Actress Niki Hall today at 8:15 p.m. Flacks will present a Originally planned for one-w oman show at Barlow Studio Theatre on Otterbein College's Cowan the campus, the program
On Tuesday, November 9, Otterbein will once again be participating in the Red Cross Bl oodmo bile. Otterbein conducted two such bloodmobiles last year, collecting a total of 1 71 pints of blood.
According to Mr. Dennis Dittiacur, of the American Red Cross, a donation of this si ze meant that prop ortionally, Otterbein outdonated Ohio State by morE; than 100%.
Popula tion growth, surg ical and medical advances, expanded hospital facilities, and open heart surgeries have brought the need for blood by the Red Cross' 50 participating hospitals to about 2,000 pints of blood per week.
The Red Cross can never 11
be sure when the unexpected such as an automobile accident will create a demand for large quantities of one type of blood. Some needs are predictable, however, as in the case of open heart surgery, which requires an average of 20 pints of blood. Eleven such surgeries are scheduled for the week of the Otterbei n bloodmobile, and while the agency needs any type of blood, these operations will put types B+, O+, and 0- on the critical need list.
Otterbein's bloodmobile will take place from 10-4. Anyone who is willing to help by donating may make an appointment through the Campus Center office.
will be presented in Cowan in order to assure seating for Otte rbein students, season subscribers t<;> the Otterbein Artist Series and other interested persons in the community, according to Fran Bay, director of special events at Otterbein.
The informal program is open to the public at no charge and will be the final event in Miss Flacks' wee k-long stay in the community as an Affiliate Artist. She arrived in Westerville Sunday and appeared in two elementary schools throu gh the Artist-in-Schools program, did three workshops on ca mpus and th ree workshops for adults at Columbus Junior Theatre of
the Arts. and is to perform in Cowan tonight.
Otterbein's speech team Dr amatic Duo category. has spoken its way to Rules for this event require victory this month as four a ten minute selection from stude nts brought home any Dramatic literature.
year together. This season the team has chosen a cutting from "Th e Merchant" by Plautus. trophies. Freshmen Amy Ot terbein' s duo of Don Hines is currently Vanek and Mary Ann Deer Black-Hawk are competing planning for the teams next successfully competed at for their fourth and final competition at Ball State in ······ ······················ Heidelberg College while ....... ..................... Indiana. . . .. .. . .. ... . . ... .. ... ... . . .
Parent's Day is tomorrow November 6th and many seniors Dan Hawk and LIBRARY HOURS
Wednesday, November 10 EKT presents activities have been planned. The following list is a Steven Black took honors in schedule of events for you and your parents. Morehead Kentucky.
10:00-11:30 Coffee Hour and Registration in Campus Coach Don Hines led his team to Heidelberg College
Close at 5:00 p.m.
Lunch in Campus Center in Tiffin, Ohio, during · 1:00-5:00
Open Houses in Residence Halls and Sor October for their first
Thursday, November 11 "Monte Carlo" Center 2:00 - 10:00 p.m. ........ .. .. ..•. ......• .... . ···························· ....... .....................
1:30-2:30 ment in Cowan Hall of Prose Interpretation and 3:30-5:00 Dean's List Tea at the home of Dr. and emerged with second place
The sisters of Epsilon Kappa Tau sorority are presenting a night at ority and Fraternity Houses outing. Am y Vanek Address by Presidnet Kerr and Entertain competed in a final found
Dinner in the Campus Center evated eli mination in concert
"M onte Carlo" tonight Five soloists are featured from 8:30 p.m. until 1 a.m. in the orchestra and choir Mrs. Roy Turley honors. Mary Ann Deer performance this Held at the Jaycee Pool at 8:15 p.m. in on Otterbein Avenue, the
5:30-6:00 Entertainment in the Campus Center Main Interpretation of poetry Sunday Cowan Hall. "Monte Carlo" will allow Lounge and brought home a sixth Students Cathy Stettner, participants to momentarily 7:00 Pregame and Introduction of Players and place trophy. Doug Maccallum, Lynn enjoy the excitement of Parents
7: 30 Otterbein vs. Mt. Union Football Game Ot terbein's speech team
The following weekend, a Marshall, Kent Stucky, and gambling extravaganza.
