The Tan and Cardinal April 1, 1977

Page 1

Tan and Cardinal

Cochran Hall to be reviewed

Contests added

The1977 Quiz and Quill

The recommendation of meeting will hear a President Kerrwillreport will present its report on Writing Contests include the Cochran Hall recommendation on fee to the committee on the the housing renovationsand two new categories: Committeewillbediscussed increases for the 1977-78 current standing of remodeling. The Budget Children's Literature and at Trustee's Budget Control year. The expected fee incoming freshmen for the Control and Executive Cover Art. Both categaries and Executive Meeting increase is approximately 1977-78 year. Meeting will decide on the award prize§ of $15, $10 tomorrow. Following the $400.

The Housing Committee recommendation. and $5, and Children's investigation done by the Literature also has three committee , the honorable mention awards. recommendation is that

Tony Randall to appear

Entries in Children's

Cochran Hall be removed. literature may be prose or feel funny inside." It's further national recognition

Economic conditions are verse with new specified interesting to note that through his frequent cited as the major factor length. Cover Art entries although comedy has come appearances on the involved in the committee's should be executed in pen to be known as Mr. "Tonight Show",· and, of decision. This recommenda­ and ink suitable for a cover Randall's forte, it is stillhis course, as the pillow­ tion willbediscussedbythe approximately six inches by dream to go back to the plumping, lint-picking Felix Budget Control and nine inches. The highest classics. "No one is really Ungar in television's "The Executive Meeting. It is prizewinning design may be more suited to certain roles OddCouple." expected to pass in favor of in Chekhov or Shaw or Opera fans know Mr. used onthemagazinecover. the decision. However, the All entries should be Shakespeare," he says Randall from his many decision will probably be submitted to the English wistfully. appearan(?es on Texaco's sent to the entire meeting office, Towers 17, no later

Born in Tulsa, Randall Opera Quiz, a regular and of the Board of Trustees in than 4 p.m. on Thursday attended Northwestern and very popular part of the June. April 7. Other categories Columbia Universities and Saturday afternoon

A research report will be at age nineteen began boradcasts from the are: Prose, Poetry, presented by Martz and Humorous Writing(Proseor studying drama at the MetropolitanOpera. Lundy on the feasibility of Verse), Short Story, The Neighborhood Playhouse As talk show fans across a fund raising campaign for Popular television star coach Sanford Walter Lewrie Burnes Short with theUnitedStates know,Mr. the remodeling of the Tony Randall will appear Meisner. He appeared with Randall is a man of many Story Award, and Roy Alumni Gym. The firm on the Otterbien College BurkhardPrizesinReligious Jane Cowl in "Candida" opinions. He says, "There's would base theirpredictions ArtistSeries,Tuesday,April Poetry. Rules and and played in "The Com Is only one thingworsethana on the amount of money 5 at 8:15 p.m. in Cowan Green" with Ethel descriptions can be man who doesn't have they feel alumni and Hall. Originally set for obtained in the English Barrymore, but the war strong likes and dislikes, businesses would be willing March 30, the date was interrupted his theatrical and that's a man who has office, from Dr. James tocontribute. postoned because offilming career. From 1942-46 he Bailey or from Susan strong likes and dislikes

Next year's budget will conflicts. Mayberry, president. served in the Signal Corps, without the to courage be reviewed by the meeting "Humor is a Serious rising from the rank of voice them." His likesand the BudgetControland Business" is the topic for private to that of First collecting paintings, Executive Committee will Randall, currently starring Lieutenant. antiques and recordsbe asked to approve it in in "The Judge.""Comedy's Returning to New York, classical and opera. ("I love full. The budget for this a serious business. You've Randall became active in classical music with the year to date will be got to be true and funny radio, playing Reggie on "I same passion with which I discussed. Along with and not look as though Love AMystery" and acting despise rock 'n' roll.") budget discussions, the you're trying. You have to in hundreds of soap operas. Among his dislikes He also appeared in cigarettes, which hegaveup

Auditions held Monday Broadway shows, including in 1946 onthe advice ofhis Open auditions for"West office. Preparation for the "The Barretts of Wimpole singingteacher. Side Story" will be held dance portion of the Street" and "Anthony and Monday evening,April4,at auditionsisnotrequired. Cleopatra" with Katharine

7:30 p.m. in Ball According to general Cornell, "Caesar and

n classes.

Next Friday is Go Friday and all offices be closed. There will be ·

As a result of this ther will be no TanandCardina next week. We will resum publication Friday, Ap 15.

Managing editor sought

Auditorium. The musical director Dr. Charles W. Cleopatra" and "O Men, 0 will be presented on May Dodrill the cast willinclude Women." As Harvey Weskit The position ofmanaging Those interested can 18-21 under the auspicesof approximately 40 roles, on Television's "Mr. editor of the Tan and drop off applications tothe the College Theatre andthe while the orchestra will be Peepers", he rose to Cardinal is open for tp.e T & C officeorgivethemto Dept.ofMusic. comprisedofapproximately nationalprominence. remainder of spring term. Mic ke y Burns,

Persons interested in 30 musicians under the "Mr. Peepers" leftthe-air Any interested applieants editor-in-chief. auditioning should prepare musical direction of Dr. in 1955, but Randall had must apply by Tuesday, a musical selection.Musicis Morton Achter. Dean become a Broadway starby April 5 no laterthan5 p.m. The position became available in the MusicDept. Joanne Van Sant will be then in "Inherit the Wind", Applications should be open following the office. Persons interested in r e s p o n s ib1e for with Paul Muni. He moved addressed to the Otterbein resignation of Sara Ullman. principal roles should read choreography, Prof. Dennis on to films including a Publications Board and Job description information the script and prepare a Kratzer for Vocal Direction trilogy of Rock include past experience, can be obtained by inquiry brief scene. Scripts are and Marty Bookwalter for Hudson-Doris Day reasons for applying and of either T & C advisorDon available in the theatre scenery. comedies. He achieved any pertinent information. HinesorBurns.

