The Tan and Cardinal January 28, 1977

Page 1

Tan and Cardinal

Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio

'Hot L Baltimore'raises curtain

"Hot L Baltimore" raises "the way people were Lewis; David Weller, Paul its curtain this Wednesday welcomed at a time when Granger III; LucindaSigrist, at 8:15 p.m. anci runs this nation traveled more Mrs. Bellotti; Jurgen through Saturday,February leisurely," "Hot L" is an Tossman, Mr. Morse; 5. Presented at CowanHall, adult lookattherealitiesof Melissa Carey, Millie; Kathy Lanford Wilson's prize life. Kiser,Girl. winning play displays the Under direction of Also Ellen Margulies, tale of people trying for Donald L. Paisley, the large April; Nancy Shelton, life. student case includes: Jacl,tie; JennyHerron,§uzy; Set in a rundownhotel,a James St. Clair, Mr. Katz; Jim Schilling, Jamie; Roger scene selected by the Barb Hawkins, Mrs. Eyrolles, Cab Driver; Dale playwright as a symbol of Oxenham; Mike Echols,Bill Lund, Delivery Boy; and John Ebner,Suzy'sJohn.

Senior receives honor award


David Robinson; Lisa Durhan is the costumer.

Barbara D. Jacoby, a displayed here at Otterbein Otterbein graduate Carter senioraccountingmajorwas which will contain the Lewis is designer and the recipient of the first names of the award winner technicaldirector. annual Honor Student and future honor students.

Tickets are available in Award presented by the The Financial Executives the Cowan Box office and Central OhioChapterofthe Institute (FEI) is a national students and staff may Financial Executives organization whose obtain free tickets by Institute, Jan. 17, at The membership includes presenting theirI.D.'satthe University Club of approximately 9,000

Kiser rehearse for "Hot L boxoffice. Columbus. financial officer s Baltimore"whichopensWednesday, February 2.

Asst. Prof. James Heine representing 3,200 U.S.and accompanied her and Canadian companies. FEI

received .a plaque to be also has academic numbers



Torch and Key i

nducts members

Torch and Key inducted from colleges and banquet in thespringforall Nancy Flinchbaugh, Craig new members last Sunday

universities. The Central the honoraries on campus. Furry, Jan Garrabrant, night in Hall Auditorium. Ohio Chapter membership

Each year the society also Cynthia Horie, Karen Torch and Ke y, the for Monday includes representatives of awards a prize to an Maurer, William Rickels, A. Otterbein Scholars, is most of the major outstanding Otterbein Louise Ringle, Jeff Sibert, Voting is this Monday, organized for the purpose companies inColumbusand senior, based onscholarship Stephanie Skemp, Jeanine January 31, for Otterbein's of recognizing and the surrounding area as well and service to the college Tressler, RalphTrochelman, 1977 Winter Queen. The promotingscholarship. as academic members. community. Deborah Tyler and Mary five finalists chosen by the

The society holds a Torch and Key initiated Wilson. sophomore class are: Nancy Melissa Barr, Mary Bricker, In addition to the Case, Kim Leslie, Sue members, Torch

Speech novices score high

Myron Campbell, Sharryn student Truitt, Kathy IBlman and Cory, Tom Downard, Jeff and Key initiated Dr. Paul Suzi Youmans.

During the meal hours giate Forensics team scored the Ohio Forensic member. Monday all students will well in this past weekend's Association State cast their vote for the StateNoviceTournamentat Sweepstakes. Otterbein is


Reigning over winter

Otterbein's Intercolle- participants, count toward Downing, Jean Farkas, Redditt as a faculty

Quiz competition continues

Bowling Green. In the first now fifth in those

One game is left in the Whiz Quiz teams left in year tournament, four standings. weekend, thewinner willbe first round of the Whiz competition as of this past Otterbein team members crowned at next Saturday's Quiz. Following amatchon We dn esday were placed in the state In theCollegeofWooster basketball game against Feb. 1, the Whiz Quiz will Stonehenge, Quizical Kings, competition for their first Debate Tournament, Janice Wooster. moveintoquarterfinals. Quad Squad, and Sanders year of work in individual Harrell and Chris Kapostasy

