The Tan and Cardinal November 19, 1976

Page 1

Tan and Cardinal

Children put on 'Peter Pan' • 111 Cowan

Teaching childactorsand School. "Instead, we try to the children's classic willbe actresses is nothing new to get them to understand the 7:30 p.m. tonight 10:30 Petie Dodrill, director of character and do what the am. and 1:30 p.m. on the Otterbein Children's character is supposed to be Saturday and 1:30p.m. on Theatre presentation of doing at each moment of Sunday.

"Peter Pan," today through theplay."

Children's participation SundayinCowanHall. Seven students from will not be limited to the

A founder of creative Westerville-area elementary cast. dramatics programs for schools will comprise the "We try to incorporate elementary-aged children in "Lost Boys" inthecastand the audience into the show We st er vi lle and Darrick Hays, a thirdgrader andmakethechildrenfeela Worthington, she has at Longfellow Elementary, part of it," said Petie. "We specific ideas as to how to willplayMichael. have activities with the get the most out of the "They're a joy to work actors and actresses during younger members of the with and very full of life," the intermission in which "PeterPan" cast. said Petie. "They have a there are games, songs and "We do not teach the little too much energy at exercises. It gets the kids children to perform," said times, but they're very involvedandalso givesthem Petie, a drama teacher at brightandresponsive." achanceto stretch." Gahanna-Lincoln High Performance times for She addedthattheadults in the crowd won't be bored.

Antram is OSMEA president

"I think there's a little bit of Peter Pan in all of

Joseph M. Antram, a O.S.M.E.A. Executive us/' said Petie. "The magic, senior at Otterbein College, Council. excitement and fantasy of is serving as State President Antram, who is a Never-Never Land gives the of the Ohio Student Music Bachelor of Music play a tremendous adult Education Association, Education candidate, has appeal." according to James E. served as both vice Thomas, president of the president and president of parent organization, the the Otterbein chapter of

New blood record set at Otterbein

Ohio Music Education O.S.M.E.A., in addition to Association. havingservedatermas state A new record for blood Otterbein's contribution bloodmobile may give at Responsibilities in his vice president of the collection at Otterbein was was part of a total of 377 theBloodCenter,located at positio n include association. set on November 9 at units of blood donated in 995 E. Broad St. in _cordi�1ating the activities Active in many phasesof Otte rbein's first this region onthatday. 405 Columbus (253-7981). The of U.S.M.E.A., as well as campus life, Antram has bloodmobile of the units were requested by the Center is Qpen until 7 p.m. cha iring the state been the Campus Student academic year. 136 units of Red Cross' 51 member on Wednesdays and Government Representative blood were collected hospitals. Thursdays.

auction held for the Music Department; topping Otterbein's former Mike Young, of the Westerville's next President of Sigma Delta highest donation of 103 American Red Cross, and bloodmobile will be Otterbein's Campus Phi fraternity unitsinMayof 1975. PeggyOlson,directorofthe January 5 from11a.m.-5 Sharing Days annual Campus Center, would like p.m. at the Church of the auction where a variety of tothankthosewhodonated Messiah. valuable and imaginative Horner nominated for Danforth blood, because asMikesaid, donations from the campus The Academic Councilat consideredforthisProgram. "Even though the policy Poetry contest community were auctioned its meeting on November 2, Otterbein was allowed to has changed and we now announced to raise money for the nominated David Horner make two nominations for supply blood strictlyonthe A grandprizeof$1000is World University Service, fortheDanforth Fellowship this progratil. Because of basis of need, we can't give being offered in a new was held last Sunday in the Program. Dave was one of such keen competition for bloodwedon'thave." poetry competition CampusCenterLounge. five students who had these fellowships, the A special thanks is sponsored by the World of World University Service indicated they wished tobe Academic Council members extended to Ed Stockwell Poetry, a monthly works in more than 60 made the decision to place for the Fellowship of ALL STUDENTS! Library newsletter for poets. In countries to relieve urgent only one name in Christian. Athletes, and books, government addition, there are 49 cash needs of the university nomination. They used the Dave Bridgeman for documents, pamphlets, andmerchandiseawards. community and to helpless following criteria for Campus Crusade, as well a, college catalogs, maps, and fortunate students. It seeks selection: High School all others who volunteered For rules and official posters are due by Nov. to develop human potential recors, SAT or ACT scores, their services at the entry forms writeto:World 19th. If you need to get an as along-terminvestmentin College transcript, and Otterbeinbloodmobile. of Poetry, 801 Portola Dr., extension on this date, national development and extra-curricular activities Those who w�re unable Dept. 211, San Francisco, please ask a librarian. international understanding. whileatOtterbein. to give blood at the California 94127.

November 19, 1976 Volume 58, Number 10 Otterbei� Collega, Westerville, Ohio
Cast members practice for this weekend'sperformances of 'Peter Pan' put on by theOtterbein'sChildrenTheatre.

A good(?) idea

An ink:esting point was brought upin alettertothe editor in the last edition of the Tan and Cardinal. That is the question of changing theOtterbeinmascot.

