The Tan and Cardinal May 18, 1979

Page 1

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The Student Newspaper of Otterbein College.

Rep,·esentatives from WOBN and WOSR radio stations met Wednesday to discuss the future of both stations. (O'Flynn Photo)

Faculty Forum Questions Hazing

The Faculty Forum met Wednesday to discuss fraternity hazing at Otterbein, as the faculty continues to question the role of fraternities on campus.

One proposal discussed was the possibility of having all Greek organizations at Otterbein going national. The rationale was that fraternities and sororities could receive more opportunities for leadership developm�nt and programming services.

During the meeting of pledgemasters, fraternity presidents

WOSR Eyeing WOBN Frequency

A meeting between representatives for The Ohio State University studentrun radio station. WOSR, and staff members of WOBN revealed Wednesday that WOSR is considering applying for a broadcasting license from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) at the frequency of 91.5, the present frequen y of WOBN. WOSR is now attempting to convert from a carrier-current station (one which transmits via cables run into select buildings) to an on-the-air station, at 100 watts.

WOBN advisor professor James Grissinger said the establishment of a 100 watt station at the same frequency in proximity to WOBN could cause some interference and a limiting of broadcasting range for WOBN, a 10 watt station.

He also said, however, a recent ruling by the FCC would protect 10 watt stations from being bumped completely off the air, but not from some interference. He said the problem is "some interference" is

Frat on Probation

Fraternity Pi Beta Sigma is on probation for the ren1ainder of spring term and next Jail term. according tu '.\lark Osbahr. president.

Osbahr commented on-the t·t>sults of the fraternity's first hearing with Judicial Council which placed tlw organization on a probation without restrictions (they c:an participate in campus activities and p!,.dg:ing) because of an ill egal house party. The fraternity still has to present its eas<' to the Campus Services and Rt<g-ulations Committee and the Executive Board of Trustees.

Osbahr said he thought the decision wa.- a fair om'.

defined by the FCC.

"But, if WOBN goes 100 watts," Grissinger said, "WOSR would have to look for another frequency," since WOBN presently is licensed for that frequency.

A meeting between WOBN and WOSR was called because "we're at the point where we have to come to some agreement with WOBN," said WOSR Station Manager Chris Solie, Wednesday.

The agreement apparently hinges on two points: One is whether WOBN will go 100 watts and two, is if WOBN does not, how much interference would there be between the two stations.

"Our FM consultant did a frequency search for WOSR," Solie said, "and

told us 88.7, would be one possibility, but that it presented problems because Jefferson Development, a community development station, is working on getting a frequency there and they want to go 1000 watts.

"He also said 91.5 is available. It's the only 10 watt station in the area. He thinks its possible that a 100 and a 10 watt could exist at the same time. The radials and contours he ran were not exact and we don't know where the interference fringe would be."

The terms "radial" and "contours" refer to tests run by an engineer to determine the distance, strength and direction of radio waves, as well as geographical objects that may serve as barriers to them. Solie said the Continued on page 4

Second Frat in F1 our Weeks Faces Possible Charges

Assislant Dean for Student Development Bob Gatti said he was refu ed admittance to the Zeta Phi Fraternity, 48 West College Avenue. Tuesday. May 15. but then after a short delay was allowed to enlcr.

The fraternity's refusal to admit Gatti is the second such offense by a fraternit:- in less than four weeks.

Pi Beta Sigma. 72 West Plum Street. stood before .Judicial Council this Wednesday for an alleged alcohol party \Vednesda�·. April 2n. tlw fraternity also refused to admit College officials.

The refusal to admit a Collegl' offieial. according to tlw Offiee of Student Development is an abuse of a pol iey estab! ished \\'inter term I 978 between \'ice President for Student Development ,Joanne \ an Sant and thL' tlwn ;n office presidents of fraternities

and sor9rities.

According to Gatti. he received a complaint about excess noise at the fraternity and inve$tigated an alleged party with a security officer. "I didn't see anything or any evidence of a party. but I speculated there was alcohol present.·• said Gatti.

Zeta Phi President George Christodoulou said. "I think there was a temporary delay" in letting Gatti in. hut. ''this is second hand. I wasn't lwre."

Christo doulou said no alc:ohol \\'as rresent and the delay came while fraternity members discussed wbether tht>y wished to allow Gatti to cntEr •e ''This is our living quarter;;,'' saide Chrislodo11lou. "Can iust an\'boche come in when the�· \\:ant'!" ·e Gatti said he did not know how tbe Adrnini<'tratinn would act. "It i-; just not a clean cut case." lw said Otterbein College

and faculty on March 12, some of these concerns were raised. The major complaints voiced against the fraternities were an alleged proliferation of unneces ary hazing. the possibility oi theft resulting from some pledge programs and the interference of pledge programs with a pledge's academic performance.

The fraternity presidents and pledgemasters stressed that many pledging activities were necessary to promote brotherhood and that constructive community programs and study sessions were part of the program.

Associate Dean for Student Development Dave Peters said after the meeting that many me�bers of the faculty and Westerville communit�, have called to complain about fraternities.

Most faculty eomplaints have centered on the detrimental effects they perceived pledging to have on students. while members of the community have complained about excessive noise from the fraternity houses. ·

Peters noted that the faculty at Dartmouth University has recently recommended that the fraternities on campus prove their "accountability" to the institution. or else risk losing their charters.

·'Accountability," according toe Peters, would include showing that fraternities are not only not detrimental to the school. but that they provide a \\'Ot:thwhile service for students and the entire community Continued on a e. 4

Sophomo,·e Ke\ in Bro\ ·n win" the 200 mete,· dash dul'ing hL,,t Saturda;\·'s OAC Championships. Brown also won tlw 100 metl't' dash. Story on pagl:' 8.

----------�--Ott bein College Library
18, 1979
Volume 60 Number 29

Tlie Newspaper

What is a newspaper'? Twenty nine weeks ago, I didn 't really know. Today, I do.

A newspaper is two things: It is a risk. And it is a creator or revealer of risks.

