The Tan and Cardinal September 23, 1977

Page 1

-The Tan an September

William's ''Camino Real''

Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio added

fantasy, Wil liams' cosmic

to residency

where beggars, brutish police, company of classically trained

half-w eek re side ncy at bodies.

A production of Tennessee minstrels, and tourists co-exist young actors under the artistic with sinister street cleaners who direction of John Houseman and Camino Real, has been added to hover about, always ready to being is Freedman, Company's Gerald Acting The dispose of the garbage of human sponsored by Otterbein's Artist Series with financial support Otterbein. It will be presented from the Ohio Arts Council.

Friday, Sept. 30, at 8: 15 p.m. in Cowan Hall for one performance student no Because only. subsidy was allotted for this show, students must pay $3 for a main floor seat and $2.50 for a

Continued on page 5 balcony seat. Faculty t-ickets will

Am ong the characters included in Camino Real In Camino Real, one of are America's most important Casano va, Lord Byron, playwrights creates an imaginary Marguerite Gautier and Kilroy, a world between the desert and mythic all-American who is the sea, a walled community cost 50 cents more.

The inclusion of Camino Real will be Company Acting

''The Streets of

in the residency means that the entire current repertory of The

pre sente d at Otterbein. Productions of Chapeau will be seen Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 8:15

New York" to be

unleased-on Bein

p.m. and Mother Courage and exciting the to an plot Blackhearted villians and conclusion. virtuous heroes and heroines lending Other characters provide the dramatic conflict as

Her Children will be presentede Thursday, Sept. 29, at 8:15 p.m.e There is no charge for the lattere two shows when studentse humor and action to the story Otterbein College Theatre opens present their college I.D.e are the hardworking Baker Puffy its season on October 19 with Frances Conroy and Patricia Hodges are featured in the Acting The appearance of The Company's production of Mother Courage and Her Children. Acting Company, the repertory classic American melodrama by (Lucinda Sigrist) and their not Burnett). Rounding out the whose previous shows inc;lude

Peer counselor applications sought

Downard) wife, {Tom his "The Streets of New York", a Dion Boucicault. Don Paisley, overly bright son, Dan (Jeff

"The Hot l Baltimore" and "The student cast are Carlton Little Foxes", will direct. Ritenour, Greg Kimbro, and Joe registration week. sessions and hours spent Hobson. Set in New York City during Students chosen for the , counseling.

Applications are now position will receive training Peer Counseling is being the plot revolves around the rich including song, dance, and other available in the Campus Center related to acade mic sponsored by the advising task but irreputable Bloodgood of Office and dorms for any re quirements, interpersonal force of the Project on family, and the poor but noble vaudevi llian types sophomore, junior, or senior communication, and counseling Institutional Renewal through Fairweather family. student who would like to apply to become a peer counselor. Peer cou nse lors will assist over-burdened faculty members with academic counseling during pre-add/drop periods and spring

techniques during an October workshop. Further training sessions on a smaller scale will continue throughout the year. Counselors will be paid $2.50 per hour for both training

the Improvement of Teaching. Questions about the project or peer counseling can be directed to Paul Redditt (Towers), Marcia Gealy {Towers) or Chris Kapostasy {Owls house).

Religion Council to present film series

October 2nd

the financial panic of the l 800's, In keeping with the style of the period, a variety of olio acts entertainments will be presented office beginning Octobe r 5. Box

Years ago the dastardly between acts. Banker Bloodgood, played by Tickets for the performances, Robert Kokai, had swindled which begin at 8: 15 p.m. Captain Fairweather {John Wednesday, October 19 through Ebner) out of his money. Now Saturday, October 22 will be the Widow Fairweather (Melissa available in the Cowan Hall box Carey) is struggling to keep her

to 4 p.m. office hours are 1 innocent daughter Lucy (Cindy

Friday. Kaczmarek) and her dutiful son

Beginning September 25 the husband, and a rich philosophy admitted free with I.D., and Religious Activities Council will that she .shares with us as she "Stray" starvation.

balcony seats.

Monday through are faculty Students and Paul from (Jim Schilling) regular ticket prices are $2.50 for main floor and $2.00 for Lucy's true love, Mark Livingstone (David Witt), also finds himself ruined by the dire financial situation. This provides Otter Football broadcast the scheming Alida Bloodgood opportunity to lure him away "A Day in the Ufe of Bonnie

Bonnie Consolo was born California with proof of 1, WOBN is until October

Continued on page 8 home, two healthy children, a bringing the entanglements of to the college community.

present a weekly film. This goes about her daily routine. A delightful story of twelve, quarter's film series is entitled, Bonnie is a resident of first-graders and their visit to a "Films of Life". The showings Westerville, Ohio, and she has zoo: a happy event until child will take place in the Campus agreed to come to be with us on number 12, the troublesome Center on Sunday evenings from the evening of September 25th "tiger"· of the group, runs after The Otterbein football game (Nancy Shelton) 6 to 7 p.m. Admission is free. and to lead the discussion an errant balloon an_d gets lost. with the with Adrian College will be from Lucy. following the film. Bonnie The gruff, weary bus driver broadcast live on WOBN (91.5 September 25th writes, "All of our lives we strive suddenly finds new energy and FM Stereo). Broadcasting begins to be different - in what we do, searches with single-minded In the midst of this domestic at 12:00 noon with gametime Consolo" what we look like - and here it concern for his balloons, crisis, Bloodgood's clerk Badger slated for 1: 15. Although regular handed to me on a silver popcorn, and celebration all (Kent Blocher) from was broadcasting returns will not resume platter . . . I give my mother around. Fast-action techniques, without arms - yet she leads a most of the credit for what I am fantasy sequences, and excellent because she made me try." normal productive life. She has a

Bloodgood's evil deeds, thus pleased to present the game live ._ 111111111......-----·

,.____ d Cardiflal\ Volume 59 Number 2
eoui88 ·1, :%
23, 1977

Why the harassment?