Personally I think it's a great idea - but let's not make it the "otter".I was thinking more along the lines of something with REAL pizazz; like ... the something Otterbein Goldfish.

I know what you're saying - "There's Bums, screwingaround again."But think about it.-The "goldfish".Catchy isn't it?

The advantages to this mascot are numerous.First, we'd probably be the only school ever to havegoldfish as its mascot; we'd be unique! Also, consider the possibilities for cheering originality.

Oh, I can hear it now: "Go, go, go, Goldfish" or "C'mon goldfish, take 'em to the river!" or even "We gotta win, so fight to the FIN-ish!!" Of course the nickname would take on a whole new dimension during baseball seasongiven thenameofthe head coach.

And, as far as the T&C goes, our sportsdepartment would welcome the change as it would make way for innovative headlines:


Big 'bein minus


On November 6, I spent Ohio Northern, 'Bein leads the entire day on Otterbein Capital "down drain", or College campus, along with "Goldfish tip SCALES in many other proud parents. close battle". And this is The Coffee Hour and chats just the beginning, the with Faculty, the address possibilitiesareinfinite. by President Kerr and the However, I supposethere entertainment in Cowan will always be those who Hall, the victory over Mt. long for the onomatopoetic Union and the splendid touch. How about the work of the band - all Otterbein Orangutans; I'm makeforalovelyday. sure the student body

Too bad you have one would go ape over than big minus on your campus choice.Or we could be the - the food served in the OtterbeinOstriches-other cafeteria was ghastly! schools would have to hide Students, are your taste their heads in sand.Or we buds numb or is it too couldbe STOP! much trouble to complain?

I've got an idea Whynot

I understand you have a juststay the Cardinals, huh? Committee to handle food Enoughsaid. problems, well.I think you

Christmas Is

WhatisChristmas?Ireallywantto know.

Isitwreaths and holly andgroundcoveredwithsnow?

Isitgiftsand paradesand brightlights?

Isit carolers travelingfromhouseto houseeverynight?

Is Christmaswrappingpresentstoputunderatree? Do presents meanthesamethingto youas theydo tome?


Isitany morethantheyuletidecookiesthatwemake?

IsChristmas far? Isitnear?


IsChristmasatree;eitherfake orreal?


Theanswerto thesequestionsstillremains: no. Christmasis muchmorethanpresents andsnow. Itissomethingweallneedplenty of. ChristmasisChrist.Christmasislove.

' r---~1=-=::::====----J -


A lot of money is being paid by families think�ng their students are gettmg nutritious meals. A person cannot study and perform to their best on the typeof food served onNov.6.

I think the Committeeor someone in Administration should eat some meals in the cafeteria. 'l''�ank you, p._ Concerned Parent

Thanks alot!

Dear Editor:

On behalf of all the sisters of Epsilon Kappa Tau, I would liketoexpress our deep appreciation toall those who helped usputon o&se._.fl,,.., c

our "Monte Carlo Night".

We were very excited at the turnout and we hope that everyone enjoyed it as much as we did.It's very rewarding and well worthit to plan and prepare for an evening like that where so many people come and enjoythemselves.

It wouldbeimpossibleto individually thank all those who helped drive, clean up, act as bouncers, decorate and run the games. So hopefully this public announcement of thanks will convey our gratitude. Thanks'to all!


"Otterbein swims toeasy victory, Goldfish squirm by Tan and


Published weekly by ·the students of Otterbein College. The This is the last Tan and opinions expressed in the Tan and Cardinal are those of the staff and do not necessarily reflect those of the school or its Cardinal of the year and it administration. may be a good time tolook back and contemplate on

SaraUllman ..........MANAGING EDITOR

Melissa Barr ..........BUSINESS MANAGER

8 icentennia / Closet time?

MickeyBurns ...........EDITOR-IN-CHIEF just what1976meanttous.

We had the bicentennial

Bob Kokai ........PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR more or less shoved down

DaveRoss ................COPY EDITOR our throats by television

DanThompson ...........SPORTSEDITOR networks, commercial

NancyBallog FEATUREEDITOR industries and educational DenniseSmitley ....CIRCULATION MANAGER institutions throughout the DonHines .......................ADVISOR entire year, especially Liz Baker,Brad Haynes,Kay Burns, Chet Cady, during the months Maggie Dine, Scott Brockett, Marilyn Douglas, surroundingJuly4.

Hope Robert, FelipeMartinez, Sue Mayberry, So where do we stand Stacy Reish,Sylvia Ingels, Deb Thorn, and �im now? Shall we wait for the Wilcox and Deana Williams. tricentennial to take our red, white and blue garb

backoutofthe closet?

The "spirit" of the bicentennial (whatever you decide that to be) should not die when the midnight bell tolls on December 31. If itdoesthe whole concept behind it would become meaningless.

Just as Christmas shouldn't bejust December 25, the bicentennial shouldn't be just 1976.We should be as "patriotic" in 1977 as we were (if we were)in1976.

