The Tan and Cardinal May 27, 1977

Page 1

Tan and Cardinal

Fawcett speaker at Bein commencement

Dr. Sherwood Fawcett, presidency of Battelle in equipment producers. pre sident of Battelle 1968 following se veral Dr. Smith, who received Memorial Institute, will be managerial assignments with both a bachelor of arts and speaker for Otterbein the institute. bachelor of science degree College's 121st annual Dr. Fawcett, Sanders A. cum laude from Otterbein, commencement, June 12 at Frye of Westerville, Mrs. served for 30 years as a 11: 30 a.m. in the Rike Nancy Jeffrey of Columbus m1ss10nary physician and Center. and Dr. John A. Smith of medical director of Ryder

Beginning his career at Newport, Tenn. will receive Hospital in Puerto Rico. He Battelle in 1950, Dr. honorary degrees during the and his wife, Virginia, now Fawcett was involved in morning ceremonies. live in Newport where he is various facets of the Frye, 145 W. Home St., staff physician of the Cocke development of nuclear was business manager at the County Memorial Hospital research Active in national college from 1947-1965. as a National Health Service and in ter na tiona l During those years much of Corps appointee. policymaking groups, he is Otterbein's physical growth Prominent in community the author of some fifty occurred with construction service activities in the technical articles and of Barlow Hall, Alumni Columbus area, Mrs. Jeffrey papers. He assumed the Stadium, Clements, Hanby, is the only woman to chair Mayne, Scott, Sanders, the Franklin County United I Library sets due Garst, Engle and Davis Way Campaig n and the first• Halls, the heating plant, woman in the country to date for books Campus Center and Cowan chair the campaign in a Hall. major city.

The final due date for Active in the Westerville She's served with several books will be June 3, 1977. community, Frye was a other mental health All books checked out from member of city council, agencies, both state and now until the end of the charter commission and the local. She and her husband ,. • term will be uue on that library board. His ingenuity Robert live at 296 S. date. has surfaced in. many As hbou rne Rd. in Also Memorial Week end projects in Westerville, Columbus.

Sherwood Fawcett, this year's commencement speaker hours have been announced including the model of as follows: Independence Hall in honor

Saturday, May 28, 12:00 of the Bicentennial and

editorial staff is named

- 5:00 P.M. working calliope used in Doug MacCallum has recently. His term begins and played one year of Sunday, May 29 July 4 parades. He also been announced as next this, the May 27 issue. He is varsity football. Closed invented the automatic pin year's Tan and Cardinal joined by new ly-appointed Bums was formerly Monday, May 30, 2:00 - setter, now commercially editor-in-chief by the managing editor Brad editor-in-chief of the T & C 10:00 p.m. manufactured by bowling college's Publications Board Manier and Mickey Burns as as well as managing editor

Choir to sing in Cowan Friday

business manager. and a staff reporter. A A junior business major junior English major from from Pittsburgh, Pa., Cleveland, Ohio, he is a The Otterbein Concert which will feature the Ness Beck's "Visions of St. MacCallum is business member of Eta Phi Mu Choir will present their Otterbein Brass Ensemble. John" and Garry Cornell's manager and treasurer of fraternity and college annual spring concert on Two pieces by Columbus "Fantasia and Fugue"• Concert Choir here on senate.


Friday, June 3, at 8:15 p.m. composers will also be The spring concert will campus as well as being a Currently a member of in Cowan Hall. The choir presented. They are John also include six pieces that member of Opus Zero and both Administrative and will be under the baton of will be directed by college Republicans. Judicial Councils, Bums has Dennis L. Kratzer, Director Applications graduating seniors from the Manier has served the T two years of varsity football of Choral Activities at choir. Cathy Stettner of & C previously as a reporter behind him. Otterbein. are available Columbus will be directing and managing editor for The position of Highlighting the concert App 1 i ca tions a re "Psalm 98" by Huge spring term '77. Hailing photography editor, as well will be Brahms' second set currently available for next Distler. Other directors are from Celina, Ohio, Manier is as all the posts for the Sibyl of Liebeslieder (Love Song) year's Ke-Wa-Pa crew. They Alan Bernard (" Almight an English major as well as a are still up for application, Waltzes, Opus 65. The work are employed by the God of Our Fathers"); Sally re presentative of the the deadline being today at will include seven soloists Student Personnel Office. Miller ("O Bless the Lord de partment. 5p.m. and will be accompanied on Positions are available for My Soul"); Cabot Rea ("O A sophomore, Manier is a Applications, in the form double piano by Diana approximat�ly fifteen men Clap Your Hands"); Deb member of Quiz and Quill of a letter to the Pub Board, Duffin and Tanya Gille, and tw enty women. Sc ott ("I Promise sh ould outline past instructors of piano at Ap plications can be Nothing"); and Anne vittur Monday, May 30 is experience and reasons for Otterbein. obtained from the Student ("Hold On"). Memorial Day. All offices applying. These letters may Other selections to be Personnel Office anytime The June 3 concert will are closed and all classes are be dropped off at the T & C performed inlcude Samuel and must be returned by be open to the public and cancelled. office or given to Mickey Barber's "Easter Chorale", 3. the admission is free. Bums.

