''We've only just begun
. . .
While most Otterbein students were home for the summer, those who would arrive on September 7 to compose the class of 77 were busy preparing for their first year of college. Most of them attended a two day orientation session during the summer where they talked with their advisor and planned their schedule for their freshman year. And then September 10 was here before we all knew it . . . time to come back . . . to meet old friends . . . to make new friends . . . to get ID pictures taken . . . and to go to class. The 1973-74 school year had only just begun!
Bud Otterbein's new tradition? Loud music and flowing brew attracted bus and car loads of sheltered, but thirsty Otterbein students who welcomed the break from classes. Though the cups ran out, the liquid refreshment and music flowed on into the early hours of morning. Monday arrived on schedule and so did another week of classes.
time to talk to sit to watch to listen to be ourselves
not just academics.
Fun But Educational
Art is more than drawing shapes. Students taking art courses from Al Germanson were a bit surprised when they left third floor Lambert and played follow the leader to the park. Nobody understood how climbing over tree limbs and scaling walls had anything to do with art, but it sure beat drawing in the dark.
Climbing the three flights of steps to the third floor of Lambert figured to be the extent of the physical exercise encountered every day that they attended class. It was nothing compared to the physical capability and group co-operation required to get the entire group on top of a 12 foot wall of smooth brick. But then again, the great sense of satisfaction felt there, was never sensed after climbing those steps in Lambert!
Trees and walls were just a start There were big,ser and better things to be done by the art classes. Trees were no longer a challenge so they looked for larger walls to conquer and to understand. The rock ledges weren't Mount Everest nor was the sheer side of Lambert Hall, but they were a start.
Aecom pl ish ment
Not everyone made it or desired to, but that's okay. Those who did, made it because they wanted to; and now they are more aware of the artistic forms their bodies can create. They learned to trust their bodies, to think out their movements, and to know inside that they could do it!
Welcome Home
Parades are for everybody The sun shined that morning. Everyone had hoped that it wouldn't rain. They had put too much work into planning, constructing and parading their floats and displays for it to rain. Only if the rest of the day could have been as nice, but then this is Westerville:
Summer in October Theatre opens with dream
Presented in mod dress version, Shakespeare's comedy "A Midsummer Night's Dream," opened the 73-74 theatre season. The triple plot comedy, presented on the unique set, was typical of Otterbein's professional quality.
"Different people look at life from different points of view"
Cardinal thinclads overwhelmed opponents with consistent performances
Winning year
Jtte,I( J_(2r\1-
Otter veterans, with strong support from the freshmen class, turned out an impressive 5-1 record, losing only to Marietta. The team had three runners participate in NCAA Division 3 with Jack Lintz finishing in the top quarter with 25:54.
An athletic compliment Otterbein women excel too
The coolness of fall brought out the field hockey sticks, volleyballs and visits to the bowling alley by coeds wishing to match their skills against each other and other schools. The field hockey and volleyball teams played other Ohio Athletic Conference squads during the term while sororities met every Friday to see who could come closest to that 300 pin game.
Rated G Children's Theatre suggested for audiences of all ages.
As in the past, the Otterbein Theatre entertained local youngsters with the Children's Theatre, this year featuring the Story Book Theatre of Hans Christian Anderson. Two of his classic fairy tales, "The Princess and the Pea" and "The Emperor's New Clothes" were portrayed in original improvised versions by student actors.
We all have a lot to •
"Learning how to do things, sharing new things"
Constantly Improving
"Please excuse our dust."
As students arrived in the fall they noticed a smoother face on Towers. The old, leaky, slate roof was replaced by bright new shingles. The weathered towers were gone and in their place were smooth aluminum replicas. The bell had also taken on the new look of fresh paint, but would not respond to the fruitless tugging on its rope. Not only had Towers seen the efforts of workers, but the new Rike Physical Education Facility saw its beginning. Heating tunnels under construction snaked through the parking lot from the library, around the football field, and out to the new construction site.
Scavengers find familiar faces Looking for objects has always delighted people and it is even more exciting when someone else is looking for the same thing. Otter scavengers were suprised to find some pretty familiar people behind strange faces in their search for the crucial items. The list included witches, headless horsemen and a good time.
Killing time
We went to
study ... to learn, about our world, people, and their cultures. We experienced these people and their cultures first-hand . . . made do with what we had . . . studied on deck . . . had a halloween contest . . . and Monte Carlo Night . . . and when we came home we glowed with knowledge and experiences like Hong Kong at night.
Seniors and those who helped make it possible Seniors Fauclty Administration
Julie Davis
Becky Hawk
Helen Krieg
Dee Hoty
Mark Bach
Kelly Heddleston
Cara Bolton
Cathy Clark
Jim Bolton
Leslie Burrell
Roxanne Rabourn
Linda Kunz
Mike Schacherbauer
Bev Bolt
Laura Neuenswander
Kathy Pratt
Harlan Needham
Sandy Miltenberger
Carol Webb
Patty Groen
Debbie Johnston 75
Wybo VanBiemen, Music
Gary Tir,ey, Music 76
James Recob, Religion
Fran Bay, Public Relations
Harold Hancock, History
Paul Jursa, Economics
Bob Laverty, Head Resident
Dave Bradford, Public Relations
Kerr, IV, President 77
Mary Walcutt
Kathy Fox
Ed Morris 78
Terry Curtin
Dennis Roberts
Cathy Smith
Jenny Varney
Ron Jewett
Bob Ready 79
-Ruth Wise
Cindy Bair
Patti McGhee
Carol Amlin
Jim Robinson
Cheryl Beam
Linda Simmons
Linda Temple
Jim Herman
Ed Collins
Amy Bondurant
Tom Secor
Claudia Smith
Bernie Zingale
Gary Roberts
Lanny Ross
Betsy Bachman
_lack Lintz
Diana Barger
Tony Mangia
Ursula Holterman, History
Chester Addington, Education 84
Paul Ackert, Philosophy '
i_hilip Barnhart, Physics & Astronomy
Oris Amos, Education
Mel Cua, Business
Paulette Loop, Foreign Language 85
Jeff Teden
Jerry Daniels
Sue Seiple
Nancy Harter
Dave Hammond
Judy Tardell
Mel Caulker
Pam Studer
lim Laverick 88
John Mulkie
Joe Szima
Ruth Ann Miller
Deb Hawthorne 89
John Hokanson, Aerospace Studies
David Deever, Mathematics
Norman Chaney, English
Sue Combs, Health-Physical Education
Donald Bulthaup, Physics
Rexford Ogle, Chemistry
John Hamilton, Foreign Language 91
Barb Curtis
Jane Thomas 92
Jan Wolford
Barb White
Cindi Klatte
Gar Vance
Mary Jo Eyman
Bill Smucker
Tina Jacoby
Bob Lowden 93
Gary Curts
Bill Mccorkle 111
Barb Scott
Stan Hughes
Lisa Pettit
Ron Davison
Denny Jackson
Rhey Mullen
Sue Fisher
Bonnie Everhart
Dianna Johnson
Tom Lloyd
Lonnie Holmes 96
Laura Lamberton
Jo Alice Bailey
Kathie Reese
Deb Hall
Nona Barrett
Bill Lutterbein
Dave Berry 97
Albert Lovejoy, Sociology
Roger Tremaine, Mathematics
Michael Kish, Admissions
James Bailey, English 98
Larry Cox, Psychology
Jerry Jenkins, Chemistry
Arnold Leonard, Earth Science
Elaine Hobart, Sociology 99
Bill Stallings
Brett Moorehead
Roberta Bowens
Pat Ewing
Betsy Ostrander
Pam Pauley
Bruce Hull
Ted Downing
Brad McGlumphy
Mark Wise
Charlie Hux
Tricia Haddox
Charlene Miller
Allison Prindle, English
Richard Chamberlain, Music
JoAnn Tyler, WHPE 104
Jack Dickey, C. C. Director
Pat Zech, Alumni Dev.
William Amy, Religion
Don Foster, Admissions
Sue Dykes, Admissions
Earl Hassenpflug, Art
Ken Hoyt, Alumni Dev. 105
Carol Dovenbarger
Dale Chittum 106
Dave Schweitzer
Kim Gayton Belknap
Sherrie Goldman
Jim Bontadelli
Lee Ann Barber
Glorene Shearer and Scott Evilsizor
Esther Barnhart
Kay Bechtel
Sharon Kauffman 107
Betz Lowe
Steve Corey
Maria Marchi
Deb Kaurich 108
Dave Bell
Gini Olesen
Ruth Glenfield
Kathy Ulmer
Jay Hone
Harry Gilbert
Linda Witt
Mike Wasylik 109
Carla Sawyer
Kathie Ruch 110
Marsha Rice
Carol McClain
Sam Militello
Sue Hudson Allcorn
Barb Green 111
Richard Reynolds, MHPE
Elizabeth O'Bear, Foreign Language
John Becker, Head Librarian
Roy Turley, Academic Dean
John Coulter, English
Morris Briggs, Placement
Chester Turner, Alumni Dev.
Mary Rucker, Music
Bernie Williams, Catering Management 113
Teri Thomas
Connie Heffelfinger 114
Chuck Nickel
Debbie Langel!
Karen Pellett
Val Francis
Doug Kincaid
Bob Thomas
Bill Hatzer 115
Keith DeWolf
Tim Young 116
Nancy Drummond Maccarter
Mike Maccarter
Marcia Purcell Leroy
Bob Timson
Joe Casa
Doug Sampson
Mary Rubadue
Mark Thomas 117
Thomas Tegenkamp, Life Science
James Carr, Foreign Language
Harold McDermott, Education 118
Norman LeVora, Life Science
Elsley Witt, Financial Aid
Joanne Vansant, Dean of Students
Ann Pawlak, English
Fred Thayer, Theatre
Robert Agler, MHPE
Marilyn Day, WHPE 119
Bob Maust
Joe Humphreys
Pam VanBuren
Tommy Joe Miller 120
Sibyl McCualsky
Bill Spooner
Barb Hoffman
Connie Evans Terry Wooff
Patti Elliott
Meg Tucker
Myra Fallis 121
Jayne Ann Augspurger
Nancy Noblitt Reed
Dave Price
Un Joo Kim
Deb Coleman
Ken Austin
Dave Finley Pam Wright
Bonnie Wright
Al Benson
Don Tate
Mirta Barra S.
