2022 Adult Education Research Conference Program

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ADULT EDUCATION RESEARCH CONFERENCE JUNE 9–11, 2022 Past, Present, and Future of Adult and Continuing Education

Hosted at Thurman J. White Forum and Conference Services University of Oklahoma

TABLE OF CONTENTS AERC Schedule of Events Concurrent Session Details Thursday, June 9 – Pre-Conferences Friday, June 10 Saturday, June 11

Keynote Speakers Mary V. Alfred, Ph.D. David Babb, Ph.D. Laura L. Bierema, Ed.D. Belinda P. Biscoe, Ph.D. Mayor Breea Clark Daphne W. Ntiri, Ph.D. Amy D. Rose, Ed.D.

Current Steering Committee Craig Campbell Bo Chang Doris Flowers Juanita Johnson-Bailey

Fred Jones Jr. Museum Virtual Tour City of Norman Virtual Tour

WE VALUE YOUR FEEDBACK! This year, complete your evaluation online on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop. Evaluate Concurrent Sessions Evaluate the Conference Overall

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A sian D ia spora B ull ying , Inci v ili t y, and V iolence in Adul t , Higher, Continuing , and Profe s sional Educa tion

FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2022 9 – 9 : 3 0 a .m . CDT

Welcome and Keynote Panel

9 : 3 0 –10 : 4 5 a .m . CDT

Keynote Panel Discussion

11–11: 5 0 a .m . CDT

S ession # 1 – Roundtable S essions

1–1: 5 0 p.m . CDT

S ession #2 – Concurrent S essions

2–2 : 5 0 p.m . CDT

S ession #3 – Concurrent S essions

3 – 3: 5 0 p.m . CDT

S ession # 4 – Concurrent S essions

4 – 4 : 5 0 p.m . CDT

S ession # 5 – Roundtable S essions

5 – 6: 3 0 p.m . CDT

Meet the Editors

Welcome f rom OU and Nor man Mayor Breea Clar k , Mayor Nor man Dav id B abb, A s sociate Dean of t he College of Profes sional and Cont inuing St udies

Pa s t , Pre sent , and Fu ture of A dul t and Continuing Educa tion Mar y V. A l f red, Ph.D. • L aura L . Bierema , Ed.D. • Daphne W. Nt ir i, Ph.D. A my D. Rose, Ed.D.

SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 2022 9 –10 : 3 0 a .m . CDT

Symposium S essions

10 : 4 5 –11: 3 5 a .m . CDT

S ession # 6 – Concurrent S essions

11: 4 5 a .m .–1: 4 5 p.m . CDT

A ERC Business Meeting

2–2 : 5 0 p.m . CDT

S ession # 7 – Concurrent S essions

3 – 3: 5 0 p.m . CDT

S ession # 8 – Roundtable S essions

4 – 4 : 3 0 p.m . CDT


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Belinda Biscoe, S enior A s sociate V ice President for Ou t reach /College of Cont inuing Educ at ion

AERC CONCURRENT SESSION DETAILS FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2022 Lesbian, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgendered, and Queer (LGBTQ) People and Adult Education: An Examination of Literature in Adult Education 2010-2020 Friday, June 10, 11-11:50 a.m. CDT Lisa Baumgartner, Lauren Chaney, Humberto de Faria Santos and Steven Schmidt lbaumgartner@txstate.edu Roundtable

Developing Profoundabilities: A New Model for Adult Educators Friday, June 10, 11-11:50 a.m. CDT Carol Rogers Shaw, Michael Kroth and Davin Carr-Chellman carshaw33@gmail.com Roundtable

The Imprisonment of Indigenous Student Identities Within Educational Organizations: A Personal Journey Friday, June 10, 11-11:50 a.m. CDT Carrie Whitlow cfwhitlow@ksu.edu Roundtable

Where in the World? Adult Educator Learning and Professional Development Leading Study Abroad Programs Friday, June 10, 11-11:50 a.m. CDT Joellen E. Coryell and Cheri Hatcher coryell@txstate.edu Roundtable

Foucauldian Discourse Analysis of Bullying Power Dynamics in Higher Education Friday, June 10, 11-11:50 a.m. CDT Essie-Elizabeth Pippins and Esther Pippins esp33@txstate.edu Roundtable

