Information Packet for Visiting OU Professors

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Information Packet for Visiting OU Professors: Pre-Departure Summer 2013 This booklet will give you useful information regarding your stay in Arezzo. The information contained herein is far from exhaustive, however, it should provide visiting OU professors and accompanying family or guests with a general idea of what to expect for their stay in Arezzo.

OU in Arezzo - Orientation Booklet

Table of Contents Information about Arezzo……………………………..………………....................…….….Page 3 OUA Staff Contact Info and the OUA Study Center……………...........…......………Page 4 Housing and Accommodations……………………………......................................Pages 5-6 Orientations and Academics..……………………………………….…….....................…..Page 7 Health Care Services……………………..……………………………….......................Pages 8-10 Safety and Security…………….……………………………………………….......................Page 11 Life in Arezzo………………………………...................……………………………….…Pages 12-17 Arrival in Italy….…………………………………………...................………………….…….Page 18 Map of Arezzo………………………………………………………………...................….…..Page 19 Suggested Items to Pack………………………………………………….…......................Page 20

Arezzo is famous for its Jousts in June and in September!

Arezzo has amazing panoramic views!


OU in Arezzo - Orientation Booklet

Arezzo, Italy As one of Italy’s more vibrant economic and cultural towns, Arezzo (city pop. 100,000) is an engaging venue for OUA programs. Its strategic location at the confluence of several trading routes, as well as its abundance of raw materials, have made Arezzo an important part of the history of the Italian peninsula from ancient times to the present. Evidence of the various cultures that have called Arezzo home (from the Etruscans to the Romans and to the Christians) is everywhere. Nestled on the hill that is the geographic center of the city, Arezzo is an exciting, safe and beautiful place to study. Arezzo is one of Tuscany's wealthiest towns and is a center for Italian gold and silver manufacturing. The city has a strong presence in the fashion industry and is a major producer of wine and olive oil. Arezzo has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country (3%) and boasts a strong entrepreneurial streak—there is one company for every 10 inhabitants. The business community has strong foreign ties, as well, as evidenced by the fact that the province of Arezzo (pop 325,000) is the third largest exporter of products in Italy. In addition to commerce, Arezzo has a long tradition of internationally renowned cultural events that revolve around the literary world of the Petrarch Academy, the art history studies of Piero della Francesca and Giorgio Vasari, and the musical world of Guido D' Arezzo, the inventor of modern musical notation. Arezzo is conveniently located near much larger cultural cities like Florence, Rome, Siena and Bologna. Therefore, Arezzo offers OU students a rare opportunity to discover the rich artistic beauty of many Italian cities while based in the beauty of a medieval town in Tuscany.

Piazza Grande‌ the most famous piazza in Arezzo


OU in Arezzo - Orientation Booklet

OUA Study Center & OUA Staff The OU in Arezzo Study Center is in the heart of the historic center! Most of the OUA classes are held there. In addition to two classrooms, there is a small library and lounge area, a computer lab with 5 desktop computers and a central printer, as well as administrative offices. Mailing Address: University of Oklahoma in Arezzo Via Corso Italia, 40 Arezzo, Italy 52100 Phone number: 0575-197-0209 Fax: 0575-197-0208 Summer hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Tuesdays: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM The OUA Study Center is not open on the weekends, but special arrangements can be made.

Teaching equipment available at OUA: -In each classroom -MAC laptop computer -Epson projector -stereo equipment -large white board -storage cabinet -Other equipment at OUA -1 printer, scanner, photocopier & fax machine - 1 document camera -3 video cameras -3 flip cameras

The OUA Classrooms For summer 2013, most of the courses will be scheduled at the OUA Study Center, unless other arrangements or requests are made.