Elwyn Williams, Vice President of Development
William Wyman, Music
Albert Horn, Treasurer
Karl Oldag, Dean for Student Development
Elmer Yoest, MHPE
Richard Fishbaugh, MHPE
Woodrow Macke, Busines5 Manager
Linda Rikard, WH PE
Ross Fleming, Learning Resource Center
Peter Baker, Registrar 125
Sue Wanzer
Margie Stickney
Doug Ridding 126
Greg Vawter
Lowell Socolofsky, Aerospace Studies
Roger Wiley, Math
Ina Sivits, Asst. in Student Personell
Charles Showell, Aerospace Studies
Paul Redditt, Religion
Joyce Karsko, Psychology
,, Alden Bennett, Campus Mail Service
Cathy Warren, Home Economics
Walt Will, Data Processing
Red Moreland, College Printing
Robert Place, Chemistry
James Winkates, Government 129
Robert Comerford, Security
William Hamilton, English
John Laubach, Government
Jerold Hopfengardner, Education
Earl Cater, Security
Eleanor Roman, Home Economics
Lucia Villalon, Foreign Language
Lyle Barkhymer, Music
George Phinney, Life Science
Ralph McCormick, Security 131
Jeanne Willis, Life Science
Richard Seils. MHPE
Robert Clarke, History and Government 132
Leonard Love, Accountant
Graduating Senior Index John Charles Addington History 86
Cheryl Lynn Beam Art 81
David Allen Buchanan Sociology *
Susan Hudson Allcorn Home Economics Ill
Kay Marie Bechtel Elementary Education 107
Kenneth Edward Burket Psychology *
Carol Jean Amlin French 80
Janet Louise Beck Elementary Education 100
Barbara Leslie Burrell Elementary Education 73
Patty Lee Artrip English *
Kim Gayton Belknap English 106
Jean Ann Ford Campbell Mathematics *
Jayne Ann Augspurger Physical Education 122
David Douglas Bell Life Science 108
Kenneth Wade Campbell, Jr. Government *
Kenneth Lynn Austin Physics 122
Alan Bennie Benson Business Administration 123
William Michael Carter Physical Education
Mark Sherwin Bach Elementary Education 72
David Lee Berry Chemistry 97
Joseph R. Casa, Jr History 117
Elisabeth Marie Bachmann Psychology, Sociology 83
Doris E. Bogner German *
Melvyne Leonora Caulker Home Economics 87
Jo Alice Bailey Speech-Theatre, Psychology
Cara Adams Boltin History 73
Dale Keith Chittum Physical Education 106
Cynthia Lee Bair Elementary Education 80
James William Boltin Physical Education 73
Catherine Cray Clark Speech-Theatre 73
Lee Ann Barber French 107
Rodney Russell Bolton Theology*
Mary Lou Clemans Speech-Theatre, Psychology 81
Esther Loxley Barnhart Elementary Education 107
James Albert Bontadelli, Jr. Life Science 106
Deborah Lynn Coleman French 122
M. Adriana Barra S. Spanish 123
Roberta Bowens English 101
Lesley F. Collins Sociology *
Nona M. Barrett Sociology 97
Yvonne Sexton Brandt Psychology, Sociology*
Stephen Joseph Corey Music Education 108
James Blair Bartlett Business Admn., Economics *
Dav William Bremer Chemistry
Diane Daily Cox Elementary Education *
Erich Christopher Bauer Life Science *
Michael Scott Bridgeman Mathematics*
Deborah Ann Coyle Elementary Education 79
Barbara Ann Curtis Elementary Education 92
Patricia Jo Elliot Physical Education 122
Ruth Ann Glenfield Elementary Education 109
Ted Lindell Crabtree Physical Education *
Constance Elaine Evans Home Economics 122
Sherrie Goldman Elementary Education 109
Carolyn Rieser Cunningham Home Economics 100
Daniel Steven Evans Government *
Nancy Mccampbell Grace History *
Terry L. Curtin Art 78
Colatta Yvonne Everhart Physical Education 96
David Lee Gray Theology*
Gary Robert Curts Life Science 94
Scott Allen Evilsizor Physical Education 96
Linda Susan Gray Sociology*
Jerome Dana Daniels Physical Education 86
Patricia Kay Ewing Elementary Education 101
Barbara JoAnn Green Elementary Education 111
Julie A. Davis Elementary Education 72
Mary Jo Eyman Elementary Education 93
Patricia Ann Groen Home Economics 75
Ronald H. Davison, Jr. Business Admn., Sociology 95
Daniel Thomas Fagan Chemistry *
Patricia Ann Haddox Elementary Education 103
Alison Rae Dean Elementary Education *
Myra Denise Fallis Home Economics 122
JoAnn M. Hafenbreidel Elementary Education *
Anthony Louis Delvalle Speech-Theatre *
Douglas Jerome Fields Physical Education *
Jacquelyn Hairston Elementary Education 126
Keith N. DeWolf Life Science 116
David Barnett Finley Business Admin., Sociology 123
Deborah Ann Hall ElemPntary Education 97
Guy Eugene Dittoe Business Administration 116
Susan Ruth Fisher History 95
Cindy Lou Hall History *
Carol Sue Dovenbarger Life Science 106
Ruth Ann Trimmer Ford Elementary Education *
David Allen Hammond Speech-Theatre 86
Ted C. Downing Physical Education 102
Kathleen S. Fox English 78
Nancy Kay Harter Psychology 86
Ronald Eugene Downs Business Administration *
Jeffrey E~ton Frase Psychology, Sociology 114
William E. Hatzer Government 115
Dennis Robert Drennan English *
Kathryn Rose Freda French, English *
Rebecca Ann Hawk Home Economics 72
Sally Jo Dunn Spanish *
Timothy Allen Funk History *
Debora Lyne Hawthrorne Life Science 89
Raymond Francis Ehlers Psychology 107
John Jack Howard David George Business Administration *
Bernita Gay Hedding Elementary Education 101
Mary Louise Ellenberger Physical Education 102
Harry Manhardt Gilbert, Ill Business Administration 109
Kelley Lynn Heddleston Home Economics 73
* pictures
not available
Constance L. Heffelfinger Religion 114
Dianna Sue Johnson Physical Education 96
Laura Jane Lamberton Physical Education 96
Michael R. Heniken Life Science 103
Gregory Waits Johnson Sociology *
Kay Alison Wells Landis Chemistry *
James L. Herman Economics 82
Deborah Louise Johnston Spanish 175
Richard Keith Landis Life Science *
Barbara Jo Hoffman Home Economics 122
Carol Strout Jones Physical Education *
Deborah Mary Langel! Elementary Education 115
Lonica Lynn Holmes Elementary Education 96
Thomas Alan Jones Life Science *
James F. Laverick Business Administration 88
Jay Roderick Hone Government 122
Sharon Lynn Kauffman Life Science 107
Robert Gene Layton Physical Education *
Stephen Paul Hoover Chemistry *
Deborah Joan Kaurich Speech-Theatre 108
Joy Ellen Lemke Life Science 95
Kathleen Lynn Hasher Home Economics *
Thomas Humphrey Keever Art*
Marcia Purcell LeRoy Psychology 117
Dorothy Marie H oty Speech-Theatre 72
Sharon Staley Kelley Psychology, Sociology
John Michael Lintz Physical Education 83
John Alex Hritz Music Education 79
Un Joo Kim Music 122
John Edward Lloyd Life Science
Stanley Earl Hughes Physical Education 94
Dwight Douglas Kincaid Business Administration 115
Thomas Albert Lloyd Music Education 96
Bruce Alan Hull Life Science 102
Margaret Ann Klosterman Elementary Education 100
Robert D. Lowden Sociology 93
Joseph Franklin Humphreys, Jr. Speech-Theatre
William Douglas Kontras Physical Education *
Betty L. Lowe French 108
Charles H. Hux Life Science 103
Victoria Lynne Korosei Speech-Theatre 89
William Henry Lutterbein Economics 97
Dennis Martin Jackson Economics 95
Helen Middleton Krieg Sociology 72
Michael Warren Maccarter Mathematics 116
Christina M. Jacoby Home Economics 93
Karin Lee Kruger Psychology 110
Nancy Drummond Maccarter Ag 116
Loraine Elizabeth Jarrett Home Economics 93
Linda Clair Kunz Elementary Education 74
Anthony John Mangia Speech-Theatre 83
Agnes Katalin Jeney Psychology, Sociology *
Judith Ann Kurzen Life Science *
Geoffrey Lynn Mapes Math, Business Admn. 89
Ronald Keith Jewett Psychology, German 79
James Andrew Lahoski Physical Education
Maria Angela Marchi Home Economics 108
Robert Allen Maust Psychology 121
Renate Ingrid Mueller Chemistry *
Nancye V. Noblitt Read Home Economics 122
Carol Anne McClain Art, Psychology 111
John Richardson Mulkie Life Science 88
Kathryn S. Reese Home Economics 97
William, Ralph Mccorkle, Ill Business Administration
Rhey Carl Mullen Business Administration 95
Marsha Elaine Rice Speech-Theatre 110
Sibyl Lee McCualsky Physical Education 121
Kristine Kay Naragon Music Education *
Douglas Ridding Physical Education, Health 126
Janice Irene McCullough Elementary Education 81
Richard Harlan Needham History 75
Katherine Jeanette Riley Elementary Education 80
Patti Evelyn McGhee Elementary Education 80
Laura Louise Neuenswander Physical Education 74
Dennis Mark Roberts Business Admn., Economics 78
Bradley Lee McGlumphy Speech-Theatre 102
Charles John Nickel History 114
Gary Michael Roberts Business Admn., Economics 83
John Alan McKee Physical Education
Virginia Dee Olesen Business Administration 108
James Michael Robinson History 81
Rosanne Meister English 114
Betsy Lynn Ostrander Elementary Education 101
Lanny Edward Ross Business Administration 83
Rebecca S. Merrill Music Education 89
Janet Lee Patrick Elementary Education 87
Mary Lee Rubadue Home Economics 117
Samuel Militello Speech-Theatre 111
Pamela S. Pauley Psychology 102
Kathleen Sue Ruch Speech-Theatre 110
Charlene Yvonne Miller French 103
Karen Dorothy Pellett Home Economics 115
Robin Rushton Physical Education
Lois E. Miller Elementary Education
Leif A. Pettersen Business Administration
Stewart Own Samoriga Government *
Richard Hoyt Miller, Jr. Speech-Theatre *
Lisa Ann Pettit Elementary Education 94
Douglas K. Sampson History 117
Ruth Ann Miller Home Economics 89
Kathy Joellen Pratt Psychology 74
Carla Yvette Sawyer Elementary Education 110
Tommy Joe Miller Life Science 121
David Jerome Price Life Science 122
Judith M. Saylor Sociology 82
Sandra Kay Miltenberger Elementary Education 75
Hugo Rocco Quint, Jr. Physical Education *
George Michael Schacherbauer Elementary Education 74
Brett Steven Moorehead Speech-Theatre 101
Roxanne Rabourn Elementary Education 74
Kaye Kline Schlosser Elementary Education
Edward S. Morris Music Education 78
Robert Cecil Ready, Jr English 79
Virginia Ruth Marie Schmidt Art 87
* picture not available 137
Larry Dale Schultz Physical Education *
William D. Smucker Life Science 93
Mark Edward Thomas Theology 117
David Melvin Schweitzer Life Science 106
Robin Adair Snow Music*
Robert Lewis Thomas History 115
Barbara Lee Scott Elementary Education 94
Irene L. Sommer Home Economics *
Teresa L. Thomas Theology 114
James R. Scott Business Administration *
Joan Dayle Sorensen Sociology *
James Howard Thomson Business Administration *
Thomas Ottgen Secor Business Admn., History 82
William M. Spooner, Jr. Business Administration 121
Robert W. Timson Life Science 117
Kathleen Selbert Sociology*
Mike Springer History 95
Carole Marie Tarson Elementary Education *
William Eugene Seimer Business Administration *
William M. Stallings, Ill Physics 100
Marguerite Tucker Speech-Theatre 122
Susan Leigh Seiple English 86
Margaret Ann Stickney Speech-Theatre 126
Ronald H. Tucker Business Administration *
Gregory William Shaw History 111
Barbara D. Stockwell French 102
Carol Lynn Turner Math*
Glorence Kay Shearer Physical Therapy 107
Pamela S. Studer Elementary Education 88
Kathy Frank Ulmer Physical Education 109
William Thomas Shields Business Administration *
David A. Stump Life Science 79
Brian Lee Vail Business Administration 87
Keith Alan Shoemaker Business Adm., Economics 114
Sally B. Sutton Home Economics *
Pamela Lynn VanBuren Elementary Education 121
Merry Lyn Sigrist English 111
Anne L. Sweet Home Economics 80
Gary Michael Vancamp Economics 87
Linda Leigh Judd Simmons Elementary Education 81
Joseph A. Szima Physical Education 88
Gerland Wayne Vance Speech-Theatre 93
Elizabeth Ann Slack Elementary Education *
Judith Ellen Tardell Business Admn., Economics
Jennifer Vulgamore Varney French 79
Catherine A. Smith Elementary Education 78
Donald Harold Tate Business Administration 123
Gregory Ross Vawter Speech-Theatre 126
Claudia Diane Smith Psychology, Sociology 82
Jeffrey Robson Teden History 86
Jack Eugene Wagner, Jr. Elementary Education 116
Donald J. Smith Business Administration *
Linda Sue Temple Government, History 81
Mary Eileen Walcutt Home Economics 78
Joseph Wayne Smith Business Administration *
Jane Wheatley Thomas Elementary Education 92
Susan Place Wanzer Government 126
Michael John Wasylik Government 109
Julianne R. Witsberger Speech-Theatre *
Pamela Carol Wright French 123
Carol McDowell Webb Home Economics 75
Linda S. Witt Physical Education 109
Joseph Douglas Yeakel Physics *
Barbara Haigler White Spanish, Sociology 92
Margaret Macrum Witt Elementary Education *
Timothy Gates Young Life Science 116
Kathleen Mcfarlin Williams Art *
Janet Kay Wolford Elementary Education 92
Richard Louis Yutze Business Administration *
Cathy Ann Wine Home Economics 81
Deborah Shields Wollam Elementary Education *
Donald E. Zeigler, Jr. Life Science *
Mark Alan Wise Business Administration 103
Terrance Michael Wooff Physical Education 122
Holly Martineau Zgrabik Elementary Education *
Ruth Ann Wise Music Education 80
Bonnie Dee Wright Elementary Education 123
* pictures
not available
January 3
through Basketball Homecoming
Another ten weeks Break is over and cold darkness greets those who have 8:00 classes. Campus activities migrate to the warmth of the indoors leaving only the stark naked trees to peer over occasional students who pass along icy sidewalks to class and back.
Winter Homecoming weekend had a full schedule for those who attended festivities. Dads were honored guests for the occasion, but activities were planned for everyone. From skating at the Ice Chalet and "Six Characters" on Cowan's stage to a super victory over the Wooster Scots, the weekend was a great success, not to mention the five sophomore coeds who reigned over the homecoming festivities.
Winter Homecoming Court Linda Bechtel
Bev Bu1Well Belinda Bogner
Marilyn Doyle Josie Yeakel
''Six'' on the sixth Epolito directs characters
Luigi Pirandello's "Six Characters in Search of an Author" was an unusual play. Otterbein's actors explored the difference between reality and illusion as they opened on Cowan's stage February
6. 157
Snowy Style
Consul in Cowan ...
Menotti's opera adds to Winter performing repetoire
Otterbein's performance of Menotti's Consul was indicative of the performing talents of the student body. As the music department occupied Cowan's stage for the opera production, students became more exposed to another aspect of the performing arts, while others took total responsibility for lighting and set design. The opera theatre also gave area patrons a taste of an art that has been nearly forgotten in this area in the past.
Questions on visitation were on the minds of many who care about Otterbein. A new system will be tried next year that could provide the solution for social interaction among students.
Problems solved 164
Robert Morse Leads Three Men on a Horse
A chance to be ourselves 170
A chance to do "our" thing
Thriving competition
The hockey club, in which several of the men took part, drew a good following from the college community. Men's intramural basketball and women's intercollegiate basketball helped keep the courts hot with activity during the winter months, giving everyone a chance for competition.
All heating tunnels lead to the service building where these complex environmental control units are housed. They provide heat in the winter and air conditioning to some buildings when the temperatures start climbing in the Spring. Full-time personnel and some students operate and monitor these systems so that Otterbein can remain quiet and peaceful in comfort.
