The Tan and Cardinal January 14, 1977

Page 1

Tan and Cardinal

Fellow comes to Otterbein this month

Dr. James Hutchison

Williams of Upper Arlington will spend two days on the Otterbein College campus this month (January 24-25) visiting classes as part of the Otterbein Fellows program.

Currently a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at The Oh10 State University, Dr. Williams'

stay at Otterbein will inc lude classroom discussions on abortion, contraception research and relat ionships between me dical practice and psychotherapy. He also will attend a dinner with Alpha Epsilon Delta, a pre-medical honorary.

The Otterbein Fellows program is designed to

CPB offers bargain

CPB has a new bargain be used by one person for a - for-movie buffs. Movies that single admission to six once cost Otters a dollar per different movies, by six person per show may end people to one movie or in up costing as little as 45 any combination that adds cents. up to six admissions.

bridge the gap between the classro om and the professional world by bringing to campus community leaders in a variety of fields.

A Westerville native who received a B.A. from Otterbein in 1944, Dr. Williams has been a pr actic ing obstetriciangyne colog ist in the

Williams, Otterbein fellow. Columbus area since returning from active duty

district of the Ohio State Above is Dr. James Hutchison

in the Army in 1954. He gained his M.D. degree from Ohio State in 1946. A diplomat for the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. ,, Williams served as president of the Academy of Medicine of Columbus and Franklin County in 1975 and currently is councilor for the tenth Medical Association.

Trustees Exec Committee meets tomorrow

Di scussion of the Committee will de cide be hired at this time to proposed four-year nursing whether to start serious dr aw plans for the program is one of the items pl anning for the nursing rennovation of the Alumni

on the agenda fpr the program or wait until a later Gym. A decision on this Trustee Budget Control and date. At the earliest, the matter, if it is affirmative, Otterbein 's Campus At the rate of six Programming Board has admissions for five dollars, Executive Me eting first class of freshmen for would enable the plans to printed season tickets that the movies still cost slightly tomo r row. The regularly the program would enter be ready for summer may be purchased for less than a dollar per sch ed ul�d meetin g of for the fall of 1978. cons tr uctio n. Ho wever, $5.00. These tickets are admission, but Roger Duff, trustees and representatives T.h e meeting will also before any reconstruction of Administrative Council incl ud e discussion of begin s, the Bo ard of good _for six admissions to chairman of the movies the CPB movies. They may committee, has still another

'Pirates of Penance' is presented this weekend

Continued on Page 4 and the Budget Control whether an architect should Trustees will have to make the decision when it will be started. The topic will be discussed at the April meeting.

A band of priates, a Hall, the operetta is enter­ the pirates was the result of Directing the opera is Dr. chorus of pretty girls and tainment for all ages. a mistake upon the part of Morton Achter, Chairman some of the most engaging lyrics and tunes in Gilbert and Sullivan's storehouse of favorites make "The Pirates of Penzance" one of the most popular operettas of all time.

Presented by Otterbein College Opera Theatre workshop on Friday and Saturday nights, Jan. 14, 15, at 8:15 p.m. in Cowan

Written and premiered in the United States in 1880, the romantic comedy is set on the shores of Penance, a notorious pirate town in victorian England. The opera revolves around Frederic, a pirate apprentice who • is released from the pirate band upon his twenty-first birthday.

Frederic's indenture to

Action is this weekend's presentation of "The Pirates of Penzance.

his hard-of-hearing nurse, of the Department of Ruth. All is well until Music. Musical Director is Frederic happens upon a Dennis Kratzer of the music "b evy of bea utiful faculty, and Lanny Navarro, maidens" and renounces technical director, created Ruth because of her age and the "rocky seashore on the plainness. The rest of the coast of Cornwall." show builds upon Frederic's Costumes are being done by pledge of love to Mabel, a Pam Simmons, and Ms. daughter of Major-General Tanya Gille and Ms. Diane Stanl ey, an d ruse Dufford will provide piano constructed by the accompaniment. Major-General to save his Otterbein students with daughters from marriage to I.D.'s are admitted free of the pirates. charge.



Many Otterbein students to explain the library's have learned the basics in capabilities. If you are using and gettin g interested and would like information from the further information about library, but are unaware of the library's reference, all the services the library is notify Mrs. MacKenzie. She capable of providing. will arrange times for the Mrs. Alberta MacKenzie, Saturday sessions. Reference Librarian, would The library also is like to arrange informal, organizing a directory of Saturday morning sessions home town phone books.

The current status of the contract with the UAW will be presented in a report by the Budget sub comm:ittee. At this point, it is a matter of putting more on paper than they have done in the past.

A report concerning the insurance claim filed for Co c br an Hal l wil l be discussed in te rms of reaching a settlement, and a report on the fund-raising cam paign for the rennovation of the Alumni Gym will also be presented.

Another item on the agenda is the report on the budget. At this time there are no definite plans for the 1977-78 year, but if the indicators are correct, there may be another rise in tuition.

College i..1 rarY - 1977
Volume 58, Number 12
College, Westerville, Ohio January 14, 1977

let's not step back

I've recently become concerned with a problem

Readers Sound-off.

On the Sibyl . .. footba ll pictures in the are trying to find? And why basketball section? Why was no indication of what each

Dear Editor:

there only one shot of each person was involved in so in

As a 1976 graduate, I situation that has emerged in the residence halls and, as theatre production (in most the future we could look up looked forward to receiving several administrators as well as many students concur, I cases)? what some of the folks of "My Senior Yearbook." For thought I'd make mention of it. Why was there so much our class did? this was the final look at

Anyone with any knowledge of Otterbein's recent bla nk space (whi ch After the 197 5 Yearbook the days at the 'Bein. history must certainly agree that despite opinion that our certainly could have been tragedy, the '76 editors Howeve r, th is latest visitation rules are "old-fashioned," we have, indeed, come used for a better purpose)? promised that our yearbook publication certainly leaves a long way. Why were not a-11 wou ld be a well pu t many questi ons in my

The biggest difference is the shif t from an authoritative organizations represented together publication.And I, mind. For example: Why approach by the staff to ·a developmental one.RA's are no (i.e. senior honor aries, for one, thought that to be are some of the names longer policemen who stalk the halls and peer around intramurals, Greek rush and true, with all the pressure to spelled out fully and some corners, they are, (as their name suggests) resident pledging) and the ones that meet deadlines (in effort to with only abbreviations? assistants. were there is no explanation have the thing done by

Why are there no listings of

But allow me to get to my concern.One misconception given? September).

what seniors are in which that I believe is shared by many regulation violators is that

Why was th er,e no Unfortunately, none of department? Why are none they can only be caught while either coming or going with, consistency? Why was there this was done. This year's of the faculty listed with say alcohol or a member of the opposite sex. no continuity? Why was book was extremely late as their respect iv e

They feel that once in the room they're safe and, should there no index so in the compared with the 1972 departments? an RA or head resident knock on the door, they need only future we could look up publication which was out

Why were a good ignore it. "good old what's-his-face" within the first couple of percentage of the photos

What many are forgetting though is that the college has instead of th umbin g weeks in the fall term of the used previously published in every legal right to open your room door with a master through each page hoping 1972-73 school year. the T & C? Why were there key. They just haven't done it in recent years - again an to recognize the person we

ContinuedonPage 4 evidence of the developmental approach.

