The Tan and Cardinal February 28, 1975

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February 28, 1975

Volume 57 Number 18

Student personiiel offers $30,000 in student iobs

In the 1975-76 school year, the Otterbein student personnel office will be offering nearly $30,000 in student jobs. In addi. tion to the regular employment o f counselors and student head r esidents, it has been announced by Dean for Student Development Karl Oldag, that seven new jobs have been created. Each job will e a r n some student $1,200 over t h e next year. The new employment comes under the heading of custodial services, and in actuality, is a gradual replacement of present custodians with students. Plans for next year call for students­ to be employed in Garst (2), Scott (1), and Mayne (4). The basic responsibilities of these students include dusting of furniture in lounges, vacuum­ ing of carpets, cleaning bath-

rooms, emptying trash, clean­ ing windows, etc. The student will perform the same duties as the present custodians. The students will also be required to keep records of materials used and received from the house­ keeping department. Wages for the jobs are based on the 15 hours-per-week em­ ployment, at an hourly wage of $2.00 an hour, over a period of 30 weeks. The 30 weeks does not include winter or spring break, and students are not re­ quired to work over those per­ iods, except to clean and close down the dorms for break. Eligibility for the custodial positions require a student to either reside in a residence hall or to be a married student. Also, both work-study and non­ work-study students are eligible

Dean Karl Oldag discusses with Elen Dager and A I A I bert s the proposed employment of student custodians.

to apply. Applications are avail­ able in the student personnel office beginning today. All in­ terested students are encouraged to apply. After all applications are returned, interviews will be arranged between the student and the Dean of Student Development, the assistant dean, and the head resident of the hall where the student would be employed. The student custodian will be hired by student personnel but will be directly answerable to the· head resident of his or her res­ pective residence hall. The ser­ vice department will not be in­ volved in the supervision of the students, though they have offer-· ed to assist in training the stu­ dents and to give suggestions. After selection of the student custodians, a training ·session will be held sometime during spring term. The hired students will be required to attend. Dean Oldag stresses that the student custodian will be bound by some form of contract to ful­ fil their duties. Breech of con-,· tract will result in the firing of any student employee. The employment will be established on a strict employer-employee relationship. The Dean wrote in his pro­ posal to establish the new job, "I have every reason to believe that this program could be suc­ cessful from a housekeeping per­ spective, education from an em­ ployer-employee relations h i p perspective and an economical plus for both students employed and for Otterbein College." · If all goes well with next year's trial program, more student­ custodial jobs will be made avail­ able, possibly totaling 2.4 positions by 1977.

Marty Bookwalter, the technical director for "A Streetcar Named Desire", designs part of the set for the play which opens March 5.

"Streetcar Named Desire''Opens March 5 "Selective realism" is the tone student technical designer Marty Bookwalter has chosen for his "Streetcar Named Desire" set design. The Tennessee Williams' clas­ sic will be presented by Otter­ bein College Theatre March 5-8 in Cowan Hall. Curtain time for all performances is 8:15 p.m. Bookwalter, a senior theater major at the Westerville college, wants "a strong feeling of heat and humidity, a sense that New Orleans is right there, behind this set.'' Although still a student, Book­ walter has designed 27 produc­ tions for high schools, Otter­ bein and community theaters. His other Otterbein work ineludes Children's Theater pro­ ductions of "Story Theater of Haris Christian Anderson" and "Pinocchio", last summer's comedy, "Come Blow Your Horn", and Opera Theater's pro­ duction of "Figaro." He was delighted by Dr. Char­ les Dodrill's choice of this Pulit-. zer Prize winning drama, "be­ cause of the tragic nature of the play, something heavy I could really get into." Fall term, Bookwalter was in Washington, D.C. where he in­ terned in technical theater with Arena Stage. The internship program at Otterbein has sent upper level students into acting,

Mothers' Weekend Schedule

This weekend is Mothers' Weekend, Friday and Saturday, February 28 _ and March 1. Campus Programming Board has planned the following list of activities for mothers: Friday, February 28: 8:15 p.m. - A performance by the Otterbein symphony orchestra in the Campus Center Main Lounge. 9:30 p.m. - A reception will be held immediately following the concert for the mothers upstairs in the Campm, Center conference rooms. Saturday, March 1 9:30 a.m. - Coffee hour and registration in the Campus Center Main Lounge. 12 - 5 p.m. - Open house for residence halls, and fraternity and sorority houses. 5 - 6 p.m. - Dinner hour entertainment. 8 and 10:30 - C.P.B. movie, "The Lost Horizon"--the original Capra version in the Science Lecture Hall.

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management and technical as­ signments with regional theaters throughout the eastern United States. Building a 1927 "Chevy" was one of the most interesting pro­ jects he tackled for Arena Stage. The car was used as a standing prop in a revival of "Death of a Salesman." Only four feet by two feet, Bookwalter reproduced the car in exact detail using lumber and fiberglas for mater­ ials. His eleven weeks in Washing­ ton, "a totally tremendous ex­ perience,'' provided professional 1 training in all areas of techni­ cal theater, lighting, carpentry, props and painting. Bookwalter actually began his post-high school work in fine arts at the Dayton Art Institute. Dropping out of school for three years, he became involved in community theater and decided to look for a small college with a strong theater program. He counts his almost-com­ pleted liberal arts degree an asset. "I believe we're the sum total of our experience. If I'm limited to theatrical images, I'm really limited." After June graduation, Book­ walter plans to study in New York City but admits he won't stay in New York. "The oppor­ tunities seem to be much greater in regional theater."

LIBRARY LOST & FOUND Umbrella, books, notes, bib­ liographies, etc. Claim at main desk.





EPITQRIAL · More, please • • •


In a time when college costs are rising like a fermentation bubble in a glass of you-know-what, it is good to see that Otter­ bein is expanding its student employment. The more jobs this institution provides for its students, the better able these people will be to survive the yearly inflation of tuition, housing costs, food costs, and general living expenses. Dean Oldag and his staff again deserve praise for creating these new jobs -- but the more the merrier. Where else can students be employed on campus? We've fairly well penetrated most every office and department on campus, and apart from more than our share of nepotism, student employment is tremendous. Yet we still need more, especially when the job market is so tight that you can barely squeeze an application blank out of it. The more jobs, the more students can continue to afford an expensive small college like Otterbein. And this does not mean work-study only. Jobs should be made available to everyone. The middle class student is being screwed to the wall because he doesn't qualify for anything, -- financial aid, work-study jobs and so on. College is fast becoming an institution for the rich and the poor and no one in between. It's time to, as George Jetson says at the end of his re-run re-runs "Help! Stop this crazy thing!" And an answer is more jobs..e.please! C. N.


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-:. February 21, 1975

Letters.·to the Editor

The Tanlllldc.dlnaiwould like to encourage students, faculty, and staff to write to our l etters department concerninge any matter that bothers you ate any particular time.All letten toe the e ditor must be typed, ·edouble-spaced, and signed in inke with the author's name, address,e and phone number included.e

Non-Profit Institution?

476, respectively. Since 1959, the total net income for Otter­ bein is a staggering $3,830,730. This would be enough t-0 pro­ vide ·a full year's tuition for 1,532 students. But remember, your tuition is going up next year, three very necessary build­ ings are coming down, and some very capable professors may be leaving. Kevin Stumph

No s.o.u.L.?

submit articles weekly. If you feel that our articles are irrele­ vent and without meaning, stop to think about some of the other meaningless articles that are in the T & C every week. If our articles do not reach the T & C, we have no other alternative but to think there is a discrepency between our ar­ ticles and what you'd like to have in the paper. Thar\k you, A concerned member ofS.O.U.L.

