The Tan and Cardinal May 20, 1977

Page 1

Tan and ·cardinal

Otterbein College,

Westerville. Ohio May

The final two hates Tony because he is a the student cast and performances of Leonard former member ofTheJets, workers involved in the Bernstein's musical "West the American street gang play. Side Story" willbe tonight that is his gang'srival. The Tickets are available in and tomorrow night at 8:15 secret love contrasts with the Cowan Hall box office p.m. The Romeo and Juliet the violence and hatred from 1 to 4 p.m. today. musical, presented by the between thetwogangs. Students and faculty are Otterbein College Theatre General direction of the admitted free with I.D. in conjunction with the musical is being supervised Regular ticket prices are departments of Music and by Dr. Charles W. Dodrill $3.75 main floor and $2.75 Dance, opened last with Dr. Morton Achter balcony. Wednesday. conducting the orchestra.

The show deals with the Dean Joanne VanSant is Village Green love between Maria and directing choreography and Concert held Tony, whose marriage is Mr. DennisKratzerserves as forbidden by Bernardo,· vocal coach. Beth Tius is Otterbein's ConcertBand Maria's brother and leader Assistant Choreographer, and pop singing ensemble, of the Sharks, the Puerto Deb Banwart is Assistant Opus Zero, will perform in Rican street gang. Bernardo Director, and Lucinda the third of the school's Sigrist serves at Stage Village Green Concert Manager. Series Wednesday, May 25,

Warrant rumors are explained

The cast of over 40 at 6:15 p.m. in the front Rumors as to the "No police department needed." students includes Ellen lawnofTowersHall. obtains a warrant and then The chances of any type Margulies as Maria, Cabot The concert is free and speculation of police search notifies the subject or of a "standing search Rea as Tony, Jenny Herron open tothepublic. warrants on Otterbein's subjects involved before warrant" holding up in a as Anita and Steve Black as Opus Zero will combine greek organizations were acting on it," explained court of law is nil," Bernardo. Jamie St. Clair is with the band to present expounded on by Captain Gustavson. The captain according to Terry Riff, Anne Vittur is Rosilia highlights from "My Fair George Gustavson of the added, however, that Sherman, AssistantFranklin and Anne Kanengoiser is Lady" and "Broadway Westerville police squad "warrants cannot be filed County Prosecutor. Consuelo. Gary Baker plays Curtain Time." The recently. away and used when Sherman, who isassigned Chino. An orchestra of segment will be directed by to Felony Trial Staff, nearly 30 and many Dennis Kratzer, director of 1 maintains that an officer backstage elves complete choralactivities.

Curtains' is presented

in Otterbein workshop

must show probable cause before he can approach a

legal magistrate for a search

It's Curtains for the regular rehearsals they have andseizurewarrant. theatre! This modern farce been talking about the

In addition, hemustthen by Gloria Gonzalez deals differences between acting

swear to an affidavit that with the "murder" of the styles and exactly what his information is correct theatre by the New York farceis.

May Day is set

for this weekend

"Saturday in the Park" booths in front of the andhis sourcesreliable. Times drama critic, Ronald May Day 1977 is- this campus centerfrom 11 a.m.

The purpose of "There is generally a Beherns. Otterbein College weekend. Friday night May -1 p.m. The greek games Workshop Theatre isto give 72-hour limit put on the Workshop Theatre will 20 after West Side Story begin at 1 p.m. at the advanced directing students authority of a search present Curtains in Barlow CPBissponsoringthemovie stadium. Everyone come experience and to enable warrant, but in certain Studio Theatre onTuesday, "Freaks" in the back ofthe and see the greeks compete young actors to learn more cases, again with probable May 31 at 4 p.m. and on campus center. Come and in the watermellon eating about all aspects of the cause, one can beissuedfor Thursday, June 2 at 7:30 bring your blankets to contest, mattress race and theatre. Rehearsal longer," said Sherman. p.m. watch this thrilling movie. others. discussions and variedtypes "In court, however, the

Featured as critic Ronald

On Saturday, May 21, The dorms will be open of improvisions have played 'staleness' of this type of Berhens isfreshmanCarlton the May Day festivities from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. for a large part in Jurgen's warrant may tend to Ritenour. His loving and begin with the coronation visitation. From 3to 7 p.m. direction. invalidateit,"headded. somewhat zany wife is ceremony ·at 10 a.m. in there will be an outdoor Gustavson of Westerville played by Amy Vanek, and Curtains is the last of back of the campus center. concert featuringtwobands added that policemen need John Ebner rounds out the eight workshops to be The crowning of May Day in back of the campus not have a warrant to enter cast as the bossy lawyer presented this year. Jurgen queen 1977, tapping of center. A picnic dinner will a provate dwelling if he from upstairs. Senior Jurgen says he hopes everyone will Areta and Arcady circle, also be servedfrom4:30-6 witnesses a law-breaking Tossman is directing the take a break from studying and the dancing of the May p.m. situation. comedy. Assistant to the for finals and come for an pole dance will be part of Follow your ears to the directorisStacy Reish. hour of light comedy. The He elaborated that one thisceremony. back of the campus center Acting in a farce is critique session following is "can witness with all of his Fraternities, sororities to here the great sounds. something new to all the open to anyone who wishes senses; sight hearing, smell, and other organiztions will WestSide Story will round cast members,soalong with toattend. Admission isfree. ...etc." sponsor money-making out the evening at 8:15

