Tan and Cardinal
Volume 58 Number 16
Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio
Volume 58 Number 16
Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio
February 11, 19n
"Discipline" is the topic
The National Theatre of famous opera by Gertrude for the Otterbein Children the Deaf, an Otterbein Stein with music by Virgil Center's meeting for parents Artist Series event is set for Thomson, has remained a on Wednesday, Feb. 16, 8 Thursday, Feb. 17 at 8:15 sensation in the theatre since p.m. The meeting is open to p.m. in Cowan Hall. Free its premiere · in 1934. A everyone and there is no tickets can be obtained by hallmark of the imaginative charge. presenting an Otterbein ID and decorative use of at the Cowan box office. language, the light-hearted
Panelists will discuss the Unanimously praised in words of Gertrude Stein are how and why of discipline the national press, the particularly well suited to with parents and others National Theater of the Deaf the arresting visual style attending invited to join in is a unique theatrical form employed by the NTD. the discussion. -a combination of strong Chekhov's comedy THE
Members of the panel
The meeting will be held and graceful sign language HAR MFULNESS OF at the Otterbein Children's with mime, dance, music, TOBACCO, has been a Center, located in King movemen t and classic theatrical tour de Hall. simultaneous narration and force for almost a century. song. Brimming with comic
This season's production, pathos, the play will be Mrs. Ann consisting of FOUR demonstrates the stunning Champney, Dr. W. David
Coming to Otterbein this Thursday are Freda Norman, SAINTS IN THREE ACTS, ability of visual language to Dawdy, Mrs. Mary Place Joseph Sarpy and Peggy SchoditM:h from the Nat ional THE HARMFUL NESS OF enhance the many levels of and Mrs. Cathy Breech. Theatre of the Deaf. TOBACCO, and poetry, Chekhov's genius for the demonstrates dramatically stage. the versatility of this The candor of
remarkable troupe of CHILDRE N's LETTERS actors. TO GOD and the poetry of "You can't yell 'go all 1963 in his play Vanities 'Yea Meat!'?"
FOUR SAINTS, the Robert Frost and E. E. the way' on a football field. which will be presented by Heifner's well paced, Cummings take on fresh What will people think?" the Otterbein Workshop - subtly stinging dialogue Hours are cut down new dimensions when their Mary, Kathy, and Joanne Theatre tonight at 4 p.m. helps to explain why simple language is expressed are three high school and Feb. 13 at 7:30_p.m. in Vanities is currently the In an attempt to cut with the visual imagery that cheerleaders who care very Barlow Hall. lon gest running play back on the use of natural has made the NTD a much about what people Senior Jenny Herron Off-Broadway. He is gas on the Otterbein s e n s a t i o n a m o n g think. Jack Heifner has returns from her internship presently working on a pilot Campus, it was decided that theatre-goers around the drawn a funny, touching with Actor's Theatre of of Vanities for ABC Campus Center will close at world. portrait of growing up in Louisville to direct Cindi Television. 12:00 midnight every night
DBefore this decision was I soug egree app 1can who are concerned with something of themselves in mad e, a st udy was The Honorary Degrees prof es sions and their boyfriends (and how the show and will be able to conducted of how many Sub-Committee of the back grounds. The to keep them from going laugh at how important students actually used the Adm inistrative Council Sub-Committee also wishes "too far"), being popular, peer pressure was, or maybe Campus Center between 12 invite s recommendations to limit the number of and getting the rest of the still is." and 2 a.m. on the from faculty, staff and recipients to a maximum of school to care as much Admission is free for week-en ds. The conclusion students for honorary four in any year. Usually about the team as they do. both tonight and Sunday's was that not enough degree candidates. less than four will be As Joanne points out, performances. A preshow students are using it to The Sub-Committee recommended. "What does the team think including some "oldies but justify keeping it open. seeks candidates who have De ad li ne for when they ' look to the good ies" (re memb er .......... .... . .. .. ... ................... ... ...... .. ... . given service to Otterbein recommendations in March stands for encouragement "Johnny Angel"?) will start .... . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... ... . Co liege and attained 8, 1977 and they should be and see a huge 'iign reading a half hour before the show. I.S. offers movie professional achifvement of forwarded to Mrs. Phyllis distinction. They will also Tillett.