Our country has indeed, a great heritage that should

constantly be recognized and pointed out to our youth through the educationalsystem.

Don 't put the bicentennial and all its trimmings into a closet and forgetaboutit.


On behalf of the entire Tan and Cardinal staff I would liketowish everyone a safe and happy break. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and similar salutationsoftheseasons.MR

November 19, 1976 Tan and Cardinal Third degree Burnt ■ -•
Readers Sound-off

Placement Office Notes

WOBN shows new Cities plan conferences

The Placement Office is following conferences:

2.Attention Female & This year WOBN FM has Otterbein. Take advantage located in the basement of Columbus Careers Minority Candidates - several new shows cooking of that serviceand youmay the AdministrationBuilding Conference (Mariott The publishers of for the }astes of everyone. never have heartburn again! and is open from8:30 a.m. Inn, I-70 & Hamilton Equal Opportunity The management has been Tune infrom 7till9p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday Rd.), Dec. 29-30; and Women's Career over-whelmingly impressed Monday through Friday to through Friday. Cleveland Job magazines offer a free by the Freshmen this year. hear the other new shows. Interview Center resume service to Racheal Steele and Chris On the weekend JOin

1. Career Conferences(Cleveland Plaza wo me n and Brown produce Country Janetta Wolfe with The Many citiesplancareer Hotel), Dec. 27-28-29; monorities. Forms are Cardinal, a show featuring Plant Show, Susan Elliott conferences during the Tri-State Careers available in the the musical talents of and Tammy Crammer with Christmas holidays to Co nfer ence PlacementOffice. Otterbein students. Don Musical Broadway. give graduating seniors (Evansville, Indiana),

3. GRE Fee Waivers - Roberts' show Revolving Sunday isn't left out of an opportunity to talk Dec. 28-29. For Any senipr whose Doors involves interviewing the schedule either! Join with many employers information on career parents contribute people and discussing WOBN at 11 a.m. for a live at one location. The conferences in other $200 or less to his interesting topics. broadcast from the Church Placement Office cities call theChamber yearly expenses may And it isn't just new oftheMaster. currently has received of Commerce in the be eligible to take the programs that have beenon Listen to your friends on information on the appropriatecity. Graduate Record the 91.5 air-waves. Suzie WOBN-FM.Thatstationhas Exam free. Contact Krammer tells us "what's· something for you. Mr. Dickey (ext. 456) cookin" in the Campus WOBN-FM, 91.5, the for details. Center with Wine &Dineat alternative.

The Pilgrimage

4.Federal Civil Service Examination--Seniors interested in Federal government jobs may

Tobe masterofoneself. obtain information on


To do our duty. the PACE exam November 19- Friday

Toberesponsible. (Professional and 6:30 p.m. -CampusCrusadeforChrist

To love othersandopen ourselves uptolifeasawhole. Career Examination) 7:30p.m. -Theatre•Department:

Tobelieve inourselvesfirmly. in the Placement Children'sTheatre

ThisistheFast. Office. Career "PeterPan"

This isthecross. opportunities covered 8:30p.m. -Eta PhiMu Fall Rush Party

Bestrong by PACE include: November 20-Saturday

Behappy regu lat io n, Maygodbewithyouinthisjourneyoftrialsandchallenges compliance, claimsand 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m. -PiKappaDeltaTurkey Grow, expand,suffer,rejoicebutaboveallknowthatyou benefits, examining, DebateTourney 10:30a.m.

-TheatreDepartment haveafriend inHimandinme.Om investigations, law Children'sTheatre

Beobjective,rational,dothebest youcan. enforcement, social "PeterPan"

Do whatever isunderyourcapabilities services, economics, 1:30p.m.

-TheatreDepartment: Thentaketheleapandletitbeinthehandsofthe Lord. writing, editing, and Children'sTheatre

ThusIcontihuesayingto myself:do it,beherenow general administrative "PeterPan" and management 8:00p:m. - ZetaPhiAllCampusBlast occupations. There is November 21 -Sunday by Felipe Martinez nofeefortheexam. 1:30p.m.

-TheatreDepartment: Children'sTheatre "PeterPan"

C1lv November 19, 1976 Tan and Cardinal Page 3
FASHION November 22-Monday ® CENTER -Exams:Nov. 22-24 PET CANDLE Dreamed of owning & oper oting November 23-Tuesday your very own ladies boutique? -Exams Florida's Answer to the Pet Rock. Our program includes fixtures, training, grand opening, continu­ November 24-Wednesday PET CANDLE comes to you with coming assistance & beginning inven­ -Exams plete set of operating instructions to tory NO EXPERIENCE NECES-AutumnTermEnds SARY All this for as little as tra in your PET CANDLE to sit up, $12,500. Call SOUTHERN BELLE November 25-Thursday stand, light up, and fly. FASHIONS TODAY TOLL FREE -ThanksgivingDay: 1-800-874-4780 ext. 320 Available in Small. Medium. and Large Sizes. OfficesClosed -Winter Interterm: BUSINESS OPPOR1 UNITY Nov. 25, 1976 -Jan.3, 1977 PET CANDLE 110 Giralda Ave .. Coral Gables. Florida 33134 November26-Friday Small S1.00 plus 50c postage & handling -OfficesClosed Stuff Envelopes _ Medium S2.00 plus 75c postage & handling ,.________ __. :- Large $3.00 plus 95c postage & handling $25.00 PER HUNDRED ______ Immediate Earnings Name Send $1.00 To: Address , Envelopes Dept. 339A State, Zip 310 Franklin Street C1976, Pet Candle. Inc Boston,Mass. 02110 ------------ ------ ·---------Mon. thru Sat. 10:00- 5:30 Thurs. eve. tit 9:00 pm -------------- ----

