Sib 1 Otterbein College Westerville, Ohio 43081 Vol. 104
-T-T-E-R-B-E- -N Let's Go "O" ... ·O·...... . .. ·
• • •
terbein welcomes approximately 3,000 students every year from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. The campus is friendly and down-to-earth, a place to be an individual who is also a part of a family. Otterbein Website
N The Big
�am Kovach, of Lambda Gamma Epsilon, rides the float the Kings proudly displayed during the parade.
Gtterbein alumni show their support while tailgating before the big game. Many alumni come back to Otterbein during Homecoming weekend, as it was a timeless tradition. �lob Schaar gives a speech to fire up the crowd at Spirit Night. The pep rally took place on Thursday night at the football stadium.
@ Student Life
N(embers of WOBN march through Otterbein's Home coming Parade. WOBN launched its annual fall marathon "From Halloween to Homecoming" on Friday, for 27 straight hours. -Allison Short and Lindsay Mitchell: Tan and Cardinal
�aul Waibel celebrates homecoming by leading Otterbein's band in the half-time show. The marching band, 0-Squad, and twirlers performed a spectular Homecoming half-time show.
�ppa Phi Omega does its traditional fling for the spectators watching the parade. The parade took place on Nov. 1 at 11 a.m. before the football game against Heidelberg. -Tan and Cardinal
\�psilon Kappa Tau marches behind their 1st place float. The sisters made a replica of Tow ers Hall using cans of green beans. The float represented the Dr. Marilyn Day food drive.
Brett Ford as the Cardinal
Homecoming �
Defensive Coach Alan Moore, fires up his defense with a pep talk. The defense gave up 116 yards and recorded 7 sacks against Heidelberg College. The team marched to victory to make homcoming complete. -------i.i.cer.ek Sparks: an.and Car.dina
igma Alpha Tau show off their OWL spirit while marching with their banner through the rain. The OWLS used an hour glass to show the homecoming theme of Timeless Traditions.
:Che football cheerleaders lead the parade with lots of spirit and cheers.
Sphinx men march through the parade with their larger than life "Sphinx, a tradi tion in itself," float.
e marching band helped to liven up the parade with their songs. The whole marching band participated in this event. 0 Student Life
esident of Alpha Sigma Phi, Evan Derr, and fellow member Brady Green, show true Otterbein spirit while sporting Otterbein College flags.
Homecoming cott Henning, Sarah Hoffert, Art Todd, Alyson Brown, King, Brady Matthews, Queen, Laurel Nock, Matt D'Oyly, Whitney Hendershot, Leslie Larrison and Ryan Range make up this year's 2003-3004 Homecoming Court.
The sisters of Theta Nu wave to the crowd. Theta Nu spent 3 weeks pomping and gluing. This earned them 2nd place in the float competition.
Pi Kappa Phi Homecoming
e f comme cement, colle Life at o rbein C e ••••• Student Life
The Bigo
• •• • • • • •
Down-home Peter Jones (Rusty Harding, right) is hit up by secretary Jane Weston (Molly Camp, right) and her boss cigar smoking former theatrical agent Joe Lehman (Adam Workman) to fund their Broadway "hit" in Otterbein' s production of The Butter and Egg Man. The show ran from Oct. 16-19 and Oct. 23-25 .
The showbiz duo finds themselves surrounded by obstacles, including a demanding fading leading lady, a secre tary wanting to get paid, ex-vaudevillian wife and the fact that they have no money, when they arrive on Broadway. They look to their "butter-and-egg man," Peter Jones, to finance their dream and butt out. Before he knows it, Jones owns 49 percent of the production. When the show hits big, the original producers are replaced and Jones faces a plagiarism suit brought about by the author of the show and the original producers who want back in it.