10:00-12:00 Midnight Breakfast in the Campus Center traveled to Mo rehead, instructor Tanya Gille will Tickets are on pre-sale Main Lounge Kentucky. Senior assistant get the singular nods. but will also be available at CPB Traditional Events Committee will be extending coaches Steven Black and Sunday's performance is the door. Nice attire is greetings to Parents on Saturday morning so be sure to Dan Hawk were paired both free and open to the requested. stop by. Parent's of Otterbein students "We're Glad You're against seventy other Duo's public; all are encouraged to Here". to win second place in the attend.
As there will be no T & C next week I'd like to remind everyone about Campus Sharing Day on Sunday, November 14.
Alot of worthwhile causes are helped and you might be able to pick up some neat commodity at a good price during the auction at 5:30 p.m. in the Campus Center lounge * * ** *
I was pleased to see the pro-alcohol letter to the editor this week. There may be hope yet for the dying contingency of ardent pro-alcoholists.
* * * * *
If you were like me ( one of the diehards who watched the election returns through to the not so wee hours of the morning) I sure you went to bed feeling you were not well "entertained".
Carter's decisive lead in electoral votes from the beginning turned the whole schlameal into an almost dull
not "Cardinal power". We departments. Do you realize affair.
Are you sleeping? feel it's time Otterbein that th e Columbu s
Perhaps Howard Cosell should do the returns? He seems decided on one mascot and Technical Institute has to be able to make the most insignificant things appear that it should be the otter. more business courses than
To the Editor: monumental.
* * ** *
It's amazing how people In a recent poll of We don't even have a are maneuvered by cert ain Otterbein freshmen, 23 per major for the accounting
Aside to Roger Duff - In response to your comment in power forces; doldrums, cent of the students did not people but what is called a table topics that suggested the Tan and Cardinal is noted apathy, take over.Otterbein know what the mascot was. "c o ncentration" of five for inaccuracy when you say "The T & C struck again" campus, are you sleeping. Changing-the mascot would courses. Instead we have a and the times for Dr. Zhivago are wrong:
We feel a su b stantial only cause minimal insignia "much needed" major in
I think you should realize that any CPB story in this majority of students favor problems that could be "horse science", after all publication is written by an officer in that organization. alcohol. solved in a year's time. The this is where the jobs are. My CPB reporter informs me that the times listed are those We're on the ver ge of overriding advantage would If you can have a major given to CPB by you yourself. If you are going to change winning pro-alcohol on this be that Otterbein would in horses you can surely the times you should inform people about this. campus, but there's that finally be unified behind have one for accountants. This week's notice of Dr. Zhivago's times are likewise power for ce. The trustee's one symbol.
Sincerely, a look at the course knowledge of your error coming after deadline.
So wake up Otterbein, take wrong and will therefore not be found in this issue as are the ones to be swayed.
Want to do something to Patty Daniels curriculum and the want I'll tell you Rog, I can understand some organizational help pro-alcohol? In the Becky Coleman ads if you can stand the miscommunication but I will not ignore "cheap shots" main lounge of the campus shock. taken at my paper. You would be well-advised to get all center tod ay, a flyer Take a look! the facts in the future for turnabout is fair play. containing the names and Dear Editor, addresses of our trustees is your's for free. Pick a I'm writing this letter on by Mickey Burns trustee; write your opinions behalf of all the· Business and Economics majors here for him. He's the man in power regarding this issue, at Otterbein. Has anyone
Tan and Cardinal so why not be democratic looked at the state of affairs and offer your channel of in our departments? opinion? Rat her than The Business and Econ spouting off useless air in depa rtments have the the T & C, or over the greatest number of students The In te rn ati ona l
Published weekly by ·the students of Ott erbein College. The dinner table ( directed to an but the fewest professors of Students Association has opinions expressed in the Tan and Cardinal are those of the already pro-al coho l any department, three organized a bike-a-thon to staff and do not necessarily reflect those of the school or its administration. audience), put your opinion full-time to be exact.Where Hoover Dam in order to where it counts: the source are the jobs today? celebrate UNICEF's day.