., -· . . Ot R 11977 C ,eL1ra}
Volume 58
Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio April 1,

Third degree Burnt

During the break

The campus has undergone several transitions and a few newsworthy events have taken place that my reporting staff failed to cover this week.

In the better interest of college communication I'd thought I had better report them to you in this column:

During the break the business office installed a new computerized telephone system.

According to Woodrow Macke, Vice President and Dean for Business Affairs the new phones will eliminate all the problems previously experienced.

"We have heard our last busy signal after dialing nine," commented Macke, "we now have 54 outside lines and extra auxiliary lines should they be become necessary during the busy hours."

Rea�ers Sound-off. ••

Governance is good

Dear Editor,

As I enter my final weeks here at Otterbein I have started to reflect upon my last four years of what I would call a very unique experience. The chance to converse with people who held views different from mine is as unique as any class experience I have had.

However, the experience that will last with me the longest, and has had the

voice in the running of the college.

The Senate meets the first Wednesday of every month of about eight times a year. I realize that 100% atte ndance is nearly impossible to achieve, however, I feel that it should be brought to the attention of the student body that not all present Senators are meeting their responsibility.

There are, to my knowledge, at least 20 Student Senators who have attended one or less

A solution expressed by

many is a return to

compulsory military service, a release from which we in our late teens and early twenties were granted only a few years ago.

Although the current status of the standing military is not desirable,to return to the archaic draft system is equall y undesirable. It seems that high military and government officials demonst rate restricted intellectual effort as they suggest that the only cure to the current military problem is to return to an old system greatest impac t on me in meetings th is year. which itself was ridden with terms of molding my Although the reader must problems. They fail to character has been my realize that some of these consider tha\ other Vincent Chickerella, longtime coach of the Capital University cage squad has applied for the post of assis­ involvement with the senators have been off alternatives exist which may tant mentor to Dick Reynolds of the Otterbein basket­ governance system. campus, in some cases for prove more functional then ball program.

Good 01' Otterbein has more than one term, it seems those currently disputed.

"Coach Reynolds and I have had our differences in one of the most radical very irresponsible to me. Our Senator John Glenn the past but I'm sure they wouldn't stand in the way of governance systems to be "A vote is the best way appears to be among these our relationship," stated the Capital coach,"and I hope found in America It is a of getting the kind of officials. An interview to learn a lot from him." system that not only allows country and the kind of printed in the Cleveland student involvement, but world you want ". Harry S. Plain Dealer, March 27, ** ** * without such involvement Truman 1977, by T.J. Brazaitis Disciplinary action was taken against Sigma Delta Phi the system fails. If the Jim Black qu otes him to say fraternity an� several majors in the theatre department system were to fail we all ''U nfortunately, the when the two groups were caught engaging in a gang would lose: the faculty,the Feela draft volunteer army has not fight involving chains,knives and zip-guns. administration,but most of attracted across-the-board Dean for Student Affairs,Karl A.Oldag commented all the students. To allow Dear Editor, our whole social spectrum that this is not the first report of violent outbursts be­ the system to fail would be Rec ently man y in this country, so I think tween the groups and "we can't let this sort of thing a crime. congressmen have expressed we have to seriously continue."

When one enters the concerns over the current consider going back to some

The altercation was reportedly sparked when Sphinx governance system he status of the all-volunteer sort of draft." gang-leader Scott "Switchblade " Kunkleman refused to assumes a responsibility not military. Apparently the Not only are the views of back down when David Robinson of the theatre bunch only to the system but military has not attracted such officials restricted insinuated Scott'.s mother wore army boots. more to the students who the numbers of qualified relative to the current elected him. For they are personnel needed to military situation, but they ** ** * the students' voice in the maintain the levels of are equally restricted in

The forensics team competed and DID NOT place running of the system and military strength desired by their definitions of what anyone in any category. therefore the students' many government officials. constitutes service to our country. Glenn said in * * ** * the same interview,"I don't

Tan and Cardinal think people should be

The outbreak of campus thefts reached an all-time permitted,in effect,to hide low when a nose warmer was stolen from Bernie Soko­ out in college, as has lowski's room at the Pi Kappa Phi house.It is suspected happened in the past, and

the thief or thieves used a crane to execute the heist. be exempted from the draft

or from military service."

Published weekly by the students of Otterbein College. The It is revealing that opinions expressed in the Tan and Cardinal are those of the

On the local scene,the Westerville city roads improve­ volunteers are not easily staff and do not necessarily reflect those of the school or its ment crews received a citation for performance above­ found for military service. administration.

and beyond the call of duty.

After all this I'm sure this is unnecessary butAPRIL FOOLS.

Mickey Burns .......... EDITOR-IN-CHIEF


Melissa Barr ........ BUSINESS MANAGER

Scott Brockett ...........SPORTS EDITOR

Nancy Ballog .......... FEATURE EDITOR


Don Hines ...............'. .. ADV ISOR

Brad Haynes, Kay Bums, Chet Cady, Maggie Dine,Marilyn Douglas,Tim O'Flynn,Sylvia Ingels, Kat Johnson, Shelley Jones, Chris Kapostasy, Felipe Martinez, Sue Mayberry, Hope Roberts, Chris Souders, Dan Thompson, Deb Thorn, Kim Wilcox,Dan Repilc, and Deana Williams

This should suggest to those in go vern ment that something is seriously wrong with the military system in its current condition. But so strongly advocating a return to the draft it appears that many officials admit to the military's serious flaws.