The Butter and Egg Man
The Cast of The Butter and Egg Man Joe Lehman ................................ Adam Workman Jane Weston..................................Molly Camp Peter Jones.....................................Rusty Harding
ies: Dahce Cohcert
Love is blind. In this journey of faith, Violet finds the true meaning of love and inspiration despite her personal scars in the Otterbein College Theatre production of Violet, with Katie Whetsell as young Violet (back left), Chris Carter as Monty (back right), Geneva Hymah as older Violet (front left) and Jonathan Anderson as Flick (front ri&ht). -Elizabeth Saltzgiver
Otterbein College Theatre presents its annual Children's Theatre Production, The Ugly Duckling + 2. The classic stories of Hans Christian Andersen come to life in this lesson on writing and creativity. Young Hans has a terrific imagination one so real that the voices in his head actually come to life. Simon Seowell (complete with British accent), Tenacious Q, Cartman Copy and others join Hans on stage and encourage him to create his first stories. Through their instruction, The Ugly Duckling, Thumbelina and The Brave Tin Soldier are magically created. Your young ones will be eager to put pen to paper after this inspirational staging. -Elizabeth Saltzgiver
p I a c e ,
0 t t e r
r o u n
munity Service e Westerville and unities continues to ionship between community. ice T.E.A.M. and lunteer Experience anizations devoted to
26 Community Service
Community Service 27
munity Service
Community Service
Community Ser
Community Service 29
arching Band ching Band has a at Otterbein, and is the home game Cardinal Marching direction of James Hershey advises the
30 Marching Band
Marching Ban
Marching Band 31
arching Band
32 Marching Band
Marching Ban
Marching Band 33
Residence Advisors
34 RAs
Residence Advisors
Honoraries Alpha Epsilon Delta (AED) - National Pre-Med Honorary AED is a national premedical honor society, whose function is to support those students who are considering careers in health related fields through the processes of building an appropriate curriculum, vitae, applying to postgraduate schools, and preparing for interviews. All students who are in good standing with the college, and have a cumulative and science GPA of 3.0 are eligible to apply in their sophomore year. Alpha Lambda Delta - National Freshman Academic Honorary Alpha Lambda Delta is a national academic honorary for students who have achieved at least a 3.5 GPA and are in the top 20 percent of their class in their first year of college. At Otterbein, eligible students are invited to lifetime membership after winter quarter of their freshman year and are active in the chapter during their sophomore year. Mortar Board (Senior Leadership/Service Honor Society) Mortar Board is the seniors men's and women's leadership/ service honor society at Otterbein College. The group strives to foster the qualities of selfless service and leadership and the improvement of our College community. To become a member, students must have a 3.2 or higher GPA and have demonstrated and committed him/herself to continue distinguished scholarship, leadership and service to the College community Pi Kappa Delta Students at Otterbein have the opportunity to participate in Pi Kappa Delta, which is the speech and debate honorary. As part of this activity, we travel to other Colleges and Universities and compete in speech events or debate. Public Address events include: After Dinner Speaking (Humorous), Informative Speaking, Persuasive Speaking, Impromptu, Rhetorical Criticism, and Extemporaneous Speaking. Interpretation events include: Duo, Dramatic Interpretation, Poetry, Prose, and Programmed Oral Interpretation. The 2004-2005 Lincoln-Douglas debate topic involves reform of the United States' prison system. Order of Omega Order of Omega is a national leadership honor society recognizing academic achievement, Greek leadership, and service to the campus community. Members must have at least 3.0 GPA and junior or senior status. The purpose of this organization is to recognize individuals in the Greek community who have shown exemplary service to their chapter, the Greek community and Otterbein College.
Honoraries Phi Alpha Theta Phi Alpha Theta is a national history honorary open to any student with 15 hours in history and a 3.9 GPA. Otterbein's Beta Zeta chapter also has a local membership for students that do not meet the national requirements. Phi Eta Sigma Phi Eta Sigma is an academic honorary that initiates 25,000 freshmen annually across the nation. Eligibility is determined by obtaining at least a 3.5 GPA for the first two or three terms of the freshman year. The organization offers tutoring service during the academic year. Phi Sigma Iota Phi Sigma Iota is the National Honorary Romance Language and Literature Society. Phi Sigma Iota's purpose is to foster the appreciation and study of all foreign languages and their respective literature and culture. Pi Kappa Delta Pi Kappa Delta is a national honorary for students who participate in forensic and communication activities. Students prepare for and attend speech and debate tournaments or participate in communication activities qualifying them for membership, through continued participation and appropriate GPA students can earn higher level degrees within the honorary. Pi Kappa Delta was the first honorary established at Otterbein College in 1924. Psi Chi and Psychology Psymposium Psi Chi is an invitation only honor society. Psi Chi sponsors the Psych Psymposium speaker series, and plans other activities relevant to psychology and to applying for graduate school. Psi Chi also sponsors national and regional under-graduate and graduate research award programs, and publishes a quarterly national newsletter to inform members of Psi Chi's opportunities at all levels. Psych Psymposium is a speaker series who purpose is to encourage students to explore the various fields of psychology through special speakers brought to campus and also to enlighten students about the research opportunities available to them with the faculty. Sigma Zeta The purpose of this national honorary society is to encourage undergraduate work in science and to recognize scholarship. Active membership is limited to junior and senior students who have high scholarship and character are majoring in biology, equine science, chemistry, mathematics, physics or computer science. Torch and Key Torch and Key is an honorary organization for the recognition of distinctive achievement in general scholarship. Seniors and juniors, with exceptional cumulative records are elected (3.7 GPA). Delta Omicron Delta Omicron is an international honorary for men and women pursuing the discipline of music in college. Members must be at least sophomores, and are chosen on the basis of academic and musical achievement. Delta Omicron carries out educational and service activities.
