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Tan and Cardinal
Volume 58 Number 1 I
September 11, 1976
Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio
Herman to bring 'Bein big band bash
Woody Herman who has kept alive that unique and e xciting phenomenon-the big band sound-will appear in c oncert at Otterbein College, Thursday, Sept. 16, at 8:15 p.m. Appearing w i t h t h e Thundering Herd in Cowan Hall, Herman will open the Otterbein Artist Series with this special pre-season concert. Students c an obtain tic kets free by showing their I.D.'s at the Cowan Hall box offi ce.
Pl aying jazz that has Theatre of the Deaf, Feb. never gone out of style, 17; Hartford Ballet, April Herman's selections are 19; and bas s-ba ritone likely to be works by Richard McKee, April 28. contemporary small band Binaghi and McKee are players Chick Corea, Eddie Affiliate Artists and will Harris or George Cables. He share O t terbein's four also regularly includes such PACT WE EK appointments H e r m a n s t a n d ards as this year w i t h p ianist "Laura," "Caidonia" and R o o sevelt N e wson and "Lemon Drops." actress Niki Flacks. Miss Other events slated by Flacks w i l l present a the Ott e r b e i n C ultural one-woman show in Barlow Affairs Committee for the Workshop Theatre, Nov. 5. season are mime Graciela Mr. Newson will offer an Binaghi, Oct. 21; National informal Rug Concert in the Campus Center, Jan. 20. Each of the four will spend one w eek in the community.
Student find-new telephones
S tudents arr iving on campus are not finding the type o_f phpn e system described to them last spring term. Complications arose almost immediately after school let out. The original company contracted to install the proposed system lost their patent to the system and couldn't deliver. Otterbein College was then stuck with thousands of dollars of already-in stalled cables and were forced to go ahead with the next best system. I n p lac e o f t h e highly-touted computer-sys tem phones students are
acco mmodated with tan push-button phones. The latter cannot "ring back" to signal when a desired party is off the line after a b u s y signal is r e a c h e d . T h e y w ill, however, beep t o let the "callee" know someone is trying to get a line. This will only occur when the call is corning from an outside line. Inside calls will not beep. Final cost for the inferior system was greater than the original p r ojected cost. Stud ents w i l l pay the original cost while the college will absorb the loss.
Forty expected out For speech, debate O v e r 40 O tterbein students are expected to participate in debate and individual speaking events c o ntests this y ear, representing the college at f o r en sics t o urnaments throughout the midwest. The college's forensics program, run as a part of the Department of Speech & Theatre, is one of the oldest continuous forensics programs in the midwest, according to Don Hines, Director of Forensics. H ighlighting the year's a c t i v i t i e s w i l l be participation in Pi Kappa Delta Nationals in Seattle, Washington, and possibly competing in Individual Events Nationals at George
H·alls open
Fighting the phone syst.em switch board in the Campus Center is Margurite Bagley.
Appearing in the Otterbein Artist Series is Woody Herman master of the big band sound.
Residence halls will open for new students on Friday, Sept. 10, at 8 a.m.; for returning upperclassmen, on Saturday, Sept. 11, at 9 a.m. The first contract meal for new students will be lunch on Friday, Sept. 10. For returning upperclass men it will be breakfast on Monday, Sept. 13.
M a s o n Un i v ersity i n Fairfax, Virginia. Hines also indicated he expects the squad to again compete in tournaments at O h i o Un i v e r s i t y , Georgetown College, Ball S t a t e , Kent S tate, Heidelberg, Bowling Green, a n d o t h e r l o c a tions throughout the central U.S. Otterbein debaters will j o i n d e b a t e r s f r om throughout the country in d_e b a t i n g t h e n a t i o n a l intercollegiate resolution, "T h a t t h e f e d e r a l g o v e r n ment should guarantee greater consumer safety tn manufactured products." Otterbein will again be fielding debate teams in novice, junior v a r s i t y , a n d v a rs i t y divisions. I n d i vidual events p a r t i c i pants w il l have opportunities to compete in prose, poetry, and dramatic duo interpretation, ai well as many original events such as persuasive, informative, after-dinner, extemwra ne o u s , a n d i mpromptu speaking. ''W h i l e p revious high s c h o ol f o r e n s i c s p a rtici p a t i o n i s g o o d
backgr o u n d , i t i s not necessary for competing in Otterbein's program," Hines continued.
