The Tan and Cardinal January 21, 1977

Page 1

Gas sh ortages reach crit ic al stages;

Otterbe in switches to burning oil

Gas shortages forced the college to switch over to burning oil for fuel. Above, a service department employee checks the boiler.

Quiz registration held

Tan and Cardinal

January 21, 1977

Sophomores to vote for winter queen

Winter Weekend is fast approaching. February 4 and 5 is the weekend full of

skating, skiing and dancing. Gas shortages that have later date, adding to the This Monday at the lunch hit all of Centrla Ohio for inconvenience of a closing. and dinn er hours the past week have also The college will continue sophomores need to select manifested themselves here burning oil, a more the queen candidates for at Otterbein College. expensive fuel source, until the whole school to vote Req uests by the the gas crisis is over. on. So sophomores come to Columbia Gas Company Student Personnel, in a the Campus Center on that Otterbein, along with memo sent to resident Monday, January 24 and many other businesses and students, requested that the cast your vote for Winter industrial companies, close student body make an � Week end Homecoming down due to the current effort to conserve energy. Queen. crisis have been met with a total switchover from gas to oil-burning on the campus.

Post office cutbacks delay

"Due to our large number of out-of-town Many resident students cannot be ascertained but students it isn't feasible for have been receiving U. S. student personnel assures use to close down," postal mail much later than that the mail will be in comme nted Woodrow usual throughout this term. student mailboxes prior to Macke, Vice President and The delay is due to a 5p.m. Dean of Business Affairs. personnel cutback at the "The problem is not with "We would have to keep the local post office. the housing staff," reports food servi ce and Formerly delivered by Karl A. Oldag, Dean of dormitories open in any truck, the mail is now Student Development. "the case." brought by a route man. An local post office simply had In the tradition of Whiz followed by a "Bonus Missed class time would exact time for mail delivery to cut-back." Quiz, another game of Biography" round in which have to be made up at a instant recall makes its way the competitors try to guess to the Otterbein campus. famous sports personalities Unlike Whiz Quiz, however, from clues given by the

Sports Quiz is not a team emcee. competition. A $.50 entry fee will be

"Hot L Baltimore" presented

Rather than telling the presented by Otterbein leisurely," Hot Lis an adult

The game will pit one charged, with a trophy story of "one life" Hot L College 'Pheatre Feb. 2-5 in look at the realities of life. individual against another given to the first and second Baltimore is the tale of Cowan Hall. Curtain is at player to test his or her place winners in the people trying for life. 8:15 p.m. knowledge of sports ranging tournament.

Under direction of "Every single person is from football to the · Those interested in Donald L. Paisley, the large Set in a rundown hotel, a interesting," said critic Clive Olympics to auto racing. entering should contact student cast includes: James scene sel ected by Barnes when the drama first

Following each of six Kent Stuckey, Mark St. Clair, Mr. Katz; Barb the playwright as a symbol opened on Broadway. twenty-point "toss up" Princehorn or Mike Hawkins, Mrs. Oxenham; of "the way people were questions, the player who Liebherr. Registration will Lanford Wilson's prize Mike Lewis, Bill Lewis; welcomed at a time when answers correctly will be end on January 28 winning pla,y will be nation traveled more David Weller, Paul Granger this permitted to try two "free III; Lucinda Sigrist, Mrs. throws" of ten points each. Bellotti; Jurgen Tossman, The free throws will be Mr. Morse; Melissa Carey,

Forum is held on ho using

Millie; Kathy Kiser, Girl. Doug Stuckey, chairman time to reviewing all areas given in which the

Honorary of the Housing Committee of housing for next year, committee will explain Also Ellen Margulies, has announced the first of including housing patterns, findings and proposals after April; Nancy Shelton, two open meetings to equality in housing for men which the students will be Jackie; Jenny Herron, Suzy;


discuss proposed housing and women and improved given an opportunity to Jim Schilling, Jamie; Roger Forms are now available patterns, renovations and security. make suggestions. Members Eyrolles, Cab Driver; Dale in the Student Personnel costs. The forum will be The forum will not serve of the committee will be on Lund, Delivery Boy; John office to apply for Alpha · in Lema y Auditorium. as a report of the findings hand to answer questions. Ebner, Suzy's John.

Lambda Delta, the main lounge at 6: 30 p.m. of the committee. It will, After this forum and a freshmen women's on Thursday, January 27. how ever, give th e second on February 3, the Students can obtain free sch ol astic honora ry, Stuckey indicated that committee a chance to committee will complete tickets by presenting their according to Presiden Becky the com mittee, a ga th er input from their study and submit a Otterbein ID card at the Colem an . report and recommenda­ Cowan box office. sub-committee of Campus Otterbein's students. A

It is now necessary for tions to the Campus Services has given extensive short presentation will be

Continued on Page 8 Services Committee.

Ott rbein JAN 21 1977
Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio
Volume 58 Number 13

Clearing the issue.

Before I begin this column, an answer to Jim Brush's letter elsewhere on this page, I'd like to say this is not a defense of mycommentslast week.Jim'sletterhas several accusationswhichIwould, however, liketoclearup.

First, I did not meantocoerce anyone withmycolumn last week.The whole purpose of the article was to point out a situation that, if it grows any worse, can lead to serious consequences.Also, I did not meantosayIwasin favoroftheuseofthemasterkey-Iam not.I merelyfelt the student body should be aware of this option of the college.

It is not my opinion thatthecollegehasthe right touse the master key - it is a fact.A quick glanceatpage 28 of thecollege handbook willbearthisout.

