The Tan and Cardinal November 18, 1977

Page 1

The Tan and C1t'f8iiial

Senior Fellow addresses classes


speaks on the arts

Speaking on a variety of thearts.

people their arts programis not ManagingEditor topics,Whallon concentrated on Not long ago the Junior up to standard because they EvanWhallon,MusicDirector thearts and howtheyaffectnot League inColumbus, along with have a second rate attitude to of the Columbus Symphony only those who live in major Battelle Memorial Institute, that arts program," said since1956,visitedOtterbeinlast cities,but alsopeoplewhomake hired afirmfromMinneapolisto Whallon. "They can't know week as a Senior Fellow. theirhomesinsmallercitiessuch examine the arts in Columbus whatisneededorwanted." Whallon, who made his debut asColumbus. and proposeaprograminaccord Besides discussing the arts in with the Philadelphia Orchestra In response to a question with the wants and needsofthe Columbus, Whallon addressed at the age of 25 and has since concerning the state of the arts community. The firm's final classeson thesubjects ofarts in gone on to work with several inColumbus, Whallon said that analysis was that Columbus the public schools, business in nationally acclaimed orchestras, not only do the arts of considered itsel the arts, careers in thearts, and spoke to several classes and Columbus meet the present second-rate. the role of the arts in student groups during his two needsofthepeople,butthatthe "No one from one city can contemporary ideas about daystayatOtterbein. cityis growing and alongwithit come into another city and tell leisureandsuccess.

Archery techniques developed

COLA Sponsors Cold Turkey

The Central Ohio Lung massive media campaign will be Association has conveniently launched with celebritiessuchas named the day after Woody Hayes, John Havlichek Thanksgiving, November 25th, and Chris Shinkle appearing in as their second annual Cold thesmokeoutTVspots. TurkeyDay. The LungAssociationhasput

The day is sponsored by together a packet tohelpyouor COLA toenablesmokerstokick someone near to you stop the habit for onedayor be the smoking. Thepacketincludesan first step towards quitting official "I quitSmokingonCold forever. The Lung Association Turkey Day"buttonandhelpful and Governor Rhodes will hints and suggestions to make officially proclaim this day this Cold Turkey Day as smokeless and smokersallacross smokelessaspossible. Ohiowillbeparticipating. For further informationorto Jim Gibson, spokesman for obtainyourpacketcalltheLung the Lung Association said thata Associationat228-6704

Robin Hood opens tonight

When Robin Hood and his teaches archery at the college, below 'point blank'," Coach large cast with selected merry band zing arrows across has been preparing actors for Fishbaughexplains. according to individual arm theCowan Hall stage, tonight, their "swashbuckling" Students will be using target length. Saturday and Sunday in the productionoftheclassictale. arrows for thelongbow contest, The archery contest, Otterbein Children's Theater Beginning with the basic Fishbaugh says, with each quarterstaff fight, Maypole production, it won't be "hit or stance, he has been working to pulling 35 pounds for this dance, jugglers and acrobats will miss". improve the novicearchers'aim. realistically staged contest. all add color andexcitement to Otterbein Cardinal baseball "With the stage distance 20 Arrows are being chosen as the favorite story of a 12th coach Richard Fishbaugh, who yards at most, they have to aim carefully as costumes for the century hero, according to directorPetieDodrill.

Choir Christmas tour set

Mrs. Dodrill, who

The OtterbeinConcertChoir highly select ensemble chosen Instructor in voiceat Otterbein, co-authored the original script will preseet aChristmas-Advent from auditions at thebeginning willbefeaturedinthecoloratura with local writer Sarah Skaates, Concert tour. The choir, under of eachacademicyear. Although role of the Angel. Other soloists believes "children deserve the the direction of Dennis L. manyof themembers are music will be Heather Leach, best possible introduction to Kratzer, Director of Choral majors, other disciplines at the Chillicothe, Ohio; Leisa Robb, theater, including the backstage Activities will be touring Collegearealsorepresented. Columbus, Ohio; Henry work." through Ohio, Pennsylvania,and The concerts will open with Molinaro, Connellsville,

Pub Board announces . openings

ThePublicationsBoardtoday announced the openings of two paying positions for the remainderoftheyear.

The job of Business Manager for theT&C is open. It involves advertising and working on the financial functions of the paper.

Also open is the job of Assistant Editor for the college yearbook.

Interested students should write a letter of application including· past experience. The application should be made out to thePublications Board. They maybe dropped offin the T&C mailboxin thedoor of theT&C office.

CPB Ski trip

Hit the slopes and feel the excitement of gliding down a hill!CPBissponsoringapackage ski programwithClear ForkSki Resort. Both novice and experienced skiers can participateinthefun.

The package includes five nights of skiing, area pass, lesson, and equipment for $45.40 or five nights of skiing, area pass, lesson with no equipmentfor,$35.00. Thedates available are Jan. 6, 20, 27and Feb. 3, 10withmake-uponFeb. 17.

In case of bad weather the program will be extended. Transportation is by car. Don't miss out on the fun and excitement of skiing and the relaxing atmosphereinthelodge afterwards. Hurry and signupat the Campus Center Office. Registration must be this before Thanksgivingbreak.