Other weekend plans

A revision hasbeen made Hall. Two more teams will events. were quarter finalists in the include free ice skatingand in the gamerules,according be playing in the quarter Amy Vanek placed first novice division. Herrell also a dance after the game to moderator Becky finals that are not yet in prose interpretation and was fifth place individual featuring "The Graduates." Coleman. During the first determined. is the state champion.Mary speaker, for the January

Pictures· of the queens round; the questions had to "I'd like to thank the Ann Deer placed sixth in 14-15tournament. can be found on page five. be read in their entirety teams and audience," prose interpretation and before and answer could be commented Coleman. "We fourth in poetry Today and tomorrowthe given by either team. haven't had a forfeit yet interpretation. Stacy Reish Individual Events team However, in the quarter and all the teams havebeen and Melissa Carey placed travels to Georgetown finals and the games to on time. I hope the thirdindramaticduo. College, Georgetown, follow, an early answer audience will be there for The results fromthis first Kentucky for another policy will be followed. therestofthegames." state tournament fornovice tournament.

tt 0 ibrarv JAN 3117/
January 28, 1977
Volume 58 Number 14
Jurgen Tossman and Kathy

Third degree Burns

Rea�ers Sound-off. •• Time to decide

Thisweekend is thefinaldecidingtimeforindependents Fruit prices soar the upcoming week's menu ever tried to get an outside as to whether or not they go greek.I thought I'd spend in the T & C as we will number? sometimethisweek tossingthetopicaround. DearEditor: begin printing them on a I'm sure everyone is It will be uttered9,8 54timesthisweekendthatgreekis Due to the devastating week ly ba si s, spa ce aware that if you punch the way to go and (in thatI'minagreekorganizationand loss of fresh fruits and allowing . ..- MB) nine and hang up 600times quite glad about it) I guess I'll do my share of using that vegetable in the Florida you might get a dial tone, wornutterance. freeze, our fresh produce Tempers tested that is if you haven't tom

As social organizations,fratsandsororitieshaveobvious prices have doubled and the phone off the wall advantages.Given the relative obscurity of Westerville, its even tripled in the last Dear Editor: already. rather nicetohavesomewhereto go;plusjustthefactthat week: For example, ori A temper can only be you have a group of peopletosharethingswithandrelate 1/18/77wepaid $8.75fora Thisiabig complaintthat tested so 30 lh. box of Tomatoes, has been botheringstudents months is a far, and four mighty long things to. as well as faculty since

More thanjust social organizationsthough,greekgroups today 1/26/77we mustpay September of this year.We trial period.We would like often display a· bond between its members that shows a $25.50.Thesameappliesto some answers as to what's understand that the college type·ofrelationship thatonerarelysees,among adormfor lettuce, cabbage, onions, was trying to save money happening If it was instance. etc. with the installation of the mistake, the college should a

There are also obviousfinancialadvantagestolivingina So due to this occurance admitit. "wonderful" new phone greek house in opposed to living in the dormitories.Dues we are forced to use less of

We know we aren't the however, present a drain on finances (but so does pizza). these products in our food system, but this is onlyones thatfeelthisway,

I don't mean to portray the greek system as flawless, service. We appeal to the ridiculous.

andit's abouttimesomeone though.I've seen good friendships fall by the wayside in student body, to help us We know that it takes lets you know we are very favor of inter-greek frictions.There are those who will and themselves reduce the time and patienceforanew perturbed.Ow: phones like insist these frictionsdon'texist-buttheydo. waste on these expensive system to get adjusted, but their place onthewalls,but

Also its hard to assume that one can enter a "special" items. I'm afraid they might not relationship with each of over 50 guys (althoughI'veseen why should phone that we we pay for a cannot use bethere muchlonger. one pretty darn close.);youcan't getalongwitheveryone. ThankYou, half the time? Have you Signed,ConcernedStudents

After all is said and done, it comes down to a purely 1 individual thing. My only recommendation is that RichardO.Stanford 1· 1 independents take the time to examine the greek system. Director of Food It may be one oft�emore worthwhile things youdohere. Service


(Ed. note: Be looking for

Otterbein's governance capacities and gives them system is acclaimed to be equalvotingpower. However, a number of Board of Trustees is at the students are unaware of top of the decision making network. The problem

operates. Most, if not all, i'//4

students know that the ,,1111 HAY£ lbllA

one of the most unique in the country. Otterbein's structure of government how the government of the collegeisdividedandhowit arises when the rest of the legislative branches must be places students in all

placed in an organizational chart.

