The Tan and Cardinal October 8, 1976

Page 1

Tan and Cardir-181

Otterbein develops campus

gr ievanc e

_proc edures

As a vo luntary these are and how they can wasgivenunfairly. The same is true if you to make arrangements for Affirmative Action applytoyou. First of all, if · you thought your total course this meeting and it must be Institution, Otterbein For instance, if youarea thought the grade was low performance was better held withinone weekunless Collegy has developed a student who got a lower for no apparent reason or than what the grade gave a vacation or extreme series of grievance grade in a course than what because the teacher was you credit for. However, in emergency interferes. If a procedures for the campus you expected, Article VII, prejudiced-againstyou,then all cases the evidence you solution still is not found, community - procedures paragraph 713 of the you can appeal to the vice give mustbeinwriting. you may request to discuss you may need to follow at Otterbein College By-Laws president for academic If the matter remains the matter with the some time. tells you how to contest affairs after you consult unresolved, then it may be president whose decision is Let's take a look atwhat that grade if you thoughtit with the teacher. referred to the Appeals final. Council.

Theatre comedy opens Wednesday

This procedure is What happens if a currently being revised student is accused of along with other policies

breakingacollegerule? outlined in the Personnel Otterbein College

According to ArticleVII, PolicyManuaL Therevision, Theatre opens its 1976-77 if you are accused of a when complete, will be season Wednesday with "A major infraction, you will distributed to all personnel Flea in Her Ear" byGeorge have your caseheardby the affectedbyit. Feydeau. Performances of Judicial Council (Traffic Faculty members who the French bedroom farce Council for major traffic feel that a tenure or areset for 8:15p.m.nightly violations). Youmayappeal promotion decision by the in Cowan Hall, Oct. 13-16. the decision to the Appeals Personnel Committee is in Playwright Feydeau was Council. error or that their academic the Neil Simon of his day Minor infractions freedom has been violated, with some 50 successes resulting in penalties in may appeal through a produced in Parisian which the case was not procedure recorded on theatres at the turn of the heard by the Judicial pages six, seven, and eight .. ,.,.(�•·,A ... I century. All of his plays >� �'" Council, can be appealedto of the Faculty and • ,, were similar with wildplots . . the Juducial Council AdministrativeManual. involving comic chases, �l .. • • (Traffic Council for minor First,you should request mistaken identities, --,..., . traffic violation penalties). an informal hearing with philandering husbands and Non-teaching staff the Personnel Committee.

Lisa Durham and Steve Black rehearse for "A Flea in foot loose wives. "Flea" is members can find grievance Afterwards, if you feel the Her Ear." no exception to that a mad Spaniard brandishing procedures on pages 24-25 problem was not solved to formula. wife writes a boguslovenot a pistol and a happyending of the Otterbein College your satisfaction, a further

First producedatthe Old to Black, making an all add up toaFrenchfarce Personnel PolicyManual. appeal may be made to the Vic in London, this version Personnel Appeals appointmenttomeethimat "atitsnaughtybest." The courseofactionisto originally starred Albert thehotel.

Fred Thayer is designer first consult with your Committee. Thiscommittee Finney. Stephen Black In his roleasChandebise, and technical director for immediate supervisor to see will report its findings to takes the rolein Otterbein's Black gives the note to a "A Flea in Her Ear" with if the_problem came froma the Board of Trustees production as the lord of friend who takes his place Donald R. Streibig guest misunderstanding. If no throughthepresident the manor whose wife at the hotel. Comic director for tJlis opening of solution is found, you may These procedures are misinterprets a note ans complications roll from the Otterbein season. request a conference with carefully detailed in the suspects him of assignation Feydeau's pen in thisGallic Costumes have been the appropriate department Faculty and Administration inaseedyhote. romp. Revolving beds, two designed by Mrs. Petie head orvicepresident. Manual.

Trying to trap him, Lisa menwholookexactlyalike, Dodrill. The supervisorisrequired Durham as the suspicious Agape meets T&C


This morning marked the beginning of the annual WOBN Cap-Otter Rockathon in front of the CampusCenter.

Thirty hours of live broadcasting will continue through tonight until game time tomorrow. The "music marathon" is a tradition with the staff of 91.5 FM preceeding every year's football game with Capital.

Ito stage election

Imarathon begin s Sunday

Inhonorof thenickname "Capital Plumbers," WOBN always hands out "purple plungers"tothefirstperson to identify the taped sound of a toilet flushing. In addition to the mfamous plungers, WOBN has pizzas, sandwiches and many other prizes to give away during the 30 hours of music and fun.

Station Manager, Mark

Snider, hopes that, "students will take thii:; opportunity to become involved with the radio station and comeout and havea good time."

Members of the Concert Choir will also be joining WOBN this year, literally rocking along with rocking chairs in order to earn money for their trip to Europe.

Who is your choice for

the next President? Is it Republican candidate Gerald Ford or Democratic candidate Jimmy Carter or one of the Third party candidates? Now is your ,chancetodecide:

The Tan and Cardinal will be holding a mock election on Tuesday, Oct. 13. You can mark your ballot from 10:30 to 1:30 and 4:30 to 6:30 in the Campus Center.

Agape is a group of students who meet on Sunday nights to discuss questions, observations, joys and concerns about life, ,death, and religious perspectives. Anyone is welcome. It is held in Towers 1 (in the basement of Towers Hall). This week Reverend Clarke will speak about Prayerat10:00and a discussionwillfollow.

6 Volume 58 Number 5 Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio

Third degree Burns The easy way to heaven

Che t Cady was ill much of this week and was unable to write a "Manna " column for this issue.Seeing as how I am the editor and it is my job to keep an editorial balance throughout the p a per, I thought I'd provide you with some religious enlightenment.

The following is a list of commandments that a forthright, honest and dedicated Otterbein student should keep uppermost in his mind at all times:

1. Thou must re ad the T & C w eekly and contempl ate on it.

2. Thou SHALTNOT take t he na me of Don Snider in vain lest tee be smitten from the earth.

3. Remember, thou mustn't refer to theat re majors as "weirds,"

4. Honor thy R.A.and thy Head Res ident.

5. �ou shalt not speak poorly of the (expl etive deleted) new phone sys tem.