The Lies You Tell: Disrupting the Dominant Depiction of Black Women in Film Friday, June 10, 1-1:50 p.m. CDT Josie L. Andrews and Adam McClain jandre21@vols.utk.edu Paper: Empirical

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“Life Giving Experience” and Learning Transfer for Educators in Under Resourced Roman Catholic Schools Friday, June 10, 1-1:50 p.m. CDT Peggy Brun, Davin J. Carr-Chellman and Corinne Brion brunm1@udayton.edu Paper: Empirical

Quality in Candian and Swedish Adult Education Policy Friday, June 10, 1-1:50 p.m. CDT Johanna Mufi johanna.mufic@liu.se Paper: Empirical

(re)Considering Culture in Research: Attracting and Retaining Culturally Diverse Research Participants Friday, June 10, 1-1:50 p.m. CDT Cheri L. Hatcher chatcher@txstate.edu Paper: Model or Theory Development

Spiritual Leadership in Early Intervention Practice Friday, June 10, 1-1:50 p.m. CDT Jo L. McCray mccrayj@att.net Paper: Theorizing from the Literature

Towards Discovering New Identity: Transformative Learning Experience as an International Student in Thailand Friday, June 10, 1-1:50 p.m. CDT Somanita Kheang somanitak@gmail.com Paper: Theorizing from the Literature

The Determinants of Adult Education and Training Participation in the U.S.: A Machine Learning Approach Friday, June 10, 2-2:50 p.m. CDT Chang Sung Jang, Junghwa Choi, Romit Maulik and Doo Hun Lim csjang1227@ou.edu Paper: Empirical

End-of-Life Caregivers and Profound Learning: A Grounded Theory Study Friday, June 10, 2-2:50 p.m. CDT Davin J. Carr-Chellman, Michael Kroth, Donna Daniels, Corinne Brion and Lori Manzanares mkroth@uidaho.edu Paper: Empirical

AERC CONCURRENT SESSION DETAILS FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2022 Adult Civic Educators’ Educational Needs Assessment in the Context of South Korea Friday, June 10, 2-2:50 p.m. CDT Joon Heo, Jihyun Kim and Yeji Lee kim.jihyun235@gmail.com Paper: Empirical

Creating Connection by Design: Supporting Adult Learners by Building Inclusive Online Academic Communities Friday, June 10, 3-3:50 p.m. CDT Kari Sheward, Carol Rogers-Shaw and Tulare W. Park shewardk1@udayton.edu Paper: Model or Theory Development

Modeling Keynesian Consumption Function for Community Financial Education Friday, June 10, 2-2:50 p.m. CDT Michael Elonge melonge@umd.edu Paper: Model or Theory Development

Conceptualizing An Abundance Mentality and Its Relationship to Lifelong Learning, Human Flourishing, and Profound Learning Friday, June 10, 3-3:50 p.m. CDT Ali Threet, Michael Kroth and Davin J. Carr-Chellman thre4475@vandals.uidaho.edu Paper: Theorizing from the Literature

Preliminary Analysis: Is There Enough Definitional Clarity of Food Literacy for Food Security? Friday, June 10, 2-2:50 p.m. CDT Sneha Roy and Jeffrey Zacharakis sneharoy@ksu.edu Paper: Theorizing from the Literature Creating Future Agricultural Leaders Within Native Nations of Oklahoma Friday, June 10, 3-3:50 p.m. CDT Jann Hayman jannhayman@osagenation-nsn.gov Paper: Empirical Recommendations for a Successful Implementation of Guided Pathways Model in North Carolina Community Colleges Friday, June 10, 3-3:50 p.m. CDT Somanita Kheang, Sarah Deal and Keith Street Robinson somanitak@gmail.com Paper: Empirical Decoloniality as Methodological Praxis Friday, June 10, 3-3:50 p.m. CDT Eric J. Hunting ejh5632@psu.edu Paper: Model or Theory Development