I'm Tired

ITan and Cardinal

A clear understanding of the governance system can only come from clear I'mtiredoflistening;beingtoldwhattodo. explanation. To have a better functioning svstem opinions expressed in the Tan and Cardinal are those of the staffanddo not necessarilyreflect those oftheschoolorits administration. amjusttiredandfeelingkindofblue. Leavemealoneto sleepinmymind. and more aware student Youcangoaheadbutleavemebehind. body, this clear


understanding is essential. I'mtiredoflookingat asmilethatalwaysdies.

Onewaytointroducethe I'mtiredoflife;tiredofliving. students totheorganization 1I'm tired ofyoutakingandmealwaysgiving. would be to include it as a part of the orientation program.It seems that this aspectofthecollegeismore I'mtiredofdreamingthesameolddreams. I'mtiredofschemingthesameoldschemes. I justwanttobe me.Ijustwanttobe alone.

Published weekly by the students of Otterbein College. The

Mickey Bums ..........EDITOR-IN-CHIEF


Melissa Barr


NancyBallog .......... FEATUREEDITOR


DonHines ..................ADVISOR IjustwanttohavesomeplaceIcancallhome. importantthanmany others for anincomingstudent.

Brad Haynes, Kay Bums, Chet Cady, Maggie There issomethingI'mnevertootiredtodo; Dine, Marilyn Douglas,TimO'Flynn,SylviaIngels, Andthatsomethingistositandloveyou. Kat Johnson, Shelley Jones, Chris Kapostasy, Idon'twanttobeahero.Idon'twanttobeadmired.

Felipe Martinez, Sue Mayberry, Hope Roberts, Atleastatthismoment,Ijustwanttobetired.

Chris So�ders, Dan Thompson, Deb Thom, Kim Wilcox,Dan Repik, BobKokai andDeanaWilliams by Tim O'Flynn

Tan and Cardinal January 28, 1977 Pa 2
------- Editorial-------
needs defining
UICI. NOW Sflt ••• .S1ltl?

Placement Office Notes

Recruiters are added

The Placement Office is Winter Term. They located in the basement of are: the AdministrationBuilding Bedford City Schools, and is open from 8:30 a.m.

February 3, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday -2:00p.m. throughFriday. Garfi eld Heights City

1. Added Recruiters - Schools, February 10, Since seniors received 4:00-8:00p.m. their Placement Office Wrig ht State newsletter early in the Uni versity, Graduate term, several recruiters Program in Social & have scheduled Applied Economics, interviewing dates for February 17, 10:00

a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (interested in talking with students of an y majorinterestedinthis type of graduate study).

Mo ntgomery County Schools, March7,9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

2. Interview WorkshopOn Thur sd ay, February 3, Mr. Dickey will conduct a workshop session on job interviews at 7:00 p.m. in the Learning Resource Center. All interested students are invited.

3. Recruiters for the weeks of January 31 and February 7:

February 1 (Tues.)U.S. Mari ne Corps, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

February 3 (Thur.)Bedf.-or d Cit y Schools, 9:00 a.m. -2:00p.m.

February 4 (Fri.)To uche- Ross & Co., 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon, seeking Bu siness Administration majors with accounting concentration.

February 8 (Tues.)The State Li fe In sur ance Co. , seekingsalespersons.

February 9 (Wed.)Navy, 9:00 a.m.3:00p.m.

February 10 (Thur.)Luth eran Mut ual Li fe In surance Co., 1:00 - 4:00 p.m., seekingsalespersons.

February 10 (Thur.)Garfield He ights City Schools, 4:00 -8:00 p.m.

ENGAGED; Melinda Slack, '76 Tau Epsilon Mu, to Joe Szima, '74�iKappaPhi.