I was sitting at my desk wondering why Bert Lance had been accepted as Director of Budget for our country. Sure President Carter nominated him, but why did the Senate ever approve him in the first place? I dori't even believe he should have been subjected to harassment after he was approved. If things were going to get as tense as they did, then he should have been investigated more thoroughly and at a time preceding his approval. Some things work backwards, but if you believe Mr. Lance is guilty of any wrong doing, then don't you agree that the Senate was wrong for not making a more positive check in the beginning?

Now we come to a more serious question. What criminal act was Lance actually, guilty of committing? Nothing has been proven as to any corruptiveness on his part, except that he was in debt and had written enough "rubber checks" to stock Goodyear and Firestone! He has been unfavorably backed by the press and President Carter had to finally give in to public opinion.

In the future I hope candidates are screened earlier and more sufficiently. Perhaps embarrassing situations like this one may be avoided.

Teacher education approved

existing teaching certificate.

Otterbein's College's Teacher Courses include Reading Education Program has received Skills and Methods, Reading full approval for a new Reading Diagnosis and Correction, Validation program from the Reading in Content Areas, State Board of Education. The Reading Research and a Reading program is open to all teacher Practicum. candidates as well as teachers The courses required for currently in the field. reading validation will be offered The program permits a for day students during the validation for the teaching of 1977-78 year and for evening reading in grades kindergarten students as soon as staffing through 12 to be added to an arrangements can be made.

I• The Tan and Cardinal


Doug Mac Callum Editor-In-Chief

Brad Manier Managing Editor

Mickey Burns Business Manager

Denny Mohler .................. Photography Editor

Nancy Ballog Feature Editor

Scott Brockett Sports Editor

Chris Kapostasy ..................... Drama Editor

Debbie Thorn .......... ... .. . ........ Copy Editor

Don Hines Advisor



raised by students

The one question. that Otterbein students consistently raise is: Why is there no entertainment geared strictly for the students, the young people who make up this community? Why no popular bands?

Two years ago Pure Prairie League, The Star Spangled Washboard Band, and Alex Bevin, a folksinger out of Cleveland, performed in the newly opened Rike Center.

The place was packed.

Tarps had been lain across the gym floor to protect it from scuffs and burns and student security kept the crowd in order.

The Rike escaped that night without the horrible damage predicted by some.

Before that time, few (if any) bands had been here. And since that time no bands have been contracted to play (excluding the Artist Series).In the last two years Capital University has had over seven big name bands on campus. Pure Jam, McGuffy Lane, Tom Scott, Maynard Ferguson, Livingston Taylor (brother of James Taylor ) and K.C. and _ the Sunshine Band. Two years!

And still the questi on persists. Why no entertainment geared for the Otterbein students?

Manna Happiness i$'

Everyone wants to be happy. Isn't that normal? Don't you try to be happy? Maybe you are in athletics, or sing, or act, thinking it will bring you happiness; butyou get angry and upset, so you try something else and something else.Maybe it's travel, bowling, television, movies, sex, bars, alcohol - always seeking happiness.

But when you reach the end of the bottle, there is no happiness; when you reach the end of the day or end of the road, there's no happiness. Each day you're determined to find happiness, and each day you go to bed wondering where to find it. You begin to wonder, "What is this thing called happiness?"

The world is divided into two kinds of people; unbelievers,

Aletheial Short and Sweet

As this last year begins for me I find the campus missing some valuable assets. First off we lost our mystery meat and the Otter-surprise due to the new food service, which unlike those of the past, actually serves food! (keep H up!) We also lost Sanders and Cochran Hall. I didn't even realize Sanders was gone until a freshman girl saw my old quad shirt and asked me "what" it was.

This year we lost our unfair housing plans by painting most of the rooms and hallways, laying wall to wall carpeting, hanging closet doors, installing new light fixtures inside and out, new windows, and remodeled the bathrooms in Garst and Scott and then gave it to the girls while the guys inherited Mayne Hall. This seems very fair considering the improvements made in Mayne were

I've discovered how wonderful it is to run the switchboard before the phone directory comes out.In the past two weeks I've listened to such interesting people with such colorful language. (I'd really like to share some of it with you but space doesn't permit and either does the editor.) People wh.o call must think I know everybody's dorm and phone number, sorry. I really don't mind it too much until it's time to punch out and my replacement doesn't show up. (get the hint?)

As always I'm sure the Health Center is as wonderful as ever, so I'm avoiding it like the plague.(laxatives anyone?)

Every year Otterbein trys to make the freshman feel at home by providing extra activities such as the bonfire or singing the Love Song to the president and his family afterwards. These traditions have been carried down for years and hopefully will not go the way of Spring Fever Day.

The upperclassman are teaching the froshies unscheduled events, which may or may not be approved by the administration. These are panty raids, rat runs, doughnut runs and some of the ': unspoken events which go on in the dorms. (It must be approved though because the R.A.'s never seem to mind.)