You may think it's ridiculous that the college has this right to enter your room, of course you may alsothinkit ridiculous that they can tell you what you can and can't drinkinyour room; it'sallrelative.

At any rate, Jim's objection to my image of the administrators as being exasperated is quite valid.Yet I still maintain that, at times, they are indeed exasperated.

Finally, the allegation that my column was interpretative is absolutely absurd! An opinion column,is, by definition, interpretative.I wouldsuggest that anyone opposed to interpi:etative journalism shy away from page two of this publication altogether.(Heck Jim, your letter isinterpretative. )

Actually, this wholeissueoftheuseof themasterkeyis getting too much press as student personnel has no intentionofusingit.Again, Imerelywantedtopointouta bad situation that can potentiallycauseproblems.Enough said.

Readers Sound-off.

in theformofa checktobe unimpressed by coercion

Clear the walks! presented to Otterbein to and rarely change my Dear Editor, start a fund for clearwalks. behavior in response to it.

I have come to the conclusion that Otterbein (financially-wise at least) is in badshape;itmayeven be on the road to the poor house.Irealizethere're some cynics who will insist that the college is as much as several-hundred-thousand dollars intheblack;tothisI say"horse-hockey!"

That Otterbein apparently can't afford to clear the walkways of ice and snow illustrates the gravity of the situation.I'm not just referring tothelast several days whenthewalks have been covered with ice, but also when there was only soft, fluffy snow that could have been removed easily.

To help alleviate this problem and facilitatesnow and ice removal, I have dug deep into my pockets and come up with my last five-dollars (in addition to much lint, a paper clip, and an item I can't mention in print).

I'm enclosing the money

Staying open is good

All week temperatures have be�n ��ing down and the availability of natural g�s h� travelled in a like direction.

Near-exhausted supplies of gas necessitated appeals . by the Columbia Gas companies that industry, businesses and educational institutions (including Otterbein) close down to alleviate some of the problem.

The college, however, opted not to close and chose to switch to burning oil for the fuel needed to

runthecampus. weighed against the Everything considered inconvenience ofmakingup this was the best possible classes and students course of action for the travelling home, is college to take. First, to insignificant. many students live Also the college fulfilled out-of-town and all of them whatever civicdutyithasas could notbeexpectedtogo we are using no natural gas home; hence the dorms (and haven't since last would have tQ remain Sunday. ) heated. Now it's up to the Likewise the foodservice student body. Yes, it's would have to functionand chilly in some classrooms the campus center would and certainly it requires require heat.About all we some sacrifice to limit one's could have closed were the showertirne and electric use

I urge all other members of the college community to contributetothe fund.

Re member, its tax-deductible, and Uncle Buckle, the Safety Buffalo, says, "A clear path means you won't fall on your---!"

(Ed. note: I did, indeed receive a check· for $5.00 with this letter and have forwarded it to the college. -MB)

I object!

DearEditor, Your editorial.c�mments concerning theenforcement of campus regulations appeared on the surface to demonstrate concern for the administrators on Otterbein's campus faced with the dilemma of enforcing residence hall regulations.

An appeal to the student body to observe campus regulations, especially in situations where they are not readilyapprehendedfor violations, appeals to the conscience of Otterbein students and will be weighed by each individuallyaccordingtohis orhervaluesystem.

I object, however, to many implications included in your messageofconcern.

I object primarily to the punishment-orientation of

Further, I object to the image of our administrators which you have created in your message. You write: "One solution [in response to regulation violations] is to begin to exercise their right to use the masterkey. They don't want to do this but if the situation grows any worse, I,personally,see nootheralternative."

Your statement implies that Otterbein's staff is polarized between two approaches to disciplinary procedures. You portray the administrators as exasperated persons who would abandon their commitment to the developmental approach toward disciplinary activities for such a simplistic and ethically questionable practice as entering a privateresidence. Your approach to the issue is interpretative rather than informative. You provided no factual data which supports the right of administrators to search dormitory rooms without permission or without a searchwarrant.

Considerable question exists ·pertaining to the use of such search procedures by private institutions to enforcetheirownrules.The right to privacyisprotected by the fourth amendment against such search your message. I am Continued on Page 3

Tan and Cardinal

Pu?�hed weekly hr the students of Otterbein Col lege. The op1mons expressed m the Tan and Cardinal are those of the staff and do not necessarily reflect those of the school or its administration.

MickeyBums ..........EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

SaraUllrpan .........MANAGINGEDITOR

MelissaBarr ........ BUSINESS MANAGER

ScottBrockett ...........SPORTSEDITOR

NancyBallog .......... FEATUREEDITOR


DonHines ..................ADVISOR

Brad Haynes, Kay Bums, Chet Cady, Maggie Dine, Marilyn Douglas,TimO'Flynn,SylviaIngels, Kat Johnson, Shelley Jones, Chris Kapostasy, Felipe Martinez, Sue Mayberry, Hope Roberts, Chris Souders, Dan Thompson, Deb Thorn, Kirn classroombuildings. -butweareinanearcrisis. Wilcox, Dan Repik, BobKokai andDeanaWilliams This limited savings, It's, time for maturity to show.

Third degree Burnt January 21, 1977 Tan and Cardinal Pa 2 ge

Reaclers Sian�-olf.. .