It is a risk in two ways: one for the people who work in the paper and two, for the society which supports the paper.

It is a creator or revealer of risks in that it causes decisions by or actions of one group to be questioned by another or many others, thereby putting the group in a position of accountability. In some cases the paper itself questions the decision, depending on the editorial policy.

For the most part Otterbein is a "risk-shy" society, as is poignantly revealed in the Faculty Forum's decision not to allow the press to cover the meetings. That is only the most obvious example.

Being "risk-shy" is a precarious position. What it essentially says is that the "leaders" do not want to face the possibility of having a decision . discussed or debated, or even examined.

The precariousness derives from the possibility that shyness could become inertness. Frank Trippett, who wrote the Time Magazine Essay, "A New Distrust of the Experts," said, "A risk-free society is a dead society."

For the Tan and Cardinal to assume its rightful position as the organization that questions, evaluates and communicates-each as important as the other-the students who write and edit it must be willing to write the story and pose the questions-whose characters may be their classmates, their professors or their administrators.

It is necessary to understand that the newspaper is both within and without the society at the same time. It must be willing to question the society which supports it.

As James D. Ewing, an editor of the Keene, New Hampshire Sentenel, said in an interview with Yankee Magazine, "A good small newspaper will investigate, expose, articulate problems and situations

Continued on page 7

Everybody ends up with Comp. and Lit. sooner or later. Eventually everything begins to run together for the student, and he is never the same again.

Nick sat on a porch in the hamlet. He was fishing for grasshoppers and watching a bullfight. Flem was in the bullfight. Only it wasn't a bull and he wasn't fighting it.

Somewhere a dog barked.

Iseult came out on the porch just as the astronomer's wife looked up.

"What in the fox are you doing?" she asked

"Nice winter we're having this July" Iseult replied.

"O, th' 'ell it is" Nick grunted.

"I like winter," said Iseult awakening, "Christmas and all those nice presents."

"Women" snorted Nick; and "Men" said the wife.

Just then the man who lived underground crawled by and turned into a huge beetle. He began tristan' and writhin'.

"Kalkaesque" muttered Lawrence watching.

"Excuse me?" said Papa, his-quai in the door."

"Why, did you fart?" was the quick rejoinder.

Cassandra sniffed her disapproval.

"Well, what moor do you want?" asked Iago.

Things were falling apart, but there was no exit. Rascalnickel sat down on the porch next to Nick, and began to make a cat's cradle. Hamlet said "The flies are real witches tonight."

Hamlet anti gonized everyone by saying that. Everyone, that is, except Von, he got the fly spray.

"It'll be a scorcher tomorrow, nice for tanning" said Okonkwo.

"Yep, a real inferno," said Hamlet, undanted.

"Don't you think we ought to quit?" asked Eula.

"Uh-huh" said Nick, "this punishment has been enough of a crime already."

I ( g
FIRST IT WAS C'"ARLle� ANG�LS, �NTH��� (OM PAN'/, THeN AMeRICAN GIRLS, rneN FLY NG 1-116�, TH�N ... perspective Classes in Literature Second Class Postage Subscription rate .p per-year. Editor-In-Chief, Bradley Manier Managing Editor, Lois McCullen Business Manager, Al Bondurant Photography Editor, Tim O'Flynn Contributors: Sandy Bennett, Al Bondurant, Dave Callahan, Mary Ann Deer, Robert Engelbach, Bill Fairchild, John Hulkenberg, Craig Jones, Craig Merz, Becky Scheck, Stacy Reish, Desiree Shannon, Dan Strine. Photographers: Jeff Boehm, Dan McCoy, and Darrell Miller. Advisor, Jennifer Goins Oµi11011s e.rµre.�sed herein are those of the staff and do not 11eces.�arily reflect tl;e /'iel('.� of the school or its ad111 ini.�tmt io11. Pl/blished el'ery Friday aftei-110011 dl/ri11r the .�chool year. holidays e.n·epted. Q{fices i11 the hase111e11t of the Ca111µ11s C'e11ter. Maili11g nddre.�.�.- The Tn11 a11d Cardiual, Otterbei11 College, We.�ter, ille. Ohio 4-WHI etters to the Editor eadersare encouraged to express viewsandopinionsthroughletters t T&C. To bepublished, lettersmust be typedandcarry the author's name. Namewillbe withhelduponrequest. The T&C retainsthe ri ht toedit all Page 2 The Tan & Cardinal
s�x, sex sex... eveRv NIGHT THIS W�K, tro... OON'TYOU � GeT eNOUGH?
The Tan & Cardinal Published at Otterbein College Westerl'ille, Ohio 4,JORJ May 18, 1979

Babaie: Americans Confused About Iran Perspective On A Revolution Iran

Ideas of revolution bring thoughts of destruction into the minds of Americans. The Iranian revolution against the Shah and Imperialism places Iranian students at American Institutions in a bad light: they are, in a sense, considered radicals.

This interviewer talked with Mohammad Babaie, a serious young Iranian enrolled in Otterbein's TESOL program, who is concerned with presenting the Iranian perspective on the political events in his country.

"American students are confused about Iran-and world politics in general," said Babaie. The power countries are fighting over the natural resources his country provides. "Oil reserves make trouble for my country," he said, "it is very cheap and the U.S. only wants to barter for itwith army equipment and other things we don't need." Iran is an agricultural and industrial nation which the Shah refused to develop.

"The. Shah worked for the U.S. (the Imperialists) because they supported him, and he began dissipating everything in the country," maintained Babaie. "The Shah was not for the people of Iran-he was a servant to others."

Babaie explained the history which led to the recent televised events in Iran. "The root of the revolution is religious," he said. The monarchy the country had established at its birth was taken over by Reza Khan, father of the Shah. Khan beseiged Tehran (the capital of Iran) and established his own rule with the support of the U.S. and England. During World War II, the Shah (then a young man) took over the rule, also with foreign support.

In 1953, a movement began when Prime Minister Muhammad Mosaddegh led the anti-Imperialist struggle. "Iran was like an American colony," commented Babaie. Mosaddegh was imprisioned for his leadership against the Shah.