OUA Staff:

Kirk Duclaux: Director of Italian Programs in Italy Cellular Phone Number: 339-794-3201 Email: Work phone number: 0575-197-0207

Charlotte Duclaux: Director of Student Affairs Cellular Phone Number: 338-941-4915 Email: Work phone number: 0575-197-0209

Lucio Bianchi: Student Services Coordinator Cellular Phone Number: 339-239-6125 Email: Work phone number: 0575-197-0209

Kaydee Dyer: Graduate Resident Director Cellular Phone Number: 366-337-0517 Email: Work phone number: 0575-197-0210

OUA Norman Campus Staff:

Nicole Bisby: Study Abroad Advisor for OU in Arezzo Email: Old Sciences Hall, Rm 223 Office Number: 405-325-3591

Merla Davis Account & Budget Representative Email: College of International Studies Hester Hall Room 150 Phone: 405-325-1739

Your classes in the 2 OUA classrooms can be scheduled during the following blocks: (Mon-Fri) 8:30am - 10:50am 11:00am - 13:20pm 13:30pm - 15:50pm 16:00pm - 18:20pm


OU in Arezzo - Orientation Booklet

Housing in Arezzo General Housing Info It is important to feel “at home” while in Arezzo. The housing staff will do their best to find the right match between a professor’s needs and preferences and accommodations in Arezzo. You will be sent an OUA Housing Questionnaire for Summer Programs 2013 on which you may list preferences for accommodations (e.g. size, location within Arezzo Information regarding available OUA student apartments and pictures of the apartment will be sent via email at least a month before arrival. Keep in mind that changes to the OUA apartment assignment cannot be made after March 1st. Therefore, if you expect to have guests or family visit you while in Arezzo (but you are not sure how many or when they may come) you should include them when requesting accommodations of a certain size. (Note: None of the OUA apartments has more than 5 beds).

Moving In An OU in Arezzo staff member will accompany you to your accommodation location, help you get acclimated to the place and explain how things work, if necessary. (e.g. the washing machine, which keys are used for which doors, how the garbage collection works, how to get to the OUA Study Center from your place, etc.).

OUA Student Apartments in Arezzo Most of the OUA student apartments are located within the historic center of Arezzo and all of the apartments are within walking distance to the OUA Study Center. All of the apartments are furnished and there are 2-4 bedrooms. Most of the bedrooms have 1 or 2 twin-size bed(s), a desk or table, a lamp and some type of closet space. Linens, towels and blankets are supplied. All of the apartments have furnished kitchens and eating areas with a fridge, an oven (or toaster oven), a stovetop, cooking utensils and flatware. Three of the OUA apartments have dishwashers. Cleaning supplies and cleaning detergents are supplied, with the exception of washing detergent. There is a washing machine in each of the apartments, but none of the apartments has a dryer. Clothes can be hung up on drying racks outside or inside. Fans are provided in every bedroom and there are portable air conditioning units in four of the apartments. There is secure wireless internet service (with TISCALI) in every OUA apartment.

Documentation Within the first day of your arrival to your apartment in Arezzo you will need to give Charlotte Duclaux a copy of your passport (as head of household) in order to submit the paperwork for your stay in an OUA apartment with local authorities. You will be given a sublease to sign for your OUA apartment as well as a list of items in the apartment in order to note the condition. Per Italian law, you must carry an original form of international ID (passport) on you at all times. Your Driver’s License or OU Faculty ID are not international forms of ID.


OU in Arezzo - Orientation Booklet

Housing and Accommodations Italy has the highest utility rates in Europe—60% higher than the European average, due to its heavy dependence on oil and local energy monopolies. Utilities can be expensive, so we ask that you and your guests are careful to turn off things off when you leave your apartment.

Air Conditioning Most Europeans will say that the only time air conditioning might be necessary is in the month of August. Americans visiting Arezzo tend to disagree…especially those who haven’t slept well for several nights because of the heat! Everyone’s definition of uncomfortably hot weather is different. In general, the building structures where the OUA apartments are located are conducive to keeping the apartment cool in the summer. However, it does get hot and while fans are supplied for each bedroom, air conditioning units are not available in all of the OUA apartments or vacation rental apartments.

Heating Due to the high cost of heating, the heat is kept at a lower temperature than most American homes or apartments (approx. 60-65° F). Also, buildings in Italy are usually colder given the type of construction. There is a law in Italy that states the heating can only be switched on during the period from October 15th - March 30th. This same law states that the thermostat cannot be set over 21°C. You are encouraged to be prepared for cold weather if you are visiting in the winter months, even indoors.