But, with my experience on the Judicial Council, I've seen cases where the staff is thoroughly convinced that for

instance a girl was in a sleeping room or someone had "ducked" out a window to escape being caught - but couldn't prove it.

Let's face it. The staff does have the responsibility to

enforce the regulations. They cannot (and I think should not) allow violators to break the rules when they have knowledge of it.

1. S. complaints channeled

While there have been other students. What would justified criticism of the

But what can they do? Post guards at the windows and numerous complaints be more constructive and courses you feel are doors and try to out-wait the violator? Naturally that is among the student body useful is for these approached with the wrong absurd, as well as being authoritative. concerning the Integrative suggestions to be aired emphasis. Take a careful

One solution is to begin to exercise their right to use the Studies Department, few of where· they may be heard look at the structure of master key. They don't want to do this but if the situation them are directed where by those who can change these classes and first ask if grows any worse I, PErrsonally, see no other alte rnative. their energy will do any some of the "kinks" in the you have a better solution, What could happen, in effect, is that residents could force good.These required where system. otherwise, maybe your the staff in a reversal and that, in my opinion would be their energy will do any This is not a cry for rash, criticism is too premature. tragic. good. These required unfounded attacks, but for

There are several ways to combat this, the obvious being courses are still referred to to refrain from violating the regulations all together. as common courses, oven Another would be that , should the situation occur, open though the name of the the door and face the consequances of your action. department has been

Tan and Cardinal

Either way, let's not force the administration to exercise changed. their right to ''key-in" to our rooms.It would be a giant Opinions vary as to step backward in the progress of the college. which courses are good and i" which are bad, but most of the complaints center on by Mickey Burns one general idea, too much Pu�1!8hed weekly bythestudentsofOtterbeinCollege.The busy work. If this is the opm1onsexpressed in theTanandCardinal arethoseofthe staffanddonotnecessarilyreflectthoseoftheschoolorits case, it seems that it is not administration.


The healing light of the Supreme bestows rays upon our

the "fault" of the nature of the department. A broad

Mickey Burns EDITOR-IN-CHIEF knowledge of many areas is Sara Ullman MANAGING EDITOR cells and our mind. the essence of a liberal arts

There is perfection, beauty, purity and strength in us and

Melissa Barr ...... BUSINESS MANAGER educati on, and the Scott Brockett ........... SPORTS EDITOR around us.

These attributes are within us and are our real nature

Integrative Studies

Nancy Ballog .......... FEATURE EDITOR Department has some sound which are not for our sake but for others' sake.

Dennise Smitley CIRCULATION MANAGER philosophies behind the That through Him, the Eternal Being, beyond changes, the Don Hines . . .......... . . ADVISOR courses.It is not this aspect Light, Bestower of freedom and peace, justice may be many students question. established upon earth.

Brad Haynes, Kay Burns, Chet Cady, Maggie Rather, it is the execution May growth, development and prosperity be unto all. Dine, Marilyn Douglas, Tim O'Flynn, Sylvia Ingels, and methods for conducting May we use our material possessions for the benefit of Kat Johnson, Shelley Jones, Chris Kapostasy, several of the courses that is others since for humanity and knowledge's sake we live. Felipe Martinez, Sue Mayberry, Hope Roberts, criticized.

Not me but Thou Chris Souders, Dan Thompson, Deb Thorn, Kim

The numb er of Not mine but Thine Wilcox,Uan Repik, Bob Kokai and Deana Williams complaints and suggestions Lord help us to carry out this work for thy glory.Om that many of the students hold are only discussed with Felipe Martinez

Tan and Cardinal January 14, 1977 Pa 2 Third degree Burnt
January 14, 1977 Tan and Cardinal Page3 • �':, �{:,t�S ALL 20% �� no w -;>� now P P SETS OFF V OFF PLusH� Ori�� X·TRA SPECIAL! FREEpr. of KNEE SOX w/any purc hase while our qu antiti es la st! !! ! DANSKIN HEADQUARTERS with a comp lete selection of le otards, tights andmore! AT 1-270& WESTERVILLE RD. ------- WE HONOR: MC-BA C-SC MALL Hou'5i Hort;SAr.�10-10·SUH:1C6

Rea�en Sound-off. •

Continuedfrom Page2

Long is new 'Bein chaplain

Otterbein once again has Activities office Mondays, Committee and a liaison a part-time chaplain in the Wednesdays and Fridays with the Placement office I find it absurb that the contaminating force passed person of Reverend Carole between noon and 5 p.m. to theological schoois and edito rial staff and on to oncoming Sibyl Ann Long, a graduate and offers counseling and professional religious photographer(s) of the staffers.

student at Methesco hospital visitation among organizations. Sibyl are paid. Their total When this poor excuse (Methodist Theological herduties. Long isworkingtoward a salaries equal the entire for a college yearbook is Scho.olinOhio). Long, an ordained Master of Divinity degree operating budget ofWOBN, passed among Otter-folk Vacated when Reverend minister, also will serve as which she hopes to which employs fifty or and the comment is heard, Bob Clarke accepted a an advisor to Religious complete in June. She ise more students, none of ". my sixth grade annual full-time post at Akron Activities Council, a also a wife and mother of whom get paid. Something sure beats this mess ...,"it University, the postisbeing member of Campus Affairs two. there seemsunjustified. is time for regrouping, filled until the end of this I hope thattheeditorsof reorganization and hope school year. Theposition of the 1977 Sibyl can learn that the 1977 Sibyl can be chaplain may then be Whos Roek'n from mistakes,andhavethe one that is thought of reevaluated and perhaps enthusiasm, patience and twentyyears from nowasa combined with either pride to putoutayearbook great reminder of our days teaching duties or

The Patti Smith· Band

that represents the campus atOtterbein. Alumn-Development community in the best by Chris Souders lyrically or instrumentally. Sincerely, responsibilities. possible manner. Let us all Songslike"Askthe-Angels" One '76graduatewhospeaks Reverend Long is When Patti Smith hope that laziness is not a and "Poppies" are for many available in the Religious appeared at the Agora in disappointing compared to Columbus last month, she their predecessors "Kim­