January 21 - Friday

Continued from Page 2 who have taken these of a scientific experiment or 4:30 p.m. -CPB Ski Trip procedur es by civil courses. The faculty, writing an essay that gives 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. - CPB Dinner H�ur "Rug Concert" authorities. individually and as a the student some practice in 5:45 p.m. -7:45 p.m. -Sorority Novelty Parties

Such rights to privacy department, spend a great formulating and defending 6:30 p.m. - Campus Crusade for Christ may be found by analogy to deal of time planning these his ideas. Unfortunately, 8:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m. - Sorority Novelty Parties extend into the private courses, and for the last education requires a certain 8:00 p.m. - Fraternity Rush Parties: Pi Sig, domatory residence of a four years we have met amount of drudgery, Jonda, Club student at a private college. every winter interterm in an though such drudgery is far 8:30 p.m. -Eta Phi Mu Winter Formal I have yet to discover attempt to integrate the from the purpose of the 10:15 p.m. -12:15 a.m. -Sorority Novelty Parties legislation and court rulings courses into a genuinely education. If such labors anaury 22 - Saturday which are definitive on the meaningful, stimulating never lead the student to a 2:30 p.m. -4:30 p.m. -Sorority Novelty Parties issue. multi disciplinary sense of intellectual 5:00 p.m. -7:00 p.m. -Sorority Novelty Parties

Sincerely, exploration of the nature of discovery, then he has a 7:30 p.m. -Basketball: Wittenberg -H Jim Brush man. valid complaint, one we'd 9:30 p.m. -11:30 p;m.-Sorority Novelty Parties (Ed Note: I'm glad your I am so mewhat like to hear about. 9:30 p.m. -Fraternity Rush Parties: Sphnix, co ncerned about the Both the change in the wrote this letter as several Kings, Zeta statement in the editorial name of the department others voiced like concerns January 23 - Sunday that "most of the and the adoption of Lionel tome.I'd liketodrawyour

3:00 p.m. - Faculty Recital: Eve Ann complaints center on one Stevenson's Seven Theories attention to this week's Williams general idea: too much busy of Human Nature as a text column. - MB) 8:00 p.m. -Interfraternity Council work." Where real "busy to be used in many of the 9:00 p.m. -Campus Christian Association work" exists, and I'm sure courses should be seen as

Real ,Ubusy work"?


there's some of it in I.S. attempts by the faculty to

Dear Editor, courses, we'd like to get rid make these courses both January 24 - Monday I read with interest your of it. I suspect, however, more substantial and more 10:30 - 1:30 p.m. & editorial of January 14, that some of what students pertinent to the educational 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. - Voting for Homecomin g entitled "I.S. Complaints consider "busy work" is in needs of our students. We Queen (CPB) Chan neled." Let me fact the professor's attempt welcome your suggestions. 4:00 p.m. -Administrative Council reaffirm the idea presented to give students some 7:00 p.m. -Sorority & Fraternity Meetings

William T. Hamilton by the writer that we are experience in the materials Chairman Janaury 25 - Tuesday int erested in hearing of the course, whether this De partm ent of 6:30 p.m.

-Yearbook Staff Meetings thoughtful criticism and experience takes the form Integrative Studies 7 :30 p.m.

-Basketball: OWU -H suggestions from students in the Nature of Man 8:00 p.m. -Circle K Meeting

January 26 -Wednesday

Placement Office Notes

Job outlook is positive 6:30 p.m. -Women's Basketball: Ohio Dominican -H

4:00 p.m. -Campus Regulations 4:00 p.m. -Archaghia Circle 6:00 p.m. -Campus Programming Board 6:00 p.m. -Whiz Quiz

Salaries are high, growth is predicted for sales ATTENTION JOB 7:30 p.m. -10:30 p.m. -RPS Workshop unemployment is low and wor ke rs, operativ es, HUNTERS! The State of the demand is above average laborers and farm workers. Ohio will be conducting Janaury 27 - Thursday in occupations usually filled Civil Service testing for 4:00 p.m. -Campus Affairs Committee RECRUITER S by college graduates, says "Youth Leader I, II, & 111" 6:30 p.m. -Housing Committee: Open SCHEDULED FOR THE the Labor Department's during the week of Forum on Housing WEEKS OF JANUARY 24 Bureau of Labor Statistics February 28. The last day 7:00 p.m. -Career Program for Seniors regional administrator for &31: to apply for the 7:30 p.m. -Personnel Committee January 24 (Mon.) the Northeast United examination is January 31. 7:30 p.m. -CPB Movie: "Harry &Tonto" Case-Western Reserve States. The State also will be January 28 - Friday University, 2 -4 p.m., A May 1976 study testing for "Patrol Officers" 4:30 p.m. -CPB Ski Trip interested in talking with showed managers and for the Franklin County 5:45 p.m -7:45 p.m. -Sorority Final Parties students of any major in­ ad ministrators as the Sheriff's Office on Feb. 26; 6:30 p.m. -Campus Crusade for Christ terested in Case Western's highest paid workers with the deadline for application 7:30 p.m. -CPB Movie: "Harry &Tonto" Master of Science in Man­ median earnings of $289 is January 27. 8:00 p.m. -Fraternity Rush Parties: Jo nda, agement or Master of per week. Professional and Scheduled for testing Club, Sphnix Science in Business Ad­ technical workers were prior to April 1 are "Social 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.-Sorority Final Parties ministration. close behind the median Service Worker III & IV," 10:30 p.m. -CPB Movie: "Harry &Tonto" weekly wages of $256. "R ehabilitation Aide," January 28 (Fri.) - Miami Median earnings for all "Vocational Rehabilitation University School of occupations were $197. Counselor I, II, III,.. Business Administration, Demand for workers in "Computer Operator I"' 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., these occupations is interested in speaking and "Family Service expected to be higher than with students considering Supervisor I & II". Test average through 1985. BLS dates and application dates an MBA or MA in has projected a 20 percent Economics. have not yet been increase in employment in February 1 (Tues.) - U. S. established. all job categories between Marine Corps, 9 a.m. -3

For more information on 1974 and 1985, while the p.m. the above positions, call or increase for professional February 4 (Fri.) visit the Ohio State Job workers is predicted to be Touche-Ross & Com., 9 Information Center located 30 percent. For managerial a.m.-4 p.m., interested in in the State Office Tower, 30 East Broad Street, and administrat ive Business Administration occupations, there is a majors with a full 466-4026. Application projected 22 percent forms are available in the accounting concentraincrease. Less than average tion. Placement Office.

