The Tan and Cardinal March 11, 1977

Page 1

Tan and Cardinal

"A View From the Bridge" opens as ticket sales run slow

Cast members of A View Fr:_om The Bridge act out Wednesday night's performance.

Quiz and Quill sets deadline

Aspiring writers- this is your golden opportunity. Otterbein's literary club, Quiz and Quill, is once again sponsoring the annual Quiz and Quill writing contest. This year's rules have been revised to allow for a variety of interests.

Categories will include prose, poetry, humorous writing, cover art, and shortstory. Prizes range from $3 honorable mention in many of the categories to a $25 first place in short story. There are also two privately funded contests in religious poetry and historical short story with cash prizes.

All Otterbein students

Ticket sales for A View

From the Bridge have not been doing as well as they should, according 'to the Cowan Hall Box Office and Dr. Chuck Dodrill, Director of the show.

The Arthur Miller drama starring guest professional Ric Mancini had drawn only 120 students and 75 faculty

Attention: Seniors

on Wednesday of this week.

Students and staff can get tickets to the production by presenting their !D's at the box office. This evening's performance at 8:15 p.m. and Saturday evening's 8: 15 p.m. showtime still have available seats.

Next term the English Department is offering a course for anyone with an elective and an interest in film -English 27.

Dr. Allen Martin, the instructor, has lined up 25 films (from "The Great Train Robbery"· to "Bonnie and Clyde.") The course examines the films for a historical-analytic study of the evaluation of movies as an

The award-winning drama received a favorable reaction during W ednes­ art form. day's matinee. Students and Class will meet in the LRC faculty can pick up tickets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-4 p.m. today. from 3 to 5 p.m.

CPB to accept applications

are urged to enter. Deadline for all entries is April 17 at 4 p.m. Specific contest rules can be picked up in T-17. Anyone with additional questions should see Quiz and Quill advisor Dr. Bailey or president Susan Mayberry. When school is resumed next term, Otterbein's Publications Board will begin accepting applications for editorial positions on the Tan and Cardinal and the Sibyl.

Don't forget to pick up your copy of THE GRADUATE, a handbook for leaving school. A gift from the Ot ter bein Alumni Association, the magazine discusses such topics as "Careers '77 ," "Tracking the Elusive Job," "Going Back to School," "That First Job: What to Expect" and more.

Your copy has your name on it, and you can pick it up at the main circulation desk at the library. Get the most benefit by taking it with you

Starting April 1, Campus Programming Board will be accepting applications for executive positions on next year's board. Patti Call, president of this year's CPB explained that the executive posts are composed of the chairing positions of the organization's six standing committees - Fine Arts, Dances, Traditional Events, Off-Campus and Recreation, Movies and Publicity. on Spring break, Other executive posts are those of president, vice-

Pub Board to accept applicants

These campus media


Donations of old clothing will be accepted by repres entati ves of the Religious Activities Council Sunday, March 13 from 4:45-7 p.m. in the Campus Center main lounge.

The clothing will be donated to the Salvation Army. The council urges students to donate any old clothing articles to help those in need.

posts are paying positions and open to any Ottebein student. Sibyl posts available include Editor, Assistant Editor, Photography Editor and Business Manager. These people are responsible for putting out the college annual. Advisor Bob Moon is available in the public relations office for individual job descriptions.

Tan and Cardinal positions for next year are Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, Photography Editor and Business Manager, all of whom are responsible for

the editing and publishing of Otterbein's weekly newspaper. Inquiries are directed to Advisor Don Hines in the speech department.

Applications sh-ou ld consist of a letter to the Publications Board briefly outlining the applicant's qualifications, past experiences and reasons for applying. Although not yet published the deadline for these applications is expected to be set around the third week of Spring term.

president, secretary and treasurer.

This year's exec committee felt concern that although most people realize that the Movies committee sponsors the campus movies, and that the Dances sponsors dances, very few have any idea what the other committees are for.

Not realizing that rug concerts and guest performers are often scheduled by the Fine Arts committee, and that the ski program at Clear Fork is under the auspices of the Off-Campus committee, those who are interested in working with CPB may not know which committee best suits their abilities and interests.

Most Otterbeiners vaguely realize that May Day, Winter Weekend and Homecoming fall into the category that collects the workers.

In an effort to recruit board members in the categories where they are needed most, CPS has begun an educational campaign to inform t he campus of the things that CPB offers.

Continued on Page 8

197 Otterbein T ... L • rary
Volume 58 number 20 Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio
11, 1977 . .•....•••.•........ •.....•.• ···················· ········ ......... .. .................. =�= Film
=�= ::: :: : :=: offered ===

Don't crowd me

Readers Sound-off.

Proposals good traditional patterns while prerequisite for giving men

the projected need is for 227 substandard housing.

Dear Editor, and 377 respectively. Plan F There also can be no

For the second straight week I was musingly perusing After reading the Study provides for 362 social doublt that men have been the Otterbein College Bulletin (as every dedicated of Future Housing Needs patterns and 400 traditional categorically discriminated 'Beiner should do now and then) and I ran across something submitted by the Housing patterns. Plan B provides against as far as housing that left me rather intimidated.