Mickey Burns EDITOR-IN-C HIEF of power. Most require a business Proceeds of this project will
Sara Ullman MANAGING EDITOR background yet the number go th is int ern ationa l Bob K0.kai
Melissa Barr BUSINESS MANAGER of courses do not even or ganiza tion which Bob Kokai PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR co me close to mo st alleviates the suffering of Dave Ross ................COPY EDITOR We otter change
Dan Thompson ........... SPORTS EDITOR the dis advantaged children
Nancy Ballog ... ........FEATURE EDITOR in the world. Due to Veteran's Day
Dennise Smitley CIRCULATION MANAGER Dear Editor: Anyone wishing to either Thursday, November 11, all Don Hines ADVISOR Ever since coming to participate or sponsor a offices will be closed and no Liz Baker,Brad Haynes, Kay Burns, Chet Cady, Otterbein the school's use biker is directed to contact classes are sched uled. Maggie Dine, Scott Brockett, Marilyn Douglas, of the Cardinal as a mascot Frank Mitchell or any Also there will be no Hope Robert e1. Felipe Martinez, Sue Mayberry, has seemed more and more member of ISA. edition of the Tan and Stacy Reish, Sylvia Ingels, Deb Thorn, and Kim confusing. We are referred Bikers will leave from the Cardin al on Frid ay, Wilcox and Deana Williams. to as "Cards" and "Otters". Campus Center at 3 p.m. November 12. We have "Otter power" but Sunday, November 7.
November 5 - Friday
6:30 p.m. - Campus Crusade for Christ
The Placement office is service will be on hand to Placement office. share their expertise on 3. De c ember and March 8:00 p.m. - C.P.B. Movie: "Dr. Zhivago" located in the basement of 8:15 p.m. - Special Event: Niki Flacks the Administration Building how to get the job you Gr aduates Early and is open from 8:30 a.m. want. graduates planning to use *8:30 p.m. - Arbutus presents Monte Carlo
2. Recruiters - Recruiters the se rvices of the Midnight - C.P.B. Movie: "Dr. Zhivago" to 5:00 p.m.
l. Job Search Seminar - sch e du 1 ed for the Placement office should '' The Job Sea rch: remainder of Fall Term plan to meet with Mr. November 6 - Saturday Succ es sful Strategies" inclu de: As hland Di ckey, Pl acement - PARENTS DAY will be the topic of the Chemical Company, Nov. Di rector, as soon as - Dean's List Reception last job search seminar 9; Dre w Th eological possible. Call 456 for an - Cross Country - NCAA for seniors to be held Sc hool, No v. 9; appointment. 7:30 p.m. - Football: Mt. Union -H Tuesday, November 9, at Metropolitan Li fe 4. Free Job Search Materials 8:00 p.m. - C.P.B. Movie: "Dr. Zhivago" 7:00 p.m. in the Learning Insurance Compa ny, - Seniors may obtain a 10:30 p.m. - C.P.B. Movie: "Dr. Zhivago" Resource Center. Recent Nov. 16; and Bowling free cop y of the alumni who have been Green State University Ot ter bein Placement November 7 - Sunday successful in obtaining Graduate Sc hool of Manual which explains 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. - Greek Kick-Off excellent positions in Bu siness, Nov. 18 the services of the 2:30 p.m. - C.P.B. Movie¾ "Dr. Zhivago" busin ess, industry, Si gn -u p sheets are Placement office and 3:00 p.m. - International Student Association: education, and social availab le in the outlines steps in the job
Byke-A-Thon search. Also available free 4:00 p.m. - Torch & Key Initiation as long as supplies last are 8:00 p.m. - Interfratemity Council the Co llege Placement 8:15 p.m. - Choir and Orchestra Concert
Annual (published by the 9:00 p.m. - Campus Christian Association College Place ment (Agape)
The annual Women's be awarded $15, the second Co uncil) which lists Punt, Pass, and Kick contest place winner $10, and the potential emplo yers, November 8 - Monday is Sunday, Nov. 14 at 1 third place winner $5. pamphlets on - Winter and Spring Terms p.m. on the football field. En try forms will be interviewing, and other