Cochran 1s queried W hen t h e B o ard of Trustees met in June no decision was reached on the fate of Cochran Hall - not enough data was available. According to Woodrow Macke, Vice President for Business Affairs, a study is be irig made on the financial feasibility ( or infeasibility) o f r e m o d eling the dormitory and improving it to meet current housing codes in opposed to tearing it down. "E verything must be considered;" commented Macke, "the needs of the college in terms of housing as well as the financial burden." The m ain hold-up in arriving at an acceptable figure is the negotiations with the insurance company but Macke feels confident a recommendation to the trustees will be readied by November.
Page 2
September 11. 1976
Third degree Burns --------
We belong to you
Now everyone is baffled. What is the Tan and Cardinal doing on the stand before school has even started? To tell you the truth we did it for you. We on the staff felt that there are things that people need to know early when they start fall term at the 'Bein. Many of those things are included in this issue of the T & C. Beside which we just felt it would be a nice opportunity to welcome everyone back to school. The Tan and Cardinal would like to establish itself as a student instrument.We are YOUR newspaper; we report the news you make, announce the notices that effect you, and air the views that concern you. It's a two-way street though. I guarantee the staff wJ.il do its best to "make" the T & C but you have to do your part. Get involved, know the issues, "join" the school and we will make the Tan and Cardinal together. Welcome back and have a good year.
by Mickey Burns-
Tan and Cardinal .. •
Published weekly by the students of Otterbein College. The opinions expressed in the Tan and Cardinal are those of the staff and do not necessarily reflect those of the school or its administration.
Mickey Burns ........... EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Sara Ullman .......... MANAGING EDITOR Melissa Barr ..........BUSINESS MANAGER Bob Kokai ........ PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Dave Ross ................ COPY EDITOR Dan Thompson ........... SPORTS EDITOR Nancy Ballog ...........FEATURE EDITOR Don Hines ................... ADVISOR Liz Balrer Bob Boltz Kay Burns Chet Cady Maggie Dine
Gretchen Freeman Kerr Gould Felipe Martinez Sue Mayberry Deb Thorn Freshmen hit the Otterbein campus.
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Field �ew1paper Syndi-:ate, 1975
September 11, 1976
Paga 3
Patten named director of LRC
A Summary
Serving in his capacity as the new director of the library's Learning Resource Center, Ken Patten feels his main concern is to be "as serviceable to the students as possible."
Patten. P a t t e n i s a M e d ia Specialist having earned his M .Ed. a t U t a h State University. Originally from Winthrop, Maine, he now resides in Westerville.
laid a lot of stress on the of the Lord will be saved" bodily resurrection of �esus (Joel 2:32). He will not This may be the only Christ because it pointed to turn you away if you want· MANN A column you read the supernatural aspect of His salvation, for Jesus s ays, this entire year, so let me His death. The . Apostle "The one who comes to Me sum up everything I'll ever Peter described Jesus' cross I will certainly not cast Patten is replacing Ross have to say in one phrase: ministry thus: "He Himself out" (John 6:37b). In the past the library has Fleming who left for a If you lack peace in your similar position at Francis "Christ Jesus came into the bore our sins in His body on been plagued by thefts. world to save sinners" (1 the cross that we might die life as a sinner unreconciled M ar i o n Colleg e. Patten Patten feels this problem t o s i n a n d l i v e t o e to God, I encourage you to b e l ieves that the LRC's Timothy 1:15). can be held to a minimum. I could give you all sorts righteousness; for by His consider the teaching of the business is instruction and "Naturally we have to of p e rsuasive arguments wounds you were healed" Bible, in particular these assistance to faculty in why you ought to believe in (1 Peter 2:24).So Christ, in few verses that have