■ ts htSkunza, Barb Folts and Director Herron says, "I of the week. Lauri Bundschuh as the girls hope everyone will see
The Department of consider candidates with
Although the chances of three regular class days Integrative Studies will ex ceptional professional closing are slim, the college should be scheduled present "The Long, Hot achievement where RA Meetinq has taken- steps to prepare between the end of the Su mmer " wi th Paul re cognition of that for a shutdown should it be winter term and the set for Sunday Newman, Orson Welles and achievement would bring necessary. beginning of the spring Joanne Woodward on honor to the recipient and February 13, at 9 p.m. a Certain things had to be term; (3) study days Tuesd ay, Feb. 15 at 3 and to the College. meeting will be held for all considered: (1) Each term between the end of the 7: 3 0 p.m. in LeMay In recomm end ing hopeful resident assistants should have a minimum of term and exam periods Auditorium. The film is candidates over a period of as well as old resident 4 7 class days plus a three could be eliminated. based on William Faulkner's years, the Sub-Committee assistants seeking to reapply day examination period ; (2) A model can be found The Hamlet. Admission is seeks to maintain a balance in the Dining Room of the a grading period of at least on page 12 outlining the free. of recipients from different Campus Center. suggested plan •
If you read the front page story concerning the coll ege's steps in pr eparing to close and ar e looking forward to a few days extra vacation in the middle of the term - forget it. As it looks from this corn er the chance s of Otter bein closing are wors e than the chances of the dining hall serving phe asant under glass.
We have two fue l sources, oil and natural gas,and are unlikely to e xhaust both.The weathe r looks as though its breaking (although I'm not packing the long und erwear yet).
Many coll eges had to close up during the bad weather and others suffere d misfortune : Baldwin-Wallace had their gymnasium floor buckle on them,for instance
All in all we look p retty fortunate - take away some shaky officiating in the Rike and Otter bein has be en downright lucky .
I for one am glad we didn't close and hope we still won't.The proble ms involved are too numerous. Everyone would have to make the tr ek home , some e xcep tionally far.The next term would have to be accele rated,creating more pressur e and many of the staff, office people and some service,would be temporarily out of work:
This is not to m ention the office setbacks,the animals in the science building and the possi bility of building damage should som ething go wrong with the fuel.
Yet it is important that the college did tak e steps to prepare for a closing - there's no sense going into som ething lik e that totally blind.
. i 1o AL-t,Nflf'I ,A y A'-'- of , (; 14 l) f,I.. t;.. A
Tan and Cardinal
Publishedweekly bythestudentsof Otterbein College.The opinions expressed in theTanandCardinalarethoseofthe staffanddonotnecessarilyreflectthoseoftheschoolorits administrat.ion.
Mickey Burns .......... EDITOR-IN-CHI EF
Scott Brockett ........... SPORT S EDITOR
Nancy Ballog ........... F EATUR E EDITOR
Don Hines ... ............... ADVI SOR
Brad Haynes, Kay Burns, Chet Cad y, Maggie Dine, Marilyn Douglas,Tim O'Flynn, Sylvia Ingels, Kat Johnson, Shelley Jones, Chris Kapostasy, Felipe Martinez, Sue Mayberry, Hope Roberts, Chris Souders, Dan Thompson, Deb Thorn, Kim Wilcox,Dan Repik, Bob Kokai and Deana Williams
and nobody came on you. We want you to shar e an e ducational Dear Editor, exp erience with othe rs, to "What if we gave a war h e lp str e ngthen the and nobody came?" At O.S.E.A.No organization is Otterbein,what if we gav e a stronger than it's members. me eting and no body came?..-------------------
W e did - and the y didn't. Who are we? Why didn't they?