Letter to Editor: I am speaking as a concerned TO THE EDITOR: Otterbein has announced that member of S.O.U.L. I would Dear Editor, like to know the reason you tuition will go up next year again.e I am a resident at Southern .e stopped submitting our articles Students find themselves faced Ohio Correctional Facility and with squeezing a few more hun­ in the T & C? The first time would really appreciate some dred out of their already exhaust­ you said the paper was too full friends to correspond with. I ed budgets for next year. I and our article would be in the will answer all letters, as long have but one thing to say con­ following week. Apparently the as I have a stamp. cerning the tuition hike - you following week hasn't come and Thank you can't get blood from a rock. probably never will. David H. Bell - 132-335 P. 0. Box 787 Students, faculty, and staff must There was a space in the T & C Lucasville, Ohio 45648 soon realize they are becomfor the members of S.O.U.L. to ing victims of a blatant swindle. Editor ...•••••...••.•.• .- ..• ; •.•..•• • Chris Nicely Since Otterbein came into exis­ Assistant Editor •••.•.•·••..•..•.•..• Lou Ann Austen tance in 1847, she has operated Business. Manager ........ ; .. : ..'.... . • ... Paula Weaver on an alternating deficit-surplus Faculty Advisor .•.•........•...• Mr. Michael Rothgery budget. For every two or three Circulation Manager .... , ..•• · ·•• , ..••...• Sue Mathews years of a budget surplus on the Sports Editors· ••••... ; .•.....• Mike Chadwell. Jeff Hunt balance sheets, there would be a Speech and Theatre Editor ..• : ......•. ; .... Dee Miller corresponding deficit. Still, Governance Editor . .•.•.•. ; • .• ..••..• Stephanie Skemp Otterbein would take it in stride PhotograJ>lly , ••.• , ...•..•...........• r Steve Walker' and continue to offer fine edu­ Staff Writers and Reporters cational standards. Even during Sue Hall, John Reece, Mike Emler, Elsa Giammarco, Cindy Hupp, the depression years, when the Kerry Guld, Paul Garfinkel, Mrs. Ann Pryfogle, Christy Hlava, college suffered six consecutive Nancy Ballog, Don Caldwell,. Don Goodwin, Walker Outten, Cindy _years of losses, she continued Loudenslager, Art Holden, Jean Farkas. to operate efficiently: Then, in Published weekly �uring the IClldemlc y..,. except holiday a the late fifties, the financial scene umination · periods by .students of 'Otterbein· College. Entered became brighter. Since 1959 -cliss matter on September 25. 1927. ilt the Post Office in Otterbein has completed each fiscal year with a budget sur­ IIMNNll'Vllfe, Ohio 43081. -Opinions expr� in the Tan a,nd Cardinal, unless bylined. are plus. And in the most recent tllQSe of_ the _e editorial t>o,ard and do not necessarily reflect those o years of 1972, 1973 and 1974, collegeor. its·staff. she has recorded net incomes of $399,076, $443,600 and $345,-

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February 28, 1975

T & M Express to Perform in Concert




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ied music at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas which in­ cluded four summers of study ' at the Seagle Voice Colony in Schoon Lake, New York. Haw­ thorne has appeared in many musical productions including "Camelot" and as the title role in "Jesus Christ Superstar". More recently, he directed and soloed in a production ofHandel's "Messiah" last Christmas in Columbus, Ohio. During Haw­ thorne's college years, oppor­ ~ ;.:"-i;:: tunities began to open up for a . -~ '-:::> career in opera. It was also during this period that his in­ terests turned to popular music. Since beginning his career as a writer/performer in 1971, he , has been contracted by various ·'.-rl� 'W, schools and colleges, church and religious organizations as a wri­ ter, guitarist and soloist. Haw­ thorne was house musician at � ) Kelly's Pub in San Antonio before . .- .. coming to Ohio. � 0 l�"9"f c::k,c:.•&o .s;..,. _,-,,.;;;..._, The American Song Festival Over sixty thousand composi­ 601 PLEN1Y OF 11ME.N \VE AND HOU!l.AN f22. ''MY 11M'E:'S WO�TH tions from fifty states and twenty foreign countries were entered in the first annual American Song Festival. From those songs entered, thirty- six semi-finalists On Sunday, March 2, from enable you to deal more effec were selected for final judging at 7 to 9 p.m., in the Campus Cen­ tively with your future security. the Festival Concerts held during Come and learn how insurance ter Lounge, there will be a Gen­ the 1974 Labor Day weekend in affects you and your best in­ eral Ins'-'rance Forum. Saratoga Springs, New York. Nat­ terests. Representatives from various ional and international artists, insurance .companies .will be on campus to deliver a general edu·producers and record industry representatives were present and cational insurance address which synonymous with T & M. Fall involved in the event. Selected is aimed at educating the student 1974 brought on a whirlwind artists performed the songs of body about the various areas Brent J. Walket scored first Southwestern United States tour the semi-finalists. which insurance includes. In­ place among all foreign students for ever-increasing enthusiastic Michael Hawthorne's "Convict surance will be broken down on the mid-year examinations audiences in clubs and on college Hill" was one of the thirty-six into the important major brackets given by the Centre International campuses. songs being judged for recogni­ such as whole life, endowments d'Etudes Francaises at the Uni­ Tim York tion and awards of over one and term insurance. Definitions, versity of Dijon, France. Tim York is a graduate of hundred - twenty five thousand information, general attitudes of A junior French major, Walker East Texas State University dollars in prize money. His the insurance industry will be was among several hundred stu­ where he performed in the coffee song, performed by artist Richie presented. dents taking the examination. house atmosphere and on i;tudent Havens, graduated to the "Best There will be no selling on One of fourteen Otterbein stu­ programs. His musical back­ Amateur Folk Song" of the festi­ the part of the agents; just in­ dents participating in the Year ground includes ten years of in­ val and placed in the top six formation and a general question in Dijon Program, Walker is a dividual study in music and gui­ finalist of the amateur division. and answer session. Westerville High School graduate tar. York's musically inclined Hawthorne was awarded five­ Etna, Provident Mutual, Fidel­ and a history major at Otter­ family, including his mother who thousand dollars. ity Union, American General, will bein. had an extensive professional Original Compositions be represented. According to Dr. Roger Neff, singing career, exposed him to T & M Express- "My Lady". Come and get some insight chairman of the foreign language various musical idioms, includ­ Tim York- "Where Eagles into the general meaning and department, this is the second ing folk, popular and classical. Fly" and "Elizabeth". basis of the insurance industry. time that a student from Otter­ York has been performing since Michael Hawthorne- "Tuesday It is widely known that each of bein has received top honors in the age of ten when he began Morning", "This Time When I us must deal with life insurance the examination. as a magician. His prestidigi­ Fall In Love", "Up In The Mor­ at one time or another. Wouldn't tation gave way to musical inter­ ning", "ConvictHill" and "Aspen it be good to be informed? You ests with the "folk movement" Pew". will obtain knowledge that will of the 1960's. York has been performing and writing ever. since. He has performed at the Cafe York in Denver, Colorado; Engaged: the Bitter End in New York City; Jan Conley, Sigma Alpha Tau, and the Rubyiat Club of Dallas, to Dan Jones, Zeta Phi alumnus, Texas. York has also appeared now at Tiffin University. at various universities, includ­ Jane Melhorn, Tau Epsilon Mu, ing the University of Texas at to Kent Witt, independent. Austin and Davidson College in Stephanie Hatem, independent, Davidson, North Carolina. to Robin Rushton, independent Michael Hawthorne x74. ;ID L CO.LU.GI Michael Hawthorne's back­ Lavaliered: WurDYILU, OHto·..-el . ground reflects significant train­ Ann Stallings, Epsilon Kappa .Gll'TS 'W T_HINGII PNONSN&-OHI ing in classical music. He studTau, to Dave Paul, Eta Phi Mu.

