Tan and Cardinal September 29th 1972

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mau and <1Tardinal -


55 Number 3

Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio

September 29, 1972

company Brings Gilbert & Sullivan to life Members of the D'Oyly Car~e alumni, direct from London, will ent a charming anthology of pres . omparable. G1'lb ert an d ~~l~ivan music on Oct. 3, 8: 15 in Otterbein's Cowan Hall. The en t first of the 1972-73 ev , A . S . Otterbein College rtJst enes, . bi'lled as "The,, World of IS Gilbert and Sullivan. The evening of singing and dancing by the touring company will offer such favorite selections as "The Fairy Queen's Song," from "Iolanthe," "The Mikado's Song," from "The Mikado," "Buttercups Song," from "H.M.S. Pinafore," "Poor Wandering One," from "The Pirates of Penzence," and the Finale of "The Gondoliers."

and Sullivan music, steeped . the tradition of ~he Savo~ Opera. Performance is done in modern dress, without the cumbersome staging which ordinarily limits performances. The lovely works written between 1875-1900 are classics in their simplicity and freedom from anything distasteful. Termed "a Gilbert and Sullivan celebration," the Artist Series event is performed by six repertory artists. For reservations · and in formation, call the Artist Series box office, 882-3601, ext. 3 3 1 . Season tickets for the 1972-73 Artist Series will be sold until the opening performance.

This American touring company of " The World of Gilbert and Sullivan" was formed to give U.S. audiences an opportunity to hear Gilbert and Sullivan as it should be hea rd , brought to life with the flair and style unique to the English Savoyards. Featured on both English and American television, the parent company tours the countryside of Great Britain in concerts, also performing full-staged productions of "The Mikado," "The Pirates of Penzance," "Yeoman of the Guard," and "The Gondoliers." Devotees of the musical theatre will delight to this charming anthology of Gilbert

Otterbein 's student radio station, WOBN-FM 91.5 on the FM dial, will broadcast the Otterbein-Capital football game this Saturday (1:30). Once again, WOBN is broadcasting all home and away Otterbein football games. Brett Moorehead, sports director for WOBN will be at the mike for the play by play reporting and Bill Smucker provides the color commentary for each broadcast. Interviews with head coach "Moe" Agler and key Cardinal players precede the game broadcast.

Cao-Otter Clash

Frosh Doff Beanies by John Riley

The Scrap Day competition between the Classes of '7 5 and '76 this past Saturday provided an eventful afternoon in spite of an occasional light drizzle. The contest was close, but with determined will the frosh won out ~nd earned the right to stop weanng their beanies. The games started at 1:30 behind the Campus Center with a Co-Rec Three-Legged Sack Race. The sophomores gained ~he lead early in the event, but tn the last leg of the race the freshmen took over and won the firS t points earned during the afternoon. The Men's Football Relay was won easily by the sophomores; the freshmen, towever, won the Women's oola Hoop Relay in a close race. The sophomores won the io-Rec Dishpan Relay and the reshmen won the Co-Rec Back to Back Relay. th In the Men's 100 Yard Dash e freshmen won first and seco nd place and third place Went to th in e sophomores. Then th th e Women's 50 Yard Dash wh\ freshmen got first place 1 e the sophomores picked up second and third In the C R. R1 ec Wheelbarrow di;;y /he s~phomores had no cu ty maintaining the lead,


But as their last couple approached the finish line two freshmen bombarded the wheelbarrow pusher with water balloons. The two frosh fled, pursued by a mob of their competitors, while the sophomores finished and won the event. Only one member from each class survived to the end of the Women's Slowest Bike Race. As they edged toward the finish line the sophomore won, coming in just inches behind the frosh. A sophomore couple survived the Water Balloon Toss winning that event for their class. The freshman class won the Co-Rec Mattress Race and thus the score was tied as the last event began. The crowd moved down to the Alum Creek Park for the day's grand finale, the tug-of-war. The sophomores took up their end of the rope on the east bank and the freshmen were on the west. As the two sides began pulling, little happened ; but soon the rope started to move toward the freshmen. They continued pulling hard and finally the sophomores were in the creek. The Class of '76 thus became this year's Scrap Day champions and they departed from the park, determined to win again next year.

''Otter Dome'' Construction Set for Spring by Lee Schroeder

One of the new additions to Otterbein's campus for the near future is - the Physical Education-Recreation Center. The center will be in the shape of a round, domed building, eonsisting of two levels. It will be located immediately north of the football field and will include such facilities as a varsity basketball court, two handball courts, three tennis courts, and a 1/10 mile four lane track. The basketball court will hopefully hold 2800 spectators when completed. There will also be a multi-use open area divided into sections by curtains. This will allow people to engage in various activities like volley ball, tennis, badminton, and basketball all at the same time. Other features include ten faculty offices, a conference room, two classrooms, and a combined lounge-study library for students' use between classes. A gymnastics area, a dance area and a training room will also be provided. If all goes according to schedule, construction of the Physical Education-Recreation Center is expected to begin sometime during the spring of 1973, however, no completion

data has as yet been scheduled. An indoor swimming pool will hopefully be added later. However, funds are desperately needed in order to achieve this ultimate goal.