The Shah then established, with the help of the U.S. CIA, a secret police ("svack") to monitor the people who attempted to revolt. "He (and the svack) took away the freedoms of the people," said Babaie. "People were not permitted to talk about politics or liberty-they were arrested for being broad-minded," he added.

Ayatolah Khomeini, the religious leader of the Iranian people, guided the revolution in a struggle against the Shah and was exiled for his efforts

Among the participants in last weekends Spring Musicfest were (I. to r.) senior Kent Blocher, Sandi Blair, and junior Sharon Blair.

(O'Flynn Photo)

in 1963. "The people of Iran accepted and advocated Khomeini," said Babaie. As this strong movement occurred, the Shah enforced the svack power and "killed about 15,000 people."

"The Shah equiped the svack with torturing mechanisms with the help of the CIA and the Israeli secret police," Babaie said. "Protestors were arrested and tortured to death-thousands were killed through torture," he reflected.

"Sixty-thousand people have been killed in 1978-79. One of my friends was killed," said Babaie. "About a year ago marked the turning point in the revolution," he said. Khomeini returned and led the revolutionists after the Shah escaped Iran in January of 1979. "The Shah realized the strength of the people and the revolution," said Babaie. The people accepted Khomeini's ideas of an Islamic Republic and 99. 7% supported it in a vote last month.

The revolutionists arrested and executed some of the Shah's svack and those who had supported his rule. Most Iranians "hope they arrest and try the Shah," accounted Babaie.

In two or three months, Iran hopes to vote for a president of the country. "We are trying to sweep the country clean and rid it of traitors, in order to make a new country with a leader for the people," continued Babaie. He


Iran will establish a constitution and legislative body to work for the people of the country.

Although Babaie admits he has some reservations about the American government, he likes the people of the U.S. He says he feels "Americans don't understand what happened" in his country but that as they become more aware they recognize the issue of human rights as a vital one to Iranians. "People question me about human rights now, from the revolution, but what about the human rights when the Shah was killing thousands of people?" he queried.

Babaie plans to study in America for eight years because of the advanced technology for agriculture, but he will return to Iran when he completes his education. "My country needs me," he asserted.

Leadership Dessert Held

About 40 students and eight administrators gathered for a leadership dessert Wednesday evening in the campus center. The program was open to old and new officers of campus organizations.

Nancy Bosckor, student trustee, welcomed the guests of Dean Bulthaup and introduced speakers Harold Hancock and Don Bulthaup.

Hancock recounted the histor:v of campus organizations at Otterbein,

citing that there are currently 65 active groups. Bulthaup spoke on the future of Otterbein, stressing the advantages of a I iberal arts education. He said campus organizations can help students to become better citizens by providing leadership opportunities. "No org anization can remain stagnant.'' he said, ''and change must be done in an orderly way in order to best serve the students."

Summer Conference


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Application deadline is May 25, 1979 - 3:00 p.m.

Brownies Market rdinal We Cut & Wrap Beef for Freezers FOOD STORliS We Honor Food Stamps 882�4124 43 N. STATE ST. U.S. Choice Beef Fresh Vegetables & Fruit Daily
Babaie hopes
Page 3 The Tan & Cardinal May 18, 1979

WOBN has Meeting With WO SR

Continued from page 1 distance between WOBN and WOSR would enable both to broadcast to their own areas on the same frequency without overdue interference with each other.

Grissinger questioned how accurate the tests were and whether they would be accepted by the FCC.

Former WOSR Station Manager Kathy Meyers said "it is up to FCC concerning contours. And if you don't go 100 watts you can expect interference-how much no one knows yet,'-' she said, referring to a smaller station.

When questioned whether the OSU engineer had examined possible interference with other stations (such as WCOL, at 92), Solie said he had not.

Myers told WOBN staff members junior Pete Tiney, station manager, Programming Director freshman Dave Callahan and disc jockey freshman Pete Frezer and Grissinger WOSR wanted to reach "some agreement" with WOBN, since "that's what they (FCC) are looking for."

Meyers was referring to a statement by FCC officials informing station that they would have to work problems such as time sharing and possible interference out among themselves or face expensive hearings.

"But that," said Grissinger, referring to Meyers use of the word "agreement" had to do with time sharing-not interference."

Time sharing (or the use of one frequency by two or more stations at different parts of the day) is required of all stations broadcasting less than 12 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

Tiney said after the meeting that WOBN is presently negotiating with the City of Westerville about possible time sharing. The city would broadcast such community meetings such as city council. Should the negotiations go through the agreement could result in WOBN converting to 100 watts, depending on whether the city would provide administrative and technical assistance to the station.

Previous negotiations with the public schools fell through, according to Grissinger.

Callahan said at least five speech majors are pressing to go 100 watts. "We want 100 watts," he said, it's been a common goal."

"There's a lot of animosity now-if we're not going 100 watts." said

Tiney, "but the College is in a financial crunch and before we go 100 watts we have to work effectively at 10. The problem is a lot of people feel we're sitting back and letting WOSR take over.''

Speaking of internal problems, Call ahan said, "First UPI went, then we lost ABC. Does this mean WOBN is going to go?" Callahan was referring to the financial squeeze Grissinger said Wednesday students think going 100 watts would solve all problems. He said the stati�n wo�l� . still face time-sharing and rn add1t1on be required to run a much tighter operation.

"If you got off the air unexpectedly you have to write a memo to the

FCC explaining it," he said. According to both Grissinger and Tiney funds for a conversion to 100 watts are available. Cost by the College would also be affected though because of the necessity to hire another full- or part-time person in the Speech Department to help run the station.

No decision on converting to 100 watts would be made until negotiations with the City are completed.

WOSR, which is aiming for the license application date of June 14, is to meet with WOBN again in June. Discussion will center on the progress made in examining possible interference and whether WOBN is to go 100 watts.

Faculty Forum

Continued from page 1

The trustees passed the proposal.

