The Tan and Cardinal October 28, 1977

Page 1

Volume59Number 7




LyM Redgrave is thefeatured performer in the Otterbein Artist Series on November 1. She will appear on the Cowan Hall stage at

8:15 p.m.

Combining scenes from her OtterbeincampusNov.1at8:15 favorite roles and sharing p.m. anecdotes about her theatrical Reservations and tickets for family, actress Lynn Redgrave this second event of the willappearat Cowan Hallonthe Otterbein Artist Series are now

Dayton Ballet to perform tonight

TheDaytonBalletwillappear residence at Otterbein October in concert on October 28 at 27-29. Featured in the ballet is 8:15 p.m. in Cowan Hall. This DeAnn Dutiel. Tickets are concert is sponsored by Ballet available in the Cowan Box Metropolitan, the Ohio Arts Office. As this is not an Council, the National Otterbein Artist Series Endowment fortheArtsandthe production, students willreceive CollegeArtsConsortium. a ticket with I.D., but faculty The Dayton Ballet will be in and staff must pay for a ticket.

WOBN spook-out planned

WOBN (Stereo FM 91.5)will Worlds" beginning at 9:00p.m. The entire evening'sprogram of sponsor a Halloween Spook-Out music will be filled with this Monday, Oct. 31, featuring Halloweensurprises. a live broadcast from the main

lounge of the Campus Center:

In addition to the Halloween s ar to


appear at Otterbein Nov. 1

available at the Cowan Hall box recalls, "I was 100th choicefor called "a gem" by one Russian office (890-3028)from1-4p.m. Georgy". She is expected to critic<luringa BerlintoMoscow weekdays. displaythatappealingdirectness tourwithOlivier.

Miss .Redgrave, who during her performance here, Her stage triumphs have "An Evening with Lynn ranged from broad comedy to Redgrave". her wrenching portrayal of "Georgy Girl" brought the Katrinn, the deaf and dumb youngest Redgrave to public daughter of Brecht's "Mother notice in this country, though her professional reputation in Courage."

skyrocketed to fame as the chubby heroine of Girl," actually is theslim,trim, "Georgy youngest member ofthefamous British theatrical clan The daughter of Sir Michael and Corinhadtogain18pounds Redgrave and sister of Vanessa to play the coveted film role oppositeJamesMason

With typical candor she

Currently on tour with "St. England was already secure as a Joan," directed by herhusband founding member of Lawrence John Clark, Lynn Redgrave's Olivier's National Theatre performance at Cowan Hall will Company at the Old Vic. An be her only appearance in international favorite, she was CentralOhiothisseason.

Student Forum sets second meeting

Student Forum will hold its second meeting this coming Thursday, Nov. 3. At the first meeting held in LeMay Auditorium, participants agreed to hold the next meeting inthe Campus Center main lounge because of its central location for students. This second Student Forum will begin at 4 p.m.and concludebythedinner hour.

Student Forumis,asitsname suggests,an opportunity forany student to voice complaints or

One act scheduled

"Motherlove," a one actplay by August Strindberg, will be performed Oct. 28 at 4:00 and Oct..30 at 7:00in Barlow Hall.

"Motherlove" is directed by Bobbie Cunning and is a nineteenth centuryplay dealing with the struggle between an over-domineering mother and her sheltered daughter. Helene, the daughter, discoversthetruth abouthermother'spastandwhy her father really abandoned them.

The cast includes Donna Brasty as the mother and Cindy

problems concerning all aspects The discussions, however,do of Otterbein.Naturally,student not end there. Definite actions senators and committee are planned and implemented. members are encouraged to Jeff Burnett, Jim Wagner,Mary attend, but all Otterbein Furry and Pam Masters are studentsareinvited. scheduled to report at the next

At the first Forum of this meeting on the process of year, topics discussed ranged certainstudentconcerns. from social room visitation All students are invited and hours to food service to encouraged to attendthesecond pedestrian crossing problems StudentForumthisThursday,at fromTowerstothelibrary. 4p.m.intheCampusCenter.

William H. Thomas receives marker

A marker was placed this controversial, someblackleaders week in theOtterbeincemetery likeW.E.B.DuBoisfindingmuch on thegraveofWilliamHannibal to criticize about it. His Thomas, a black Civil War inscribedcopy tohisalmamater veteran. This was accomplished is inthe Otterbein Room in the through the efforts of Brian college. Recently it has been Green,an Otterbein senior, who reprinted. was aided in his search of In his last years Thomas cemetery records andinlocating returnedtolivein Columbusand the grave sitebyWilliam Smith, was interviewed by Dr. Willard amunicipalemployee. Bartlett who prepared an Thomas was Otterbein's first Otterbein College history black student, attending the published in 1933. Thomaswas "Academy" or preparatory a member of the local United school oftheinstitution forone Brethren Church, today known term in 1859. He served in the as the Church of the Master, Civil War as a sergeant and was UM. wounded in the arm in a Brian Green continued skirmish nearWilmington,North research on Thomas begun by Carolina,inFebruary,1965. Dr. Harold Hancock, chairman

Prochaska as the daughter. Also evening's festivities will During his lifetime he of the Otterbein history The in the cast are Stacy Reish as followeda careerasa minister,a department. In his research the include ghoulish disc jockeys, Aunt Augustaand Carolyn King Otterbein senior went as far Justice of Peace in, South music,andan authentic Dracula as Helena's best friend, Usen. Assistant to the director is Dee afield as Washington, D.C., Carolina, a magazine writer and -completewithcoffin. editor, and as a lawyer, being where he located valuable


admitted to practice before the material in the library of WOBN's celebration of

the main studio when WOBN broadcasts the "War of the

Spook-Out,a record salewill be 7 going on from 11 a.m. until p.m.(oruntilrecordsrunout)m the Campus Center.Hundredsof seldom-played albums from the over-stocked WOBN record files will be available for $.25 each. include pop, The selection will rock,�lassical,jazz,comedy,and more.