Electricity Italians are very careful about the amount of electricity they consume in an apartment or room. As a general rule, you are asked to turn off the lights and any appliances or computer equipment when you are not in you rooms or when you leave the apartment. Appliances such as hair dryers, straighteners and shavers consume a lot of electricity. Electric systems in most apartments in Italy are configured for a low amount of watts. Therefore, consumers must learn to plan out the use of appliances in a way that is foreign to most US consumers. For example, if the washing machine is on and another appliance, like a hair dryer, is used, it is VERY likely that the electricity will go out in the apartment due to ‘over usage.’ It is not uncommon and most visitors learn how to play the ‘appliances game’ quickly. Resetting the electricity is not difficult but usually requires a trip to the cold, damp basement of the building!

Water America’s voracious consumption of water is infamous. Italians consume much less water than Americans. Many Italian homes are equipped with flow-through water heaters. They heat the water continuously as it is used, thus conserving energy and water. These water heaters are usually great because they eliminate the problem of running out of hot water. The only problem may be when two people in an apartment try to have a shower or bath at the same time or when someone is taking a shower while the washer is running.


OU in Arezzo - Orientation Booklet

Orientations & Academics Student Orientations at OUA

OUA Summer 2013 Calendar OUA classes can be scheduled from Monday to Friday.

After arriving in Arezzo, your students can be given information regarding the academic policies for your class (if they haven’t been given them already).

Holidays - Summer 2013: Italian Holidays:

Upon arrival in Arezzo, your students will attend a “Student Affairs Orientation Session.” They will be informed about the policies and procedures at OUA, their rights and responsibilities as OU students in Arezzo and issues related to safety and security. Students will also be asked to sign documents that testify to their understanding of academic policies and the standards of conduct expected of them while studying in the OU in Arezzo program.

Sunday, June 2nd – Republic of Italy Day

Please remember to allow time in your schedule on the first full day after arrival in Arezzo for the “Student Affairs Orientation Session.” Program Attendance Attendance is particularly important during the study abroad experience. Students are expected to attend all classes. As the professor, you can decide upon the exact attendance policy for the course. During orientation, students will be reminded that personal travel plans need to be arranged so that they do not conflict with scheduled classes.

(stores and cultural sites in Italy may be closed or have restricted hours)

American Holidays: (OUA is open and classes and/or site visits can be scheduled).

*Monday, May 27th - Memorial Day *Thursday, July 4th –Independence Day Save the Date! –Summer 2013 1. Monday, May 27 – Memorial Day BBQ at Duclaux House @ 7pm 2. Saturday, June 1- Sunday, June 2 – Arezzo Antique Fair 3. Sunday, June 9 - Saturday, June 15 – Saracen Joust in Arezzo (week of events leading up to the Joust) 4. Sunday, June 16 – Saracen Joust in Piazza Grande @ 9pm 5. 4th of July Celebration at Villa near Arezzo 6. Thursday, July 11- Sunday, July 14 – Arezzo Wave Music Festival

Visiting Professor Orientation at OUA On your first full day in Arezzo, you will be shown around the OUA Study Center. The OUA Office Manager, Marta Agnelli can answer your questions about how things work and can help you set up your classroom equipment, if necessary. Lucio Bianchi and/or Kaydee Dyer can give you a tour of Arezzo and help you locate stores and/or services you may need. Changes to itineraries for your program


OU in Arezzo - Orientation Booklet

Health Care Want to stay healthy in Arezzo? Drink plenty of water and take your vitamins!.... Getting your exercise will be easy with all the hills!