"Pre-Change of Program Period All contestants will punt, available in the CC office helpful literature. 'Add and Drop "': Nov. 8 - 15 pass, and kick the football. beginning Monday and must 5. Job Vacancies - The 4:00 p.m. - Administrative Council
W i n .n e r s w i 11 b e be returned by Saturday, Placement office has determined by the best Nov. 13 at noon. In case of 7:00 p.m. - Sorority and Fraternity Meetings recently been notified of to!al scores from all three rain, this event will be several openings with the November 9 - Tuesday events. The top winner will po stponed. City of Columbus in 3:00 p.m. - OSMEA Meeting accounti ng and date 6:30 p.m. - Yearbook Staff Meetings processing. Applications
for the Civil Service tests 6:30 p.m. - Theta Nu Tupperware Party
6:30 p.m. - Women's Volleyball: involv ed mus t be
After checking the results with Soc. 30-Racial and Muskingum -H submitted to the City of of a survey of sociology Cult ural Relations. The 7:00 p.m. - C.P.B. Clear Fork Ski Program
Columbus by November students past and present, a second, Soc. 36-Social
-Meeting on Job Placeme nt and 19. survey done nearly a year Stratification, will alternate Careers ago, it was decided that a with Soc. 35-The Sociology
good change in th e of Religion.
sociology curriculum would It is felt
be the offering of two
young la�y who will reign over activities at this year's Oktoberfest. She is a senior
Tan and Cardinal November
If you're one of the display, demonstrate and Teresa Blair is the pretty talented people on campus sell their crafts to the who can macrame, quill, campus in the lounge of the decoupage or make other Campus Center.
at Otterb ein Coll ege,
crafts, don't stop reading We want to open the majoring in spe ech this article yet. opportunity to all students broadcasting plus speech Campus Pro gramming on campus. If you are and hearing therapy. Board and Resi den t interested and · want more Miss Blair, a member of Programming Service are information on how you Ta u Epsilon Mu sorority, is joining forces to bring an display and/or sell the can the feature twirler for the exciting craft show to crafts you make contact Otterbein band and member Otterbein. On Nov. 17 Sue Miller, 303 Clements of the school's forensics (W ednesday) we have Hall, ext. 131 by Nov. 15. team. She also finds time in almost ten people to come her busy schedule to teach at the Otterbein pre-school and nursery.
As Mi ss Oktoberfest, Teresa will welcome tens of
For the 19 77- 78 Aug uusta Brun son thousands of festival visitors academic year the National Fe llowship, the Fiftieth to the fun-filled tenth Council of Alpha Lambda Anni versary Miriam A. annual German celebration. De lta wil l award the Shelden Fellowship, the Oktoberfest will be held in fo llowing fellowships for Gladys Pennington Houser the three and one-half acre, graduate study: The Alice Fellowship, th e tem perature cont rolled Crocker Lloyd Fellowship, Bicentennial Fellowship and multipurpose building on the Adele Hagner Stamp the International Women's the Ohio State fairgrounds. Fe llowship, the Ma ria Ye ar Fe llowship. The Da tes and times are Leo nard Fellowship, the amount of each fellowship Th ur sday and Fr iday,
Above is senior Teresa Blair who will be this year ts Oktoberfest queen
Ka th ryn Sisson Phillips is $2,000.00 November 4 and 5 from 5 Fellowship, the Christine Any member of Alpha p. m. unt il 11 p.m., Ye rg es Conaway La mbda Delta who was Sat urday and Sunday, Fe llows h ip, the Ma y graduated with a cumulative average of Alpha Lambda Delta initiation standard is
November 6 and 7 from 11 a.m. until 11 p.m.