Warm in the Winter and ... 175
Epsilon Kappa Tau CX)
front row: K. Ronan, S. Weinrich, N. Bickel, P. Bricker, T. Haddox, B. Scott, R. Meister, B. Wright, P. Lutz, C. Spriggs, S. Tice, S. Lord, B. Pfahler, K. Callendine, C. Ansel, J. Weixel, 2nd row: D. Burns, M. Jones, P. Stout, D. Turns, P. Devereaux, L. McKenzie, C. Triplett, C. Phalor, N. Flinchbaugh, J. Garrabrant, J. Barr, P. Wright, C. Klatte, B. Lehman, R. Harrison, C. Snodgrass, 3rd row: V. Ingels, L. Stark, R. Butz, S. Neibarger, D. Launder, P. Call, D. Scott, G. Bixler, R. Johnson, S. McCualsky, S. Wanzer, J. Augspurger, J. Mathias, back row: G. Freeman, C. Loudenslager, N. Everhart, D. Kasow, D. Bowsher, S. Miller, S. Loos, A. Stallings, S. Delay, B. Augspurger, H. McGovern, D. Brod, D. Kasunic, C. LeMay, S. Hart, D. Kasow
Eta Phi Mu JONDA front row: R. Kirschner, K. Wheeler, S. Bowles, C. Nicely, 2nd row: C. Borden, J. Scheel, T. Secor, H. Gilbert, D. Gill, 3rd row: M. Richards, M. Emler, J. Dell, B. Hull, T. Downing, T. Tarantelli, G. Vancamp, R. Miller, J. Frase, D. Underwood, J. Mulkie, B. Smucker, P. Johnson, B. Spencer, 5th row: K. Strait, F. Seigel, T. Shepard, M. Richards, G. Vance, 6th row: G. Paul, J. Liston, R. Clark, M. Watson, D. Goodwin, M. Springer, D. Findley, D. Rossel, T. Comery, back row: B. Watson, G. Wooten, C. Kaiser, B. Phelps, D. Paul, A. Anderson, B. Lowden, W. Outten
...,co front row: F. Shaw, M. Tucker, C. Crosswhite, C. Miller, M. Bowlus, 2nd row: P. Chakroff, B. Conery, K. Maurer, A. Hill, C. Brown, R. Stoddard, M. Waldecki, R. Nicholson, V. Schmidt, 3rd row: C. Smith, G. Schearer, B. Nelson, D. Coyle, J. Hickman, B. Pariseau, D. Johnson, P. Pifer, D. Barger, R. Hawkins, S. Kauffman, N. Starkey, K. Pellett, J. Jacobs, K. Ulmer, P. Weaver, K. Reeves, C. Wine back row: K. Kristie, P. Pifer, P. McGhee, D. Mcconahy, K. Dechert, T. Mead, C. Hefflefinger, D. Langel!, P. Klosterman, L. Hammond, C. Smith
Kappa Phi Omega
front row: M. Martinelli, B. Reid, K. Jones, M. Wasylik, middle row: ). VanDyke, G. Landis, C. Charleston, B. Swenson, V. Francis, B. Lloyd, back row: F. Ackerman, D. Buckle, B. Fackler, S. Hayden, D. Kent,). Updyke, B. Schneider, B. Walton, K. Smith, C. Simmons,). Landis, F. DeBell
Lambda Gamma Epsilon "'..,
front row: S. Militello, D. Switzer, 2nd row: S. Webb, R. Stauffer, J. Voneida, J. Recob, R. Miller, C. Walther, G. Gill, G. Mayfield, 3rd row: M. Dozier, M. Griffith, W. Muzzioli, D. Robbins, M. Crum, D. Vonschriltz, J. Hoyer, D. Wright, back row: K. Follrath, R. Hutka, M. Snider, J. Humphreys, D. King, M. Greeham
Pi Beta
Pi Kappa Phi CLUB
front row: S. Reali, M. Harold, J. Szima, T. Jones, E. Brookover, J. Laverick, R. Mauer, C. Nickel, P. McElvoy, T. Shey, B. Davies, 2nd row: R. Smith, T. Harbrecht, K. Shoemaker, J. Witbeck, T. McElvey, B. Moorehead, R. Dodge, P. Eiseman, R. Ruble, C. Case, G. Brophy, M. Barnes, B. D'Aiutto, R. Moomaw, J. Lewis, J. McCurdy, D. Stump, E. Anderson, M. Weidmeyer, S. Miller, back row: K. Gildow, P. Miller, R. Trowell, J. Wise, G. McComb, B. Diltz, C. Alexander, M. Shannon, T. VanTine, M. Thomas, R. Coberson, J. Krieger, T. Collins, J. Harper, C. Moon, J. Reid, G. Horner, J. Campiogotto, J. Minehart
.,. CX>
Rho Kappa Delta front row: R. Kinne, A. Ciampa, N. Riker, S. Crithfield, M. Westlake, back row: K. Bennett, M. Sigrist, A. Sweet, K. Riley, C. Pfost, D. Fisher, P. Ewing, J. Lemke, J. Smith
Alpha Tau OWLS
front row: S. Garden, P. Shelden, 2nd row: P. Buchanan, C. Billings, M. Harting, J. James, S. Zoecklein, P. Grubbs, G. Olesen, B. Bichsel, 3rd row: D. Miller, B. Alexander, C. Corbin, C. Moore, C. Hupp, M. Rice, S. Eubanks, B. Rupert, S. Huston, L. Christopher, 4th row: K. Kreider, J. Nichols, D. Banwart, L. Young, P. Hill, S. Conley, L. Austin, D. Hoty, L. Paul, B. Grimes, G. Pettis, back row: L. Roraback, M. Costine, S. Walrafen, B. Titus, G. Simmons, V. Wanner, Mrs. Allison, K. Gilbert, M. Hard, C. Woods, Q. Miller, S. Gooding, S. Priestas, J. Tipton, B. VanGundy
front row: G. Shaw, L. Harvey, C. Sawyer, C. Cady, D. Lance, P. Bradford, middle row: B. Stallings, B. Cooper, D. Selby, D. Coldwell, S. Evilsizor, H. Needham, C. Erickson, G. Riggle, S. Thomas, B. James, M. Sommer, K. Hyland, D. Coey, K. Roach, M. Campbell, back row: P. Bunnell, D. Price, D. Wedekind, K. Carlton, L. Salser, D. Hawk, J. Hiles, J. Howlett, D. Kincaid, T. Wolfe, B. Evans, S. Calhoun, S. Campbell, M. Arnold, J. Hritz
00 00
Sigma Delta Phi
Tau Delta DELTAS
front row: G. Hedding, 5. Miltenberger, B. Green, D. Holt, D. Smith, C. Cramer, middle row: J. Rhodhamel, D. Curry, G. Leach, J. Kinney, A. Milne, L. Conrad, back row: N. Harter, M. Kehl, R. Glenfield, D. Hensel, C. Horie, J. Wolford, V. Ettenhoffer, B. Stockwell
Mu TALISMAN front row: 5. Kline, B. Curtis, L. Pettit, P. Elliott, K. Pratt, J. Bailey, J. McCullough, D. Kaurich, M. Eyman, M. Rubadue, P. Buchanan. 2nd row: B. Askins, L. Bechtel, 5. Raymond, P. Huston, M. Payne, C. Armentrout, J. Beck, M. Slack, R. Sando, M. Miller, A Backer, 3rd row: M. Johnson, J. Herron, K. Lafferty, J. Conover, G. Wells, R. Rabourn, N. Seibel, D. Diamond, seated on steps: J. Moore, M. Dunaway, L. Bailey, 5. Fast, J. Melhorn, 5. Steele, P. Shelton, standing on steps: F. Donisi, K. Grief, B. Bible, A. Wandrisco, T. Blair, 5. Boas, L. Woodward, J. Kassing, D. Lamb, E. Schacht, B. Seibert, J. Harrison
front row: C. Manuel, M. Wells, C. Conklin, J. Hollinger, B. Hannahs, C. Ventresca, L. Kern, 2nd row: K. Johnson, M. Clark, H. Rowles, B. MacConkey, J. Sebright, 3rd row: C. Cole, L. Lamberton, C. Henthorne, N. Osbahr, B. Stoops, seated on railing: B. Bean, S. Miller, S. Streb, B. Schultz, L. Barber, L. Davis, 4th row: M. Koch, D. Hawthorne, H. ~reig, J. Tardell, L. Schroder, B. Smith, B. Wright, C. Bateman, P. Pease, K. Paul, L. Rice, J. Jones, back row: S. Kinsey, M. Schaal, B. Alonso, S. Rinehart, K. Reese, P. Studer
Theta Nu
.., '()
front row: M. Miglets, T. Kerns, C. Alward, J. C.asa, L. Geese, R. Taylor, middle row: B. Warner, D. Stuckey, D. Jackson, B. Becker, J. Wallace, J. Sarver, back row: T. Heller
Zeta Phi
Fraternities and Sororities at the 'bein are social oriented, but sometimes take time out to help others get a little more out of life. Greek jerseys can be seen all over campus and their marks are found on desks in most classrooms.
Greek goodies 195
right photo: Tan & Cardinal Staff back row: B. Ready, B. Merrill, B. Zingale, D. Miller, G. Roberts, front row: K. Fox, L. Austen below:
Team: D. Dick, K. Jewett,
G. Neptune, J. Boyer, R. Skull, C. McDonald, M. Martinelli
center right: SCOPE front row: N. Flinchbaugh, G. Crosby, B. Stoops, 2nd row: E. Clark, P. Chakroff, S. Eubanks, J. Hoge, N. Barrett, S. Fisher, D. Coyle, back row: J. Brush, R. Clarke, W. Greene, D. Buckle, D. Barber, D. Stevens, A. Hill, K. Maurer, J. Whalen, N. Hobgood, E. Teichert 196
above: Pi Epsilon front row: L. Witt, L. Lamberton, B. Everhart, D. Johnson, P. Elliott, middle row: P. Pifer, J. Jones, D. Diamond, C. Loudenslager, S. Hatem, back row: L. Bailey, J. Augspurger, S. McCualsky, B. Hoffman
below: Women's Tennis Team front row: D. Collins, S. Lord, V. Silberstein, B. Alonso, P. Elliott, back row: S. McCualsky, J. Augspurger, D. Brod, C. Dovenbarger, Q. Miller, G. Olesen, K. Pratt, L. Pettit, L. Rikard
below: Sigma Zeta front row: P. Baker, N. Riker, S. Raymond, B. Conery, B. Hornack, K. Ogle, S. Waggaman, S. Mathews, D. Shuey, S. Lord, front row: R. Moomaw, J. Dimar, L. Hay, K. Wheeler, D. Rossel, B. D'Aiuto, B. Hull, G. Phinney, D. Hawthorne, B. Timson, M. Heniken, J. Vickers, K. Hopkins, B. Huston, D. Patton, M. Emler
right: Omicron Delta Epsilon front row: P. Jursa, G. Van Camp, back row: G. Roberts, P. Lenge
Left: Pi Sigma Iota front row: P. Devereaux, B. Stoops, P. Stout, L. Shuster, 2nd row: D. Coleman, L. Barber, P. Wright, B. Stockwell, back row: B. Green, K. Sachs, A. Hawkins, J. Beuadoin, M. Hedges below: Arnold Air Society front row: D. Ford, K. Jewett, R. Skull, back row: M. Davis, C. Repik, D. Dick, J. Boyer, R. lewett
above: Torch and Key front row: S. Kauffman, N. Harter, D. Coyle, B. Stockwell, B. Green, H. Hancock, C. Smith, 2nd row : D. Phinney, D. Shuey, J. Vickers, P. Weaver, C. Adkins, M. Sigrist, M. Day, back row: J. Willis, J. Hone, G. Phinney, B. Ostrander, M. Schacherbauer, D. Bulthaup, J. Patrick, D. Byers, M. Heniken, B. Thomas, A. Goff, G. Gill, W. Muzzioli, B. Ewart, M. Snider
below: Phi Alpha Theta front row: S. Fisher, D. Barger, P. Goodridge, B. Pariseau, Back row: M. Rothgery, H. Hancock, M. Arnold, P. Richards, C. Hupp, B. Thomas, U. Holterman
above: S. A. M. front row: D. Roberts, F. Ackerman, P. Weaver, S. Lynn, back row: W. Gallup, M. Wise, G. Roberts, B. Reid
below: Cap & Dagger front row: P. Hill, P. Simmons, A. Soiu, S. Hall, V. Korosei, M. Bookwalter, L. Burrell, B. Kosciuk, T. Espenschied, 2nd row: B. Brewer, J. Cain, D. Hammond, S. Kocks, B. Zingale, D. Miller, T. Mangia, B. Machlan, J. Sickles, R. Pruett, back row: B. McGlumphy, J. West, B. Kendig, R. Adams, M. Tucker, D. Hoty, M. Clemans
above: Business Honorary D. Roberts, T. Secor, M. Wise, M. Cua, G. Roberts, left: CPB Executive Board front row: J. Humphreys, M. Stickney, R. Meister, D. Shuey, K. Pratt, back row: S. Wanzer, J. Dickey, B. Scott, D. Inscho, T. Radbill 201
right: Women's Softball front row: B. Everhart, N. Harter, P. Pifer, C. Hanrahan, J. Hickman, K. Ulmer, 2nd row: P. Pifer, T. Hertlein, K. Gilbert, D. Johnson, L. Rice, S. Combs, back row: C. Smith, E. Schacht, S. Tice, C. Loudenslager
above: Young Democrats front row: P. Devereaux, L. Austen, S. Campbell, back row: L. Malone, E. Giammarco, S. Calhoun, M. Wasylik
above: SOUL front row: D. Creer, 2nd row: T. Hopkins, N. Barrett, S. Atkins, E. Hairston, L. Malone, S. Eubanks, back row: L. Jarrett, S. Jones, D. Stevens, J. Witbeck, D. Barber. 202