In addition, a fraternity at Ohio Wesleyan University has recently been taken to civil court for damages done by its members.

Peters emphasized that fraternities at Otterbein should be aware that these cases could serve as a precedent for other schools to follow.

When asked about the pledging program. assistant professor Patrick Lewis, Economics and Business, said pledging often disrupts classroom procedures. He noted that several pledges missed his exams last term. He also opposed the destructive type of hazing "that intimidates or ridicules a student."

Associate professor of chemistry Robert Place said he was concerned about some types of hazing, especially those which can lead to physical abuse.

He also concurred with Lewis' opinion that during pledging a student's grades often suffer. He was concerned that many pledges begin the program already taking for granted that their grades will suffer.

"This year there's been a great number of complaints from the faculty." Place said. "I'll be surprised if the faeulty does not figure directly in future decisions about frats."

Both Lewis and Place, though, emphasized that fraternities have a definite role on an academic campus. Lewis said he could ·'appreciate the

What are your chances of getting cancer?

Thi, chcLk lisr

socialabi lit:v.''

In response to faculty criticism. .Jonda president Jim Pugliese said he feels facultv members are often "harsh" in their treatment of fraternities.

He contended that fraternities do much "social good" for Otterbein that the faculty and Administi·ation do not know about. He defended ,Jonda's pledge program. saying that it included no excessive forms of hazing.

When questioned about pledges stealing, Pugliese said as president he cautions each active not to make pledges do an�·thing illegal. He added that Joncla has made changes in its pledge program this spring specifically concerning the annual scavanger hunt. to remove any temptation for pledges to steal.

He agreed with Place's contention that there should be more cooperation between faculty and fraternities. He suggested that fraternities have open houses for faculty to open channels of communication.

1, ,1 tir,r ,rep 111 thL pn>Ll'" that u•ukl ,.1, L' \'<>Ur l1k. BREAST CANCER
l),·er 40 ,mLI ha, c Ll<1,c r.:lar1,·c, \\ lw h.1d hrca,t (.111LL'r. l)1,.:rat1l,n. 0 I L1,·c l111 1p <>r n1ppk J \',L hctf,!..!L' ,.\h" ,lutL·h n, ,tl1111� 1, 111< ,rL' 11np,,n,tnt t\l ...un·1,·1n� L,tn1,._1.:r ,1 1 han L',1rh dcfL'(tt\111 1,. :-><> 11 y11u -:hL·(kc,l a11, h,l,c-.. \"4HI -.lll1ukl 1..l1,1..u-., rlwm ,nrh )"llr ,illLt"r ""'11. \\\_• \\,HH (ll Lllft.' L ll1(L'f 111 ,·,n1r l1kt�lllL', But \\,.:'II nL'\c'f d,, 1t \\ 1thuut y,n1r hc:lp. American I CancerSocietyt 30 EAST COLLEGE AVENUE WESTERVILLE, OHIO 43081 PHONE 882·035 I GIFTS 'N' THINGS Management Opportunity Unparalleled opportunity exists for college students soon to graduate to acquire experience and training in management. If you are in good health and seeking a challenging career, mail your resume to: LCDR Doug Harrington 200 N. High Street, Suite 609 Columbus, Ohio 43215 Ad Paid For By U.S. Navy Page 4 The Tan & Cardinal May 18, 1979

gallery British Comedy Begins

Wednesday in C C

A veteran cast will be featured in "How The Other Half Loves," a British comedy. opens at the Campus Center Arena Theatre for a two week engagement. The last event on the Otterbein College Theater calendar, the show will play at 8:15 p.m. from May 23-26 and May :30-June 2.

The plot centers around three co uples, the Phillips. the Fosters and the Featherstones. Bob Phillips and Fiona Foster are having an affair. Teresa Phillips and Frank Foster suspect their mates of participating in "extracurricular activities." Bob and Fiona invent a story about the third couple, the Featherstones, to cover up their absences.

Fiona, the unfaithful wife, will be played by Karen Radcliffe, a theatre

In Review

regular. Radcliffe has appeared this season as Hedda in ."Hedda Gabler" and Portia in ''The Merchant of Venice," as well as many earlier performances in Otterbein College Theatre and Summer Theatre. Her husband, Frank Foster, will be played by John Ebner. Ebner appeared this year in "The Merchant of Venice" and as Eilert Loevborg in "Hedda Gabler," as well as other earlier productions.

Lisa Durham will portray Teresa Phillips to Kent Blocher's Bob Phillips in the production. Durham and Blocher have both worked at the Actors' Theatre of Louisville, Kentucky, and Durham played the role of Joanne in this year's production of "Vanities." Blocher starred in "The Merchant of Venice" as Antonio.

Jim Schilling and Linda Finnell will play William and Mary Featherstone, the innocent pawns of .J unio,· .John Ehne,· and senior Kent Blodw,· 1·elwarse a s<:ene fnnn the English eonwdy "How The Othe1· Half Loves" to be !)l'l'sented May 2:l-2f:i and May :30-June 2 �n the lampus Cente,· A,·ena Theatt·e.

Bob and Fiona's infidelity. Finnell is a transfer student from the University of Cincinnati and played in this year's Children's Theatre presentation, "A Christmas Carol." Schilling was cast as the clown Lancelot Gobbo in "The Merchant of Venice."

Director Carter Lewis has already produced "Vanities" at Otterbein this year. He has also directed "The Boys in the Band" and "Relatively

(()'Flynn Photo)

Speaking" at Players Theatre in Columbus in recent years. Lewis is a 1973 Otterbein graduate with a Masters degree in Acting, Directing and Playwriting from the University of Oklahoma. Kate Lewicki of the theatre teaching staff is designer for '·How The Other Half Loves." The Cowan Hall box office is now open for "How The Other Half Loves."

Resurrected Game Shows Should Be Buried


Now that I have your attention, I'd like to express some thoughts that have nothing to do with that word. (I think) I want to talke about T.V. game shows. If one walks through a Jounge in any residence hall on this campus after dinner. one is likely to discover students not studying Math 15, but instead studying a parade of gaudilydressed brainless boobies on "The Dating Game," or some clawing. money-hung.ry, nuptial imbeciles on "The Ne\',..\ywed Game''.