Doctor Visits If you need to see a doctor for any reason you should contact Charlotte Duclaux. She can help you set up an appointment with the appropriate doctor and accompany you during the visit, if needed. If you already know that you will need to see a doctor for ongoing or follow-up medical care or for a refill of a prescription, it is best to let Charlotte Duclaux know in advance so that she can help you set up an appointment with an Italian doctor. There are several in Arezzo and/or Tuscany who speak English. Medical Emergencies If you have a medical emergency, a member of the OUA staff who speaks Italian will accompany you to the nearest hospital and act as a translator. At the ER in Arezzo, all patients are treated regardless of country of origin or type of insurance coverage. There are also private clinics that offer some non-urgent medical care services for different fees. Payment For Emergency Medical Care: In the event of a medical emergency you would be billed for services when discharged from the hospital. You would pay for the services and submit the receipt of payment and other required documents to your US health insurance company for reimbursement of covered services. For Non-Emergency Medical Care: If you see a doctor or specialist for non-emergency purposes you would pay for the services at the end of the appointment (typically by cash or by check because many doctors do not accept credit or debit cards), and you would submit the receipt of payment to your US health insurance company for reimbursement of covered services. Italian Public Health System Italy has a public health system that works well and medical professionals provide quality care at the hospitals, ER and clinics. While a trip to the ER or a doctor’s office is never fun, you can rest assured that you would be taken care of by well-qualified professionals. There is one public hospital in Arezzo, called San Donato Hospital, and several other public and private clinics and medical offices


OU in Arezzo - Orientation Booklet

Health Care- Pharmacies Pharmacies in Arezzo There are many pharmacies throughout the city. You can locate the pharmacy nearest your apartment by finding the neon green cross outside the pharmacy and note the opening hours. Most pharmacies close for the afternoon from 1:00 – 3:30 PM.

Contact Lenses If you wear contact lenses bring a sufficient amount of your favorite contact lens solutions with you for the trip and a few days after. Contact lens supplies can be bought at any eyeglass shop or at the pharmacy after you arrive.

Allergy Medicines If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you can expect that your allergies would “kick in” while abroad. It is best to bring a supply of your allergy medicine with you. You can likely get the same medicine in Italy, but having a few days’ supply on hand is a good idea.

Pharmacy in Arezzo days/week: Farmacia Comunale Via Campo di Marte, 7 Tel: (0575) 902-466




Prescription Medication: It is best to bring a sufficient amount of any prescription drugs you may need for the entire stay. These medications must be packed in their original containers, along with prescriptions from your doctor. All prescription medications must be labeled clearly with your name to avoid any problems with local authorities. Although your doctor's prescriptions justify you having the medications, they are not valid in Italian pharmacies. For refills of prescription drugs, you will need to visit an Italian doctor in Arezzo who will most likely be able to write you a prescription. It is not advisable to have any medications sent to you through the mail, as the customs charges can be quite expensive.

Brand name loyalty? If you have a favorite medicine that you take when you are sick – and you think that nothing else works like that medicine- it may be a good idea to bring it with you. The pharmacies in Italy may have a similar product with the same active ingredients, but it will probably be a different brand than you are used to. If you are pretty sure you can’t get well without it, it is best to bring it along!!


OU in Arezzo - Orientation Booklet

Health Care -Services Health Services and Doctors The following is a list of doctors in the Arezzo area that have worked with students and/or professors in the past. Their offices are in or near Arezzo. These doctors speak some English. General Medicine Dr Giulia Ludovichi Cell: 328-204-4758 This doctor speaks some English and she is available for house calls at a fee of approximately 25 euro per visit. OB/GYN Dr Barbara Brodbeck Via L. il Magnifico, 64, Florence Cell: 335-835-3612 This doctor speaks English well and works with many university students in Tuscany. Her fee for office visits is approximately 100 euro. Psychology Darylle Monnington Cell: 333-533-9290 Dr. Monnington is a licensed Psychologist who is a native speaker of English. She works with university students in Arezzo, Florence and Rome. Her fee per session is approximately 80 euro. Psychiatry Dr Anna Choub Cell: 339-568-7775 Dr. Choub is a US-trained psychiatrist and psychotherapist (Mt. Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY). She has offices in Florence and Pisa. Her fee for office visits is approximately 100 euro. Dentistry Dr Andrea Terziani Phone: 057-528-6608 Dr. Terziani is a Dentist and Orthodontist. He speaks some English and is available for appointments at his office in Arezzo. His fee for office visits is approximately 75 euro.