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Fundamentals of Digital Health Literacy: A Review of the Literature Friday, June 10, 3-3:50 p.m. CDT Junghwan Kim, Bora Jin, Miranda A. Livingston, Miriam D. Henan and Jihee Hwang j-kim@tamu.edu Paper: Theorizing from the Literature A Model for Becoming an Inclusive Adult Educator: Designing for Disability Friday, June 10, 4-4:50 p.m. CDT Tulare W. Park, Kayla D. Mohney, Erica R. Moore and Carol Rogers-Shaw tpark@lockhaven.edu Roundtable A Preliminary Investigation of Complexity Theory’s Potential to Redefine and Reinvigorate the Field of Adult Education Friday, June 10, 4-4:50 p.m. CDT Jeff Zacharakis jzachara@ksu.edu Roundtable The Roles of Global Workers’ Education in the Transnational Movement Friday, June 10, 4-4:50 p.m. CDT Jaeung Kim jpk5985@psu.edu Roundtable

AERC CONCURRENT SESSION DETAILS FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2022 Workplace Injustice: Catalyzing Organizational Change for African American Women in Academia Friday, June 10, 4-4:50 p.m. CDT Abbie Salcedo and Jeremy Bohonos a_s1399@txstate.edu Roundtable

Learning of Older Adults in Makerspaces Friday, June 10, 4-4:50 p.m. CDT Yong Ju Jung, Hyewon Park and Ellen L. Rubenstein hyewon1101@gmail.com Roundtable

SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 2022 The Story of a Broken Sofa: Adult Education Meets Activist Art to Envision the Future of Adult Education Saturday, June 11, 9-10:30 a.m. CDT Cynthia Stevens and Gabriele Strohschen gstrohsc@depaul.edu Symposium Youth and Adult Education in the Context of Student Movements: The Cases of Egypt, Puerto Rico, and Chile Saturday, June 11, 9-10:30 a.m. CDT Maria A. Vetter, Mai Atta, Kamil M. Gerónimo-López, Javier M. Campos-Martínez and John D. Holst mavetter100@msn.com Symposium

Moving from Warrior to Guardian: Informal Learning in Police and Community Relations Saturday, June 11, 10:45-11:35 a.m. CDT Kyle Znamenak and Catherine A. Hansman k.znamenak@csuohio.edu Paper: Empirical Culturally Responsive Teaching: A Critical Piece in the Development of an African American Woman’s Financial Self-Efficacy/Competency, Relatedness, and Autonomy Saturday, June 11, 10:45-11:35 a.m. CDT Tracie L. Miller-Nobles, Elizabeth A. Roumell and Lisa M. Baumgartner tracie.nobles@tamu.edu Paper: Empirical Human Flourishing and Adult Education Saturday, June 11, 10:45-11:35 a.m. CDT Davin J. Carr-Chellman, Michael Kroth and Carol Rogers-Shaw djc194@gmail.com Paper: Theorizing from the Literature

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Finding Common Ground: Using Movement and Grounding Techniques to Manage Stress and Dissociation for Sexual Assault Survivors Saturday, June 11, 10:45-11:35 a.m. CDT Jillian Paciello jpaciell@utk.edu Paper: Model or Theory Development Queer Representation and Public Pedagogy in American Musical Theatre Saturday, June 11, 10:45-11:35 a.m. CDT Craig M. McGill, Alan J. Chaffe and Kyle W. Ross cmcgill@ksu.edu Paper: Theorizing from the Literature

Adults with Learning Disabilities Saturday, June 11, 10:45-11:35 a.m. CDT Sami El Ahmadie szelahmadie@tamu.edu Paper: Theorizing from the Literature Conceptualizing Mentorship in Contemporary Professional Settings Saturday, June 11, 10:45-11:35 a.m. CDT Nathan R. Vann and Mitsunori Misawa nvann1@vols.utk.edu Paper: Theorizing from the Literature Counternarratives for Racial Justice: Confronting Institutionalized Racism in Higher Education Saturday, June 11, 2-2:50 p.m. CDT Dianne Ramdeholl and Jaye Jones dianne.ramdeholl@esc.edu Paper: Empirical

AERC CONCURRENT SESSION DETAILS SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 2022 Learning in Transitions: Migrant Women Reflecting on Life Trajectories and Constructing Self-Identity Saturday, June 11, 2-2:50 p.m. CDT Heh Youn Shin hehyoun.shin@gmail.com Paper: Empirical

Pandemic Teaching: Exploration of Instructional Method Shifts Saturday, June 11, 3-3:50 p.m. CDT Leann M. R. Kaiser, Kelly McKenna and Diana Saade leann.kaiser@colostate.edu Roundtable