(O'Flynn Photo)

The ironic thing about these two shows is that they are both resurrections of 1960's network shows that were scrapped because they offended the same viewing audience that supposedly has made these two shows hits in the 7-8 p.m. syndicated time-slot. "The Dating Game" went off ABC about ten years ago because my parents thought the show was too racy and complained. If the show was racy then, it's downright lewd now; it primarily features a bevy of beautiful girls, most of whom show about as much intelligence as plastic performing flea�s.

However, the contestants are not entirely at fault because most of what they say on the show is fed to them by writers (?) and their wardrobes are picked for them. The guys on the show are made to seem like idiots and are usually not as good-looking as the girls; they also make vicious cracks at each other.

If you've ever wondered what happens to contestants who date on the "The (New) Dating Game", just watch "The Newlywed Game". The married couples on this show call each other names and manage to put each other through limitless embarrassment. They answer a lot of silly nosy questions that seem as if they were written by writers who got their subscriptions to "Hustler" cancelled.

Sample questions: "When you and your husband first had sex, who was the first person you told?", "Does your wife wear any interesting clothing to bed?". After a while the show begins to sound like The Masters and Johnson Variety Hour. It is beyond me how these couples can look each other in the face after being on "The Newlywed Game" (indeed, it has been

rumored that some of these Qouples do who contend on these shows display eventually split up because of things themselves at a laughable, degraded that were slipped out on the show). level in the name of winning a Perhaps after "The Dating Game" and vacation or furniture or money. But on the "Newlywed Game", there should most T.V. game shows you don't win be "The Divorce Game." anything that's worth more than what It's pretty obvious that the people vou have to give up: your self-respect.

Recitals Set -------

Leisa Robb and Larry Brown will present a junior voice recital Saturday, May 19 at 8:15 p.m. in Battelle Auditorium. They will be featured in a duet by Buxtehude and selections from the musical "The King and I."

Sue Eastham and Lisa Rosenbaum will be performing in a junior flutevoice recital Sunday. May 20 at 3:15

p.m. in Battelle Auditorium. Highlights of the recital will include pieces by Hindemith, Schubert, Mozart and Telemann. A voice and flute duet composed by faculty member John Carter will also be performed.

Receptions follow each recital in the lobby of the Fine Arts Center. Admission is free and open to the public.

Selected works of Robert King can be Yiewed in the Battelle Fine Arts Center King is a retired Ohio State professor who is a guest professor in the art department.
May 18, 1979 The Tan & Cardinal Page 5
Several music students visited the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn Michigan earlier this week. Museum Musicologist, Dr. Allison is shown here explaining the fine,· points of one of the first trumpets. (Boehm Photo)


Any club wishing to submit KIOSK news to the T&C should turn in a concise, typewritten copy at the T&C office in the Campus Center by Monday, 4 p. m. prfor to the Friday publication. The staff reserves the right to edit and will print information as space permits.


The sisters of Kappa Phi Omega enjoyed their Spring Weekend and would like to give a special thank you to the chairman, Kandie Carr, for all her work. The seniors blasted the meeting and enjoyed themselves at the Brown Derby. Senior Recognition will be next Monday- Beware seniors! The sisters will have their summer get together on August 25 at Ann Harmon's house where they will enjoy swimming, boating and horseback riding. Next year Onyx will be responsible for planning one week of Chapel Services. The last official meeting of Kappa Phi will be held at Sharon Woods and will include a picnic.

The sisters of Theta Nu express congratulations and good luck to 1979-80 standing committee chairman: Social - Di Croxton and Charlotte Brennan; Accessories - Beth Stauffer: Money-making - Karen Koslow; Service - Cathy Kurley; AthleticsJana Lee; Constitution - Molly Pelon; Soph. Representative - Susan Rapp; Tea - Karen Medicus; Pin-up GirlEllen Willis. Happy birthday wishes go to Dee Morgan and Chris Markley! The sisters had a super Spring Weekend - especially at the cabins. Theta Nu is making plans for Senior Recognition to be held on May 21. This party will be in honor of the Senior's last meeting and will include the revelation of the 1979-80 Representative Senior. The sisters of Epsilon Kappa Tau enjoyed a super Spring Weekend. Thanks goes to Karen Fishbaugh and her committee for their work in organizing Spring Weekend. Thanks also to the sisters who planned the picnic Monday night. Senior recognition will be held next Monday. Congratulations to Janette McDonald, next year's president of CPB, and to Beth Clawson, the new Circle K president. Good luck to Lisa Rosenbaum, Leisa Robb and Fontaine Follansbee on their upcoming recitals

and to all the sisters participating in the Telethon. Congratulations to Leisa Robb on her engagement.

The Talisman girls are psyched for the coed and Spring Weekend which are May 18 and 19. Shawnee State Park is in for a wild weekend! Thanks goes to Dr. Hancock of the interesting and amusing talk he gave at the meeting and thanks to Jonda for the good time Monday night. Way to boycott the meeting Seniors, but we love you anyway!

The brothers of Jonda are looking for ward to their Spring Weekend. Banger's date, Amy Carter, will be arriving Thursday by helicopter. Amy warned Banger not to expect any Southern comfort. The great paddle is finally finished. Thanks to Chuck for not helping this time. Steve Hallam is the new Earl award winner. Due to Herman's good deed last weekend, his deportation will not be until next week.

The brothers of Pi Sig report Bret rode the beast and is now bald. Dave Ball got a new bandana for the F.F.A. meeting. Old presidents never die, they just disappear.

This weekend, Saturday, May 19, the Sphinxmen will be having a car wash at the Sohio station on the corner of Cleveland and Main street. Spring weekend is scheduled for June 1-2 and the plans are being finalized concerning the big event. The president of Sphinx fraternity is ill and the entire frat would like to extend their condolences to the First Lady.