Otterbein College Librar} Mir( 2 7 1977
Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio May 27, 1977 Volume 58 Number 28
T &C

Editorially Speaking Aletheia?

The Otterbein campus is vanishing into the air. This is a trend that I woul d like to see stopped. It seems to me that instead of just ripping down buildings, the administration should ventur e into the possibi lities of expanding, with the addition of new facilities.

After Cochran Hall and Lambert Hall are destroyed next year, we will be left with six academic structures. Of course, we will be gaining a new Arts building if the plans work out for the renovation of the Alumni Gym. We also face the destruction of Sanders and one other residence ha ll. The size and beauty .of the campus is rapidly diminis hing.

Springtime at Otterbein has always been a great time to walk around campus. With the reduction of the campus it will be less enhancing to students. Another problem surfaces from the destruction of buildings. Prospective students are seeing a college without a campus.

The economical reasons for removing buildings are sound, but at the same time I think the college must be progressive. Without some form of expansion Otterbein will eventually decay. If expansi on. is started there should be no additional burden on students' tuition. Expansion is something that every institution of higher learning should have as a major concern. Granted, fighting inflation is the most important problem the administration faces, but other changes are in order.

View from the top

This week I spoke with President Kerr and asked him what many of you would consider typical questions for a college president. Likewise, he responded with many predictable answers. To sum up what the answers were to the more vag ue questions, Dr. Kerr expressed that he wished that he were closer to the students, staff and faculty, but keeping his job in mind he felt he was as close as he could be.

He saw morale on campus as being pretty good and saw no dramatic change in Otterbein's immediate futre. There was no scoop as to who the acting dean to replace Dr.


Turley would be.

There were however a few highlights which will not be presented world for word. (With a little editing. [Please Doug, don't do anymore than I have already done] .)

Question: Do you think the alcoholissueisstill with us?

Answer: "I think the alcohol issue will always be with us in one form or another."

Question: Do you have a personal feeling as to this issue?

Answer: "Well, my feelings on that is that when we have to measure whatever we do in terms of the total kind of educational environment we're trying to create (and in type of setting and

a college) I think it's extremely difficult to justify having alcoholic beverages on campus."

Question: Do you think the school still has a good relationship with the members of the service department who voted to go unionlast year?

Answer: "Yes, I think we've had a reasonably good relationship with them. One measure of this is that we have had only one or two grievances filed this year thorugh the grievance procedures that were established. If you were having a !Gt of problems, you would have many more grievances filed. So (as to our relationship) I would take this as one indicator."

Question: What would our you like to see happen to CochranHall?

Once a crisis, now a chance

0 tterbein is group creating rivalries or feuds. It oriented like most is the old story of the hill schools, most communities. people hating the other hill Fraternities and sororities people and passing that hate supply students with a to the offspring. social life, a place to meet Almost one year ago, all friends. They are formed by the groups came together, people with similar senses became one, and helped of humor, who have the Otterbein College thorugh a same interests, the same crisis - the Cochran Hall ideas, the same prejudices. fire. They are formed by people Several words of praise who want a good time. were written or spoken

Often, though, these about the readiness with bands of people oppose which people united when groups just like themselves, they realized help was

Tan and Cardinal

Pu��hed weeklybythestudentsofOtterbeinCollege.The opinions·expressedin theTanand Cardinalarethoseofthe �ffanddonotnecessarilyreflectthoseoftheschoolorits administration.

Doug MacCallum .....................EDITOR-IN-CHIEF


Mickey Bums .................... BUSINESS MANAGER

Roland Hamilton ........ PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR

Scott Brockett .......................... SPORTS EDITOR

Nancy Ballog ........................ FEATURE EDITOR





But that was a year ago and the groups have since that time squared off again - until recently.

"Tom Bachtel Day" was not a crisis. It was a chance. And the Otter bein community took advantage of it to once again draw close and channe l their efforts and energy toward one co mm on and worthwhile goal.

Otterbein's miler, Tom Bachtel, will very likely be going to the World Games for the Deaf in Bucharest, Rumania. Before "Tom Bachtel Day," Bachtel's prospects did not look good. Since then things have changed.