125th Anniversary Campaign Under the management and supervision of Mr. William Prince, this year's 125the Anniversary Campaign will sponsor the largest duti.d raising program in thehis.tory of Otterbein College. The program entitled, Venture into 0 pp or t unity, will consist of thirty area campaigns designated to organize person to person solicitation beginning this fall. The purpose of the campaign is to raise money for three proposed building and renovation projects at Otterbein. The first of these is the multi-purpose athletic facility to be built north of the football field. The second phase of the program will involve the remodeling of the gymnasium to include a number of modern classrooms which will make up the new Teaching-Learning Center. The third project is the renovation of Towers Hall. The college hopes to replace the roof of Towers and have the interior

made over to house the offices of the most members of the faculty. Mr. Prince has had a great deal of past experience in the field of fund raising. He has managed financial affairs for several secondary schools, preparatory schools, and private academies. Mr. Prince has also given his professional help to Rice University, Denison and Oberlin colleges. In addition to this brilliant record, Mr. Prince once held the position as a professional fund raiser for Marts and Lundy, Inc. When asked to comment on the exact dollar goal originally set by the campaign, Mr. Prince replied he was confident that the goal of $2,320,000 would be reached in the not too distant future. Since last spring, the campaign has accumulated approximately $925,000. Most of this money came from Otterbein constituency, alumni, parents, and church people. Many contributions were also made by large businesses and industries. However, Mr. Price encourages everyone to take an active interest in Otterbein's growth and development through his/her contribution.


Letter's Policy The Tan and Cardinal would like to encourage students, faculty, and staff to write to our letters department concerning any matter that bothers you at any particular time. All letters to the editor must be typed, double-spaced, and signed in ink with the author's name, address, and phone number mcluded. o anonymous letters will be considered for publication, but names may be withheld upon request. The Tan and Cardinal reserves the right to accept or reject any letter, and to make any necessary corrections.

Otter Concern Over Football To the Editor: Last Saturday night, while IOOSt of the Otterbein students were having a grand old time at the all campus party, the Otters were once again having their problems. The opponents were different, but the result was the same. In Tiffin, Ohio, our supposedly experienced and better football team took on the Heidelberg Student Princes where the Fighting Cardinals not only lost, but were humiliated by an embarrassing score of 69-13. That gives Otterbein a 0-2 record in a season that according to many was to be "The Year of the Otter". I must admit that the Otters have not looked too impressive to date and hopes for a winning season are now doubtful. It is frustrating to watch the cardinals week after week repeat the same mental and physical mistakes. 1t is not all the coaches fault, although they don' t contribute rruch to the team as far as a winning attitude is concerned. Neither is it entirely the quarterback's fault, although it would be nice if they would play

catch with our receivers once in a while instead of the other team Heidelberg picked off five Otter passes during last Saturday's nightmare, two for touchdowns. Our offensive line averaged 22 pounds per man more than Heidelberg's aggressive defense, but that didn't seem to discourage the Student Princes from intimidating our quarterbacks and as a result, force them to make bad passes. The schedule does not get any easier with the Otters traveling to Bexley to face Capital who is also 0-2. The last football vicotry over the Crusaders was in 1963. Since then about all Otterbein has been able to accomplish is winning the fights in the bleachers. I sincerely hope the Otterbein College football team can regain some of their pride in themselves and give a 10% effort, coaches included. If not, this season will be just like recent ones: not worth talking about. Sincerely,

Brett Morehead

McGovern HQ Open To the Editor: Eleven million young adults across America have for the first time the right to vote. We should all realize the importance of this new right and the importance our votes will play in this election. Apathy towards the political process should not bury the voices of protest who have screamed for a right in determining the future of this great land. Register and vote . Vote to shape the kind of America you want now and for your children. To get more young adults in the political process the Young Democrats have opened a McGovern-Shriver Headquarters in Room 5 in the basement of Towers Hall . Students of Otterbein will run the campaign on campus and in the Westerville area. Our office will be open from 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. or call 891-5691. Get yourself involved! We are working for this McGovern-Shriver ticket

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because it will be an administration which "Will Make America Happen Again." These rren are traveling the country seeking and speaking the truth. The Democratic Party is the party of reform and the party which works for the people. The Otterbein campus, the Westerville area and the entire American society have the right to know the truth about their government. America needs an administration which is responsive to the needs of the American people and not the needs of big business, special interests or power groups. For this reason the Young Democrats are now challenging the Young Republicans to a debate on the issue. We would like to see a special campus convocation open to the campus and the· Westerville area develop from this. Nixon has refused to face McGovern and The American public in a debate on the issues. We ask why?? Once · the facts are aired and the people can see a clear choice. Eleven million votes can change history . . . .Or not change history. Let's not throw away this power we now have! Sincerely,

Co-Chairmen, The Young Democrats of Otterbein Keith Shoemaker Mike Wasylik

Ushers Wanted To the Editors: I am in charge of the usher program for the symphony. We would like to invite your students to serve their community and symphony by ushering for our concerts. USHERS NEEDED: T~ Columbus Symphony invites any interested students to usher for their nine concerts beginning October 13. Students may usher for the Friday or Saturday night series or the three Sunday afternoon Battelle series concerts. Please call the office for more information: 224-3291. Sincerely,