Creek Newt-------------------- eligible. Graduating seniors may apply if they have achieved this average to the end of the first semester ( or
Pool partyhouse tonight
first quarter) of this year. Applicants will be judged byNancyBallog Theta Nu sorority will be Sphinx fraternity will be Jonda fr at ernity are on sc holastic re cord, selling tupperware products. starting a travel board to relieved to have their house rec omme ndations, the Mo neymaking projects, The items make great provide an easy way to find completely painted before soundness of their stated parties, and coeds limelight Christmas gifts for mothers, a ride home. Be watching the winter season sets in. A project and purpose, and the Greek system this week. grandmothers, sisters, and for this!! great job has been done! need. The Greeks have survived many others. The sisters of Zeta Phi fraternity will The brothers are Application blanks and the Halloween parties and Theta Nu sorority will be be having a pre-Michigan continually chopping and in formation may be are ready for the weeks having a swimming party party Friday night. The selling wood for obtained from: Joanne until the end of a busy fall coed on November 13th at brothers would like to moneymaking projects. The VanSant, Vice President for term. the Jaycee Pool. thank Mark Snider for the coed for Jonda was highly Stud en t Af fairs. The Proba bly the biggest Be looking for Tau Delta use of his barn during the successful at Sharon Green! application form must be event this week will be EKT sorority's Turkey Grams!! Zeta hayride. Congrats to Club Fraternity has two completed by the applicant sorority's "EKT Presents Turkey Grams?? new plactive, Gary Hoyle!! new actives - Greg Truex and received at the National Monte Carlo!" This casino and Greg Ch amb lin. Headq uarters of Alpha party will be at the Jaycee Congratulations!! Lambda Delta by January r I i � ,,,��
, �pi I 1;�£·i1't
7, 1977. All of the sorority and from 8:30 until 1 a.m. It is fraternity houses will hold National Alpha Lambda Delta an all-campus event!! Bring Box 279 /
NEEDLE ART SUPPLIES open houses on Parent's loose change and come is Lewis burg, PA 17837 Day. All the
�, � �I 'J,11 J�,H1;,,i,1,,i�,,,WA,J\,,; i $ \-,S,,J,,,,,,,,,,:, �,it,111' ------------------------, Continued from Page 3 ·
The sisters of
the sisters of EKT sorority for coming to their potluck.
VD and unwanted pregnancies are real
patients, in case any by
problem should arise. This
Ve neral di sease and is comforting to know if unwanted pregnancies are you are concerned about realities in our society. your birth control pill These realities are also prescription. apparent to the Otterbein An appointment can be co mmunity. The made with the care center Gr ant-Otterb ein Urgent for a paps smear test, fitting Ca re Center off er s for a diaphragm, a pelvic contraceptive services to examination or any other Otterbein students. re lated medical services.
Otterbein women no The center will dispence lo nger have to go to birth control pills after the downtown Columbus for patient has had the proper medical attention. The Ca re examination. Any of the . Center staff takes a personal nurses at the care center interest in you. They are will be available to discuss able to monitor their any of these procedures
"The Lesson" by Eugene played by Joe Hobson, the Ionesco will l)e presented pupil played by Barb Bolts Wednesday, �fovember 10 and the maid played by at 4 p. m. and again Sharon Blair. Barb and November 12 at 7:30 p.m. Sharon are freshmen theatre in Barlow Hall. It is the majors at Otterbein and Joe third Workshop Theatre is a sophomore. production to be done this According to the term at Otterbein and has director, Randy Cole, it will been described as a comical probably be the only drama that explores the chance that the Otterbein di ff i cu 1 t y of com community will have a munication between two chance to see a play of this individuals in a society type. It takes a seemingly based on language. safe relationship between a
The characters of the professor and a pupil and Lesson exist in their own gives it an absurdist twist to reality cre ated by Ionesco drive home the point. the author of the play. If your reality has
The cast of the play is become dull see "The composed of the professor Lesson" and it won't seem dull anymore.
with you. It is of no concern whether you approve or di sappr ove of sexual
There is a need to offer contraceptive services to the responsible person. The increased use of the
Ca re Ce nter will give examinations for veneral disease.
