The Tan and Cardinal September 17, 1976

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vOiic�e WOrory

Tan and Cardinal Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio

Volume 58 Number 2

Administration disputes wage


Several d i sagreements between administration and the s ervice departmental union may result in an eventual strike. Asking for higher wages and insured job security, the service c r e w s a r e c u r r e ntly n e g o t i a ti n g w i t h t he business office. Woodrow Macke, Vice Pr esident for B u s i ness Affairs, sess two main areas of disagreement: the first is purely economic and the other is the loss of service d e p a r t m e n t jo b s to students. "Inflation has demanded the l imited increases in salar ies for t h e entire ca mpus," informs Macke who feels he has always dealt fairly with the service department. "As far as job security, we've never layed anyone o f f t o make room for s t udent jo bs," s t a ted Macke, "only when people have left or retired have we filled in with students." T h e s c ho o l r e c e i ved

$200,000 from the federal government specifically for student employment which accounts for the school's tendencies toward hiring student custodians. Mr. Macke feels that both the school saves money and students benefit. Currently there a r e 2 6 s t udents w o r k i n g i n custodial services. The service department, t h o u g h has d i f f e r e n t feelings o n the subject. Dave Bell, a member of the negotiating team, feels that not enough consideration is made of his union during budget cuts. "With inflation around 11 per cent, I wouldn't even call 5 per cent a raise," said Bell, "this coupled with rising health insurance costs makes it really tough on some of the guys." "S o m e g u y s a r e n't making three dollars an hour," says Bell, "and this is 19 76!". Bell, a '74 graduate of Otterbein, feels that student

Trustee comes

D r . E l m e r N . Funkhouser, Jr., Chairman of the Otterbein College Board of Trustees will be available for appointments w i t h f a c ulty, staff and students from 8:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. on Friday, S e p t ember 234. Anyone wishing to meet with Dr. Funkhouser should call Mrs. Tillett, extension 656 to make an appointment.

Vice president W o o d r o w Macke discusses the nego tiations w ith Dave Bell (left) of the service department.

Committee forms to study Greeks

A new committee has left undone for a long been formed on campus to time." make a study of fraternity Outlined purposes of the Freshmen get the chance and sorority relationships to study are: To improve the to show off their varied O t t e r b e i n C o l l e g e . a 1 u m n i o r g a niza t i o n a l talents this Sunday night at Membering around 30, the structure i n addition to 7: 30 in Cowan Hall as the group w i l l c o n s i s t of improving alumni - student annual Freshman Talent faculty, administrators and administrative relationships Show sponsored by Cap and both actives and alumni in general; T o better D a g g e r i s presented. from greek organizations. identify the various legal Although this is sponsored As of yet the President relationships between the by Cap and Dagger, all T h o m a s Ke r r h a s n't college, the alumni, and the freshmen were eligible to appointed the members. local chapters; To focus on attend tryouts last night in M a n y i n c o r r e c t programs which are helpful (Tavistock) with private Barlow Hall. a s s u m p t ions have arisen to the total Greek system, Besides the Frosh who bath, TV, etc., in heart of with the announcement of e.g. rush programs, pledge Lo ndon; s e v e n t h eatre are selected to participate, . the new committee. The programs, Greek Week, and productions; two tours of winners from previous years study is, according to Karl the service community and London's east and west end; are f e atured. This year 0 ldag, Dean of Student educ ational projects; To full day tour to Stratford - N a n c y Shelton, Cindy D e v e l o pment, a "purely suggest improvements for Up on - Avon; tour to S k u n z a a n d A n n positive thing_" rushee orientation, such as H a m p t o n C o u r t a n d Kannegieser will present a "We need to set up better mailing, parties, summer Windsor Castle; breakfasts short comedy scene. communications between information, and special for the entire two weeks; A c c o r d i ng t o T o m the greeks and school," presentations; To study the London 10% discount card Downard, president of Cap relates Oldag. "It will be a possible use of awards to at hundreds of shops and Continued on Page 7 complicated task as its been mo tivate scholarship and restaurants; free Avis car for positive contributions to two days; free membership the college community. An in 9 discotheques; services individual "Greek of the of resident host, escourt Year" award may also be ATIENTION: and guide for all tours. considered; To provide a Total cost for the tour I.D. CARD HOLDERS way to better meet health New York to London and and fire safetv requirements return is $489 (subject to in the indiviL 1al houses; To If your I.D. card was your embossed name. air fare increases and dollar determine ways that the made on Saturday morning, If the numbered boxes d e v a l u a t i o n s ). G r o u p Greek system can improve please note the follqwing: ARE opposite your name transportation to New York its image both on campus An error was made when (thus when the boxes are can be arranged. Deposits of and in the community. the first 200 I.E. cards were punched, your name will be $100 are due to Dr. Dodrill Dean Oldag envisions this processed. Check your card punched out) please tell the at his office in Cowan Hall study not as a ten or twenty to see that the numbered box office to punch your before October 1. Further week s hot but as "an boxes are NOT opposite of card in another space. i n f o r m a t i o n c a n be ongoing thing with the obtained from the Theatre greeks and school working office or Public Relations. together."

London tour deposits due

Deposits for Otterbein's an nual Lo ndon Theatre Tour are due to Dr. Charles Dodrill, Director of Theatre and tour e s c o u r t and arranger, before October 1. The tour, according to Dodrill, leaves November 25 and returns December 9. Traveling from New York to London via BOAC-74 7, this year's trip promises many activities. Some �f these activities include: first class hotel

employment is great "as long as it doesn't take away full - time people - it's their livelihood." He cited a strike as a possible bargaining tool and said it would be used if necessary. A union st rike vote has already been taken with a majority voting in favor of striking if the union wasn't satisfied with the college's offer. B o t h M a c k e and Pr e s i d e n t T o m Kerr recognize the possibility of a s t r i k e but feel the problems can be ironed out. We're making progress," commented Dr. Kerr, "our bargaining session was very positive." They will meet again a week from Monday.

