The Tan and Cardinal February 25, 1977

Page 1

Tan and Cardinal

Mancini begins rehearsing with students

Arriving in Westerville last Sunday afternoon, Otterbein College Theatre gu est Ric Man cin i immediately began work with the student cast for the March 9-12 production of "A View From the Bridge".

"If they and I both learn something, then it's all worthwhile," says Mancini of this, his first artist-in-r esi de nce experience. Adding that he's looking forward to the challenge of a tight schedule and long rehearsals, the Brooklyn native says, "I don't mind investing in the work I love."

Mancini's page-long list of television, film and stage credits belie his mere 11

Iyears as a professional actor.

Earlier he worked as a clerk on Wall Street by day and as a boxer by night. Taking classes at Brooklyn college, he discovered that acting was his real love. Private study with some of the country's top rated acitng teachers and a wealth of experince in New York and in regional theatres followed.

His role as Eddie in the Otterbein production of "A view from the Bridge" is Mancini's se cond appearance in the Arthur Miller drama. He played Maree in the Sheridan Square Playh ouse production in New York in 1966.

Otterbein receives threat

IDr. Chuck Dodrill and guest artist Ric Mancini go over the reading of "A View From The Bridge" with cast members.

Last Friday, February ordered all dorms to be faculty, will assist at the recital this Sunday at 4 p.m. 18, Otterbein was harassed evacuated at 9 :40. piano. A reception will follow in Hall Auditorium, Lambert Hall. by a "bomb threat" call Residents were directed to that resulted in the assemble at the campus

_ Today and Monday are the last chances to take advantage of the pre drop/add period for the Spring term in the Registar's office.

Office hours are 8: 30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. - 4:30

Sources at the Registar's office advise taking advantage of this offer to avoid the line during the change of program week March 28 through April 1.

Forensics places

Otte rbein's Forensic Team competed in the State Indiv i dual Events Championships at Kent State this past weekend and

placed three entries in the final rounds.

Melissa Carey and Stacy

Mr. Reish placed fourth in dramatic duo interpretation. Dan Hawk and Mary

Ann Deer placed fifth in the recital at the Howard dramatic duo competition. evacuation of all the center and "guards" were Works for the program House Alumni Center.

Leslie Young placed sixth dormitories. posted in front of every include a set of Italian art Faculty, staff and in the after dinner speaking At 9:17 p.m. a call was dormitory to prevent songs, the aria "Dalla sua students are invited to received by the campus unknowing residents from center operator informing entering. that a bomb was in one of

At 10:15, when of{icials the dormitories and was set became convinced the call to go off at 10 p.m. was merely a hoax, students Operator Cathy Stettner, were allowed back in their who recalls the voice as "a rooms. male trying to make his voice deeper than usual", The campus center closed notified office worker Tim at 11 p.m. and a tap was O'Flynn who, in tum, placed on the switchboard called campus security. to monitor other calls. The Karl A. Oldag, Dean for original call came in on an Student Dev elopment, off-campus line.

Freshman arrested for arson

Freshman Dan Harris was had to be extinguished by a arrested last Friday night, resident assistant. February 18 on a charge of aggravated arson. He had Harris, who has been apparently been setting released by the civil afire memo paper on doors authorities and is now in some of the residence waiting for a hearing, is ha lls. temporarily suspended from

One of the doors was the college pending a review extensively burned and fire by the Judicial Council.

pace"· from Don Giovanni my Mozart, a set of English folk songs and a group of German lieder. Swink will also perform "Full Fathom Five" from Shakespeare's The Tempest, composed by Dr. Morton · Achter, chairman of the Otterbein College Music Department. Mr. Da vid Weller, baritone, will assist in the performance of "When I go out of Door" from Gilbert and Sullivan's Patience. The program will be closed with a set of modem English works.

Swink is a music education major from Brookville, Ohio and a student of Mrs. Elizabeth Schilling of the music faculty.

Mr. Ri chard Chamberlain, a senior

attend, free of charge. finals.