"Theplay hasbeenalearning UnitedStatesSupremeCourt. Congress and at Howard experienceforeveryoneinvolved Halloween will continue from His book, The American University. He also dug Negro, published in 1900, was continued•,..• and that is the whole purpose," saiddirectorCunning.

appy H oo er k '' t

Are rules justified? Letters to the editor

Editor needs established rules in which

I believe that any activity Halloween

Dear Editor:

Dear Editor:

Movie No mistake made this year Reports on the Homecoming to govern. If a person or a group Parade have been coming to my breaks the rules then they must office all week.I've heard several face the consequences.In certain views and have come to my own cases there may be exceptions, opinion. Tardiness is not an but all in all there should be excuse for any organization. rules. I think the float rules are I am told that because of one justified. fraternity's misfortune, they Perhaps the only other were detained. A breakdown answer is to hold the float caused this delay. This would competition during the parade. But, what if people are late for seem to be a fair excuse, but the parade? Without the floats, what about the other what else is in the parade? organizations that simply started Se veral bands and the out too late for the beginning of homecoming court is not very the float competition? complete. Floats are an added

When other groups take the extra in the parade. Hopefully time to prepare for such a we will not come to the time parade, it is only fair that the when Greeks don't prepare rules are upheld to protect the floats, for that just might be the interests of the participating beginning of the end of the students. homecoming parade.


Today's Christian traditions consist of liquor and beer advertisements in the program of our latest theatre production at Cowan Hall while in the halls of Towers, jobs are being offered for bartending. Convictions anyone?

Religion Council film

The final R.A.C. film this successful in sports-related term will be presented from acti vities. Frustrated and 6-7:00 p.m. this Sunday evening alienated during gym period, he in the Campus Center.This week decides after the others have left the film will be "Gym Pe riod." the gym, to make one more

This film is a tense, taut story attempt to succeed in the :>f a teenage boy who possesses the body of an athlete, but lacks activity that seems to symbolize skill and coordina tion to be his over-all failure -

The Tan and Cardinal

Published weekly by the students of Otterbein College. The opinions expressed in the Tan and Cardinal are those of the staff and do not necessarily reflect those of the school or its administration.

Doug MacCallum ... .... ......... .. Editor-In-Chief

Brad Manier ......... ........... . Managing Editor

Mickey Bums Business Manager

Denny Mohler Photography Editor

Nancy Ballog ....................... Feature Editor

Scott Brockett Sports Editor

Chris Kapostasy • • Entertainmefzt Editor

Debbie Thom ..... .. . Copy Editor

Don Hines Advisor

Tim O'Flynn ........................ Poetry Editor

This weekend the CPB will present for the Halloween movie, "The Bad News Bears." Several new ideas will be attempted in an effort to improve the movie program .The "Bears " will be shown in the Pit of the Campus Center basement. This was done in order to find an alternate to the hard chairs in Lemay. Another new idea will be the use of a concession stand complete with popcorn and caramel com. Finally, this will be the fust movie to have a cartoon before the main feature.

One question that people have asked is "why wasn't the Omen the Halloween movie instead of the Bad News Bears?" The answer is that "The Bears" was scheduled for Halloween a month before I became moYie chairman.

Tonight's showings will be at 7:30 and 10:00 p.m. , Saturday at 7:30 and 10:00 p.m. and a Sunday matinee will be at 2:30 p.m.

I would greatly appreciate any comments from those who attend concerning the new innovations or the movie program in general.

Circle K News

Tomorrow morning and afternoon Circle K members will be participating in another money making project for the club. We will be selling Spook Insurance door to door in the surrounding area. Spook Insurance costs only $.50 and entitles the holder to call Circle K and have · their soaped windows cleaned after Halloween.

Tonight the Circle K club is having a party at Mr. Dagnall's residence. Mr. Dagnall is our advisor from the Westerville Kiwanis Club. Also invited are the Ohio Stater's who helped with our car wash the weekend of the 15th.

Don't forget the hayride next weekend, November 5, when we '11 be embarking to Youngstown for another fun-filled weekend with fellow Circle K'ers.

There will be no meeting Tuesday November 1.

"CPB blew it!"

I think not. It is easy for us to project blame on others because we all hate to admit to ourselves that we make mistakes and. sometimes fail.

CPB's mistake was not in the disqualification of floats in competition this year, but in their failure to disqualify late floats in previous years.

A strict enforcement of written rules was the only answer. A line must be drawn somewhere. All organizations received a copy of the rules with their entry forms as well as a mailed letter and another copy of the letter Friday night telling them when to be a� the parade site.