W e are the Ohio Student Education Association, and they are Otte rbein stud ents. The question of why they didn't come is the one we are asking.
As a prof essional organization on Otterbein's campus,the O.S.E.A.might consist of a group of pr of e ssion als, or pre-p rofe ssionals who care. O.S.E.A. could grow and move and, like the field of education, expand on a continual basis.
Inst ead, we give a meeting and nobody comes. So how do we get more participation?Ron Barr,the Stud ent National Education Association presid ent poses the question, "Are you ready to be a t e acher today?" Students in education might consider that, and if the answe r is no, then consid er what we can offer.
O.S.E.A. provid es a chance for pre-professionals to excl:iange id eas, attend confe rences and workshops, and liste n to speake rs with something vital to say O.S.E.A. is a place for you to belong, to become a stronger, bette r informed, more diverse educator.
If you want to be more than a teacher; if you want to be a Good Teache r,then now is your chance to strive for that goal. All Education majors are welcom e and nee de d at each O.S.E.A. meeting. Membe rship is not require d.
For O.S.E.A. to be a more ositive, enriching p expe rience for everyone we ne ed more members - more future teachers. We need
... And if we giv e a me eting, will anyb ody com e? Does anybody care?
Sincere ly, O.S.E.A. Exec. Committ ee
I recognize that my mind many times t ends to be selfish and hoarding.
Many times I only think of myself
Many times I fall into the path of pl easure which leaves me always d issapointed and empty within.
If I have acted in such a way I am repented.
I can only find p e ace when I open mys elf to the Cosmic Muses and realize that I am an instrument; there fore to do everything as an offering to an Ultimate, His glory and His cre ation is my only meaningful alternat ive "Not me but The in others
Not for me but for Thee, Let me alway s r emember that in giving I find Job."
This is a transformation; this is the r ealization of a Divine Mission
This is the beginning of an inner revolution and a change of attitudes.
The air; the food the water the sunshine w e take from nature shall return to nature but em bellished and made nobler.
Thank you for letting share with you thes e thoughts that grant me felicity,purpose and above all peace of mind.
Th e transformation is within us through the acknowledgm ent of a Gre ater Force than ourselves.
From then on we are only instruments to carry out the work towards perfection.
Acuarios is a reality.
A n ew era has begun.Is it a fantasy?No!
May we help each other in this cause towards e xpansion and growth economically,intellectually ,socially and spiritually.
"You ar e the appointed prophets to bring a bout this change on earth," said the Master.
It begins within our minds and hearts and then the transmutation speads to where we are and whatever we do.
I have he ard that the system ne eds change but unless I change myself nothing can be done
My wish is that we develop and work together for the achievements of these id eals.
We all compe ment each other and in one another is that the fulfillment is found as long as we find it first within. This is your task and your re sponsi bility because you do whatever you choose with your life. And although everyone is alone in his own ideals and struggles we can have the consolation that we are the sons of the same light that guid es us and takes us towards the rivers of unity and wholeness.
Unit e your energy towards my energy and whatever yw de let's mak e it better inwardly and outwardly Peace.Om.Peace.
Together not divided,strong not we ak, osit ive always so we triump h.
With common cause "to work for " in altruistic and selfless att itudes returning to nature what it bountifully gives to us I love you.Om
The need for a more She expressed the feeling ac tive involvement of that women, especially in in higher education was the the undergraduate years are topic for Sissy Farenthold's not working on a level with lecture this past Wednesday. men. Women face particular "Most women lack a sense problems in edu cation. of direction and do not These problems are think in terms of long-range translated into the lack of planning for their future,,, encouragement to succeed Farenthold went on to say. and the fear of success on
The Placement Office, February 14, 9 a.m. -4 located in the basement of p.m. To schedule an the Admin is tration interview, call Mr. Ed Building, is open from 8:30 Lawrence , NCR a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday Co rporation, 1251 - Friday. Dublin Rd., Columbus, 1. Job Opportunity - NCR 486-0661. Corporation is seeking qualified individuals for 2 .Federal Civil Service EDP sales training Exam - Only two test positions, particularly dates remain for seniors those with strong interested in the PACE background in business exam (Professional and adminis tration, Administrative Career accou nting, da ta E x a m i n a t i o n ) -. processing, or math.