September 17, 1976

Fresh talent to show

September n, 1976

Tan and Cardinal

Page 2


Third degree Burns Editorials explained I thought I'd devote some time in this week's column to explain the editorial policy of this year's Tan and Cardinal. In the past "editorials" were something written by the editor that resembled an opinion column. We feel one person forcing his views on the campus community is an insufficient (and almost criminal) excuse for editorial policy. This year the T & C, through an editorial board, will adopt attitudes and opinions that will be the opinion of the newspaper. I, as editor, will be able to voice my opinions through this column and the rest of the community will get their "shots" in through "Readers Soundoff ..." In this way it is our aim to not only present an accurate cross-section of opinions but also to establish, as a publication, a position which we will, if necessary, defend. I would like to encourage readers (i.e.faculty, staff, students and community) to write letters to the editor when they are particularly displeased or pleased with any form of campus affairs. It is only through honest and accurate reporting of opinions can we, as a college community, move closer to an understanding of each other and make positive strides forward. by Mickey Burns



1 ':JOOR. Ou1S10E. t-1� /11,,)tJw Sill-,., StR..� 1 /

look before you leap! The phone situation at Otterbein is pathetic. It's hard h o w e ver t o find someone to blame. M a k i n g what was an apparent good move to a highly advanced and more economic phone system, t he c o llege w a s t he n "burned" by the company contracted to deliver them.

So you can't blame the college-or can you? It would appear to us that such a major move, involving the entire campus commu should have been well thought out.And if it was, why wasn't this company checked for its dependability. Surely w e m u s t b e talking about a

"rinky-dink" outfit, judging from their unbusiness-like behavior. So why weren't they researched more closely? The college cannot totally be blamed for the present phone problems, _but we certainly hope a lesson was learned f r om this-look before you leap.

Readers Sound-off

school care about anything? apathetic lack of concern. Why no letters? The infinity of the skies uplifts and expands our minds Thank you, Do they enjoy the current when our worlds seem to be so narrow; hence i meditate Bernie Michaels Dear Editor, phone system, love the on the eternal, the supreme peace that abides beyond I was reading your first cafeteria food and agree and which i want to see on this earth while I live. issue of the T & C and I 100 per cent with college's For this peace I will work and will ever search within n o t i c e d there were no p o l i c i e s o n a lcohol, Phones are me through the Consciousness of Christ, Satchidananda, letters to the editor in it. visitation, etc.? explained Buddha and Bhraman. Om Realizing that it was an I think not. And if they I have a dream to be free issue printed before school do, for crying out loud they I have a dream to be ever joyful and content. began, I can readily see why should write in and tell Dear editor, I have the dream to be a useful instrument in the hands of During the past week the paper was void of reader someone they're doing a Him and since dreams become realities as long as we work for communiques. But why, as there have been several good job. them problems with our new I'm recently informed, are I am one who likes to see This is the hope and the meaning I live for. telephone system which there none for this, the an involved a nd a lert I do want to change the world have severeiy inconven­ second issue? student body and I simply Yet I can only change myself with the power of the Absolute. ienced most of the students Doesn't anyone at this cannot understand this Times of aspiration and dreaming and many cur of faculty ,---------------------Times of doubt in which my ideals seem to crumble like a towe1 -and staff. I want to thank of sand blown by the winds of life. all members of the College But faith remains and will always abide until the consummatio11 c o m m u n i ty f o r t he i r of myKarma. p a t i e n c e d uring t h i s � May the infinite be known through love difficult time and assure -�� May you work on yourself as I work on me since this is the y o u t h a t e v e r yt h i n g ��\. responsibility that we hold before the Self. humanly possibie is being Pu!>�hed weekly by the students of Otterbein College. The Then we will proclaim theKingdom of a new generation of done to clear the bugs from op1mons expressed in the Tan and Cardinal are those of the light, freedom and truth. staff and do not necessarily reflect those of the school or its the system. administration. Mother Nature is our friend and the angels of the Skies will You should be aware of sing ceaselessly the hymns of Aquarios and point out to the Mickey Burns ........... EDITOR-IN-CHIEF the fact that our problems morning Star of the East. Sara Ullman .......... MANAGING EDITOR have arisen in the peripheral Melissa Barr ..........BUSINESS MANAGER Free like the bird without nest ever singing blissfull from recording and controlling BobKokai ........PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR nest to nest for the sake of humanity, melody and life. electronic equipment and Dave Ross ................COPY EDITOR I am responsible for myself as well as you are responsible not t he basic operating Dan Thompson ........... SPORTS EDITOR for your life. system. Private telephone Nancy Ballog ...........FEATURE EDITOR Let's make it one of happiness and peace through the inner s u c h a s ours systems Don Hines ....... ............ ADVISOR realization of Being, the Self or Om. requiring the control and May these dreams carry us through our studies for the service internal recording of long L� Ba�er, Bob Boltz, Kay Burns, Chet Cady, and the benefit of our fellowmen. distance calls are unique. Maggie Dme, James Dooley, Marilyn Douglas Experience in this area is Gretchen Freeman, Felipe Martinez, Sue Mayberry'. limited and our installation by Felipe Martinez Stacy Reish, Dan Repik, Deb Thorn and Kim ' Wilcox. Continued on Page 3