THINGS iiiiiil Page 3 January 21, 1977 Tan and Cardinal

Greeks haven't stopped ✓✓ Two Minute Warning'-'

It's the middle of rush, and the Greeks haven't st opped. They are continuing in their business with more energy than ever.

To the sororities, this weekend means Novelty Parties. Friday night Theta Nu holds their party from 5:45 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.

Sigma Alpha Tau begins at 8 p.m. and ends at 10 p.m.

Then Tau Epsilon Mu ends the Friday night with their party from 10: 15 until 12:15 p.m.

Saturday the Novelty Parties begin at 2:30 p.m. with Kappa Phi Omega running until 4:30 p.m. Tau Delta holds their party at 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. The night ends with Epsilon Kappa Tau from 9:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.

Sorority Novelty Parties are only half the weekend. Fraternity rush parties will be active Friday and Saturday nights running until the party ends'.

Friday night, beginning at 10:30 p.m., Pi Beta Si gm a prese n ts Country/Western night with live entertainment at the Shadows Apt. Party House. Rides will be provided at the house. All freshmen, wome n, and independents are invited.

Eta Phi Mu (Jonda) will be at the Camelot North where a live band (PRISM) will be the entertainment. The party begins at 11 p.m. and will run until 3 a.m. Rides will be provided to this evening of boogieing from the Jonda house beginning at 10:30 p.m.

Winning the volleyball trophy in intramurals, the brothers of Pi Kappy Phi (Club) are announcing that their rush party will be at Olen tangy Commons, Friday Night beginning at 9 p.m. Rides will start from 8:00 - 9:00. All Freshmen, independents and women invited.

Saturday night Kings Fraternity presents a KEG ON ICE at the Ice Chalet in Westerville. The party begins at 11 p.m. with .rides provided from the house. Bring skates and boogie on

ice! Congratulations is The party · is the era of the by Chris Kapostasy to the football studium.

extended to Tom Downard flappers - 1920. Come Once again there are who is a new Kings' active. dressed in costume or any "Two Minute Warning" is some ho-hum views of Jim Whalen was elected as casual way possible for a a confusing movie. The plot people's problems, their the new social chairman, night of hilarious and is superficial and the acting reasons for being there and Bob O'Neill was elected swinging fun. is generally mediocre, but (yawn) etc. The movie to rush chairman. Be looking for news on on the whole it's one of the smells like a flop and then a Kings would also like a Zeta's upcoming Cocktail most None of the characters cameraman in the blimp warm thanks extended to farty to be the 29th of are given the chance to gets a shot of a man hiding the girls of Epsilon Kappa January. show any depth, yet they're behind the stadium Ta u for serving and Congratulations to Dee easy to relate to and to sc oreb oard with a hostessing at the Casino Danford; she's a new active understand fully. high-powered rifle. From Royale!! of EKT!


The movie begins with that point on, "Two Minute

The RAZZMATAZZ has Theta Nu will be selling flashes of people, all of Warning" is an intensely arrived! The brothers of M & M's for an inexpensive whom are preparing to go suspenseful masterpiece. Spinx cordially invite all price! Be looking for the to a championship football Charlton Heston as the freshmen, women, and upcoming sale!!! game. police chief is unexciting independents to attend "the Owls are planning a joint These scenes beg-in to be initially. His performance coed with Jonda fraternity. party of the year." It begins boring, but before total looks even weaker next to The coed is planned for sleep overcomes the John Cassavetes, who, as at 10 p.m. with rides provided from the house. February 12. audience, the scene switches the S.W.A.T. sergeant, gives the only really notable performance in the movie. Once he and his S.W.A.T. team arrive the tension and suspense become almost


Evan!/elism , Part 3


The rest of the movie by C.W. Cady Him (and I'm speaking to God, you're going to act a alternates between the Christians who are saved, lot more like Him than if characters we met in the too) you're going to fit into your are not taking time to beginning of the movie, the Last week we looked at somebody's mold. get to know Him. S.W .A.T. team, and the witnessing as an indication People are often turned Now what does that have sniper as he keeps his focus of, and a means to, spiritual off by the hypocrisy of to do with evangelism? Ws through the scope of the development. We talked even genuine Christians. the source, the basis, of rifle. Will he open fire? Is he about being involved in Hey, Christian: break out of your message. You're really after a high government people's lives and alluded to the mold; let God transform not going to know what it official as a professional loving them as people, you from within. If you're a means to "Have a personal assassin or is he a madman relating to this world and nerd and you know it, don't relationship with Christ" (a ready to kill dozens of the world we as Christians try to hide it. Everyone else sanctified phrase) until you innocent people just for hope for. knows it anyway. Instead, sto p relegating your kicks?