Placement Oltace Notes

Recruiter s are scheduled

was almost totally berly" and "Land of a overwhelmed by here ThousandDances". backing musicians. Patti'se Patti brought critical singing was barely audible

attention to her first album over her band's musicale by including a remake of RE CR UITER S eligible,acandidatemustbe The PlacementOfficehas onslaught.e the 1965 rock classic

SCHED ULEDFOR WEEKS 21-30 and showevidenceofe recently received the This is also the case with "Gloria". There are no OF JAN UAR Y 17 & 24 high academic standing,e 1976-77 edition of the Patti's second album,Radio remakes on RadioEthiopia, leadership ability, ande Federal Career Directory, A Ethiopia. Patti seems January 17 (Mon.) - Case and the best songs are effective oral and writtene Guide for College Students reluct1U1t to assertherselfas WesternReserve University, merelymediocre. communication skills. Alsoe which covers the following she did on her debutalbum, 1 -5 p.m., interested in The PattiSmithBandhas career concern and topics: (1) Federal Horses, and the result is an talking with students of been compared to The motivation · must be government careers for over-produced, over-mixed, any major interested in Rolling Stones of the early demonstrated. college graduates, (2) album of very loud rock Case Western's Master of 60's in both their musical Persons selected for the Federal employers, (3) job music. Science in Management ability and their image as program will begin in the briefsbycollegemajor. On her first album, Patti or Master Of Science in street-wise rockers. This is early summer or fall and The PACEexam(Federal mixed her Bohemian style Business Administration. the 1970's and, January 18 (Tues.) - Ernst will be assigned to major Civil Servi�e exam for poetry with basic unfortunately, the Patti cities · throughout the college graduates) will be three-chord rock music and & Ernst, 8:30 a.m. - Smith Band lacks the country. The m1mmum given next in March. The produced a very different 12:30 p.m., seeking uniqueness that made the salary willbe $9,600.00 deadline for applying is and interesting album. The Business Administration Stones overnight successes

A recruiting and February 17. More eight songs on Radio majors with accounting more thana decade ago. information session will be information and forms are Etehiopia lack this concentration. Would anybody like to held for interested available in the Placement song-poem style and have January 21 (Fri.) - Ohio buy a slightly used Patti individuals in Cincinnati on Office. no definite direction either Northern University Law Smith album?

Monday, January 31, 9-11 School, 11:30 - 12 noon and 1 -5p.m.,interested am.and2-4 p.m.

Students In mie•

interestedinobtainingmore in talking with students information or attending of any major who are

Panther strikes out

one of the meetings should interested in law school. contact the Placement January 28 (Fri.) - Miami by Chris Kapostasy scientist who hasinventeda New Year's Eve and I'm Office(456). University, School of machine that disintegrates convinced that the reason Business Administration.

Peter Sellers is at it for buildings and threatens to for the laughs had come 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., the fourth time as the Pink use the machine unless from sources otherthanthe interested in students ContinuedfromPage 1 Panther, this time in "The someone gets Clouseau. As - onesonthescreen. interested in M1ami's bargain for those who Pink Panther Strikes a result, nations send There arf; a couple of MBA and MA in purchase the tickets. Roger Again". As the inimitable assassins to England to get well-done scenes in the Economics. Would also says that the ticket sales so inspector Jaques Clouseau, Clouseau, who is in the movie,both of whichareat welcome theopportunity far have almost paidforthe Sellers displays thecomedic process of bumbling the beginning and feature to talk with any faculty cost of printing, and that if brilliance that keeps throughamurdercase. Sellers. If riping apart an member involved in the sales go over well audiences coming back This quick appraisal, apartmentcanbehysterical, advising students. enough, CPB will havesome again and again.e keep in mind, is only a it is here. There's also an JOBOPPORTUNITY extra money to use for Unfortunately, most of this quick overview of the plot. amusing view ofholesbeing The National UnitedWay campusmovies. movie strikes out, and There's enoughinthemovie bored through the floor of is seekingqualifiedsenior Rather than put the would be a complete for three movies (not that Clouseau's - apartment to candidates with any major money back into the disasterifnotforSellers. I'm suggesting any more allow a periscope to go for a one year paid treasury, CPB would then This time the former Pink Panther movies!) in through it. But on the internship which will schedule up to six more chiefinspectorescapesfrom this one. There's plenty whole, the "Pink Panther provide intensive and movies for the season. the insaneasylum.Clouseau going on but most of it is Strikes Again" is a accelerated one-year Those already holding CPB istheunderstandable reason too ridiculous to be funny. disappointment, and training in preparationfora passeswould beadmitted to for his insanity, so he The audience at the perhaps a sign that writer professional career in the the extra movies free of devises a deviousplottoget performance I saw laughed Blake Edwards should look United Way field. To be charge. Clouseau. He kidnaps a uproariously, but it was forsomenewmaterial.

January 14, 1977 Tan and Cardinal

Obscure Lost and Found is discovered

At last! Everything you have always wanted to know aboutlostarticlesbut were afraid to ask! Wehave all experienced losing something at one time or another, whether the item be large or small. Until this point you may have given up hopeofeverfindingthat longlosttreasure. Cheerup! Salvationhasarrived!

The original and once obscure Otterbein Lost and Found departmenthas been discovered. It is alive and we11 and located in the Printing Office of Towers Hall.

Mr. Forrest Moreland is head of printing operations at Otterbein. He was very cooperative in acquainting me with some of the background concerning LostandFound.

The office space they currently inhabit "was originally the business office,"Morelandsaid.That was in the 1950's. About 1965 Public Relations moved into the space. Lost and Found was established there even at that time. When Pubhc Relations moved out and the printing operation moved in, Lost and Found became part of Printing's inheritance and has remained there ever since.

Mr. Moreland pointed out that these particular

offices are not the only location on campus toserve as a"catch-all"forrunaway or orphaned articles. The Science Building, Library, and Campus Center will holditemsalso.

The original policy ofthe department was to tag all incoming articles with the date received, the finder's name and the location it was found The office personnel made every effort to find the article's owner. Items were held for 30 days and then contributedtothe ThriftShopforsale.

Present office policy is not so strict. Articles are held for a year and then given to the Thrift Shop without going through the tagging process and tracking downtheowner.

Mr. Moreland noted that very few students tum in items they have found to the office. This could be attributed to the fact that the existence of this branch of Lost and Found is not well known. The bulk of Lost and Found's inventory is turned in by members of the campus custodial staff.

textbook among numerous other textbooks and spiral notebooks, most of which are in somewhat questionablecondition.

Stored in a box are several pairs of eyeglasses, old and new. Some are prescription sunglasses. Also being held is a lady's Elgin wristwatch, a silver screw-on earring, andagold classring. Its inscription is PayneHigh School 1973. If you can identify theinitials on the ring, I'm sure the department would be more than pleased to return it to itsowner.