-CPBSki Trip

5:45p.m.-,7:45p.m. -SororityFinalParties

6:30p.m. -CampusCrusadefor Christ

7:30 p.m. -CPBMovie:"Harry & Tonto"

8:00p.m. -FraternityRushParties: Jonda, Club, Sphinx

8:00 p.m. -Sorority FinalParties

10:30 p.m. -CPB Movie: "Harry & Tonto"

January 29-Saturday

-Indoor Track:Denison -A

1:30 p.m. -Women'sBasketball: Marietta-A

2:30 p.m.- 4:30p.m. -SororityFinalParties

5:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. -SororityFinalParties

7:30 p.m. -Basketball:Marietta -H

7:30 p.m. -CPBMovie:"Harry& Tonto"

9:30 p.m.-11:30 p.m. -SororityFinalParties

9:30 p.m. -FraternityRushParties: Zeta,Kings,PiSig

10:30 p.m. -CPBMovie:"Harry & Tonto"


2:30p.m. -CPBMovie:"Harry& Tonto"

7:00 p.m. -SororityPreference Signing

8:00 p.m. -InterfraternityCouncil

9:00 p.m. -Campus Christian Associa!ion (1\gape)

9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. -FraternityPreference Signing

January31-Mon�y -SororityPledging

10:30 p.m. &4:306:30p.m. -VotingforHome4:00 p.m. comingQueen(CPB) 4:00 p.m. �Campus Services Committee

7:00 p.m. -Sorority& Fraternity Meetings

February1-Tuesday 4:00 p.m. -Academic Council 5:30 p.m. -JVBasketball: Capital-A

6:00 p.m. -Whiz Quiz

6:30 p.m. -PanhellenicCouncil

6:30p.m. -Yearbook Staff Meetings

7:00 p.m. -OhioStudent Education Association

7:30 p.m. -Basketball: Capital -A

7:30 p.m. -CPB Yoga Demonstration

8:00 p.m. -CireleK Meeting


10:30a.m. -Otterbein College Theatre:"TheHot L Baltimore"

4:00 p.m. -College Senate ontinuedon·P�8

Page 3 January 28, 1977 Tan and Cardinal
............................ ............................. ••· ·························
Wha'1 W.e

Greek News

At last, the last week of rush is here! The final excitement for the Greek system is this weekend with fraternity and sorority final parties. Preference signing Sunday evening ends rush an d be gins the pledging season.

IFC has asked all men, freshmen and independent, to come to pr e ference signing Sunday night at 8 p.m. in the Campus Center Dining Hall. Panhel will have pref erence signing starting at 7 p.m. in the Campus Center Conference Rooms Sunday night.

If planning to pledge, one must preference sign the specif ic fraternity or sorority or else you won't be considered for pledging. If planning on staying indep endent, preference signing is still required as it lets the Greeks know where you stand.

The sorority final parties are by invitation only and us ually formal occasions.

Friday night, from 5:45 to 7: 45 p.m. Tau Delta has its

Greeks rush finale

final party. At 8 until 10 p.m. Tau Epsilon Mu has their final party. The evening en_ds with Epsilon Kappa Tau's final party at 10 until 12 a.m.

Saturday, final parties begin at 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. with Sigma Alpha Tau. Kappa Phi Omega's final party lasts from 5 until 7 p.m. Theta Nu ends the evening and the weekend of final parties with their party from 9:30 until 11:30 p.m.

Wi th the frat ernities, Friday night starts their final rush parties. All final parties are by invitation only, R.S.V.P.

Jonda has their final party at J. C. Pool, Friday night. Club has a spaghetti dinner at the Clubhouse. Pi Sig will hold an Italiano dinner also on Friday night for their final rush party.

Saturday night, Kings has a spaghetti dinner with party following as their final rush hit. Sphinx will have their "Sphinx on the Nile" as their final party.

Zeta's last party will be Satur day night at the Shadows. The brothers are

in viting all me n by Jacoby, Jim Schelling, Dave February 26. inv itation only with all McKee, and Jim McCurdy. EKT has a coed February women being invited. The The four winners receive a 12. party is cocktail starting at $300.00 scholarship from With rush season nearly 10 p.m. Ri des will be th e foundation. over, it's time to wish provided from the house Congratulations is extended everyone a warm thanks to starting at 9:30 p.m. The to th e winners of the cooperating with IFC and night will be semi-formal. $1,200.00 foundation! Panhel members for a great