been instruction. remain concerned about security, but, at the same the Lord Jesus and in His a manner t ypified by shared here. Jesus Christ at "Our main concern is primitive sacrifices, died for C alvary i s your only helping the students. By Word, but you wouldn't time, we're not a prison and our sin. It is so simplistic ac c e p t�ble atonement helping the faculty we help we're not interested in a necessarily come to believe ("and perhaps even too before God. restrictive -a tmosphere," the way I do, or the way so the students," explained backward for some), that c o m m e n t e d the n e w many evangelical Christians many people reject this plan director. here on campus believe. We of salvation; but then, God are saved solely by God's is not out to impress men One change this year is �---1 grace, not by the persuasion t�e availa_bility of Channel with ideas. His method of ...............111,111 I I of men. The Apostle Paul 34 on the tape decks in the operation is given in 1 Cor. Danull Ca•IIIL Cootill.. S.., 111111, had this to say to the 1:26 - 29 where it says to LRC. C o rinthian Christians: Chri"tians, "Consider your ''When I came to you, calling, brethren, that there brethren, I did not come w e r e not many wise with superiority of speech according to the flesh, not or of wisdom, proclaiming many mighty, not many to you the testimony of noble; but God has chosen God. For I determined to the foolish things of the know nothing among you, world to shame the wise, except Jesus Christ and Him and the weak things of the crucified" (1 Corinthians world to shame the strong, 2:1,2). and God has chosen the That's the essence of the base things of the world and Christian way of life. It's the despised ...that no not a philosophy or merely man should boast before an attitude. It is Jesus God." A p r o u d a n d Christ crucified. There are a 11 KNO)C ST. lot of interpretations of self-sufficienf person does WESTERVILLE'5 ONL'( HEALTH FOOC> SiORE. that expression floating not find salvation. But FEATl)P.tNGwhen someone comes to the around nowadays. One is realization that he is a that Jesus loved men to the e n d e ven when t he y sin ner before God, and crucified Him, and that is trusts the risen Lord to have ·e o-- p<�...erva.tive.s Conto.:n<;, no artihc.ii.J tclL'r:�� > i·i,wo,,"3.s how God would have us act secured salvation for him at Q lso °""�il..ble. Cl.\- �e, C:,t.."�e,\'o ��� """' toward others. That is true the cross, he himself has enough, and it is a fine been saved from the wrath '10'7VltT • f �\) l T ..ru,c..&s • t-f ONE'( • i,h\u Su�£ interpretation, but that is of God by His grace. God VITAMIN� A�t) su•i>LeMENTf» • NVTS not the primary significance has no o ther plan of Sf£t>�• b�\Et> �Q.\l 1T • �ER..8A&.. TEA� -tCOLA� of the crucifixion as the salvation. No other teaching NAT\Ji.A&.. !>!A UTY A lb� • PL\A.S w r i t e rs o f the B i ble is the gospel, else Christ has e xpressed it. In 1 Cor. died in vain. HEALTM fUL MUNC.HI ES• NATUtAL rANbl ES 15:3,4, Paul wrote, "Christ Finally, be assured that Tlt..l!PHON£ died for our sins according God invites all men. You OPEN ,o:oo A� - (\:oo p� {Iola+) 9qo- �Af'i4, to the Scriptures, He was are included. Long before �ONDAY - SA�V��AV buried, and He was raised the beginning of the living CL.�tt> S\JMC>AYe � .,� L 0 on the third day according church, G o d had said, to the Scriptures." "Whoever calls on the name Ef • F�EE. • FRf=E.. • EE • The first-century church by Chet Cady
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Page 4
������������n"t����, Mccurdy students venture. south I preparing this summer for the up�oming year on 91.5 fm. These plans received a SP.tback in July, however,, when the station's tower was damaged in a wind storm. Station manager �lfurk Snider is confident though, of being on the air l:>y September 20th or the 27th. WOBN plans to continue its p9licy of offering diverse !' r o g r·a m m i n g - r o c k , classical, jazz, talk shows, sports, and news. Anyone with ideas for new programs )r any organization which would like a p r ogram s:hould contact Program Director Chris Kapostasy . Upcoming is the annual Cap-Otter Marathon over fae October 8th weekend.