Committee in January of for 720 students residing on goes in the past here at In the section entitled "Group Action and/or Demonstra­ this year, I would like to campus while Plan F Otterbein. For instance, tion" the booklet briefly outlines the college's attitudes and comment on the change that provides for 762. The compare the money spent to precautionary measures in the area of student assembly. probably will occur on projected need is 704. build all residence halls Peaceful demonstrations are permissible, says the Otterbein's campus next On the surface Plan F (excluding Cochran and bulletin as long as the demonstrl;l,tors act "in a courteous, year. appears to provide for the King Halls which were built dignified and non-disruptive manner. Should actions by a The commi ttee has most housing. However, if in 1906 & 1929 respectively) group or individuals at any time become dangerous ... submitted two plans which Plan B were to be and you will find a great any administrator of the college (defined as the President hav e only one major implemented for next year, difference in money and the Vice-Presidents) is authorized to declare the group difference. Plan B calls for a replaceme nt hall or allotted. an unlawful assembly and order the individuals to the use of Engle Hall and refinished Cochran Hall During a period from disperse." does not mention the use of would provide more and 1955 to 1964 a total of This seems reasonable enough to me for surely the college Cochran Hall, while Plan F better housing over.the long $1,479,000 was spent to must take some precautionary steps to see that things don't calls for the use of Cochran range. Therefore, I support construct Hanby, Clements, get out of control, however, the next paragraph is the clinch­ Hall while not mentioning Plan B and would encourage and Mayne Halls. During a er: "If, after a reasonable interval announced by the the use of Engle Hall. The all students to read the study period from 1959 to 1965 a administrator, members of the group have not dispersed, plans vary in capacity for and form an opinion of their total of $702,000 was spent they will be automatically suspended as students of the students, which is caused by own. for the construction of the college and declared guilty of trespass. If they do not then the use of different halls. Anyo ne who would Quad and the Davis Hall desist from their activity and disperse, they will be subject Assuming that the projected contend that men should facilities. to arrest and prosecution by the civil authorities and to housi ng needs for the have, or only need, housing Men have been discrimiexpulsion from the college." committee uses are reason­ which is substandard to that nated agasinst in security,

Sound a little drastic? It does to me. Several inquiries re­ ably close to the 1977-78 of women has obviously location, size, and bath and vealed to me that this policy was adopted in the 60's when needs for housing, a fair esti­ taken a bias and misin­ shower facilities, just to campus unrest was a household term and university and mation of the two plans can formed position. It may be name a few categories.Out college officials nationwide feared damage and injury at be made. true that men can stand poor of seven residence hall their institutions. Plan B provides for 230 housing more easily than renovations recommenI can totally understand these procedures under these social patterns and 390 women, but that is not a dations in the study, four conditions but right now in our "Utopian" collegiate concern themselves only atmosphere this authoritative policy seems rather Editorial with all dormitories on outmoded. campus. Whether these

I can't understand why this is still a part of the 1977 discriminatory practices v�rsion of the college bulletin but I'll tell you one thing - were intentional or not is not

I'm going to shy away.from crowds from now on. important. They happened,

Nothing to do?

At our final printing tickets and venture to and it is time to take steps to correct them. deadline, very few students Cowan to see a good show by Mickey Burns had picked up tickets to see performed by your fellow th� Otterbein Th eatre students - you'll be glad Sincer ely yours,

production of A View From you did.


Timothy J. O'Flynn

the Bridge - the worstp---------------------• turnout m recent years.

This is absol utely

I'm trying to find myself, but I can't find me. ridiculous not only would an

Are my views blinded, or can I see? 8:15 p.m. trek to Cowan Hall

Is the real me staying away because of blinded fear, serve as a good study break

Or is he speaking and I just don't want to hear?l6 but our theatre department puts on some rather good

Tan and Cardinal

Published weekly by the students of Otterbein College. The I met a man one night; he came in my dreams. shows and prel iminary opinions expressed in the Tan and Cardinal are those of the staff and do not necessarily reflect those of the school or its He was old, and truthful, and real, so it seems. revie ws indicate thi s administration. You could see he showed wisdom in his slight grin, venture is no exception As he said, "Know where you're going, but never forget

MickeyBurns .......... EDITOR-IN-CHIEF where you've been."

Maybe that saying is very wise and maybe it's the key.

Maybe it's what I need to help find the real me.

Why is no one going? How SaraUllman ......... MANAGINGEDITOR often have you heard people

MelissaBarr ........ BUSINESSMANAGER complain that "t here's

Scott Brockett ........... SPORTS EDITOR nothing to do in this dump"?

Nancy Ballog .......... FEATURE EDITOR An opportunity comes up for I know where I've been for that' s easy to see.

Dennise Smitley ... CIRCULATION MANAGER student involvement and But where I'm going remains a mystery to me.

Don Hines .................. ADVISOR something to do and what

happens - nobody goes. Where I'm at now; I don't really know.

Brad Haynes, Kay Burns, Chet Cady, Maggie I have no idea when to stop; when to go.