Rules are set as a guideline for fairness.Is it fair to make the judges wait around all morning when they have business

obligations of their own?

Is it fair to let people straggle in when others have been there for half an hour or pushed their entry all the way to the site by hand to avoid disqualification?

None of the organizations failed. I feel that the floats made this year were the best I have seen in my three years at the 'Bein.

All of the Greek organizations should be proud because they really showed what they can accomplish when the members work together. This, I feel, is the real goal of any project of this sort.

Competition sometimes puts unnecessary pressures on us. Let us try not to lose sight of the true goals of our efforts.


The Homecoming float of Lamda Gamma Epsilon featured a mammoth elephant.

If hard times hit

If hard times hit, I'll still have my stereo, but no electricity to tum it on.

If hard times hit, I'll still have my poems, but no light to see them by, except maybe sunlight, which is beautiful.

If hard times hit, I'll still have you, but I won't be able to hear your voice over the crying masses of people.

If hard times hit, I'll still be able to talk to my friends who are far away; but, then again, I won't because

If hard times hit, they will close the phone service.

If hard times hit, I'll still have my drivers license, but no gas to put in the car I would have driven.

If hard times hit, there are only two things I will really have, myself and God; not necessarily in that order.

Everything will be useless except someone I can talk to, no matter where he is. Someone I can see and listen to, or go to, without electricity or gas or money.

If hard times hit, and everyone leaves me, I know one will stay.

Pagel October 28, 1977 Tan and Cudinal


The O.S.N. - Its Area of Strength

In additiontoproducingsins in its areasof weakness, the old sin nature also has an area of strength. From this area comes good, which we call human good. God doesn't like sin, and He doesn't like human good either. "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness (human good) are as filthyrags " (Isaiah 64:6). God despise human good! He says it is "filthy rags;" but the literal translation describes something that is repugnant.

That is what God thinks of

Greek News humangood.

When Christdiedonthecross all of your sins werepouredout on him and judged - everyone of them. When Christ was hanging on the cross and being judged for our sins. He also completely rejected human goodness. So not at anytime or any place can there be any humangood in theplanofGod.

Religion usually promotes human good as a basis for gaining the aprobation of God. But the plan of God operates ONLYondivinegood, never-on human good. "Not by works of righteousness which we have

Rush presentation is planned by Pan-hel

November 1 and 2 markthe nights forPANHELPRESENTS.

All freshman and independent women interested in going through the winter rush procedure should attend.

"Panhel Presents" is acollection of slides and ideas.from thesix sororities on campus - thefirst formal presentation of the sororities.Alsothoseplanningto go on the guided tour of the houses on November 6 should plantogotothisevent.

Thepresentation isonNov.1 and will be held in Clement's Hall at 7 p.m. Nov. 2, the presentationwillbeinScottHall lounge at 7 p.m. and in King Hall at 8:30 p.m. Please attend and get to know the operation ofrush.

Halloween party onOctober 30 at thehouse. Congratulations to Nancy Day who became a new ThetaNulittlesis!! BarbVogler wasnamed.choristor and Domia Calkins - recording secretary. The sisters had a celebration at Lum's Monday night!Theta Nu planstheirMockNewYear'sEve Party for November 4 at the Shadows.

Owls planacoedforNov.19. They will be selling Otter bumper stickers; ask any member forfurtherinformation.

Jonda menhavebeenwearing their new script jackets. The brothers plan a woodcut for Saturday.

TEM had a successful Halloweenpartyfor theFaculty children. TheirFriendshipPicnic iscomingsoon.

Pi Sighada successful Study After beating Sphinx and Club inintramurelfootball,Zeta

BreakWednesday nightandplan another for next Wednesday. has tied Club for1stplace. The Feelfreetocome! brothers plan a hayride on the

done, but according to His mercy He saved us ... (Titus 3:5).

All the human good in the worldwillneversaveoneperson, not one person. Godsimply has no useforhumangood. "Forby graceye aresavedthroughfaith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God-not ofworks lest any man should boast" (Eph.2:8,9).

Some dayin heaven Godwill burnevery unit of humangood, allthe"wood,hay,andstubble" (I Cor.3:12-15).Hewillburnall human good-butnotyou!Not if you have trusted the Lord Jesus Christ andthedivinework which He did on the Cross for yoursalvation. By now I'm sure you realize that you are carrying aroundin your soul quite a little package. Besides the areas of weaknesses andstrengths, theold sinnature has certain treds, which we will studynextweek.

Help Woodsy spread the urord!


