operation with the University of Massachusetts involves two programs: African Studies in Nigeria and Cross-African Vistas. For more information, contact Sue Dykes.
Page 2
Letters to the Editor
Definitions and Decisions
Two important issues are now under consideration by various committees within the structure of the Otterbein governance system. These issues are: 1) Some more liberal form of visitation than that allowed by present policies 2) Permission to possess and consume alcoholic beverages in certain locations and at certain functions on campus. At the heart of both of these issues lies a single question of definition: To what extent is Otterbein College a church-related institution? Otterbein's church affiliation has been used, for too long a time, as the basic reason (or perhaps excuse) for the establishment of policies concerning every phase of life on this campus. Students, faculty members, and administrators have cited church affiliation to oppose many issues of concern which have come up over the years. This has become such a convenient point of contention that many members of the Otterbein community use it to put an end to any and all arguments without bothering to look at the facts of the particular issue in question. It is time for the entire college community to review and reconsider the basic philosophy of the college. Is Otterbein a small Christian college? Is Otterbein dedicated to education in the Christian tradition (whatever that beautifully ambiguous phrase might mean)? These statements appear or are implied in the printed matter put out by various offices of the college. But is this position. still tenable? If Otterbein is a church-related college, the policies and practices of the college should be consistent with the position of the church on all questions, including temperance and inter-personal relations. If Otterbein is not a church-related school, it would seem that the limits of personal freedom would then be defined only by the civil statues-or perhaps by business considerations. Now is the time to decide.
Wl1.e Wan ·and Cllardinal Editor .......................;... ~................. ,................................ Bob Read Asistant Editor ................................................................Kathy Fo Faculty Adviser ....................:.......... ~..........................;.Mr. Rothge · · Departments · · Campus,........................................................................; lee Schroede -Sports. ................................,........... ~ .............................;; John _Mulki Entertainment _........................;.........;..~ .... ;........._..........Chris Warth Business Manager ..........- ..............~ ............................. ~Gary Robe Cin::ul'1ion Manager ................................:....:................ Kathy UI Photography ............................ ~ .............. ~ ........................... Don Ta · .·
. .
Kim Wells Staff writers and raporten
u Ann Austen, Holly Barrows~ Mike Bauer,-Robeit BecJcer, Jim rown, Don Coldwell, Susie DeLay, Tony DelValle, Sue Hall, Vicky rosei, Becky Merrill, Dee Miller, Brett Moorehead, John Mulkie, Lee Schroeder, Gar Vance, Chris Warthen, Bemadette' Zingale. · Published weekly (!uring the acade_mic _year e>.<ce~ holiday and examination periods by .students ·of -Otterbein · College. Entered .as
sec:ond~iss matter .on September .25, 1927,-at the Post Office in Westerville, Ohio 43081. · Office hours are. 9:00 am to 11 :00 11T1~ Phone(614)891-37,-·3: ·. . .· . . . . . ·Subscription rates are $2.00 per term and $6;00 per year.. .( )pinions expr~d iri the Tan and Cardinal, unless bylined; are those ·of the ·editorial board and do not necessifrily reflect those of the college or. its·staff. · · · .·: The .Tari and Cardinal is represented for- natienal advertising by
.onal ·educational Advertising Servi~; Inc.; -360:t..exingtc;,n -~ve~, New-Y~.-~.V. -10017, .
