Sibyl 1977

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Otterbein Colle?e Westervil"le, Ohio





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Frosh Get Hot The flames crackled and gave off a warm glow that shone on the freshmen and their wide assortment of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • o u t l a n d i s h pajamas. The light ............................................... drizzle didn't dampen their spirit; they cheered and danced around the roaring bonfire all the same. As the flames died the group went off to President Kerr's home for the traditional serenade.



Boogie The Otterbein College Cardinal Marching Band is a proud addition to every football game. Under the direction of • Gary Tirey, band members, 0- • Squad, flag corps, drum major • and featured twirlers are bonded into a hard-working unit. Whether the band is doing a half-time show, giving a concert or marching down Main Street, the performance is always fi lied with an enthusiastic variety of sounds.


2001 Homecoming; a time for remembering the crispness of an autumn day, morning's colorful parade; the freshness of ribboned mums, cheering the afternoon game; awaiting the evening's queen, planning to meet again.


The Court Sun shining, warming those students, faculty, alumni and friends who • had gathered for the fall f• festivities, 2001: An Otter • 'ii Odyssey, welcomed them • all. Half-time activities included a float competition and a dazzling display of musical talents by the marching band. The highlight was the coronation of Homecoming Queen, Deb Scott, representing Epsilon Kappa Tau sorority. Terrie Hopkins, the independent candidate, served as maid of honor.

top: Queen Deb Scott, escort Mark Thresher. left: Cherie Conklin - Theta Nu. above: Russ Stauffer, Janet James - Sigma Alpha Tau.


above: Jim Leggett, Kim Christy- Kappa Phi Omega. below: Jim Shilling, Yei Kim - Tau Delta.

above: Maid of Honor, Terrie Hopkins- Independent, escort Ron Tremire. below: Dana Morgan, Belinda Seibert - Tau Epsilon Mu.

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Pan "Do you believe?" Many children as well as students in the Westerville-Columbus area believed in magic when the Otterbein Children's Theatre presented the wellknown story of PETER PAN. Under the direction of Petie Dodrill, this famed _ fantasy was centered around - a young boy (played by • • Cindy Snodgrass) who was • looking for his shadow. While doing so he met Wendy (Cindy Skunza), John (Scott Dillon) and their little brother Michael (Darrick Hayes). The children decided to go with Peter to Never, Never Land where children never have to grow up. Here the adventures begin.




Forty Below

Record low temperatures of - 25° should have been enough to keep anyone from going outside. But as that • was not always possible, • everyone got a taste of what • •areal winter was like. Yes, the winter of '77 will be remembered for consistently low temperatures, frozen toes, a solid month with snow on the ground and all the shortages associated with the energy cutbacks.




Rush Everybody, especially the frosh, loves winter term because of the big four letter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • w o r d on campus- RUSH!! It's a busy time for the Greeks who spend endless hours working to get food, entertainment and atmosphere skillfully combined for each of the formal rush parties they must plan. Once it's all together both the rushers and the rushees relax and enjoy getting to know each other.


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One Hell of a Week What could be more frustrating, humiliating, timeconsuming or just plain fun than the traditional Greek Hell Week?! During this, the final week of pledging, come late nights of putting together scrap

books, and cramming for final pledge tests and hazings. Last minute pledge duties, 3 minute Coke Dates, outlandish outfits and humble Hell Day duties all add to the excitement of becoming Greek.


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"Snowbound" Could there be a more appropriate theme for Winter Weekend '77? • Reigning over the • weekend activities, including. • a play, basketball game and • " dance, was Queen Kim Leslie. Kim, an elementary education major and member of Sigma Alpha Tau sorority, was escorted by the members of her court, below I tor: Nancy Case, Sue Truitt, (Queen Kim), Suzi Youmans and Kathy Ullman.


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The Hot L Baltimore The Hot L Baltimore marked the third production this year. Director Don Paisley best characterized the play in his Director's Corner when he said that the ............................................... show dramatized the "condition of life" in a runCAST down hotel. The residents of Mr. Katz .................................... James St. Clair this domicile were vividly Mrs. Oxenham ............................... Barb Hawkins portrayed as seedy characters Bill Lewis ..................................... Mike Echols Paul Granger Ill ............................... David Weller and losers who refused to Mrs. Bellotti . ................................ Lucinda Sigrist Mr. Morse ................................. Jurgen Tossman leave the condemned Millie ....................................... Melissa Carey building. Many of those who Girl ........................................... Kathy Kiser April ...................................... Ellen Margulies viewed the play were Jackie ...................................... Nancy Shelton astonished at the rough and Suzy ........................................ Jenny Herron unpolished language, but the Jamie ........................................ Jim Schilling Cab Driver .................................. Roger Eyrolles words merely reflected the Delivery Boy . ................................... Dale Lund Suzy's John . .................................... John Ebner type of characters who used them.


above: Professional actor Tony Randall at a press conference before his lecture. right: Professional actress Niki Flacks talks to students at a workshop session.


left: Professional Mime Graciela Binaghi before and during one of her performances. right: Woody Herman conducting his "Thundering Herd."


above: Professional singer Richard McKee.


above: Jeanne Tears and Thomas Giroir of the Hartford Ballet Company in "Brahms Variations."

below: Timothy Scanlon, Freda Norman and •Sharon Wood of the National Theatre of the Deaf in "Four Saints in Three Acts." (Photo by I David Hays.)


Dance: Country ~Style Swing your Partner! . All the "Swingers" at Otterbein showed up rarin' to go in the Campus Center Pit for this year's annual Sadie Hawkins dance. It was an opportunity for the girl to ask the man of her choice to an evening of squaredancing fun. While the crowd enjoyed cider and doughnuts, Randy Smith was crowned this Year's Li'I Abner.




Louis .......................... Bob kokai Mike . ...................... Tom Downard Alfieri ....................... David Weller Eddie ....................... RIC MANCINI Catherine . ................... Cindi Skunza Beatrice ........................ Beth Titus Marco ............... ....... Roger Eyrolles Tony .......................... John Ebner Rodolpho . .................. James St. Clair 1st Immigration Officer ......... David Witt 2nd Immigration Officer . ...... Kent Blocher Mr. Lipari . ..................... Jeff Burnett Mrs. Lipari .................... Amy Runser "Submarines" .................. Kent Bixler Jim Schilling


A View From the Bridge A View From the Bridge marked the sixteenth consecutive year that a professional guest actor has •appeared at Otterbein .college in a "Guest Artist Production." This year the •students were fortunate to be able to work with and learn from the talents of Ric

Mancini. Mancini portrayed the role of Eddie who loved his niece so much that eventually it led to his death. Ric has been seen in segments of such television shows as M.A.S.H., Baretta, and Starsky and Hutch.





Goats Anyone?

An outhouse in Westerville? How about a • live goat, a tie-on corset or a • wooden refrigerator? Those • are just a few of the many unusual items to be found during the annual CPB Scavenger Hunt. EKT was victorious this spring, locating more of the items on the list than any other group. Second and third places were captured by the Women's Softball Team and Kappa Phi Omega.



Harmony This year IFC and Pan-He I decided to try a new type of all-Greek activity. The highly successful attempt to promote Greek unity on campus was labeled Greek Week and included leadership training workshops and athletic • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • games, pitting Greeks in each academic class against each - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - other. Dr. Marilyn Day was chosen the outstanding faculty member by the Greeks and was presented with an award during the traditional Harmony Night and Greek Awards Conclave closing the week out. This year the scholarship trophies went to Zeta Phi and EKT. Harmony Night honors were awarded to Sphinx, Kings and Janda for the fraternities and Kappa Phi Omega and EKT for the sororities.




Concert •

Every year the Concert Choir, • under the direction of Dennis Kratzer, takes an active part in the college community; this year was no exception. They were busy fall term singing in conjunction with the Uptown Merchants Association; and also found time to hold a concert for Religious Activities Week. For three weeks during Christmas break, the choir traveled from the U.S. to England and to Switzerland, delighting all with their performance. The rest of the music department combined efforts to make Tower's Lawn the place to be this spring. Students, faculty and residents of the community congregated on the lawn with blankets and chairs for several evenings of musical entertainment. Performing were the Concert Band, Orchestra, Jazz Lab Band, Concert Choir and Opus Zero.




"Saturday in the Park," theme of this year's May Day Weekend, got off to an exciting start with the theatre production "West Side Story" in Cowan Hall Friday evening. Saturday morning, Queen Mary Bricker was honored


during coronation ceremonies which included the tapping of new Arete and Archaghia Circle members and the traditional Maypole dance. Greek Games, an outdoor concert and picnic supper made the day complete.

I tor: Mim Goehring (1976 queen), Chris Kapostasy, Mary Bricker, Becky Coleman, Heather Leach.


West Side Story Each spring Otterbein Theatre presents a musical just in time for May Day - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • w e e k e n d . U n d e r the direction of Dr. Charles


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • Dodrill West Side Story was a• great success. • Dr. Morton Achter conducted the orchestra, Dean Joann Van Sant directed the choreography and Mr. Dennis Kratzer served as vocal coach. The cast of over forty students included Ellen Margulies as Maria, Cabot Rea as Tony, Jenny Herron as Anita, Steve Black as Bernardo and Jamie St. Clair as Riff. The action of the play revolved around a Romeo and Juliet love affair; a love doomed because Maria and Tony fall victims of a prejudiced society.





On ...---the Air


WOBN, the voice of Otterbein College, is one • aspect of the campus life that is ever-changing. Every term new people can be seen working in the station. Some are there for the first hand experience gained by working in a radio station, others are there for their own enjoyment. This year's Station Manager, Mark Snider, has helped the station strive for professionalism. Program Director, Chris Kapastosy, designed programs which were to meet the needs of the campus community. Sara Ullman, News Director, worked with the WOBN associates showing them the ins and outs of news casting. This year's installation of the UPI wire, enabling faster and more efficient gathering of the news, was a milestone in WOBN history.


Pi rates! A musical comedy by Gilbert and Sullivan, "The Pirates of Penzance," was the major undertaking for Opera Theatre this winter. The cast of more than thirty, both students and faculty members, was directed by Dr. Mort Achter.





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top: Jack Dickey, Dir. of Placement. bottom left: Jo Alice Bailey, alumni and development. bottom right: Bob Moon, Rich Brooks, Pat Adcock, Linda Davis, public relations. (opposite page) - top left: Joann Van Sant, Vice Pres. for Students Affairs and Dean of Students. top right: Don Foster, Financial Aid Officer. bottom: John Lohse, data center.


top left: Pam Verne, physical education. top right: Woodrow Macke, Vice Pres. for Business Affairs and Business Manager. bottom: Laura Joseph, financial aid, Polly Stainbrook, admissions. (opposite page) - top left: Dave Peters, Asst. Dean for Student Development. top right: Herb Wright, data center. bottom left: Maribeth Petercsak, library. bottom right: Louise Dudding, data center.

