The Tan and Cardinal February 18, 1977

Page 1

Tan and .Cardinal

Petitions available for governance positions

Petitions will be available today for the elected positions of Trustee, Senate and various committees.

The petitions have a two-week circulation and deadline for returning them is March 4, 1977 in the Campus Center Office.

The elected positions and Cardinal, at Campus that are available for Center Office, Library, 1977-78 are, Trustee: one music office-Lambert Hall, student and one faculty, Tower s Faculty Suite, Senate: approximately 50 Science 222 and the athletic studen t's , and the office. committees that are listed The Campus Elections in this article.

S u b -C o m m i t t e e h as Petiti ons may be outlined the eligibility obtained in this week's Tan requirements for Trustee,

Ric Mancini is guest artist in 'A

View from the Bridge'

Ric Mancini has been obtained as guest artist in the March performance of A View from the Bridge and will play the lead role, Eddy.

A View from the Bridge is not totally unfamiliar to him as he played the production off-Bro&dway in the role of Marco. He has also played in The Birthday Party and A Streetcar Named Desire.

Some of his screen credi:ts include "The Don is Dead", Ac ross 110th Street", "Shamus" and "J3adge 373". On television he has been on shows like Cannon,-McCloud, The FBI, Night Gallery and the Edge of Night.

Mancini arrives on campus Sunday night and will begin practicing with the student cast. He will be visiting classes throughout the duration of his visit.

Senate and committees. The requirements are:

(1) For TRUSTEE if you are presently a sophomore, junior or faculty member in at least your third year.

(2) For SENATE if you are a returning full-time student next fall.

(3) For COMMITTEE if you are a returning full-time faculty member or student next fall.

(4) You may run for a committee from each category listed below, but may accept election to only one.

(5) You may petition and run for up to four positions simultaneously:


( 6) Names of the Senators who can sign petitions will be posted on the Governance Bulletin Board in the Campus Center.

(7) All nominees' names will be posted on the Governance Board in the Campus Center.

The Campus Elections Sub-Committee adds that you should be sure to run if you want to participate in governance. The list of nominees will be valuable to the committees appointing interested peopl e to subcommittees. For further infor m ation call the Inform ation Center, 600. Senate, Trustee and two

ContinuedonPage S

Speaker recommendations

Members of the Senior Activities Committee will be in the main lounge of the Campus Center to receive recommendations for a 19 7 8 Commencement speaker on Tuesday and Wed n esday, February 22-23.

Ot te rbei n's 1977 Commencement speaker is Sherwood Fawcett, President and Director of Battelle Memorial Institute. Battelle is the world's largest private scientific research foundation. The diversified general research institute employs 2600 staff members in Columbus,

Plan advances

Ski deposit due next month

A required deposit of equipment, and lift tickets.

The current housing Should the bill pass in $25 is due by March 1 for Physical Education credit proposals, outlined in past senate, it would have one any students planning to go is also available and is Tan and Cardinals and more stop on its way to the on the ski trip to Vermont's included in the price. The

Otterbein books the Board of Trustees.

Sugarbush Mountain.

2600 in Germany and Switzerland and 3000 in five other American centers. Suggestions for the 1978 Commencement speaker will be taken during the lunch and dinner hours. Speakers from the following subject fields may be suggest ed: ag riculture, anthropology, art and architecture, bu siness, dance, eco nomics, education, health services, music, philosophy, history, language and literature, physical education, political science, public health, recreat ion, sociolo gy, speech and theatre.

Having passed through Campus Ser vices and Administrative Council the plan will now be heard in the Senate March 2.

Karl A. Oldag, Dean for Student Development, has place� six copies of the proposal on closed reserve in the library an d encourages all to examine and scrutinize it.

Scheduled over spring break, eleven students are needed for the trip that will depart on March 17. Total cost for the ski vacation is $300 which inc ludes transportation, room and board, lessons, rental of

$2 5 deposit is not refundable.

If you missed the display in the Campus Center yes terd ay or th e presentation in the LRC, plea se conta ct Miss Durocher in the Rike Center .

Saturday, Feb. 1910:G0 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Closed on Sunday, Feb. 20.