It's still not too late; box Dine, Marilyn Douglas, Tim O'Flynn, Sylvia Ingels, Questions are unanswered and I don't know what I'll be. office sources predict as of Kat Johnson, Shelley Jones, Chris Kapostasy, I'm still trying to find myself, but I can't find the real me. publication time seats will Felipe Martinez, Sue Mayberry, Hope Roberts, be l_eft for both Friday's and Chris Souders, Dan Thompson, Deb Thorn, Kim by Tim O'Flynn Saturday's performances. Wilcox, Dan Repik, and Deana Williams

Get out, pick up your

Page 2 Tan and Cardinal March 11, 1977
Third degree Burnt
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Greek News


March 11 - Friday - Last DayToRegisterforSprin!] Term .

Frats are finished

For the most of the fraternities, pledging is over andplactiveoractivestatus has been achieved. The sororities have the week back from spring break before they finish the pledging period.

Clubfraternityexpresses their thanks to all the pledges, who turned active Mondaay, for the great redecoration of the Club House.AClevelandIndians Fan Club has been started byBernie Sokolowski and Chip Livisay for anyone interested.Clubhadthetop four officer elections: Dan Starling - President; Bon

Recital present�d

Friday evening, March

11, 8:15 p.m. in Hall Memorial Auditorium, Lambert Hall, Miss Linda Jones and Miss Susan Hnthornwillpresentajoint recital. Miss Jones is a junior Music Education major from Larue, Ohio whose principal study is piano. Miss Henthorn, who is also a junior Music Education major and studies horn, is from Boardman, Ohio.

Works for the program will include the Sonatine in G Major, Opus 79 by Beethoven, and La Cathedr ale Engloutie byDebussy from Miss Jones at the piano. Miss Henthorn will perform Concert Rondo, K. 3 71 by Mozart; Ch ant Lointain by Bozza; and, Conce rto, Opus 11 by Strauss.MissHenthornwill be assisted by Professor RichardChamberlainatthe piano.

A reception will follow immediately after the recital. Students, faculty, and administration are invited to attend, free of charge.



Tammy Miller, '78Theta

Fresh-VicePresident/Tom Wolff - Secretary; and JamesMcKee, Treasurer. Club members will have their annual reunion in Daytona Beach, Forida beginningMarch 16!!

Jonda pledges are now active. Zeta and Pi Sig pledges are now plactives. They goactive next term.

Kings pledges went throughactivationMonday. Mark Freese and Greg Perez received the traditional EGGS from Bill FairchildandBobPitenger.

Sphinx pledges went active Monday at the Delaware Shades Restaurant. They have a coed scheduled for March 11 at Northtown Apts. The brothers are happy to announce that their moose has been returned.

Theta Nu is planning a potlucklunchSundayforall

�enate News

the sisters after a morning atchurch.Mondaynightthe big sisses blasted all the littlesissesto Farrell'sfora night of fun.

EKTalso hasSundayfor church together with breakfast. The sisters went on a donut run together Thursday night.

Onyxpledges have taken alltheScottiedogsfromthe house. They have started their paper drive.

TEM pledges have survived their first hazing. The sisters are planning to performtheirNoveltyParty entertainment for parents and alumni April 17. They are also in the process of planning their- spaghetti dinner for Jonda.

Tau Delta pledges had a successful blast Monday night. All actives were kidnapped! The sisters ushered at the play Thursday night.

-Indoor Track: O.A.C.

6:30 p.m. - Campus Crusade for Christ 8:15 p.m. - Recital: Linda Jones & Susan Henthorn

8:15 p.m. - Otterbein College Theater: Professional Guest Artist Production: "A View Fromthe Bridge"

9:00 p.m. Sigma Delta Phi Co-Ed

March 12 - Saturday - Indoor Track:O.A.C.

8:15 p.m. - Otterbein College Theatre: Professional Guest Artist Production: "A View From the Bridge"

March 13 - Sunday

March 14 - Monday - Exams: March 14-16

!March 15 - Tuesday - Exams

March 16 - Wednesday - Exams - Winter TermEnds

March 17 - Thursday

March 18 - Friday

- StudentsRegisteringfor Spring Termafterthisdatemustpayalate registration fee

Senate olcays two bills.

Many people have expressed concern over the attendance of student senatorsnotattendinganyofthe five meetings of this school year.

The meeting of Wednesday, March 2 consisted ')f two bills: Administrative Council proposed reccommendations for new housingpattterns while the CurriculumCommitteeproposed additional reading courses for teacher certification.

The question of future housing needs aroused much discussion.Manyrec-

commendations as to housing patterns and charges per room were discussed.

Attheoutcomethesenate recommended that the prices for dormitories be charged so that students pay on the basis of "room space utilized" and' that comparable housing procedures and facilities be adopted for both male and female students.

This proposal will now be forwarded totheApril2 meeting of the Board of Trustees. Here the Board will take into consideration the various issues that are all interelatd. The decision onCochranHallandthepos-


PHONE 882-0351 Nu; to Roger Duff, '77 Independent.

sibilities of removing Scott and Sanders Hall. The Housing of men in Mayne Hall with women in King andtheQuadalongwiththe chargeper roomallhaveto be considered according to projected admissions and figures.

The desired outcome is equitable Housing with plans for improvements on all the remaining dormitories and the securityprograms.