Counternarratives: The Importance of Our Stories in Adult Educational Research Saturday, June 11, 2-2:50 p.m. CDT Cindy Peña, Esther S. Pippins, Sonia Rey Lopez and Humberto de Faria Santos c_p317@txstate.edu Paper: Model or Theory Development

Science Café as a Gateway for Adult Learning: A Brief Systematic Literature Review Saturday, June 11, 3-3:50 p.m. CDT Chynar Amanova turkmcha@gmail.com Roundtable

Re-Conceptualizing Ethical Practices in Adult Education in Contemporary Society Using Ethics-Centered Practice Saturday, June 11, 2-2:50 p.m. CDT Mitsunori Misawa and Patricia J. Higgins mmisawa@utk.edu Paper: Theorizing from the Literature A Decade of Prior Learning Assessment: A Systematic Review of Global Literature Saturday, June 11, 2-2:50 p.m. CDT Carrie J. Boden, Catherine A. Cherrstrom and Todd Sherron cathy.cherrstrom@gmail.com Paper: Theorizing from the Literature Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge and Continuous Improvement Saturday, June 11, 2-2:50 p.m. CDT Donna Daniels, Michael Kroth and Davin Carr-Chellman dani8431@vandals.uidaho.edu Paper: Theorizing from the Literature Harnessing Fishers’ Knowledge for Sustainable Fishery on Lake Victoria: The Case of Wakiso District Kigungu Fishing Ground Uganda Saturday, June 11, 3-3:50 p.m. CDT Zula Namubiru zulanamubiru@gmail.com Roundtable

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Emerging Inclusion and Diversity Policies in Military Learning Environments: Supporting Organizational Change and Breaking Down the Status Quo Saturday, June 11, 3-3:50 p.m. CDT Susan Yelich Biniecki and Paul Berg susanyb@ksu.edu Roundtable The Ethical Challenges of AI Text Generators Saturday, June 11, 3-3:50 p.m. CDT Robin Yap ryap@georgebrown.ca Roundtable

Beyond a Safe Space: Developing a Climate to Affirm LGBTQ+ Students Saturday, June 11, 3-3:50 p.m. CDT Ashley R. Stroud astroud1@vols.utk.edu Roundtable



Mary V. Alfred is a professor and interim department head

David Babb is the associate dean of the College of

in the College of Education and Human Development at

Professional and Continuing Studies. Before coming to

Texas A&M University. Alfred joined the faculty of Texas

OU, Babb served as the director of online programs and

A&M University in 2006, and from 2009 to 2017, she served

associate professor for the Department of Meteorology

as associate dean and later executive associate dean in the

and Atmospheric Science at Penn State University. Over the

College of Education and Human Development. Alfred’s

course of nearly 20 years at Penn State, he designed and

research interests include international adult education;

taught innovative, award-winning courses aimed at both

learning and development among women of the African

traditional students and post-traditional, lifelong learners.

Diaspora; sociocultural contexts of adult learning; social

He also served on the executive council of the John A.

welfare and economic disparities among low-income

Dutton e-Education Institute, which provides leadership

and low-literate adults; and issues of diversity, equity,

and advocacy for best practices in teaching and learning in

and inclusion in education and the workplace. She has

the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences and the university

published numerous articles which have appeared in

at large. Over the course of his career, Babb has shared

both research and professional publication outlets.

his research and experiences in numerous papers and conference presentations on topics including minimizing

Alfred started her academic career at Central Texas

transactional distance, increasing student engagement at a

Community College where she served as faculty and program

distance, and teaching adult non-scientists to forecast the

director in the area of workplace education for 18 years.

weather. He currently serves on the World Meteorological

She later joined the faculty at the University of Wisconsin-

Organization’s expert panel for the WMO Global Campus

Milwaukee followed by Florida International University.

initiative, a group established to explore innovative and cost-effective approaches to train meteorological and

She is a recipient of the Commission of Professors of

climatological technicians in developing nations.