October 28 - Friday

-OAISW Field Hockey Tournament-Women's

9:00a.rn. -BoardofTrusteesExecutive& BudgetControlCommittee

1:30p.rn. -BoardofTrustees

6:30p.rn. -CampusCrusadeforChrist(T-1)

7:30p.m. & 10:00p.rn.•-CPBMovie:"BadNewsBears"

8:15p.rn. -DaytonCivicBallet

October 29 - Saturday

-OAISWFieldHockey Tournament-Women's

9:00a.rn. -BoardofTrustees

10:00a.rn. -Women'sVolleyball:Mt.Vernon Nazarene-H

11:00a.rn. -CrossCountry:OACatOWU

12:15p.rn. -DevelopmentBoardMeeting

1:30p.m. -Football:OhioWesleyan-A

8:00p.rn. -TauDeltaHalloweenParty

7:30p.m. & 10:00p.m. -CPBMovie:"BadNewsBears"

10:00p.m. -EtaPhiMuCo-Ed

October 30 - Sunday

6:00p.m.-7:00p.m. - R.A.C. ShortFilm & Discussion

7:30p.m. -Agape/CampusChristian As. (T-15

7:30p.m. -IFCMeeting

7:30p.m. & 10:00p.m. -CPBMovie: "BadNewsBears"

8:15p.rn. -MarchingBandConcert

October 31 - Monday 4:30p.rn. -ArchaghiaCircleMeeting

6:30p.m. -Women'sVolleyball: Bluffton/Heidelberg-A

Onyx is currently collecting

Congratulations to Marianne WatkinswhowasEKT'sARBUT OF THE WEEK!! Halloween party for the sisters is planned Panhellenic Council meets forM-0ndaynight. November 1 at 6:15 p.m. in

Theta Nu is also having a Terry MacFarland's apartment.

l p

7:00p.rn. -SororityandFraternityMeetings

November 1 - Tuesday

3:00p.m. -OSMEAMeeting

4:00p.rn. -AcademicCouncil

7:00p.m. -PanhellenicCouncil

1:00p.rn. -SeniorCareerWorkshop

1:00p.m. -PanHelPresents 8:00p.rn. -CircleK(Conf.Room2,Campus Center

8:15p.rn. -AnEveningwithLynnRedgrave

November 2 - Wednesday 4:00p.rn. -CollegeSenate

6:00p.rn. -CampusProgrammingBoard

6:15p.m. -S.C.O.P.E.(T-15)

6:15p.m. .:...Chapel(ChurchoftheMaster)

7:00p.rn. -PanHelPresents

7:30p.m. -SNEAMeeting

7:30p.rn. -FellowshipofChristianAthletes (RikeCenterLounge) -YoungDemocrats

November 3 - Thursday



November 4 - Friday newspapers. A ping pong table 6:30p.rn. -CampusCrusadeforChrist(T-1) was donated to the Onyx 8:30 .rn. -ThetaNuSocial recreationroomofthehouse. weekend of Nov. 4. They are also having a Halloween party Program -PersonnelCommittee SphinxplanstheirHayrideon October 20. The brothers are 7:30p.rn. forthebrothersandalumni. stilltakingshirt orders forthose interested.

.i!!J'.tardinal -- ./ YARNS, NEEDLE ART SUPPLIES Page 3 October 28, 1977
Tan and Cardinal
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8:00p.rn . ,•·
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3rd Degree Burns Co-op pays off tor students

I haven't seen

Seven weeks of fall term have all but flown by and, frankly, I've been dissappointed with the absence of a few things I was looking forward to seeing this year. For instance, I haven't seen:

WOBN broadcast an Otterbein football game in its entirety from kickoff to final gun. (If a new stereo board falls down in the woods and people ARE around to hear it, but its not turned on due to technical difficulties - does it make a sound?)

-Enough faculty-student interaction in informal, out-of-class situations. In the dining hall for instance, they are secluded in their separate, partitioned-off room. This was not a practice in the past and, I feel, a ridiculous one now.

-the alcohol poll from our most recently-elected student trustee that was going to ascertain EXACTLY how the students feel about alcohol.

-Bob Talpas get a good hit INBOUNDS.

-a signature on a certain floundering column that periodically appears in this paper. Some writer (pardon my loose usage) has obviously hooked himself into believing he can sit atop some perch and feed people a line without owning up to his crimes. Interpretive journalism, Mr. Ghoti, is a whale of a responsibility that you should ponder further for something is obviously fishy. (You'll never catch "Thiru Degree" without a by-line.)

-The Sigma Delta Phi float in the winner's circle at homecoming. Are no traditions sacred!? Seriously, it simply brings tears to my eyes.

-Tom Wolff throw an intramural football penalty flag with his eyes OPEN.

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Students hope for right job

Does Cooperative Education pay off for those involved? The Co-op program, headed by Frank Mitchell, involves several students who have found that co-oping is paying off.

Julie Wiget, a business admini strat ion/s ports merchandising major, works for the Southern Bowling and Billiards Supply Company during her coop program. Sales work, stockroom and deskwork are some of Julie's experiences with the company.

Julie says that "anyone who is career-oriented and doesn't mind putting off college life" should get involved with Cooprative Education. The "experience is great" and "one learns responsibility" while on the job.

Last winter and spring, Eric Merz workedin sales, public relations and a "little of everything" for the Cleveland Indians. Working at Cleveland helped Eric choose his field for the future sports administration.

According to Eric, the co-op program helps one learn things not related to the job. He feels that with this co-op experience behind him, he will have a better chance at a job. Therefore, "experience is worthw hile," states Eric.

Anna Kopelziw, a chemistry major, is currently working at Ashland Chemical Company. The program has "helped-me with experience and finances towards school,'t Anna said. "Plus it lets one know if your WALTER

major is the right field for you or not."

