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orlando utilities commission
Orlando Utilities Commission 1875 ‒2023
the reliable one
Copyright © 2023 Orlando Utilities Commission. All Rights Reserved.
Orlando Utilities Commission 1875 ‒2023 A H I S TO RY O F WAT E R & E L E C T R I C I T Y IN CENTRAL FLORIDA
F O R E W O R D ver the years, much of OUC’s strength has come from the knowledge, pride and experience passed down from generation to generation of employees. As the son of an OUC lineman, I’ve witnessed — and been a part of — OUC’s rich history for more than half a century. This history book celebrates our team’s contributions, commemorates our past and fosters a sense of pride for future generations. Former OUC General Manager and CEO Ken Ksionek was the driving force behind this book. Amid the retirement of several long-tenured OUC employees, Ken wanted to capture our history through the eyes of our team. He tapped Roseann Harrington, then-VP of marketing, communications and community relations, to lead the effort. Roseann and her staff wove together interviews and personal accounts from dozens of current and retired OUC employees, including General Managers Curtis H. Stanton and Harry C. Luff; Assistant General Manager Louis E. Stone; General Counsel and Vice President of Government & Regulatory Relations Thomas B. Tart; and Director of Water Engineering Rick Coleman. The team worked tirelessly to compile photos, stories and facts, creating a comprehensive document that would do justice to OUC. The current edition has been updated to mark OUC’s 100th anniversary — a milestone that few organizations ever reach. So much has changed in that time span, from tremendous regional growth to astonishing advancements in technology. Yet one thing remains constant: The Reliable One’s outstanding service to our customers and community. Our region’s dependence on energy and water is perpetual and all-encompassing — and our customers’ needs have evolved commensurately. While unwavering reliability defined our first century, being an innovative solutions provider and the partner of choice is our vision for the future, as we strive to meet and exceed customer needs. We deliver on this vision thanks to the hard work and dedication of our employees who help make a difference in our community and who make safety our priority every day — demonstrating we care by protecting the physical, mental and emotional health of others. The energy and water industries are in a period of great transformation, each on the cusp of a revolution that will usher in an era with the potential to change the world. We’re focused on accelerating innovation, leveraging technology to conserve water as a precious and limited resource, and evolving through increasingly complex challenges associated with creating a path to a Net Zero CO2 Emission electricity grid by 2050 with interim targets of 50% CO2 reduction by 2030 and 75% CO2 reduction by 2040. OUC has made steady progress on these forward-thinking goals and we’re well on our way to achieving our 2030 target. Since 1923, OUC’s ingenuity has propelled Central Florida’s growth and will continue to fuel the next century through adaptive solutions advanced through dedicated people and collaborative creativity. I’m optimistic about our community’s future and energized about OUC’s role in it. I can’t imagine a more exciting time in our history ... and we’re grateful for our customers, our employees and the community who will share in it.
Clint Bullock General Manager & CEO
2 6 14 22 38 64 94
C H A P T E R I : In the Beginning
C H A P T E R I I : The New Frontier
C H A P T E R I I I : America Races to the Moon
C H A P T E R I V : A Balancing Act
C H A P T E R V : Ups and Downs
C H A P T E R V I : Rapid Change
O U C Commissioners, Book Attributions and Operations Information
table of contents
in the beginning
Orlando’s first power plant opens, owned by
Orlando is incorporated.
Judge John M. Cheney and sons.
Orlando Water Company is incorporated.
and Sewerage Company
is started.
is chartered.
Construction of original
The Orlando Water
electric service begins
of 23 miles of mains and more
Twenty-four-hour in Orlando.
Orlando’s water system consists than 100 fire hydrants.
Judge John M. Cheney proposes a bond issue that would enable the citizens of Orlando to purchase and municipally operate a public utility.
in the beginning Page 2
1875–1922 R O V I D I N G W A T E R A N D E L E C T R I C P S E R V I C E T O A N E W C I T Y he foundation for what would eventually become the Orlando Utilities Commission was laid even before the 20th century began. In 1875, when Orlando was incorporated, Central Florida was just beginning to evolve from a rural, agrarian economy based on cattle ranching and citrus growing to a thriving center of commerce. Attracted by fertile farm land and warm weather, settlers arrived from all over the country, as well as from abroad. In 1880, the South Florida Railroad added Orlando as one of its stops — helping to spur the first of many building and
Actual construction of the original water works — which consisted of a plant and a distribution system — began on March 18, 1887. The source of water was Lake Highland, which at that time was located well outside the Orlando city limits. In 1889, additional water mains were laid to serve most of the well-settled areas of Orlando with a safe domestic supply and fire protection.
land booms in the Sunshine State. By the turn of the century, Orlando had paved streets, as well as
The additions increased the distribution system
electricity and phone service. In 1908, it was officially dubbed “The City Beautiful.” By the time World
to about 13.5 miles of pipe.
War I broke out, the City had become a popular resort. The war generated additional industrial growth
As a result of the death of Herdic in 1890, a receivership took over the Orlando Water
and real-estate development throughout Florida that lasted through the early ‘20s — creating the need
Company. John M. Cheney, an Orlando attorney
for reliable water and electric infrastructure in the region . . . and setting the stage for the birth of OUC.
at the time, represented the bond holders. The landholders foreclosed the property and turned
Water for a New City The City of Orlando was incorporated in 1875
During the first two decades of the 20th century, the Orlando Water & Light Company was a successful enterprise producing and distributing water, electricity, ice and gas to
it over to a new corporation, the Orlando Water and Sewerage Company, its charter being dated June 6, 1892. J.A. Beeber, President of the First Bank of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, representing
by a popular election in which 22 citizens cast
the landholders, was President. Cheney became
their votes. Ten years later, the City received a
Secretary-Treasurer and Managing Director.
charter by action of the Florida Legislature. At
Cheney, who by then had become an
that time, the community’s only source of water
Orlando judge, purchased the water works
was a town well located next to the Orange
in 1893, serving as Secretary-Treasurer and
County Court House at the corner of Central
principal owner. The new company, the Orlando
and Main. On October 5, 1886, the Orlando
Water & Light Company, was granted the right
City Council granted to A.A. Parker and his
by the City of Orlando to pump water from
associates a 10-year franchise to construct,
Lake Highland and Lake Concord to supply
maintain and operate a water works within the
water to the City.
municipality. The Orlando Water Company was
By 1916, Orlando’s water supply system
incorporated on October 20, 1886 with initial
consisted of 23 miles of mains, which covered
capital of $150,000. Parker, Harry W. Lentz
the City of Orlando and
every part of the City, and more than 100 fire
and Peter Herdic were the incorporators.
hydrants were installed in different parts of
surrounding regions.
They and their financial backers, who were
the town.
from Huntington and Williamsport,
In 1917, the first filtrated treatment facilities
Pennsylvania, had successfully negotiated
were built near Lake Highland to treat water
franchise arrangements and built water works
obtained from the lake before passing into the
in other Pennsylvania communities as well as
City mains.
in Cairo, Illinois.
Page 3
in the beginning Orlando Gets First Power Plant At the turn of the century, Judge Cheney and
produce. Water from the water plant and
his sons began construction on an electric
electricity from the power plant were used to
generating plant on Lake Highland, renaming
produce the ice.
their company the Orlando Water & Light
In 1905, the company purchased a coal gas
Company. The power plant opened January 1,
plant and distribution network that had been
1901. Its lone generator, driven by a 150-
in operation since 1889. The gas plant, located
horsepower steam engine, had capacity of only
in the western part of the City, had a capacity
100 kilowatts. Initially, electricity was provided
of 300,000 cubic feet of gas per day, and the
to homes, stores and street lights on a “dark to
distribution network included 18 miles of
midnight” basis.
gas mains.
In 1901, the company was awarded a contract
More than 15 years later, in July 1921, Orlando
by the City of Orlando to provide 28 street lights
was authorized by the state legislature to issue
“of 2,000 nominal candle power or their
$1.5 million in bonds for purchase or construction
equivalent in incandescent lamps for $2,000 per
of a water and light plant, subject to a referendum
annum.” The City of Orlando previously had
vote. In September of that year, the City made an
granted the Orlando Water & Light Company a
agreement with the Orlando Water & Light
20-year franchise to provide water and electric
Company to buy the electric and water plant, at a
service starting January 1, 1901, and terminating
price to be fixed by a board of three arbiters.
on January 1, 1921. In 1903, the enterprising Cheney built an ice
By 1922, Orlando’s population had grown to about 10,000 and Judge Cheney — realizing a
plant (with an ice-making capacity of 60 tons per
need for wider services than his company was able
day and the capability to store 300 tons) at the
to supply — urged his friends to work and vote for
Lake Highland site, adjacent to the power and
a $975,000 bond issue to enable the citizens of
water plants. Sold locally and shipped to
Orlando to purchase and municipally operate his
neighboring towns, the ice was used to cool
privately owned utilities. Orlando Utilities
railroad cars and trucks that shipped fruit and
Commission was about to be born.
For the first time, water and electric utility service for the City of Orlando was consolidated under one organization —
in the beginning
John M. Cheney’s Orlando Water & Light Company.
John M. Cheney
Page 4
B R I N G I N G R E L I A B L E E L E C T R I C A N D WAT E R S E RV I C E T O O R L A N D O Judge John M. Cheney, “Founding Father and Visionary” Who was John M. Cheney? In the “History
private attorney, Orlando city attorney,
also served as judge for the Orange
of Orange County, Florida” published in
United States attorney for the southern
County juvenile court and recreation
1927 by William Fremont Blackman, Ph.D.,
district of Florida, United States judge
superintendent for the City of Orlando.
LL.D., it is said that “No other citizen of
for the southern district of Florida,
A section of the Dixie Highway in Central
Orange County was more esteemed and
Republican candidate for governor
Florida was officially named the Cheney
beloved than John Cheney.” His resumé
of Florida and Republican candidate
Highway in commemoration of his
was, to say the least, impressive. He was a
for the United States Senate. Cheney
service to Florida.
Page 5
the new frontier CHAPTER II:
OUC charter is drafted; first Commission meeting held.
Lake Ivanhoe water
• OUC moves into its new
plant is placed
building at the corner of
into service.
Wall Street and North Main Street. • Martin Brown is named General Manager.
First addition to Lake Ivanhoe power plant is completed.
OUC to improve
Lake Highland
infrastructure without
Service Yard.
Court decision enables
OUC builds
City Council approval.
• Curtis H. Stanton becomes General Manager of OUC. • OUC proudly celebrates 25 years of providing utilities for the
OUC has more than 13,000 customers — a 224 percent increase in just seven years.
Orlando area.
OUC installs underground feeder lines with funds from federal government.
Control Act becomes law.
Federal Water Pollution
Lake Highland Plant
the new frontier Page 6
23 9 1 IN
O U C I S C R E A T E D T O P R O V I D E H I G H – Q U A L I T Y WAT E R A N D E L E C T R I C I T Y hen OUC was born, Florida — and Orlando — were at the height
plant was finished, bringing generating capacity
of economic prosperity. Hundreds of thousands of people had
to 9 megawatts (MW).
descended on the state during the early ‘20s, lured by windfall
Through the next two decades, the citizenowned utility grew rapidly to serve its expanding
profits from land speculation. To keep up, the City embarked on a costly
customer base. During this time, OUC completed
improvement program to provide the infrastructure for development. Notable
two additions to the Lake Ivanhoe Plant and also
additions to the landscape during that time included the Orlando Public Library in 1923 and the Municipal Auditorium (now the Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre) in 1926. But, the second half of the “Roaring Twenties” told a different story. Florida’s land boom began to fizzle. Investors pulled out, and the pace of growth slowed. In 1928, the San Felipe-Lake Okeechobee Hurricane cut a swath through the state, leaving widespread destruction — a metaphoric harbinger of what would soon follow. The next year, the Stock
opened its first office building located at the intersection of Washington and Main streets in downtown Orlando. In 1926, OUC built two 250,000-gallon elevated water storage tanks to maintain an acceptable amount of water pressure at the extremities of the system. The tanks were strategically placed to
Market crash of 1929 launched the world into two decades of turmoil. But, through the Great Depression
release water flow that boosted pressure when it
and World War II, Orlando persevered — and its fledgling utility grew into a trusted and reliable partner.
was excessively low, during times of high use. The tanks were then refilled at night when
Establishing an Infrastructure When Orlando residents voted in 1923 to purchase the privately held Orlando Water & Light Company, they were setting the stage for generations of high-quality, reliable utility service that would provide the infrastructure for growth. During that year, a special act of the Florida Legislature created the Orlando Utilities Commission, providing it with full authority to operate the water and power plants as a municipal utility. OUC began serving 2,795
Tank” was located on Copeland Drive west of Orange Avenue, at the south end of the distribution system; the other tank was installed on Washington Street on the system’s east side. At the time, Lakes Highland and Ivanhoe were OUC’s primary sources of drinking water. However, dry conditions reported in 1927 lowered water levels in these lakes, making it necessary to tap remote Lake Underhill as an additional supply source. A 24-inch raw water pipe was constructed to connect Lake Underhill to the plant on Lake Ivanhoe. Two filters were added to the Lake Ivanhoe Plant, each with a capacity of 2 MGD,
electric and 2,290 water customers for a total
bringing the total filtration capacity of the plant
investment of $1.5 million.
to 8 MGD.
At that time, the new water and electric plant
Lake Ivanhoe Plant
consumption was down. The “Old Copeland
By 1930, Orlando’s population had grown
facilities located on Lake Ivanhoe were just
to 27,330, and OUC had more than 13,000
nearing completion. In 1924, the water plant
customers — a 224 percent increase in just seven
was placed into service with a rated capacity of
years. That year, the utility generated more than
4 million gallons per day (MGD). Two years later,
14 million kilowatts (kW) and pumped 814 million
the first addition to the electric portion of the
gallons of water.
Page 7
the new frontier J. Thomas Gurney, author of the original OUC charter.
OUC Charter Drafted, First Meeting Held Drafted by local attorney J. Thomas Gurney, the Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) charter created a five-member Commission. Four citizens of Orlando were named to serve as Commissioners along with the Mayor of Orlando, who was automatically an ex-officio member of the board. These individuals were to serve without pay and be appointed for staggered four-year terms. They could serve second terms if re-nominated by the Commission. The Commission was designed to function as a Board of Directors of a corporation. The individuals who framed the OUC charter took every possible precaution to set up the Commission in a manner that would effectively eliminate political pressure and influence. The first official meeting of the newly formed Orlando Utilities Commission occurred on June 25, 1923 at 10:30 a.m. in the board room of the First National Bank. City Attorney W.B. Crawford asked each member of the Commission to draw a ticket, sight unseen, which established the term of office each new Commissioner would hold. The results were: Judge W.T. Bland, one year; J.F. Ange, two years; L.C. Massey, three years; H.H. Dickson and H.L. Beeman, each four years. It was moved by Ange, and seconded by Massey that the Honorable W.T. Bland be elected President of the Commission for the ensuing year.
Navigating the Great Depression During the Great Depression, the federal government provided funds to help OUC install underground electric feeder lines.
of the General Manager and Assistant General Manager. A year later, OUC defended and won its
Completed in 1934, this project generated
legal authority to add the equipment and
250 jobs at a time when work was virtually
infrastructure necessary to provide reliable
impossible to find. That year, OUC offered
electric and water service to its customers
the lowest residential electric rates in Florida;
without approval from the Orlando City
in fact, the utility actually reduced electric
Council. In the 1937 Evans case, OUC got the
rates from 8 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) to
go-ahead to spend $645,000 to build a new
6 cents per kWh in 1934.
turbine at the Lake Ivanhoe Plant.
Throughout the ‘30s, OUC promoted the
The late 1930s saw the addition of another
cost-saving benefits of using electricity with the
elevated water storage tank on Rugby Street
slogan “Cook Electrically and Save Money”—
in College Park and a second Lake Ivanhoe
even offering 120 electric ranges for just
power plant addition that brought OUC’s total
5 cents per month, added to a customer’s bill.
generation capacity to 19 MW.
OUC not only installed the stoves, but also maintained them free of charge.
In 1936, Martin W. Brown, who began his career as the utility’s first plant engineer, was
In 1936, OUC relocated its offices from
promoted to General Manager. The following
City Hall to its new office building at Wall and
year, the Commission formally adopted a policy
Main streets in downtown Orlando across the
of keeping the people fully informed about
street from the Southern Bell Telephone
utility operations and “Where the Money Goes”
Company Building and the Orange County
to benefit the taxpayers and the citizens of
Court House. The first floor was occupied by
Orlando. This included the publishing of annual
the cashier, sales and contract department,
reports and informational bulletins on various
credit department, reception room and Offices
subjects of interest to OUC’s citizen-owners.
Florida native Martin W. Brown worked his way up through the ranks of the Orlando Utilities Commission on his way to becoming General Manager in 1936. The utility’s first chief engineer, he was promoted to plant superintendent in 1932. He served as secretary and treasurer of the Municipal Utilities Association of Florida, and during World War II, was secretary of the Florida Power Pool State Defense Council.
the new frontier Page 8
In the early years, OUC had to spend time and energy to educate customers about the advantages of electricity and promote the use of electric appliances in the home. Source: 1947-48 Orlando Utilities Commission Reports to the residents of Orlando.
Page 9
the new frontier PROVIDING SAFE,
DRINKING WATER Orlando Utilities Commission was established on the principle of providing safe, high-quality water to its customers. The water system facilities owned and operated by the newly formed OUC were described in detail in an October 13, 1930 newspaper article titled “Orlando Utilities: A Great Success.” The following excerpt is from that article and illustrates OUC’s commitment to providing the highest quality water for its customers.
he water supply of the City of Orlando is a source of considerable pride and satisfaction to the citizens because of the high quality of the water for domestic and commercial purposes. The water is derived from a chain of fresh water lakes in and adjacent to the City. The raw water in these lakes is of low mineral content and is classed as a soft water. The Orlando Utilities Commission has a modern purification plant. The design and operation of this plant is in accord with the most approved water works practice. The plant is supervised by an
experienced water works bacteriologist and chemist, and every effort is made to maintain the highest standards of quality. Orlando has never had an epidemic of typhoid fever or other disease traceable to the water supply. The plant is pumping close to one billion gallons of water each year (2.7 MGD) and distributing the same through a system consisting of 156 miles of water mains in sizes ranging from 2 to 20 inches upon which there are more than 8,500 customer connections, and 427 municipal fire hydrants.”
the new frontier
The OUC water pumping process — from low-lift pumps to aerators to settling basins to the high-lift pumps that carried water to the City mains.
Page 10
1923–1949 The American Red Cross set up a surgical dressing unit at OUC during WWII.
On the Homefront America entered the Second World War after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on
created jobs. The state’s citrus industry also
December 7, 1941. As our country fought
began to thrive, fueling growth throughout
for freedom on the battlegrounds of Europe
Central Florida.
and the Pacific, OUC helped on the
To keep pace, OUC embarked mid-decade
homefront — keeping the power on and the
on a major expansion of the water treatment
water flowing for the citizens of Orlando.
and electric generation facilities. The new
And that wasn’t always easy. According to
Lake Highland Plant, containing both electric
Orlando: A Centennial History, in June of
generation and water treatment equipment,
1942, street lights were cut off “when the
would be built west of Lake Highland, south
city faced an acute power shortage due to
of the railroad tracks, directly across from the
lack of oil. Merchants were asked to cut air
existing plant. OUC also constructed a new
conditioning and display lights, and municipal
water main system that replaced many of the
lights were discontinued, with the exception
original mains that were installed beginning
of traffic signals.”
in 1886. A 20-inch main was laid from the
Throughout some of the darkest years in
plant on Lake Ivanhoe down Orange Avenue
this nation’s history, OUC set the stage for
to Lake Lucerne. Up to this point, the largest
what would become a legacy of community
water main in the City’s chief artery was
service — opening its doors to the American
10 inches in diameter.
Red Cross, which set up a surgical dressing
With the addition of new infrastructure
unit on the third floor of OUC’s office building.
came the need for a centralized service
One of the first such units in the war effort, it
operations area. In 1942, OUC built the 38,900-
served as the state’s training headquarters for
square-foot Lake Highland Service Yard, which
surgical instructors. More than 250,000
accommodated the new warehouse, meter
dressings were made at OUC, representing
rooms, paint shop, truck sheds and operations
107,447 hours of volunteer effort.
offices. The Yard was constructed on the north
During the war, the economies of Orlando Lake Highland Service Yard construction circa 1942.
from the Depression, as defense contracts
and other Florida cities were able to rebound
Page 11
shore of Lake Highland, on a private rail siding, adjacent to the Lake Ivanhoe Plant.
the new frontier OUC Consumer Accounting Department, 1947.
Forecasting and Funding Growth
Potential Electric and Water Plant in Windermere In 1944, faced with growing demand for electricity and water, OUC purchased 65 acres
During the early 1940s, OUC began what would
of land on the southwestern part of town as sites
become a tradition of prudent financial planning
for a new power plant and water treatment facility.
and customer demand forecasting. In 1942, the
The two parcels of property were strategically
utility created cash reserves to pay for a $5 million
located on Lake Down in Windermere, Florida.
plant and property expansion program based
OUC also began purchasing right-of-way for
on a study that looked at future population and
transmission lines and water mains to tie in to
potential consumer requirements. The plan
OUC's existing system.
included increasing generating capacity by
However, because residents opposed using
installing a new steam turbine generator at the
the lake as a source of drinking water, plans for
Lake Highland property.
the water plant were abandoned and the land
Projecting the need for an increase in water
was sold in 1964. The power plant site was
supply capacity of about 150 percent, the plan
retained for potential future purposes and
also suggested the addition of concrete and
renamed Camp Down.
cast-iron pipes and tubular tunnels to connect Lakes Underhill, Highland, Ivanhoe, Big Fairview Camp Down in Windermere, Florida.
and Little Fairview.
Curt Stanton: “Trailblazer, Leader and Statesman” In 1947, OUC hired Curtis H. Stanton as Assistant General Manager.
urtis H. Stanton was born in Key West, Florida. He graduated from the University of Florida in 1940 with a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering degree and was hired by the General Electric Company in Schenectady, New York. He joined Orlando Utilities Commission in 1947 as Assistant General Manager, working for GM Martin Brown. Shortly thereafter, Brown passed away, and Stanton took the reins. He was just 29. Heavily recruited by the OUC board from General Electric, Stanton had already developed a reputation as someone who knew how to get things done. He was the perfect person to lead a small utility facing rampant growth. One of his first duties was the construction of the Lake Highland Plant,
a power and water plant that would come online in 1949. The Indian River Plant in Brevard County followed more than a decade later in 1960. Stanton remained at the helm of OUC for 35 years, turning the local utility into a powerful player in the electric and water utility industry. A trailblazer whose relationshipbuilding skills enabled him to forge valuable partnerships with organizations both large and small, Stanton was instrumental in forming entities like the Florida Electric Power Coordinating Group (FCG) that benefited not only citizens of Orlando, but people throughout Florida as well. Under his leadership, OUC’s water system was upgraded from surface water to well water, and coal and nuclear power were added to the generation portfolio. Stanton once said, “In all my years of experience, I can tell you there is nothing louder than a silent power plant.” As a result during his tenure, he made sure that OUC
power plants were built with the best available technology at the time of construction and were among the most efficiently run generation units in the country. Stanton was active in the local community, as well as in national water and electric trade associations. As president of the American Water Works Association, he represented that group on a visit to President Jimmy Carter in the White House in 1979. He also served as the president of the Orlando Chamber of Commerce and was awarded the prestigious John Young Award from Junior Achievement for distinguishing himself in his field and bringing national acclaim and public notice to Orlando.
the new frontier Page 12
1923–1949 Lake Ivanhoe Plant in forefront and construction of Lake Highland Plant behind the facility.