Campus af I oat sails today

Seven Otterbein students academically affiliated with and- an Otterbein graduate the University of Colorado. set sail from Los Angeles The Spring 1977 today for the 1977 Spring itinerary is an "Around the Semester at Sea. Jon Amy, World" cruise beginning Dianne Grote, Gretchen February 25 and returning Hall, Jim Shellhammer, to Baltimore on June 5. Bar b Vogler, Amy Honolulu, Pusan, Keelung, Wandrisco and Dave Wright Hong Kong, Singapore, are the Otterbein students Ma dras, Col ombo, who are enrolled in Alexandria, Athens, Bizerte Institute for Shipboard and Casablanca are the Education program. Kerry scheduled ports. Smith, an Otterbein The core of the Semester graduate, is also going on at Sea program is to provide the cruise. an encounte r with cultures

The Semester at Sea is a other than one's own. The college semester conducted on ship experience includes aboard an ocean liner classes and seminars while modified for academic the ship is at sea and the purposes. The program is Continued on Page 7

=� :-: will present
membe r
his junior voice Swink presents voice recital Sunday
of the
Scott Swink, tenor,
Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio Volume 58 Number 18
February 25, 1977 ····· ·············· ···· ······ ....... .• .....• ........ ..• .. ·············· ··· ·· ······ ·· ·· · ·· P d dd · · · :=: re rop-a === n; period ends }

Can't understand why... NOW is the time

I've gone too long writing these columns Wednesday night just about anything. I need to get a hold of something relevant to talk about.Butwhat isrelevant?

Several things have been troubling me as of late and I thought I'd clear the air. For instance, I can't understand

- why the varsity cagers always seem to get the bad bounce off the rim and the short end of close calls from theconferencewhistlemen.

- why somethingcan'tbedoneabout the quagmireone mustventureacrosstogettothecampus center.

- why the editor of a major publication on campus must"coolhisheels" inthe student personneloffice.

- why I keep getting busy signals when Idial"9"even thoughI'mtoldthephonesystemis getting better.

- why "AStarisBorn" isgetting suchbadreviews.The filmisobviouslygood.

- why everyone thinks I talkabout alcoholallthetime when I've only mentioned it in four out of 17 columns (nowfiveof 18)andonlytwiceextensively.

- why, after 19 peopletellmethey'rewritinglettersto theeditoreachweek, I usually endupwithnone.

- why I don't receive pay for being the Sibyl's answering service becauseImostcertainlyam.

- why blue cheese salad dressing is considered a delicacy in the dining hall and only served on rare occasionsorSundays.

:.... why certain departments think they don't get good press when they obviously do.(I won't single any one departmentout-nosensegetting dramatical aboutit.)

This is the last week for petitions for student government candidates. If you intend to run for student government and need a petition, they canbe obtained in the Campus CenterOffice.

Otterbein has a unique system of government (as outlined in the Tan and Cardinal two weeks ago that a surprising number of students are not aware of. We are extremely fortunate that our systemallowsfora vast amount of student participation. Whether or notyouas an individual participate is a metter of personal choice.

There are many students who enjoy complaining about Otterbein's policies butnevertakeany actionto change them. Now is the



Joni Steinhauser, '73 Theta Nu, to RandyBaney, '72OhioStateUniversity.

One Week remains for governance

There remains one more week to fill out petitions for student governance positions. For Student Trustee and committee memberships, signatures of current student senators are necessary.

As a service to those applying, the Tan and Cardinal has provided a list of the senators.They are:









Doug Kinsbury
























Rebecca L.Coleman


Gregory M.Detty


Gregory Donelson



Jean M.Farkas



Roland Hamilton

Terre Hanson


Kurt Helmig

Cristy Hill



Many cindidates that are elected fail to show up for meetings, neglecting their official duties.If you lack the time to hold an office, orhaveno desire, don'trun.

When itcomes timetovote, make an intelligent choice among the candidates and

cast your vote for better student government.This is your opportunity to make the Otterbein government come alive.Without student support it is merely a lifeless entity.

This is your government. It is there to work for you. Getinvolved!

Hard To See Through a Dirty Window

Youcanbesoblinded bythingsyouwanttohear, Madedeafbythingsyouwanttosee.

Yourlowperceptionmakesyouseemdumb. Takeastruthsthingsthatarefalse




Thesituation isn'tthesameasit seems

Whenthingsarefinished, youmay getwhatyou need, Buttheendswon'tjustifythemeans.

Beforetakingtheroadontheleft, Makesureoftheoneontheright.