New! Centro Chirugico Toscano/Tuscan Surgical Center This new medical facility schedules appointments for non-emergency treatments ranging from surgery to blood tests. Several of the doctors speak some English. Phone: 0575.53335


OU in Arezzo - Orientation Booklet

Safety and Security TIPS: Rule number 1 for living abroad safely is to use common sense. This means to keep your eyes and your ears open for dangerous situations BEFORE they happen. Violent crime is unusual in Italy, and in particular, in Arezzo. However, petty crime such as pickpocketing is common. No matter where you are in Italy protect your goods and yourself by being cautious and by following your ‘gut instinct.’

DO’s: •

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Be watchful of your personal belongings—keep wallets and money in your front pockets Photocopy all your important documents, including airline tickets and credit cards – front and back – and store these in a secure location Store cash and credit cards in a pouch inside your shirt or in a money belt Pay attention to your surroundings—a seemingly spontaneous event on a busy street is a haven for pick-pockets Taking a taxi instead of walking or waiting for a bus at night can be a great investment in your safety Walk away from anyone (male or female) who makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe Be impolite to anyone who might be trying too hard to “help you” or sell you something

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Carry large amounts of cash Leave your bags unattended while you make a call or fiddle with your iPod Take rides from strangers or people you have just met Chat with someone you don’t want to chat with—be forceful and adamant Talk to anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable in any way Wear expensive jewelry Look like a tourist: OU sweatshirts and baseball caps make you a target for local pickpockets Travel alone or in solitary compartments of trains Carry house keys on a keychain that has your home address Use illegal drugs


OU in Arezzo - Orientation Booklet

Wi-Fi and Internet Locations All OUA student apartments have wireless internet access. Additional Internet access points in Arezzo are: Coffee O'Clock Bar and Pasticceria Corso Italia and Via Garibaldi There is a cost of approximately 1 euro/half hour. Informa Giovani Piazza Sant’ Agostino The friendly staff will give you 30 minutes of free Internet per day if you register with them and you must bring a passport to do so. Wi-Fi Hotspots (sponsored by City of Arezzo) You can obtain a username and password to access the Internet for free in several outdoor ‘hot-spots’ in or near the historic center of Arezzo.

Tabacchi Stores A tabacchi (tobacconist or “T” shop) is where you go for various everyday necessities such as pens, paper, stamps, cell phone pre-paid cards, international calling cards, local bus tickets and tobacco products. In many cases a Tabacchi is also a snack bar, lunch counter or general neighbourhood ‘meeting point’ for the locals. Tabacchi in Italy display a sign with a big white "T" on a blue or black background. Notice that the signs say "Sali e Tabacchi," which refers to two products that were controlled by the government, salt(s) and tobacco(s). While salt and tobacco products were once a government monopoly, they have been removed from government price controls.

Life in Arezzo Telephones/Cell Phones None of the OUA apartments has a landline and telephone booths have all but disappeared. By far the least expensive option for calling locally and sending text messages to family or friends is to use an Italian cell phone and pre-paid minutes. By using an Italian cell phone, you will pay local rates, which are inexpensive. The calls are prepaid, so you never receive a bill nor do you need to sign a contract or commit to any period of cellular service. Contrary to what happens in the US, in Italy you will not spend any money when you receive calls or text messages. For calling internationally, many students and professors use Skype or other similar service or buy a Magic Jack. IMPORTANT: In order to take advantage of paying local cellular rates, you need to have a GSM cell phone that is compatible with the Italian system and you will also need a SIM card for Italy. The phone and its SIM card can be purchased anywhere in Italy from thousands of locations. iPhones and some Blackberry’s purchased in the US have been used successfully by OU students and professors in the past. You should check with your local phone store about fees and service charges, plus rates for calls if you use your US phone in Italy. It is likely that you will have to pay roaming fees and your calls and texting in Italy will be costly.


OU in Arezzo - Orientation Booklet

Life in Arezzo Laundry

It is in the rough and tumble world of laundry that your cultural patience will be tested the most. All OUA apartments have small washers but there are no dryers. As a result, you will have to hang your clothes to dry on a rack outside of your window or in your living room. There are a few laundromats in Arezzo. The general cost to wash a load of laundry is 3-4 Euro and 34 Euro to dry the load. Dryers are not as effective as those in the US, so it is likely that even after the drying cycle is finished, your clothes may still be damp and require another round of drying time outside. There are many dry cleaners in Arezzo, however, the cost to dry clean items is generally higher than in the US. The best advice is to take 8 to 10 days worth of underwear, socks, and other basic cotton clothing items that will dry rapidly, and to hope for lots of breezy, sunny days for quick, outdoor drying. Spring 2012 students got to experience a rare snow storm in Arezzo!!