The staff of the care in te rcourse outside of marriage; all circumstances of sexual involvement are acts that will call for the accepting of responsibility fo r any conse quences.
pill has heightened the cases of veneral disease. Be careful don't take chances. Have an annual veneral disease examination. The Gr ant-Otterbein Urgent
center are here to help you. The service is for you to us e. Accept your responsibilities - trust them. They want the chance to help you in any way that they can.
by C.W. Cady of foolish men" (1 Peter gods and his golden image 2:13-15). or be thrown into a blast
As I write this article, it's And no matter how we furnace (Daniel 3:13 ff.). not clear yet who will be stood before the election, They answered, "We do not the next president of the let us as Christians pray for need to give you an answer United States. For sure, who is and who will be in concerning this. If it be so, though, one group or the office. Indeed, let us give our God whom we serve is other will be up3et about thanks for whomever God able to deliver us from the the results, and it is just as has placed above us, for in furnace of blazing fire; and certain that whoever has this way the gospel has a He will deliver us _out of won by the time this is better chance of going out your hand, 0 king. But even pr int ed ha s had his into the world. if He does not, let it be reputation smeared by the The connection is made known to you, 0 king, that opposing party, and perhaps in 1 Timothy 2: 1-4: we are not going to serve it will be hard for some to "I urge that- entreaties your gods or worship the support th e president, and prayers, petitions and golden image". So they whoever he may tum out to thanksgivi ngs be made on were thrown into the fire. be. behalf of all men, for kings The preincamate Christ God has told Christians, and all who are in joined them in the furnace though, that it is His will authority, in order that we and protected them from for us to submit to may lead a tran quil and the fire. And what was the governmen tal authority. quiet life in all goalines and result?
"Let every person be in dignity. This is good and ''Nebac hudnezzar subj ection to the governing acceptable in the sight of responded and said, 'Blessed authorities. For there is no God our Savior who desires be the God of Shadrach, authority except from God, all men to be saved and to Meshach, and Abed-nego and those which exist are come to the knowledge of [the three Jews], who has established by God" (Rom. the truth." sent His angel and delivered 13:1); Does all this mean that His servants who put their
"Submit yourselves for the government will always trust in Him, violating the the Lord's sake to every be right and we should king's command, and human institution, whether always obey? No. While yielded up their bodies so as to a king as the one in submission usually requires not to serve or worship any authority, or to governors ob edience, it does not god except their own God.' as sent by him for the de mand that we obey "Then the king caused punishment of evildoers and immoral laws. Shadrach, Meschach, and the praise of those who do For example: Abed-nego to prosper in the right. For such is the will of Ki ng Nebuchadnezzar province of Babylon" (Dan. God that by doing right you commanded three Jews to 3:28, 30). may silence the ignorance bow down and worship his The men did not obey the king, but they certainly submitted to him, and God
was glorified because of it, and He honored the men 14 N. State Street for it. The point is that God's blessings and power "in the 111/ey Shoppe5" are revealed in submission.
882-6200 -.:ala.I-
Dan Thompson
The cross-country record * * * of 25:28 set by Tom JUST FOR KICKS: Bachtel last year, has been Ba ldwin-Wallace's Mike surpassed twice in the last Sab ock with thre e two weeks by Tom. successful PAT kicks against Bachte l became the first Marietta, broke the OAC Otterbein harrier ever to car eer rec ord of 106 crack the 25 minute barrier, established by Wittenberg's when he completed the Fred Mitchel l fro m five-mile race in 24: 57 on 1965-68. Add 17 field goals October 23. to his 107 PAT's and you
Last week while also find Sabock only 8 com peting in the points shy of the career conference champ ionship at scoring mark of 166 points Ohio Wesleyan, Tom again also held by Mitchell. B-W eclipsed the past year's has two games remaining in standard. Bachtel hit the regular season play. finish line fourth among conference runners with a 25:05 clocking.