Ifyou'regoingto putapriceonlife, Atwhatpointdoyousetthecost?

Iguessthroughallofthedeliberations There'sonlyonethinglefttosay.


Insteadoflookingthrough tintedglass Justtakethingsastheyare.



Chris Kaiser


Greg Keffer


Mike Liebherr


James H.McCurdy



Sheri Reinhard





Mark E.Snider








Tan and Cardinal

ePublished weekly by the students of Otterbein College. The opinions expressed in the Tan and Cardinal are those of the staff and do not necessarily reflect those of the school or its administration.

MickeyBurns ..........EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

SaraUllman .........MANAGINGEDITOR

MelissaBarr ........BUSINESSMANAGER

ScottBrockett ...........SPORTSEDITOR

NancyBallog .......... FEATUREEDITOR



Brad Haynes, Kay Bums, Chet Cady, Maggie Dine, MarilynDouglas,TimO'Flynn,SylviaIngels, Kat Johnson, Shelley Jones, Chris Kapostasy, Felipe Martinez, Sue Mayberry, Hope Roberts, Chris So-uders, Dan Thompson, Deb Thom, Kim Wilcox,Dan Repik, andDeanaWilliams

.... N I Tan and Cardinal Februa7 25 1977 , Third
Burnt ------ Editorial-------
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February 25-Friday

4:30p.m. -CPBSki Trip

-Basketball Tournament

6:30p.m. -CampusCrusadeforChrist

Whoi Roelc'n

Same Old Familiar Faces

7:30p.m. -CPBMovie: "Zardoz" by ChrisSouders adoring Stewartites absurd after a while, 10:00p.m. -TauDelta PledgeSlumberParty (Stewartites?) are more especially when we are 10:30p.m. -CPBMovie:"Zardoz" than willing to help Rod shown a close up of The recently released February26-Saturday sing the songs. A couple of Stewart's golden posterior movie entitled "Rod times during the show, while guitarist Ron Woodis 10:30a.m. -Women'sBasketball:Defiance-A Stewartandthe Faces"isn't Stewart requests the playing the introduction to -Indoor Track: BW/Otterbeinat a new movie. This film of assistance of these young "I Can Feelthe Fire". Denison one of the Faces' British vocalists. I saw the Faces perform -Basketball Tournament concerts is at least two "Rod Stewart and the in Columbus about four 6:00p.m. -CampusClub ProgressiveDinner years old, andportions ofit Faces" is appropriatately years ago, and I can't 7:30p.m. -CPBMovie:"Zardoz" have been televised on titled because the majority remember when I've had a 8:00p.m. -EpsilonKappa TauCo-Ed NBC's Midnight Special. of the close-ups focus on better time ataconcert. On 8:00p.m. -SigmaAlpha TauCo-Ed

However, disregarding the Stewart and his vast array a good night, a Faces' 8:15p.m. -SeniorRecital: AlanBernard fact that this movie isn't as of exaggerated gestures. concert seemed to be 10:30p.m. -CPBMovie:"Zardoz" new as its promotorswould This is understandablesince surrounded by an aura of like us to believe, "Rod February27-Sunday Rod is the star of the show, magic. "Rod Stewart and Stewart and the Faces" is a 2:30p.m. -CPBMovie:"Zardoz" but the frequency of these the Faces" captures one of goodrockmovie.

3:00p.m. -JuniorRecital: Scott Swink close-ups become a bit those magical nights. Since the Faces officially

8:00p.m. -Interfratemity Council broke up last year so that

9:00p.m. -Campus Christian Association

lead singer Rod Stewart (Agape) couldpursuehissolocareer,

February28-Monday this movie serves as a good

Placement Office Notes



-Spring TermRegistrationforNew rememberanceofoneofthe Students, Ex-Students Returning main rock and rollbands of Employment prospects TEACHIN AUSTRALIA & Transfer Students: Feb. 28- the early 70's. The Faces for June graduates in - The Victoria Teacher March4 probsi.bly won't go down in Federal Civil Service will Selection Programis seeking -Basketball Tournament musical history as one of continue to be very secondary teachers of 4:00p.m. -CurriculumCommittee the best rock bands, but, as competitive. Career entry physical education, home 4:00p.m. -Campus Services Committee this movie indicates, they hires of recent college economics, music, and 7:00p.m. -Sorority and Fraternity Meetings sure were a lot of fun to graduates should total business for 1977-78 watch. 18,500, approximately the assignments in Australia.