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top left: John Becker, Librarian. top right: Ken Patton, Dir. of Learning Resource Center. bottom: Marybell Simmons, Marilyn Shorts, Grace Ross, Jean Chamblin, business. (opposite page) - top left: Rev. Clarke, Chaplain. top right: Lila Kauffman, Penny Wiene, placement. bottom: Elwyn Williamns, Vice Pres. for Development and Public Relations, Pres. Kerr, Mrs. Kerr.


top left: Red Morland, Sue Hughes, Margie Shaw, printing. top right: Marian Becker, Pat Whalen, student personnel. bottom: Sue Kaiser, Julie Gammelo, switchboard. (opposite page) -top left: Phyllis Tillet, pres. office. top right: Karl Oldag, Dean for Student Development. bottom left: Roger Wiley, Dir. of Data Center. bottom right: Peter Baker, Registrar.


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right: Elmer Yoest, Physical Education. below left: Marilyn Day, Physical Education. below right: Charles Dodrill, Theatre.


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left: Mike Herschler, Life Science. below: John Coulter, English.


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left: James Kealey, German. below: James Bailey, English, William Hamilton, English. (opposite page) -top left: John Laubach, Political Science. bottom left: Jacquelyn Beals, Life Science. right: J. Patrick Lewis, Economics.



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near right: Ursula Holterman, History. far right: Dennis Kratzedr Music. below: Haro! Hancock, History .

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top left: Dick Reynolds, Physical Education. bottom left: Mildred Stauffer, Education. right: Steve Petercsak, Reading and Study Skills.



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top left: Richard Fishbaugh, Physical Education. top right: Paul Redditt, Religion. right: Roger Deibel, Mathematics. (opposite page)-top: Don Hines, Speech. top right: Tanya Gille, Music. bottom left: Chester Addington, Education. bottom right: George Phinney, Life Science.



• SCOREBOARD Field Hockey Wins 1 Losses 7 Davis and Elkins- Loss Ohio State Uni. II - Loss Baldwin-Wallace -Win Denison - Loss Kenyon - Loss Muskingum - Loss Ohio University - Loss Ohio Wesleyan Ill - Loss


Women's Field Hockey Team, 1st row: C. Good, M. Paul, G. Miller, K. Grist, L. Forsha, D. Hoar, S. Truitt. 2nd row: C. Geisler, L. Rynd, F. Gray, T. Fetherolf, Miss Durocher, H. Nichols, M. Montgomery, N. Case, T. Reffitt, Y. Gonzalez, C. Comanita.



Women's Softball Team, 1st row: P. Pifer, J. Ruble, K. Fishbaugh, C. Comanita. 2nd row: C. Banks, S. Szymanski, C. Burton, D. Hedke, L. Ellis, C. Maxhimer. 3rd row: Miss Durocher, C. Geisler, K. Snelling, D. Donaugh, C. Griesinger, C. Andrews.


Volleyball Softball


SCOREBOARD Softball Wins 10 Losses 2 Wooster (DH) - Win, Win Wittenburg (DH) - Win, Win Findlay - Win Ashland - Loss OSU Newark-Win Rio Grande (DH) - Win, Loss Muskingum - Win Baldwin-Wallace -Win STATE TOURNAMENT Toledo-Win Miami-Win

SCOREBOARD Volleyball Losses 10 Wins 4 Capital - Loss Urbana (DH) - Win, Loss Ohio Wesleyan - Loss Muskingum - Loss Wittenberg - Loss Wright State- Loss Cuyahoga Comm. College - Loss Baldwin-Wallace- Loss Cincinnati Bible College - Loss Ohio Dominican - Win Central State - Win Mt. Vernon Nazarene - Win Muskingum - Loss


Women's Volleyball Team, 1st row: L. Ellis, R. Smith, C. Bobb, K. Paul, A. Black, 5. Subich. 2nd row: Mis.s Hoover, K. Schuller, 5. Downs, D. Donaugh, K. Fishbaugh, P. Pifer, J. Gillman, D. Hedke. 3rd row: K. Kelly, K. Sekerak, C. Maxh1mer, C. Burton, K. K1pf1nger.

--------------Basketball - - -

SCOREBOARD Basketball Wins 3 Losses 7 Ohio Dominican - Win Marietta - Win Ohio University- Loss Ohio Wesleyan-Loss Denison - Loss Rio Grande - Loss Muskingum - Loss Wilmington - Win Defiance - Loss Capital - Loss

Women's Basketball Team, 1st row: D. Donaugh, S. Subich, D. Hoar, C. Comanita. 2nd row: K. Kipfinger, K. Horn, S. O'Dell, K. Fishbaugh, Miss Hoover.


Women's Tennis Team, 1st row: S. Subich. 2nd row: J. Gillman, G. Miller, S. Seckel. 3rd row: Miss Hoover, 8. Smith, L. Lucas, M. Cox, Dr. Day.

SCOREBOARD Tennis Wins 5 Losses 5 Kenyon - Loss Muskingum - Loss Wooster-Win Toledo - Loss Marietta - Loss Ashland - Loss Wright State - Win Denison - Loss Capital - Win Cedarville - Win


SCOREBOARD Football Wins6 Otterbein 14 17 16 3

12 17 7

17 14


Losses 2 Opponent

Kenyon Adrian Ohio Northern Capital Baldwin-Wallace Denison Ohio Wesleyan Mt. Union Marietta

21 8

14 3

12 7 6 6 7

Football •The season was bright as the gridders finished with the best season since 1961. The team placed second in the Ohio Athletic Conference blue division. Don Snider was pegged the OAC Co-Defensive Player of the Year.

1st row: B. Talpas, S. Leckrone, G. Moore, B. Welch, R. Dodge, J. Hussey, D. Clark, B. Roberts, B. Ruble, T. Wolf, B. Hillier, B. Boltz, C. Furry, D. Youngpeter, C. Noble, D. Snider. 2nd row: J. Corbett, D. Bonner, M. Koob, T. Hart, B. Jacoby, K. Lynch, M. Granger, J. Bringardner, M. Lallo, G. Nesbitt, D. McCarty, J. Price, T. Gee. 3rd row: C. Compton, C. Clapper, J. Drake, K. Trojack, M. McIntyre, R. Latham, M. Schindler, R. Lainhart, M. Hartman, G. Griffith, T. O'Flynn, D. Kolhoff, J. Schlichter, D. Fultz. 4th row: M. Bakos, D. Fleenor, J. O'Rpurke, T. Chillinsky, J. Lower, P. Johnson, M. Baily, M. Echols, B. Bardelang, M. McPherson, D. Cooper, B. Spahr, G. Christodoulou, B. Young, T. Riepenhoff, B. Pendleton. 5th row: H. McCullough, G. Cobb, B. Ervin, S. Rawlins, B. Warning, J. Caldwell, W. Cummerlander, C. Watson, J. Smith, L. Meek, K. Yoe¡st, M. Cohen, J. Jones, D. Harris, J. Hassel, J. Wood. 6th row: Coach R. Seils, H. Hownstein, D. Welsh, D. Kopelziw, D. Wolfrom, P. Miller, D. Reynolds, R. Owen, B. Marchesky, C. Carlisle, C. Mihalik, C. Dufford.


Otterbein 76 91 80

74 94 68 68

75 80 72 79

59 62 85 64 75 59 73 66 69 77

76 72 60 72


SCOREBOARD Basketball Wins 14 Losses 11 Opponent Marshall 79 69 Wabash Urbana 62 79 Rio Grande Dyke 84 Shepherd 73 Uni. of Pitt. Johnstown 79 Buffalo State 63 Robert Morris 63 Marietta 70 65 Capital Ashland 63 Muskingum 63 Denison 880.T. Wittenberg 68 Ohio Wesleyan 60 51 Capital 62 Marietta 64 Wooster Muskingum 71 O.T. 730.T. Denison Wittenberg 64 Ohio Wesleyan 78 Denison 59 O.C. Tourn. Muskingum 75 O.C. Tourn.

BasketBall Highlighting the 76-77 season was the victory over •Wittenberg. Yet, I Muskingham 11 held the curse over the 'Bein by beating the team twice in the regular season and once in the play-offs, by 1, 2, and 3 points consecutively. Guard, Doug Addis, led the OAC in assists.

1st row: C. Dufford, D. Petty, M. Sanders, J. Phillips, M. Wohlheter, D. Addis, D. Miller, B. Clay, C. Choice, D. Morris, D. Manly. 2nd row: D. Ballinger, R. Owen, J. Benson, T. Oliva, G. Biffle, D. Fahrbach, E. Williams, D. Brough, 5. Jones, L. Downing, T. Huffman, D. White, J. Horn, Coach D. Reynolds.


____________________ Track _____


1st row: R. Miller, E. Stockwell, T. Bachtel, R. Underwood, P. Byrnes, T. Lyons. 2nd row: J. Hunt, G. Jewett, J. Spencer, J. Yoest, S. Czurak, J. Tymoski, J. Vancleave, Coach D. Lehman.

SCOREBOARD Cross Country Wins 6 Losses 3 Opponent Otterbein 38 Ohio Wesleyan 19 OAC Relays 5th with 44 pts. 19 Muskingum 38 49 Ohio Wesleyan 34 Denison 80 Muskingum 89 Kenyon 163 Findlay lnvt. 5th with ijO pts. All-Ohio Meet 6th with 203 pts. 37 Ohio Northern 34 Detroit 61 OAC Meet 2nd with 79 pts. N.C.A.A. 27th with 652 pts.


and Cross Country Both cross country and track teams saw plenty of favorable results this year. The harriers placed second in the OAC meet while the cindermen gained third in the OAC championships. The track team broke nine school records and finished with a 12-0 mark in their dual, tri, and quandrangular meets. Otter fans extended hardy congratulations to senior Tom Bachtel. The runner was chosen to represent the U.S. in the Deaf Olympics to be held in' Bucharest, Rumania this summer.


Track Losses 0 Wins 12 Otterbein Opponent 83 Ohio Northern 53 68Y:.! Wittenberg 83 18Y2 Findlay College 58 83 Ohio Wesleyan Marietta 19 Muskingum 12 59 81Y:.! Wooster Muskingum Ohio Wesleyan Denison Capital 95 Capital OAC Relay 2nd with 70 pts. OAC Meet 3rd with 66 pts. N.C.A.A. 45th with 4 pts. 70

1st row: B. Jones, D. Smith, T. Bachtel, D. Paul, B. Talpas, E. Stockwell, T. Edwards, K. Yoest. 2nd row: J. VanCleave, S. Czurak, P. Byrnes, R. Underwood, D. Diehl, J. Ankrom, M. McIntyre, B. Motter. 3rd row: R. Miller, A. Bondurant, J. Spencer, G. Jewett, B. Hopkins, T. Pitt, B. Ranney, R. Winemiller, T. Chillinsky. 4th row: F. Benedict, J. Jones, C. Ricevuto, D. Miller, C. Compton, G. Powers, G. Christodoulou, C. Amstuz. 5th row: R. Owen, C. Dufford, B. Marcheski, M. Granger, K. Bixler, L. Meek, S. Kunkleman, D. Lehman, J. Hunt, Coach P. Miller.