left: Theta Alpha Phi front row: A. Soui, B. Kendig, D. Miller, B. Zingale, P. Hill, 2nd row: C. Dodrill, D. Hoty, S. Kocks, M. Bookwalter, V. Korosei, M. Tucker, R. Adams, J. Sick1es, D. Hammond, T. Mangia, 3rd row: R. Pruett, B. McGlumphy, J. West, B. Machlan, B. Kosciuk, J. Cain, B. Brewer
above: Angel Flight front row: D. McVay, R. Sando, B. Lehman, E. Wrightsel, P. Buchanan, J. Weixel, M. Buckner, A. Stallings, back row: M. Larson, C. LeDonne, P. Lutz, S. Walrafen, L. Hammond, K. Johnson, D. Scott, P. Call, M. Shoemaker 203
right: WAAfront row: B. Pfahler, R. Glenfield, . L. Barber, D. Diamond, B. Hoffman, P. Pifer, J. Jones, L. Bailey, 2nd row: P. Elliott, L. Ausen, S. Hatem, B. Nelson, C. Pfost, 3rd row: B. Everhart, D. Miller, R. Saylor, B. Hannahs, B. Wagner, 4th row: L. Witt, L. Lamberton, C. Cramer, L. Davis, P. Wright, N. Everhart, B. Bean, C. Loudenslager, S. Tice, Back row: P. Andrews, V. Ettenhoffer, C. Horie, L. Hammond, J. Augspurger, S. McCualsky
above: WOBN front row: A. Holden, S. Garden, A. Sheppard, D. Kaurich, S. Aros, D. Bowsher, 2nd row: R. Taylor, J. Humphreys, B. Kitson, C. Billings, J. Dell, C. Williams, P. Garfinkel, D. Stuckey, back row: G. Mayfield, M. Snider, D. Hawk, K. Johnson, M. Rendell, P. Zajack, J. Pasternak, B. Moorehead, S. Militello, J. Hoyer, J. Dooley, T. Shea
left: Statisticians front row: B. Hannahs, S. Fast, J. Hollinger, J. Womer, J. Mathias, back row: J. Patrick, S. Risner, L. Lamberton, K. Bechtel, J. Mokry, N. Everhart
above: Phi Eta Sigma front row: D. Stuckey, C. Hux, C. Cady, T. Lloyd, S. Ricard, 2nd row: D. Lance, J. Yoest, B. Diltz, G. Closs, T. Radbill, D. Underwood, D. Wright, D. Byers, L. Robinson, J. Liston, M. Arnold, R. Place, G. Gill, H. Hale, W. Hamilton, back row: M. Snider, F. Donnelson, J. Brunk, C. Erickson, J. Hone, B. James, B. Thomas
right: Davis Annex front row: A. Goff, J. Herman, D. Berry, M. Miller, G. Mayfield,, T. Hastings, back row: D. Robbin, W. Greene, R. Lynn
above: Davis Annex front row: R. Adams, D. Berry, L. Beck, J. Chamberlain, T. Kish, F. Siegel, back row: T. Mangia, D. Hammond, B. McGlumphy, D. Hiller, M. Davis, D. Buckle, center right: Cochran Hall front row: J. Kassing, B. Seibert, R. Huber, J. Nichols, J. Herron, 2nd row: M. Costine, C. Ventresca, M. Payne, J. Waggamon, back row: M. Hobgood, D. McVay, S. Boas, T. Hertlein
left: Cochran Standards Comm, S. Waggaman, S. Walraffen, L. Paul, M. Costine, G. Freeman, below: Cochran Hall front row: D. Launder, J. Weixel, 2nd row: G. Freeman, S. Huston, S. Zoecklein, E. Clarke, back row: J. Gavitt, P. Shelden, K. Pratt, R. Sando, L. Bechtel
right: Davis Hall front row: T. Harbrecht, R. Knapp, 2nd row: B. Swenson, P. McEvoy, back row: B. Buchan, J. Mccurdy, M. Weide maier center right: Davis Hall front row: W. Marcheski, D. Selby, T. Harbrecht, J. Maharis, 2nd row: T. Katterheinrich, J. Jones, K. McCualksy, T. McKelvey, J. Lewis, back row: B. Walton, B. Swenson, E. Anderson, K. Helmig, D. Roesler, P. McEvoy, J. Witbeck right: Davis Hall front row: J. Cramer, B. Simms, S. Beitler, D. Lance, 2nd row: B. Hunter, J. Jones, D. Cockayne, D. Smucker, A. Anderson, K. Gildow, J. Landis, back row: T. Downing, D. Brown, J. Lane, C. Tenuta, J. Addington
left: Engle Hall front row: J. Newman, J. Lexa, R. Dodge, B. Evans, back row: J. Howlett, R. Meade, R. Cole, D. Doherty, M. Sprout, B. Butcher, C. Jenkins, bottom left: Clements Hall front row: L. Kauffman, A. Milne, S. Weinrich, D. Smith, 2nd row: D. Truns, K. Christy, P. Pifer, M. Buckner, E. Wrightsel, L. Stark, back row: J. James, L. Davis, C. Winner, bottom right: Clements Hall front row: G. Crosby, M. Sulcebarger, C. Prentice, C. Billings, S. Garden, back row: C. Parsons, C. Snodgrass, J. Jones, A. Vittur, K. Crist, S. Wanzer, P. Andrews, C. Winner, M. Busch, L. Schroeder
right: Garst Hall front row: J. Black, B. Sokolowski, G. Morelli, back¡ row: S. Schnarr, D. Ford, G. Witt, S. Rippey, J. Bunk, H. Carlisle, F. Donelson, D. Dick, center: Garst Hall front row: M. Thomas, B. Pepper, T. Collins, F. D'Bell, R. Hamilton, back row: J. Krieger, D. Paul, R. Meade, C. Broska, R. Evans, J. Bolen
right: Garst Hall front row: J. Kreiger, B. Pepper, S. Miller, S. Webb, back row: T. Bright, R. Miller, S. Black, G. Condit, E. Brookover, S. McDaniels, L. Robinson, T. Hoover
left: Scott Hall B. Spencer, G. Vance, J. Reece, S. Calhoun, D. Gill, below: Scott Hall front row: K. Wheeler, S. Calhoun, S. Campbell, T. Bachtel, D. Carr, 2nd row: G. Vance, R. Smith, S. Atkins, J. Liston, P. Odom, K. Noftz, R. kirschner, back row: W. Outten, B. Evans, L. Salser, C. Erickson, G. Keffer, S. Bowles, M. Jones, L. McCrady, J. Hunt, J. Bowles, P. Wells, G. Jensen
above: Sanders Hall front row: J. Schantz, C. Beall, B. Jardine, R. Shank, 2nd row: L. Harvey, C. McDonald, T. Tarantelii, J. Whalen, Back row: C. Kaiser, T. Hayes, T. Stark, T. Radbill, R. Trowell, M. Oliver, K. Hyland, M. Griffith, J. Blum, right: Hanby Hall G. Hedding, E. Thomas, K. Holmes, J. Mueller, R. Johnson
right: Hanby Hall front row: S. Reinhart, S. Lord, C. Hanrahan, P. Devereaux, J. Hickman, S. Kinsey, 2nd row: P. Bricker, A. Wandrisco, L. McKenzie. P. Lutz, S. Miller, back row: D. Barlow, D. Frances, B. Bean, S. Nauman 212
below: Hanby Hall.front row: K. Johnson, C. Lloyd, D. Inscho, D. Mcconahy, V. Ingels, M. Bowlus, C. Crosswhite, 2nd row: N. Riker, D. Fisher, B. Kitson, M. Westlake, C. Cramer, D. Barger, B. Pfahler, D. 'Everts, 3rd row: B. Alexander, M. Kehl, C. Smith, N. Bickel, T. Mead, C. Henthorne, back row: L. Rice, L. Kern, J. Holland, T. Engle
right: King Hall front row: L. Geese, J. Weis, M. Neal, G. Wooten, R. Hutka, back row: J. Vonieda, G. Riggle, T. Denlinger, D. Wilmoth, D. Morgan, G. Nichols, K. Hopkins
above: Mayne Hall front row: B. Scott, S. Kauffman, R. Meister, P. Klosterman, S. Miller, S. Eubanks, A. Hill, B. Conery, 2nd row: B. Green, B. Otrander, P. Ewing, B. Hornack, P. Pease, P. Chakroff, B. Nelson, R. Pruett, C. Risch, J. Spetich, D. Holt, back row: B. Stockwell, ~- Cory, P. Buckingham, P. Call, C. Terry, R. Harrison, M. Koch, K. Christner, C. LeMay, C. Smith, C. Sawyer, R. Stoddard, right: Mayne Hall Standards Comm. J. Jacobs, B. Toomey, M. Sigrist, K. Dechert, N. Starkey, C. Amlin 214
above: Mayne Hall front row: B. Toomey, M. Pyle, N. Starkey, T. Corum, A. Ollinger, C. Harms, center: Mayne Hall front row: B. Schultz, B. MacConkey, D. Barber, C. Smith, 2nd row: L. Barber, D. Brod, L. Bowser, B. Hall, D. Stevens, S. Shiffler, H. Rowles, N. Harter, back row: P. Grubbs, B. Stoops, S. Streb, F. Donisi, E. Schacht, B. Toomey, K. Dechert, B. Partiseau, below: Mayne Hall front row: M. Sigrist, P. Goodridge, L. Christoph er, M. Harting, C. Brown, 2nd row: S. Granger, L. Davis, L. Karretl. N. Everhart, N. Flinchbaugh, A. Sweet, J. Lemke, back row: B Toomey, M. Clemans, C. Triplett, N. Bar~ rett, J. Hairston
below: Custodians front row: D. Wright, R. Bryan, R. Chavez, C. Ray, J. Johnson, D. Schoenleb, back row: G. Goodwin, B. Cozzens, S. Hayes, J. Hamby, F. Crowe, E. Crooks, P. Wright, R. Mankins, E. Webb
above: Staff of 20 Years or more front row: M. Day, P. Baker, A. Davis, H. Clymer, R. Mooreland, R. Agler, J. Becker, H. Hancock, J. Vansant, J. Grissinger, A. Horn, Dr. Stout above left: Student Personnel Staff M. Bradley, M. Becker, M. Fagerberg
below: Maintenance front row: H. Day, P. Snyder, A. Davis, T. Hodgden, B. Noble, L. Urbana, F. Frost, back row: B. Lowe, J. Bokros, J. Snyder, T. Leonard, B. Thompson
left: Health Center Staff front row L. Trimbel, R. Boyd, M. Summers, L. Drake, J. King, back row: L. Clause, F. Heiser, J. Miller, A. Pryfogle, C. Beam
rightf: Alumni Development Staff front row: B. Recob, S. Hughes, M. Bivins, back row: J. Muschott, M. Leonard, T. Esty, V. McCullen
above: Treasurer's Office Staff front row: B. Perry, J. Chamblin, back row: G. Ross, P. Curtis, M. Simmons, right: Administration Building Staff C. Speelman, D. Feurer, M. Coulthurst, V. Rowland, P. Mills, E. Wierd, M. Day
above left: Towers Hall Staff N. Burner, F. Everhard, L. Davis, B. Jenkins, above: Campus Center Staff L. Kaufman, M. Bagley, E. Benton
above: Library and Learning Resource Center Staff front row: M. Hershberger, P. Beinbrech, D. Stauffer, D. Freeman, A. MacKenzie, M. Petercsak, R. Fleming, back row: J. Becker, M. Rumbaugh, L. Warchal, B. Eaton, M. Rohal, N. Grace, A. Johnson 219
SPRING TE.RM 1974 March .25 through June 9 Spring Fever Day Black Culture Week May Day Spring Musical Baseball Track Tennis Commencement
Friendly Times
Enjoying the good life
The Bein improves with talent 232
FE'JE~ O~'(
19'} 4
Spring Fever reaches epidemic proportions
Another Otterbein tradition, Spring Fever Day, made its way to campus this year as usual. And, as in the past few years, so did the rainy weather. But inspite of the weather, festivities went on as planned, and Len Robinson was crowned G NIK. Bands played and people danced; we acted as children-blowing bubbles, eating suckers, watching cartoons and flying kites. But I guess that's what Spring Fever is all about!
An expose in black culture
''Soul Train'' gets it on the track
Black Goddess reigns over festivities
Soul, the black student organization, sponsored the annual Black Culture Week. The week-end "Soul Train" dance got the activities underway, and Nona Barrett was crowned Black Goddess during the Soul Food Dinner. Other activities dealing with black identity followed in the week.
People on the move
day in May Queen Suzan Neibarger reigned over the annual May Day festivities, while three other co-eds, Beth Bichsel, Pat Shelden, and Cindi Moore completed her court. Freshmen women entertained the queen with the traditional May Pole Dance in the Campus Center Lounge.