Rod Stewart, wearing same at 1976and9%below Interviews will be March1-Tuesday gold pajamas (well at least 1975. conducted at Kent State

4:00p.m. -AcademicCouncil College graduates they looked like P.J.'s)


6:30p.m. University on March 8 and planning to enter Federal at Miami University on leads the Faces through a Civil Service positions March 9. Additional

6:30p.m. -Yearbook StaffMeetings majority of their classics should plan to take PACE information is available in (Professional and the J:>lacement Office. Administrative Career JOB OPPORTUNITY -

7:00p.m. -Women'sBasketball: Capital-H including "You Wear It Well", "Stay WithMe",and 7:00p.m. -Ohio StudentEducationAssoc.

8:00p.m. -CircleKMeeting "Angel". At one point Examination).PACE will be The State ofOhiowill offer March2-Wednesday during the concert Keith given in Columbus during Civil Service testing during Richard (of Rolling Stones May, with the deadline for the week of March 28 for 4:00p.m. -CollegeSenate fame)joinsthebandto play test application being April Family Services Supervisor I 6:00p.m. -CampusProgrammingBoard some nice lead guitar on 14. No additional PACE & II. Both positionsinvolve 6:00p.m. -WhizQuiz testing will take place until working for county welfare ChuckBerry's"Sweet Little 7:00p.m. -Quiz& Quill Reading latefall. departments in providing RockandRoller".

7:15p.m. -SportsQuiz

Last year, 222,340 services tothehandicapped, Oftentimes during the 8:00p.m. - YoungDemocrats persons attempted PACE ill, aged, disabled, etc. The movie, the music becomes March3-Thursday with 51% receiving deadline for applying for secondary as the stage is "eligible" ratings (score of the examinations is -ReligiousActivitiesCouncil 5:30p.m. transformed into a 70% or higher). February 28. Application 6:30p.m. -CPBSadieHawkins SquareDance playground fortheantics of Approximately 16% of forms and additional 7:30p.m. -CPBMovie: "Paper Chase" these flamboyant grownups those with"eligible"ratings information are available in 7:30p.m. -PersonnelCommittee of rockandroll. were employed by the thePlacementOffice.

Therearenumerousshots Federal government. The RECRUITERS - Weeks

March4-Friday of the young English girls Chicago region (including of Febraury 28 and March -CampusElections Ohio) 'hired more college 7. who were in the audience

6:30p.m. -CampusCrusadeforChrist graduates last yearthanany March 1 (Tues.)-Elyria during the concert. These 7:00p.m. -Indoor Track:Marietta/Muskingum other region inthecountry. y Schools, 1 -9 p.m. -H

7:30p.m. -TauDelta Winter Co-Ed "The FriendlyStore"

March 1 (Tues.)

Wooster City Schools, 9 7:30p.m. -CPBMovie:"Paper Chase" am. -3:30 p.m.

10:30p.m. -CPBMovie:"PaperChase"

March 2 (Wed.)

Bowling Green State University, Department of Political Sceince, 1 -4 p.m. 23 NORTH STATE STREET


6South StateStreet,Westerville PHONE 882-2392

March 3 (Thurs.)

Chillicothe Public Schools, Phone: 882-6611 1- 9 p.m.

March 3 (Thurs.)

Equitable Life Insurance, 9 Donuts, Cake s, Cookies, Sweet Rolls Agency for Russell Stover Candies Prescriptions am.-12noon, seekingsales persons.

Tan and Carcinat February 25, 1977

1977 Li'/ Ahner Candidates

Delta Phi

Lil Abners are chosen

These are the Li'l Abner candidates that girls will vote on this Monday during the meal hours in the campus center lounge.

The winner will be crowned at the Sadie Hawkins Dance Thursday, March 3. Girls ask guys to this country-western dance in the Pit.