TheCurriculumCommittee's proposal passed. This wouldaddcreditstotheeducationdepartmentscurriculum. These courses would permit students to attain a validation for teaching of reading.

If thesecoursesareadopteditwillsavestudentsfrom taking these courses on other campuses and will hopefully increase their chancesforfindingemployment.

'\~ J 1 30 EAST COLLEGE T:S lCUl:IXIIIA'UDIN1119' iiiiiiil ®� •Tan and Cardinal March 11, 1977


Pennywise and pound foolish?

by Brian Green busy so you push the next money to pay. that this time you're going last button. button down and push 9 Again you try to dial out, to make it. Just as you press again on line 301. You get a this time you get a dial tone that last number you hear No matter how many

Imagine (if you will) that busy signal. You hang up and as you begin to call the some sort of buzzing in your times you try it just won't you are employed by the and dial 222 for security and fire department you can tell ear and you can't press that connect. You hang up and college to work in the no one is there. You hang up try for the switchboard and Service Department. Your and try to dial nine again get a busy signal. By now job is to watch the boilers and this time you receive a you're considering panic and handle any calls that dial tone. time, but you must keep come in concerning prob­ As you begin to punch out your head clear. You try getlems on the campus. The the number of the fire

Adult program

adds course

ting an outside line for the time is about 9:30 as you sit department you notice that next TEN MINUTES but down to cram for a Russian you still have a dial tone. Otterbein's Adult Degree then show how these can be still you can' t get it. Histor. · test you're having You slam down the phone as Program, now accepting applied to their college In the distance you hear the next day. you try to think of another appli cations for Spring experience and a future a siren and you let out a sigh

Suddenly the phone rings way to get in touch with the Term (March 28-June 8), career. of relief. You open your text and the voice on the other fire department. will include a new course for and continue to study waitend says, '1 Do something If only Mr. Macke had put adult women who have The course will encour­ ing for the next call. quick, my dorm is on fire!" in a separate line to the decided to enter college with age examination of women's You tell them to stay calm service department you an eye on a career changing roles in society Is this possible? The story and that you'll take care of wouldn't be this and the implications of these is imagin -

having Entitled "The Emerging �ry but what hapeverything. problem. But as he said, it Woman," the course will for each woman. pened is true. While work­

You then punch into line would cost the college $10 a help women gain a sense of ing one night about9:30 p.m.

"The Emerging Woman" 300 and push 9. The line is month, and that's too much their skills and potential, I tried to see just how fast I is one of the more than 500 could call out of this campus day, evening and self-paced in case of an emergency. It courses offered by the Adult took me 43 minutes.

.wiew Degree Program. All are on a reduced rate on a part­ The new phone system is time basis. saving the college in years to Designed with the busy come about $40,000. If we

That's Entertainment!

by Chris Kapostasy student body take "King of Hear ts" - schedule of the average ever had a real crisis and we ad vant age of the und oubtedly one of the adult in mind the program were dependent on this People who regularly opportunity (Have you seen best movies ever made). features con venien ce, phone system for aid, there follow this column usually "View" yet?)

And when all else fails, you flexibility and individua­ might not be any results come to me with three The same reaction is seen can see a matinee for $1.50, lized attention. reaching us in time. major observations. ( 1) they by those who sp onsor or go to an "All Seats $1" like to go to movies because dances, lecture series, artist theater. Now that you are Applications for Spring I think ten dollars a there's nothing elso to do serie s, music reci tals, beginning to realize all the Term are due March 21. month is a very small aaround here ... (2) they concerts, Whiz and Sports things you've been missing, Contact the Office of mount in comparison of the can't go to movies, though, Quiz, and campus movies. I'm.led to ... Continuing ·Education (ext. costs of replacing a building because $3.50 (times 2 plus Which brings me to .. . WINT ER TERM BLUES: 365). or a life. a pizza with a date) just COST:

This one I have to agree doesn't grow on trees ... A good majority of with. It's been a pretty (3) winter term weather and campus events are FREE or lousy term. But it's almost

classes have added to the at least low-cost. Campus over now, and (I hope) a

se verity of the boredom movies, for example, are warm spring is coming problem. Let me answer only one dollar. This past (along with biking, tennis,

these one by one. wee kend CPB sponsored baseball, and ot he r

THE RE'S NOTHING "Paper Chase". Less than a sor ely-m issed activities.)

ELSE TO DO AROUND dozen people were at the Look at it this way, it's

HERE: showing I was, but armed unlikely that next term

While Ot terville doesn't with a brown sack of could be any worse! !! have an overabundance ::>f home-popped popcorn and Well, have a nice break, nightly activities, there are a couple cans of Coke, my everyone, and keep in mind plenty of tnings to do that date and I had a really good that: attending on-campus

the general student body time watching an Academy ev ents is not necessarily refuses to - take advantage Award winning movie for uncool and is often

''VEre it left fbr me
to decide whether we
should have a

of. One prime example is only two dollars. entertaining .,.,. THE movie Otterbein Theatre. I've only Just because the movie is to see is "Rocky" . . . and prefer

missed one production in a coup le of years old when you see Micky Bums the three years I've been doesn't mean it isn't worth tell him to get me some

here, and all have been little seeing Actually, "Paper movie passes so I can do my less than excellent. Chase" is probably be tter job and stop moralizing.