6. Thou shalt not commit adultery a fter 2 a.m. on weekends.

7. From the library, thou sha lt not steal.

8. Thou sha lt not "Bear" false w itness aga inst thy co ach.

9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's place in the lunch lines.

10.Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's lunc h.

11. Thou shalt not burn dormitories down as burnt offerings to the Board of Trustees.

By following these simple rules you can earn for yourself etern a l bliss.


6 ef off the grass, huh!

Whether or not you well kept a nd a lw a ys An aspect that does mar particularly like Otterb ein pleasing to the eye. the campus' beauty is the you hav e to agree that our This is good both for fact th at in severa l places

by Mickey Burns campus i s ( a t l e as t) making a four yea r stay "w alkpaths" h ave evolved •----------------------- attractive to the Observer. here more bea rable to the where there was once grass.

Working for you!

In case you haven't Hall Manager, respond ed to noticed, there are two lines an editorial in the Tan and open on Sundaynightsnow C,ardinal September 24 and for dinner. This better enacted the "t wo-line facilitates tht! number of system." students regurning from The T & C is working for thieir weekendaway. you!

Richard Stafford, Dining

Another Predicament

The friends I loved are gone again with the wind and the lea ves of the summer.

They are on the ground, they are dry a nd d ead and ma n steps on them because they seem lifeless but they aren't.

They belong to l ife and as suc h they have to be loved

This is why n ature cries

this is why t here are tears in my hea rt of sorrow.

I long for a dear lov e

I long for the princess of the dreams never dre amt

I long for the infinite made finite.

Ma ny times I make of wisdom the ultimate

But when sadn ess assails my soul

I re alize th at love is beyond and above knowledge.

The predic a ment is that my dear friends are fleeting; hence I have to retreat into the pursuit of knowledge which is eternal.

But love is the end.

Th e spr a wling (?) student as well a s drawing These p a th s are the surroundings th at comprise prosp ective freshmen to results of la zy people not the college are generally Otterbein. being able to walk around on the side walk.The most notable of these p athe is at

Readers Sound-off

Must eliminate theft

Dear Ed itor:

In response to D a vid Robinson's feelings of being "shut out" of the Campus Center Dining Hall, we would like to offer these comments:

The intention is not to turn studen ts aw ay from using the facility but to eliminate theft of food. Some people go upstairs and h ave a salad and dessert and a coke and never p ay for it. Unfortun ately, the only w ay to control this situ ation is to not allow anyone in the Dining Hall excep t through the line.

If you h a v e a ny sugges tion s a bou t our solution to t he proglem, please do not hesitate to come and see us. We hope you will utiliz e the Ma in Lounge and other areas in the C a mpus Center to socialize, study and discuss your classes. We appreci ate your c om ment s and concerns.

th e north entr ance to

Cowan Hall.

For mere seconds saved, (and at the most three steps) th ere is now an Peggy L.Olson eyesore where grass was. Campus Center Why don't we ma ke a Dir ector conscious effort to stay off Richard Stanford the grass and take a little Director Of pride in our school.

Food Service

Tan and Cardinal

Published weekly by "the students of Otterbein College. The opinions expressed in the Tan and Cardinal are those of the staff and do not necessarily reflect those of the school or its administration.

Mickey Burns ..... ... EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Sara Ullman ........ MANAGING EDITOR



Dave Ross ........ ........ COPY EDITOR

Dan Thompson ..... ...... SPORTS EDITOR

Nancy B a llog ...........FEATURE EDITOR


Don Hines ..... ADVISOR

Liz Baker,Brad, Haynes, Kay Bums, Chet Cady, Maggie Dine, Scott Brockett, Marilyn Douglas, Hope Roberts, Felipe Martinez, Sue Mayberry, Stacy Reish, Sylv ia Ingels, Deb Thom, and · �im. Wilcox and Deana Williams.

2 -
Tan and Cardinal October 8. 1976 � 4�R 11(.6 Cltolll:R � 0 �. �� _ __: lloc� -- --7 ..>�-rr.::,o�:--. �IS,, Rt4Pit, z �� �K 'TG. ------- Editorial-------

The easy way to heaven

Chet Ca dy was ill much of t his week and was unable to write a "Manna" column for this issue.Seeing as how I am the editor and it is my job to keep an editorial balance throughout the p ape r, I thought I'd provide you wi th som e religious enlighte nment

The following is a list of commandm ents that a forthright , honest and dedicated Otterbein student should keep uppermost in his mind at all times:

1. Thou must read the T & C weekly and contempl ate on it.

2. Thou SHALT NOT take the name of Don Snider in vain lest te e be smitten from the earth.

3. Remember, thou mustn't refer to theatre majors as "weirds,"

4. Honor thy R.A.and thy Head Resident.

5. �ou shalt no t speak poorly of the (expletive z: deleted) new phone system.

6. Thou shalt not commit adulte ry a fter 2 a.m. on weekends.

7. From the library, thou shalt not steal.

8. Thou shalt not "Bear" false w itness against thy co ach.

9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's place in the

lunch lines.

10.Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's lunch.

11.Thou shalt not burn dormitories down as burnt

Get off the grass, huh!

offerings to the Board of Trustees. By following these simple rules you can earn for Wheth e r or not you w e ll k e p t and a lw ays An aspect that does mar yourself eternal bliss. particularly like Otterbein pleasing to the eye. the campus' beauty is t he you have to agree that our This is good both for fact th at in several places by Mickey Burns c ampus is (a t l e as t) making a four year stay "walkp aths" have evolv ed




attractive to the Observer. here more bearable to the where there was once grass.