, '
... and more traditions
Seniors in last performance
"Kiss Me Kate", a twentieth-century adaptation of Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew", made it's way to Cowan's stage as the final production of the 197374 theatre season. The lighthearted production created a great evening of entertainment for May Day viewers. 257
The Otter diamond crew, with Coach Richard Fishbaugh's assistance, excelled greatly in their area. It was the best season in years, and even after losing a bestout-of-th ree to Ohio Northern, the Otters were still the Ohio Athletic Conference's Southern Division Champs.
Tennis-Track Otter thinclads finished with several outstanding performances placing in the NCAA while the tennis team wasn't as fortunate.
Let the good times roll
For our own good
-- -.
for better times
Contributing activities 274
the end is near
I 279
CommencementEnd or beginning? While Commencement Day marked the end of our four years of education, it was also the beginning of our lives as college graduates. We came together for the last time as the Class of '74, and when Pat Hingle's "bunch of little boats" had "passed in the night" we left- going our own separate ways-to begin anew.
Ackerman, Harry Frank 183, 200 Adams, Cara Lynn 19, 39 Adams, Randy Carl 201, 203, 206, 255, 257 Addington, John Charles 86, 208, 278 Adkins, Crystal Ann 199 Ahern, Frederic John Ahlquist, Carol Myde Albert, John Curtis Albritton, Marsha Elizabeth Alexander, Barbara 187, 213, 264 Alexander, Chris T. 185 Allcorn, Sue Hudson 111, 278 Allen, Barbara English Allen, Melissa Gayle Allison, Mark Kemler Alonso, Bernadette Teresa 191, 197 Alward, Craig Charles 192 Amlin, Carol Jean 80, 214, 278 Anderson, Eric Caldwell 185, 208 Anderson, Michael Richard 181, 208 Anderson, Sharon Lynn Andress, Scott James Andrews, Patricia Erdine 204, 209, 262 Ansel, Cindy Sue 180, 245 Antram, Joseph Milton Arbuckle, Paul Keith 28, 274 Armentrout, Cecile Louise 190, 267 Arnold, Matthew Dean 11, 188, 200, 205 Aros, Sharon Alicia 64, 69, 204 Artrip, Patty Lee Askins, Rebecca Kay 14, 15, 190 Atkins, Faith Annette Atkins, Steven Scott 147, 202, 211, 230 Atwood, Benjamin Lowell Auch, Peggy Ann Augspurger, Betsy Lou 36, 180, 194 Augspurger, Jayne Ann 48, 122, 180, 197, 204 Austen, Lou Ann 187, 196, 202, 204 Austin, Kenneth Lynn Ayle, Marc William Bach, Mark Sherwin 43, 72, 174 Bachmann, Elisabeth Marie 83, 281 Bachtel, Thomas Edward 211 Backer, Ann Bronwyn 190 Bailey, Jo Alice 97, 190, 278 Bailey, James Patrick Bailey, Linda Ann 42, 190, 197, 204 Bair, Cynthia Lee 80 Baird, Cynthia Ellen Baker, Claudia Sue Baker, Dennis Lee Baker, John Patrick Baker, Peter Brumbaugh 198 Balconi, Ronald Robert Banwart, Deborah Jean 187, 255 Barber, Delores Jean 107, 196, 202, 215 Barber Lee Ann 191, 199, 204, 215 Bargar, John Alan Barger, Diana Lynne 83, 182, 200, 213 Barlow, Dianne Lee 213 Barnes, Mark Allen 185 Barnhart, Esther May Loxley 107 Barr, Joyce Ann 180 Barra, Salas Mirth 123 Barrett, Nona M. 97, 1%, 202, 241 Barros, Holly Jean Bartlett, Deborah Lynn Bartlett, James Blair Basha, Michael Anthony Bateman, Cheryl Ann 191 Bateman, Kenneth Allen Bauer, Erich Christopher Bauer, Michael Lee 274 Bauman, Patricia Jean Beall, Charles Allen 212 Beam, Cheryl Lynn 81 Bean, Bethany Louise 191, 204, 213 Beasley, Gregory Allen 159 Beaudoin, Jacqueline Dianne 199 Bechtel, Kay Marie 107, 168, 190, 205 Bechtel, Linda Carol 154, 155, 190, 207
Beck, Donna Elizabeth Beck, Janet Louise 100, 190 Beck, Larry Edward 206 Becker, Robert Walter 192 Becker, Rebecca Lee Beitler, Stephen Seth 208 Belknap, Gerald Paul Belknap, Kim Ellen 106 Bell, David Douglas 108 Benadum, Gary Paul Bender, Candace, Lynn Bender, John Leslie Benn, Sequoyah Dalphine 159 Bennett, Karen Jo 53, 186 Benson, Alan Bennie 123 Bergland, Robert Eric Bernard, Alan Wayne Berry, David Lee 97, 206 Bevilacqua, Douglas Patrick Bewley, Walter Giles Bible, Brenda 190 Bichsel, Beth Anne 13, 187, 253 Bickel, Nancy Alice 180, 213, 248 Biddlestone, Sandra Lee Billings, Cheryl Ann 187, 204 Birmingham, J.M. Darci Bixler, Gayle Laraine 22, 180 Black, John Darrell 50, 51, 167, 210, 255, 257 Black, James Ernest 257 Blair, Teresa Marie 30, 190, 228 Blessing, Charles Ray Blevins, Farris Wayne Blowers, Michael David Blum, Jerry Arthur 212 Boas, Shelley Leigh 190, 207 Bogner, Belinda Jo 154 Bolen, Joseph Lee 210 Bolen, Ronald Lamar Boles, Robert Stewart 255 Bolin, Matthew Shelden Bolt, Beverly, Ann 74, 165 Boltin, James William 73, 278 Bondurant, Amy Christine 82 Bontadelli, James Albert 26, 106, 278 Bookwalter, Donald Martin 201, 203 Borden, Charles Robert 181 Bosh, Dawn Ellen 60, 148, 151 Bowens, Roberta 101 Bower, Gary Lee Bowles, James Michael 211, 274 Bowles, Steven Leigh 181, 211 Bowlus, Mary Ann 182, 213 Bowman, Douglas Craig Bowser, Lois Jean 215, 271 Bowser, Ralph James 255 Bowser, Valerie Grae Bowsher, Deborah Elaine 36, 180, 204, 256 Boyer, Jeffrey Alan 196, 199 Braddock, Theresa Marie Nau 18 Bradford, Paul Frederick 188 Bradshaw, Gary Leslie Bradshaw, Mark Ellis Bratton, Toni McGahan Bremer, Dav William Brewer, William Everett 41, 201, 203, 255, 256, 257 Brice, Charles Allen 147, 263, 264 Bricker, Paula Ann 180, 213, 271 Briggs, David Jamison Bright, Charles Christopher 42, 162, 195, 269 Bright, Timothy John 162, 195, 210 Brod, Diana Jeanne 36, 180, 193, 194, 197, 215 Bromley, David Thomas 149, 150, 152 Brookover, Edward Elias 185, 210 Brophy, Gary Michael 185, 252 Broska, Charles John 8, 210 Brown, Catherine Elizabeth 182, 215 Brown, David Merle 208 Brown, Jim Alan 22 Brown, Thomas Wood Brubaker, Neal Nichols
Browning, Patricia Sue Brunk, Joseph Jamison 205 Brush, James Jonathan 196 Buchan, Robert Dana 149. 150, 151, 152, 153, 208 Buchanan, Patricia Ann 187, 190, 203, 274 Buckingham, Pamela Jean 214 Buckle, David Lewis 183, 196, 206 Buckner, Marilyn Denise 203; 209 Bullar, Lu Ellyn Bunnell, Peter Allan 188 Burchinal, Charles Stephen Burns, Debra Elaine 36, 180, 274 Burrell, Barbara Leslie 56, 73, 201, 256 Burwell, Beverly Jean 154 Busch, Marla Kay 209 Burwell, Beverly Jean 154 Butcher, Brian David 209 Butz, Robin 180 Buxton, Kathy JoAnn Byers, Richard Henry 199, 205 Cada, Debby Daniel Cady, Chester William 162, 188, 205, 276 Cahill, Thomas Michael Cain, John Mead 50, 57, 156,167,203,255,256, 257 Calhoun, Steven Lee 188, 202, 211 Call, Patricia Lynn 180, 194, 203, 214 Callendine, Kay Elizabeth 180 Campbell, Georgia Diana Campbell, Jean Ann Ford Campbell, Kenneth Wade 280 Campbell, Myron Keith 188 Campbell, Scott Emerson 188, 202, 211, 252 Campigotto, John James 185 Carey, Diane L Carey, Robyn Lee Carlisle, Howard Raynor 48, 56, 210 Carlton, Keith Hughes 188 Carmichael, Sally Wells Carpenter, Rosalie 182 Carr, Nancy Ann Carter, E. Jane 34 Casa, Joseph Reneldo 117, 192 Case, Charles Edward 185 Caulkner, Melvyne Lenora 87 Chadwell, Michael Glenn Chakroff, Patricia Ellen 182, 196, 214 Chandler, Chris Lee Chamberlain, James Robert 206 Charleston, Craig Williams 183 Chittum, Dale Keith 106 Cho, Sun Ok Christner, Karen Lynn 214, 248 Christopher, Lee Ann 187, 215 Christy, Kim Elizabeth 182, 209 Ciampa, Anna Marie 186, 255 Clark, Catherine Cray 73 Clark, Constance Lee Clark, Margaret Marie 191 Clark, Richard William 181 Clarke, Elaine Anne 196, 207 Claypool, Cheryl Lynn Clemans, Mary Lou 81, 201, 215, 263 Cline, Susan Helen 190 194 Closs, Gary John 205 Cockayne, Dennis Lee 208 Coey, Darrel Dee 188 Coldwell, Donald Alan 188, 195 Cole, Carol Ann 191 Cole, Karen Lynette Cole, Randolph Van 166, 209, 255, 257 Coleman, Deborah Lynn 122, 199, 229 Coleman, Larry Kent Collins, Deborah Ellen 197 Collins, Edgar W. 82, 229 Collins, Lesley Frances Collins, Melody Young Collins, Timothy Richard 185, 210 Colton, Glenn Foster Comery Thomas Donald 181
Condit, Gary Dean 210 Conery, Barbara Gail 182, 198, 214 Confer, Jerry Allison 41, 56, 156, 167, 254, 255, 256, 257 Conklin, Cheryl Beth 191 Conley, Lorna Janine 187 Conover, Joyce Ellen 190 Conrad, Linda Kay 189 Cook, Sheri Lyn Cooley, John Alden Cooper, Robert McCord 100, 188, 267 Corbin, Carol Ann 7, 30, 31, 187, 234, 253 Corbin, Lynn Ann 229 Corcoran, Melanie Sue Corey, Stephen J. 24, 60, 108, 277 Corum, Trudy Oleta 215 Cory, Sharryn Rae 214 Costine, Melanie Ann 187, 207, 263 Cotton, Timothy Slade Cowan, Pamela Sue Cox, James Ray 228 Coyle, Deborah Ann 79, 182, 1%, 199 Crabtree, Ted Lindell Cramer, Carol Jo 213 Cramer, James Paul 189, 204, 208 Crihfield, Sandra Kay 186, 248 Crissinger, Scott Alan Crist, Kay Ann 209 Crosby, Gail Ann 196 Crosswhite, Carol Marie 182, 213 Crum, Mark Allen 184 Culbertson, Ronald Neal 185 Cunnigham, Carolyn Rieser 100 Curry, Dana Carol 189 Curtin, Terry Lee 19 78 Curtis, Barbara Ann 34, 92, 190 Curts, Gary Robert 94 D'Aiuto, Charles William 185, 198 D'Andrea, Robert L. 269 Daley, Gary Fenton Dalrymple, Karen Ann Daniell, Timothy Daniels, Jerome Dana 86 Daniels, Ray Walter Dantonio, Frank Luke Darling, Michael Daubenmire, David Edward Davis, Julie Anne 72 Davis, Lynn Anne 209 Davis, Linda Diane 191, 204, 215 Davis, Martin Lee 206 Davis, Mellar P. Davis, Shirley Elaine Davis, Tanya Lynn Davison, Ronald Henry 95, 280 Delaval, Eleanor Dean, Alison Rae DeBell, Frederick Jay 183, 210,262 Dechert, Karen Lou 182, 214, 215 Deckard, Robert William 146, 150, 151 Delawder, Carol Jean Delay, Linda Susan 36, 180 Dell, John Richard 181, 204, 232 Delvalle, Anthony Louis 40, 51, 156, 166 Denlinger, Thomas Edwin 214 Derr, Terry Lynn Devereaux, Patricia Anne 180, 199 202 Dew, Mary Evelyn Dewey, Deborah Parke 229 DeWolf, Keith Nelson 116, 280 Diamond, Deborah Ann 190, 197, 204 Dick, David Earl 11, 196, 199, 210, 269 Diltz, Elmer Fred 185, 205 Dimar, John Richard 198 Dippel, Patricia Ann Dittoe, Guy Eugene 116 Dodge, Robert Thomas 185, 209, 234 Doherty, Daniel Leo 209 Donelson, Frederick Loye 205, 210 Donisi, Frankie Philomena 190, 215 Dooley, James Edward 204