The Plain Dealer article by Brazaitis concludes with these words of Glenn's. "The only reason we have a military is because we go

Continued on Page 8

p 2I 1,*
* * * * * Tan and CardiMI April 1, 1977
* * * *
** **

Plaeement Office Notes

Recruiters scheduled


April 1 - Friday 6:30 p.m. - Campus Crusade for Christ

8:15 p.m. -Concert Band

ATTENTIONSENIORS- National Bank, 9 am -5 pm, Equitable Life Insurance tL0:00 p.m. -Tau Delta April Fool's Party

Check your campus primarily interested in Co., 9 am - 12 Noon, �pril 2 - Saturday mailbox for your business administraiton, interested in interviewing - Sorority Hell Day & Night Term Placement Office accounting, math, and data candidates with any 9:30 a.m. - Board of Trustees: Budget Control & newsletter which lists processing candidates. Will major for sales positions. Executive Committee Meeting on-campus recruiters consider other majors who TEACHING JOBS -A 1:00 p.m. -Baseball: Ohio Wesleyan-H scheduled for this term. have a strong interest in and number of schools are 1:30 p.m. -Track: Heidelberg- H

RECRUITERS - knowledge of banking. beginning to announce April 3 - Sunday

Scheduled for the weeks of April 12 (Tues.) vacancies for the 1977-78 -Tau Delta Pledge Sunday April 4 and 11 are: Buckeye Molding Company school year. Education 6:00 p.m. - Chancel Drama Group: "Christ in Con- April 5 (Tues.) (New Vienna, Ohio), 9 am - majors are encouraged to crete City" Bucyrus City Schools, 9 am 4 pm, interested in check the notebooks of job 8:00 p.m. -Interfraternity Council - 5 pm. management trainees, will notices in the Placement 9:00 p.m. -Campus Christian Association (Agape) April 6 (Wed.) -Newark consider any major as long Office weekly throughout City Schools, 9 am - 3:30 as candidate is interested in the Spring Term IApril 4 - Monday pm, especially interested in a career in manufacturing. · CANDIDATE LIST -A 4:00 p.m. - Curriculum Committee minority candidates,' music, Buckeye Molding is a small, list of all teacher candidates 4:00 p.m. -Campus Services Committee secon dary scien ce, growing company which will be sent to Ohio school 7:00 p.m. -Sorority & Fraternity Meetings secondary math, vocational manufacturers molds and superintendents in early !April 5 - Tuesday home economics, coaches containers, especially plastic May. Included will be the 4:00 p.m. -Academic Council of all sports (men and closures such as those used name, campus address, and 6:30 p.m. -Panhellenic Council women certified in areas on tennis ball cans. phone, home address and 6:30 p.m. -'Xearbook Staff Meetings other than physical April 12 (Tues.) phon e, areas of 7:00 p.m. - Ohio Student Education Association education). Wendy's International, Inc. cer tifica tio n, and 7:30 p.m. -Theatre Department: Cast Spring Musica

April 7 (Thurs.)-Mount 9 am -5 pm, interested in coaching/student activity 8:00 p.m. -Circle K Meeting Vernon CitySchools, 9 am - interviewing busi ness skills. In July, a second list 8:15 p.m. -Artist Series: "To�y Randall" 4 pm. administration majors and will be mailed consisting of !April 6 - Wednesday April 7 (Thurs.) - Wright other agressive individuals candidates still available. 3:30 p.m. -Baseball: Marietta-A State University, 1:30 -4 who have an interest in a Teaching candidates who do 4:00 p.m. -College Senate pm, in terested in management career in the not want their names 6:00 p.m. � Campus Programming Board interviewing stu dents food industry. included should contact the 8:00 p.m. -Young Democrats interested in graduate work April 14 (Thurs.) -Fort Placement Office no later 8:15 p.m. - Senior Recital: Anne Vittur in Business Administration Frye Local Schools than April 11. and Economics. Beverly,Ohio), 9 am -5 pm. NON EDUCATION IApril 7 - Thursday April 11 (Mon) - City April 15 (Fri.) JOBS J. C. Penny 5:30 p.m. -Religious Activities Council -......____________• Insurance Co. (Westerville) 7:30 p.m. -Personnel Committee is currently interviewing !April 8-Friday gr -Good Friday: Offices Closed

positions are to be filled by April 15. Relocation likely.

-No Classes

Hawk places in Nationals

Vistron Corp. (subsidiary St. of Standard Oil) is looking for a sales trainee for the Lima area. A business Dan Hawk represented in my four years at administration major is Otterbein in the Pi Kappa Otterbein," said forensics preferred. Starting salary is Delta National Forensics coach Don Hines, who also $11,000-$13,000. Tournament in Seattle attended the March 18-22

The University of Washington over spring tourney. Hines is Governor Chicago is seeking college break. of the Province of the Lakes graduates to work as FREE OBJVERY and served as chairman of counselors for emotionally Hawk recei ved a Sun. thru Thurs. the traditional debate disturbed ch ildr en. "superior" rating in the contest at Seattle. Opportunities for graduate Oral Interp competition. work are available. Finishing in the top 10 Hours The Pi Kappa Delta percent of the 92 Sun-Thurs 4:JOPM-12AM National Tournament was competitors, Hawk did The Fri-Sat 4:30PM-1AM attended by 105 schools Nose �y Nikolai Gogel, The and featured competition

fliad by Homer and Equus and sightseeing for those by Peter Shaffer for the that attended. One of the ENGAGED: prose, poetry and drama

sightseeing events was a

• Patty Buchanan, '77 Tau categories salmon bake on Blake Epsilon Mu, to Jon Island. Pi e rpoint, '78 Hawk also received an