Adult Education Early Career Award, American Association for Adult and Continuing Education President’s Award

Babb’s professional passion centers around the

for Exceptional and Innovative Leadership in Adult and

transformative power of education. He believes that through

Continuing Education, and the Adult and Continuing Higher

shared-governance, collegial discourse and thoughtful

Education Marlow Froke Award for Excellence in Professional

administration, universities should be continually working to

Writing. She was inducted into the International Adult and

improve the educational experience for both students and

Continuing Education Hall of Fame in 2016. Alfred served

faculty alike. Babb’s administrative vision is to enable faculty

as president elect, president, and immediate past president

to deliver courses that stir their passion for teaching while

of the American Association for Adult and Continuing

engaging students on a personal level, inspiring them to

Education (2019-2021).

achieve their educational goals, and instilling within them a deep appreciation of lifelong learning.

She received her doctoral degree from the University of Texas at Austin and was approved by the Board of Regents to be awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Adult and Continuing Education from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in May 2022.

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Laura L. Bierema is a professor at the University of

Belinda P. Biscoe serves as senior associate vice president

Georgia, College of Education, program of Adult Learning,

for Outreach at the University of Oklahoma. Biscoe’s years

Leadership, and Organization Development. Bierema

of service to adult and higher education include expertise

holds both bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Michigan

in research and evaluation, administration, program

State University and a doctorate in adult education from

development, grant writing, and promoting diversity and

the University of Georgia. She has over 160 publications,

equity in higher education. She has dedicated her life and

including 10 books and the award-winning text Adult

career to bringing visibility to adult and continuing higher

Learning: Linking Theory and Practice with Sharan B.

education and is a momentous force for continuing education

Merriam and the recent co-edited book Connecting Adult


Learning and Knowledge Management: Strategies for Learning and Change In Organizations with Monica Fedeli.

Biscoe leads the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity

Bierema served as associate dean for Academic Programs in

in American Higher Education (NCORE). NCORE has helped

the UGA College of Education from 2013-2017.

transform entire campuses and is widely regarded as the leading and most comprehensive national forum on issues

Bierema is a Cyril O. Houle Scholar in Adult and Continuing

of race and ethnicity in American higher education. Their

Education and Lilly Fellow. She is the recipient of the Richard

peer-reviewed journal, JCSCORE, the Journal Committed to

A. Swanson Excellence in Research Award. She is the 2012

Social Change on Race and Ethnicity was founded by Biscoe

winner of the University of Georgia College of Education

in 2015. In 2018, JCSCORE received the national Outstanding

Russell H. Yeany, Jr. Research Award; 2012 recipient of the

Social Justice Collaboration Award from ACPA College Student

Sherpa Trailblazer Coach of the Year Award; 2013 winner of

Educators International.

the Academy of Human Resource Development’s Outstanding Scholar Award; 2014 winner of the Academy of Human

Biscoe believes in the importance of civic engagement,

Resource Development’s Book of the Year; 2015 winner

having served in leadership roles for many nonprofit

of the University, Professional, and Continuing Education

agencies, including the Oklahoma City Metropolitan

Association Phillip E. Frandson Award for Literature; 2017

YWCA, where she was elected as the first African American

recognition as a Master Executive Coach by Sherpa Coaching;

president. She is co-founder of Eagle Ridge Institute, a

2018 U.S. Fulbright Research Scholar; 2018-2019 UGA Senior

community-based nonprofit drug and alcohol treatment

Teaching Fellow, 2019 recipient of the Ira Aaron Teaching

and prevention agency, and, in 1989, founded Positive

Excellence and Collegiality Award; and 2021 inductee into the

Tomorrows, a school for homeless youth and their families.

Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame.

Her numerous awards include the 2004 University of Continuing Education Association Award for Continuing Education Professionals, the Journal Record Award for 50 Women Making a Difference in Oklahoma, and the Adella Robertson National University Continuing Education Award. In 2015, Biscoe was inducted into the Oklahoma Hall of Fame for Higher Education for her significant contributions in education.

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Breea Clark was elected mayor of Norman in 2019 after

Daphne W. Ntiri is Distinguished Service Professor in

serving three years as the council member representing

the Department of African American Studies, Wayne

Ward 6. As Norman’s 60th mayor, she serves as a member

State University. She has been recognized with several

of the Oklahoma Municipal League Board of Directors and

distinguished awards including the International Adult and

the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments Board

Continuing Education Hall of Fame, Fulbright Scholar, State of

of Directors. In 2015, she was recognized as a Norman

Michigan Lifetime Adult Education Achievement Award, the

Next Under 40 recipient and, in 2018, was the first woman

Arthur L. Johnson Individual Community Leadership Award

to receive the Shadow & Act award from the Ralph Ellison

and President’s and College Awards for Excellence in Teaching.