The bottom of this box ofgoodiesis steepedinkeys of every shape and size. If you have lost keys, be sure and check the Print Shop. They are harboring more than their share and many other unsung lost treasures that are waiting to be claimed.

Some of the treasures gathering dust in the drawers and closets of the office include a pair of men's brown shoes, a black athletic jacket with gold striped cuffs, a gray button-up sweater, a navy blue athletic windbreaker, and a Je

The shop is open weekdays from 8 a.m.noon and 1 p.m.-5p.m.If you'd like to call for information on an article, the extension is 658. Any of the office personnel will These articles may never be recovered fromthelost and bepleasedto assist you. found-theysitcollectingdust.

Campus is shooting site

Student to direct motion picture


Will you remember me?


Whenmylegs arestillI cannotgo.

Whenmyhearthas stoppedI can not be, andknowledgelost is allIknow.

EvenwhenIworked,I receivednopay,

Andnowthetotalsumis less.

Withorwithout moneyonthisdreary day, I'llbewearingmy verybestdress.

Praisesaresoundednightandnoon, Sounded, heard, andlost.

Allsungto asaddertune, Andallwasdoneatnoextracost.

I hopeitdoesn'trainonmyparade, AndIguessI'llhavetosleepalone.

Onthisday whenI'mfinallylaid, IhopeI'm not justa nameonastone.

Otterbein senior James moves intothetruthbehind Photography for "FOIL." Dooley is the director of a those murders which can Dooley is completing his new motion picture only be described as the final term at Otterbein. "FOIL". Locations have "ultimate crime," of which Both a film collector and a been secured forstootingin the murders are merely film maker, his stage and the North Columbus and incidental. Though violent screen credits include Westerville area, with the in nature, the depiction of directing, acting, and majorityoffilmingoccuring onscreen violence will be writing duties. He has won on the Otterbein College keptto aminimumwiththe several "Best Film" awards campus. accent being on suspense in the amateur film

Now in the process of and mystery (to give the catagory with his latest securing major film festival "armchair detective" a James Bond spoof, ON and exposition invitations chance at guessing the HER MAJESTY'S SECRET in addition to distribution murderer's identity) with a SUBWAY, recently winning rights for theatrical release, bit of the supernatural to a special comedy citation. "FOIL" is the first setthe mood. He adapted the screenplay commercial motion picture The producer,HowardL. "FOIL" fromhisownnovel to be filmed entirely inthis Show, is a graduate of the ofthesamename. area.

Germain School Of Also named to the

The feature length Photography in New York technical staff is Robert production will run where he served as Kokai as AssistantDirector. approximately 96 minutes production manager and Currently a speech and and total production ca meraman for theater major at Otterbein, completiqn is scheduled for documentary films. He he is also serving as advance late summer, with the studied cinematography at publicity chairman for the premiere showing slated for OSU in additionto starring production. early September. as John Dean in the Acting and technical

The two-fold plot begins professional touring interviews and auditionsare with the investigation by company production of scheduled to be announced two detectives into a series THE WATERGATE shortly. Dooley hopes to ofbizarresword murderson CANTATA. He will also use a majority of people a small college campus and serve as Director of from the Otterbein campus.

January 14, 1977 Tan and Cardinal_ Page 5

Newson presents "Rug Concert" Thursday

Pianist Roosevelt Newson Programs have varied from a will present a "Rug Concert" soprano recital to last at the Otterbein Campus spring's appearance by the Center on Thursday, Jan. 30, Green Parks Project. 8:15 p.m. Fourth event in Newson, who has just this year's college Artist completed work toward his Series, free to students with doctoral degree, is the first an I.D. and tickets are solo artist ever named to the available at the Cowan Hall roster of Young Audiences, box office, weekdays from 1 Inc. He will spend a week in -4p.m. central Ohio co-sponsored

Since their introduction by Otte rbein Col lege, at Otterbein three years ago, Wes ter ville Concerts the "Rug Concert" concept Association and the Upper with the audience invited to Arlin gton Cultural Arts dress informally and be Commission as an Affiliate seated on the floor, have Artist. gr own in popula rity.

T & C seeks photo editor

The Publications Board is consist of a letter stating taking applications for the reasons of interest in the position of photography job and any previous editor of the Tan and experience. All applications Cardinal. This is a paying should be dropped off at position of the staff, and the Tan and Cardinal office will last until the end of the as soon as possible or given 1976-77school year. to Mickey Burns.

Appli cati-ons should

A Louis iana na tive, Newsom is a member of the fa culty at Pe abody Conservatory in Baltimore. He is a cum laude graduate of Southern University.

He has performed with the Baltimore Symphony 0 rchestra and also has performed at Johns Hopkins University, New York City's Town Hall and at the National Gallery of Art.

Newson's program at the Campus Center will combine classical works and popular selections from his varied repetoire. In addition to the "Rug Concert" he will appear on the Black Heritage Music Series at St. Phillips Episcopal Church, Sunday at 5: 15 p.m., and also at the Paul Laurence Dunbar Afro American Cultural Arts Center. Through cooperation with the Artist in Schools program he will do an informal program at Po intvi ew Elem en tary School in Westerville. He also will visit Upper Arlington High School and First Community Village.



6 Tan and Cardinal January 14, 1977
Daily WOBN Schedule (Mon.-Fri.) 7a.m. -1 p.m. Morning Music ... Wake up to the sounds
1 p.m. -3 p.m. OFF THE AIR 3 p.m. -4 p.m. Public Service programs of campus and community interest 4 p.m. -5 p.m. Contemporary Christian an hour of the music and the word of God 5 p.m. -7p.m. Top Twenty .. top rock hits of the week 7p.m. -8 p.m. Local Live . . .
8 p.m. -10:30 Progressive
10:30 p.m. -1 a.m. Jazz 2½ hours of all the
of your favorite WOBN deejay and easy rock music.
Series of talk shows and special interest programs including the favorite
Talk Sports" and "Contact". Full schedule will be announced soon
rock ... music for the
greatest musicians
Pianist Roosevelt Newsom, who will present a "Rug Concert" Thursday in the Campus Center.

Sexuality program returns

App roximately 70 students came to LeMay auditorium Wednesday to hear David Hall and Carole Cooper present "Sexuality and You," a RPS program.

Beginning at 7:30 p.m. Hall and Cooper treated the audience to a straight, down-to-earth discussion of sex.

Much of the presentation was focused on clearing up many of the fallacies that youth (and aud]ts) have about sexuality. Hall, a therapist with the Institute for Mental Health in Flint, Michigan, often brought giggles from the audience as illustrations of incorrect thinking "hit home."