Despite their reputation than most of the current for quality productions at films at local theaters. unbeatable student prices, If you aren't into CPB SUPPORT the T & C. If you visit a place of buai,_ that «Jwrta direc to r of Theatre Dr. campus movies, the LS. in th1- nflWIPIIPII', tell tMtn J10U Charles Dodrill con tinually De par tmen t regu larly ,aw th eir ad in the Tan & cites the fact that a very sponsors some good movies. Cardinal. small percentage of the ( Last term they showed

the latter."
Thomas Jeffarson 4 Tan and C.rdnal March 11, 1977

Bond on the run

Concert gang goes on tour

by Nancy Ballog plus many more are just somes of the concert music

The hot suns of Florida performed. "Long Train call many to its beaches over Runnin"' and "Pack Rat" are spring break. Others go the two main marching home to relax and forget the band numbers scheduled to school confusion. But 93 complete the programs. members of the Otterbein Soloists for the band are College Concert Band will soprano vocalists, Cathy head for Clev eland, Stettner, singing "SumCincinnati and Columbus mertime" from Porgy and for six days of Band Tour. Bess; Joe Antram featured The tour begins Wednesday, on tuba in "Tuba Rhapsody;" March 16 at 3:30 p.m. an d Alan Bernard on ending March 22. tympani in "March and Places such as Garrets­ Polonaise." All three are ville, Mariemont, Westlake, senior music majors. A Maple Heights, Grafton, harpist, Janet Gillman, will Springboro, Xenia and also be featured as a soloist Carroll will be the in "Night on Bald Mounhighlights of the tour. tain."

Matinees for high schools

Back from band tour and and evening concerts will be the remammg days of given continuously through­ spring break, the band will out the six day period. perform all concert and The Concert Band will marching numbers from the not only· perform their tour for the Otterbein concert pieces, but a couple College community and favorite marching band anyone else interested in a tunes will also be featured. musical experience. The "Night on Bald-Mountain," concert is April 1st in "P relude and Rond o," Cowan Hall at 8: 15 p.m. and Haydn's "Water Suite," promises to be a music "Selections from The Wiz," spec ta cle never to be "Selections from Raisin" forgotten.

Placement Office Notes

Senior Newsletter

RECRUITERS For 3:30 p.m. weeks of March 28 and April 6 (wed.) - Newark April 4: Public Schools, 9:00 a.m.March 29 (Tues.) -New 3:30 p.m.

England Life Insurance April 7 (Thur.) - Mt. Company, seeking sales­ Vernon City Schools, 9:00 persons, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. a.m. - 4:00 p.m. April 5 (Tues.)- Bucyrus Senior NewsletterCity Schools, 9:000 a.m. - Seniors will receive a list of Spring Term recruiters upon returning to campus.

• • ••• • ••••• Seniors should check their if •• campus mailboxes during

• people keep • the first few days of Spring

• telling you to • Term.

• quit smoking • PACE TEST - College : cigarettes : graduates planning to enter don't listen Fe deral Civil Service


• they're positions should plan to take

• • probably trying to : PACE (Professional and

• • trick you : Ad ministrative Career . . • • into • Examination). PACE will i be given in Columbus dur ing May, with the

• deadline for test application

Who do I thinle I am?

Strange, the numbers who fitted the shoe of condemnation on their own feet last week because of my lamentation over Otterbein. Many souls were uneased as their cages were rattled. Who were these people? I do not know. But the commonest question raised, I am told, was, "Who does he think he is, Christ Himself?"

I am· Christian; he who is holy and righteous by the death of Christ, he who prays to God and is heard.

I, too, was a sinner of great magnitude, falling into the greate st sins afforded by this world. I, too, poked fun of the people I now call my Christian friends. I, too, was active in church, was considerate of most persons , kept rigorougly all rules and regulations. I, too, held resentments for most of my life. But I was not Paradox:: I was Hypocrisy.

love of God, whose Son died holier and more righteous for me. than we were before we took It is only because of God's the risen Lord Jesus Christ grace, by far surpassing as our Savior; yes, more holy that which is known to all and righteous than any men universally, that I am unenlightened man. God is what I am: redeemed and He who accomplished this in sanctified. 'Twas done at the us; it would be a sin not cross, whose mystery no to affirm it.

une nlightene d man re­ And this is neither ceives; that is, God punished arrogance nor blasphe my, my sins, God forgave me, for now Christ offers the God nullified my sin nature same to all who are willing and gave me a new nature, to forsake their sins to seek God sealed and baptized me truth and righteousness. with the Holy Spirit, and Now, at this very moment, now God is in me, and I Christ your Judge wants to expect at any moment to be receive you into His open taken into the skies to live in arms and be instead your heaven. Advocate and Savior as a

Who·do I think I am? I am free, unearned gift. Christian and God's son. To Oh Otterbein! dear, think of myself as anything beloved Otterbein! I am one different is to call God a liar man who loves your people in His word. No! I will not do beyond my own comprethat. I will not deny that I hension and hates to see you and all my Christian friends ta king pa ths leading who bear the cross daily are anywhere but to Christ.