About $1,200 had been raised by various groups and individuals, including the campus organi zations who not so long ago were plotting each others ruin, and will probably go on

Answer: "If I had my

personal choice of what to do (unrelated to economics) my preference would be to

plotting those ruins. restore Cochran Hall, and if

Last year it was a crisis, not use it as a residence this year it was a chance. hall, at least retain it on And both times have seen campus."

the people come together

Question: Do you think and lend their hands. students who complain

Plotting has become a about the food service at tradition. So can the lending of hands. Continued on page 4


Don't blam e me for your misfortune..

Don't ask me to write your song.

I'm not your slave in these times of human remorse. I will just write this one for me, and you can do with it what you want.

Quit your crying about the issues of the day; I'm not your social commentator in this boat. Your red house stands out there weeping for an '" occupant;

Go home to the man who lives in the tomb. This ones for me, and only me, but you can do with it what you want.

Quit bitching to me about things that need changed. My ears aren't trained to hear.

Leave me now and don't look back.

No tears will be shed; no one will be sad.

I'll write this one for me, but take it with you, and do what you want.

I see you standing as insulation stands between two


Only good when times are bad, if good at all. It's not my tum to judge.

Give I'm too busy being judged. me.

Please say good-bye and don't ask for anymore from

Kay Bums, Melissa Barr, Marilyn Douglas, Brian Green, Sylvia Ingels, Kat Johnson, Shelley Jones, Chris Kapcstasy, Felipe Martinez, Sue Mayberry, Tim O'Fl nn, Chris Souders by

Just take this one, do what you want, but remember this one's fo'r me.


May 27, 1977 e _ k a th in d _ of goas _ w e h ve as _ _1 ___________
TM and CanliMI
Tim O


All-American girl replaced

remember sitting cross-legged in front of the B & W counsols, my eyes firmly fixed on the curly-haired charmer I saw on the screen. She was none other than Shirley Temple, the girl who All-American little girls patterned their lives after.

Today there is a new breed of child stars to

replace the Shirley Temples and the Haley Mills'. And the top bo x-o ffice commodity in the Kiddie acting business is Jodie Fo�ter. While she may have been wide-eyed charmer in "Bugsey Malone", as a prostitute in "Taxi Driver" and most recently as a teeny-bopper murderess in "Little Girl Who qves Down the Lane", she is not the epitome of what Awards

program is set

The first ho nors convocation since 1971 will be held on Wednesday, June 1, at 11 a.m. in Cowan Hall.

The Ceremony will be broadcast on WOBN, and Dean Turley has asked that all classes meeting at that hour to convene at the convocation.

The pu rp os e of the con vocation is to draw attention to the academic achievements of Otterbein students. The faculty, administration and students will give formal recognition to those students winning any academic awards. Also acknowledged will be all new members of honoraries.

Dr. William Amy and the committee he cha irs have been the force behind the reap pearance of the aca demic ho nors convocation.

In the late 1960's and early 1970's the annual academic honors programs di sap peared al ong with 0 tte rbein 's trad iti on al programs of Founder's Day and Senior Recognition Day. The academic honors have only been recognized in the co mmencemen t progr am, since the convocation's termination.

"Students indicat ed they

were not interested by not attending," said Amy. He says a wh ole series of traditions were lost, during that pe riod, because all tr adi tions were viewed negatively.

We dramatize important ev ents thr oug h ritual, maintains Amy. Giving up the honors convocation signif ied that Otterbein consi dered academic honors unimportant. Symbols such as athletic awards have always be en _ maintained says Am y. Otterbein needs to recover the academic pagentry that has been lost.

Although many faculty members of Otterbein have unanimously supported restoring the convocat ion program, reservations exist.

Otterbein librarian, John Becker, asks, "Will students really at tend?" Another worry was the programs format. Becker worries that the ceremony will become a parad e rather than a dignified occasion honoring academic achievement.

He would favor having a speaker from the academic co mmunity, bu t he recogn izes the need of keeping the program within an acceptable time p�riod.

All-American parents would



MTTF 9:30-4:30 PHONE 882-0564

WED. 9:30-8:00

SAT. 12:00-4:30 "Quality women's clothing for less"

May 27 - Friday

-Tau Epsilon Mu Spring Week­


- Zeta Phi Spring Weekend

- Lambda Gamma Epsilon like their children to be.

This most recent fantasy 5:00 p.m.

Spring Weekend

- Faculty Family Retreat is about a thirteen year-old 6:30 p.m.

- Campus Crusade for Christ girl living in a very May 28 - Saturday expensive, le ased home in a small ea stern town.

-Tau Epsilon Mu Spring WeekEveryone thinks she is living end. wi th her ec ce ntric,

- Zeta Phi Spring Weekend poe t-father, but he's

- Lambda Gamma Epsilon wandered off into the Spring Weekend woods to die. Her mother,

- Faculty Family Retreat who everyone thinks is 10:00 a.m.