The program, a revamped version of a similar one conducted in 1975, did not enjoy the standingroom-only crowds that the pr eced ing le cturee encouraged.

"I think the weather was a big factor in the small turnout," reasoned Karl Oldag, Dean for Student Development.e

The remainder of the sexuality program will be presented in three parts, one presentation per week for three weeks.

"Contraception and Sterilization" will be featured on January 19 by a representative from Planned ...

Who's Whose


Cheryl Gi bb s, '7 9

Independent, to Gordy Walker, '79 University of Cincinnati.

Sherrey Ockuly, '77 Independent, to Jim Black, '77 Lambda Gamma Epsilon. from Page 12 Leisure Learning Solution


anuary 14-Friday

Approximately· 70 students were present tohear the RPS presentation, "Sexuality and You".

January 15-Saturday 9:30ea.m. 5:45 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:15 p.m.

January 16-Sunday

-CPB Ski Tripe

-Dinner Hour Music: "Poore Howard"e

-Campus Crusade for Christe -Music Department: Operae Performancee

-Fraternity Rush Parties: Zeta,e Jonda and Sphnixe

-Board of Trustees: Budget &e Executive Committee Mee�1nge -JV Basketball: Muskingum -Ae -Basketball: Muskingum -Ae -Music Department: Operae Performancee

-Fraternity Rush Parties: Club,e Kings and Pi Sige

-Sorority Open Housee

-Interfraternity Councile

-Campus Christian Associatione (Agape)e

January 17-Monday

,January 18-Tuesday

� Curriculum Committee

-Campus Services Committee -Sorority & Fraternity Meetings

-Academic Council -Whiz Quiz

-Panhellenic Council

-Yearbook Staff Meetings

-Basketball: Denison -H -Circle K Meeting

January 19-Wednesday

12:00 noon -Culteral Affairs Subcommittee

6:00 p.m. -Campus Progi:amming Board

7:30 p.m. -10:30 p.m. -RPS Workshop: "Sexuality an

Parenthood, Charlotte program to be prese-nted on You" Rainsburger.

February 10 dealing with 8:00 p.m. -Young Democrats

January 26 is the date for pregnancv and delivery.

January 20-Thursday "VD" with the final

''Were-it left fbr me
to decide whether we
should have a
government without
Isbould� amomentto prefa-tbe latter."

January 21-Friday

-Teacher Education Committeee -Religious Activities Councile

-Alpha Epsilon Delta -Personnel Committee

-Artist Series: "Roosevelt Newson" -CPB Ski Trip

p.m. -7:45 p.m. - Sorority Novelty Parties

-Campus Crusade for Christe

p.m. -10:00 p.m. - Sorority Novelty Parties

-Fraternity Rush Parties: Pi Sige Jenda and Cluh

p.m. -Eta Phi Mu Winter Formale 10:15 p.m. - 12:15 a.m. -Sorority Novelty Parties

/ January 1 4, 1977 Tan and Cardinal page 7
·e -A
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4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 8:30
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8:00 p.m.
Brownies Market
N. STATE ST . U.S. Choice Beef Fresh Vegetables & fruit Daily 882-4124 1
TbomasJeffersan 43

Personal Evangelism, Part 2

I have been a subscriber Gentlemen, to your magazine for I om submitting a story to your magazine

!, for consideration.

many years. h 'I :r

by C.W. Cady disti nc tion between view of the other life. personal contact with sin To be a really successful ;: !' and personal contact with Christian, you must be able

I've avoided quoting people or even life! to relate your two worlds If you don't publish my So there, too ! Scripture commandin g On the other hand, there together. Witnessing helps story, I am going to Christians to witness mainly are a lot of Christians who you develp the habit of because those of you are too this-worldly. They relating them. The amount interested in doing it have no grasp of the reality of witnessing you do which already know those of their state in Christ. sees changed lives indicates commandments and are There's little desire in them how successful you are at now looking for methods. to grow up into every learning to be relevant to For you, I hope to suggest aspect of Christ. While the this life. And the process in this series a few methods other extreme sees the need never ends. you may be able to use. for the gospel but refuses to I'm not suggesting that if C

However, many people get its hands dirty, this one you know all the facts still do not realize how may hardly see the need at about, but haven't A important witnessing all, may hardly see a cultivated a relationship L verbal communication of distinction between the two with, the Lord Jesus that the gospel - is to spiritual worlds he lives in. you should go out and I growth and maturity, and But if this kind of witness. I'm emphasizing C this installment deals with believer sees the difference, the importance of its importance. he's usually defeated. He evangelism in the Christian 0 u

The Christian is a hasn't learned to depend on life, but it assumes you're

New location, lots of new items! Come in p stranger in an alien land. In the Holy Spirit to cleanse bu ilding a li fe-long and see our new jewelry, beads, batik his experience, he should be his life-style. While the relationship with a living, B living in two worlds - the other-worldly Christian has personal Christ. This is supplies, and gift items. 0 physical and the spiritual, an unrealistic view of this more important than this one and the other. Note life, the this-worldly anything else in the A

24 N. State St. that I did not say "this Christian has an unrealistic Christian life.

world and the real one.'' Both worlds are real worlds

created by God, but a lot of Christians act as though this one - the only world which most people experience -

should not be lived in at all.

Because the Christian lives in two worlds, so to

speak, witnessing is a good

the quality of


it measures his

the other world, and most importantly, his ability to relate the two

worlds together.

Too many Christians are

too other-worldly. They are out of touch with anyone besides their own group.

They use all the big "sanctified" words which

mean nothing to someone

who does not live in their own little world, but only

in this one.

Instead of mingling

socially, they m1mm1ze their contact with a world


dying for the gospel under some pretense that they antgJple:' relate the "can't to unsaved." And brethern,

when people see us not

relating to them as people,

they see our message as

being irrelevant to life.