prizes, a n d t he famed S i x s t u d e n t s have work of the Santa Cruz time working as Assistant PurplP. Plunger give-aways, ventured to Mc Curdy United Methodist Church. Teachers in their assigne·i ·this year's marathon shoulde School· in Santa Cruz, New D r . Mildred Stauffer, classrooms and the rest of te t h e longest in the M e x i c o t h i s f all t o Otterbein's faculty sponsor their time on academic station's history. The event participate in a comparative -said that the students plan work and gathering research v,ill go until game time. data for their formal pa�ers. e d u c a t i o n a l p rogram to spend two-thirds of their WOBN will air the game, as designed to provide diverse it will all Otter football exrerience. contests. Mike Bowers, Dale Lund, An o r g a n i z a t i o n a l e Wes Newland, Betsy Rogers, meeting is being planned for schools concerning their Jeannine Ruble, and Judy Education expert Jerry n e x t w e e k . An y o ne action plans. Wygant are the participants G a f f was o n campus interested in working at the The O tterbein project involved i n · this year's Thursday to address the station should watch Daily team met several times this program. faculty conference. Gaff is Data and Table Topics for summer and attended a R everend A. W. Pringle, pr�sently chairman of the the announcement of time conference in Kentucky Elementary Principal of the Project on· Institutional and place. All students are with the other 15 schools. McCurdy Schools serves as R e n e w al t h rough t h e ; .._ eligible tq work as disc the program coordinator of T h e s e m eetings were "1mprovement o f Teaching. joc k e y s a n d news and the program. i n s-t_r u m e n t a·l in the 'iie reviewed for the faculty sportscasters, as well as the purpose of the project M r s. Pringle teaches development of areas of serve in a variety of other and Otterbein's role in it. ju nior and senior high c o n c e n t r a t i o n f o r capacities. This year's staff · O tterbein is one of 16e school home economics O t t e r b e i n, and· some· is looking forward to a year· o f o u t s t a n d i n g e classes at McCurdy and is schools throughout thee preliminary planning of a c tive i n profes sion al n a t i o n w h i c h i s e projects. The committee programming organizations as well as the participating in the Project.e w i l l b e f o cusing on .,. While here, Gaff also mete i m p r o v e d_ a d v i s i n g , . , ' .. ,. �-�-' . .'� '':"\�..... - ' w i t h members of t hee faculty members Paul Otterbein project team.e Re_d d i t t , M a r c ia Gealy, The national projecte Robert Place, Mildred seeks to facilitate 'thee S t a u f f e r , a nd E a r l • ,,� '.,., £-� i mprovement of teachinge Hassenpflug. They will among individual facultye work for the next two years members and to assiste planning projects to address institutions to change th�ire SUPPORT the Tac. If you visit policies and practices soe the areas o f perceived 1 place of businns that that they are supportive ofe concerns. development of critical and ldwrtisa in this 1'11W1P1P1' T• effective teaching. Nationale creative behavior, anp them you aw their ad fn the project staff members aree faculty self-evaluation. TAN-a CARDINAL. recognized authorities ine education and related fields.e They advise the individuale
Gaff addresses faculty
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Can you find the
Mr. Gerry Gaff addressed the faculty of Otterbein College Thursday.
September 11, 1976
Heahh Center begins new year
�enter to get game room
A new game room in the ""-Campus Center basemetit is the first "project" of Peggy Olson, new Campus Center �,Director and CPB ad visor. I t s opening scheduled soon, the room . will be �ocated in the television lounge in the CC basement and will include pinball, "i)Ong, foosball, tank, air hockey, a juke box and a coke,machine. Olson is replacing Ralph Carapellotti and will be in -charge of all programming -at the c enter including conference programs and building operations. Carapellotti accepted a po s i t i o n a t t h e "Ba ldwin-Wallace Student �Union as associate director. Olson received her B.A. -..from Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri, and her M. A . f r o m K ent State niversity. -. S h e was pre viously a s s i s t a n t director of conferences and institutions or the University of New York at Stoneybrook in Long Island. "I'm looking forward to working with the students and making the Campus €enter more available to }hem," stated Olson.