LIBRARY HOURS FOR PR ESIDENTS' BIRTHDAY WEEKEND: presented in to open forums, are progressing in the college governance system.

Monday, Feb. 21 - 2:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

r-B 197
Volume 58 Number 17 Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio February 18, 1977
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Pictured is Otterbein guest artist R•� Mancini.

The lonely people

For the past two weeks the yearbook staff has been selling subscriptions to the '76-'77 edition of the Sibyl.

Boy were they lonely, the people sitting there! I mean, it wasn't like selling Tan and Cardinal valenti�e lines, ( we were "besieged" with customers.)

Those poor Sibyl staffers would lug a fairly heavy box of yearbooks up the stairs and, after an hour or two of sitting, lug a box of similar weight back down.

All sarcasm aside though, the students as a whole are going to be the ones who lose.As a rule of thumb more people buy the book when it comes out than those who purchase subscriptions.

Putting aside the fact that you will pay more later - if more students obtained earlier subscriptions that staff

would then have more flexibility in their operating funds. This would result in a much better book.

More color, better type faces and perhaps special effects

could be a reality if the staff could count on more revenue.

But you can't spend money you don't have.

Additional moneys made by the staff when the book comes out will NOT go into next year's budget. It is channeled back intq_ the general fund. Each year's staff begins on a fresh budget.

So all you people who know you're going to buy the book but didn't order early ... typical, typical.

Speaking of T&C Valentine lines: a quick glance at Who's Whose this week will tell you that three out of four of the "engagees" purchased their beaus a fond message in last week's special section.Yes Virginia, there is a cupid.

I would like to again congradulat e my two righthand girls on their recent engagements.Good job Sara and Melis.

Just a Dream

I want to write the perfect love story.

It should be one of pain, sorrow, passion, and glory.

I want it to be about kissing and long walks. It should tell about her and me and all of our long talks.

It should describe the beauty of her smile and the warmth

In total disgust

Dear Editor, I had to write you this letter as I'm in total disgust! The City of Westerville is certainly taking a long time repairing the roads here on campus.

with the city and if they they drop a few subtle ( or can do anything about it. some not so subtle hints to They needn't jeopardize the them? working relationship they I think they should. obviously have with

Sincerely, Westerville - but couldn't Bernie Michaels

Tan and Cardinal

on campus, they could at least shake a leg.

For one thing, if they of her embrace. couldn't have done it at a The style in her walk and the sweetness in her face. time when students are not I want to express our love story in the perfect way. I want everyone to know exactly what I wish to say.

Maybe I just simply want to say, "I love you."

In a love story, it shouldn't be hard to do. It shouldn't be hard to write an epic and let my love flow out.

After all, that's what a love story is all about.

However, I pick up my pen and the same thing happens every day.

For some reason, the words just stay away.

Why can't I say exactly what I mean?

I think it's because I've never been in love, and to me it's just a dream.

I realize that the work they're doing probably had to be done and I'm glad the city is improving their roads, but do they have to inconvenience the students so much?

It's absolutely terrible riding dow n the "crater-infested" roads and walking through that mud going to the campus center is like crossing a swamp.

I was just wondering how much clout the college has


Kay Bums, Chet Cady, Maggie Dine, Marilyn Douglas, Tim O'Flynn, Sylvia Ingels, Kat Johnson, Shelley Jones, Chris Kapostasy, Felipe Martinez, Sue Mayberry, Hope Roberts, Chris Soqders, Dan Thompson, Deb Thorn, Kim Wilcox,'Dan Repilc, - Bob Kokai and Deana Williams

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Sound-off.. . February 18, 1977 Page 2 Tan and Cardinal Third degree Burns
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Published weekly bythestudentsofOtterbein College.The opinionsexpressedin theTanandCardinalare thoseofthe staffanddonotnecessarilyreflectthoseoftheschoolor its administration. Mickey Bums .......... EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Sara Ullman .... ..... MANAGING EDITOR Melissa Barr ........ BUSINESS MANAGER Scott Brockett ........... SPORTS EDITOR Nancy Ballog .......... FEATURE EDITOR Dennise Smitley ... CIRCULATION MANAGER Don Hines ..... ............. ADVISOR


Wash ington semester takes hopefu ls;

application dead line set fo r Tuesday

Dr. John Laubach has announced that February 22, 1977 is the deadline for ap plications for the Washi ngton Semester pro gram during the Otterbein fall term of 1977-78. All applications should be submitted to Dr. John Laub ach, th e Department of History and Political Science.