Otterbein's football team has ranked well all year in the wee kly report of conference statistics. This week the Otter offense is fifth among the 14 OAC schools, while the Cardinal defenders are placed third. Individually two Otters appear in three of the weekly rankings. Fullback Mike Echols is third in rushing with 611 yards, and QB Bill Hillier rates third in
Tom Bachtel wings his way to an other recordbreaking time.
"V'lere it left fbr me to decide whether we should have a governmentwitbout newspapers, or netm:mf;l�"r'Q
Once again senior Tom Bachtel paced the Otters with a time of 25:08. This enabled him to capture fourth place, only fifteen seconds behind the eventual winner, Larry Coy of Baldwin-Wallace. Bachtel's time was also his second fastest ever, ranking just behind his school record set earlier this year.
Otter junior Pat Byrnes took twelth place (26:0lh while junior Royce Underw ood wa s close behind in fourteenth place (26:03). Rounding out the Cardinals' top five finishers were freshman Rick Miller, who finished 16th (26:06), and junior Ed Stockwell, who took 33rd (26:50).
Coach Dave Lehman commented favorably on the meet: "I figured we would be in the top five, with an outside chance for second. I didn't think that we would come so close to winning, though. My main concern was for us to finish in third place in order to qualify for the NCAA meet. The key to our success was
A great deal of the have to finish in the top success of Otte rbein's twenty-five at the NCAA nearly completed season meet.
Casing the Conferenee----
are pointing toward post
anxious amoment.to
season play, on the other
by Brad Haynes played between the 30 yard picked up 81 yards rushing lines as each team took and his counterpart, Echols What was supposed to be turns punting. But OWU picked 73 yards. Hillier a highly offensive contest quarterback Mauck got his passed for 55 yards through through the air turned out team rollin g as he the air completing four of to be just the opposite last completed 9 of 1 7 pass ei ght. The Otterbei n Saturday night as Otterbein attempts in the second half defense limited the OWU slugged out a 7-6 win over and he carried the ball the offense to 207 total yards Ohio Wesleyan. last two yards for the TD in the game. The Cards With the number one and and the Bishops only score. record is now 4-2-1 overall three co nfe rence total The extra point attempt and 2-1-0 in the OAC Blue offensive leaders in the was off to the left and the Division, one game behind game, Bob Mauck and Bill Baldwin-Wallace. Cards received the kickoff Hillier respectively, most with 8:16 to go in the thou gh t that the two game. Hillier and company quarterbacks would show
tried to run down the clock why they were around the with rushing plays but top of the league. Pouring
The Cardinal gridders when the Cards survived Leonard.
Fr eshman Wayne rain and cold weather held take on Mount Union 6-0. After outlasting Ohio Cummerlander fumbled on both passing attacks down. tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in a Currently 3-4 overall and Wesleyan last week 7-6, the Bishops 22 yard line.
Otterbein got on the Blue division contest. 1-2 in Ohio Conference Otterbein now stands tied Mauck then took over scoreboard with 1:20 to go Otterbein would like to Blue Division play, the for second place with and was expertly guiding in the half as Sophomore forget the last time they Raiders are not enjoying the Ma rie tta in the Blue his team down field when fullback Mi ke Echols played Mount Union. It was spoils of last year's 7-2 Division with 2-1 marks. Fr eshman de fen siv e capped a 76-yard drive with back in 1971 and the Cards record. Defensively strong, ha lf ba ck Bob Spah r a one-yard run and Mike were laid down and beat up the Raiders have yielded 40_.____________ intercepted a Bob Mauck Koob's extra point attempt by the Purple Raiders 42-0. points in the last four pass on the Otters 40-yard was good for what later The 1970 game wasn't games, beating Denison last line and only : 53 seconds
proved to be the winning much better as the Cards week 8-7 for their first Blue on the clock. margin. fell 42-19. In fact, the last Division win.