Otterbein ___,ollEge .wibrary MAY 2 0 1971
Jenny (Anita) Herron and Ellen (Maria) Margulies prepare to go to the dance at the gym in Otterbein's productionof"WestSide Story"this weekend. Volume 58 Number 27
'West Side Story' shown this week

With the help of your good hands

This being my last Tan and Cardinal as Editor-in-chief, I'm going to break a recent tradition and NOT write a column entitled "Everything I've always wanted to say ..." and then proceed to interview myself.

I will however, recognize some people that have helped me greatly with the paper this year. For what it's worth, I feel the T&C has had a good year and progressed in several areas - but that's neither here nore there.

Anyhow, I sincerely thank the following people without whom there would have been no Tan and Cardinal:

-to Fran Bay and the girls over in the PR office for making my job just so much easier!

-to Don Hines, T&C advisor, who may, one of these days in pub board meeting, find out just what constitutes news.

-to Melissa Barr without whom I would have resigned long ago. She was, beyond the shadow of a doubt, the greatest asset on my staff this year.

-to my entire staff for all the help and support (especially to Nancy Ballog and Deb Thorne.)

-to Blanche in the Campus Center Office for faithfully and dilligently getting my mail.

-to all the liars who said "nice paper this week, Mick" when it wasn't.

-to Dan Thompson for putting the paper on wheels.

�to 258 people who know where it's at here at Otterbein.

-But most of all ('a la Donny and Marie) to all of you , my readers, (both of you). You are really the people who "make" the T&C.

As the man once said:

Now my charms are o 'erth rown, And what strength I have 's mine own, Which is most faint

As you from crimes would pardon 'd be Let your indul gence set me free Later.

Tan and Cardinal

Pu�1!5hedweekly hr thestudentsofOtterbeinCollege.The op1mons expressedm theTanandCardinalarethoseofthe !Aaffa!1dd�notnecessarilyreflectthoseoftheschoolorits . admmistrat1on.

Mickey Burns ..........................EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Brad Manier ....................... MANAGING EDITOR

Melissa Barr ...................... BUSINESS MANAGER

Roland Hamilton ........ PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR

Scott Brockett .......................... SPORTS EDITOR

Nancy Ballog ........................ FEATURE EDITOR




Kay Burns, Chet Cady, Marilyn Douglas, Brian Gre�n, Sylvia Ingels, Kat Johnson, Shelley Jones, Chris Kapostasy, Felipe Martinez, Sue Mayberry

Tim O'Flynn, Chris Souders, Dan Thompson and ' Deana Williams.

Why so hot?

Dear Editor,

As we sit here in the library, stuck to our seats, the question arises: "why is a modern facility ten de grees warmer than outside?" Most of us have little equatoriun blood within, yet one finds hims�lf pounds lighter after two hours of reading, then

after a rousing game of two were touched and moved. on two. Continue to dream and Upon diligent in quiry, we reach for the stars, Nancy. were alerted to the fact that We all feel the sky is the the air conditioners go on limit when it comes to you! after we depart in June. Is Love, there a problem with your appreciative finances? Since the library friends and admirers is one of the most frequented buildings on Time is now to campus, and since it has the capacity to be comfortable, forward mail why isn't it? An atmosphere of 80 degrees and stagnant The Otterbein College air conditions is not the mail department will only conducive environment to forward first class mail. The learning that 7 0 degrees is. department suggests that all In all seriousness, and students who receive with malice towards none newspapers and magazines we submit a plea for either notify the publisher of their cooler library climate.. . or change of address. These a lemonade stand on each changes take at least six floor. weeks.

Tropically Yours, Cabot Rea

MAY DAY WEEKEND Larry Brown HOURS FOR LIBRARY Day is joy Saturday, May 21, 1977 Closed

Dear Editor, Sunday, May 22, 1977

Nancy Day performed 2:00 - 10:00 p.m. May 16. Her concert was a joy to all who attended. It

SUPPORT the T & C. If you visit was a privilege to share in a place of business that advertises Nan cy 's gi fts and in this newspaper, tell them you meaningful to hear her saw their ad in th e Tan & thoughts and insights! We Cardinal

Can't Resist

Although, in the black of the night, we have laid, we have not partaken.

And the promises we've made in the light of the day, we have not forsaken.

And although we laughed; although we've cried; Although we failed, at least we've tried.

And the memories of you and I will linger in my mind.

Although, I said the times were really great, I guess they were rotten.

And wherever we go because of our fate, our times won't be forgotten.

And although there were no blows; although we didn't fight;

Although the tunnel is long, I can see the light. And it's good to know, if things weren't right, we'd quit while ahead and not behind.

So walk away now and do not cry any more.