Library due date

by Robert

Fred Thayer

THE FINAL DUE DATE FOR LIBRARY MATERIAL IS NOVEMBER 23rd. Pleasereturn all material by then. Ifyouneed anextension-askalibrarian.

i l J
Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio
Washington D.C. from Bach's "Cantata 50", a double Pennsylvania; Douglas Mary Jo Yeakel is technical November 26 to December 6. MacCallum, Pittsburgh, chorus work accompanied by director with costumes by Beth Last year the ensemble organ. Rounding out the first Pennsylvania;andPeggyFarmer, Titus, choreography by JoAnn completed a highly successful half willbe Respighi's "Laud to Waterford,Ohio. VanSant, and quarterstaff fight tourin England andSwitzerland the Nativity" featuring three staging Kokai. aswellastheEastcoast. soloists, choir and woodwind Professor designed The 40 member choir is a ensemble. Eve Ann Wilkes, theset. (Left to right) Troy West as Robin Hood protects Maid Marion played by Sharon Blaire. John Ebner is the Sheriff of Nottingham.

Break the Monotony of "Break"

I am sure I do not need to remind you that our nice, long Christmas break is once again upon us.I ' would like to take this chance to offer a few suggestions for activities during December.

Being the holiday season, several events have been traditional happenings around the area.One of my favorite is "The Nutcracker" ballet.Dance companies in Dayton, Cincinnati, Columbus and other cities always schedule several performances during month. Maybe you can take little brotherorsister withyou.After all, ifyou are embarrassed togo alone, they might enjoy it, too.

Ifyou arelookingforabitof

historytomixwithyourholiday cheer, several spotsareavailable. Here in Columbus, the Ohio Village (part of the Ohio Historical near the State Fairgrounds) is sponsoring Christmas at the Village. Buildings in the complex were constructed to represent various stages of Ohio history. Those buildings will be decorated 'and carolers will be entertaining. Dates, times and prices are available by calling the Ohio HistoricalCenter.

Farther north, Greenfield Village in Dearborn (near Detroit) is once againpresenting special Christmas ' celebrations. Greenfield Village, similar to Ohio Village, is the location of homes of many famous

Letters to the editor

Otterbein receives thanks

DearEditor: don't know ifI would have felt

Last week I experienced the such caring concern from those tragic lossofa dear friend from around me.I want to stress the .Westerville.Thoughmostofmy uniquenessofthiscampus-this Otterbein friends did not know place - that has reached out to her, they have been a great me in a time ofneedandhelped comfort to meduring this time. me to go on.I wanttothankall The understanding and those who have supported me sympathydisplayedamongthese and who have cared.I'm glad friends has meant more than I I'm here, at Otterbein, where I canexpressinwords. can count on that.

HadInotbeenatOtterbein,I LoisMcCullen

The Tan and Cardinal

Published weekly by the students of Otterbein College. The opinions expressed in the Tan and Cardinal are those of the staff and do not necesaarlly reflect those of the school or its administration.

DougMaccallum .................. Editor-In-Chief

Americans from Stephen Foster to the Wright Brothers. Each house will be decorated in the style its former owner mayhave chosen. Weather permitting, horse-drawn sleigh rides will be conductedthroughthecomplex.

Whatever your vacation and holiday plans, have a safe, enjoyable time.Seeyouagainin January.

Scholars are nominated

The Academic Council has nominated two Otterbein students for scholarships.These scholarships are for the 1977 and1978schoolyears.

Bob Boltz, a senior from Marion, Ohio hasbeenchosenas Otterbein's nominee for the Danforth Fellowship program.

Jim Wagner, a sophomore from Dayton, Ohio is the nominee for the Harry S. Trumanscholarship.

Both are honorable nominations based on academic excellence and character. [TI]�

OD [ID ffl


6-0 and 8-0.

SorryGhoti, Jondatakes 0 onlythebest TastingMEAT 'Tis

the season to be jolly

Editor Yes, this is the time of the year everyone enjoys. The

The per/ect plan

For the final week of the term,Iwouldliketobreakaway from our study to discuss two very important holidays just around the comer.. The first holiday is Thanksgiving, the second.Christmas.

"In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.(1 Thes. 5:18)." This verse is not a statement, but a command! We are commanded by Godto give thanks for everything! Do you know why? God has a very perfect plan for us as believers, and no matter whathappens to us, it is a part of God's perfect plan for our livesandweshould thankHimforit.

God has given you and me thebestreasonforgivingthanks, eternal life.Nearly 2000 years ago the Lord Jesus Christ was born.He lived aperfectlife,was nailed to a cross, and died so that we could live forever.He suffered the greatest pain and the greatest humiliation, in the greatest act ofloveeverknown. He suffered so we might live, andlive,andlive.

Give thanksforyourlife,give thanks for the circumstances surrounding it, give thanks for every little thing that happens, but most of all, give thanks to God for the birth of Jesus Christ! Have a great break. Praise the Lord!

inter-term is a goodbreakfrom classes andprovidesareasonable time forChristmasemployment. With this in mind, the T & C wishes everyone a very happy break.