Post-War Era Positions OUC for the Next Generation In the post-war 1940s, America experienced
The new Lake Highland water treatment
rapid industrial and urban growth, which
plant had a rated capacity of 16 MGD and
resulted in the pollution of lakes, rivers and
featured highly sophisticated equipment
streams. This prompted Congress to enact
capable of treating raw water, which by 1949
the first major legislation in the country’s
was being withdrawn from Lakes Highland,
history (the Federal Water Pollution Control
Ivanhoe, Concord, Adair and Underhill. The
Act of 1948) to “enhance the quality and value
surface water was used for treatment in the
of our water resources and to establish a
water plant, as well as to cool the electric plant.
national policy for the prevention, control and
As the decade drew to a close, OUC — having
abatement of water pollution.” Later known
weathered the nation’s economic collapse, the
as the Clean Water Act, this was seen as the
Great Depression and World War II — was
beginning of government regulation of both
poised to enter a period of rapid growth and
the water and energy industries. In 1949,
change, fueled by a burgeoning population
OUC completed the new Lake Highland Plant.
and driven by Space Age technology.
For its time, the power plant was considered to be a modern high-pressure facility, having a capacity of 25,000 kW. When combined with the existing 19,000 kW, the plant’s total generation capacity grew to 44,000 kW. OUC made adequate provisions, so that additional units could be added at minimum cost, as Orlando grew and demand for electrical energy increased. Electric units at Lake Ivanhoe.
Page 13
america races to the moon CHAPTER III:
• Air Pollution Control Act of 1955 is enacted.
• OUC files a
• Indian River Plant, Unit 2 is completed. • OUC begins burying power lines and replacing overhead lines with underground ones, along Colonial Drive, west to Texas Avenue.
request with the Atomic Energy
• OUC employee newsletter, the Spark &
Commission to join
Splash, debuts.
a study of the
possibilities of using nuclear-
OUC switches from surface water to well water from Floridan Aquifer.
powered generators. • Glenn L. Martin Company decides to build missile facility
OUC installs first data processing system, the IBM-360.
in southwest Orlando.
• OUC develops Handbook, formalizing employee policies.
• Interstate 4 opens in Orlando,
Additions to the Lake
providing access to new areas
Highland Plant go into
of development in the northern
and southern regions of Orange County.
• Air Quality Act of 1967 is enacted.
Indian River Plant goes online.
OUC opens new
• Clean Air Act of 1963 is enacted.
Administration Building
• 230,000-volt tie “interconnects”
and Customer
OUC and FPL.
Service Center.
america races to the moon Page 14
0 5 9 1 IN
O U C S E T S S I G H T S O N T E C H N O L O G Y , R E L I A B I L I T Y ollowing World War II, Florida was recognized as the last of the Eastern frontier states. By 1950, as Orlando’s population swelled to 51,826 (officially becoming a “metropolitan area”), the City had become the region’s financial, retail and transportation hub. Office buildings and shopping centers were built to support business and residential growth. As America raced to the moon, OUC began to focus on new types of fuel and sources of water. The new Orlando Army Air Base and the arrival of the Glenn L. Martin Company in 1956 also put Central Florida on the map as a center for military research and production. As demand rose, OUC began a tradition of focusing on reliability and investing in new technology.
Photo ASII-40-5875 Courtesy of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Setting Standards for the Future: OUC Pioneers Static Shield Wire OUC always understood the importance of
strikes — a cause of frequent power outages.
reliability — but during the 1950s, the utility
Although shield wire was commonly used
aggressively took this commitment to the next
for this purpose on transmission lines, its
level, investing in new technology that would
application on distribution systems was limited.
set standards for the future.
After an OUC study showed the process to be
For example, OUC was one of the first
effective, it became standard design throughout
utilities in the state to use static shield wire to
the OUC system — improving reliability in
protect its distribution system against lightning
“the lightning capital of the United States.”
Page 15
america races to the moon Commitment to Facilitating Growth: T H E
L .
In 1956, when the Glenn L. Martin Company decided to locate a large missile facility in southwest Orlando, OUC worked to provide the infrastructure needed to support the addition of this new company to our community.
“We found out where the Glenn Martin Company was going to locate about a week before it was publically announced. In those days, whoever had lines closest served the customer. So we got around there close enough. We also had the advantage of providing water in addition to electricity, which was a big plus for Martin. We agreed to build them a separate water plant, because they were too far away from our water lines. And we actually dug wells and put in a small water treatment plant.” – Curt Stanton OUC General Manager at the time The Martin facility, which would eventually employ thousands of people to manufacture missiles and other hardware for the U.S. military, became a major player in the growth that occurred in southwest Orange County during the 1950s and 1960s. The defense plant itself occupied hundreds of acres of land,
and the company also purchased thousands of additional acres in southwest Orange County, which were developed into large commercial and “We were serving Martin industrial tracts, such as initially with 12 kV (12,000 Orlando Central Park. volts). It was coming all the In tandem with the way from the Lake Highland construction of the Plant. Boy, that is a long defense plant and the haul for that kind of load other properties, large residential neighborhoods for one circuit. So that’s why there was this impetus also sprung up. The new for us to immediately go out OUC Martin Plant there with 115 kV and put in provided water supply a substation.” for the new defense facility and the ancillary – Lou Stone developments that Plant Engineer at the time accompanied it. During this time, the Pine Hills area, located eight miles north of the defense plant, also began to undergo extensive residential and associated commercial development to accommodate many of the plant employees. To support this new growth area, OUC built the Pine Hills Water Plant in 1958 and installed distribution mains to deliver water to customers living in this unincorporated area of Orange County. Because the Martin Plant was located too far from existing lines, OUC built a dedicated water treatment plant to serve the facility and extended a 115 kilovolt (kV) line to provide electric service.
Orlando Utilities Commission, led by GM Curt Stanton, touring new Martin Water Plant, 1958.
Page 16
1950–1969 Beneath the Surface: Drawing Water from a New Source — the Floridan Aquifer To provide a safe and reliable drinking water
be spread out, strategically located within the
supply for its customers, OUC began in 1957 to
service area and interconnected by means of
switch from surface water to well water drawn
transmission pipes.
from the Floridan Aquifer. As demand increased, withdrawals from the
OUC converts from surface to well water.
This new concept would provide OUC customers with an extremely reliable and
lakes dropped water levels to unacceptable
operationally efficient water system.
limits, especially during years when rainfall
Water from the aquifer also offered other
was very low. In addition, the quality of the
advantages: It was high quality compared
raw water pumped from the lakes required
to lake water, requiring less extensive and
extensive coagulation/filtration treatment,
less costly treatment; and it was plentiful,
which was very costly.
eliminating the environmental and aesthetic
This shift to groundwater meant that plants
problems that were caused when lakes
could be located anywhere in the service area,
began to be over-pumped beyond their
because wells could be drilled down to the
sustainable yield.
aquifer at any location. Thus, water plants could
In 1957, OUC presented the City of Orlando with the Lake Eola fountain. Originally the idea of Linton E. Allen, then President of the First National Bank (now SunTrust), the City landmark was first called the “Centennial
america races to the moon Fountain” but was renamed the “Linton E. Allen
Memorial Fountain” after the community leader’s death.
Page 17
america races to the moon The Power of Interconnections with Other Utilities
he 1960s saw advancements in transmitting and pooling electricity. Load dispatchers used the economic loading slide rule, which was the first
analog computer at OUC. This helped them determine which units were the most “economical” to run during certain periods of time, based on factors like fuel cost and
Larger, More Efficient Lake Highland Units Come Online In 1958 — after the larger, more efficient
for peaking service. At the time of their
Lake Highland Plant went into operation and
installation, these units were the largest
the Lake Ivanhoe Plant was taken offline —
peaking gas turbines in the world.
the OUC electric system grew rapidly. In just
General Manager Curt Stanton and Plant
one year, load increased 25 percent. In fact,
Engineer Harry Luff co-authored a technical
OUC was expanding so quickly that its
paper on operation and maintenance of
interconnections provided OUC the ability to connect with
engineering firm recommended installing two
these turbines, which was presented to the
other utilities and back each other up.
gas turbines, in addition to the existing steam
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
units, at the Lake Highland Plant to be used
Gas Turbine Conference in 1961.
transmission availability. Utilities stood on their own and had to have enough backup generation to cover the loss of units. For that reason,
Interconnections were established with Florida Power Corporation in Orlando and later with Florida Power & Light (FPL) on the East Coast near the new plant site on the Indian River. At 2:46 p.m. on October 15, 1963, a 230,000-volt tie between OUC and FPL was energized at the Commission’s Indian River Plant by Curt Stanton, Executive Vice President and GM of OUC, and Alan Wright, Vice President of FPL. “The energizing of this tie represents the completion of another phase of the Orlando Utilities’ overall expansion
OUC Conducts First Long-Range Planning Study As OUC’s service territory continued to
transmission lines that would loop around
expand, the utility undertook the first long-range
Orlando. All recommendations were approved
planning study of its electric system with outside
by the Commission.
engineering firm Black and Veatch to evaluate the system and establish a plan for facilitating growth.
In 1961, the high-voltage transmission loop around the Orlando area was completed —
To increase system reliability, Black and
placing OUC in a strong position to add more
expanding system,” Stanton said. “This new tie offers a
Veatch recommended that OUC establish
interconnections with other power systems. And
further source of supply of energy in the event of power
interconnections with other power systems,
in 1964, OUC began burying power lines and
failure and increases the total tie capacity to 350,000 kW.”
select a site for a new power plant and install
replacing overhead lines with underground utilities
(Orlando Sentinel, October 16, 1963)
a new generating unit. The study also revealed
along Colonial Drive west to Texas Avenue.
program to strengthen and increase the capability of its
the need for new substations and 115 kV
Living Better . . . Electrically As part of a national campaign launched by the electric industry, OUC participated in the Gold Medallion Home program, which touted the built-in advantages of “living better electrically.” Dwellings that were awarded this seal used “low-cost electricity” exclusively for “winter heat, summer cooling, year-around cooking and water-heating, as well as for light and power.”
Page 18
Harry Luff, Curt Stanton, Ted Pope.
Indian River Plant Hailed as “Marvel of Efficiency and Modern Technology” In 1960, a new generating plant was designed
reported to have been the largest single project
at the time: “Working to keep electricity your
and constructed in Brevard County along the Indian
money-wise in OUC history (OUC Today, Indian
B.E.S.T. value!”
River. Aptly named the Indian River Plant (IRP), this
River Anniversary Issue, Vol. XXI, No. 1, 1985).
oil- and gas-fired unit was more than twice the size
When IRP opened, local media hailed it as a
provided two strategic advantages: an unlimited
of the largest unit at the Lake Highland Plant.
marvel of efficiency and modern technology. With
supply of cooling water for the steam condensers
The switch connecting IRP to OUC’s electric
a nameplate rating of 78.5 MW and the capability
and water transportation for fuel oil deliveries from
system was closed for the first time at 11:53 p.m.
to produce more than 90 MW under peak load
nearby Port Canaveral.
on February 20, 1960. One thousand people
conditions, its generators would power growth in
braved bad weather to attend the dedication of
the area — producing energy at a cost of two cents
oil via Port Canaveral — occurred four years
the new plant, located halfway between Titusville
per kilowatt hour, the lowest price in the history of
later after the completion of the 205-MW Unit 2
and Cocoa. Built at a cost of $16 million, IRP was
the utility, clearly supporting OUC Today’s slogan
at IRP.
Page 19
The plant’s location along the Indian River
That milestone — the first barge delivery of
america races to the moon Environmental Regulations In the ‘50s and ‘60s, the federal government enacted environmental legislation that would have a lasting effect on public utilities. The Air Pollution Control Act of 1955 — the first federal legislation involving air pollution — funded research for scope and sources of air pollution. The Clean Air Act of 1963 was the first federal legislation regarding air pollution control. It authorized the development of a national program to address air pollution-related environmental problems and authorized research into techniques to minimize air pollution. The Air Quality Act of 1967 authorized enforcement procedures for air pollution problems involving interstate transport of pollutants and authorized expanded research activities.
OUC Helps Support City Services In 1966, OUC transferred $4.18 million to
sewerage and sanitary facilities, street paving,
the City of Orlando, which amounted to more
cleaning and lighting, parks and playgrounds,
than 50 percent of the City’s operating
traffic engineering, airport operation, health
budget. Power and water contributions
department services and many more
helped provide police and fire protection,
community services.
Mapping a System of Pipes, Power Lines, Plants and Substations One of the most significant accomplishments
easily. It needed not only the appropriate
of the late 1960s was the improvement of
technology, but also required that people
OUC’s electric mapping system. Up to that
change longstanding habits.
time, most of the feeder circuits and electrical
The mapping system process was continually
switching capabilities had resided in the minds
upgraded and improved as time and technology
of a few people and hard copies of maps. But,
advanced to the point where even field
as OUC grew, better documentation was
personnel have access to mapping and
needed. This process, however, did not come
switching procedures via portable computers.
Page 20
Groundbreaking for the OUC Administration Building.
OUC Water Department Chosen Best in State In 1968, the Florida State Board of Health
populations of more than 25,000, the state
chose OUC’s water department as the best
board of field sanitary engineers judged the
large-city operation in the state for the previous
Orlando plant tops in product quality, employee
three years. After inspecting private and
professionalism, preventive maintenance, safety,
municipal facilities serving areas with
cleanliness and emergency planning.
OUC Opens New Administration Building On April 18, 1968, OUC opened its new,
Manager, “The new Administration
eight-story, $3 million Administration Building
Building will give the Commission a greater
and Customer Service Center at the corner of
operational capacity, a needed capacity
Orange Avenue and Anderson Street. The
with the advent of Disney World, Florida
new facility, which would serve as OUC’s
Technological University and the new Naval
home in downtown Orlando for the next 40
Training Center. These additions to our
years, housed all of the Commission’s
economy will put increasing demands upon
administrative personnel, as well as business
OUC to supply efficient, low-cost electric
and accounting divisions.
and water services to a wide variety of new
According to Curtis H. Stanton, OUC Executive Vice President and General
industries, businesses, public institutions and residential areas.”
Information Technology: From Spiral Notebooks to Mainframes Logging information into spiral notebooks was standard procedure when OUC first began operations in 1923. In 1966, that all changed, as the utility installed the first stage of its new $600,000 data processing system. The basic units of the new system, the IBM-360, were installed on the seventh floor of City Hall until the Commission’s new building was complete. B.L. Cording, OUC data processing division director, told the Orlando Morning Sentinel that “the IBM-360 is a vast,
america races to the moon powerful system that will simplify OUC’s programming effort
and will allow maximum utilization of equipment and provide continuous availability of necessary information.” (Orlando Sentinel, 1966)
Page 21
a balancing act
written by Assistant General Manager Harry Luff.
elected first African-
female OUC Board President.
OUC develops its first Administrative Policy Manual,
• Charles J. Hawkins is
Grace Lindblom is elected first
American President of
OUC Board. • OUC Water Operations purchases five water
Orlando Utilities
system plants.
Commission celebrates
control center goes into
due to rate pressures resulting
operation at OUC’s
from the fuel crunch. This
Lake Highland Plant.
was the only layoff in the
New computer-based
OUC lays off 39 employees
• OUC begins Home Energy Audit
50th anniversary.
• On October 31, Curt
program. • Lake Highland Plant is retired.
Stanton retires at age 65. • Harry Luff is promoted to GM. • OUC acquires Dr. Phillips Water System.
company’s history. Of the
• GM Harry Luff retires; Ted Pope is named
original group, 13 employees
General Manager.
were later rehired.
• OUC launches “Proud to Serve Y.O.U.”
OUC helps launch the Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA) – a non-profit, joint action public agency formed by 30 municipal electric utilities.
employee initiative.
• Stanton Energy Center begins commercial operation.
OUC opens first enclosed
a balancing act • OUC introduces the use of
substation on Robinson Street
mainframe computing.
in Downtown Orlando.
Page 22
70 I N 19
UNPRECEDENTED GROWTH AND GROUNDBREAKING ENVIRONMENTAL REGUL ATION rom an energy crisis . . . to a heat wave and drought . . .
For OUC, this era marked a period of historic expansion that would
to a more competitive business climate, the 1970s and
continue for more than three decades. Between 1978 and 1988,
1980s marked a period of both turbulence and growth for
Orlando became the No. 1 destination for relocation in Florida, and
the energy and water industries. It was a perfect storm for brewing
the utility grew its customer base by a record 41 percent. In that same
sweeping environmental regulation, including the establishment of
time period, OUC’s assets rose from $245 million to $1.2 billion as
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
infrastructure was added to meet customers’ needs. Thanks to the opening of Walt Disney World® in 1971, Central Florida also became the nation’s top tourist destination; and Orlando International Airport grew to one of the busiest in the world. With increased development came a heightened urgency to find new ways to move data and communicate. As a result, this time period would see major developments in information technology as the world moved from mainframes to desktop computers. In the midst of such transformative change, OUC faced a balancing act. To accommodate rapid growth, new environmental regulations and the need for fuel diversity, the utility added a series of new power plants, established energy and water partnerships, and significantly increased its water operation through acquisition of the Dr. Phillips Utilities, which served customers in southwest Orange County near the soon-to-be tourism corridor. OUC — like the region it served — was laying a foundation for the future. At the same time, it proved to be one of the strongest municipal utilities in the nation by being the first to receive an “AAA” rating on its bonds from a major rating agency in 1989.
Copyright 1971 Gary Gimee
Pictured left: In 1971, Walt Disney World® opened and Central Florida became home to the largest theme park in the world with hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. Although Disney World was not inside OUC’s service territory, the park acted as a catalyst for growth throughout the region. From hotels and restaurants to accommodate tourists to homes for Disney employees, the demand for OUC power and water grew rapidly as a result of the park’s opening.
Page 23
a balancing act New Standards for Clean Air and Water From 1970 to 1989, the nation and Florida,
and protection of our waterways from pollution.
in particular, experienced some of the most
The EPA was given authority to set standards and
sweeping environmental regulation in history —
oversee the state and local water suppliers who
impacting everything from the air we breathe
implement those standards.
and water we drink to the way water pollution
In 1972, as a record heat wave hit Florida,
is monitored and large-scale power generation
emergency power cutbacks were invoked for at
projects are approved.
least 350 industries statewide, and a waiver was
On the electric side, the establishment of
granted for generating-plant pollution standards.
the Clean Air Act resulted in a major shift in
Orlando remained one of the few areas in the
the government’s role in air pollution control,
state able to operate with power reserves and
significantly expanding its enforcement authority.
to sell power to electricity-poor regions. Power
As a result of increased monitoring requirements,
consumption in Orlando was 350,000 kW, leaving
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
OUC with 40,000 kW to market.
was formed to consolidate all environmental
As a result of increased demand and the need
regulations and policies governing air, water
to expedite power plant projects through the
and land under one agency.
permitting process, the Florida Electric Power
On the water side, the amendment of the
Plant Siting Act (PPSA) was passed in 1973,
Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 and
creating a centralized process for licensing large
the enactment of the Safe Drinking Water Act set
power plant projects.
new standards for ensuring drinking water quality
Page 24
Unprecedentedl Environmenta Regulations From 1970 to 1989, more major environmental legislation was passed in the United States than in all the years before and after . . . combined. Much of the regulation was geared to clean water and clean air — and, as such, it had a profound effect on utility companies. Following is a summary of those laws. • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established in 1970 to consolidate into one agency a variety of federal research, monitoring, standardsetting and enforcement activities to ensure environmental protection. EPA's mission is to protect human health and to safeguard the natural environment — air, water and land. • The Clean Air Act of 1970 (CAA) resulted in a major shift in the federal government's role in air pollution control. This legislation authorized the development of comprehensive federal and state regulations to limit emissions from both stationary (industrial) and mobile sources. The enforcement authority was substantially expanded. • 1972 Amendments to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 were approved. Growing public awareness and concern for controlling water pollution led to sweeping
amendments to the original law. New amendments to the Water Pollution Control Act changed the thrust of enforcement of water quality standards, regulating the amount of pollutants in a given body of water, effluent limitations, and the amount of pollutants being discharged from particular point sources. • The Florida Electric Power Plant Siting Act of 1973 (PPSA, ss. 403.501-.518) established the state’s centralized process for licensing large power plants via one certification that replaces local and state permits. Local governments and state agencies within whose jurisdiction the power plant is to be built participate in the process. Certification addresses permitting, land use and zoning, and property interests. • The Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 (SDWA) was enacted by Congress to protect the country’s public drinking water supply and ensure the quality of Americans’ drinking water. Under SDWA, the EPA sets drinking water standards and oversees the states, localities and water suppliers who implement those standards. • 1977 Amendments to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 (now referred to as the Clean Water Act), established the basic structure for
Page 25
regulating pollutants discharged into the waters of the U.S., giving EPA the authority to implement pollution-control programs such as setting wastewater standards for industry. • 1977 Amendments to the Clean Air Act of 1970 set major permit review requirements to ensure attainment and maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) established under the CAA of 1970. • 1981 Amendments to the Clean Water Act streamlined the municipal construction grants process, improving the capabilities of treatment plants built under the program. • 1986 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act required a number of actions to protect drinking water and its sources: rivers, lakes, reservoirs, springs and groundwater wells. • 1987 Amendments to the Clean Water Act phased out the construction grants program, replacing it with the State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund, more commonly known as the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. This new funding strategy addressed water quality needs by building on EPA-state partnerships.
a balancing act Florida Electric Power Coordinating Group Formed; Utilities Work Together to Lower Power Costs through Economic Dispatch In 1972, the Florida Electric Power
OUC celebrated its Golden Anniversary.
Those close to the negotiations felt that
Coordinating Group, Inc. (FCG) was formed
Curt Stanton’s relationship with Marshall
to promote coordinated facilities, planning
McDonald, the CEO of Florida Power & Light
and transmission studies of all electric
(FPL), was key to the successful establishment
utilities in the state — including those that
of FCG. Stanton and McDonald had known
were investor-owned, as well as rural electric
each other since college. The trust between
cooperatives and municipals. Although it
the two men — one representing the largest
was initially difficult to get an organization
investor-owned utility and the other, the
of competing utilities off the ground, FCG
second largest municipal utility in the
ultimately became a highly successful
state — allowed the parties to put their
endeavor, benefiting all Florida electric
differences aside and work together in the
customers by lowering power costs. This
best interest of Floridians. This was the first
was accomplished through the economic
step toward creating a central economic
dispatch of generating units and the
dispatch where utilities coordinated
establishment of power interchange
outages and had a means of utilizing the
brokering, which effectively achieved the
most economical and efficient units first. It
objectives of a formal power pool without
also enabled OUC to monitor transmission
formal binding contracts.
capacity and plan for growth.
OUC Instrumental in Creating Power-Brokering Software Programs A leader in the region since interconnecting
Going live in February 1979, it ran at 20 minutes
with other utilities in 1960, OUC was involved
before the hour, giving utilities a 40-minute
in a joint study with FCG to look at developing
window to input quotes. The program would
a power-brokering system that would allow
print out a schedule for the next hour, matching
utilities to make decisions on buying and
the needs of the utilities to the available
selling power based on an hourly market. Prior
generation. Washburn said the new system
to the study, all transactions were conducted
met with great response, and Florida utilities
over the phone between utilities, and there
saw an annual savings that ranged from
was no centralized information or level playing
$20 million to $40 million.
field. An FCG study found that conducting
The power-brokering system was used until
more transactions in the State of Florida on
the 1990s when, in the face of deregulation,
an hourly basis would benefit the state.