Mrs. J.R. Hilsabeck

Film Review ·Faulted To the Editor: Having just returned from seeing the movie "The New Centurians", I thought it appropriate to reply to John Aber's "analysis" of this recent movie. First of all I can't realize how he can say that the movie was trying to portray a big city's police force. Joseph Wimbargh, the author of the novel on which the movie was based, was a policeman himself. I would like to ask John what exactly does he think a policeman's job is? Sure they might get paid for arresting whores and wrestling with child abusers, but the movie showed a lot more than that. The movie showed how a newly recruited policeman had to go out in the big city and fight crime, but it also showed how two men, George ·C. Scott and Stacy Keach, had to fight and struggle to be people too; not only in their jobs but in their homes, with their wives, children, etc. John Aber's statement that the movie showed how it was impossible to see themselves as people is completely unreal. Aber states that the movie goes only from one action-filled scene to another and left the audience completely confused. He says that the movie did this in an attempt to salvage it from being another "police drama." I thought the director of the movie did an excellent job in using transition scenes, not a policeman with a gun shooting at someone or beating up a criminal, but ones showing their own personal struggles at home and while off-duty. This was done to try and portray a real policeman's life - 24 hours a day, not just when he carried a gun and badge. Do you really think George C. Scott's message in killing himself was only the fact that his best friend, Keach, couldn't go drinking with him? Did you ever think he might have been confused about retiring from the force and was turning to his best friend for some advice as to his




making up his mind what he should try and continue doing? John's account of Stacy Keach's falling in love with the black nurse in two minutes is made up to sound like it is impossible to do, when he makes the statement "falls helplessly in love". You had better open up your eyes, because this interracial relationship is happening today! As to it happening in two minutes, it mi3ht have only taken that in actual screen time, but the scenes portraying the relationship signified three or four weeks of a fulfilling and lasting relationship. My suggestion to John Aber is to go and see the movie again. This time look at it realistically, not symbolically!! Sincerely,

Jack Wagner


Calender Changes The following events were approved by the Calendar Committee and should be added to the Social Calendar: Oct. 1 - 8: 15 p.m. - Faculty recital, Elizabeth Schilling, Soprano - Hall Memorial Aud. Nov. 8 - 8: 15 p.m. - Guest artist Recital, Sallie Schoen, Pianist - Hall Memorial Aud. Jan. 23 - 8: 15 p.m. - Artist Series: Story Theatre. Feb. 8 - 5:00 p.m. - Home Economics Club Meeting. March 10 - Home Economics Style Show May 25 - 8: 15 p .m. - Faculty Recital, Lyle T. Barkhymer, Clarinet - Hall Memorial Aud. The following events have been cancelled: Oct. 13 - Rho Kappa Delta Coed. Oct. 13 - Theta Nu Coed. The following meeting times have been changed: Oct. 12, Feb. 8 & April 12 Home Economics Club Meetings will begin at 6:00 p.m.


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]REAKlNG WIND Neither Time Nor Desire h

A Bit of Nothing


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R Steven Graves bY. . dhild · glass, and he caught a glimpse of Up·' u~,n splattered his wm s e G'J JMU'· 1d th 1 the question hidden-in her eyes. lit the can: craw e. - up . e gra~e A peculiar warmth pierced him . · . way· and the nust which ~\ drive , when he turned to her, as 'sheathed the beams frohm thhe 11 though lava had usurped his it dlights disappeared w en e hea . h H h blood. He squeezed her hand. ~ flicked the sw1tc . ere e was "Susan, " h e blurted, his eyes the no stranger, he thought to squintirtg at the road ahead ht; · himself ringing the doorbell, so or. h did he feel a little less "what is it we want from each other?" llld w yfortable with each visit? She com waiting for hi m, her h au . "What do you mean?" was . "How do you feel draped around her cnsp co11ar, about. ..well, about me, about d she smiled as he helped her an A . us?" ·th her raincoat. rm m arm, "Don't you know by now?" :ey hurried to his car under an "I think I do, Susan, but unbrella which both held. we've never...ah..." The spurts of a fall wind now "You .mean we've never flung the rain like a salvo of wet declared ourselves. the exclusive pebbles. Two wiper blades property of each other?" she slapped out a. monotonous asked. rhythm as she m~ardly t?ok '.'I suppose." note of his unusual silence. Light "Does that bother you?" from the car behind them "Not really, but ..." reflected her countenance in the re




"Do you think we need to?" . Once upon a time (what sort of time we are not sure), · The ram had diminished, and .an •old philosopher, finished eatihg one of his wife's meals, the moon jutted out 0f its turned to her, and said: cloudy veil. No other car was visible on this particular road. "I guess not," he muttered, "but "You know, my dear, there is a little bit of nothing in Susan ... " and he stopped everything." himself from utterirtg what he feared she might misinterpret. So profound was this statement, that the intellectual Deep within the protective world immediately forgot it. Yet, just the other day, as I borders that had so long strolled from old, rickety Towers Hall to some unknown surrounded his emotions, destination, that ancient observation rumbled up from the something cried out, some depths of my memory and spread itself across my vjsion in unknowable voice insisted that if splended panavision and technicolor. That was it: you never gamble, you never win, and he knew he must take a Yes, . the ·old geezer's gestation was quite clear to me risk soon or remain irretrievable now. f looked about me and truly did see a little bit of in the desolate matrix in which nothing in everything. I also noticed something else: some he felt suspended. He started to things have more than their share. speak, but had second thoughts as they approached their destination.