Once again this year· I'll need to request that Dr. Redditt let his classes leave when the bell rings. Especially his nine o'clock class on Monday.

This year promises to be an exciting one for those who take time to get out to the activities. As the Greeks get ready for Rush and the team works for a winning year, the Treasurers office begins dreaming of Winter billings.

When all is said and done, it's really up to you, what you will learn here at Otterbein. For the activities you partake of, it is your gain. For those you don't, well, you paid for it!

who have not accepted Christ as 16:31). Every unbeliever can Savior, and believers, who have: possess a certain type of He that believeth on the Son happiness, but it is always hath everlasting life; and he who superficial an_d temporary. This believeth not the Son shall not type of happiness will never see life, but the wrath of God sustain during times of adversity. abideth on him (Jn.3:36). Human happiness is unstable For the unbeliever, the only and depends on circumstances, path to happiness is union with people, or possession of some Christ. There is no fellowship detail of life. Such happiness with God apart frqm Jesus often depends on getting your Christ. The only issue for the own way in life, or never being unbeliever is a personal crossed. However, boredom, relationship with Him: "Believe restlessness, instability and on the Lord Jesus Christ, and frustration all neutralize this thou shalt be saved" (Acts Continued on page 8

_ ._ ,Page 2 Tan and Cardinal September23 1977
weekly by the students of Otter�ein College. The opinions expressed in the Tan and Cardinal are those of the staff and do not necessarily reflect those of the school or its administration.

In Review

"You Light Up My Life"

lacks development

plot and character development

Light Up My Life" for lack of

guy she's crazy about all of a inamovie but are satisfiedwith sudden drops her for a less attractive, less talented woman. some general entertainment and nicemusic,you mightsee "You If you don't mind lack of

life, or the giant clam that anything better to do. Otherwise, stay home and listen they're to be married in (No, Toobadsucha lovelysongis folks, that's not a misprint). actually very indecisive, totherecord. She's the theme for such an inadequate movie. "You Light though cut, about everything Up MyLife" isn'treally a story excepthermusic. about love like the song is - The music makes the movie though it had the potential to bearable, particularlyacharming be. of the

to meet informallywith faculty Marching Band.

"Our high members in addition to school day scene where our femme fatale "An Old TimeCountryFair"

It isn't the story struggles of a would-be records the title song. Since I will again be the theme of programs provide the attending programs dealing w'ith professional singer - though it sawthe movie,I found out that this year's High School Day prospective student with a good career planning, varsity and thevoice is dubbed,however,so might have been. In fact, the activitiesatOtterbeinCollegeon opportunity to see Otterbein intramural athletics, residence now I'm just about totally whole problem with the story October 8. Students from first hand, talk to faculty members in his or her primary hall life, internships and disallusioned. and thecharactersisthatalllack several high schools are invited individualizeddegrees. Also featured development.

givesusanyrealcluesastoWHY father. Neitherdoes she seemto love heF fiance,hissocialjet-set though, nor is it clear why the

Greek News

Greek activities are swinging

Into the second week, the Greeks are becoming busy. GreekSpiritDayisonOctober1 and Homecoming floats and various booths for the day are the Greekstop priority.Here'sa list of the Greek activities for the week past and the week ahead!

September 30 is thedate for the All-Campus Blast sponsored by Owls sorority and Zeta fraternity. The blast will be·at theNationalGuard Armorywith hoursofdancingandfun.

Epsilon Kappa Tau sorority (EKT) is having the sisters of Owls over for a hot dog fry Monday night starting at 6:00 pm Gayle isixler Hughes became a new advisor to EKT Monday night. Congratulations to new actives Cathy Smailes and Stacie Seekell!! A·coed is plannedfor October7. EKTwill be sellingdonuts next week and

are proud to announce that

announce that 15 dubbers are members oftheVarsityFootball team and the brothers wich all good luck for the coming year. Appointed as new social chairman was Mark Overstreet. Bob Fresch returned to campus and has resumed Vice Presidential duties for the year. Club wishes everyone a prosperousschoolyear!!

Kappa Phi Omega sorority (Onyx) has had a "face lift" as several rooms have beenpainted and the kitchen remodeled. A new furnace has been installed and things lookgoodforawarm winter.

Sphinx fraternity received a new social member

Congratulations Mike Hartsock!

The Sphinx Alumni Room was named in'memory·of·Monroe Courtright. Dan Smucker was rutined.advisor to.Sphinx:.The brothers also are planning a money-raisingservice projectfor cancer.

Congratulations to Lois Jay who became an active member ofTheta Nu Mondaynight!The sisters celebrated the Bon Voyage of Libby Goeller MondaynightatElsie's.

Jonda fraternity is selling firewood. Contact the Jonda houseifinterested.

Be looking on moreto come with Greek Spirit Day in next issue. it promises to be an exciting pac�ed-with-fun event!

Country Crafts and Gifts




Asthewiresareplucked andtheskinisrubbed.


Through the open door of time I can see you there, standing in theteardrops.


Theconstant,thud,thud,thud,paceisgettingstronger. ' , '


The seas of dandelions and crabgrass grow into tidal waves and engulfyourshapelybody.


Your laughing and joy are growing louder and Louder and LOUDER.

l hearsilenceinthemoonlight.

The wig, eyelashes, coloring,and glitter project an image to my wearyeyes.