The spr a wl i ng (?) student as well a s drawing Th e se p at hs are the surroundings that comprise prosp ective freshmen to results of la zy people not

the college are generally Otterbein.

being able t o walk around on the side walk.The most

notable of th ese pathe is at

t h e nor t h e n t rance to

For mere seconds saved,

•------------------------- Robinson's feelings of being


and the leaves of the summer.

They are on the ground, they are dry and dead and man steps on them because they seem lifeless but t hey aren't.

They belong to life and as such t hey have to be loved

This is why nature cries this is why there are tears in my heart of sorrow.

I long for a dear love

I long for t he princess of the dreams never dreamt I long for t he infinite made finite.

Many times I make of wisdom the ultim ate But when sadness assails my soul

I realize th at love is beyond and abov e knowledge .

The predicament is that my dear friends are fleeting; hence I have to retreat into the pursui t of knowledge which is eternal.

But love is the end.

The intention is not to turn students aw ay from using th e facility but to elimin ate theft of food. Some people go upstairs and have a salad and dessert and a coke and never pay for it Unfortunately, the only w ay to control this situation is to not allow anyone in the Dining Hall ex cept through the line.

If you h a v e a ny sugg e s t ions a bou t our solution to the proglem, please do not hesitate to come and see us. We hope you will utilize the Main Lounge and other areas in t h e C a mpus Center to socialize, study and discuss your classes. We appreci ate your c omm e n t s a nd concerns.

Tan and Cardinal

Published weekly by "the students of Otterbein College. The opinions expressed in the Tan and Cardinal are those of the staff and do not necessarily reflect those of the school or its administration.

Mickey Burns ........... EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Sara Ullman .......... MANAGING EDITOR

Melissa Barr ..........BUSINE SS MANAGER

Bob Koka i ........ PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR




Denisse Smit ley ....CIRCULATION MANAGER

Don Hines ......................ADVISOR

Liz Baker,Brad, Haynes, Kay Burns, Chet Cady, Maggie Dine, Scott Brockett, Marilyn Douglas, Hope Roberts, Felipe Martinez, Sue Mayberry, Stacy Reish, Sylvia Ingels, Deb Thom, and · Kim Wilcox and Deana Williams.

Third degree Burnt
Tan and Cardinal October 8. 197.1 -� l.....-...�--r -� :.>«:--r�·t.)lf� �,-0 ... 1-- floe#( i:----= SS -=' t.,)ff IS,, P,c,
In cas
you haven't Hall Manager, responded to
noticed, there are two lines an editorial in the Tan and Readers Sound-off
open on Sunday nights now Cardinal September 24 and
fo r din n er. This better enacted the "t w o-line
Cowan Hall.
facilitates th� number of system." Must eliminate theft (and at
stu dents regurning from The T & C is working for st e ps)
an thieir weekend away. you! Dear Edit or: Peggy L.Olson eyesore wh
Richard Stafford, Dining In r esponse to David Campus Center Why don't we m
Director conscious effor
stay off the grass and take a little pride in our school. "shut out " of the Campus Richard Stanford Director Of
C e n te r Dining Hall, we would like to offer these Food Service comments:
th e most three
there is now
ere grass was.
ake a
t to
Another Predicament
ain with the wind
e friends I lo
are gon

Swine flu vaccine is available

Jaycee yellers to tryout

Swine flu is an influenza If a person is subject to side effects are few if any. with fever, chills, "high risk diseases" mainly The vaccine makes an adult headaches, dry coughs or chronic lung disorders of completely immune from muscle aches. This illness emphysema and asthma, theepidemicvirus. may last several days, and, diabetes and kidney The vaccine will be given in many cases, complete problems, heart diseases or at Westerville North High recovery is expected, but heart attacks, a vaccine School and Westerville this flu can evolve into should be taken. The South High School starting pneumonia or death. Swine vaccine for Swine flu works this SundayuntilNovember fluisepidemic. on people from 18-59. Its 6. Special precautions for thisvaccineinclude:anyone under 18won'tbe giventhe vaccine (it doesn't work), anyone with an allergy to Ju nior varsity qualify, the girls must have eggs shouldtakethevaccine cheerleading tryouts are attended at least the first under medical supervision, scheduled for October 12 at practicesession. anyone with a fever should 7 p.m. in the Rike Center. The varsity cheerleaders delay getting the vaccine The Varsity cheerleaders report that theyarelooking until fever is gone, and conducted two pre - tryout forward to the selection of anyone who received practices this week, the new cheerleaders. They another vaccine within the demonstrating mounts, hope to establish a close, past 14 days should take jumps, gymnastics and the working relationship medical advice before mandatory cheer required between squads. One taking the vaccine. for tryouts. cheerleader said, "We're If thereare still questions

Apanelofapproximately looking for girls with on theflu oron thevaccine, ten judges, including the vitality and talent, but it's call Act Safe at 228-7233. varsity cheerleaders, will equally important thatthey Let's stop the epidemic choose six freshman girls are cooperative and before it gets out of for the 1976-77 reserve dedicated." proportion. basketball season. To

Torch and Key sponsor book sale

Sometimes interesting So try your luck! Who experiences occur. At one knows? You may find an

The TorchandKeyBook sale a patron thought that original letter written by a Sale will be held on she had found an original famous person or perhaps Wednesday, October 13 letter written by a famous an autographed .book for from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. American. Mr.Beckercould your own special collection. in the Campus Center. not convince her that itwas But be sure to come early Co-Chairmen Dr. Harold only a copy made by the- forthebestselections. Hancock and Mr. Hohn author'snamesake! Becker estimate that more than 3,000booksinfiction, non-fiction, and in most academic fields will be for sale. Prices will range from $.10 to $.50 and some books will books will even befreeforthetaking.

This is the sixth annual sale which helps to support the Scholarship fund of the Torch and Key, ascholastic honorary. Last year $170 was raised and .the organization granted two $100scholarships.

Dr. Hancock and Mr. Becker view this sale as an opportunity for students and faculty to acquire books in subjects of their interest. Books that remain unsold will be given to the Otterbein College Thrift Shop, which supports scholarships.