The brothers of Pi Kappa Jonda and Owls are rush term! It took alot of Phi have announced the planning a joint coed this work to make the rush wi nners of the 1977. Pi February 12. season a success, plus alot Kappa Phi Schola rship Theta Nu will have their of help from the rushees. Foundation. They are Bob Wi ne and Cheese Coed


Personal Evangelism

by C.W. Cady book preparation. Paul,- for preceding paragraph (and inst ance, spent time in more) means, and that takes Stand firm, having shod soli tude to be prepared preparation. your feet with the be fore he preached the For all who repent of preparation of the gospel of gosp el (Gal. 1:17). Our their sins an d want peace-Eph, 6:15. Lord Jesus, in fact, took forg ive ne ss, God has

This is the last principle time to prepare for His provided a way to pardon on wi tnessing techniques major works, as when He all offenses past, present, that I'll suggest in this chose His twelve apostles. and future. Christ's death series- the principle of For us this means we effects that pardon for the pre paration. Although ought to know the gospel penitent. someti mes we expect and what it is. In my That's the message. If ourselves to just open our interviews with all kinds of you can express it in your mouths and that the Lord people, I find many of even own words and be able to will give us the words when my own friends don't know answer sincere questions, necessary, here is an often the significance of Christ's you will be a more effective ove rlooked biblical death, and yet this was an

princ ip le requiring responsibility on our part: be prepared. Know what you can say with reference to the gospel before you say it.



Sun. thru ThurL


Sun-Thurs 4:30PM·12AM

Fri-Sat 4:30PM-1AM

The writer of the epistle knew human nature and knew that because men were subject to spiritual attacks from Satan, they could easily be swayed from their purpose of presenting the gos pel to others. Therefore, he made up a list of pr ac tical things a Christian should know and do before he can be a success. One of those things is to be prepared.

So much of the work done in the biblical record

important part of the early church's teaching. Paul says L11 1 Cor. 2:2, "I planned to make only Christ and Him crucified known to you."

And so I am prepared to say:

In His death, Christ took our deserved punishment upon Himself. In His death, our sins were put into His body and done away with. In His death, Jesus became our attorney and judge to de liver us from eternal punishment.

But few at Otterbein know this, or know what to do about it if they do know about it. And that's our job: to explain to people what all that in the

"The Friendly Store"

minister of the gospel. This and a reliance upon the Holy Spirit in much prayer will make you a successful witness.


"Let's say it flat out•
'Harry anclTonto' Is a hlt,ancl one of the best movies 011974.''

Agency for

Page4 Tan and Cardinal January 28, 1977
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OHIO 43081 PHONE 882-2392
Russell Stover Candies

Winter Queen to. be chosen Monday

Nancy Case is a home economics major in Tau Epsilon Mu sorority. A va rsity cheer leader, Nancy is also a member of Alpha Lambda Delta honor ary in addition to her duties on the Ke Wa Pa Krew.

From Vandalia, Ohio, Miss Case has also participated in women's field hockey.

An elementary education major, Kim Leslie is a member of Sigma Alpha Tau sorority where she serves as assistant pledge mistress. Kim is a member of concert choir and accompanied them on their Europe tour.

A native of Pittsburgh, Pa., Miss Leslie is also on the WOBN staff.

Varsity cheerleader Susar,i Truitt hails from Kent, Ohio. She is an English major from Tau Epsilon Mu sorority. A Ke Wa Pa Krew member, Sue is in Alpha Lambda Delta honor ary, Quiz and Quill and served as captain for the women's field hockey team.

Tan and Cardinal January 28, 1977 Page\,
Westerv ille 's Katherine Ullman is an education major with a concentration in political science. A member of Tau Epsilon Mu so rority, Kathy is active in Young Republicans.
Suzi Youmans hails from Marysville, Ohio and comes to Otterbein seeking a degree in elementary education with a concentration in math. A varsity cheerleader, Suzi is also a member of Tau Epsilon Mu sorority and performed in "Showboat" last spring.

5 P. 0 RT S

tfaeking the Canl1

Boxi ng hits 'Bein;

In an exhibition boxing match last Friday, Rick "l ay'e m ou t" La inhart scored a TKO against Don Ko lhof. Lainhart sent his opponent to the canvas three times during the fight, taking command from the first round.