The Washington Semester program is administered by

the American University which brings students in touch with highly placed government officials of the executive branch, Congress, the Supreme Court, lobbies and the Washington Press.

The Washington Semester ends before Christmas and enables students to return for the Winter Term. For the regular Washington Seme ster option, each student participates in a


seminar for two course credits and undertakes a research project for one course credit. A fourth course can involve an elective from the American University offerings or an internship.

In recent years seven other Washington Semester options have been added: the Urban Semester, the Foreign Policy Semester, the Internati onal �----------------------• Development Semester, the Economic Policy Semester, SCHEDULE OF EVENTS the Science and Technology

February 18 - Friday Semester, the London -CPB Voting for lndependant Little Semester, and the American Studies Semester. Abner Candidate

4:30 p.m. - CPB Ski Trip

These programs are open

6:30 p.m. - Campus Crusade for Christ to majo rs of all

7:00 p.m. -Indoor Track: Cap./BW/Wooster at Otterbein

7:30 p.m. - CPB Movie: "Sleuth"

8:30 p.m. - Pi Kappa Phi Co-Ed

10:30 p.m. - CPB Movie: "Sleuth"

February 20-Sunday

I Ahne rs m
are chosen

departmen ts, but the Science and Technology Semester is open only to math and Science majors. In general Otterbein requires that applicants have an average of fourteen B's or better by the end of the academic year preceding entry into the program. For further information about the program and the various options available contact Dr. Laubach.

Crowd sees fashions

Last weekend's fashion show, "The Artist's Touch" drew 250 people to see the

fashions presented by the

Home Ee Club and Hanby Hall.

Seven of the outfits modeled were made by the girls in the Home Ee Club and the other clothes were from the Last Straw. Norma Sims, Patti Call, and Ann Sa bock wer e cochairpersons.

Make up was directed by Lisa Abbott, lighting was done by Bill Fairchild, escourts were Dan Starling and Greg Moore.

Plaeetnent Offiee Notes

Credential files

The Placement Office, the start of Spring Term.

located in the basement of 3. RECRUITERS the Administrat io n Weeks of February 21 & 28. Building, is open from 8:30 February 24 (Thur.)a.m. - 5: 00 p.m., Monday Chemical Abstracts Service,

February 19-Saturday - Friday. 9 am -5 pm, interested in 10:00 a.m. -Women's Basketball: Muskingum-A l. JOB OPPORTUNITY talking with students who 7:30 p.m. -Basketball: Ohio Wesleyan-A Independent men will - The State of Ohio will have a strong background in 7:30 p.m. - CPB Movie: "Sleuth" -Theta Nu Co-Ed vote today for their offer Civil Service testing one or more of the 8:00 p.m. -Tau Epsilon Mu Co-Ed candidate for the 'Lil Abner during the week of - March following fields: chemistry, 8:00 p.m. Conte st . Frater nity 28 for Family Services math, data processing, 10:30 p.m. - CPB Movie: "Sleuth" candidates have been Supervisor I & II. Both ac counti ng, business sel ected during regular positions involve working admini stratio n, and

2:30 p.m. - CPB Movie: "Sleuth" business meetings this week. for coun ty wel fare tec hni cal writing. 8:00 p.m. -Interfraternity Council All class ranks are eligible to departments in providing Knowledge of a foreign 9:00 p.m. - Campus Christian Association (Agape) become a 'Lil Abner services to the handicapped, language is also helpful.