Weather Arezzo is located in central Italy. However, this area is considered a ‘coastal climate area’ because the Italian peninsula is so narrow. This means that temperatures are moderate - until the summer heat begins in late June. Typically, temperatures range from 75-90°F from June to August. The Tuscan summer is synonymous with lots of sunshine, beautiful fields of sunflowers and lots of tourists! It doesn’t typically rain often in Arezzo during the summer, but it is a good idea to bring a rain jacket and/or umbrella, just in case.

Shopping There are lots of shops in Arezzo that offer a wide variety of items for you. There is an Italian version of Kmart with inexpensive clothing and house wares. There are several shops in which you can buy things like toiletries, if need be. In general, everything you will need for your stay can be purchased in the city center. However, if you have a particular brand of mouthwash or candy or a favorite towel that you cannot live without, it is best to bring it with you.

Arezzo has a weekly market where you can buy almost anything you want for a great price: Food, clothes, bags, jewelry, toiletries, dishes, etc.


OU in Arezzo - Orientation Booklet

Showing Sooner Spirit in Italy!

Life in Arezzo Is it in Walking Distance?

Cars, Trucks and Mopeds Italians grow up dreaming of becoming Formula 1 drivers. This means they practice everyday – on their way to work, to the grocery store, while their children are in the car (usually without car seats!). In general, people drive much faster and more aggressively than in the US. Not surprisingly, Italian drivers can shock first-time travelers. Drivers can be extremely rude and do not always obey traffic signs or pedestrian walk lights. It is always best to err on the side of caution by being prudent. Walk the extra 10 meters to the “zebra strips” located at various points on the streets in order to cross the street. You will have the right of way and cars, trucks and mopeds must stop for pedestrians crossing in these zones. Mopeds are another aspect of Italian life that takes some getting used to. They are a very inexpensive mode of transportation and very widely used in both cities and towns. For most newcomers to Italy, they are a nuisance and loud. This will probably be your attitude towards them, as well, and will not change. However, look out for them, the driver of the moped may not always be paying you the same courtesy.

Italians are avid walkers and with time so shall you be. To be honest, you have no choice. Much of Italy, and Arezzo in particular, is hilly and the centers are closed off to common vehicular traffic. Whatever you purchase in the course of the day will have to be carried by hand to your apartment. This means you will go to the local market or grocery store more frequently and you will buy fewer items. Rest assured this is the way most Italians shop. A good pair of comfortable shoes will serve you well in Arezzo!

Electrical Appliances and Converters/Adaptors In Europe, electricity operates at 220V, versus 120V in the US. For 120V appliances (US) to work in Italy you must have a voltage converter, which is heavy and rarely effective. Therefore, it is best to buy basic appliances (hairdryers) in Italy to avoid the risk of fire. Laptops, MP3 players, etc. have built in voltage converters, therefore, all you need is an inexpensive two-prong adapter plug for your laptop to work (see photo below). If possible bring several adapters with you. Different adaptor-style plugs are necessary for each foreign country. Sets of adaptor plugs for all European destinations are available at department stores, such as Target and Radio Shack.


OU in Arezzo - Orientation Booklet

Life in Arezzo Travel in Italy Trains

Dressing Up It’s true: Italians always dress up—even to walk the dog! Even the police uniforms are designer label. Being sensitive to fashion trends is part of the hardwiring of every Italian’s soul. One of the great challenges for American visitors is trying to understand the importance Italians place on fashion. Add to the mix the old adage our grandparents drilled into us about ‘the clothes not making the man’ and you have a classic cultural dichotomy. If you want to fit in and not invite disdainful stares, leave the t-shirts at home and bring shirts with collars. Jeans are fine and quite fashionable Flip-flops are not a fashion accessory in Italy, though fancier style athletic shoes are entering the haut-couture lexicon, as are shorts. You’ll be walking a lot, so be sensible about wearing shoes that will absorb the wear and tear on your feet and yet not look to dingy with a skirt or khakis. These fashion points apply to both men and women. It is best to err on the side of fashion and vanity and bring clothes and shoes that you can wear in casual and semi-formal settings alike.