March 1, 1974
(2) Frank, I hope you are administration are students here. majoring in politics as you are a Several of them are friends of master in the art of mine but none of them are close exaggeration. Now I might have enou~ to my heart for me to missed two or even four of your wish them to know intimately of P.E. classes but if I did some my status at Otterbein, other staff member would be t academically or otherwise. I now here if at all possible. find that my wishes have no (3) I would like to lump your bearing on this matter. A certain putter and golf together. You administrator on this campus has are right I don't follow golfers gone through my records and around the course. I thought those of a few other people to you understood we have a determine if we are the proper challenge ladder that you climb company for his offspring to to make the golf team. I did see keep. I am glad that I earned the your swing but didn't watch it rating of "unfit to associate too closely because I was afraid with," for I am not sure that I it would ruin my own game. wish to be identified as an Even if I can't see I can read and associate of anyone related to a I do know that in golf .when the man of so few scruples. first digit of your score starts When the son of this man with an 8 or a 9 it is not very informed me of this matter for good. By the way did you notice the first time (he claims it has that our golf team finished 2nd happened again since then), I in the Ohio Conference To The Editor: was inclined to write it off as so tournament last year and we had Although I feel it is very much hot air. However, since three out of the five picked as foolish for anyone to attempt to that tim~: 1) another All.Conference players. I take no answer the petty gripes that are administrator has admitted to credit, but you must admit I written, I thought I would give it me that he received a call from didn't stand in their way. a try on Frank Ackerman's letter this man asking for information I would like to be serious published in the T&C last week. about a friend of mine, and 2) a about your putter. It's the only As we know most of the letters matter that I requested a Dean legitimate complaint you have. I of this college to keep are written because they for do remember borrowing your confidential has gone up through some reason will not get the putter in North Carolina on a the ranks, been relayed to the facts first but would rather start golf trip during Spring break (no father, and has been thrown, some type of controversy. that must not have been me However, some of Frank's slightly distorted, in my face as because I was never around you an out-and•out lie. comments were very interesting when you were with the team). · I know of three other people and typical of someone that met I borrowed two putters and frustration and seeks who have definitely been you are right I didn't care for recognition. So I thought I investigated by this man-a man yours and put it back (I who, to my knowledge, has no might give you another side thought) in the station wagon in direct connection with student from which to look. I have felt which you were travelling. I am the same as Frank many times affairs. I wonder how many sorry that it was lost in ilie myself. more students have had their (1) The One On One exchange and will gladly buy a privacy invaded and are either putter of your choice. Tournament unaware of the fact or feel it to ( 4) NOW ''Let's talk be useless or even dangerous to Mark Fletcher contacted me football" • I don't feel that I protest. several weeks ago and I said nd because the Angel Flight had have the background or Now, all things considered, I experience to talk football with requested half time and kind of like it here at the 'Bein, suggested other games. This you. I have only had 3..5 years of and I'm sure that if this man playing and coaching in all three were to pull strings to have me seemed the only game that would suit both groups so I tried areas of high school, college and removed, I'd find that every professional football. I think I to accomodate both. The One other school has its own On One was to be played will leave that to the ·"experts" corruption fu high places. So I'm between the J.V. and varsity such as yourself, with the vast requesting this man, whose games not half time and you are knowledge, wisdom and playing identity I've, perhaps right I did not, and never do experience and will keep trying erroneously, concealed, to take to learn by reading. inform Coach Reynolds of these this fact into consideration and In the meantime why not events because whether you to leave my friends and me in realize it or not Frank, Coach find out all the facts on both peace. We don't want to finish Reynolds has a · lot of other sides of an issue before jumping out our four years wondering things on his mind besides the off the side. what dirty little secrets our Coach Agler half time show and the only instructors know, when we time I notify him is when I have didn't even know the to ask him to lengthen the half information was in our files. For which all coaches dislike very I'm sure that his gathering of much -because of the effect it has dirt was not a one-way To The Editor: on the players to sit and cool proposition-he most likely I have been warned that out. passes on _some juicy little tidbits writing this letter could very Both of these events, I was in return. possibly result in my being asked told would not need extra time. Judith Smith to leave Otterbein. However, the I think it is great that we can use circumstances which have intercollegiate sports as a means promoted the writing of this to have other groups perform All ·Non-dorm ltudents have letter have made me wonder just before an audience but how many regrets I would have a nwil box in the b111rnent of somewhere we have to make Towien Hall: Pleue check and if about packing up my bags and time for the game and it is an leaving. you do not ·have • mail box Ohio Conference rule that the report to it to the Cola._ As is normal in any college varsity game must start at 7: 30 town, the sons and daughters of P.M. many .... . . of . Otterbein's . . . . faculty and •••I'• The Tan and Cardinal encourages students, faculty, and staff to write to our letters department concerning any matter that happens to be bothering you at any given moment. All letters must be typed, double•spaced, and signed in ink with the author's name, address, . and phone · number inclu_ded. No anonymous letters will be considered for publication. Names may be withheld upon request. The Tan and Cardinal reserves the right to accept or reject any letter, and to make any necessary corrections.
Agler answers Ackerman
Student chsk-out?