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Tan and Cardinal




September 11, 1976

Tan and Cardinal

Forensics calls out to students

Readers Sound-off. • • Phones continued from Page 2

has had no more than a normal share of malfunctions considering the tight schedule faced by the contractor. Our installation schedule was extremely tight due to the late meeting date of our Trustees who approved the project only in April. It was greatly complicated when the supplier of our central switch gear was forced to c a n c e l o u r or der i n mid-June. At that time he lost the right to make the special unit needed for our Campus. By that time, we h a d a l r ea d y invested $6 0,0 0 0 i n cable and underg round installations and were at a point where we could not economically stop the project. After a trip to Holland in Ju l y , we were able to purchase substitute switch gear f r o m t h e Phillips Company in that Country. This was delivered by air freie:ht in early August. The new system had to be assembled piece by piece here on the Campus with work continuing through late hours a n d several week-ends to meet our schedule. Unfortunately, in spite of all efforts, it was impossible to make up all of the six week period we lost due to ¢ancellation by the original supplier. The result was that not all of our testing could be completed prior to the time the Bell System was disconnected on the Labor Day weekend. Most problems in the system were worked out by T u e s d ay evening and operation was approaching normal. A few student t e l e p h o n e s s ti l l h a d problems due t o our error, to late orders or to room assignment changes. Some faculty and staff phones were still not transferring properly. These situations will be cleared up as quickly as possible, but we need your help in bringing them to our attention. Please call the Business Office at 354 or the operator by dialing '' 0'' i f y o ur phone operation is not satisfactory.

There appears to be come misundersta nding about hours during which student telephones can be used. The f o l l o wing points should clarify that situation. 1. You can make direct calls to any other telephone on Campus 24 hours per day. 2. You can make direct calls to any number in the C o lumbus metropolitan area 24 hours per day. 3. Y o u can receive calls from any telephone on or off Campus 24 hours per day. From 7:00 a.m. to 12 midnight, off Campus c alls are received and transferred at the central s witchboard. From 12 midnight until 7:00 a.m., Off Campus calls are received at our Service D epartment and t r ansferred t o your phone. 4. You c a n m a k e long distance calls from your room telephone or the c o r r idor telephone by c a l ling the C a m p us ope!f.tor and requesting to be connected to the

members hope to have F o r a 11 i n t e r ested another successful year. O t t e rbein students there Ohio Bell operator at any time from 7:00 a.m. until w i l l b e a "F orensics C a l l o u t" W e d n es d a y , 12 midnight. September 2 2 at 6:00 p.m. 5. To make a long distance until 7:15 p.m. in Cowan call between 12 midnight Faculty, staff and their Hall Room #4. and 7:00 a.m. you must families are reminded of the This meeting, directed by use a pay phone. Pay Campus Club Fall Picnic phones are available in Don Hines, is designed to tonight at 6 p.m. in Sharon help define what forensics is each residence Hall. Woods Park. as well as how to prepare This telephone system is for competition. Coaching our system. It is here to The Campus Club is p r o c e d u r e s a n d t he continuing to work at p r o v ide the best l o c a t i o n s o f t h e fall fa culty · staff relations, communication possible for tournaments will also be sponsoring various social the dollars we spend. It has discussed. ad vantages a n d it has events and recognizing the F orensics at Otterbein individual accomplishments disadvantages. In spite of fields students in both and special occasions of its the changes necessitated by the change in switch gear, debate a n d individual members. Minimal dues speaking events. You need each year back up the we believe the advantages no previous experience or a organization's "thought­ fa r o u t weigh . the speech b ack groun d to fulness" policy. disadvantages. Learning to participate. use the new procedures O t t er b e i n's f o r en sics Anyone needing last • effectively will require some program is one of the oldest minute information should adjustment on the part of continuous programs of its contact Michael Terhorst, all of us. We solicit your type in the midwest and the coordinator for the picnic. u n d e r s t a n d i n g , your cooperation and y o ur criticisms in our efforts to make the system serve you Phone: 882-6611 effectively. 6 South State Street, Westerville

Club to picnic


W o o d r o w M a c ke Vi c e president

Center is gathering place

It's hard for commuters to feel they are a part of the 'B e i n-b u t f e a r n o t commuters, there's a place for you. The Commuter Center which is located in the basement of Clements Hall is open on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The Center w a s es tablished to serve all commuting students as a lounge and gathering place on campus. It is equipped with a kitchenette, stereo, lounge furniture and fresh coffee. M a i l b o xes f o r a l l off-campus students are located in a room across the hall from the Commuter


C e n t e r f o r your convenience. Be sure to check your box regularly for campus mail (from p r o f e ssors, campus organizations, offices, etc.) and for your copy of the "Commuter News." Book lockers are also available upon request. Miss Chris Andrew and Mr. Dave Peters will serve as advisers to the Commuter Center. If you have any questions or suggestions, you may contact either Chris or Dave in the Student Personnel Office. There will be a meeting for all commut ers on Tuesday, September 21 at 2:00 p.m. in the lounge.


0sl�CENTlm 10 N. State Street

Page 3

OPEN: 10:00 to 8:00


10% Discount on everything except saie items to Otterbein ID card holders

Oon_uts, Cakes, Cookies, Sweet Rolls



FOR-YOU! ·_. .Sell audio equipment at your . college. No investment; ex­ perienced . sales . help and incentive programs provided. · Over ·60 top brands, including audiophile lines. Audio Outlet Wholesalers , 325 Pascack Ave., Washington Township, N.J .. 07675 (201) 666-8868 •Attention: Arlene Muzyka .