February 22-Tuesday -Spring Term "Pre-Change of Program Period' Add & Drup"': Feb. 22Feb. 28 - Basketball: Home Site

6:30 p.m. - Yearbook Staff Meetings

8:00 p.m. - Circle K Meeting

February 23-Wednesday

February 21- Monday candidate. ill, aged, disabled, etc. The March 1 (Tues.) - Elyria -President's Day: 'Lil Abner will be deadline for applying for City Schools, 1 -9 pm. the examination s is March 1 (Tues.) Offices Closed- No Classes crowned sometime during tqe Sadie Hawkins Dance in February 28. Application Wooster City Schools, 9 am the Campus Center on forms and add itional - 3:30 pm. March 3. The Monday information are available in March 3 (Thurs.) before the dance all girls the Placement Office. Chillicothe Public Schools, will vote for the final 'Lil 2. CREDENTIALS - 1- 9 pm. Abner. For this event, girls Seniors who have initiated March 3 (Thur.) will ask the guys to the crede nt ial files are Equitable Life Insurance, 9 square dance. Attire will be encouraged to make sure am - 12 noon, seeking sales country-western. their files are complete by persons.

4:00 p.m. - Campus Regulations

4:00 p.m. - Archaghia Circle

6:00 p.m. -Whiz Quiz

6:00 p.m. -Campus Programming Board

7:15 p.m. -Sports Quiz

February 24-Thursday

4:00 p.m. -Campus Affairs Committee

7:00 p.m. -Women's Basketball: Wilmington-H

7:30 p.m. - CPB Movie: "Zardoz"

7:30 p.m. -Personnel Committee

February 25 - Friday

4:30 p.m. - CPB Ski Trip -Basketball Tournament

6:30 p.m. - Campus Crusade for Christ

7:30 p.m. - CPB Movie: "Zardoz"

10:00 p.m. -Tau Delta Pledge Slumber Party

10:30 p.m. - CPB Movie: "Zardoz"

I ��� 'Li
18, 1977 Tan and Cardinal
;: . ....:-:•:•:•:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-::;: . .
SEND FOR THIS BOOK ........•. Price US$5.00 Per Copy Send your check payable to the COLUMBUS PUBLISHING COMPANY by AIR MAIL (25 cents Postage each Half Oz.) to THE COLUMBUS PUBLISHING COMPANY, Apartado Postal 5150, El Rodadero, Santa Marta, Colombia, South America and we will rush you your copy by return Air Mail. The Author is also available for Sp eaking Engagements.


and Cardinal Creek Newt

Greeks have a Blast

unity of the class in organization and working dismayof theactives.

Owls pledges had a Martin. Sphinx was successful in From the busy season of rush to the actual pledging, the Greeks have begun a real BLAST! Some

together. Blast builds campus excitement every MondayfortheGreeks. Kings pledges merely

successful -blast, but paid for it the next day! They are having a coed February 26th. The pledge president

blasting. The brothers of Sphinx have a coed March 12.Sphinx has elected Dan Smucker as theirLi'lAbner fraternities and sororities walked outoftheirMonday is Ile Haggins _ with candidate!! have had a successful blast. night meeting and had a Sec./Treas. Nancy With an apology to The purpose behind pledge successful blastaftergetting Hammond; Jr. Panhel - faculty and staff for any class blast is to show the off campus much to the Lorilee Lockett and Sue disturbance in Towers

From Ralph Bakshi, master of animation, comes an epic fantasy inwondrous color. A vision of the world, 10 million years in the future, where Wizards rule the earth. And the powers of magic prevail over the forces of technology in the final battle for world supremacy.

February 18, 1977

Monday, Club is glad to announce that the pledges had a successful blast and got out of a Hell night! They played Zeta thisweek for the basketball championships.

Sisters of the 1977 Onyx pledge class hadasuccessful blast after finally getting a president from the Rike Center elevator! Pledge captain is Marikay Cox; co-captain -KristiSnelling; Sec./Treas. Cathy McAtee;Jr. Panhel-Nancy Fensternmaker and Amy Hoshor. Onyx plans to go bowling for their coed this term.

Congratulations to Kings who won TEM's spirit chain!! TEM will have a coed February 12th atClub North. Pledge president is Cheryl McRoberts; Vice-president Sue Stanley;Jr. Panhel-Sheryl FarkasandAnnLinn.