let God renew your mind in Christian experience to I'm certainly not going to Relating to this world is prayer and Bible study. He knowing and doing the right tell you. I'm having enough no problem: enjoy life and will change you. Then you things. trouble figuring out how a have fun. Let it challenge can work on not acting like How can you explain to movie with so little going you. This doesn't mean a nerd. Aspire to be godly, someone that he can have a for it is such a smashing you're free from problems. recognize that you're not a persona! relationship with success. Somehow, it IS a And that's where a proper finished product, but know God if you aren't well-contrived movie that relation to the other world that God is changing you. experiencing it yourself? isn't for those of you with comes in. As a Christian, as You know how groups of He'll see right through you! weak stomachs. I predict a growing Christian, your friends tend to act alike But if you know God, that that by the end of "Two problems will keep getting even when they're not supernatural aspect of your Minute Warning" it will be bigger and better when they to gether? If you're life which others don't have in knots, and the rest of come. But enjoying life spending lots of time with will be evident. you will be stunned. does mean stop playing "Christian. "

Fraudulent company swindles public

What I mean by that is "Buy Direct and Save! magazine. Inquiries into the company in Chicago. don't limit your Christian 6-Function L.E.D Watch" company· in Des Plaines, In a call to the Chicago experience to your overt This headline appeared on Illinois, a suburb of Better Business Bureau, the actions. Cultivate a personal an ad in the November 19, Chicago, found the offices Tan and Cardinal learned relationship with God 1976 issue of the Tan and vacated and the personnel only that the files include through time - lots of it - Cardinal for the Teltronics gone. that the company has gone in prayer and Bible study. Company. The company ran the ads out of business and to Since then, the ad has in time for the Christmas address all complaints and brought a considerable sum rush and made away with inquiries to the Attorney God doesn't want you to of money to the company's the checks and mone� General, Consumer Fraud put yourself into a mold organizers. What the only orders that totaled Bureau, 134 North LaSalles and close it in on yourself. "hitch" is concerns the fact somewhere upwards from a Street, Room 204, Chicago, He's given you a model, that the company is a fraud couple hundred thousand Illinois, 60602. Jesus Christ; and when you and no longer is in business. dollars. Since the ad ran in At the time the Tan and get to know Him, you'll The ad that appeared in an interstate publication, Cardinal ran the ad, it was never be the same again. the November 19 issue also the Federal government has expected that the company But unless you get to know ran in TV Guide and Parade filed suit against the phony would send payment .

4 Tan and Cardinal January 21, 1977 Creek News
In rMe11

Wilkes presents recital Sunday

Eve Anne Wilkes, soprano, will ptesent a faculty voice recital this Sunday at 3 p.m. in Hall Auditorium, Lambert Hall.

An instructor of voice with the Otterbein College Department of Music, Mrs. Wilkes received both her Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts degrees from the Ohio State University. She has taught elementary and secondary music in So uth -W es tern City Schools, and Ashland City Schools.

Mrs. Wilkes is Past President of Prairie Players Community Theatre and is active in the Little Theatre of Broadwa,y.

Last fall she directed the Prarie Players production of "Guys and Dolls". She is also a member of the Saturday Music Club; Delta Omicron national women's music honorary; National Association of Teachers of Singing and the 0 hio Music Teachers Association.

The program will consist of three early French works; three German sele ctions; works by American composers, and lyrics from Chinese poetry.

There is no admission charge and all members of the Otterbein community are invited to attend.

Whoi Roek'n

llueen for a night

by Chris Souders until the final notes of the thunderous "White Man". English national anthem During the encore, Mercury ·

Despite the subzero rose to the upper rows of appeared dressed in a weather outside, Queen, the the balcony. brightly colored Kimono, four-man British rock band, The band's onstage antics which he promptly shed to had little trouble warming are built · around their reveal red and white striped up the crowd inside St. 29-year old lead singer, swim trunks.

John's Arena last Saturday Freddy Mercury, who The visual content of the night. Queen treated the danced, pranced, and show was highlighted by near-capacity audience to assumed numerous poses some very appealing black an hour and forty minutes throughout the concert. and white color schemes. of high-energy rock and Mercury displayed his During the opening number, proved that their intricate diverse vocal talents which the black linoleum stage songs sound just as good ranged from his tenderly apron was silhouetted with live as on record. haunting lyrics on "You clouds of white smoke, Queen worked at a Take my Breath Away", to while the band members definite disadvantage, for some very gutsy powerful ( dressed in black and white) the opening act, Headeast singing during the where showcased under did little to excite the very Continued on Page 8 ch illy winter crowd.

However, when Queen opened their show at 9:20

p.m. with the explosive


Phone: 882-6611 rocker "Tie Your Mother 6 South State Street, Westerville Down", the resulting heatwave engulfed the Donuts, Cakes, Cookies, Sweet Rolls arena, refusing to subside

Architects to work on Gym interior

Several decisions were approval for the entire yielded at this past project's reconstruction to Saturday's Executive and begin.

Budget Control Meeting. The architects are the These concerned the same firm that designed the Alumni Gym, the insurance Rike Center. And Martz and settlement for Cochran Lundy were also employed Hall, and the four-year by the college to work on nursing program. the Rike center campaign

The architects of Wright, which was a part of the Keske, Fritschgau, Rosen "venture into opportunity". and Buchanan have been The Executive committee hired to draw up the gave the go-ahead for the working plans for the four-year nursing program interior . of the Alumni plans. It is now a matter of Gym. These drawings will getting recognition for the be used for the architects to program from various do the actual work. agencies, such as the Board

The plans will wait until of Regents.

the Trustee Meeting in April Settlement for Cochran until a further decison will Hall was reached with the be made. At the meeting a insurance company. The presentation will be made money will go into the bank by the Development Office until the Trustees decide and the fund raismg what to do with the consultants of Martz & structure. It appears that Lundy. the decision may be made

If the Trustees approve when the recommendations the plans to go ahead, bids are deferred to the Board of will be taken in May for the Trustees in June. construction. The June The meeting also decided meeting of the Trustees to give the Otterbein staff a · would then give the final 1/2 of one percent raise.