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FCG and OUC's Tom Washburn developed
(FERC) mandated that all utilities use the
and implemented a new software system to
centralized Open Access Same-Time
enable hourly transactions. Called General
Information System (OASIS), an Internet-
Electric Time Sharing, the program utilized
based system for obtaining services related to
a server in Bethesda, Maryland, that was
electric power transmission in North America.
connected to each of the Florida utilities.
Page 26
OUC’s Tom Washburn (left) developed and implemented a software system to enable hourly power-brokering transactions.
At OUC’s Lake Highland Water Treatment Plant, an operator could control water supply for more than 200,000 people in the Greater Orlando area from one console.
OUC Centralizes Water Operation Monitoring and Control In 1974, a new computer-based control center was placed into operation at the Lake Highland Plant. Using the latest computer technology, OUC continued to monitor and control all water plants from this one centralized location. Featuring a console with monitors, the new center enabled a single operator to view the operational status of all OUC plants
and elevated tanks, as well as switches to turn pumps and equipment on and off. New software facilitated monitoring and control functionality, and collected and stored historical data that could be used to prepare reports and analyze the operation of the system. The control center was staffed with an operator 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
balancing act Page 27
As the demand for new water and electric production increased, so did the need for funds to finance these projects. In the early ‘70s, OUC began to evaluate its financial operations from cash flow management and rate making to how it financed investments in infrastructure.
With the help of an accounting firm, an electric and water rate-making system was established that allowed OUC to strike a balance between financing growth and providing affordable rates. As an outgrowth of these activities, OUC began using corporate financial modeling to forecast long-range
Page 28
capital needs and study the impact of major system expansion on rates. The utility also began to enlist financial experts to assist the organization in obtaining the lowest possible interest rates on new bond issues and refinancing older bonds.
The Naval Training Center was OUC’s largest customer in 1980.
Energy Crisis Fuels Need for Fuel Diversity; Nuclear Energy and Coal Enter the Mix From an energy and economic
becoming co-owners with the City of Lakeland
standpoint, the 1970s were in perpetual
on the McIntosh Unit 3 Power Plant, a coal-fired
crisis. In October of 1973 — as a result of
generating station. It was the first time in the history
the Yom Kippur war that had begun earlier
of Florida that non-contiguous electric systems
in the month — the Organization of the
jointly owned generation. And, it was an important
Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) declared an
milestone because it enabled two smaller systems
embargo on oil exports to the United States.
to obtain economies of scale and increased plant
The embargo swiftly was followed by a steep hike in oil prices and was accompanied by a decision to cut production. By 1974, the price of oil had
efficiency that would not have been possible with either system acting alone. The joint venture required OUC to build a
quadrupled. Those events, coupled with mounting
transmission line from Orlando to Lakeland —
instability in the Middle East, prompted the U.S. to
not only allowing the two entities to partner, but
take a number of initiatives to reduce dependence
also providing access to Tampa Electric’s Lakeland-
on foreign oil.
to-Tampa transmission lines, thus opening up that
In Orlando, the fuel crunch prompted OUC
route for power sales. The McIntosh plant would
to turn off building lights at night and the City to
come online in 1981, providing OUC with 134 MW
cancel Christmas lighting. The energy crisis also
of coal-fired generation.
brought about large increases in the cost of fuel oil and gas for OUC’s plants. It became increasingly clear that, going forward, the utility should do everything possible to obtain diversity in its fuel
OUC Invests in Nuclear Generation
supply by moving to nuclear and coal, which would
To further diversify its fuel mix, in 1977, OUC
provide fuel flexibility and enable OUC to use the
bought a 1.6 percent interest in its first nuclear
most economical source of fuel at any given time.
project: the Crystal River 3 Nuclear Plant. Three
With that in mind, negotiations began with
years later, the utility agreed to buy a 6 percent
Florida Power Corp. and Florida Power & Light
interest in the St. Lucie 2 nuclear generating
Co. (FPL) for small ownership interest in nuclear
plant being built by FPL. OUC received about
plants that were under construction.
48 MW from the plant, which would come online
In 1977, OUC made its first foray into coal by
n 1979, Orange County Circuit Judge William C. Gridley ruled that OUC’s rates are “fair and conscientious and openly set.” The ruling was in response to a class action suit by Rosalind Holding Co. alleging that the Commission had overcharged customers since 1970. An appeals court upheld the 1979 ruling on the Rosalind Case and fairness of OUC’s rates.
in 1983.
Charles J. Hawkins became the first black President of the OUC Board. According to the June 8, 1980 issue of Florida Magazine, he is believed to be the first AfricanAmerican in the U.S. to become head of a major utilities commission.
balancing act
Grace Lindblom was elected as the first female OUC Board President in 1981, becoming the first woman to head a utility in the state. Page 29
a balancing act Expanding OUC’s Water System through Acquisition The most significant change to the OUC water
Bay Hill, a prominent residential development
operations that occurred during the 1980s was
surrounding Arnold Palmer’s Bay Hill Golf
the purchase of five developer-built water system
Club, and Orange Tree, a residential/golf
plants from Orange County in 1980 and the
course community, were two of the premier
acquisition of the Dr. Phillips water system in
developments in the Dr. Phillips area
1983. Through the Dr. Phillips purchase, OUC
acquired by OUC.
added 12 square miles of new service territory
“Orlando Utilities Commission has a long
along with an established customer base and
and enviable record of good management and
existing water system infrastructure. The Dr.
outstanding service to its customers at
Phillips water system was owned and operated
reasonable rates. We are confident that the
by Dr. Phillips Utilities, a private company formed
Dr. Phillips community will be assured of the
to provide water and wastewater service to an
proper attention to their needs by the Orlando
area in southwest Orange County that started to
Utilities Commission,” said H.E. Johnson,
be developed in the early 1960s, as citrus groves
president of the Howard Phillips Fund, owner
gave way to residential homes and shopping
of all the utilities’ stock (The Times [Winter
centers. The Dr. Phillips name was linked to the
Garden], March 10, 1983).
area in recognition of a man who was a pioneer
As OUC expanded its water system,
in the Central Florida citrus industry and grew
it also had to contend with severe water
citrus on the land before it was sold to developers.
shortages that plagued the region. Orange
The newly acquired area was bordered on
County invoked a 15 percent voluntary water
the west by the Butler Chain of Lakes, on the
restriction, and the St. Johns River Water
east by Turkey Lake Road, on the north by
Management District also imposed mandatory
Conroy-Windermere Road, and on the south
water restrictions in Osceola, Volusia, Seminole,
by a westerly extension of State Road 528.
Brevard and Indian River counties.
OUC Wins Coveted Water Award In 1984, OUC won the first of many “Outstanding Water Treatment Plant Awards” from the American Water Works Association (AWWA). The award applied to all nine treatment plants. AWWA cited the OUC system for high water quality standards that exceed state and federal standards and leadership in planning, introducing and implementing new treatment and operations techniques.
Page 30
1970–1989 OUC Develops Programs to Encourage Customer Conservation As a result of the energy crisis and drought of the previous decade, conservation played a prominent role in the 1980s. To help reduce
As a result of the new structure, high energy users were charged a higher rate. In 1984, OUC began its Home Energy Audit
Florida’s dependency on foreign oil, the state
program — and it was a resounding success.
ordered utilities to conduct programs to
On the first day, more than 300 customers
lower power consumption. In response, OUC
swamped OUC with requests for audits
developed numerous conservation initiatives,
(Orlando Sentinel, May 3, 1984). In addition to
which served as the foundation of OUC’s
waiving the usual $15 fee, the program paid
energy and water conservation efforts. Most
$5 to customers who had audits. OUC also
have been expanded over the years and are
gave participants a one-time $10 credit for
still in place today.
buying energy-efficient appliances and a free
During this period, OUC revamped its rate structure for energy use to encourage
water-heater jacket, which saved them about $2 a month off their electric bill.
conservation as part of a state-mandated plan.
In 1985, OUC introduced a Low Income
Prior to this time, high energy users received
Home Energy Fix-up Program for homeowners
a discounted rate because it cost OUC less
who could not afford to make the minor repairs
to generate large amounts of electricity.
and improvements needed to save energy.
Harry Luff: “Architect of OUC Financial Systems” General Manager (1983–1986)
arry Luff had a distinguished 40-year career at Orlando Utilities Commission. With an engineering degree from Brown University, Luff began his tenure at OUC in 1946 at the bottom — chipping slag off the boilers. He worked numerous positions in the plant where his familiarity with the operation of complex steam power plants and his ability to effectively analyze problems caused management to take notice. His attention to detail and ability to develop systems, processes and programs to solve problems catapulted him through the ranks — first as head of the electric operations department, then as Assistant
General Manager in 1967 and finally as General Manager in 1983. However, it was Luff’s financial acumen that enabled OUC to fund rapid expansion and investment in new technology. Curt Stanton remembers meeting Luff: “First time I ever saw him, he was crawling out of the boiler with an old sailor hat on, and I tell you he looked like . . . he was just covered with coal.“ Stanton soon learned that Luff’s willingness to roll up his sleeves and get into the nitty-gritty details would become a tremendous asset to OUC.
“In July 1967, Curt Stanton asked me to be his assistant general manager,” Luff recalled. “I wasn’t sure what my duties would be, but Curt assured me he had a lot of special assignments in mind. As it turned out, there were more assignments than I could handle alone. I assembled a strong team that developed the first cashflow diagrams ever used at OUC and a new depreciation system. We established formulas for fair payments to the City and County, as well as an electric and water ratemaking system. As an outgrowth of
Page 31
these activities, we established a basis for using corporate financial modeling for long-range financial planning to study the impact of major system expansion on rates. Curt assigned us to work with bond issues and underwriters handling the finances for major plant additions. We found out the real issues that impact rates. It was a shock for a past plant engineer who thought that plant efficiency was everything in holding down rates to find out how many millions of dollars could be saved through sharp management of financing. In a highly capital-intensive business like electric utilities, the amount that can be saved is awesome.”
a balancing act
Advancements in Technology from the Meter to the Desktop
Hand-held mini-computers used by meter readers were placed in a console where data was downloaded to PCs and then into the mainframe for billing.
t er s e M g in d a e w R T hen and No
der Meter Rea red its first o n o h C U ing team In 1985, O meter read e th r, a e y t nd r. Tha n electric a of the Yea of 2.6 millio l ta to a d o a te b oks manually re all into rou m e th g in g rs, log ing system water mete meter read ic n o tr c le ne ployees by hand. A nabling em e , 7 8 9 1 mented in puters) to was imple (microcom s e ic v e d t. dheld on the spo to use han eck usage h -c le b u o d ss was able record and ys to proce a d e k ta the used to sferred to Data that ur and tran o h n a in ed a result, to be load xt day. As e n e th g for billin read more mainframe be able to ld u o w r e t r read 9.9 percen each mete hieving a 9 c a — th n o sharply meters a m dings and a re t rs fi n uracy o rate of acc -reads. reducing re
PCs Bring Information to the Desktop Change swept through every aspect of OUC
record research efficiency in Customer
during the late ‘80s as it initiated measures to
Accounting and sped up the estimating
keep up with advancements in technology and
process for engineering staff.
the economy while staying ahead of growth.
The impact of PCs became even more
From 1985 to 1988, the number of personal
profound when, in January 1988, a new
computers (PCs) at OUC grew from eight to
4381 IBM mainframe computer was installed and
135. Local area networks (LANs) were installed
connected to the LANs. Data communications
to link groups of PC users, giving them easier
capabilities emanating from the mainframe
access to more information and letting them
were also expanded to outlying facilities via
share expensive equipment.
OUC’s existing microwave/fiber optics
By expanding employees’ capabilities, networked PCs impacted every facet of OUC.
communications networks. These developments vastly accelerated
Purchasing and Materials Management was
the progress toward an integrated office
able to convert from a manual system to a
information system. As a result of the rapid
completely automated one. Computer Aided
deployment of computers, the Micro-
Design programs sharply reduced time
Computer Support Department was formed
needed to prepare drawings of complex
to help manage the new computer network
underground and water installations.
and the flow of information.
Microcomputer capabilities increased
For OUC, 1987 kicked off an information era with the deployment of personal computers on
a balancing act
desktops. Two years later, the Micro-Computer Support Department was formed to help employees
manage their information technology needs. Page 32
1970–1989 OUC and Orange Looking to the “Futures” County Enter into Water Ahead of the curve, OUC looked not only at what type of fuel it was buying, but also Territorial Agreement how the fuel was purchased. In 1986, OUC On February 13, 1985, OUC and Orange County entered into a territorial agreement (Agreement W-85-2), which established separate water service territories for each utility. Its stated purpose was to avoid duplication of water service facilities, as well as to eliminate needless and wasteful expenditures of capital and water resources. Under the terms of the agreement, a boundary was established to define and separate the OUC water service area from that of Orange County Utilities. The agreement also provided that the boundary could be adjusted in the future with the mutual consent of both parties. The territorial agreement made it easier for both utilities not only to plan for growth, but also to expand their systems to serve the rapidly increasing number of new residential and commercial developments that were being built in the county at the time.
became one of the only utilities in the United States to use energy futures to help manage the risk of price volatility in fuel markets. This innovative strategy of hedging oil and gas prices enabled OUC to keep fuel costs in check.
Making Water “Better Than It Has to Be”
The Charter and OUC
Water Act more than tripled OUC’s reporting
In 1986, the Florida Legislature unanimously
requirements for water quality analyses. As a
In 1986, amendments to the Safe Drinking
approved significant revisions to the OUC charter.
result, Water Operations installed a $200,000 mass
Specific language was added to more clearly
spectrometer in the Water Quality Lab to conduct
define the Commission’s authority to issue
all of the new tests required by law.
revenue bonds to finance or refinance debt.
Although OUC’s own chemical and biological
The makeup of the Commission also was altered
testing — as well as that of private and
to ensure that at least one member of the board
government labs — confirmed that the utility’s
was an OUC customer living outside the City of
water was much higher in quality than both federal
Orlando in the unincorporated area of Orange
and state laws required, Water Operations made
County served by OUC.
a “quality decision” to surpass its own high treatment standards to ensure that OUC’s water continues to be “better than it has to be.”
Ted Pope: “Public Servant and Utility Advocate” General Manager (1986 –1992)
lthough OUC conducted a nationwide search in 1984 for a new assistant general manager, they found their candidate right in their own backyard: Sanford native Theodore “Ted” Pope. A University of Florida graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Engineering and a Master of Business Administration, Pope had joined OUC in 1959 as part of the Indian River Plant (IRP) start-up team. By 1970, he became assistant manager of electric operations at IRP. Two years later, he was named
manager of water operations. Having served with distinction in key management positions in both facets of OUC’s business, Pope’s background made him uniquely qualified to take over the utility’s top spot as General Manager in 1986. Known as an innovator, Pope was also a facilitator of change at OUC — streamlining, modernizing and improving operations and service.
Committed to public power, he strongly supported forming coalitions with other municipal utilities so that they all remained viable, competitive alternatives to investor-owned utilities. Throughout his career, Pope earned many state and national honors for OUC from the electric and water industries. The American Water Works Association (AWWA) awarded him its highest honors for his leadership role in transforming
Page 33
the AWWA’s research foundation from a $60,000-a-year agency to a $4 million-a-year center of applied research. Featured in Who’s Who in Frontiers of Science and Technology, Pope authored and presented many papers pertaining to both the electric and water utility industries. He also invented a new water purification process that was patented and used by OUC to remove hydrogen sulfide. In 1990, AWWA recognized Pope with its Distinguished Public Service Award.
The Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center: The Best Available Environmental Control Technology at the Time of Construction The process to build the Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center (SEC) began in 1980 when OUC completed a plant site selection study and decided to proceed with certification of construction for a 436-MW pulverized coal power plant at the 3,280-acre site, 12 miles southeast of Orlando in rural east Orange County. The site was licensed for a total capacity of 2,000 MW. The plant was powered by a steam turbine generator from Westinghouse Electric Corporation. In 1981, the Public Service Commission (PSC) unanimously approved the $516 million coal-burning power plant proposed by OUC. As part of the permit, OUC committed that two-thirds of the site would be dedicated as a natural preserve for the protection of the red-cockaded woodpecker, at the time an endangered species. “I’m just delighted,” said then Orlando Mayor Bill Frederick. “It’s a very important decision for the City and one that we anxiously awaited. It means a lot to the ratepayers of the City.” (Orlando Sentinel, August 15, 1981).
On May 12, 1987 at 2:14:56 p.m., Assistant General Manager Lou Stone — who had been present at the birth of every new OUC power plant since 1949 — flipped the switch at the Stanton Energy Center to begin initial synchronization that allowed SEC to produce power for the first time. The Saturday before the startup, retired General Manager Curt Stanton was on hand to “roll the turbine.” SEC went commercial on July 1, 1987 — on schedule and under budget.
Providing Power from Orlando to Key West SEC was a joint venture among OUC (68.6 percent), Kissimmee Utility Authority (4.8 percent) and the Florida Municipal Power Agency (26.6 percent). The FMPA included Vero Beach, Fort Pierce, Starke, Lake Worth, Homestead, Leesburg, Ocala, Bushnell, Jacksonville Beach, Green Cove Springs and Key West. Construction of the plant reduced OUC’s oil consumption by about 3.8 million barrels a year, an initial savings projected at $10 million. SEC Unit 1 was equipped with electrostatic precipitators and limestone scrubbers for air quality control.
Partnering with Orange County A nearby Orange County Wastewater Treatment facility provided the water necessary for plant cooling and enabled Stanton to be a “zero discharge” facility. This innovative process for using sewage effluent in the natural draft cooling towers
a balancing act Page 34
1970–1989 Ken Ksionek (left), Director of SEC Construction, and Gerald Hardage, Managing Director of the Stanton Energy Center project.
benefitted both OUC and Orange County.
claimed that OUC was trying to slip
Up until then, the disposition of sewage
ecologically disastrous design changes past
effluent was a costly environmental problem
the Florida Department of Environmental
for Orange County, and the use of sewage
Regulation and plant opponents. In addition,
effluent by Stanton was an important part
cities along the most “practical route” for
of the solution. In addition, the Orange
trains hauling coal to Stanton (DeLand,
County landfill next door to the plant had
Sanford, Longwood, Altamonte Springs,
the potential for utilizing landfill gas or
Maitland and Winter Park) sent telegrams
refuse for future power generation purposes.
and passed resolutions protesting the
Innovative M/WBE Participation Program The project also was notable at the time for its considerable participation of Minority/
trains coming through their towns. Officials said they were worried about coal dust and traffic jams (Orlando Sentinel, December 12, 1982). But the protests were silenced in 1984,
Woman-Owned Business Enterprises that
as Orlando voters showed strong support for
doubled the rate of any similar construction
the coal-fired power plant, overwhelmingly
project in Florida. The record participation
rejecting (13,838 to
was the result of meeting an aggressive
7,557) a court-ordered
minority hiring policy that had been
referendum that
established when the project began.
opponents claimed
Through a Minority Participation Board
could have stopped
and the addition of a minority employment
the project. In what
coordinator, special recruitment and skills
was referred to as the “Vote No to Vote Yes”
training courses were established — the first of their kind in Florida.
Overcoming Consumer Concerns
campaign, the wording on the ballot required a “no” vote to indicate support for the plant.
Of course, the proposed power plant was not without its detractors. In March 1982, the Sierra Club, an environmental group,
Page 35
a balancing act Managing OUC’s Most Valuable Resource: Employees The ‘80s brought changes in the way OUC
community it served. This effort to attract, retain and
handled human resources. A Benefits Division was
promote a diverse group of talented employees
created to deal with escalating benefits expenses
helped OUC further strengthen its role as a
and implement cost containment measures like
community leader. Later, OUC would extend this
the Preferred Provider Organization program. In
diversification effort to include Minority/Women-
addition, OUC’s Risk Management Division instituted
Owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) vendors.
a self-insurance program to cover Workers’
OUC also continued to provide comprehensive
Compensation, General Liability and Automobile
training and safety programs for employees —
Liability to hold down these insurance costs.
in the classroom and in the field — to ensure that
At the same time, OUC embarked on a mission to diversify its workforce to better reflect the
they had the proper skills and training to perform their jobs safely and effectively.
The Power of Municipalities Pooling Their Resources Already a pacesetter in joint action, OUC set
On July 1, 1988, the Florida Municipal Power
another new precedent in 1986 when it began
Pool (FMPP) began operation as the state’s first
selling wholesale electric power and provided
fully integrated municipal electric power pool.
total dispatching services to the Florida Municipal
OUC continues to operate what is now called the
Power Agency (FMPA) for five members including
FMPP Energy Control Center and Florida Energy
Leesburg, Jacksonville Beach, Ocala, Green Cove
Marketing (FEM) and is responsible for the
Springs and Bushnell. This made OUC the first in
dispatching of the pool's generating resources
the state, and possibly the nation, to provide total
in the most economical manner. Over the course
dispatching services to other electric utilities that
of its 22-year existence, the pool has saved
were completely non-contiguous, both electrically
participating municipalities millions of dollars
and geographically.
in energy costs.
Lou Stone: “Father of Reliability Measurement”
Rollins College graduate with a degree in Chemistry, Lou Stone joined Orlando Utilities Commission in 1949 and retired in 1989. During his 40 years at OUC, he rose from a water laboratory chemist to the role of assistant general manager. Dubbed OUC’s “dean of electric generation,” Stone served as head of electric operations from 1967 to 1986 and is known as an expert in power plant operations and electric reliability measurement. Stone’s passion for reliability started early in his career, at a time when OUC’s only source of power was the old 18-MW
Assistant General Manager (1986–1989)
Lake Ivanhoe Plant. Hired as part of the group that would bring the new Lake Highland Plant online, Stone developed a system to train operators to effectively start up a “dark plant.” He went on to become the first Superintendent of the Indian River Plant. When it came time to design the Stanton Energy Center (SEC), Stone was named head of electric operations — and he committed to making SEC the cleanest, most reliable coal-fired power plant in the country.
“The legacy of which I am probably the proudest is the one in which I was the architect and creator of the use of reliability in customer service,” Stone said. When Stone took over OUC’s electric operations, he realized that there was no standardized method of measuring customer reliability. Every power system calculated it differently — from counting the number of service calls . . . to feeder outages . . . to storm-caused outages. All of these determined only how a utility compared to its own previous
Page 36
performance — not how it stacked up against other utilities. “I began an extensive study for creating a methodology that could be utilized by any utility,” Stone said. “Ultimately, I formulated such a mathematical model. Through OUC’s participation in the FCG (Florida Electric Power Coordinating Group), our representatives were able to start reporting reliability using the methodology I developed. It was adopted by the Florida Public Service Commission with only minor alterations.”
1970–1989 The dancing lights and waters of the fountain in Lake Eola became a symbol of Orlando’s renaissance in the 1980s. Originally gifted to the City by OUC, the fountain was out of operation for a decade, but came to life again in 1988, thanks to OUC and its maintenance division.
Record Cold Prompts OUC to Begin Plans for a Second SEC Unit Three days of sub-freezing temperatures
Nonetheless, the record-breaking cold
during December 1989 sent shivers down the
snap and the havoc it wreaked across the state
spines of many Floridians. Much of the state
prompted forward-thinking OUC to plan for
reeled under the effect of rolling blackouts and
the future and move ahead with building a
outages. OUC, however, weathered one of
second coal-fired unit at Stanton Energy
the biggest chills of the century with remarkably
Center. The unit was expected to cost
few hitches. During this frigid test of reliability,
$515 million and begin operation in 1996.