Schedule of Events

October 8 - Friday

-Choir/WOBN Rock-A-Thon

6:00p.m. -WOBNCapital/OtterbeinMarathon

6:30p.m. -campusCrusadeforChrist

8:30 p.m. -Epsilon KappaTauCo-Ed

October 9-Saturday

10:00 p.m. -Choir/WOBNRock-A-Thon

10:00 a.m. -Women'sFieldHockey:Wittenberg -H

1:30 p.m. -Football:Capital-A

October 10- Sunday


4:00 p.m. -PhiAlphaThetaInstallationofNe Members

9:00p.m. -CampusChristianAssociation

October 11 - Monday

4:00 p.m. -AdministrativeCouncil

6:30 p.m. -Women'sVolleyball: UrbanaDefianceatUrbana

7:00 p.m. -Sorority andFraternity Meetings

October 12-Tuesday

3:00 p.m. -IntegrativeStudiesMovie: "Hefter Street"

3:00 p.m. -OSMEAMeetings

6:30p.m. -Yearbook StaffMeetings

7:30p.m. -IntegrativeStudiesMovie: "Hefter Street"

8:00 p.m. -Circle KMeeting

October 13 - Wednesday

10:30 a.m. -OtterbeinCollegeTheatre: "AFlea InHerEar"

4:00 p.m. -Women'sFieldHockey:Denison4:00p.m. -campus Regulations 4:00 p.m. -Education Department

4:00p.m. -ArchaghiaCircle

4:00 p.m. -Meeting ofBusiness &Econ.Majors 6:00p.m. -campusProgrammingBoard

7:00p.m. -Women'sVolleyball: OhioWesleyan -A

7:00p.m. -College Republicans

7:30p.m -InterfraternityCouncil

8:00 p.m. -PhiSigmaIota

8:15p.m. -OtterbeinCollegeTheatre:"AFlea InHerEar"

October 14 -Thursday 4:00p.m. -AlumniCouncil

4:00 p.m. -CampusAffairsCommittee 6:00p.m. -Arete 7:00p.m. -HomeEconomicsClub

7:00p.m. -Sigma Zeta 7:30p.m. -PersonnelCommittee 8:15 p.m. -OtterbeinCollege Theatre: "AFlea InHerEar"

October 15-Friday

4:30p.m. -Women'sFieldHockey:Kenyon -A 6:30 p.m. -CampusCrusadeforChrist 8:15p.m. -OtterbeinCollegeTheatre:"AFlea InHerEar"

8:30p.m. -PiKappaPhiCo-Ed

Page 3 October 8, 1976 Tan pnd Cardjb,i

McCurdy _ students send thoughts.

(ED note: The six "We are having such an Otterbein students experience here. I wish I currently studyin& in had the time and space to McCurdy thought they express everythingIwant to would let the campus say. I'll try to sum things community know that up: Thefunniestpartofthe they're still alive and trip is our living quarters, thinking about them. The the saddest thing is the following are their amount of college work we thoughts .. .MB) have to complete in the next four weeks. The worst part of ourtermisthe daily

We're so far away, 6:30 a.m. breakfast calls, doesn'tanybodystayinone the best thing is hearing place anymore?" No, six news from friends at home. 'Beiners have journeyed to The easiest part is traveling New Mexico to participate through the beautiful south in an inner cultural - west, the hardest thing is experience at McCurdy trying to retain a studentSchool in Santa Cruz. We teacher relationship with would like to share with people only three years you some of our thoughts younger than myself. about the experiences that Looking forward to seeing we have had while we have my friends in November." beenhere.

"It's hard to believe that "Everything is so neat we have been here for over here. The peoplearesoneat a month, time seems to go and the scenery isfantastic! by soquickly.I reallyenjoy it is all so different from working with my fourth anything in Ohio. I really graders, but most of all, I likeit!" love the traveling that we

-JudyWygant do. I used to think that "Re-enteringfirstgrade is majestic snow-capped not a simple task. Although mountains, colorful deserts, my fourteen yearsleave-of and the vivid colors of - absence afforded me an on hillside autumn trees a evident change in status, I were some things only am •not sure it's a higher magazines could show me. I thoroughly status. am But they are real, I have enjoying McCurdy (recessis seen them, and they are still myfavoritesubject!).It beautiful! is the people who make it


-BetsyRogers special: the little people



21 N. State St. Stains Supplies Firing C A L I C

New location, Lois of new items! Come in C and see our new jewelry, beads, batik u supplies, and gift items.

24 N. State St.

A M.T.W.F. 10am- 8 pm Thurs. R 10am- 9 pm Sat. 10 am-5 pm

whose world one can enter education and homes for Evening Post, and Martha only with their permission; these students. Seventy per Mitchell, the grace of Amy and the big ones who are cent of the graduates Vanderbilt, the physical helping me to mold a further theireducation.The stamina of Pete Rose, th e jumble of experiences, people of New Mexico are intelligence of Albert thoughts, sensations, and proud and warm - hearted. Einstein, the acute social emotions into a significant, They have so much less awareness of Sigmund fulfilling pattern." materially than I, yet they Freud, the tact and -MichaelBowers can give more through euphemistic ways ofErnest "The thing which designing pottery, jewelry, Borgnine, and the radiant impresses and pleases me art,experiences. etc." smile of Plains City, most are the people and -JeannineRuble Georgia's Jimmy Carter; their willingness to learn. "Why are we here?Inhis retroactive to pre-debate The students are here by or her own unique way, times. choice, not force, for many each individual has Certainly, no man could reasons. For instance, the journeyed afar to meet the put asunder these necessary public schools are severely challenge of education. It and essential characteristics strained because of the low has often been said that of the professional tax base in the area and professional educators must educator." many students cannot live have the strength of an -WesNewland at home due to broken olympic weight lifter, the All six of us wish all our homes, neglect, or tleet feet of a ballerina, the friends at Otterbein the personality conflicts. social knowledge of the best.