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C.P.B. Sponsors Forum


Otterbein students once again hear T & M Express in the C.P.B. Mini Rug Concert Tuesday, March 4, at 6:30 p.m. in the Campus Center main lounge. In the fall of 1973, Tim York and MichaelHawthorne, both per­ formers and songwriters in their own right, combined their talents and efforts to create a brilliant new musical partnership. The native Texans, recent wanderers to the Ohio country, have put to. gether a sound clearly defined as a synthesis of the essence of folk, country, and rock music. Their original compositions, as­ sembled over years of writing and performing and detailing life's experiences (from "Convict Hill'', recent American Song Fes­ tival finalist, to "Elizabeth" and "My Lady"), blend together to reveal the excitement of T & M Express. T & M Express had their professional debut at Otterbein College in Ohio in April of 1974. A quick trip to Kerrville, Texas garnered Tim and Mike a berth on the 1975 Kerrville Folk Fes­ tival, then back to a summer of weekly appearances in the Columbus, Ohio area. High­ lighting the summer was their opening of Chuck Muer's Engine House 115 and nightly packing the patio of Deibel's; all the while refining the sound and profes­ sional excellence that has become


Otter student receives honors

Who's Whose


Chi Rho, Pi Sig trium.phant II quarter fina Is

The Quarterfinal Round of the RPS Whiz Quiz began last Monday with two exciting contests. At 9:00 Chi Rho (wally Gallup, Kurt Helmig, Tom Righter, Joe Subich) outfought the Maranatha Manglers (Jamie Brunk, Chet Cady, Fred . Donelson, Dave Horner) by a score of 375-295. Then at 9:45, Pi Sig (Jeff Ankrom, Mark Grif­ fith, John Reece, Mike Snider) edged the Whiz Kids (Pete Baker, Bob Becker, Dick Byers, Jim Minehart), 210-170. The Mang­ lers and the Whiz Kids are to be commended for their fine team efforts in losing games. An attendance of 65 was noted at the games, which were held at the Main Lounge of the Campus Center. Prof. Phil Hamilton assisted in judging the answers. Prof. James· Recob worked the tape recorder and monitored the electronic buzzer system. Diana Fretz and J. P. Hamilton were

scorekeepers. Pete Bunnell as­ sisted with the slide projector. Highlights of the games in­ clude Jamie Brunk's identifica­ tion of Swiss reformation theolo­ gian Ulrich Zwingli. Dave Horner knew that the Gemini twins of Greek mythology were named Castor and Pollux; he also re­ called that Angel Falls, the high­ est waterfall in the world, is located in Venezuela. The extra­ ordinary team effort of Chi Rho was led by Kurt Helmig, who remembered that the "Benedict Arnold" of World War II was the Norwegian traitor Quisling; he also knew that the Etruscans were the early people who pre­ ceded Rome on the Italian penin­ sula. Tom Righter, a Physics major, correctly identified the astronomical terms parallax and ecliptic. In the second game, Bob Becker recognized a paint­ ing by Thomas Cole, founder of

the Hudson River School. Dick Byers knew what an oxbow lake is. John Reece again carried the bulk of the scoring for Pi Sig. He identified two psycholo­ gists: the Swiss child develop­ ment theorist Jean Piaget and the Jewish humanist Abraham Mas­ low. In addition, Mike Snider re­ called that the Prussian dynasty founded by Frederick I was the Hohenzollern. Next Monday night, the Quar­ terfinals will conclude with Cle­ ments Hall vs. Appenzellern at 9:00 and The Team vs. The Whiz Quiz Morons at 9:45. matches between faculty and staff teams are being planned for the near future. Dean Oldag has in­ dicated his desire of continuing the program in future years here at Otterbein. Electronics genius Ed Smeltz has been contracted to construct an improved buzzer system for succeeding Whiz Quiz seasons.

Washington Semester Diploma? Applications Due The WHY GET A DEGREE? Students interested in applying for the Washington Semester pro­ gram during the Otterbein Fall Term of 1975-75 or 1976-77, should now get in touch with Dr. John Laubach to work out (!lans. The Washington Semester �nds before Christmas, enabling stu­ dents to return to Otterbein for the Winter Term. The progra� which is administered by the American University brings stu­ dents in touch with highly-placed government officials of the exe­ cutive branch, Congress, the Su­ preme Court, lobbies and the Washington press. Each student participates in a seminar for two course credits and under­ takes a research project for one course credit. A fourth course can involve either an elec­ tive from the American Univer­ sity offerings or an internship. In recent years three other Washington Semester options have been added: the Urban Semester, the Foreign Policy Semester, and the International Development Semester. The Urban Semester includes a seminar (two courses of ere, dit) with government officials, lobbies, and political leaders,' especially those related to D.C. affairs. An individual research project offers one course cre­ dit for the study of an urban political problem. The fourth course is to be selected from the elective offerings of the American University. The International Development Semester offers a seminar worth three courses of credit. It in­ volves intensive seminars and conferences with federal officials and with officers of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Inter-American De-

velopment Bank, the Agency for International Development, and the Organization of American States--to mention a few. Rather than the traditional student­ teacher course structure, this seminar operates on the bisis of a "task-oriented group approach to learning." For this program students should have had two courses or more in one of the fields of sociology; economics, and political science. The in­ structional staff and general ap­ proach are multi-disciplinary. In addition to the three-course seminar one additional course is required in the way of an individual research project or an internship. The Foreign Policy Semester, as the Development Semester, is multi-disciplinary. It also offers a three-course seminar. It stresses the mechanisms of foreign policy making, with em phasis on foreign policy issues current during the term. Along with governmental, private, and international agency conferences, this program offers contacts with foreign embassies. The fourth course in this opportunity may be an internship or a research project. The programs are open to majors of all departments. In general Otterbein requires that applicants have an average of fourteen B's or better. One basic course in political science is also required, but for the International Development Semester, two courses in one of the fields of political science, sociol­ ogy, or economics are specified. .For further information consult Dr. Laubach. Dr. Laubach adds that deadline for applications is March 10, 1975.

In light of the fact that a college degree can't insure a graduate a white collar job of his choice, educators have taken another look at the purpose of P.ducation. Many counselors have advised liberal arts majors to take a computer science or accounting course. A University of Michigan survey reported that 35 out of 42 business and industrial companies said they would be more willing to hire liberal arts graduates who had at least some business-related skills. At the Association of American Colleges annual meeting in Washington, DC educators debated whether colleges should adjust their curricula in order to insure employable skills or whether the traditional liberal arts program should hold fast. "If we convinced him (the student) to come to college to get a liberal education and to learn, to think and play with his head, we can graduate him feeifng satisfied," said Arthur Stickgold, assistant professor of sociology at C alifornia State University at Los Angeles. "It is simply false advertising to imply that a BA is a meal ticket-an automatic entry into middle with management unlimited career opportunities." Terrel Bell, US Commissioner of Education, however, felt that the goal of the liberal arts college must change. "Today we in education must recognize that it is our duty to provide our students with s alable skills. To send young men and women into today's world armed only with Aristotle, Freud and Hemingway is like sending a lamb into the lion's den."