• . will take place until late falL Forms are available in the Placement Office.

being Ap ril 14 No CANCER -·· SOCIETY ® additional PACE testing

I was. condemned. But no one condemned me; it was the sphere in which I moved and had my being. I lived and bre athed my own condemnation without knowing it. Daily, I justified more fully the wrath of God upon me. It was in this station, which is common to man, that I encountered the




STONER HOUSE 2nd fl. MTTF 9:30-4:30 PHONE 882-0564 WED. 9:30-8:00 SAT. 12:00-4:30

"Quality women's clothing for less"

• • • • • • • • • • • Tan and Cardinal
March 11, 1977
} � :��:::AN!
Pictured is the-1977 version ofthe Otterbein Band


�faeking the Cards

Witt advances

Otterbein boasts two returning champions from last Ohio Conference Tourna­ year in Steve Biancone high ment champion, Musking­ jump titlist, and 50 yard um College was defeated dash champ Dave Paul. by Ashalnd, 72-68, in the Preliminaries begin at first found of the NCAA_ 1 p.m. on Friday. Field Division III playoffs. How­ events finals start at 10 a.m. ever, Wittenberg has ad­ on Saturday with the track vanced to the quarter finals finals beginning at 2 p.m. or final eight by virtue of a first round win over Car­ * * * negie-Mellon and a second round victory over Ashland. Both the Otterbein track and baseball squads will * ** once again be traveling to Florida over spring break Otte rbein has placed to initiate training for their three cagers on the 1977 respective outdoor seasons. Ohio Conference Basketball The Cindermen will workHonor Roll. Selected on the out at the Florida State first team was junior center University facilities, while Ed Williams. Honorable the Hardballers get into the Mention spots were award­ swing of things at Panama ed to Doug Addis and Muff City, Florida Jones.

* * *

The Ohio Conference indoor track and field championships will be held at Ohio Wesleyan's Branch Rickey Center this weekend.

Brownies Market

Tan and Cardinal March 11, 1977

Women cagers finish season

will make better progress Grande, Muskingum, Defiby Nancy Ballog by next year. "We've built ance and Capital.Next year mental confidence in the three more games will be When women's basket­ team," says Gwen Hoover. added to the list plus the ball began in January, the This has been her first year girls hope to go to the state girls had one main goal to to coach the team and teach tournaments. accomplish - to better last at Otterbein. "The squad Besides the improving of year's mark of 0-8. And they will be better next year as the team, according to Carol have. hey ended the season we improved near the end." Ge isler,co -captain, the last week with a record of "Now we realize our po­ women's basketball team 3-7, finally winning their tential and know what has improved and built up first games in three years. should be done to make next fans. The fans have come to The basketball squad con­ year better for the women's every game and have kept sists of five freshmen, one basketball record," states up the morale of the team. sophomore, two juniors, and Carol Comanita. She is a co­ To the players, the crowd one senior. The co-captains captain for the team. has given them a lift to their are Carol Geisler and Carol The most improved play­ play, knowing that the game Comanita. Gwen Hoover er throughout the entire sea­ is being observed by true served as the women's bas­ son was Karen Horn. Karen basketball fans. ketball coach. The remain­ played center and improved The Women's Basketball ing players are Sally O'Dell, to starting player. Team has come a far way in Deb Hoar, Karen Fish­ The Women's basketball three years of losses. They baugh, Karen Horn, Sue team beat Marietta, Wil­ won this year, and will win Szymanski, Cathy Kipfin­ mington and Ohio Domini­ next year. With a built up in ger, and Sue Subich. can. They lost to Ohio Uni­ fans and a built up in the The team improved and versity, Denison, Rio squad, the girls can't lose!

Women open season


The Otterbein women's Meet held in Cleveland, his four-year, coaching track team will launch its Judy ran the 880 in 2:15.3, tenure at the Ohio Track outdoor season April 8 and 9 her best mark. Club.

when they participate in the Mercy voiced optimism She also traveled to Bowling Green Invitational. O.S.U., to run the 880 at the concerning the new This will be one of two major Midwest Champion ships program, "I feel we had a meets of the spring, along and captured second place good team last year, but this with the Twilight Relays at while competing against a season we should bE:l O.S.U., to be held on May 13. strong fjeld. stronger. Our only problem The Twilight Relays will is that we need more girls in featur� virtually all the The women's track order to do better at the women's track teams in program is only in its second meets. If any women are Ohio. year of existence. Coach Bob interested in the program,

The recently completed Mercy was hired after a they would certainly be indoor season included group of coeds expressed welcome. All they have to do three meets, with the meet interest in formulating a is contact either Mrs. Day or prominent being the Ohio track program on campus. myself before spring break, We sleyan Invita tional-, Mercy has had good or at least before our first where seven teams attend­ experience, as evidenced by meet." ed. The Cardinals tied for second, primarily due to the exploits of Judy McLaughlin. Only six Otterbein girls MEN'S VARSITY BASEBALL SCHEDULE(OAC) competed.