I hope that later, things will look better than ever before.

Sweet lullabies ring through the air, but not for you and I.

During the day I feel good, and at night I want to die. Leave me now; add my name to your list.

Don't ever come back, because your love I can't resist. by Tim O 'Flynn

Tan and Cardinal May 20, 1977 Page2 Third
• •
Readers Sound-off.
e : /- ,.,_f'-' J I •' v � In the woods... or on the street, Help keep America looking neat! Give a h�ot! Don't pollute! To get Your free color poster. write to Woodsy O.VI. Forest SeNice. US.DA. Washiogton. D.C. 20250
Help Woodsy spread the urord!


May 20-Friday

Teaching spots reported

1. TEACHING Placement Office is been reported recently by POSITIONS have been receiving responses daily Columbia Gas (computer reported by 41Ohioschool listing vacancies in nearly programmers), NCR systems and by several every certification area. Corporation (marketing out-of-state systems during Education candidates are representative), CastoMeats the past week. In response encouraged to stop by the (sales), City of Columbus, to the candidate list office frequently to check Cooperative Extension recently mailed to all Ohio thesenotices. Service, Wadsworth school systems, the 2. JOB OPENINGS have Publishing Company (college textbook

Food services provide

options to students

representative), Payco Corporation (collections), WCMH-TV

(account executive), Plantland Food services on campus decorations, special meal, (management trainee), provide several options that and services may costyoua Otterbein College the students may not be small fortune. Providing (admissions counselor), totallyawareof. your own decorations, Morgan's Restaurants

Supposeyouhaveto miss bringing yourowntray,and (managers), Urbana College a meal for some reason cleaning up afterwards may (admissions counselor), related to your College be inconsequential OhioHardware Association program, or you drive to a compared to theenjoyment (merchandising consultant), student teaching position. youcouldhave. University Accounting When you notify Food Service (collectionstrainee). Services 24hours ahead of

3. SENIORS - Please time, you can take a sack Who'1Who1e report your finalized job or lunch to eat along the way. educational plans for next

If you are not feeling LAVILIERED: year to the Placement well and need to stay in Dennise Smitley, ;78 Office. bed, you may get a hot Independent to Bryan 4. SUMMER JOB meal.Have your RA sign a Swenson, '77 Lambda NOTICE$_ - Regular note andhaveafriend bring GammaEpsilon. newsletters listing it, along with your meal ENGAGED: educationalopeningswillbe ticket to the Food Service Donna Clakins, '79Theta mailed upon request during Manager. Your friend can Nu, to Greg Keebler, '79 the summer to graduating bring the food backtoyou. Independent. seniors. Notices of other If you know what's on the Chris Fowler, '78Epsilon types of job openings will menu, you can have your Kappa Tau, to Butch Diltz, be mailed on an individual normalchoices. '77PiKappa Phi. basis. If interested in

Suppose your campus Patti Marstrell, '78 Tau receiving these newsletters organization is planning an Epsilon Mu, to Kim or job notices, seniors event which will cause Abbuhl, Uhrichsville, Ohio. should leave their names manyofyouto missameal. Katie Willard, '77 and addresses in the If a member of your group Independent, to Sylvester Placement Office prior to can work out plans with Stallone, starof ROCKY. graduation. Food Services and bring meal ticket numbers, you may have a discount on


food provided by Food

Services. Your choice of

menu maynotbelimitedto the menu for that meal.

Planning ahead is essential,

as Food Services cannot

work out these WED 9:30- 8:00 arrangements on short SAT. 12:00-4:30 notice.

Finally, you may wish to honor your friends with a special party. You can reserve anyof the Dining

Rooms on the west end of the Campus Center, on a space available basis. You can decorate, too, provided


Brownies Market

Contact the Campus Center Office well in advance tQ reserve the U.S. Choice 8e�f room.HavingFood Services fresh Vegetables

May 22-Sunday


-BlackCulture Week

-Little Sibling Weekend

-Campus Crusadefor Christ

-PiKappa Phi Co-Ed

-OtterbeinCollegeTheatre & Music Departments:Spring Musical "WestSideStory" ., -CPB OutdoorMovie:"Freaks

-LittleSibling Weekend


-Lambda GammaEpsilon


-Alumni Council

-SigmaAlphaTauMayDay Reception

-Tau DaltaMayDayLuncheon



-OtterbeinCollegeTheatre & MusicDepartments:Spring Musical "WestSideStory"



-Arete Dinner

-Interfraternity Council


-Campus ChristianAssociation (Agape)

-May 23-Monday

• 7:00p.m.

May 24-Tuesday

- 8:00p.m.

May 25-Wednesday 3:00p.m.- 5:00p.m. 4:00p.m. 4:00p.m. 4:00p.m. 5:30p.m. 6:00p.m. 6:00p.m. 6:15p.m.

May 26-Thursday 4:00p.m. 5:30p.m. 7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m. 7:00p.m. 7:30p.m.

May 27-Friday 5:00p.m. 6:30p.m.