February 28, 1975

ScheJlule of Events

from The following events are scheduled in the Social Calend ar 1975: 8, March February 28 until February 28, Friday MOTHER'S WEEKEND Ohio Athletic Conference Tournament 4:00 p.m. - TGIF Dance 5:00 p.m. - CPB Ski Trip 8:15 p.m. - Otterbein Symphony Orchestra - Campus Center Main Lounge March 1, Saturday MOTHER'S WEEKEND Ohio Athletic Conference Tournament 10:00 a.m. - Rho Kappa Delta Mother's Day Tea 10:30 a.m. - Women's Basketball: BW - Home 1:00 p.m. - Tau Epsilon Mu Mother's Day party 2:00 p.m. - Kappa Phi Omega Mother's Day Tea 8:00 & 10:30 p.m. - CPB Movie - LeMay Auditorium 8:30 p.m. - Pi Kappa Phi Coed March 2, Sunday Lenten Service for Concert Choir 5:00 p.m. - Campus Christian Association 7:00 p.m. - Insurance Information - Campus Center 9:00 p.m. - Mayne Hall Movie 9:30 p.m. - Vespers - Red Tub March 3, Monday 7:00 p.m. - Sorority and Fraternity Meetings 9:00 p.m. - Whiz Quiz March 4, Tuesday 5:00 p.m. - Arnold Air Society - G-204 7:00 p.m. - Angel Flight -Campus Center 6:30 p.m. - Mini Rug Concert - Campus Center 7:30 p.m. - Panhellenic Council 8:00 p.m. - Kauffee Haus March 5, Wednesday 5:30 p.m. - Campus Programming Board 7:00 p.m. - Psychology - Sociology Club 7:30 p.m. - College Republicans 8:00 p.m. - Young Democrats 8:15 p.m. - College Theatre - "A Streetcar Named Desire" 8:15 p.m. - Glenn Harriman Recital - Hall Auditorium March 6, Thursday 5:00 p.m. - Alpha Lambda Delta Initiation - Philomathean Room 7:30 p.m. - Otterbein Student Education Association 8:15 p.m. - College Theatre - "A Streetcar Named Desire" 10:00 p.m. - Interfraternity Council March 7, Friday Indoor Track: OAC at Denison 4:00 p.m. - TGIF Dance - Campus Center 8:00 p.m. - Tau Epsilon Mu Coed 8:15 p.m. - College Theatre - "A Streetcar Named Desire" March 8, Saturday Indoor Track: OAC at Denison 8:15 p.m. - College Theatre - "A Streetcar Named Desire" 9:00 p.m. - Pi Kappa Phi Coed

This week's campus movie "lost Horizon" Saturday night the original

Frank Capra production of "Lost Horizon" will be presented here at Otterbein. This classic portrayal of James Milton's famous book is a must to see. Ronald Coleman and Jane Wyatt star and bring to life the beauty and romance of


Shangri-La. Capra presents a picture of a mystical country of peace, happiness and beauty that we all seek in our dreams. Mothers can see the movie for only 50¢ and all other students, $1. Movie times are 8 and 10:30 p.m. in the Science Lecture Hall.

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February 28, 1975


Page 5

CPS Book Review: Black on Black---------------- ----+

(A review of "Black Holes: The End of the Universe?" by John G. Taylor. Random House, New York 1973. $5.95).

involved in black holes, followed· by extrapolations of Einsteinian laws that theorize about the na� ture of black holes, including By John Grist some hypotheses that have to (CPS--What weighs a billion rank with imaginative science billion tons, is invisible and swal­ fiction even if they may not be lows anything that comes near it? provable science at this point. The answer: a black hole. Taylor, a mathematics pro­ Black holes are currently con­ fessor at King's College in Lon­ sidered in many astronomy cir­ don, subscribes to the "big bang/ cles to be· the most profound open universe" school of thought, celestial objects in existence. which means he thinks that the Prof. Taylor's book explains in universe was created in a cata­ layman's terms what black holes clysmic explosion of matter 13 are and what their implications billion years ago and that the are for physics and for man's universe will expand forever. theories about the nature of his His ultimate message is that universe. the huge black holes he envis­ A black hole is formed by the ions at the center of each galaxy collapse of a huge star. Nor­ both hold galaxies together and mally, when a star burns itself will ultimately devour them, each out, it collapses to a white dwarf, new particle making the black a star about as big as the earth hole that much more larger and which eventually flickers out. If speeding up the process a little it's a big star, the implosion Even though this won't more. following its death forms a neu­ happen for billions of years, tron star, where the atoms mak­ Taylor says we should be think­ ing it up are packed together so ing about and preparing for it. closely that the electrons and Aside from his slightly pre­ protons are mixed together and mature worry over the ultimate the result is a neutrally charged, fate of all life at the botto� very dense body. of a black hole, Taylor provides A black hole is formed when a number of interesting hypo­ the star collapses so suddenly theses: that the atoms are compressed He theorizes that within a black far more than they are even in hole, time and space are inter­ a neutron star, so much that its changeable. Normally, three di­ sheer weight overcomes the nuc­ mensional beings can move lear forces which keep separate through space at will, but time atoms apart. moves at a fixed rate. In a The resulting body has such black hole, however, intense a huge gravitational mass in a gravity prevents control of move­ small compact body that the es­ ment through space, but from cape velocity at its surface ex­ the· standpoint of an observer ceeds the speed of light. In other outside the hole, time has stopped words, -a rocket launched from its for anything inside the hole. surface would have to exceed the Taylor further speculates that speed of light to get away, an black holes in the hands of ad­ impossibility according to Ein­ vanced science could produce a stein's laws. This also means very real method of time travel. that light itself cannot escape It may even be possible to use from its surface, hence the name black holes as energy sources, "black hole." or as gateways beyond our own What is so intriguing about a universe. black 'hole is that it in essence There may be a number of forms its own pocket universe, separate universes, Taylor rea­ called an "event horizon." Ein­ sons, indicated by the existance steinian laws hold that space is of the laws of probability, and curved in the presence of a strong black holes may either be by­ gravitational field, and in the ways to them, or else may pro­ presence of a black hole, the vide the matter for embryonic curvature is so pronounced that universes that have yet to ex­ space closes in on itself over the perience their own big bangs. hole. Anything falling in cannot Perhaps our own universe was get out. created by a black hole in another Astronomers now believe they universe. have actually found a black hole These and other intriguing but in orbit around a star 'n the fantastic hypotheses--including Cygnus constellation, about sh sidetrip theories like aliens using thousand light years from earth. Saturn as a way station to visit According to Kip Thorne of the earth--would do credit to a California Institute of Techno­ science fiction writer. But this logy, scientists studying it are is a scientist's book, a projec­ "90% certain that in the centei:: tion of what he thinks is the of Cygnus X-1 there is indeed reality of black holes. a black hole." And although both Taylor and Enter John Taylor to bring Einstein may ultimately be pro­ black holes down to earth, so to ven wrong, this book is enlighten­ speak. ing from the standpoint of both Black Holes is a fairly care­ science and imagination. ful, though occasionally ramb­ ling explanation of the physics


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Meet Woodsy Owl. He represents a major step forward in our fight against pollution.