Page 5
As last year, 0tterbein's provided for both men and .is a full insurance coverage plan for married students. health service will be in women p a r t i cipating in Qu e s t i ons should be conjunction with Grant in terco llegia t e athletics. directed to the business Hospital in C o l u mbus. Eq u i p m e n t s u c h a s Services again are open to whirlpool bath, heating office. full time students and are pads, ice caps, crutches and p aid f o r i n t h e canes are available to all comprehensive college fee. students. The Center will open at 9 An important point to Any Otterbein student, a.m. with a registered nurse note about policy is that no faculty or staff member on duty and a physician written excuses will be planning to operate a _motor available from 11 a.m. issued by the Health Center. vehicle in the campus area through 11 p.m. Class absence due to illness must properly register it. I m muni...ations will be is the c o n cern of the M r . Ear l Cater, Chief prov i d e d (a t c o s t ) to student and the instructor. Security Officer will be in prutect against illness and Students must present the Campus Center Lounge epidemics for s tudents their student ID's on each to register vehicles from 10 traveling overseas and ill visit to the center. a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sept. 13 students confined to beds in Also i ncluded in the 15 (M o n day through their rooms will be visited c o m p r ehensive fee i s Wed n e s day). Registration when deemed necessar, accident insurance coverage. fees a re determined by Examinations w:ul be This coverage will pay the parking privileges. expenses up to · $500 plus Any person wishing to 75 per cent of the next register a motor vehicle $5,000. Dental treatment after these dates must do so for injuries to natural teeth with the Security Chief is limited to a maximum of (o f f i c e i n s o utheast $100. basement of Cochran Hall) A sickness i n surance number of the guards this policy is optional, and there or in the Student Personnel Office. year," Wolfe e xplains, Persons bringing vehicles '' b e!::ause we're honoring to c a m p u s for limited foreign students currently p e r i o d s m a y o b t ain enrolled at the college by t e m p o r a r y p ermit s . All students not residing carrying the flags of their S tudents of faculty and respective countries, along in college-owned residence s t a f f families must also with the American, Ohio, halls and who have not purchase a decal. Bicentennial and Otterbein repo rted t h e i r a d d ress f l a g s ." C o u n t r i e s during or after registration represented by international are required to notify the Student Personnel Office of students at Otterbein next their college address one year i n c l ude: C an a d a, Ge r m a n y , C o l o m b ia, week prior to the first day R h odes ia, Sierra Leone, of classes of the fall term. If a student has not France, Hong Kong and completed h i s housing Wanted: Part - time waitress, South Korea. accommodations by this must be available by at least 12 Wolfe says that working date, he must notify the noon to 2 p.m. Tuesdays thru with college color guard is Student Personnel Office of Frid a y s . G ood wages, nice valuable experience for his situat i o n t o avoid worki n g conditions. Evening students who would like to pena lty. All changes of hours also available. Apply in be members of flag corps or drill teams during their final address must be reported to person to TONY'S VILLA, 10 the S t u d e n t P e r s o nnel E. Main St. year s i n h i g h s c h o ol. Office 'prior to making the Musical t raining is not change. required of them. HELP WANTED: Part - time If parents have moved, Drivers: Phone Girls. Must be 18 Members of the color please inform the Student or over. Drivers must have car g uard practice from 5-6 Personnel Office because of with insurance. Apply in person p.m., three evenings each. P arents Day invitations, at D o m i n o's Pizza, 5864 week, under direction of billing, etc. their advisers, Mr. and Mrs. Westerville Rd. Greg · ·(Kathy Hinthorn) Shaw of Sunbury. Both are Otterbein graduates. Sell books you've already used O t t e r bein' s m a r c hing and buy ones others have had by band will be making several simply advertising in the T & C. special appearances this fall Special, low rates are available in addition to its regular for all Otterbein students and p r e-game and h a l ftime personnel. Call the T & C office s h ows f o r 0�t e r b e in for information, ext. 265 or just football games. The band drop off ad copy with your performed· during halftime name and address to the T & C a t pr ofessional football headquarters in the basement of con tests in Buff;tlo antl the Campus Center by 4:30 p.m. Detroit the last two years. Tuesday.
Car register set
Looking for war d to working with students at Otterbein and making the C,ampus more productive is P e g g y O l s�n, the new director.
High schoolers ioin Otter band Area junior or senior high s c h o o 1 students have become members of the Otterbein College Marching Band c o l o r guard this s e a s o n a c c o r d ing to assist ant director Don Wolfe. ''We' v e i n creased the
Students must report
FREE DB.IVERY Sun. thru Thurs. Hours Sun-Thurs 4:30PM-12AM Fri-Sat 4:30PM-1AM
extra cost!