86 percent of OUC’s customers never
The goal was to replicate the first plant,
experienced any service interruptions.
which was considered one of the cleanest coal-burning plants in the nation.
Enclosed Substation Downtown Built in 1987, the Robinson Electrical Substation was OUC’s “urban solution to growth.” To keep up with the phenomenal building boom that occurred in the ‘80s, OUC constructed a high-capacity, three-story, gas-insulated substation. The substation utilized a small footprint with the majority of the equipment enclosed in an architecturally designed building — a first for Central Florida and only the second of its kind in the state.
Taking n Conservatio into the Classroom
For decades, OUC has offered a wide range
of programs designed to help customers of all ages use energy and water safely and wisely. During the 1980s, as part of its Educational Outreach Program, the utility took electric,
water and safety classroom presentations to as many as 5,000 students a year in Orange
County Public Schools. At left, OUC’s Joanne
(Wheeler) Silva and puppet “OUCH the Outlet” teamed up to teach youngsters at Richmond Heights Elementary about conservation.
Page 37
ups an� �owns
• OUC adds its largest customer, which later became Universal Orlando® Resort. • PROUD Community Volunteer program launches. • Sky Lake Water Plant opens.
Original Lake
• Stanton Energy Center
Ivanhoe Plant
Unit 2 comes online.
reborn as the Dr. Phillips
• Gold Ring Home
Performing Arts Center.
program begins.
• OUC and
St. Cloud enter 25-year
OUC receives “Outstanding Distribution Award and Water Conservation Award for Excellence” from AWWA.
Universal Studios® Florida,
receives AWWA Award for best drinking water. • SEC A goes commercial.
Central Florida.
“The Greenest
• OUC gets 20-year
Building in Downtown
Consumptive Use Permit.
Orlando,” opens.
• Three hurricanes hit
Reliable Plaza,
• OUC celebrates
Interlocal Agreement.
75th anniversary.
OUC and Orange County flip the
• Southwest Water Plant opens.
• OUC becomes
switch on a 1-MW solar array at
• OUC begins construction
The Reliable One.
Orange County Convention Center.
on first
• OUC begins burning
methane gas from Orange
water plant.
County landfill.
Indian River steam units sold.
• SEC B comes
online in
OUConvenient Lighting
and OUConsumption
• POWER and
Green Neighborhood programs begin.
ups an� �owns Page 38
IN 1990
T H R O U G H E V E R – C H A N G I N G T I M E S , O U C R E M A I N S “ T H E R E L I A B L E O N E ” rom 1990 to 2010, the economy experienced a period of ups
In 1990, OUC added its largest customer, Universal Studios® Florida,
and downs and twists and turns that rivaled the roller coasters
which later became Universal Orlando® Resort. Over the next two decades,
OUC would power. Central Florida was particularly affected —
to support a booming population and diversify its portfolio, the utility would
and the turbulence made forecasting and planning a challenge, to say the
add more than 1,000 MW of generation. To meet the needs of OUC’s
least. High points — including the opening of Universal Studios® Florida, and
expanding customer base, two operations facilities — the Pershing and
a boom in residential and commercial construction — were followed by
Gardenia Centers — were opened along with Reliable Plaza, a new customer
precipitous lows: back-to-back-to-back hurricanes, terrorist attacks on our
service and administration building. OUC also focused on the region’s water
nation, the bursting of the real-estate bubble and severe
needs with Water Project 2000, which was designed to
economic recession. But, through it all, one thing was
upgrade and expand potable water systems by treating
certain: OUC’s strong financial foundation and steady
drinking water with ozone. By the turn of the century,
hand allowed the utility to live up to its name.
OUC had taken proactive steps to prepare for
Although economic conditions at home and the Persian
competition, launching new profit centers such as
Gulf crisis abroad clouded the dawn of the 1990s, long-term
OUCooling and OUConvenient Lighting.
projections for Metro Orlando remained bright with the promise of continued
In 1998, the utility celebrated its 75th anniversary — formalizing a
growth. The region was often in the national spotlight, cited by numerous
commitment to provide the highest level of service to customers by making
publications for having an excellent climate for business. As the decade
reliability part of its name. Orlando Utilities Commission became OUC —
progressed and the economy rebounded, advances in telecommunications
The Reliable One. That mantra has become a compass that not only guides
and computer networking marked the advent of the “dot.com” era —
operational decisions, but also reinforces OUC’s pledge to keep the power
and deregulation of the utility industry loomed.
on and the water flowing . . . even in the face of Mother Nature’s most severe threats.
Page 39
ups an� �owns Keeping It Clean In 1990, the last major changes to the Clean Air
(e.g., performance-based standards and emissions
Act of 1970 were enacted — targeting urban air
trading) to address environmental problems.
pollution problems such as acid rain, smog, carbon
OUC met the new requirements with ease:
monoxide and particulate matter. The amendments
Its power plants were already operating at levels
encouraged, for the first time, the use of market-
significantly lower than the limits in the Clean Air
based principles and other innovative approaches
Act Amendments.
Sky Lake Water Plant Comes Online In 1990, the Sky Lake Water Plant, OUC’s 10th
carbon/chlorine process instead of aeration to
water treatment plant, became operational to
enhance taste and eliminate odor. The process was
provide water to the southern part of the service
developed by OUC’s Ted Pope and Dick Dunham.
territory. Rated at 24 MGD, Sky Lake was the
Sky Lake came online just as Water Operations
second OUC plant to use the utility’s patented
surpassed the 100,000 active meters mark.
OUC’s Sky Lake Water Plant.
OUC Expands Transmission and Distribution System In 1991, OUC completed the most extensive five-year program in its history to improve and expand its transmission and distribution (T&D) system — adding nearly $200 million in new or upgraded T&D facilities and equipment. In that time, the utility increased its primary circuit miles 27 percent to 1,246 miles and grew its capacity 23 percent to 1.8 million kV. But those statistics tell only half the story. They do not reflect the magnitude of the ongoing process of upgrading or replacing older infrastructure, modernizing or relocating equipment because of street and highway projects, and streetscaping projects that required undergrounding power lines, as well as enhancing and improving overhead systems. In 1991 alone, OUC upgraded underground systems in 10 older subdivisions to improve reliability. Ten new distribution feeder circuits were installed, the highest number in one year in OUC history. The system would eventually be expanded to include 29 substations, 338 circuit miles of transmission and 1,884 circuit miles of distribution, more than 60 percent of which is underground.
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Launched in 1990, “Yagottawannadoit” — symbolized by mascot O.U. Toucan — was the theme of OUC’s employee incentive program, which was designed to improve productivity, teamwork and problem solving.
A Technology Tsunami The tidal wave of technology advancements that
the existing mainframe system first installed in the
characterized the 1990s swept through OUC, too,
1960s. During this period, the utility developed a new
as the utility “tooled up for tomorrow.”
Customer Information Reporting and Tracking System
To run the electric and
(CIMART) to meet billing
water systems reliably, safely
needs for 225,000 customer
and efficiently, OUC used its
accounts. OUC also provided
own microwave Information
certain billing services for the
Highway, touching almost
city, county and state that
every facet of its operations —
would benefit from the new
people, plants, power lines,
system. CIMART provided
pipelines, substations, mobile radios, phones, faxes,
OUC replaced its mainframe with a new computer that was slightly larger than a desktop PC.
computers, machines and remote terminal units. OUC began “right-sizing” computer operations, developing PC-based systems and software to replace
Troy Todd: “Champion of Community Outreach” General Manager (1992–1994)
summary billing, direct debits and remote meter reading.
A similar program called Project Estimating and Scheduling (PETS) was utilized for capital improvement and construction projects.
PROUD to Serve To encourage employees to “pay their civic dues,” OUC launched its PROUD Community Volunteer program in 1990. In addition to recognizing employees for volunteer efforts, the program provided $2 for every hour donated to an eligible non-profit organization up to $200. More than $2,000 was donated to community organizations. In just two years after the program began, employee participation in volunteer activities doubled.
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Troy Todd, a graduate of Virginia Polytechnical Institute, came to OUC from United Telephone (Sprint) where he was the CEO and former Vice President of Human Resources. A champion of “giving back,” Todd increased OUC’s involvement in the community. Under his leadership, OUC created the Community Relations area and organized employee “Community Crews” volunteer involvement efforts. Todd was passionate about transparency. During his tenure, OUC enhanced internal audit policies and instituted stricter ethics and purchasing policies to improve accountability and transparency. General Manager Bob Haven said of his predecessor, “Troy Todd will be remembered and appreciated for his leadership in launching initiatives that helped OUC remain competitive and in helping defeat an attempt to freeze municipal electric utilities’ service territories.”
ups an� �owns
OUC’s bulk sales and interchange activities escalated dramatically in the ‘80s and so did the role of its sophisticated load dispatch/energy control center, located at the Pershing Operations Center.
OUC Opens Pershing and Gardenia Operations Centers In 1992, OUC opened the Pershing Operations Center to serve the east part of town. Its counterpart on the west side, the
and water systems, all 24-hour operations
Gardenia Center, opened one year later.
except at power plants, fleet service facilities
Both facilities were built to replace the small,
and the utility’s third customer service center
antiquated water and electric operations/
(including drive-through lanes).
maintenance facilities located on the north
The 22-acre Gardenia Operations Center
side of Lake Highland. Costing a combined
was completed in the fall of 1993 and
$37 million, they were constructed to meet
housed OUC’s Water Quality Lab, internal
OUC’s space needs for up to 20 years.
audit, warehouse, fleet, water distribution,
The 48-acre Pershing complex contained OUC’s computer “nerve centers” for electric
revenue protection, water and meter testing, and security.
Gardenia Operations Center.
Combustion Turbines Added to Indian River Plant In November 1992, OUC added a pair of combustion turbine units at the Indian River Plant (IRP). With three steam generating units and two small 35-MW combustion turbine units in place since 1989, IRP represented 57 percent of OUC’s total generating capacity. All IRP units operated on either oil or natural gas, a flexibility that enabled the utility to take advantage of market conditions and buy fuel cheaper than other utilities. IRP was also valuable to OUC as a source of substantial revenue from bulk power sales.
Charged up about using energy wisely and reducing harmful auto emissions, OUC tested its first electric-powered vehicles in 1993 — taking its conservation program “on the road” in a minivan outfitted with rooftop solar panels.
Page 42
1990–2010 PUTTING RELIABILITY TO THE TEST Helping Victims of Hurricane Andrew. During
Saturday, March 13, the “Storm
the 1990s, Mother Nature was on the warpath. In the
of the Century” brought 18
summer of 1992, Hurricane Andrew — one of the
hours of near-hurricane strength
deadliest, costliest and most devastating storms in
gusts, causing outages as fast
U.S. history — ravaged South
as OUC employees restored
Florida. In the face of that
service. Nearly 30,000
emergency, OUC and its
customers lost power, but by
employees responded quickly.
midday Sunday, service was fully restored.
Within two days, volunteers
Swift Response to Erin’s Fury. In the early morning
had filled 10,000 one-gallon
hours of August 2, 1995, Hurricane Erin roared through
bottles of pure OUC water
Florida, creating a level of service interruption that
and sent them to the disaster
eclipsed both the Christmas freeze of 1989 and the 1993
area. A week later, nearly
“Storm of the Century.” While no damage was done to
60 linemen, engineers and
any OUC generation or transmission facilities, Erin’s
other workers were
90-mph winds knocked out power to 37 main distribution
dispatched south to help the City of Homestead
feeders — and 52,500 OUC customers experienced
rebuild its electric system.
some interruption in service in the wake of the storm.
The Storm of the Century. In March 1993, a rare, severe wind storm struck much of Florida. Blasting
Erin’s impact was greater than the total average outage time experienced in the previous four years.
Orlando with 62-mile-per-hour winds at 12:30 a.m.,
Fueling Growth: OUC Expands Service Area to Include Lake Nona In 1994 and 1995, OUC expanded its water
by about 20 square miles. Initially, the impact was
such as those in Lake Nona, to the community.
and electric service area to include the new
small — adding just 73 new water customers and
Then Orlando Mayor Glenda E. Hood said,
Lake Nona community. The area located
287 electric customers. However, the potential
“As Orlando continues to compete both
southeast of the Orlando International Airport
was tremendous, and the gamble wound up paying
domestically and internationally for business,
was slated to become a major center for
off. As a result of the agreement, OUC gained a
a strong, financially sound and well-positioned
economic development in the region.
community that would become home to a Medical
utility is vital for economic development. You
In 1994, OUC and Orange County signed a new
City housing the University of Central Florida
cannot have growth without a utility that can
25-year territorial agreement for a 30-square-mile
Medical School, Burnham Institute, Veterans
provide reliable electricity, quality water and
area at Lake Nona. Then in 1995, OUC and Florida
Hospital and Nemours Children’s Hospital.
competitive rates to attract industry and
Power Corp. signed a new 10-year territorial agreement that expanded the electric service area
OUC’s reputation was critical to the City of Orlando’s ability to attract new businesses,
Page 43
encourage residential development.”
About 5,000 visitors came to SEC for the Unit 2
dedication. The three-day celebration included a public open house that drew 3,500; a train ride for nearly 100 civic and political leaders; a “power breakfast” for 300 civic, industry, and electric utility leaders; and a picnic for more than 1,000 employees and family members.
Stanton Energy Center Unit 2 Comes Online in 1996 The Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center Unit 2
began commercial operation on June 1, 1996,
on time and $62 million under the original budget of $522 million. At 425 MW, it was the first
pulverized coal unit of its size in the nation to use Selective Catalytic Reduction to remove nitrogen
oxide from the flue gas — meeting and exceeding all federal regulations for air quality.
Like the first unit, Stanton 2 was jointly owned.
As majority owner/operator, OUC retained 72 percent of Unit 2. The Florida Municipal
Power Agency owned 28 percent on behalf of the following cities: Bushnell, Clewiston, Fort Pierce, Green Cove Springs, Homestead,
Jacksonville Beach, Key West, Kissimmee, Ocala, Leesburg, Starke, St. Cloud and Vero Beach.
A Safe Work Environment Employing about 5,600 people on site during
39 months of construction, Stanton 2 was one of the safest such construction projects in the
nation, earning the STAR award from the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration. OUC's aggressive safety program saved about $10 million in insurance premiums.
A Commitment to Maximizing Participation and Diversity From the onset, the Stanton 2 Project Team
was committed to maximizing Central Florida
participation and ensuring a diverse workforce.
The team established a proactive multi-faceted M/
WBE outreach program with a full-time coordinator hired to run the program. The project achieved its objectives with approximately
70 percent of the craft workforce coming from the Central Florida region, and 30 percent minorities and women. In addition, 37 percent of the more than $60 million in subcontracts, supplies and permanent plant material was awarded to
minority and women-owned business enterprises. The M/WBE participation was accomplished
without goals but rather by proactive contractor commitments and by OUC hosting M/WBE forums during the bidding stages.
To leave a lasting legacy, a Community
Service Council comprising representatives from OUC, Black & Veatch and project contractors undertook a variety of volunteer community projects, including the renovation of an
American Red Cross Disaster Relief trailer and construction of a park for the Metropolitan Orlando Urban League.
Launching OUC — The Reliable One In celebration of its 75th anniversary, Orlando Utilities Commission officially made service reliability part of its name . . . becoming OUC — The Reliable One in 1998. During the branding process, the utility conducted extensive research to determine what was most important to its customers. When asked in focus groups what came to mind when they thought of OUC, the responses were consistent: OUC was the reliable utility. Many still remembered the Christmas freeze of 1989, when their electricity remained on, while other Central Florida electric utilities instituted rolling brownouts due to power supply shortages. More than 12 years later, the OUC brand remains strong — as does the promise to provide the highest level of reliability to customers.
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1990–2010 OUC’s Southwest Water Plant opened in 1997.
Water Project 2000 . . . Laying the Groundwork for Improved Quality For OUC’s Water Business Unit, Water Project 2000 was the story of the century. The most
a new Lake Highland plant, as well as the Southeast
Largely conceived by General Manager and CEO
and Southwest plants, and converted Conway,
Bob Haven, Water Project 2000 was the largest
comprehensive effort to expand and
Kirkman, Sky Lake and Pine Hills to ozone. The
capital program, in terms of scope and investment,
modernize the water system infra-
new operation converted the system to an ozone
ever undertaken by the Commission to replace and
structure in OUC’s history called for
water treatment process, which significantly
upgrade water infrastructure. The monies budgeted
closing five outdated water plants —
reduced the amount of chlorine used in treatment
for the endeavor totaled $164.3 million and required
Martin, Dr. Phillips, Kuhl, Primrose
and completely removed hydrogen sulfide —
five 10 percent water rate increases over a five-
and Lake Highland — in favor of
a harmless, naturally occurring compound that
year period. The entire program was aggressively
building three larger plants and
gives water an unpleasant taste and odor. The
scheduled to be completed in five years between
converting four existing plants
program also expanded and improved pipelines
1995 and 2000, which enabled all OUC water
to the ozone treatment process.
and modernized the computer control system so
customers to enjoy the benefits as soon as possible,
As part of the effort, OUC built
that all water plants could be operated remotely.
and at about the same time.
Delivering H2OUC to the Tap OUC’s first ozone treatment plant began
OUC branded H2OUC and launched a full-scale marketing campaign around it.
treatment, OUC took the technology to a new
operation in the spring of 1997, delivering a new
level. It was the first utility to master control of the
“product” called H2OUC — ozone-treated water
sophisticated ozone water treatment system from
that tasted as good or better than bottled water
a remote facility with no full-time staff at the plant.
but cost much less. The new $30 million Southwest
An innovative partnership with the Florida DEP and
plant had a capacity of 30 MGD and replaced two
installing a highly sophisticated computer-based
older, less reliable plants: Martin and Dr. Phillips.
control system as part of Water Project 2000 made
Although ozone had long been used for water
this possible.
Bob Haven: “Water Industry Visionary”
ob Haven came to OUC on July 1, 1994 and passed away while in office in 2004. He brought with him decades of water industry and city government experience. A graduate of George Washington University, Haven arrived in Orlando in August 1981 as Central Florida was experiencing tremendous growth. During his tenure at the City of Orlando, he undertook some of the City’s largest projects, first as Director of Public Works and then as Chief Administrative Officer. He was the leading force behind the Orlando Arena, a major renovation of the Citrus Bowl, Lake Eola improvements, the new City Hall, Conserv I and Conserv II, and other projects estimated to cost $1 billion. Haven was passionate about providing the highest quality water. At OUC, he spearheaded the most extensive water system upgrade in the
General Manager (1994–2004)
utility’s history. Water Project 2000 mapped out a plan to convert OUC’s water treatment to ozone, the strongest disinfectant available. The new water product was well received by customers and branded H2OUC — “great tasting water straight from the tap.” Haven maintained OUC’s commitment to electric reliability — and under his management, the utility branded itself “OUC — The Reliable One.” The tagline is still used today, reinforcing the commitment to providing customers with the highest level of reliability. Under Haven’s leadership, OUC’s electric reliability was recognized as the best in the Southeastern U.S. Dogged in his pursuit of adding new customer programs that met the needs of large commercial customers and developers, Haven led the creation of OUCooling, a chilled water business, and OUConvenient Lighting, a
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commercial lighting program. While he was at the helm, the utility also expanded its operation to include the City of St. Cloud in Osceola County, adding 150 square miles to OUC’s service territory. Haven passed away on February 29, 2004. Before his death, he led the efforts to negotiate a 20-year Consumptive Use Permit agreement among OUC, Orange County and the St. Johns and South Florida Water Management Districts. “Bob’s water-industry expertise and tireless commitment laid the foundation for this crucial step in regional cooperation,” said OUC Commission Board President Tommy Boroughs. “Bob would be very pleased.”
ups an� �owns In 2007, OUC and St. Cloud marked a decade-long relationship.
A New Power Partnership: OUC and the City of St. Cloud In a precedent-setting move, OUC entered
serve as the foundation for their partnership
into a 25-year Interlocal Agreement with its
moving forward:
neighbor, the City of St. Cloud, to manage,
eliability: OUC promised to make • R significant improvements in the reliability of electric service.
operate and maintain the City’s electric system. The agreement, which became effective May 1, 1997, was the first of its kind in the state. With vast tracts of undeveloped land, St. Cloud understood that it was on the threshold of tremendous growth — but that it would take an investment in infrastructure and competitive rates to realize that potential. With that in mind, St. Cloud looked to OUC, with its long record of outstanding service and affordable rates. The two entered a long-term agreement, identifying five areas that would
ates: OUC promised to lower the electric • R rates of St. Cloud customers. etention: OUC agreed to hire the St. Cloud • R utility employees. eturn: OUC agreed to provide regular • R payments to the City of St. Cloud based on revenue growth. epresentation: Both partners formed a • R contract committee to oversee the longterm agreement. Over the years, OUC kept its promises, continuing to provide clean, affordable, reliable power to St. Cloud and serving as a community partner to help make the City strong and prosperous.
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OUC’s Downtown Chiller Plant.
A new business venture that generated additional revenues, OUCooling brought its first
convention complexes. Under the agreement, OUC took over the Convention Center’s existing
central chiller plant online in 1997. The 6,600-ton-
chillers, linking them to the OUCooling plant at
capacity facility was built for Lockheed Martin’s
nearby Lockheed Martin and saving Orange
Electronics & Missiles Company and served
County about $10 million by avoiding expansion.
11 buildings on the 300-acre complex.
Initially, OUC teamed up with Trigen-Cinergy
In February of 1998, OUCooling began the
Solutions to create the chilled water business,
operation of its first downtown facility. The plant
but the partnership ended in 2004.
was the first step in the creation of a downtown
In 2009, thanks in part to OUC’s efforts, chilled
loop that would circulate chilled water through
OUCooling signed a 20-year contract to
water qualified for LEED (Leadership in Energy
underground pipes — eventually serving OUC’s
pump chilled water for the air conditioning
and Environmental Design) certification points.
administration building, City Hall, CNL Center,
at the Orange County Convention Center,
Lincoln Tower and the Amway Center.
one of the nation’s largest and fastest-growing
Page 47
As of 2010, OUC had eight chiller plants, with a cooling capacity of about 50,000 tons.
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OUC Begins Generating Electricity from Landfill Gas On April 1, 1998, the Stanton Energy
the landfill and piped to SEC where it is
The gas from the landfill produces close
Center (SEC) began burning landfill gas
co-fired with coal. In addition to helping
to 100,000 megawatt hours of reduced-
from the Orange County landfill. One
reduce greenhouse gas emissions from
emissions power — offsetting about
of the largest and longest-running efforts
the landfill, the 12-MW green energy
44,000 tons of coal each year.
of its kind in the state, the OUC Landfill
program displaces more than three
Project is an economical renewable
percent of the fossil fuel required for
County have signed new agreements for
source of energy that is also reliable and
SEC Units 1 and 2, and provides enough
future landfill projects — expanding
sustainable. Methane gas is captured from
electricity every day for 10,000 homes.
capacity to 22 MW.