Independent. "excellent" rating in group Betsy Rogers, '78 Tau discussion and a "good" in Hawk is a senior from

Epsilon Mu, to John oratory. Tiffin, Ohio. After Hussey, '78 Pi Kappa Phi. graduation with a B.A. in Barb Alexander, '77 "Dan is the most Theatre, he plans to attend

Independent, to Rich complete and best all Asbur y Th eological Miller, '76 Pi Beta Sigma. around participant I've had Seminary.

April 1, 1977 Tan and Cardinal ,... 3
I\ (J '
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where Whi1Wh81e
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extra cost!

Concert Band performs tonight

Receiving eight standing Gillman on harp in "Night ovations from places over on Bald Mountain." .The Ohio such as Westlake, first three soloists are senior Maple Heights, Xenia, music education majors. Mariemo nt, Carr oll, Janet is a freshman Garrettsville, Springboro, concentrating in music. and Grafton made the 1977 The band will also Otterbein Concert Band perform musical tour an overwhelming arrangements of Handel's success. Now the Concert "Water Music Suite," Band with a great variety of "S ound Dr amas," their musical tour numbers "Selections from The Wiz," performs live at Cowan Hall "Gerona," "Eternal Father , tonight beginning at 8:15 Strong to Save," "America p.m. the Beau tiful," and

Soloists featured are "L;In gle s ina. ,,_ Th e Cathy Stettner singing program s ends with "Summertime" from Po rgy marching band favorites. and Bess plus playing flute The concert promises to in "Suite in D Minor;" Joe be a night of musical Antram on tuba in "Tuba en tertainm en t an d Rhapsody;" Alan Bernard excitement. Admission is on tyro pani in "March and free for all interested in the Polonais e" and Janet world of music.


College cited

Otterbein College has been cited for several

Soloists in tonight's performance of the concert band include Joe Antram, Alan Bernard, Janet Gillman and Cathy Stettner.

Nicodemus and Jesus

by C.W. Cady approved the work of the good."

"Can you believe what I Nicodemus and Jesus man Jesus. "Thank you, Rabbi." say?"

It is night. An old man, Now they discuss the "But they are not "Oh Rabbi, we know something of a religion deep things of God. Jesus, enough." you are sent by God, professor, has come here to although having worked a "Not enough! But, otherwise you could not do meet a co lleague; no, more hard day, is awake, alert, Rabbi, the Scriptures are these miracles." than a collegaue, he, for he and interested in his visitor. life! They were given to us "Then believe me when I hM been performing This is a scene which, when from God through Moses say to you that unless a miracles. The old man, committed to writing, was and the prophets. I have · man is born again, he named Nicodemus, has to become a favorite spent my long life studying cannot see the kingdom of stolen through the night to portion of Scripture. and following th e God." this place, letting the "Nicodemus," said Jesus. Scriptures; will I not attain "Born again? Born again? darkness veil his identity. "Yes, Rabbi?" to the kingdom?" How can an old man like He would not let others of "Your learning and "Nicodemus." me be born again? What am his colleagues know that he studying the Scriptures is "Rabbi?" I supposed to do, climb back into my mother's womb and be born again?"

Hartford B8llet appears

"The first birth is physical; the second, spiritual. Don't confuse the Hartford Ballet will the Arts and the Ohio Arts the area this year with two. Spriritual birth is the appear on the Otterbein Council. classes and a special work of God's spirit."

Artist Series, Tuesday, April Co nsortium members children's concert scheduled "How can this be?" 19, 8:15 p.m. in Cowan Otterbein, Capital, Ohio as part of this residency. "A man in your position, Hall. Wesleyan, the Ohio State and you don't know these

A comparatively new

The performance will University Department of things? Listen carefully: presence in American highlight the company's Dance and the Paul I've told you what you dance, the Hartford Ballet is residency in Central Ohio, Lau ren ce Du nb ar ought to know· from this under artistic direction of sponsored by the College Afr o-American Cultural world, but you don't former Joffrey principal Arts Consortium, the Arts Center are bringing believe me - how then do Michael Uthoff. National Endowment for three dance companies to you expect to believe me

Ole Barn Flowers

Drawing from its mixed about heavenly things? repertory of more than 16

"Moses lifted up the ballets, Hartford will offer

br onze serpent that Dennis Nahat's "Grand Pas whoever would look at it de Dix," Uthoff's "Tom would be saved from the 34 West Main Street Dula" and "Duo" and Lotte plague. So too the Messiah Westerville, Ohio 43081 Goslar's " Leggieros." will be lifted up. that Complete Floral Service 614/ 882-0606

Hartford's appearance at whoever believes in him will Otterbein is part of a not perish, but have eternal Hours 9:00- 5:30 national tour that will take life. the troupe to more than 45 "This is God's provision,

Sunday cities in the United States for he so loves the world and Canada. that he has given his only

cont ributions to the program at the Child Study Center, an agency within the Ohio Yo uth Commission.