"Separation from the

world" (that's a sanctified

term) is one thing, but Amerkan

separation from reality is Cancer Society

How they did in school

abhorrent. Too many of use

have lost sight of the

w itoo4 p,,Mtc ..,,.,.n,.."9 conu,�1-' loo ,M page8 Tan and Cardinal January 14, 1977
American Red Cross
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Blood. IJ,a,�,;aoJ,l,o,,,DHB�
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Atonetimeoranother<'achofthefollow:,1gfamouspeoplewasconsideredapoorlearner inschool,accordingto Leaming maga7ine.
Poor speller Expelled from school Bottom ot class Idiot
William Butler Yeats Albert Einstein Thomas Edison Auguste Rodin
George Bernard Shaw Salvador Dali Mentally slow Shows no promise
Edgar Allan Poe: Poor mathematician Albert Einstein Abraham Lincoln
George Bernard Shaw Benjamin Franklin Henry Ford Dreamer
Percy Bysshe Shelley Pablo Picaseo Michael Faraday Paul Gauguin
Ignace Paderews�i Allred Adler
Wilhelm Roentgen Dull and Inept Carl Jung
Sir William Osler James Watt
James Whistler

(Ed. note: the following story is the first in a two-part series on good study habits supplied by the Association· of American Publishers, Inc., student service. - MB) (from AAP STUDENT SERVICE)

"Depend on it, sir, suggested steps: when a man knows he 1. Make a term study plan. is to be hanged in a 2. Us e good re view f o r t n i g h t , i t techniques concentrates his mind 3. Develop a confident wonderfully." attitude

Samuel Johnson might 4. Organize pre-exam hours well have been talking to 5.Pace the exam carefully s t u d e n t s a b o u t 6.Reassess your work pre-examination time and MAKE A TERM STUDY that gnawing feeling of PLAN foreboding! Examinations At the beginning of each can concentrate one's mind term develop a daily wonderfully, but in a schedule. Allocate time for positive, practical manner class preparation, study, that will not only increase review, recreation, eating your learning potential but and sleeping. help your performance. A study area is

The key to both success important. Have on hand in exams and enjoyment of the texts, study guides, college work lies in the outlines, dictionaries and ability to use time wisely.A reference books, paper, pattern of good study pads, nc;>tebooks, that will habits begins as the term allow you to concentrate begins, but nowhere do you without interruption. need them more than at Study and review differ examination time. You will from each other. Study be able to handle exams refers to learning something with a minimum- of stress if for the first time. Review is you observe these six cri tical bec ause it

strengthens your retention of this new knowledge by viewing it as part of a whole.

Forgetting takes place most rapidly right after learning. Review and recall, therefore, are more effective soon after study. After each class go over the main points for ten to fifteen minutes to reinforce them in your mind.

Don't overtax your memory or stamina. Research shows that most people can absorb and retain just so much knowledge at one time.It's important to study day by day, week by week. Each period of study should be no longer than one or one and half hours, followed by recreation.

Take legible class and study notes. Throughout the term tex tbooks underline and your make pertinent notes in the manrlns.


Preparing for exams is

largely a question of review. The time needed is not as extensive as some students think, provided you have been consistent in your work. You should be able to review for weekly quizzes in no more than fifteen minutes, for a mid-term hour exam in two to three hours, and for a final exam in five to eight hours.

Your preparation for a final exam should be carefully schecluled into the two weeks prior to exam day. Organize a plan that does not interfere with your regular study for on-going classes.

Pl an you r review system ati cally. Us e textbook chapter headings on your instructor's outline as guides. Go from chapter notes to class notes, recalling important headings and ideas. If some points are unclear, THEN reread the textbook. Don't plan to learn something for the first time.

Making summary notes is

helpful. In four to eight pages, outline the main points of your detailed class and text notes. This helps reinforce the major ideas and important details

Summary notes can slao serve as a self-test toward the end -of your preparation for exams. Put a sheet over each page and slowly uncover the first heading. See if you can remember the main points listed there.

Try to predict the exam qu estions. Be alert throughout the term to the emphasis instructors put on certain topics, ideas or aspects.

Ask your professor what he recommends for pre-examination work. Use these comments as a guide but don't try to outguess him or her.

Group- reviewing ca n be helpful. Limit discussions of significant points and possible test questions to thirty or forty-five, with no more than four or five people.

... to be continued

� � -� ----� :�� :� ON DELIVERY �., t • NOT APPLY COUl'ON AND SALE PRICES DO DELIVERYTIMES NOW OFFERING SUNDAY, TUESDAY, .c:,. WEDNESDAYAND 0 & FREE DELIVERY JO-IOJOP.M. To All Otterbein Dorms, Sororities and Fraternities! & 's· 30 MINUTES PRIOR. TO DELIVERY TIME �:��:;� n i:::::::::::::::::::::: �:gg ::gg �:;g �,0-Mushroom................ 8 Capocolla ...................... 3.50 4.00 3.00 .... ...... ...... ...... <::,.O n io n . 4.25 3.75 3.25 3.25 �lla· � O ... . ........... . 6 6 2 Item Combi natio n .. An chovy , ... .... 4.00 3.50 3 Item Combi n ation .. ........ • 4. 75 5.00 Thursday• 11:00 11:00 p.m. Tuesday - <::,.Subs·························· -"'<::,.Meatball Sub . -�goouble Sub.···················· IQ E. MAIN ST• Friday. 11 :00 1 :00 a.m. ....... Saturday• 3:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. 2·00 Sunday• 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. 0 WESTERVILLE, OHIO Closed Mo n days �6 & 6 -i c:::�.a- ���� . . -6 Crushed Meat Ball 6 Gree n Pepper .... .......... r January 14, 1977 Tan and Canlinll Don't get hung up on exams a¢¢¢¢¢¢<1¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ ¢8 o .0 & I _ D� iiilTHURSDAY l'Y � a;..1on.r G½Ila g .C:,.· I PLEASE CALL IN ORDERS o I <=ranlY'ss i :Ti� ----� . . . . . . ��:: M:��:� 3.50 4.00 3.00 .............. . 3.75 3.25 3.75 2.75 2. 75 3.00 O 4.25 3.50 .--__.,.._ 4.50 ,0. O 3. 75
5 5 6 :!� Hours PHONE 891-1480 8& ·&!�"J��;��ir�·::::::::::::::::: /'... .,_,. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * .,. /',,. .,_,. $1.50 1.60 .O, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl>l>t>OOO���OOOOOOO�Ol;l)l)OOOOOOO 0 , 6 0

Cagers visit Muskingum tomorrow SPORTS

ftaeking the Cardi

Not quite twenty

Otterbein 's basketball in dividual assists. Hi s after their encount er team will attempt to raise effective playmaking has tomorrow night. TuesdaY. its conference record to 3-0 resulted in 69 assists, and they host 4-8 Denison at when it vi sits 9-2 has added greatly to the 7: 30 p.m. in the Rike Muskin gum tomorro w Otters' hig h-po wer ed Center. The Big Red's night. The Fighting Muskies attack, which averages 77 .3 attack is led by high scoring

current lead the OAC points per game. forward Todd Harris. Harris Southern Division with a The Cardinals will have has clicked for an average of perfect 3-0 conference little opportunity to rest 18.4 points per game. mark.