Lost -a ladies rust-colored Lost - Ladies blue wallet wallet. If found please call If wher ea bouts are ext. 284 or leave at campus known, please return it to center office. No questions Campus Center office. No questions asked. asked.

IM PORT ANT STUDY ABROAD ANNOUNCEMENT: Limited openings remain on CFS accredited Spring 1977 Academic Year Programs commencing Spring Trimester. Early acceptance is now open for Fall '77, Winter, Spring '78 or Full Year '77-'78 in Moscow, Salamanca, Paris, Dijon, Fl ore nce, Perugia, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Vienna, Geneva, England for qualified applicants in languages, all subjects incl. int'I law, business. All students in good standing eligible - Freshmen, Sophomores, Ju ni ors, Seni ors, Gr ads. Good faculty references, self-motivation, sincere interest in study abroad, int'I cultural exchange count more with CFS than grade point. For applications/information: CENTER FOR FOREIGN STUDY/AV ADMISSIONS DEPT N/216 S. State/Box 606/Ann Arbor, MICH 48107 (313) 662-5575.

EARN UP TO $3000 PER SEMESTER OR MUCH MORE! Campus Reps wanted to post distribute for commission. Lines guaranteed to sell. Agressive, motivated persons. Few hours weekly. Send resume, $2, for job description, info sheets, application forms, post & handlg Upon acceptance receive coding number, me mb. card, work manual free. With first weekly commission check receive your $2 back. WRITE: Nationwide College Marketing Services (NCMS), Box 1384, Ann Arbor, Ml 48106.

5 January 21, 1977 Tan Md Cardinal
Eve Ann Wilkes, sporano, who will present a voice recital S�day.

s , o R T

S Cagerettes hope to impr ove

There aren't many "We're looking to work the Philadelphia High School advantages to taking over a ball into the middle." where she was a co-captain basketball team that was At the guards will be 5-6 her senior year.

winless the previous season.

ftaeking the Canh

New technical rule

If anyone was wondering why in last Tuesday nights' game that Otterbein was awarded only one technical foul shot, while the Big Red received two, it is because of a new rule. The rule states, a technical foul committed from the playing floor warrants one technical shot, while the technical from the bench measures up for two technical shots.

Ca rdin al op ponent

The 1976 All-Opponent offensive and defensive teams as picked by the Bal dwin-Wallace players were chosen this week. Three Otterbein gridders were named as persons the number two ranked (nationally) Yellow Jackets least liked to take the field against. Recongized were Kevin Lunch offensive tackle; Bob Boltz, split end; and Rob Dodge, defensive end Mu skin gum, Wittenburg, and Lehigh were the only teams to place more players than Otterbein.

After another week of

But that is exactly what Gwen Hoover, Otterbein's

new women's basketball coach is doing.

Hoover is taking over a

team which, in 1976, plagued with problems ranging from coaches to player attitudes, was winless in eight starts.

"There's only one way to go," Hoover said, "we can't do any worse than 0-8."

Hoover, who started her stint at Otterbein as an instructor in physical education in September, coached Ma rshall University's Women's JV team to an 8-0 season last year while earning her M. S.

"We're looking to win one game at a time," Hoover said, coining an old coaches' addage. "We have

Witt enberg en ter s to build some confidence in tomorrow's contest with the distinction of being ranked second in the nation, division Ill. The

the team."

A load of freshmen and frat intramurals we find sophomores may help Club and Zeta tied for first Hoover's enterprise. Out of at 2 and 0, with Jonda and Tigers captured 113 13 players now on the Sphinx vying for the third first-place ballots, only roster, six are freshmen, place peg at 1 and 1 while seven short of national leader Scranton. four are sophomores, two Kings and Pi Sig remain 0 are juniors and there is one and 2. Another OAC school to senior. Zeta upped their record place in the top ten is Muskingum who owns the

''cliff-hanger" over Jonda 28 -27 . Club beat Kings handily (61-31) and the number six spot in the country.

Leading the charge of by way of a one point underclassmen is Sally O'Dell, a statusque 6-0 freshman from Chillicothe who holds her high school

Sphinx men were victors via * * record for most points * Pi Sig forfeit. scored in a single season.

Otter tracksters get set

Helping her in the forecourt will be 5-8

Newark product, Debbie Hoar, described by Hoover as a "decent shooter and

capable ball-handler.'' Assisting her in the backcourt is 5-5 sophomore

Carol Camita of New ,

The women's basketball team opens their campaign Wednesday, January 26 at

6:30 p.m. against Ohio Dominican College in the Rike Center.

Taking time out from preparation for their

season freshman Linda Lucas and opener January 26 against Ohio Dominican is new coach 5-8 junior Carol Geisler. Gwen Hoover along with starters Debbie Hoar (20) and

Friday, Jan. 21 PRACTICE MEET 7:00 "Our strength is in the Sally O'Dell.