-Sorority & FraternityMeetings

-KappaPhi OmegaSenior Farewell






-Reception forFaculty & StaffLeaving

-Campus Regulations_


-COE AdviseryCommittee

-PhiEta SigmaAnnualSteak Fry


-Cap & DaggerBanquet

-Village Green Concert

-Campus AffairsCommittee

-AlphaLambdaDelta Picnic


-1st AnnualResource Planning Conference


-TauEpsilonMuSpring Weekend

-Lambda GammaEpsilon Spring Weekend

-Zeta PhiSpring Weekend


-Campus CrusadeforChrist

3 .. -..:: ~~a~dini I. May 20, 1977 T•adCINIMI Plae1■11f Offiee NofH
MTTF 9:30-4:30 PHONE 882-0564
"Quality women's clothing for less"
& Fruit Daily 882-4124 provide you with 6:30p.m. 8:15p.m. 11:00p.m. May 21-Saturday 10:00a.m.- 7:00p.m. 10:00a.m.- 2:00p.m. 10:30a.m. 11:00a.m.- 1:00p.m. 12:00noon - 5:00p.m. 3:00p.m.- 5:00p.m. 3:00p.m.
p.m. 8:15p.m.
- 7:00
4:00p.m. 6:00p.m. 7:00p.m. 8:15p.m. 9:00p.m.
4:00p.m. 7:00p.m.
3:00p.m. 6:00p.m. 6:30p.m. 7:00p.m.

Bloodmobile to hit 'Bein Monday Kratzer

Patients in 50 Central Much of the blood is A successful bloodmobile Center immediately after recital Ohio hospitals depend on used immediately; however, visit generally collects 150 the last donor is completed the .Central Ohio Red Cross whole blood may be stored units of blood. How does and the equipment is postponed Blood Program to meet at· proper temperatures up this get to the patients in packed up." their ever-increasing need to 21 days.

Central Ohio who need it? "Some units, depending Bass-baritone Dennis L. for blood and blood another opportunity to help Mike Young, donor upon blood type and blood Kratzer has postponed his produ cts. This need fill this need when the Red res ource consultant, needs as reported by the faculty recital at Otterbein averages 400 uni ts a day, Cross Bloodmobile visits the explained the system this hospitals, will be made into College from May 22 to 2000 units� week. Otterbein Campus Center way: "The blood collected components such as plasma. June 1, 8:15 p.m. in Otterbein students and on Monday, May 23, from on Monday will be returned A unit of blood when made Lambert Hall.

to the Red Cross Blood into components and blood area residents will have

Creek News

10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Gree/cs prepare for May Day

"Coffee Cantata," one of products may serve as many the few humorous works as three or four patients,"

Mr. Young added. composed by Bach will be included on the evening

"After it reaches the program. Also scheduled are Bl ood Ce nt er , the

works by Brahms and laboratory takes over to do Ravel, Gothic songs by extensive blood typing and TEM is performing their Tuesday night at 7 p.m. at John Duke and a drinking testing. by Nancy Ballog Novelty Party for thier the EKT house.

Those who have not yet song, "Captain Stratton's parents Saturday. The Jonda pledges Jon Horn Fancy." made an appointment to sisters plan to have a and Dan Strine are nearing Director of choral and donate blood on Monday May Day preparations for Professor Dunken' Machine the completion of their Hell may contact the Campus vocal activities at Otterbein, teas, luncheons, booths, for May Day. Spring Week. The brothers are Kratzer is also director of Center office to do so. If coronation, and games are Weekend is Memorial Day having Spring Weekend on you are unable to make an music at the Worthington at the top of the Greek's list Weekend. Memorial Weekend. appointment, you may still United Presbyter ian this week. Se nior Pi Sig's Spring Weekend The men of Eta Phi Mu donate blood on Monday at Church. This summer he Recognition is also a top is May 20-22. would also like to thank all the Campus Center, or at will be musical director and priority. Tau Delta has Sr. Rec. who came to their the Red Cross Blood pianist for the Live Shows

Sphinx pledges: Larry May 23. successful Tom Bachtel Center, 995 East Broad, Department at Cedar Point Brown, Lynn Kirch, and Congr atulations to party. The brothers raised Columbus by appointment amusement park in Jack O'Roruke are going Brenda Henry, who is now $155.90 for the cause. or on a walk-in basis. Sandusky. through Hell Week. They an active member of Theta did such things as slurping Nu! The sisters plan a jello, fire drill, P .T.'s only Jukebox in the Park for

Hin es natned new director

to end in The Land of the their May Day booth. Sr. Sphinx Saturda y night. Rec. is May 23. Don E. Hines, advisor to communications groups, he Central States Speech Activation is Monday. Onyx is still collecting the Tan and Cardinal has was governor of the Association.