Tan and Cardinal


by Chet Cady

God's free gift is eternal life

Creek News

SeptembP.r 'f"J, 1 � h�

by Nancy Ba!log

Greeks are in full swing

If studying has one down Here it is!!! It's the first through faith; and that not test imony borne at the The free gift of God is by the end of this week go of yourselves. It is a gift of proper time" (1 Timothy week of school with the eternal life in Christ Jesus God, not as a result of 2: 5, 6). Greeks already in full swing. to the Pi Sig house for a our Lord-Romans 6: 23. S e c o n d l y, salva t i o n The new school year means S TUD Y B R E A K n e x t works, that no one should I talked to a man this boast" (Eph. 2:8, 9). See includes the faith that that work and play to all the Wednesday. This is open to summer. He was disgusted all Freshmen men and what a wonderful plan this sa crifice on Calvary has Greek organizations that with the morals of the atoned for sin. Now faith pick up where the spring women, s o r o r i ties, and salvation is! times. He was glad to hear Salvation is on the basis may express itself in many term left off!! about my belief in the independents. Probably the biggest Bible. He thought it was a of faith, and faith is a gift different wa ys, but it Three houses over the fine thing that I was moral. of G od. It's fool-proof. always recognizes Jesus as event this week is the summer (and still in the He thought it was a fine Then we, with the voices of the author and finisher of Intra-Fraternity Council p r o c e sses) have been heaven, say, "Hallelujah! salvation. (I.F.C.) All - Campus Blast remodeled inside and out.A thing that he was moral.He I cannot make you or on September 18th after "your house looks great" is Salvation and glory and thought it was a fine thing power belong to our God" persuade you to become a the football game.It will be extended to Epsilon Kappa that Jesus had been moral. Christian. But I can tell you at the Westerville Armory, Tau (EKT), Sigma Delta Phi Everything was just fine (Rev.19:1). Ther e a r e , however, that God loves the world so costing Greek men $3.00 (Sphinx), and Eta Phi Mu until we started talking certain means which the much that He gave up Jesus and the Greek women & (Jonda): about salvation. Lord has ordained to use in at the cross so that whoever independents $3.50. It I had said, "Salvation is a Zeta Phi (Zeta) is proud free gift o f god." He His plan. Foremost is the believes in Him could have should be as great a blast as replied, "That's right. It death of Jesus Christ on the eternal life. If you want the the past years. So buy a to announce that they took the athletic and academic s u r e i s . I t ' s a free cross. No man comes to the salvation that God offers, ticket and GO!!! Father, but through .the He'll give it to you.It's free.· I f one hasn't gotten trophies for the year. They gift ...but you've got to No one who wants to be enough fun from the IFC give everyone a big welcome Lord Jesus (John 14: 6). earn it.'' That seemed Jesus died in our place. saved at the cross will be Blast, plan on going to the back!! s o m e t hing of a contradiction. After a few He died to carry away our refused. NO ONE. Sigma Alpha Tau (Owls)/Pi A f e w s ororities had Jesus says, "Behold, I Beta Sigma (Pi Sig) Boogie more minutes of discussion, sin. He alone is man's access welcome back parties. Tau it became evident that he to God the Father. "For stand at the door and Blast. This will be held on Delta had a party at their didn't want God's help with there is one God, and one knock; if anyone hears My Oct.1. advisor's, the Addington's. his salvation. mediator also between God voice and opens the door, I Owls are also planning an Theta N u w as served That's really too bad. and men, the man Jesus will come in to him, and ALL GREEK get - together refreshments from their Nobody earns his way into Christ, who gave Himself as wil I fellowship with him, at Dixie Electric Company. advisors. EKT had a party heaven. The Bible says, "All a r an s o m for all, the and he with Me" (Rev. For Greeks interested this is at the Ruck. Tau Epsilon 3:20). our righteous deeds are like September 27th at night. -M u (TEM) will have a a filthy garment" (Isaiah friendship picnic Monday to 64:6). welcome their returnees. That is, here we are down on the earth trying to work One week before school of 17 7 marchers on the p o p ular t unes such as J an G ar r a b rant was our way up into heaven, b e gan , t h e O t terbein field. "S hout It Out Loud," e l e cted E KT's new and all that work is useless. College Cardinal Marching Playing at all the home "C h a m e l e o n ," a n d vice-president while Robin God, looking over the best Band was marching and football games plus going to "S h a n n o n" f o r t he Butts was elected Sr. Social of men, said, "There is none rehe arsing . S lowly, the the away game at Capital, marching band. C h a i r m a n and K ar e n righteous, not even one; instrumentalists, O-Squad, the band will be travelling' Formations made from Freeman as Historian. EKT t h e r e i s n o n e w h o flag corps, and the high to Zanesville and Elyria for obliques, slants, drum corps is doing a service project in understands; there is none s c h o o l c o l o r g u a r d B a n d F e s t i v a l s a n d turns, and step-2 drills are c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h the who seeks for God; all have developed marching from Bandoramas as guest band. included in the band's Salvation Army in Sidney, turned aside; together they individuals into marching as A marching band concert debut this Saturday night. Ohio. They will be making have become useless; there a unit. planned for October 31 is Songs "Train of Thought," doll clothes for thirty dolls is none who does good; T h e b an d has five also on the agenda. "N o t Fragile," "Yankee as Christmas presents for t h e r e i s n o t even directors; Mr. Gary Tirey, The music, this year as in D o o d l e D y n a m i t e ," un d erpriviledged children. one. .. . There is no fear of Director of Bands; Mr. Don the past years, is primarily "C h a m e l e o n ," a n d God before their· eyes" Wolfe, Associate Director; a rranged by Bill Moffit. "Pavane" will lead the band Theta Nu elected Sue (Romans 3:10-12, 18). All Mr. Paul Zubrod, Assistant Two Otterbein sophomores, on in its first show of the Henthorn a s t he new mem stand c o ndemned Director; and Mr. & Mrs. John_ Orr and Mike Sewell, 1976 season. chorister for the sorority. before God, except ... Greg Shaw, co-directors for take the honors in arranging G o d , w ho i s love, the c o l o r guard. The intervenes in the lives of Marching Band consists of men. This is His strategy as 101 i nstrumentalists, 40 CPB started the year off the Apostle Paul expressed the north side of the road. tonight CPB is showing the O-Squad members, 13 Flag i t t o t h e E p h e s i a n Corps members, 3 twirlers, last w e e ke nd with the There should be maps m o v i e '' Y o u n g Christians: "For by grace and 20 high school color beginning of freshman posted in the Campus Frankenstein" at 8:00 and y o u have b e e n saved guards. This makes a total a c t i v i t i e s. The m o v ie Center and locations where midnight. It will also be "Assassination Bureau," the wood can be picked up will shown on Saturday night at shopping trip and the dance b e a v a i l a b l e . G E T the same times. And for all Saturday night kindled the PSY CHED F R E SH MEN you music lovers there will spirit i n the freshman class. and build the biggest and be a dance in the Pit tonight 34 W• Main 5.,_ ·· B u t t o night i s t he Westerville, Ohio 43081 . best!! at 7: 00 all freshmen at 9:00 to the sounds of all-imp ortant freshman are to meet at King Hall in "Spectrum." Complete FJorl!I Sarvice (814) 882-GIOI bonfire. All day today the T h e r e a re still pajamas for the pep rally. freshman class is to build At 7: 30 on to the bonfire applications available in the the fire. The sight set for and then to President Kerr's C a m p u s C e n t e r f o r the bonfire is on Main St. for serenading. membe rship on a CPB past Alum Creek Park on For the whole campus c o m m i t t e e . G E T INVOLVED TODAY!