Tradition Seen to be by Sue Risner

What is the matter with tradition? Why does it seem to fade a little more each year? Is it the conditioned attitudes of the students or the confliction with l, individual interests that is ' their causing this almost basic part of college life to die out? In finding answers to these It questions, many freshmen were asked to respond to questions concerning the bonfire, Scrap Day, and beanies. They were also, asked for their opinions concerning the meaning of these traditional events. The unanimous response to the bonfire was that it did much to unify the freshmen, .but there :I were things which needed to be improved. If the garbage-

throwing was completely eliminated, there would have been a greater number of freshmen attending. The unity of the class at the bonfire was either a result of the students working together to make it or was a result of the fact that they were all "in the same boat." Many of the freshmen liked the idea of the beanies and felt that the rule should be enforced. An equal number felt that it was a silly tradition that had lost its meaning. Much of this loss re sul te d from h-aving an irtsufficient supply of beanies on hand to be sold to the frosh. There was no general complairtt on Scrap Day. Many complimented the amount- of

spirit and participation. Everyone seemed to think Scrap Day .was the most successful tradition because it gave the freshmen a chance to mingle with other students in a friendly atmosphere. Su ggl!stions concerning the cause of the lack of participation include apathy, fear of ridicule, and fear of mistreatment. Some expressed belief that making it an undesirable duty rather than something to be enjoyed effected participation greatly. A number of students did not participate because they felt that the events were stupid and immature. .Now that we know the problem, what are we going to do about it?

Workshop Theatre Presents One-Acts · II

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Workshop Theatre '72, an entitled "Aria da Cap." The directing, and to provjde evening of one act plays directed production is directed by Ginger additional opportunity for and presented by the Tyler and the cast features Sue acting students to gain Department of Theatre, will be Kocks as Columbine, Jim West experience beyond that provided presented in Hall Memorial as Pierrot, Annemarie Soiu as by the five major · productions; Auditorium on Friday eveing, Cothurnus, Jon Morelli as of the . College Theatre . In. Oct. 6, at 7:30 p.m. Admission Corydon and Randy Adams as Workshop the physical. '.elements. is free. · Thyrsis. of theatrical production are The first production is the The purpose of Workshop de-emphasized. Additional exciting comedic improvisation Theatre is to provide Workshops are scheduled for· about life called "Adaptation" , opportunity for advanced January 21 when . two original written by Elaine May. The students to· gain experience in scripts will J:,e . presented , and o.n production is directed by Carter · April 15 . ·•. · ·· Lewis and the cast feature s Heidi Woodbury as the Games Master , John Cain as the Contestant, Allen Rosse as the Male Player and Robin Pruett as the Female A partial attempt to assess listed this as their first Player. The story ce-nters around the feelings of Otterbein coeds preference , four as their mans' attempts to improvise and concerning male visitatioi;i second. adapt to the game of life . Each within dorm rooms was made in of the· a-ctors assume many Sunday, One to five p.m. : Mayne Hall the weekend of the different roles from childhood thirty-four favored this twenty-second. Residents were thru old age. suggestion above others, presented with three alternatives The second production is fifty-nine placed it second. and asked to list their first and William Saroyan's short mood Fridays and Saturdays, five second preferences . No play, "Hello Out There." The to twelve p.m. and Sundays, visitation; visitation between the production is directed by Linda one to five p_.m.: fifty-six hours of one and five p.m. on Yohn and the cast features Bill residents · chose this Sundays; or five O'clock until Brewer as the Young Girl, John alternative as their first twelve Fridays and Saturdays D_ell as the Angry Man and Julie preference. Twenty-five listed and one to five on Sundays are Sickles as the Angry Wife. The it as their second choice. the suggestions considered. story centers around a young The survey was regarded Approximately four-fifths of m~n who has been jailed after · primarily as an indication of the dorm's population was being accused of rap~ and his student opinion and a represented by the ninety-nine avowals that he is irtnocent. . determinant in the possible form respondents. The results are as The third production is a of a future petition to be follows: "commedia dell arte" a fantasy presented to the student senate. No Visitation: five girls by Edna St. Virtcent Millay

Mayne ·Hall Survey· Favors Visitation Hours

Pu b l i she<! weekly during the academic year except holiday examination periods by students of Otterbein College. Entered as second-cla< matter on ·Septe.mber 25, 1927, at the Post Office in Westerville, Ohio, 43081. Phone 882-3601 , ext. 256. Office hours vary, but are most reliable between three and four-thirty each weekday afternoon. Subscription rates are $2.00 per term and $6.00 per year. Editor in Chief .................. :..................... ........................ .. , ......... ... . Daniel Budd Assistant Editor ............................................. ................ .............. Robert Ready Business Manager ..................... :......................... ......................... Bonnie LeMay Circulation Manager ................................................ .. .................... Charlie Ernst Photographer .......................................................... .............. ... .......... Kim Wells Advisor .................................................................................. Michael Rothgery Staff writers and column·ists: .. · John Abei:, Mark Bixler; Mik~ Darrel, Tony Del Valle, Charlie Ernst, Kathy Fox, R. Steven Graves, Susan Hall, John Mulkie, John Riley, Sue Risner Opini~ns exptessed in the Tan and Cardinai, unless bylined, are those of the editorial board and do not necessarily reflect those of the college or its staff. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY

National Educational Advertising Services, Inc. 360 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. 10017




Sept. 30 "Joe" "The Bad Seed" Oct. 6 Oct. 13 "Blow-Up" FREE 8:00 Only Oct. 20 "The Wild Bunch" "Camelot" Nov. 4 Nov. 10 "The Damned" Nov. 18 "Johnny Got His Gun" Jan. 5 "Billy Jack" Jan. 12 "The Omega Man" Jan. 19 "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" Jan. 27 "The Illustrated Man" Feb. 3 "The Fox" Feb. 10 "The Ballad of CJble Hogue" Feb. 23 "The Twelve Chairs" Mar. 10 "The Learning Tree" Mar. 31 "Klute" April 7 "McCabe and Mrs. Miller" April 28 "Death in Venice" May 12 "Summer of '42'" All movies will be shown in the Science Lecture Hall at 8:00 and 10:30.