Dovenbarger, Carol Sue 6, 16, 106, 197 Downing, Lawrence Allen 208 Downing, Ted Calvin 102, 181 Downs, Ronald Eugene Downs, Marilyn Joan 154 Dozier, Stuart Michael 184 Drewenskus, Thomas Lothar Duff, Roger Allen 229 Dufford, Carl Leroy Dunaway, Marlene Marie 190 Dunn, Sally Jo Earley, Margaret Ann Ehlers, Raymond Francis 107 Eiseman, Paul Clair 185 Eldridge, Terrence Edward Ellenberger, Mary Louise 102 Elliott, David Martin Elliott, Jeffrey Edward 244 Elliott, Patricia Jo 47, 59, 122, 172,197,204, 253 Emler, Michael William 145, 181, 198, 232 Emmert, Gregory Scott Emrick, Susan Kay Engle, Theresa Elaine 213 Erickson, Charles Roger 188, 205, 211 Espenschied, Terry Lee 18, 19, 52, 201, 276 Ettenhofer, Vicki Lynn 189, 204, 213 Eubanks, Sonjia Marie 187, 196, 202, 214, 240 Evans, Constance Elaine 36, 38, 122, 280 Evans, Daniel Steven Evans, Randy Cecil 210 Everett, Leslie Denise Everhart, Colatta Yvonne 96,172,197,202,214, 205 Everhart, Nancy Lee 180, 204, 215 Everts, Deborah Ann 46, 213, 269 Evilsizor, Scott Allen 107, 188 Evart, Bradley John 199
Ewing, Patricia Kay 101, 186, 214 Eyman, Mary Jo 93, 190 Fackler, Bradley Eugene 183 Fagan, Daniel Thomas Fallis, Myra Denise 122 Fantozzi, Lawrence Anthony 10, 177 Fast, Susan Lynn 190, 205, 235 Fett, Linda Jane Fetters, Jill Annette Fiedler, Robert Otho Fields, Douglas Jerome Findley, David Eric Finlaw, Michael Douglas Finley, David Barnett 123, 181 Fiorini, Danielle, Mary Fisher, David Wesley Fisher, Debra Lynn 186, 213 Fisher, Eloise Agnes Fisher, Susan Ruth 95, 196, 200 Flinchbaugh, Nancy June 180, 196, 215, 237 Flippo, Thomas Allen Fluellen, Katheryn Maria Follrath, Kevin Joseph 184 Ford, Donald Richard 199, 210 Ford, Ruth Trimmer Fouch, Walter Michael Fox, Kathleen Susan 78, 196 Fox, Rudolph Joseph 73 Fox, Twila Sue Osman Francis, Donna Ruth 213 Francis, Val E. 115, 183 Frank, Lee Adams Franklin, Judith A. Frase, Jeffrey Elton 114, 181 Freda, Kathryn Rose Freeman, Gretchen Sue 180, 207, 252 Freeman, Janice Gunn
INDEX those whose image is Otterbein Frentzel, David Gene Frost, Sharon Ann Fullen, Milton Ernest Gaines, Vonley Eugene Gallup, Wallace Andrew 165, 200 Gantz, Victoria Hatti 64 Garden, Susan Elaine 187, 204 Garfinkle, Paul E. 204 Garges, Cheryl Denise Garrabrant, Janette Kay 180 Gavitt, Judith Arline 207 Geary, Carla Denise Geese, Lawrence Edmond 192, 214 George, John Howard Giammarco, Elsa Concetta 202 Gibbons, Carolyn Gilbert, Harry Manhardt 109 181, 278 Gilbert, Kristie Lynn 187, 202 Gildow, Keith Alan 208 Gill, David William 181, 184, 199 205, 211 Gill, Glen Thomas Gill, Stephanie Sue
Gilson, Jennifer Lynn Gleaves, Mark Miller Glenfield, Ruth Ann 109, 189 204, 215 Goff, Alan Raymond 199, 206 Goldman, Sherie 106 Golliez, Mireille Rose Gooding, Sandra Lee 6, 187 Gooding, Susan Lynn 6 Goodridge, Paula Ann 182, 200, 215 Goodwin, Donald Robert 181 Goolsby, Pamela Sue Gordon, Nancy J. Gorman, Ronald Frederick Gorrell, Mary Ann Goss, Marcille Mae Grabill, Linda Lee Grace, Marianne Louise 36, 194, 229 Graham, Thomas Randall 271 Granger, Sue 215 Grappo, Constance Marie Gray, Linda Susanne Green, Barbara Joann 22,111, 189, 195,199,214
Green, Oscar Underwood 244 Greene, Walter Nelson 196, 206 Greenhamm Martin Neil 184 Greer, Dennis Steven 202, 239 Grieff, Christine Rita 190 Griffin, Marolin Patricia Griffith, Mark Ellis 184, 212, 229 Griffith, Rodney Eugen Grimes, Rebecca Lynn 187, 233, 262 Groen Patricia Ann 75, 278 Grubbs, Pamela Jeanne 187, 215 Gunsaullus, Linda Pamela Guy, Darlene Marie 7 Guton, Pamela Jane Haddox, Patricia Ann 36, 103, 180 Haffenbreidel, Joann Mitchell Hahn, Jacqueline Williams Hairston, Elaine Karen 202, 230, 238, 239, 263 Hairston, Jacquelyn 126, 215, 238, 239, 263 Hale, Gerald David Hale, Harland Hanna 205, 244 Hall, Cindy Lou Hall, Deborah Anne 36, 60, 97, 245 Hall, Rebecca Lee 64, 215, 238 Hall, Susan Marie 201 Hamilton, Roland Elwood 210 Hamilton, Antonieta Bernal Hamilton, Robert Matthew Hamilton, Mary Teresa Hammer, Diane Grace Hammond, David Alan 86, 160, 201, 203, 206 Hammond, Linda Sue 38, 182, 203, 204 Hannahs, Barbara Anne 191, 204, 205, 248, 277 Hanrahan, Kathleen Mary 202, 213 Hanshaw, Theresa Gail 215 Harbrecht, Thomas Alan 185, 208, 231 Hard, John Michdel Hard, Mary Alice 187 Harms, Cynthia Diane 215 Harper, Jimmie Lee 185 Harrison, Jill Anne 190, 252 Harrison, Robin Lynn 180, 214, 263 Hart, Susan Dawn 180 Harter, Nancy Kay 86, 189, 199, 202, 215 Harting, Valerie Marsha 187, 215, 237 Hartman, Scott Alan Hartung, Edward Ellis 21 Harvey, Laurence Alan 28, 188, 212 Hastings, James Thomas 18, 206 Hatem, Abe 151 Hatem, Stephanie 60, 148, 151, 197, 204 Hatzer, William Edgar 115 Hawk, Lewis Daniel 23, 188, 204, 255, 256, 276 Hawk, Rebecca Ann 72, 169 Hawkins, Amy Lou 199 Hawkins, Robin Beth 182 Hawley, Douglas Lloyd Hawthorne, Debora Lyne 43, 89, 191, 198 Hay, Larry William 198 Hayden, Stephen Richard 183, 247, 271 Hayes, Timothy Lee 212 Hays, Michael Bruce 147, 149, 151 Heddleston, Kelly Lynn 38, 73, 22Y Heddesheimer, Ann Marie 64, 165 Hedding, Bernita Gay 10, 189, 212 Hedges, Mary Elizabeth 199 Heffelfinger, Constance Lillian 114, 182 Hefling, David Brian Heil, Thomas Frederick Heisser, Mark Edward Heller, Thomas Daniel 192 Helm, David Joseph Helmig, Kurt Christian 208 Heniken, Michael Robert 103, 198, 199 Henry, Robin Elaine Hensel, Deborah Ann 189, 195, 215 Henthorn, Catherine Elaine 191, 213 Herbruck, David John Herman, James Lowell 13, 82, 206 Herrell, Michael Kregg Herron, Jenny Lee 190, 194, 207, 246, 255
Hertlein, Tohanna Lynn 202, 207 Hickman, Jolene Kay 49, 182, 202, 213 Hickman, Julia Lee Hicks, John Vernon 40, 41, 157, 255 Hiles, John Frederick 188, 276 Hill, Anita Louise 182, 196, 276 Hill, Pamela Louise 49, 50, 51, 156, 157, 167, 168, 189, 203, 213 Hiller, Anne Marie Hiller, David Scott 206 Hobgood, Marian Patricia 1%, 207 Hoffman, Barbara Jo 122, 197, 204 Hoge, Jann Lizabeth 196 Hokanson, John Martin Holden, Arthur Annett 204 Holden, Jean Thompson Holford, Elyzabeth Joy Holland, Joan Leslie 158, 177, 213 Hollinger, Janet Rae 191, 205, 266 Hollingshead, Frank Brandon Holmes, Kathryn Louise 212 Holmes, Lonica Lynn 96 Holt, Deborah Stephanie 189, 195, 214 Holt, Richard Hays Hone, Jay Roderick 109, 199, 205, 269 Hook, Charles Joseph Hoover, Stephen Paul Hoover, Thomas Eugene 210 Hopkins, Keith Howard 198, 214 Hopkins, Terrie Annette 202 Horie, Cynthia Jean 189, 204, 215, 248 Hom, George Randolph Homer, David Allen Horner, Glen Richard 146, 148, 152, 153, 185 Hornack, Barbara Ann 198, 214 Hoshor, Kathleen Lynn Hoty, Dorothy Marie 41, 72, 166,187,201,203, 235, 255, 256, 257 Howald, Barbara Ann Howell, Thomas Edward Howlett, Jeffrey Charles 188, 208 Hoy; Sharon Elaine Hoyer, John Eric 184, 204 Hritz, John Alex 70, 188 Huber, Roxane 207 Hughes, Stanley Earl 94, 162, 269 Hules, Terry Robin 64 Hull, Bruce Alan 43, 102, 181, 198 Humphreys, Joseph Franklin 121, 184, 201, 204 Hunt, Jeffrey Lynn 211 Hunter, Robert Alan 208 Huppe, Cynthia Anne 187, 200 Hurst, Bobbie Kay Huston, Priscilla Ann 190 Huston, Stephanie Jo 187, 207 Hutka, Richard Charles 184, 214 Hutson, Robert Hiram 198 Hux, Charles Howard 103, 205 Hyland, Kenneth Dale 188, 212 Imes, Mary Elizabeth Ingels, Valerie Anne 180, 213 lnniger, James Paul Inscho, Deborah J. 201, 213 Jack, Thelma Elizabeth Jacklin, Steven Wayne Jackson, Dennis Martin 95, 192 Jacobs, Judith Lynn 182, 214 Jacobsen, Robert Gill Jacoby, Christina Marie 93 Jakubek, Nancy Sue James, Janet Lee 187, 209, 255 James, Robert Lynn 188, 195, 205 Jamison, Robert Andrew Jardine, John William 15, 212 Jarrett, Loraine Elizabeth 53, 93, 202, 215, 239 Jeney, Agnes Katalin Jenkins, Charles Douglas 209 Jenkins, Pamela Knox Jennings, Debbie Elaine Jensen, Guy Kingo 211 Jewett, Kenneth Wayne 1%, 199
Jewett, Ronald Keith 70, 199 Johnson, Dianna Sue 96, 182, 197, 202 Johnson, Gregg Waits 181 Johnson, Katherine Ellen 203, 213 Johnson, Kathleen Ann 191, 204 Johnson, Martha Jane 190 Johnson, Ruth Ann 22, 180, 212, 229 Johnson, Steven Kent Johnston, Deborah Louise 75 Jones, Daniel Bruce 244 Jones, Jan Lorraine Jones, Janet Kay 191, 197, 204, 209, 248, 262 Jones, John David 208 Jones, Darla Channing Jones, Mary Jane 180, 193 Jones, M. Keith 183 Jones, Stephen D. 228 Jones, Stephan Douglas 48, 147, 202, 238 Jones, Thomas Alan 185 Jordan, Dudley West Joseph, Douglas A. Judd, Stanton E. Judd, Steven Kenneth Judd, Terry Randall Kading, Elizabeth Ann Kahn, Dianne Michelle Kaiser, Kevin Chris 181, 211, 231 Kakaris, Philip Douglas Kasow, Dawn Michelle 49, 172, 180,231,262, 274 Kasow, Debra Vicky 49, 180, 213 Kassing, Jan Kristine 190, 207 Kasunic, Deborah Ann 180, 272 Katterheinrich, Thomas Howard 208 Kauffman, Sharon Lyon 107, 182, 199, 214 Kaufman, Laurene Michele 209 Kaurich, Deborah Joan 108, 190, 204 Keffer, Gregory Alan 211 Kehl, Mary Margaret 189, 213 Kelly, Daniel Philip Kemper, Robert Jefferson Kendig, Beth Ann 201, 203 Kelley, Sharon Kay Staley Kent, David Allen 11, 183 Kepple, Beth Ann Kern, Lisa Anne 31, 191, 213 Kerns, Thomas Alfred 192 Kershaw, Scott Mathew Ketner, Brooke Kettlewell, Ralph Denham Kim, Un Joo Kim, Yei Yun Kincaid, Dwight Douglas 115, 188 King, Daniel Martin 16, 184 Kinne, Rebecca Fay 186 Kinney, Julie Sue 189 Kinsey, Sherly Ann 191, 213 Kirschner, Rick Lowell 181, 211 Kish, Timothy Michael 206 Kitson, Barbara Terese 204, 213 Klatte, Cynthia Lou 92, 180, 263 Klosterman, Margaret Ann 100, 182, 214 Knapp, Frederick Lewis Koch, Margaret Kirsten 191, 214 Kochemba, Kandy Kay Kocks, Sue Ann 18, 40, 41, 50, 51,157,201,203, 276 Kolotylo, Roy R. 42 Kontras, William Douglas Korosei, Victoria Lynn 89, 201, 203, 255, 256 Kosciuk, Barbara Lynn 167, 201, 203, 255, 256 Kreider, Beth Ann 187 Krieg, Helen Middleton 72, 191 Krieger, John Jeffrey 185, 210 Kruger, Karin Lee 110 Kuhns, Thomas Irwin Kunz, Linda Clair 74, 229 Laferty, Lynn Allison Lafferty, Gregory Douglas Lafferty, Kathleen Jo 60, 148, 151, 190, 153 Lahoski, James Andrew