Gamma Epsilon

5 Tan and•I February 25, 1977
Eta Phi Mu Greg Detty Sigma Dan Smucker
Zeta Phi
······················· ······ ···························· ·····························
Randy Smith
····························· ............................ . . .. ... . . . ...... .. ... ..... .. .
Pi Kappa Phi Bob Fresch Lambda Chet Simmons Pi Beta Sigma Randy Mcinturf Marlon Mathews

Tan and Cardinal

Otters edge Denison OAC tourne

The Otterbein cagers edged Denison Tuesday night 60-59 in a typically wild contest in the opening round of the OAC tournament. The encounter was the third between the two schools this year, and all have been extremely close. In the first two meetings, Denison and Otterbein split two overtime decisions.

Tuesday night both teams were initially tight, but the Otters soon began clicking and at one point in the first half led by 12, 35-23. This turned out to

be the biggest lead for either team, though, as Denison regrouped to score four quick baskets, closing the margin 35-31 by the end of the first half.

The Otters quickly took command in the second half and again built a sizeable lead, this time an 11-point margin. The Big Red scrambled back once more, though, by applying a tight man-to-man defense. They finally assumed a lead of 49-48 when Mike Barnes hit a shot with 8:25 left on the clock.

Denison held their lead until Otterbein center Ed Williams hit a lay-up to put


ftacking the Cards

First round no surprise

The Ohio Conference Bas ketball Tournament, which began last Tuesday nig ht, produced few su rprises after the completion of round one.

In the Southern Division Ohio Wesleyan edged Capital, 66-63 to earn a shot at Wittenberg who had the opening-round bye. Otterbein slipped past Denison, 60-59, and now squares off with Muskingum a winner over Marietta in overtime, in the other So uthern Div ision Semi- Final. The Southern Division Semi- Finals will be held in the Rike Center.

The Muskie-Otter tilt will begin at 7 p.m. and the Witt-OWU game is slated to tip-off at 9 p.m.

The only surprise thus far

Ohio Northern advanced by defeating Kenyon, and will face Heidelberg in round two.

The, Northern Division games are being played at Wooster. The 7 p.m. game has Ohio Northern takin on Heidelberg, while the 9 p.m. finale shows Oberlin meeting Wooster, who received the first-round bye.

the Ca:tdinals in command 56-55 with 2:50 remaining.

From that point the Otters establi shed a 60-55 advantage, then held on as Deni son fr antically launc he d another comeback, which failed only when Jim Robinson missed a medium-range jump shot with the score standing at 60-59.

Both teams were hurt by having regulars unable to play. For Otterbein, both Muff Jones and Doug Addis saw no action while Denison's leading scorer, . 6'5" Todd Hurris, did not play.

The key to the game was the free throw line. The Cardinals hit on 16 of 21 charity tosses while Denison could manage only three of seven. This advantage compensated for the Big Red's 28-22 edge in field goals.)

Ed Williams paced the Otters in both scoring and rebounding with 20 and nine respectively. He was assisted in the scoring department by Don Brough, who clicked for 14 points, and Larry Downing who tossed in 13 points. Denison was paced by John Ridall's 19 points and Gil Spencer's 11 points.

Cards meet Muskies tonight

Tickets for round two of the tourn ament will be increased 50 cents in price from round one.

General Admission will be $2 in advance and $3 at the gate, and reserved seat tickets are $3 in advance and $3.50 at the gate.

Otterbein will engage in the second round of the OAC tournament tonight at the Rike Center. Their opponent will be the Muskies from New Concord who finished second to Wittenberg in Southern Division regular season play.

Muskingum, like the Card inal s, had an unexpectedly difficult time subduing their first round opponent Tuesday night. They sq ueaked past last-place Marietta in

overtime 73-72 at Wooster.

pushed Muskingum into overtime, but eventually fell 71-69.

The Muskies relied on the stringent defense this year during the regular season. Through their first 20 games they allowed only 61.6 points per game, the best mark in the league. They also were pacing the conference in average scoring margin, as they had outscored their opponents

by 11.2 points per game.

The other game to be played tonight at Otterbein will involve Ohio Wesleyan and Wittenberg. O.W.U. advanced to the second round by defeating Capital 66-63. The Tigers drew a bye for the first round as a reward for their Southern Divi sion championship. They have already been invited to the NCAA Division III Tournament.