Page 48
Looking to the future, OUC and Orange
1990–2010 OUC Sells Indian River Plant Steam Units, Diversifying the Generation Portfolio Negotiating the sale of the Indian River
In response to feedback from commercial customers, OUConsumption Online was developed to satisfy the need for easy access to online energy load data.
looming in the future, OUC analyzed its
Plant steam units in 1999 signaled an
power generation facilities and other assets
important new direction for OUC. By selling
to determine how best to use them over
the steam units, but continuing to purchase
the short and long terms.
their power, the facility generated additional
OUC sold the Indian River steam units
cash to invest in newer, cleaner technology.
to Reliant Energy for $205 million in cash,
The transaction was the first in a series of
a four-year agreement to purchase power
strategic moves in an asset restructuring plan
from the facility and an additional four-year
that called for diversifying the utility’s power
power purchase option. OUC maintained
resource portfolio and investing in more
ownership of the four combustion turbines
modern facilities. With market deregulation
at the plant.
OUC CONVENIENT LIGHTING BEGINS OPERATION In the fall of 2000, OUC flipped the switch
for a monthly service fee. With OUC’s efficient
on OUConvenient Lighting, a new division
lighting solutions, customers could keep their
established to provide complete outdoor
electric and maintenance costs down.
lighting services for a wide spectrum of
As part of this new venture, the lighting
commercial applications —
division entered a 10-year
from industrial parks to
contract with the City of
sports complexes to
Orlando to provide
residential developments.
complete installation and
The division was a
maintenance of the Citrus
natural fit, pairing OUC’s
Bowl’s field lighting —
reputation for reliability with area businesses’
replacing the stadium’s old lights with higher
need to install and maintain street lights and
output, energy-efficient ones. The project
exterior lighting on their properties. Under
increased the facility’s brightness and
the program, OUC purchased, installed and
reduced energy costs, while using only half
maintained the lighting fixtures and lamps
as many fixtures.
Page 49
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OUC became the title sponsor of the OUC Half Marathon & 5K in downtown Orlando in 1999, a tradition that would continue for the next
decade. Putting its own twist on the race that
first started in 1976, OUC tapped fire hydrants to provide runners with refreshing H2OUC.
Part of the Downtown Skyline Over the decades, OUC has powered the
2005 as then-Governor Jeb Bush called for
constants in the City’s oft-changing skyline.
As OUC moved from the Administration
City of Orlando and provided one of the few
statewide conservation.
From 1968 until 2001, the four-sided lit
Building to its new home in Reliable Plaza
Building stood like a beacon at the south end
the old building, cleaned and renovated
Orlando Utilities sign atop the Administration of Orange Avenue. It went dark only briefly in 1979 in recognition of the oil embargo. In 2001, the original sign was replaced
with a new neon blue and green OUC logo
featuring a light bulb and faucet. OUC would turn out the lights on the sign once more in
Page 50
in 2008, the neon sign was removed from
before being relocated to the new facility. In keeping with the energy and water
efficiency of Reliable Plaza and OUC’s support of water conservation, the familiar droplet
from the faucet was removed from the sign and the logo.
1990–2010 Orlando Welcomes New Millennium With lasers and fireworks from Sydney, Australia, to Orlando’s Lake Eola, cities around the globe greeted the new millennium with a flash — but without so much as a flicker of their electric power grids. The rollover in the U.S. and Canada was monitored closely by the North American Electricity Reliability Council, which reported that no Y2K events affected electricity production, transmission or delivery. At OUC, nearly 300 employees who were deployed to strategic locations stood by as the year 2000 began. All eyes were on critical power, water and information management systems, but none had problems adjusting to the date change. OUC’s success was attributed to thousands of hours of work over the prior 2.5 years, including the implementation of a Y2K initiative.
In 2001, OUC launched a print advertising campaign to help recruit a diverse workforce.
Fuel Diversity:
Stanton A and B Natural Gas Generating Units Come Online steam generators and a steam turbine, which went commercial on October 1, 2003. The
however, the gasification component was
efficient and environmentally advanced unit
cancelled in 2007 due to environmental
was a joint development project among
regulation uncertainty. OUC and Southern
OUC, Southern Company, the Florida
Company proceeded with the construction
Municipal Power Agency (FMPA) and
of a 300-MW combined-cycle natural gas
Kissimmee Utility Authority (KUA). The unit
plant. The unit came online in February 2010
was built north of the two existing coal units
and is owned and operated by OUC.
on 60 acres of the 3,280-acre Stanton Energy Center site. OUC and partner Southern Company An important aspect of OUC’s generation
begin commercial operation in 2010;
received a U.S. Department of Energy Grant
asset restructuring plan was to invest in
for Clean Coal project in 2004. The grant
clean, modern technology that provided fuel
was awarded to help build a $557 million,
diversity. The Stanton A and B units provide
285-MW advanced coal gasification facility
a combined 933 MWs of clean generation.
at SEC as part of the department’s Clean
Stanton A is a 633-MW, natural gas-fired
Coal Power Initiative. The project was
combined-cycle unit with heat-recovery
expected to break ground in 2007 and
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ups an� �owns OUC crews laid electric cable underground to power Orlando’s growing medical city.
A Decade of Reliability “The Reliable One” was benchmarked as
Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI),
the most reliable utility in the Southeast region
the average number of outage minutes per year.
in 2002, 2003, 2006 and 2007 and in the state
OUC line technicians help to ensure the utility’s award-winning record for electric reliability.
In addition, OUC’s generation units are
every year from 2002-2009. Four times in the
among the most reliable in the nation.
decade, PA Consulting Group recognized
Generation reliability performance is measured
OUC as the winner of the Southeast region
by an Equivalent Forced Outage Rate (EFOR)
ReliabilityOne™ award, which is given annually
that measures unplanned outages, not
to the utilities that have excelled in delivering
scheduled ones. In 2010, the national average
reliable electric service to their customers.
for unplanned outages was about 8 percent;
Comparison of the Florida Public Service
however, Stanton Energy Center’s coal-fired
Commission’s utility data showed OUC’s
Units 1 and 2 averaged a remarkably low
performance well ahead of Florida’s four
1 percent. Solid preventive maintenance,
largest utilities in key measurements of overall
including the use of 3-D (three-dimensional)
electric reliability: LBar (average length of
imaging, helps identify potential problems
single service interruptions) and System
before they arise.
Ken Ksionek: “Strong, Determined Leader” General Manager (2004–2018)
en Ksionek was named interim General Manager after the death of Bob Haven and given the permanent position October 12, 2004. Ksionek had served as Vice President of OUC’s Energy Delivery Business Unit from 1995 to 2004 — managing the engineering, construction, maintenance and operation of OUC’s
Ksionek proved to be the right electric distribution systems. leader for the right time to face Ksionek, a graduate of the these challenges. His intimate University of Wisconsin, joined knowledge of the electric system OUC in 1985 as Director of Construction for the Stanton Energy and the emergency preparedness plan allowed him to respond Center Unit 1 and then became the Director of Capital Projects and quickly. Four years later, Ksionek would be tested yet again as he Co-Project Manager of Stanton had to lead OUC through what Unit 2 Construction. During his has been labeled a national tenure as Vice President of Energy economic recession. The financial Delivery, OUC gained national tsunami that followed required a prominence for its reliability. steady hand as the utility faced Ksionek took over the General Manager and CEO position in what volatile fuel markets and a local housing downturn that put a halt to would become one of the most customer growth. tumultuous years in OUC history. Through it all, Ksionek persevered Having no time to prepare for the and OUC fared well by effectively transition, he had to immediately reducing expenses and improving deal with employees mourning the operational efficiencies. At the loss of a beloved leader and final same time, the electric and water negotiations on a 20-year water utility industries were once again consumptive use permit. Testing facing potential increased the mettle of the new leader even further, Hurricane Charley pummeled regulation. The Florida Public Service Commission approved Central Florida on Friday, August compliance goals that would 13 — leaving 80 percent of OUC’s require the state’s larger electric customers without power. OUC utilities to reduce energy had never experienced a storm of consumption and increase this magnitude — and for the first customer education. As typical time had to ask other utilities for of Ksionek, he not only wanted assistance. Charley was followed to meet the goals, but exceed weeks later by Hurricanes Frances them. As a result, OUC was on and Jeanne. Page 52
course to not only help customers conserve, but to also find ways to weave sustainability through all parts of the organization. From building a Gold LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) customer service and administration center to constructing a solar farm at the Stanton Energy Center, OUC showed its commitment to providing clean water and electricity that was affordable and reliable. After serving more than 32 years with OUC, Ksionek retired February 1, 2018. Passionate about reliability, sustainability and emerging technologies, Ksionek had successfully led OUC’s efforts to be “The Reliable One” and “The Sustainable One,” too. From enhancing the region’s economic development efforts … to championing innovative solar installations … to deploying data-driven technologies that allowed OUC customers to become smarter energy and water customers, his expertise, leadership and devotion helped make OUC one of the most forward-thinking utilities in the nation.
1990–2010 National/Regional Events Affect Power Industry Northeast Blackout of 2003 On August 14, 2003, shortly after 2 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, a highvoltage power line in northern Ohio brushed against some overgrown trees and knocked out power in eight states and part of Canada. By 4:13 p.m.,
contributed to at least 11 deaths and
million dollars a day for an infraction,
cost an estimated $6 billion. In the wake
depending on its flagrancy and the
of the blackout, Congress passed the
risk incurred.
Energy Policy Act of 2005.
Energy Policy Act of 2005 The Energy Policy Act of 2005 was
South Florida Blackout of 2008 On February 26, 2008, an equipment
508 generating units at 256 power plants
designed to combat growing energy
failure and fire at a transmission
across these eight states were off-line.
problems and changed U.S. energy
substation forced the automatic
More than 61,800 MWs of electrical
policy by providing tax incentives and
shutdown of four generating units —
load was lost in parts of Ohio, Michigan,
loan guarantees for energy production
two of them nuclear-powered —
New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
of various types. It also expanded the
at Florida Power & Light’s Turkey Point.
Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont
role of the Federal Energy Regulatory
Within minutes, the failure set off a
and the province of Ontario.
Commission (FERC) by requiring it to
cascade of power outages from Key
solicit, approve and enforce new electric
West to Daytona Beach and further
restored to most customers within hours,
reliability standards from the North
north, affecting up to 2.5 million
some areas of the United States did not
American Electricity Reliability
customers statewide. OUC’s generating
have power for two days and parts of
Corporation (NERC).
system automatically began to shut
Although power was successfully
Ontario experienced rolling blackouts
Prior to the blackout, NERC set
down 13 circuits at 11 substations
for up to two weeks due to a generation
voluntary standards. As a result of the
across the metro area. That left
capacity shortage. In total, about
regulation, FERC approved 96 new
11,438 customers, mostly residential,
50 million people lost power for up
reliability standards covering trees,
without power for two to 20 minutes.
to two days in the biggest blackout
training and tools. It also gave FERC the
in North American history. The event
authority to impose fines of up to a
OUC Secures 20-year Renewal of Water Consumptive Use Permit In 2004, OUC reached agreement on an historic 20-year renewal of its Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) with the St. Johns River and South Florida Water Management Districts. The permit, which represented a regional water solution among OUC, the water management districts and Orange County, authorized OUC to withdraw groundwater for treatment and distribution to customers. As part of the CUP and settlement agreement, OUC pledged to maintain its groundwater withdrawal allocation at the same level for the next 20 years, increase the use of reclaimed water, develop alternative water supply with utility partners and enhance conservation efforts.
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In 2003, the Florida section of the American Water Works Association named H2OUC (OUC’s Orlando drinking water) the best in the state.
Three Hurricanes in One Season: “A Year’s Worth of Work in 45 Days” In 45 days during Florida’s most active
poles over houses. Over the course of the three
hurricane season on record — the summer of
storms, OUC spent about $31 million to repair
2004 — Hurricanes Charley, Frances and Jeanne
damage. Though the hurricanes impacted OUC
hit Orlando, devastating Central Florida’s tree
financially, reimbursement for the bulk of
canopy and sending thousands of trees crashing
hurricane-related costs came from the Federal
into homes and miles of power lines. Charley
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and
knocked out power to 80 percent of OUC’s
the State of Florida. None of these costs was
customers; Frances, 40 percent; and Jeanne,
passed on to customers.
59 percent.
In all, OUC replaced 570 poles and 453
OUC linemen served on the front lines of restoration efforts, routinely working 16-hour
44.2 miles of secondary line. Only two boil water
days in dangerous conditions. With that effort,
alerts were issued — and more than 2,000
power was safely restored to OUC’s affected
linemen, tree trimmers and trouble technicians
customers at a faster rate than the neighboring
were called in to assist with restoration.
utilities. After Hurricane Charley, crews had
Customer service representatives fielded more
to replace rear-lot line poles that had been
than 160,000 calls, a 50 percent increase from
knocked over in customers’ backyards. In some
normal activity.
cases, cranes were used to lift replacement
Mutual Aid: Returning the Favor OUC was happy to return the favor for several
transformers, 26.6 miles of primary line and
power to customers who had been out since
utilities that sent crews to restore power in
Frances swept through on September 4, 2004.
Orlando and St. Cloud after Charley devastated
OUC also sent linemen to the City of Opp,
the area. After completing its own power
Alabama (near the Florida-Alabama border)
restoration following Hurricane Frances and
to help the restoration effort in the wake of
making sure that Hurricane Ivan was going to
Hurricane Ivan. In September 2005, OUC electric
bypass Central Florida, OUC released crews
and water crews went to Gulfport, Mississippi, to
to Fort Pierce Utilities Authority to help restore
help communities impacted by Hurricane Katrina.
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Used with permission of the Orlando Sentinel, copyright 2011
ups an� �owns Customer Education and Outreach In the Community From hurricane preparedness to input on transmission line projects, OUC was committed to keeping customers informed through neighborhood outreach. OUC worked with St. Cloud and the community to determine the route of a new transmission line and the location of a new substation — holding several public meetings to speak with residents and invite their input. To determine the preferred route, engineers looked at 74 different transmission line segments and 96 alternative route combinations.
Hurricane Preparedness and Conservation Following the record-breaking hurricane season of 2004, OUC held 18 community meetings to discuss hurricane preparation and response for the 2005 storm season. The utility continued those meetings in 2006 and 2007. In early 2010, faced with a worsening economy and a rising number of calls from customers who were having difficulty paying their utility bills, OUC
consumption and, in turn, their utility bills. Billing options and payment assistance also were featured. Later that same year, OUC partnered with the City of Orlando for the Green Neighborhood Program, which would deliver efficiency upgrades to more than 1,000 inefficient homes throughout Orlando.
In the Classroom Throughout its history, OUC has talk to students about electrical safety,
conservation, hurricane preparedness
In 2009, OUC partnered with the
often gone into local classrooms to
and careers in utilities. In 2006, OUC
Orlando Science Center to develop
renewed its outreach in the schools,
a program to educate all fifth grade
focusing on Central Florida’s diminishing
students in OUC’s electric and water
water resources. OUC partnered with
service territories in Orange and Osceola
Orange County Utilities and arts teachers
counties about water conservation,
in Orange County Public Schools to
energy efficiency and alternative energy
involve students in the annual Water Color Project,
resources. Project AWESOME (Alternative
a regional art contest that challenged high school
Water & Energy Supply, Observation,
students to use conservation themes to decorate
Methods & Education) was designed to
rain barrels. Meanwhile, fifth graders submitted
encourage good habits at an early age
water conservation drawings for a chance to be
utilizing hands-on water and energy
featured in the annual Water Color Project calendar.
activities. The curriculum met Sunshine State Standards and reached about 6,000
hosted a series of “Reliably Green” community
fifth graders each year.
meetings to inform customers about conservation tips and rebate programs that could reduce their
Lighting Retrofit Program Since 2003, OUC has provided its Lighting
Retrofit Program for commercial customers — retrofitting indoor lighting systems with more
By 2010, OUC’s indoor lighting partnership
with Orange County Public Schools had installed energy-saving fixtures at 30 schools for an
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energy-efficient, cost-effective ones for projected energy savings of 65-70 percent.
In return for the new lights, customers pay off
the equipment by reimbursing OUC with the money they save on their electric bills. The
payback period was typically three to four years.
Page 56
annual energy savings of 2.2 MWs and more than
$900,000 in energy costs. At participating schools, OUC replaced old lighting fixtures with more
energy-efficient retrofits. The schools benefitted immediately as the up-front costs were spread over multiple billing periods. Best of all, the
charges were balanced out by lower power bills.
1990–2010 OUC vehicles “then and now” — dieselpowered truck and hybrid bucket truck.
Balancing Affordability, Reliability and Environmental Stewardship Beginning in 2006, the demand for affordable, reliable, clean generation was more important than ever, as the whole country was embracing a “green revolution.” Companies scrambled to add renewable resources to their generation portfolios as Congress debated “climate” laws that would tax carbon emitted from power plants. Talk of “cap and trade” regulation was the rage as utilities began to look for ways to reduce their power plant carbon emissions. OUC undertook an electric Integrated Resource Plan to determine the best way to provide clean, affordable, reliable power and to comply with potential federal climate legislation. The utility also looked for ways to help customers become more energy efficient.
A Commitment to Sustainability
A Green Fleet
so that they are as reliable as the crews and
That commitment to sustainability was equally evident in OUC’s growing fleet. OUC’s reputation for reliable and responsive electric and water service over the years stems, in large part, from the hard work of the Fleet Division that has kept the utility’s vehicles on the road and ready to roll. In 1955, the then-Automotive Department was responsible for maintaining 57 vehicles ranging from gas-powered trucks to tractors. Since that time, the fleet has grown to include more than 800 vehicles, many of which run on lower emission biodiesel and several of which are high-efficiency plug-in electric cars
In response, OUC renewed its efforts to
and hybrid bucket trucks. Service and repair
implement programs, practices and standards
records once kept in handwritten logs are now
that promoted sustainability throughout the
tracked via high-tech software that communicates
Commission. Initiatives included expanding
with a vehicle’s onboard computer to run
the recycling program and upgrading facilities
diagnostics, schedule maintenance and assess
with energy-efficient lighting and light sensors;
fuel consumption and performance. These
installing rain sensors on irrigation systems;
advancements have helped OUC improve
adjusting thermostats; and forming a Green Team
the efficiency and safety of the fleet, lowering
of employee volunteers who worked to implement
emissions and maximizing the life of the vehicles,
personnel they carry. In 2006, OUC began using biodiesel fuel in its diesel fleet trucks. Made from renewable domestic resources — like fats used in cooking grease — biodiesel is a cleaner burning, lower emission alternative to pure petroleum diesel fuels. The B20 mix integrated seamlessly into OUC’s current fueling system while reducing carbon dioxide emissions by more than 15 percent. The Fleet Division also incorporated a number of other eco-conscious policies, using earth-friendly products and disposing of contaminated fuels according to environmental standards. Tires, batteries and oil filters were recycled through vendors, while freon, antifreeze and motor oil were handled on site. Water was recycled, too — thanks to mini-water treatment plants and wash racks at the Pershing and Gardenia facilities that kept OUC vehicles clean. OUC uses computers to run vehicle diagnostics.
practical, sustainable operations in their areas.
OUC was the first municipal utility in Florida to acquire a plug-in hybrid that gets up to 99 mpg. Page 57
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Reliable Plaza Green Features Include: • Solar photovoltaic array on the roof. • Solar water heating via rooftop panels. • Water collection cistern for irrigation. • Low-flow plumbing fixtures. • Raised flooring for efficient heating and cooling. • High-efficiency, daylight-sensitive lighting. • VOC-free (Volatile Organic Compound) carpet and paint.
Page 58
THE GREENEST BUILDING IN DOWNTOWN ORLANDO When the land under OUC’s former parking garage was required for the
Customer Features The first floor offered one-stop service
Department of Transportation’s expansion
to all OUC customers. An expanded
of State Road 408, OUC evaluated its
residential service center provided an
options and made the decision to build
improved customer experience with eight
a new 110,000-square-foot customer
teller stations, three drive-through lanes
service and administration center and
and more convenient parking.
set the standard for sustainable buildings in Orlando.
Commercial and industrial customers had everything they needed in the new
While this new green home was a major
Commercial Service Center, and local
milestone for OUC, it was also a first for the
developers, builders and contractors
Central Florida community. Designed to
enjoyed a single point of contact through
meet the requirements for Leadership in
the Development Services Center.
Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
Reliable Plaza also featured an interactive
Gold Certification, Reliable Plaza earned
conservation education center, located on
the title of “The Greenest Building in
the first floor near Customer Service. With
Downtown Orlando.” It was designed
a live link to the building’s conservation
to use about 28 percent less energy and
systems, the center’s touch screen gave
40 percent less water than similar buildings
customers real-time data on how Reliable
built to code.
Plaza used — and saved — energy and
More than 12,000 customers visited
water. The center also provided information
Reliable Plaza monthly to pay their utility
on green building ideas, conservation tips
bills, set up or change service, or learn more
and programs customers could employ
about energy and water conservation.
at home. On November 11, 2008, Reliable Plaza was dedicated in honor of Veteran’s Day and the men and women of OUC who served their country. The American flag was raised by a group of OUC Veterans.
A Florida Original: The mural at Reliable Plaza is based on a landscape by Highwaymen artist Harold Newton
ups an� �owns
(1934-94). Historian Gary Monroe noted, “Newton stands alone having created the images of modern Florida that symbolized the state as the place to really be alive.” Page 59
Weathering Tough Economic Times
From hard hats and gloves to cable and pipe, having the right part at the right time is a critical
In the spring of 2008, OUC had already felt
component in delivering reliable
the economic ground moving beneath Central
and affordable service for
Florida. From an increase in customers needing
customers. Dating back to the
payment arrangements . . . to well-established
earliest days of the Commission,
By 2010, OUC was maintaining
businesses shutting down . . . to a halting of
OUC’s supply chain area has made sure
an inventory of 26,000 parts and
customer growth, the utility realized a storm
employees had the tools and materials
supplies across 113,000 square feet of
was brewing and that it would be necessary
they needed to do the job. In 2007, the
warehousing and 28 acres of outside
to batten down the hatches and prepare for
largely manually intensive process of
storage area at five sites. In addition,
rough weather.
tracking, stocking and ordering items was
OUC was recycling tons of materials
That June, OUC undertook cost-cutting
converted to a wireless barcode scanning
in an environmentally responsible way,
measures that included a hiring freeze for non-
system that could provide data in real
including porcelain insulators, wooden
essential positions, release of contractors and
time, allowing OUC to keep the right
pallets, wooden wire and cable reels,
travel limitations, to name a few.
amount of parts on hand and accurately
brass water meters and more than
forecast when materials would be
1.7 million pounds of steel, aluminum
help than ever, OUC launched new programs
needed for future projects. The high-
and copper. Across the Commission,
to reduce energy and water consumption and
tech system enabled OUC to further
OUC also introduced single-stream
enable customers to pay utility bills over an
streamline its inventory, eliminating
recycling to make it easier for employees
extended period of time. In addition, OUC
obsolete or excessive parts and reducing
to recycle a wider variety of materials
increased contributions to its Project Care
the costs of storing unneeded items.
and partnered with a vendor who
Utility Assistance Fund by 70 percent.
It also helped OUC improve efficiencies
purchased the recyclable paper and
in everything from purchasing to the
cardboard, diverting it from the landfill
warehouse, while expanding the use of
and generating revenue for charity.
Knowing that customers would need more
sustainable practices such as recycling.
: e r a C t Proj ec ory A His t ing of H e l p
After passing the $1 million mark in assistance in 2008, OUC overhauled Project Care, the emergency bill payment assistance program first launched in 1994, to better assist those customers who needed help the most. In addition to matching employee and customer contributions 2 to 1, OUC increased customer allocations and made eligibility guidelines more flexible. In partnership with 2-1-1, a United Way agency, OUC also funded a full-time Project Care administrator to streamline the application and approval process for qualifying OUC customers experiencing temporary problems paying their utility bills. At the close of 2010, contributions had surpassed $2 million.
ups an� �owns Page 60
1990–2010 ChargePoint electric vehicle charging station located at City Hall.