-----------------------, victqrious medley relay 4 7 12 14 .,______________________. the Knights of Columbus
43 N. STATE ST. U.S. Choice Beef 882-4124 fresh Vegetables & Fruit C,Jily
McLaughlin won the 220 March 30 Ohio Northern 3:30 and 440 yeard dashes, as April 2 OHIO WESLEYAN (DH) 1:00 well as the 880 and mmile 6 Marietta 3:30 runs. To cap these victories 9 Capital (DH) 1:00 she also anchored the 13 MUSKINGUM 3:30 Deb 16 WOOSTER (DH) 1:00 of 20 Wittenberg 3:30 team, consisting "TheFriendlyStore" Turns, Sue Rush, and 23 MARIETTA (DH) 1:00 Tammi Hottinger. 27 Judy, junior, DENISON 3:30 began a 30 Muskingum (DH) 1:00 May CAPITAL 3:30 running during her junior year of' high school. Although she participates in Denison (DH) 1:00 Ohio Wesleyan 3:30 23 NORTH STATESTREET WESTERVILLE,OHIO43081 a wide array of events, her best races are the
and WITTENBERG (DH) 1:00 PHONE882-2392 mile.
major (Names in capital letters home games; DH-Double Header) Agency
At Prescriptions
She was invited to run unattached. in two
forRussellStoverCandies invitations this winter.

iners go to Florida,

OAC slate prepare for

The Otterbein baseball team will soon embark on a trip to Florida, where they will begin their spring campaign. The Otters will play 16 games there before coming back to start OAC competitions.

Coach Dick Fishbaugh viewed the team's strengths and weaknesses from this prospective: "Our strengths lie in our pitching rotation and our experienced infield. Our success will probably hinge on how well our outfielders' bats respond."

Some standouts from last year's pitching staff include junior Don Dyson who hurled a no-hitter against Ohio Northern last year, and juniors Billiard, also a mainstay last year. Complimenting these two will be juniors Wes Williams and Bill Michaels, and sophomore Greg McDonald Fishbaugh described Williams as being "possibly the hardest thrower in the conference."

Several freshmen should help bolster the pitching corps. Left-hander Doug Petty looms as a possible starter, while Mark Hlava and Jo hn Mess, also southpaw, shoul d also contribute greatly. Fishbaugh asserted that Moss "shows promise as a relief pitcher due to his hard sidearm sinker."

The Cardinals have all four starting infield ers returning from last year. At the corners junior Randy Moomaw and senior Dan Wilmoth will handle third and first bases respectively. The double-play combination will consist of sophomores Tim Mercer at se cond base and Greg Steger at shorstop. Freshman Randy Mobley will provide backup.

Handling the catching chores will be senior Dave Clark and junior Gary Hoyle. They will most likely share the duties equally dur ing the season. In appraising them Coach Fishbaugh stated: "Dave

probably. has better arm accuracy but Gary· has the be tter bat. Both are definitely capable catchers."

The ou tfield shoul d feature junior Dave Piles in left field, sophomore Dennis Shaner in cen ter, a.nd sophomore Ron White in right. Pressing for a place in the lineup will be Dean Smith, a Columbus West graduate when Fishbaugh labeled as "a promising outfielder with good arm and fine range."

Last year Otterbein compiled a 16-15 mark, meriting them third place in the Southern Division, ultim ately captured by Marietta. In evaluating the competition this year Coach Fishbaugh noted: "Marietta and Capital should be the teams to beat, but Muskingum should also be improved. As far as our team goes, I think we're in good shape. At this stage we're ahead of last year's deve lopment. I've b2en working everybody hard,

the team's morale seems excellent. Although, I feel we've improved ourselves from last year, however, this

is stitl basically a young club. We only have two seniors on the entire roster.

Last Sunday the Otter� traveled to Ohio State'i:: Fr ench Fieldhouse and engaged in their first scrimmage, an indoor twin­

bill against O.S.U. It was a rel atively auspicious beginning as the Cardinals

split two games, taking the

The Otterbein Women's Bowling team, led by freshman Kristie Snelling captured first place in the �entral Ohio Intercollegiate Bowling League for Women with a total pin count of 9,595. Snelling captured individual honors with her total pin performance of 1,906 and a high series of 554.

Members of the Otterbein Women's Bowling Team pictured above are: Front row: Deb Donahue, Laurie


Snelling. Standing are: Jo Ann Tyler, coach, Dee Danford, Michelle Gerdsen

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I I Lady Keglers finish first
......______________ & (J and Sue Miller. 1zra.• aJ.. first 7-0 before falling in the second 5-2. Coach Fish­ Hours baugh was "pleased witnthe, Sun-Thurs 4:JOPM-12AM results" of his teams initia� Fri-Sat 4:30PM-1AM showmg. where Expires 3/3V77
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Again, I love you. I am

I love you. lo neliness and tribulation world. 1

me, consoling me in times of and rothe parts of the

need more than that?

58 for them is that I world comes to you. May we serve Him live in peace. When I work for a self- in all ways 60 We can own things less cause I feel an infinite through the sick that are necessary strength flowing through ignorant and but do we really me, guiding me, enlightening starving brother in this country ACROSS

54 Not for me but for you, all the energy of the Glory to Him. Om

if I do not live for the psychological, Omnip otence and benefit and the ideal social, and economical Bountifulness of service to ersoth my life problems. of God may be seen is worthless. When there is this goal in you by them.