Application deadlines for Interviews will be held March and May testing locally on Sunday, are February 17 and February 13, 12 noon to April 14, respectively. 4 p.m., and Monday, St. thun.
the woman's part. These are combined in the education of women from the time they enter school.
Farenthold ad vocated that we need to change the poli ci es of education starting with the elementary level on up, so that women can assume jobs that were traditionally male oriented.
Quo ting the U.S. Committee on International Womens• Year Report, To Form A More Perfect Union, she stressed that change can onl y be accompli shed by active involvement. The womens• movement has not died and she feels that women will continue to strive for equal educ ational an d job opportunities.
The meetings of the Food Service Committee are now open to all students and will be held the second and fourth Mondays at 6 p.m. in Dining Room 3.
February 11 - Friday
4:30 p.m. -CPB Ski Trip
6:30 p.m. -Campus Crusade for Christ
8:15 p.qi. -Otterbein Orchestra Concert
February 12- Saturday - MOTHERS WEEKEND
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.-Senior English Exam
10:00 a.m. -Women's Basketball: Denison-A -Indoor Track: Livingston Relays
4:30 p.m. -Kappa Phi Omega Valentine Dinner
7:30 p.m. -Basketball: Denison-A
February 13 - Sun day
3:00 p.m. -Junior Recital: Susan Henthorn & Linda Jones
4:00 p.m. -Phi Alpha Theta
Installation of New Members
8:00 p.m. -Interfraternity Council
9:00 p.m. -Campus Christian Association (Agape)
9:00 p.m. -Meeting for R.A. Applicants
February 14 - Monday
4:00 p.m. -Curriculum Committee
4:00 p.m. -Campus Services Committee
7:00 p.m. -Sorority & Fraternity Meetings
8:00 p.m. -Tau Delta Valentine Party
February 15-Tuesday
3:00 p.m. -Integrative Studies Movie: "The Long Hot Summer,,
4:00 p.m. - Academic Council
6:30 p.m. -Panhellenic Council
6:30 p.m. -Yearbook Staff Meetings
7:00 p.m. - Intervisions-Hair & Make-Up Stylists-Mayne Hall
Presiding will be the new comm ittee chairman, Robert Bush. Monday, Febru ary 14, foo d regulations and theft policies will be discussed.
The committee's goals are: 1) improvement of campus food service. 2) imp rovemen t of commu nication between food service director and students, and 3) stopping food, silverware, and china theft.
Bush remarked, "So far, response to our committee has been small. We do not make the rules since we are only an advisory committee but our voice is heard. If any student, faculty, or staff member has a complaint or suggestion, no matter how small, come to us and we'll try our best to do something about it.,,
Other members of the committee are Robert Diebel, Richard Stanford, Steve Atkisn, Mike Terhorst, and Cathy Sekerak.