Harold & Maude Straddles the Line by John Aber

For ·heer entertainment purpose . Harold and Maude ha much to offer almost any movte-goer. There i uper- lick music by Cat teven . much bla k comedy (consi ting mainly of acted-out suicides). very good performances, and an innovative plot (relating the vici situdes of an unlikely love affair between and eighty-year-old woman and a boy of nineteen). Due to poor promotion. Harold and Maude was not a financial uccess - but it could have been. It also could have been and excellent film but it's not. It is needless to plunge into a long and tedious plot recapitualtion. Suffice it to say that Harold and Maude do everything together - and finally fall in love. Fine , that's nice and as it should be. However, there are obvious pitfalls awaiting anyone who depicts this type of love affair on the screen. Unfortunately, the film stumbles into almost all of them. There is an extremely fine line that separates high seriousness and farce - and if Harold and Maude was intended to be a farce, everything in the film would have worked. However, director Hal Ashby has tried to make a serious film and ended up with a farcical movie. No one would ever have known the film's intent if it had not been for one thing: its attempt at the elevation (or reaffirmation - if you will) of Harold's life. Harold, you see, is a lonely boy who spends his time going to funerals. In

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Brodie Comes to Otterbein

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t\. ... ..' essence, he !oaths living. At the end of the film (after romping with swinging odl Maude), he has undergone a complete metamorphosis. The crux of the problem is that we laugh so hard and long during the course of this change - that we either miss it entirely or cannot believe it has happened. Watching wrinkled Maude lock horns with a motorcycle cop is very funny (Ruth Gordon, who plays Maude, is an excellent comic actress). Watching Harold blow bubbles in bed the morning after he consummates his love for Maude is very funny too. In fact, everything is so funny that

we have no time to watch a relationship develop. I suppose we are supposed to accept it in good faith. But that just doesn't happen. · As I have previously stated, Harold begins the movie hating everything - and ends up plucking his banjo and loving life. As he watches his hearse burn at the bottom of a cliff (an obvious symbol of his old self), we should feel ebullient and exhilerated - for a human being has changed (supposedly) for the better. Unfortunately, at that point, all I could do was laugh, and wonder why. Perhaps Cat Stevens was wailing too loudly.

WOBN PROGRAMMING 3CHEDULE WOBN , 91.5 FM, signs on at 5: 56 p.m. everyday. A 15 minute news summary can be heard at 6:30 p.m. and 11:00 p.m., with 5 minute news summaries on the hour. All programs are subject to change.

FRIDAY 5:56 Sign on 6:00 Public Service Broadcasting 6:30 News 15 6 :45 Cousin Bernie's Place 7:00 Format 9:00 Len Robinson Top 40 Callin 11 : 15 Sign Off

SATURDAY 5:56 Sign On 6:00 Public Service Broadcasting 6:30 News 15 6:45 Musical Interlude 7:00 Format 9 :00 Rock Music 11 : 15 Sign Off

SUNDAY 5:56 6:00 6:30 6:45

Sign On Public Service Broadcasting News 15 Musical Interlude

PARIS STUDY The new coordinator of Off-Campus Study is Miss Susan Dyloes. whose office is in King Hall. She has information about many programs as well as about application procedures at Otterhein. See her if you wish to get away from Otterbein for credit or simply to obtain information.


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That uniquely delightful Scottish schoolteacher, Miss Jean Brodie, comes to Otterbein College in her prime on Oct. 18, and will be there nightly through Oct. 21. Offered by the Otterbein College Theatre, "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie," is amusing, confounding, and highly entertaining. Directed by Dr. Charles W. Dodrill, the play will be offered at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 18, and 8: 15 p.m. for all other performances. Ticket information is available at the theatre box office , 882-3601, ext. 331. The genesis of "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" was the similarly titled novel by the Scottish novelist, Muriel Spark, and written as a play by American film and television

writer Jay Allen. Telling th: story of a nonconformist teache of young girls in an Edinbur school, the themes are th romantic imagination and the imprint on a child's characte wrought by the dynamic Misi Brodie. Jean Brodie will be played b~ experienced actress Bee Holford with Virginia Tyler, Shelle~ Russell, Barbara Kosciuk and Mary McClurkin appearing Sandy, Jenny, Monica and Ma MacGregor, the nucleus of the "Brodie Girls." The two men'" Miss B'rodie's life, Gordon Lowther and Teddy Lloyd, will be played by Tony del Valle an Richard Miller.