29Y:.! 61 26 15 41


Soccer The 'Bein's soccer team faced their second season with determination. The young players won the Westerville Parks and Recreation League title. But, perhaps the highlight to remember was the team's tie with OSU, 0-0, in overtime. Standing: J. Kalb, J. VanCleave, D. McBride, M. Cohen, R. Hamilton, S. Leonard, G. Christodoulou, I. Al-Farsi, E Warner. Kneeling: N. Hussen, D. Bridgeman, R. Murph, M. Schindler.


>-L 7


• I

Tennis /

The netters did not seem to be able to connect this year. Co-captain, Dave Bridgman blamed the dismal season on a lack of concentration, yet speculated that the team would be more productive next year with the experience. Top man for the season with 5 wins in singles was Co-captain, John Hargis.


SCOREBOARD Tennis WinsO Losses 12 Otterbein Opponent 0 Kenyon 9 3 Heidelburg 6 0 Denison 9 0 Capital 9 1 Mt. Union 8 0 Ohio Wesleyan 9 0 Ashland 9 4 Muskingum 5 0 Marietta 9 0 Denison 9 0 Ashland 9 1 Capital 8

Due to a young team, the Otters had a difficult time staying on the right track this season. Individually, however, pitcher, Bill Hillier had a dream come true when he hurled a nohitter against Denison.

SCOREBOARD Baseball Wins 14 Losses 19 Otterbein Opponent 4 Ohio Wesleyan 2 3 Ohio Wesleyan 7 10 Ashland 4 5 Marietta 12 0 Capital 4 6 Capital 5 10 Muskingum 6 2 Ohio Northern 0 6 Ohio Northern 3 1 Wooster 4 1 Wooster 6 4 Wittenberg 5 3 Marietta 5 0 Marietta 18 1 Denison 3 2 Muskingum 9 14 Muskingum 1 11 Capital 13 3 Denison 1 4 Denison 1 12 Ohio Dominican 7

6 10

Ohio Dominican Ohio Wesleyan

3 3


Panhellenic Council is the governing body of all s o r o r i - - - - - - - - - - • ties. Representatives are c h o - - - - - - - - - - sen from each sorority; the president of any sorority is automatically a member of Pan-Hel.

I tor: N. Ballog, vice pres., N. Osbahr, I. Jochem, treas., B. Hassenpflug, G. Glunt, K. Johnson, pres., C. Andrew.


I tor: pres.

J. Witbeck, treas., J. Black, pres., T. Collins, vice

Inter-Fraternity Counci I is the governing body of all frats on

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • campus. Members are elected within their frats; the president is elected at-large.

I tor: T. Wessell, J. Ankrom, J. Black, B. Roberts, W. Newland, D. Peters, R. Nourse, R. Staufer, D. Lance, C. Simmons, J. Black, T. Collins.




1st row: I. Jochem, S. Seckel, M. Barr, C. Claggett. 2nd: K. Mauer, K. Speelman, N. Everhart, sec.

1st row: B. Coleman, D. Danford, M. Bricker, N. Rohal. 2nd: S. Bennett, D. Turns, G. Smith, P. Bricker. I tor: M. Wilson, B. Jardine, J. Garrabrant, vice pres.


I tor: M. Sokolowski, B. Daniels, B. Fox, P. Call, treas., A. Stallings. 1st row: K. Vance, K. Hoover. 2nd: P. Burns, S. Moore.

I to r: G. Freeman, M. Foster, L. Stark, N. Flinchbaugh, C. Loudenslager, pres.


t to b: M. Schulz, M. Arnold, H. Harris.


l~~~rPrP~ f~lUJ 1st row: T. Jackson, J. Callendine, S. Gangluff. 2nd: S. Abraham, J. Harrell, L. Bennett, K. Freeman, E. McCoy, K. Alfred.

I tor: A. Runser, L. Sellman, P. Ross, D. Wright.


..;J ;..;.:a ,:;.,4

"" ;,:iii l!ili

1sht row: M. Watkins, A. Black, N. Forman, J. Long, S. Ott. 2nd: S. Weinrich, S. Williams D. T orn. '


1st row: J. Wygant, I. Haggins, L. Rynd, S. Martin, B. Garringer. 2nd: L. Abbott, M. Warrick, D. Banwart, M. Yeakel. 3rd: N. Bocskor.

1st row: A. Sheppard, pres., L. Young, vice pres. 2nd: C. Miller, S. Gooding, sec.

1st row: L. Young, C. Kapostasy, C. Skunza, K. Kiser, B. Folts, N. Hammond. 2nd: L. Durham.

1st row: R. Fletcher. 2nd: B. Smith, L. Stuckey, M. Montgomery, S. Gooding, B. Brown, R. Steele, L. Bundschuh.

1st row: M. Leiber, S. Skemp, Y. Gonzalez. 2nd: C. Thornburn, T. Reffitt. H. Feen, S. Fisher.


~11~1m~ ~ll(P)IHI~


• •

1r~lUJ 1st row: L. Knippenberg, C. Corbin, S. Shiffler. 2nd: S. McDaniel, S. Chapman, T. Hottinger. 3rd: J. Tressler, M. Cinson, C. Mauer.


1st row: L. Cusin, J. Shaub. 2nd: H. Leach, L. Caylor, C. Miller, L. Reed. 3rd: M. Costine.

1st row: L. Price, T. Dover, L. Latimer. 2nd: M. Dailey, J. Recob. 'l.

1st row: J. Hickman, M. Paul, M. Echelmeyer, K. Robinson. 2nd: A. Hawkins, T. Hanson, A. Sheppard, L. Lockett.




1r~lUJ ~p:!llll~(n) MLUJ

I to r: D. Diamond, B. Seibert, B. Bible, R. Mead, P. Buchanan, Lyn Woodward, Margie Taylor. I to r: S. Farkas, C. Boston, V. Archer, K. Ebersbach, S. Cunningham, P. Harden, J. Herron, A. Brune, B. Carnahan.

1st row: T. Lawler, A. Thompson, K. Wilcox, K. Ullman. 2nd: L. Walker, M. Crowley, P. Hart, C. Coy.

I to r: L. Wardlow, B. Isaacs, C. Holdrieth, B. Strayer, L. Stump.


1st row: D. Williams, Cheryl Bobb, L. Fry, 5. Mayberry. 2nd: C. Wine, ). Pfancuff, P. Marstell, C. Lantz, C. Taylor, Bev. Wolboldt, N. Hodgdon, W. Graff.

I tor: C. Martin, A. Linn, C. McRoberts, 5. Rivers, M. Meuser, 5. Kramer, P. Woodruff, 5. Stanley. I tor: Suzi Youmans, A. Valvano, R. Perry, N. Case, J. Fu, 5. Truitt.

I tor: B. Seibert, treas., N. Hodgdon, B. Bible, vice pres., J. Pfancuff, sec.


"'"'"'-"'""'~-~ 0-"'11!~~'





1st row: P. Coughenour, D. Hoar, B. Romahr, T. Powell, L. Goodman. 2nd: T. Ramborger, P. Diamond, C. Allen, S. Gregory, B. Henry. 3rd: C. Evans, C. Watts, M. Carey.

1st row: D. Hedke, B. Ewing, Wren, S. Szymanski, C. Hiles.


J. Wigget. 2nd: B. McVay, C. Comanita, L. Hanaford, S. Hoar. 3rd: L. Goeller, D. Calkins, C. Kasunic, C. Markley, D. Wilbur, K.

1st row: B. Hill, R. Cunning, N. Ballog, S. Henthorn, M. Wilson. 2nd: S. Smith, -:-. Hritz, J. Farkas, T. Miller. 1st row: A. Hill, C. Terry, L. Rice, treas., N. Osbahr, pres., L. Robey, sec. 2nd: M. Hobgood, E. Teichert, V. Baker, K. Shaver, C. Conklin, S. Miller, vice pres. 3rd: C. Kipfinger, K. Paul.


I to r: D. Curry, J. Parsons, B. Smith, Y. Kim, sec.

. pres., N. Cummans, B. Hassenpflug, M. Pennington. I tor: C. Hone,

1 t row· D. Geesey, P. s · · pres . Shambaugh, vice 2nd: R. Riffle.



• I

IH~~pp~ (PIHIII ©)ffi~<Cd1~ 1st row: M. Cox, A. Hoshor,·N. Asinov. 2nd: C. Maxhimer, K. Snelling, A. Shirk. 3rd: K. Cox, K. McAtee, K. Schuller, N. Fenstermaker,). Kidd.

1st row: K. Grist, K. Christy. 2nd: K. Strohm, treas., R. Stoddard, vice pres., J. Waggaman, sec. 3rd: P. Pifer, pres.

1st row: C. Stettner, G. Glunt, P. Pifer, R. Stoddard. 2nd: K. Grist, P., K. Strohm. 3rd: R. Nicholson, J. Waggaman, K. Christy.


1st row: G. Wooton, D. Paul, S. Walker. 2nd: D. Repik, sec., G. Keffer. 3rd: C. Kaiser, treas., S. Bowles, sec.

1st row: P. Martin, G. Baker, T. Edwards, D. Miller, vice pres. 2nd: C. Compton, J. Pugliese, D. Rossel, P. Johnson, B. Anton, S. Leckrone, D. Frick, M. WisP.

1st row: M. Burns. 2nd: R. Sheyhan, R. Alspaugh, D. Evans, K. Yoest, M. Loi lo, C. Pass. 3rd: C. Kaiser, S. Bowles, K. Carter, J. Christoff, D. Fultz, K. Cordle, F. Benedict. 4th: G. Keffer, D. Roberts, D. Miller, J. Schlichter, D. Thompson, D. Brough.




1st row: B. Macke, J. Schlichter, R. Alspaugh, D. Evans, D. Miller, K. Carter, J. Hill. 2nd: J. Jones, B. Talpas, C. Kaiser, D. Roberts, G. Keffer, M. Shumaker, S. Bowles, R. Sheyhan.

1st row: J. Horn, D. Strine. 2nd: R. Sheyhan, D. Ramey, J. Christoff, G. Detty, C. Broska, D. Diehl, D. Roberts, B. Stebner. 3rd: D. Fultz, J. Spencer, R. Weybright, D. Pyles, G. Keffer, D. Brough, T. Lyons, P. Bible. 4th: J. Jones, J. Schlichter, S. Walker, S. Bowles, D. Evans, D. Miller, K. Carter.



~(P:f llllŠfn1



1st row: R. Fiedler, C. McDonald, sec. 2nd: C. Simmons, pres., D. Mohler, H. Butler, J. Blum.

1st row: K. Bixler, D. Miller, B. O'Neill, D. Young, R. Nourse, treas., T. Jackson. 2nd: F. Vogel, J. Cavendish, T. Downard, J. Burnett, vice pres.


