The Tan and Cardinal September 27, 1974

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Volume 57 Number 2

September 27, 1974

Dietsh arrives Sunday "Jerry Ford vs. Richard Nixon: A Washington Reporter's View" is the subject of a 9 a.m., Sept. 30 lecture by Robert W. Dietsch, business and economics editor for Scripps-Howard ewspa?ers. The lecture , scheduled for Cowan Hall, is open to the public at no charge. Dietsch will arrive in Westerville the previous day to begin his week-Jong appointment as a Woodrow Wilson Senior Fellow at Otterbein College. Native of Cleveland, Ohio, pietsch was editor and publisher of two weekly papers in Andover and Insman, Ohio after graduation from Western Reserve University in 1941. His professional background also includes editorial experience in Montana, Buffalo and with the Cleveland Press before going to Washington, D.C. to join Scripps-Howard . Woodrow Wilson Fellows visit liberal arts colleges to promote greater understa~ding between

Homecoming Candidates chosen That date "is coming up quickly - Saturday, October 19 - when one of seven girls will be crowned the 1974 Fall Homecoming Queen for Otterbein College! The seven queen candidates and their respective sororities are as follows: Marda Wladecki, Kappa Phi Omega; Diane Hammer, Tau Delta; Ruthie Johnson, EKT; Barb Smith, Theta Nu; Becky Grimes, Sigma Alpha Tau; Mary Lynn Miller, Tau Epsilon Mu and Sharon Hoy, Independent. The positions which will be

selected are queen, first attendent and Maid of Honor. The escorts will include the fraternity presidents. Queen elections will be held on Monday, October 14. All men will be eligible to vote, including freshmen. The theme for the '74 Homecoming is, "Around the World in Eighty Days." Otterbein's traditional homecoming parade will begin ~t 10 A.M. At J :30 P.M., the Fighting Cards will meet with Muskingum. Serenades will be

'Wocdrow Wilson Fellow Robert Dietsch the academic commu.nity and the world of the professions, Nancy Shelton captured .first Judging from the crowd business, diplomacy and place in the annual Freshman response, and the varied and journalism. The program is Talent Show held last Sunday excellent preformances on stage, funded through a grant from the _evening. Ms. Shelton performed it can reasonably be said that Lilly Foundation. a dramatic oral interpretation of this was one of the finer talent Dietsch is the second Wilson a poem. Placing second and third shows in recent years. Fellow to visit Otterbein. Last in the great lineup of talent were spring, businessman Henry Sue Ball and Ann Myers. Sue Patton spent a week on campus sang her way to the number two in the same capacity. spot, while Ann accompanied herself as she sang. A captivated audience viewed MARCHING BAND IN CONCERT the thirteen talented freshman. The 155-member Otterbein Among those frosh , who did not and the most traveled of the Cardinal Marching Band will place but turned in fine four. present its annual concert at performances were: Kathy Kiser, The Cardinal Band has been Pat Shambaugh, Jeanie Cowan Hall, Sunday, Oct. 29. at invited to perform the televised Hickman, Greg Detty, Pam 3 p.m. The public is invited to half-time show on Sunday, Nov. Burns, Jeff Downing, Fred attend at no charge. 10, in Buffalo, New York when Vogel, Oreg Holloway, Henry Complete with color guard, the Buffalo Bills meet the Molinaro and Jeannie Tressler. flag corps and feature twirlers, Houston Oilers. Randy Adams and Bob the band will· recreate several of Pettigrew served as the wacky its halftime shows for the masters of ceremony for the Cap audience. Nancy Shelton and Dagger sponsored event. Pre-game cadences and Good used furniture at fanfare will open the afternoon program with such favorites as reasonable rates should soon be "Blues in the Night", "Old Man available to Otterbein students. EXECUTIVE AND BUDGET The Student Personnel office has River", "Granada", "Bridge Over Troubled Waters", "Hey set itself up as a go-between for CONTROL MEETINGS SAT The Executive and Budget Big Spender", "Black is the students who need furniture and "A bunch of nuts and bolts Control Committees usually sit local residents who want to sell thrown in together, nothing Color of My True Love's Hair", furniture. To accomplish this, spectacular, but nonetheless together, \mt are not the same and "Malaguena" also on the committee. The Executive Personnel will be advertising in important," commented program. Committee meets five times a the local papers for used President Kerr on the upcoming Other featured numbers furniture. Residents interested meeting of the Executive and year and has the authority to act include "Bubbles Was a will be advised to call Personnel · Budget Control Committees of for the board as a whole. Cheerleader" and "The Sound of so that a list of available material the Board of Trustees this Philadelphi~" and "Evil Ways" can be kept. Beginning next Saturday. highlighting routines by the 0 "Owls Beer Boogie" will be Wednesday or Thursday, Reviewing the 197 4 budget Squad. an all-campus event of Friday, students should be able to call or and fall enrollm~nt are the two The band will be under the October 4. The event, sponsored stop by the Personnel office and most important topics to be direction of Gary Tirey, director by Sigma Alpha Tau (better check over a list of furniture covered, according to President of bands at Otterbein. Paul known as the Owls), will be held Kerr. A budget request to is. available, and what its cost Zubrod, new percussion faculty at the Westerville Armory, When an item from the list is finance the Alcohol Task Force member at the college, will located at 240 State Street. chosen, and the student makes will also be considered. The conduct two numbers. Flag _Tickets can be purchased for the purchase, the item is Force's formation was approved corps is under the direction of the Beer Boogie next week in Don Wolfe, assistant. scratched from the list to avoid in June to study the possibility the Campus Center. They will be of legalizing alcohol on campus. The Cardinal Marching Band numerous phone calls in vain. $1.25 per person for advanced A report on the survey of has become a highlight of the This is one of several projects sales, and $1.50 at the door. fall football season for fans of that Student Personnel is taking Bookstore activities and the Everybody who buys a ticket on under the heading of resignations and appointments the Otterbein Cardinals. It is one can boogie and 'booze it' from of four remaining bands in the Programming Services for the of faculty since June are also on 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. the agenda. 14-member Ohio Conference student's benefit.

granted at 8:00 P.M. and the homecoming visitors may attend the production of "Count Dracula" at 8: 15 P.M., in Cowan ]jail. The chairwoman for the Homecoming Committee is Betsy Augsberger. ATTENTION: Any individual or fraternity, or sorority wishing to enter a float in the Homecoming Parade may sign up in the Campus Center Office by October 7. There is an entry fee of $5.00, which is required upon entry!

Talented Frosh Perform

Furniture tor you

Owls Beer Boogie

Sue Ball

Ann Myers

Alcohol Task Force Meets Today The Alcohol Policy Task Force will hold its first meeting today at I :30 p.m. in Towers Hall Conference Room T-3 . Chairman of the committee, Edwin L. Roush has announced that this meeting is a very important one. The committee members are : Ernest Fritsche, Dr. Harold Boda, Rev. William Jenkins, Paul Garfinkel, Dr. Jeanne Willis, William Steck, Matt Arnold, Lou Ann Austen, Dr. Young Koo, Sa1ah Skaates, Frances Bailey, and Joanne VanSant. The purpose of the task force is ·to study the alcohol situation on the Otterbein campus. The . Board of Trustees established the _Alcohol Task Force following the defeat last spring of a Student Senate bill allowing alcohol consuption on campus.

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