Friday, Jan. 28 PRACTICE MEET 7:00 front line," Hoover said,

Saturday, Feb. 5 MUSKINGUM-BW 1:00

Saturday, Feb. 12 Livingston Relays at Denison 10:00

Friday, Feb. 18 CAPITAL-BW-WOOSTER 7:00

Saturday, Feb. 26 BW-Denison at Denison 1:00





tports Quiz A




.. ······································· * * * * * * * *
January 21, 1977
Tan and Cardinal
...•............••....... ............................•..•.... .......... ... .........................• ....•............... ·············· ················· ····················· ·········
Mar. 11 OAC at O.W.U. 12:30
Mar. 12 OAC at O.W.U. 10:15
meets in
Ke ntucky defeated
I Villanova, 24-14. C 2.
Branch, WR, Oakland Raiders. 0
University of Kentucky.
Frank Gifford,
Brownies Market u
lots of new
Come in 4.
Forest C
and see our new jewelry. beads. batik Gregg, Gale Sayers, Bart
and Bill Willis. supplks. and gift items.
Roger Maris
- 61 HR's.
False, Frank Selvy holds 43 N. STATE ST. the record. B 24 N. State St. 0 A M.T.W.F. 10 am-8 pm U.S Choice Beef R Thurs. 10 am-9 pm Fresh Vegetables & Fruit Daily 882-4124 Sat. lOam-5 pm D

Cardinals cla sh with Wittenberg tomorrow m fports Quiz m

. . . .

then proceeded to drop an in the Southern Division They have also outscored 1. Who won the Great by Scott

ove rtime decision to title race. their opponents by 11.7 Lakes Bow1 held in The Cardinal Cagers will Denison last Tuesday. The traditionally tough points per game, again Cleveland in 1947? attempt to rebound from This game is extremely Tigers fr om Springfield will secon d in the con ference. 2. Who is the fastest man in two hea rt-breaking losses crucial for the Cardin als, pr esent a formidable However, the Tigers lead the NFL as agreed upon when they host Wittenberg who are 2-2 in con ference challen ge. They currently the league in both average by the co nsensus of pro to morrow night. The Otters play and 7-7 overall. They stand 4-0 in division play rebounding margin and scouts? lo st to Muski ngum last can not afford another loss after vanqui shing Capital team field go al percentage. 3. What college basketball Saturday by one point, and if thE>y are to remain facto rs and Marietta last week, and Incredibly, they are hittin g team has m o re are currently dead-locked almost 50% of their shots All-Americans than any with Muskingum for first (.493). other team1

Otters post losses to

Muskingum, Denison

place. Last year Wittenberg Although the Tigers' 4. Name the five NFL stars and Otterbein compiled offen se is averaging a to be inducted into the identical 10-2 records on respectable 72.9 points per Hall of Fame this year.

their way to becoming game, not one i ndividual 5. Who holds the home run c o -champions of the player can bo ast o f a record for a si ngle by Brad Haynes he scored 25 poin ts and Southern Division. scoring average sufficient season? Babe Ruth, pulled down 12 rebounds.

After starting 1977 on Witt e n berg d i splays enough to place him among Roger Maris, or Hank Also Gil Spencer hit for the right foot by winning superb strength in several the OAC's top 18 scoring Aron? sixteen and Kevin Kurgis two con ference games in a categor ies. They are second leaders. Like Otterbein, 6. True or False. Pete scored 14, eight of those row, the Otterbein Fighting in the OAC in team defense, Wittenberg strives for · Maravich ho lds the coming in the extra five Cardi nals have since having grudgingly allowed balance both o ffensively record for points in a minutes. dropped three in a row. A but 61.2 points per game. and defensively. college basketball career. Otterbein was paced by week ago Saturday, the Doug Addis' 21 points, Don Cards travelled to New Brough's 16 poi nts and Concord and were promptly eight rebounds and Larry

disposed of by the Muskies, Downing's 15 points and six 63-62.

T rackmen show promise in pradice

fantastic attitude and is in Division III competiti on rebounds. Fo r the game the Tuesday night, in what as good o f shape as C o ach Mi ller was Cards shot 44% from the was supposed to be a Otterbein's track team anybody we have." relatively pleased with the field and continued their breather for the 'Bein had its first indoor practice In the field event results of the initial indoor league leadin g free throw Denison came to the Dome meet last Friday night categ o ry, the best meet. He noted: "We're in shooting percentage by and upset the Cards, 88-85, against Mo unt Union at the performance by far was that good physical shape i n so me hitting 72%. in o vertime. The score was Rike Center. The meet con­ of Barry Newlin in the high departments, especially in I n the prev i ous all tied at 70 a piece at the sisted of 11 events and, jump. Barry leaped 6'6" for the long-distance races. In c on fere n ce game at en d of regulation play, while no team totals were his all-time indoor record. If other spots, though, we're Muskingum, Dave Smith thanks to a pressure free tabulated, individual results he can go on ly one inch not in good physical shape. came off the bench a nd throwmade by Sophomore were kept.

higher a nyti i:ne during the We have a long way to go , scored 14_ po ints to pace the Jeff Bengon with nine Included in these results ·outdo or season, he'll but I think we can make it. balanced scoring attack of seconds on the clock. were several outstanding qualify for the NCAA the Muskies and kept their The overtime period performance by Cardinal conference reco rd spotless. pro ved to be a different runners. I n the 50-yard dash Otterbein is now 7-7 over story for the Cards as the Dave Paul, Barry Newlin, all and 2-2 in the B i g Red o utsc o red and Curti s Whitmore all conference. And they host Otterbein 18-15. blazed home in 5.7 seconds. u n defe ated Wittenberg

Todd Harris was the big Jim Van Cleave ran a solid tomorrow night. facto r in the Big Red win as 1000-yard run, finishing with a ti me o f 2:19.8 which ----------- St. ne i ce. �:;�on �� � iiil�r o was : excellent in the two -mile 34 W Main S · · · ) run for thi s early in the • Ohio�-..-1 W � �lie . · , I season. His mark of 9:40.4

Complete F-lonal Sarvice ·· C814) 882.a& i was good eno ugh to capture first place.

\ Dick Smith probably

Hours 9:00 - 5:30 I FREE OBJVERY l ow n ed the best Sun. thru Thurs.