McCurdy provides quality New York Times, Saterday

Creek Newt I I

Serenading is big event

ByNancyBallog still in the process of Cathy Stettner, Lynn renovating their 2nd floor. Marshall, and Robin Sando

The pressure is on the John McQueen was elected - and the advisor - Ms. Greeks. Homecoming is editor of the fraternity's Schilling gave performances only a week away. Floats, newspaper, "Sphinx on the in voice and piano at the housecleaning, luncheons, Move." Sphinx will also be convention. The Otterbein the football game, the singing at Serenades, chapter placed first in the parade, and the other Sundaynight. collegiate banner contest, Homecoming festivities will winning $10.00. The be crammed into one week. Jonda fraternity is still chapter also won an honor

The big event this week painting their house. award for service to the Hopefully, it will be done for the sororities is Otterbein Mu sic Serenades, beginning when the alumni visit on Department for the 1975 October 10th at 8:30 p.m. October16th. 1976 year. Congratulations in the CampusCenter.Each Tau Epsilon Mu and to all the Omicrom Alpha sorority and independent Epsilon Kappa Tau are members for your great serenade their homecoming having their individual success!

queen candidate in a Coeds on October 9th. Interfraternity Council cavalcade of songs. It Theta Nu has a roller (IFC) and Panhellenic should be an enjoyable skating party on October Council are offering their eveningofmusic. 22nd. services to the Alumni

If that specialsomeoneis Delta Omicron, the Development Center on on the mind, buy her a International Women's October 17th and 24th by Theta Nu mum.The mums Music Fraternity, is new to participating in a telethon. come withachoiceofmulti this column, althoughithas The telethon is one of the - colored ribbons and cost been well-known in the many ways the college gets $1.25 at the presale and music department. The itsincome. $1.50on HomecomingDay. Otterbein chapter of the All fraternity and Make your girl smile with a fraternity, "Omicron sorority house residents are Theta Numum! Alpha," participated in the asked to be aware of fire

Keep in mind Kappa Phi Alpha province convention inspection. Make your Omega's keychain and on October 1st and 2nd. houses safe and have the stationery sale. The <:hains Members of the chapterfire marshallseeitsoon. are $.35 and the stationery can be ordered. Kappa Phi will be going to Village Pizza Inn tonight �or a o sorority get-together.

Sphinx had a swinging·

party at Tony's Pizza

Monday night after the

pm fraternitymeeting.Theyare

4 �� Tan and Cardinal October 8, 1978 -
p B
WISTIIVl&I.I, OHIO 4JOl1 Mon. thru Sat. 10:00 • 5:30 •.....,••604
Thurs. ew. til 9:00


Homecoming candidates vie for queen spot

seniors. The independent house manager of the Owls women also choose a House. Janet is interning at With Homecoming candidate to run for Grant Hospitalin thePublic weekend at hand, there is homecomingqueen. Relations Department and always a feeling of Kim Christy, representing is a member of the excitement within the Kappa Phi Omega is a OtterbeinSenate. sororities as the queen theology major.She works Representing the candidates are elected. The on the library student staff, independent women is girls are chosen by the participates inSCOPE, and Terrie Hopkins. She isalife Kim Christy entire sorority and must be is involved with Campus science major and is Christian Association. Kim currently part-time

Center to expand

... also serves onSenate. employed by the Ohio

The Theta Nu candidate, Department of Natural Cherie Conklin, is a special Resources. Terrie was the education major. This year 1975 candidate to theAll -

Expansion wasthetheme other commuters and the School in Ohio. forfour years.

she is interning at Ohio Shrine Bowl and has Chapelfield Elementary been a member ofS.O.U.L. Gahanna,

Cherie is a member of Yei Yan Kim is the Tau when Otterbein 's campusingeneral. commuting students

"Division of Teacher Delta Sorority's choice for met Tuesday,September 21, to The commuter center Education Students," and homecoming queen.Yeiisa discuss the Commuter currently occupies two participates in Torch and mathematics major with rooms of Clements Hall. Key. concen tration in Center, located in the Clements Hall Basement. One room holds mailboxes A speech / theatremajor, accounting.She is involved andbook lockers fortheoff Janet James, is representing with the Campus Crusades - campus student. THe Chris Andrew and Dave Sigma Alpha Tau in the for Christ andworks forDr. other, equipped with a Peters, coordinators of the homecoming festivities. Koo at the Economics and stereo, television and commuter group, felt that

This year she is sering as Business Administration serves a the center, which has kitchenette, as Department. roosting spot for students traditionally been knownas betweenclasses. a place for commuters to "crash" between classes,

Men to vote for queen

Since Otterbein has could serve awider rangeof studentneeds.Theysaw the approximately 250 more Men of Otterbein vote on Saturday October 16, students - center as a possible starting off campus for Homecoming queen -on 1976. Also listen to WOBN point _for integrating the housing, the facilities could Monday October 11 at on Thursday night to hear conceivably become lunch and dinner hours. the announcement of the commuting student into CampusLife. cramped if student Pictures of the candidates queen inaninterestingway. participation increases as are in the show cases inthe The favorite song of each the group homes that it Campus Center lounge. All candidate will be played. Chris Andrew said, "Too will.DavePetersassuredthe Otterb ein men are allowed Homecoming ispromisedto often the commuting students that the tovote! be betterthaneverthis year student comes to classes administration is willing to The queen will be so be sure to attend all the and then goes home.After provide other facilities if at the four years they can only pr esented activities! thisbecomesaproblem. Homecoming football game step back and say, 'I never really didanything.'" The commuters hope to involvemorestudentsinthe


upcoming projects. Any

Phone: 882-6611 The center is attempting commuter who'sinterest in 6 SouthStateStreet,Westerville· to remedy this problem by participating should stop encouraging the commuter into the center in rooms11 Donuts, Cakes, Cookies, Sweet Rolls to involve himself with and 12 ofClementsHall.

Epsilon Kappa Tau has chosen a music education major, Debbie Scott. She is a member of the Otterbein Marching Band andConcert Choir. Debbie is a member of OSMEA and the treasurer ofDelta Omicron.