Brownies Market

The two teams met twice was among the Northern Th e latest NCAA during the regular season, Division battles: Runner-up Division III basketball polls with Muskingum emerging Ba ldwin-Wallace was list three OAC teams among the victor both times. In the eliminated by sixth-place the top 19. Southern first contest at New 43

finisher Heidelberg, 49-4 7.

Division champ Wittenberg Concord, the Muskies relied Oberlin picked up when is ranked number one on balanced scoring in the they left off in last year's nationally, Wooster holds process of nipping the tourney by trouncing a the number eight spot and Otters 63-62. In the second

favored Mount Union team, Muskingum has recognition

encounter at the Rike 95-78 on the loser's floor. of being 14th in the ratings. Center, the Cardinals

fl~~ " ***** page •
February 25, 1977 •
til• • ;•ft�
Sophomore Don Brough pulls down a rebound in Tuesday's first round victory over Denison, 60-59.
FOOD •TOAllill
U.S. Choice 8E!ef
Fresh Vegetables & Fruit Daily 882-4124

Thindads down more Rike re,ords

Friday night during a meet involving Wooster, Baldwin-Wallace,

Capital, and Rike Center record of depth.Theyonlybeatusby

Otterbein. Perennial track 1:13.1 due to theefforts of 2 1/2 points Friday and we Petty Fahrbach / Dick Smith, and Louie Meek.

powerhouse B-W captured DavePaul,CurtisWhitmore, didn't have Steve first place with 71 3 Biancone." 4 points, edging the second

the TheOtterswill

Yellowjackets next Saturday at Denison during Cardinals place finished with 691/4points.

threatened as they finished with 20 and 13 points respectively.

sprint events. Paul won the 50-yard dash with a time of 5.5 seconds. Smith breezed

to a



Choice 2 0 0 .000 l 2 .500 0 l 1TEAM

TOTALS 23 685 1499 .457 316 425 .744 926 40.3 329 14.3 168673.3 OPPONENT - 654 1456 .449 284 417 .681879 38.2

a tri-meet

involving the two


UNIV.OFPITTS.- OTT 66 WOOSTER 64 the mile run with


time not only established anew

new Otterbein indoorrecordforthisevent.

of the meet. However, he did register some concern, stating: "We still need help

in a couple areas, like the shot put and the distance


the twoteams.


Whittenberg (10-2, 18-4) Bob In the triple jump junior Talpas won the competition with a leap of 43' 11 1/2". Again, besides resetting

Ohio Wesleyan (5-7, 10-11) events, but the distance runners are starting tocome along well. Wehonestlyfeel that we can reallyshootfor the OAC

meet next Muskirnrum (9-3, 17-5)


Feb. 25 9:00 p.m.

Rike Center a Ohio Wesleyan Capital (5-7, 12-11) record, Talpas also tied the Otterbein indoor record with his performance. The Cardinals swept this event as Roger finished second ( Winemiller 43'1 3/4")


at OTTERBEIN month."

Musking um Feb.26

7:30 p.m.

Otterbein (7-5, 13-10) and Marlon merited third with aleapof 42'11/4".

Another Rike Center mark fell in the 1000-yard

When asked how the Marietta (3-9, 9-14) Otters compared to probable favorite B-W, Miller replied: "B-W has depth, much more than we do. They are strongest in

the shot put, long jump, high jump, and distance




at OTTERBEIN Feb. 25 7:00 p.m.


Denison (3-9, 6-17)

Baldwin-Wallace (7-5, 10-12)

at OTTERBEIN February 28 NORTHERN DIVISION 7:30 p.m.


at WOOSTER - Ohio Northern (6-6, 13-11) Feb. 25 7:00 p.m.

Ohio Northern

Kenyon (6-6, 14-10)


Mount Union (6-6, 11-12) Feb. 26 7:30 p.m.


Oberlin (3-9, 10-12) at WOOSTER Feb. 25 9:00 p.m.