EKT had a valentine party Monday night. Their coed is February 16. Pledge president isLeslie Bennett; Vice President - Mary Solokowski; Sec. - Holly Harris; Jr. Panhel- Janette MacDonald.

Jonda pledge president is Pete Bible. VicePresidentis Jim Puglise, and treasureris Chris Compton. Greg Detty gets the Eta Phi Mu nod as 'LilAbnercandidate.

Theta Nu had avalentine party Monday night. The sisters are planning a Wine and Cheese coed February 26. Pledge president is Candy Grissinger; Sec./Treas. -MelissaCarey; Jr. Panhel - BarbRomohr andTeriPowell.

Tau Delta Jr. Panhel Reps. are Rhonda Riffle and Janet Parsons. The sisters wish HappyBirthday toRhondaandDana!

20TH CENTURY-FOX PRESENTS A RALPH BAKSHI FILM WI Written, Produced and Directed by RALPH BAKSHI Music Composed and Conducted by ANDREW BELLING PG PAIOOAl.aAIIClSUSTU- Color by De Luxe· NowplayingatThe Raintree. � c, 1977 Twentieth Century-Fox LmJil.l® Calltheaterfor show times.


by c.w. Cady


The saddest part of the situation is that these poor souls -and I mea n spirit ually po vertystricken-are m1ssmg the ' very thing they need and want: a life that is full and vigorous, always challenging but never nec essarily - defeating them. Linked to Christ, they have all that they need for a life that has .. depth and purpose and what might be called a sense of the Real; a life which is a

sweet communion with God.

It is our fault. I am afraid that we Christians have tried to build an arch without its keystone, that we have pushed lies upon our friends by telling them near-truths. We promise them what we vaguely call "the abundant life" if they will only accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Certainly the essential doctrine of Christianity is that Christ Jesus has paid for our short comings, for our offenses, for our sins against God, with his own life, and that a man who senses that this payment has to do with his time, his life, and his actions will be spared from the everlasting punishment for which he . was destined. However, when we preach the word, we omit the parts about the prerequisites for a life with added dimensions.

That is, "the abundant life" is a life of sacrifice; yet when we share the good news, our vocabularies are void of words like ought,

should, must, and THOU SHALT. Salvation is by faith the faith and faith only; but true Christian living is hard work.

Christian! When will you and I tell others that if they too would see Jesus that they will have opposition from the spiritual darkness, from friends, relatives, worries and temptations; even from Christians? When will we stand firm in our faith and say, "There will be times in which you will wish that you never had become a Christian, and will be sorry for it; times in which you will be tempted to throw off the yoke of righteousness and to return to a more comfortable life style"?

Yet these times are good and necessary to building a life that is characterized by faith in God At these very times, communion with God is sweetest.

When will we do others a favor and do as our Lord did when he told the great multitudes:

In nwiewAcademy awards

by ChrisKapostasy

It was just a couple of years ago when Sylvester Stall one couldn't sell the rights to "Rocky" because he insisted on playing the lead. Now Stallone is a Best Ac tor no minee and "Rocky" is up for Best Picture.

programming, garnered a post-humous nomination for Peter Finch as Best Ac tor Co-star William Holden was also nominated for Best Actor and Faye Dunaway for Best Actress.

'' Netw ork '' , the behind-t he-scenes satire ab o u t television and Talia Shire ("Rocky"). aiillllillllil•llllliilili111111111111111111•------------_,::__:

Participate in governance


If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his ownlife also, he cannot by my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteththecost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.

Continued from Page 1 Adm. Fae. Student Academic Council, 1 year Administrative Council, 1 year Appeals Council, 2 years Campus Regulations Committee, Women Students, 1 year Campus Regulations Committee, Men Students, 1 year Campus Regulations Committee, Faculty, 1 year Curriculum Committee, 1 year Judical Council, 2 years Personnel Committee, staggered 3 year term Personnel Committee, Senior Students, 1 year Personnel Appeals Committee Rules Committee

Teacher Education Committee, Elem. Ed. Faculty, 1 year Teacher Education Committee, Sec. Ed. Faculty, 1 year Teacher Education Committee, Non-Educ. Faculty, 1 year Teacher Education Committee,