-Women's Softball: Baldwinliving in another state, is Wallace (DH) -A actually dead in the 10:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. - Sigma Alpha Tau Campus basement, soon to be joined Party by others. Our heroine learns to keep the bodies May 29 - Sunday from decomposing by read ing books in the library. (Someone should have told the world's morticians that before they spent so many years training.)

The girl's only real friend and confidante is a crippled, sixteen year old magician. She wastes no time seducing him, and I won't spoil anymore of the movie for you by disclosing all the secrets of teen-age pillow talk.

I could go on forever, but I wouldn't want you to suffer reading about this movie, even if it's only half as much as I suffered having to watch it. "L ittle Girl Who Lives Down the Lane" actually does have its suspensful moments (it's supposed to be another of the modem horror flicks), but the plot is so unbelievable that it isn't even within the realm of sci-fi. Miss Foster does an adm irable job of acting, but she isn't given a whole lot of to work with.

Give me the good ole utopian Shirley Temple any day.


wanted - guitar teacher. Call Mr. Riddle - 476-0221.

Looking for young men and women to help run food concessions around Ohio fairs and festivals. Must have driver's license, references, 18 years or older. Can employ through October 31. Call 846-0398.

- Tau Epsilon Mu Spring Week7:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m.

May 30 - Monday 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

May 31 - Tuesday 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m.

June 1 - Wednesday 4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:15 p.m.

June 2 - Thursday 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

7:00 p.m. &;30 p.m.

June 3 - Friday

6:30 p.m.


- Zeta Phi Spring Weekend - Lambda Gamma Epsilon Spring Weekend

- Faculty Family Retreat - Interfratemity Council

-Campus Christian Association (Agape)

- Memorial Day: Offices Closed - No Classes

- Zeta Phi Spring Weekend - Lambda Gamma Epsilon Spring Weekend

- Faculty Family Retreat -CPB Dance

- Student Recital -COE Advisery Committee

- RA Staff Dinner - Yearbook Staff Meetings -Circle K Meeting

- College Senate - New RA Staff Picnic -Campus Programming Board -Village Green Concert - Young Democrats - Opera Scenes

- Mayne Hall Awards Banquet - CPB Readers Theatre & Dessert - Religious Activities Council - Personnel Committee

- Campus Crusade for Christ 8:15 p.m. - Concert Choir Performance 12:00 mid. - 2:00 a.m. - CPB Roller Skating Party


Phone: 882-6611

6 South State Street, Westerville· Donuts, Cakes, Cookies, Sweet Rolls

.... ..
27, 1977 TM ..... CardlMI

Creek Newt

Greelc farewells are expressed


Recognition Monday night. Tau Delta also had their Sr. Recognition is Tuesday. byNancyBallog EKT had Senior Senior Representative Recognitions Mondaynight. Congrats to Lynn, Larry, Recognition at Dr. Day's wenttoNancy Ballog. TEM had Sr. Rec. and Jack on your new

The end ·of the term house. Mary Bricker was Owls had Sr.Recognition Monday night. Their Spring activestatus! winds downand the Greeks given the honor of Typical also Monday night. Kim Weekendisthisweekend. Jonda has Spring see it out with a cheerful Arbut. Sylvia Ingels was Robinson and Laura Steve Leybourneisanew Weekend at Cowen Lake finale. Senior Recognitions given the scholarship Knippenberg are new plactive of Pi Sig.Congrats, this weekend. They will top the formats of the necklace. Congrats to new actives in 0wls. Steve! have Sr. Recognition Greeks andthe farewells are active,JaniceLong! Congratulations! Congratulations to Dave Tuesday. expressed in sadness and Theta Nu had Sr. Kappa Phi Omega and Sarbach, Jeff Benson, Greg Powers, John Phillips, Bill Kings go to Salt Forkfor Flynn and Dennis Shaner their Spring Weekend this

Forum proposal goes to senate

for being new active weekend. The King seniors members ofClub. blasted Monday and Sr. by Becky Coleman Student Forum meeting student-originated bills have Recognition will be will be held bi-monthly been brought before the Sphinx holds their beAch A proposal for an Tuesdaynight. with a meeting always senatesofarthisyear. party Friday, June 3. Sr. Otterbein Student Forum preceding the monthly will comebeforethecollege college senate session. senate June 1, according to college senator Jeff Burnett. An authority on the

Burnett, sponsor of the Otterbein governance


Continued from page 2

Answer: "It's rather a proposal, says the forum's system, Dr.John Laubach, expressesmy feelings." broad tenn, but basically it purpose will be toserveasa feels a student forum is necessary to discuss Otterbein are justified in means a college based on

myself, I think this besf

Question: When do you sounding boardforstudents personally think one doing so? Christian values. These interested inOtterbein. problems of student becomesa Christian? interest. He feels the Answer: "Yes and ho. values are expressed or