Innovation — From Light Poles to Charging Stations OUC planned for a brighter tomorrow with a
building’s parking garage, the 16-panel solar
number of innovative projects including installing
array provided a total of 2.8 kilowatts of power
solar charging stations for electric vehicles and
to charge the vehicles.
cutting-edge solar photovoltaic (PV) technology on utility poles.
To help prepare Central Florida to support plug-in electric vehicles, OUC partnered with
As part of the utility’s commitment to alternative
the City of Orlando, Orange County and others
fuels and efficient transportation, two of its three
as part of a national non-profit initiative called
electric-vehicle charging stations at Reliable Plaza
Project Get Ready. A Department of Energy
were powered by the sun — and were the first
ChargePoint America Grant would provide
of their kind in Orlando. Located on top of the
nearly 300 charging stations to Central Florida.
New Conservation Requirements On December 1, 2009, the Florida Public
each year. To accomplish those goals, OUC was
Service Commission (PSC) established new peak
determined to ramp-up promotion of existing
demand and energy conservation requirements
programs and introduce new ones to help
for all large electric utilities in the State of Florida.
customers improve the efficiency of their homes
The new rules would require OUC to reduce
and businesses.
energy consumption by an average 3,600,000 kWh
Page 61
OUC installed the first utility pole-mounted solar PV system in Florida. The pilot project included 10 intelligent photovoltaic solar systems that together could produce up to 2 kilowatts that was pumped directly into the power grid.
OUC Partners on Largest Solar Rooftop Array in Southeast at the Orange County Convention Center In May 2009, OUC joined Orange County to
In addition to the grant, OUC contributed
flip the switch on the largest rooftop solar PV
$1.5 million to the project and would receive
system in the Southeast United States. The 1-MW
10 years worth of Renewable Energy Credits.
array atop the Orange County Convention Center
The PV system, which utilizes high-efficiency,
was the result of a partnership between OUC and
flat-plate collectors, covered about 200,000
Orange County that was awarded a $2.5 million
square feet of the Convention Center’s
grant from the State of Florida to install the
North/South building and would generate
landmark project. DOE named the installation
1,300 to 1,500 MWH of electricity per year —
a Solar America Showcase.
the equivalent amount of power used by 80 to
In 2010, OUC added a 31-kW solar array atop the Dr. Phillips Cinedome at the Orlando Science Center.
100 typical homes. And no greenhouse gas emissions would be produced in the process.
A Solar City in the Sunshine State OUC’s efforts to ready Central Florida for a renewable future were rewarded in 2008 as its hometown was designated a “Solar America City” by the U.S. Department of Energy. The ongoing green partnership between OUC, the City of Orlando and Orange County received $450,000 in funding and technical expertise to help develop solar projects in the community that could be replicated across the country. The previous year, OUC had launched solar photovoltaic and solar thermal programs that helped customers eliminate the upfront costs of solar. The program included a partnership with the Orlando Federal Credit Union to provide no- or low-interest loans to homeowners.
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1990–2010 Green Neighborhood Program In 2010, OUC partnered with the City of
of high energy consumption, thanks to
Orlando on the Green Neighborhood Program,
funding from OUC and the federal stimulus
a weatherization fix-up program that targeted
funds the City received in the form of an Energy
homes in some of the City’s least energy-efficient
Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG).
neighborhoods. Based on historical consumption
Participants in the Green Neighborhood Program
data from OUC, the City developed an energy
received an energy and water audit from OUC
intensity map to identify the neighborhoods with
followed by a complimentary package of electric
the highest energy consumption per square foot.
and water conservation measures valued up
The Green Neighborhood Program was
to $1,000.
In 2010, the Green Neighborhood Program: Implemented more than $700,000 in conservation measures for a total annual energy savings of more than 1.3 million kWh in more than 1,000 homes in the City of Orlando.
provided free to neighborhoods with a history
New Power Partnerships: OUC Sells Electricity to Vero Beach and Bartow Power plants take years to permit and construct and are built with growth in mind. Utilities forecast their generation requirements and supplement
of power over a definite period of time as the
future energy requirements above the City’s
utility grows into its load requirements.
current resource level.
On January 1, 2010, OUC became the exclusive
Also in 2010, OUC and the City of Bartow
their electricity needs by selling blocks of
power provider for the City of Vero Beach —
signed a seven-year power purchase agreement.
generation to other municipalities or utilities
providing about 100 MW of electricity to the
OUC would provide wholesale power to the City
through power purchase agreements. Such power
beachfront community for a period of 20 years.
beginning January 1, 2011; Bartow would then
partnerships with other municipalities have been an
The agreement made OUC Vero Beach’s exclusive
distribute it through its existing infrastructure
effective way for OUC to contract large increments
power provider and power marketer, supplying
to about 11,000 customers.
OUR COMMITMENT TO FUTURE GENERATIONS At the close of the first decade of the new millennium, OUC remained committed to building upon the strong foundation it had established over the past 87 years. Through it all, one thing has been constant — the employees of OUC continue to provide the highest level of reliability at affordable rates while acting as good stewards of the environment.
Page 63
rapi� change
Farm at the Curtis H. Stanton
& Billing system goes live.
P. Ksionek
Energy Center — the first solar
• Four solar
Community Solar Farm opens
farm in Orange County.
at the Stanton Energy Center.
installed at
• OUC restores power after
the Orange
Hurricane Irma affects more
County Convention Center.
than 60 percent of customers.
OUC launches the Stanton Solar
• OUC’s new Customer Care
• Kenneth
VA Medical Center, Nemours Children’s Hospital and the
University of Florida Research and Academic Center come online with help from OUC.
OUC joins the Florida Municipal Power Agency
mobile-friendly website,
Tasting Water in Central
automated phone system and
• OUC deploys a
and other partners to break ground on the Florida Municipal Solar Project.
OUC voted the “Best-
digital electric and water meters.
• OUC pledges to achieve Net Zero CO2 Emissions by 2050.
• Central Florida’s first
• OUC provides $12.1 million in COVID-19
community solar farm becomes
relief programs for customers.
operational at OUC’s
St. Cloud break ground
Mayor Buddy
Excellence Award for Innovation in Customer
on Florida’s first net-zero
Dyer honors OUC for a
Service from CS Week and Electric Light &
energy campus built for
century of reliable service to
Power Magazine.
a utility.
Central Florida.
Gardenia Operations facility.
OUC and the City of OUC wins the Expanding
rapi� change Page 64
11 0 2 IN
L E V E R A G I N G T E C H N O L O G Y, S U P P O R T I N G G R O W T H A N D E M B R A C I N G S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y hile the new decade began amid a national recession,
real-world innovation and technology that everybody could use. As
Central Florida’s economy showed signs of rebounding by
consumers began to expect more from their utility provider, OUC
2011, and OUC was well-positioned to lead and capture
anticipated and met those needs with digital initiatives and products
this growth over the coming years. Through sustainability initiatives and
that improved access, affordability and convenience for customers across
technology transformations, OUC drove commercial and residential growth
its service area.
while supporting the region’s burgeoning economy. At every major milestone,
While this decade brought promising growth, it also posed significant
OUC’s teams brought new development online, from Lake Nona’s bustling
challenges, including a series of hurricanes that impacted thousands of
community … to airport expansions and highway upgrades … to new
customers on OUC’s power grid. Those moments tested OUC’s commitment
sporting and entertainment venues.
to Central Florida and beyond — and its team rose to the occasion, working
Driven by a goal of powering the “Greenest City in the Southeast,”
around the clock to restore power and maintain trust.
OUC embraced sustainability at every level, incorporating it fully into the
While many images define this decade, OUC’s first solar farm is perhaps
organization’s culture. This ongoing process began with casting a vision for
the most iconic. Located along an expansive stretch of Innovation Way in east
the future and taking a good, hard look at what mattered to sustainably
Orange County, the Stanton Solar Farm tracks the sun as it moves across the
minded customers, employees and business partners. Based on that input, in
Central Florida sky and generates clean power with its 25,172 state-of-the-
2014 OUC mapped out a sustainability “journey” for each of its constituents,
art panels. OUC customers who travel this area can see the solar generation
along with a road map for the organization to follow.
that provides renewable energy to their homes and businesses. It’s a sign of
What began in the 1980s with educating employees and customers about the importance of protecting and conserving vital resources evolved into
the region’s ongoing evolution … and OUC’s commitment to deliver reliable, sustainable energy every step of the way.
Page 65
The First Solar Farm in Orange County The Stanton Solar Farm came online at the Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center in late 2011, becoming the first solar farm in Orange County and further diversifying OUC’s modern fleet of generation units. The 5.9-MW solar photovoltaic (PV) farm, which generated enough renewable energy to power more than 600 homes, allowed OUC to study the impact of a large-scale solar array on its electric distribution system. Duke Energy and Regenesis Power LLC installed, operated and maintained the system, and OUC planned to purchase its power through 2031. The solar panels’ design, hightech at the time, featured a patented single-axis tracking system that increased electricity output by up to 30 percent and could withstand hurricane force winds.
Achieving Operational Efficiency In 2012 OUC combined the Power Resource Business Unit with Water
Production and Chilled Water into a single Electric & Water Production team
with lofty goals: to leverage technical and operational resources, improve cost effectiveness and increase cross-training opportunities.
rapi� change Chilled Water and Water Production also began cross-utilizing operators
to run their plants, creating a deeper bench of highly trained employees to
support both areas. Electric & Water Delivery (EWD) took the organizational
changes to the next level in 2013 to better balance spans of control, capture
economies of scale by grouping like functions, and streamline decision-making. An additional benefit was the efficiencies created for new infrastructure, as
electricity and water engineering teams were able to work with developers as a cohesive unit to not only serve current infrastructure but plan for future needs.
2011–2023 Protecting Avian Wildlife Next door to OUC’s Gold LEEDcertified Reliable Plaza, the utility’s former Administration Building, which had been a part of the Orlando skyline since 1968, got a new lease on life. GDC Properties, LLC purchased the eight-story property in 2011 for $2.8 million, ultimately reopening it as Aloft Downtown Orlando Hotel in 2013.
Eagles can be electrocuted when they capture their prey and bring it to the top of distribution poles. To solve this challenge, OUC’s Environmental teams utilized sophisticated computer modeling to develop intricate maps that track the known nesting locations of bald eagles and analyze the foraging behavior of these very large predators. OUC worked with Engineering and Electric Distribution crews to install specially designed coverings on conductors, transformers and pole insulators to protect these beautiful birds, without altering their natural foraging behavior. OUC was one of the first utilities in Florida to create an Avian Protection Plan in 2009 and constantly works to update it.
OUT FRONT IN SUSTAINABILITY Central Florida’s first community solar farm began producing power in early October 2013, at OUC’s Gardenia Innovation & Operations Center next to I-4. OUC gave customers the opportunity to subscribe to the innovative array and receive the benefits of solar power without the hassle or upfront costs associated with installation. The program was open to both home owners and renters — a critical selling point since
55 percent of OUC customers reside in multi-family housing. The array was built by ESA Renewables, which owns and operates it. OUC agreed to purchase power from the array for 25 years. In addition, OUC worked with the City of Orlando and ESA to develop a 417.6-kW roof-mounted PV solar array atop the City of Orlando’s Fleet Maintenance Building that was expected
to generate about 580,000 kWh annually, equivalent to powering about 45 average-sized Orlando homes and offsetting 2,375 vehicles’ gas emissions per year. The construction brought 20 green jobs to the City, with the expectation of providing $800,000 in energy cost savings over the life of the project. OUC Commission President Dan Kirby unveiled Central Florida’s first community solar farm at the Gardenia Innovation & Operations Center, which featured 1,312 solar panels in three canopies covering 2.5 acres of OUC property.
Page 67
rapi� change Revolutionizing the Customer Experience After lowering electric rates twice
water meters in less than a year.
in 2012, OUC moved forward in
As part of this transition,
2013 with an ambitious plan to
OUC closed its three
leverage technology to improve
walk-in customer service
the customer experience.
centers — at Reliable Plaza
As a 24/7 operation, the utility
in downtown Orlando, Gardenia
Fast-Tracking Digital Meters. To give
wanted to extend the same
Avenue and St. Cloud — as
customers the detailed information they need
round-the-clock convenience
part of a commitment to keep
to make better decisions about their energy
to its customers — and did exactly that by launching a mobilefriendly website, adding 500 third-party payment locations where payments are credited immediately, and deploying digital electric and
rates low. Extensive customer
and water consumption, OUC accelerated the
research in 2012 revealed a growing
conversion to digital electric and water meters
preference for convenient payment options and lower fees. Over the next few years, the utility continued
that provide a steady stream of consumption data. In 2012, the OUC Board approved two projects totaling $58.9 million to upgrade about
to improve and refine its model with new
150,000 electric meters and 147,000 water meters,
features, including a digital consumption
beginning in January 2013. The digital meter deployment, along with a new meter data management system, laid the foundation to enhance OUC’s website and allow customers to better monitor their consumption. OUC had already deployed 73,259 electric and 3,117 water meters as part of an advanced metering infrastructure project. Benefits to customers included more proactive customer service, the ability to offer prepaid metering and a reduction in estimated bills. The switch also reduced costs by eliminating manual reads, reducing truck rolls, automating disconnects/ reconnects, and detecting faults, leaks and theft. In 2023, OUC upgraded current meters with advanced, next-generation automated metering infrastructure (AMI) to help ensure continued accuracy and provide enhanced data as customers track water usage.
dashboard, an Interactive Voice Response automated phone system and three convenient options to help residential and commercial customers track their bills, save money, and handle payments seamlessly.
Page 68
2011–2023 Launching the Business Energy Advisor. To help commercial customers make smart energy-related decisions, OUC launched the interactive Business Energy Advisor (BEA) microsite, which was continually updated in the following years. BEA featured an online library with
Expanding Excellence on the Smart Grid. In 2014, CS Week and Electric Light
information on equipment-buying, maintenance tips and low-cost solutions, as well as industryspecific resources to help users learn about
& Power magazine gave OUC its prestigious
energy consumption and load profiles for facilities
“Expanding Excellence Award” for Best Smart
like theirs. The website included calculators and
Grid Infrastructure in the Large Utility category,
checklists to help customers determine how much
which evaluated North American utilities with
they’d save by upgrading equipment, as well as
more than $500 million in revenue. The award
a benchmarking function to pinpoint the most
recognized OUC’s innovative, low-cost and
energy-intensive areas of their business.
comprehensive Meter Data Management
Encouraging Conservation with the OUC Usage Dashboard. The ability to see and adjust usage patterns to lower energy bills was one of the items most
project, the acceleration of digital meter deployment, and the ability for customers to make real-time payments from hundreds of new locations. The following year, OUC was honored
frequently requested by OUC customers. To
by the same publications, this time for
accommodate their needs, OUC released the
Innovation in Customer Service. The award
OUC Usage Dashboard in October 2014 to
was especially significant because it
nearly 20,000 residential customers to test the
placed OUC at the top of a category that
program before the full rollout at year-end.
included all large utilities in North America.
Because the new system also provided high-
OUC was recognized for taking customer/
consumption alerts via email, changes in
utility connectivity into the future by vastly
usage could be made immediately, and costs
increasing the size and speed of information
could be kept in check.
flow and providing a seamless user experience.
Power Pass: A Flexible Way for Customers To Control Energy, Water Usage To make it easier for customers to stay current on their bills, OUC launched Power Pass in 2015, a prepaid pay-as-you-go program for utility services. Power Pass allows customers to monitor their electric or water usage daily from a computer, tablet or smartphone. Customers can then pay when they want, the amount they want, and how they want — online, by phone or in person at over 500 locations around town, including convenience and grocery stores. When consumption gets high, customers get Power Pass alerts via email. Power Pass is ideal for customers who want to avoid paying deposits and late fees, value the opportunity to monitor and control their utility usage, split their utility bill with roommates, or travel frequently and don’t consume electricity and water on a regular basis. Power Pass also drives conservation by increasing awareness of usage, with an 8% reduction in electric energy usage among Power Pass users.
Page 69
rapi� change Developing a Clean Energy Strategy for 2020 In 2014, OUC took steps to weave sustainability into all aspects of its operations — from diversifying its power supply to helping customers incorporate green features into their homes and businesses. OUC also encouraged smart load growth and increased the use of renewables while maintaining flexibility. That catalyst resulted in OUC setting a Clean Energy Strategy goal, which was ultimately achieved, of 20 percent of retail sales from renewables and conservation by 2020. Excluding nuclear, this target was more aggressive than any other utility in Florida. The utility also explored efficiencies in electric generation and distribution, designed to save more than 19,000 MW hours annually. Those programs supported OUC’s existing efforts to undertake a systemwide LED
In addition, OUC installed high-visibility customer educational displays, such as solar sculptures and bus shelters equipped with solarpowered mobile chargers, along with OUCbranded public water fountains. To stay at the forefront of innovation and emerging technology, OUC also collaborated with universities on research and development that in the future will include biofuels, micro grids and battery storage in addition to solar.
Sustainable, Reliable and Rideable. A natural fit for its community outreach efforts, OUC became the first corporate sponsor of Orlando Bike Share in 2014. The service used mobile technology to let people rent bicycles from various stations across downtown. As an early partner of this program, OUC was ahead of the curve in making ecofriendly mobility accessible to more Central Floridians.
streetlight implementation program and expand its electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure.
Page 70
2011–2023 OUC Water is Tops in Taste OUC was tapped in 2014 by the Florida Section of the American Water Works Association for having the “Best-Tasting Water in Central Florida,” outranking 12 other water utilities. OUC surpasses all federal and state requirements for water quality by conducting
In 2014, OUC began upgrading its latest water treatment plant — the Southwest plant in the Dr. Phillips area — with the latest ozonation technology.
20,000 chemical and bacterial water quality tests each year, testing for 135 regulated and unregulated substances annually. In 2014, OUC’s 20 ozone generators processed nearly 28 billion gallons of water. That year, OUC began upgrading its latest water treatment plant — the Southwest plant in the Dr. Phillips area — with the latest ozonation technology. The $11.3 million worth of upgrades brought efficiencies that yield yearly cost savings.
OUC’s Team: The Driving Force Behind The Reliable One OUC Named a Top 8 Company for Working Families OUC focused on attracting, developing and retaining talented employees to ensure it had the right team for the job.
rapi� change
The Orlando Sentinel ranked OUC No. 8 on its annual Top 100 Companies for Working Families list in both 2013 and 2014. OUC scored high on core benefits, work environment, communication and training — thanks largely
to a comprehensive benefits package, which includes time off for family, medical benefits, pension, educational
opportunities, wellness initiatives, volunteer opportunities and community events. OUC continues to evaluate overall benefits and structure to maintain a competitive edge when it comes to hiring and keeping top talent.
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Providing Power to Other Communities Thanks to a diverse and ample generation
from the Bennett substation and utilizing an
portfolio, OUC began delivering power to the cities
existing manhole and duct-line system through
of Winter Park and Lake Worth on January 1, 2014.
Baldwin Park.
OUC delivered up to 35 MWs to Lake Worth (about 180 miles southeast of Stanton) for three years with an option for two one-
The agreement was the culmination of a cooperative effort between OUC’s Electric & Water Production and Delivery
year extensions. That was in addition
teams, who provided Winter Park
to existing agreements with Bartow
with an innovative solution to a
and Vero Beach, which went up to
portion of its power supply needs.
149 MW.
After Winter Park City Commission
OUC also finalized a six-year Power
approved the agreement in August
Electric Production and Delivery Work Together to Diversify Fuel Supply
Supply Agreement, valued at $30.7
2013, OUC engineers and linemen
Leveraging the strengths of both Electric
million, and a 20-year Interconnection
got to work on underground and
Production and Electric Distribution, OUC
Agreement to deliver 20 MW to neighboring
overhead lines at the same time, completing both
continued to diversify its portfolio in 2014.
Winter Park. That collaboration was made possible
portions in 16 weeks. The permanent cutover to
OUC agreed to a 9-MW landfill gas-to-energy
by accessing a direct distribution connection to the
OUC’s feeder off Lakemont Avenue took place on
project with Shaw Environmental’s J.E.D. Solid
OUC grid, via two distribution feeders extending
December 31, 2013.
Waste Management Facility in Osceola County that could grow to 25 MW over the life of the project. To connect to this new resource, OUC began building a direct electric distribution line between the landfill and the St. Cloud substation 18 miles away. This was, by far, the longest feeder line in OUC’s distribution system. Combined with a successful landfill gas partnership with Orange County, OUC received up to 22 MW of landfill power from gas at SEC, one of the largest amounts in the state. In addition to landfill gas, SEC’s energy portfolio included natural gas, coal and solar — making it one of the most diverse generation sites in Florida.
Page 72
2011–2023 Managing the Impact of Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Meanwhile, the I-4 Ultimate project made significant enhancements to Central Florida’s interstate highway from Kirkman Road in Orange County to State Road 434 in Seminole County. This 21-mile stretch featured 15
In addition to meeting the demands of
reconstructed major interchanges, and more
maintaining the highest rate of reliability and
than 100 bridges that were expanded, replaced
installing infrastructure to facilitate
or built from the ground up.
growth, the OUC team contended
Construction on the project
with two high-profile transportation
operated 24/7, and OUC
expansion projects in Central Florida.
worked hand in hand with
Orlando International Airport,
the design/build contractor
which handled a record 41.5 million
to protect its infrastructure
passengers in FY 2015-16, began a
and prepare for the rigors of
$1.8 billion expansion, resulting in
inspections on work performed
an estimated 6 MW of load growth
around the clock.
worth $14 million in revenue over
Both the I-4 Ultimate Project
five years. Highlights included a new
and All Aboard Florida fast-rail
South Terminal and an Intermodal
construction affected OUC electric
Transportation Hub that connected
and water infrastructure and
SunRail with Brightline, Florida’s inter-city express
required the relocation of equipment and lines.
train. The passenger rail project, which would link
OUC’s Energy and Water Department added a
Orlando with Miami, impacted some of OUC’s
project director to oversee both initiatives and
existing infrastructure, requiring the utility to
ensure all work was done properly and inspected
relocate two sensitive transmission structures.
by OUC.
Finding Potential in Algae: OUC Joins a Research Development Consortium OUC expanded its commitment to sustainability to include research and development. Working with scientists from the University of Florida and across the nation, OUC applied for and received a grant in 2015 from the United States Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory to study how effectively algae can be grown from coal flue gas. The algae contained nearly 50 percent carbon and could be used to produce biofuels, chemicals, or food supplements for humans and animals, among many other uses. The research was performed by California-based MicroBio Engineering, as well as experts from the University of Florida, Arizona State University and Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego. Although the experiment captured just a tiny amount of carbon from the chimney, it was a step in the right direction — with groundbreaking research for the entire industry taking place in Orlando.
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rapi� change Powering Regional Growth The Central Florida economy continued to recover from the after-effects of the 2008-2009 recession with rising hotel occupancy rates, increased traffic at Orlando International Airport, the growth of the Medical City in Lake Nona, and several redevelopment projects in Downtown Orlando. In 2012, OUC helped bring three new health care facilities — the VA Medical Center, Nemours Children’s Hospital and the University of Florida Research and Academic Center — online near Lake Nona. This rapidly growing area provided 4,500 new jobs by late 2012 and 9,000 by 2017.