------e•~~-•------••• The Scavenger Hunt is now at Otterbein College _ Don't miss it!

targu-.n crossword

7:00 Thom Heavey - Earwax

Revisited 9:00 Joe Humpnreys - Open Mind 11:15 JoeCasa 1: 00 Sign Off

MONDAY 5:56 Sign On 6:00 Public Service Broadcasting 6:30 News 15 6:45 The Brett and Deb Sports 7:00 Forrret

9:00 Maury Newberger and "Listening Room" "Magical Mystery Tour" 11: 15 Bruce Sneider 1:00 Sign Off

TUESDAY 5:56 Sign On 6:00 Public Service Broadcasting 6:30 News 15 6:45 Maury Newberger's Humor in the News 7:00 Format

9:00 Gar Venco "Slick's Jam Factory'

11 : 15 John Hard 1:00 Sign Off

WEDNESDAY 5:56 Sign On 6:00 Public Service Braodcasting 6:30 News 15 6:45 Sports Roundup 7:00 Format 9 :00 Bill McFarron and "Sound 72" 10:30 Gary Bradshaw Fusion 12:00 Brett Moorehead 1: 00 Sign Off

THURSDAY 5:56 Sign On 6:00 Generation Gapw/ Dr. Gris 6:30 News 15 6:45 Jeff Teden Sports Whirl 7:00 Format 9:00 Dan Bush 11 : 15 Dave Hammond 1:00 Sign Off


1, Layers 7, Sullen Protective Wall 14, Actress Merle 15, Swollen, as veins 16. Halo 17, Troop Encampment 18, Partly Frozen Rain 20, Hospital ~mployee 21, French City 22, God 2), Type Size 25, Individual 26, Paddled 27, Sword 28, Armed Naval Vessel JO, Rest )1, _ _ Fixe )2, Molten Rock )), Market Places )6, French Satirist 4o, British-Indian Soldier 41, Toxic Protein 42, Business Abbreviation 4), Branch of Accounting 44. Rescued 45, Breads comb, form 46, "Monopoly" Property 47, Golfer George 48, Boys' Stories Writer 49, Philippine Head-hunter 52, Disinclined to Talk 54, Bathing Suit 55, Word Roots 56, Pe~nsylvanian City 57, Brief Suspension


19, Airport Info,(abbr,)

)5, Harvest Goddess )6, Construction Worker

24, African Tribe

J8, Buries )9, Hold in Contempt 41, Flatfish

22, Coolidge's VP 2), Of the Church


26, Pass the Time 27, _ _ Hills of Roiiie

Pneumatic Weapons

44, Silk Fabric 45, Voice Parts 47, Cui 48, LovesrFr, 50, Approves 51, Dye Brand 5), Reference ~ook {abbr,)

29. _Siberian Region )0. Mad )2, Tear Jaggedly

)), Attribute )4, ~outhern State

Crossword answer on page 6 2





15 17

21 25 28


-r:-Moslem Enemy of Crusaders 2, Food Derived from Ox ), Political Contest 4, Military Address 5, Mosaic Squares 6, Artist's Studio 7, Exchange l<,edium 8, Death Notice 9, Part of Sleep Cycle 10. Sphere 11, Places of 0ri~in 12, Trap 1), Film on Copper Coins 15, Poisonous Secretion

49 54







Mickey Mouse Hat Just Doesn't Make , It for Graduation (CPS) _ People going thro~gh college comme nce~ent hexerc11ses ft dream of usmg t ose ast 0 enments to symbolic ally mo Ss their dissa tis ·ract·ion of expre the whole system. It's rarely done, however, b Use decorum rules academic to~a the very end; and th at ' s what Jack Yench, an almost graduate of the Colorado School of Mines, has found out when _he s refused a degree for wearing wa · 1·1eu of a Mickey Mouse h at m the standard_ cap to t he raduation exercises. g It wasn' t the first time that Yench; who would have received a B.S.' in ma th ~ 19'. 1, had come in conflict with the administration of CSM . In February, 1970, he had been emoved as editor of the ~redigger, CSM' s student newspaper, for running mate?al which President Orio Childs deemed O bjectionable. The running dispute between childs and Yench over the material which Yench printed eventually led to Yench ' s actions on graduation day . Yench had one summer course to comple te to fulfill the requirements for his degree, but he and others in that position were allowed to participate in the June e x ercise since no

similar ended the summer session. When Yench arrived at the exercises, wearing his Mickey Mouse replacement for the flat cap, the exercises proceeded as usual with one minor change. Y ench's name wasn't called. Being last on the alphabetical list, Yench waited a bit, then mounted the platform, shook the presiding, officer's hand, announced himself as a graduating student, and then returned to his seat. Days later, Yench was advised that his actions were a violation of his probation, and that he was, in effect, expelled from the school. Y ench's answer was " What probation?" The supposed probation stems from the removal of Yench as "Oredigger" editor. From the beginning of his editorship in the fall of 1969, Y ench came under heavy criticism from President Childs, who even instigated an investigation of the paper by the CSM publication board. Child's disposition toward the paper didn't improve when the publication board reported that " Oredigger" was "stimulating a healthy give and take of ideas" on campus. Shortly thereafter , Yench ran

