Otterbein College Li rary
Tan and Cardinal
October 15, 1976
Otterbei� College, Westerville, Ohio
Volume 58 Number 6
Scott to be crowned Debbie Scott will be crowned Otterbein's 1976 Homecoming queen during h a l f t i m e o f· t h e Cardi nal/Bald win-Wallace clash. Debbie, who received the most votes cast by the college's male enrollment, is a senior from Bradford,
Pennsylvania. She is the can d i d ate from Epsilon Kappa Tau sorority. A music education major, Deb is a member of the Cardinal Marching Band and Concert Choir. She is a member of OSMEA and the treasurer of Delta Omicron. Serving as Debbie's maid
Otterbein sponsors H. S. Day
Deb Scott
Otterbein's annual High School day will be Saturday October 30, beginning at 9 a.m. and ending with the Otterbein vs. Ohio Wesleyan football game at 7 p.m. The theme this year is "An Old Time Country Fair." College - bound high scho"ol students will have the opportunity to meet the faculty in addition to attending programs dealing with career planning; varsity and intramural athletics, re s i d e n c e hall l if e , i n ternships and individualized degrees.
Trustees change iudicial by-laws Following the advice of F r a n c i s S. Bailey, O tterbein's attorney, the Otterbei� Board of Trustees has voted to delete a sentence from paragraph 7 0 2 o f the B y - La w s revisions dealing with the functions of the Judicial Council. T h e sentence stated; "W h e n t h e C o u n c i l c o n c l u d e s that circumstances i n d i c a t e counseling t o be preferable t o p u n ishment for infractions, the complaint shall be returned to the Student Personnel Office w i t h a ppropriate recommendations." This amendment was added by Senate in May after the o r i g i n al paragraph was s u b m itted b y Adminis trative Council. However, t h e Board
rejected the amendment in w ere not considered by June and, according to the Senate before it voted. provisions o u t lined in C o u n s e ling was paragraph 103 , the Board's considered by all parties to Executive Committee made be a valuable tool in t hydecision f i n al after disciplinary cases, but the c o n f e r r i n g w i t h Board believed that a great Administrative Council at difference of opinion, as the September 25 meeting. w e ll as much confusion The deletion was made existed among faculty and for several reasons. First of staff as to when and how all, Bailey's legal opinion c o u n seling s hould b e indicated that members of implemented. F i na l l y, counseling as the Judicial Council might be subject to the risk of written in the sentence civil liability damages. In seemed to mean a possible other wor�s, the Judicial substitute for a prescribed Council's referring of a penalty. The Board did not student to counseling might view the making of such a be construed as implicating substitution as a function of him as mentally unstable. the Judicial Council. This opinion was not available i n writing to This week the Agape Senate when it voted on the group will mett in T-1 at amendment and, according 1 0:00 on Sunday and to t h e Boar d , all the Reverend Clarke will lead' implications of the sentence the d i s cussion
Agape to meet
The highlights of the day will include a performance by Otterbein's Opus Zero, and a pre-game show by the Cardinal Marching Band.
of honor will b e inde pendant candidate Terr i e H opkins. A life science major, Terrie was the 1975 candidate to the All-Ohio Shrine Bowl and has been a member of S.O.U.L. for four years. H e r a t t e ndants, in alphabetical order are Kim Chri sty, Cherie Conklin, Janet James, Yei Kim and Belinda Seibert. The new queen will be crowned by Elaine Clarke, last year's homecoming queen.
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D r . W illiam Bevan, a known nationally proponent o f a better public understanding of science, will speak in Cowan Hall at 1 p.m. Tuesday as part of Otterbein's 1976-77 Lecture Series. Classes will be dismissed for the lecture. B e van's topic, "The Sound of the Wind That's Liberal B l o w i ng Education and the Public Understanding of Science," will deal with the need for a better acceptance of science a n d technology by Americans and how this relates to the liberal arts philosophy. A c cording to Bevan, s c i ence must be looked upon as another world view that fits into the total liberal arts picture. He is calling on the behavioral science area to help bring about the public's increased u n d e r s t a n ding and acceptance of science. Bevan earned his M.A. and P h .D . f r o m Duke Univer sity and received honorary degrees from D u k e , Florid a Atlantic Univer s i t y and Emory
University. He has taught at Heidelberg, Duke, Emory, Johns H o p ki ns, Kansas State and the University of Oslo, Norway. He also has wor ked in t h e vice pr esident, provost and academic dean capacities. Bevan has been active w i t h the American A s s o c i a t i o n f o r t he Advancement of Science and also has served with the Amer ican Psychological Association, the National Institute of Health and the N a t i o nal Science Foundati on. During the early sixties, Be van was a consulting editor for the Psychological B u l l e t i n and h e has published more than 150 articles dealing with the a r e a s o f p e rception, s e n s a t i o n a n d other cognitive processes.
LIBRARY HOURS HOMECOMING WEEKEND Saturday, October 16 Oosed. Sunday,October17,2-10 p.m.