******* ******

Otterbein footballhascomea longway.The coachesandteam provideduswithatrulyexciting season.It certainly will behard for Otterbein to surpass the qualityofthisyear'steam.Isaid threeyearsagothatwewouldbe a "real" winning team by my senioryear.Thisisduetoaclass of playersthat ranks amongthe best in the nation.The senior class is an outstanding one, although it was not only they whoperformedwell. **********

I would like to thank the retiring Managing Editor of the T&C, Brad Manier. Brad is a hard worker who did a fine job. Taking over next term as the Managing Editor is Scott Brockett.Scott has been Sports Editorforthepastyear.

8S ... .......... usinessm, � Pagel Tan and Cardinal rnooo� fillr®oooo� ®W@l?[filrnooo
November 18, 1977
BradManier ..................... Managing Editor B · 11ana er Ole B::�M::wer;,. MickeyBu,rns "Andwe knowthatallthings DennyMohler .................. Photography Editor work together for goodto them NancyBallog ....................... Feature Editor that love God, to themwho are ScottBrockett ....................... Sports Editor called according to His purpose Westerville, Ohio 43081 ChrisKapostasy •••........... Entertainment Editor (Rom.8:28)." All things work CQmplete Floral Service 614/ 882-0606 DebbieThorn ........................ Copy Editor together for good, all things! If DonHines ............................ Advisor you have one little trauma, or TimO'Flynn Poetry Editor severallargetraumas,remember, God has a perfect plan for your life. Trust Him! • Closed Sunday Hours 9:0Q-5:30


memory process, but they


sure how sleep disturbs the /

More information may be obtained by contacting Mrs. SchillinginLambert Hall. memory; sleeping six hours room. It is a gift ofvalue.Come disturbeditless. in and let us show you and tell, .,m9 � I S +ti I U .,it#, I J�,,,JJ.J.,k,,.i,�,t,,, Researchers aren't exactly youaboutlimitededitionprints. i,,,I i t •J..�,,,,-,,,•

Select a beautiful limited editionartprintontheirfavorite subject to beautifytheirfavorite Dominican College Concert will present a village green Choir, and Cardinal Chorus.

Cardi 1al Chorus joined Ohio

Tu:sday, November 15,

Held, organ,and JeanHarriman, harp. Rev. Carole Long, Otterbein College chaplain, assiste,1inthereadingoflessons.

Richard Patton conducted; accompanists were Dr. Wilbur

Dom nican College Concert concert and will combine with Otterbein Concert Choir and Orchestra in a performance of ahm'sBr Requiem. Membership in Cardinal Chorus is open to interested students, faculty, and staff.

Episcopal Church, Ohio Spring Term CardinalChorus

Episcopal Church, Trinity eveningchapelservices.

A Unique Gift For Mom and Dad

Recent research into sleep and study habits shows that sleep prior to study disrupts memory signific�tly, unless considerable waking time is allowed before digging into the material you want tolearn. The shorter the period of sleep that precedes the studying, the more this sleep disrupts learning. Sleeping four hours or less was found to be highly disturbingto ---'c:'"ollector■� Print• Cu•tom Framing



study habits thansomeo�ewho doestheworkafterward. Episcopal Church, St. Stephen's participate in the Wednesday

The Requiem by Gabriel February 26, 158: p.m. in the reports you may be getting Faure was presented by urchCh of the Master, better gradesasa result ofyour combined choirsfromSt. Mark's Westerville. The Choruswillalso

five or six o'clock and then If you have a test to study saw their ad in the Tan & Mark's Episcopal Church in Cardinal Chorus will present crams? If you're a pre-sleep for,study first insteadofputting Cardinal UpperArlington. portions of Handel's Messiah studier, GLAMOUR Magazine it off until the next morning.

Are you the kind of student somatotrophin, produced Otterbein College, directed by Church Choir in a second who usually studies hard before naturally during sleep, severely bzabeth Schilling, participated performance of the Faure SUPPORT the T & C. If you visit going to bed, or the kind who affected the memory of mice a place of businm that adllflrtilllJS in an Ecumenical Evensong Requiem for the Pataskala injectedwithit. newspaper� tell them 13, goes to bed, sets the alarm for in 'this you Sunday, November at St. Concert Series. Winter Term

mice, the hormone The Cardinal Chorus of Choir, and St. Mark's Episcopal

is involved

Cardinal Chorus

YOUNGANNEBY hormones. Inlaboratorytestson speakerswillbeutilized.

veneral diseases. Films and

dealing with birth control and

and two education programs

schedule will be "Sports Quiz"

makes better grades

Study before sleep

Alternate: presentlybeingsought. Also included in the RPS

Member: "opportunity forpeopletolearn November 25- Friday :Member something we know very little -OfficesClosed about". Several speakers are

PhoneNo. "Alcohol Awareness for You OfficesClosed and Me". Dea."1 Carl Oldag said -WinterInterterm:November25, :Member that the event is an 1977-January3,1978


TeamName: (FeePaid: ) will be a program entitled -ThanksgivingDay:


last year's program on sexuality November 24-Thursday

Followingthe sameformatas


Quiz" will run through the all individuals and groups on November23-Wednesday years and this year will reward entire term with teams campus to organize teams. The -Exams $50tothewinningteam.