According to Anna, it is better to learn your field now and not after four years of school. Cooperative Education is exactly this.

Working as a cashier in Columbus' Sheraton Hotel is Marshall Wise. A junior at Otterbein, Marshall has found that the co-op program has

worked for him. "The educational experience is great and I advise anyone to get involved in the program,'' says Marshall.

Does the program pay off? Is it worthwhile? The Co-op Program does work, according to Julie, Eric, Anna and Marshall. To all four the educational experience of-on-the-job-training will help them find the better job after college.

Tan and Cardinal October 28, 1977
ID1r LERVJ1 ore r1n • uetom Framing
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Come In and Browse! 14 N. State St In the Upstairs Alley Shoppes
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"fflE BAD NEWS � I■ C�lor � Par•-nt Pkt■re FILMS INCORPORATED


Trustees to discuss Alumni Gym renovation

the of The fall meeting of Board College Otterbein Trustees willbe held thisFriday Saturday at the Campus and .

committee meetings, Saturday committee and the personnel The standing committee on What do you think about going

morning - 9:00 a.m. - full committee will meet with the governance review and the long toaquartersystem?Orbringing board and review of committee personnel committee. Student range planning and nominating back grade point averages and action. committee members are committees will alsogivereports class rank? Let your campus Campus committees have encouraged to attend these onSaturdaymorning. governance representativesknow been invited to sit with the meetings. ***A change isin the wings. yourviews.

council, meetingoftheboard. the student life

The agenda for the meetings will be as follows: Friday

Major action is expected on renovation of the Alumni Gym will meet with the college's for a new fine arts center. curriculum committee, improvements the hall Residence business and finance committee will also be highlighted at this willmeetwiththeadministrative committee will meet with the

''New York, New York'' is a disappointment

personality and as vague as the· The skies aremistyandbrilliant, campus regulations and services

morning - 9:00 a.m. - budget the picture's edges are blurred story line. There is no depth to committee,thedevelopmentand control and executive softly for a perpetual sunset "NEW YORK, NEW YORK!". public relations committee will committees,Friday afternoon - Contrived,improbableeventsare effect. Such romanticbackdrops meet with the campus affairs 11:30 p.m. - full board and wasted on this sterile simply spit at the audience are foreshadow or '11.aterial.

Band concert set

without explanation.

Even as I parked my car I


will star

This type of spoon-fed

The Cardinal Marching Band Otterbein. Among the band's wondered how the movie fantasy blatantly accuses the of Otterbein College will move previous performances was one industry (namelyUnitedArtists) viewer of being gullible, if not in Cincinnati in September indoors for a concert atCowan would effectively pair the stars stupid. Director Martin Scorsese Hall at 8:15 p.m. next Sunday. during halftime of the of "Cabaret!" and "Taxi leans heavily on musically The performance is one of Bengals-Seattle Seahawks Driver". The poster outside the oriented scenes, perhaps in an nine by the 19-member footballgame. theatre was reassuring. The effort to compensate for ensemble during the last nine The spotlight indoors will be cardboard-tasting dialogue. Even Minnelli's vocal efforts captions promised music and weeks of the fall term at on the percussion section, the There are too few humorous are too predictable to be romance: "The war is over and flag corps, twirlers, color guard

the world is falling in love moments to give relief to this exciting. The PG rating is no and0-Squaddrill team. yawn-provokingfiasco. doubt designed to protect the again.'; "A love story is like a The band will play 25 songs from such it's beautiful while it "NEW YORK, NEW YORK!" very young song, and will be under the direction lasts." is a feeble attempt at capturing

the up lit letters Bold marquis: "NEW YORK, NEW YORK!" starring Liza Minnelli andRobertDeNiro. a in ends movie The The anticlimax. frustrating more ofaclue audience has I).O as to what has happened, or the at did it than why, beginning. I left the theatre feeling unsettled;cheated outof theentertainmentIhadpaidfor. overwhelming monotony.Unless

ofGaryTirey. masochistic mood, you're in the spirit and romance of the a Columbus arranger John I'm sorry to say that the jazz era. Its scenery is as bogus movie itself Tagenhorst's songs will be was YORK, NEW YORK!" or (this as its plot. Behind the buildings dissappointment. Minnelli and a haze of pastel orange appears. bomb.) DeNiro may be top solo performers, but together their Star Trek. career "was a bit of a whim in lackofchemistryisstifling.

From the ghoti pond

"NEW don't see to bother a. featured: Send in the aowns, Leading filmand stageactress Lynn Redgrave admits with Stevie Wonder's Sir Star Wars, typical candor that an acting Duke and Maynard Ferguson's "whim" The grew into for Rocky, and arrangementsby

thebeginning." Also featured will be Fan[are DeNiro's character is brutish, annoying and often rude. I kept waitingforsomeinsightintothis dedicated study at London's Dr. William Moffit of the Central School of Speech and University of Houston of IN APOLOGY TO RACHEL crass musician's motivation, but drama, work in the National Rubber Band Man, Old Man it nevercame. Inthemovieheis STEELE FOR SUPPOSING SHE TheatreCompanyattheOldVic River and Cardinal Fite. referred to as a 'top pain in the and international fame as the WORE DOGTAGS, AND INAPOLOGY pudgystarof"GeorgyGirl." ass' which isafittingdescription SUPPORT the T & C. If you visit Miss will offer of the Jimmy Boyle DeNiro TO MARK KLINE FORSUPPOSINGHEWAS Redgrave a place of business that advertises portrayed. dramatic scenes and informal QUITTING SCHOOLTO BECOME A CROSS­ in this newspaper, tell them you commentary on the Otterbein

mid-sixties outgrowth of the WestervilleConcertsAssociation, is open to the public. Tickets andreservationsareavailablefor "An Evening With Lynn Redgrave" by telephone (890-3028) from 1-4 p.m. weekdays.