Marching band forms into unit

CPB starts out year with freshmen .activities

-Ole Barn. Rowers

Hours 9:00 - 5:30 Closed Sunday



September 1'1, 1976

· Bonfire will blaze The a n nual Freshman Bonf ire will be blazing Friday at 7 p.m. with wood collected by hard-working freshmen throughout the day. P aja ma-clad frosh should meet in front of K i ng H all to start the pre-victory march to · the Bonfire. Cheerleaders, football captains and the marching band will be there to make the spirit s oar for S aturday's g a me w i t h


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Kenyon. Token spirit prizes will be awarded to the most meritous P-J wearers. The 19 7 6 O tterbein Football team deserves your support. Freshmen are the most important part of this event, so please plan to attend. F ollowing the bonfire, this sleepy crowd will rush to President Kerr's home to serenade him with the Otterbein Love Song. This will be under the direction of several cheerleaders.

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS September 17 - Friday - Campus Club Fall Picnic 6: 00 p.m. - Tau Delta Welcome Back Party 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. - Campus Crusade for Christ - CPB Freshman Bonfire & Pep Rally 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. CPB Movie: "Young Frankenstein" - CPB Dance 9:00 p.m. Midnight - CPB Movie: "Young Frankenstein" September 18 - Saturday 11:00 a.m. Cross Country: OWU - Capital at OSU 7:30 p.m. Football: Kenyon - H 8:00 p.m. CPB Movie: "Young Frankenstein" 9:30 p.m. - IFC All Campus Blast Midnight - CPB Movie: "Young Frankenstein"



The Reel World

September 19 - Sunday CPB Movie: "Young Frankenstein" 22:30 p.m. - Freshman Talent Show (Cap & Dagger) 7:30 p.m. - Campus Christian Association (Agape) 9:00 p.m.

Welcome back and climb aboard as "The Reel World" begins a fresh, new prowl of C i neland. And the field looks rich. -ON CAMPUSCPB is scheduled to begin its new season with the c o m e d y e x travaganza YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, Mel Brooks' tribute to the classic horror film. I doubt that many readers are unfamiliar with this film, so I will not rehash the plot. But, the movie is one of the few to merit a second or third viewing. T h e title role is beautifully essayed by the inimitable Gene Wilder, w h o has never looked better. Peter Boyle is a savage paradox of hilarity a n d p athos as the "monster." Terri Garr is a lovely prop i n the old castle se ttings in which comic genius Marty Feldman fits in perfectly as the doctor's henchman with the shifting hump. Guest appearances by Cloris Leachman and Gene Hackman round out a cast that works incredibly together.

September 21 - Tuesday Academic Council 4:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. - Panhellenic Council 8:00 p.m. - Circle K Meeting September 22 - Wednesday 12:00 noon Cultural Affairs Subcommittee Campus Programming Board 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Young Democrats Yearbook Staff Meetings 8:00 p.m. September 23 - Thursday - Teacher Education Committee Integrative Studies Movie: "Walkabout" Religious Activities Council Alpha Epsilon Delta Integrative Studies Movie: "Walkabout" Interfraternity Council Personnel Committee

September 24 - Friday - Campus Crusade for Christ 6:30 p.m.

lfC blasts The IFC All - Campus Blast will be Saturday night from 9 p.m. until 2:30 a.m. at the Westerville Armory on State Street. Live ent ertainment and

by James Dooley

Young Frankenstein arrives

September 20 - Monday - Curriculum Committee 4:00 p.m. - Sorority & Fraternity Meetings 7:00 p.m.

3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.


Tan and Cardinal

beverages will be provided by t h e Interfraternity Council (IFC). Admission is $2.50 for fratf;1rnity members and $3.00 for anyone else.

A n d t h e reason is for a while to come, catch s i m p l e -M e l (SILENT W A L K A B O UT o n its MOVIE) Brooks has learned Thursday run-and prepare the art of subtlty. YOUNG for a haunting of the mind. -AROUND TOWNFRAN KENSTEIN arrives TUNNEL VISION is the this weekend, and is my bet for t his y e a r 's record­ l a t e s t entry into the breaker in attendance on insanity of television-and it works. One reason for this campus. In the wake of THE is the i ncredible amount of MAN W H O FELL TO i n n o vative talent tnat E A R T H , t h e I . S . comprises the cast, headed department is presenting by Phil Proctor, and the the second campus - go - fantastic guest shots with round of Nicholas Roeg's R o g er Bowen, Gerre t ("B e e f") G r a h a m , film WALKABOUT. and-yes-Chevy Chase. Relying heavily on the The script has to be one visual, t h e st ory is a of the more original ones to fascinating study of the come out in years, and is accidental merging of two presented with such skill cultures. Briefly, the story concerns a girl and her that it finally exposes THE younger brother lost in the GR OOVE TUBE as the A u s tralian w i ld e r ness. vulgar trash that it is. B a s i c a lly, TUNNEL Discovered by a young condenses a day in VISION aborigine, the strange trio of a. television life e h t are forced to depend on the future-a of network each other to survive. is under fire that network Many people will S e nate U.S. the m fro probably be unnerved by 95% turning its of because Roeg's distinctive treatment population American the of of t he s t o r y a nd the into television zombies. No inevitable e nding when they call it "the wonder human emotions run afoul network!" people's human instincts. Every aspect of television For a film that you will prey to this satiric falls probably be thinking about spoof, and the results are hilarious. To reveal any s pecific episodes (though t e m p t i n g ) w o u ld b e unforgiveable, for part of the genuine fun would be ruined. But, I am proud to give T U N NEL VISION the highest comedy rating for an independent film. Of course, as the ad warns, the movie does contain some m a t e r i a l - that c a n b e c o ns i dered offensive to some people-and I won't FREE OWVERY deny that. But, the good far Sun. thru Thurs. outweighs the b_ad, and the care and planning that went into this show is obvious. Hours T UNNEL VISION is Sun-Thurs 4:30PM-12AM playing at the currently Fri-Sat 4:30PM-1AM Northland Mall Cinema.