Re feree Wayne Cummerlander mercifully sto pped the fight sho rtly after the beginning of the third -round when "Lay'em Out" co nnected with a sharp left that dazed his opponent.Shortly after the fight the champ asserted, "It was the left that got him - quick left jabs."

* * * *

Cardinal cage fans were brought to their feet in the closing moments of last Tuesday's encounter with

Ohio Wesley an as sophomore forward Don Brough rammed in a dunkshot. The stuff was like frosting on the cake of victory, and broke a string of four home games minus a dunk, much to the delight of the crowd.

** **

Are the Otters better than their 8-8 mark indicates? It seems quite possible since we have lost squeakers to three ranked teams, and two of these defeats, this writer deems, were due in part to in competent officiating. One wonders if the conference whistlemen have it in for our frontline.(I fail to find a rule barring aggressive board play, and • well established picks or screens.)

Otters To host Marietta

Otte rbein 's basketball team will seek to vault back over the .500 mark when they host Marietta tomorrow night at 7:30.

Last Tuesday, the Cardinals attained a 3-3 conference mark when they breezed past Ohio Wesleyan 75-60, but the 2-4 Pioneers might prove to be a tougher test than the hapless Bishops.

Before Capital deflated Marietta Tuesday night, 66- 61, the Pioneers had been impressive. They rolled over Wesleyan 99-89 last week and exploded Saturday as they hit the century mark in obliterating Salem 101-60.

Mar ietta boasts a hig h-powered offense, which currently ranks second in the OAC. They have averaged 77.7 points in their first 15 encounters.

They are led by a trio of hi gh-scor ing performers. Sophomore forward Gary Hursey leads the team in scoring with an average of 16.6 points per game.

C 1 o s e behind him are sophomor e guard Mitch Miracle and 6'3" center Jeff Fabola, who averages 16.1 and 14.9 point s respectively. Miracle is a deadly shot, clicking on 56% of his attempts.

Defensively, though, the Pioneers rank last in the conference, as they have surrendered 73.2 points per game. A lack of rebounding strength also plagues them.

They currently rank 11th in the conference, but Fabola provides some excellent board strength by himself,

Action during Tuesday night's contest against Ohio Wesylan.

ranking 5th in the league.

For the Otters, guard Doug Addis once again tops the conf erence in free throw shooting. He now is hitting 89. 7% of his shots, and has an excellent shot of setting the all-time OAC record in this category Keny on's Jim Appleton es�blished the record in the 1974-75 season when he hit 85.6% of his charity tosses, so Addis is well ahead of

that pace.

SUPPORT the T & C. If you visit a place of busintl$S that atlllflrtias in this newspa,,.-, tell them you saw th eir ad in the Tan & Cardinal

Euchre tourney is sponsored

Sign up begins Monday for Otterbein's first annual euchre tournament. The tourney is sponsored by the co mmuter ce nter, but competition is open to all students.

The euchre teams will play each round for the best two-out-of-three games. The winners will then advance in a round robin fashion. First, second and third place cash prizes will be awarded to the finalists.

A one-dollar entry fee will be charged for each team. The fee, along with the players' names may be given to Barry Newlin or Kent

Wright in the commuter

cen ter. Registration ends next Friday.

--�-. -31�,m�� ll®<!&JL�!}
• .."1f.8'rw-
PHONE 882-03S1 January 28, 1977 Tan and Cardinal
OHIO 43081
THE Howard
NON-DORM/ ?.5f-5}7.5J.
� �� k 9%� .Yn11o�enk._

II c���� show against OW Biancone · 1eaps 6'10"

theNCAA meet.

points while Don Brough as the second round of Sophmore high-jumper Steve Biancone set a new record when he leaped 6'10"inapracticemeetlast Friday night at the Rike Center. The mark shattered the previous top Cardinal performance registered in either the indoor or outdoor seasons.

By virture of his record jump, Biancone has automatically qualiiied for the NCAA Division 111 finals.

Coach Robert Miller offered, "I personally felt Steve would eventually set the record-but not this early in the season. He definitely has the potential tobeagreat jumper."