Downtown Orlando: Creativity at Work. East of I-4, construction began
Lake Nona & USTA: Game On!
at Creative Village (UCF and Valencia
national campus opened to the public in 2017,
College’s downtown campus). Nearby, a sports
with 100 tennis courts and dozens of programs for
and entertainment district grew to feature a
players of all ages and abilities. OUC helped USTA
25,500-seat stadium for Orlando City Soccer
enhance its eco-friendly blueprint by installing EV
and a large retail/hotel/convention center for
charging ports and hydration stations.
The United States Tennis Association’s (USTA)
the Orlando Magic. West of the interstate, an urban revitalization project, LIFT Orlando, built six mixed-use housing developments and a 120-unit senior living project. And with the
Serving Veterans Over the Years
OUC delivered reliable electric service to the new VA Medical Center, which opened in 2012 to serve more
than 400,000 veterans. The project was yet another link
second phase of the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts — a $200 million, 1,700-seat acoustical theater — The City Beautiful continued to become more attractive.
between OUC and those who have served our country. In fact, during World War II, the American Red Cross set up a surgical dressing unit at OUC’s offices.
LED Lighting Program Expands For years, OUC provided and maintained the lighting for Orlando’s legendary Citrus Bowl and UCF’s
Bright House Networks Stadium. With the construction of major projects in town, OUConvenient Lighting had an opportunity to lead the way in exterior lighting.
In 2013, OUC launched a program to replace 14,000 100-watt streetlights with LED fixtures. The
initiative expanded in 2016, replacing 12,000 (250- and 400-watt) fixtures used on larger roads and
highways, such as Semoran Boulevard and Colonial Drive. That equaled about 41 percent of OUC’s large roadway streetlights.
As LED technology continued to improve and prices kept dropping, energy savings followed.
The City of Orlando, OUC’s largest lighting customer, has saved about $650,000 a year, as well as
14 million kW hours of annual energy, following the completion of the program. Equally important, LED lighting improves safety by emitting whiter, cleaner light that provides better visibility for
Page 74
motorists, pedestrians and law enforcement.
2011–2023 KPMG Breaks Ground in Lake Nona In May 2017, global audit, tax and advisory
firm KPMG broke ground on a 1.2 million-squarefoot, $430 million learning, development and Universal Orlando Resort opened Volcano Bay.
Universal Orlando Resort Expands. Blending entertainment and technology,
innovation facility in Lake Nona. When the stateof-the-art complex opened in 2019, the Big 4 firm brought more than 20,000 employees into the market and generated about 50,000 visits to
Universal’s Volcano Bay Water Theme Park made
Orlando City Soccer Opens New Stadium Orlando City Soccer built it … and the crowds came. In February 2017, fans flocked to the new 25,500-seat stadium. Fast forward to
2021 when OUC celebrated the installation
of a creative solar sculpture at the facility — now known as Exploria Stadium. Designed
a huge splash when it opened in May 2017. As a
by UCF art and engineering students as part
next-generation water park, Volcano Bay provided
of a challenge posed by OUC, the sculpture
visitors with smart technology, called Tapu Tapu
combined beautiful form and sustainable
wristbands, to reduce their wait times. In summer
function to generate 1,264 kWh of electricity
2018, the new 600-room Aventura Hotel brought
annually — enough to offset its own lighting
the number of on-site hotel rooms at Universal to
needs and fully power an EV charging station
6,200. For OUC, the expansion represented 5 to
7 MWs of additional load with annual revenue of more than $3 million.
Amazon Fulfills Expectations for Growth. In summer 2017, online retail giant
Orlando. For OUC, this added up to an estimated
Amazon announced plans to open a new
4.5 MW of new electric load and 50 million gallons
fulfillment center near the Orlando International
of water, yielding about $2 million in annual sales.
Airport. Located on a 78-acre site, the 850,000-
Later additions included OUCooling chilled water
square-foot center brought an estimated 1,500
services, OUConvenient Lighting and EV charging
new jobs to Central Florida when it opened
in 2018. The impact to OUC was 3.6 MWs of electric load and 14.2 million gallons of water
Orlando City Stadium is a state-of-the-art Major League Soccer (MLS) facility, home to the Orlando City Soccer and Orlando Pride teams.
a year, yielding $2 million in annual revenue.
Lineman Rodeo: Safety and Speed The 2016 annual FMEA Lineman Competition — sponsored by OUC and held at the Orlando
rapi� change Airport Marriott Lakeside — gathered public power line workers from across Florida to
demonstrate their knowledge and skills, and
to place a spotlight on safety. Apprentices and journeymen vied for professional recognition, attended training courses and demonstrated their safe work practices.
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rapi� change
Uniting After the Pulse Tragedy OUC has long been committed to supporting
and snacks into their cars to drop off at blood
utility assistance for victims and their families
the community through volunteerism and
donation centers throughout Orange and
through OUC’s Project CARE program. On June
outreach, especially during times of crisis or
Seminole counties.
21, OUC’s Lighting Department donated time
natural disasters. But 2016 tested this commitment
By Monday morning, a dedicated group
to raise more than 50 banners emblazoned with
more than ever. When the mass shooting at
of employees comforted grieving families of
#OrlandoUnited on light poles in the SODO
Pulse nightclub shocked the world, OUC’s
victims arriving in town and helped them find
District, where the shooting occurred. OUC also
first-responder instinct kicked in, as a fleet of
hotel rooms. Later in the week, as the Victims
contributed $25,000 to the OneOrlando Fund for
employees mobilized quickly to help.
Assistance Center moved to Camping World
victims’ assistance and matched employee and
Stadium, employees continued to make lodging
retiree donations to the fund.
As news spread on Sunday, June 12, employees rallied to nearby Reliable Plaza, loading water
arrangements for affected families and provided
Page 76
2011–2023 Over four months, more than 300 employees were trained on CC&B through web-based courses, classroom training, self-directed practice and other planned activities. An “organizational
New Customer Information System Preps for the Future
change management” model also was implemented to help educate supervisors to provide support in their respective business units before, during and after the conversion.
While fireworks lit the Orlando sky on July 4, 2017, celebrations erupted across the Commission as OUC’s new customer information system, Oracle’s Customer Care & Billing (CC&B), went live. The system handled OUC’s day-to-day operations, touching all 246,000 electric and water customers — residential and commercial. The go-live was the culmination of Project Momentum, in which OUC switched from PeopleSoft Enterprise Revenue Management to CC&B. This massive effort took two and a half years, over 300,000 hours of work, and 30,000 hours of QA testing, and involved more than 200 OUC employees, contractors and third-party vendors. Departments across the Commission worked to ensure a smooth conversion, which required data conversion, integration, training, change management, infrastructure development, and internal and external communication.
A Proactive Approach to Keeping Customers Informed. OUC also launched a Proactive Alerts program to stay connected to customers. The system allows customers to receive timely outage information regarding electric and water services via phone, email or text. And system upgrades provided customers the ability to report an outage with a simple text message. Today, alerts are offered in English and Spanish.
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rapi� change Clint Bullock: “Champion of Innovation & Community Trust” General Manager & CEO (2018–Present)
fter a nationwide
who continued to struggle
Clint Bullock, Vice
Delivery, as its next General
relies on power and water
served as an OUC Vice
recognized early on that
search, OUC named
financially due to the
President of Electric & Water
In an evolving society that
Manager & CEO. Bullock
more than ever, Bullock
President for more than
customer choice would be a
10 years, leading electric
key disrupter to plan for —
and water delivery operations
and he placed an emphasis
including engineering,
on striving to meet and
construction, maintenance
exceed expectations while
and operations of the
also delivering exceptional
transmission and distribution
value. With that focus, OUC
systems since 2012. His
has earned recent prestigious
tenure with the utility
recognitions, including a
included overseeing customer
national first-place finish
relations and sustainability,
awarded by J.D. Power in its
as well as strategic planning,
residential water customer
conservation and renewable
satisfaction survey in 2021
and the title of the “Most
The son of a lineman,
Trusted Electric Utility in the
Bullock is a second-generation
Nation” in 2020, 2022 and
OUC employee who worked
his way up from his first job as
2023, reflecting the results of
a summer student at OUC in 1988 and then
to working to continuously improve the
graduate of the University of Central Florida
Bullock also led the Electric Integrated
returned in 1989 as a full-time employee. A
organization’s safety culture.
with a degree in Business Administration,
Resource Plan, which aimed to create a
Administration from Rollins College.
result, OUC became the first utility in the
Bullock earned his Master of Business
Among his first priorities as CEO, Bullock
began a 100-day listening tour to hear from
OUC employees, customers and community members — with the goal of thoroughly
assessing the organization’s current state and envisioning its future. Building on
findings from that tour, Bullock then initiated work on OUC’s new strategic plan, which later become known as Connected 2025,
designed to position the organization for
long-term success. As part of that process,
he facilitated an enhanced, proactive focus on safety as a top priority — including the physical, mental and emotional health of
employees and others — and committed
roadmap to a clean energy future. As a
state to set clean energy goals — Net Zero
CO2 emission by 2050 with interim targets. And he led with resolve and compassion when faced with the unexpected — the COVID-19 pandemic — ensuring teams
had the resources necessary to continue
providing essential services during such a
a national customer survey
conducted by human behavior and analytics firm Escalent. In another Escalent study,
OUC was named a 2022 Environmental
Champion. Partnerships were also enhanced under Bullock’s leadership, with new
agreements secured that allowed OUC to leverage its expertise to deliver a unique portfolio of energy and water services,
like providing critical infrastructure, and
designing and building chilled water plants for clients including Orlando International Airport and Universal Orlando Resorts. With the utility industry in a period
challenging time, and mobilizing community
of transformation — at the threshold
care systems faced an unexpected shortage
water sources, and sustainability
support to conserve water when area health of liquid oxygen (LOX). In keeping with
of distributed energy, alternative
breakthroughs — Bullock continues to
rapi� change
OUC’s commitment to keep the community connected, Bullock championed the $12
million customer relief package and payment
assistance programs, helping customers
Page 78
drive OUC forward, embracing a new
vision for the future: providing innovative solutions and expanding as the partner of choice.
to 24 MW of back-up generation
Manage 12.4 kV emergency distribution facilities
Launching Connected 2025
Connected 2025 was intended to reinvent OUC’s mission, vision and values; take a strategic approach to strengthening OUC’s
connection to customers, employees and community; engage employees throughout the process; position OUC as a partner, collaborator and innovator; and balance the competing interests of
Install, operate OUC hosted focus groups and leveraged feedback gained during the 2020 Leadership Forum to begin implementing the new Connected 2025 strategic initiative. maintain SOLUTIONS A Renewed Sense of Purpose. An endeavor two yearsand in the making, Connected 2025 was refreshed and expanded in 2020. onsite floating The comprehensive strategy included ideas and insights gathered solar array from employee focus groups and feedback from Commissioners. reliability, sustainability, affordability and resiliency.
After synthesizing this valuable input, OUC’s leadership team updated its core values and outlined a new, enhanced strategic plan to position the utility for future success, including new mission and vision statements.
Install, operate and maintain 67 electric vehicle charging stations To be an innovative solutions provider
To provide exceptional value to our customers and community through the delivery of sustainable and reliable services and solutions.
and the partner of choice.
Strategies for Success. To achieve its vision, OUC developed
These projects will be featured at the new South Terminal experience through value-added services and sustainable, highly Complex and the Automated People Mover/Intermodal reliable and innovative solutions; second, to strengthen employee engagement through continuous improvement of OUC’s workplace, Facility, showcasing sustainability to the millions processes and organization; and third, to serve the community as a committed partner, sustainability leader and trusted corporate citizen. of travelers who visit Orlando each year. three strategies: first, to provide customers with an outstanding
Connected 2025 — OUC’s strategic initiative for enhancing connections to customers, employees and the community — positioned the utility for future success. As part of this plan and in furthering OUC’s decades-long commitment to sustainability, OUC was the first utility in Florida to set goals for reducing CO2 Emissions, pledging to achieve Net Zero CO2 Emissions by 2050. Connected 2025 also reaffirmed the need for investments in solar technology; energy storage; EV support and solutions; and efficiency and conservation efforts, and began to identify new and additional commitments. Page 79
rapi� change Pathway to a Clean Energy Future In 2019, OUC embarked on a comprehensive
This strategy directionally aligned with City of
Extending a Commitment to Energy Innovation. Under the Connected 2025
stakeholder engagement and 18-month planning
Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer’s 2017 aspirational
process to develop its Electric Integrated
proclamation to achieve 100 percent renewable
strategic plan and as a key to achieving Net Zero
Resource Plan (EIRP), a 30-year roadmap to a
energy generation for Orlando by 2050.
goals, OUC also pledged to continue its
clean energy future. Historically, OUC had relied
The EIRP set in motion an ambitious overhaul
significant investments in clean energy. Building
on a diverse fuel mix of coal, natural gas, nuclear,
of OUC’s energy grid — calling for closing Stanton
on its previous commitment of $420 million to
solar and landfill gas. The EIRP defined how OUC
solar technology, OUC pledged to invest an
would generate and supply electric power in a
additional $90 million in energy storage. As part
way that balances affordability, reliability, resiliency
of these investments, OUC committed to
and sustainability through 2050.
providing 270 MW of solar energy to customers.
In furthering OUC’s decades-long commitment
OUC also committed $45 million to innovative
to sustainability, OUC was the first utility in Florida
electrification programs, including support for
to set goals for reducing CO2 emissions, pledging
e-buses, dealership programs and additional
to achieve Net Zero CO2 Emissions by 2050.
EV charging stations. Additionally, OUC planned
In October 2020, OUC took an important step
to invest $30 million in efficiency and conservation
toward finalizing the EIRP. Management released
efforts by 2030, including enhancements to low-
a recommendation to significantly reduce the
income programs and technology solutions.
use of coal no later than 2025, eliminating it no
These programs brought OUC’s total installed
later than 2027. This recommendation supported
Energy Center’s two coal plants by 2025 and 2027,
charging stations from 200 currently to nearly
OUC’s strategic plan for Net Zero CO2 Emissions
converting the units to natural gas and closing the
300 — maintaining Orlando’s position as one of
by 2050, as well as interim targets of 50 percent
converted units by 2040. The move accelerated
the Top 10 most-EV ready cities in the nation.
CO2 emissions reduction by 2030 and 75 percent
OUC’s clean energy plans years ahead of the
by 2040, compared to 2005 levels. OUC’s Board
planned lifespan of the power plants using coal,
commitment by meeting the goal to achieve
of Commissioners unanimously approved the EIRP
especially with the 2023 announcement that
1 percent of savings of retail sales in 2020.
in December 2020.
Stanton Unit 1 would be retired instead of the
OUC further reinforced its strategic
originally planned gas conversion.
The EIRP Process EIRPs (Electric Integrated Resource Plans) are standard, responsible, duediligence practices for utilities, typically undertaken about every five years with a 20-year horizon. However, OUC extended the time horizon to 30 years to explore the feasibility of the impact to 2050.
rapi� change
Stakeholder engagement was integral to the EIRP process. OUC sought input from stakeholders in Orlando, Orange County, Osceola County and
St. Cloud using an online survey and in-person community forums, as well as forums and interviews with commercial customers.
The process considered factors affecting power generation and transmission,
ranging from individual customer needs to broader issues, such as the utilization of existing assets and resources; advances in renewable energy technologies;
and potential events, such as government regulations and hurricanes, that could impact energy supply and demand.
National Spotlight Shines on Orlando and OUC OUC’s commitment to sustainability took
expand solar energy. At the time of Mayor
the national stage in February 2019, when
Bloomberg’s visit, OUC had already installed a
Michael Bloomberg, then UN Special Envoy
robust network of 165 charging stations around
for Climate Action and former Mayor of New
the area and installed nearly 19 MW of solar.
York City, highlighted Orlando as one of 25
Bloomberg joined Orlando Mayor Buddy
cities selected to participate in the American
Dyer and OUC’s General Manager & CEO,
Cities Climate Challenge through Bloomberg
Clint Bullock, for a news conference at OUC’s
Gardenia Innovation & Operations Center
The program provided a $2.5 million grant
where he also toured OUC’s Emerging
to provide technical assistance and resources.
Technologies Research and Development
Orlando planned to add 150 EV charging stations
Laboratory and got an up-close view of its
by 2020, further convert the city’s fleet of cars
400-kW solar canopy and 31.5-kW floating
and buses to electric, promote energy efficiency
solar array — two projects among the first of
in public and privately owned buildings, and
their kind in the nation.
OUC Honored for Net Zero Emissions Goal Following the EIRP and announcement of our new strategic direction, OUC was recognized in the Sierra Club’s new Clean Energy report card for its commitment to reaching 100% Net Zero CO2 Emissions by 2050, with interim goals in the decades between. OUC was the only utility in the Southeast to earn a “B” rating, ranking in the top eight of 79 utilities surveyed nationally. Only three utilities received an “A.” Page 81
rapi� change OUC, GOAA Expand Partnership In 2018, OUC and the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority (GOAA) announced plans to broaden the scope of their relationship beyond traditional electric and water services, with OUC also providing chilled water, backup generation and onsite solar energy to Orlando International Airport. The enhanced 20-year partnership agreement included Terminal C’s 10,395-ton chilled water facility and a 28 MW backup generation facility, both of which OUC agreed to maintain and operate 24/7 — along with a 19,000-plus-squarefoot floating solar array, which is visible to travelers from the airport’s Automated People Movers. Through OUC’s partnership agreement with GOAA, incremental revenues from Terminal C operations were expected to surpass $11 million annually in the first three to five years of operations.
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Innovative Solar Solutions for All Solar has come a long way over the past decade, and nowhere is that transformation more evident than Central Florida. As part of the path to clean energy, OUC has committed to making solar affordable and accessible to all customers and has invested in finding more creative ways to use the sun’s power via a full array of solar solutions, including community solar, utility-scale, bi-facial, and floating solar.
Community Solar: Like Rooftop Solar, Without the Rooftop.
The Kenneth P. Ksionek Community Solar Farm, located at the Stanton Energy Center (SEC), was one of the first solar arrays in the country to sit atop a closed byproduct landfill at a power plant—and the facility more than doubled OUC’s solar capacity at the time of completion.
OUC’s Kenneth P. Ksionek Community Solar
Joining Industry Partners to Expand Solar Capacity. In 2019,
Farm opened in 2017, sitting atop a byproduct
OUC joined the Florida Municipal Power
landfill near a power plant. Located on 24 acres
Agency and other partners to break ground
at the Stanton Energy Center in East Orlando,
on the Florida Municipal Solar Project, a
the site’s nearly 40,000 solar panels provide
223.5 MW solar farm and one of the largest
13 MWs of energy — enough to power 2,100
municipal solar farms in the nation. OUC was the
homes. The farm more than doubled OUC’s
largest tenant of the project, purchasing 108.5
solar capacity, allowing commercial and
MW of the planned 223.5 MW, or enough for
residential customers to harness the energy
more than 20,000 residential customers.
Among the first of its kind in the nation,
of the sun whether they own or rent.
Preparing for the EV Influx Understanding early on that EVs were part of Orlando’s
sustainable future, OUC developed initiatives to support the influx with a robust network of EV charging stations. Over a 10-year
period, OUC installed more than 300 public stations and created
innovative programs to help our commercial customers install their
rapi� change own. In 2019, OUC signed the first Charge-It contract with the
Gateway Center in downtown Orlando to bring charging solutions to its clients.
Through the program, OUC owned, installed and maintained the
station while the customer paid a monthly fee over a contracted
period. OUC also launched another commercial EV option, Own-It, where OUC designed, procured and installed the station, but the
customer owned it outright. These options allowed OUC to meet customers’ needs as electrification gained momentum.
rapi� change Reliable During the COVID-19 Health Crisis In 2020, reliability took on new meaning in a year that brought unforeseen trials. Keeping the community connected — in good or challenging times — is a top priority at OUC. As Central Florida grappled with the public health, safety, economic and logistical problems of the COVID-19 pandemic, OUC worked hard to maintain essential services, provide proactive
Relieving Financial Burdens Amid a Pandemic In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, OUC moved swiftly with a cumulative
$12.1 million in relief programs for customers. In mid-March 2020, OUC suspended
disconnections and waived late fees. In April, OUC Commissioners approved a historic
relief package that included a $2.6 million grant to Project CARE, the utility’s bill assistance program funded by OUC employees and customers, and administered by the Heart of Florida United Way, which provides emergency assistance to residential customers in danger of losing their utility service due to non-payment.
OUC also offered several payment options, promoting programs like the Power Pass pay-
as-you-go and enhanced payment arrangements to ensure customers knew all the resources that were available to them. Overall, the relief package helped nearly 60,000 customers. In addition, all customers received a fuel-rate reduction on their May 2020 power bills.
solutions, aid struggling families and focus on solutions and the community’s recovery. For the first time in nearly a century of service, OUC mobilized 60 percent of its work force to work remotely, while ensuring customers and partners still had the guidance, assistance and expertise needed to weather the unprecedented time. And as Central Florida adapted to working and learning remotely, OUC focused efforts to help customers cope with the higher costs of being home more often.
Collaborating to Conserve When Orlando’s health care systems faced an unexpected shortage of liquid oxygen (LOX) used in respiratory treatments for COVID-19 patients, OUC mobilized community support to address this critical supply challenge. The scarcity impacted OUC’s water treatment process, which uses
rapi� change
LOX to remove discoloration and odor in water pumped from the Lower Floridan aquifer. The local community came together to navigate this unprecedented LOX supply chain
disruption, with customers conserving water and OUC’s team modifying operations. Some of
OUC’s largest commercial customers did their part by limiting irrigation and reducing other uses of potable water. This collaborative response allowed Central Florida to meet the pandemic’s health care challenges without sacrificing the high quality of OUC water.
Page 84
2011–2023 A meter transmission unit uses soundwave technology to detect small leaks before they become large-scale problems.
Protecting Natural Water and Investing in Alternative Sources Responsible water usage goes beyond
facility located at the existing southeast booster
conservation. It’s also about building the
station near Orlando International Airport, which
infrastructure to maintain seamless service and
would serve the Lake Nona area. Over the long
meet a high standard of water quality. OUC
term, these changes will reinforce OUC’s well-
addressed this challenge on multiple fronts:
earned reputation for exceptional water — while
reducing wasted water, improving leak detection,
continuing to preserve Florida’s natural resources
exploring alternative water sources, building
for the future.
new production plants and diversifying water
Finding a Bright Idea in Dark Fiber As cities become smarter, both OUC and the
treatment methods. For decades, OUC invested millions of dollars in infrastructure upgrades. The utility began implementing smart technology leak detection to proactively find leaks in the water distribution
greater Central Florida area will increasingly
system — as well as customer-side programs to
rely on infrastructure that can support high-
identify leaks on their end. In addition, upgrading
speed computing and communications. OUC
water meters across OUC’s service area with
developed a proactive, cost-effective solution to
Advanced Metering Infrastructure better
meet that need: dark fiber, a natural and cost-
equipped OUC to gather and analyze data to
effective extension to OUC’s existing network
set metrics, gauge performance, and more.
of fiber-optic cable. By laying dark fiber during
As part of an ongoing effort to seek alternative
power conduit installations, OUC future-proofed
water sources, OUC also researched the
its system for the years ahead — while also
feasibility of developing a brackish groundwater
creating value for the community. Through
alternative water supply at the Lower Lower
partnerships with the Dr. Phillips Packing District
Floridan Aquifer to supplement the water
and others, OUC leased its extra fiber capacity to
already sourced from more than 1,000 feet below
neighborhoods that need it, offsetting the cost of
ground. The project would consist of a new 10
installation and generating revenue.
million gallons per day (MGD) water treatment
Bridging the Gap to Clean Energy With a focus on pioneering new energy sources to meet the needs of customers and the community, OUC acquired the Osceola Generating Station (OGS) in 2023. Comprised of three separate turbines — called “peakers” — the 20-year-old Osceola plant was capable of being powered up or down in just minutes, making it a flexible solution for mitigating fluctuations in solar energy production. It also provided an extra layer of resilience to OUC’s grid because it was equipped with emergency back-up fuel in case of supply chain disruptions. In addition, OUC expects to retire SEC Unit 1 and supplement the grid with energy generated
Page 85
by natural gas at OGS.
rapi� change Revitalizing Neighborhoods, Supporting Families OUC’s Empowerment Zone — created
Instilling a Love of Reading. With the goal
in partnership with local nonprofit LIFT
of inspiring a love of reading in residents of all
Orlando — represents the utility’s commitment
ages, OUC and community partners set up four
to helping revitalize the 32805 ZIP code, the
Little Free Libraries in the Parramore neighborhood
most disadvantaged area in its service territory.
in May 2021. Installed near churches and youth
Through collaborations with government
centers, the libraries housed more than 300 books
and charitable groups, OUC is dedicated
donated by OUC employees.
to supporting education, opportunity, and sustainable infrastructure in underserved neighborhoods.