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Page 8

Cheating:Alive and Well and Living in Colleges der a watchband, between one's (CPS)--Cheated on an exam This trend is seen thrmighout lately? There is a growing con­ the continuing educational car­ legs or inside a coffee cup to cern among college administra­ eers of students, the study show­ strategically placed books that tors that academic dishonesty is ed. A New York Times survey can be handily flipped through with running rampant. They may be has found,that this fearful obses­ errant feet. right. According to the Washingsion with grades has led to stu­ . The how-to's and prevention dents sabotaging the work of ton Post, "Cheating appeaTs to be ,,. of cheating have been finely scru­ rising nationally, particularly in others to improve their class tinized by many school officials. large public universities." standing. The survey also show­ But in the process, according And although a 1964 survey ed that students feel their grade to some observers, they have found that schools which employ equals their personal net worth. lost sight of a more important the honor system have the latest Ironically, the net worth of the question: why is there cheating. amount of cheating, eleven years grade itself has been declining. "As long as grades maintain later colleges which do employ Grade inflation- -the recent abun­ the basis for measuring academic the honor code have found that dance of A's and B's--has led achievement and as long as these upwards of 1/3 of each class employers to resort to old job grades depend on exam scores, cheat. An outbreak of cheating qualification standards. "Better the motivation for cheating will has attacked a number of cam a Princeton A than an A from a remain high," said a faculty puses. less familiar school," said one member at Eastern Mennonite A special committee to study admissions officer. College. the nonor code has been set up Most piecemeal solutions to "Grading encourages cheating to deal with increased cheating the present grading/ cheating by wanting a certain grade out at UC-Davis. problem have met with limited of desperation," agreed Bernard The law center at Georgetown success. Although the pass-fail Nisenholtz, a professor at Indiana University in Washington, DC system has been initiated at many U n i v e r s i t y at South Bend. has gone so far as to revoke colleges, it has come under at­ "Grades are determined by the a law degree because of a cheat­ tack because of some recent individual teacher. The grading ing incident there and an F was studies that claimed graduate policies of professors vary widely given to another law student after and professional schools looked because of individual biases in a "cut and paste job of plagiar­ down on a transcript laden with teaching, learning and evaluating ism on a seminar paper." 'pass' grades. methods. The system of grading The University of Florida's Some have said that one is so subjective that it doesn't honor court is presently dealing strategy might be to let grade mean anything,'' Nisenholtz went with an organized cheating ring inflation run its course. If grades on to say. involving 200 students and every become an ineffective means of "Like it or not, grades do department in the College of evaluation, then a new system matter," commented Edward M. Business Administration. would have to be designed, they White, a professor at Cal State­ Students have used all sorts have reasoned. "Remember San Bernardino. of intricate methods to cheat. Educator William Glasser, the draft and that the lower For instance, the University of author of "Schools Without Fail­ rates for driving insurance go Florida scandal unearthed stu­ ure", argued that the ultimate to A and B students." dents rummaging throug!J gar­ Most psychologists and school . solution to cheating would be bage cans before the test date "a grading system which would officials have agreed that the in hopes of finding surplus tests. not rate students against each roots of cheating are in the Elsewhere the gamut has run other, thus eliminating the psy­ elementary school system. from notes scribbled inside gum chological factor of failure." By A 1970 study by Leroy Barney wrappers to hiring ringers to reducing the stress of competi­ revealed that 70% of all grade "ghost write" tests. Other weird tion, said Glasser, cheating would school children cheat. The study methods have included a pre­ also decrease. found that children cheat to hide arranged coughing or sn�ezing If those who side with Glasser their misunderstanding of the code and helpful hints written are right, cheating will not stop assignment, to prevent other-s on a student's blue jeans. until the motivations for cheat­ from thinking they are stupid ing are eliminated and the root More popular ideas have rang­ or to escape from trying to live of the problem attacked. ed from cheat sheets hidden unup to unrealistic expectations.

Faculty Member Suspended for Breast Feeding A woman farnlty member at a small C alifornia college has been suspended for breast feeding her baby on campus. The furor started last year when Rosanne Holiday began bringing her 2-month-old daughter to <.:ampus while she taught classes at Southwestern College in Chula Vista. She employed students to babysit while she was actually teaching, and between classes she nursed the ,hild in a women's faculty lounge.

Officials objected on the grounds that the college was liable for any accidents that might happen to or be caused by the child while on campus. So Mrs. Holiday took out insurance to eliminate the college's liability, and meanwhile openly told her classes that breast feeding was a beautiful experience. The Board of Trustees then acted to prevent a "decline in school efficiency because secretaries, clerks, and cleaning

SUPPOR:r the T&C. If you visit a place of business that Tell advertises in this them: you saw their ad in the TAN • CARDINAL.


women might desert their duties to breast feed their children" if the Holiday precedent was per­ mitted. It passed a regulation banning the presence of faculty children on campus during class hours. Mrs. Holiday was not about to give in, but forced to nurse her child in the rest room of a nearby filling station. She was caught anyway and suspended for violating the new rule. "I thought it was preposterous for me to have to rui:i to a service station to see my child when there were so many unsupervised children of students on campus," Holiday said.

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February 28, 1975






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A Lie Ain't A Lie If It's A Law

A new regulation safeguarding criminal records in Mass­ achusetts has come under fire, because it requires public em­ ployees to lie about certain re­ cords held by the state. What's even worse, the required re­ sponse differs, depending on who asks about the records. The regulations were adopted by the Massachusetts Criminal History Systems_ Board in re­ sponse to a 1972 law passed by the Massachusetts legislature re­ stricting public access to cri­ minal records. Individuals who have previously committed a crime but have gone for several years without a con­ viction fall into a special cate­ gory of "inactive felons and mis­ demeanants." If a criminal justice agency inquires about the criminal re-

Gays Edged Out of Frat House Gay may be good in some places, but it's only so-so in the Theta Chi fraternity. Three homosexual members of the fraternity voluntarily moved out of their frat house at Lehigh University, PA last month after they received an alumni request asking them to do so. The alumni made the request becal'· •- they felt it would be in the best interest of the people living in the fraternity, according to Paul Seivert, president of the Theta Chi Alumni Association. According to another alumnus the alumni were afraid that most people at the Lehigh University did not approve of homosexuality and that the fraternity would not be able to get enough pledges to remain financially stable.

cord of a person in the category, the state employee questioned is required to say that the record is "off line" or inaccessible. If a noncriminal agency asks about such records, the employee is required to say that no record exists. The law provides for severe penalties against employees who violate "security mandates" by telling the truth. According to Criminal History spokesman Arnold Rosenfeld, this procedure is not "lying" because employees are following the law. Rosenfeld also says that it is . not unusual for a s�te agency to say there is no record when in fact there could be. Other agencies in the Massachusetts state government "say exactly the same thing," he says.

Video Kings Slapped Anti-Trust Suits Department Justice The refiled antitrust suits against all three television networks in December, alleging that the networks have separately abused their control over prime television time. Specifically, the networks are charged with acth1g to exclude broadcasting from any programming that each network did not at least partially own; to control prices paid by the net­ works for exhibition rights of feature films; and to compel non­ network program suppliers to grant each network financial interest in any program accepted for broadcast.

February 28, 1975



THEJOYRAG by j ohri Reese Don't know what it was that first attracted me to her--may­ be it was the way she dotted her "I's" with little circles instead of d(?tS. Maybe it was the way she sand along with Joni Mitchell in the car. Maybe it was the way she wiped off her mouth and belched after polishing off a Big King. It was probably the way she would take my hahd and put it on her knee, then she'd move it up slowly--l'm getting ahead of myself. I remember the first time I saw her, asleep in religion class, not snoring too loudly, her brown hair tangled and cascading over her desk like a tangled and cas cading brown waterfall. I ob­ served that her sweater and blue jeans did not quite meet in the back. I stared piercingly at the area, and with much craning of my neck, I was able to see my destiny. "Hello, my name is John," I said softly. She awoke with a tremendous start, knocking Rein-

