1 minute read

Se m in a r s Fr iday CA’s Forgotten Bars & Restaurants

Quinn brings to life his new book ‘Bar Keeps: A Collection of California’s Best Cocktail Napkins’ in this fun and fabulous tour through the cocktail napkins of the golden state. This seminar will surprise and delight anyone who is a fan of cocktail culture, roadside diners, hidden dives, Tiki bars, and more.

12:45 PM – 1:45 PM • T&C Ballroom E • $20

Patrick Quinn

Longtime Angeleno, Patrick Quinn, is a writer, visual artist, and Universal Studios production designer for their annual Halloween Horror Nights event. He and his wife spend their weekends at flea markets and antique malls hunting for lounge music LPs, 1970s snapshots, Western Union telegrams, early travel guides, and vintage cocktail napkins.


Open to the Public:

Thurs 8/03 • 10am-4pm

Friday 8/04 • 10am-4pm

Saturday 8/05 • 10am-4pm

Sunday 8/06 • 10am-4pm

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