Specif ic progr am s mentioned in the letter of appreciation from Supt. Sandra L. Priestino, Deputy Supt. Glenn E. Rohrer and Volunteer Coordinator Fred Marshall were weekly programs offered at the center by SCOPE (Students Concerned Over People Everywhere), tutorial service given by Melanie Costine in cooperation with Dr. Roger Deibel and appearances made by Affiliate Artists Douglas Jones and Roosevelt Newson. begotten son that whoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send his son to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. If you trust the Messiah, you won't be condemned; but if you don't, you are already condemned for that very reason.

"H ere is the condemnation: light has come into the world, but men loved the darkness instead because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and does not come to it, because his dees might be exposed.

"But everyone who practices truth comes to the light to show the work of God."

Maybe Ni codemus understood, maybe not; nevertheless, it was time for him to go. Was Jesus calling himself the Messiah? Trust the Messiah or perish? He put on his cloak, said his goodbyes, and slipped through the door into the night.

"He said, 'Believe me when I say to you that unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."' He would think about it.

Tan and Cardinal April 1, 1977 ,,.4


In memory of Cochran Hall

years old, she was still Tomorrow the fatal shot considered safe. Then came will be fired into Cochran that tragic day last April Hall when the final vote is when a fire began in the cast to destroy her lounge on the first floor. It existence. seemed to be just another

Opening her doors in peaceful sunny day as 1907, Cochran Hall was screams and smoke bagan considered the most pouring out of the modern building on campus structure. Every fire door in inc luding elec tric ity, the building was propped carpeted hallways and a open as the smoke swept up reception room where the the stairways at both ends girls might receive male of the building. callers. (Being able to have a For a while the north man enter a girls' dorm was side of the building could a first for Otterbein not even be seen due to the history.) It was indeed a smoke and the flames. By privilege in those days to be noon the fire was under able to say you lived in control, and four hours Cochran Hall. later the girls were allowed to return to their rooms to It was in this place that see if there was anything strangers became best of worth recovering. friends for life. Each year Cochran Hall appeared to her wall s bec ame be badly hurt, but not accustomed to the beyond repair. Her windows serenading voices which were boarded up and a came in the night. Her fence was placed around her rooms were filled with grounds. A sign was nailed laughter and joy and many by Chria Kapoatay to her entrance reading, stories of her past. "This Building Closed. It came and went again

Above is Cochran Hall - in the prime of its existence. lnrniew


is best pie

post-midnight announcements of the REALLY BIG Oscar awards.

Over the years the dorm Abs ol utely No this year, just as faithfully changes Admittance." saw many to as Spring Breaks ends, the protect the girls such as the She now stands empty, swallo ws fly into fire escape that was added alone and cold. There are Capi strano, and the to the outside of the no more sounds of laughter buzzard s retu rn to bu ilding by 1932. In 1957 or music pouring out her Hinckley. And almost as the building had a major windows. Her once carpeted predictably, the 49th remodeling job completed halls and rooms are now annual Academy Awards when the stairway was charred and barren. program was lengthy, removed from the center of Altthough it would cost a boring, and generally akin the building and two great deal of money she to the Otterbein campus on smaller stairways were built could yet be saved. To week nights after 6 p.m. on the north and south ends many people it would be Nevertheless, millions across of the building. worth , it. What do you the country kept the

Although she was over 50 think? revered vigil until the

Opus Zero presents concert

Opus Zero, Otterbein's John's "Sorry Seems to be Ensemble members contemporary si nging the Hardest Word." include: Heather Leach, ensemble, will present its Jeff Burnett and Doug Anne Kanengeiser, Chris annual spring concert on MacCallum will be featured Fowler, Patty Daniels, Kim Wednesday, April 13, 8:15 in "Disco Duck," and Lynn Bodell, Bruce Ludwick, p.m. in Cowan Hall. Marshall and Leisa Robb Kent Bixler, Tom Downard

Walking away (or floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee - whichever you prefer) with the Best Picture Oscar was the million-to-one shot and people's choice, "Rocky". The picture was also honored for Best Director and Film Editing. Although he lost his bid for Best Actor, "Rocky" creator Sylvester Stallone was the night's hero, and the American Dream Come True. For those perservering enough to watch the whole fiasco, the receipt of this closing award was touching & welcome.

(Adapted Screenplay, Art and Set Design, and Best Supp orting Actor - Jason Rob ards), "Ne twork" (Original Screenplay, Best Supporting Actress Be atrice Straight), and "A Star is Born" (Best Original Song- Evergreen).

Six.teen vocalists and five will sing "We Make a and John Schlichter. instrumentalists will offer Be autiful Pair" from Memb ers of th e selections from "Pippin," "Shenandoah." instrumen tal ensemble "Summer of '42," and Opus Zero is under include Mike Ritz, Ron "Sh enandoah." "Disco direction of Dennis Kratzer, McClelland, Jeff Downing, Duck," "Eres Tu," and the director of choral activities Joel Downing and Kratzer. theme song from the movie at Otterbein. Marlynn "Car Wash." Si ngleton, Columbus Soloists include Ellen newscaster, actress and Margulies singing Barbra dancer, will do the Streisand's Academy award ensemble's choreography

winner, "Evergreen," Cabot with costumes by Petie Rea doing Barry Manilow's Dodrill, technical direction hit, "Weekend in New by Lanny Navarro and England," and . Henry sound engineering by Joel

Molinaro singing Elton Downing.


Mrs. Peter Finch accepted the B-est Actor Award for her late husband's performance in "Network" (Mrs. Finch gets the "tacky self-praise" acceptance awa rd) . "Network" co-star Faye Duna wa y graciou sly accepted her trophy as the 1976 Best Actress.