. 1s



extra cost! 882-7710

SUPPORT thl Tac. If you visit a place of business that ldwrtiw in 1h11 ,......,_ T• them you aw their ad in the TAN-a CARDINAL.

,Septe,1' be f 1, I 1976_

Tan and Cardinal


Stacking the Ctrds

Bachtel goesO/ympic by Dan Thompson

During the past summer Otterbein s e n i o r Tom Bachtel qualified for the United States Deaf Olympic T e a m . B a c h t el w i l l represent the U.S. in three events, the 1500 meter run, 5000 m e t e r s , and the steeplechase. "His times rank among the best in the world," said Cross Country Coach Dave 1£hman. The Deaf Olympic Games will be held next summer in B ucharest, Rumania.




W hen the Otter bein Football Team is unveiled Saturday night, they should be easy to see. Memorial Stadium, home of the Cards, is currently having new lights installed.

* Tom



H arbrecht, 1976

CLASSIFIED Sales Rep-male or female student-reliable. We seek a permanent representative on campus. Sell the world's finest hand-k n itted s� ca p - w a t c h cap. Hand-knitted in official school colors, or any other c h o ice o f c o l o r s . 23 different designs. 118 colors and yams. 15% commission. Sorry, only one rep per cam pus. Sell fraternities, soro rities, alumni assoc., local stores, athletic groups, etc. Write to: Samarkand to Katmandu, Inc. 9023 West P i c o B o u l e v a r d , Los Angeles, California 90035. SUPPORTtlleTIIC.lfrouvisif • ..... of bulinell that adwrtitll in 1his nnlP8Plt ,. them you - 1hlir ad rn 1hl TAN-a CARDINAL.

Otterbein graduate, has accepted a job as a graduate assistant coaching football at Marshall University in Huntington, W. Virginia. T o m w a s t h r e e -year letterman for Otterbein.

* * * S t e v e Traylor, who earned 12 varsity letters at Otterbein, left the Cardinal coaching staff over the s ummer t o fill his a p p o i nt m ent as athletic director and head basketball c o a c h a t Greensboro College in North Carolina.

Cross-country team to answer questions What does. the coming season hold in store for the O t t e r bein cross country t e a m? This q u e s t i o n , according t o Head Coach Dave Lehman, will be much easier to answer after the fir st m e et w i t h O hi o Wesleyan. "I know less about this team than any other I have coached a t Otterbein," stated Lehman. There are however some known quantities within the twenty man squad. Tom Bachtel is perhaps the best known. Tom has looked strong in practice and is healthy for the start of his senior year. "He is undoubtedly one of the top runners in the conference," r e m a r ked Coach Lehman. Another harrier who looks ready is junior Royce Underwood. Although the

1976 Cross-country schedule Sept.20 ..... Ohio Wesleyan, at O SU ....... (11 a.m.) Sept.27 ..... Relays, at Wooster........... (11 a.m.) Sept.30..... at Muskingum ............. (4 p.m.) Oct.4 ..... . at Wittenberg .............. (11 a.m.) Oct. 11. .... . at Findlay ................. (1 p.m.) Oct.18 .... . All-Ohio, at OWU ........... (11 a.m.) Oct.25 ..... Marietta/Ohio Northern ...... (11 a.m.) Nov.l ...... OAC Championships at OWU .. (11 .m.) Nov.8 ...... NCAA

Brownies Market 43 N. STATE ST. U.S. Choice Beef Fresh Vegetables & Fruit Daily


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Agency for Russell Stover Candies

team logged fewer miles than usual this summer, Underwood did more than his share of the roadwork, amassing 1,100 miles of summer training. A f t e r B a c h t e l and

Underwood many things remain to be proven. The cross country team sports nine l ettermen. Lehman feels the potential for a successful season lies with in the squad.

by Mike Smith

the first division. Marietta has the pleasure of playing at Muskingum, Baldwin Wallace, and Mt. Union and that should be enough to wound the Pioneers for. the season. T h e r e d division unfo r tu n a t e l y c o ntains d e f e n d i ng c o n f e r e n ce champ M u s k i ngum and NCAA national champion Wittenberg.Again these two teams are loaded with talent but I 'm leaning toward Muskingum to snatch the colors and run. Ohio Northern, who is eligible for the playoffs for the first time, will have to hold off Heidelberg to stay in the •first division. Capital should be strong enough t o get up for Otterbein but their other eight opponents can breathe easily. Wooster, the sixth member of the red division, probably won't darken Saturdays for anyone.

