The Tan and Cardinal March 8, 1974

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att and Volume 56 Number 19

ardinal March 8, 1974

Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio

Norman Luboff Choir appears 1n Artist Series The Norman Luboff Choir will appear on campus Tues., Mar. 12, 8: l S p.m. for the first time since its 1966 sell-out performance. Playing to sold out houses, the Norman Luboff Choir has become a favorite on campuses across the nation. Performing Bach chorales, folk songs, Beethoven hallelujahs and rock cantatas on the same program, the Luboff Choir presents all types of music with equal

artistry, prec1s10n and understanding. Using the off-season to compose and arrange music, Conductor Luboff is known for his work on the nation's top television shows and over 80 motion pictures. Beginning as a pop recording group in Hollywood, the Luboff Choir began touring in 1963. "Actually", Conductor Luboff explains, "we prepare several programs, each with an equal variety of musical styles. In that way we avoid the night-after-night repetition

which can so easily dull the edge of a touring group." Besides being one of the nation's top touring attractions, the Norman Luboff Choir has cut over SO top selling albums. The Luboff Choir will appear on the Artist Series, March 12, 8: 1S p.m. in Cowan Hall. After the concert, Mr. Luboff and a few singers will attend a reception in the Campus Center sponsored by CPB. Be sure to obtain your free ticket with your ID in the Cowan Hall Box Office, weekdays 1-4 p.m.


Three more Ford Foundation Venture Grant proposals have been approved at Otterbein College in the areas of early childhood education, residence "" Conductor Norman Luboff and his 30-member choir will appear hall planning and training of March 12, 8: 15 p.m. in Cowan Hall. foreign corpora tc personnel. The new projects bring the total of working studies which have been funded by the $] 50,000 Foundation grant to Betty S. McNair, associate emphasizing the training of six. The award is being used as a dean of Clark College in Atlanta, black leadership, and has a reservoir to finance projects Ga. visited the Otterbein College multi-racial faculty. Clark is conceived by Otterbein faculty campus Friday to discuss the United-Methodist church college Common Course related, and has approximately and staff members during the department with department 1,250 students in a number of next three years. Directed by Helen Clymer, chairman Dr. William Hamilton academic disciplines. of the college pnncipal and members of the college laboratory school, the project faculty. entitled "Children : Our Most Mrs. McNair, also a member Friday, 8th 8: 1 S p.m. Precious Resource" , has received of the American Assoc. for Faculty Chamber Recital $5,000 to expand Otterbein 's Innovation in Higher Education, Friday, 8th - 8: I 5 p.m. . part-time nursery facility into a was invited to Otterbein to Kappa Phi Omega after Theatre full-time day care center. The observe the program, which she party proposed center would · be said Clark College was interested 9th 8:00 p.m. Saturday, staffed by student-majors in adopting in some form. Theta Nu Coed working toward qualification in "This Common Course Tuesday, 12th - 7:00 p.m.. early childhood education program fits our needs better S.A.M. meeting through existing curriculum. than any other similiar program Saturday, 30th Sorority According to Mrs. Clymer, we have observed," Mrs. McNair Greek Week (Hell Night) the school will be used by stated. "We like the thematic Saturday , 30th - 2:00 p.m. - serveral departments for approach, and your unity of Kappa Phi Omega Ecology walk instruction of college students in disciplines. We may be getting Sunday, 31st - I 2:00 p.m. too far away from this in higher Tau Epsilon Mu Activation educalion." Sunday, 31st - 12:30 p.m. The Clark College Dean Kappa Phi Omega Activation explained that at the institution Sunday, 31st - 3: 00 p.m. they are seeking to establish a A reward of $20 is offered Recital: Ed Morris general education department. for information leading to the The following are weekly "We strongly discourage the events during the remainder of return of the drawing which was selection of a major emphasis of removed last weekend from the Winter Term: study during the freshman of works by George exhibition Every Monday & Wednesday year," she explained. Raica in the Campus Center. evenings - JO: 30 - 12: 30 - The "Ther~fore, we are looking for a Contact Jack Dickey, Earl Alumni Gym will be open departmental arrangement which Every Thursday - 9 :45 - Hassenpflug or campus security . would help encourage The exhibition program has 1 I :45 p.m. - Swimming at the communicative skills and offer been curtailed during the past J.C. pool generalized education for the two years by a series of thefts. Changes and Cancellations beginning college student." Continuance of the program is Saturday, 9th - Campus Mrs. McNair explained that threatened by the actions of a "The Searchers" Movie she first learned of the few who probably sec no Tuesday, 12th- 7 :30 p.m. innovative Otterbein play from relationship between their Panhellenic Council Meeting OC graduate Dr. Bob Myers, pranks and the inevitable cancelled now teaching at the Georgia consequences to the exhibition Saturday, 30th - Campus school. Clark College, founded program. Movie - "Sacco & Vanzetti" in 1869, is an institution

Common Courses discussed



human development. It . should rights or create unreasonable not only prepare teachers, for an security risks, said Dr. Roy H. ever-expanding field , but also Turley, dean of Academic provide a community service as Affairs and leader of the project. well as a resource for academic The Task Force will survey research, noted Mrs. Clymer. opinions of several groups from Another approved project, which thty will base their awarded $3,000, is a study of recommendations. including Otterbein residence hall facilities students, alumni and ministers and life style patterns at · of the Methodist Conference. Otterbein. Committee findings will be A Task Force on housing, presented at the fall meeting of composed of Otterbein trustees the Board of Trustees. and special consultar.t Frederick $500, a third Granted Frank, dean of Student Affairs proposal will investigate the at Washington and Jefferson feasibility of training foreign College . .hopes to find ways to corporate personnel at improve coeducational growth in Otterbeing College. John P. college housing situations. Hamil ton , assistant professor of Any changes in present Spanish and the proposal's conditions, however, must be author , will use the spring term within the framework of existing of this year to research present facilities and not encourage educational programs for foreign behavior contrary to accepted personnel who are transferred to norms, infringe on personal the United States.

Robert Morse stars in Cowan feature Audrey doesn't understand it all, and Erwin can't seem to Robert Morse, winner of the e?<,plain it, and what results are Tony award for his performance some of the funniest scenes in in '"How to Succeed in Business American comedy. Others in the Without Really Trying" will play cast include Bill Brewer as the Erwin Trowbr.idge, the tailor,- John Cain as Franklin nnsophisticated and lucky writer and Randy Cole as Moses. P~ of greeting card verses in the Hill will play Gloria, Steve Black Otterbein College Theatre will be Al. and others are Beth production, ''Three Men On A Machlan as the maid and Tony Horse." DelValle as Mr. Carver. The production runs through Saturday, March 9. Curtain time · is8 :1Sp.m. With Morse in the comedy is an all-student cast including Barb Kosciuk as Erwin's wife, Audrey , and Jerry Confer as her brother, Clarence. Erwin's penchant for picking horses in the daily racing form leads to trouble when he meets Harry (Jon Morelli), Charlie (Tony Mangia), Patsy (Dick Miller) and their exotic-dancer friend, Mabel (Dee Hoty), who play the horses in pursuit of profit. Morse

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