The Tan and Cardinal April 5, 1974

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fflatt and <1.tardinal Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio

'Volume 56 Number 20

April 5, 1974

Schedule of Elections for 1975 Schedule of elections for 74-75 April 3-9. Absentee ballots for faculty trustee. Administration buildi~g, 8:30-1~:_00, 1:00-4:00. Only faculty senators who will be off campus April 10 are eligible Apri I 8.

April9. Apri I 1 O.

to vote. Departmental elections for a. Student departmental senator b. Student representatives to the departments c. Student representatives to the divisions . Division elections. One student, two faculty representatives to the curriculum committee from each division. Senator-at-large and student trustee elections by the entire student body in the Campus Center Lounge. Polls close at 6:30 p.m. Category I Senate Committees elected by senators in session, 4:00 p.m. Faculty trustee elected by faculty senators. Vote between 8:30-12:00 or 1:00-3_:45 in the Administration Building; results to be announced in Senate meeting.

PETITIONS RECEIVED FOR STUDENT SENATOR AT LARGE Wallace A. Gallup, Cindy Hupp, Donald Whitmore, John Vickers, Clyde D. Repik, Paul E _ Garfinkel, Wm. A. Muryn, Bill D' Aiuto, Randy Cole, Fred DeBell, Perry Samuel Richards, Timothy Daniell, David R. Lance, Catherine E. Henthorn, James E. A. Black, It, Howard R. Carlisle, Randy Adams, Greg Beasley, Trent Radbill, Edward E. Brookover, Sybil Waggaman, Cindy Manuel, Deborah K. Shuey, Lou Ann Austen, Tom Hoover, Susan Mathews, Jim Minehart, Roger Duff, Thomas Kent Witt, Don R. Goodwin, Gary Continued on 6

Patton named Otterbein Fellow International businessman, Henry H. Patton has been a resident Woodrow Wilson Fellow on the Otterbein College campus this week. The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, under the sponsorship • of the Lilly Endowment, placed Patton at Otterbein as a part of a national program which brings visiting professors from business, industry, finance, diplomacy, conservation, journalism and other professions to private liberal arts colleges for a week or more at a time. Henry H. Patton, semi-retired director of Anglo Co., Ltd.; Geokinetics, Inc.; Robert Garrett & Sons, Inc., Straus Exploration Inc. and United Nuclear Corp., vice- resident of


Panamerica S.A., and Director of applications Deltec Securities Corp. At one time based in Cuba with Deltec, Letters of application are Patton has been a member of Gwendolyn Brooks now being accepted by the Kuhn Loeb & Co., prestigious Publications Board for 1974-'75 banking firm, and president of Sibyl editor, Sibyl assistant Pulitzer prize-winning poet to speak the American Overseas Finance editor, T&C editor, T&C Co. In addition to Deltec, the assistant editor, T&C business largest merchan~ banking firm in Otterbein College in Cowan Hall manager. These are paid Latin America, Patton and Gwendolyn Brooks, one of on April 9, 11 a.m. positions. Send applications to partners founded United Nuclear A responsive, concerned Michael Schacherbauer (Towers the outstanding poets of our Co. After discovering one of the woman who has an immediate mailbox). Applications will be time and author of nearly a major uranium ore bodies in the dozen books of selected poetry, rapport with studen_ts, faculty . accepted until April 10. U.S. will be guest lecturer at and community, Miss Brooks is Wallace A. Gallup, Otterbein the Poet Laureate of Illinois. Her junior majoring in government books deal centrally with the and business, was student Black, and the experiences of coordinator for Patton's visit. our time, and her poetry has Before Patton's visit, Gallup been called a "bridge between commented, "we plan to learn with the Metropolitan Opera in the quiet and the vibrant racial from Patton's diverse career, his 1961, Miss Yeend has appeared . protest of today." The Otterbein College Choir, knowledge of international with the Vienna State Opera, in under the direction of William At Wes tern lllinois business opportunities, and his Covent Garden, and with the A. Wyman, will sing the Verdi University, a Gwendoiyn Brooks vast business experience." New York City Opera, where "Requiem" on Sat., April 6, Library has been founded, and "Our goal and that Puccini's masterpiece 8: 15 p.m. in Cowan Hall, and at the Black Women's of the Foundation is to help "Turandot" was produced again on Sun., April 7, 3 p.m. at Committee House in Chicago, students prepare for the business especially for her. Other roles the Worthington Presbyterian another library in her name has world, while at the same time have included Elizabeth in Church. been established. In 1971, "The giving business insights to "Tannhauser", Ariadne in Special guest soloists for the World of Gwendolyn Brooks", today's students." "Ariadne A uf N axos", concert will be internationally containing much of her poetry, During his week-long visit, Desdemona in "Otello", and the known diva Frances Yeend and was published as a tribute to the the businessman met classes in title role of "Suor Angelica". one of America's leading tenors, noted poet. This book is an international politics, American Featured engagements with Jon Crain. outpouring of appreciation and po Ii ti cal parties, cultural major symphony orchestras by Two additional featured love for a most extraordinary anthropology, geology and Miss Yeend number more than singers are guest Gale Limansky, woman. history courses with students in 250 performances, and she has contralto, and Richard A frequent literary judge. language and other related fields. appeared with the Philadelphia Chamberlain .of the Otterbein nominee for the National Book He also met with a number of College department of music. Orchestra, The Boston Award, and writer, lecturer and student associations, and had Symphony Orchestra and the Miss Yeend, leading artist of teacher, Gwendolyn Brooks' formal discussions with students New York Philharmonic more the Metropolitan Opera and original poem "Aurora" was including a 'rap session' with than 60 times. other companies, has been writt~n especially for the William Carr, Huntington During his career Jon Crain acclaimed for her roles as inaugural of the Governor of National Bank International Tessitura of Turandot, and as has been heard many times with Illinois in 1973 and read at that Continued on 5 Continued on 4 Violetta and Aida. Debuting celebration.

Met opera star featured in ·'_'Requiem''

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