November22-Tuesday "Whiz Quiz" has grown -Exams January 19 at 6 p.m., "Whiz An invitation is extended to considerably over the past two

Highlighting the term will be RPS has strived to create Amazingly, untouched by "Whiz Q1..iz", a game based on November Monday-12 another program of value, inflation, the entry fee has the television show "In the -Exams st,intereandexcitement. remained the same ($2.50 per Know". Originated in 1975, Beginning on Thursday, team).

ipationPartic has been great as $30.00 for second place. Association(T-15)

Beahlin1975, "Whiz Quiz" has amoreexcitingtournament. The 7:00p.m. -Clarinet&VoiceRecital:Peggy Service (RPS) will be presented since established itself as a price money has been doubled, Farmer&MelissaFrazier for students and faculty during Winter Term tion.tradi with $50.00 for first place and 7:30p.m. -Agape/CampusChristian winterterm.

Several programs sponsored iginatedOr by alumnus Chip for more teamsand to allowfor 1:30p.m. -OtterbeinChildren'sTheatre by Resident Programming

Tourney show, "In the Know", "Whiz "Whiz Quiz" will also be RPS programs -OtterbeinChildren'sTheatre Quiz" features a tournament of expanded. Competition has 10:30a.m. -:301p.m. teams competing in the area of moved to two nights, Tuesdays scheduled 8:00p.m. -EpsilonKappaTauMonte Carlo academicsandtrivia. and Thursdays, toaccommodate November20-Sunday

Similar to Central Ohio's recommended that teams have this year's "Whiz Quiz"emcee?) November 19-Saturday -OtterbeinTurkeyDebate fulsuccess high school quiz members from diversified areas. 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m.

Question: Where is the Tarim one alternate and may include office by 5 p.m. Groups may 6:30p.m. -CampusCrusadeforChrist(T-1) River?It's timetostartwarming any combination of students, take advantage of thepre-season 9:00p.m. -:001a.m. -SigmaAlphaTauCo-Ed upthose brains for WinterTerm faculty, or both. Due to the entry form in this issue or can 9:00p.m.-:001a.m. -S.O.U.L.Dance because "Whiz Quiz" is back, wide range of topics to be pick up forms next term from 10:00p.m. -EtaPhiMuCo-Ed bigger and better than before! included this year it is strongly the CC office.(Question:Whois

Question: Who was the first elimination-style tournament. A January 13, with entryfees and Posters president of Otterbein College? teamconsistsoffourplayersand forms to be turned into the CC 10:00a.m.&7:30p.m. -Otterbein Children'sTheatre

Question: What is urushiol? ingcompet in a single deadlineforsigningupisFriday, 10:00a.m.- 5:00p.m. -ExhibitandSaleofionExhibit



�� � , ��
bigger- and better
Whiz Quiz
"'�ii''ff'tU Q � - riI f;'} ,:, Ol'i j � I _,.,•., 9771,18berNovem Page 3 Cardinal --------------------- Tan and
N. State St. In The Upstairs AHey Shoppes WESTERVILLE OHIO 43081 Mon. thru Sat 10:00 - 5:30 614-882-9604 Fri. eve. 'til 8:00 believe it might involve -----------------------1

Books stay but "dead wood" pitched

Getting "rid of the dead wood" was the goal of Bob Meyerwhen he becamemanager of the Otterbein College Bookstore this summer. An Otterbein graduateof 1965,Bob realized that the root of the bookstore problem -nothaving the student business - was the lack in student communication.

First, Bob got rid of all the filler materials - things not bought for years,just tal<lng up space. It helped. A booksale at the beginning of the term eliminated most of the leftover booksfromyearspast.

Bob rearranged the store to make it more appealing and began to hang the shirts on hangers instead of leaving them folded in plastic bags. Student saleshave risen because of these changes. Studentshaveincreased the bookstorebusiness14%over last year,andthepercentagestill rises.

Unlike most college bookstores, Otterbein bookstore charges the exact price of each textbook. The store's aim is to

community aware of the bookstore's value besides the place for obtaining textbooks hasbecomeanother goal.ofBob Meyer along with his communications.

Items can be obtained at the bookstore cheaper than most department stores. Bobalsosays that fraternities and sororities can have their shirts monogrammed and bought cheaper through the bookstore than through another company.

The bookstore has been chosen as a small private college bookstore to handle full-line calculators averaging between $100.00 to $200.00inthelarger department stores. This is an experimental business to promote more student business. The calculators of any brand name will be sold at a discount price.

The bookstore also sells

To further open student pencils and pens made by the break even in providing the service to the studnets. The communications, Bob talked to breaking even comes after freshmen at the summer (®[?@@� mrnm� paying of wages and the rental orientations and to the faculty

Montana Blackfeet Indiansfrom the Blackfeet Indian Writing Company. Allmoneygoestothe economyoftheBlackfeetIndian Reservation near the Glacier National Park in Montana. The pencils are two for $.05 and are made of sturdy California westerncedar.

Bob continues toplanfurther activities towards a better-operated and better-managed bookstore than before. He wants to open the bookstore on Saturdays beginning winter term from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Healso wants to find a way to ease the lines for books at the beginning of the yeartolessenthewaiting.

