The Tan and Cardinal September 17, 1976

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vOiic�e WOrory

Tan and Cardinal Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio

Volume 58 Number 2

Administration disputes wage


Several d i sagreements between administration and the s ervice departmental union may result in an eventual strike. Asking for higher wages and insured job security, the service c r e w s a r e c u r r e ntly n e g o t i a ti n g w i t h t he business office. Woodrow Macke, Vice Pr esident for B u s i ness Affairs, sess two main areas of disagreement: the first is purely economic and the other is the loss of service d e p a r t m e n t jo b s to students. "Inflation has demanded the l imited increases in salar ies for t h e entire ca mpus," informs Macke who feels he has always dealt fairly with the service department. "As far as job security, we've never layed anyone o f f t o make room for s t udent jo bs," s t a ted Macke, "only when people have left or retired have we filled in with students." T h e s c ho o l r e c e i ved

$200,000 from the federal government specifically for student employment which accounts for the school's tendencies toward hiring student custodians. Mr. Macke feels that both the school saves money and students benefit. Currently there a r e 2 6 s t udents w o r k i n g i n custodial services. The service department, t h o u g h has d i f f e r e n t feelings o n the subject. Dave Bell, a member of the negotiating team, feels that not enough consideration is made of his union during budget cuts. "With inflation around 11 per cent, I wouldn't even call 5 per cent a raise," said Bell, "this coupled with rising health insurance costs makes it really tough on some of the guys." "S o m e g u y s a r e n't making three dollars an hour," says Bell, "and this is 19 76!". Bell, a '74 graduate of Otterbein, feels that student

Trustee comes

D r . E l m e r N . Funkhouser, Jr., Chairman of the Otterbein College Board of Trustees will be available for appointments w i t h f a c ulty, staff and students from 8:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. on Friday, S e p t ember 234. Anyone wishing to meet with Dr. Funkhouser should call Mrs. Tillett, extension 656 to make an appointment.

Vice president W o o d r o w Macke discusses the nego tiations w ith Dave Bell (left) of the service department.

Committee forms to study Greeks

A new committee has left undone for a long been formed on campus to time." make a study of fraternity Outlined purposes of the Freshmen get the chance and sorority relationships to study are: To improve the to show off their varied O t t e r b e i n C o l l e g e . a 1 u m n i o r g a niza t i o n a l talents this Sunday night at Membering around 30, the structure i n addition to 7: 30 in Cowan Hall as the group w i l l c o n s i s t of improving alumni - student annual Freshman Talent faculty, administrators and administrative relationships Show sponsored by Cap and both actives and alumni in general; T o better D a g g e r i s presented. from greek organizations. identify the various legal Although this is sponsored As of yet the President relationships between the by Cap and Dagger, all T h o m a s Ke r r h a s n't college, the alumni, and the freshmen were eligible to appointed the members. local chapters; To focus on attend tryouts last night in M a n y i n c o r r e c t programs which are helpful (Tavistock) with private Barlow Hall. a s s u m p t ions have arisen to the total Greek system, Besides the Frosh who bath, TV, etc., in heart of with the announcement of e.g. rush programs, pledge Lo ndon; s e v e n t h eatre are selected to participate, . the new committee. The programs, Greek Week, and productions; two tours of winners from previous years study is, according to Karl the service community and London's east and west end; are f e atured. This year 0 ldag, Dean of Student educ ational projects; To full day tour to Stratford - N a n c y Shelton, Cindy D e v e l o pment, a "purely suggest improvements for Up on - Avon; tour to S k u n z a a n d A n n positive thing_" rushee orientation, such as H a m p t o n C o u r t a n d Kannegieser will present a "We need to set up better mailing, parties, summer Windsor Castle; breakfasts short comedy scene. communications between information, and special for the entire two weeks; A c c o r d i ng t o T o m the greeks and school," presentations; To study the London 10% discount card Downard, president of Cap relates Oldag. "It will be a possible use of awards to at hundreds of shops and Continued on Page 7 complicated task as its been mo tivate scholarship and restaurants; free Avis car for positive contributions to two days; free membership the college community. An in 9 discotheques; services individual "Greek of the of resident host, escourt Year" award may also be ATIENTION: and guide for all tours. considered; To provide a Total cost for the tour I.D. CARD HOLDERS way to better meet health New York to London and and fire safetv requirements return is $489 (subject to in the indiviL 1al houses; To If your I.D. card was your embossed name. air fare increases and dollar determine ways that the made on Saturday morning, If the numbered boxes d e v a l u a t i o n s ). G r o u p Greek system can improve please note the follqwing: ARE opposite your name transportation to New York its image both on campus An error was made when (thus when the boxes are can be arranged. Deposits of and in the community. the first 200 I.E. cards were punched, your name will be $100 are due to Dr. Dodrill Dean Oldag envisions this processed. Check your card punched out) please tell the at his office in Cowan Hall study not as a ten or twenty to see that the numbered box office to punch your before October 1. Further week s hot but as "an boxes are NOT opposite of card in another space. i n f o r m a t i o n c a n be ongoing thing with the obtained from the Theatre greeks and school working office or Public Relations. together."

London tour deposits due

Deposits for Otterbein's an nual Lo ndon Theatre Tour are due to Dr. Charles Dodrill, Director of Theatre and tour e s c o u r t and arranger, before October 1. The tour, according to Dodrill, leaves November 25 and returns December 9. Traveling from New York to London via BOAC-74 7, this year's trip promises many activities. Some �f these activities include: first class hotel

employment is great "as long as it doesn't take away full - time people - it's their livelihood." He cited a strike as a possible bargaining tool and said it would be used if necessary. A union st rike vote has already been taken with a majority voting in favor of striking if the union wasn't satisfied with the college's offer. B o t h M a c k e and Pr e s i d e n t T o m Kerr recognize the possibility of a s t r i k e but feel the problems can be ironed out. We're making progress," commented Dr. Kerr, "our bargaining session was very positive." They will meet again a week from Monday.

September 17, 1976

Fresh talent to show

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