Closed Sunday performance of the meet for the Cardinals. He breezed to victory in the

Hours 300-yard dash with a mark

Sun-Thurs 4:30PM-12AM

I ·�·························�· -� �-
Flowers&'' Page 7 January 21, 1977 Jan and Cardinal ········· ···················· ········· ··· ············· ·· ·
01e Bam
of 33.0 seconds, on ly .6 Fri-Sat 4:30PM-1AM seconds o ff the track where "The Friendly Store" reco rd. Dick, 22, is primarily a 440-yard dash man, and has �� already set seasons goals IS concerning this event. All standard he wants to do i s break 23 NORTH STATE STREET Otterbein's outdoor record, at� Otterbein's indoor record, WESTERVILLE, OHIO 43081 extra cost! and the Rike Center record. PHONE 882-2392 Coach Miller is optimistic about his chances: "Dick Agency for Russell Stover Candies 882-T110 Prescriptions has several outstanding qualities. He possess� a

Theatre comed

Ho rsing around in preparation for the upcoming presentatio� of "Hot L Baltimore" is Jenny Herron, director Don Paisley, Ellen Margulies and Kathy Kiser.

Whoi Roek'n


Continued from page 5

white spot lights. These "Somebody to Love", black and white color "G ood Old-Fashioned combinations were used Lover Boy", and "Teo effectively at various times Torriatte (Let us Cling throughout most of the Together)", concert. Many of today's major Queen played many of rock acts rely too strongly their classics including, on their images. and, during "Your're my Best Friend", a live performance their "39", "Sweet Lady", music suffers. In concert, "Killer Queen", and their Queen plays their songs the monumental hit "Bohemian way they were meant to be Rhapsody". A large portion played. Queen's stage act is of their material was from based on clockwork the band's newest album, A precision that reminds one Day at the Races". The new of a piece of well-oiled material included "The machinery. This is Milliona ir e Waltz", definitely a classy rock act.



Cathy 1:'riplett, Larry G�ese, '77 Zeta Epsilon Kappa Tau, to Mike Phi, to Frankie DeNici, '76 Chadwell, '77 University of Tau Epsilon Mu. Tennessee.

Do n't get hung up on exams


examinations is one in a and read through the entire Essay questions testyour Learn by your mistakes and series on study skills test. Orga nize your ability to express yourself, go on to the next phase of developed for college

equal in scoring, so answer the easy ones first. Remember to number the answers to match the questions.

Tests do serve a purpose. thoughts. to interpret and organize college work. students by the College They -give you an Budget time for each material. Important cue This art icle on Textbook Publishers. opportunity to check your question. They might be words will indicate what or progress. Students who have formed good study habits throughout the term should be confident. Examsn will help your understanding of important ideas and your ability to express them.


1. The day before an exam, review a maximum of three hours. Question yourself as you review. Reread text passages only when you have difficulty remembering them.

2. Eat and sleep well so that you are refreshed for the exam.

3. Get up early to avoid rushing on the morning of the test.

4. Shower, have a good breakfast, exercise, go for a walk.

5. Take a last look at your summary notes, unless it makes you nervous.

6. Be sure you have all the supplies you need.

7. Arrive in theexamination room a few minutes early.


Listen to the instructions

Think carefully about one question at a time. Your first sentence should be clear and contain some, if not all, of the main points in your answer.

Jot down key words as guides. Indent paragraphs, number points under . each heading, or make a rough diagram or outline.

Write legibly. If the instructor C!lllnot read your work easily, your mark might suffer.

Continued from Page 1 applicants to sign a grade-release form so the sel ection board can review their grades, a major criteria for induction.

A 3.5 accumulative grade average is necessary for eligibility. Applications will be accepted as late as Friday, January 28 at 5:00 p.m. All applications are to be turned into the Student Personnel Office.

how much your instructor is asking for. The ones most freq uently used are: analyze, compare, contrast, criticize, define, describe, discuss, elab ora te, en ume r ate, evaluate, explain, illustrate, interpret, justify, list, outline, prove, relate, review, state, summarize, trace. Each one of these terms calls for a specific type of material, so think about their meanings in advance

Finish each question as best you can and go on to the next. Leave room at the bottom of each answer for possible additions later. Make answers as concise and clear as possible. Try not to repeat yourself.

Reread everything carefully. You might have left out a key word or want to add other points.


When you receive your grades and get back exam books, read your answers. Compare them with your textbook and class notes. If you don't understand your instructor's marks, ask him where you went wrong.

I love You Good-Bye

You'll never know how many songs I wished I had written or poems I had dedicated to you so that I could recite to you underneath the stairs.

I always wanted to say I love you, but couldn't. And then when I did, it didn't matter much because I always said it quickly:

I love you, good-bye.

It's over now, but that doesn't matter, or so I tell everyone and then cry alone.

Love scare me.

I fell for you, knowing it would end before it even got started.

But I'm a competitor and I like a challfmge.

But I usually lose thirty-percent anyway.

I wish I knew my own mind and could solve my problems as . easily as I give others advice for theirs.

I've made myself sad.

It's not a first, but something is strange.

Why can't I build a bridge over this canyon between us?

Too new for me to realize my own feelings.

What you want is what I want.

I'm sorry.

How can I get all worked up over the fact that you are the most perfect thing ever set before my eyes.

I'm happy. I'm sad. I'm frustrated.

I love you. I know that, or do I?

It's time to sell some soap on a new commercial.

I hope you're the last one that I ever love.

It's too much of a bother.

I guess this is the end of a beautiful dream.

I love you, good-bye.

Patel Tan and Cardinal January 21, 1977
I ii

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