"The students must be put first with the bookstore," says Bob. "We are selling to them, and themoreappealingthestore iswith less costwillincreaseour student business." This is the new outlook for the college bookstore.

Bob Meyer, manager of the Otterbein Bookstore. fee from the college for the at the first faculty meeting. Rush parties bookstore'stworooms. Making the Otterbein highlight weekend


tttui 1'..s.snrintinn

The campus is invited. Come in your nice attire for this An nnunre.s "gambling" timeand an evening offun!

Bring your

ice skates back

from break so you can go to Onyx's Ice Skating Party! The party is January 7 from 12 a.m.


football game afterwards. The brothers would like to help any women who might need assistance in moving out for winterbreak.Calltheclubhouse forfurtherinformation.

Theta Nu had a party after the meeting Monday night. The Open House senior sisters are spponsoring a night atCamelotforthesorority

Wednesday J to 10:00pm tonight.

Sphinx had aChristmasparty Wednesday night at the house. Congratulations to Mike Sewell for becomingasocialmemberof Sphinx! Shirtorderswillstill be taken by thefraternityinwinter term.

Anyone interested inlivingin the Zeta house over break, pleasecontactanyZetamember. Therentis $15.00perweek.

Tonight is' also the day for

Parties Owls' Wine 'n Fondue Coed. Beginning at 9:00, the sisters

Saturday Jan Jan. 27 will go to Tamarack. Monday

Dinner night the sisters had a Turkey Dinner.

Saturday Fe

Congratulations to Bobby Clay who became an active member of Pi Beta Sigma!! The

brothers would also like to announce thatSteveKovachand

Mike Ward were chosen as recipientsofthe$500.00PiBeta

The end of the term has arrived and the Greeks will end itwitha BANG! Thisweekendis full of campus-wide events by theGreeks.

TonightistheJondaInformal Rush Partyat theiJaycee Pool, beginning at9p.m.Rideswillbe providedfrom thehouseat8:30 p.m. All women, all independents and all freshmen areinvitedtothisgalaevent!

Sigma Buttermore Scholarship Foundation.

The brothersof Club hadten paid for by thepi beta sigma alu�-...... boys from the UnitedMethodist Children's Home for a pizza

party at the house Saturday. Club also took the boys to the

On Saturday night beginning at 8:30 p.m. is EKT's Monte Carlo where games, fun and excitement await the guest!

--, ...,t" \tJ Page 4 Tan and Cardinal No vembe r 18, 1977
1977·78 RUSH
Information Meeting
JJH!11\w1£1!lN1Jwl Feature Editor

''First Love'' iS unbelievable

Noticably lacking are the him, mid-movie, for her older firstlovemusthave. only real strength comes from

ingredients of acting expertise,a man but only after a Deyand Katt give twoofthe John Heard as Katt's next door "First Love" is one of well-written script, talented rendevous in her mother's drippiest performances of the neighbor and best friend. His half-a-dozen love stories directing, and any believability mansion and a tear-filled year. Their characters are free-spirited loving and saturating Columbus-area whatsoever. confession ofherfather'ssuicide stereo-typed and predictable. unashamed conceit seem real theatres recently and it's Considerwhatthereisn'tofa in her playhouse. Where doesall Caroline tells us that she's in and add humor to the movie. certainly among the worst.Take plot.MissDeyisCaroline,arich, of this fit together, you ·ask? love with the older business Alas, even hesellsoutintheend one former Partridge family beautiful college coed who's Good question, but the film executivebut nevergives us any andgets engaged, but theunreal member (Susan Dey) and one having an affair with a 46 year offersnoanswer. evidence to show us that. Asfor cop-out is the writer's and not curley-headed rising actor old married man. Katt is her Finally, Caroline returns to Katt, there is no progression to (William Katt). Add doses of hardworking soccer player, her soccer love, but only after show why he didn't want her Heard's.

The movie's advertisement goodlooks,innocentcharm,and whose goal inlifeistofind the she discovers that her married onceshe comesbacktohim. asks: "First Love ... Do you some fairly noisy and perfect girl. He's convinced that "First Love" does have remember?" If your fust love· semi-explicit (after all, it's only Carolineisthatgirl. lover is not going to get divorce.By then it is too late. a flashes of honest-to-goodness was as bad as "First Love", rated R) sex scenes, and you not Unfortunateiy for him, she's as convinced. She leaves The relationship no longer romance that may tug at the you'd probably prefer to forget have"FirstLove". possesses the quality that a true weak hearts oftheworld,butits it.