Sphinx wishes to express newspapers on their been named Director of Province of the Lakes, Pi He and his wife, Karen, their appreciation to all newspaper drive. Ready for Pu blic Re lations at Kappa Delta national are the parents of Micalyn, those people who so May Day, Sr. Rec. is May Otterbein College. He forensics honorary last year. 2. grac iously offere d 23. succeeds Frances C. Bay who He is a member of state and SUPPORT lhlt Tac. If you visit com:,;nunity and campus EKT's Sr. Recognition is will move to Cherry Hill, na tional Spee ch I pl.. of bulinlll that support regarding the funds May 23. N.J. this summer where her Co mmu nications ldwrtilel in this........, T• received for Tom Bachtel Owls will have Pizelles at husband is now Township Associations and Forensics them you aw their Id in the Day. their May Day booth. Sr. Manager. Associations, as well as the TAN • CARDINALA

Club plans their Spring Rec. is May 23 with a Hines has taught Weekend on June 2 and 3 potluck. newswriting and public to Put-in-Bay. The brothers IFC meets Sunday night relations courses at are remodeling and painting at 7 p.m. at the Jonda Otterbein, He is a member the Club house. house Panhel meets of administrative council and curriculum and cultural affairs committees at the A Public Service of this 1!111 college. newspaper & The Advertising Council �

A member of the Otterbein Spee�h and Theatre faculty here since 1973, Hines is a graduate of We're Ball State University where

he majored in journalism.

He received his masters

degree from Bowling Green

State University where he was a teaching fellow in speech. His doctoral degree

is now in progress at onyou.

Bowling Green.

A native of Indiana, Hines has taught in the Ft. Wayne Community School

District and in Lake Local

Schools, Millbury, Ohio. The

Act ive in several profe ssio nal speech _

T• ClrilNal May 20, 1977
for Less
Open Mon.-Fri. H::m A.ll.-8 P. .\1.
Sat. H::10 A . .\1.-a::IO P. .\I.
24 North State Street
Uptown Westenrille
mmm a� !
Red Cross.
Good Neighbor.

May 20,


by Marilyn Douglas

The shop has been at its and Sally Steck. The Shop, located at 177 W. present location for four remainder of the workers Park. years. are volunteers.

The th rif t shop

June 1 will be the last sponsored by the Otterbein Mrs. Carol Frank day the thrift shop will be originated the idea for a opened this season. There thrift shop those many Publications will be a bake sale and plate years ago. On the Thrift lunch on that day. The shop deadline set Shop opening day the profit will again reopen the first of was $1.25. Today, the September. Application deadline has average profit is $1.00 a

If you have anything that been extended one week for week. you don't want to carry the position of Photography

The money made by the home this summer, drop Editor for the T&C and all shop is given to the college. those articles in the carton positions for the Sibyl and Last year pledge's were boxes that will be placed in are due Friday, May 27 at 5 made to Towers Hall, the each of the dorms the end p.m. libra ry, and WOBN. of the term. All donations Occasionally scholarships will be appreciated. Letters outlining reasons are also sponsored. fo r app lying, pa st experience an d Sororities and fraternities qualifications should be often go to the thrift shop


Watch what you believe

office or given to Mickey great help to the college's Burns. theater department in this- by C.W. Cady _ Tim. 4:4. Again, in his not in accord with the great second letter to Timothy, historic doctrines of Christ Paul foretells, "The time is a worthless, even

In his later yeats of will come when they will damaging, faith. You may writing epistles, Paul began not endure sound doctrine; believe anything you wish, to stress that the people but wanting to have their but even sincerity will not whom he had put in charge ears tickled, they will make what you believe true. of the spiritual welfare of accummulate for themselves And we are each others ought to pay close teachers in accordance to accountable to believe the attention to doctrine. Yes, truth. St. doctrine is good; doctrine is their own desi res; and they will turn away their ears Therefore, Christian, do a necessary part of the from the truth" 2 Tim. 4:3. no shun the teaching of Christian life. It's not the study of doctrine - without teachings or opinions of one Doctrine is the ground of it, you have no basis for man or another, but what­ faith in God. Faith which is faith. the scriptures say.


co mmanded throughout

scripture to be taught in the Hours home, in church, in

summer · gatherings of -believers. For


a lltt e-or a ot of the saints (1 Tim. 4:6). where Do it any way you wish and use your In 1st Tim. 4, Timothy is office skills to earn Fall school money! told how to be a "good We'll keep you as busy as you WANT

minister of Jesus Christ"; it • to be. Apply at either office soon to 1S is through the teaching of avoid the rush sound 9-octrine. standard

100 E. BROAD ST atw 1120 MORSE RD extra


explicitly says that in later

times some will fall away

from the faith, paying

attention to deceitful

and doctrines of demons"

Sun-Thurs 4:30PM-12AM Tan ..a Cardinal
Find unusual things
Thrift Shop is 'place for you'
addressed to th e to get costumes or different Publications Board and articles for a scavenger dropped off at the T & C hunt. The shop has been a
Have the Time of your life
•Work �JitJ le-or
Yes, it does matter what you believe. Regardless of your aversion even to the Sun. thru Thurs. word doctrine, · it is
Fri-Sat 4:30PM-1AM doctrine is the nourishment
SUITE 607 IE'·" SUITE 250
221-6775 LL.:J 436-2020
••111v,c•• 882-T110
Not an agency - Never a fee EOE-M/F
In very plain words, Paul condemns those who leave
sound doctrine. "The Spirit
The Otterbein College Thrift Shop.

