The Tan and Cardinal September 24, 1976

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Tan and Cardinal Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio

Volume 58 Number 3

Se�tember 24, 1976

WOBN dreads double ligh1ning

s u m m e r . W i t h t h e be available to the campus Crossing their fingers that restructuring of the phone and Westerville community lightening doesn't literally system, WOBN phone lines once again. strike twice, the staff of The sports staff of from the stadium and Rike WOBN, 91. 5 fm are pleased WOBN will broadcast all Center direct to the Cowan to announce that the station home and away football will begin broadcasting this Hall studios were cut. These games this year beginning Saturday September 25 at 7 a r e d e p e n d e d on f o r this Saturday with the p.m. Regular programming broa d c a s ting all sports Adrian game at 7: 00 p.m. w i l l b e g i n Mo n d a y events. Fortunately, Ohio Bell Stay in tune to 91.5 f.m. September 27 at 7 a.m. D u r i n g a b a d has now reconnected these for the best in sports, music thunderstorm this summer, l i n e s s o t h e best i n and Ott·erbein information. Otterbein sports action will the Otterbein College radio station's tower, located on top of Cowan Hall, was struck by lightening causing damage to boih the antenna poetry contest. As an outlet for the and the tower. The antenna literary works of college Deadlines for the Poetry was sent to Indiana for and u n i v ersity students, a n d C r e a tive Writing repairs and is now in good International Publications is Contests are October 25 operating order. and November 5. spon s o r i n g contests for Lightening was not the creative writing. Further information only problem that plagued about entry and rules is Areas of the contest are the 10 watt station this the National College Poetry available from the Tan and There it stands-but for how lone? Cardinal office. Contest and the Collegiate C reative Writing Contest. Short s tories, humorous essa y s a n d other short The 19 7 7- 78 competition pieces between 250 and l a n g u a g e a b i l i t y health. Any student interested in for grants for graduate Fo r f urther details 1"000 words are accepted commensurate with the applying for a scholarship study abroad offered under demands of the proposed· contact Mr. Carr, T39B, for the Creative Writing with the Pi Kappa Phi the Mutual Educational study projects, and good E x t . 162 . E v e n C o n t e s t . O r i g i n a l , S c holarship Foundation E x c h a n g e P r ogram underclasspersons should unpub l i s hed works o f s h o u l d c o n t a c t Mr . (Fulbright-Hays) and by plan now for application poetry u p to fourteen lines •: Tremaine in the Science f o r e i g n g o vernme nts, may be submitted for the during the senior year. Building Room 20 5 universities and private donors will close shortly es1gn (Nov. 1). Only a few more ::: ::: weeks remain in which O t t e r bein's Campus by Sara Ullman qualified graduate and rest of the money comes Safety Committee has undergraduate students may partially from the budget of In the earliest of this designated smoking areas apply for one of the 5 50 t h e C u l t u r a l Affairs year's Artist Series events, for specific buildings: awards which are available Woody Herman and his Committee, which is in turn TOWERS, faculty offices, in 54 countries. derived from the students. third floor • outside faculty "Thundering Herd" played. This all adds up to free Mo st o f the grants lounge ( formerly· T-39), to a sold out crowd of t i c k e ts for Otterbein offered provide round-trip ground floor ( old library college a n d community s t u d e n t s w ith the transportation, tuition and section), north lobby by members. Despite t he concert's presentation of their I.D. m a i n t e n ance for o n e steps and exit; C OWAN, cards. academic y ear; a few mak e -up room, l obby, e a r l y t i ming, Wo ody This season has a variety provide international travel faculty offices; SCIENCE, Herman drew 270 Otterbein s t u d e nt s . This figure of good events that include, only or a stipend intended faculty offices, third floor ap pears r e latively small as a partial grant-in-aid. Tony Randall, the Hartford at stairway, center of new when compared with the Candidates must be U.S. Ballet and National Theatre science building, entry way� citizens at the time ot total student population. of the Deaf. of old and new building, a p p l i c a t i o n , h o l d a restrooms; LIBRARY, 24 However, the number is Just a further note on the bachelor's degree or its W o o d y H e r m a n hour s tudy room, staff actual ly u p from t he equivalent by the beginni':/ lounge, L . R.C. (to be nu m her at Artist Series concert .. . for those of you 1 Woody Herman events last year. Terry date of the grant, " who missed it or who want d e c i d e d ); L A MBERT, Waldo's "rug concert" drew t o h ear more, Woody student lounge, room 104, are yet to come will be of 144, Preservation Hall Jazz Herman will celebrate his faculty main office, room the same quality. To keep 1 82, a n d t h e U t a h 40th year as a band leader 101; ADMINISTRATION, the standard of the events Repertory Dance 189. the first week in November. r e s t r o om s ; SERVI CE, high, tickets are sold to the Woody Herman's concert His 40 years of music will anywhere except where community. Season ticket proved to be a memorable be presented in a ninety flammables are used or holders provide revenue to one for those who attended. minute special on public stored; RIKE, faculty The Artist Series events that help pay the costs for the television the first week in offices, lobby. Artist Series events. The November.

Contests are sponsored


Competition for overseas study closes

Clubbers offer scholarship

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�:::n Smoking areas �H d · ated :-:



Herman plays to sellout -crowd in Cowan

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