The music's good, but the magic's gone

closely resemblewhatonemight along with thosedrunkenantics, is a lot of the vitality and It seems a shamethat a rock himself, which isunderstandable see in theshowroomat Cesar's band should have to take a sincehewasthesecondguitarist Palacein LasVegas. spontaneity that made a Rod backseat to a lead singer - even inBerry'sbandbeforejoiningup RichfieldonNovember4proved

Rod Stewart's concert at

A Las Vegas stage act is Stewart concert such a unique a crooner as famous as Stewart. withStewart. that rock and roll music has exactly what Rod Stewart's andappealingexperience. This is especiallysadconsidering given Special notice should also be to Stewart's drummer an entertainment field madeup o.f comealongway.Whatwasonce concert at Richfield reminded This time around Stewart's the fact thatthisparticularband me of. Gone are the days when show was billed simply asaRod is composed of probably the Carmon Appice, a former young rockers who Stewart and his former band Stewart Concert. Stewart, best back-uprockmusiciansthat member of the original Vanilla semmingly delighted in "The Faces" would come on attired in a black jumpsuit and money can buy, and, Fudgeandmorerecentlyteamed thumbing their noses at the Stewart's stage so juiced that they spent fadedjeanjacketwitharedscarf disregarding up with ex-Fudge bassist Tim establishment, has matured into narcissistic act, the music was an enormous money making most ofthenighttryingtoavoid tied around his waist (shades of Bogart and guitar virtuoso Jeff business where rock bands tripping overoneanother.Gone, Jagger in '72), romped about a delightful. Beck in the powerhouse band white canopied stage amongst The band played both old "Beck, Bogart, and Appice". ivory colored amps and piano and newmaterial,includingsuch Appice sang backup vocal on while trying to keep his blonde, Stewart classics as \'Maggie most of the songs and added a WoodyWoodpeckertypehaircut May", "You Wear It Well", and nice five minute drum solo to as stylishly unkempt looking as "Twist'n the Night Away", as Stewart's version of "I Know possible. well as such recent hits as I'm LosingYou".

Whenever any of the other "Tonights's the Night", "The There were times during musicians on the stage moved, Killing of Georgie Part I andII" Stewart's concert at Richfield St. their actions appeared very andCat Steven's "The First Cut when the show was reminiscent of the generalfunandrowdiness articifial, and had istheDeepest". of a Faces' concert. However, undoubtedably been previously Billy Stewart hasacquiredguitarist Peek Stewarthasapparentlydiscarded choreographed. This stressedthe to play those his image as the likeable three notion that Stewart is the star, traditional Chuck Berry guitar time loser to play the role of and the members of his band, riffs that have founq th�ir way superstar, and probably unlike "The Faces" who always into most ofStewart'sfastsongs justifiably so. But, for this maintained their image as rock during the last couple of years. reviewer, the change has made personalities, are merely hired Peek plays guitarjustas well as, Stewart's performance help. if not better than, Chuck Berry muchofitspersonal appeal. lose

in this newspaper, tell them you �-11 saw their ad in the Tan & Cardina.l

� '
November 18, 1977 Tan and Cardinal Page 5
NEED Brownies -Market 4:JOPM•12AM FIREWOOD ? • Call Eta Phi Mu 43 N. STATE ST . fraternity house 882-0277. $70 per cord includes delivery. atug oost a . U.S. Choice Beef fresh Vegetables & Fruit Daily 882-4124 SUPPORT the T & C. If you 11ilit aplaceof business that advertillllS pollute! I _ .._�-----------1 ri.-T/10 I


Mount Union, Marietta vanquished Gridders �nd with a shutout; season is one of the best ever

The Otterbein Cardinals the three touchdown passes of another pass from Hillier to sop homore Wa yne quarterback Bill Hillier sparked The the marched 77 yards capped for a by a strike, again uppedthescoreto 14-7. third down, touchdown on possession,

The Cardinals jumped back A strong running game and on front later in the quarter on capped one of the school's best visitors offense. their first five-yard The seasons ever with two victories Cummerlander. in as many weeks. Conquests of on Mount Union and Marietta shot the Purple the Otters' overall mark to 8-1, though, Again, including a 4-1 Blue Division record good enough for second

Raiders came back. Taking the second-half kickoff, they drove seven-yard touchdownpassfrom Hillier to junior tight end Bob Bardelangonthirddown. place.

The UniononNovember 5 camebya 10-yardpassintheendzone.

78 yards for the tying score, Mount Union came back in Mount a over in victory with Gulling gathering

Mike quarterback on score tally of 24-17, proving to be a run. The drive was highlighted the Later in the quarter tough test for Otterbein. The by a 60-yard pass completion fromLeonardtoPaulGulling.

CardsendtheseasonS-1 astheydestroyMarietta.

The teams traded field goals on going for an easy score. The the remainder of the conversion was missed and the

the second quarter to knot the junior Murixio scoreremained6-0. driving games, with Schindler for the The Cardinal's second accounting Otters' score with a 42-yard six-pointer camenear theendof the first half. It was set up by Leonard's two-yard touchdown effort.

Otters clinchedthe victoryon a five-yard pass from Hillier to The Ottersrushedfor a total junior cornerback Jim Lower's seniorendBobBoltz. interception.Lowerreturnedthe ball25 yards tothePioneers'34 lossdropped the purpleRaiders' divisionmarkto2-2. of 270 yards in the compared game Union's Mount to Otterbein hosts

117. Hillier accounted for an


91.5 FM


Ohio Vollevball


After marching additional141yardsthroughthe air. tournament to the ten Otterbein reached paydirt on a

In the season finale at home ten-yard pass from Hillier to Bardelang.Again,theconversion attemptfailed.

tournament for the first time, will be one of the 20 Ohio colleges participating in the

through (€14)891-0938 beginning at 8 p.m. that night.