7:30 p.m. -Integrative Studies Movie: "The Long Hot Summer,, 7:30 p.m. -Basketball: Wittenberg-A
8:00 p.m. -Circle K Meeting
February 16-Wednesday
12:00 noon -Cultural Affairs Subcommittee
6:00 p.m. -OSEA Dinner Meeting: Ray MacFarlane-Campus Center
6:00 p.m. -Campus Programming Board
6:30 p.m. -Women's Basketball: Rio Grande -A 7:00 p.m. -Alpha Lambda Delta Pledging
8:00 p.m. -Young Democrats
8:15 p.m. -Jazz Lab Band
February 17 - Thur sday
3:00 p.m. -Teacher Education Committee
5:30 p.m. -Religious Activities Council
6:00 p.m. -Whiz Quiz
7:00 p.m. -Alpha Epsilon Delta
7:30 p.m. -CPB Movie: "Sleuth,, 8:15 p.m. -Artist Series: "National Theatre of the Deaf,,
February 18 - Friday
4:30 p.m. -CPB Ski Trip
6:30 p.m. -Campus Crusade for Christ 7:00 p.m. -Indoor Track: Cap/BW / Wooster at Otterbein
7:30 p.m. -CPB Movie: "Sleuth,, 8:30 p.m. -Pi Kappa Phi Co-Ed 10:30 p.m. -CPB Movie: "Sleuth,,
(Ed. note: Kent re ad a Dean who desired to A student proposing a The Board of Trustees is from the total board· and Tan and Cardinal editorial "cereate e sense of change in socialregulations, the final stage in the meets six times during the calling for a definition of community" and to "make or wanting to question a governance system. The year to deal with all our governance system and the entire institution a part traffic citation or such board is presently made up concerns and prepare these offere d to do just that. He ofthe learning process." should talk to a senator, a of 30 representatives from for thetotal board. is a senator and active in Otterbein stood out as a R.A., or stop by the thee the church, alumni,faculty, All in all, this system is Otterbein 's governmentpioneer in the process of student personnel office to students, and accomplished designed to make decisions MB) giving students more of a find the proper committee businessmen. All of these that are for the best of the part in governance and a (or council) to work people combine their total college. With an
Kent StuckeyIn 1970 New York
greater opportunity to through. efforts to make decisions und erstanding ande express theiropinions. If the concern requires a that they feel are best for appreciation for this systeme
The governance system "bill" to be written up, all the college. the students can use this Times noticed Otterbein's consists of three basic this work talces place inthe The full board meets ''advanced form of unique governance system levels: committees, senate, committee or sub only twice a year to review governance" to make theire and felt that it warranted and the Board of Trustees. committee. all business. An Executive viewpoints known.e publicity. Otterbein's The starting point of any The second level in the Board of Trustees iselected reforms in governance were concern is atthecommittee system is the senate, made also recognized by Dr. Earl level. up of faculty and elected J.e McGrath, the formere
Jazz concert held Wednesday There are many st uden t senators. United StatesCommissionere committees and councils, Committee work is sent to ofEducation.e
Otterbein's Jazz Lab will feature the works of each dealing with a· the senate ta be voted on, He considered the Band will present itsannual Les Hooper and Don different facet of tile sent back to the senate to :;ystem to be "the most concert Wednesday, Schamber. system (i.e. regulations, be voted on, sent back to radical" and "most February 16, at 8:15,-p.m. Included are Hooper's personnel, administration) the committee, or amended advanced in the entire in CowanHall. It isfreeand "Havin' a Good Time," Each committee consists of (some money matters like establishment of higher opento thepublic. "Blue Orleans" and "Lost students, faculty, and budgetsand salaries gofrom education" in his book Under the direction of in the Shuffle," plus administrative staff the committees straight to Should Students Share the Wes Orr and Steve Schamber's "Impetus," members. theBoardofTrustees.) Power?.
Genteline, the performance "Patnoe's Complaint" and
The events that brought "ManhattanSouth." Otterbein into the-spotlight Creek Newt Orr, a trumpet instructor followed two years of here at Otterbein who detailed study. On May 6, teaches music in Columbus 1970, students were made public schools, plays
awareofarulingthat would professionally with theJazz cut the membership of the Arts Group of Columbus. By Nancy Ballog Board of Trustees and add numbers for the sororities: Dunaway. The brothers are Genteline, who teaches three students and three Finally after five weeks Epsilon Kappa Tau got 23 planning a coed for March saxophone here and directs faculty as voting members of rush, rush, rush, the pledges; Kappa Phi Omega 12th. the band at Ridgeview of the decision making Greeks are finished! nine; Sigma Alpha Tau Kings pledges gave a Junior High,alsohasplayed board. Sorority final parties and received 24 pledges; Tau brave attempt at an with the Jazz Arts Group.