'Fiend' waits for books

by Hubie Butler to buy students used text retail price. If the books are selling their books to to him for a ridiculously books at the end of each not being used by Foll ett, he said low price". The student A "f iend" leers semester. Otterbein, books will be convenience. He believes later found out that the students should first try and book was going to be used, menacingly from under L. W. Kullmann, manager sell books to other students which leads one to believe of the Otterbein book store emph atic ally arched eyebrows waiting for said, "F ollett Book Kullmann said any because they can get a Follett diliberately mislead student interested in finding higher re-sale value. the student to cheat him. Company will buy back all students to re-sell their used how much a book is Students who are forced out text books at the end of the books either for Otterbein Another student said, "I term, so he can reap the or for their own company." worth, can look at his to sell to Follett are hurting was pushed for cash and the re-sale catalogue anytime themselves and should be Kullmann said he will profits.

purchased at a wholesale

price of book.

Follett Book Company, best way to get money was to sell my books. The book only buy the books if they during working hours. aware that Follett is buying When Kullmann was the books and not going to be used the from Chicago, Ill., is one of are dealer could tell I needed the money and knew I And the asked his opinion on the Otterbein, so they should the companies the Otterbein Book store hires next term purchase price will be 50% advantages of students be careful. would just about take any Most students, when

Return to h-onor show set

offer. I later found out that asked if they got a good he lied to me, because I deal by selling their books checked the price with Otterbein will hold its Chairman Amy feels the John Becker, Otterbein to this outside company, Longs Book Store Exchange and the book was worth $2 librarian, asks, "Will first academic honors honors convocation was a said they felt like they were convocation since 1971 on victim of attendance. He students really attend?" ripped-off or cheated. more."

Wednesday, June 1, at 11 states, "Students indicated Becker also fears that the One student said, "When they were not interested by con vocation fo;rmat, a.m in Cowan Hall. asked, if the book I was Not being much different I consisting of a faculty Dean Turley has asked all not attending." A whole SE:lling was going to be used from any other colleg,e next term, the man from students want to get the procession -with regalia, series of traditions were lost classes meeting at that hour to convene at the in that period, says Amy, benediction and invocation, Follett said no. So I sold it most for their money. music selection and the convocation. because all traditions were a

The con vocation's purpose is to draw attention to the ac ademic achievements of Otterbein students. Students winning any academic awards will

viewed negatively.

Amy maintains we dramatize important events through ritual and giving up the honors convocation signified that Otterbein

considered academic honors unimport ant. Other symbols, Amy notes, have always been maintained, such as athletic awards. He and his committee feel that

communit y, but he recognizes the need of keeping the program within an acceptable time period.

awards might become a parade rather than a dignified ceremony stressing academic achievement. He would favor having a speaker from the academic receive formal recognition from the administration, faculty and fellow students. All new members of honoraries will also be acknowledged.

91.5 FM

GETITON WOBN 347 333 59 55
May 20, 1977 Sell to other students
OTTERBEIN BASEBALL STATS An ad hoc committee of Otterbein needs to recover the Faculty Forum, chaired the academic pagentry that NAME AVG. G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI PO A E PCT. by Dr. William Amy, has has been lost. Clark 302 17 43 4 13 1 8 91 13 2 .981 been the force behind the Other faculty and Ebright 000 1 3 0 2 2 1 .800 rea ppearance of the members of the Otterbein Hoyle 295 25 78 8 23 5 2 12 70 12 1 .988 aca demic hono rs co mmunity have Mcinturf 444 11 18 2 8 1 3 12 0 1 .923 convocation. The annual unanimously supported Mercer 250 29 104 21 26 8 1 4 48 61 10 .916 academic honors program restoring the convocation Mobley 160 10 25 1 4 - 2 1 1 0 1.000 disappeared in the late program, but reservations Moomaw 29 101 11 35 1 24 21 38 11 .843 1960's and early 1970's, exist. Pontius 255 29 102 15 26 4 2 2 29 31 15 4 .920 along with Otterbein's traditional programs of Pyles 213 28 94 19 20 3 2 13 32 1 2 .943 ACNE SCARS, PITS Shaner 083 17 24 7 2 1 10 2 1 .923 FRENCH HERBAL HOME SKIN Founder's Day and Senior J. Smith 1 3 5 1 1 PLANING TREATMENT Recognition Day. Since the D. Smith 237 19 7 14 1 5 38 3 1 .976 Write: convocation's termination, Spangler 167 12 6 2 1 1 5 0 0 1.000 HERBS FOR YOUTH academic honors have only been recognized in the Box1214 Hollywood, Steger 292 25 72 10 21 2 2 1 15 45 47 8 .920 Stout 000 2 2 0 0 Fla. 33022 commencement program. Wilmoth 337 29 104 20 35 6 1 18 227 910 .959 Wine 208 24 48 9 10 2 9 25 3 0 1.000 0 le Barn Flowers TOTALS 269 30 890 151 239 31 6 10 145 658 207 52 .943 PITCIIlNG W-L ERA 34 West Main Street G CG IP H BB so SHO ER & Westerville, Ohio 43081 Dyson 3-4 5.36 7 4 45 1/3 45 18 21 0 27 Complete Floral Service 614/ 882-0606 Hillier 3-4 2.78 8 7 46 17 42 1 17 McDonald 3-2 5.13 ·10 2 33 1/3 42 9 14 1 36 33 24 29 0 16 Petty 3-1 4.00 7 2 Hours 9:0Q-5:30 Closed Sunday Williams 2-5 4.47 7 4 52 1/2 42 24 48 0 26 Michael 0-0 5.06 3 0 51/3 5 7 4 0 3 Record: 14-16 Overall 5-5 OAC 19