Wooster (10-2, 18-6)

at the top of each game bracket will be the home team and will wear light uniforms .·.· .·.·.•.· ·.•.• ....... .. . .. ... . . . . . . ------------ A lot of companies will offer youan important sounding title. . . .·:...... . . . .. . ... .. . . . .... ...·.·. ....... . . . . . . O :�: 34 W• Mlin SU.· ' W■•willw,Ohio ctal1 �. opportunity to the use :�: ports of call for cultural ::: experience andtraveling.

r t=-=_ _J--___ I ___ I ------:: •: �: : � . · · ··· · · · ·::.·.·.·.·.·. --�. P.7
31 94 99 29 8.7 91 94 4.1 94 .445 89 ti.4 40 777 19 1.3 8 64 75 79 59 73 75 77 79 \�.- ......... Ok·&,;;,·n;·;;,;::a1.. Continued from Page 1 . information (114)112-GIOI :;: Further :•: about the Semester at Sea ::: program can be obtained "!"-� �=� Applications for the Fall, February 25, 1977 Taq Incl Cart,I Finalregularseasonstatistics 23Games 13-10Overall 7-5inOCSouth NAME G FGM FGA PCT FTM FTA PCT REB AVGASTAVGPTS AVG Downing
23 201 .468 47I .660 4.3 36 1.6 220 9.6 Jones 22 104 212 .491 .707 175 41 8.0 25 2.023710.8 Williams 23 122 222 .550 .725 200 66 22 31013.5 - Phillips 23 41 107 .383 12 21 .571 26 1.1 18 211 76 Addis 23 .854 42 1.8 1-t? 26411.5 Wohlheter 23 87 205 .424 21 28 .750 1.7 54 2.3 195 8.5
Sanders 15 6 22 .273 7 Benson
The Otterbeintrackteam run when Jim Van Cleave, events. We'll be right in continuedits onslaught on sprinted home with a time there, though. Some of our Rike Center records last of 2: the 18.7 to easily capture freshmen, like Whitmore, event. The four-lap are coming along now, relay teamalso establisheda which should give us added - Brough 23 109 232 .470 60 77 .779 150 6.5 15 27812.1 9 8 6 - 19 17 50 .340 3 5 .600 24 1.3 5 37 1.9 2 11 .182 1 3 .333 3 2 5 - 10 - 13 2 16 .125 4 7 .571 3 1 l 18 1.8 10 7 10 .700 4 5 .800 4
who victories The Otters also scored in several other
159269.2 OTT 76 MARSHALL 79 OTT 62 MUSKINGCM 63 OTT 91 WABASH 69 OTT 85 DENISO:\ 88-O.T.
Wooster and Capital never
schools starting
12:30. OTT 80 URB.-\N.-\ OTT 74 The meet will be 62 OTT \\'ITTE�BERG 68 OTT RIOGRANDE ,)l·llO\\"ESLEY.-\'.\ 60 OTT 94 DYKE 84 OTT C.-\PIT.\L 51 and Otterbein's last dashagainst OTT 68 SHEPHERD OTT 68 Baldwin-Wallace before
Senior Tom Bachtel won
dash victory seconds), Whitmore tied for first place in the 300-yard dash (32.9seconds).
time of
all-time JOHNSTO\V� 79 OTT 69 :\lUSKl:S:GlJ;\1 71-O.T. OAC meet and should help OTT further evaluate the BUFF.-\LOST.-\TE: 63 OTT DEl\1SO'.'\ 73-O.T. OTT 80 ROBERT�lORRIS 63 OTT 76 \\'JTn::-.:s�:RG 64
CAPITAL 65 OTT 59 ,\SHL.\:\D 63
Coach Porter Milleragain was pleased with theresults
4:22.4, including a time of 63.4 seconds for
the last quarter mile. His
Center record but also
strenghts and weaknesses of
Heidelberg (4-8, 11-13)
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Rocky is beating odds Pledging taking shape

Sylvester Stallone (who also wrote the screenplay) stars as Rocky, an aging fifth-rate boxer. He earns \.. $40 per win, then occupies his spare time forcefully collecting debts owed to the

Philadelphia syndicate. Despite his sloppy living habits, the "dumb jock" vocals, the audience loves Rocky because Stallone plays the part like he knows what it's like to be really down but never lose an optimistic outlook.

Whether or not Stallone two tries remain. the upcoming Hell Week. actually lived a life like Be looking for boxes of Most of the fraternity Rocky's or not I can't say. M&M's pledges' duties have to be But what is clear is that he by the sisters of Theta Nu. done by today. Some of gives the best single make Theta Nu is also completing those Hell Weeks begin performance of the year plans for their Wine and Monday! that I've seen.