Muskingum 's ea rly be fporti Quiz indication of the mainly was any by Dan Thompson su ccess can quality of basketball the attributed to a st ingy Otters play, the Cards An interesting point to defense, which thus far has. 1. Wh o is the only 1976 Division III Basketball note the next time you should fare well in the allowed opponents only Super Bo wl pl ayer to title? attend an Otterbein home Southern Division and in 59.6 points per game, first re ceive the games' MVP award while playing on the basketball game is the the Conference Play-offs. in the OAC. They also hit sco reboard clock. Although One added advantage that the boards with authority. losing team? official time calls for Otterbein will have in the Their average rebounding

2. Wh o is the top Answers twenty minute halves, our play-off tourney is the advantage over opponents is returning individual scoring clock shows 19:59 at the "home court edge", . since 6.2 per game. leader in college basketball?

3. Who was the first opening of each canto. The the tournament is scheduled --ea •a�auo:) U0llml:lS

Offensively the Muskies, ·g reason being, the far left for our own Rike Center. 'a:>llfillM like Otterbein, rely on a:>ll{d lll9 'aO:) freshman ever to win the U!M.P{ll8 ·v digit lights only capacitate All ll'J balanced scoring. Forward * * * * NC AA, field goal the number one. Therefore %669· 'aassauuaJ, Marvin Smalley and guard percentage crown? 19:59 is the closest we can

Dave Li ptrap pace the In tramural Fraternity '�U !)J: plllUJag "f!

4. Who was the top minutes. -�All 6 08 'arelS ptm{µOd 'surennM attack, averaging 15.2 and come to twenty basketball tipped-off last OAC finisher in the 1976 The missing second is made

Wednesday night. Taking Division III Cross Country up by the official scorer, he

The Cardinals must bounce back after a tough the early lead were Country Club, Zeta, and Janda. Championship? waits one second before engaging the clock.

14 .9 points respectively. tmwaaJ� 6 saoqM.O:) SllflllO

5. What school won the four-point setb ack last They defeated Sphinx, Tuesday night at Ashland. The los s dr opped their Ki ngs, _ and Pi Sig * * * * respectively. overall record to 7-5.

Club and Zeta won If last Saturday nights'

Gu ar d Doug Addis is currently pacing the OAC in handily, while Jonda won 79-65 victory over Capital by forfeit.

'8'1 'aa{M.OH Jpnq:) ·1

47 59 33 49 17 77 14 81 15 20 337 63 page 10 Tan and Cardirldl January 14, 1977
7-4 11 GAME STATS G FGM FGA PCT. FTM FTA PCT. REB AVG. AST. AVG. PTS. AVG. 11 109 .431 18 30 ·.600 49 4.4 15 1.4 112 10.2- Downing Jones 11 56 112 .500 20 28 .833 101 9.2 13 1.2 132 12.0 Williams 11 105 .562 48 .688 107 9.7 13 1.2 151 13.7 Phillips 11 23 68 .338 6 9 .666 13 1.2 8 52 4.7 Addis 11 41 93 .441 56 .875 1.5 69 6.3 131 11.9 Brough 11 56 116 .483 29 39 .744 7.0 8 141 12.8 Wohlheter 11 33 84 .393 15 19 .789 7.4 1.3 21 1.9 Sanders 7 6 20 .300 3 6 .500 2.1 2 3 Benson 10 10 25 .400 0 0 .000 1.8 13 1.2 4 Miller 9 2 8 .250 1 3 .. 333 2 2 5 Petty 7 2 12 .167 1 2 .500 2 3 5 Fahrbach 5 2 3 .667 0 0 .000 0 1 4 Choice 2 0 0 .000 1 2 .500 0 1 1 TOTALS 11 762 .442 176 244 .721 430 39.1 156 14.2 850 77.3 OPPONENTS 11 323 720 .449 140 207 .676 381 34.6 786 71.4 OTT 76 MARSHALL 79 OTT 91 WABASH 69 OTT 74 RIO GRAND� 79 OTT 80 URBANA 62 OTI 94 DYKE 84 OTI 68 SHEPHERD 73 OTT 68 UNIV. OF PITTSBURGH-JOHNSTOWN 79 OTT 80 ROBERT MORRIS 63 OTT 75 BUFFALO STATE Olives,_____ All Pizzas Include Our Specially Blended Cheese and Sauce 12"" 16 OTT 72 MARIETTA 70 Cheese 2 50 3 75 DOMINO S Deluxe OTT 79 CAPITAL 65 Pepperoni 300 __ 4.50 Pepperoni Mushrooms Mushrooms_ 300 _4 50 Onions Green Peppers fresh Sausage 300 4 50 and Fresh Sausage 12· 15 Ham, _____ 300 __450 Anchovies 300 4 50 Green Peppers__ 300 4 50 Onions 3.00 _4 50 GET IT ON WOBN ' • ; ' 4 300 4 59 Extra Thick Crust 75


and Cardinal

Cardinals crush Capitals cagers

.. Cap came to town and the Cards came to the Fabulous Circular Athletic Center to show the Crusaders how to play the game. In one of the biggest rivalries in the OAC and in Central Ohio, Vi nce

Chickerella and Company were blown off the court as the Otterbein team proved why they are defending their share of the Southern Division crown with a convincing 70-65 win.

Capital came in with a 4-5 record and the scoring due of Ri cky Lee and Napoleon Allen. Lee fouled

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out of the game with 7: 07 to go in the game and Allen's 18 wasn't enough against the Otter Quintet.

In the win , which extended the Cards winning streak to four games, the Ca rds were paced once again with six players in double figures. Don Brough the Soph more from Worthington came off the bench and led the way with 19 points and the regular starting five scored between 10 and fourteen points.

Otterbein, now 2-0 in the conference travels to New Concord to battle with the Mu skies of Mus kingum College. They are now 3-0 in th� Southern Conference after beating Capital last Tuesday. If you can't make the trip, tune in WOBN for all the action.

tports tpols----------------

Nolhing but raves

As a freshman coming to Otterb ein I had heard nothing but raves about, the Cardinal Cagers. Last year even the Dayton daily newspapers had focused on their ex ploits, which culminated in a Southern Division co-championship. The tendency was for me to assume that the team would be just as good this year.

Seeing as how all the exposure I had to the team consisted of watching bits and pie ces of pr actice sessions, I decided that viewing last Saturday's Capital game would be at least a good start for any evaluation process.

The first thing that impressed me was the size of the crowd, even taking into con sider ation that Capital is the Cardinals' archrivals. The attendance was over 3,000 which is amazing for a school with less than 1500 students and a gym whose supposed capacity is 2700. I hate to

resort to the overused phrase "crown enthusiasm",

but it definitely applied in

this case for both sides.

Once the game began, my first reaction was that the backcourt had be

replac ed more than adequately. Doug Addis is a proficient playmaker, gifted with the degree of quickness that is vital for the role he plays. Along with Mike Wolheter, the two compr ise a solid pair of guards.