0 3 3 0 6 6 0 1 2 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 10 5 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 5 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 Junior admitted to


exttacost! 882-7710

Tan and Cardinal
Thurs. 4:30PM-12AM
educ. 0 0 Teacher Education Committee, We too have need for the Student 0 0 1 stake of the whole truth to Traffic Council 1 1 1 be driven into our hearts Trustees 0 1 1 until
Ot her Best Picture nominations include "All the Pr es ident's Men", "Bound for Glory" and "Taxi Driver". Additional contenders for the Best Actor Os car include Giancarlo Giannini for "S even Beauties" and Robert DeNiro for "Taxi Driv er'' Best Actress contenders are newcomer Cissy Spacek ("Carrie"), Ma rie-Christine Barrault ('' Cous in-Cousine"), Liv Ullman ("Face to Face"),
no longer live for ourselves, but for Christ. Again I say, true Christian living is hard work. If only we would all sacrifice the first hours of wakefulness to prayer and Bible study! If only we would all be diligent in love toward others! Then we would be building amongst ourselves a holy temple for God without crack or fissure.

T racksters capture third in Livingston Relays

the form of relays.

42 '4¼ " , and Marlon O.W. U., but that isn't

The Cardinal cindermen Otterbein set a m�et Natthews leaped 41'1¼". necessarily bad; we planned fi nished third · in last record in the high jump In the sprint relays on developing slowly. Satur day' s Li vi ngsto n with a total of 19'4", which Otterbein snatched two Hopefully we•ll peak for the Relays at Denison with a beat the previous mark of second-place finishes, and in OAC meet. The four total of 68 po ints. 19'. Pacing the team was each case finished only strongest teams definitely Baldwin-Wallace topped the Steve Biancone who leaped one-tenth of a second off are B-W, O. W.U., Mount com petition with 112 6'8". Right behind him, the time of the winning Union, and us." points while Ohio Wesleyan each with jumps of 6'4", team. In the eightrlap relay When pressed about his placed second with 74 were Barry Newlin and (approximately two-thirds chances for winning Miller points. Roger Winemiller. of a mile), the team of elaborated: "If we have a

Individual field events The Cardinals also Curtis Whitmore, Louie real good day, with no were scored by taking the captured first place in the Meek, Todd Edwards and disqu alificat ions and composite distances of each triple jum p wi th a Dick Smith compiled a time victories in some of the school's performers and cum ul ative, th ree-man of 2:12.2. In the four-lap close events, we'll be then tabulating a total team effort of 125'11 ¾". Roger relay the Otters finished in conte nders for the top spot. score for the event. All of Wi ne miller jumped 1:01.23 due to the efforts Individually, Smith, Paul, the running events were in 42'61¼", Bob Talpas went of Dave Paul, Curtis Biancone, Talpas and Whitmore, Dick Smith and Wine miller all have Dan Wetzel. excellent shots. at winning.

Since the meet involved In the distant events I think all 14 OAC schools, it gave that Tom Bachtel and Brad a good indication of the Ranney also will be strong relative strengths of the contenders. Our 400-yard various teams. Coach Porter and mile relay teams should Miller seemed pleased with also figure prominently." his team's performances to Otterbein will host B-W, date and was optimistic Wooster, and Capital concerning their chances for tonight at the Rike Center the up coming OAC starting at 7 p.m. The meet championship meet. will be the Otters last test

He commented: "I'm real of the indoor season before happy with our progress so the championship, which far. We're coming along will be held at O.W.U. on slower· than B-W and March 11 and 12.

,Otterbein lifting club

Through the efforts of up for specific purposes. several interested stud ents For instance one time will and student personnel, be allotted for powerlifting, 0 t terbein now has a another for muscle toning weightlifting club. and still another for

With a constitution that bulk-type working out.

o u t 1 i n e s p h�y s i ca 1 Fred Baker, Mike Basha, development, competition Jay Drake, Don Fleenor and and good health, the group Scott Leckrone have been begins operation in the instrumental in getting this basement of Davis Annex program off the ground and where "free weights" will Baker and Basha serve as be available. instructors.