Other major awards went to "All the Presidents Men"

It is a credit to the Academy of Motion Picutre Arts and Sciences that they can command such a largy audience for these awards. It would be a nice change if they would use a handful of the multitudes of creative talents available and come up with something a bit more entertaining next year. Most of the performer s pre senting awards were inept and the stage nu mbers were unimpressive. The only real high point of the evening was the appearance of a sorely missed television favorite, Red Skelton. He alone was worth staying up for.

Well, it's all over until next year. Meanwhile, be sure to catch some of the top movies at your favorite theater.

' - I I April 1, 1977 Tan and Canli..a
BAKERY Phone: 882-6611 6 South State Street, Westerville Donuts, Cakes; Cookies, Sweet Rolls r

Tan and Cardinal

Hardballers face OWU Sunday


flacking the Card.I

Wittenburg is champ

theDivisionIllcoachofthe year.

After slipping past * * * * * Scranton, Pa. in the nationalsemi-finals 53-52 in In baseball, Otterbein's overtime,Wittenbergoutdid Dave Pyles,thefifthleading Oneonta St. 79-66, to home run hitterintheOAC capture the 1976-77 NCAA last season, is the top Division ,III Basketball returning slugger this Championship. season.

Wittenberg literally blasted its way to the title * * ** * with a sizzling .571 field goal percentage during the The Ohio conference tourney. Tiger forward, named Jim Burson of Rick White was voted the Muskingum coach of the MVPofthetournament. year Bursor was also runner-up in balloting for ***** 1977 Ohio College Otterbein guard Doug Basketball Coach of the Addis led the Ohio Year, as the award went to conference in assists the University of averaging 6.3 handouts per Cincinnati'sGale Catlett. game.

The National Association of Basketball Coaches named first year coach Larry Hunter of Wittenberg

The Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Management programs from the School of Management at Case Western Reserve University offer you:

SCHOLARSHIPS-Full-tuition and partial-tuition scholarships are available for 1977-78.

EXECUTIVE INVOLVEMENT-Interact with managers and real management problems in 30 Cleveland area organizations.

FLEXIBILITY-The MBA or MSM can be completed in twelve, fifteen or eighteen months.

Concentrations available in Business Administration, Health Management and Public Management. For a descriptive brochure about our MBA and MSM programs, complete the coupon and mail it to:

The Otterbein College baseball team wrapped upa 10 day tour of the south with a 5-4 record against four year colleges in Panama City, Fla. and Valdosta, Ga., and began their Ohio Athletic Conference campaign traveling to Ada, Ohio where they met Ohio Northern College Wednesday,March 30.

Sunday finds the Otters facing Ohio Wesleyan for a double header at 1 p.m. at Otterbein.

While the Otters' sourthern campaign could not be viewed as overly impressive, Otterbein baseball coach Dick Fishbaugh is pleased with the teams' showing against strong division I and II competition.

Four pitchers emerged with strong arms duringthe campaign with Bill Hillier, Don Dyson, Wes Williams, and Greg McDonald showing strength and room for improvement.Freshman lefthander Doug Petty hopes to figure strongly as hegains experiencewiththe youngseason.

A pleasant surprise for Fishbaugh was in the outfield where Ron Wine, Denny Shaner, Dean Smith and converted shortstop Scott Pontius managed strong batting and solid defense.

Looking to OAC play, Fishbaugh maintains the Otters are young with only two seniors, but have the ability to "play with the best".

"The trio south was one Graduating? or just Summer School? WE TRAIN PEOPLE FOR JOBS THAT EXIST TODAY! And we do it in the shortest amount of time possible because we eliminate all unnecessary

Otter niners pickuppracticethis weekinpreparation forSunday's doubleheader. of the most successful," shortstop andsecondbase." Fishbaugh said. "It's the Leading hitters emerging best record we've ever at this early point in the managedinpre-season." season are Pontius, .651,

"We are very young and Randi Moomaw (3rd base) there is a lot of room to and Mercer, .351, catcher improve. We have a sound Gary Hoyle .333 and Dan defensive infield with a Wilmouth �:::irst base), .305. good double play As a team the Otters combination of Greg Steger maintain a .294 batting and Tim Mercer at average.

Garden's tourney is back

The Garst Gardens in Student Personnel or basketball tournament is obtained from Craig Furry, making a comeback on the Kent Studkey or Ron Otterbein scene. Team Wiley. rosters are now being taken for the tourney to be held Saturday and Sunday, April applications due 16 and17.

With a limit of seven Applications for Campus participants to a roster, Programming Board games will be played to 15 executive positions will be points and each field goal available in the campus will count for one point. center office from Monday, Thewinnerneednotwinby April 4 through Friday, twopoints. April15.

The "honor system" will Positions areavailablefor be employed as players will four officers: President, call allviolationsthemselves Vice President, Secretary and, in case of dispute, a and Treasurer; and for five mediator will be present to committee chairmen: settle any arguments.

Entertainment and Fine Games will follow standard Arts, Movies, Traditional NCAArules.

Events, Off-Campus and Deadline for turning in Recreation, and Publicity. rosters is April 11. They may be turned in at the All applications must be Student Personnel and received at the campus Campus Center offices. center officenolaterthan5 Rosters may be picked up p.m. Friday, April 15.

could make the difference.
Admission School of Management Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Please send me a descriptive brochure on your MBA and MSM programs. Name Address --------------
April 1, 1977
subjects.\Accounting Business Leg•l. Med,c•I Executive Secretirt•I Call REBECCA LEE 211/132--otl 1 for more information, tour of tha ochool. or -intmant Or, write to'-§!�!ss
"The Friendly Store" 23 NORTH STATE STREET WESTERVILLE, OHIO 43081 PHONE 882-2392 31 &O Mayflald Road Clewland Heighta. Ohio 441 1 a Agency for RU88ell Stover Candies City State Zip --- Prescriptions 71......