Laird, Timothy Richard Lamb, Deborah Ann 190 Lamberton, Laura Jane 96, 191, 197, 204, 205 Lamp, Jeffery Lynn Lance, David Rex 188, 205, 208 Lances, Alison Johanna Landis, Gregory Hall 183 Landis, Jeffrey Stanton 183, 208 Landis, Kay Wells Lane, John Lester 208 Lange, William Dennis Langell, Deborah Mary 115, 182 Large, Linda Sue Larson, Melissa Anne 203 Launder, Darla Dee 180, 207 Lausch, Paul Thomas Laverick, James Frylin 88, 185 Layton, Robert Gene Leach, Gay Ann 189, 215 Leasure, Dana Jill LeChaix, Deborah 272 LeDonne, Catherine Marie 203 Leffler, James Tracy Lehman, Barbara Ann 13, 180, 194, 203 Lehman, Charles Dwight Leiby, Jane Marie Lemay, Connie Ann 180 Lemke, Joy Ellen 95, 186 Lenge, Peter Douglas 198 Leopold, Theresa Lou Hall Leroy, Marcia Lynn 117 Lewis, Debra Jean Lewis-Coker, Enuyami Evelina Lewis, James Neal 185, 208 Lexa, Jonathan Mark 209, 276 Lias, Thomas Dean Lintz, John Michael 44, 45, 83 Liston, Jefferson Edward 181, 205, 211 Lloyd, Byron Mace 183 Lloyd, Cherrie Irene 213 Lloyd, John Edward Lloyd, Thomas Albert 96, 205, 280 Locklear, Debra Elizabeth Loos, Sandra Ann 63, 180 Lopez, Jose Manuel 25 Lord, Suzanne, Marie 36, 180, 197, 198, 213 Loudenslager, Cindy Lynn 180, 197, 202, 204, 274 Lowden, Robert Douglas 38, 93, 181 Lowe, Betty Louise 108, 160, 276 Lutterbein. William Henry 97 Lutz, Patricia Anne 30, 31, 180, 203, 213 Lynn, Russell Scott 200, 206, 248 Lytle, Deborah Sue Maccarter, Michael 116 Maccarter, Nancy Drummond 116 McCarty, Jane Arlene MacConkey, Barbara Kay 191, 215 MacDougall, Meredith Macheras, James George 208 Machlan, Margaret Elizabeth 40, 41, 156, 201, 203, 255, 257 Macke, Mary Lou 64 Mahoney, Dennis Gale Mairs, Neil Mclaren Malone, Leon 202, 239 Mangia, Anthony John 83, 156, 166, 167, 201, 203, 206, 255, 256, 270 Manuel, Cynthia Ann 191 Mapes, Geoffrey Lynn 89 Marcheski, William Joseph 208 Marchi, Maria Angela 108 Martin. lames William Martin, Kimberley Jane Martinez, Felipe Martinelli, Michael Edwin 183, 196 Mason, Michael Douglas Mathers, Pamela Hill Mathews, Susan Jeanette 198 Mathias, Julie ¡Beth 36, 180, 194, 205, 213, 263 Matthews, Robert Keith
Matthews, Mark Wesley Mattox, Cheryl Lea Mauler, Joyce Jolene 248 Maurer, Karen Joyce 182, 196, 215 Maurer, Richard William 185 Maust, Robert Allen 121 Mayfield, Geoffrey Lynn 84, 204, 206 McAllister, Lydia Kay McCathrin, E. Zoe McClain, Carol Anne 111 McClurkin, James William McComb, Gary Allen 185 McConahy, Denise Elaine 145, 182, 213 Mccorkle, William Ralph 16, 18, 94 Mccrady, Larry Lee 211 McCualsky, Kim Roger 150, 208, 271 McCualsky, Sibyl Lee 47, 121, 180,197,204,239 McCullough, Janice Irene 81, 190 McCurdy, James Harlan 185, 208 McDaniel, Scott Edward 210, 272 McDonald, Charles Franklin 196, 212 McEvoy, Patrick George 185, 208 McGahhey, Daniel McGhee, Patti Evelyn 80, 182 McGlumphy, Bradey Lee 102, 201, 203, 206 McKee, John Alan McKee, Patricia Ann McKelvey, Tom C. 185, 208 McKenzie, LouAnn Ruth 180, 213 McNally, Collene Ann McRoberts, Mark Richard 276 McVay, Diana Jean 18, 203, 207 Mead, David Lynn Mead, Patricia Ann 182, 213 Meade, Russel Alan 209, 210 Meister, Rosanne N. 114, 180, 201, 214 Melhorn, Jane Anne 190, 236 Mellor, Leon Terrell Merrill, Rebecca Sue 89, 196, 255, 276 Michael, Roger David Miglets, Michael Patrick 192 Militello, Samuel 111, 184, 204 Miller, Bradley Paul Miller, Charles Allerton Miller, Charlene Yvonne 37, 103, 182 Miller, Deborah Sue Miller, Deborah Ann 10, 31, 166, 167, 187, 196, 203, 204, 213, 244, 255, 256 Miller, Dale Henry Miller, Glenna Louise Miller, Gary- William 244 Miller, John Wayne 277 Miller, Martha Edward Miller, Mary Lynn 64, 190 Miller, Marc Edward 206 Miller, Peter Jay 185 Miller, Queenann 187, 197 Miller, Richard Noel Miller, Roger Lynn 184 Miller, Randy Robert Miller, Richard Henry 64, 164, 210 Miller, Richard Hoyt 40 Miller, Ruth Ann 89 Miller, Scott Robert 185, 210 Miller, Susan Carol Miller, Shawn Ann 180, 213 Miller, Sally Sue 191, 214 Miller, Tommy Joe 31, 121 Milne, Alexis Ann 189, 209 Milne, Ethel Marilyn Miltenberger, Sandra Kay 75, 189, 195, 213 Minehart, James Edward 185 Miske, Lyse Jean Mohrmann, Rita Dean Montz, Harry William Moomaw, Ronald Clifford 185, 198 Moon, Craig Thomas 185 Moore, Alfed Douglass Moore, Cynthia Beth 187, 253, 265, 268 Moore, Jan Alexander 190 Moorehead, Brett Steven 101, 185,204,228,233,
273 Morelli, Gian Paul 166, 210, 254, 255, 256, 257 Morgan, Dana Ray 214 Morris, Edward Spencer 78 Morris, John Henderson Morrison, Mary Elizabeth Morrison, Steven Paul Morrison, Terry Wayne 149, 153 Mott, Steven Harrison Mowbray, Samuel Arthur Mueller, Judy Ann 212 Mulkie, John Richardson 88, 181, 155 Mullen, Rhey Carl 95 Muryn, William Albert Muzzioli, Wayne Argeo 13, 38, 184, 199 Naragon, Kristine Kay Naumann, Sharon Louise 40, 213 Needham, Richard Harlan 22, 75, 164, 188 Neibarger, Georgia Suzan 36, 180, 24Q, 253 Neil, Mark William 214 Nellis, Russell Sheldon Nelson, Beth Lynne 182, 204, 214 Neptune, Gerald Eugene 196 Nesslinger, Martha Lee 7, 228 Neuhard, Leslie Daryl Neuenswander, Laurie Louise 74 Newlon, James Eston Newman, John Lee 209 Newman, Terry Eugene Nicely, Christopher Wilson 181 Nichols, Beau Sebring 214 Nichols, Gail Lemans Nichols, Patricia Jane 6, 187, 207 Nicholson, Robin Joy 182, 213 Nickel, Charles John 114, 185, 246 Niederer, Karl Jeffrey Nissen, Elizabeth Amy Noblitt, Carol Amy Noftz, Keith Michael 211 Nolte, Lynne Ruth Odom, Paul David 211 Ogden, Charles William Ogle, Craig Alan Ogle, Kim Allison 198 Oherron, Geoffrey Karl Ohlinger, Ann Marie 215 Olesen, Virginai Dee 64, 108, 187, 197 Oliver, Marty Robert 212 Opdyke, Howard John 183 Osbahr, Nancy Elaine 191 Ostrander, Betsy Lynn 101, 199, 214 Otterbene, Frank George Outten, Walker Hillman 181, 211 Overmier, Debra Page, William Richar Paine, Barbara Louise Pariseau, Rebecca Lynn 182, 200, 215 Parkhurst, Janet Lynn Parsons, Cynthia Lynn 209 Pasternak, John Charles 204 Patacca, Mary Lou Patrick, Janet Lee 87, 182, 199, 205 Patton, Donna Felice 198 Paul, David Kirk 181, 210 Paul, Gene Keith 181 Paul Kathryn Holliday 191 Paul, Lizette Anne 31, 187, 207 Payne, Mariam Stewart 190, 207, 267 Pease, Penny Sue 191, 214 Pellet, Karen Dorothy 115, 182 Pepper, William Madison 210 Perkins, Brenda Sue Pettersen, Leif Andrew Pettigrew, Robert 50, 51, 157, 255, 256 Pettis, Virginia Lee 64, 67, 187 Pettit, Lisa Ann 94, 190, 197, 270 Pfahler, Rebecca Lynne 10, 49, 61, 180, 204, 213, 245 Pfost, Caryl Jeanne 186, 204 Phalor, Cynthia Irene 36, 180, 194 285
Phelps, Robert Arthur 181 Phinney, Donnalea Cain Pifer, Patti Ann 182, 197, 202, 209, 251 Pifer, Pamela Sue 8, 46, 172, 182, 202, 209, 251 Pitts, Robert DeWitt Pletcher, Gerald Rea Potts, Greg Arlen Pratt, Kathy Joellen 74, 190, 197, 201, 207, 231 Pratt, Lisa Anne Prentice, Corrinne, Leilani Price, David Jerome 64, 122, 188 Priestas, Michele Lynne 187 Pruett, Robyn Kaye 40, 41, 57,201,203,214,255, 256 Pryfogle, Kim Pyant, Avita Renee Pyle, Miriam Anne 11, 215, 234, 236 Quint, Hugo Rocco Raboum, Roxanne 74, 190 Radbill, Trent Darryl 58, 201, 205, 212, 262 Rake, Cathy Lynn Rank, Nancy Jeanne Ray, Ruth Jean Raymond, Sue-Ellen Ruth 190, 198 Ready, Robert Cecil 79 1% Reagan, Timothy Reali, Scott Stuart 185, 231 Recob, John Wesley 184 Rector, Frederick William Rector, Peggy Lynne Reece, John Stanley 16, 211, 265 Reed, James Edward 150, 185, 269 Reed, Nancy Noblitt 158 Reese, Kathie Sue 191 Reeves, James Alan 271 Reeves, Katharine Alta 182 Reichelderfer, Donald M. Reid, James William 183, 200 Reinhart, Sheri Lynn 191, 213 Rendel, Michael Huber 204, 277 Repik, Clyde Daniel 199 Retherford, Roger Edson Reynolds, Ellen Dawn Rhodehamel, Jan Ellen 189, 265 Ricard, Steven Paul 160, 205, 228 Ricardi, Susan Lee Rice, Laurie Susan 191 Rice, Marcia Elaine 35, 36, 53, 110, 187, 229 Richards, Michael Anthony 181 Richards, Perry Samuel 200 Ridding, Douglas John 126 Riehm, Robert Keith Riggle, Gary Ray 188, 214 Riggs, Timothy Michael Righter, Thomas Burson Riker, Nancy White 186, 198, 213 Riley, Katherine Jeanette 186 Riley, John Charles 80 Ringle, Kurt Anthony Rippy, Stephen Duane 45, 210 Risch, Carolyn Sue 214 Risner, Brenda Sue 205, 235, 271 Risner, Keith Edwin Ritchie, Dan B. Ritchie, Richard Douglas Roach, Kevin James 188, 229 Roese, Kenneth Allen Robbins, Dale Ross 184, 206 Roberts, Dennis Mark 78, 200, 201, 198 Roberts, Gary Michael 83, 1%, 198, 200, 201 Roberts, William Clifton Robinson, David Mark Robinson, James Michael 81 Robinson, Leonard Lawton 205, 210, 234, 237 Rodgers, Elizabeth Ann Roesler, David Irwin 208 Rogers, David Stephen Rohrbaugh, William Bertram 38 Roman, Eleanor Mary Romer, Richard Kevin Ronan, Kathleen E. 8, 49 180 286