Kathy Moreland, '82 Tau Epsilon Mu, to Kevin Scott, '80 Lambda Chi Alpha, Marietta.


Leisa Robb, '80 Epsilon Kappa Tau, to Matt Hartman, '80 OSU.

Kathy Ashbaugh, '79 Tau Epsilon Mu, to Steve McCabe, '78 OSU.

Students who wish to apply for the Distinction Program should do so by May 25. To be eligible for the program a student must have completed 24 units of study and have earned better than a "B" average in all work attempted. Forms for application are in the English office, along with an explanation of the programs. See Dr. Norman Chaney, Chairman of the Distinction Committee, for further details. Submit applications to him by campus mail or personally.

Inquiries about the Danforth Graduate Fellowships, to be awarded by the Danforth Foundation of St. Louis, April 1980, are invited, according to the local campus representative, D.C. Bulthaup, Academic Dean, Administration Building.

The Fellowships are open to all qualified persons who have serious interest in careers of teaching in colleges and universities, and who plan to study, in a graduate school in the United States, for a Ph.D. in any field of study common to the undergraduate liberal arts curriculum.

Approximately 55-60 Fellowships will be awarded to college seniors who are nominated by Baccalaureate Liaison Officers. Another 35-40 awards will be made to Ph.D. graduate students, nominated by Postbaaccalaureate Liaison Officers.

Applicants for the baccalaureate awards must be college seniors or recent graduates and may not have begun graduate level programs of study. The deadline to seek information about the campus nomination process is September 28, 1979.

Don't forget your mail.Amonth before you move,pickupafree ChangeofAddressK.itfrom yourPost Officeorlettercarrier. Mailthecardstoyourbank, chargeac counts. Everyone.


Saturday, May 19

•ePi Beta Sigma Spring \IVeekende

•e Zeta Phi Spring Weekende

•e Eta Phi Mu Spring Weekende

•e Lambda Gamma Epsilon Springe Weekende

9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Mid.

•e Circle K Dance Marathone

•e Baseball (M): 0AC Tournamente

1:00 p.m.

•e Softball (WJ: Mt. Union at Woostere (DH)e

8:00 p.m.

•e Voice Recital. Larry Brown ande Leisa Robbe

8:00 I1.m. - 1:00 a.m.

•e Sigma Delta Phi Coede

Sunday, '.Vlay 20

1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

•e Sig-ma Alpha Tau Car Washe

•ePi Beta Sigma Spring Weekende

•eZeta Phi Spring Weekende

•eEta Phi Mu Spring Weekende

•e Lambda Gamma Epsilon Springe Weekende

!l:15 p.m.e

•e Lisa Rosenbaum & Sue EasthamJoint flute and voice recitale

6:00 p.m. - 7:00 11.m.

•e Six On Sunday Seriese

7:00 p.m.

•e Bible Studye

8:15 p.m.

•e Concert Choire

Monday, May 21

11:00 a.m. - 1:80 p.m.

•e Sigma Alpha Tau Bake Salee

4:00 p.m.

•eCurriculum Committeee

7:00 p.m.

•e Sorority and Fraternity Meetingse

Tuesday, May 22

5:00 p.m. - 6::30 p.m.

•ePancake Feaste

5::30 p.m.

•ePhi Eta Sigma Steak Frye

6::30 p.m. - 7::30 p.m.

•eDelta Omicrone

7:00 p.m.

•e Circle Ke

7::30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

•e Room Selection for Junior and Seniore Men & Womene

Wednesday, May 2:1

4:00 p.m.

•e Campus Ser\'ices & Regulationse Committeee

5:00 p.m. - 6::30 p.m.

•e Outgoing R.A. Staff Picnice

6:00 p.m.

•e Campus Programming Boarde

6:15 p.m.

•e \'illagr (;reen Concerte

•e S.C.0.l'.E.e (j::w p.m.

•e Chapele

7:00 p.m.


7::-w p.m.

•e Fe!lo\\'ship of Christian Athletese

8:1:5 p.m.

•e Otterbein College Theatre l/(ie Thun;dav, �lav 2 l

•eTrack (l\h: NCAA at Otterbeine 12:00 Noon

•eCampus Prayer. Share & Bible Studye (;roupe

4:00 p.m.

•e Campus Affairs Committeee

5:00 p.m. - 6::l0 p.m.

•e Spring Fling Picnice

(j:00 p.m.

•e AGAPE' (Campus Ch ristianse Association)e

7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

•e Quiz ancl Quille

7::30 p.m.

•e Personnel Committeee

7::w p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

•e Room Selection for Sophomore Men &e Womene

8:15 p.m.

•e Otterbein College Theatre :iGe

COMPLETE FLORAL SERVICE 882-0606 34 West Main Street Westerville, Ohio 43081
May 18,_ 1979 fhe Tan & Cardinal P,age 6 �:..;;,:.;;,.;�---,--------------------------

The Open Boat

Time: The Killer

EDITOR'S NOT E: "The Open_ oat" will be a column in which tudents, faculty, administrators, taff and people outside the campus ommunity are provi0ed the pportunity to express· opinions, ·<leas, concerns, even a good story,e ound only by the requirement that hey be non-fiction. The staff of the aper reserves the right to edit all ieces. The title of the column is aken from a story by Stephen rane in which four men are aught in a small boat out in the ea after a ship wreck and grow nfini telv close together because of he circumstances. Here again an 'Open Boat" might bring ndividuals closer to their ontem poraries.

"Christ was not crucified: he was worn away by a minute clicking of little wheels." As I put my paint on my easel, Quentin's statement from Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury runs through my mind again and again. Quentin wants to stand outside of time and keep fighting the conflicts that give his life meaning; so do I. The white flowing substance drops on the clashing images of my life and on my latest art project. The white hovers over the top fourth of the canvas. It seems to threaten; like time. It flows and sways. I feel the motion, like seasickness.