Foundation. Also in 2018, she was recognized as one of 50 women making a difference in Oklahoma, and in 2019, she

She is a tireless advocate for women and the underserved,

was named one of Cleveland County’s Women of Influence.

and her research interests have focused on adult literacy, gender empowerment, and African American adults in local

Since serving on the Norman City Council, Mayor Clark has

and cross-cultural contexts. She has authored and edited over

championed sustainability issues through her support of the

40 peer-reviewed articles/chapters and eight edited books.

Ready for 100 initiative, grown community partnerships and increased citizen engagement, fought for local control, and

She is a prolific and highly funded scholar, securing over

worked to build a truly inclusive community. She and her

$8 million from federal, state, and foundation sources.

family can regularly be spotted around Norman participating

Her robust international service history includes

in youth sports, visiting the library, and attending Norman’s

consultancies to the United Nations/International

many festivals along with events in the Walker Arts District.

Labor Office and UNESCO. Her faculty appointments have been with Universities of Uppsala, Ouagadougou,

Prior to elected office, she served on the Tree Board, Library

Djibouti, and Somalia. She serves on several editorial

Board, and the Norman Forward Sales Tax Citizens Financial

boards, including Adult Education Quarterly, Adult Learning

Oversight Committee. She also served on various task forces

Journal, Dialogues in Social Justice and Journal of Applied

with Norman Public Schools and as president of the Norman

Gerontology. Ntiri received her graduate degrees from

PTA Council. She is a member of the Norman Next young

Michigan State University and her bachelor’s degree from

professionals organization and was instrumental in founding

Fourah Bay College, the University of Sierra Leone.

the Eastside Business Association. A resident of Norman since 2005, Mayor Clark began her career at the University of Oklahoma after completing her law degree from the University of Oklahoma College of Law. She currently serves as the director of the JCPenney Leadership Center in the Michael F. Price College of Business.

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KEYNOTE SPEAKERS AMY D. ROSE , ED.D. Amy D. Rose is an emeritus professor of adult education at Northern Illinois University, where she taught for over 25 years. She holds a doctorate in adult education from Teachers College, Columbia University, and she did advanced graduate work in American history at Columbia University. She also holds a master’s in medieval history from Columbia. She has written and presented on issues related to history and policy analyses in the areas of literacy, women and adults in higher education. Her specific areas of historical inquiry have included: a history of adults in higher education; history of literacy policy; adult education history in the interwar period; the development of U.S. federal policies on adult education; and the role of women in the development of the field. In addition to articles and proceedings, she was a co-editor of the Handbook of Adult Continuing Education: 2010 Edition. More recently, she was a co-author of Professional Foundations of Adult and Continuing Education (2017), which won the Cyril Houle award from the American Association for Adult Education. She served as a co-editor of the Adult Education Quarterly from 2010-2013 and is presently a coeditor of Adult Literacy Education: The International Journal of Literacy, Language, and Numeracy. In addition, she served as a president of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) and was on the board for 10 years. She currently serves on the board of the International Society for Comparative Adult Education (ISCAE).

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BO CHANG Ball State University

DORIS FLOWERS San Francisco State University

JUANITA JOHNSON-BAILEY University of Georgia

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FRED JONES JR. MUSEUM OF ART ABOUT THE MUSEUM The University of Oklahoma’s Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art is one of the finest university art museums in the United States. Strengths of the more than 20,000-object permanent collection (including the approx. 3,300-object Eugene B. Adkins Collection and the more than 4,500-object James T. Bialac Native American Art Collection) are the Weitzenhoffer Collection of French Impressionism, 20th century American painting and sculpture, traditional and contemporary Native American art, art of the Southwest, ceramics, photography, contemporary art, Asian art and graphics from the 16th century to the present. Temporary exhibitions are mounted throughout the year that explore the art of various periods and cultures.

View the Virtual Tour

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The University of Oklahoma Thurman J. White Forum and Conference Services 1704 Asp Avenue Norman, Oklahoma 73072 The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution. www.ou.edu/eoo.

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