Cheese coed Saturday night, Sphinx is anxiously

" .ir.,.l?rruJv-



Talia Shire, as his the 26th. Theta Nu pledges preparing for their Hell girlfriend, is a Best Actress will be active in the Heart Week which starts Monday. Oscar nominee. While I have Fund drive this weekend. They will be featuring a fire no trouble with her EKT pledges are also drill, pledge walks on portrayal, I'm not sure that involved in the Heart Fund Saturday night, and she really did any notaple Drive this weekend. The Scavenger Hunts with the acting. The bulk of her sisters are planning their Land of the Sphinx on on-screen activities involved coed for the 26th. It will be Friday night. Green bricks forlorn looks into animal a Wine and Cheese. may be floating around cages and Rocky's eyes. Owls are planning their during this gala of weeks! Burt Young, as her brother, coed also for the 26th. Sphinx will hold their coed fills the screen with a Theirs will be a Wine and March 11. needed look at reality while Cheese the rest of the characters Club fraternity has won Jr. Panhellinic Council become lost in the fantasy. the basketball Fraternity met Tuesday evening for He's good bet for Best League trophy.'They played organization. Jr. Panhel is a Supporting Actor. last week in a championship representation of all the The real attraction of this match. sorority pledge classes who movie is that it makes the Kings pledges still have will have the chance to Great American Dream the black penguin in their work together to strengthen come alive again. Stallone's midst. They are preparing the sisterhood. brilliant acting and screenplay are well-support­

ed by an outstanding cast.

Concert slated for March 5

There are several very good Otterbein's Concert Men delssohn's "Elijah."

movies playing locally now, Choir will present its annual Because of the length of the many of which I've winter concert on Saturday, work, major portions of reviewed. But while movies March 5, at 8:15 p.m. in the "Elijah" will be performed, like "Network" and "A Star sanctuary of the Church of but others will be omitted is Born" have a kind-Qf the Master, W. Main and N. to enable the program to universal appeal and are Grove, Westerville. run two hours. According simply excellent movies, It will be followed by a to Dennis Kratzer, director "Rocky" is in a class all its duplicate performance on of the choir, this is common own. My vote .for "Best March 6 at 8 p.m. at Maple practice for performance of Picture" goes to "Rocky" Grove United Methodist "Elijah." Church, W. Henderson and Accompanying the choir your number one listing N. High in Columbus. will be Tanya Gille, on your MUST SEE movie Both are free and open to instructor of piano at rating should be "Rocky". the public and will feature Otterbei n who also accompanied the choir during its European tour last December. The

three-week tour included stops in England, 133 SOUTH STATE ST. Sw itzerland and Li ec ht enstein and STONER HOUSE 2ND FLOOR pe rfor mances bef ore (ACROSS FROM THE standing-room-only crowds in London, Oxford, Zurich WESTERVILLE LIBRARY) and Berne, among others.

HOUR S MTTF 9:30 - 4:30 w 9:30-8:00 "Quality forless" s 12:00- 4:30 882-7710 CLIP THIS AD FOR 10% DISCOUNT Ludwick. and (EXPIRES 3/3/77)


dard Soloists include Peggy Farmer, Alan Bernard, Ellen Margulies, Lynn Marshall, Cabot Rea, Anne Shirk, Kent Bixler, Terry Jackson, Kent Stuckey, Henry Molinaro, Douglas Mac Callum, Cathleen Stettne r, Bruce and Cardinal February 25, 1977 In re11ie• Creek News
'. . - -...........'IDIDt...... St. Sun. thru Thurs. 4:JOPM-1�
In a sense, Stallone's real story is much like the movie. It took him two years to sell the script with himself playing the lead being a requirement. But the deal finally did come through and now the movie is up for ten Academy Awards. The movie script
by Nancy Ballog for the 27th annual continues to follow the life Pledge/Active walk tonight! Wh ile the sorority story, when, in the end, Pi Sig pledges had an pledges are accomplishing Rocky gets a freak shot at· unsuccessful blast last dinner dates and their daily the world heavyweight Monday. They are warned pledge duties, the fraternity boxing title. by certain actives that only pledges are preparing for
PHONE 882-0564

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