Septe,,,ber 11 1976 1
SPORTS Stacking the Carcll--------
Cardina/s add coaches by Dan Thompson
The opening of the 1976 Otterbein grid season brings with it the addition of three n e w members to the Cardinal b:taintrust. Joining second-year Head Coach Rich Seils and returning co aches Dave Koblentz, Dick Reynolds, and Doug We !,sh are Porter Miller, Dave Wolfrom, and Harry Hauenstein.
* * * Coac h Miller is not actually a orand new figure here, as he rejoins the football coaching staff after a b r i e f stint with the Sporting Goods Industry in Florida. Porter Miller is an Otter bein graduate and coached previously from 1968 to 1973. He will instruct the· d e f e n s i ve i n t e r i o r specifically, and coordinate the defense as a unit as well. Miller replaces the departed Les Flynn, who vacated his post here to become Head F o o t b a l l Coach at newly-o pened Centennial High School in Columbus.
Dave Wolfrom assumes his post on the staff after g r a d u a t i n g from O h io U n i v e r s i t y and t he n a cq u i r i n g a y e a r's e x pe r i e nce coaching for Westerville North. While a t t e n d ing Ohio U., the coach w as a three-year starter in their offensive backfield. He will fill the void left by Steve Traylor, who took over new responsibilities at Greensboro College. Coach Wolfrom will be working w i t h t h e D e fe n s i v e Secondary this season. Dave h a ils f r o m n e a r b y Worthington.
his l eadership from the shortside CB position. He as well is in his second year as ·a full time starter. Roberts is a native of Bellefontaine w h e r e h e p e rformed admirably as high school player. The lone junior defensive captain is Donnie Snider. Sidelined by a broken ankle most of last season, Don will be welcomed back into the Otter defense of which he was an integral part during his freshman year. He enrolled here after high school years as a standout b a l l p l a yer at Columbus West. Bill Hillier will solo the offensive command from his QB position. Hillier has
had t w o s t e l l a r years• �e}niing the Cards offense.. TJie j u n i o r sig nal-caller starred in high school aC Mount Vernon High School. R ub l e and Roberts exemplify what any coach'" looks for in fiel; leaders.� Both have worked very hard to e a r n their positions: Hopefully this dedication•· will pay off in their final� grid season. · The junior captains ar� bonafide leaders as well. . Hillier is outstanding with any passing game and also a p u n i s h i n g r u nner t o "' complement the wishbone offense. Snider is both an- emotional 1 eader and near • destroyer t o o p p o s ing ground games.
Elected captains �f the Otters are: Don Snider, Biff Roberts, Bill Hillier, and Bob Ruble.
Sports Quiz
OPEN: 10:00 to 8:00
10% Discount on everything except saie items to Otterbein ID card holders
"The Friendly Store"
23 NORTH STATE STREET WESTERVILLE, OHIO 4308'1 PHONE 882-2392 Prescriptions
L e ading the Otterbein football team on the field of play this year will be four qualified captains elected by the players. The quartet consists of seniors Bob Ruble, linebacker; Biff Roberts, comerback; and j u n i o r s B i l l H i l li e r , qu a r t erback a n d D o n Snider, linebacker. Ruble will be starting at LB for the second year after being moved from a former position in the defensive backfield. He enjoyed an excellent initial season at his backer post .. Bob came t o O t t erbein after completing his high school football success story at Bloom-Carroll High. Also a senior, B i f f Roberts will demonstrate
Coach Harry Hauenstein begins coaching duties here by grooming the Defensive Ends. He replaces the spot formerly worked by Les Flynn and ex-Otter Pete Lenge. Hauenstein has five y e a r s e x p e r i e nce in coaching at Grandview High School from 1970-1975.
Captains to lead Card grid bid
* * *
10 N. $ta1' StrNt ·
Field leaders shine
Agency for Russell Stover Candies
I. Who holds the Otterbein Cross-Country record? 2. What pass receiver hoMs the Miami Dolphin career reception record? 3. Who is ,the top active OAC touchdown passer? 4. Who holds the longest untied, unbeaten streak among OAC football teams? 5. Who ranks 4th among OAC a c t i v e career receiving leiiders?