CindermencompeteinSunshine Invitation

TheOtterCindermen particpatedintheSunshine InvitationalheldatFlorida Stateoverthespringbreak. Yale,Dartmouth,Florida State,Universityof SouthernAlabamaand OhioWesleyanwerealso involvedinthismeet,in whichtherewasnoofficial tabulationofpoints.

FiveCardinalsfinished eitherinfourthorfifth placetohighlighttheteam's effort.JeffYoestranthe steeplechasein10:07to receivefifth-placehonors, whileKyleYoestvaulted 13'0"tocapturefifthplace inthepolevault.

MarlonMathewsleaped 44'4"enroutetoachieving afourth-placefinishinthe triplejump.BarryNewlin andDanWetzeltiedfor fourthinthe100meter dash,asbothrecorded timesof10.9.


Ilabeledtheteam'seffortas "successfulconsideringthe leveofcompetition."

Themeetwasthefirst outdoorcompetitionofthe yearfortheteam.The seasonwillofficiallybegin tomorrowwhenOtterbein entertainsHeidelbergina dualmeetstartingat1:15 p.m.

OnApril9theOtterswill hostthemajormeetofthe springcampaign-theOAC Championships.All14OAC schoolswillparticipatein thisday-longevent.

Theindoorseason culminatedonMarch12 whentheOAC Championshipswereheldat O.W.U.TheCardinals notchedthirdplacewitha totalof68points.B-W sweptthemeetby accumulating122points, wellaheadofMount Union'ssecond-placetotal of71.


SCOPE branches out I

events,includingfour sprints.CurtisWhitmore tookthe300meterdash (32.6),DavePaulcaptured the50yarddash(5.56) andDickSmithwonthe 440yarddash(50.53).In the880yardrelayWhitmore, LouieMeed,ToddEdwards andSmithcombinedto establishawinningmarkof 1:33.0.

Inthefieldevent competitionhigh-jumper SteveBianconeleaped 6'9'½"toeasilycapture firstplace.Hisperformance earnedhimanawardasthe MostValuableFieldAthlete inthemeet.


Thisweekhasbeen highlightedbythesorority hellweek.Mondaynight includedapizzapartyfor allthesororitiesandtheir pledgesatWesterville South.

Pledging ends

making.Contact Mark Sniderforinformation concerningspringpledging.

StudentsConcernedOverincreasingawarenessofthe PeopleEverywhere (SCOPE)hasbroadenedthe opportunitiestointeract withthesurrounding community.Untilrecently SCOPEvolunteershave beenmainlytravelingtothe BuckeyeYouthCenterand theChildStudyCenter locatedinColumbus.




MTTF WED. SAT. 9:30-4:30 9:30- 8:00 12:00-4:30

forgottenelderly,SCOPEis branchingouttonursing homesintheWesterville area.

Justasininteractingwith theyouth,themain objectiveistobeafriendreachingoutandcaring. Visistingoldfolks'homes involvesvariousactivities rangingfromchatstogames



"Quality women's clothing for less"

Tuesdaynightwasthe SororityGreekOlympics whereOwlsplacedfirst; EKTsecond;andTEMwas third.(Congratulationsto thewinnersandtoallthe participants.)

Thursdaynightwasthe traditionalGreekskitsput onbyeachindividual pledgeclass.Theweekends withHellDayandHell Nighttomorrow.All sororityeventsforthis weekweresponsoredby Panhelcouncil.


SUPPORTtt.T&C.ffJIDUv;.Jt apltlceofb,.,,..,,,__,..,,,_, in,,,.,,...,,.,,.,••them� HWth•lradintheTan& Card/ML

keptbusythefirstweek. AllGreekorganizationsare busilypreparingforGreek WeekandSpringWeekends. Activationissetfor Sundaynightat WorthingtonInnforall TEMpledges.Theactives wishGOODLUCKtoall thepledgesonHellDayand throughoutHellNight!!

ThetaNu'sactivationis setforMondaynightat ForestParkInn.Acoedis scheduledforApril16.

EKTpledgesgoactive Mondaynightalso.

Onyxpledgesgavetheir activesapartylastSunday. Thesistersaskeveryoneto besavingnewspapersfor theirpaperdrive.For furtherinformationcallthe Onyxhouse.

Sphinxhasbeen remodelingtheirbasement. It'strulyabrotherlyeffort!

Zetaisproudto announcethatfiveoutof nineplayersstarting baseballthisseasonare brothersfromZeta.Spring Weekendplansareinthe

Kingswillhaveafund raisingcarwashatJerry's MarathonApril9.Be watchingforfurther informationconcerning this.

RemembersororityHell Daytomorrow.The excitementwilltakeplace ataboutnoonatthe campuscenter.GoodLuck toallpledges.

May Daythemed

CPB'sTraditionalEvents committeeannouncesthe themeforMayDay, "SaturdayinthePark". Eventhoughtheweekendis notuntilMay20-22we needyourhelpinselecting theMayDayQueen.Sheis selectedfromtheJunior Classandtherewillbe3 separatevotingdays.

April6-Wednesdaythefirstvotingdaywillbe inCampusCenterduring




April13-Wednesdaythesecondvotingdaywill beinCampusCenterduring thelunchanddinnerhours. Eachstudentwillvotefor thecourtof4girls.

April15-Friday-The thirdvotingdaywillbein CampusCenterduringthe lunchanddinnerhours. Eachstudentwillvotefor onegirl,thequeen.