Make mark on Campus

Honoraries are part of 'Bein

Whil e the social fraternities and sororities make their mark on the function of the livelihood of the Otterbein campus, various fraternal honorary societies are established on the campus.

Otte r bein has fifteen national and local chapter honorary societies. Alpha Ep silon Delta (National Hono rary Pre-M ed ical Fraternity), Alpha Lambda Delta (Nat'l Honorary for Fre sh men Women), Archaghia Circle (Men's Honorary), Arete (Women's Honorary), Cap & Dagger (Theatre Honorary), Delta Omnicron (Nat'l Women's Music Honorary), Delta Tau Chi, Phi Alpha Tehta (Nat'l Ho norary Hi sto ry Fraternity), Phi Sigma Iota (Nat'l Honorary Romance Languare and Literature Society), Pi Kappa Delta (H onorary Fo rensics Frat ernity), Sigma Zeta (H onorary Sc ient ific Fraternity), Tau jPi Phi (Nat'l Busi ness and Ec onomics Hono rar y), Theta Alpha Phi (Nat'l Dramatics Honorary), and Torch & Key (Honorary Scholastic Society) are the acti ve honor aries on Otterbein's campus.

What do some of these ho nora ries ac complish?

What are their purposes?

Leslie Young, President of Arete, says that the purpose of the Women's Honorary is to recognize junior and senior women who have outstanding accomplihsments in two out of five areas. These areas are at helti cs; schol arhsip; campus gov ern anc e, rel igi ous activities, and social events; Publications organizations; and creative or performing arts.

A 3.5 average in any major with a 3.2 in any minor is a requirement. The honorary also does some service projects for the community or for the campus. They usher for artist series, plan on career planning programs, and are trying to pe t ition to

become a part of Mortar appr ox im ately eleven Board which is the Nat.ional members. Sue Henthorn, Women's Honorary. Twelve President of DO, says that women make up Areta. memebers are chosen on the Archaghia Circle is the basis of th eir talent, Men's Honorary with Dan scholarship, and character. Hawk as its President. The Th is music honorary men's honorary is similar to fu nctions as a service the women's in that the organization to requirements are the same student/faculty recitals. The criteria. Men are chosen wo men hold receptions, wi th out standing obtain needed music, and ac compl ih sments in polish pianos for the schola stics, athletics, recitals. They also do some ca mpus organizations, teac hing in elementary publications organizations, music fundamentals. The and creative or performing fraternity was established to arts. mainly recognize women in

The purpose of the professional realm of Archaghia is to recognize music. Delta Omnicron is '' outstanding junior and active in conventions which senior men in primarily oc cur throughou t the scholastic and leadershi p to college year.

fo ster cons tructive Sigma Zeta recognizes discussions, attitudes, and juniors and seniors on activities in the Otterbein scholastic ability in the College community."

The circle is small and select with eight members presently. Th e men's honorary is also attempting to petition for acceptance by Marilyn Douglas into the National Men's Honorary known as the Ot terbein 's Forensics ODK. team made their best

sciences. Ku rt Ringle, President of the Otterbein chapter, heads approximately thirty people who have achieved a 3.00 in the sciences with a 2.75 in other subjects. Its purpose is primarily to encourage and foster the attainment of a kno wle dge fo r the sciences and to find the attainment of high scholarship among those fitted for membership.

Phi Sigma Iota has Ingrid Jochem as its President. This honorary society recognizes the outstanding ability and attainments in Romance languages and Lit eratu r e, stimul ates advanced work in these areas, and promotes amity between our nation and other nations using these languages.

Pi Kappa Delta, the forensi cs honorary, �1a s ap proximat ely fi f tee n members and Dan Hawk is the President. The honorary rec o gn iz es fo r ens ics excellence in individual speech events and debate events. Anyone in Forensics who has been involved in at least six rounds of debate can become a member. The honorary goes to the natio nal and provincial conventions each year. This year the honorary's advisor, Don Hines, is the Ohio provincial governor. The group plans to travel to Seattle, Washington in the spring for the national forensics cc,nvention.

All of these organizations help compr ise that comm odity that is known as Otterbein College.

Foren sics shows well in tourney

The Forensics team placed eighth out of 33 teams that competed in the Ball State tournament last weekend.