1st row: J. Davis. 2nd: S. Fackler, J. Dennison, E. Costine, R. Clark, M. Freese, T. Bixler, B. Conard. 3rd: G. Prez, E. Warner.

I to r:

J. Whalen, H. Butler, B. Swenson, R. Fiedler, J. Black, R. Shank.


I tor: G. McDonald, M. Gibbs, B. Sokolowski, B. Ruble, R. Dodge, B. Roberts, pres., J. McIntyre.


ts (

1st row: T. Oliva, W. Williams, M. Smith. 2nd: C. Mihalick, G. Chamblin, J. Corbett. 3rd: C. Rea, G. Truex, R. Latham, T. Collins, M. Echols.

1st row: B. Spangler, 5. Stout. 2nd: J. Hassel, M. Overstreet, 5. Rawlins, T. Riepenhoff, B. Spahr, C. Clapper. 3rd: M. Hartman, K. Trojack, T. Gee, B. Warning.


t~'._. .; '



•../.·-}, P .~.


~ - ;

. ..



p11 IK~~pp~ (PIHIII sec D Starling, G. 1st row: K. W~ht~~~h, E·: M;ess. 2nd!~ Moore, T. Wol h ffer D. McKee, P. Bre Addis, A. Etten o ' gan.

. G Powers, B. Flynn, D. I tor: R.hWinem1ller, c· Carlisle, D. Bonner, b J. Benson, · T. Har t . Fah ac , D Shaner, M. Wohlheter, ·


(Q)~llJr~ (P)IHIII

1st row: B. Babcock, S. Swink, K. Gould, M. Dunaway, J. O'Rourke. 2nd: T. Mcleish, J. Hiles, treas., H. Patton. 3rd: J. Ciampa, M. Williamson, K. Wiley, T. Bach, D. Lance. 4th: G. Kimbro, Lynn Kirsh, G. Combs, J. Hargis, vice pres., R. Brandeberry.

1st row: H. Molinaro, M. Kline, T. McCarthy. 2nd: T. Bachtel, T. Forman, D. Smucker, M. Princehorn, T. Ferrel. 3rd: D. McDaniels, D. Miller, R. Althouse, D. Wetzel.

1st row: D. DeClark, A. Bernard, L. Brown, J. McQueen. 2nd: D. Smith, D. Haynes, M. Liebherr, D. Kingsbury. 3rd: R. Stain, D. Hawk, W. Newland, J. Cole, C. Eckerson, J. Antram, pres. 1st row: M. Espy, R. Beers. 2nd: K. Stuckey, M. Ritz, S. Black, R. McClellan, D. Zeuch. 3rd: S. Spangler, P. Mowery. 4th: Tom Wolfe, B. Burdick, G. Hirtzinger.

I to r: G. Ebright, G. Steger, M. Neil, T. Mercer.

I tor: M. Basha, M. Cohen, G. Christodoulou, D. Wilmoth, K. Young.

I Ill


I tor: B. Haynes, B. Jamison, M. Snider, R. Mcinturff.

I to r: B. Staffers, M. Frantz, D. Stuckey, J. Drake.


I tor: J. Tossman, R. Staufer, Ankrom, G. Kuhn.


I tor: T. Riley, T. Canini, M. Phinney, M. Ward.

1st row: S. Muse, M. Espy, G. Keebler, G. Wooton, D. Strine, R. Hamilton, M. Costine. 2nd: C. Furry, J. Burnett, E. Baker, M. Dine. 3rd: D. Williams, J. McLaughlin, G. Oches. 4th: D. Stuckey, J. Farkas, S. Atkins, H. Leach, M. Goehring, D. Turns. 5th: D. Frick, K. Wohlever, M. Liebherr, P. Farmer, A. Vittur, D. Peters, C. Andrew, M. Thresher, A. Sabock, M. Lallo, M. Wilson, P. Call, K. Oldag, B. Coleman, B. Martin, D. Bridgman, M. Bricker, S. Miller.


Archaghia Circle, Senior Men's Honorary, I to r: C. Kaiser, D. Lance, sec., J. Antram, D. Hawk, pres., J. Hunt.

Torch and Key, Scholastic Honorary, 1st row: M. Hobgood, C. Horie, K. Ringle, N. Flinchbaugh, K. Mauer, D. Bridgeman, J. Yoest, pres., J. Brush. 2nd: P. Thomas, C. Meyer, B. Babcock, D. Horner, S. Cory, D. Kingsbury, C. Kapostacy, R. Underwood, J. Downing, D. Trochelman, G. Jewett, R. Murph, C. Furry, M. McRoberts, Robin Mead, J. Antram.


Alpha Lambda Delta, Freshman Women's Honorary, 1st row: T. Ramborger, R. Riffle, S. Abraham, N. Bocskor, K. Speelman, B. Coleman, pres., D. Banwart. 2nd: D. Lantz, J. Orlidge, C. Orlidge, I. Haggins, D. Francis, S. Ott, N. Case, treas. 3rd: C. Stettner, N. Cummans, M. Bricker, T. Jackson, M. Jones, E. McCoy, S. Bennett. 4th: P. Coughenour, G. Greene, M. Schulz, K. Horn, L. Rosenbaum, M. Pennington, P. Harden, S. Truitt, S. McRoberts, J. Britton, J. McDonald. 5th: D. Danford, D. Wright, sec., S. McDaniel, T. Fetheroff, G. Smith, C. Markley, S. Ingels, vice pres., B. Hassenpflug, D. Geesey.

Phi Eta Sigma, Freshman Men's Honorary, 1st row: M. Ringle, B. Conard, D. Lance, M. Wilhelm. 2nd: C. Lange, C. Furry, pres., B. Ludwick, R. Beers, ). Brush, D. Trochelman, K. Ringle, D. Bridgman, ). Downing, D. Metz, ). Schmeling. 3rd: B. Kassing, B. Babcock, ). Wagner, D. Zeuch, J. Yoest, S. Fackler, R. Underwood, sec., D. Kingsbury, M. Mc Roberts.


Pi Kappa Delta, Forensics Honorary, 1st row: M. Carey, L. Young, vice pres., A. Vanek, S. Reisch, T. Cramer, A. Runser. 2nd: J. Harrell, M. Deer, S. Ullman, D. Hines, advisor, J. Grissinger, advisor, J. Harrell, D. Hawk, pres., B. Kokai, J. Hobson.

Alpha Epsilon Delta, Pre-Medical Honorary, 1st row: M. Wilhelm, B. Kassings, M. McRoberts, pres., D. Trochelman, R. Underwood, D. Lance. 2nd: D. Albrecht, C. Noble, R. Katase, S. Williams, J. Downing, J. Yoest, vice pres., C. Furry.


Delta Omicron, Music Honorary, 1st row: G. Glunt, vice pres., S. Henthorn, pres., L. Jones, R. Huber. 2nd: E. Margulies, D. Scott, treas., C. Fowler, D. Blain, L. Marshall. 3rd: A. Kanengeiser, S. Gooding. 4th: P. Farmer.

Sigma Zeta, Science Honorary, 1st row: M. McRoberts, R. Underwood, G. Jewett, E. Stockwell, M. Bricker. 2nd: D. Lance, vice pres., J. Hunt, treas., K. Ringle, pres., C. Furry, S. Cory, J. Downing. 3rd: M. Wilhelm, P. Mowrey.

Theta Alpha Phi, Dramatics Honorary, 1st row: K. Kiser, D. Banwart. 2nd: L. Sigrist, C. Snodgrass, vice pres., A. Vittur, B. Titus, pres., J. Herron, C. Skunza. 3rd: T. Downard, J. Burnett, L. Young, sec., C. Markley. 4th: P. Burns.


Religious Activities Council, I to r: J. Brush, pres., C. Long, advisor, D. Wilbur.

Campus Programming Board, 1st row: D. Kingsbury, N. Everhart, P. Burns, J. Wygant, D. Williams, P. Call, K. Gould, M. Foster, R. Duff, E. Baker. 2nd: J. McDonald, I. Haggins, L. Shaw, M. Yeakel, S. Ingels, D. Young.


C.P.B. Executive Board, 1st row: P. Call, pres., D. Williams, sec. 2nd: N. Everhart, Judy Wygant. 3rd: P. Olson, advisor, M. Foster, K. Gould, D. Kingsbury, vice pres., P. Burns, R. Duff.

SCOPE, Students Concerned Over People Everywhere, 1st row: B. Henry, C. Watson. 2nd: T. Ramborge r, R. Murph, M. McRoberts, K. Mauer, J. Brush, N. Asinov.

Campus Crusade for Christ, 1st row: L. Hall. 2nd: M. Hobgood, K. Vance. 3rd: D. Bell, S. Reinhart. 4th: C. White, K. Sidwell. 5th: S. Gangluff, B. Hassenpflug. 6th: M. Gangluff, C. Ball, P. Mowrey, P. Bunnell, L. Glazier, K. Helmig, M. Goehring, D. Birdgeman, leader. 7th: C. Horie, K. Blackburn, D. Craig, J. Kavendish, K. Hyland. 8th: G. Hasley, T. Ryder.


College Republicans, 1st row: M. Wilson, N. Bocskor, vice pres., D. Thomas. 2nd: L. Goodman, B. Brush, J. Grim, K. Ullman.

Home Economics, 1st row: B. Carnahan, A. Brune, M. Sokolowski, P. Call, pres., S. Cory, N. Osbahr, C. Warren, advisor. 2nd: T. Fetherolf, sec., S. Moore, M. Montgomery, D. Mukasa.


Cap and Daggar, Dramatic Society, 1st row: K. Kiser, C. Skunza, sec., C. Hune, M. Carey, M. Echols, M. Yeakel, B. Folts, J. Herron, 5. Blair, K. Radcliff, C. Markley, K. Blocher. 2nd: B. Kokai, A. Kanengeiser, 5. Dillon, C. Snodgrass, R. Phillips, I. Haggins, D. Banwart, 5. Reisch, B. Titus, vice pres., T. Downard, pres., L. Young, J. Burnett, treas. 3rd: J. St. Clair, J. Ebner, L. Sigrist, C. Rittenour, L. Durham, A. Vittur, D. Witt, J. Hobson, L. Navarro.

Phi Sigma Iota, Romance Language Society, 1st row: M.¡Pennington, 5. Cunningham, 5. Kramer, N. Casselman, B. Babcock, L. Goeller, vice pres., I. Jochem, pres., 5. Skemp, J. Britton. 2nd: K. Helmig, B. Hassenpflug, C. Meyer, J. Wagner, M. Hobgood.


Junior students in elementary or secondary education are selected for Fall term of study at Mccurdy Schools in Espanola, New Mexico. 1st row: W. Newland. 2nd row: D. Lund, B. Rogers, J. Wygant, J. Ruble, M. Bowers.

p Julie Wiget, a student involved in Otterbein's new Coop program, gains experience in her major of business administration as well as receiving pay for work done at the Southern Bowling and Billiard Co. in Columbus.