April 1, 1977 Tan and Cardinat
IntheblocksfortheCardinal track teamare sprinters CurtisWhitmoreandDavePaul
Brownies Market 43 N. STATE ST. U.S. Choice Beef fresh Vegetables & Fruit Daily 882-4124 �...�. ®1 30 EAST COLLEGE� WESTERVILLE, OHIO 43081 PHONE 882-0351 �.e'rw.• GIFTS'N'THINGS --�- \II

Integrative Studiesannounces • springprogram

The Integrative Studies department has announced theirscheduledactivitiesfor the Otterbein community during spring term. Three movies and a lecturewillbe offered at no charge to students, faculty and staff thisterm.

Movies for the term include ZorbatheGreek (1964). Based on themovel byMikes Kazantzkis,Zorba is the story of a scholarly Englishmen persuaded by "the earthy, joyous, exuberant, extravagent Zorba" to accept the richness and complexity of life. Directed by Michael Caceyannis, the cast includes Anthony Quinn, Alan Bates, Irene Pappas, thd Lila Kedrova An exciting, entertaining film. (LeMay Auditorium, Tuesday,April12,3:00and 7:30p.m.)

ThePawnbroker (1965).

The story of an elderly Jewishpawnbrokerwhohas

losthis faith inGodandhis fellowman. The filmbuilds to the "unforgettably dramatic and poignant moment"whenhesuddenly realizes his responsibility to humanity. Directed by Sidney Lumet, the film stars Rod Steiger, Brook Peters, Geralding Fitzgerald al)d Jamie Sanchez.

Co-sponsoredbythe ReligiousActivitiesCouncil.

(LeMay Sunday, April 24, at 8:00p.m. tobefollowed bygroupdiscussion.)

MadameCurie (1944). The lives of Marie and PierreCurie,"scientistswho sacrificed their own health and happiness" in the discovery of radium. Starring Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon and Robert Walker. (LeMay, Thursday, May 5, at 3:00 and 7:30 p.m.)

Also, on Wednesday, April 13 at 10 a.m. Dr. Brune Bettelheim, distinguished psychologist,

authority on the Israeli Kibbutz, survivor of a Nazi concentration camp, and author of TheUsesof Enchantment, a widely heralded book on the importance of fantasy to the child'smind, willspeak on "The Importance and Meaning of Fairy Tales" in CowanHall.

Lecture attendance has been poor this year and all are urged to take advantage of the chance to hear this seminalthinker.

ContinuedfromPage2 into combat. And the most effective wayofconducting combat that anyone has ever come up with is with this authoritarian system that we have. It is an authoritarian, dictatorial system and the only reason we keep it, I guess, is becauseitworks."

At,LII III Disco Presel'Jf-s





Thursday evening entertain yourself with the amazing table side magic of Maxwell

Religious council plans �vents

In lieu of Religious Activities Week the Religious Activities Council has organized some new events. Each event is intended to provoke active discussion and reflection concerning faith in our lives.

Sunday, April 3, Otterbein Chancel Drama, ChristintheConcreteCity. Campus Center lounge, 6:15 p.m.

Sunday, April 17, short film, William, followed by an in-depth discussion. Campus center lounge, 7p.m.

Sunday April 24, Full-length movie, The Pawnbroker. LeMay Auditorium,8p.m. - Sunday, May 1, The Otterbein Choir and Wind Ensemblepresentsaconcert

of religious music. Campus Centerlounge,6:30p.m.

- Sunday, May 22, The Epworth Players, theatre-in-the-round presents Circus. Campus Center lounger, 7:30 p.m.


The Otterbein-Battelle Science Fair has been rescheduled for April 14 and 15 atOtterbein College, according to Director GeorgeJ.Phinney.

The schedulechangewas made to permit high school exhibitors to enter the Otterbein-Battelle event prior to the State Science Day, April 16.

More than 40 special prizes and awards will be given winners, according to Phinney.

Work forpeace

The more thedayspassbythemorethedreamsbecome reality.

And the more they are real the more responsibility lies uponourshoulders.

My mind becomesrestlessandmyheartpoundsanxious because the task aheadisgreatandtheworkinvolved seemsendless.

At this moment when the birds announce the new season when myspiritbursts full of energy, when the mission onlybeginsIprayforpeace.

May I be in peace, may we be all in peace and realize thatwedowhateverwecanunderourdomain.

May we have the strengthtoovercomethelonelinessof solicitude because nobody can do another's work; hencetheneedforseclusionandevensacrifice.

I love myfriends.IlovethemdearlybutIwantthemto understand that I am called for a divine purpose as everyoneofusis.

There is the consolution that in the times of hardship weallareunitedintheidealofservice.



But let's rejoiceinthisprivilegeand blessingofknowing that we do not live for ourselves but for a cause infinitely greater than ourselves: Knowledge which hastobetakentothepeople.

But there will be times for being together since that is theideal:united,together,One.

I am sure that yourhopeandyourfaithbringsuscloser and closer although we maybe physically separated. I am withyouandyouarewithmealwaysaslongaswe are in the consciousness of selflessness where peace abides.

Peace, the most cherishedtreasuremay exist on earth. The paradox is that we have to work for peace as the prophets of a new world and in this process a challengeandariskarises.

Butbebrave,bestrong,becourageousbecausetheGods and their limitless forces are with us in this life accomplishment.

PeaceIwishyouandfor peace let'sworkinthisseasonofKenewal. byFelipeMartinez

Tan and Cardinal
-Lucky Ladies Night
Price Drink Night SEE
Magician! April 1, 1977
, ... a

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