Thetrusteesalsovoted to preference signing are over, Delta - 7 TauEpsilonMu- unsuccessful blast. They. forge a totally restructed and pledginghasstartedthis 23; and Theta Nu received have managed to steal a Speech scores college senate divided week. The fraternities have their quota of 20 pledges. certainactive'splaypenguin
This past weekend, equally between students come through a week of Saturday Jonda and which is amusttohim.
Otterbein's Forensic Team and faculty. Behind all pledging, and theystilllook Owls will have a coed. Club pledge president is took fourth place thesereformswas Dr.James strongintheirpledges. Theta Nu has their coed Steve Rawlins. Brian sweepstakes at the Toledo Miller, Vice president and Here's the quota scheduled for February Warning is the pledge Individual Events 26th. EKTisalsoplanninga vice-president. Club had Tournament. coed forthe26th. theirfirsthellnightMonday
In informative speaking,
Sphix took in two new and will have their second Leslie Young won first social members Monday thiscomingMonday!
place with a speech on the night. Congratulations to Greg Steger has been use of psycho-drama in
Henry Molinaro and Phil elected pledge president of therapy. Mowrey! The newlyelected Zeta.It has beenannounced
pledge president for the that the Zeta pledges are DanHawkplacedthird in poetry and won first in Sphinx pledges is Mike "zesty" prose interpretation for a A
cutting from The Nose by
Februacy 11, 1977
Mannatake into account a wrong many times have you by C.W.
Cadysuffered." How many times, relished a really juicy piece
This be ing the when someone has wronged of gossip (true or not) and you, have you said, "Oh then passed it on? How Valentine's Day issue of the well, I can pray for that many of you,brethren,are T&C, and I, having been person," and done just that people who know all the asked to write a column on love,did just that. instead of thinking, "Boy, news that's unfit to print,
Love has been played I'm gonna do this and say and you let others know that to that guy!And is he about it? And to whom do down since the 60's when we were growing up, but gonna be sorry!" and you go if you want to know everybody still needs it and carrying that out? something persona1 about wants it. Couples still tell "Does not rejoice in someone withcut asking unri hteousness . How each other of their love. ?
Guys and girls still know the pow�r of the spell, "I love you. You make promises to love forever.
Twenty-t wo is an awfully young age to think we know anything about love,but if there's anything to be said,it is:
Love is wi th out hypocrisy, shrinks from evil,and clings to good.
Love denotes itself to others and outdoes others' efforts to pay back honor.
Love is a hard worker who has a purpose in his work: serving God.
Love is a optimist,does not give out under pressure, but gives up to God; love prays.
Love pursues the chance to meet others' needs through gi fts and hospitality.
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous.
Love does not brag and is not arrogant,does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered.
Love does not rejoice in un righ teousness, but rejoices in the truth.
Love bears all things, believes all things,hopes all things,endures all things.
Love never fails.
That kind of love does not just happen.It demands a choice. Sentimental love "just happens," but love, what the Greeks called agape, is wi llful-you choose to do it. It may include other kinds of love (" ...devotes itself to others..."),and sentiment can be good,but you must choose to love.
Go back to the list again. It's absolute. It's from the Bible (Rom. 12:9ff.; 1 Cor. 13:4ff.), but just my own thoughts. Look at one attribute: "Love does not
You choose whether you life is characterized by love or not. It's the same for Ch ristians and nonChristians. Christians have an advantage,though-we're forgiven because of Christ's death for us and because He has taken our sins out of the way.Our only problem is that we try to replace them!