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a direct quote under a picture of cheerleaders which said: "Slip it to 'em, Miners!" He may have quoted the girls accurately , but it didn't set well with Childs, who made his feelings known both to the women and Yench. In February of 1970, Yench ran a direct quote of a Canadian college president saying: "Either you clean up this paper, or I will." Childs then put his foot down on February 12, 1970, an eme'rgency session of the CSM student senate was called and Yench was voted out. On February 19, a meeting was held to determine disciplinary action against Yench, who was already in the process of launching another paper, 'The Technocrat'. According to school officials, Yench was informed at that time •• err WA'< .9fuP1.o - ou,- -rn· PACK ~ - 11 that he would be on disciplinary probation for "as long as he was a student at CSM," but WELCOMES STUDENTS according to . Yench, no such _ them about their off-campus statement w~s made. The American Civil Liberties The International Students study programs. Union (ACLU) has taken World Campus Afloat, Association met on September Yench's case to the federal court 20th in the Intercultural Center. sponsored by Chapman College, PresidentStanThomascalledthe and lost once, with Judge is a unique educational Sherman Finesilver ruling that a meeting to order and welcomed experience. This program utilizes lot of parents put a lot of money two new foreign students to the a shipboard campus to introduce into their children's education Otterbein College community. students to the varied cultures of and need not have Jack Yench Welcome - Gabriel Bacq of man through study voyages make a mockery of it. France and Sourette Mathieu of touching all parts of the globe. Haiti. Hub Safron, the ACLU Its academic program Seven Otterbein students met emphasizes the social sciences, lawyer representing Yench, is in Davis Annex Lounge to rap · literature, the arts, and the presently appealing the case. Safron maintains that putting about their experiences physical and life sciences. Fall Yench on probation, if he ever off-campus last year. Discussion Semester 1973 is the Pacific was, would be a violation of the centered around their living Semester with stops in the South . First Amendment (freedom of conditions, travel and study. We Pacific, Southeast Asia, and the the press) an!~?~~~-~~~ .~:~~~:.........h..o.,:.p..,e_to_b_e_h.ear_in_g_m_o_r_e_f_r_o_m,...._Ori..,e.n.. t.________ 11



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GREEKS Homecoming Candidates Named


in the Campu Center Lounge. PanHel i urging everyone to get involved in the current political scene by going to hear Patricia Hitt, Undersecretary to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, speak on re-electing the president. The talk will be given in the Campus Center Lounge at 9 a.m., Wednesday, October 4th. Ms. Hitt is a member of the Delta Gamma national sorority. Theta u is planning a new angle on bake sales for Octob~r 4. This bake sale will be held m the dorms after dinner in an effort to reach more people.

by Gayle Bixler The }Q72 candidate for Homecom ing Queen were elected , tonday night. The n minee and their ororities are as foll ow : 1 ' ancy Garrison, Ep ·ilon Kappa Tau: Gayle Hammond, Kappa Phi Omega; Fran Clemen . Rho Kappa Delta: Viki Coleman, igma Alpha Tau; Lynn Fre hour. Tau Delta; Patty Shahan, Tau Epsilon 1u: Sue Harrison , Theta . u, and Shelly Russell. Independent. Each of these girls will be introduced by their re pective sororities at the Homecoming Serenade to be held Sunday night, October 15,

All-Campus Is Big Success by Mark Bixler The annual fall Sphinx sub sale will take place on October 7. Don't forget to order your sub for $1.00 from any Sphinx.man before the seventh. Fraternities are currently pointing their thoughts toward fall homecoming which is only about three weeks away. The annual float building contest is of primary interest as Sphinx is the defending trophy holder from last year.

Despite bad weather and the distant location of Blacklick Stables, Otterbein's first all-campus beer blast last Saturday night turned out to be a big success. According to I.F .C. president Bill Smucker, 450 students attended the party and all reports that he has received have been very favorable. In fact, l.F.C. is looking into the possibility of having another all-campus party in the spring.

Pi Kappa Delta Last Tuesday, Pi Kappa Delta, the Otterbein Speech Honorary, met and welcomed three new members: Dick Miller, Juli Witsberger and Dee Miller. Elections were also held for

Just one of the many scenes from the frivolity and fun of the I.F.C. beer blast last Saturday night. At least they serve high-class brew.

EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT REGISTERING TO VOTE AT SCHOOL. .. Q. How long do I have to be a resident of Ohio or this county to register to vote? A. As long as you register by October 10, the last day for registration, you meet the 30-day residency requirement. Q. What questions can the Board of Elections ask me? A. According to recent court decisions and Ohio state law, the Board of Elections should only ask you whether you consider your school address as your place of residence. You should not have to answer any other questions or prove anything. If they hassle you or won't let you register,

officers. Marsha Rice was elected president; Carolyn Banks, vice-president; and Pam Hill, secretary-treasurer. The meeting ended with a discussion of the Pi Kap ationals which will be held in Omaha, Nebraska this year.


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Friday, Sept. 29 8:00 and 10:30 p.m.

call for information and The Franklin County Board help. of Elections has finally made a Q. Will I have to change my decision on area registration. For your information and use, the draft board? A.No! Although you're days and hours are as follows: supposed to let your draft The Board of Elections will board know where you are. be Open: Q. Am I required to have an 410 S. High Street Ohio driver's license? Monday thru Friday during A. You won't need an Ohio September - 8:30 a.m. • 4:30 driver's license to registei. p.m., Saturday, September 16th, Although if you are going to 23rd & 30th - 8:30 a.m. -12:00 be living and driving in Ohio, noon. you should try to get one; the Monday thru Friday (Oct. 2-6) same rules apply to license - 8:30 a.m. -9:00 p.m. and plates. Tuesday October 10th from Q. Will I have to pay Ohio taxes? 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. A. You pay state taxes where you earn them. MODERN Q. Will my status as a dependent or my health insurance be SHOE affected? REPAIR A. This should not be arfected.