Roraback, Leslie Jean 187, 215 Ross, Lanny Edward 83 Rossel, Donald Lee 181, 198 Rottman, Wendy Sue Roush, Larry Scott Rowles, Holly Diane 191, 215 Rubadue, Mary Heddleston 117, 190 Ruble, Robert Edward 185, 250 Ruch, Kathleen Sue 134, 48, 110, 194 Rupert, Bonney Jo 187 Rushton, Robin 21, 26 Russell, Marilyn Kay Sachs, Kathleen Marie 199 Salser, Lynn Alan 188, 211 Sampson, Douglas Keith 44, 117, 229 Sando, Robin Sue 190, 203, 207 Sarver, Jeffrey Wayne 192 Sawyer, Carla Yvette 48, 110, 188, 214 Sawyer, Craig Byron Saylor, Judith Morris 10, 17, 82 Saylor, Rosellen Beth 204 Schacherbauer, George Michael 74, 199 Schacht, Elaine Marie 30, 190, 202, 215 Schantz, John Abraham 162, 212 Scheel, John Brandon 181 Schlosser, Kay Jean Kline Schmidt, Virginia Ruth Marie 87, 182 Schnarr, Steven Donald 25, 210 Schneider, Bruce Alan 183, 237, 268 Schroeder, Lee Ann 191, 209 Schultz, Larry Dale 29 Schultz, Rebecca Louise 191, 215 Schwartz, Mary Catherine Schweitzer, David· Melvin 106 Scott, Barbara Lee 94, 180, 201, 214 Scott, Deborah 180, 203 Scott, James Richard Scull, Russell Leroy 1%, 199·, 269 Sebright, Judy Lynn 38, 191 Secor, Thomas Ottegen 82, 181, 201 Seemueller, Debora Smith Seemueller, Richard William Seibel, Nita Louise 190 Seibert, Belinda Beth 8, 29, 60, 148, 190, 207 Seibert, Kathleen Karen Seibert, Rebecca Ann Seimer, William Eugene Seiple, Susan Leigh 86 Selby, Daniel Lambert 188, 208 Sellan, Henry Joseph Shank, Richard Alan 212 Shanks, Thomas Andrew Shannon, Robbin Michael 185 Shaver, Kathryn Michael 185 Shaver, Kathryn Rebecca Shaw, Fonda Joy 182 Shaw, Gregory William 22, 111, 188 Shea, Thomas James 185, 204 Shearer, Glorene Kay 107, 168, 182 Sheets, Steven Eugene Shelden, Patricia Anne 187, 207, 253 Shelton, Polly Louise 190 Shemas, Nicole Jolie Sheppard, Nancy Ann 181 Sheilds, Russell Bruce 280 Sheilds, William Thomas Shiffler, Susan Louise 215 Shilling, James Donald Shaof, Kenneth Richard Shoemaker, Keith Alan 114, 185 Shoemaker, Melanie Dale 203 Shuey, Deborah Kay 198, 199, 201, 215 Shumay, David Thomas Shuster, LuAnn Marie 199, 231, 262 Sickles, Julie Ann 50, 201, 203 Siegel, Frank William 181, 206 Sigrist, Merry Lynn 36, 37, 111, 186, 199, 214, • 215, 265 Silberstein, Vickie Lynn 197 Siler, Doris Jean 43, 177 Silver, Judith Irene
Simmering, Joyce Elaine Simmons, Brenda Lynn Simmons, Chet Lee 183 Simmons, Gretta Ann 8, 187, 255 Simmons, Linda Judd 81 Simmons, Pamela Ann 201 Simmons, Thomas Alan Simms, Barry Allen 208 Skelley, Jo Ellen Skiver, Jackie Denise 21, 28, 60, 147, 148, 151 Slack, Elizabeth Ann 190 Slack, Melinda Ann Smeltz, Edward J. Smith, Barbara Jean 52, 191 Smith, Claudia Diane 12, 62, 82, 215 Smith, Craig Alan Smith, Catherine Sue 182, 202, 214, 237 Smith, Catherine Anne 78, 182, 199, 213 Smith, Dianne Ruth 189, 209 Smith, Donald Jude Smith, Jenesse Evon 6, 24, 7 Smith, Joseph Smith Joseph Wayne Smith, Judith Marie 186 Smith, Kevin Jay Smith, Kerry Crawford 64, 183 Smith, Randall Allen 185, 211 Smith, Sharon Kay Smith, Theresa Gail Smucker, Daniel Lee Smucker, William Darrell 93, 181, 208, 235 Snider, Mark Edward 204 Snider, Michael Joseph 184, 199, 205 Snodgrass, Cynthia Lorraine 180, 209, 213 Snow, Robin Adair Snyder, Fred Pierce 23:. Socolofsky, Lowell Edward Socolofsky, Patricia Diane Soiu, Anne Marie 201, 203 Sokolowski, Bernard Ralph 210 Sommer, Irene Louise Sommer, Mark Henry 188 Soon, Jodelle Anita Sorensen, Joan Smith Spahlinger, Marian Jean Spears, Bonnie Lou 36 Spencer, Robert Allen 181, 211 Spetich, Joan Marie 214 Spetnagel, Charles Robert Spooner, William Austin 121, 264 Spragg, Carolyn Lynnette Spragg, Marilyn Annette Spriggs, Cynthia Jane 180 Springer, Michael 95, 181 Sprout, Michael David 209 Squires, Pamela Anne St Clair, Charles James 50, 51, 256 Stahura, Linda Maureen 64 Stallings, Ann Manette 180, 203, 248 Stallings, William Marshall 100, 188 Stark, Linda Susan 180, 209, 248, 277 Stark, Timothy Frank 212 Starkey, Nancy Kathleen 182, 214, 215 Staudt, Charles Edward Stauffer, Russell Tracy 184 Steele, Rebecca Jane Steele, Susan Beth 190 Steely, Melody Lu Steen, Paul Edward Stephens, Shelley Lynn 247, 271 Sterle, Cheryl Lynn 177, 269 Stettmer, Cathleen Marie Stevens, Diann Elizabeth 48, 1%, 202, 215, 239, 240, 241, 263 Stickney, Margaret Ann 30, 59, 126, 201, 228 Stobbs, Richard Davis Stocker, Jeffrey David 157, 255 Stockwell, Barbara Diane 37, 102, 189,199,214 Stoddard, Ruth Lenore 182, 214 Stokes, Debra Don Stone, Roxanne Sue
Stoops, Barbara Ann 191, 196, 199, 216 Stout, Polly Lynn 36, 180, 199 Strait, Richard Keith 181 Streb, Susan Lynn 191, 215 Strohl, Wendy Roxanne Stuckey, David Arden 16, 17, 192, 204, 205 Stuckey, Dwight David Stuckey, Paul Douglas Studer, Pamela Suzanne 88, 191 Stull, Mark Warner 272 Stump, David Allen 79, 185 Stumph, Kevin Paul Subich, David Charles Sulcebarger, Mary Jane Sutton, Sally Joan Bruce Sweet, Anne Louise 80, 186, 215 Swenson, Bryan Robert 183, 208 Swies, Francis Daniel Switzer, Michael Allen 184 Szima, Joseph Alex 88, 185 Taffe, Michal William Tarantelli, Anthony Robert 181, 212 Tardell, Judith Ellen 87, 191 Targett, Sarah Ellen Tate, Donald Harold 123 Taylor, Richard Putney 192, 204, 268 Teden, Jeffrey Robson 57, 86, 231 Teichert, Elise Jeannette 196 Temple, Linda Sue 81 Tenuta, Louis Robson 208 Terry Cinda Lee 214 Thomas James Michael Thomas, Jane Wheatley 38, 29 Thomas, Michael Lavon 185, 210 Thomas, Mark Edward 117 Thomas, Polly Jane Thomas, Robert Lewis 115, 199, 200, 205 Thomas, Stanley Hinga 188 Thomas, Teresa Lee 114 Thompson, Peter Hammond Thrush, Paula Jane Tice, Susan Anne 64, 180, 202, 204 Timson, Robert William 117, 198 Tipton, Jo Ann 24, 60, 148, 1s1¡, 187 Titus, Elizabeth Anne 187 Tobin, Susan Louise Toombs, Virginia Susan Torson, Carole Marie Toss{Tlan, Jurgen Klaus Tremain, Mitchell Alan Triplett, Catherine Lucille 180, 215, 229 Trowell, Richard John 185, 212, 250 Tucker, Marguerite Mabel 122, 182, 201, 203 Turner, Floyd Dale Turner, Joann Kay Turner, Jon Eugene 40, 41 Turns, Deborah Denise 180, 209, 248 Ulmer, Kathy Frank 109, 182, 202 Underwood, Daniel Lavon 181, 205 Utterback, Nora Sue Vail, Brian Lee 18, 87 Van Gundy, Elizabeth Boice 187 Van Dyke, Connie Sue Van Camp, Gary Michael 87, 181, 198 Van Dyke, Jeffrey Lynn 183 Van Buren, Pamela Lynn 32, 33, 121 Van Tine, Ted Hugh 185 Vance, Garland Wayne 93, 181, 211 Varney, Jennifer Sue 79 Varney, Richard Samuel Vawter, Gregory Ross 57, 61, 126,165,265,281 Venable, Deborah Lee Ventresca, Carol Ann 191, 207 Vickers, John Frederick 198, 199 Viers, Donald Ray Vittur, Anne Michelle 209, 255 Voneida, Jeffrey Raymond 184, 214 Vonschriltz, Daniel 184 Waggaman, Jill Marie Waggaman, Sybil Ann 198, 207 Wagner, Barbara Sue 204
Wagner, Jack Eugene 116 Walcutt, Mary Eileen 271 Walker, Brent Joseph Walker, Christopher Michael Wallace, James A. 83, 192 Walrafen, Sandra Sue 187, 203, 207 Walter, Gary Alan Walther, Daniel Christopher 64, 164, 184 Walton, Brooks Lowell 183, 208 Wandrisco, Anne Elizabeth 190, 213 Wanner, Vickie Ann 187, 273 Wanzer, Susan Place 180, 201, 209 Warner, Belinda Mae Warner, Robert Bruce 64, 192 Warner, Timothy Edward Warthen, Bonnie Christine Wasylik, Michael John 109, 183, 202 Watkins, Mary Elizabeth 157, 276 Watson, Mark Stanley 181 Watson, Robert George 181 Watson, Sally Smith Watts, Kathleen Ann Weaver, Paula Jo 182, 199, 200 Webb, Carol Jane McDowell 75 Webb, Stanley Beecher 184, 210 Webster, Brad William Wedekind, David Russell 22, 23, 15, 188 Weidemaier, Mark Peter 185, 208 Weidman, Susan Heidi Weinrich, Sarah Jane 8, 180, 209, 248 Weis, Jeffrey, David 214 Weisenberger, Ellin Ann Weixel, Mary Jean 180, 203, 207 Wells, Donna Mel 240, 241 Wells, Gwen Ellen 190 Wells, Marianne 160, 161, 191, 213, 276 Wells, Philip Allen 211 Wells, Stuart Kim 64, 269, 277 West, Helen Suzanne West, James P. 40, 50, 157, 201, 203, 255, 257 Westfall, Michael R. 273 Westlake, Margaret Ann 186, 213 Whalen, James Francis 196, 212 Wheeler, Keith Brian 181, 198, 211 Whetsel, Deborah Ann Whitacre, Mary Jane Stewart White, Aileen Elizabeth 13 White, Barbara Haigler White, Jonathan Everett White, Maryanne Whitmore, Donald Wiles, Pamela Kay Wiley, Ronnie Wilkin, Randall Christopher Williams, Gregg Thomas Williams, Mark Williams, Conrad Arthur 16, 204, 272 Williamson, Mark Rickly Williams, Sara Jane Williams, Tina Carole Wilmoth, Daniel Allen 214 Wilson, Rebecca Skiles 231 Windom, Carolyn Anne Wine, Cathy Ann 81, 182 Winn, Brad Winner, Cheryl Lynn 209 Wise, Mark Alan 103, 201, 200 Wise, Ruth Ann 80, 276 Witbeck, John Alden 185, 202, 241, 263 Witsberger, Julianne 178 Witt, John Gregory 210 Witt, Linda Sue 109, 197, 204 Witt, Margaret Witt, Richard Kerry Witt, Thomas Kent 236 Wladecki, Marcia Jean 182 Wolf, Paula Ingram Wolfe, Thomas Allen 188 Wolford, Janet Kay 92, 189 Wollam, Deborah Shields Womer, Jo Ellen 205, 235
Woodland, John David Woodring, Sheryl Lynn Woods, Constance Ruth 187 Woods, Gale Edward Woods, Jack Donald Woodward, Lyn Bryce 190, 194 Wooff, Terrance Michael 42, 122 Wooten, Gary Earl 58, 59, 181, 214 Wright, Bonnie Dee 10, 36, 49, 62, 123,180,246 Wright, David Morrow 184, 205 Wright, Pamela Carol 48, 69, 122, 180,199,204 Wright, Rebecca Ann 191 Wrightsel, Esther Elaine 203, 209, 248 Yeakel, Joanna Irene 154 Yeakel, Joseph Douglas 13 Yoest, Jeffrey Palmer 205 Youmans, Steven Frederick Young, Leslie Jane 157, 177, 187 Young, Timothy Gates 116, 278 Yutze, Richard Louis Zajack, Phyllis Marie 62, 206 Zeigler, Donald Zeigler, Suzanne Cecilia Zimmerman, Joy Rochelle Zingale, Bernadette C. 82, 196, 201, 203 Zoecklein, Sally Lynn 187, 207 Zonak, Irene Stephanie