Maurizio Schindler later the Purple 15-0. Although

Otterbein College's Rike Physical Education Center will against Marietta, the Otters' defenserosetoshutoutMarietta be the site of the Ohio Association of Intercollegiate Women (OAISW) Raiders 91 more Sports for Small compiled kickeda27-yardfieldgoalinthe additional yards, they were third quarter to conclude the scoringat15-0. College State Volleyball unable to sustain any potential Tournament Friday and scoring drive. The Cardinals The opportune Cardinal Satur�,Nov.11and12. notched bothtouchdownsinthe defense picked offfour Pioneer Otterbein, hosting the firsthalf. aerials altogether, including one Thefirstcameastimeranout by senior Don Snider that stopped a Marietta drive at the Country Crafts and Gifts in the initial quarter. Hillier rolledto thewide side andkept Otters'38. event. Play will begin Friday 24NorthStateStreet morning at 9 a.m.and continue Westerville,Ohio 43081 the last matches

It has ended now

The tournament BY DAN THOMPSON And as I sat and watched resumes It's hard to come up with an them culminate their careers, opening for Saturday at 10 a.m. with the OPEN finalmatchsetfor3:30p.m. appropriate (theydiditinstylefinishingthis MON-FRI 9:30a.m.-10p.m.

ALL FRESHMAN MEN, INDEPENDANTS AND ALL WOMEN: COME ON DOWN AND CELEBRATE THE END three Hillier, years past - The University of Dayton, a Hussey, Snider to name but a team which finished fifth in last few. year's national championships,


Now they're civilians, those So for those of us who had Quarter finals are scheduled to familiar warriors in the T&C the good fortune of beingatthe a begin at 10 a.m. Saturday with armor, names that meant semifinals at 12:30 p.m. and excitement this finalsat3:30p.m. evening - Hillier hit Boltz for a opposing backfield for a 3-yard and year

Three round robin sessions farewell column to Otterbein's season at 8 wins and oneloss),I SAT9:30a.m. -6p.m. will be held Friday at 9 a.m., football team, so I'll skip the had to fightbackthetears.Ifelt introduction and get to the warmed by their victories and 10:15 a.m., 12:30· p.m., 1:45 SUN 12-5p.m. p.m., 4 p.m. and 5:15 p.m. issue. downheartedwhentheylost.

Watching them play week has received the first seed, after week, year after year, was followed by 1976 state quite a joy. And for them it OF CLASSES WITH THE MEN OF ETA PHI MU



'Bein, when on an autumn 10 yard gain;Husseytackledthe FRATERNITYATTHEFALL loss; Dodge stopped the power sweepalone;Talpasbrokeupan intended pass; or Snider broke upan intended receiver, it'sjust cometo an end. Soonbehalfof all of us, hats offtoBobBoltz, Joe Bringardner, Rob Dodge,


champion Mt.St. Joseph. Other highly ranked colleges include Ashland College, College of hours during each year to perfect their No, they

like all good things; it has to wasn't all so fun - they gave two weeks of theirsummersand

• Wooster and Ohio Northern skills. Universitv.

didn't always enjoy it, and they

didn't always win, their job

Craig Furry; Bill Hillier, John Hussey, Greg Moore, Grant Nesbitt, Don Snider, and Bob wasn't always fun. What? You Building




say you don't particularly like your job either? Well, even

but on autumn Saturdays my jobhasbeenmadeeasy-almost

Talpas.Also thanks toheadcoach RichSeilsandhisstafffor the

hoursthey spent moldingthese youngmen.



Iwanttothankthese 3:30p.m.-10p.m.,T-F y� for the entertainment gu

1p.m.-l0p.m.,Sat. they'vegivenme.

GRIDIRONDAYSPAST. 3:30p.m.-10p.m.,Sun.

Page 6
H�O�U�R l!!"!!' S C � r----C �
;1:m�dmght, M-F 8.30a.m.
, �a.m.-1_ nudmght,Sat.-Sun
3:30p.m.-9p.m.,Mon. (enjoyable.
November18, 1977
writing sports is a pain at times,
and Cardinal

Six upp erclassmen form nucleus

Basketball outlook is strong

It willbeaseasonof"ifs"for 0tterbein's I977-78 basketball

If it can win the close ones. Muff Jones, roamed before was · bothered by continual As president of Circle K, 1 Everything must fall into graduating. Brough has the inflammations of a twisted wish to extend my sincere place fortheOtters tochallenge greater experience as a result of ankle. thanks_to all the membersfor a team.

If forwards Don Brough and for the top spot in the Ohio spot-starting and serving as the Williams' health, not to successful term. We completed Jeff Benson can perform Athletic Conference and lineup's "sixth man" the past mention his rebounding, two successful money making projects, one single shot group twoseasons. shooting touch and muscle

improve on last season's 14-11 consistently well in their first seasonasfull-timestarters.

If project and one weekly Guard candidates include last overall record. If it does, then underneath, will hold a key to individual project. At the two starting guards can the potential exists for a year year's starters, senior Doug the Otter offense, which not beginning of next term we are planning an intensive emergefromahostofupperclass similar to their 21-6 Southern Addis (5-8) and junior Mike only runs, but utilizes a strong Division co-championship of Wohlheter (6-0), plus juniors insidegame. candidates. membershipdrive.