Barry Newlin, although overshadowed by his jumping mate, did jump 6'6", his second solid performance this year. Barry needs to go only one inch higher in order to join Biancone in qualifying for

In the running events, several Otters . displayed signs of developing. Dave Paul ranthe50-yarddashin 5.5 seconds, tying a Rike Center record, while Dick Smith blazed to victory in the 440-yard dash with ·a timeof52.05.

Freshman hurdler Dave Miller streaked home in 6.78 seconds to capturethe 50-yeardhighhurdles.

Another freshman Bob Black cleared 13' in the pole vault, tying him for firstplace.

In summarizing the meet Coach Miller said "Again I'm very pleased with our progress to date. We've showed signs of steady improvement. We'll be shooting to peak for the OACchampionship."

Tonight at 7 p.m. the trackstershostWrightState, Malone, Akron and the OhioTrackClub.

The Otterbein Fighting Cardinal basketball team finally untracked their offense Tuesday night and in doing so made the Ohio Wesleyan Bishops their first win in the last five games.

They soundly beat the Bishops at their own game - offense. The Bishops were first in the conference before the game in offense andtheCards ranoverthem byascoreof75-60.

The Saturday beforewas a different story though, as the Wittenberg Tigers came to the Rike Center and behind the scoring of Rick White's 15 points they handed the Otters their fourth straight loss, 68-64.

In the win against the Bishops Otterbein had five players once again to hit double figures in scoring.

Doug Addis, John Phillips, Muff Jones, and Larry Downing each had ten

(mycandidateforbestsixth divisional play gets man in the conference) had underway in the Rike 14 points and nine Center with tipoff at 7:30 rebounds. p.m. and if you can't make The Marietta Pioneers it to the game, tune in come to town this Saturday WOBN at 7:15.


Phone: 882-6611

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Donuts, Cakes, Cookies, Sweet Rolls

<?lip the coupon and play your first game on me!

I'm Captain Freeway and . I've just flown into town for the GRAND OPENING of the new FUNWAY


,. ··�·: �/ • .
all your • INDY 400! • AIR HOCKEY!
SPACE MISSION! and the new • BREAKOUT! • SEA WOLF! "FONZ" MOTORCYCLE GAME January 28, 1977 Tan rt Canlnal Page 7
favorite games.
by SEGA! I
H� /i�:. p� ?b ··::\

�Foil' production staff is named 6:00 p.m.

- Campus Programming

Otterbein senior James with the selection," said the title "FOIL." Board Dooley, director_ and writer director Dooley. "Anyone Ap pli cation s for 7:00 p.m.

- Phi Eta Sigma of the new motion picture familiar with the work of interv iew for the Business Meeting "FOIL," has named the these people will know that production are available in 8:00 p.m.

- Young Democrats production staff for the a lot of talent is working for the Campus Center office. 8:15 p.m.

- Otterbein College film. In addition to Robert our production. I'm both Both acting and technical

Theatre: "The Hot L Kokai who serves as proud and honored to be positions are open to all as Baltimore" Assistant Director, the staff associated with them." no experience is necessary, Febru� 3- Thursday includes Brian Green as Dooley has als o and the script calls for a 5;30 p.m.

- Religious Activiti�s Musical Director, Doug announced the beginning of wide range of characters Council Kingsbury as Art Director, cast and crew selection for and ages. The closing date is 6:30 p.m.

- Housing Committeeand Pat Shambaugh as " FOIL." Copies of the Feb ruar y 11 with final Open Forum Costume Designer. All are screenplay are now available selection slated for the end 7:00 p.m. - Career Program for students at Otterbein. for reading on closed of the month. Seniors

"I am extremely pleased reserve in the library under 7:30 p.m.

Oh man, it's America I

Omanians enroll at Otterbein

. From the dr y, . hot cli mate o( the Omanian desert, Ibrahim Alfarsi and Hassan Abdullah have come to the wintery cold of the Otterbein campus. Oman is a country on the so uthe as tern tip of the Arabian Peninsula known for its oil resources. The country has dry weather of 130° F with deserts and oasises of palm and date trees.

For Ibrahim and Hassan the weather of Ohio wasn't as hard to adapt to as it might have been. Both have adjusted to the below zero tempe ratures and the blowi ng snow wit h surprising ease. Everything at Otterbein has been adaptable except for the food.

En glish is difficult to learn. "Vocabulary is hard for Hassan,'' said Ibrahim. "Grammar is hard for me."

