The Tan and Cardinal October 11, 1974

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Lea�ed lnforma�ion Shows Theft Policy Change Imminent _ area, bookst0re. library. r� Late Thursday, i formation time: $26,614.97! The loss inRegulatio s Committee will are very much a part of that n

to the Ti�n . an d was Ieaked . _e Cardinal concerning a 1mment · T�ef t change !· n the Otter_ b em R�gulatio n s. The information w1ll reach the m�m bers of t?e Campus Regulatio n s Committee at their meeting scheduled for 4:00 this afternoo n . According to our source, the new policy will read as follows: Theft, or attempted theft, i n any amount from campus facilities, such as the dining


den ce halls. etc., or from mdividual members o f the • campus commu n ity w1-11 resuit i n immediate suspensio n from Otterbein for a period of NO LESS THAN ONE FULL TERM; also. all violators will automatically be referred to the Westervill_e _ Pohce Department for civil prosecuti� n. The rationale behi n d the pro.ePose? change is the staggen n g figure lost to theft last year, released here for the first

c 1 ud es nearly $3.000 stolen from . students . $2.500 from various departments. $5.000 from the _ebookstore. $7.500 from the hbrary. and $8.500 from the food catering service. Reports in the Student Personnel show that this year's total thefts in the first three weeks of school total nearly $1,500! With such evide n ce in support of the proposed change in regulations. it is likely the

Volume 57 Number. 4


act immediately to place the new regulation into effect. At such time. the T..�c will announce the policy change. . In providing the adva n ce news. which is docume nted. the source hoped to stress to everyo ne i n the commu nity that theft is a very real local problem. The figures speak for themselves. It was time to realize, the source said. that thefts are an increasing problem in the n ation. and that we

problem. The T&C offer· its. advice . for everyone to be careful with their belongi n gs. The proh!em has reached such proportions, that one must ahrn_rs be careful with his or her posessions. We also hope that the thief understand that the n ew regulation will be enforced with vigor. a nd any theft. or even attempt at theft. will be met with severe and immediate actio n.

Octobe� 11. 1974

C.P.B. Events Highlight Weekend Think there's nothing to do at the 'Bein this weekend since the football game is away. Welle you're wrong. The Campus Programming Board has outdone itself this weekend. Starting off this weekend will be a T.G.I.F. (Thank God Its Friday) Party today from 3 to S p.m. in the Pit at the Campus Center. Tony Tarentelli will act as Master of Ceremonies as you boogie to favorite tunes. Start celebrating the weekend early. If you have any records of your own, bring them along. Tonight, after the Terry Waldo Rug Co ncert, an ice cream social will be held in the Campus Center dining hall. Student price is $.25 and adults price is $.SO. C.P.B. covers½ of the cost for the students banana splits.

Informal Chamber Music Here At Otterbein

Rounding o u t Friday's activities will - be the campus m ovie, "Dracula A.O. 72," starring Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee. Showtimes are 8:00 and 10:30 p.m. in Lemay Auditorium for $1 . Saturday begins with the freshmen a n d sophomores battling it out in the annual Scrap Day. Competition will begin at 1 :00 p.m. in Alum Creek Park. Some of the events B r i e f , informal chamber are relay races, tug of war, balloon toss, sack races, and music programs are set at O t t erbein College for local several co-ed events. Last but not least, C.P.B. will audiences, Oct. 17 and 31, from sponsor an all-campus dance 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. in Lambert Saturday night. Dance to the HaU Auditorium on the campus. sounds of "Israfel" from 9:00 p.m. - l :00 a.m. in the Olde Library (in Towers Hall). Tryouts for THE WIZARD OF OZ will be held in Cowan Hall Sunday, October 20 at I :30 p.m. Petie Dodrill will direct thise trip to fantasy land as Dorothy COUNT DRACULA will be Ann Kocks as the count's and her little dog Toto try to pres ented as the Otterbein beautiful victim, Leslie Young as find their way back to Kansas. College Theatre 1974-7S season Sybil, Dan Hawk as Renfield, They are aided by the Tin Man, opener Oct. 16-19 in Cowan.Hall Cabot Rea as Hennessey, and Scarecrow, Cowardly Lion and, Auditorium. Curtain times are Jon White as Wesley. of course, the wizard himself. 7:30 p.m. Wedn esday and 8:15 Tickets are now on sale from Auditions are open to anyone Thursday through Saturday. 1-4 p.m. daily at the box office,e interested. Scripts are available Playing to capacity crowds 891-3331.e in Dr. Dodrill's office in Cowan across the country, COUNT Hall. D RA CULA is a moder n adaptation of the ninteenth century horror classic. It is full A cultural tour to Mexico is will be an option for only those of special effects and will mark being organized for the students who request them. Otterbein techn ical director interterm. The program will last Two weekends will be spent Fred Thayer's 100th scenic for 22 days, from November visits to the historic city of in design. 28th through December 19th. Guanajuato and the tropical In the title role, Jim West will Two weeks will be spent in paradise of Puerto Vallarta. appear as the infamous count Guadalajara where students will Mr. Hamilton of the Foreigne who stalks the night in search of and families private live with Department will be ine Language life-giving blood and power to take part in classes of Mexican charge of the tour. He will rule the earth. folk dancing and Mexican arts present. a program of slides and Thwarting his evil quest are tour the on and crafts. discussion Gian Morelli as Prof. Heinrich 00 8: at Spanish of 16, knowledge October a Si ce y, n Wednesda Van Helsing, John Cain as Dr. is not required for participation p.m. in the Faculty Lounge of Arthur Seward, and Bill Brewer in the tour, classes in Spanish the Campus Center. as Jonathan Harker. conversation and private tutors Others in the cast include Sue

Oz Trvouts

c hamber music to open rehearsals and workshops. Members of the campus community and the community at large are invited to attend. There is no charge. Karen Andrie, cellist, says the quartet wants to offer "chamber music at its informal best". M u s i c b y B e ethoven, ''Quartet, opus 18, no S", is the Quartet's selection for the Oct. 17 program. Mrs. Andrie says the 6:30 Performed by the Columbus String Quartet , artists in 7:1S time was chosen to meet residence at the college, thee people's busy schedules and also programs are "learn to listen " to afford a brief but pleasant sessions and will vary from interlude between daytime and informa l discussi on about evening activities.

ORACULA Starts Oct. 16


Mexico m December

This really is Terry Waldo, the ragtime pianist who will appear at thee Rug Concert in the Campus Center on Oct. 11. We fooled you laste The picture on the front page was that of Prof. Peter ,f S:fckele, performer of "The Intimate P.D.Q. Bach. Prof. Schickelee Halle will appear with his madcap group March 24th on the Cowan stage.

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