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twenty-five in the passing department, good for 211 yards and two touchdowns. All-Ohio Conference receiver Steve Traylor caught six passes for 162 yards including a record setting 94 yard touchdown pass from senior quarterback Greg Miller. Doug Thomson led the Otters in rushing with a mere thirty-four yards in sixteen attempts. The Otters face arch rival Capital this Saturday at l :30 p.m. in Bexley, Ohio.


GAME bY Brett Morehead five interceptions during the The Otterbein Fighting _ contest; two returned for Cardinals lost their fifth game in touchdowns. a row (extending over from last Heidelberg quarterback, Jim season) to the Heidelberg Ruth, completed fifteen of Student Princes by a lop-sided twenty-six passes for 189 yards score of 69-13. Otterbein never and four touchdowns. The got started as Heidelberg had a Otters stole two of his passes. 20-0 first quarter lead and a 41-6 Heidelberg had 287 yards on the half-time score. The Cardinals ground led by fullback Bob gave the Heidelberg defense Hunt's 113 yards. plenty of chances by throwing The Otters were ten of


Pl EPISILON The September meeting of Pi Epsilon (women's health and physical education major's club) was held September 21, 1972 at Troop's. Plans for the upcoming year were discusse~ .- _they include - off1c1atrng, conventions, and sports clinics. Office rs for 1972-7 3 are President, Dianna Johnson; Vice-President, Laura Lamberton; Sec.-Treasurer, Mary Ellenberger; Co.,Social Chairman, Linda Witt and Janet Jones. Advisor is Miss Linda Rikard.

by Mark Bixler

The Men's Intramural Football league got underway last Thursday as Zeta took the opening game from Davis I 38-0. Paced by a big, tough defense · headed QY end Ken Shof, the Zeta team was never seriously threatened enroute to their first victory. On Friday, Kings Halfbacks: Jayne Ann followed suit by thumping Davis Augspurger, Barb Hoffman, II 36-12. Mike Wasylik led the Dawn Kasow, and Linda way for the Monks as he threw Frame. three touchdown passes and Fullbacks: Dianna Johnson, returned a kick-off all the way Janet Jones, and Dianna for a fourth. Saturday morning's Miller. game saw the powerful "Green Goalie: Sue Wanzer and Machine" from the Sphinx C indy Criner. .house maul Engle 55-0. The team co-captains are Sporting an explosive offense led Dianna Johnson and Patti by the throwing arm of Lindsey Elliott. The team is coached by Stedman and the · experienced Miss Sue Combs. Everyone is running of Tailback Jon France. encouraged · to come out and The Sphinxmen were never watch. Se~ you there!

W .A.A. HOCKEY TEAM Is This Saturday at 10:00 a.m. the women's intercollegiate field hockey team meets the Ashland College team on the hockey field behind the quads. After weeks of rugged practice sessions the team is looking forward to an exciting game. Although the official lineup has not been released for Saturday's game, the

I.M. Football Starts Season

following people will be seen playing: Forward Line: Patti Elliott, Sibyl McCaulsky, Laura Lamberton, Deb Kasow, Lori Fenton, Linda Witt, Melissa Allen and Cheryl Mattox.

threatened as they garnered their first victory. Monday's game saw Club, who has become a darkhorse power this year, easily smash Garst 48-0. Paced by running backs Randy Smith and Jim Inniger, the Clubbers established themselves as the team to beat in Division A. On Tuesday a big strong YMCA team took a 28-0 decision from an inexperienced but game Pi Sig team. Behind the right arm of quarterback Mike Farley, the Y has emerged as the most powerful independent team in the league. Action continues this week with games starting at 4:30 P.M. on weekdays and 10:00 A.M. on Saturday. Tennis also gets underway this week weather permitting.


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Frosh Flame

On by Sue Delay

ln a day and age when old traditions seem rather antiquated on a 1:ollege campus, the fre hman bonfire at Otterbein till belongs. Although the spirit of the fro h got off to a low tart and the general attitude towards wearing beanies was one of resistance, the bonfire truiy united the members of the class of '76 for the first time in the school year. The idea of running for a seemingly endless period of time

between two guys wearing pajamas (or girls wearing pajamas, as the case may be) around a roaring fire while a few snotty upperclassmen (who shall remain nameless) scream "Run little freshman, run" may not appeal to your average man in the street and especially to your average student at a large state university. The idea, I must admit, did not strike me as being particularly the most exciting way to spend a Friday night.

that is, until I actually found myself being pulled in two by two male freshmen while screaming 0-T-T-E-R-B-E-I-N at the top of my gasping lungs. As I look back now, it was an experience I will never forget. As a matter of fact, it ranks right up there with sitting on Santa's knee for the first time, at age four.

Now we freshmen officiall to Otterbein. The bo r·ireY belong d 1• d something that n no acceptance letters from th Admissions Office ' or scatterede . weanng of beanies or attend of classes can do; it brough~n~ together in spirit and that's wha~ it's all about.

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