Asleeplessdreamwithoutcomprehension lingersnear.





"You Light Up My Life" attempted to tell thestory ofa toattendtheSaturdayfestivities interest area and get the feelfor will be What little plot there is in which begins at 9 a.m. on the performancesbyOtterbein'spop life on campus," said Morris girl who gave up security and "You Light Up My Life" deals Westerville campus, continue Briggs, Otterbein's dean of more for themansheloved,and witha young singer/comedienne witha variety ofsessions geared singing group, OpusZero,and a pre-game show by the Cardinal admissions. who she thought loved her. who doesn't want to be a forthecollege-bound seniorand comedienne but is to please her Nothing she does in the movie conclude with the Otterbein-Capital footballgame. Students will have a chance

24 North State Street Opusis50% PINK!!

WlltlrYille, Ohio 43081

Kings fraternity has had (614) 891-0938 $15,000 in remodeling done to· their house. Plumbing,painting, is selling Westerville community SAT 9:30a.m. - 6 p.m.

High school day attracts students Ole B::�:wer:&

Westerville, Ohio 43081 Complete Floral Service

and etc. have given thehouse a OPEN new look. Feel free to see the 614/ 882-0606 MON- FRI 9:30a.m. -10 p.m. new handiwork! Kings frat also

Hours 9:0o-5:30 event calendars for $1.50. SUN 12 -5 p.m. Congrats to Don Shaffet who is

Club fraternity is proud to

Closed Sunday pledgingKingsthisterm.

Pel ' I I I
Tan and Cardinal September 23. 1977
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,..

Foreign students are here

With the beginning of the new school year at Otterbein, the air is filled with the usual greeting of ''.Hi! How was your summer?". If we are meeting someone for the first time, one ofthe expectedfirstquestionsis "Where ya from?"However,the typical responses of Dayton, Columbusor Chillicothe are not so usual when the answer is Kobe,Japan,orHongKong.

This year's foreign student populationatOtterbeinisoneof the largest in recent years. Part of the reason for the increase is

the new program "English for International Students". The program, begun last year, is designed for non-English speakingstudents.

Students do intensive work not only in reading, writing and speaking in "American"English, but alsoreceivesomeinstruction in the American culture and society. Afew students are able to attend regular college classes in addition to their language studies. studies.

Upon completion of theone year course, students may enter ,----------------------.....

"The Friendly Store"

OHIO 43081



Agency forRussellStoverCandies

into studies here at Otterbeinor another American college or university.

Besides those entfflled in the English program, some of the international students are full-time students pursuingsuch diverse majors as art, languages andbusinessadministration.

All in all, they are just like any other Otterbein student except that when asked "Where ya from?", the answerswill be: George Christodoulou • Canada; William To - Hong Kong; Sachiko Ujiie • Japan; Hassein Ali Al-Baghly - Kuwait; Ghazi Al-Mejren • Kuwait; Boutsy Bouham • Laos; Lina Shiblaq Lebanon; Hassan Mohammed Abdullah · Oman; Ibrahim Abdul Al-Farsi Oman; Abdullah Al-Mashoor - Oman; Emerson Wu - Republic of China; Debbie Mukasa Rhodesia; Victor"Sam"TambiSierra Leone; Regula Stammbach Switzerland; · Mohammed Ahmed Al Fahad. United. .AI�b Emirates; Ahmed Ali Al Sayyar · United Arab Emirates; Luisa Parra Venezuela.

26 -Monday

27 -Tuesday







p.m.- l:00a.m.

-InvitationalVolleyball(Women's) atOtterbein


-InvitationalVolleyball(Women's) atOtterbein

-BoardofTrusteesExecutive& BudgetControlCommittee

-CrossCountry:OACRelaysat Wooster

-Women'sFieldHockey: Marietta-H

-Soccer:Mt.Union- A


-BandtoCincinnatiBengals -R.A.C.Film&Discussion: "ADayintheLifeof BonnieConsole"


-Sorority.andFraternity Meetings



-ActingCompanyin Residency -CampusServices&Regulations Committees

-CampusProgrammingBoard -S.C.O.P.E.(T-15)


-FellowshipofChristianAthletes (RikeCenterLounge)


-PersonnelCommittee .__


-ArtistSeries:"MotherCourage andHerChildren"





- -Page 4 TanandCardinal Bein is melting pot
, VALUABLE COUPONJ '1 °0 OFF PRINT PROCESSING from FAIRVIEW LAB OFFER EXPIRES 9-30-n WE'RE OPEN EVERY DAY Monday 111N Saturday I A.II.· I P.11. And Sunday N- • 5 P.11. a Gfhe Image Shop n
llelp Woodsy spread the word! Ghea hoot! Don't
23, 1977 SCHEDULEOFEVENTS September23-Friday 6:30p.m. September24-Saturday 9:30a.m. 10:00a.m. 11:00a.m. 11:00a.m. 2:00p.m. September2S-Sunday 6:00p.m.
4:00p.m. 7:00
September28-Wednesday 4:00
6:15p.m. 7:00p.m. 7:30
- 11:00p.m.
4:00p.m. 7:30
6:30p.m. 9:00
J:r� GITS •N' THINGS � 22 E. MAIN ST. LLE,OHI043081 • - - Westerville-Under the NE882-03S1 • -·I CCHOURS Building 7a.m.-12midnight,daily eadliner CCOffice HAIR DESIGN 8:30a.m.-12 midnight, M-F 9a.m.-12midnight, Sat.-Sun 32W CollegeAve. BilliardsRoom 890-1600 3:30p.m.-9p.m., Mon. • Precision Cuts • Blow Dry Styles • Curling Irons • Heat Perms • Cosmetics • Manicures • Custom Coloring 3:30p.m.-10p.m.,T-F Receive $1.00 off on $7.00 service 1p.m.-10p.m.,Sat. $3.00 off on $15.00 services or products 3:30p.m.-10p.m.,Sun. Expires October 8, 1977

Marching Band to play in Cincinnati

There is alwaysroom forone more in the Otterbein Cardinal MarchingBand.