A limited number of season tickets are still availablefor the series with dancer Valerie Hammer, pianist Robert Guralnik and the Louisville Orchestra scheduled for appearances this year Information is available at the OtterbeinPublicRelationsoffice (890-3000).

saw their ad in th e Tan & liza Minnelli's Francine is COUNTRY Cardinal. ArtistSeriesTuesday(November not annoying, but neither is she 1) at 8:15 p.m. in Cowan Hall. inspiring. She is an undeveloped Otterbein's series, a corresponding trustee Center. committees. The trustee In Review educational policies committee


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MON - FRI 9:30 a.m. -10 p.m. SAT 9:30 a.m. -6 p.m. SUN 12 --s p.m.

Tan and Cardinal October 28, 1977 Trustee Report

Otters rebound by destroying Denison

Otterbein blasted Denison 38-14Saturdayafternoonbefore a large homecoming crowd at Memorial Stadium. The offensive explosion was by far the Cardinal's best of theseason andlefttheBigRedreeling.

The two teams did most of their damage in the first half, with the Otters racking up 24 points in the second quarter alone.Denisonknottedthescore at 14-14 with eight minutes in thehalf,butcouldonlywatchas the Otters registered two quick touchdowns and a field goal beforetheintermission.

Otterbein'sfirst scorewasset up early in the first quarter by senior Don Snider's fumble

recovery on the opponent's 18-yard line. After the Otters advanced to thefoursophomore halfback Wayne Cummerlander scored the first of his two touchdowns on a plunge up the middle.

Denison came right back to equal the scorewhenasustained drive ledtoathree-yardruninto theendzone.

The Cardinals received another good opportunity to score after junior Bob Jacoby fell on a fumble at Denison's26 late in the first quarter. A fourth-down attempt backfired, though and Denison took over.

After failingtomovetheball, the Big Red was forced topunt. SophomoreTomChillinskytook the punt and scampered


Offense hopes to explode against Battling Bishops

touchdowns himselfastenbacks accounted for the total offense.

Otterbein will travel toOhio Wesleyan Saturday to take on the Battling Bishops in a Blue Punter, Rick Lainhart, Divisioncontest. boomed two punts that kept Denison deep in their own

The Cardinals (5-1) territory. The 62 and 63 yard rebounded from a crushing efforts were his best of the defeatat thehands of B.W. two season and raised his average to weeks ago. They demolished 35.3 yds. perpunt. Denison last Saturday 38-14 for

theirfirstdivisionvictory. The Bishops are coming offa In that game the Otters tough 37-15 loss to rushed for 270 yards, a season Baldwin-Wallace (2-0), the Blue high.Freshman, Randy Bressler, Division leaders. They will be

55-yards down the sideline to the22.

Otterbein drovetothe three, where again Cummerlander crushed in on a three-yard touchdownrun.

After Denison stunned the Cardinals with a 38-yard touchdown pass to once more tie the score, the Otters opened up theirownaerialgame.Itpaid dividends whenquarterbackBill Hillier connectedwithwingback Mark Bailey on a 45-yard touchdownpass.

Swiftly Otterbein again gained excellent field position when Snider corraled another Denison fumble at the eight. FreshmanRandyBresslerwasted no time in taking a pitch-out eights yards around left end for

Soccer club loses to O.S.U.

The Otterbein Soccer Club was dealt a 3-2 defeat by Ohio StateonOctober12.

Otterbeinjumpedoutaquick 2-0 lead as Ibrahim Al-Farsi scored two goals in the initial twominutes ofplay. TheOtters shut out O.S.U. for the remainder of the first half by not allowing them to mount a substantialdrive.

Ohio State rallied in thefinal 20 minutes by netting three goals. Thisproved to be enough for thewin,buttwoofthegoals cameonpenaltykicks.

Coach Nur Hussen was pleased with the team's play. "The team played really well," he emphasized. "I was very happy. It wasourbest effort of the season and Al-Farsi's two goals were just fantastic," said Hussen.

"We were hurt by not being able to substitute as freely as OhioState,"Hussenadded.

The club has amatchwith Qhio Wesleyan which is tentatively scheduled for tomorrowat2:00.

Don Snider stops a Denison ball-carrier as Jim Lower pursues. sixpoints.

Right before the fir�t half ended the Cardinals Maurizio Schindler added a 42-yard field goal which virtually put the gameoutofreachat31-14.

Both teams settled down in the second half. The only score occured early in the fourth

quarter when Bressler netted his second touchdown on a fine 42-yard jaunt around the left end. The conversion made the finalscore38-14.

The victory evened the Cardinal's division mark at 1-1 anduppedtheiroverallrecordto 5-1.