Homecoming Candidate· for Tau Epsilon Mu is Belinda Seibert. Belindaisa Business Administration Major.She was selected for the Varsity Cheerleading squad three consecutive years and has been elected to theofficeofTr�urerof TauEpsilonMu.

Yearbook needs phot ographer

Sibyl, the Otterbein College yearbook, needs an experienced photographer for its staff. This salaried position is open to all students and it will be for theremainderofthe'76-'77 academicyear.

Interested students may apply by submittingabrief, typewritten letter to Publications Board Chairman David Ross in care of the Tan & Cardinal. All letters mustinclude the name and address of the applicant and must be submitted no later than 12 noon Friday, October 15.

JanetJames TerrieHopkins YeiKim
·· ····· ··· ········ ···································· ···· · . . .·.· .· ...·...•...·. . . . .·.· .•.•..••. . . . . •.•.•.·. . . . . · . ..·.. . ..·....•.•·.· . ·.· .........· . · .....·. ·. ·.·. · . . . . . · .. . .·.·
DebScott Belinda Seibert

�taeking the Cardi

Capital gridder is okay

Underd og Cards down· Bears

by Brad Haynes lightning struck. Hillier elected to pitch out The specialty team tried to freshman Wayn e The Otterbein Fighting to stop a runback of Mark Cummerlander. read Club (2-0-1), Sphinx Cardinals soundly defeated byDanThompson Bailey's punt to no avail as Cummerlander was (1-2-0), and Kings (1-2-0). the Ohio Northern Polar hit Tony Fastuca returned it the same time as the ball Division II shows Zeta Bears 16-14, last Saturday from the Polar Bear 45 yard got to him and that was all We are happy to report (3 -0-0), Jonda (0-1-1), and night after being picked an line. the opportunity the ONU that Jess Davidson, the Pi Sig (0-2-0). eleven point underdog by a The only scoring for the end needed to snatch the Cap ital grid der who Columbus newspaper sports * * * Otters in the second half pigskin from Cummerl ander fractured his neck, is now columnist. came on a field goal by and waltz into the end moving and in his fifth day Invading Ada, Ohio after Mike Koob which proved to zone. But it was too little of therapy. Davidson is IM director Tom Wolfe making the one hour and 45 be the winning margin as too late as the clock ran out listed in good condition and informed us th at the - minute trip, the Cards the Polar Bears struck for and the Cardinals returned is now able to have visitors. fraternity cross -country took over and completely on e more TD . The to Westerville with a 2-1 meet is scheduled for dominated the contest both * * * Otterbein Offense was deep record and Capital on their Tuesday Oct. 12, at 4:30 on offense and defense. in their own territory when minds. p .m. This will count Quarterback Bill Hillier got

The se cond week of tow ards fraternity point the Otters on the score intramural football has totals. board with 11 :06 to to in

Cating the Conference

----moved Club and Zeta out as the first half on a one-yard * * * the early front runners in pass to Bob Bardelang; the their respective divisions. Mike Koob P.A.T. was

Mondays action saw Zeta The natio nal polls wide.

Throw out records

defeat an outmanned Jonda prin ted Sept. 28 rated The second scoring drive Muskingum (3- 0)team 24-2, and Sphinx won pe rennial OA C power for the Cards was capped by byMichaelSmith Muskingum is moving and by forfeit over Pi Sig. Wittenberg No. 2 behind a 35 yard pass from Hillier Ashland is up and down. Zeta chalked up another C.W. Post College, in to split end Bob Boltz who With 14 of 19 games Down again this week for win sh utting out Kings Di vision III rank ings. is averaging just under 3 correctly predicted this the Eagles. Muskies by 14. 18-0, and Club whipped the Muskingum College, last receptions per game. Koob's season, I am considering Canisius(1-2) atOberlin Sph inxmen 16-6 , in se asons Ohio Conference kick made it 13-0 and retiring, moving to (0-3) - Oberlin's players Wednesdays play. champ, held the 4th spot looked like a comfortable Delaware and making my were considering giving up In Division I the slates nationally. halftime lead, but suddenly for tune pl aying th eir football in favor of tap football lottery. I guess one dancing, but since the more week of practice schedule is complete for the couldn't hurt me too mucb: rest of the season they

Field hockey galsdrub B-W

The Otterbein Women's the goal once and tallied throw all stats and records Grist are the other forwards field hockey team drubbed two assists as well. out the window on this one.

Otterbein (2-1) at decided to stick it out. Capital ( 3-0) - You can Louise Rynd and Karen Canisius by 12.

Kenyon (2 -1 ) at along with Truitt, Miller Marietta (0- 3) - The an out-classed Baldwin - Devensively the fighting Gut pride along with the and Hoar. Halfbacks are Pioneers should hit the Wall ace squad at home Otter squad was tough, with Gail Nichols, Nancy Case, Otters will prevail by 5 in winning column for the first Saturday morning an by goalies Carol Geisler and Sue Kreps, Cindy Good and this one. time this season. Look out impressive score of 10 - 0. Carol Caminita both having

Denison ( 0-2-1) at Captain Sue Truitt drove Laura Forsha, while Marty Kenyon! Marietta by 7. notable clears. Coach Miss Heidelberg (0-2) - This Paul, Tina Fetherolf and home five of the goals and Durocher pointed out that rates as the "who really Georgetown Ky. ( 3-1) was credited with four Yvonne Gonzalez play at Ohio Northern (2-1)it was a team effort and all cares game of the week." fullback. assists. Gina Miller, playing the girls hustled and worked

Heidelberg lacks talent and Georgetow n has had

The Otter gals face action excellent luck with OAC left inner, scored four times well together the entire Denison has more wounded and had three assists, while game. again this Saturday when than Rommels third army. schools this year and the they play Wittenberg in a trend sh ould continue. freshman Debbie Hoar hit Marth a Montgo mery, Heigelberg should take it by home game, starting at 10 Georgetown by 6. 6. -----------------. a.m. Wittenberg (2-1) at Mount Union (1-2) at Baldwin Wallace (1-2) -

Ole!::' _F'f!1.,.wena

Wooster (3-0) -The Mount Co-op ed holds

The boys from Berea have ,. finally got their offense won-loss record on their untracted last week and ....... Ohiocta11· mod sod of 24-2. The Tigers meeting Wooster's record is very Campi-,.... Sinicl (114»--- own both of those B-W deceiving. The Purple Frank Mitchell, newly losses and should easily Raiders by 10.