De lta Om nicron has showing in three years at the Ball State Tournament held in Muncie, Indiana.

Sounds in Motion presents

Sounds in Motion, a depending on previouslyblack th eatre company established da nce which combines dance, techniques. music and the spoken word, Presented through the made three presentations at College Arts Consortium Otterbein last Monday as (Otterbein, Capital, Ohio part of its residency in the Wesleyan, Ohio State and Central Ohio area.

the Paul Laurence Dunbar Afro-A merican Cultural

A co mpany of nine Arts Center), Sounds in dancers and five musicians, Motio n is sponsored Sounds in Motion presents through the Dance Touring the life .experiences of Program of the National blacks, past and present, Endowment for the Arts. and explores contemporary

The Co-lleg e Ar ts mod es of expression Co n sort ium will also· through the collaboration present the Hartford Ballet of the choreographer and and Ze'va Cohen next April black musicians, poets and designers.

Sounds in Motion also will appear in concert at Under the direction of Mees Ha ll, Capital ch oreographer Dianne University, at 8:15 p.m. McIntyre, Sounds in Motion tonight. Otterbein students, exhibits a dance style that fa culty and staff may evolves out of the intent of attend for a special the work, rather than solely admission price of $1.25.

Senior Dan Hawk from Ti ffin , Ohi9 did an exc eptional job at the competition. Dan placed second in Pros e Interpretation and he also placed fifth in Informative. He, along with Any Runser, a sophomore, from Massillon placed fifth in Dramatic Duo.

Ken Wright, a sophomore from Worthington, placed first in Group Discussion. Mary Ann Deer, a freshman from Fostori a was a sem ifin alist in Pro se. Another freshman to be a sem ifinalist was Janice Harrell from Chillicothe. She competed in the Extemporaneous category.

The Forensic team looks forward to the Ball State Tournament because it is one of the lar gest compe titions in which Otterbein participates. The over all entry of Otterbein students in this year's competition was good.

· Seven out of the eleven participants in th e competition were freshman.

Don Hines, advisor of the Forensics team said that the freshman on the team show terri fic pot ential. He projected that the Forensics team has an active and promising career ahead of them.

This week end th e Forensics team will host the twenty-seventh an nual Turkey Tou r nament.

De f endi ng c·ham pions, University of Akron, will be returning along with nine other teams from Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania to compete. Otterbein will be represented by Chris Kapostasy, a junior, Becky Coleman, a sophomore, Judy Harrell, a sophomore, and Janice Harrell, a fr eshman.

November 19, 1976 Tan and Cardinal Page 4
Give Blood. + the I �od neighbor. The AAeria11\ Red Cross ...,-,�"9 CCW'ltribwled ... 1'- JNM,cgood �� �Ol•.,c;.•"

Reverend Clarke assumes new post

Resident chaplain leaves

Monday, November 22

will be the last opportunity to officially say goodbye to Reverend and Mrs. Robert G. Clarke when a reception is held for them in the Campus Center Faculty Loungefrom3-5 p.m.

Reverend Clarke will become the Protestant Chaplain at the University of Akron beginning Jan. 1, 1977.

Mr. Clarke is leaving Otterbein after a nine-year stintasits resident chaplain. The school will then be without a chaplain, at least foratime.

Coordinator of religious activities here at Otterbein, Reverend Clarke has overseered the various fellowship groups on campus, taught in the Po litical Science department and instituted several religious-oriented programs for both faculty and students.

Such programsas Faculty Grub and Gab, Faculty

Family Retreat andCampus Sharing Days have fallen under the auspices of ReverendClarke.

The fate of these programsisunknown.

"Some of theseprograms may fall by the boards," feels Mr. Clarke, "as it's difficult to run campus-wide programs withoutcoordination."

He continued to say, "The individual fellowships (FCA, CampusCrusade,... etc.) will flourish as they have independent leaders and good organization."

Reverend Clarke points to campus-wide religious programs as a vital part of theeducational processhere at Otterbein.

''rt•� important to constantly stimulate questions,'' explained Clarke, "to get people to examine themselves as well as things around them is esssntial. _ Much of my programming has centered around justthat."

His move to Akron was

Quiz competition

begins next term

necessitated last year when he was cut to parttimeand intensified when the prospect of being cut out altogetherarose.

Reverend Clarke joins a two-minister team at the University of Akron where his duties will be similar to those he had here but on a largerscale.

"It's much different there," explains Mr.Clarke, "there are 22,000 students enrolle while only 1,800 are resident-students. I'm looking forward to the challenge."

Reverend Clarke said he is leaving Otterbein withno regrets. He said, "I am pleased with the relationships I had with both students and faculty here."

Monday's reception for the Clarke's is open to all students, faculty and staff.