• had the best game of his young attempting to avenge last career with 113 yds. rushing on season's 7-6 setback to Ohio

18 carries. Bressler scored two Wesleyan.

Otterbein Campus

6:00 to 11 :30 P M

Sunday thru Thursday


Sun-Thurs ◄:30PM·12Mil

Fri-Sat 4:30PM-1Mi

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Tailback Wayne Cum merlander powers his way through the Denison line for a sizeable gain.
.-'<',' ..Ii' �II, (
The Good
where � � .:r.lfcost! '882-T/10

Little Cardinals beat Wittenberg

A.C. Cross-Country position. This would also take

at over Otterbein's career lead

The Otterbein reserve 11:00a.m.TheyarealsoatOhio

gridders endedtheirmini-season Wesleyan. The harriers hope to calledsignalsfortheOttersfrom

in style by defeating the improve on last year's second 1967-70. He is second in the pergame Wittenberg J.V. 20-19 last place finish in the O.A.C. and conferenceover-allrecords. perattempt Monday. The baby Otters lost the gridders hope to up their AttemptsPassing opening tilts to Ohio Wesleyan recordto6-1and2-1intheBlue .. ·· ... .. .

they finished Otterbein quarterback Bill uninformed fan and the

surpassed Jim Ruth's but Otter middle-guard

U.N. Festival

Better than the

g the possible toliterallyeatyourway

building. Yogoslav, Mid-Eastern

representing. It is and Greek are just a fewof the folk dances and songs to be

•••••••••• •••••••••• Page7
01T 137 102 9S 81 ss 723 2.2 2.5 113 112 S4 55 47 49 619 781 32 6 15 .5 3.5 17 3.0 35.3 NO Thurs. 10:00. 9:00 · 14 E. College Ocm11er 28,1977 Tan and Cardinal 1977OTIERBEINFOOTBALLSTATISTICS(S-1-0) OPP TEAMSTATISTICS PointsScored
Stacking the Cards
FirstDowns so byrushing 32 21
8 10 Championships
as bypenalty Norm Lokey from Otterbein RushingAttempts 326 286
which start
NetYardsRushing 939
1S66 120.5
CompletionsPassing and Capital,
percentage strongly by winning over The lineman's effort oftefi NetYardsPassing 103.l 130.l W-tlmington 20-0.
of the 11.4 14.1 over Wittenberg
media, perpass PassesIntercepted 4 7 theirseasonat2-2.
John YardsReturnedAgainst 34 24 4,657 yards of total offense, Hussey has received some from TotalOffensivePlays 439 398 deserved credit. John has been gained at Heidelberg named O.A.C. defensive player TotalYardage 1S63 1504 1970-73, moving himself into Punts 34 34 Thevarsity will be playingat 3rd place in total offense for a of the week twice this season. The first time was for his play pergame S.6 5.6 Ohio Wesleyan in Delaware career in the Ohio Conference. PuntingYardage 1223 1122 tomorrowwithkick-offat1:30. Hilliernow hasanactivetotalof against Ohio Northern and the 3S.9 33.0 Ifyou"relooking to make a day 4,694 yards and needs only 40 second time was after his play average PuntReturns 1S 18 of it, you might take in the more yards to take over second againstCapital. Yards -232 307 YardsPerReturn 15.4 17.0 Fumbles 8 21
but finished Division.
With the win
goes unnoticed because
From noon to midnight both tea to authentic Danish. (A BallLost 4 11 UN-cola days, the building will house special tip: don't miss the egg K INDMDUALSCORING TD R/P FG TOT rolls made by the Chinese exhibits, booths and BobBolt_z 4 24 BYJIM WAGNER entertainment suppliedbymany exhibitors. LaChoy might make MikeEchols 4 24 Ifyouare lookingforaplace Chinese food seem American, of the Columbus ethnic and MaurizioSchindler 14 togetawayfromschoolorwork internationalorganizations. · butthis-istherealthing.) WayneCummerlander 3 18 this weekend, itispossibletogo In the evening dance Most of the ethnic BillHillier 1 0 1 0 8 MikeKoob 0 1 1 anywhere in the world - all undef' one roof. This Saturday and Sunday, Oct.29and30,the associations prepare and sell companieswill beginperforming food eaten in whatever country on the center stage of the ChrisClapper 1 6 BobBardelang 1 6 MarkBailey 1 6 RandyBressler 2 12
Columbus area United Nations they are
Association is sponsorin
huge around the world with presented. The Mid-Eastern l.ausche Building of the Ohio everything from American "soul StateFairgrounds. food" to Japanese rice ballsand PASSING ATT COMP INT PCT TD YDS BillHillier 110 53 3 48 7 602 BobBoltz 1 0 1 0 0 0* BrianSpangler 2 1 0 so 0 17 dance group to which ·Otterbein'sUna Shiblaqbelongs is among those scheduled to perform. Also from Otterbein, the RECEIVING NO YDS AVG TD LG REC/GAME /local chapter of the national MarkBailey 10 144 14.4 1 43 1.6 BobBardelang 14 143 10.2 1 22 2.3 Romancelanguagehonorary,Phi 178 11.8 4 31 2.8 BobBoltz Sigma Iota, is once again sponsoringabooth.Theywillbe MikeEchols 10 108 10.8 0 22 1.6 selling buttons, T-shirts and WayneCummerlander 2 17 8.S O 17 .4 aprons, as well as presenting ChrisClapper 3 24 8 1 17 slides on Otterbein's Dijon and RUSHING ATT NET TD AVG Segoviaprograms. WayneCummerlander 129 4S7 3 The U.N. Festival is an MikeEchols 61 176 4 2.8 important part of the life of BillHillier 64 57 1 .8 Columbus. It gives the ethnic RandyBressler 4S 220 2 4.8 groups of the area a chance to 0 4.2 MarkBailey 4 display their heritages and cultures. Weallmaybemembers JohnHassel 8 53 0 66 MarlonMathews 3 1 0 .3 Jm Pfancuffwascrowned HomecomingQueen. She wasescorted of thesamecommunity,butour BrianSpangler 2 6 0 KevinBrown 1 2 0 1.0 backgrounds are varied as one by Joe Corbett. canseetltj�weekend. JoelSexton 4 11 0 PUNTING NO YDS AVG RickLainhart 33 BETTER BUY 116S MarkBailey 1 29 29.0 INTERCEPTIONS YDS TD AVG DonSnider 1 4 0 4.0 GregCobb 1 0 0 0.0 BobSpahr 3 43 0 14.3 JimLower 1 0 0 0 ·BOUTIQUE Hours: Everyday 10:00 • 6:00 Sat. 10:00 - 5:00 Closed Sunday GregMoore 1 10 0 10.0 ''Quality Women'sclothingforless" 2.7
U.N. Festival in the