That philosophy has enabled the band to not only triple in sizeoverthepastdecade,butto become the largest band in the 14 school Ohio Athletic Conferenceandone ofthemost recognizedsmallcollegebandsin thenation.

When the 190-member ensemble performs at halftime of Sunday's Cincinnati Bengals-Seattle Seahawks pro football game in Cincinnati's Riverfront Stadium, the crowd will be watching 17 percent of the Otterbein student body as flagcarriers,drillteammembers, twirlers, percussionists or anyof anumberofothersections.

Thegame,seenon WCMH-TV (Channel Four) at 1 p.m., will mark the fourthpro appearance bytheband inrecentyears.The lastwas a 1975 visitto Buffalo foranationally-televisedcontest between the Bills and Miami Dolphins.

"We'llfindaplaceforanyone who wants to be in the band if we possibly can," said Gary

Tirey, band director. "Even if they have no experience. I've had students come to me who never played an instrument before. But I gave them instruments,. let them practice on their own and they'vecome back and been a part of the band. If you don't want to play an instrument, there's room in the flag corps, ·drill team or othersections."

The band, however, is not known merely for quantity. "Innovation is another catchword. Thebandintroduced the marching xylophone, itwas the first in Ohio to make extensive use ofa flagcorpsand its unique parade formation combines military, drum and bugle corps and traditional American marching band styles.

Tirey terms the band an ."exciting" organization which not only can be seen in student enthusiasm, but in the performancesaswell.

"We're a show band, as opposed to a picture or drill band," said Tirey. "Our goal is audience entertainment. Weput on a fast moving continuous

show with each song being different in tempo, sound ahd style."

At the same time, Tirey added, the band strives for qualityperformance.

"We use a large amount of special arrangementsandallour arrangements are written to

accommodate the strengths in ourgroup,"hesaid. Always looking for contemporary music to blend withtraditionalpieces, theband has turnedto the moviesand to TV to highlight its 1977 shows. Themes from "Star Wars" and "Rocky" arefeaturedaswell as themusicfrom"StarTrek".

Cardinal Marching Band

is preparing for Bengals' game.

Artist Series

Continued from page 1

forced to become the national Patsy and is seduced by th� "innocent" daughter of a flamboyantgypsymother.

Over theyears,audiencesand critics have begun to consider this one ofWilliams'bestplays. In 1970, New York Times critic Clive Barnes called it "a lovely play, a play ofgenuinely poetic vision."

Camino Real will be directed by yerald Freedman, the director of the original production of Hair, whose Broadway production of The Robber Bridegroom last season receivedravereviews.

The production will feature James Harper in the role of Kilroy and Mary Lou Rosato, who won a Drama Desk Award for her performance in The ActingCompany'sproductionof The School for Scandal, will playtheGypsy.DavidSchramm, founding memberofTheActing Company, willplayGutman,the sardonic hotel keeper who announces the "blocks" in the Camino Real.

Douglas W. Schmidt, one of theater's most active designers, whose many credits include Grease, Over Here. and Threepenny Opera, will design the sets. Jeanne Button, who is associate professor of costume design at Yale University, will design the costumes and the lighting design will be by David F. Segal, whose Broadway credits include Twigs and Irene.

Tickets for all performances of The Acting Company are on sale at the Cowan Hall box office 1-4 p.m. weekdays. Students with I.D. may receive free tickets for Chapeau and Mother Courage and Her Children.

Changes in CC made

The Ride Board, located on the wall adj_acent to the switchboard's front window, allows you to advertise your needforarideorrider(s)toany partoftheU.S.

Ask for a rideslip at the CC office. All slips are coded; red for those who need a ride and blue for those who nee4 riders.

The T.V. room has been moved from thestereo listening room to the room next to the pit.(lastyear'sgameroom)

Page 5 September23, 1977 TanandCardinal
St. Otterbein Campus 6:00 to 11 :30 P.M. Sunday thru Thursday Hours Sun-Thurs ◄:JOPM·UAM Fri-Sat 4:30PM·1AM where 1S standard atgg exttacost! '882-T/10
James Harper, Mary Lou Rosato, James Schramm and Anderson Matthe� star in the· Acting Company production of Camino Real. BETTER BUY BOUTIQUE Hours: Everyday 10:00 - 6:00 Thurs. 10:00 - 9:00 Sat. 10:00 - 5:00 14 E, College Closed Sunday "Quality Women's clothing for less"

Echols' score wins game Cardinals grind out the -Lords

The Otter football team launched its 1977 campaign successfully last Saturday at Kenyon by corning from behind toscorea14-7victory.