A five-dollar per term To join, simply get in entry fee enables the touch with any of the guys member access to the listed above to obtain an facilities during specified application. This program is lifting hours and, hopefully open to both male and at a later date, at any time. female

Certain times will be set

February 18, 1977

Quiz continues

Semi - final and final rounds remain in the Whiz Quiz tourn ament. Following last night's games two teams along with Stone henge and Encyclopedia will compete in the semi-final rounds on February 23.

Two teams will then compete on March 2 for the final game.

Whiz Quiz is still looking for a faculty team to ... challenge the winner of the fournament. Any faculty members interested should contact Becky Coleman.

Format for the remaining games in the semi and final rounds will be two ten . minute periods with early answers accepted.



Marilyn Douglas, '77 Indepe ndent, to Mike Mason, '75 Pi Beta Sigma. Ann Stallings, '77 EpsilonKappa Tau, to Dan Wilmouth, '77 Zeta Phi.

Melissa Barr, '77 Epsilon Kappa Tau, to Mark Snider, '77 Zeta Phi.

Sara Ullman, '7 7 Independent, to Mike Dozier, '76 Pi Beta Sigma.....


CHEMISTRY Majors ,.. Pre-Med s. Fi n anc ial assistance, $4,300 plus all tuit ion as Gr e aduate-... Associate, is available for study toward MS and Ph.D. degrees in all areas of chemistry. Write Graduate Cha irm an, Dept of Chemistry, Ohio University,• Athens, Ohio 45701.


Sell Brand Name Stereo 4 Comp onents at lowest prices. High profits; NO IN VES TM ENT .. REQUIRED. For details, contact; FAD Co mponents, Inc. 20 Passaic Ave.,··

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Tan and Cardinal
PHONE 882-2392 Agency for Russell Stover Candies Prescriptions
· • • · · · · · · · · · · · ·•· . · . · . ·.·.• ••.·.·. · • • · · · · · • ··.•.• . · .•.... ······· ·· ·· ··· ······ ···· ·····

Cards travel to Wesleyan; -hope to keep momentum

The Cardinal basketball team will travel to Ohio Wesleyan tomorrow night to oppose the Bishops in the regular season finale for both teams. The Otters are 1 coming off two consecutive road vi ctorie s over Wittenberg Tuesday night .iand Denison last Saturday night.

Vanquishing Wittenberg

· away from the Rike Center was no small accomplishment, as the Tigers were •ranked first in the NCAA Division III polls only two weeks ago.

..- In the first meeting

L be tween the two schools

J earlier this season at the , Rike Center, the Cardinals handled the Bishops with relative ease en route to a 7 5-60 victory.

should prove to be a much more stringent test, as O.W.U. has improved steadily over the course of the season. After a dismal start of 0-6, they have rebounded to take four of their last five games, the most recent being an 88-84 co nq ues t of Capital Tuesday night.

Wesleyan has some added incentive to win this contest. They have moved into a fourth-place tie with Capital by virtue of their recent victory over the Crusaders. Securing fourth place is necessary for both teams if they are to have the fi rst -round, home advantage in the upcoming OAC tournament, which begin Tuesday night.

Capital's final game is at Marietta tomorrow night,

However, meeting and the results of that

encounter coupled with the outcom e of the Cardinal-Bishop match-up will decide the tourney positions for the two schools.

Otterbein has already clinched third place and the home-court edge, but they do not want to suffer a let-down tomorrow and lose the momentum they currently have going into tournament action.

The Otters will have to contend with the OAC's seco nd-ranked offense Sa turday. The Battling Bishops have averaged 75 point s per game in conference play, as opposed to Otterbein's 71.4 point average. A porous defense, though, has been Wesleyan's primary downfall. They have surrendered 78.6 points per game, the worst mark in the conference. this

Equally deficient has been their rebounding. The y have been ou t-rebou nded by an average of 4.8 'bounds per game, which again places them last in the conference.

For Otterbein, guard Doug Addis is now virtually assured of leading the OAC in assists. In the first 20 games he has averaged 6.4 assists per game, well ahead of the 5.9 average that second-place Pete Liptrap The Cardinals control the ball and go on to beat from Muskingum possesses. Wittenberg by a 12 point margin.