The white drips to the bottom of my canvas, sinking, half on a red rose and half on a set of well formed bricks. The rose is beautifully natural. When I know the natural, I know myself. The rose is not well-formed because each rose is different. I enjoy knowing myself, the natural, the different. The bricks are ugly because they are perfectly formed and perfectly the same and therefore, unnatural. The bricklayer must know his use, the bricks, not what he uses - nature. He hates himself, his use, his repitition. Enjoy the rose, use the bricks, such conflicting images.

"Marl,;, it's time to mow the lawn" my Dad yells from another room. "I'll do it later, after I finish my painting." "As long as you get it done today." "All right," I say as I drop my brush. He will leave me alone for awhile, but not forever. I just do not want to mow the lawn when I am concentrating on a project like this painting. In fact, I never want to mow the lawn. It's not just the physical labor; mowing the lawn is one of the many ways of taking advantage of nature instead of enjoying it. A woods runs by our yard; I wish we could be a part of it. Dad

laughingly says, "The neighbors wouldn't think much of it." The neighbors never think much of my ideas. Actually, I think that is their problem - they don't think much. Most of the work force in our town uses nature as a way of making a living (ninetyfive percent truck drivers and farmers); they're so busy running tractors and trailors over nature tht none of them have time to enjoy it. My canoe trips all over Ohio are misunderstood. The neighbors want to know the i usefulness of such adventure; they will not see my pleasure. They think of the bricks; never of the rose.

I pick up my brush and dip it in red. I try to explain my view of nature to my neighbors and friends; some have been sympathetic, especially my parents. I begin to outline a shape of a heart; not far from the rose, not far from the bricks. I understand the people that see only the bricks, and for that reason, I like them. I fill the inside of the heart bright red. However, sy'mpathy does not make the conflict any less painful. I wipe the red from my brush and immerse it in black. The black appears formless between the rose, the bricks, and the heart. The black is violent; the way I feel toward the misunderstanding I am fighting. I want to fight it forever, but I realize I can't stay fifteen forever. The brush turns white at my will yet, against my will. I don't want to recognize the time it stands for; however, I must paint that flow of time that is the tragedy of my life. I add white that flows like a stream, covering the present aspects of my life. The flowers, ferns, and bees stand strong in my painting. Nature will never go away, but I will. My parents have been constantly nagging at me to get a job and spend more time in school, to become as busy and, thus, as unobservant as they are. I seem destined to lose the conflict; not because of lack of persistence, but because time is moving ever so quickly. The white flow now seems to move as fast as a running stream. The thought of losing Illy

experiences with nature and my argument for nature makes me clench my fists violently. Tick, tick, tick. Ring, ring. "Mark, it's time to mow the lawn." I run into the living room and put my clenched fish through the wall clock, and like Quentin, tear the hands off.

The Chairmanship of the Entertainment and Fine Arts Committee of CPB is still open for the 1979-80 year. All persons interested in coordinating on-campus dances, coffee houses, concerts. and other entertainment may apply for this position in the Campus Center Office.

Otterbein Golf Wraps Up; 11th in OAC

The Otterbein Golf Team finished 11th out of 1:3 teams at the OAC golf tournament held last Thursday and Friday at the Reid Park Golf Course. Springfield. Ohio.

The play consisted of 54 holes. 18 on Thursday and :3H Friday on the North Course. Thursday. freshman Scott Smart was low with an 82. followed by junior Craig Jones' 85 and freshman Bob Smolinski's 87. The Cardinals team total of 4B l after the first day of competition pushed them to 11th.

Friday the position improved as Smolinski shot a 76, while sophomore Chris Fehn produced an 82 and junior Chris Carlisle came through with an 8:� for a team total of 416. 15 shots better than the previous day.

On the final 18 holes Carlisle led the team in scoring with an 80. Smart tallied an 8!� and Jones an 84. The team total slipped to 425 but was consistently better than Kenyon and Ohio Northern.

"Our objective was to shoot a team total of 420 when we went down." said coach Rich Seils. "I wasn't displeased that we averaged 421."

The week before the tournament


Continued from page 2 within the area so that people can do something about them."

To a large extent problems or issues or merely decisions go unnoticed here by a large number of people-mainly because we, the students (I would even go so far as to say many faculty) do not quest ion. Issues float throughout campus like a foetid odor. befouled by rumor and speculation.

In short we do not have a tradition of journalism-questioning and communication. The responsibility of establishing such a practice lies with not only students. but faculty as well. They are the teachers. They must encourage the students to see himself

Otterbein played at Delaware and finished last.

The 406 total was twenty shots better than any performance in the team's previous seven tournaments. The five other Sout hern Division opponents, though, played very well also, leaving the Cardinals in last place.

The event took place on the Tanglewood Golf Course sponsored by the Ohio Wesleyan Bish ops. The course, most likely, was the easiest one Ott erbein played all year. The airways were wide open allowing the players to spray the ball without being in much trouble. Also many of the par five's were easy to reach in two.

Ohio Wesleyan won the invitational with a score of 365. Denison, Wittenberg and Capital finished second with team totals of 375. The nearest the Cardinals came to fifth was 15 shots off of the pace. The excellent weather conditions and shape of the course brought individual scores down int o the mid 70's.

Junior Craig Jones and freshman Scott Smart were team medalists with 78's. Sophomore Chris Fehn had a 79 and sophomore Matt Barnett added an 84.

as the rightful questioner of his world. Of course some will not take 1rn1dly to quest ions, for as I said, they entail a risk, particularly if it pertains to their area. Some would say, as Ewing relates, "We used to get along like one big family before you came along'. We kept such things to ourselves."'

The question is who is "oursel\'es." Ourselves is the same people who sa�• on this campus, "Well. I don't think it would be the best for the campus community if this were discussed or brought out before the whole body of people."

Again. the question. who is the ultimate judge of what is best for the community'?

NOW FILM and FILM Otterbein The Tan & Cardinal Page7

sports Brown Sets Sprint Records In Leading 'Bein to Third in OAC

B Y C • raig M erz

Taking home two blue ribbons, sophomore Kevin Brown led Otterbein to within one point of a second place finish in last Saturd ay's Ohio Athletic Conference Track and Field Championship. The new sprint champion and record holder of the conference garnered two firsts, one in the 100 meter dash with a time of 10.8, the other in the 200 meter dash with a time of 21.6. The stellar performance, however, was not enough to hold back the Bald win Wallace Yellow Jackets who won the meet with 140 points. Otterbein scored the most in school history with 102.