An Otterbein love Story

Notes Taken 1n Class

hold Niebuhr to the floor and gested, sliding on a particularly How do you like my nai. almost lifting all four legs of by Susan Hall representative cut from Bachman polish? her desk. She turned to me with Turner Overweight. With a deli­ Are yo going to the game? It's so hot in here. a swift glance of anger which cious squeal not unlike that pro­ What do you mean, what Did you read the assignment? turned immediately into an em­ duced by radials on dry asphalt, barrassed smile. "Hi," she she ran over to me, grabbed my What was it about? You're game??? Do you have a date for said. I searched the moldy hand and said "Ooh! Do you like kidding! Homecoming? I think I'm going I'm bored. 10 a.m. corridors of my burnt­ BTO too?" out with my tooth brush.Why Want to go downtown after "You ain't seen nothing yet!" out brain for some sparkling not? It has a nice flavor! I flashed, then spun her out to class? Neither do I, but what is witticism with which to continue Him? He's cute, but he's the dance floor. The first time there to buy anyway? our first dialogue. awfully dumb. But he's better How do· you like her shoes? we bumped hips, I fell down. "You've got a hunk of sleep­ comp_ a ny than a tooth brush! Pretty nifty, eh?Right on! The second time, she fell down. goop in your left eye," I whis­ L ook! He isn't! He is! Oh, Wonder where Steve is. The third time, we fell in love. pered. God, he's going to talk! He's After the merrimaking was don't think I like him any more. The next time I saw her was putting his hand up! Listen!!! I just want him for his body!!! over, I was convinced that she at the T.G.I.F. Dance. She was He's dumb. He's cute, but Why doesn't she shut up? was the girl for me. I decided dancing with Leone Bolongne, he's dumb. I know, I know, with It's so hot in here. to pop the big question right dancing with Leone Bologna, the a face like that, what do you I think I'm going to faint.I then and there. M.C., to the soothing music of want? t hink I'm going to scream. "Do you want to get drunk The Platters. He had forgotten My feet are alseep. tonight?" She crabbed my arm. Maybe I should jump out the his platforms, and hence stood a Are we _going to have any window? "Do you drink Schlitz Malt?" full two inches shorter than her. homework? The significance of the story she asked anxiously. "Of I accidently knocked "The Great It's so hot in here. course," was my calm reply. is the way jt relates to the theme Pretender" off the turntable, as stated on page 237. Later, as I was throwing up broke it with both hands and my while she listened to my room­ right foot, and threw the frag­ mate play BTO on my guitar, I ments in the diminutive lunch­ What is He talking about? Oh, regretted that reJnark. meat's face. God, t here she goes again. (To Be Continued) 14 N. STATE ST. "Let's Rock and Roll!" I sugSuppress that doormouse!!! WESTERVILLE ABCDEFGHIJKLMN SIBYLS� SIBYLS, SIBYLS offers you 0 -P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Do If you didn't buy a 1974 Sibyl you like the way I make my r's? • Programs • Business Cards iand you wish to do so, contact • Letterheads • Reports Look at the back of his neck! By Elsa Giammarco and Kerry Gould Cindy Spriggs at 891-3531 in • Envelopes • Newsletters Oooh. Beat tl.ose horns back in! Cochran Hall. I'd like to Otterbein prides itself in being students are taking. One would A complete priniing 1974. Yearbooks will also be "What, sir? Do I Want to a liberal arts college. Its pur­ have to spend an average of at service from start on sale in the Campus Center comment? Uh ... Well, I think pose is to enable students to least 25 hours a week validating, to finish. Main Lounge next week during the relevance of this story, touch upon subject areas that are taking quizzes, reading poor lit­ lthe lunch and dinner hours. The i, 891-2679 uh, you know, that not necessarily involved with the erature, writing observations, !Price per book is $5.00. thepeople just do their own student's major. For this rea­ listening to tapes that date back things, uh, and, and, you know, son, the common courses were centuries ago, and etc. I question brought about. Are they obso­ whether it is worth the hassle SUPPORT the T&C. If you visit it's nice, but they never ... I lete now? Are they worth it? for the student? • piace of business that mean, it just seems like, you Here are what some of your advertises in this �per Tell know, they just live because Cindi Skunza, Freshman they a r e n 't dead yet, you fellow students said when asked: them · you saw their ad in tht "I feel sometimes as if I'm "How do you feel about the Com­ know?" TAN & CARDINAL. majoring in Common Courses. Faked that pretty well, didn't mon Courses?" I usually end up with more com­ I? Matt Arnold, Junior mon course classes than classes "The objectives behind the that count toward my major. Common Courses are.good. They In certain ways I think common try to give the students a well­ courses are helpful but I think rounded education. The ones here for the most part they end up though are a waste. Life Science becoming busy work for many Our fast growinv c:hurch is ac:t• is probably the most worthless people." ively seeking environment-c:on­ subject they have here as a c:ious new ministers who believe C.C." what we believe: Man should ex Pat Shambaugh, Soph. Transfer ist in harmony with nature. We "They are not completely ob-· Gary Wooten, Sophomore ere a non-structured faith, undensolete, but they can stand im­ ominational, with no traditional "Common Course wise, I think doctrine or dogma. Benefits for provement. I don't think that you spend too much time there, ministers are: there should be so many Common and not on your major. You 1. Cer Emblem end Pocket Courses that are required." can't graduate without having I.D. passed Common Courses and the 2. Reduced rates from meny ATTENTION hotels, motels, restaurants, Profs. give you such a rough c:er rental egenc:ies, etc. time. I've had more reading in Our directory lists over The Tan & Cardinal needs a my C.C. 's than in my major." 1,000 pr•tige establish­

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Lee Anne Christopher, Junior According to our curriculum Common Courses serve the pur� pose of providing a well-round­ ed education for the student; how­ ever, there is the student's view! They take up too much time when you could be concentrating on major's subject, and some are poorly structured. The profes­ sors think that their common course is the only course the

Business Manager for Spring Term and next year. Pay is $300 per year plus lOOfo commission on all ads. Contact ChrisBright (882-7133) or Paula Weaver (882-9573). before Monday, February 24, 1975 for information and to show your interest in the postion. The applicants will be in­ terviewed and selected by the College PublicationsBoard. CHECK IT OUT TODAY!

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ments extending on auto­ matic: cash d iscount. 3. Perform' marriages, bap­ tisms, funerals and all other ministerial functions. 4. Start your own church end apply for exemption from property and other taxes. Enclose a free-will donation for the minister's credentials and poc­ ket lic:ense. Your ordination is rec:ognized in all 50_ states and most foreign countries. Church of Conservation, Box 375, Marv Esther, Florida 32569.


SPORTS Trackmen Beat Denison Last Saturday the Otterbein indoor track and field team beat Denison and Ohio Wesleyan in Denison's alumni memorial field­ house. The Otters won the meet with 79 points. Denison was second with 68 and Ohio Wes­ leyan followed with 23 points. Roger Retherford was high point man for the Otters as he won the 50 yard high hurdles (6.7) and the triple jump (41' 1"). Roger also finished third in the long jump with a leap of 19' 101/4" and fourth in the 50-yard dash. The Otters swept the 50-yard dash. Dave Paul was the win­ ner clocked in 5.6. Jimmy Macheras was second and Gene Paul was third with Retherford in fourth. Larry Mccrady and Greg Moore combined with Retherford for a near sweep in the hur­ dles, Mccrady finished second in 6.9 and Moore was fourth. Bob Talpas won the long jump with a distance of 20'5 3/4". John Berens won the two mile run in 9:51.2. Tom Bachtel was


second in 9:52.2. Bachtel also finished second in the mile with a 4:28.5 clocking. · Jeff Hunt finished third with 4:36.7. Scott Miller tossed the shot put 45' 8 3/4" for first place. Gary Belknap finished second in the pole vault with a vault of 12'6". Jim Oman was third with 12 feet. Gene Paul finished third in the high jump. Steve DeVolt was fourth in the 600-yard run with a cldcking of 1:20.3. Mike Westfall buzzed through the 440-yard dash in 51.4 to take first. Todd Edwards was fourth in 53.1. Westfall (33.8), Gene Paul (34.2) and Randy Smith (34.5) finished second, third and fourth respectively in the 300-yard dash. Jeff Ankrom finished fourth in the 880-yard run in 2:09.6. The mile relay team finished second in 3:42.2. The team's next meet will be the OAC Indoor Championships. The meet will be held next Fri­ day and Saturday at Denison.

OAC Tournament Notes RESULTS TO DATE Northern Division

Ohio _Northern 73, Baldwin-Wallace 66 Kenyon 77, Wooster 73 (ot) Oberlin 89, Mount Union 77 Oberlin 80, Kenyon 71 Capital 54, Marietta 46 Southern Division

Capital 74, Otterbein 60 Wittenberg 82, Ohio Wesleyan 56 Denison 63, Muskingum 58 Wittenberg 78, Denison 58 Ohio Northern 67, Heidelberg 63 (ot) * * * * * * * *


February 28, 1975


The winner of that Capital­ Wittenberg matchup in the South­ ern Divisional final will have the percentages on their side in Saturday's championship game. Teams from the Southern Divi­ sion have won nine of the pre­ vious 15 OAC tournaments. Moreover, teams from the Southern Division won 32 of 47 games with teams of the North­ ern Division this season. In the past six seasons, Southern Divi­ sion teams have posted a 16092 won-loss ledger against their opponents from the North, a per­ centage of .635.