Boars 9:00-5:30

appointed Director of the As hland ( 2-2 ) at make it three. Wittenberg Coopera tiv e Ed ucation by 14.

Closed Sunday -program here at Otterbein, will hold his first meeting on Wednesday, October 13

"TheFriendly Store;, at 4 p.m. in CC room no. 3 Brownies Market .for all business majors.


Mr. Mitchell will explain the new program in depth. Co-o p Ed . involves

43 N. STATE ST. off-campus fulltime work in sophomore and/or junior WESTERVILLE, OHIO 43081 years for pay, experience PHONE 882-2392 and academic credit.

The meeting is directed


Agency for RussellStover Candies Fresh

882-4124 at business majors but all Prescriptions are invited to attend.

-Page 6 October a. 1976 Tap apd @rdinal
Vegetables & Fruit Daily

Hillier. Snider pegged best

Division by OAC coaches. Snider,alinebackerwholed a rugged defensive charge, gained the samerecognition ondefense.

Completing 10 of 18 attempts, Hillier (Mt Vernon) tossed second quarter scoring strikes to Bob Boltz (33 yards) and Bob Bardelang (two yards). A third quarter field goal gave the Otters their 16 points as the defense held the Polar Bears scorelessin thelast 14 minutes.


Bill Hillier and Don Snider, a pair of junior captains and two keys in Otterbein's 16-14 victory over Ohio Northern last Satuerday, have been honored by the Ohio Athletic Conference.

HIileier, whose two toeuchdown pasesee s accounted for most of the Caerdinal scoringe , was chosen offensive player of the week in the Blue

"Bill did an excellentjob in his play selection andhis passes were very sharp," said Head Coach RichSeils. "Hemadeseveralkeypasses tokeepdrivesgoing."

Snider, the Columbus West grad, helped spark the Cards' final defensive blockade and also intercepteda pass.

''Hee called all the defenses and led a very aggressive unit," said Seils. "As far as I'm concerned, his honor gives recognition to the entire defensive effort."

Photo registration continues


Course is offered

A first aid course will be offered to all future teachers and interested would - be parents.

The course is scheduled for Thursdays November 4 and 11 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in room 136 of the Science Building. If interestedcallExt. #468.

The Visual Arts Department is continuing registration for students interested in taking photography during the winter and/or spring quarter.

The coursestobeoffered are: Art 39-PhotographyThe Camera and the Negative (Winter Term) and Art 39-Photography -The

Print (Spring Term). Each course is valued at one eredit. There are no prerequisites and the studentsneednothavetheir own camera.

Students interested in or pla nning to photography should take see Carl Scott in the Learning October 22. Resource Center before


J Qctober 8, 1976 Tan and Cardinal
■ 1n OAC
Bill lilllier
� FINE IA1PBRT5 � 10:0O,.M - q:OOPM MONDAY ·r�11&1-1 SA1URDAY Pl-\01�f 'a'lo--449/o 17 k.No'x'. STRE..E.T w E5T�RVI LLE'1 OHIOe __, * 1te. Get\,e's Aifltrye 0 Ze"t� Ph, \=.-�tef"n'ity 0 Carnpu.s Ce"tu t> Admil'\i">tnd1-oh 13utldi,i FROM �AND OPEN LEATHER C.OL6M81A AND AF�HANISTAN f>ue..StS • WALLETS • BELTS BAC..�PAC.KS • T�VEL BA&S EMBR01DEe£D MUSLt
e 7 g
e:r.�cost! 882-T/10 Ledds Pizza North 14 N. State Street "in the Alley Shoppes" 882-6200 :--alad,- .hO < :arli,· lk,•,111 .:iO with this coupon :--111okcd :--a11,-a:,!t' :--a1lll\\id, Free Campus Delivery Sl.00 "· 30 EAST COLLEGE WESTERVILLE, OHIO PHONE

Tan and

Alka-Seltzer Football Fumbles & 'Fizz'les

Find yourself punting al· the seven upcoming college two to the Super Bowl Game

ready on class projects? Don't football games listed. Jimmy held in the Rose Bowl on despair - instead, put that "The Greek" has provided his January 9, 1977. The trip

punting knowledge to use in early handicaps on the out- includes game tickets, airfare by rushing

tbe Alka-Seltzer Football come, specifically for this (from anywhere in tbe U.S.),

Fumbles & contest We'd like you to take hotel accommodations and

'Fe i z z '1 es a pass at upsetting the famous expenses for two days in by

game. If you football analyst's educated Pasadena, California.

do tackle guess. So, why not take a pass at

this contest, Grand Prize: Super Bowl this contest? No purchase is you might In this first round, students necessary. No penalties will

score and from around the country will be given and clipping is al­

win one of predict handicaps for the lowed (just clip this entry

the exciting competition. The top 50 en- form from the paper, fill in ... prizes. trants will each receive a new and mail). And, if all these

Jimmy To enter, Odyssey 300 electronic TV numbers make your head

"The Greek" simply fill game featuring tennis, hockey ache and turn you stomach

Snyder out the grid- and smash. Those 50 winners sour, remember Alka·Seltzer

iron below and predict the will be eligible to compete for for a little 'after-the-game'

handicaps and final scores on the Grand Prize: a trip for relief.

Contest Entries will be judged on individual sent to entrants who send a

1. Print or type on this of­ game score predictions.• In self-addressed, stamped enveficial entry blank your name, addition to receiving a new lope to AHca-Seltzer's Football

5 address, zip code and school. deluxe electronic TV game Fumbles & 'Fizz'les, P. 0.