The forum will give

Answer: "Different Yes in the sense that there found in the Old and New concept of student and "students who are are always thingsthatcould Testaments of the Bible.To churches and different interested in the welfare faculty forums was groups define what is be improved aboutthe food be more specific, they are and government of presupposed when the service. As a matter of fact the ones that underscore required to become a Otterbein abiggerchanceto present college bylaws were I've discussed these things Christian.I'm not one who Christian relationships and getinvolved,"he says. written. would want to judge with Mr.Williams (as we all human relationships, along

The student Forum's should) as I observe them with the fact that there Biblically because I'm inno Senator Burnett constitution will parallel appreciated Laubach's from time to time.Afterall should be a realtionship to position to judge. But that of the Faculty Forum. it is a big operation, and personally Ithinkitiswhen support. Burnett hopes the God. This of course being

Officers will be elected mistakes are going to be that of a Spriritual one accepts Christ as their student group will fall term andwill include a encourage more students to made. They should be relationship.This is part of Savior." chairman, secretary and called to the attention of the educa tional Question: Do you think participate in governance it would be practical or publicity chairman. while helping those whoare the foodservice. environment we are trying Membership will be opento I think that generally to construct; where human possible to bring back serving in the system to be all students, but only those speaking, the quality of the relationships are based on chapel services with no more aware of student students holding a position food is good.I eat in the Christian standards of attendancerequired? concerns.

Answer: "I certainly in the governance system dining hall, two or three interaction with people..." willbepermittedtovote. He notes that no times a week myself. If we think it would be possible wquld consider the ''Then there is the and might well be practical charg�s for board here at Christian relationship to if the interest is there. If it the college,I think they do 'self', which can be best is, there is no reason why an exceptional job. summed up from Matthew this can't be done.On the Otterbein has one of the 22:37 which says," Love other hand I thinkitshould the Lord your God with all be done because of a need lowest charges for food your heart, with all your rather than administrative service (to the student) in the state. Taking it out of soul and with all your dictate. But if there are this kindofcontext,Ithink mind." And in the next students feeling that this is verse which "Love going to help their spiritual we could certainly rate it says, adequatetogood. your neighbor as yourself." growth in the college

There are however a "Again one might have c9mmunity, I think it other passages from the would be a wonderful number of housekeeping Bible, but to sum it up for idea." improvements that I visualize on the serving lines. We are working closely with the food

Brownies Market

management service at the present time. If students have any specific questions, theyshouldpresentthemto


Question: The majority of PR that leaves this campus calls Otterbein a U.S. Choice Beef college set in the "Christian

fresh Vegetables & Fruit Doily Tradition." What exactly is the "Christian Tradition?"

Page4 Tan and Cardinal May 27, 1977

Bricker crowned May Day Queen

Is there a May Day queen in your future? Tha� the hope of Craig Furry, escort to May Day Queen Mary Bricker, du ring the coronation ceremonies last Saturday.

The May Pole dance, part of the coronation, gave

everyone a chance to see the runner ups and Mary, a junior from Norwick, Ohio.

The traditional events committee also sponsored greek games which included a mattress ra ce, watermellon eat-in contest and tri-cycle race. There was a lot of fun and excitement, even for the

Siblings and students lounge around during May Day activities.

"The Friendly Store"




Agency for Russell Stover Candies


At the end of the contest, Theta Nu reigned victorious over the other sororities, and Sigma Delta Phi was victorious for the fraternities in capturing the annual trophies awarded at the end of the competition.

Action continued when the greek's set up booths in front of the Campus Center, selling fun things like pie-in-the-eye, a dunk if you need a bath, and screw Capital T-shirts.

The day was filled with a number of memorable events, but one thing no one will forget is the band, who for the most part did a great job, and a special thanks to the food service department, who kept all us hungry students in food.

Manna Farrah

I am sure that after reading this week's headline, . many of you are reading this column for the first time! Please read on.

Farrah Fawcett-Majors has recently risen to stardom, becoming one of the most well known faces in America. Her poster has broken all records as a best seller and adorns nearly every man's dormitory room and every other

a celebrity or not

1:8). The true celebrity of Christianity knew every person in the world from eternity past. He has always known every problem, every frustration, every heartache in your life. We think in terms of time.God is not confined to time. Christ knew our problems billions of years ago. We yell "Help!" in time, but Jesus answered before time began.

The only Celebrity who me.