Statistics for the game
All of the third quarter time Otterbein beat the Solid experience on the showed that Cummerlander and half of the fourth was Purple Raiders was in 1957 offensive line gives Raider fullback Ken Wilcox (6-2,
225) room to run in the wishbone. A respectable
pass er, freshman Frank
Mayl e ho lds MU
qu arterback du ties , alternating with junior Mike
The Harry S. Truman Schol�hip Foundation will ann ounce its first scholarships in the Spring of 19 77. Otterbein College may nominate one candidate for the program. Each scholarship will cover tuition, fees, books and room and board up to a ma ximum of $5,000 per year. The awards are renewable for up to three additional years.
These awards will be for us e in the 1977-197 8 academic year and will be made on the basis of merit to students who will be college juniors in September
1977. To be considered for nomination as a Truman scholar, a student must comp le te the following requirements:
1. He must be enrolled as a matriculated student pursuing a degree at an accredited institution of higher education.
2. He must be a junior pursuing a bachelor's degree as a full-time student during the year for which nominated.
the upper quarter of his or her class.
4. He must be a United States citizen.
5. He must have selected an undergra duate field of study that will permit admissions to a gra duate program leading to a career in public service.
Contentment is the cradle of happiness
The desire to fulfill my unsatiable thirst has found a manner beyond senses.
It is within, in the realm of the soul where my heart finds fullness
Not by pleasure, not by pain, not by going anywhere, not by doing, but by being still and letting the soul unfold.
A change has happened in me
I am not longer dependent upon outward sensations to fulfill me
I can be happy with my own self hence I can be happy in sharing my happiness.
But I have suffered and have learned through pain and at times I have forgotten the lesson and you have probably seen the poet down at times
But the poet has realized again that the purpose of life is knowledge not pleasure.
"Knowledge not pleasure" for other's sake
The Food Servi c� Subcommittee, a division of the Cam pus Servi ce s Committee, met on Wednesday, October 27, at 4 p.m. The agenda included two major points of interest to the campus community.
The committee would like the students' responses to the food service situation as it exists currently on ca mpus. Roge r Deibel -Ed ucation, Patty
3. He must have a college grade point average of at le ast "B" or equivalent and be in Call-CPB President, and Michael W. Te rhorstPsychology, would each be in terested in yo ur comments and suggestions.
Al so , the cost of rep lacing silverware and china for October 9-through 15, alone totaled over $65.00. These replacements contr ibute to the cost of food services and then to your college education.
No minees for Truman schol arships must include in their application materials an essay of 500 words or less indicating his interest in pursuing a career in public service and indicating how the student's educational pl ans will provide preparation for that career.
The Foundation defines public servic e as participation in government with emp hasis on adm in istration and management.
The purpose of the foundation is to recognize President Truman's high regard for the public trust, his li vely ex ercise of political talents, his broad knowledge of the American System, and his devotion to oppor tunities for the education of young people.
Happiness I want, happiness I wish you
In peace I find rest and fulness these states I wish you too.
There is need for revolution in the world
But the change has to occur within us through Christ Consciousness, Krishna, Bhraman, Om
You are responsible for your space as I am for mine I make the world to be what I want as you can too if you want to.
Make a choice, pursue it, do it, dedicate yourself to it, there is not freedom without committment
As Ram Dass says: Love, serve, remember.
Sit and eat the bread of life
Repeat the names of the Lord and the ideas that bring you freedom.
Attach the mind to the Infinite
Detach the mind to matter
These things says the poet to himself And if they appeal to you: beautiful!
by Felipe MartinezHelp wanted - college student for tutoring an eighth grade student 4-5 hours each week. Transportation r.equired to home in Westerville. Please call 882-7863 after 5 p.m.
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