WCNH-TV Promotion Manager Bob Wheat instructs Mark Snider on the method of filling out the station's daily log. Mark completed a 10 week course at channel 4 as a Field Work student.

Sibyl, Yearbook, 1st row: M. Waddel, D. MacDonald, R. Nourse, C. Markley, asst. editor, D. Brown. 2nd: M. Foster, editor, C. Ball, B. Moon, advisor. Tan and Cardinal, Newspaper, I tor: B. Manier, mang. editor, M. Douglas, M. Burns, editor.

WOBN, Radio, 1st row: J. Harrell, S. Kovach, S. Hoar, J. Wolfe, G. Witt, K. Gould, P. Daniels, B. Kepple, S. Ullman, news dir., M. Snider, station mgr., J. Corbett, P. Tierney. 2nd: C. Kapostasy, prog. dir., P. Johnson, R. Smith, L. Kirch, K. Mauer, D. Kolhoff, M. Barr, D. Haynes, S. Shiffler.




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~~~ S<xiology

Elementary Ed.


1/_~cl~ Religion, Sociology

j):tliLb !gou+. Business Ad.


C«!iy~,4-< Physical Education

)41AA-~~ Speech Communication

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Leid l3t4fr Life Science


/<Md CA,;;#,.., J ~ Political Science

01AP..v'trJ1'ttnow ~ ~. Sociology

IJ·~ Mo~ Business Ad.


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(,J, PtÂĽ Chemistry, Math

~~ Chemistry Political Science


Life Science

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I have journeyed to the rainbow's end and have found not gold, but you my friend. -

Ian Michaels

But Love the Self. Om .. This is the lesson I am leaving which I share with you since there is nothing else to be done but sharing and giving: Happiness. by Felipe Martinez

Felipe Martinez


Julie Shaub



Mr. & Mrs. Ray Alfred and daughter, Kathy '79 Miss Catherine L. Allen '80 Dr. & Mrs. Dean S. Baker and daughter, Elizabeth '78 Michael W. Balthrop '72 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Bartlett and daughter, Debbie '77 Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Benson and son, Jeff Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bible and daughter, Brenda '77 & son, Peter '80 Rev. & Mrs. S. K. Biffle, Jr., and son, Greg Mr. & Mrs. James V. Black and son, Steven '77 Mr. & Mrs. William Blackburn and daughter, Laurie Mr. & Mrs. B. D. Blair and daughter, Teresa '77 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bovenizer and son, Phil '78 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Boyle and son, Kevin '79 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brough and son, Donald '79 Mrs. Andrew W. Burns, Jr. and daughter, Rebecca '80 Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Buytendyk and daughter, Tracey '79 Rev. & Mrs. Dwayne C. Carter and son, Kevin '78 Dr. & Mrs. Chris Christoof and son, Jeffrey '80 Mr. & Mrs. Albert B. Cinson and daughter, Marisa '79 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Clark and son, David '77 Mr. Arthur Cobb and son, Jeff Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Cole ('56 & '58) and son Jeff '79 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Cox and daughter, Katherine '79 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Crum and son, Marc '77 Mr. & Mrs. Larry DeClark and son, Dave '80 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Dufford and son, Carl '77 Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Eiseman, Jr. and son, Paul Ill '77 Dr. & Mrs. Richard L. Everhart and daughter, Nancy '77


Rev. & Mrs. Philip H. Fletcher and daughter, Ruth '78 Mr. & Mrs. Bob L. Fess and daughter, Julie '79 Donald W. Foster '73 Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Foster and daughter, Merrilee '78 Richard L. Foster, Jr. '72 Rev. & Mrs. Howard E. Fox and son, John '80 Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Frazier and daughter, Melissa '78 Dr. & Mrs. Marcus Freese and son, Marc '80 Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Frick, Jr. and son, Richard '79 Mr. & Mrs. E. M. Gabriel and daughter, Nancy '79 Mr. & Mrs. David A. Gardner and daughter, Susan '77 Mr. & Mrs. Jack K. Gee and son, Terry Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Geese and son, Larry '77 Mr. & Mrs. Ray W. Gillman and daughter, Jan '80 Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Goeller and daughter, Elizabeth '79 Mrs. Basilio Gonzalez and daughter, Yvonne '80 Mr. & Mrs. Knight Goodman and daughter, Lorryn '80 Thomas R. Graham Mr. Rodger C. Harris and daughter, Holly Jo '80 Mr. & Mrs. Charles I. Hayes and son, Tim '77 Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Haynes and son, Dana '78 Dr. & Mrs. Philip D. Herrick and daughter, Kate '78 Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Hill and daughter, Anita '77 Mr. & Mrs. Terry Hirtzinger and son, Greg '79 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Horner and son, David '77 Mr. & Mrs. Buell Huber and daughter, Roxanne '77 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Hughes and son, Robert '80 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hunter and son, Robert A. '77


Mrs. Marie Hyland and son, Kenneth '77 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth James and daughter, Janet '77 Mr. & Mrs. Evan R. Jones and son, Richard '80 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lantz and daughter, Diane '79 Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Layton '74 Dr. & Mrs. Leo A. Lucas and daughter, Linda '80 Mr. & ~,frs. A. John MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. George Macheras and son, Jim '77 Mr. & Mrs. David C. Mason and son, David '80 Connie ÂŁvans Matthews '74 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mayberry and daughter, Susan '78 Dr. & Mrs. Richard F. Mayhew '71 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mead and daughter, Patricia '78 Mr. & Mrs R. R. Miller and daughter, Celeste '80 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. McAttee and daughter, Kathy '80 Mr. & Mrs. James McClelland and son, Ronald '79 Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Mccurdy and son, Jim '?7 Mr. & Mrs. Robert McCullough and son, Harley '80 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Parsons and daughter, Jody '79 Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Paul and daughters, Kathy '77 & Martha '80 Rev. & Mrs. Max Powell and daughter, Teri '80 Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Rausch, Sr. and son, Paul Jr. '78 Mrs. Dolly Ritenour and son, Carlton '80 Mrs. Della M. Ruple and son, Robert Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Sanders and son, Mark Jr. '78 Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Sando and daughter, Robin Mead '77 Mrs. Kim Taylor Schnell '72 Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Seckel and daughter, Stacie '80


Mr. & Mrs. Harold Simmons ahd son, Chet '77 Mr. & Mrs. Wayne G. Smock and daughter, Wendy '80 Mr. & Mrs. Grant Snider and son, Mark '77 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Sokolowski and daughter, Mary '80 Mr. & Mrs. Frealyn 0. Stark and daughter, Linda '77 Mr. & Mrs. Russell Stauffer and son, Russell '77 Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Stettner and daughter, Cathleen '77 Rev. & Mrs. Paul E. Stuckey and sons/Doug '77 and kent '79 Mr. & Mrs. Howard Swenson and son, Bryan '77 Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Teichert and daughter, Elise '77 Mr. & Mrs. William A. Thomas and daughter, Deborah '80 David C. Thompson '72 Mr. & Mrs. Averil le M. Thorn and daughter, Debbie '79 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Tressler and daughter, Jeanine '77 Mr. & Mrs. James C. Vancleave and son, Jim Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Vance and daughter, Kathy '80 Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Waddell and daughter, Marcha '80 Mr. & Mrs. Tom Watkins and daughter, Marla:nne Mr. & Mrs. George Weber and daughter, Marion Hobgood '77 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Wells and son,Philip '77 Mr. & Mrs. Winslow Wetherbee and daughter, Wendy '78 Mr. & Mrs. James H. Whalen and son, Jim '77 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. White and daughter, Barbra '78 Mr. & Mrs. Archie D. Williams and son, Edward '78 Mr. & Mrs. K. P. Williamson and daughter, Yvonne '80 Mr. & Mrs. James Wohlever and son, Keith '78 Dr. & Mrs. E.W. Yoest and sons, Jeff '77 and Kyle '80 Mr. & Mrs. James L. Young and daughter, Leslie '77


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/ll~~ll Merri lee Foster Chris Markley Chet Simmons Becky Hill Denny Moler Dan Brown Jim Denison Rich Brooks Chris Markley Jan Garrabrant Roger Nourse Marcha Waddell Chris Ball Diane McDonald Melissa Barr Bob Moon

Editor Assistant Editor Business Manager Copy Editor Photography

Student Life and Activities Women's Sports Men's Sports Seniors Ads Advisor


Morton Achter Paul Ackert Patricia Adcock 64 Chester Addington 19 Verla Allison Sylvia Alspaugh William Amy Christine Andrew Betty Bailey Cora Bailey James Bailey 15 Patricia Bailey Jo Al ice Bailey 64 Peter Baker 11 Evelyn Bale Lyle Barkhymer Philip Barnhart Lawrence Barstow Frances Bay Jacquelyn Beals 74 John Becker 69 Marian Becker n David Bell Alden Bennett 63 Edith Benton Mary Bivins 62 John Bokros Florence Borland Ernest Bowman Marcelle Brdar Morris Briggs Richard Brooks &4 Fred Bujold Donald Bulthaup Bruce Cameron James Carr Janet Carr Earl Cater Richard Chamberlain Ella Chamblin 69 Ann Champney Norman Chaney Helen Clymer Robert Comerford John Coulter 13 Marianne Coulthurst Jerry Cowden Larry Cox Frederick Crowe


Walter Daniel David Daubenmire Linda Davis 64 Millicent Davis Arlyn Day Marilyn Day 12 Marjorie Day David Deever Roger Deibel 78 Donald Delong David Deringer 63 Mary Ann Dewald John Dickey 64 Charles Dodrill 12 Janet Druen Louise Dudding 65 Marilyn Dudrow Denise Durocher Arlene Earley Margaret Earley Mary Enck Micheline Escande Albert Esselystyn Carol Evans Blanche Finn Richard Fishbaugh 1s Clarence Fisher Donald Foster 65 Dorothy Freeman Franklin Frost Sanders Frye Cleora Fuller Julie Gammel lo 13 Marcia Gealy Albert Germanson Tanya Gille 19 Benjamin Glover Paula Goodrich Joseph Goodwin James Grissinger John Hamilton William Hamilton 15 Harold Hancock 1& Earl Hassenpflug Grant Healey James Heine Marlene Heitz Michael Herschler 13 Mable Hershberger

Marion Hessin Donald Hines 19 Helena Hodgden Ursula Holterman 76 Gwen Hoover Albert Horn Stanley Hughes Virginia Hughes Susan Hull Nur Hussen 94 Jerry Jenkins Bettie Johnson James Johnson Philip Johnson Laura Joseph 66 Sue Kaiser 13 Joyce Karsko Lila Kaufman &8 James Kealey 1s Sharon Kelsey Robert Kelton Patricia Kennedy Thomas Kerr IV 68 Michael Kish Young Koo Dennis Kratzer 76 Louis Kullman John Laubach 14 Anthony Ledford Arnold Leonard Mary Leonard Thurman Leonard Patrick Lewis 14 John Lohse Carle Long Paulette Loop Albert Lovejoy Mary Ludlum Woodrow Macke 66 Alberta Mackenzie Allan Martin Meredith Martin 61 Ralph McCormick James McCloy Louise McCoy Virginia McCullen Hedwig McGovern Harold McMillan Robert Mersy