The most convenient method of public transportation is by train. Italy actually has an efficient railway system that connects to all main cities and towns. For complete information on train travel in Italy check out If you arrive in Italy independently, it is likely that you will have to catch a train from your arrival point toward Arezzo. Check out the Italian State railway website at for details in English.

Planes There is no airport in Arezzo. The closest airport is in Florence or in Rome. There are a growing number or low-cost airlines in Europe, such as Ryan Air, Air Berlin, Easyjet and Meridiana. It is almost always faster and many times it is cheaper to fly to certain destinations in Europe than to go by train.

Automobiles You can rent a car from a number of agencies if you are 25 years of age and have a valid US drivers’ license. If you plan to drive while in Europe, though not obligatory, you might want to visit your local AAA to apply for an International Drivers License.

Buses Local bus service in and out of Italian towns to nearer destinations is geared towards the M-F work force. There are numerous buses in the morning and the afternoon, but few throughout the evening, so plan accordingly. Buses are traditionally inexpensive and will arrive where trains fear to tread. Unfortunately, in Arezzo there are no city buses during the night.


OU in Arezzo - Orientation Booklet

Life in Arezzo

The food in Arezzo is delicious! Some of the most famous treats are espresso, pastries, and gelato. Walk down any street in Arezzo and there will be a “bar” serving these items!

Money ATM Machines and fees The easiest way to make transactions is probably by credit or debit cards. These, together with a personal identification number (PIN), allow you access to the many ATMs (bancomat) around Arezzo and Italy. These are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and are located throughout the town of Arezzo and in all Italian towns and cities. Normally, you can withdraw up to 250 Euro per day from an ATM (bancomat). Your US bank account may have a limit as well, and you should contact them to find out this information. Be sure to keep receipts in order to double check that the amount withdrawn corresponds to monthly statements. There are fees that a US bank will charge for each international transaction. Before leaving the US find out how much these fees are. It is likely that you will be charged service fees from the local bank in Italy whose ATM you utilized. Despite the transaction fees, using the ATM (bancomat) is still the easiest and most expedient way to get cash in Euro. Credit cards/ATM cards Most major cards are accepted (except American Express and Discover) and ATMs can be found all over Italy, even in small towns. Visa and MasterCard are definitely the most accepted. However, due to the high cost of credit card transactions for the merchants, many of them will claim that they do not take credit cards or that the credit card machine is “broken,” even though they advertise accepting them. Credit cards can also be used for cash advances in banks and for payment in most hotels and gas stations. With very few exceptions, your credit card company will charge you an international transaction fee of at least 1.5 percent. Your ATM card is the best way to access funds from home. Make arrangements with your bank to acquire an international PIN and notify your credit card companies that you will be abroad and using it in Italy. Banks Banking hours are normally Monday to Friday mornings from 8:30 AM–1:00 PM and for an hour in the afternoon (usually 3:00–4:00 PM). There are local variations on this and banks are usually open only in the morning on the day before a public holiday.


OU in Arezzo - Orientation Booklet

Life in Arezzo More Info Regarding Money Lost or Stolen Credit Cards or ATM cards It is best to have a copy (front and back) of each credit card or debit card and to keep these separate from the actual cards. Each credit card should have an international number to call in the event of an emergency cancellation on the back of the card. The following "numero verde" (Italian toll free numbers) may also be useful for cancelling a card: Visa: 800-877-232

MasterCard: 800-870-866

American Express: 067-228-0371

Travellers’ Checks Old habits die hard and you might consider bringing travellers’ checks in order to pay for things as you travel. Of course, it may be a good idea to have a few hundred dollars in travellers’ checks for an emergency or in the event that your credit card or ATM card is lost, stolen or does not work. However, over the past few years, fewer and fewer banks are providing money exchange services. There are places to exchange money in larger cities in Italy and Europe, but they charge high commissions. Wherever you exchange your travellers’ checks, you will need to bring your passport for identification. OUA staff recommends that you plan on using your ATM/debit card to get money for day-to-day expenses.