alloween Marathon
Halloween Marathon
Student Weekend
44 New Student Weekend
New Studnt Wee
New Student Weekend
w Student Weekend
46 New Student Weekend
New Student Week
New Student Weekend
reek Life at
reek Life
Otterbein Col ege
Fraternities • Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc. (Omicron Rho Chapter) • Alpha Sigma Phi (Alpha Sig) • Eta Phi Mu (Jonda) • Lambda Gamma Epsilon (Kings) • Pi Beta Sigma (Pi Sig) • Pi Kappa Phi (Country Club) • Zeta Phi (Rats) • Sigma Delta Phi (Sphinx) Sororities • Alpha Kappa Alpha, Inc. • Epsilon Kappa Tau (Arbutus) • Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. (Nu Phi Chapter) • Kappa Phi Omega (Onyx) • Sigma Alpha Tau (Owls) • Sigma Gamma Rho, Inc. • Tau Delta (Deltas) • Tau Epsilon Mu (Talisman) • Theta Nu (Greenwich) • Zeta Phi Beta, Inc. (Kappa Rho Chapter) Greek Life 51
Greek Lif'e
Greek Life
Greek Life
kappa .. m .. kappa ...... kappa ...... Greek Life
.. ..
Kappa Phi Omega
Nicknames: Owls, Hooters Colors: black and white, green and yellow Mascot: owl Fact: Oldest sorority on campus.
Always Stick Together. 56
Sigma Alpha Tau
Sigma Alpha Tau
Torno Dachi was founded in 1921-1922; these two words compose a Japanese phrase meaning "circle of friends." In 1930, Opal Wylie designed a coat of arms, or crest, for Torno Dachi. The coat of arms included, a shield with ten stars, a flaming torch, sweet pea and diagonal stripes of blue and white. The Greek Letters Tau Delta represent a symbol of friendliness and loyalty on Otterbein' s campus.
To thihe oWh self be true.
Tau Delta
Tau Delta 59
'I�au Epsilon Mu . ..... . ·•. •·
Tau Epsilon Mu, organized in 1914 represents the second oldest sorority on campus. The group was organized by seven young women living in Cochran Hall who called themeselves C.O.D., cream of the dorm. The offical Greek name, Tau Epsilon Mu, was chosen by the founders from "Tosauti Eisi Monai," which is Greek for "So many people are alone." The name was chosen to represent them as Tailsman, meaning a good luck charm.
Everybody's Lonesome
Tau Epsilon Mu
Tau Epsilon Mu
Pi Beta Signta Pi Beta Sigma was founded in 1908. It is the oldest fraternity on campus, and thought to be the oldest local fraternity in the United States. The fraternity house has been located at the corner of Plum and Knox streets since 1948. Pi Beta Sigma or better known as Pi Sig, has the colors of Gold and Black and calls the bull their mascot. No matter how far back they go, Pi Sig is most proud of its brotherhood among actives.
One for All and All for One.
64 p¡1 B eta s¡1gma
Pi Bea Sigma
Epsilon Kappa Tau started off this year with a 1st place finish in the homecoming float. They donated 300 pounds of canned food to the Mid-Ohio Food Bank. They took 19 pledges along with doing many services projects for the Westerville and Otterbein Community.
Love ahd Honor 66 Epsilon Kappa Tau
Epsilon Kappa Tau
· Eta Phi Mu
Nicknames: Jonda, Meats Colors: Blue and Gold Mascot: Yellow Submarine
Larr1'bda Gamma Epsilon Founded on January 6, 1948, Lambda Gamma Epsilon has been in the Otterbein community for over half a centruy. The brothers of Lambdba Gamma Epsilon adopted the colors of Gold and Black. Their motto is ''Loyalty to God, Brothers, Country and Otterbein."