._______________________,. campus (including mine). 34

Jesus Christ (Acts 16:31), you are the possessor of eternal life. But when you were born again, you began your Christian life as a spiritual baby, with no way of appreciating who and what Jesus Christ is. The capacity to love the only true Celebrity depends on the study of Bible doctrine. But let him that glorieth, glory in this, that he understands and knoweth ..(Jer. 9:24). on this ever lived suffered the Ai; for unbelievers, before ultimate in humiliation and they get to the lake of Fire, She is in fact a bonafide star agony for you and for me. they will recognize and in the human realm. We were the "joy" that finally acknowledge, the Otterbein College Bookstore

What is a celebrity? occasioned His death on the hard way, that Jesus Christ cross. Looking unto Jesus, is the ONLY CELEBRITY Someone who is glamorous, rich, famous, or well

the author and finisher of of the universe. And every known? Someone with our faith, who for the joy tongue should confess that beauty or talent? No! Think that was set before him Jesus Christ is Lord, to the about what happens to 33 1

endured the cross (Heb. glory of God the Father celebrities in the human 12:2) (Phil. 2: 10).Unbelievers are realm. They lose their If you have made the going to hell on their knees greatest of all decisions in saying ''JESUS CHRIST IS ability, their glamour fades, they deteriorate and they life; to lJelieve in the Lord LORD!" die! A true celebrity should be perfect, and only

Sale starts now and

such celebrity has lived.

ever one

The only true celebrity lasts thru exams was and is Jesus Christ. He Westerville, Ohio 43081 is perfect, without a Complete Floral Service 614/ 882-0606 beginning or an end. "I am

the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end," Hours 9:00-5:30 saith the Lord, who is, and

Sunday who was, and who is to come, the almightly (Rev.

West Main Street May 27, 1977
Mary Bricker, May Queen.
/3 OFF
Ole Barn Flowers&
Come early and
get the best buys Closed


Women's softball team finishes high

The women's softball top eight teams in the state. runs and the highest batting

team recently completed its They were the only small average, which was 6 92. season. The team sported a college to place so high. Senior Pam Piefer, along 11-3 season, which led them The first day of the state with H. Gomanita, led the to the state competitions. championships, May 14, team in doubles.

Otterbein finished in the Otterbein won against the The other batting University of Toledo. It was averages for the team were: later that same day that Carol Giesler - .533; Cathy

McLaughlin finishes sixth

they were defeated by the Burton - .406; Pam Piefereventual state runner-up, .441; Karen FishbaughMiami University. .534; Cindy Maxheimer by Scott Brocket Carol Comanita, a -.477; Deb Donaugh - .320; sophomore from New Christy Snelling - .380; Sue Junior Judy McLaughlin Philadelphia, led the team Szymanski - .470; Cindy finished sixth in the 800 in triples, runs scored, home Banks - .333. mete r run at the Association for Women's Athletics Meet on May 19,

20, 21. The meet was held at U.C.L.A. and involved

Summer Work some of the best women

For Sale -5 bedroom, 2 runners in the nation. -Typists story colonial with 2 wood­

McLaughlin posted a - Bookkeepers burning fireplaces. Walking time of 2:08.2, which - Machine Operators distance to College. Call 882chopped four seconds off - Clerical Skills 4698. her previous best mark. - Light Labor

Julie Brown, from

If you are available for California State Northridge, full-day assignments this Who'1


won the race with a time of summer, come to the 2:02.8. Her time in the 800 Admissions Office on May ENGAGED: is the best in the country 31 between 9-3. Temporary Melanie Costine, '77 for a woman this year. work is a super way to earn Sigma Alpha Tau, to Criag Col orado St ate summer money. Moon, '76 Pi Kappa Phi. Un i versity 's Wendy If you prefer, call or Judy McLaughlin Deanna Williams, '78 Tau Knudson, who was on the come in to our office at Epsilon Mu, to Keith Jones, U.S. Olympic team in 1976, Bob Mersey has been her of running is trying to reach 1875 Morse Rd., 268-9414. '77 Independent. finished second. private coach since high the goals I've set. It takes a Victor Temporaries.

Mc Laugh lin sta rted school. lot of dedication, but it's runn ing du ring her McLaughlin noted that also relaxing and I enjoy it. sophomore year of high her best race is the 800 I wouldn't run otherwise," school in Newark, Ohio. meters, but that she has she asserted. Her progress was hampered trained harder for the 1500 McLaughlin also wants to by the fact that Newark did meters. Although she also go to graduate school after not have an organized track qualified in the 1500 meters leaving Otterbein. She team until her junior year. last weekend, she decided hopes to serve as an To overcome this problem to concentrate on the assistant track coach. Judy Judy joined the Ohio Track shorter race. still has several goals to Club her junior year. This Judy emphasized that she fulfill in her running. enabled her to compete does not consider training

She wants to qualify for during all seasons. and competing tedious. "I either the 1980 or 1984

The past two years Judy just enjoy running - it's Olympics. Even if she fails has run for both Otterbein part of my life now," she to do so she will not and the Ohio Track Club. sayd. "The greatest aspect terminate her running.