Tracksters take third in OAC championships

The Cardinal Cindermen captured third place in the Ohio Athletic Conference championships last Saturday at BaldwinWallace, scoring 66 points. B-W wonthemeet with125 points and Mount Union was second with 89 points. The meet was scored on a 10-8-6-4-2-1basis.

The Otters boasted two OAC Champions. Senior DavePaul wonthe100 yard dash with a time of 9.86 and sophomore Dick Smith captured the 440 yard dash with a mark of 48.9. Both men won their respective events in the OAC Championshipslastyear.

Coach Porter Miller commented: "Dick was probably the favorite going into the meet, but still did everything that was expected of him during practice. Hewontheindoor 440 and really wanted to

win the outdoor 440 also.

"Dave had real stiff competition and really had to 'gut it out' during the final racetowin. LikeDick, he really wanted to repeat as conference champion."

Three Cardinals broke school records in the meet.

Paul blazed to a 9.6 finish duringthepreliminaryheats of the 100 yard dash.

Junior PatByrnesbrokethe three-mile record with a time of 14:35.1 and senior Jeff Yoest ran the steeple chasein 9:48.0.

Byrnes and Yoest earned third places with their performances.

Sophomore Jim Van Cleave took second placein the 880yardrun,runningit in 1:54;l. His mark was only .1 seconds off the standard needed to qualify for the NCAA Division III Championships.

Junior BobTalpasearned second place in the triple jump, leaping 45' 1/2".


Baccalaureate Comm. prepares service

"I want to Share a and attempts to provide Belief" is the theme forthe each of us with a vision for Baccalaureate Service to be reflecting upon abeliefthat held on Sunday, June 12, someday we, too, may be 1977, at 9 a.m. in Cowan abletoshare. Hall.

Framing the whole

A living, active belief to service is music and prayer. draw inspiration will be the The organ prelude beginsat center and focus of this 8:40 a.m., and the service experience by four student begins at 9 a.m. with the speakers and two faculty Brass Ensemble. speakers: Jim Brush, psychology; Sally Miller, The Baccalaureate psychology; Dan Hawk, Committee is Becky Becker, speech and- theater; Dave Jim Brush, Scott Dillon, Lance, pre-med; Dean Van, Greg Keebler, Robin Mead, Vice-President of Student Dave Metz, Lanny Navarro, Affairs; . and Don Hines, Dee Dee Wilbur, Deana Speech and Theater Williams, Dennis Kratzer, Department. andCarole Long.

Illuminating the speakers as they shareabeliefwill be A ..Norwegian Brunch a garden of green and follows Baccalaureate with yellow. This garden betrays Commencement beginning a sense of growth and joy at11:30 a.m.

Freshman Dave Miller finished sixth in both the 120 yard high hurdles and the 440 yard intermediate hurdles. The 440 yardrelay team, comprised of junior Dan Wetzel, freshman Bill Jones, Paul and Smith earned one point with their sixth-place finish.

While summarizing the meet Miller stated: "I was real pleased with the performances. Wewentinto the second day with 26 people in the finals, which wasreally great.

"I thought there was

excellent competition. It might have been a different situation, though, if Whitmore, DiehlandWetzel had been healthy for the meet."

Larry Coy of Baldwin-Wallace was named the meet's outstanding track athlete. He scored 20 points by winning both the steeplechase and six-mile run.

The Ottersconcludedthe regular outdoor season with a perfect 12-0 markintheir dual, tri and quadrangular meets. They achieved a second-place finish in the

OAC Relays and finished third in the meet Saturday.

The team also broke or tied nine school records during the outdoor season. Freshman Marlon Mathews' jump at 44' 1/4" merited him third place in the same event.

Paul captured fourth place in the 220 yard dash to compliment his victory in the 100, while senior Tom Bachtel finished fourth in the mile run. The mile relay team, consisting of junior Jim Oman, Junior Todd Edwards, Paul and Smith, also placed fourth.

Bachtel· fund nears goal

Tom Bachtel (center) receives a check from IFC president Tom Foreman during the fundraising campaign last week. Looking on are Athletic Director Bud Yoest, DickFrickand IFCadvisorDavePeters.