Renovating a Beloved Community Park. In June 2019, OUC and the City of Orlando embarked on major renovations to Lake Lorna Doone Park in the West Lakes neighborhood, starting with the OUC Solar Pavilion, a 4,800-square-foot pavilion capable of generating 30,000 watts of solar energy. Other new additions included H2OUC hydration stations, OUC-branded EV charging stations, a splash pad, basketball courts, an ADAaccessible playground, a community garden and an ecology walk.
Empowering Tomorrow’s Workforce. Launched in May 2021, OUC’s Empowerment 4 the Future Pre-Apprenticeship Program provided
Partnering on Affordable Housing.
training in carpentry, plumbing, electrical and building maintenance — trades with a median
Later in 2019, OUC partnered with the nonprofit-
annual salary of $50,000 — for residents of the
led Parramore Asset Stabilization Fund to
32805 ZIP code.
renovate 83 affordable housing units in the area. OUC invested $300,000 to overhaul outdated HVAC systems, install insulation in attics and walls, and add energy-efficient appliances and LED light bulbs – resulting in an estimated net savings of 162,945 kWh of electricity and 1,108,797 gallons of water annually.
Page 86
2011–2023 Committed to Inclusion In addition to dealing with a global pandemic,
from a variety of backgrounds. The employees
that it was listening to employees and the
the nation faced watershed moments as racial
shared their experiences, insights and ideas for a
community — and committed to an inclusive,
inequity and injustice were brought to the
more inclusive workplace.
respectful and equitable work environment.
forefront with calls for change. Reflecting on
With this enhanced understanding, OUC
OUC also joined a regional effort focused on
America’s ongoing social justice movement, OUC
engaged an expert third-party leader to help
creating opportunities for those long affected
General Manager & CEO Clint Bullock embarked
develop a three-to-five-year roadmap for Diversity,
by racial inequality and ensuring pathways for
on a Diversity & Inclusion Listening Tour.
Equity & Inclusion. This strategic planning took
participation in the economy. Nearly 100 CEOs
Together with Chief Employee Experience
place alongside the revamping of OUC’s Code
and business leaders, including Bullock, signed
Officer Latisha Thompson, Bullock took part in
of Conduct and ongoing review of its workplace
“Take the Pledge,” an initiative of the Orlando
virtual discussions with nearly 60 OUC employees
climate and policies. OUC sent a clear message
Economic Partnership.
OUC’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion team launched “Conversations With a Purpose” in February 2023 in honor of Black History Month. The first in a series, the event featured an employee panel discussing the importance of working in environments that foster an inclusive culture of belonging. With that goal in mind, the DEI team also produced communications collateral for greater awareness and education for the broader OUC team.
OUC’s Code of Conduct OUC sent a clear message that it was listening to employees and the community — and committed to an inclusive, respectful and equitable work environment.
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Electrifying Public Transit OUC partnered with the City of Orlando and LYNX, Central Florida’s mass transit provider, to electrify public transportation in Central Florida — with the first zero-emission LYNX e-bus arriving in Downtown Orlando in October 2020. LYNX received a $1.9 million Low or No Emission grant from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to purchase or lease zeroemission and low-emission buses. This grant announcement came after OUC Commissioners approved a partnership with LYNX in 2019 for the two companies to work together to pilot electric buses. Expanding its mission to electrify Orlando, OUC assisted in procuring charging stations to help LYNX deploy seven battery electric buses to run on the LYMMO Grapefruit, Lime and North Quarter lines, bringing the total number of electric buses to eight. In the first year of service, these e-buses spared the environment 101 tons of CO2 emissions, compared with conventional diesel-powered
buses. Ultimately half of the LYNX fleet, 150 buses, will be electric, and all 14 LYMMO vehicles are battery operated.
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rapi� change
2011–2023 OUCooling’s team maintains and operates the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority (GOAA) Terminal C’s 10,395-ton chilled water facility and a 28MW backup generation facility.
Putting Sustainability to Work at OUC’s St. Cloud Campus OUC expanded its footprint in St. Cloud to
Combining state-of-the-art technology and
ensure it could meet increasing customer
sustainability, the buildings use half the energy
demand as the Osceola County city underwent
and 42 percent less water than conventional
a growth spurt. OUC has been the city’s electricity
facilities. Sustainable features include rooftop
Keeping Orlando Tourism Cool
provider since 1997 and
solar panels, a floating
has an agreement to
solar array, high-
continue in that role until
efficiency water
In 2022, 25 years after OUC’s first chiller
at least 2042.
fixtures, rainwater
plant came online, the utility added two major
In 2022, OUC and
harvesting tanks,
customers — Orlando International Airport
the City of St. Cloud
and Universal Studios’ Epic Universe — to its
commemorated the
OUCooling portfolio. With these new additions,
groundbreaking of
walking and biking
the 24-acre St. Cloud
trails, and EV charging
OUCooling — which provides economical air
Operations &
Maintenance Center,
Phase 1 of the
the first net-zero energy
project included land
campus in Florida built for a utility. The
development and construction of a 55,000-square-
$63.6 million campus aligns with OUC’s and
foot warehouse and a 22,000-square-foot fleet
the City of St. Cloud’s shared commitment to
maintenance facility with service bays, parts
renewable energy, and the site includes space
stores, EV fleet charging and fueling stations,
for a future electric substation.
and a vehicle wash area.
Page 89
conditioning solutions for some of the largest commercial properties in the area — serves seven districts, with locations on International Drive, Downtown Orlando, Sheraton Vistana Resort at Lake Buena Vista, The Mall at Millenia and Lake Nona’s Medical City.
rapi� change Preparing for the Unexpected
Resilience and Recovery
Six weeks after Ian, the community faced another
Double Trouble: Matthew and Irma
unforeseen challenge: Hurricane Nicole, a rare late-
Hurricane Matthew barreled toward Florida in
season storm. Downgraded from a Category 1
October 2016. It ultimately passed east of Central
system to a tropical storm as it moved inland on
Florida, leaving about 39,000 OUC customers
November 10, Nicole’s hours-long, gusting winds left
without electricity – but the utility’s prompt
just over 28,000 OUC customers without power and
response saw power fully restored in three days.
caused four water main breaks due to entangled tree
Nearly a year later, Hurricane Irma, a Category
roots pulling on water pipes, eventually causing them
3 storm, plowed through the middle of the state,
to crack.
delivering a much heavier blow. Nearly eight
Within 24 hours, OUC’s line crews substantially
straight hours of tropical- and hurricane-force
restored electricity to impacted customers, and, by
winds caused unprecedented damage to the OUC grid, including downed feeders and poles, substation equipment in need of repair, and a massive number of fallen trees. More than 60
the following day, OUC’s water distribution crews
Restoration After Unprecedented Flooding
percent of OUC customers lost power — but
In September 2022, Hurricane Ian’s record-
OUC restored it 4–7 days faster than investor-
setting downpour caused devastating floods
owned utilities in the area.
throughout Florida. While underground
repaired three of the water main breaks without disrupting water service to residents.
distribution lines kept electric service uninterrupted in downtown Orlando and at major hospitals, disrupted power lines left approximately 97,560 OUC customers without power. Prioritizing circuits with critical facilities, OUC’s teams worked tirelessly to get customers back online, all while continued flooding complicated these efforts. Of all the outages incurred during the storm, 92 percent were restored within 48 hours — and within 96 hours, all OUC customers who could receive power had the lights back on.
Extending a Helping Hand Over the years, OUC’s mutual aid partnerships have
been a pivotal resource in storm recovery. When Ian
impacted Florida in 2022, 162 mutual aid line techs and 49 mutual aid tree-trimmers joined OUC employees in helping customers rebuild.
rapi� change And anytime disaster struck, OUC returned the favor.
In 2017, the utility sent teams to support storm-ravaged Puerto Rico in recovering from Hurricane Maria; and during the busy 2020 storm season, it responded to
mutual aid requests from utilities in Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi following Hurricanes Laura, Sally, Delta
and Zeta. Most recently, after Hurricane Idalia hit Florida’s Big Bend area, OUC sent crews to assist with power
Page 90
restoration in Tallahassee and Greenville for 10 days.
2011–2023 Building a Hub for EV Adoption Eagerly awaited by Central Florida’s growing
hub is conveniently accessible to EV users living
Parramore community. Totaling the numbers
number of EV drivers, OUC’s Robinson Mobility
near downtown, as well as those who travel to or
in 2023, OUC had installed more than 300
ReCharge Hub opened in June 2023, providing
through it.
EV charging stations throughout its service
access to high-speed charging stations. One of
In addition, OUC secured a grant to develop
the largest EV charging facilities in Florida, the
a second hub for high-speed EV charging
Also on the horizon is a potential Orlando
Robinson site featured six 240 kW and 15 120 kW
near the Orange County Convention Center.
International Airport Hub, poised to support
Level 3-rated DC chargers capable of recharging
This site offered three chargers initially, with
not only Florida residents, but a rising number
all battery-powered vehicles that accept direct-
space for up to 12 more in the future. These
of EV rentals. Local rental companies are
current fast charging. Located on Robinson
locations supplement the 100 chargers OUC
expected to rent and charge an estimated
Street between the SunRail tracks and I-4, the
activated in April 2021, including two in the
14,000 rental cars by 2025.
Located on Robinson Street between the SunRail tracks and I-4, OUC’s Robinson Mobility ReCharge Hub opened in June 2023.
Page 91
rapi� change Committed to Excellence Earning the Role of Most Trusted Brand In a national survey by analytics firm Escalent, OUC was honored as a “Most Trusted Brand” among the country’s energy providers. OUC placed first in the residential category of the 2022 Cogent Syndicated Utility Trusted Brand & Customer Engagement study, based on customer focus, community support, communications effectiveness, reliable quality, environmental dedication and reputation. The recognition came after OUC debuted on the Most Trusted Brand index in 2018 and claimed the top score in the 2020 survey among the country’s electric utilities. In another Escalent study, OUC was named a 2022 Environmental Champion for the 6th consecutive year, scoring the most points among electric peers for “environmental dedication.” OUC also received the 2022 Customer Champion Award for ranking first among all electric utilities nationally in Escalent’s Engaged Customer Relationship Index. Highlighting OUC’s commitment to deliver the highest quality, best tasting water to customers, J.D. Power awarded OUC a prestigious national first-place finish in its residential water customer satisfaction survey in 2021.
rapi� change
Page 92
23 0 2 IN
2011–2023 OUC Turns 100 OUC was honored for a century of reliable
every day to fulfill its mission of sustainability,
service to Central Florida with a proclamation
affordability and reliability … and an enduring
declaring “OUC 100th Anniversary Day” in an
commitment to progress.
announcement made by Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer on June 26, 2023 at Orlando City Hall. From serving 2,795 customers in 1923 to more
During OUC’s earliest years, reliability was focused on providing services to a rapidly growing city. While that is still true today, the definition
than a quarter of a
of reliability has
million customers in
expanded over
2023, OUC, now the
this past century to
14th largest municipal
include a relentless
utility in the nation
commitment to
and the 2nd largest
service through
in the state, has
storms, recessions,
played an integral
a depression, and
role in supporting
the pandemic.
the growth of Central
It also includes
Florida by investing in
cutting-edge energy
the OUC team,
generation and water delivery innovations, all while
community and shared natural resources; nurturing
meeting the community’s demand for quality and
the power of imagination and innovation to
provide sustainable, affordable energy and water
OUC has had an undeniable impact on the
solutions; creating jobs and ensuring that dollars
changing face of Orlando and Central Florida
spent on OUC services are reinvested in our
and, in looking to the future, will continue working
community; and being a catalyst for change.
Page 99
Record-Breaking Golf Tournament Helps Local Charities Since 1995, the OUC Charity Golf Tournament had
raised more than $621,000 for 45 local nonprofit
agencies. To kick off the centennial year, the utility
launched the largest-ever tournament which raised more than $100,000 — the most in the history
of the event — for ten Orlando-area nonprofit organizations, including A Gift for Teaching,
Central Florida Community Arts and the National Entrepreneur Center, to name a few.
commissioners T H E
D* . T. BLAN JUDGE Went 1923 Presid
J. F. ANGE* Member 1923-24
NAME Judge W.T. Bland J.F. Ange Judge L.C. Massey H.L. Beeman Alvin Jefferson Nye H.H. Dickson W.R. O'Neal L.B. Fort Mayor L.M. Autrey Dr. H.G. Edwards Turner Evans Mayor James L. Giles J. Merle McElroy Mayor S.Y. Way George F. Brass H.L. McDonald H.C. Babcock Mayor V.W. Estes C.P. Dickinson E.W. Yandre C.G. Magruder H.N. Dickson L.B. McLeod J.T. Branham Mayor Wm. Beardall Clarence A. Johnson Dr. H.M. Beardall Dr. J.S. McEwen W.A. Hutchinson
H. H . Mem DICKSO Presid ber 1923-3N* ent 19 0 28-30
JUDGE L. C. MASSEY* Member 1923-24
EOD McL 1946 L. B. er Since 47 b 19 Memresident P
. BEARDALL MAYOR WM ce 1941 Member Sin
H. L. BEEMAN* Member 1923-24
MEMBER 1923 1923-1924 1923-24 1923-24 1923-1926 1923-1931 1924-1928 1924-1932 1926-1928 Dec. 1926-Dec. 1934 1928-1939 1929-1931 1931-1934 1932-1934, 1938-1940 1933-1936 1935-1938 1935-1938 1935-1937 1939-1944 1939-1942 1940-1943 1945 1946-1949 1943-1954 1941-1952 1944-1955 1937-1948 1949-1953 1949-Aug. 1952
1928-1929-1930 1924-1925-1926-1927
1931-1932-1933-1934 1937
1936 1935 1938 1941-1943-1944 1942
1947-1948 1945-1949-1953 1946-1950 1939-1940 1952 1951
J. T. BRAN Member Sin HAM President 19ce 1943 44-45
N C. A. JOHNSO 1944 Member Since 6 President 194
ARDALL DR. H. M. BEce 1937 Member Sin 9-40 President 193
Page 94
NAME MEMBER E.A. Stebbins Aug. 1952-1954 E.L. Brewton 1953-1960 Mayor J. Rolfe Davis 1953- Nov. 1956 A.P. Clark 1955-1962 R.T. Overstreet 1955-1962 S.M. Heasley 1956-1963 Mayor Robert S. Carr Nov. 1956-Jan. 1967 Mayor Carl T. Langford March 7, 1967-Oct. 31, 1980 Lloyd Gahr 1961-1964 E.G. Langston 1962-May 1969 Wallace Mercer 1963-1968 Tom Denmark 1964-1971 Richard H. Lawrence 1965-June 12, 1973 Sam Wilkins 1969-1978 Richard W. Simpson May 1969-1976 Henry T. Meiner 1972-1979 Grover C. Bryan June 12, 1973-1980 Charles J. Hawkins 1977-Oct. 18, 1983 Grace C. Lindblom 1979-1986 H.E. Gene Johnson 1980 resigned July 7, 1981 Mayor Bill Frederick Nov. 2, 1980-Oct. 31, 1992 W.M. Sanderlin April 14, 1981-March 14, 1989 I. Richard Weiner Aug. 12, 1981-Aug. 16, 1983 James H. Pugh Jr. Sept. 15, 1983-1991 Royce B. Walden Nov. 30, 1983-March 1992 James B. Greene Jan. 1, 1987-1988 Jerry Chicone Jr. Dec. 13, 1988-March 9, 1993 Susan McCaskill-Little April 11, 1989-March 9, 1993 Richard L. Fletcher Jr. July 9, 1991-Dec. 31, 2000 Mel R. Martinez Jan. 1, 1992-Aug. 1997 Ray D. McCleese March 27, 1992-Dec. 31, 2001 Mayor Glenda E. Hood Nov. 1, 1992-Feb. 25, 2003 Carol P. Wilson, Ph.D. April 23, 1993-Dec. 31, 2001 Tico Perez Dec. 9, 1997-May 15, 2006 Tommy Boroughs Jan. 1, 2001-Dec. 31, 2008 Lonnie C. Bell Jan. 1, 2002-Feb. 2008 Katie Porta Jan. 1, 2003-Dec. 31, 2010 Mayor Buddy Dyer Feb. 26, 2003-Present Maylen Dominguez May 15, 2006-July 2015 Dan Kirby, AIA, AICP 2008-Dec. 2017 Craig McAllaster, Ed.D. 2009-June 2013 Linda Ferrone 2011-Sept. 2016 Gregory Lee Aug. 2013-Dec. 2022 Cesar Calvet March 2016-Present Britta Gross March 2017-Present Larry Mills March 2018-Present Roger Chapin Jan. 2023-Present
PRESIDENT 1954 1955-1959 1956-1960 1957-1961 1958-1962
1963 1964-1968 1965 1966-1969 and until July 1, 1970 1967 and from July 1, 1970-1971 1973-1977 1972-1976 1974-1978 1975-1979 1980 1981-1982
1998 Commission
Ray D. McCleese Commission Pre sident
Tico Perez Commissioner
Dr. Carol P. Wilson First Vice President
The Honorable Glenda Hood Mayor-Commissi oner
Richard L. Fletch er, Jr. Second Vice Pre sident
Robert C. Haven , P.E. General Manager and Chief Executive Officer
1983-1984 1985-1988-1989 1986-1987 1990-1991-1992
1993-Aug. 23, 1994 Aug. 23, 19941995-1996 1997-1998 1999-2000 2001-2002-2003 2004-2005 2006-2007 2008-2009-2010
2011-2013 March 2013-2015 March 2015-2016 October 2016-2019 March 2019-2021 March 2021-Present
Page 95
attributions A T T R I B U T I O N S number of sources — including personal interviews with key OUC personnel — were used in the preparation of this book. They include: Bacon, Eve. Orlando A Centennial History, Volumes I and II. Chuluota, Florida; The Mickler House, 1975. Blackman, William Fremont, Ph.D., LL.D., History of Orange County, Florida. Chuluota, Florida; The Mickler House, 1973 [c1927]. Evans, Stephen. Orlando Then and Now. San Diego, California; Thunder Bay Press, 2007. Hilt, David W., P.E. “Northeast Blackout Impacts and Actions and the Energy Policy Act of 2005.” North American Electric Reliability Council. Hood, Mayor Glenda E, and Bachman, Bill. Orlando: The City Beautiful. Memphis, Tennessee; Towery Publishing, Inc., 1997. Luff, Harry. Personal Interview. 16 May 2008. Luff, Harry. “Orlando Utilities Commission: Recollections by Harry Luff, Jr. General Manager-Retired.” March 2006. Minkel, J.R., “The 2003 Northeast Blackout – Five Years Later.” Scientific American, August 13, 2008. Orlando Utilities Commission Annual Reports, Newsletters and Publications, 1923-2010. Orlando Sentinel articles, as annotated in the text. Porter, Tara Mosier, Ph.D. et al. Historic Orange County: The Story of Orlando and Orange County. San Antonio, Texas: Historical Publishing Network, 2009. Stanton, Curtis H. Personal Interview. 16 May 2008. Stone, Louis E. Personal Interview. 16 May 2008. Stone, Louis E. Speech at Stanton Energy Center. 4 April 1985. Stone, Louis E. Written in Stone: The Life and Times of Lou Stone. Family Heritage Publishers, 2010. Photo Credits: Orange County Regional History Center The following photographs used in this document are courtesy of the Orange County Regional History Center. We appreciate their help and expertise in researching and locating these photos. • Cover and Page 5: Downtown Orlando, 1930-1950. • Pages 1 and 2: Orlando’s first power plant/Orlando Water and Light, 1901. • Page 2 – First utility electric pole, 1887. • Page 4 – Judge John Cheney. • Page 6 – Downtown Orlando, 1930-1950. • Page 6 – OUC’s new office building, 1936. • Page 11 – Orlando parades during World War II. • Page 16 – Glenn L. Martin Company. Other Photo Credits: • Page 15 – Man’s landing on the moon, ASII-40-5875. Courtesy of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. • Page 23 – Walt Disney World® opening day. Copyright 1971, Gary Gimee. • Page 37 – Entrance to Universal Orlando® Resort courtesy of Universal Orlando® Resort.
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OUC Water Service Area OUC Electric Service Area Water Service Area: 200 square miles City of Orlando/Orange County Electric Service Area: 244 square miles St. Cloud Electric Service Area: 150 square miles
O U C FAC I L I T I E S ADMINISTRATION, COMMERCIAL CUSTOMER SERVICE Reliable Plaza / 100 W. Anderson St. Administration, Customer Service and Call Centers Pershing / 6003 Pershing Ave. Electric Operations, Electric and Water 24-hour Operations Center, Energy Delivery, Customer Service Call Center
GENERATION Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center Stanton Unit 1 Coal-Fired – 68.55 percent ownership (480 MW) Stanton Unit 2 Coal-Fired – 71.59 percent ownership (494 MW) Stanton Unit A Combined Cycle – 28 percent ownership (673 MW) Stanton Unit B Combined Cycle – 100 percent ownership (313 MW)
Gardenia / 3800 Gardenia Ave. Water Operations, Customer Service Call Center, Water Quality Lab, Innovation Center
Indian River Plant Indian River Combustion Turbines (IRP – A&B) – 48.8 percent ownership (37 MW) Indian River Combustion Turbines (IRP – C&D) – 79 percent ownership (112 MW)
Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center / 5100 S. Alafaya Trail Power Production
Lake Highland Plant (closed)
St. Cloud Operations & Maintenance Center / 2070 Hickory Tree Rd. St.Cloud, FL 34771
OTHER GENERATION Osceola Generating Station (OGS) 1, 2 & 3 – 100 percent ownership (510 MW; 170 MW each)
Lake Ivanhoe Plant (closed)
Coal-fired McIntosh Unit 3 – Closed Nuclear Crystal River Unit 3 – Closed St. Lucie Unit 2 – 6.09 percent ownership (62 MW) OTHER FACILITIES 29 electric substations / 7 water plants / 8 chilled water plants
Reliable Plaza 100 W. Anderson St. Orlando, FL 32801 Phone: 407.423.9100 Fax: 407.236.9616 www.ouc.com
© 2023 Orlando Utilities Commission