In addition to Brown's accomplishments, sophomore Doug McCombs won the shot put while freshman Danny Rader took first in the 400 meters. And qualifying for the nationals was sophomore Wayne Woodruff in the 400 intermediate hurdles.

Baldwin Wallace, as expected, won the championship but Otterbein put on a late charge and nearly overtook Mt. Union for the runnerup spot. In the end the Otters fell a scant point back of the Purple Raiders.

Otterbein has proved itself to be a force to reckon with in the immed iate future. The freshman and sophomore classes accounted for an amazing 79 out of the 102 points tallied Another excellent recruiting year and added experience from this year's team could make Otterbein's first track title a d istinct possibility.

The first Otterbein points were scored Saturday morning. McCombs capped a fine season by taking the shot put title with a toss of 49'1¼". Teammate Jim Puckett, the indoor champion, finished fifth with a distance of 47'3¾".

Jeff Groseclose, sophomore from Sunbury, cleared 14 feet to snare the second position and a valuable eight points to the team score. The first freshman to score was Hal Hopkins in the 3000 meter steeplechase. Hopkins used a strong kick to finish fifth in a time if 9:47.8.

Freshman Bob Rose picked the perfect time to run his best 1500

Women Dropped in Tennis Semi-finals

Polly Subich and Lynn Ballinger finished the 1979 Women's Tennis season with losses in the semi-finals at the state tournaments last weekend at Oberlin College.

Subich and Ballinger lost after playing four matches in hot. humid weather in the same day. Subich personally finished the sea,;on undefeated and the team finished with a winning record of six wins and five losses.

meter race of the season. Dropping four seconds off his previous best time, his 4:03.7 placed him fourth.

Sophomore Dan Deleon ran the 110 meter high hurdles in 15.5 seconds and took the sixth position.

For the second year in a row an Otterbein freshman won the 400 meter run. Danny Rader duplicated Jeff Fox's feat by crossing the tape in 49 second s. Senior Dick Smith finished second to Rader with a 49.5. With Smith's victory in the 440 yard dash in 1977, Otterbein has developed a stranglehold in the event.

Super sophomore Kevin Brown became the second Otter sprinter in two years to win both the 100 and 200. And, he set OAC marks in both of the races. He won the 100 in a time of 10.8. Brown later came back to run a 21.6 for the 200. Junior Tim Pitt was a pleasant surprise in the same race. His time of 22.1 put him third in the conference.

The 800 meter run was run in the worst weather of the meet. A thunderstorm suspended operations for approximately 15 minutes just before the start. When the race finally

did start the runners were confronted with cooler temperatures and a light drizzle. Nevertheless, two Otter runners placed. Freshman John McKenzie finished third with a time of 1:57.4. Senior Brad Ranney clocked a 2:01.5; good enough for sixth. Woodruff's 54 flat for the intermediates qualified him for the nationals by three seconds. He finished second to Ohio Wesleyan's AllAmerican Mike Rissel. Sophomore Bob Gold finished less than two seconds away from winning the 5000 meter run. Running with reckless aband on he recorded a time of 15:04.5. In the last event, the mile relay team finished second Otterbein will send seven representatives to the nationals at Bald win Wallace next weekend. Brown will run in the 1.00 and 200 meter dashes. Groseclose will participate in the pole yault competition. The mile relay team of Woodruff, McKenzie, Rader, Smith and alter runner senior Fred Benedict will strive for All-American status. Woodruff will also run the intermediate hurdles.

New Record,But· No Bid for Baseball

Last Sunday, the Cards swept a d ouble-header from Dayton 5-4 and 82 and stand 5-2 in the season series with the Flyers.

In the opener, freshman Andy Swope gave up three hits and evened his season record at 4-4. The Cardinals

As the 1979 baseball season ends, the Card inals have established a new school record in winning 28 games against 16 losses. Despite winning six of nine games during the week, news came that Otterbein had failed in their bid for a spot in post season play.

TheTan& Cardinal

came to bat in their half of the seventh inning needing one run to tie and another to win. Freshman Dave Nespeca doubled to start things off and scored when junior Dean Smith singled Sophomore Doug Barr then .ed oubled home Smith for the victory.

In the nightcap, the Cards got a complete game from Dave Nespeca who spaced six hits. Behind a balanced attack on their home field, Otterbein scored six times through two innings and never trailed Ohio Wesleyan came to Westerv ille on May 12 and went home sad dened as the day belonged to Barr. In a game that was shortened by rain in six innings, Barr pound�d two home runs, each with two men on. The final one in the-fourth inning proved to be the winning run in a 8-7 victory. Barr hold s Otterbein's RBI record of 46 in one season.

At first, it looked liked the Cards were in for a long day. The Bishops had mounted a six run attack before Otterbein started rolling. Senior Scott Pontius contributed two hits and senior Dan Griffith picked up his sixth victory.

Earlier in the week. the Card inals split a pair with Rio Grande, losing the first 3-1 but coming back in the second 7-3.

The visiting Cardinals in the first game were outhit 5-:� as junior Ric Lainhart took the loss.

Sophomore Chuck Senne upped his record to 4-4 in winning the second game. Junior Larry Korn, Dean Smith, Scott Pontius and Dave "e r especa all connected for two hits.

May 18, 1979

Page 8
Freshman Danny Rader became the conference champion in the 400 meter dash last Saturday. Rader is the third Cardinal to hold that title in as many year·s. (()'.Flynn Photo) .Junior Ifrian Spangle1· is callecl safe on his attempted steal of second haw which brought l'nhersity of Dayton coath Brad Driesen onto the field to a1·gm• the eall. Driesl'n \\ as ej.-ckd from the g·anw ,dwn h<' argtH•cl too strnnv;l�. (O'Flynn Photo)

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