"I'll probably always be running," she said. "I won't

ever give it up completely."

SUITE 607 IE' "' SUITE 250 Page6 T� end CaN1ina1 May 27. 1977
Have the Time of your life This summer •Work c\JitJ le-or a lot •Play a lltt e-or a ot Do it any way you wish and use your office skills to earn Fall school money! We'll keep you as busy as you WANT to be. Apply at either
to avoid the rush 436-2020 HERBS FOR YOUTH ACNE SCARS, PITS cost! FRENCH HERBAL HOME SKIN 100 E. BROAD ST. 1120 MORSE RD. 221-6775 PLANING TREATMENT Write: L1._:J •••v•c•• · Box1214 Hollywood. Not an agency - Never a fee EOE-M/F Fla. 33022
office soon


It was a damp. chilly morning in Feb' uary. Clouds covered the resettlement area

collegiate crossword

passed. Driven by curiosity I walked down the steps to the street. Perhaps a dog had been hit by a passing bus. I reached the bush and to my surprise there was a little old man lying under it. He was soa ked to the skin. I asked him in Cantonese if he would like my help. and he eagerly accepted. His name was Chan. I tried to stand him upright. but he had no control of his legs.As I picked him up in my arms I became a""are that he had no control over any other bodily functions either.

Without realizing any strain. I carried Mr. Chan up the hillside steps to our bakery. A pile of flour sacks served as his bed while I called for an ambulance. Mr. Chan told me that his son had turned him out of their shack three days before. and he could not remem­

for I efugees and light min fell on Hong ber when he had last eaten. Felled by a Kong. I stepped out of the Catholic Center stroke the previous night. he had managed to Bakery to take a breather. I felt good all over crawl under the bush. Shortly before the 59 with the knowledge that because of our bak­ ambulance arrived. Mr. Chan turned toward ery .'i.000 school kids were receiving a bun me and said.·· Please tell my son that I foreach day at recess period. give him I understand his actions... A

As I looked down the shack covered hill few moments later he died. His death was

and off to the Hong Kong Harbor entrance caused by a combination of stroke. expo­


Golf hall-of-famer filled with the colony of boat people floating sure. and hunger. The irony was that he died

on Firewood Bay. I thought how different in a bakery on a bed of flour sacks.