Creek News-------------Time to plan ahead

to end the term. All by TEM will beonsale. freshmen, all women, and Kappa Phi Omega all independentsareinvited. sorority would like

The last week of the fall Rides can be obtained from everyone to bepreparedfor term means home, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and relaxation. To the the Jonda house from 8:30 their all-campus,IceSkating to 10 p.m. Jonda is also party coming up January 7. continuing in the Bring those ice skates Greeks the last week are woodcutting services which back!! those end-of-the-term

The whiz kids are back. students, commuting are a profit able Owls had a good turnout money-maltingproject. at their Wine and Cheese Kings would also like all coed last weekend. They Starting in the winter term, students, faculty, staff, parties and the beginningof Residence Programming Greeks, Independents, or planning for the winter Service will once again be any combination of these term. women, all independents, will have a Thanksgiving and allfreshmentocometo dinnerMondaynight. sponsoring "Whiz Quiz", a groups. Games are held as Panhellinic Council and game which tests rapid part of a tournament, with Interfraternity Council their end of the term Theta Nu will have a pizza party this Friday grand party upon·return, a recall as well as theplayers' prizes going to the winners. would like all the Freshmen storeofinformation. Becky Coleman, a senior men and women, transfer night.

composed of four the emcee of this year's independents to consider contestants who pool their editionofWhizQuiz.Becky rush and going Greek over knowledge of academia and lives in Clements Hall, and the Holdiday Season. trivia in order to score interested teams may Starting January 3, all

Christmas/New Year'sparty Whiz Quiz teams are pre-law major will serve as st udents and all Saturday afternoon Zeta all wrapped'- into one!! Phi invitesallfreshmenmen Shouldbegood. to view the Michigan/Ohio EKT had a big farewell Stategamewiththem. party last Monday night.

Be buying those "turkey From what I understand it grams" from the sisters of wasabigevent!! points against another contact her there for rules women rushees will have similar team. Teamsmaybe andmoreinformation. rush sign-up at Greek Tau Delta. They can be A special farewell is made up of resident Kick-Off. All men rushees delivered Wednesday and extended to Dianne Grote will be going to fraternity Thursday eveningsatdinner (Tau Epsilon Mu), Barb open houses that first week and Friday at lunch. Vogler (Theta Nu), and to back. The best thing to do Congratulations to two Becky Fox (Epsilon Kappa is to think this Interim and new Talismen pledges - Tau).Both DianneandBarb decide to go Greek. Go Kathy Ashbaugh and Sue will betravellingaroundthe Weltarville, Ohio ctal1 through rush even if one

Complnt FIOf'II Sarvice (814t 812-GIOI

doesn't plan on joining. ConsidertheGreek side. who became active of the MerrillPalmerInstitute. Friday night, Jonda (Eta

Mayberry!! Also a congrats world on World Campus is extended to Julie Silcox Afloat. Becky is heading to

Hours 9 00 sisters of TEM!! TEM will Wishes are given to all. PhiMu)isholding theirfirst : : be having a Thanksgiving

Closed Sunday rush party of the year.It is Have a merry Holiday

at European Village and dinner Monday night. season and enjoy life!! Christmas ornaments made

Ole !:_rn,.ff!wers � '-----------------------' promises to be a great way November 19, 1976 Tan and CudiMI Page5
Reverend Robert G. Clarke, whowill beleavingonafter thisterm.
30 fffi-•I -5

Cagers look to repeat success SPORTS

!tacking the Cards

Weekend looks Blue

Otterb ein begins its 197 6- 77 cage season November 27 when they take on Marshall University. Under the auspices of Head Coach Dick Reynolds the

Cardinal cagers will look to better last years superb showing.

The key to Otterbein's duplicating its 21-6 record

confronting the Division by Dan Thompson of last season lies in the One, Pittsburgh Panthers, ba ckcourt wh ere both rather we will play the

Here is an interesting starters, Dave Bror:nley and Un iversity of Pittsburgh question for all trivia fans Terry Mo rrison , have branch campus at involving Ted Marchibroda, graduated. Bromley was the Jo hnstown, Pa. Still a head coach of the Baltimore team's top scorer and MVP, formidable opponent, but Colts. while Morrison kept the not Pitt.

When Marchibroda was ru nning, fas t-br ea king the Pit tsburgh Steeler's offense in gear with his * * * backup Quarterback, who pl aymakin g and played in front of him and ballhandling. who was cut in order to

Top rep lacement

After connectin g keep him on the roster? poss ibi liti es include successfully on all eight

The starting quarterback holdovers Mil{e Wohlheter predictions in the last issue was Jim Finks, now the and Mark Sanders, both of of the T&C, I ought to Chicago Bears' general Engaging in practice sessions preparing for the season whom saw spot action in know to quit while I'm on mana ger. Wh ile opener against Marshall are several cager hopefuls. 1975-76, plus Doug Addis, top, but I want to take a Marchibroda was held, a a transfer from Miami- of stab in the dark on picking guy named Johnny Unitas --- Goodwill pedaled Ohio. the two Co n fere nce was released. Actually , the