OU in Arezzo - Orientation Booklet

Arrival in Italy Incoming Arrival Day In general, an OUA staff member will meet incoming OU summer program professors and students at their hotel at 2pm on the first day of the program. During the first meeting with students enrolled in the summer program, an OUA staff member will give a brief orientation related to “Safety and Security.”

In case you make your own way to Arezzo… Directions from Rome Airport (Fiumicino) to Arezzo, by train: Exit the customs area of the airport and follow signs for trains to Roma or hop in a taxi and go to Termini Station (approx. 50 Euro) to catch the train to Arezzo. Follow the pictogram of the train to the tunnel, which connects the airport with the airport train platform. You’ll find bathrooms, ATMs, snack bars and basic tourist information. You can purchase train tickets from the ticket window or from automated ticket machines (instructions in English). The airport train connects to the main stations in Rome. You will want to go to Termini Station. When you buy your train ticket for Roma Termini you can also purchase the portion of the trip that includes the Arezzo trip from Rome—one ticket total: Roma Fiumicino to Arezzo. Trains run between the airport and the Termini station every 40 minutes. Like all trains, some are faster than others, so plan accordingly. Once in Termini consult the train departure information board for times and the track number (binario) where your train departs. If you are not certain you have located the correct train just ask one of the conductors (usually dressed in a green jacket or shirt). The train ride to Arezzo takes approximately two hours, depending on the speed of the train and the number of stops it makes. When you stop at the Terontola station, you are approximately 10-15 minutes from Arezzo. Once you exit the train in Arezzo and step out into the small parking lot in front of the station.

Directions from Florence Airport (Peretola/Vespucci) to Arezzo, by train Florence’s Peretola/Vespucci is a small airport. Generally, flying into Florence is more expensive. It is, however, easier to get to Arezzo from Florence than Rome. Once you exit the baggage claim area there is a small information/rental car desk, restrooms and public phones. Immediately outside you will find taxis and city buses that provide regular service to the center of Florence. Taxi charges to the main Florence train station (Santa Maria Novella) will be approximately 30 Euro, while bus service is approximately 10.00 Euro. Go to the main station Santa Maria Novella - to catch trains from Florence to Arezzo. Once in the station, you can purchase tickets from the ticket windows or from an automated machine (in English). The cost of a ticket to Arezzo is around 7 Euro (regional trains). There will be southbound trains that stop in Arezzo at least twice every hour. Depending on the speed of the train you take, you should arrive in Arezzo in about 50-90 minutes.


OU in Arezzo - Orientation Booklet

Map of Arezzo


OU in Arezzo - Orientation Booklet

Suggested Packing Lists

Additional Items:

Clothing: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Undergarments Socks Pajamas Rain jacket Shirts Bathrobe Comfortable shoes Waterproof shoes One Fleece/sweater Long pants Short-sleeved shirts exercise attire

• • • • •

• • • •

Supplies: (optional, hard to find in Italy or sometimes more expensive)

OUA Summer program students and staff always have fun together!

• • •

Folders Pens/Pencils Planners

Travel planning for site visits: • •

Small piece of luggage Backpack

• • • • • • •

Money Belt Umbrella (compact one) Slippers for cold floors Sunglasses Contact-lens supplies (enough for the trip over and a few days) Adaptors for appliances (two if possible) Prescription medications Prescriptions from your doctor for prescriptions meds Preferred over-the-counter medicines (e.g. allergy meds, pain relievers, Tums, etc.) Passport Laptop computer Chargers and cords for laptop computers USB Key Credit Cards ATM cards Photocopies (front and back) of credit cards, ATM cards, passport and medical insurance card Some Euro in Cash, if possible, but no more than 100 Euro Water Bottle


Welcome to OU in Arezzo! Don’t hesitate to email with questions or concerns you may have before your departure! Kirk Duclaux Charlotte Duclaux Marta Agnelli:



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