Kenyon jumped to an early

completed 21 passes thisfallfor Bulldogs, Adrian The

being (1-1)haveaveraged154 yardson

366 yards. He can also run with invaded by Otterbein the ball, as evidenced by Saturday'sgame whenherushed

well-balancedattack. GroveCity,Pa. lead in the first quarter, scoring Their leading rusher, fullback a touchdown on their second Tom Bennett from Kalamazoo, Otterbein will be corning off possession with a 44 yard pass playfromBrogtoScimstag.

The Lords' defense stymied the Cardinals for the entire first

has averaged 99 yards pergame a hard-fought victory over and has failed to be stopped for Kenyon in hopes of remaining alossthisseason. undefeated going into league play. half, holding them to only 40 total yards and one first down. Keyon however, was alsounable to punch across the Otter line for many yards; but ledbyonly 7-0atthehalf.

Mike Echols scores for Otterbein

Two minutes into the third quarter the Otters found the third quarter. Snider themselves ingoodfieldposition returned the ball four yards to The Cards managed to keep on their own 43 following a the Kenyon 33. Ten plays later possessionoftheballfortherest Kenyon punt. A 13-yard run by junior fullback Mike Echols of the contest and walked out sophomore halfback Wayne slammed off-tackle and scored with a one-touchdown victcp-y. Cummerlander and a 15-yard from the one-yard line. The Cummerlander paced the facemasking penalty took the conversion gaveOtterbeina14-7 Otters' ground attack with 54 balltoKenyon's31. advantage. yards on 18 carries. Hillier · On the next. play ienior ·;-The Lords launched �h:eir completed 9 of.1.8 passes tCY. quarterback · Bill ' •·Hillier final drive midway through the compile 87 yards through the connected with senior end Bob Boltz on a stread pattern to tie thegame.

Senior linebacker Don-Snider

final quarter by driving41yards air.

Kenyon managed 107 more fourth down though, Kenyon's total yards (268-161) than did set up the Cardinals' winning quarterback rolled to his right tallywith an interceptionlatein and was stopped short of the

Bachtel wins Medal

Tom Bachtel, a 1976 Tom also competed in the graduate from Otterbein, 1500 meter run (3:58) and the distinguished himself during the 5000 meter run (15:04). He world DeafGames atBucharest, placedfourthinbothevents. Romania.

Bachtel's best performance Bachtel, aformer member of was in the 3000 meter theCardinals'cross countryand steeplechase. He earned a silver track teams, noted that one of medal for his second-place the more enjoyable aspects of finish. He registered a time of the trip was the exposure he received to people from foreign 9:24 despite never having run tli.eracebeforelastyear.

Otterbein, but failed to capitalizeonseveraldrives.

Women's hockey

to open season

Bardelangfightsforyardageagainst Kenyon.


MariettaCollege Home 11;00

OhioWesleyanCollege Home 4:30

tober 8 WittenbergCollege Away tober 1 S MuskingumCollege Away

On September 24 the tober17 KenyonCollege Home 4:30 OtterbeinCollegeWomen'sField Hockey Team will open its season against Marietta College. Withninereturningplayersfrom·

GRAND RE-OPENING TONITE last years team, the Cardinals SEPT. 23, at 7:30 p.m. hope to improve on their 1-5

Returning from last year's team are the leading scorers, seniors Gina Miller and Sue

. ,.,,,,,,.,,_,, Truitt. Carol Geisler returns to ..... . , ..-:,,,,, ,.,,,./;, thegoaliepositionwhereshehas

• ,.,.{.,,.,,.,...,,, ,.,.;, .. ,. ;.,_,,,.,,, ..// ,,, ,.. /;

played for three years at Otterbein. Karen Grist, senior,

Martha Montgomery, Nancy 560 CHARRING CROSS BL VD. Case, Carol Comanita, juniors, and Deb Hoar, and Sue Creps, 614/ 891-5100 sophomores, round out

43 N. STATE ST. returningveterans.

Newcomerstothisyearsteam Cindy Orlidge, a junior, Cindy

Banks, CindyGood,andTammy Sager, both sophomores, will U.S. Choice leef 882-4124 add depth to the team, and battlefor starting positions.

• ,,,,/,/,·, .l•ali,n1 WESTER VILLE, OHIO 43081 � r;ooJ If,,,, OHS� /JuJ, Page 6 Tan and Cardinal September 23, 1977
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BroWnies Market
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o,,,e,pa,iJ,� fresh-Vegetal:iles & Fruit Daily