12 E. MAIN
2 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Let.us put your bike back together!
$14.95/ now $7 .50
Bicycle Assembly & Adjustment Service for Students with this Ad
.... ""in
September 11, 1976
Pae 7
:Improved defense pleases Head Coach Seils
Sports Quiz
w hat Seils termed quite tackle, and transfer student p o s s i b l y , "t h e b e st Mark Granger at center. tackle-tight end combo in Added strength will come from several freshmen. the conference." Considering the known H o ld i n g d ow n other positions on the offensive p o t e n t i a l , v a r i o u s w a l l are junior Grant i m p r o v e m e n t s a n d N es b i t t a n d sophomore newly-gained depth, the M i k e L o lloat g u a r d s , Otters s hould be quite sophomore Joe Corbett at competitivee.
Substantial improvement consecutive year as a backer 1. T om Bachtel 25:28 �in the Otter defense has tandem and they do not shy 1974 �ven Head coach Rich Seils away from contact. Rookie 2.e Paul Warfield, Clevelande reason to look forward to G reg C o b b has made Brownse •the opening of the 1976 progress in camp and should 3. Bill Hillier 16 TD's JRe .,Otterbein football season.e add strength to either post. 4.eW oos te r C o llege 23e S e i l s p o i n t e d o ut Biff Roberts and Bob 1918-1921 �pecifically t h e depth Talpas head a secondary 5.e Bob_ Boltz 28 Rec JRe .,.w i t h i n t h e defensive with much potential. Senior interior, where freshman Roberts h a s established "Kevin Trojack, sophomores himself solidly at short side .,Tim Hart and Dick Bonner, cornerback, while Talpas, a junior John Hussey and junior, can go from either ,...senior Dave Clark can work strong s afety or wide Appointed as the new .the three interior positions corner. athletic director was Dr. Chuck N oble, also a E l m e r Y o est, f o r mer interchangeably. '"' Trojack has shown steadye junior has taken over at the a s s o ciate professor of ·mprovement and shoulde free safety position that was physical education. While contribute necessary depthe left open by graduation. taking on his new duties Sophomore Jim Lower, t the middle guard slot.e Yoest will remain chairman ,.Third y e a r m a n· J ohne freshmen Bob Spehr and o f the phys. ed.e H ussey again has drawne Bruce Ervin and junior Bill department.e """starting nod at middle guarde Welch all are competing for Since becoming a Jmd may also be used somee the position left open by full-time staff member in as a swing defensive tackle.e Talpas. 1 9 5 8 he has served in .... The first line tackle posts T h e offense, centered several capacities. Entering as football assistant, Yoest .are in good hands as well. around q uarterback Bill has directed intramurals, Dick Bonner returns to H i l l i e r , looks to b e re-established cross-country, "tlwell at one tackle post and improved. Hillier, a junior �oph Tim Hart has the and t hree -year starter, and headed a successful inside track to the other appears sharper than even in track program. He received his M.A. and Ph.D from ackle position. Senior Dave his passing. New athletic director, Elmer Yoest (left) and the new Clark works well at any slot Returning at split end is Ohio State. Y o e s t n o t e d n o e director of the Rike Center, Dick Fishbaugh will fill along the defensive front B i l l's main target, Bob the posts of Robert AglPr who recently resigned. immediate changes in the nd should see plenty of Boltz. Boltz snagged 24 current _athletic program. ae r i a ls l a s t year as a ction. He explained: "We have The end posts in the sophomore. Sophomores eight inter-collegiate sports ~efensive forward wall have Mark Bailey a n d Ron The Otterbein Cardinal Pat Byrnes, Greg Jewett, Ed to provide for and to help �een overtaken by• Rob Lathem are working at the Cross -Country team will Stockwell, and Royce m a k e O t terbein as Dodge and Bob Jacoby. other outside receiving slot. return eleven harriers and competitive as possible in Underwood . 