Porter Miller 89,93 Wade Miller Gilbert Mills Ivan Mills Frank Mitchell Robert Moon 64 Forest Moreland 10 Clarence Morton Janice Muschott Mary Musgrove Lawrence Nance Roger Neff Margaret Neill Marguerite Nelson Doris Nocera Margaret O'Daniel Glen Oches P, R. Ogle Karl Oldag 11 Peggy Olson Marion Owen Nell Pagean Donald Paisley Kenneth Patten 69 Anthony Patton Carol Paullo Beatrice Perry Mary Beth Petercsak 67 Stephen Petercsak 77 David Peters 67 Susan Petrick Thomas Petti George Phinney 79 Robert Place George Plummer Robert Price Alison Prindle Charles Ray James Ray Betty Recob 62 James Recobb Paul Redditt 78 Russell Redman Michael Rendel Kay Reynolds Richard Reynolds 77,89,91 Janet Robinson Lawrence Rochelle Mary Rohalp 62

Eleanor Roman John Romano Grace Ross &9 Paul Roth Ann Sabock Marcus Sandver Frances Schreiber Carl Scott Eva Sebo Michael Seemueller Richard Seils a9 Joseph Sells Margie Shaw 73 Marilyn Shorts 69 Marybell Simmons Sarah Skaates Judson Snyder Paul Snyder Gertrude Specker Harvey Spires Ruth Stainbrook 66 Mildred Stauffer n Jerrell Stone Pauline Swaney John Taylor Thomas Tegenkamp Michael Terhorst Fred Thayer Mary Thomas Robert Thompson Rose Thompson Phyllis Tillett 11 Gary Tirey Roger Tremaine Horace Troop Roy Turley Chester Turner 62 Gwen Turner 63 JoAnn Tyler Louis Urbano Sylvia Vance JoAnne Vansant 6s Pamela Verne 66 Lucia Villalon Anne Voight Henry Votaw Lillian Warchal Cathy Warren Edward Webb

Lyle Welch Patricia Whalen 73 Dorothy Whittier Roger Wiley 11 Elwyn Williams 68 E.J. Willis Lena May Wilson Dollie Wright Herbert Wright Richard Yantis Elmer Yoest n Franklin Young


Lisa Abbott 102 Hassan Abdulla Susan Abraham 101,123 Arlie Adams Douglas Addis 91,11s Robert Adleman John Aftandilian Ibrahim Farsi 94 Dan Albrecht 124 Julio Alexander Barbara Alexander Denise Alford Kathryn Alfred 101 Ronald Allcorn Catherine Allen 10& Harold Allen Alvin Allison Pamela Allton Alicia Alonso Robert Alspaugh 110,111 Roger Althouse 116 Charles Amstutz 93 Jonathan Amy Deborah Anderson Jeff Ankrom 99,120 William Anton 110 Joseph Antram 93,111,122,149 Vickie Archer 104 James Arnett Lesly Arnold Marianne Arnold 101 Kathy Ashbaugh Nancy Asinoff 109,121


Steven Atkins 121 Cynthia Ayers Bryan Babcock 11&. 122. 1n 129 Timothy Babcock Timothy Bach 116 Thomas Bachtel 92. 93. 116, 122 Mark Bailey aY Gregory Bain Ann Baker Elizabeth Baker 121.126 Frederick Baker Gary Baker 1m Nancy Baker Victoria Baker 101 Matthew Bakos 89 Ronald Balconi Robert Baldridge Danny Baldwin Emma Ball w. rn Nancy Ballog 98, 101 Cynthia Banks 84 Deborah Banwart w. 121. m,. 102. 125 Robert Bardelang Nancy Bare Suzanne Barlow Timothy Baflowe Denise Barnette Melissa Barr 100. u1. m Deborah Barrick Deborah Bartlett 14i Debra Basehart Diana Basehart Michael Basha 118.149 Brion Basinger Diane Bauer Nancy Baumann Tina Bausch Fay Baynton Brenda Beal Rebecca Becker 1&1 Richard Beers m. 1n Michael Bell Raymond Belt Kimberly Benadum 14r, Fred Benedict YJ Elizabeth Bennett Leslie Bennett 24.101 Sandra Bennett 100. m John Benson 91.115


Bettie Benua Lyn Benua Alan Bernard 111. 1w Mark Bernard Kyle Beveridge Brenda Bible 105. 169 Peter Bible 111 Gregory Biffle 91 Bruce Biggerstaff Jayne Bissen Kent Bixler 9l. 112 Todd Bixler 11i Ann Black 8s.101 James Black 99, m. rn Robert Black 93 Steven Black m. 159 Kevin Blackburn 121 Laurie Blackburn Marjorie Blain 12s Sharon Blair 129 Keith Blakely Rebecca Blanche Paula Blauman Kent Blocher 129 Jerry Blum 112. 134 Lynette Blum Karen Blythe Cheryl Bobb 85. 105 Nancy Bocskor 102. 123. 128 Kim Bodell 101 Brenda Boggs Ronald Bolen Mary Bolthuis Robert Boltz 89 Susan Bond Albert Bondurant 93 Richard Bonner 89. 115 Christine Boston 1w Philip Bovenizer Janet Boving Gary Bower Michael Bowers uo Steven Bowles 110.168 James Boyd Kevin Boyle John Brainard Roger Brandeberry 116 Linda Brauer Roberta Brazelton

Robert Brazis Dal Bremer Paul Bremigan 115 Mary Brewer Mary Bricker s1. 100. 121. m. 125 Paula Bricker 100. 143 Lecia Brickner David Bridgeman 94.121. 122. m.121 Timothy Bright 111 Joseph Bringardner 89 Jill Britton w.129 Scott Brockett Charles Broska 111 Donald Brough 91. 1111 Janet Brower Carol Brown Daniel Brown rn Jeanne Brown 165 Lawrence Brown 111 Robert Brown Russell Brown Thomas Brown 150 Wanda Brown 102. 142 Amy Jo Brune 104.128 James Brush 122.1n. 12&, m. 128, 158 Ronald Bryant Janice Buchanan Patricia Buchanan 104, 111 Robert Buchanan 102 Lauri Bundschuh Joy Bundy Peter Bunnell 121 William Burdick 111 Douglas Burkhart Jeffrey Burnett 112. 121. 125.129 Mary Kay Burns Michael Burns 110, n1 Pamela Burns 100. m. 12& Rebecca Burns Cathy Burton a4.B5 Robert Bush 128 John Busic Hubert Butler 112. m Robin Butz 145 Tracey Buytendyk 101 Robert Byers Patrick Byrnes 92, 91 Chester Cady 161 Patricia Cahill

Jeffrey Caldwell 89 Donna Calkins 106 Patricia Call 100,121, 121,, 12s, 160 Judith Callendine 101 Diana Campbell Myron Campbell Timothy Campbell Anthony Canini 120 Melissa Carey 106,124,129 Christopher Carlisle 115 Beth Carnahan 104, 12a Arlene Carpenter Cathi Carr Melinda Carr Patricia Carr James Carter Kevin Carter 110 Suzanne Carter Nancy Case 29,82, 105, 1n Nancy Casselman 128 Margarita Caveda John Cavendish 112,121 Laura Caylor 102 Patricia Chakroff Gary Chambers Gregory Chamblin 114 Deana Chapman Susan Chapman 103 Dana Chavers Susan Cheney Thomas Chillinsky 89,93 Jungsdon Cho Charles Choice Karen Christner 141 George Christodoulou 89,93,118 Jeffrey Christoff 110 Kim Christy 15,109, 16s Oberlyn Christy William Christy Jeff Ciampa 11& Marisa Cinson 103 Frances Ciotola Cynthia Claggett 100 Christopher Clapper 89,114 David Clark Joseph Clark Margaret Clark 16s Monique Clark Ronald Clark m

Robert Clay 91 Caryn Claypool Gary Closs Gregory Cobb 89 Susan Coburn Cynthia Cochran Kimberly Cody Darrel Coey 160 Christopher Coffman Michael Cohen 89,94, 113 David Cole Jeffrey Cole John Cole Karen Cole Randy Cole m Rocky Cole Beverly Coleman Rebecca Coleman 51,100,121, m Gary Collins Carol Comanita 82,84,86,106 Goeffrey Combs 116 Thomas Comery 135 Barry Compton 110 Steven Comstock Sharon Comstock William Conard m, m Cheryl Conklin 101,138 Karen Cook Nancy Cook Yolanda Cook Lisa Cooley Darrell Cooper 89 Vickie Cooperider Joseph Corbett 89,114, u1 Carol Corbin 1m, 159 Keith Cordle 110 James Corwin Sharryn Cory 122,125,128, 13& Eric Costine rn Melanie Costine 1m,121,m Peggy Coughenour 106,m John Coulthurst Katherine Cox 109 Mary Cox 87, 109 Rhonda Cox Catherine Coy 104 David Craigh 121 Robert Crain Tamera Cramer 124

Karen Crane 144 Carol Creel Scott Crissinger 153 Danny Crouse Fredrick Crowe Noreen Crowe Mary Crowley 104 Mark Crum 152 Suzanna Crump Nadmi Cum mans 100,123 Wayne Cummerlander s9 Roberta Cunning 101 Sandra Cunningham 104,129 Susan Cunningham Dana Curry 108,157 Lisa Cusin 103 Steven Czu rak 92, 93 Frank lmperio Michael Dailey 1m Dorothy Danford 100,123 Mary Daniels 100 Patricia Daniels rn Francis Dantonio Ho Gretchen Davis Jeffery Davis m Lynn Davis Michelle Davis Michael Davison Dyann Dawson Cynthia Day Nancy Day David DeClark 111 Mary Deer 124 James Denison m,m Gregory Detty 111 Richard Devore Deborah Diamond 104,114 Patricia Diamond 106 Audrey Dickason Kathleen Dickerson Douglas Deil 93 David Dillon 129 Rebecca Dillon Elmer Diltz 151 Mona Dimichele Margaret Dine 121 Richard Docobo Robert Dodge 89, 114 Rick Dodge


Debra Donaugh 84,Bl,m,, 110 Douglas Donaugh Gregory Donelson Marilyn Douglas 111,141 Tracey Dover 1111 Harry Downard 112, 121, 12" Jeffrey Downing Joel Downing 122, ill, 124, 121 Sherry Downs B1 Jay Drake 1l'1, 1w Richard Draper 1n Roger Duff 121,, rw Carl Dufford w,, 'JI, 'H, H,11 Martha Dugan Michael Dunaway 111, Janice Dunphy Lisa Durham 1112, 12'• Thomas Duvall Dondold Dyson Michele Early Kent Eastham Sue Eastham Karen Ebersbach l().j Michael Eberst John Ebner 12" Glen Ebright 1rn Mollie Echelmeyer 1111 Michael Echols w,, 114, 12,, Charles Eckerson 111 Mary Eckhart Todd Edwards 'H, 1111 Paul Eiseman Jeffrey Elliot 141 Lara Ellis w,,a1 Richard Emmert Jon Ervin w, Mark Espy 111,121 Arnold Ettenhofer 111 Sonjia Eubanks David Evans 1111 Mary Evens Terry Evans Nancy Everhart 11x1, 121,, 11,2 Rebecca Ewing 11x, Roger Eyrolles Steven Fackler 111, ill David Fahrbach ,,1, 111 William Fairchild Jean Farkas 1111, 121