"The Friendly Store"



Agency for Russell Stover Candies


As a result of an active campaign and a very responsive college community, approximately $1,280 has been raised to help send senior miler Tom Bachtel to the Deaf Olympics in Rumania this summer.

Athletic Director Bud Yoest, who helped coordinate the effort siad he was pleased to see the campus community "get behind Tom" as they did.

Many organizations contributed by either donating, soliciting -donations or sponsoring fund-raisingactivities.

These organizations include: the Inter-Fraternity Council, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Delta Phi, Pi Beta Sigma, Theta Nu, Sigma Alpha Tau, Eta Phi Mu. Epsilon Kappa Tau and Pi KappaPhi alumni.

Also giving were Campus Crusade for Chirst, The Ott erbein Service Department, the Otterbein student body, the Ohio Athletic Conference, the Otterbein Athletic Department and the WestervilleRotaryClub.

Yoest also cited many individualswhocontributed. Donations were received from college alumni; past faculty; administrators; parents of track members;

members of the LRC, Student personnel and

43081 public relations staffs; and members of the treasurers officeand bookstore.

May 20, 1977 Tan and CanlMI
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Black Culture Week winds up

The past week has been Bliss, President of Polytech ingredient needed now is a Black Culture Week at Inc. Bliss also engaged in a campaign in increased Otterbein College and small "Rap" session in·the minority self-awareness to various activities were faculty loungeafterhistalk. combat the apathy that he sponsored by SOUL ranging During this session, Bliss feelsnowexists. from soul-dancing to a cited lack of motivation as

for problem major the panel discussion on "How blacks in the business world Effective is Public

"Things areworseforthe a Functional Blacks for

"The social movements in the inner cities have failed" said the Polytech "and reform is Education today. president, needed in Preparing in welfare and similar social programs."

Polytech is a minonty RoleinSociety.,, minority groups today than Also slated was a lecture ever before" commented last Tuesday by Norman Bliss, who feels the major business meaning that as least 51% of the


Phone: 882-6611

6 South State Street, Westerville

Donuts, Cakes, Cookies, Sweet Rolls

"Were it wt ror me todecidewhetherwe sbouldhme& govermneiJtwitbou.t or� ,..,....._,....,, withouta�it. I sbollld nothmlBte a to

corporation iscontrolled by minority persons. Bliss attributes the success of his company to good relations jbetween the management and personnel.


Roots for the 'Bein

Today more than ever people are becoming interested in their past. In keeping with thetrendwith Black Culture Week this week we will trace the life of Otterbein's first black student William Hannibal! Thomas.

Known to his friends as Will, he was born in Circleville, Ohio, where his mother-Rebecca worked as a dressmaker and his father spentallhistimeworkingin the underground railroad. On May 4, 1843, Will was borna free black.

The majority of the education Will received was from his mother until he applied for admission to (then) Otterbein University in1859.

Otterbein from the time of its founding in 1847had an open door policy which was assumed by the founders. BecauseOtterbein wanted to makeitsposition known, the Board of

November 12th, Will Thomas applied for admission to the prep school as an English major.

On November 14th, the Board of Trustees met to decide what the school's position would be. After much debate, one member summed it up in his resolution: "We resolve that it is inexpedient and unwise to admit students of color until the Board of Trustees representing the conf�rence now cooperating in the building up of this institution shall have been permitted to pass upon the wholequestion. After some discussion a motion was made to lay the above resolution on the table ,, Four Trustees voted yes, two voted no. And with that William Hannibal! Thomas was granted admission to Otterbein University. There was still

ten weeks.

While attending Otterbein, Will sharedinthe usual daily experience of getting up at five, chapel and classes, and being in bed by ten in the evening. He left Otterbein with a "B" average, noabsencesor demerits.

By October of 1863 he was appointed a sergeant in the Union army. He fought hard in the war until Feb. 20, 1865 when he was shot in the right arm which was amputated sixmonthslater. He was discharged July 25, 1865.

After the war he attended a seminary and became a minister in the African Methodist Episcopal moved to Church. He South Carolina and became a member of the state's House of Representatives in 1876.

In 1901he wrotehis first book The American Negro published by the MacMillan concern Company. The bookcaused such . strong debate that Trustees at its session in amongthefacultyand some executive committee the 1854 passed a resolution school across preachers country were writingletters of agents members who didn't want instructing trustees to "secure togettheschoolinvolved in and sermons racial problems. protest. and some colored studentstobe educatedinthiscollege."

Little is known of him any Thomas was then called for the next few years. He lived the last five years of before a group of members No black had challenged that resolution until of thefacultyand executive November 1859. The first committee, who asked him Hotel on N. 4th Street in black student had applied to leave Otterbein, offering Columbus. On November to Otterbein butwasturned to pay his way toOberlinif 15, 1935 at 2 p.m. he died. down due to his age, but he would go there. Will He wsu; buried in the old was encouraged toreturnin refused this offer, but only part of the Otterbein the future. Then on remained at Otterbein for Cemetery.

his life in the Litchford

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f f
i, Norman Bliss speaks to students during recent Black Culture Week. BlackCulture Weekpanel discussiononeducation.

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