Lambda Gamma Epsilon
Lambda Gamma Epsilon
Greek Life
Pi Kappa Phi
Sigma Delta Phi For over 75 years the Sigma Delta Phi fraternity has given members the opportunity to develp leadership and self-confidence skills, and has also provided a social outlet during their years at Otterbein. The offical colors of the fraternity are green and white. Their nickname is "Sphinx" and their motto is "Truth to us above all."
Sigma Delta Phi
Sigma Delta Phi 79
Zeta Phi On September 26, 1921, the college faculty reversed a long-standing policy and recognized three men's social groups. Cook House was one of them. In the same year Lakota was founded. Later the Greek letters Delta Beta Kappa was given to Cook House and Lambda Kappa Tau to Lakota...... In the fall of 1931 Zeta Phi Paternity was created by the union of the Cook House and Lakota. Zeta Phi is also known aroud Otterbein as the Rats or plain Zeta. Their colors are gold and black and their sister sorority is the Sigma Alpha Tau (Owls).
80 Zeta
Greek Life··
Greek Life
don't just work,work h a r d ...
�ob Schaar celebrates after taking down a Muskingum quarterback. Schaar, a senior team captian, was fifth in the OAC with seven sacks on the season. Otterbein lost to Muskingum, 20-12, in New Concord.
@icheaux Robinson (3) lays out in an attempt to block a Wilmingon kick. Robinson was named the team's Most Valuable Player. Otterbein beat Wilmington, 30-21. Joe Loth returned to his alma mater in 2003 as Otterbein's head football coach. Micheaux Robinson was indeed number one this s season. The junior led the OAC with seven interceptions from his comerback position. His performance earned first-team All-OAC honors. John Conroy (35) was welcomed with open arms after transferring from Kean University.
6ffensive coordinator Tim Doup, instructs the offense between possesions. Another Otterbein alum, Doup made his return to the Tan and Cardinal as part of Coach Loaf's staff. tlcott Hardiman streches out to make a spectacular catch against Heidelberg. In his freshman campiagn, Hardiman led the team with 27.2 yards per catch, scored three touchdowns and handled most of the kick-return duties. The speedster chalked up a 75-yard touchdown reception in a 31-13 loss to Capital at Memorial Stadium.
�unning back Josh Braden (11) breaks free against Wilmington. Another first-year Cardinal, Braden transferred from West Libery State and was named first-team All -OAC in his first season at Otterbein. Even after missing two games, Braden was second in the conference with 101.6 rushing yards per game. Against Wilmington, he ran for 222 yards on 35 carries.
Otterbein Men's
O tterbein Wo111en's
Women's Soccer
bein Athlete
bein Athlete
bein Athlete
bein Athlete
s p R . T
O tterbein Men's
O Herbein Wo1,,en's
Women's Basketball
0 tterbein
Otterbein Men's
O tterbein Women's
Demetrius Al-Lateef
Mamie C. Alsdurf
Todd Anderson
Jacques Bair
Brandon Baker
Norma Dee Baker
Suzanne Basista
Helen Bassey
Michelle Beck
Mary Ann Bogart
Angela D. Braniger
Jeremy Bridgman
Alyson Brown
Marie A. Burggraf
Justin Busbey
Matt Carpenter
Susan Caygill
Helena Celestino
John Chaney II
Constance Channel
Heather Channel
Krystin Coldwell
Angela Congrove
Kristin Cook
Matthew R. D'Oyly
Sarah J. Davis
Jonathan Day
Patrick Desgrange
Kristin Dillard
Courtney Dolphin
Megan Durbin
Jeffrey Eckelbarger
Amber Evans
R. Derrick Fetz
Erin Fitzharris
Gregory D. Fleming
Beatrice Florant
Abby France
Josh Frymier
Benjamin Gadfield
Heather Gates
Brianne Gindlesperger
Molli Grubb
Emily Halas
Michelle Harter
Ellen Hartz
Whitney Beth Hendershot
Sharon Herny
Carissa Hershey
Maxwell Hill
Tim Howlett
Leigh Hranilovich
Daisy Huston
V. Cristina Iliuta
Jennifer Johnston
Allyson Jones
Sarah M. Jurak
Kristin Keller
Andrew Kellow
Gwendolyn Klamut
Jennifer Kleiber
Jennifer Lange
Jamie Long
Nicole L. Mayer
Traci Meister
Katherine Miller
Jason Modrey
� Seniors
Brian M. Potts
Rachel Rethmel
Richard Roe
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Otterbein College
Otterbein College