Sheryl Farkas m4 Peggy Farmer 121, 121 Terrence Farrel I Kandie Faulkner Lorraine Federer Holly Feen 102 Nancy Fenstermaker 11Y1 Julia Fess Tina Fetherolf B2, w, 128 Robert Fiedler 112, 114 Linda Filbern Genevra Finnell Karen Fishbaugh B4,B1,ar, Sarah Fisher m2 Louise Flanagan Donald Fleenor wJ Mark Fletcher Ruth Fletcher 1112 Nancy Flinchbaugh mi, 122, 1111 William Flynn 111 Barbara Folts 1112, 12,J Carol Foot Nancy Forman 101, 1H, Thomas Forman Merri lee Foster 1rxi, w,, 111 Christine Fowler 121 Jennifer Fowler Douglas Fox John Fox Philip Fox Rebecca Fox 1rxi Donna Francis 121, r11 Matthew Frantz Melissa Frazier Gretchen Freeman Hxi, 111 Karen Freeman 101 Marc Freese 111 Karen Frenz Diana Fretz Richard Frick 109,121 Lynette Fry 101 Jocelyn Fu 1111 James Fultz 8'J, 110,111 Craig Furry 89,121,122,121,124, 121 Joann Gabriel Sherri Gangluff m1, 127 Linda Garber Susan Garden 1r,4 Brenda Gardner

Cheryl Garges 139 Janette Garrabrant 154 Brenda Garringer 102 Anne Gecowets Terrance Gee 89, rn Lawrence Geese 118 Debra Geesey 108,121 Carol Geisler a2,s4 Michelle Gerdsen Maria Ghersi Elizabeth Gibbs Mark Gibbs 114 Lavaun Giles Chrystal Gill Lisa Gillard Janet Gillman 85,87 Divina Gipe Louise Glazier m James Glier Georgia Glunt 98,109,125 Miriam Goehring 51,121, m, 141 Elizabeth Goeller 106,129 Debra Gallihugh Yvonne Gonzalez 82, 102 Cynthia Good 82 Sandra Gooding 102, rn Leslie Goodman Lorryn Goodman 106,125, 12B Julie Gottschalk Kerry Gould 116,126, u1 Wendy Graff 10s Thomas Graham 148 Laurie Grange Mark Granger 89,YJ Katherine Graul Melanie Graves 1s1 Brian Green Karen Green Glenna Greene m Dennis Greer Shari Gregg Susan Gregory 10<> Candice Griesinger 84 Mary Griffin Debra Griffith Gary Griffith B9 James Grim 128 Beth Grissinger Karen Grist Bl, 11rJ

Dianne Grote Tonya Guisinger Jeffrey Gulcher Brian Hackett William Hadler 159 lie Haggins 102,m,126,129 Gretchen Hall Linda Hal I 127,150 Sonja Haller Roland Ham i Iton 94,121,159 Nancy Hammond 102 Lee Ann Hanaford 106 Richard Hand Teresa Hann Charlean Hanna Teresa Hanson 1m Pamela Harden 104, m John Hargis 11& Judith Harrell B, 101,124, rn Janice Harrell 124 Julie Harrington Holly Harris 101 Melody Harris Miriam Harris Patsy Hart 104 Tim Hart 99,115 Janine Hartley 143 Mark Hartman Matt Hartman s9, 114 Michael Hartsock John Hassel s9,114 Beth Hassenpflug 98, 10a, m, m, 129 Kimberly Hasson Daniel Hawk 111,122,124,119 Anne Hawkins 103 Barbara Hawkins Cynthia Hawks Timothy Hayes 92,168 Dana Haynes 111,n1 Bradley Haynes 118 Gerald Hazley Archie Heany Deborah Hedke a4,85, 106 David Helm rn Kurt Helmig m, m, 112 Deborah Helmink Robert Henahan Kevin Hennessy Brenda Henry 10,, m

Lee Ann Henry Susan Henthorn 101,125 Katherine Herrick Jenny Herron 104,125, 129 Jean Hickman .18 Jolene Hickman n8 Todd Higham Connie Hiles 106 John Hiles 11&,n8 Alan Hill Anita Hill 141,m Christy Hill John Hill 111 Rebecca Hill 101 Darla Hillier William Hillier Gregory Hirtzinger 111 Brenda Histed Christine Hlava Mark Hlava Debra Hoar 82,a&,106 Susan Hoar 106,121,129,131 Marian Hobgood 101,122,127,129, 1&1 Joseph Hobson 124,129 Nikki Hodgdon 105 Tonette Hoepf Todd Hoffman Scott Holderle Jennifer Holderman Cathleen Holdrieth 104 Gregory Holloway Donna Holt Kathleen Hoover 100 Bradford Hopkins 93 Terrie Hopkins 1s,n& Cynthia Horie 100,122,121,H& Cheryl Horn John Horn 91,111 Karen Horn 86, m Amy Hoshor 109 Tamara Hottinger 103 Gary Hoyle Paul Hritz Tamara Hritz 101 Roxane Huber 124, 14s Richard Huffman Thomas Huffman 91 Tracy Hules Christy Hune 129

Jeffrey Hunt 92, 93,122,125,156 Robert Hunter 143 Taryn Hunter John Hussey 89 Sylvia Ingles 101,123,126 Brenda Issacs 104 Lauren Jackson Tommie Jackson 112 Terry Jackson 101,123 Barbara Jacoby Robert Jacoby 89 Janet James 14,147 Robert Jamison 118, 1&1 Beth Jardine James Jardine Lois Jay Donald Jaycox Gregory Jewett 92,93,122,m Ingrid Jochem 98,100,129 Alvin Johnson Kathleen Johnson 98,154 Ken Johnson Paul Johnson 89,110,rn Thomas Johnson Craig Jones John Jones 158 Jan Jones Jeffrey Jones 89, 93,111 Linda Jones 124 Melinda Jones m Keith Jones 134 Richard Jones Stephan Jones 91 Shelley Jones Tina Jones William Jones Richard Jordan Stanton Judd Steven Judd Cynthia Kaczmarek Chris Kaiser 110,122, rn Jaun Kalb Anne Kanengeiser 20,125,129 Chris Kapostasy 51,102,122,131 William Kassing 123,124 Chevone Kasunic 106 Richard Katase 124 Barbara Katz Gregory Keebler 121


Gergory Keffer 110, 111, m Jay Kegley Gregory Keith Richelle Kelly 85 Frank Kendrick Beth Kepple 131 June Kidd 109 Yei Yun Kim 15. 108,153 Gregory Kimbro 116 Douglas Kingsbury 111,122,123,126 Cathy Kipfinger 85,86, 101. 110 Lynn Kirch 116.n1 Kathy Kiser 102,125,129 Mark Kline 116 Laura Knippenberg 1m Catherine Knotts Julia Kobermann Robert Kokai 124,129 Daniel Kolhoff 89,131 Michael Koob 89 Steve Korb Steven Kovach 131 Suzanne Kramer 105. 129 Michael Kreischer Susan Kreps Sonja Kreuzer Kim Kuebler Cecily Kuhn William Kuhn 120 Scott Kunkleman 93 Richard Lainhart 89 David Lance 99,116.122, 123,124,125,151 Cheryl Lantz 105 Diane Lantz 123 Christopher Large Rondald Lathem 89,114 Linda Latimer 103 Paul Lausch 140 Terri Lawler 104 Geoffrey Layman Heather Leach 51, 102, 121 Scott Leckrone 89, 110 Steven Leonard 94 Kim Leslie 29 Steve Leybourne Marla Busch Lieber 102 Michael Liebherr 111,121 Wayne Link Ann Linn 105

0 -



Mitchell Linnabary Madge Lipton Chris Little William Livisay Lori lee Lockett 1m Michael Lollo a9. 110. 121 Janice Long 101 Cindy Loudenslager 100,139 James Lower 89 Linda Lucas 87 Bruce Ludwick 123 Dale Lund 130 Sandra Lyman Kevin Lynch 89 Timothy Lyons 92,111 Louise MacAdams Douglas Maccallum Diane MacDonald rn. 166 James Macheras William Macke 111 Eric Maess 115 Mark Malone Bradley Manier 131 William Marcheski 89,93 Ellen Margulies 125 Christine Markley 106,128,125.129, 131 Pamela Marsh Lynn Marshall 101,125 Patti Marstrell 105 Betsy Martin 121 Cynthia Martin 105 David Martin Peter Martin 110 Sue Martin 102 Felipe Martinez 116 David Mason Pamela Masters Marlon Mathews Karen Maurer 100. 122. 1n, rn, 163 Cindy Maxhimer 84,8s.109 Susan Mayberry 105 Kathy Mcatee 109 Tim McCarthy 116 David McCarty 89 Ronald McClelland 111 Elaine McCoy 101,m Lois McCullen Harley McCullough 89 James Mccurdy 173


o o°o,;:,




-- "


David McDaniel John McDermott Charles McDonald 112.rn Cheryl McDonald Gordon McDonald 114 Gregg McDonald Janette McDonald 101. 121,126 Randall Mcinturf 1rn John McIntyre 114 Mark McIntyre 89,93 David McKee m Donald McKell Douglas Mclaughlin Judith Mclaughlin 121 Thomas Mcleish 11r, Molly McMullen Mark McNally Ronald McNitt John McQueen 111 Cheryl McRoberts 105 Mark McRoberts 122, 1n. 124, 125, 127. 114 Beth McVay 106 Diana McVay 146 Kirk McVay Robin Sando Mead m4. 122. 142 Carl Meek 89, 93 Jody Melick Charles Menche Timothy Mercer 118 Beth Merkle Eric Merz David Metz m Mary Meuser m5 Carol Meyer 122, 129, 169 William Michael Lois Michel Christopher Mihalik 114 Celeste Miller 102.10.1 Daniel Miller 109 Darrell Miller 91,116 David Miller 93,110 Gina Miller 82,83,87 Karen Miller 101 Michael Miller Patricia Miller Rick Miller 92,93 SallyMiller 101,121.164 Susan Miller Tamra Miller 101