life had become f om what I imagined When I remember Mr. Chan. I can't help

I came to Hong Kong as a missionary but think of the fact that we


page 7 - " 55 45 Standing still chain 77 33 23 44 53 33 57 47 23 3-2 27 May 27, 1977 Tan and Cardinal
N Y 10545
10 3 4 5 8 2 47 51
war Julius,
1976 Collegiate CW76-9
6 Half of a Washing- 50 U. of Penn. rival 15 City in New York
ton city 51 Homonym for a 19 - salts conjunction 22 - Institute of
11 Rejected 13 Flemish painter 52 Narrates again Technology when
54 Moisture 24 Kind of entrance 15 Cargo worker two years before. I
16 Pulver's rank 55 Rodin output 26 - preview be
baker. but
17 Scottish digit 57 Acts out of line 28 Let up 18 Lax 59 - fiddle 30 Dynamite things first. ""e cannot shut
60 Hidden marksmen 32 - Palmas 20 Espy A group of workers rushed
world who are looking with longing into our 21 A president and a 61 Result of an auto 34 Station accident 36 Like track shoes catching the 7 a.m.bus. As they reached the store window? Poverty and hunger are a re­ reverend 23 Oozes 62 Tales of romance 37 Mad scramble street the::,. all looked at a lo"" bush near the ality and we must accept the inevitable fact 24 Luminous radiation (2 wds.) DOWN rnad. All of a sudden I noticed that others that we must do ""ith less. so that they canh<' 25 Accounting paper 38 Pieces column 1 Body organs 40 Dodgers \\ere also turning to look at the bush as they more. I'm Ron Saucci. 27 "Monopoly" property 2 Status - 41 James Whitcomb, and (abbr.) 3 River into the family 28 Miscalculated Caspian 42 Goulashes 4 Major mountain 43 Dental 29 Concurrence31 Comforted O'ITERBEIN COLLEGE BASEBALL 33 Sell 5 Adolescent 48 Takes notice of 35 Movie or TV show 6 Songbirds 49 Famous cow 7 "Charley's 1977 FINAL STATISTICS 52 Contemptible person 36 Makes 39 Ed Norton's NAME AVG G AB R H 2B 3B HR SB RB I PO A E PCT. 8 Weight abbreviation 53 Works like a paper 9 Spare time towel 10 Irate workplace 43 Cut of beef 56 Heavy weight 58 Use OTB Clark .306 19 49 4 15 1 0 0 0 9 102 16 2 .985 44 Greek letter 11 Desert denizens Ebright .000 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 .800 Hoyle .310 27 87 8 27 5 0 2 1 13 15 2 .979 Mcinturf .400 13 20 2 8 1 0 0 0 3 12 0 1 .923 Mercer .237 32 114 23 27 8 0 2 2 6 54 65 11 .915 Mobley .179 12 28 2 5 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 1.000 Moomaw .321 32 112 11 36 1 0 0 2 24 21 44 14 .823 Pontius .274 32 113 17 31 6 2 3 1 37 16 5 .914 Pyles .225 31 102 23 3 0 2 0 16 32 1 4 .892 Shaner .083 17 24 7 2 0 0 0 2 1 10 2 1 .923 D. Smith .217 22 69 9 15 1 0 1 7 5 3 2 .959 J. Smith .333 2 3 5 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 .000 Spangler .167 14 6 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 5 0 0 1.000 Steger .266 28 79 10 21 2 2 1 0 16 47 8 .926 Stout .000 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1.000 Wilmoth .316 32 114 21 36 6 0 1 5 18 256 11 9 .967 Wine .208 25 48 10 10 0 2 0 4 9 25 3 0 1.000 W-L ERA G CG IP H BB so SHO ER Dyson 3-4 5.33 9 4 49 53 20 21 0 29 "' � Totals .262 978 162 256 34 6 12 29 156 726 232 60 .941 Hillier 4-5 3.27 10 7 63 1/3 21 1 Er� �J McDonald 2-2 5.13 10 2 33 1/3 42 9 14 1 19 Petty 3.73 8 2 41 35 32 32 0 17 Williams 2-6 3.88 8 5 60 1/3 48 56 0 26 30 EAST COLLEGE • . GIFTS 'N' THING'.= r:.iiiiii,;;;i Michael 0-0 5.06 3 0 5 1/3 5 7 4 0 3 STERVILLE, OHIO 43081 RECORD: 14-19 Overall 5-8 OAC CUl:!JmtAltUJ4P'\Cll9" ' •,'. ,
Small crane
Tennis replays appliances 1 Short and thick
never expected I ""ould States live in a bakery. with people dying of
""hen people are hungry. fi st want in it.Isn't it about time we realized that
our doors to the needy of the
past me. just

Orchestra presents concert

The Otter bein Orchestra lawn. The orchestra will be "Emporer Waltz" and will present a "pops' under the direction of Mendolssohn's "Wedding concert in the final Village Morton Achter, Chairman March." Also on the Green Concert of 1977. The of The Department of program are Bizet's performance is scheduled Music. "Carmen Suite," Smetna's for 6:15 p.m. Wednesday, The "pops" concert will "Three Dances" from The June 1, on the Towers Hall include Johann Strauss: Bartered Bride and a selection from Cole Porter's "Can-Can." collegiate camouflage

Three student directors will conduct a movement of

s u R 0 y E V R u s K 0 0 B y the Smetna work. They are: Diane Blaine, sophomore

u R R 0 w E T s E I R p R A T from Worthington; Linda Jones, junior from LaRue R E p E E K K 0 0 B 0 0 K R N and Ron McClelland, so ph omore from

V D R N M T T C 0 D T E N B A Springfield. The Village Above are performers in Wednes day's Village Green Green concert is free and Concert. Next Wednesday marks the last of four such R N I A s M 0 E 0 C N E R E T open to the public. shows.

E E N I J u A s A J A I L R N

M T T R E V I R D K C u R T u

R R T 0 L I p u G K L s M E 0

A A s T 0 0 G N L 0 E u I G C

F B s s R E K A 8 N R L T D C

R E u I R E y w A L G p s u A

u J H H N E l� M E G y M I J C

u C u C R G l� T s I M E H C T

D R E H C A E T I B A K E L 0

G A p I L 0 w R E T N I R p N

Can you find the hidden occupations?







A Public Service of this newspaper & The Advertising Council �





If Red Cross hadn't trained young CHEMIST SINGER Lars Alecksen in lifesaving tech­

CHIROPRACTOR SURVEYOR niques,last summer Adam Gauthier

CL ERGYMAN TEACHER just might have ended up one DISC JOCKEY TRUCK DRIVER more drowning statistic. (Adam's alive and well today, thank you, and in the first grade in Manitowoc, 'Msconsin.) We're not asking for medals (Lars is the one who deseives those). But we do need

your continued support. Help us.

Because the things we


do really help. In your own neighborhood. And across you. America. And the world.

TM and Cardinal May 27, 1977
poll. ' The Good Neighbor. Don't ate. I I

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