Casing the Conference Otterbein gets nod Well folks, it's time for the old wizard to scan his tea leaves, crystal ball, and dirty sock . formation and list his picks for the coming OAC football season. Hate mail will not be accepted at any time. The blue division should prove to the most exciting of the two divisions this season. Otterbein gets my nod to take the title. The cards have a large group of starters returning and t h eir two toughest opponents, Mt. Union and B aldwin-W a l l a c e , must travel to Westerville for their encounters. M t . U n i on on the strength of their strong running game figure to finish second and B-W a strong third. These three seem to b e so evenly matched that a blind draw from a hat is as good a pick as mine. With some help in the devensive department and a lot of luck, Ohio Wesleyan could be a dark horse, but don't count on it. Denison w i l l b e an improved team but I don't think they can move into

Blue 1. Otterbein 2. Mt.Union 3. Baldwin-Wallace 4. Ohio Wesleyan 5. Denison 6. Marietta 12 E. MAIN 2 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS

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n, 1976

Tan and Cardinal

Gridders to clash with Kenyon ·tomorrow


The Cardinals take on visiting K en y o n t o m o r r o w in t he opening contest for both squads. Otterbein mentor Rick Seils feels that this is the first test for his squad. "T he worst time to play Kenyon is the opening game. carries a light squad (47 players) and they have trouble develo ping depth. But they are tough at the beginning of the season, before injuries take their toll," Seils said. Ot t erbein blanked Kenyon --.. last season 24-0, a score which Seils maintains is little indication of the contest. "We forced them into early m i s t a k es and capitalized on fumbles, we had them down early and they never recovered." "They're much more experienced and much tougher this year." T h e defense will have to contain Kenyon and prevent the big p la y. Kenyon QB Jack Forgrave has good speed and is a running as wel I as passing threat w i t h receivers Roger Schott, Terry Brog and Carlos Dague as targets. "We held Kenyon to 167 total yards last year, and they like to throw the ball," Seils said. Offensively the Otters will -, depend on veteran fullback Mike Echols and freshman running back Tom Chillinsky to develop the r unning attack.



to speak

Senator Bob Dole, the Vice Presidential candidate for the Republicans, will speak at the Ohio State R e p ublican Convention Tuesday, September 21st. A11 Otterbein students who support President Ford and Dole are invited to hear h i m s p e a k a t the Convention. T h e President Ford Committee has reserved the first two rows of the Ohio Theater and all flpor space for his college supporters. Dole will appear at the convention at 7: 30 p.m.



Bob Dole

Page 7

The Otter gridder stretch out in practice preparing for tomorrow's contest against Kenyon. In the air, of course will be QB Bill Hillier, who lead the OAC i n t o tal offense as a sophomore in 1975 and already shows signs of improvement in '76. "We're pleased with Hillier's performance in training camp. H e's added good faking and footwork to a strong arm," he said. Hillier will be trying to punch holes in the Kenyon secondary with tight end Bob Bardelang, split end Bob Eoltz and halfback Mark Bailey. It's all for real Saturday night a t M e m o r i a l Stadium a t Otterbein College. Kick-off time is 7:30 p.m.

lntramurals begin season soon There have been reports that there would be no intramural flag football this year, but Tom Wolff, IM director announces that play will begin Monday, September 27 when Club c l a s hes with Janda and Kings meet Pi Sig. Four teams have been formed from the resident halls and there is room for t w o m ore independ�nt teams. New entrants should c ontact Wolff a t t h e clubhouse (891-2848). All

rosters are due in no later than September 24. The games will be played at Walnut Ridge Park this year. "Increased use of the fields b e hind the Rike Center made our move to Walnut Ridge necessary," laments Wolff. Game times are 4 and 5 p.m. Wolff is searching for referees for the upcoming intra mural seasons. Refs will be paid again this year. Aga in, interested parties should contact Wolff.

T h ere will also be a fraternity cross - country m e e t s c h e d u l e d f or Monday, October 11 to be run through and around the campus area. Continued from Page I

and Dagger, about ten acts will .compete. There is no cash prize to go with the honor. A panel of three faculty judges and three seniors will vote on the winner. I n prevfous years the talent has ranged from singing to acconlian playing t o p u l ling p¢ncils from one's nose. Hopefully the Currently S.C.O.P.E. has u n w i e l d y bureaucratic maintained a significant and young p e o p l e i n legal acts this year will maintain a n e e d f o r c oncerned machinery has made almost effective pr og,,lm with hassles and are therefore the same high standard of individuals willing to spend impossible any attempts to which t o c onfront the forced to face realistically quality. some of their time with rennovate programs for p r o b l e ms s ur r o u n d i n g the gross inadequacies of Tom said that he hoped Ohio youth. Faced with an juvenile law offenders. juvenile law offenses. our present philosophies everyone would attend this increase in crime among Because of poor staff Most ideas for reform and the systems deriving free event and help support young people, legislators survive as a mere shadow of t r a i n i ng, institutional from those philosophies of the annual tradition. and t heir c o nstituents their original forms. political squabbles, and an dealing with the youth of In Ohio some effort has absence o f c oordinated increasingly advocate the our state. "lo ck-up" o f juveniles been expended in dealing pr ogram efforts, a large O u r ju v e n i l e are many who believe in violating both criminal and creatively with otir youth in number of young people are rehabilitation system is t h e i r a b ilities t o b e legal trouble. Certainly we herded each year into large a n d complex. To constructive citizens in our .,._. status laws. La c k i n g s u f f i c ient have not allowed our youth institutions which provide change s u c h a system society. ... c r e a t ive a n d devo't-ed to be placed among adult no s t i mulus f o r their appears an insurmountable S . C . O . P .E. members l e ad e r ship i n juvenile law offenders as is common personal growth. t a s k t o a n y s i n g l e don't expect to make any rehabilitation, tight funding in some states. Unfort una t e l y, these individual. Yet, S.C.O.P.E. major changes eigher in the f r o m state a nd local However, neither has des t r uctive a pp r o a c hes allows you as a student with youth at the Buckeye g o v e r n m e n t s and an O h i o d e v e l o p ed and toward youth continue and a demanding schedule the C e n t e r o r i n t h e are even sanctioned by opportunity to help. institutional system, they , some in our state who hold One way is simply to don't have the time for such to t h e p hilosophy that become more aware of the high reaching goals. juvenile law offenders - can mechanisms of the current But they do expect to .NM,K,lw.l,., and must be forced into youth serices in the State of b u i l d r e l a t i o n s h i p s , s u b m i s s i o n a nd t h at Ohio. i nitiating communication instilling a fear of authority A n other w a y is t o a n d s t i m u l a t i n g is the necessary way to demonstrate t o the youth understanding, between change their patterns of affected by the system that both themselves and the • GIFTS 'N' THINGS there are many who are behavior. 30 EAST COLLEGE institutional residents as concerned about them as We have observed high WESTERVILLE, OHIO 43081 youth searching together to !1Wt�IClll1 figures of recidivism among individuals and that there • build a life in this complex PHONE 882-0351 society.