17 19

2.ePrint or type for eache valued at $80.00, they will Box 3431, Merchandise Mart, of the 7 football games listed receive entry forms for the Chicago, IL 60654. (Do not below: A. - your handicap second round - the Texas- send request with entry.) predictions for each game, Arkansas game to be held 4. The Grand Prize winnere B.e- the grand total of youre December 4, 1976. For that must accept prize by Decem­

5.6 6.3 handicap differences, and C.­ game, the fifty winners will ber 10, 1976. If for any predictions of the final score be asked to predict a handicap, reason the winner is unable to

519 726 for each game. (See sample the final score and total yard- use prize, a cash prize of

30.5 38.2 entry below.) age gained by the winning $1,200 will be awarded.

Punt Returns 8 8 3. Enter as often as youe team. The Grand Prize winner Eligibility wish, but entries must be will be selected on the basis 1.eThis contest is open to Yards 36 mailed separately Mail your of handicaps. In case of ties, residents of the U.S.A., except

Yards Per Return 4.5 5.1 entry to: Alka-Seltzer's Foot­ the judges will look first to employees and their families Kickoff Returns 10 10 ball Fumbles & 'Fizz'les, P. 0. the predictions of the actual of Miles Laboratories, Inc., Box 4818, Chicago, IL 60677. score and secondly to the pre- its affiliated companies, its Yards 131 181 Only one prize dictions on total yardage gain- advertising agencies and ed to determine the winner.* per person Yards Per Return 13.1 18.1 will be awarded.

Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. It is Fumbles 8 4 4.eEntries must be post­ AJI winners will be chosen by subject to all federal, state marked no later than October Advertising Distributors of and local laws and is void in

3 22, 1976, and received no America, an independentejudg- the states of Missouri and later tban November 5, 1976. ing organization, whose deci- Florida and where prohibited

Judging sions will be final. All prizes by law. No substitution ·of 1.eThe fifty entries thate will be awarded. Winners will prizes will be permitted. All

closest to predicting the be notified by mail. The odds taxes are the responsibility of grand total of the handicap of winning are dependent on the prize winner.

will be judged the number of entrants. Contest sponsored by Alka-

winners in the first round. 2.eAll entries become the Seltzer and Miles Laboratories,e

In case of ties, those entrants property of Miles Labora- Inc., Elkhart, Indiana. who predict the highest num­ tories, Inc., its representatives

� ----- ------ - ---- --- _______
47 37 49 5.5 35 937 47 57 59 99 37 □ TOTAL: handicap
GRAND (Add up your
Octc,ber 8, 1976
Cardinal Page 8 1976 OTTERBEIN FOOTBALL STATISTICS (2-1-0)
Points Scored 43
First Downs
32 18
by passing 15 14
Attempts Ru shing 169 138
per game 56.3 46
Net Yards Rushing 573 317
per game 191.0 105.6
per attempt 3.4 2.3
Attempts Passing 58 46
per game 19.3 15.3
Completions Passing 24 21
per game 8.0
percentage 41% 46%
Net Yards Passing 364 255
per game 121.3 85.0
Alka-Seltzer Football Fumbles & 'Fizz'les
Official Rules - No Purchase Required
per pass 6.3
Passes Had Intercepted
Yards Returned Against 68 Total Offensive Plays 227 184 Total Yardage
Ball Lost
Bill Hillier 2 0 0 0 12
Bob Boltz 2 0 0 0 12
Wayne Cummerlander 1 0 0 0 6
Bob Bardelang 1 0 0 0 6
Maurizio Schindler 0 3 0 1 6 ber of individual game handi­
Mike Koob 0 1 0 1 4 caps correctly will be chosen.
Grand Ron Lathem 0 1 0 0 1 In case ofefurther ties, entrants
Prize winners.e PASSING ATT COMP INT PCT TD YDS I Pit your skills against Jimmy "The Greek" by circling your winning team choice, 7 I and predicting both the handicaps and final scores on these games scheduled for Bill Hillier 24 1 42.0 3 364 I October 23: Mark Bailey 1 0 1 .0 0 0 I HERE'S HOW JIMMY SAMPLE "THE GREEK" AND STUDENT YOUR ALKA-SELTZER SEE IT: PREDICTION PREDICTION I I RECEIVING NO YDS AVG TD LG • Bob Boltz 8 153 19.1 2 33 Mike Echols 7 8.4 0 16 Games HandicapsHandicaps FinalScore HandicapsFinalScore I U.eC. L. A. over Californiae 7 14 28 to 14 I 1) Tom Chillinsky 1 11 11.0 0 11 Pittsburgh over Navy 22 16 28 to 12 .Nebraska over Missouri 8 13 27 to 14 I 2) 3 Bob Bardelang 3 35 11.7 1 24 ) Mark Bailey 4 24.8 0 46 Ron Lathem 1 7 7 0 7 4 Ohio State over Purdue 17 15 45 to 30 ) 5 Harva.-rl over Prini,eton 4 7 21 tn 14 ) 6) Notre n,.me over So. Car. 10 22 30 to 8 INTERCEPTIONS NO YDS TD AVG 7) Florida over Tennessee 6 12 28 to 16 B Bob Spahr 1 19 0 19 Bill Welch 1 3 0 3 Grand Total GRAND Bob Talpas 1 29 0 29 Bob Ruble 1 2 0 2 of Handicap TOTAL: Differences: Don Snider 1 6 0 6 College differences) Name _________ School _________ Paper________ RUSHING ATT NET TD AVG School Mike Echols 66 283 0 4.3 Addre�-------- City ____ State ______ Zip ___ Tom Chillinsky 25 76 0 3.04 Permanent Bill Hillier .,_ Wayne Cummerlander 41 190 1 4.6 24 2 1.5 Residence ________ City _______ State ____ Zip_ ..., I
*e If necessary, random
and its agencies. None will be drawings will be held to deter­
returned or
mine semi-finalists and
of winners will be

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