The front court is well championships being held in The Internatio na l unpriviliged children of the Steelers kept th ree set with Larry Downing, Ohio this Saturday. In the Students Association held world would certainly qu arte rbacks that year, Muff Jones and Don Brough OAC title-bowl in Berea, I the bike-a-thon November 7 appreciate yo ur choosing Vic Eaton over dividing their time at will go with blue-division when ten bikers gathered in collaboration. So far the Unitas. What do you mean forward. All are returnees. champ taking B-W by 2 over the Campus Center and treasurer of the ISA reports you don't remember Vic Rugged Ed Williams enters Wittenberg. Then in the rode for 12 miles towards a fund of over $120. Eaton????? his second season as a other ch a mpionship of Hoover Dam successfully. Proceeds of this action will * * * starter at c�nter. interest, I will again go with We thank all sponsors go to Un icef

If many of you are the blue team, that's right, and contributors to this wondering why Otterbein Michigan by 1. charita ble project. The scheduled the University of Pittsburgh this basketball season, the Otters are not

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November 19, 1976


Cards finish best since '61

Ending a football season with four consecutive wins is enough to make the most pessimistic coaches happy.

So it was with Rich Seils as the Otterbein Cardinals con cluded a 6-2-1 season, their best record since 1961, with a 14-7 victory over Marietta to gain sole possession of second place in the Ohio Athletic Conf erence (OAC) blue division.

Admitting candidly that he had anticipated a "long season" after the Cardinals dropped th eir opening contest to Kenyon, 21 - 14, Seils said he is pleased with the improvement shown by the young Otters.

"We gave a lot of kids some valuable experience," Seils said. "We are a very young team and we can look forward to our next season."

Key to this seasons' success was the defense which allowed only three touchdowns on the ground.

"We feel our defense can play with anyone in the confer ence," Seils said. "Our success was due to our

front seven."

The front seven of linebackers Don Snider and Bob Ruble, ends Bob Jacoby and Rob Dodge, tackles Dick Bonner and Tim Hart and middle guard John Hu ssey he lp opponents to an average of 14 3 yards rushing per game and was ranked third in the defense-dominated OAC.

Offensiv ely, ju nior quarterback Bill Hillier who compiled 1,036 yards and scored seven touchdowns, found fullback Mike Echols and tail ba ck Wayne Cumme rlander eager complements to the Otter attack.

In nine starts, Echols gained 683 yards for an average of 76 per game. Cummerlander struck for 668 in eight games.

Both unknowns at the season's start, Echols and Cummerlander emerged as two of the OAC's top five runners.

"I'm very pleased with their progress," Seils said. "They gave us a steady rushing attack. That gets

Billy (Hillier) free for the air game."

Hillier's favorite aerial target was Bob Bardelang, a burly tight end who specialize s in fingertip cat ches and bruising runn ing. Bardel ang combined with Hillier 22 times during the season for 356 yar ds and three touchdowns.

The Cardinals will miss the three seniors lost to gr actuation. Ru ble, a defensive captain, will be difficult to replace, as will comerback Biff Roberts and defensive tackle Dave Clark.

But the Cards have depth and are a young team, which could explain Seils' grin when asked about the 1977 prospects.

"We 'r e very excited about next season. We have a good team and good talent returning."

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Rob Dodge (33) and Don Snider (52) attack a Marietta ball carrier in last Saturdays 14-7 victory over the Pioneers.
Shedding would-be blockers and converging on the tackle are Otter defensivemen Bob Jacoby (87) and Tim Hart (74). Brownies Market 43 N. STATE ST. U S. Choice Beef Fresh Vegetables & Fruit Daily 882-4124 Orders received by Dec 15, 1976 will be delivered before Christmas Mall check or money order to: TELTRONICS, 2400 E. Devon, Des Plalnes, Ill 60018 Please send the following watch(es) {Specify your choice of 10 styles A thru J. followed by "S" for silver rhodium @$16 95 or 'G" for gold @ S17 g5 ) I understand that I will receive free a Teltron1cs calculator with every two watches I orderQUANTITY STYLE FINISH PRICE rder any two �11,ok('d �a11,-aµ;1· :--.11,d" id1 Teltron1cs Free Camp us Delivery �l.00 and get Add $1 00 shipping and handling cost for each watch. Illinois this8-digit. residents add 5% sales taK I enclose my check or money order 5-function for the total $ electronic ... (No cash-no COD's accepted Offer good In continental USA only memory calculator. battery and �ame ry case, FREE! Address----------------- GET IT ON WOBN City State z1P--�-

Manna Not About ��the Real Meaning of Christmas''

Cady be King of kings forever (Rev. 19:11 ff.).