March 1, 1974
·:·S pooner leads Otter Grapplers
the first round. On Friday's Bill Spooner placed third in second round, Ford was ALL IN THE FAMI the 190 lb. weight class at the defeated by Oberlin's Smith O.A.C. wrestling tournaments 11-2. On Saturday, Bruce held at Mt. Union College, Jankura of Marietta beat him by February 22 and 23. He a score of 9-0. Senior heavy defeated Brett Smith of weight wrestler Joe Smith drew by Susan Hall Heidelberg 8-2 in the a bye the first round, but was But no! The groundhog saw risking his reputation on this consolation finals. Spooner was defeated by the eventual O.A.C. It feels like spring. Doesn't it? seeded third in the tournament, champion Les Wojciechowski of show, but he does stand to lose a his shadow! Spring is not here The other day I sat on a DeSoto yet. CPB says we aren't going to with the defending 190 lb. Baldwin Wallace, 5-1. In the last dollar. in front of Cowan Hall and It was almost warm - that is, have one this year. Prices are so O.A.C. champion, Mike Albert Otterbein match of Friday night, thought of things. I thought of not quite cold. De bo'ids was high we probably can't afford it from Baldwin Wallace College, he was defeated by Ohio dinner dates and coke dates, and choiping in de trees, so loudly anyway. And while we're on the seeded first. In the first round of Northern's Bodie, 1103. Overall room-mates and Robert your subject, have you done that I could hardly hear the tournament action, Bill drew a Otterbein finished with 13½. Redford, and tennis courts and in visible clarinetist, playing income tax yet? Can't believe bye and in the second round he team points in the O.A.C. basketball shorts, and English scales out the window of you made that much money, defeated Muskingum's Mark tournament. Mt. Union won the papers. Everybody keeps going Lambert. Probably just as well. huh? What happened to it all? King 6-1. During the semi-finals, tournament with 124½. points into his English teacher, saying, Spring is coming. There are it to Probably you either fed Scott Dennis of Dennison and Baldwin Wallace finished "I just can't write .this paper. I buds on the tree in front of your car or you're supporting University decisioned Spooner second with 87½. points. don't know - I just can't get Cowan. The Last Straw the movie theatres of America in 4-0. Dennis was then defeated in Otterbein will lose one of its going on it." The English downtown (so to speak) has the style to which we all would the championship match by most outstanding wrestlers, teachers aren't saying much. almost nothing but halters in like to become accustomed. Albert. Bill decisioned Paul Neff perhaps the best in Otterbein's They don't really want to read stock - and some of them are It's cold out here. That whiff of Marietta 6-4 to earn a berth in history-Bill Spooner. Spooner, your old paper anyway. almost nothing. The baseball of spring in the air is only Herbal the consolation finals. who is a senior, is the first Otter So I sat and looked at the players have all gotten their Essen·ce Shampoo. Otterbein. Otterbein's 167 lb. wrestler, Dan wrestler to place third in the grey, cloudy sky. Every once in You know what you can do with annual haircuts. Doherty won his opening match O.A.C. tournament. No other a while a raindrop fell with Spring! The ritual of Laying this place? Advertise it, dear. defeating Marietta's Troeger 6-5. wrestler from Otterbein has ever amazing accuracy onto my Out on Barlow Beach. Come on, And don't kiss in the halls in He then lost his second match to placed higher. Bill Spooner, who eyelashes, washing the mascara Doug Yeakel, get that shoulder front of prospective students. Greenleaf of Heidelberg. On captained the 1974 wrestling down my face until I looked like in gear, and break out the Do you want them to get the Saturday, Doherty decisioned team, finished the regular season a coal miner. Which is becoming Frisbees! Romance begins to wrong idea? Certainly we want Ohio Wesleyan's Kestner 9-3 and with a 9-0 record. He has a very highly-respected blossom and people go back to them to come here, but not then lost to the 1973 167 lb. compiled a fine four-year profession, by the way. under-the-trees sitting. When I under false pretenses. Two more weeks until the class champ Chet Shoemaker collegiate wrestling career, while lived in King Hall last year, I Besides, if I'd sat any longer· from Mt. Union, 5-0, for a berth at Otterbein. end of the famous, dreaded used to sit on that stone wall on those damned fins, I think in the consolation finals. Congratulations are in order Winter Term. Robert Morse, the across the street by the science my bottom would have been put Doherty did end up with a fifth for first-year Coach Jim Wallace, guest actor for Three Men on a building. Maybe I should start permanently out of order. Ouch! Horse, is here, in rehearsal, place in the 167 lb. class. a former O.S.U. varsity wrestler, sitting there again. Hi, guys. February. The hell with it. working hard. He isn't exactly Otterbein College was also and the 1974 Otterbein College wrestling team for a fine season, represented by four other wrestlers at the tournament. even though they had a young team and many difficulties. The Freshman Ji..'ll McCurdy, 126 lb. class, was defeated in the entire team, except for the three Otterbein College's indoor Dave Paul's first in the 50 yd . the squad in total points, Coach opening round by Marietta's Bill seniors, will be back next year, track squad, minus the services dash with a time of 5.5, which Yoest said he felt their absence so wrestling at Otterbein College Schrieber, 12-4. 