SCOPE helps in youth rehab i Iitation



Tan and Cardinal

Page 8

Head residents intern at Otterbein

C o m i n g f r o m t wo diff e r e n t s t a t es ( Pennsylvania and Ohio), Ann Sabock and Glenn O�hes have a few things in commo n. B esides being Head Residents of Hanby and King Halls, Ann and Glenn are working towards thei r master degrees in student personnel through a program with Ohio State. For one year Ann and Glenn will be interning at Otterbein as head residents plus taking classes at Ohio State. Ann Sabock, who heralds from Penn State, graduated with a B.A. in political science a n d art before enlisting in the Air Force. Not particularly liking the d e p a r t m e n t s he was assigned after two years, Ann decided to go into education hoping against teaching. Ann called Dean Van Sant, a family acquaintance, for advice. It was Dean Van S a nt who got Ann interested in the good pr o g r a m o f s t u d ent personnel at Ohio State. Ann l i ke s all sports, enjoys playing piano, and

Glenn Oches and Ann residents. works in art. Her brother plays football for Baldwin Wallace College. O c h e s d i d his undergr a d u a t e work at C l e v eland State in Cleveland. He received a four year p r o f i c i al cert ificate i n t e a c hing German after spending t,wo years at the University of Vienna. Being involved in student government and reporting for the college paper, The Cauldron, a t C leveland

Student competition slated

The p u r p o s e of the P h i l i p Mo r r is program i s t o provide Inc o rporated has students with a practical announced its eighth annual a n d r e a l i s t i c b u s i n e ss Marketing / Communica­ project, bringing them into tions Compet i t i o n for college students. It was also di rect contact with the a n n o u n c e d t h a t the b u s i n e s s c o mmu n i t y . program has been expanded Entries may deal with any to accommodate a large aspect of the broad area of increase in response from mar keting / communica­ the academic community, tions r e l a t ed to Philip evidenced by a doubling in Morris Incorporated, its the number of participating operating companies or any schools over the past two of its non-tobacco products. years. Student c h a pters of This year Philip Morris p r o f es s i o n a l s o c i e t i e s , Sabock - two new head will offer separate awards to regular classes or ad hoc graduate and undergraduate committees of no less than students, recognizing the five students and a faculty State, Glenn had an interest varied degrees of training a d v i s o r m a y s u b m i t in s t u d e nt a f fairs. He and levels of experience pro p o s a l s . They should include the purpose and enjoyed w o r ki n g w i th between the two. A $1,000 college administrators, and grant will be awarded to the objective of their program. Mor e i nforma tion is decided to pursue a career winning committee in each in student personnel. Llke division; runners up will available in the T & C office. A nn , G l e n c hose t h e receive $500 grants. program a t Ohio State and was subsequently hired as an intern at Otterbein. Glenn likes to travel (he's 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 been t o Israel, Greece, Spain, Turkey, the Agean 5 14 16 Is-Ian ds, etc.), works in 18 17 19 photography, and enjoys old MG sports cars. 20

Students survive long lines

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29 32


50 54 57


wekomeJ 'l°u lo our

Allie of

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crafi'J g;f


Arriving on campus, students were taught their first lesson - line waitine;. One encountered lines everywhere from the registrar's to the dinner line.

fun- iving & ooJ/eJ o/iJeaJ, g


(j� � Opm:



._______m__ �/u,rJ:


Cloj(!d: Sun. &

.L n o :1 a a

1 Old "What's� Line" panelist 5 Neckerchief 10 French priest 14 African cattle­ breeder

15 Victim of Jonis

Salk 16 Defeat

overwhelmingly 17 Felt feverish 20 Traps 21 Hurls 22 "- of thousands!" 23 Formed into a hard mass 24 Easily accomplished 26 "Mighty -"(song) 29 Jesus 30 Artist•s·essential 31 Sister 32 Kil1s oneself 36 Mental telepathy 37 Glides 38 Ardor 39 Containing tin 41 Refines metal

43 Violent displays 44 Circular turns 45 Photographs 47 - Chat 50 Ascend 51 Angry 53 Arabian seaport 54 "- Rhytt.n" 55 Senator Kefauver 56 "Daily Planet" reporter 57 "Pluribus" of "E Pluribus Unum" 58 Agent 86 59 This: Sp.


10 More dilettantish 11 Fenced in 12 Town 13 French sunmers 18 Afrikaans 19 It turn� red litmus paper blue 23 Spanish houses 24 Turns toward 25 "It's - cause" 26 "Cowardly Lion" and family 27 Seaport near Bombay 28 Blue grape pigments

30 Belonging to

Jacob's brother

33 Can't be

34 Child's feet 35 Memento 40 Playhouse 2 Enthusiasm 3 Checks fingerprints 41 Mos\ tender 42 Famous Stooge for similarity 44 Cubic decimeter 4 Element #87 45 Stiffly formal 5 Scatter (archaic 46 Capital of Latvia form) 47 - Morgana 6 Maker of Jane Withers 48 Actor Vernon 49 Being: Sp. 7 Mountain range 52 Regimental Sergeant 8 Kind of grass 9 One who abandons Major (abbr.) 1 Show concern


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