Of course big Ed Williams was the dominating factor on the court, especially defensi vely where he intimidated more than a few Crusad ers. He was greatly assisted by Muff Jones and Larry Downing, who were two big reasons why the Otters controlled the boards so effectively.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention reserve forward Don Brough. He came off the bench and proceeded to lead the team in scoring, which would lead one to believe that the· Otters possess some depth.

The team as a whole displayed good overall quickness, which is one of their major strengths, if not thei r forte. The best example of this occurred when the Cardinals went into their 2-3 zone defense.

The only weak points I could see were some inconsistent shooting and occas ional slo pp y ballhandling. Late in the second half Otterbein let the tempo of the game get out of hand, which helped the Crusaders narrow the mar g in to three at one point.

Oh well, you never want to beat your rivals by more than 20 points, do you?

Anyway, I'm sure the 2-0 Cardinals will again be near the top of their division next February - with your support, that is.

January 14, 1977
Larry Downing lays up two points on a breakaway layup in last Saturday's contest with Capital. The Cards went on to win 79-65.
page 11
Cardinal Ed Williams fights for a rebound in last Saturday's win over Capital.
Ole Barn Flowersa • - I 34 W• Main Su.t . . Westerville, Ohio 43081 Complete FJoral ·Slrvice (814)882...
Hours 9:00 - 5:30
Closed Sunday r-1

• CPB welcomes winter Party after party

The first big week of the rush season has started. The Greeks are progressing towards the planning of party after party. Each sorority and fraternity has been preparing for the greatest term for the Greek system. The number of parties has increased and the rush is on!

This weeken d the fraternities will be having their first rush parties of the year. All Freshmen men, all independents, and all women are invited to the various parties of fun.

Zeta Phi will be having their Second annual Kick x!+* Rush Party tonight at St. Paul's Church. It beIDns at 8: 30 and runs until the party ends.

Into a Mexican theme will be Sphinx 's rush party tonight called the "Tequila Sunrise." The party starts at 10 p.m. and will go on for the rest of the evening. The party is at the Holiday Inn North.

To meet a, Hairy Buffalo, Jonda fraternity promises a night of enjoyment at the J. C. pool in Westerville from 9 p.m. until 2 a.m. The Hairy Buffalo party is Jonda's 2n d· an nual extravaganza!

Saturday night is Pi Sig's "P i Si g Disco" for all boogieing experts!! The rush party will be at St. Paul's church from 8:30 p. m. on into :the wee morning hours.

Casino Royale is King's Fraternity's rush party Saturday night from 8 p.m. The party will be at the Club North Apartments Party House. Kings would also like to announce that Tom Downard, a pledge, will be walking his all-night walk tonight and is soon becoming a plactive. Good Luck, Tom!

The sisters of Owls are in the process of planning a party with Jonda fraternity.

The Ta Nu sorority will be selling d�li ciou s candy-coated � & M's starting next week. The sis ters had an alum on campus this week and were

glad she was around for awh il e!!

After the news for this week there is something to add. With rush officially starting, get to know all the persO"n s or as many as possible in each sorority or fraternity house. Not only do the members meet you, but you get to meet them. For all the fraternity parties this weekend, rides will be provided from the houses a half hour before and after the beginning of each party.

For all girls going through rush, please be sure and go to all the houses possible this Sunday. From 1 until 3 p.m. Theta Nu, Sigma Alpha Tau (Owls),· and Tau Delta will have open house. From 3 until 5 p .m. Tau Epsilon Mu (TEM), Epsilon Kappa Tau (EKT ), and Kappa Phi Omega (Onyx) will hold their open houses. The open houses this Sunday are no n-invitational. It is important to go to this open house before novelty and final party invitations come out.

welcome you to winter term. Th e Fine Arts committee announces the Rug Concert this Friday night the Jan. 14 at 7 p.m. Poor Howard will be the entertainment.

The Off Campus and Recr eati on committee ordered and received a ton of snow for their Ski Progra m this year. The slopes are looking very good on Friday nights.

The Movie committee showed ''Jo nathan


Lost - Ladies blue wallet

If wher eabo uts are known, please return it to Campus Center office. No questions asked. Pictures are of sent,imental value.

Roommate wanted female to share a furnished apartment close to campus. Call 882-1033 or after six call 882-2707. Ask for Tere sa

week and are planning to The weekend of February 4 feature some more good will feature an all campus films this term. There is also skati ng part y and a a new season pass available semi-form al dance. to see these films. CPB is very busy this And the Tradit io nal term try ing to sponsor Ev ents co mmittee has activi ties for your perfect weather to work on enjoyment. So don't be left "Winter Weekend 77" with out in the cold !

Leisure Learning

16.delayed for time 63 religious trans­ ing thread

19. to exist by begging gression

35. the Captain's Toni 20 college in Virginia 64 Hillary's quest

36. wound covering

21 flat bottomed con- 65 treat with regard 37. O'Neill drama: tainer "The Hairy_.. 22 My_ massacre

39. prefix: threefold

23. suspicious 40.indigo plant liquid

25. Brenda or Ringo amine DOWN

27. compass point

28. string and waxed 1. dry, white wine

41.a first principle

44. 64 across is noted

31 to the same degree 2. nourishes or sus­ for it

32. Pope's forte tains's

33 country songstress 3 Coward lyric: trademark

34 "A Bell for_" "_Dogs and 48 chemical ending

35 loose fitting tunic Englishmen" 49 unneighborly

38 gas rating 4 monarch's seal fence

42.UPI competitor 5 solid carbon diox­ 50 Whitman's

43. marine shelter rde (2 wds ) "Leaves of_..

46. cause to be (suffix)

6. "Pride & Preju- 51. wrestling arena

47. their multiples are dice" author 54 tin (abbr.) 81, 729;6561 7.takes forcibly 56 a coordinating

50. villain of TV com­ 8 electric fish conjunction mercials 9 ship's stabiliter

59. "to see" in Span­

52. voter's affiliation 10. firewOOd support ish (abbr.) 14 actor's direction 61. shot of liquor

r:r'2 Tan and Cardinal January 14, 1977 Creek News
-l ike
CPB wo uld
to Li vingston Seagull" last the teme "Snowbound".
St. Thun. Sun-Thurs 4:30PM-12AM cost! 882-7710
ACROSS 53. pressure (abbr.) 15 peaceful contem1. physically con­ 55. beetle or bumble­ plation fined bee 17. " you" rn Spanish 6.where letters are 57 loom lever 18 Van Gogh's tragic numbers 58. "_on a Jet loss 11 Roman household Plane" 24. "event" in Latin deity 60 Rushmore sculp­ 26 asphalt 12. ex-UPS competitor tor's medium 28 type of moulding 13. opposite of 62. to reach by calcu­ 29. printer"s measure basicity lation 30 cylinder for hold-

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