142 pounder set a Denison field house record. of hurdler Roger Retherford and was justified because they Dave Elliot was decisioned 4-0 in is looking up for the future. Otterbein's two other firsts sprinter Jim Macheras, notched benefited from competing the first round by the eventual However, there may not be a second place in a quadrangular came in the triple jump, where against some top-notch wrestling program next year, but 1974 O.A.C. champion Dan meet with Denison, Heidelberg Guy Jensen taped a leap of competition. Staight of Heidelberg. He was this is not definite. Wrestling is a an d Ohio Wesleyan, last 42'5", and in the 1000 yd. run, Two Otterbein records fell later defeated by the defending sport that is quickly coming up Saturday at Granville. in which senior Guy Dittoe last weekend as five Cardinal 142 lb. champ Chuck Pusateri of through the ranks as a very Host Denison won the meet spikers competed in the United clocked a 2:21.2. Capital, 10-1. Sophomore Don popular sport. Otterbein College with 83 points, followed by Jensen proved to be States Track and Field Ford, 177 lb. class, overwhelmed can not afford to let wrestling Otterbein with 39, Heidelberg Otterbein's best point getter of Federation meet at Ohio State Dennison's Kent Walsh, 15-3, in die out. with 30 and Ohio Wesleyan with the afternoon, as the talented University. 18. freshman notched a second place Guy Dittoe, a senior from Two of Otterbein's top in the long jump with an effort Cincinnati, eclipsed his old performers, Macheras and record of 1: 57 .3 in the half-mile of 21'. Retherford, were competing in Other second-place finishers with a 1:56.2 clocking. the semi-final and final heats of were junior Mike Westfall in the Westerville's sophomore 13 .E. MAIN the United States Track and 440 yd. dash with a 52.6 Roger ·Retherford snapped the Field Federation meet and were clocking; freshman Larry record in the 70-yd. high hurdles unable to attend. McCrady in the 50 yd. high with back-to-back times of 8.6 FREE CAMPUS The Cardinals did manage hurdles with a time of 6.7, and in the preliminary and semi-final three fust place finishes, senior Jack Lintz in the two-mile heats. DELIVERY however, including freshman with a time of 9:57 .0. In other events, Gahanna SUNDAv·THRuffURS.· · Also receiving praise from freshman Guy Jensen's long CLASSIFIED Head Coach Bud Yoest was Greg jump of 21' 11 ½." recorded I ~·fLandis, who went 6-0 in the high eighth place in the highly occer coaches: North Branc ~ v!"\~_J...M jump for a th ird place finish. competitive meet. CA need men and women t Although the absence of oach soccer this spring Retherford and Macheras hurt xperience helpful but
Is it soup yet?
Spikers take second at Denison
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March 1, 1974
Page 4
Tuesday, 5th - 7: 30 p.m. Friday, 1st - 5:00 p.m. - Panhellenic Council 6:30 p.m. C.P.B. Ski Trip ?:30 p.m. _ Speaker sponsored Deadline Saturday, 2nd - 2:00 p.m. - by women's phys. ed. dept. Anyone interested in writing Kappa Phi Omega Mother's Tea speaking on the Lamaz for the T&C can call the T&C 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. - Open House in technique of childbirth. (891-3713) from the dorms 8:00 - 10:00P-ffi- Wednesday, 6th - 7:00 - office 6:00-8:00 Monday through - Movie, "Jane Eyre" in LeMay 11 :00 p.m. - Angel Flight selling Thursday or contact the off~ce Sunday, 3rd - 8: 15 p.m. - donuts in dorms Recital: Elizabeth Schilling Thursday, 7th - 5:00 p.m. - by campus mail. Copy deadline Tuesday, 5th - 11 :00 a.m. - Alpha Lambda Delta Initiation \is 6:00 Monday night. 7:00 p.m. - Exhibit of art prints Thursday, 7th - 8:00 p.m. Newswriting course in Campus Center Fellowship of Christian Athletes During this spring term the English and Public Relations Departments will teach a cour~e in news-writing. The course will offer experience in writing news stories visits to papers and a printe;, and sessions wi t li journalists. The course is being taught under the English 39 Otterbein College Westerville, Ohio Main Lounge of Campus Center Exhibition Area Tuesday, March 5, 1974 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Sorority Volleyball
Editorial applications Letters of application are now being accepted by the Publications Board for 1974-'75 Sibyl editor, Sibyl assistant editor, T&C editor, T&C assistant editor, T&C business manager. These are paid positions. Send applications to Michael Schacherbauer (Towers mailbox). Applications will be accepted until April 10.
Latest standings in Sororitr, volleyball are: Team Wins Losses Onyx Independents II Independents I Greenwich Owls Deltas Arbutus Talisman Arcardy
2 2 3 4
oo~m~h~½~cl-n~~e_x:t:~w~e~e~k~-b:e:t_w:-e:e_n::8::-3:0:_a:n:d:5:-:_0:0:.:::::~~~~~~~~~~~:::~ credit. Class will meet on Tuesdays from 3:00 to 5:00 and other times by special arrangement. Staff for the course is Mrs. Bay and Dr. Bailey. Since enrollment will be limited to 15, any student wishing to register for the course must first receive permission from Dr. Bailey (in T-17).
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