Randy Mobley Dennis Mohler 112 Henry Molinara 116 Martha Montgomery 82, 102, 128 Lori Moomaw 101 Randal Moomaw Gary Moon Gregory Moore 89,115 Sharon Moore 100, 1w Dana Morgan 151, 112 James Morgan Donald Morris 91 Steven Morrison Joan Moser Ned Mosher John Moss William Motter 93 PhilipMowrey 111,125,121 Debra Mukasa m Ricardo Murphy 94,122,121 Marcia Murphy Dasenia Murrell Steve Muse 121 Mark Mustard Deborah Myers Lawrence Navarro 129 Betty Neff Mark Neil 118 Grant Nesbitt 89 Wesley Newland 99,117, uo Barry Newlin John Newman Beau Nichols m Cathleen Nichols Robin Nicholson 109,141 Kathleen Nicklaus Lisa Nitschke Charles Noble a9, 124 Roger Nourse 99,112, u1 Kris Nuhfer Sharon Ockuly 167 Sallie Odell 86 Timothy O'Flynn 89 Leslie Ogle Thomas 01 iva 91,114 James Oman RobertO'Neill 112 Cynthia Orlidge 123 Jennifer Orlidge m

John Orourke 1!9, 116 John Orr Jon Orr Nancy Osbahr 98, 101, 128 Susan Ott 101, w Mark Overstreet 114 Cheri Parker Tamera Parker Janet Parsons 108 Jody Parsons Cheryl Pass 155 Craig Pass 110 Ceaphus Patterson Hugh Patton 111, Phillip Patton David Paul 91,110 David K. Paul Kathryn Paul s5, HJ7, 151 Martha Pau I s2, 103 Bruce Pendleton s9 Marlene Pennington 108, ill, 129 Gregory Perez m Rhonda Perry 105 Anne Petrie Wayne Petty 91 Jill Pfancuff 105 John Phillips 91 Martha Phillips Ruth Phillips 129 Steven Phillips Michael Phinney 121 Jon Pierpont Pamela Pifer 84,85, 109,144 Timothy Pitt 93 Robert Pittenger Gerald Pletcher Micaela Pollock Scott Pontius Rhonda Pope Lisa Porter Teri Powell 10& Gregory Powers 93, 11s Jeffrey Price 89 Lisa Price 1m Mark Princehorn 116 James Pugliese 110 William Pyles 111 Karen Radcliffe 101, m Ben Rainsberger

Teresa Ramborger Hx,, ill, w Douglas Ramey 111 Brad Ranney yi Paul Rausch Steven Rawlins s<J, 114 Cabot Rea 114 Jane Recob 103 Fredrick Rector ll4 Lisa Reed mi Tamara Reffitt 82, 102 Sheri Reinhart 121,151, Stacy Reish 124, 129 Debra Renick Daniel Repik 110, rn Ann Rice Laurie Rice 107, 149 Christopher Ricevuto 93 Paul Rickles William Rickles Cynthia Riehm Thomas Riepenhoff 1!9, 114 Rhonda Riffle 108,121 Thomas Righter 16-1 Darrell Riley Timothy Riley Louise Ringle Kurt Ringle 122, w, 125, 1r,i Mark Ringle m Carlton Ritenour 129 Michael Ritz 117 Rochelle Rivers Leisa Robb Don Roberts 110,111 Hope Roberts Michael Roberts William Roberts 1!9,99 Linda Robey 107 David Robinson Kim Robinson 10i Antoinette Rodgers Betsy Rogers 1m Nadine Rohal 100 Pierre Rollins Barbara Romohr 106 Lisa Rosenbaum 1n David Ross 158 Penny Ross 101 Donald Rossel Cynthia Roush 110


Paul Roush Jeannine Ruble 84, 1111 Robert Ruble w1, 114 Denise Ruff Amy Runser 101, 124 Susan Rush James Ryan Louise Rynd 82, 102 Mark Sanders 91 Matthew Scarborough Tanya Schalp Julie Schaub Rebecca Scheck James Schilling Maurizio Schindler w,,,,4 Lois Schirm John Schlichter 110,111 John Schmeling 1n Kathryn Schuller 85. 1m Martha Schulz 101, 1n Thomas Schwieterman Deborah Scott 14, 125, 1r,5 Stacie Seckel 111, 11x1 Larry Seibel Belinda Seibert 15,104, 105, 150 John Seitzinger Kathryn Sekerak 85 Linda Sellman 101 Michael Sewell Karen Sgarro 19 Donald Shaffer Ronald Shahan 1011, 155 Patricia Shambaugh Ralph Shaner 115 Richard Shank 1H, 114 Thomas Shanks Kathy Shannon Kathryn Shaver 101, 1r,4 Michael Shaver Linda Shaw 12r, Susan Shaw James Shellhammer Nancy Shelton Daniel Shepherd Ann Sheppard 102, 101, 1"" Lina Shiblag Sally Shiffler 101,111 James Shilling 1s, 1r,2 Ned Shipley


Anne Shirk 1m Carol Shively Walter Shonkwiler Mark Shumaker 111 Jeffrey Sibert 171 Mary Sidwell 121 Lucinda Sigrist 125,129 Brenda Simmons Chet Simmons 99,112,154 Daniel Simmons Norma Sims Jo Ellen Skelley Hh Stephanie Skemp 102,129,154 Sandra Skillings Cynthia Skunza 102,120, 12" Catherine Smailes 101 Brenda Smith 87,108 Brenda E. Smith Dean Smith Deborah Smith Donald Smith Gretchen Smith Hx1, 1n Jeffrey Smith 89 Janice Smith Mark Smith Michael Smith 114 Randall Smith 131, 160 Rhonda Smith 85 Richard Smith 91 Sandra Smith 107 Dennise Smitley Wendy Smock Daniel Smucker m, 1s1 Krisit Snelling B4, 11ÂĽ1 Donald Snider 89 Mark Snider 11a, 110,rn,1bY Elizabeth Snoddy Cynthia Snodgrass 129,114,125 Bill Snyder Carol Snyder Cynthia Snyder Fred Snyder Bernard Sokolowski 114, 1s8 Mary Sokolowski HXJ, 12a Christopher Souders RobertSpahr a9,114 Brian Spangler 114 Stephen Spangler 111 Kathy Speelman 100, 121

John Spencer 92,YJ, 111 James St. Clair 129 Ann Stallings 100,147 Regula Stammbach Susan Stanley 10s David Stanton Ho Linda Stark mi, 154 Daniel Starling 115 Thomas Starr Russell Stauffer 14,98, 120 Robert Stebner 111 Rachel Steele 102 Gregory Steger 1 rn Richard Stein Jeffrey Stephens Leanne Stephens Cathleen Stettner HYJ, 121, 144 Janet Stevens Edwin Stockwell 92,YJ, 125 Ruth Stoddard HN, 1b1 Robert Staffers 1rn Bradley Stoker Mary Stone William Stout 114 David Strathern Sue Strawn Beth Strayer 104 Dan Strine 111,121 Katherine Strohm 1m Kent Stuckey 111 Lynnette Stuckey 102 Paul Stuckey 118, 121, us Karen Stump 104 Kevin Stumph u9 Susanna Subich s5,86,B7 Kristi Sullivan Holly Sulyok Lee Swaney Bryan Swenson 1n, m Scott Swink 116 Susan Szymanski 84,106 Robert Tai pas 89,91, 111 Samuel Tambi Sue Taulbee Carol Taylor 105 Marjorie Taylor 104 Renee Taylor Elise Teichert 101, n& Lisa Tener

Cinda Terry 101 Deborah Thomas 128 Patricia Thomas 122 Annette Thompson 104 Daniel Thompson 110 Cille Thorburn 102 Deborah Thorn 101 Mark Thresher 14 Bret Throckmorton Julie Thurston Peter Tierney 131 Melissa Tille Elizabeth Titus 131. 12s Peggy Titus William To Sharon Tolliver Jurgen Tossman 120 Daniel Townsend Sheryl Treen Jeanine Tressler 103,151 Ralph Trochelman 122. 123,124 Kevin Trojack 89,114 Gregory Truex 114 Susan Truitt 29,82,83, 105 Laura Tucker Gregory Turner Deborah Turns 100,121,160 Deborah Tyler 141 Joseph Tymoski 92 Katherine Ullman 29,104,128 Sara Ullman 124,131,111 Royce Underwood 92, 93,122, 1n, 124 Andrea Valvano 105 Kathryn Vance 100,121 James Vancleave 92, 93, 94 Shondra Vandiver Amy Vanek 124 Anne Vittur 121,125.129, 110 Fredrick Vogel 112 Barbara Vogler Marcha Waddell 131 Jill Waggaman 109,155 Jimmie Wagner 123.129 Susan Wagoner Christopher Walker Lana Walker 104 Stephen Walker 110 Linda Wallace Steven Wallen

Glen Wallick Brooks Walton Amy Wandrisco Jodie Wanner William Ward 120 Linda Wardlow 104 Eric Warner 94, m Brian Warning 89,114 Marcia Warrick 102 Craig Watkins Marianne Watkins 101 Charles Watson 89, 121 Connie Watts 106 Kent Webster Sarah Weinrich 131,101 Mary Jean Weixel 166 Deborah Welch . William Welch 89,115 David Weller Andrea Wells Philip Wells Thomas Wessel 99 Wendy Wetherbee Daniel Wetzel 116 Russell Weybright 111 James Whalen m. 134 Richard Whaley Kimberlee Wheaton Barbara White Carmen White Cheryl White m David White 91 Curtis Whitmore Julie Wiget 106,130 Dorothy Wilbur 106. 126 Rebecca Wilburn Kimberlee Wilcox 104 Craig Wiley Gene Wiley 116 Ronnie Wiley Michael Wilhelm 123,124,125 Katherine Willard 166 AmyWilliams 12 Deana Williams 105,121,126 Donna Williams 144 Edward Williams 91 Sharon Williams 101,124 Victoria Williams Wes Williams 114

Michael Williamson Yvonne Williamson Steven Willis Daniel Wilmoth 1m. 160 Alfred Wilson Mary Ann Wilson 13,101.12s Mary Lucille Wilson 121.1&3 Sheryl Wilson Cheryl Wine 105 Ronald Wine RogerWinemiller 93,m Marshall Wise 110 Sheryl Wise John Witbeck 98, 16Y David Witt 129 John Witt 131 Kerry Witt 152 Keith Wholever 115. 121 Michael Wohlheter 91,115 Beverly Wolboldt 105 Janetta Wolfe 131 Thomas Wolfe m Thomas Wolff 89,115 Jeffrey Wood 89 Pamela Woodruff 105 John Woods Lynn Woodward 104 Gary Wooten 12,110,121,136 Mary Ann Worboy Kathleen Wren 106 David Wright Deborah Wright 101. 123 Richard Wright Judith Wygant 102. 126,130 Mary Jo Yeakel 102,126,128 Deborah Yoder Jeffrey Yoest 122, 123, 124, 151 Kyle Yoest 89,93,110 Susan Youmans 29. 105 Daniel Young 112.126 Kerry Young Les I ie Young 102,124.125, 129. 141 Robert Youngpeters 118 Kristine Zagray David Zeuch 111,123 Joy Zimmerman


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