Women spikers open

10 11 5-11 5-10 12 13 5-9 14 5-11 5-11 16 5-10 17 6-1 18 5-10 19 20 6-0 5-10 5-10 6-1 24 5-10 6-2 25 5-10 27 6-10 5-11 5-9 5-9 32 33 6-0 5-10 5-11 5-11 5-10 38 5-10 5-11 40 6-0 41 5-10 5-11 5-10 5-11 5-8 46 5-11 5-10 5-10 6--0 51 6-2 5-11 6-0 5-11 6-1 6-0 5-10 5-11 5-10 5-11 6-0 6-1 64 65 6-1 67 5-11 5-9 70 71 6-1 6-0 76 6-3 79 6-1 83 6-4 84 87 89 September23, 1977 Tan and Cardinal Page 7 1977OTTERBEINCOLLEGEVARSITYFOOTBALLROSTER
NO NAME POS Hf WT CLASS HOMETOWN(HS) O'Rourke,Jack QB 6-0 185 so Blanchester QB 170 so Reynoldsburg Spangler,Brian QB QB 180 SR Mt.Vernon Hillier,Bill 170 FR Magnolia(SandyValley) Nicholson,Steve 175 FR Columbus(WalnutRidge) Sexton,Joel QB 15 lnniger,Bob QB 175 FR Arlington 175 JR Centerburg Bailey,Mark WB
season QB QB 200 FR Gahanna(Lincoln) Toeller,John 170 FR London Scurry,Ralph Compton,Chris TB 5-9 175 so Johnstown TheOtterbeinvolleyballteam the six key players "have the 165 JR Loudonville Schindler,Maurizio K will feature a veteran squad talenttoput it alltogether". 21 175 SR Tiffin Wolff,Tom DB going into their first contest of The season will culminate 22 170 so Chillicothe Price,Jeff DB November 10-12 when the 190 the year October 1 at Ohio Cleveland(Lincoln-West) 23 Talpas,Bob DB SR 175 Otters host the 1977 Ohio Rudyard(Michigan) Brown,Kevin TB FR Northern.. Returning for the 190 so Columbus(DeSales) Pomeroy,Matt SE CardinalsareseniorsSueSubich, Association of Intercollegiate 185 so BeaverFalls,PA 26 Mathews,Marlon TB Ann Black and KathyKipfinger; Sportsfor Women SmallCollege Woodruff,Wayne QB 160 FR Centerbwg juniors Cindy Maxhimer and VolleyballTournament. 28 Baker,Gary DB 5-9 160 so Mt.Victory(Ridgemont) Otterbein finished seventhin 29 Spahr,Bob QB Kathy Schuller; and sophomore 180 so Westerville(South) the tourney last year after 30 Ervin,Bruce DB 170 so Jeffersonville(MiamiTrace) JanGillman. 190 31 Bressler,Randy TB FR Columbus(WalnutRidge) completing the regular season Echols,Mike FB 6-1 205 JR Newark CoachGwenHooversaidthat with a3-11mark. 210 SR Powell(BuckeyeValley) Dodge,Rob DE 210 so 34 Cummerlander,Wayne TB GroveCity 35 Hassel,John FB 205 so Cincinnati(ForrestPark) SCHEDULE 190 36 Puckett,Jim WB FR Westerville(South) October I Ohio Northern College Away 37 175 Johnson,Ron WB FR Centerville 170 so Starr,Tom DB October S Ohio Wesleyan College Home Newark 39 195 so Fultz,Dean OG Middletown(Lemon-Monroe) October 8 Marietta College Away 185 Moore,Greg DB SR Dayton(Wayne) October 11 Ohio Dominican/Mt. Union Home 175 so Chillinsky,Tom WB Centerville October IS Muskingum College Away 175 42 Vulgamore,Dave DB FR Centerville October 19 175 Wittenberg/Wilmington Home 43 Yoest,Kyle DB so Westerville(South) 175 so 44 Jones,Jeff DB Brookville October 22 Alumnae (H.C.) Home 150 45 Johnson,Paul DB JR Kent(Roosevelt) October 2S Urbana/Central State Home 180 Lower,Jim DB JR Columbus(Brookhaven) October 27 Capital University Home so Columbus(Hartley) 47 Trojack,Kevin MG 185 October 29 Mt. Vernon Nazarene Home 175 48 Whaley,Rich WB JR Ironton(St.Joseph) October 31 Bluffton/Heidelberg Away 49 Gee,Terry SE 6-1 170 so Portsmouth 50 205 so Hartman,Mark C CanalWinchester November 8 At Denison with Kenyon Away 220 Granger,Mark C JR Marion(Catholic) November 10-12 OAISW Volleyball Trn. Otterbein 195 52 Snider,Don LB SR Columbus(West) • J:. Otters harriers. prepare for OAC Relays 53 Cobb,Greg LB so 195 WashingtonC.H.(MiamiTrace) 205 54 Bardelang,Bob LB JR Columbus(WalnutRidge) 210 55 Tiberi.Dominic C FR Columbus(DeSales) 210 56 Hussey,John MG SR CanalWinchester 51 Furry,Craig LB 190 SR NewConcord(JohnGlenn) 58- Sargent,Jerry C 185 FR Columbus(MarionFranklin) so Salem 59 McCullo�h.Harley C 190 210 60 Bringardner,Joe DT SR Newark: 205 so Kettering(FairmontWest) 61 Fleenor,Don 0G 62 Williams,Dana DT 225 FR Fairbanks 63 Fultz,Rick: DB 5-9 185 FR Mi�dletown(Lemon-Monroe) McCombs.,Doug 0G 6-2 215 FR Galion(Northmoor) Jones,Mike 0G 6-0 190 FR Gahanna(Lincoln) 190 66 Nesbitt,Grant 0G SR Newark Lollo,Mike 0G 210 JR NewLexington 68 Bakos,Matt 0G 6-1 195 so Newark(Catholic) 69 Koob,Mike MG 180 JR Westerville Warning,Brian OT 6-0 220 so Columbus(HamiltonTwp.) Wood,Jeff MG 5-11 190 so London 220 JR Newark 72 Bonner,Dick DT 73 Rawlins,Steve DT 205 so Circleville(LoganElm) 74 Hart,Tim DT 5-10 220 JR Kettering(FairmontEast) Westerville Nautilus 15 Riggin,Dana MG 5-11 190 FR Groveport Click,Keith OT 6-0 225 FR Centerville 77 Warren,Ron OT 210 FR Training Center Westerville(North) 78 Lynch,Kevin OT 6-1 230 JR Westerville(South) Powers,Greg OT 6-0 210 JR Akron(Ellet) 80 Lainhart,Rick DE 6-0 190 $15.00 JR Columbus(West) 81 Gerlach,Matt DE 190 FR NewConcord(JohnGlenn) 82 Clapper,Chris TE 6-3 200 so McConnelsville(Morgan) Boltz,Bob SE 190 SR Marion(Catholic) Discount on the purchase of Amstutz,Chuck TE 6-1 190 so Dalton Weisenstein,Randy DE 6-1 200 FR any Student membership 85 SummitStation(LickingHts.) 86 Mustard,Mark TE 6-0 210 so NewConcord(JohnGlenn) Jacoby,Bob DE 6-1 200 JR Westerville(South) 88 DeLeon,Dan DB 6-0 160 FR Fremont(Ross) Bardelang,Bob LB 5-11 205 JR Columbus(WalnutRidge) 890-2411 813 Eastwind Drive and Huber Village Blvd Offer expires Oct. 15, 1977