But God's love is greater
than any sin. He chose to send Jesus for our eternal life. Since God chose to love us,let us who claim to be godly choose to love, also.
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Sports Quiz action got
In the triplejumpTalpas all around 42'. We should 440-yard dash with a time underway last night as the vaulted 42'8" to rip the have good depth in the of 52.5 seconds, his first half of round one was Otterbein cindermen previous best mark by ¼". triple jump and highjump, personal best for the year. completed. Thirteen continued to establish Two other Cardinals and possible in the long
>indoor records when they finished strongly in the jump. We've never had that the OAC relays at Denison for first and second place hosted Baldwin-Wallace, event which was clearly depth before." tomorrow, one of the two trophies. Muskingum, Mt.Union,and dominated by Otterbein. The third standard was extremely importantindoor The competition, Oberlin last Saturday night Soph omore Riger established byPaulwhenhe meets of the season. Head emceed by Mark at the Rike Center. The Winemiller reached 42' en blazed to victory in the coach Robert Miller stated, Princehorn, is a meet was not officially route to a second-place 50-yard dash with atimeof "These relays will definitely single-elimination struggle scored and team standings finish, while freshman 5.4 seconds, shaving .1 let us know where we fashioned after a local were not tabulated, but Marlon Matthews earned second off thepreviousbest stand." Hughes added, sports show, "Sports individual times and fourth place with a leap of time. "This last meet probably Challenge". distances were kept. 41'8".
The Otters willengagein participants are competing
Another sprinter, helped to prepare usforthe Schedules are not Altogether, three new Rike Assistant coach Stan freshman Louie Meek, relays. We'll have to be completed but will be Center records were set by Hughes made several finished second in the fresh nextSaturday." posted. senior Dave Paul, observations about these Sophomore Doug Diehl, achievements: "Both Diehl andjunior BobTalpas. and Talpas have worked
Two of the three indoor hard, and they seemed to Add another to the list standards fell during the have better concentration of basketball contests the 1 field event competition. In during this meet than Otterbein Cardinals have the long jump Diehl leaped before.Doughadpreviously lost by lessthanfourpoints 21'8" to shatter the had a lotoftroublewithhis -a 69-71 overtime thriller previous record by8¼".His steps. In fact, this meet . to Muskingum Tuesday performance earned him marked the first time this night in the Rike Centeron first place, as he was well year that he's gotten four theOtterbeincampus.
._ahead of the second-place good jumps in. The best
The loss snapped a four distanceof21'. aspect of the triple jump game win streak for the that had three Otters who nowmusttravel to Denison Saturday and the nation's No. 1 ranked small college, Wittenberg Tuesday.
Otterbein is now 5-4 in the Ohio Athletic Conference (OAC) southern division and11-9overall.
Otter basketball coach Dick Reynolds,recallingthe upset loss to Denison inthe Rike during the first round of southern division play, is dubious about the odds at the homeofthe Big Red.
"We're going tohaveour hands full. Denison has a good offense and they have improved tremendously," addedthementor.
Stopping Denison's high point man Todd Harris will be a key. Harris burned the Otters the last timethetwo teams met with 25 points.
But if winning at Center Ed Williams protects the ball from a slew of Denison is tough, then MuskiesinlastTuesday'sovertimelost. pulling out a win against No. 1 ranked Wittenberg Baseball Clinic boasts instructors may be next to impossible. Larry Thomas, a scout at Ohio University in 1962.
The Tigers trimmed the for the Boston Red Sox, Thomas played in the Red Otters 68-64 in their first Joms former Ohio Sox chain before becoming round visit to the Rike University head coach Bob amanagerin1964-65. Center. Wren as instructors at the Thomas will speak on
"Nobody can doubt Otterbein College baseball baserunning at the all-day Wittenberg's power," said clinic Saturday, Feb. 12 in clinic. The clinic is open to Reynolds. "They have it the Rike PhysicalEducation all persons interested in and use itwell." Center on the Otterbein baseball. For more Rick White, a smooth campus. information or to register 6-4 forward, is the Tigers' A graduate of GroveCity for the clinic, call890-3000 leading scorer with an High School, Thomas was extension453. average of 15.6 ppg. an all-American outfielder
The following schedule would meet the requirements
outlined above.