1:>odge, who returns after a Hillier also initiates the add three new prospects to the Ohio conference." The younger blood on .year away from the college ground game and looks for shape the 1976 team. He said that intramural t h e team combines community, has picked up much help from second The seasoned members of sophomores Steve Czurak programs and participation vvhere he left off and year fullback Mike Echols. the team are seniors Tom and J o e Tymeski, with are growing, thus efforts to �ppears promising as the The two halfback posts will short-side end. Bachtel, Jeff Hunt, and Jeff freshmen Tim Lyons and bolster the program will be be handled by freshman Jacoby gained valuable Tom Chillinsky and Bailey. Yoest. made. Yoest cited a main Rick Miller of Gahanna plus Included are juniors Jeff Matt S c a r borough from .,experience in his initial year Depth will be provided by goal is to improve as much as a Cardinal and will n e w c o m e r s W a y n e e a s n e e d e d w i t h i n e Ankrom, Kyle Beveridge, Columbus Watterson. nandle c h o r es a t t h e Cummerlander and Louid Otterbein's philosophy. .wideside e n d p o s ition. Meek. J o i n i ng Yoest in his Back-up support at end is promotion is new Rike Opening the holes up C e n t e r d ir e c t o r D ick till being vied for by front will be a sizeable and 'S Fishbaugh. several candidates. partially-experienced line. l Fishbough, a graduate of The teams' linebacking R e t u r n ing sophomores Ohio University earned his corps are solid. Captains Kevin L y n ch and Bob masters at West Virginia J3ob Ruble and Don Snider Bar delane giv-e Otterbein U n iver s i t y , j o ined the for their se·cond Otterbein staff in 1966. He h as c o a c h ed foo t b a l l , wrestling, basketball, and 31 N. State 882-2185 'I ., baseball. 1976 VARSITY FOOTBALL SCHEDULE The hours for the Rike ... Date Opponent Time Center will be from 8 a.m. KENYON (H) September 18 7:30 to 10: 30 p.m. weekdays ADRIAN (H) September 25 7:30 and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Ohio Northern (A) .- October 2 7:30 Saturday. Priorities were set •eOctobere 9 Capital (A) 1:30 to avoid conflicts however. BALDWfN-WALLACE (H) October 16 1:30 Physical education classes October 23 Denison (A) 1:30 w i l l u s e t h e c en t e r i October 30 OHIO WESLEY AN (H) 7:30 weekdays from 8 a.m. t o 4 November 6 MOUNT UNION (H) 7:30 p.m.; intercollegiate sports,e 30 EAST COLLEGE ' November 13 Marietta (A) 1:30 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.; ande WESTERVILLE, OHIO 43081 8 p.m. toe intramural spo PHONE 882-0351 10:30 p.m.e
Yoest. Fishbaugh fill posts
Eleven returnees to lead harrier
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New faces join the 'Bein Two new faces have come to join the Otterbein admi nistra t ion. Helping Ka r l O l d a g , D e a n o f Student Personnel, are Chris Andrews, Assistant Dean of Women, and Dave Peters, Assistant Dean of Men. Chris A nd r e w s , who received her masters in counseling and guidance from the University of Arizone, was interviewed and chosen by Karl Oldag t h r ough t h e N ational Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NA SPA) a t D al las in March. Chris finds Ohio weather quite different from the dry climate of Arizona. "You never had to put on a coat in August in Arizona," she explained. In her role as Assistant -Dean of Women, Chris will be involved in the RPS programs, serve sorority and P a n h el a d visor, Head Resident of Mayne Hall, and teaching a class of counseling to the R.A.'s. Chris enjoys all sports. At the University of Arizona Chris was the only woman t o referee the M en's I n t r a m ural Basketball g a m e s. S h e p l a y e d intra mural softball and enjoys tennis, volleyball, handball, and backpacking'. I t w as also t hrough NASPA that Dave Peters came to Otterbein. With a Masters from Emporia Kansas State in student p e r s o n n e l , D a v e, as Assistant Dean of Men, is Head Resident of the Quad (Scott, Sanders, Garst, and Engle Halls), Fraternity
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New Assistant Dean Dave Peters and Chris Andrews discuss plans for the upcoming Academic year. advisor t o I.F .C., and teacher of counseling to R.A.'s. He shares duties with Chris i n the commuter center in the basement of Clements Hall, plus the RPS programs to come later in the year. Dave's one main goal is to "someday be Dean of S t u d e n t s." H e enjoys basketball, football, hiking, and fishing.
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