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Tan and Cardinal "Baptism" raised in this stirring film.

The touching story of an October30th Jrphan, named Alfredo. Scarred 'GymPeriod"

from page 2 uy fire, he wanders from place This film is a tense, taut story

to place until he discovers an ;,f a teenage boy who possesses

full of happy and the body of an athlete, but lacks

well-cared for children. He asks skill and coordination to be

answer comes from the children decides after the others have

themselves. What does it feel like the gym, to make one more

to succeed in the encounter hate?

persons experience because of their inability to live up to the ideals of what the sophisticated expect.



In a series of memory flashbacks, a mother relives her joy of having her first baby and the resulting anger and frustration upon discovering that her ch ild is se verely handicapped. The memories are too much, and the mother rages at the God who treated her so cruelly. After giving vent to anger and completely destroying the nursery, she comes to realize that the love with which she expected this child did not depend on the child. But, does the mother find peace in her emotional confrontation with God? This film will leave everyonespeechless!

October 23rd

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59 I 94 # Bearer is entitled to �> 74 34.9 37 47 7.3 54 Page 8 September 23, 1977
-- ----
Points Scored
14 7 human happiness. First Downs 9 orphanage
13 For the believer in Jesus by rushing 2 8
Christ, the only place of by passing 5
2 happiness is followship with the by penalty 2
3 Lord. But do not ever be fooled Rushing Attempts Accepted
37 into thinking that
Net Yards Rushing 74 174 thing as instant
74 174 per game happiness, even for the believer. to
These are only activity that seems to symboliz e per attempt 2.0 2.9 God has designed happiness Attempts Passing 19 15 in the Christian life to be a of the many questions his over-all failure - Completions Passing 9 two 7 permanent and stabilized mental percentage 47% 46% attitude, based on the living Net Yards Passing 88 94 Word of God. It is an inner r::E FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE �1-l\\E·s P4� per game 88 happiness that does not depend per pass 9.6 13.4 on emotion, people, things or Passes Intercepted 9 1 circumstances. It is a happiness Yards Returned Against 0 4 which sustains during the ONE FREE DIP OF Total Offensive Plays 56 adversities of life. I Total Yardage 161 268 movies planned Punts 11 7 MOUNTAIN HIGH ICE CREAM Continued from page 1 per game 11 7 film techniques will delight Limit one per customer Expires 9-30-77 Punting Yardage 391 244 I students, adults, and youth. This average 35.5 Punt Returns 2 3 Yards 12 9 ...,__ FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE ------ - _J film is a modern parable based on the biblical story of "The Lost Sheep". Yards Per Return 6.0 3.0 October9th Kickoff Returns 2 3 "SaturdayAfternoon" Yards 60 A comedy film that portrays a married couple mechanically Yards Per Return 18.5 20.0 Fumbles 2 4 Ball Lost 2 performing their usual Saturday afternoon rituals. She sweeps PASSING ATT COMP INT PCT TD YDS and dusts; he drinks beer and restlessly switches channels on Bill Hillier 19 9 0 87 T.V. The only emotions they register are ones of bqredom, envy, depression, and laughter RECEIVING NO YDS- AVG TD LG REC/GAME Mark Bailey 4 32 8.0 0 11 Bob Bardelang 3 22 0 14 "4 3 when the laughter is provoked 17 Knox St. by the T.V. commer cials. When Bob Boltz 31 31.0 1 31 their son, the .only "ideal" Mike Echols 1 3 3.0 0 3 1 person enters, he begins an corner W. Main) interaction that ends with his RUSHING ATI NET TD AVG Westerville's Only parents suddenly really "seeing" 0 3.0 Wayne Cummerlander 18 each other for the first time.
Mike Echols 7 13 1 1.8 that moment of vulnerability Bill Hillier 11 6 0 0.6 and love, they become
Mark Bailey 1 0 1.0 film illustrates the frustration and sense of failure
the priest in charge if he can be successful in sports-related
accepted into this home. acti vities. Frustrated and
or Rejected? The alienated during gym period, he
there is such a
be rejected? Where does love attempt
In Natural Food Store
real. The featuring
Zeta Phi Fraternity A Administration Bldg. [J Campus Center

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