Ifinjuriesdon'tevaporatethe 1975-76.

John Phillips (6-1) and Darrell An all-conference selection I would like to express my team's admittedly-shallow Juniors Brough (6-6) and Miller (6-0), and sophomores and this year's captain,Williams personal thanks to those who depth. Benson(6-4)holdthekeytothe Doug Petty (6-0) and Bob Clay will also be counted on for volunteered their help at the Bloodmobile this past week. (5-10). front court ·where last year's

If it can play with leadership as he and Addis are consistency. the only two seniors on the Your help was greatly squad. fast-breaking offense relies appreciated.

co-captains, Larry Downing and Otters' running, The

The relative youth of the heavily on a strong bench to Upcoming events for Winter combined with the spell tired regulars and keep the team, term include New Years Eve on teammoving. revamped lineup, could pose a Time Square, Tri-K Family consistency problem that

That may already by ·a Board Meeting, January 14 and sixth-year head coach Dick problemupfrontwhereasmany the Great Lakes Conference sponsored by the Pennsylvania District the weekend of February17-1'9,1978. Reynolds hopes to cure early in theschedule. Althoughthereare eight returning lettermen, only as four forwards have split playing time in a singlegame in recent seasons. Doug Hart, a sixupperclassmendottheroster. highly-regarded freshman from

Long range planning includes One thing the Otters did Westland High School, was counted on for back-upstrength a dance marathon for Muscular consistently last year was lose Dy,;trophy in the spring. close games. Seven were lost by before a pre-season knee injury sidelinedhimfortheseason. Everyone prepare yourselves for an exciting winter term with four points or less. That will have to reverse itself for the However, injury-free thus far has been center Ed Williams (6-7),who has notgoneintothe past two seasons with the same luck. In1975-76,heworeaknee brace while still recovering from summer surgery. Last year he Outstanding track performer, Dick Smith, is the winner of the R. F. Martin Award.

Smith receives recognition

Dick Smith, a sophomore at Otterbein has received the R.F. Martin award for outstanding perf9rmance as a track performer.

Last spring Dick participated in the NCAA Division 3 Championships at).d placed fourthinthe440yarddash.The award was presented at the Otterbein-Marietta football game.

Woman is looking for a live-in responsible student, some duties, nice room, some meals. Call 882-2117 ask for Mrs. Walters.

CircleK. Otterstocontend.

"I'm very encouraged by our Hillier awarded team'sfineattitudeandwithour Bill Hillier, who returning nucleus," said quarterbacked the Otterbein Reynolds. "Weshouldbeableto football team the past four compete with the top teams in years,has received the HarryW. theconference." Ewing Memorial Award as the outstanding athlete on the grid squad.

Large sleeping room available with house privileges near uptownWesterville.Perfectforworkingfemaleorfemalestudent. Phone: 890-5660. AskforMarySitko,30N.Otterbein.

Early this season, Hillier became the Ohio Athletic Conference'smostdurablesignal caller when he ran his 979th careerplay.

In his four years the Mount Vernon High School graduate completed 304 passes for 4,258 yardsand35touchdowns. His rushing yardage totaled 816 yards and 18 touchdowns.

In 1975, Hillier led the OAC in total offense with 1,573 to earn all-OAC honors for the firstoftwoconsecutiveyears. He is also a pitcher on the Cardinal baseball team where he hurled a no-hitter his junior year.

November 18, 1977 Tan and Cardinal Page 7
Curling Irons eadliner
Cosmetics 32W. CollegeAve. • Manicures 890-1600
$1.00 off on $7.00 service $3.00 off on $15.00 services or products
BETTER BUY BOUTIQUE Hours: Everyday 10:00 - 6:00 Thurs. 10:00 - 9:00 Sat. 10:00 - 5:00 14 E. College Closed Sunday "Quality Women's clothing for less"
Bill Hillier, winner of the Harry W. Ewing A ward.


With exams coming up, students arebeginning toworry. But, worryingandallthethings it causes may actually hinder test results. It has been scientifically proven that music can calm nerves, reduce pulse rate and aid in producing a generalfeelingofrelaxation.

Whynotspend an hour orso this Sunday eveninglisteningto Miss Peggy Farmer and Miss Melissa Frazier in their joint seniorrecital.

Dual recital set

Peggy, a senior music education-voice major is presently working for the Jefferson Local Schools as a teaching intern and is very actively involved in several musical organizations both on campus and in the Westerville community. She will present a Rossini aria and also five songs byHugoWolf.

Melissa is a senior music education-clarinet major and is very active in campus musical

November 18, 1977

andhonorary organizations. She will play Brahms' "Sonata in E-flat Major, Opus 120, no. 2 and "Arabesques" by Jean Jean.

Miss Farmer and Miss Frazier will also perform two numbers together, "Letrompeurtrompe" by Gaveaux and "The Three SongsofInnocence."

Spend an enjoyable and relaxing time in Hall Memorial Auditorium in Lambert Hallthis Sundayat7:00.Maybeyou'lldo betteronyourexams.

Saturday, Nov. 19

8:30 - 1 :00

J.C. Pool

Rides provided from Women's Dorms at 8:30


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