Lina Shiblaq, an Otterbein freshman, serves as interpretor for Ibrahim and Hassan when the English language becomes a difficult barrier to br eak. Lina, herself, is a Palestinian and very fluent in both English and Arabic. She has been at

Otterbein four months.

For Ibrahim fr om Alburimi, Oman, Political

His hobbies· are sports, dancing, reading, studying, and watching T. V.

Hassan fr om Matrah, Oman (besides learning basketb all) hopes to . co n centrate in Computer Math and English. Hassan's plans are to finish out this school y·e ar, but he is undecided about next year. Hassan is a true believer in his Islamic Moslem faith which restr ict,s any alcoholic be verages and eating of pork.

Omanians have a closer relationship within their famili es th an do the Americans. Everyone helps the other portraying mu_ch coo prat ion within the family group. In America, Ha ssan fi nds "t hat everybody is for himself." American s are too impersonal.

Yet, both Ibrahim and Hassan love America, its ways, its people, and its luxuries. Together, Ibrahim and Hassan would like to bring the - system of the public school education to Om an where hig her education is ex pensive.

"There is one thing I do n't li ke about Americans, " Ib rahim laughed, "We don't have oil

- Personnel Committee

8:15 p.m.

February 4- Friday

4:30 p.m.


- Otterbein College

Theatre: "The Hot L Baltimore"

- CPB Ski Trip

6:30 p.m. - Campus Crusade for Christ fields in ba�kyards, nor do 8:15 p.m. - Otterbein College we ride camels. I'm afraid

Theatre: "The Hot L of camels!" Both Oman and Baltimore" Am erica have much to 10:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. - CPB Ice Skating learn. With Ibrahim and Party Hassan at Otterbein, the learning will be swift.

lnMw Kong hits the spot

by Chris Kapostasy ... I liked it. price of a matinee just to Now my date, who just have a good time.

Okay, so I did it. I broke ha ppens to pay for the The true highlight of the a New Year's resolution. I tickets, made me promise to show, of course, is the promi sed my self that pan it. He said (in spite of multi-million dollar Kong absolutely, positively, under her scanty clothing) that he hi mself. The on-screen no circumstances would I hoped Jessica's first film Kongs included the giant see "King Kong". But I did. would be her last. He also mechanical masterpiece, a By reading this, you are insisted that the ending was _mini-monster, a man in a now an accessory. just awful . . . and he liked mo nkey suit, and one "King Kong" is, without the rest of the _ movie even Kong-sized motorized hand. a doubt, a corny movie to less. Well that's his opinion, I couldn't tell them apart, rival the Marx Brothers. now here's mine: I liked it. and I was looking closely. Beauty calls the beast a I'm the first to admit Kong himself (whoever he "male chauvinist pig", and that "King Kong'' is foolish is ) wa s no less than good ole Kong puffs up his fantasy. Both the acting and magnificent. cheeks and blow-dries his screenplay are mecjiocre. So "King Kong" isn't an captive. Sounds pretty But "Kong" is entertaining, exceptional movie. It's full ridiculous, doesn't it? and that's a word too often of romance, humor, and So what!?! I liked it. lost for lust of "brilliant even has a tear-jerking Despite the fact that Jessica portraya ls" and "deep ending. That's got to be Lange acts spacier than any significance". worth at least a medium Otterdolly ever could ... What's so terrible about butter-co rn and a Dr. never mind the rid iculous having fun at a movie? This Pepper. over-ex aggeration of the is one mo vie with no "King Kong" is currently commercialization of Kong striking message, except playing at Lo ew 's that it's okay to pay the Westerville.

Brownies Market

Flowers.A I W..-�lle,
28, 1977
and Cardinal
Ole Barn
34W•Mains-. . . ,
43 N. STATE ST. U.S. Choice Beef fresh Vegetables & Fruit Daily 882-4124 Science and English are his Ohio 43081 stu dy. Ibrahim's father eompa.. FJoral Sarvice (814) 812-GIOI wor ks on the Commerce Bureau in Oman. Ibrahim hopes to rem ain at H�urs 9:00 - 5:30 Otterbein for the rest of theClosed Sunday main con centrations of '76 '77 school year and through the '77 - '78 year.

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