I do not know what religion goal is to meet man's And it will grow and you is needs or solve his shall prosper that the

Dedication of the fruit s need it where ever I go. man for richness said of our actions to the people. The alSoci Science's the Teacher.

Sacrifice to those who might Richness for man not

Selflessness and of practical assistance of it with detachment.

having for your being. understanding But share it, take care

by Felipe Martinez Do what you like to do, To have for other's sake what makes you happy is Richness. Being not having. and gives you purpose. I am infinitely rich as Of course you can My purpose is found in long as I am in tune with have as long as you are helping and be ing the premeSu Fountain but do not depend upon humanita rian, of Richness. So I am.

••····························· ····· Page8 Tan and Cardinal March 11, 1977 ······················· ··················· ·· ··············· ································ ·········· ····· ··· ····· ······ ·············· ························· · ·· ·············· ····· · ········· ······ ········ ··············································· ·········· ·········· collegiate crossword
5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14
Values on Richness 4
49 Secret agent 13 Actor Leslie -
14 One-piece under-
Returns on payments 50 - hat gannents 8 - conditioning 51 Welsh - 21 "Flower Drum -"
The Richness has to be 15 Utterly unyielding 53 - ear 24 Lines restricting
distri bu ted with the 16 - Wood 54 Corrrnunity animals 17 Goddess of wisdom 56 Pertaining to love 26 Fitting CLASSIFIED your friend. people. 18 Signaled, as in an 58 Musician Georges, 28 Distort a story auto race Underst and me: Being, The power has to be given and family 30 - boom 19 Toward the stern 59 Recover from 32 Finance abbreviFOR SALE. 1971 Mercury gi ving, helping, sharing to the people 20 Throat tissue (2 )wds. ation Cougar, brown with vinyl since in Our lives shall be dedicated 22 More aged ( )arch. 60 Most blushful 33 -Abner 23 Follow Dr. Still- 61 Female prophet 35 Balloon-ride items top, power steering, power so doing we help ourselves, to the people man's advice 36 Exceeded one's -1a es,brak very good con­ forget ourselves and find si nce people do ne ed 25 Objects of worship DOWN lotted time (2 )wds. 26 Bedouin tribe 37 Iridescent -milky dition. Must sell $1500. See liberation. people. 27 Estate 1 Islamic month of white 29 Chemical suffix fasting 38 Bounced on one's Doug ART,KHBUR call 30 Shopping - 2 Building knee 882-9941. 31 Young bird 3 Teases 39 Vaudeville prop 33 Navigation devices 4 French soul 40 Involving love, collegiate camouflage 34 Work with wall- 5 Sharp in taste hate, etc. paper 6 Concluding remarks 41 Expe�iences again 35 Chinese: comb. fonn to a poem 42 Devices for removing SPEND NEXT YEAR IN I s u T s u A F R 0 T C 0 D E 36 Gnawing animal 7 - anny pits JERUSALEM, dan other 39 Measuring device 8 Among the records 44 Most dreadful 43 Asunder 2( )wds. 47 Capital of Nigeria sites in rael.Is Join the fall 9 A A N R E N R A M s A L I s 44 Golfer Sikes 9 Coffin cloths 48 Evangelist McPherson semester at Haifa U. spon­ 45 Car or cleanser 10 Letters, in Greece 51 Compete at Indy 46 A Bobbsey twin, 11 Distasteful news- 52 Actress Sharon - sored by Kent State U. For 4 M N E D L A w T w A R 1 8 E et al. paper 55 Dangerous drug info write Kent in Israel, 47 Miss Ronstadt 12 High school course 57 Rocky crest 101 Bowman, KSU, Kent, 8 M I J A N M E s J 0 9 9 E I Ohio 44242. ContinuedfromPage 1 E 0 M J I M D N I w 8 1 4 T L STUDY IN THE HOLY They plan
LAND - Join Kent in C B A H T I M s w 0 R R A H F av ailable campus
Israel for fall
- For even to
info write Kent in Israel, A y L T D J 0 E T 0 w A A A E ing written
101 Bowman, KSU, Kent, the
Ohio 44242. E D F N C A N M R A T R E N H
Can you find the p I A I L E I L E N D R A F T After all applications have been returned, the exec hidden book classics? D C R A V J 0 L V T A A u R F committee will review them and select the new ANIMAL FARM N K M A D A T T I B B A B 0 0 committee chairmen. Those ARROWSMITH interested in working on BABBITT A 0 R R J I N M L E 4 J I M D CPB need only contact a BLEAK HOUSE CPB worker. ..... •.. ............. ...... •. ........... ................. BRAVE NEW WORLD R B 0 1 9 8 E H 0 8 H 8 4 f R ····· ························ CANDIDE DOCTOR FAUSTUS A L y E s s y D 0 E H T 9 M 0 EMMAGET IT ON ETHAN FROME w E E s u 0 H K A E L B 1 1 L HARD TIMES IVANHOE 1984 THE ILIAD LORD JIM OLIVER TWIST THE ODYSSEY LORD OF THE FLIES OUR TOWN WALDEN MOBY DICK SILAS MARNER WAR AND PEACE
for this Universal motive.
to use all of the
the point of publish­
information in

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