The breakdown by season is as follows: South 32 North 15 1974-75 South 28 North 19 1973-74 South 34 North 16 1972-73 North 14 South 25 1971-72 North 16 South 17 1970-71 North 12 South 24 1969-70 92 160 TOTALS

·Otters lose to Cap in tourn ey action

It was the second meeting in ten days between these two teams and the outcome of the previous game was still fresh in Otter­ bein's mind. The 2,400 people that showed up for the game saw the Otters probably play their best half of ball this year in the first session. Even though the Otters settled for a 38-36 half­ time score (with Cap on top) the Tan and Cardinals controlled most of the first half. The Otters struck first on a foul shot from junior guard Dave Bromley. After a basket by Cap, Bob Deckard reeled off three straight buckets to put the Otters in front by five. Fans who have remembered Deckards heroics over the years against Cap, saw visions of No. 32 doing it again. The Otters worked well as a team as they continued to con-

The home court advantage, which had been kind to OAC teams during regular season play, also proved itself during the first round of the tourney. Mount Union was the only one of the six first round hosts to. lose. The home team posted a 51-30 advantage in conference actio� during the regular season.

could only match Capital bucket for bucket. Then at 9:39 both teams went into a scoring slump. The score stood at 54-50, Capital's advantage. In five times down the floor neither team could score, Otterbein playing fine de­ fensive ball, stealing the ball several times, were unable to score. Finally Capital connect­ ed to increase their lead and to go on to win 74-60. Bob Deckard led the Otters as he hit his seasons average 14 points. Ed Williams chipped in 13, Dave Bromley added nine. The Otters ended the season at 10-11, as they were ousted from tournament play. A disappoint­ ing loss, however, a few bright spots. The Otters can now start to build for the next year.

In the Southern Division, Deni­ son, Wittenberg and Capital square off for another one of their fierce battles. The Crusaders humiliated the defending tournament champions, 53-44, in their season matchup in Spring­ field. The Northern and Southern winners venture to Granville Saturday evening for the Ohio Confer­ ence championship game. Game­ time is 7:30 p.m. Vengence was achieved by two of those remaining _four teams enroute to the final round of play. Oberlin avenged a 73-66 loss to Kenyon suffered only last Tuesday in Saturday's action fn the North. Capital, now 19-5, paid regu­ lar season champ Marietta back for a 71-68 overtime defeat with a 54-46 edging. The Pioneers,

bowing out at 18-3, now nervous­ ly await the at-large bids for the NCAA Di vision III tournament. Marietta has been selected as the site of the Great Lakes Regional where the OAC tournament win­ ner and the champion of the Presidents Athletic Conference will start national tourney play. Wins by Ohio Northern and Wittenberg in Friday's play will set the stage for a rematch of last year's championship game, won by Wittenberg, 62-48. North­ ern was crushed by the 16-7 Tigers, 67-46, two weeks ago. The Polar Bears also dropped a 52-49 overtime decision to Capital in regular season play. Oberlin was beaten by Witten­ berg, 76-69, but topped Capital 72-64, in regular season play this year.

Name of the game is revenge in OAC Revenge has been the name of the game in Ohio Conference tournament play thus far, and the four remaining teams will have the opportunity to gain ven­ gence in the finals this weekend. Oberlin, having avenged its 3-10 conference record in regular season play with two impressive tourney wins, will be seeking revenge against Ohio Northern in the Northern Division title game at Wooster Friday night. The Yeomen, now 12-10 overall, were spanked by the Polar Bears, 71-56, in a January con­ test. Additional vengence can be achieved as it was Ohio North­ ern, currently 13-13, which knocked Oberlin out of last year's Northern recovered tourney. from a i7-point deficit to top Oberlin, 65-54, in the Northern Division final last year.

Women Cagers Lose Season Finale

******* *

The overtime play rage, a quite frequent occurance during the regular season, has also been a feature of this year's OAC tour­ nament. Two extra period contests were played in the Northern Division, Kenyon topping Wooster, 77-73, in the opening round, and Ohio Northern edging Heidelberg, 6763, in the second round. Thus far, 15 overtime games have been played in the OAC. Ohio North­ ern's win makes the PolarBears 3-1 in OT play. * * * * * * *

trol the game. The Otter rebounding were beefed up with the pre­ sence of freshman center, Ed Williams. Williams was instru­ mental on both ends of the court, collecting six rebounds and seven first half points. The majority of of Williams' points came from the successful breaking of a Capi­ tal press. With 8:08 left in the first half the Otters had worked the lead up to eight, 23-15. Then the Capital co-captains, Vic Wolfe and Gene Caslin, started to work, erasing the Otter margin. Sub­ stitute ·Kneel Costello, then came off the , bench to put the purple plungers ahead at halftime. Fans were hoping that the Ot­ ters would start the second ses­ sion as they did in the pre­ vious game. However, the Otters

OAC TOURNAMENT NOTES Gene Caslin established one new tournament record and help­ ed the Capital team break another mark in the Crusaders' 54-46 win over Marietta last Saturday. Caslin, who was the game's top scorer with 24 points, sank 16 free throws in 16 attempts. The effort netted him records for both foul shots attempted and foul shots made for the era following the 1972-73 season, when the common foul free throw rule went into effect. Only Don Carlos' 18-for-18 effort against Wittenberg in ·1966 tops Caslin's. Capital, which sank 24 and 31 charity tosses, established new modern day team records in both categories.

Otterbein's Women's Basket­ ball team finished off a disap­ pointing season Tuesday night with a 57-31 loss to Denison. Peg Milner was Otterbein's high­ est scorer with 11 points. Al­ though the season was a disappointment since they didn't re­ cord a single victory, there is a very bright spot. The team this year was made up of, un­ believably, eight freshmen and two sophomores. There were no juniors or seniors! Coach �Durocher said the team im­ proved a great deal over the season and became more ac-

customed to playing together as a team. She is looking forward to next year with great enthus iasm. FINAL STATISTICS F.G. F.T. PTS. Fouls

P. Milner 29 3 C. Kipfinger 8 1 P. Piper 23 9 C. Hlava 5 2 L. Geisler 16 6 16 C. Smith 2 S. Subich 3 A. Black 1 1 J. Thurston 9 2 Total 110 25

SUPPORJ' the T&C. If you visit • place of business th-1 adverti• in this newspepef Tel them:� aw their ad In the TAN. CARDINAL.

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11 15 17 33 26 4 4 3




February 28, 1975

Player of the Week Terry Morrison-Ball Control League both years in basketball and was also All-League one year in baseball in the South Central Ohio League. In his senior year, he set a school record by scoring 48 points in one game. When Terry came to Otter­ bein, his control in his shoot­ ing was one of his most out­ standing points. He proved his skill in this area by hitting 16 of 16 from the free throw line as a freshman and made 35 out of 44 tries as a sophomore for 80% which led the team that season. He was also the team's third guard as a freshman and He was fourth on sophomore. the team in free throw percent­ age and hit 22 of 44 field goal attempts to lead the team in field goal percentage at .500. Terry Morrison, a juniorebusi­ Looking to next year, Terry ness major from Circleville, Oh., said that the team will have a has shown excellent form and control in shooting as well as totally new look. With about half of the starters graduating, running plays as a member of there will be new faces on the Otterbein's basketball team. He team and there are plans for has earned his second letter new uniforms. Then of course, this year and will be returning they will be playing in the new next year in a probable starting Rike Physical Education Center. position. When asked about his goals for A 5'9", 145 lb. guard from next year, Terry said he hopes, Circleville High School, Terry along with the new look, that the had a very impressive high school team can establish a new and career. He lettered two years better attitude toward the game in basketball and one year in and a new style of play. baseball. He was selected All-