·OAC tourney tickets go on sale

Tickets for the Ohio OAC southern division will Ath letic Co nference be held Friday, Feb. 25 at 7 Center. basketball tournament to be and 9 p.m. in the Rike Ge nera l Admi ssion held at the Rike Center are Center. Southern division tickets for the first round of available in the Rike Center finals will be Saturday, Feb. the tournament, to be Office. Student ID's are not 26 at 7:30 p.m. and the played at the home sites honored for the OAC OAC championship game determined by a drawing on tourney. will be held Monday, Feb. Feb. 20, will be $1.50.

The second round of the 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the Rike General admission for all other games will be $2 in

..._ B Brownies Market 10 am - 8 pm 10 am-9 pm 10 am - 5 pm
f--------------------February 18, 1977 Tan and cardinal �JY� GIFTS 'N' THINGS 30 EAST COLLEGE • WESTERVILLE, OHIO 43081 --00� • a PHONE 882-0351 C A L I C 0 New location, lots of new items! Come in C
and see our new jewelry, beads, batik u advance and $3 at the gate. supplies, and gift items. Reserved seats are $3 p advance and $3.50 at the gate. 24 N. State St. 43 N. STATE ST. Ge neral ad mission 0 discount book for second, ' A third and final round of M.T.W.F. · tournam ent can be U.S. Choice afff purchased for $5. Reserved. Fresh VegetablM & Fruit Daily 882-4124 discount seat for three rounds is $7.50. a Thurs. Sat. lD

Get involved in student government


Return to Campus Center Office no later than 4 p.m. Friday, March 4, 1977.

Candidates may petition for only two standing committees and be elected to any two, but no more than two, standing committe es.

D Academic Council (1st and 3rd Tues., 4 p.m.)

D Administrative Council (meets 2nd and 4th Mon., 4 p.m.)

D Appeals Council (meets on call, 4 p.m.) D 2 yr. term

D Campus Affairs Committee (2nd and 4th Thurs., 4 p.m.)

D Campus Regulations (2nd and 4th Wed., 4 p.m.)

D Campus Services Committee (to be determined)

D Curriculum Committee (1st and 3rd Mon., 4 p.m.)

D Representing what Division? _ Fllle Arts, Language and Literature, Science and Mathematics, Social Studies, Professional Studies)

D Judicial Council (Each Monday or Wednesday at 4 p.m.) D 2 yr. term

D Personnel Committee (7: 30 p.m. each Thursday)

D Rules Committee (meets on call)

D Student D Faculty D Administrative Staff Teacher Education Committee

D Elementary Education Faculty

D Non-Educ. Dept. Faculty

D Present junior admitted to teacher educ.

D Secondary Education Faculty

D student, other than below

D Traffic Council (to be determined)

Check: D Student D Faculty D Administrative Staff

Suppor ting nominations:

Senator number 1

Senator number 2

Your name (signed )

Local address

Phone: -

If you expect to be off-campus for one or more terms next year, check the following terms of expected absence:

D Fall D Winter D Spring

Your statement (You must at least print your name and put it first.) Do not split or hyphenate a word at the end of a line.

Petition for Student Senator at Large (Approximately 50 to be elected)

Signed Name _

Printed Name ----------'--------

Local Address _


If you expect to be off-campus for one or more terms next year, indicate which by checking:

D Fall D Winter D Spring

Obtain at least 10 signatures for full time students in addition to yourself. Return to Campus Center Office by 4:00 P.M., Friday, March 4, 1977. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Petition for Student Trustee (One to be elected) (TO BE A STUDENT FOR NO LONGER THAN TWO MORE YEARS)

Signed Name ---- ----

Printed Name

Obtain 3 signatures for Student senators. Their names are on the Governance Bulletin Board in the Campus Center. Return to Campus Center Office by 4:00 p.m. Friday March 4, 1977.

I 1. -----------------2. ----------------3. ----------------T• and Cardinal February 18, 1977
SCHNEIDER BAKERY Phone: 882-6611 6 South State Street, Westerville Donuts, Cakes, Cookies, Sweet Rolls

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