\\'inter Term (62 days) Jan. 3 - March 29 ( --l7 class days + 15 closed
Final Exam Period (3 days)
Spring Term (49 days) April 11 - June 6
The poster in the theater screenplay are the a man lost in a world he days) lobby calls "Network" an March 30 - April 1 pe r formances. movie. I appropriately and Finch, thought he knew, and is April 2 - April 10 outrageous couldn't find better Interterm (9 days) a adjective. At the Golden you believing the gospel he you'll like Globe Awards, almost
very looking to find again. effectively insane, will have I can't guarantee that "Network". At the showing I saw, most of (--l7 class days + 2 holidays) named co-winner of "Best sure bet for the "Best the audience was obviously Final Exam Period (3 days) June 7 - June 9 Movie". I can't disagree. Actor" Oscar. Dunaway is loving it, but a couple in Commencement June 12 And one other thing that I cold, bu siness- like, front of me walked out. It can't do is adequately progressive, and a generally isn't your average movie.
EXPLA�ATIONOF MODEL explain the movie, but I'll push broad. But if you're up for an try. She's cojust the type to adventure in quality
At this time it is unlikely that we will have to close "Network" is the find herself at the top of movie-going, then run, Otterbein unless a governmental directive is received.We self-proclaimed story of the ratings heap. Finally, don't walk, to see have a promise for sufficient fuel oil to carry through newsman Howard Beale the sane Holdren arouses "Network." It's playing February and the oil company indicates that the supply of (Peter Finch), a television the audience's emotions for locally at Raintree 1. fuel oil should increase in March. newsman on the way out
In the above model it is assumed that we would because of declining ratings. . . .. .. ... .. . :.
complete the Winter Term on our regular schedule of five His farewell newscast day weeks and 50 minute class hours. becomes true confessions
The Spring Term could be compressed from 10 weeks time, as he proclaims that to 8 weeks by altering our schedule in one of two ways: news and life are essentially :::
extend the week to 6 class days or extend the class period bullshit. This honesty fad
from 50 to 60 minutes. The following time schedules catches on, and Beale begins
illustrate these changes: a new career as a latter-day
it was preaches. He's an PERIOD 6 DAYWEEK 5DAYWEEK Messiah.
1 8:00-8:50 7:30-8:30 Me anwhile, pretty, ❖ BAN��
2 9:00-9:50
3 10:00-10:50 9:50-10:50 programmer
Diana 8:40-9:40 pushy
(Faye Dunaway) is planning
Closed Sunday .
4 11:00-11:50
6 1:00-1:50 1:20-2:20
7 2:00-2:50 2:30-3:30
to add Sybil the Soothsayer
and others to the newscast,
be mention starting terrorist not a
series starring the
8 3:00-3:50 3:40-4:40 actions of a radical group the Ecumenical
9 4:00-4:50 4:50-5:50 known as Liberation Army. In her
If it became necessary to adopt such a schedule, the spare time she's having an .-\dministrative Council would need to seek input or decide affair with the middle-aged which should be followed. The model allows for a break
between Winter and Spring Term, and two holidays during the Spring Tenn.
"\Jere it left fbr me to decide whether vve should have a
former news director (William Holdren) whose job she took over.
The scary thing about this show is that somehow you believe that it all could happen. The industryWILL do anything for ratings. This of
newspapers, gene ration tube-addicts JUST MIGHT be very easily lead by a influential lunatic to stick their heads out of windows
!should� amomentto preta-tbe latter.".
and yell, "I'm mad as and I'm not going to take it anymore!!" You might be brilliant. It is.
Even better than the