The 1974.-75

Sports Fans Now Voting Winners In 11 Fields For Men and Women

The year's outstanding sports able Player of the American Bas ketball Association for the regu­ figures in 11 different fields have just been named by more than lar season and the playoffs and 1,000 sportswriters and sports-. who was the leading scorer for casters for the public ballots of the second consecutive season. the third annual Gillette Caval­ John Havlicek, Boston Celtics cade of Champions Awards. forward, who was named Most Valuable Player in the 1974 Nat­ Three nominees in each cate­ ional Basketball Association gory were announced by William playoffs. G.eSalatich, president of Gillette Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, of the North America, who reported Milwaukee Bucks, who for the that this year's awards have third time in five years was been expanded to give added at­ named Most Valuable Player for tention to women athletes, to the National Basketball Associa­ hockey and to tennis.e tion's regular season. Throughout February sports Pro Football fans will vote for the outstand­ Ken Anderson, Cincinnati Ben­ ing athletes of the year via mil­ gals quarterback who set a NFL lions of free Cavalcade of Champ­ record by completing 16 straight ions ballots in stores and in the passes. February Reader's Digest. The Jim Hart, St. Louis Cardinals results of the national vote will quarterback, who led his team to be announced on a 90-minute a surprising comeback in 1974. NBC-TV special on Tuesday, Ken Stabler, Oakland Raiders April 8 (8:30-10:00 p.m., EST), quarterback, who set a NFL re­ when Bob Hope will present the cord for the highest percentage trophies to the winner in each of completions in one game, 25 field and to the Outstanding Ath­ out of 29. lete of the Year. Each award Women's Tennis . also carries with it a Gillette Chris Evert, who won the Wim grant of $5,000 to be presented bledon; US. Clay Court, Italian in the athlete's name to a youth and French Championships. physical fitness or sports pro­ Evonne Goolagong, winner of gram of the winner's designa­ the Virginia Slims Championship The grant for the Out­ tion. and the Australian Open. standing Athlete of the Year is Billie Jean King, who won th� $10,000, making a total of $65,U.S. Open and National Women's 000 in awards. Indoor Championships. Here are the nine women and Men's Golf 24 men whom the nation's sports Johnny Miller, who won 8 pro experts rank as the outstanaing tournaments, tied the record for nominees for 1974 and whose the most wins in one season, names will appear on the Gillette and won a record $353,021. Cavalcade of Champions ballots Jack Nicklaus, who won the (names are listed alphabetically 1974 PGA Tournament Players in each of the 11 categories): Championship, the Hawaiian Open Men's Amateur Archie Griffin, Ohio State back, and placed second in season earn­ 100-yards-per-game rusher and ings. Gary Player, who won the 1974 winner of the Heisman Trophy. Masters. Dave Thompson, North Carol­ ina State forward, AP Player of Women's Golf the Year, who led his team to Jane Blalock, second leading money-winner on the LPGA tour the NCAA Championship. Bill Wafton, A-II-American cen­ with $86,442. Won four tourna­ ter for U.C.L.A. for three con­ ments. secutive years and UPI Player Joanne Carner, leading money winner on the LPGA tour with of the Year. Pro Basketball $87,094. Won six tournaments. Sandra Haynie, who won six Julius Erving, of the New York Nets, who was named Most Valu- tournaments in 1974, including

women's basketball .e team


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Page 11





the LPGA and U.S. Women's Open. Pro Baseball Lou Brock, St. Louis Cardinals outfielder, who stole 118 bases to set a new major league record, breaking Maury Wills' mark of 104. Steve Garvey, Los Angeles Dodgers, who was named the Nat­ Dodgers first baseman, who was voted the National League's Most Valuable Player for combined power, batting and fielding. Mike Marshall, of the Los Angeles Dodgers, who was named the National League's top pitcher and set a record 106 season ap­ pearances. Other Women's Sports, Pro and Amateur Shirl Babashoff, swimmer who set world records in 200 and 400-meter freestyle.e Mary Decker, 15ey�areoldetracke star who set the women's world record for 880 indoors with 2:06.7. Olga Korbut, outs t a n d i n g USSR gymnast on 1974 U.S. tour. Pro Hockey Bobby Clarke, Philadelphia Flyers center whose solid scor­ ing record was instrumental in the Flyers' Stanley Cup victory. Bobby Orr, Boston Bruins' sec­ ond-leading National Hock,ey Lea­ gue scorer for the 1973-74 sea­ son and among the top scorers in 1974-75. Bernie Parent, Philadelphia Flyers goalie, Most Valuable Player in NHL playoffs, leading Flyers to Stanley Cup win. Other Men's Pro Sports Muhammad Ali, who beat Joe Frazier in January and George Foreman in October, to become second man ever to regain the heavy-weight boxing crown. Richard Petty, top stock-car driver, with over $1 million in earnings, who won the Daytonna for the s'econd straight year. Johnny Rutherford, racing--car driver who won the 1974 Indian­ apolis 500. In addition to voting for these nominees of the nation's sports experts, fans may also use the write-in line in each category on the Gillette Cavalcade of Champions ballot.

By Charles M. Schulz 1




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officials to use the cards "for everything," for both business and personal calls. A Bell spokesperson confirmed that the credit cards were handed out to rate commissioners, but denied there was any conflict of interest involved. Although the telephone company denied any impropriety in the practice, it also revealed that it had abruptly halted the hand­ ing out of credit cards this month. A former Bell executive inSan· Antonio, James Ashley, has also charged in a suit that the phone company gives out free credit cards to rate commissioners in hopes of receiving special con­ sideration at rate-setting time.

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30 E. CO.LL.EGE W&STUYILL&, OHI.O·.ao91. �HON& aaz.oa91




36 Claw

1 Trim away 5 Sorrow 1 O Read rapidly 14 After awhile 15 On a cruise: 2 wds. 16 Key-shaped 17 Peace Nobelist Elihu -18 Sand bar 19 Venerable 20 It's your choice: 5 wds. 23 Deer 24 Cutters 25 European capital 28 Crown: Fr. 30 Caprices 31 Revisers 35 Gershwin


Where Cheese is Standard at




targum crossword

PAR 37 Pop's partner 38 Custodian 41 Duplicity 43 Success and Lucerne 44 Spill the beans 45 Cuba - (drink) 47 Rock aggregate 48 Assumed: 3 wds. 54 Acidity 55 Thessalian king 56 Locale 57 Torn 58 Gamut 59 - veto 60 Mountain in Thessaly 61 Biblical witch's home 62 Casualty DOWN

8 9

February 28, 1975

.GlnS .,.. THINGS



Page 12


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Bell Scandal Grows

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(CPS/ZNS)- -The growing Bell Telephone scandal, which has surfaced in Texas, North Carol­ ina and Missouri, has now spread to Kansas. Members of the Kansas Cor­ poration Commission, the board which sets Bell's phone rates, have reported they have been receiving free long distance phone . service from Bell. The chairman of the Kansas commission, Dale Saffels, re­ vealed that he and other com­ missioners have been provided with free credit cards by the telephone company for the past 25 years. According to Saffels, commis­ sioners were instructed by Bell



Extra Cost!



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l Segment 2 Celebes OX 3 Chess piece 4 Recorded in a journal 5 Savors 6 Group characteristics 7 Hebrew lyre 8 - number 9 Willy Loman l O Undermine 11 Belief 12 -- Ababa 13 U.N. veto 21 Charged particles 22 Templeton 25 Pertaining to amide 26 Hebrew precept: var. 27 Grayish-white 28 Takes out 29 Spelt 31 Yard tool 32 Elide 33 Piano 34 Pintail duck 36 Become excited: 2 wds. 39 Famous peach · 40 Mountain lake 41 Wildly in love 42 Kitchen itern 44 Blues shouter Joe 45 Entwines 46 Sacred images: var. 47 Discotheque 48 Edible root 49 Colorless gas 50 Outer covering 51 Yugoslav leader 52 Summers, in Sedan 53 Kennedy and Muskie, ·for short


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