Even though this is the He wa s born in last T&C before vacation, Bethlehe m, fu lfilling I'm not going to write another Messianic prophecy about "the real meaning of in Micah 5:2. Even King Christmas" because you'd Herod's advisory committee try to guess what I have to recognized the prophecy say and you wouldn't read meant the Messiah was to the column. However, I be born in Bethlehem. want you to consider some "And Herod, gathering of the circumstances around all the chief priests and Jesus' birth. They show that scribes of the people, began Jesus was no ordinary man. to inquire of then where the He was born of a virgin. ·Messiah was to be born. " [Mary] was found to be And they said to him, 'In with child by the Holy Bethlehem of Judea, for so Spirit ... and Joseph kept it has written by the her a virgin until she gave prophet, birth to a son." (M t. "And you, Bethlehen, 18:25). This fulfilled the land of Judah, prophecy in Isaiah 7:14: Are by no means least "T herefore, th e Lord among the leaders of Himself will give you a sign: Judah; Behold, a virgin will be with For out of you shall come forth a Ruler, child and bear a son."

Who will shepherd My His ancestr y wa s people Israel'" (Mt. predicted, the most specific 2:4-6). referring to King Davis, as Even when the wise men in Psalm 13 2:11: "The offered gifts to Him, the Lord has sworn to David prophecy of Isaiah 60:6 was ... 'Of the fruit of your bein g fulfille d. "A body I will set upon your multitude of camels will throne."' Jesus was a cover you, The young descendant of David (Luke camels of Midian and 3:31) and He will return to

Essay contest on "perspectives"

The Un ited Stat es Cit izen's Congr ess is sponsoring an essay contest on the "Perspectives for the Third Century."

A nati on-wide competition, the project was set up to stimulate Am ericans of al l persuasions, particularly in the academic community to access the options for a better American and submit learned theses which will be evaluated by a distinguished panel of judges.

First prize is $5,000 with following prizes $2,000, $1,0 00 and $10 0 respectively. (Twenty-four prizes will be awarded.}

Need More Financial Aid?

A li mited amount of Na tional Direct Student Loan funds are available to el igible students for this academic year. If interested, please contact the Financial Aid Office.

Topics may in clude government, energy, transportation, economics, inflation and defense.

For further information contact: "Perspectives ", c/o U. S. Citizen's Congress, 1221 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D .C. 20036.

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E phah; All those from Wee ping and great examples of the prophecies Sheba will come; They will mourning, that Jesus' birth fulfilled. brin g gold and Rachel weeping for her Jesus was by birth someone frankincense." children; unique.

When Herod murdered And she refused to be And He Himself is the the infants of Bethlehem, conforted, object of Christian faithhe fulfilled still another Because "' tqey were no God who was in human prophecy: "Then Herod more (Mt. 2:16-18). flesh. His birth wasto point became very enraged, and Jesus and His family had forw ard to His future sent and slew all the male escaped to Egypt by that ministry on the cross where children who were in time because of an angel's He died for sinners, for it Bethlehem and in all its fo rewarning. When they ide nti fied Him as the environs, from two years returned from Egypt, at the Messiah. old and under ... Then that direction of an angel again, So this Christmas, don't which was spoken through another prophecy was try to find · out "the Jeremia h the prophet fulfilled in Hosea 11:1: meaning of Christmas": (31:15) was fulfilled: "Out of Egypt did I call My you've heard explanations 'A voice was heard in Son." about that scores of times Ramah, These are just a few already. This year, consider Jesus.

Hopeful journalists explore 'right to know'

Kapostac·y with the job.

other non-performers. The Many even agreed that group generally agreed that most public persons expect performers should expect it as a form of publicity. very little privacy. The

The post-Watergate era The people not as happy group all voiced opposition has produced a deluge of with the job journalists are to false magazine headlines, aspiring young journalistsdoing agreed to some extent although the story may be real - live knights in shining that famous persons should legitimate, and especially armor, ready to save the expect publ icity, but opposition to deliberately world a la Woodward­ qualified it by saying that false or malicious stories. Bernstein. Th ere are, they draw the line at the A wider split came with without a doubt, many po i nt where the regards to non-performing more people inte"rested in information does not affect personaliti es and their the who le field of the lives of the reade rs. families. Some felt that investigative journalism as Despite this basic they should · expect the careers. It would stand to dis agreement, there was same treatment, with the reason that out of the fifty some consensus among the feel ing . that whatever they that apply for the average group to sepa rate do may, in one way or news opening, those who perfomier s from those in another, affect the lives of landed jobs would be truly governmental service and those they serve. hig h-caliber professionals. their families, as well as But are they?

famous businessmen, and

How well pr esent reporters handle the private lives of famous persons was C a subject explored by the A Sm all Group Communication class here L at Otterbein - some of I whom are possibly headed C for journa listic careers themselves. Their oprmons 0 on the subject were as varied as those of the C New location, lots of new items! Come in joµrnalists themselves, and see our new jewelry, beads, batik u judging by the dozens of supplies, and gift items. personal sets of ethics. p

On the affirmative B saying, "They're doing what

they should be doing as 0 journalists!!" - were the arguers of the "right to A

know ". A major point was R

am-8 pm

am-9 pm that public persons know

10 am: 5 pm D what to expect - it comes

• i ® ••• •• ••• • • • • • • � • • • • Page 8 Tan and Cardinal November 19, 1976
N. State St.
M.T. W.F. 10

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