continued from page 1 diligently in records in WestervilleandColumbusaswell as at Wilberforce University. He is writinga paper onThomasin an independent study course at Otterbein under Hancock's direction.

When Brian discovered that Thomas' grave did not have a marker, William Smithsuggested that the veterans administration be contacted in Washington. Supposedly the marker was shipped from Washington August 21, but it just arrived this week by truck in Westerville. The foundation and marker are in process of being placed in the Otterbein cemetery.

A Joyful Noise

Well, now that you've been here seven weeks, how do you feel? Stop a minute and think. Close your eyes and relax. Do absolutelynothingforfiveminutesandthenreadfurther

Did you enjoy the break or did you feelguilty because you weren't doing something moreconstructive?Ipresumethatsome of you didn't even bother to take that five minute breather. That's your loss. Unfortunately, oneof thehardestthings fora persontodoistorelax.Stressandstrainbecomeanormalpartof our everyday routine as weattempt to increaseour production, improve our means, andexpandourhorizons.Weareinanageof extreme technological advancement that finds us constantly striving to open new doors. Pursuing reality becomes a drive incessant to our being as we attempt to add dimension to our seeminglymeniallives.

"Ina quiet peaceful village ." Words such as these(written over half a century ago) hardly seem fitting in our world of today. Undoubtedly the freshman have been "broken in" to the ways of college life by nowand find that thereislittletimeto even gaze at the leaves turning on the trees. Even Westervilleis not the peaceful village it once was. Change has brought expansion, buildingprojects,andexcessivetrafficonMainStreet. No longer doesthe serenityofthe campus remainasafluidpart of the community. Face it, we are losing the battle. The battle exists within ourselvesandabout, and weare allowing ourselves to be caught up in the rapid turnoverof a constantlychanging society. Ipresumetherecan besomepeace inchange,butweall need to get away occasionally fromthe pressuresofeachdayso as to recomposeourthoughtsandgaininsightintothefuture.We needtostepbackandrelax.

Well, such an opportunity has been providedforyoutorelax. A sincere invitation isextended toallofthosewhohaveeverfelt lonely, lost, confused, tired, sad, empty, orinneedoffellowship to join in an experience of sharing and joyful worship on Wednesday evenings at 6:15 p.m. The bells of Towers and the Church ofthe MasterbeckonyouweeklytoattendChapelwhich is held in the Church ofthe Master (corner of Groveand Main). Within you will find anon-denominational gathering ina setting of peace and joy where onecanexperienceatimeapartfromthe normal college schedule for rest, worship and Christian fellowship. Such a chance for sharing is highlighted by the mingling of students, faculty, staff, administrators, and communityresidents.

Ministering to the spiritualneeds ofthe campusis one of the main goals and, thus, it requires a broad range of worshipful experiences through all areasofcommunicationandthearts.The remaining services for this term include a talk on peas and the Christian life (sorry, Mendel), a worshipful dance presentation shared by Dean VanSant, and a community wide communion service.

7--�--= Plge8 Tan and Cardinal October 28, 1977
�IIW�lf � 30 EAST COLLEGE • GIFTS 'N' THING ESTERVILLE, OHIO 43081 PHONE 882-0351 "The Friendly Store" 23 NORTH STATE STREET WESTERVILLE, OHIO 43081 PHONE 882-2392 AgencyforRU88ellStover Candies Prescriptions Four free quarts of Coke! cu storner pays deposit. Ole B::�M:!:wer .f. Westerville, Ohio 43081 Complete Floral Service 614/ 882-0606 Hours g:oo- 5:30 Closed Sunday 88

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